“ O Come All Ye Faithful ”

Helston Chiropody and Podiatry Practice

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First Floor, 10 Coinagehall St, (via Coinage Ope), TR13 8EB. Tel no. 01326 564671




Team Rector Canon David Miller, St ’s Rectory Church Lane, Helston, (572516) Email [email protected] Asst Priest Revd. Dorothy Noakes, 6 Tenderah Road, Helston (573239) Reader [Helston] Mrs. Betty Booker 6, Brook Close, Helston (562705)


Churchwardens Mr. Peter Jewell, 47 Saracen Way, Penryn, TR10 8PS (376948) Mr John Boase 11,Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ (01326 573200) Organist Mr Richard Berry Treasurer Mrs Nicola Boase 11 Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ 01326 573200 PCC Secretary Mrs Amanda Pyers


Churchwardens Mrs. Anne Veneear, 4 Tenderah Road, Helston (569328) Mr. Bevan Osborne, East Holme, Ashton, TR13 9DS (01736 762349) Reader [ Wendron] Mrs. Gillian Bowles, (563541) Organist Mrs. Anne Veneear, -as above. Treasurer Mr Bevan Osborne, - as above PCC Secretary Mrs. Henrietta Sandford, Trelubbas Cottage, Lowertown, Helston TR13 0BU (565297)


Clergy Rest Days; Revd. David Miller Friday Revd. Dorothy Noakes Thursday Betty Booker Friday

(Please try to respect this)

3 The Rectory, Church Lane Helston

December2016/January 2017

Dear Everyone ,

I write this letter to you on the weekend of Remembrance Sunday. Yesterday we held the two minute silence at the war memorial at the bottom of Coinagehall street & tomorrow commemorative acts of worship will be held at Wendron in the morning & Helston in the afternoon. One of the great sentences used in Christian acts of remembrance of those who have died in war is ‘Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends’. Remembrance Sunday is always the second Sunday in November. After a pause of a fortnight, Advent will be upon us as we embark on the adventure that leads to the coming of Christ at Christmas: ‘love came down at Christmas’ we sing in one of our carols. As for the nature of this love, both human & divine, we have,as Christians, no better definition than in St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians chapter 13: ‘love hopes all things, believes all things, & endures all things. Even in the darkest moments of war & suffering, if someone who loves us is with us, it can make all the difference. Christian love is a commitment to look away from self & to widen our horizons. We look outwards to neighbour, family, friend, the wider society & above all to God. Prayer can be our contact with God. In one sense prayer is a form of love. We pray for someone because we care about them. God can always use our love for someone in the world which is often starved of love.

4 For Christians, love is the strongest spiritual force in the universe. We harness that power through prayer. Let us never neglect that opportunity to show love especially when we are busy.

Your friend & Rector,

David Miller


Shoe box Appeal

Thank you to all who helped fill 22 shoe boxes

- Beccy Miller

Thanks to Mike Sandford for the cover photograph of Wendron Church


Services at St Michael’s 1st Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 All-age Worship with Holy Communion 2nd -5th Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 Parish Communion(CW) Monday to Thursday 9.00 Morning Prayer

Thursday 9.30 Holy Communion

Evening & other Services:-as advertised in the Pew- slip

Special Services for Advent & Christmas

Advent Sunday 27 th November 9.30am Readings & Advent Carols Followed by a shortened Eucharist Sunday 18 th December 6pm Joint Carol Service to be held at Wendron Christmas Eve 5.30pm Christingle Service 11.30pm Midnight Mass & Blessing of the Crib Christmas Day 10am Family Service

& Christmas Communion

********* Please let us know if anyone would like Holy Communion taken to their home (or Residential Home) this Christmas David Miller (01326 572516)

The Christingle Service at 5.30pm on Christmas Eve is always a very happy event which raises quite a lot of money for the Children’s Society. Please come and bring your youngsters


Services at Wendron 1st Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion (CW) 2nd Sunday 10.30a.m Morning Worship 3rd - 5 th Sunday 10.30a.m Holy Communion (CW) Other Services:-as announced in the Sunday Pew-slip Services for the lead up to Christmas Sunday 11 th December 10.30 am Christingle Service 15 th 6.30pmWendron School Carol Service in church Sunday 18 th December 6pm Joint Service of Lessons & Carols for St Michael’s & St Wendrona’s to be held at Wendron Tuesday 20 th December-7pm Carol “Sing Along” in church (Choose your own carols) Christmas Eve 4pm Crib Service 11.30pm Christmas Midnight Service Christmas Day 10.30 Family Eucharist Sunday 8 th January No Service at Wendron- Instead Wendron Congregation are invited to share the Covenant Service at Trinity Methodist Porkellis at 11am Sunday 15 th January 10.30am Epiphany Carol Service


Please phone David Miller (01326 572526) if you would like Holy Communion taken to your home over the Christmas period

Flag days for December/January

25 th December………Christmas Day 26 th “ ………St Stephen 27 th “ ……....St John 28 th “ ………Holy Innocents 1st January ……….New Years Day 6th “ ……….Epiphany 25 th “ ……….Conversion of St Paul

7 From The Registers Baptisms “ May they evermore dwell in Him, & He in them”

Helston Wendron

Ollie Matthew Thirkle Patrick Robert Thompson Maysie Grace Thirkle Tristan Roger Thompson Taylor Ray Willey Meadow Isla Jameson Elena Lillian May Willey Mila Bea Smith


Helston Wendron

Nil Nil

Funerals “May they Rest in Peace, Rise in Glory & evermore surround us with their love ” Helston Wendron

Florence Ashton Nil John Alan Vipond Rebecca Kate Watkins Besie Smith *********

In Memoriam- WW1 victims - 100 years ago

Percy Victor Virgin Aged 20, Died 23/1/1917 Air Mechanic 1 st Class, 61 st Brigade 20 th Light Division, Royal Flying Corp.

Greater love hath no man than this

That a man lay down his life for his friends.

As with all the local WW1 Service personnel who gave their lives in WW1, the St Michael’s Church bell will toll 100 times at 11am on the anniversary of his death

8 Helston & Wendron

The date of the Mothers Union meeting in September coincided with the Diocesan Wave of prayer when the branches in Diocese pray for our five link dioceses which are situated in all four corners of the world. The service which was led by Eve was held on a Thursday morning at Wendron church. Anne played the organ. She really had to work hard because after the service we had a sing along when we chose our favourite hymns from Mission Praise. We left the church in a joyous mood & in perfect time we proceeded down to Wheal Dream for lunch. Wheal Dream did us proud by providing a delicious carvery which we all very much enjoyed. This was to make up for missing our yearly outing due to commitments etc. It was a wonderful chance to pass on our grateful thanks to Greta, 9 our special secretary and friend bidding her a fond farewell with our love and good wishes as she moves to pastures new. We were very privileged to take Helston & Wendron banners and stands to display them in Truro Cathedral for an exhibition featuring some Banners of the Mothers Union, celebrating 140 years supporting families. Kath Oliver


St Michael’s Christmas Fayre

Don’t forget that the annual Christmas fayre is on Saturday 26 th November in the Andrew Hall 10am to 12.30pm Lots of stalls so please come and buy your Christmas presents Raffle Refreshments being served

Help would be appreciated to set up & clear away also to man the stalls. Donation of good for stalls appreciated See Sandra Chambers for further information

Please come and spend some money to boost church funds

10 There’s always something going on for the whole family The team at Trenance, near Mullion, have the envious task of producing chocolates for a living. Watch from the viewing gallery, try a sample in the shop & then be tempted to make your own selection from a large range of hand-made chocolates 01326 241499- trenancechocolate.co.uk but there’s lots more besides chocolates…..

An all-weather attraction for all ages!


Crossword Answers on page 24

1 Grandson of Mered and his Judean wife (1 Chronicles 4:18) (4) 3 He said of Jesus, ‘This man has done nothing wrong’ (Luke 23:40–41) (8) 8 Herb with pleasantly scented roots, present in the Beloved’s orchard (Song of Songs 4:13) (4) 9 What God brought Sarah with the birth of Isaac (Genesis 21:6) (8) 11 Port on the Red Sea where King Solomon built ships (1 Kings 9:26) (5,5) 14 Donald — , Archbishop of Canterbury 1974–80 (6) 15 Cereal (Ezekiel 4:9) (6) 17 Jesus’ description of a Pharisee (Matthew 23:24) (5,5) 20 Not as widely used at church services nowadays as used to be the case (8) 21 ‘ — all your anxiety on him because he cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7) (4) 22 One of the three strands of Methodism united in 1932 (8) 23 ‘They broke bread in their homes and ate together with — and sincere hearts’ (Acts 2:46) (4) Down 1 The rebuke of 3 Across, ‘Don’t you fear God... since you are under the same — ?’ (Luke 23:40) (8) 2 Horse-drawn vehicle used by King Solomon (Song of Songs 3:9) (8) 4 Dearer (anag.) (6) 5 One-time editor of Punch and controversial writer and broadcaster who became a noted Christian, Malcolm — (10) 6 ‘When you sit to dine with a ruler, — well what is before you’ (Proverbs 23:1) (4) 7 ‘God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both — and Christ’ (Acts 2:36) (4) 10 One description of the inspired nature of scripture (10) 12 ‘The Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be — — — ’ (1 Corinthians 15:28) (3,2,3) 13 Recognized as valid (1 Samuel 3:20) (8) 16 A long A (anag.) (6) 18 ‘For God does not — favouritism’ (Romans 2:11) (4) 19 Comes between Joel and Obadiah (4)

12 Just a Thought – from Simon Roach

Most of us were brought up with the Lord’s Prayer to say “ forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us” but in modern times we have the option of replacing the word “trespass” with the word “sin”. I guess that many would think that “sin” makes more sense as generally the word “trespass” is a bit old fashioned & is associated with making an unlawful intrusion on to someone else’s property. But is it an improvement? …The Oxford English Dictionary defines “sin” as the breaking of divine law, esp by a conscious act. Well all of us are guilty of that to some degree so certainly it is appropriate for us to ask for our sins to be forgiven. However, asking for our trespasses to be forgiven perhaps goes further than that as we all trespass upon each others feelings by being unthoughtful, awkward, selfish stubborn etc. Ok, maybe these are sins but often we irritate each other without even knowing it.. so can that be classed as sin too? When I think about it, even though the word “trespasses” seems a bit archaic, it does perhaps cover a rather wider range of human unreasonableness than the word “sin” On the other hand we can sin by omission, (as the BCP puts it- “We have left undone those things which we ought to have done”) so maybe it’s good that we sometimes use one version & sometimes the other. In the Scottish church they ask for their “debts” to be forgiven – I wonder which word Jesus would have used if he had spoken to us in English ______

(Over the years Janet Jones has submitted a regular item for the Messenger’s “Just a Thought”. Now that she has moved to a new parish I would welcome any such items from other readers.- See Editors contact details on page 29)

Janet Jones has sent love & best wishes to all her friends at St. Michael's.She's missing us but is happy in Cambridge & looking forward to her new house being ready. At present she's staying with her brother. 13 St Michael’s Rota It would be a great help if anyone unable to attend on a particular Sunday would attempt to find a replacement for their duty.

December 4 th Advent 2 December 11 th Advent 3 Lay Asst, M Searle N Boase Epistle M Thorn H Thorn Prayers A Holyer M G-Kane Sidespeople K Bolland Offertory Junior Church H & M Thorn Server Mandy Betty Crucifer Louise Nigel Coffee Amanda & Katherine Congo Link

th th December 18 Advent 4 December 24 Christmas Eve Lay Asst, J Boase M G-Kane Epistle M Searle M Thomas Prayers M Thorn Betty Sidespeople J Eddy J Lawrence/A Hearne Offertory M G-Kane/D Maddock M Charnock/J Eddy Server Margery Nicola Crucifer Nigel Mandt Coffee D & J Eddy D & J Eddy Flowers All

December 25 th Christmas Day January 1 st Christmaas 1 Lay Asst M Searle N Boase Epistle E Goodfellow D Barlow Prayers S Chamber M Thomas Sidespeople N Boase L Martin/M Wellstead Offertory N Boase Junior Church Server Mandy Betty Crucifer Ken Sarah

Coffee Amanda & Katherine H & M Thorn

14 January 8 th Christ’s Baptism January 15 th Epiphany 2 Lay Asst, N Boase M G-Kane Epistle S Bayes M G-Kane Prayers Clergy A Holyer Sidespeople J Eddy S Chambers Offertory M & S Pryor S Roach Server Margery Nicola Crucifer Louise Mandy Coffee Congo Link D & J Eddy Flowers Paul Nan & Kath

January 22 nd Epiphany 3 January 29 th Epiphany 4 Lay Asst, M Searle N Boase Epistle E Goodfellow Prayers M G-Kane M Thorn Sidespeople K Bolland S Chambers Offertory S Hearne/J Lawrence N Boase Server Mandy Mandy Crucifer Nigel Ken Coffee Amanda & Katherine Heather & Michael Flowers Janice & Di Felicity

Mobile 07795463149 email [email protected]


St Michael's Choir, t hough small, continues to sing at Weddings, contributes anthems to the 9.30 service, and practises on Sundays after coffee for an hour maximum. New members would be most welcome.

Messy Church continues as an exciting combined venture with the Central Methodist Church on Coinagehall Street. See poster elsewhere*.(It is good to know that Messy Church is continuing as a joint Methodist/Anglican venture. However the event referred to, took place on19th November before the publication of this edition. *Consequently the poster has not been printed- Look out for future events which hopefully will be publicised early. I understand they will probably be held on the last Saturday of the month – Editor)

Advent Sunday, on November 27th at 9.30am, will be a service of readings and Advent Carols followed by a shortened Eucharist taken by Rev. Peter.

Hymn requests . The hymn request box has been reinstated at the back of the church; a small white file box which will be opened regularly and contents passed to David and Richard.

Sound System. John Boase is continually working to improve this. Your input is valued.

Fundraising Committee. The PCC has approved the formation of a fundraising committee which is looking for new members.

Christmas Services have been announced. Please see Pages 6&7

Volunteer Opportunities. A writer is needed to submit brief news of St Michael's for publication in the Helston Packet each week. This is free publicity! Also we need an organiser to set up the wider distribution of The Messenger, published 6 times a year.


"The Greatest Gift ", a dramatised Christmas story with lots of music being put on by Central Methodist Church on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th at 7.30pm. in aid of Hospice South West Tickets & Donations at the door

from the Helston & District RNLI Committee to all who supported the Coffee Morning held on 5 th November. It was a splendid social event and £739 was taken (£327 donations + £412 sales) to help to save lives at sea. Thank you to everyone for being so generous!!!


to everyone who has paid an annual subscription for the Messenger. It is nice to be able to offer any visitors a free copy of our church magazine and for it to be distributed to those who are housebound or in residential homes without asking for payment. This is made possible by those of the congregation who are willing to pay and also to those who place advertisements in the magazine. We are of course especially grateful for their support as it enables the magazine to be produced with little or no cost to the church.

17 Greek Holiday Property Rental

Anchor House is situated on the Greek Island or Poros overlooking the busy town harbour. The island is just off the north coast of the Peloponesse with easy access from Athens airport via the port of

Piraeus. The accommodation sleeps four in two double bedrooms on separate floors with a double sofa bed in the living room. There is a family bathroom and the second bedroom has an ensuite shower room.

Further information can be found on www.ownersdirect.co.uk (property reference GR504)

10% of any rentals received as a result of this advertisement will be donated to The Kimbilio Children’s Trust

Kimbilio Advent Soup Lunch to be held on Wednesday 7 th December at The Guildhall 12noon - 2pm

Raffle, Cake stall, Tea/Coffee & Biscuits

No charge for soup lunch but donations please

Our Lent Lunch was well supported & many of you enjoyed the get- together- Let’s hope we can do the same in Advent and our children in Kimbilio will benefit

All Welcome


The Healthy Churches' Handbook discussions continue on Thursday, January 19th at 2.30 in the church. 14 people took copies of this book in the Summer so it would be helpful if more could get out to the meeting. The Handbook was one of many resources used by the Accompanied Ministry Development attended by all clergy in our diocese and it has been recommended as a tool for congregational development which we urgently need. Elizabeth Davis 569536



A group has been considering the Healthy Church Renewal Project Questionnaires which were distributed to the members of St Michael’s congregation in September The Committee consisting of Canon David Miller, Michael Thorne, Betty Booker, Elizabeth Davis & Margery Searle has met on three th th rd occasions on 14 September,6 October & 3 November.

27 questionnaires were returned & the committee has been considering the concerns and comments that have been expressed.

Elizabeth Davis has prepared a report, in note form, on the work of the committee and asked for it to be included in the Messenger. As it is a fairly lengthy document it is included in this magazine as a separate insertion. Please contact Elizabeth (phone number 01326 569536) for clarification or more information. Please note that Elizabeth will listen to all recorded messages but any left with her husband may get lost.

Elizabeth’s notes were presented to the St Michael’s PCC on 7 th November 2016

19 St Wendrona’s Rota Please inform the Churchwardens if you are unable to fulfil your duty . Can sidespeople can please be on duty 15 minutes before the service to welcome people and hand out service books. Thank you for your help December 4 th - Advent 2 December 11 th – Advent 3 Reader A Veneear H Sandford Intercessions M Cowley R Spencer Offertory C Loveday/C Bryans Sidespeople R & B Osborne M Cowwley/J Parker Cleaning H Sandford H Sandford Flowers A Gilmore A Gilmore

December 18 th -Advent 4 December 24 th Christmas Midnight Reader B Osborne J Haywood Intercessions B Osborne M Cowley Offertory H Sandford/B Osborne M Cowley/J Parker Sidespeople C Loveday/B Osborne P Haywood/I Osborne Cleaning I & B Osborne I & B Osborne

Flowers C Loveday/I Osborne C Loveday/I Osborne January 1 st – Christmas 1 January 8 th – Christ’s Baptism Reader M Cowley No Service at Wendron Intercessions B Osborne Offertory H Sandford/B Osborne Sidespeople M Cowley/J Parker Cleaning M Cowley/A Veneeear

Flowers A Haywood

th January 15 –Epiphany 2 January22nd – Epiphany 3 Reader Epiphany C Bryans Intercessions Carol service M Cowley Offertory M Cowley/J Parker Sidespeople C Loveday/B Osborne P Haywood/I Osborne Cleaning H Sandford I & B Osborne Flowers H Sandford F Symes

January 29 th – Epiphany 4 Reader R Spencer Sidespeople R & B Osborne Intercessions R Spencer Cleaning I & B Osbone Offertory C Loveday/C Bryans Flowers F Symes 20

Wendron Bits & Pieces

It doesn’t seem long since I advertised the Harvest Services & now I will be advertising Christmas. Before that I will let you know what has happened recently. The Mothers Union held their Wave of Prayer & what a lovely service that was, led by Eve Cox. Afterwards they all went along to Wheal Dream for lunch. Being an MU “chauffer” the ladies tolerated me when I joined them for a super lunch. A couple of weeks later the church was tastefully decorated for Harvest festival. The decor was a mixture of traditional & modern. On entering the church we cast our eyes on a couple of little sheaves of corn & on entering further there were a couple of sacks of potatoes with earth still on them not having been washed or put into plastic to catch the eye of the shopper. The window ledges were decorated with flowers interspersed with fruit & vegetables. The table displaying the gifts of packets & tins of food etc was beginning to creak due to the amount of items given to share between the Helston/Lizard Food Bank & the Women’s Refuge. Thank you to everyone for the help & support given in the week following our Harvest, The church was again full with parents, grandparents & of course the children for the school Harvest service. What a lovely service it was with songs, readings, prayers & hymns all giving thanks for the harvest. Once again the children each brought a token of the amount collected at school & these were blessed at the service. The next day the school mini bus struggled to the local food bank with all the items collected. Thank you children, staff & parents for all your support at one of my favourite services in our beautiful old church. We were blessed to have a large sheaf of bread (courtesy of Horse & Jockey Bakery) among the decorations for both Harvest services. It was a real work of art & the centre of attraction & discussion. At the end of October we celebrated Wendron Feast with a service in church. Once again the church was tastefully decorated, How 21 fortunate we are. Displays throughout the year are wonderful. Thank you for all your help. I write these notes on the day after Remembrance Sunday. the church was full for the Remembrance service which started in church. It was led by Canon David who also preached He was assisted by Rev Beverly Turner, the local Methodist Minister. Thank you to Trinity at Porkellis for closing to allow their members to join us. The accompaniment for the hymns was shared by our organist & Wendron Silver Band. After the sermon we all moved outside for the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial. The names of the fallen were read by a representative of Wendron Parish Council, The Last Post & Reveille were played by members of the band. Wreaths were laid by representatives of Wendron Parish Church, the local Methodist Church, Wendron Parish Council, & Wendron Silver Band. After the singing of the National Anthem & the final hymn & blessing everyone was invited back into the church for coffee served by the ladies. Thank you to all who joined us. We have had four baptisms recently in church. At the Deanery Synod Bishop Chris was the speaker at the autumn meeting held at Wendron School. Rev David & I were both at Diocesan Synod in early November. It was quite a long & informative meeting, the main topic being the budget for 2017. Mike Sturgess (Chairman of the Diocesan Board of Finance) presented a detailed report. At the end we were asked to choose between two alternative budgets: one based around a 1.5% increase in MMF call & one around a 3% increase. No prize for guessing which one won. You may remember that earlier in the year our application for a grant to help work on alleviating our damp problem was refused due to funding being over subscribed. Only two of the thirteen applications in Cornwall were successful. However, we have not given up & are re- submitting a slightly revised application, the result of which should be known in February. Isabel & I attended a workshop run by the diocese at St Erme recently which advised on how to deal with grant applications. The funders give grants for funding specific work to the church building but do not fund the promotion of religion. I found it very useful. 22 Details of coming services are listed elsewhere in this magazine & can also be found in the local press or on the church notice board. As this is the last time I shall be writing in 2016 I would like to thank everyone who has supported Wendron in any way, especially those on the duty rota. Best wishes for the coming festive season & I look forward to the same friendship & support in 2017 Bevan ********* Life of a Cornish Housewife in 1915

Sue Spencer sent in the diary of a Cornish housewife which was written to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the WI in 1975. The entries, reflecting what life was like in the countryside during WW1, have been reproduced during this year when the 100th anniversary of the wartime deaths of many local men are being commemorated, including those who at this time 100 years ago fell at the Somme. The following is the last in the series.

December. Another Christmas is almost upon us & I fear it will be a quiet one for all, & a sad one for many. Although I am only an ordinary country woman, with no special education except from the Board & Council Schools, & what living so close to nature’s heart has taught me, looking back over the events of the past year with all its tragedy, I feel the time is ripe for the women of our land to unite, & demand the vote, & learn to voice their opinions on public affairs. Indeed I have already heard rumours of a new movement, taking place in Wales, to be known as the “Women’s Institute” I believe. I only hope that I live long enough to see a branch established in every village of the land, & in time we country housewives will learn not only to air our views locally, but eventually to make our voices heard in higher circles also. Sometimes on these dark evenings I hear the village lads singing “ It’s a long way to Tipperary”. It truly is, but by uniting all our humble endeavours with those of more consequence, we “country-folk” can show the world that ‘Our hearts are right there’, & that for our part, ‘Britons never, never will be slaves’. May peace & prosperity return to our beloved country during this coming year. 23 CHRISTMAS PRIZE QUIZ (Please send answers to Simon Roach- email. [email protected] |The winner will be the one drawn from all the corret answers received before 15 th January.

Below you will find the first lines of some really well known Christmas songs and carols. Just one small problem – I have removed all the vowels and put the spaces between words in the wrong place just to confuse you (I hope) . e.g. HRKT HHRL DNG LSSNG = HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING Just simply give me the first line of the carol / song, I’m sure you’ll find most of them pretty easy, but maybe one or two may be a bit more difficult. Have a cool Yule!


Crossword nswers from Page 12 ACROSS: 1, Soco. 3, Criminal. 8, Nard. 9, Laughter. 11, Ezion Geber. 14, Coggan. 15, Millet. 17, Blind guide. 20, Hymnbook. 21, Cast. 22, Wesleyan. 23, Glad. DOWN: 1, Sentence. 2, Carriage. 4, Reader. 5, Muggeridge. 6, Note. 7, Lord. 10, Infallible. 12, All in all. 13, Attested. 16, Angola. 18, Show. 19, Amos 24

“Own Recipes” (from hand written recipes, mostly collected from ladies from around the West Country

Apricot Snow Flan 1 Unbaked pastry case ! Tin Apricots ½ lb Mincemeat 1 pkt Marshmallows (4 oz)

Drain apricots and arrange in flan case Cover with mincemeat & bake for 20 minutes (Gas6) Top with marshmallows & return to the oven for 3-4 minutes Or flash under hot grill for 2 minutes for toasted effect.

25 rotted manure &/or compost. There are two schools of thought, one spreading on the surface & letting the weather & worms work it into the soil.

With this process you should What an autumn we have had. fork over before replanting. A The temperature has been high fish blood & bone fertiliser is & the rainfall low. Like yours, in helpful when you are ready. The my garden there are many second method is to dig a spade flowers that are still in bloom & depth trench & fill with manure I am sure we are reluctant to or compost & then fill in making pull them up. It is practical to the next trench & so on. Shrubs continue bulb planting & do & small trees would benefit if apply a small amount of you spread well rotted manure fertiliser in your soil or compost around the roots. preparation. Indoor planting of Remember if you have any plant hyacinths can be made if you that would suffer from frost haven’t carried it out. damage, then fleece obtained Remember to keep the pots away from garden centres, wrapped from radiator heat & water round the plant will help to save sparingly when the pot feels them. lighter. I have my seed catalogue & will It is also time to clear up all the be sending off my order. Many dead leaves and plant material seed firms will supply you with a so that slugs & snails have no catalogue & it will help you to hiding place. It can be effective concentrate on what you want to if you spread slug pellets of the plant in 2017. type that are not harmful to Have a good Christmas & a birds. Weeds are a constant successful New problem & you find that without Year frost they will be trying to Enjoy your survive. Do pull them up. Any gardening, plants that you pull up that have leaves, cut up small & put on the Ron Allen . compost heap. Any spare ground should be treated with well

26 How long a sermon should last? A letter from an elderly parson to his recently ordained nephew

The Rectory St James the least of all

My Dear Nephew Darren I am afraid that we will never agree about the appropriate length of sermons. Your 30 minute exposition on the food laws set forth in Deuteronomy are, I am sure, of real interest to you. But as your sermon unfolds, I suspect it will prompt quite a different concern among your congregation. Have they set the oven timer to come on too early? Whenever I even hint that a matter of theological importance may about to appear in one of my sermons, an expression of benign incomprehension comes over my congregation. You know the look- you see it in golden Labradors whenever they try to work out what their owners are telling them. There are certain sure signs that should warn you when you have preached for long enough. One is when members of the congregation start reaching for their prayer books to try to work out for the umpteenth time how the date for Easter is calculated or look in their hymn books to see what hymns are to be sung for the rest of the service. The organist turning on the organ blower when you pause briefly, is another. Look out too for members of the congregation counting dead flies on the window sills or reading the memorial tablets on the walls. These are sure signs that you have gone on long enough. There has only been one occasion when I preached for longer than my standard eight minutes. Our former organist was in the habit of taking his dog for a walk during the sermon. I knew I had to carry on preaching until I heard the latch on the vestry door for the second time. That meant that he was back & ready to play the last hymn. Unfortunately one Sunday his dog ran away. Whilst he searched for it over every field in the parish I was left to talk at length about the sundry laws of Leviticus until I eventually heard the vestry door open. After the service the congregation left looking as if they had just been rescued from a major disaster & at the next church council meeting, we unanimously voted to buy our organist a stronger lead. Your loving uncle , Eustace


Diary Dates Saturday26th November St Michael’s Christmas Fayre at 10am-12.30 in the Andrew Hall-See Page 19 Advent Sunday 27 th November 9.30am Lessons & Advent Carols at St Michael’s followed bu shortened Eucharist Friday –Sunday 2 nd 3rd & 4 Th December 7.30 pm Dramatised production of the Christmas Story ”The Greatest Gift” in aid of Cornwall HospiceSW –Page17 Wednesday 7 th December 12noon-2pm Kimbilio Advent Soup Lunch in the Guildhall - See Page 18 Sunday 11 th December 10.30 Christingle Service at Wendron Thursday 15 th December 6.30 Wendron School Carol Service in church Sunday 18 th December 6pm Joint Carol Service for both churches - t o be held at Wendron Tuesday 20 th December 7pm Carol “Sing along” at St Wendrona’s (choose your own carols 24 th December Christmas Eve. 4pm Crib Service at Wendron 5.30pm Christingle Service at St Michael’s 11.30pm Midnight Mass 7 Blessing of Crib at both churches 25 th December Christmas Day 10am Family Service & Christmas Communion at St Michael’s 10.30 Family Eucharist at Wendron Sunday 8 th January – No 10.30 Service at Wendron- Congregation is invited to join Trinity Methodists at Porkellis at 11am for their Covenant service Sunday 15 th January 10.30 Epiphany Carol Service at Wendron Thursday 19 th January 2.30pm Healthy Church’s Committee meets in Church – See Page 10 Probably ! Last Saturday in each month “-3.30pm Messy Church (a joint Anglican/Methodist initiative) to be held at the MethodistChurch

Look out for posters -see Page 16

Christmas Services are also listed under List of Services on

Pages 6 & 7 (Watch Pew slip for any amendments)


I am interested to note from the Healthy Church Renewal Project feedback that from those who responded to the St Michael’s church questionnaire, most people thought that the Messenger magazine, together with the Pew Slip, were the most important methods of communication within the parish. This would be fine except for the fact that I find, as Editor, that it is increasingly difficult to get people to contribute material for the magazine. I remember the last Editor, Avril Plunkett, making the point that she was the magazine editor - not the magazine producer. When I look at the early editions that were produced when I first took over the job, there were many more contributors than there are today. Sadly, those who I can rely on to send in material has drastically diminished - and has not been helped by Janet Jones & Greta Ross leaving the parish. In former times I used to get regular input from the Church Wardens, Playbox, Junior Church, the PCC committees & from folk who were willing to write a bit about themselves in the “Who’s in the Pew” section - to name but a few. Nowadays there are some conscientious people who give me details of the groups or organisations with which they are involved but sadly the work of the editor has become more difficult in having to chase around for material. It does seem to me that if the magazine is one of the main methods of communication within our church, we need to work much harder if,” in ten years time”we are to achieve that vision which is set out in section 7 of Elizabeth Davis’ Renewal Project feedback

All items for the February/March magazine will need to be with me at the latest by Sunday 15th January. Perhaps you can make it a New Year Resolution to be an active participant. Please email to [email protected] or send to me at Whealhaven, Clodgey Lane Helston TR13 8PJ (tel 01326 561067 or 07870702034 or alternatively see me in church

29 PCC Members St Michael’s Helston

Canon David Miller-Chairperson Rev Dorothy Noakes ( P/b ) Mrs Betty Booker Lay-Reader ( B&P/b ) Mrs Sandra Chambers ( I) Mr Peter Jewell-Churchwarden (B) Mrs Jean Williams (I) Mr John Boase- Churchwarden ( B) Mrs Heather Thorn (I) Mrs Nicola Boase-Treasurer Mrs Marjorie Searle( I) Mrs Amanda Pyers-Secretary Mr Gareth Howarth (B) Mr Michael Thorn( B & Deanery Synod) Mr Jake Holyer Mr Richard Berry( B) Ms Louise Douglas ( I)

Committees: B=Buildings, I=*Internal Affairs, , P/b=Playbox

CMS Link - Mary Charnock, Susan Summers. Junior Church -Beccy Miller, Sandy Windsor, Greta Ross (Treasurer), Electoral Roll Officer- Sandra Chambers. Safeguarding officer – David Miller –Volunteer needed to take on this role! Magazine Editor - Simon Roach Helston Bell Ringers Bob Woods (Captain) Roger Nott(Vice Captain/Tower keeper) Margaret Pryor (Sec), Philip Booker, Nicola Boase, Jean Williams, Philip Woods, Stanley Pryor, Simon Roach, Amanda Boxer, Kate & Nigel Bolland

Ringing Practice night is on Tuesday’s at 7.30 pm at Sst Michael’s except on the first Tuesday in he month when it is at Wendron. New ringers and visitors are welcome

St Wendrona’s PCC Wendron Canon David Miller-Chairperson Rev Jane Bradbury Mr Bevan Osborne – Churchwarden/Treasurer/Deanery & Diocesan Synod Mrs Isobel Osborne- Deanery Synod Mrs Carol Bryans – Deanery Synod Mr Philip Haywood, Mrs Anne Veneear - Churchwarden Mr Bob Ayres Mrs Henrietta Sandford – Secretary Mrs Jennifer Haywood

Mrs Sue Spencer Electoral Roll Officer (not on the PCC) Wendron Bell Ringers – Ray Spencer, Mary & Max Barnett

Helston & Wendron Mothers Union Branch Leader/Enrolling Member.-Mrs Kathleen Oliver, 10 Castel Wary Close, Helston TR138SF 01326 573256 – New Members are always welcome!! 30

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