Benalla District Our Community Contents Chair’S Report
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annual report 2018/2019 Benalla district our community Contents Chair’s Report . 2 Executive Offi cer’s Report . 4 Benalla’s Community Fund . 6 Grants Distributed . 7 Education Benalla Program Overview Graphic . 12 Convenor’s Report . 14 Projects and Activities . 15 Directors . 32 Organisational Sustainability . 34 Financial Reports . 35 Our Supporters . 40 A stronger tomorrow By acting today Tomorrow Today is Benalla and District’s Tomorrow Today is involved in local, independent, community community philanthropy foundation. Launched in 2002, the – making it easy for people to give their time, Foundation is working to help create a money and skills in a way that will have a lasting stronger, more resilient and prosperous impact on the community they care about. ABOVE: Visiting a veterinary surgery and observing an Tomorrow Today A Foundation for Rural Community Development operation in action was one of the many highlights of 2018 ABN 19 096 214 907 community. We develop strong partnerships with local Year 10 Careers Day. Tomorrow Today coordinates the annual Tomorrow Today A Foundation for Rural Community Development Public Fund businesses, organisations, clubs and service event which was attended by 141 students. Our Community Fund is an enduring resource ABN 98 553 570 389 that provides local grants to meet changing groups, to work together in a ‘whole-of- FRONT COVER: Secure parent-child attachment is the Tomorrow Today Education Foundation community needs. And our trailblazing Education community’ approach to address deep foundation for a child’s ability to connect with others ABN 90 610 420 123 community challenges. With the active support in a healthy way. Qualities such as love, empathy and Benalla Program is on track to ensure that local understanding are first learned in infancy. At PEEP, parent- children have the opportunity to achieve their of funders from beyond Benalla and the child bonding is encouraged and supported through individual potential. preparedness of local organisations and groups engagement in songs, stories and shared activities, including to marshall their resources, a vast number of outdoor play at Cecily Court (pictured). activities and actions are undertaken that span family, community and school life. We’d like to acknowledge that a number of the photos in this publication have been provided thanks Together, we are making a difference. to our program partners and we thank John Spencer and Karl Phillipson for their contributions. Chair’s Report Twenty years ago, a Regional Australia Summit in Canberra identifi ed a growing economic divide between city and country. It highlighted that rural and regional communities had to identify their own solutions and work together to make change happen. This was the impetus for establishing Tomorrow Today Foundation, now an integral part of the Benalla and district community. The Education Benalla Program is our major in the report by Liz Chapman OAM, Convenor of the donors and business sponsors for their generosity experience. Special thanks to Adrian Aldous who undertaking. Working with families, schools and the Education Benalla Program. We are indebted to Liz for and commitment to making a difference locally. It we farewelled from the Board in June. Over the broader community, the many activities that make up bringing the message back from that 1999 Canberra is with deep appreciation that we acknowledge the last fourteen years Adrian has played a pivotal role the program are designed to improve the educational Summit and providing the vision and leadership to turn Foundation’s fi rst bequest. Providing a gift to Tomorrow in the Foundation’s development, as a dedicated outcomes of our young people. It is a long term it into reality in our community. Today in your will is a powerful way to support Benalla Board member, Treasurer, fundraiser extraordinaire endeavor, a ‘solution’ to Benalla’s persistently high level and district’s future. Many people also gave the gift of and much more. I am delighted that he will continue of social disadvantage which affects lifelong trajectories We do considerable on-the-ground work in the areas their time. Thank you to the volunteers who assist in all as a community member of our Audit and Finance in health, wellbeing, educational outcomes and of parenting and child development, literacy and aspects of the Foundation’s work, including the new & Investment Committees. Thank you to all for employment choices. numeracy, student wellbeing, the transition beyond Friends of Tomorrow Today who are coordinating a continuing to provide such strong governance school, and increasingly in helping young people to be major fundraiser for the Foundation. throughout a busy and successful year. Setting out to level the playing fi eld so that a skilled for future work. My thanks to our incredible staff generation of young people has the opportunity team and in particular Executive Offi cer, Pat Claridge, Purchasing Cecily Court was a game changer for Looking forward, I see a stronger tomorrow for to achieve their individual potential is an ambitious who will be retiring in the coming year. Pat’s dedication Tomorrow Today. It provides a secure home for the Benalla as so many people come together to address task. It requires a whole of community approach plus to making a real difference in children’s lives shines Foundation and its activities, plus an ongoing income the challenges of today. additional resources based on individual need, child by bright, as she so effectively leads and nurtures change. stream through leasing offi ces. The property is a major child. We are seeing unprecedented cooperation and Thank you Pat, for your support and immense good part of our current strategic focus on organisational Sally Gamble collaboration in Benalla to support our kids. Thank you will. sustainability for ongoing community benefi t. We Chair to all the people involved in so many different groups were pleased to increase our equity this year with and organisations, across the public, private and Our work would not be possible without the a signifi cant loan repayment, thanks to wonderful community spheres who are working together to create exceptional partnerships we have with our community and philanthropic support. ABOVE: Our Annual Celebration in October is an opportunity to report positive change. philanthropic funders. In addition to maintaining to the community on progress for the year. Left to right: Tomorrow philanthropic support, securing ongoing government Another goal in relation to organisational sustainability Today Executive Off icer, Pat Claridge and Directors; Louise Pearce, And change is happening. Among the improved funding is a priority. Our fi rst Commonwealth is to have a strong and diverse board. We were Florent Thivillier, Nick Taylor, Liz Chapman OAM, Sally Gamble, Bill Dobson (retired), Melinda Lawley and Adrian Aldous (retired) are indicators this year, it was heartening to see a Government grant was very welcome. delighted to recruit three high caliber new directors, joined by Alberto Furlan (Senior Program Manager, The Ian Potter signifi cant increase in the number of Benalla’s children Georgina Burston, Melinda Lawley and Florent Foundation) and Winsome McCaughey (Trustee, Helen Macpherson arriving at school ready to learn. Details are provided Community generosity has taken many forms this Thivillier, who bring a breadth of valuable skills and Smith Trust). year. I would like to acknowledge and thank our many 2 | Tomorrow Today Annual Report 2019 Tomorrow Today Annual Report 2019 | 3 Executive Offi cer’s Report As I refl ect on my time at Tomorrow Today, a particular quote stands out: “Community building requires a commitment to seeking justice over charity”. This core principle is at the heart of Tomorrow Today’s work, particularly the establishment of the Education Benalla Program. Many of our local families face huge challenges through no fault or making of their own. They show amazing courage and resilience in the face of factors such as poor education, diffi cult fi nancial circumstances, dysfunctional family settings and crippling health issues. They do not need handouts - they need help to build on their inherent skills and strengths. They need to live in a community where they have equal access to the many opportunities available. And they need a community environment that aspires for them to succeed. Tomorrow Today has had another successful year of positive change across Benalla. In addition to the changing opportunities: our funders, donors, partners do more and better for our families, children and of helping individuals, families, and organisations AEDC results, there is improved school attendance, and volunteers, including the newly formed Friends young people, all while being warm, cheerful, caring, build on their strengths. It is now showing in Benalla’s greater numbers of students expressing satisfaction of Tomorrow Today who are committed to supporting compassionate, hardworking, funny, thoughtful, 2018 AEDC (Australian Early Development Census) with their schooling, more young people completing the foundation. Tomorrow Today’s grants program inventive, and best of all able to sing together results, released earlier this year. Tomorrow Today’s school, greater involvement of our young people in provides another means of harnessing strengths harmoniously and in tune. Education Benalla Program values and encourages the community, and reduced youth unemployment. already present in our community. My congratulations the vital role parents and carers play in helping their and thanks go to all those who have received funding Pat Claridge young children learn, and supports them to develop This year marks a major milestone for me as I begin for great ideas that help build equity, wellbeing and Executive Offi cer their parenting skills and knowledge. This has led to a my transition to retirement in April 2020. It is a journey prosperity for our Benalla and district residents. signifi cant increase in the number of Benalla children tinged with enormous pride in what Tomorrow Today recorded as being developmentally ready to learn on has achieved in recent years.