Old Maidstonian Society Newsletter No.5 - Summer 2011 © Peter Weaver, LRPS © Peter Weaver, President: Anthony Hayward Chairman: Richard Ratcliffe Secretary: Graham Belson
[email protected] and I will pass on any THE PRESIDENT’S REPORT offers of help to the contingent commander. So far I have been unable to observe any activities in the s reported in our last OM Newsletter, during my Music Department due to their preparations for exams, term of office I want to make a number of visits but I hope to make another visit to the department in the Ato the school to study the aspects of life there autumn term. In the meantime I am looking forward to which particularly interested me when I was a pupil. By visiting this year’s Aldeburgh Festival where Philip so doing I hope to be able to develop links between the Langridge’s son, Stephen, is presenting an exhibition of school and the OM Society in these fields. So far I have his late father’s work, including some of his early managed to make two visits to the school, and can report performances at MGS. as follows. Anthony Hayward The Junior Christian Union is now led by outside professional youth workers, while the Senior CU is led HE HAIRMAN S HOUGHTS by the pupils themselves. Both would like visiting T C ’ T speakers from the OMs, so I have offered to do both if they wish. I wrote last time about the Society making representation to Michael Gove protesting about the effect of the The Combined Cadet Force now consists of Army, RAF education spending cuts being disproportionate for and Naval sections.