Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Ahtanum Valley, Yakima County, Washington

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Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Ahtanum Valley, Yakima County, Washington Geology and Ground- Water Resources of the Ahtanum Valley, Yakima County, Washington By BRUCE L. FOXWORTHY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1598 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library has cataloged this publication as follows: Foxworthy, Bruce La Verne, 1925- Geology and ground-water resources of the Ahtanum Valley, Yakima County, Washington. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1962. v, 100 p. maps (1 col.) diagrs., tables. 25 cm. (U.S. Geological Survey. Water-supply paper 1598) Part of illustrative matter in pocket. Bibliography: p. 66. 1. Water, Underground Washington (State) Ahtanum Valley. 2. Water-supply Washington (State) Ahtanum Valley. 3. Bor­ ings Washington (State) Ahtanum Valley. I. Title. II. Title: Ahtanum Valley, Yakima County, Washington. (Series) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. CONTENTS Page Abstract__. _____________________________________________________ 1 Introduction._ ____________________________________________________ 2 Purpose and scope of the investigation_._______.___..__...._______ 2 Location and extent of the area_ ______-______-_-.____-_-_-__._ _ 3 Previous investigations._____-________-__--.__-_____-_--__-____-_ 4 Acknowledgments _____________________________________________ 5 Well-numbering system ____.___.__-_--_____.______________-__-- 5 Geography_. ___________________________ _________________________ 6 Landforms_ _ _______-.._----______-__-_-_-_-___-_-_-___._____- 6 Drainage_________________________________ ____________________ 7 Climate ______________________________________________________ 8 Vegetation._ __________________________________________________ 11 Culture and industry__________________________________________ 12 History of water use_-_-_-_--_-_________________-___-_________- 12 Geology._-____-._-_______-----________-___-___-_____-_-___.____-_ 14 Description of the rock units____ ________________________________ 14 Yakima basalt. ___. __-_---___-_-__.________-.-____________ 14 Ellensburg formation_______________________________________ 16 Cemented basalt gravel. ___________________________________ 19 Rock materials of Recent age_--___--_--_-___-_-_-.__________ 21 Structure.._-_____-_------_-_-_-___-_-___-_______-_________.__ 22 Geologic history.._____________________________________________ 24 Water resources_-__-_-_---------_-_-_-_-___________.____________-- 25 Surface water._______-_-_--___ _______________________________ 26 Surface-water inflow.______________________________________ 27 Surface-water outflow._---____________-_-___________.___. 28 Utilization of surface water.________________________________ 30 Ground water._-___-----_-_-_-_______---_-_-_-_-.---_____._-_- 31 Aquifer properties.________________________________________ 31 Water table_..--_-----__--.-_------__-_-_-_---_-___-_-_-_- 32 Confined ground water.____.-_____-_-_________-_____.___--_ 33 Recharge to aquifers.______________________________________ 33 Movement of ground water_________________________________ 34 Ground-water discharge_____-__--___-_-____-._-___________. 34 Hydraulics of a well. _____-_______-----__ .__---__________-_ 35 Occurrence of water in the rock units. _______________________ 36 Yakima basalt._______________________________________ 36 Ellensburg formation._______--_--_-_____-_----.________- 39 Cemented basalt gravel. ____-__-__-_-_-__ ______________ 42 Unconsolidated alluvium. _____---_________-_________--- 43 Water-level fluctuations.____.-._______-_____---_--___-_---_ 49 m IV CONTENTS Water resources Continued Ground water Continued Development---___-_-____-__-_-_-_--_-__-_-__---_--___-__ 53 Upper valley____-____-___-__----__--___-_-___________- 53 Upland benches_____--_-_____--_-_--_-_____________--- 54 Lower valley__________________________________________ 55 Present development..______-_--___.-___-_-_____-__ 55 Potential development_____________________________ 56 Summary of withdrawals.___-_____-_---_-___________-_- 58 Chemical quality___________ ______________________________ 59 Range in chemical concentration. _______________________ 59 General character______________________________________ 59 Suitability for use_____________________________________ 62 Ground-water discharge to the Yakima River._____________--- 62 Problems of future water supply_____________________________________ 64 Streamflow.__________________________________________________ 64 Ground water.________________________________________________ 65 Water use____________________________________________________ 65 Precipitation. _________________________________________________ 65 References cited.-_________________________________________________ 66 Basic data________________________________________________________ 67 Index.___________________________________________________________ 99 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates in pocket] PLATE 1. Geologic map and sections of Ahtanum Valley, showing location of representative wells, Yakima County, Wash. 2. Hydrographs of selected wells. 3. Hydrograph of well 12/17-2R2, for the period June 1951-July 1953. Page FIGURE 1. Map of the Ahtanum-Moxee subbasin showing study area---- 3 2. Diagram showing well-numbering system.__________________ 5 3. Mean monthly precipitation at three stations in and near Ahtanum Valley_____________________________________ 9 4. Graph showing annual precipitation at Yakima_ _____^_____- 10 5. Diagrammatic cross section showing various occurrences of ground water.________________________________________ 34 6. Diagrammatic section through a discharging water-table well. 35 7. Hydrograph of well 12/17-2R2, showing diurnal water-level fluctuations and drawdown from pumping of a nearby well__ 51 8. Graph showing chemical character of water from wells______.. 61 CONTENTS TABLES Page TABLE 1. Monthly surface-water inflow and outflow, Ahtanum Valley. __ 29 2. Summary of pumping tests, lower Ahtanum Valley___________ 46 3. Estimated ground-water withdrawals in subareas of the Ahta­ num Valley__________________________________________ 58 4. Records of representative wells in Ahtanum Valley.__________ 68 5. Materials penetrated by representative wells in the Ahtanum Valley_-_________-_---__________________--------_----_ 86 6. Chemical analyses of ground water in the Ahtanum Valley.___ 96 7. Field analyses of water from wells in the Ahtanum Valley_____ 97 GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF THE AHTANUM VALLEY, YAKIMA COUNTY, WASHINGTON By BRTJCE L. FOXWORTHY ABSTRACT The Ahtanum Valley covers an area of about 100 square miles in an important agricultural district in central Yakima County, Wash. Because the area is semiarid, virtually all crops require irrigation. Surface-water supplies are inade­ quate in most of the area, and ground water is being used increasingly for irriga­ tion. The purpose of this investigation was the collection and interpretation of data pertaining to ground water in the area as an aid in the proper development and management of the water resources. The occurrence and movement of ground water in the Ahtanum Valley are directly related to the geology. The valley occupies part of a structural trough (Ahtanum-Moxee subbasin) that is underlain by strongly folded flow layers of a thick sequence of the Yakima basalt. The upper part of the basalt sequence interfingers with, and is conformably overlain by, sedimentary rocks of the Ellensburg formation which are as much as 1,000 feet thick. These rocks are in turn overlain unconformably by cemented basalt gravel as much as 400 feet thick. Unconsolidated alluvial sand and gravel, as much as 30 feet thick, form the valley floor. Although ground water occurs in each of the rock units within the area, the Yakima basalt and the unconsolidated alluvium yield about three-fourths of the ground water currently used. Wells in the area range in depth from a few feet to more than 1,200 feet and yield from less than 1 to more than 1,000 gallons per minute. Although water levels in water-table wells usually are shallow often less than 5 feet below the land surface levels in deeper wells tapping confined water range from somewhat above the land surface (in flowing wells) to about 200 feet below. Wells drilled into aquifers in the Yakima basalt, the Ellensburg formation, and the cemented gravel usually tap confined water, and at least 12 wells in the area flow or have flowed in the past. Ground-water levels fluctuate principally in response to changes in stream levels, variations in the flow of irrigation ditches and in rates of water application, variations in local precipita­ tion, and seasonal differences in withdrawals from wells. Annual fluctuations of levels generally are less than 10 feet except in localities of heavy pumping. Periodic measurements of water levels in two observation wells in the area indicate, locally at least, a persistent decline in artesian pressures in confined basalt aquifers, although the record is too short to show whether withdrawal by pumping has reached, or is nearing, an optimum balance with recharge. The aquifers are recharged by precipitation, by infiltration from streams, and by ground-water underflow into the area. Ground water is discharged by seepage to streams, by evapotranspiration, by springs and seeps at the land surface, and, artificially, by withdrawal from wells. It is estimated that the seepage 1 2 GEOLOGY, GROUND WATER, AHTANUM VALLEY,
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