MAIL TO: 2001 L St. NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036

Phone 202-955-5500 FAX 202-955-9466 CONTRIBUTION FORM

Name ______Mailing Address ______City, State Zip ______Phone ______Email ______* Occupation ______* Employer______

CLUB FOR GROWTH $______(amount not limited) Please make your personal or corporate check payable to “

□ Please check this box if you are making a corporate contribution Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose. Contributions from foreign nationals (non-Green Card holders), government contractors and national banks are prohibited.

CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC $______($5,000 maximum per calendar year) Please make your personal check payable to “Club for Growth PAC.”

CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC-ENDORSED CANDIDATES Please make your personal checks payable to each of the candidate’s committee. SENATE CANDIDATES HOUSE CANDIDATES

Marco Rubio (FL-SEN) $______Jim Banks (IN-03) $______“ for Senate” $5,400 maximum “ for Congress Inc” $2,700 maximum

John Fleming (LA-SEN) $______Andy Biggs (AZ-05) $______“Fleming for Louisiana” $5,400 maximum “ for Congress” $5,400 maximum

Ron Johnson (WI-SEN) $______Rod Blum (IA-01) $______“Ron Johnson for Senate Inc” $2,700 maximum “ for Congress” $2,700 maximum

Mike Lee (UT-SEN) $______Ted Budd (NC-13) $______“Friends of Mike Lee” $2,700 maximum “ for Congress” $2,700 maximum

Rand Paul (KY-SEN) $______Warren Davidson (OH-08) $______“ for $2,700 maximum “Davidson for Congress” $2,700 maximum Senate”

Tim Scott (SC-SEN) $______Ron DeSantis (FL-06) $______“ for Senate” $2,700 maximum “Ron DeSantis for Florida” $5,400 maximum

Scott Garrett (NJ-05) $______“ for Congress” $2,700 maximum

Corporate contributions are not permitted to the Club for Growth PAC or to any federal candidate



□ Visa □ MC □ AmEx □ Discover

Card Number______Expiration date______

Name on Card ______CVV/Sec. code ______


Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal purposes. Contributions made to the Club for Growth PAC directly will be spent for Club PAC activities and programs as the PAC determines within its sole discretion. Contributions made directly to the PAC will not be earmarked for any candidate. All contributions are voluntary and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals (non-Green Card holders), government contractors and national banks are prohibited to Club for Growth PAC and federal candidates. *Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contributions to candidates or the Club for Growth PAC exceeds $200 in a calendar year.