LOUISVILLE COURIER - Report..-.- rxvressiy to, t)ie T.SQlTll!e Courier. HtlXTFD AND PlBLI?nr.D BT THE roLici: roiRT. RIF.K PKIVTIftU LOl l ILLE COl 1." UEORGE W. ruder an Ah of Inrorpnratton traita fry tit JOiiNST0N.Ji Dc.it. keutuckf I ,epi stature. Y" Tt MOKMVI. I . LOmSVIJmE- COURIER, IM.II BAEL Iti.l h I PT. Henry Stamper', who U C.reeu orncB,t r".MO r tTlUn ' dcCult Strwt, next Cstoai Bu( wo., brought iu VOLUME 32 the. worklioii-- e lrom LOriSVILLK. KKNTUCKT. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY U, 1861. and give b:ul TKKM OF Hut'. ttKw VU lJ'r,,tHt "Olred l BMTRIPTie. ,1 tJl TVa'tv Courier W r "ecu full ;er ffM Lr S I 'v ('..nrier f..r Hi piMtiilrjr i W The Tub Collken Baw n Mk. (Fur Ihe Louisville he i utyl ""'I' h le,.lv t ..urier fur snr rrii'A less than SEEDSCROP 1S(,0. iter Courier.) The Southern Connies. - COUKIER. KEMlikV LEGISMTIKL'. v.:n. .vk- ter month. HrfUEl CLEAN BU'KUKAS; DAJLY Collins foii For. Ntcut I.onofk I.asi Obituary or Judge Wood. The Montgomery () pat.cts, of iu Its. lor one mould, t'.ivr Duly t'ouref. alien deliver 4 L carriers linn bushels extra .111. Jenkins .tMllf j.ism.1 d: Sioht bi (Ink o CoI.I.EtN Bawn. At a meeting of the Bar io orcttard tirasa; l aO t J .K : t tub Member of the theoth iust , contain the Hist day's pi (I.', porrej. racially for tlicl.i.uist!!lc( i:r'er.j . waaJiso!.., bar rd on yesr ; no ami T..p; IS VIM il. drinking VeeUi tourer, do Keil The Colleen and the officers of the fm.Mufh tangle whi--kv. year lust do Titnoth.; Bawn drew a very good house several Courts, held of the Southern Convention which whi.h made l..t Tor.ii'.n - WKDNKsiUiV MditMMJ i. him rath.r noisy. - " HUH do Clover- FEB. 13. last night. It l.e at the Court House In Tues- FfiASKFORr, Feb. ll,i-;- 111 will repeated to night, Louisville, ou assembled at lhat place on the 4lh. Noth- Ten - lj Wurtanted crop jn, and for t e at the lowest SKNATF. tLI.No - L.-T1I- au w price. Uberal discount to the trade and once more t, alter day, tin P.'Ui iuxtani, Hon. P. B. Muir was ing of interest Was doue that ban Lot beeii Sllt . Wvt- a-- Wn. John,ol.,alr.. z No faiier rver sent aides. .eil fur bi advance, J. D. HOMl RANT. 14t?For Ilie IMiet Telegraph Dis- Mr. Bunks A ym. Croiuby, - Which it Will porilixly be withdtawu. To called to the Chair, and Will ll.llervcy already reported by telegraph. Six JoilNStiN bill for ihe whose t:,,- w.u tai.t II IHTKwFUR AIir.KTIIM.. Seed and Artcururl Warehouse. patches Hiter aud SteHiuboat News, of the benelil of the Bank torn ye.urttay, w.is 0cr No. 3s Maiu near ihOKu w T of Louisville and tb t.:ica UJ, and and F.tmd. Rent, street, Siatu, north side. Jtlallera, ho have lint yet seen llils Secretary. ho Chair announced seceding Mutes were fol- ca-- r iday. I jr Want. Lnt Ilnardinc. for Janll ilinx latp t'uminercittl Afsre I'ourt superb represented a Other banks of Kentucky. Piis-v- d the JU w as is. l clmryed. fiftv .er m. di.ca required to ana rent half Pitse. drama we to Ihe meeting II. 1V, N. lK-ii- u qu.re of line or lesa, for Insertion, and would Say, neglect lint the op- the death of Hon. C. lows: nays, .ive.,,,1 answer at the tie firt 011,1. Circuit live cent A message was i t in deiauU r w U Uc for each additional vue,iluuut S. 13. Departure ot portunities that remain, as once withdrawn Wood, Associate Juile of the Colli' t of Ap- Alabama R. W. Walker, R. 11 Smilh received In.in Ihe t.i.e-- rt alteration. 31'GILL, Train. riior uoiiiiuuling sundry geuth-invii- No- ed lo jad. square (Milne arate or less, one In- there is no possibility of its peals ; whereupon, ou motion, the follow- J. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton, S. F. Llale, lifoiie Loi New CaiCAUO being reproduc- A I Nt..K...-nt-I- ,s,. sert ...ri WboleAaleand Retail lealer iu and ivili.k. Ai.bnv and t 'oliu J. Mi Kca, , lhivui taries Public. Noiniii.il in continued. uii.viso Meintosb. square tl 10:15 A. M.: 10:15 1. M. ed. The bill lor to night eoiiMsts of Ihe ing gcntlcuicu were appointed a Commit- message Was alias I each a.i.titior.ai insert h Import-- r of P. Lewis, bud Thomas Fearn. A received lrom the Holier remoni.U. m. 01110 relative lo the 5.nci'm souart one ninntn. without til lakh n S t) Jeffkksonvillk am Indianapolis 6 Colleen Bawn, the very clever tee to report resolutions expressive of the announcing the concurrence Abolit.ontaiid.iL.iefor months W farce of the James B. Oweus, J. Paiion An- of that bodv President in IV; 1(1 A. M.; F. M.; 9:'M P. M. ill but sin a Cue f(.iarcl'r month ... flu CKJ AKS, TOBACCO, SXUFF, Spiulfield Weaver, a dance by Miss Jen- feelings ol the meeting iu relation to this derson (Jackson Morton was not present, the report of the Joint Committee oil member of the Underground Ify(.:i square fin month 3i l) Lot;i8viLi.K and N 7:45 A. M,; Loiilrrencr, in relation to the l. uiiood Company.) whosie ashville nie High t, and the inimitable luourutui event, : .Ihiiics Speed, but subsequently took his seat.) bank bill. arrest wasnien-.ioi- i. ti"(iie square teelve month 3u oil 7:00 1'. !.. Lcbauon Brnuch 7:15 A. M.: nong of the J. F. Mr. GROVER A li in iU(; sn.mr weekly. Seric-- II. Toombs, 11. Cobb, F. S. Finance bill lor tne tourier some time since, wait SaT(nc cbaiurrahle a rxrxB, fito, 2:1-- . P.M. Widow Machree by Mr. Collins. Bullitt, Hon. Henry Pirlle, G. A. Caldwell, I., R. M. presented rwk, Sou. B irtow, Martin J. Crawford, E. A. Xist.ctt uetit of Moore, of Louisville lo the court oil thechar-- e ot lel-0- square ohnnresHle weekly, ojontha, Ko. So; Groen street, Wtaven Th'rd and Tourth, IxUISVILLE,1'kANKF0RT AND LEXINGTON N. Wolfe, W. Passed. v. hav Dig , tl""('tie all :; We learn that a new drama ir in eouiae aud If. Bruce. B. H. Hill, A. R. Wri-bt.- T. K. j. oi.ie to the State in violation ft rce tiiontiis. Atcoui-luodutio- Cobb, .Omritr B'tiril'njs.) 0:OU A. M.; "':10 P. M. Lngrauge ii Mr. ol law. arre-re- Mottoes, of preparation The Woman in The Coiuiuittee, after having retired, re- A. II. Ecu. and Alex. It. Stephens. JOHNSON bank made a repoil Alter ne was d ou (he above I"" trlitorinJ intended to draw attention t.AKGE . f bent of CI 3:.Vl P. M. White ar- in, q p: ivate enterprise or im- i asor.tnent the brands De-- in relation lo the tondiiiou of Kentucky tharge. he Was recognized :w tUK liiwmn, to inrenttou. Y AK) AMI lOiiACCO kept convta'.tly on ranged lrom the highly ported the following resolutions, which John Perkins, jr., A. ( ., ner provement, and articles for sale, aill be charged at Arrival of Trains. successful novel buuks, uuder a resolution of tlie di- wh iu Ixrfi, a.,oi,ei B,ave line. aaoo. febUdttittp louel, V. M. Conrad, D. F. Kennt r. and Senate lurrc of the wtf if twent ffrnli a of the same name by Willkie were unanimously ado, dod: recting to K.ehardso,,, OJ ,uis Kocietv. Charitable, and Political Loci ill:. Xkw Albany and Chicago Collins. We (icn. . them correspond with theln. ei,y, t0 tJ,,.:l,,e turongh. Nonce, inserted fir is the tirtt. and 2V lor each tl.tlJ A. M.; ):U0 P. M. are glad to learn that it is to be played That the members of this bar, AV. P. Harris, Waller Ordered to be printed. the Aoouuon cktnnel, w hich durin" COAL! Brook, -t lu, uisrtier.t and will uot le putaUatird - COAL! JF.KFEK.S11XTIL1.K solemnly impressed by the dispensation ol Resolutions of thanks to Ihe officers the pa- ten vers, advuru'e. 1 tl ATE sal, at all times, by the bars" and at and Indianapolis fr.Xi here, as we believe ours isi the only theater N. L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. B..rrv, aud robbed Kentucky of so rt( f.rii -- fr A. M.; .X) Divine Providence iu removing, by reporters of the Sei;ite many lhous mile I MirrnMrr. and Notii-e- for each 1b- - a nan. ann at Uie lowest market price, best qurl-l- t P. M.; P. M. death, J. T. Harrison, aud J. A. P. Compbi-ll- for the manner in of dollars of her citizens' ieatli iic in the country where it lius pro- w r .PITTSBrRieCOAL. Also. BKACU B0T1OM Loi lk 11:45 P. M.; not been the Hon. Henry C. Wood, one of the Judg- K. hich they had discharged their respective property. The testimony mucu rates, imvillkaN'O B. Hhett, sr., R. W. showed that at fr. and rrneecdlnmi of political ward ivil at lower 11:45 A. M. 10:26 duced this season. Evtry one who es of the Court of Appeals, and late n mem- duties, and also to the Mini Ihe time the slaves escaped rC:i half J. N Kl l.I.OdlJ. AeenL Lobauou Braucb A. M.; has Barnwell, L. M. Keitt. .las. Chcsnut, jr., C. ters of the lin y were met ailleclined prir. ber the Louisville bar, Gospel, were at tite I w i No Tariy contract luailr. ahica adTrr. ai ll dtf Third street, uear corner of Main. 5)7 P. M. read the novel w ill remember the dramatic of recognize tluil G. Meinminger. W. Porcher Miles, Thos. unanimously adopted. ortland by a hire man, wh.s FRtNXr-ORTAN- mournful Mr. look New tiwr liw t:ie iire of t'liaturiiic uiaOrr ur atlr lxl lVIJ.LE, LCXINOToN event with emotions of the J. Withers, and W. W. Boyee. CosBY moved a reconsideration of inem to Albanv. :nd Ury rro-cec- l rsr.t character of Ihe work aud its strongly itlmut additional rharire. M.; 0:oM Actuiu-Uiod.itiu- st sorrow. Ihe vote by d lo the house All llM A. P. ii. lr.ni";c which the Coiuiuittee ou the of Mclu,t,, who had adTertiement required t Iw on Uiink.-- and original characters. We ,'. Hon. was elected I'rw. i.lelit Judiciary was diechiirged pl.tnucd the if ie ctuu-o"- tci ktand uu N:.V A. M. ..,.',., That the professional character from the leave to whole affair. At the time the wf A', of (he esc:iH-d- , paire n AirN': nverstatHl ratea. that the diauia is as popular us of Judge Wood exhibited a combination of Convention, and J. J. Hooper Sec- biing in a bill to.,:nciiiI the Exeeutiou Laws. s.aves Officer Moore was c dird Anv'rtiementa dirertM to he ih splat IK or (M the purest, mi.st honorable and elevated retary. We copy at large Motion entered. upon to g., m pnr-ui-t of ael in LHR6I! cnarred double ratea. R COl NTRV DAILY. the novel. It would apcar so, from the the remarks of them, which h tttk. tiiiuLiliee. In his practice as a lawter The hour Of o'clock haviu ..id, and overtook thriu 011 A.lvortiscnieuta m the KKkl.V COl'KIKR LA DO, EBtTKH A ( O.'s fact that it was played for two weeks he Mr. Cobb when he took Ihe chair: li arrived, the Ohio and tentrcetitu a line ffr evil iusertlun. and no abate- KhDL'CF.D TERMS. at was able, eiUcieiit and rigidly assiduous iu the Speaker anuollueed the Senate ad- 3lississipt. Railroad in with V., ment t r l. nttM .r Accept, gentlemen of the oiiiiii time PikeV Opera House, in Cincinnati. attention to the interests ol Lis clients, but Convention, journed until the J'lth day of March, Intosh. ludelaultof ?ytjijb:ul he was SEWING MACHINES. my sincere thanks lor the honor you have Ivil. I.N K. remarkably llcicaiUr tve will tend ihe cdl-lu- u at the sauii: time he was uniformly courte- to jail, to await an I'AJI KIK APVAM flHKTare stror.c end eimnl in tlieh touiitry me. I examination L ; Pa kon v. This great ous, conferred Upon shall endeavor, bv beh.re the construction make the Ioek ctitch upon both the Col t nub-- restaurant, which jusl and amiable iu his intercourse HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. l:rmi! Court on both aides alike, which cannot b- - ravel. .1: use uf Uailv kiek mall a faithful and impatial discharge of the Pasmm, charr a ttra'ht has been the town-tal- lor a month, has with his brethren of the bar. liw nour- The Committee of Moex. Henry seedie, ana win sew wi n linen thread. riliers at tbc low jrice of J5 00 duties of the Chair, lo merit, in some de- Conference, ou the Burch, The flexibility ot tension is "nch all a ished no enmities; he was above all jealous- disagreement of House.-- . who was arrested some ftw days that thrv ceased to be nine day's wonder, and is at gree at least, the re- the two utoii th Sew over the heaviest seams in necro irans adtho.it 1 uyubic iu adv.'tuic iu all cases. Foraiiy ies of the success of others, iu colitidefiee you have since, was w A and every bill too amend the charters of the R.nks charged ith attempt- diflirulir. also sea. the finest bar cite or lawn wiLh- - , length fail iiiTHiiijiH. The restaurant is posed iu Me. jx'riod Ico.s tban one it will be 6ciit at step fhis career, up to the exalted posi- of Kentucky, reported the following as ing to puss counterfeit money bills on eut ilrawlnc it. the handsomest room in The occasion which assembles us togeth- Ihe All Machine warranted. the rate lilty- per mouth. For west ot the moun- tion which he died, he Was followed bv hating been adopted by a majority of the Southern Bank of Kentucky. The DOCTOR DILLON, uf teuti the ( er is one of no ordinary We P. I.. No. a Masonic Temple, the cordial chancier. : proof not Uing FOtsktlT. tains, art Parguy is the best cook w ith'.n ongrat illations of all who knew as Commit tc sufficient, he w:u dis- (Graduate or i:neiNid and IreUad, aali eeodA weuwif Fourth st., Louisville. Ky aiiiouul uf matter published, this makes him, and especially of his brother lawyers. meet representatives "of sovereign and charged. that distri.t. His bill of fare is a work of Independent Slates, w ho. bv their Solemn StC. 7. That ilie piuMiled lor in lliis lOEVKtLY DrMONiTRATOR Of AN'ATOMY the Daiiv Cockier the cheajieet paper JltxUi td, That our long association w ith w luude -. almost a hundred pages, is judgment, have dissolved the political ftet. hti conformable thereto. tiall he 1'ir,- iiimhiii me, vceua eirrrs Ifuo TliK aud really u him as a member of the bar, and iu the or- as taken and received In payment jrfornutHt ,, I. II. and lat- - Surceon iu H H M printed in the South. All who wifh to W and dis. barge ll"tit..' Knral study lor The dinary intercourse life, sociation Ulcti counectvd them with the all due aud ,Ctt Vliice tid removed Ui Filtli atrett, keep with the news gouriiia,ls. restaurant for of recalls the im- of demands to the State of Ken- at a fiartrr to tight. Uel potted these eventful Gotcruiucul of the United States. Of the tucky, t (.i t.:e M.lJ.-- I tdl re. Liilies is a new feature iu the city, and, pre- pression of his personal characteristics and all debts now owinir or dfbts Iiour. tmm t to 4 o'clock P. M. dl." dim tiliiei ahuuld order It lu.tilcd to t. causes which have led to this decision is herealt. r made utvable in ur to said their sided with vivid distinctness at this moment of it banks, and Reported expressly for the Louisville over by Madame Parguy, cannot fail unnecessary now to speak. It is sufficient sliiill be taken ou depoit by tlie Uatit accept- l UUricr ) XOTICK. uualiccted sorrow , aud revives him in our ing Ol BIADAM BELL, to be the resort of the fair dames whose memory as a purely to announce ti ut by the judgment of our this act: Piotidrd. the hauk. shall uol ii RT OF APPEALS. f IHE ereaterthe lieneflt eonlerred on society b honorable man, a true they required to pay any other kind of fund The Conlederate constituents have been pronounced than . 1 1 Elt 1 any invention, the more the public Is liable to Siate of North residences arc far from the shops and gentleman, anil an ornament of his profes- those deposited. FRANkr-oRT- TUN , ne ample and sufficient. It is now a livi d Fehniary 13, lO impoaen upon ty unacrupuiout dealers with an America. stores which abound iu sion; and we cherish his memory with af- and lsf. luferior article under an assumed name. To ituard this region. What irrevocable lact. separation is per- The report of the Committee was con- CAfsKS DECIDKO. rh)itiaa and Electro path itt, pnrcli-e- We publish elsewhere this luorniug the fection, respect, and admiration. the r aFint lmpition. notice Is hereby a double luxury it will be for the dear crea- fect, complete, and curred in yeas oi, nays Si. Kasthaiu r Mctliiiar. 'OI"l.I) re?iiectful!y inform tbe cttiaena of U- - iciven that the only SLWINU MACHINE invented Jiesotivd, That the members thi.s perpetual. Applause Carter; afflimed firel five daya' proceediu. of theriouthern of bar rurper Delano vs - mill. tDat ne lia arrived In tn place, and tures to spend a w hole day "shopping" The great duty is now imposed utxm us The Governor transmitted a Message to t t.rirtiu, Uender.n- r can he on lUtvl respectfully tender to the bereaved family llou-t- turd. c.ni;ited all matter of Life, either Past, B. E, is for sale at Hiit Fourth street, and' oo Coflreat1, at Moutgomery, Al.ibaina, 10 of providing for these State. . i Government the vetoing a bill toauiriid the char- Prci-cn- or r ut tire, in regard with the episode a of their deceased friend the liranbam' v - to Ixive. IMbea, 4c, ovner place in Trie city. of lunch in Parguy's most earnest for ter of Bourlioii Lodge, No. I. O. O. adui'r Branham. Lewis- af- and a.ie can recou"ilr quarrel tetirein man and 'i he Family Machines Luld 1 examined by all far they iraiinpired in ojien te6ion. sentiments of sympathy iheir future security and protection. F. firmed. ti delightful saloon. and condolence. The ena- .fe. or oth.r and five a likenenof the pnrchasers. a they will do more kinds of work than Jii ioli We can and should extend to our sister bill establishes a prize loitcrv to Sayre v Meet future htirliaiKi. friend or enemT: atie can any Machine in The iuohI imporUiiit luallcis are bclug td, That the attorney for the Com- ble- rial.. Uall.iriu; affirmed if, are other ihr market. States our late sisler the Lodge to j my oil its indebtedness. vsThae-ker- Fdmoad-H.ii- 'iitr o at nivlil, and the a lack Ulinuian The Cylinder Machines uneqnaled . monwealth be reipiesttd to present States who are Johns ; alarmed rive pcde are for all however, with closed doors, bO In the Grover, Grundy, these us in The bill was then rejected yeas 'i v la evt-'- un.iertakn e. filie i. un huTubur oriiupvat--r- . kinds of leatlienditchtur. iiu other Machine lUirjC resolutions to the Court ..I this ..it .. Identified with interest, feeling, and Hays t.nfllth Foley's adiu r. Harrison; afflrnieil do a vlie w Bruucr, 0. tin original and but a.l. bat rofr.e. tUe haf a .man a ueciir 'If uiaatua so tlKIit a Renin. the ublic Are debarred the privilege, for Rhea, Cisscll, Read, and Walker, and request that they be institutious, a cordial welcome to unite cross appeal. t.AhNKV S I. X. L. TrV IfT f"t sale. spread on the us a common destiny The House refused to dispense wilh Brashearvs Dcathera-.'- . r.on; C. the pi t at lcatt, ot a kuowledj;e of the Senate; and Cleary, Doiiau, records. with in desirous at the reversed, DEVHj T. MIUDLETC.N. Arect, of the Ur. in . Like-- itli her l i. l. can lie aeen lu the water Sli U west street, the same time of Maintaining with our rule order up the resolutions onnsus. side Fourth proceediuj:- -. White, Carlisle, Hodge, liunom, Ewing, Jie.Hflr,d, That copies of these resolu- . atile to ascertain ttie cause of tiickneM and furut.u bet. Market and Jefferson. Louisville. Ky. b- - former confederates., as with the adopted by the Senate ou Saturday iu rela- Tiimble Jte-- v Peterson, iaiiiea. tions communicated to the world, Mcfraeken; peti- nieii. ine br dl? dtf Rice, Machen, and others, of the House of widow of the most peaceful aud tricinlly relations, tion to Hon. John J. Ci iilen.h u. tion for rehearing tiled ne offerr to ararer 10.a0 that tio prin In tliif C'uoict C'JOARa Tobacco. One Judge Wood by llic chairman of the lueel-- , Hardin rtty car l er in iTofcMiou. and of Representatives, arc iu the city, both oliLical and commercial. Applause, j The House then took Up the bill To vsChupman. Warren; same order ut her I'leaae call tu route P. B. Ml'IR, Chairman. Mel lellaud vs aud her on Market etceet. butweu and the prettieet, neatent, and best stocked Our restdinsibiliiies, gentlemen, are tarry Into elfect certain provisions of an act Klbert. trustee Jte.. Fayette-uiandat- e lionn-id- rirt for home from Frankfort, ai. H Kit Cnn. No. op trtaira. where they have vet, Secretary. 1 amended so as to give F.ibert, trusted . siai:irs aud tobacco stores great, and doubt not We shall prove equal entitled 'An act lor the better orgauis itioii leMra. lell the lxJ. uliiwe in ber tiual. cl;ir in I.oiusville, id be u attendim; extra Jke. a judgment for cost v Daniel. ne- - in i . r'or thle person arhu the session of the lo the occasion. Let us assume re- of the Kentucky Mditia,' approved March ct reaon evcrj SEWING MACHINES. that of Mr. J. B. McGii.l. iu the new I VI tlLKsriNit Cask An all the firle v. Crouch et ai. Hopkiu; submitted haa trouble ft oiild ro and aee her. herautU Legislature, which ad join ued on Monday, ;r...ii...... sponsibility w hu h Inay be necessary 5. lt'io, and for other purposes." oil brn-fs- . how are to Jefferson street, between Tlurd and Fourth. Ht came up for the the timet be. janildlio Coi 1I.D1 Xod, oil Green etreet. for decision before Judge Chum- - VT. kifk lie to meet March a successful couipleliou of the great work 1. it th i. ltd 6y tiei.nral Atei,,h!y Hunter vs oy et ai, Hei.i v; argued W'J. .MALOXE, Agent. 20ih. They are glorious naotax fc of " eT liw the tuot-- t choice cijr:tri, of his own im- uriiain, jcsiciuay,oua corjntt issued Committed to our care, pi n ing the t um.noiurealtK of Kentucky, '1 dial Ihe McCoy fol sppellee. MADAME RO SENB AUGH, Send for Set fellows, barring court, before our ty a Circular. m3T dly of the bad polities of from his it was the case of a fugi- country men aud the world our iii apuiopriulioiis be. and are hereby, made IKKTKLW AMI IftTKOUMSItVr, portation, to be had in the market, and fit f. i ;.. acts and a few of them ; and wc be tive tin insliee for erini out of any money iu the Treasurt not wlhrr-wi- Suim A renpe-- t shall :!ad to their results, as the jiijlilic aliou for the K.lii Devth. lad in Wilming- "W OI .T mo.t fully iufonii her friends and hU eU ible hint to aril Itii'm.aj the Eastern District of Virginia, and appropriated: ton, itrr.r of i on vU,e. tl at c ha l..cl-- on T1IEG00D1TMI IIASCOAIE trccl t hciu ugaiuus they return to the dis the course we mav pursue aud Ihe policy we North Carolina, named James . M AF.KKT KirT. between rhelbraud flat well an all kmds of tobacco, at wholesale. requisition lor ilie delivery of the criminal may auopi. n uu 1. fur tue Construction of au irs.-iia- t f,,r Dickson, took enough of his mother bcr nam it at h charge of their duties at the lime desig- to t consciousness ol lti re tiie door here fhe ready u on the uiodt favorable terms. Mr. the ollicer accredited from the above justiee of our cause, w airs at Frankfort, and nrces'nyy Money, on Wednesday last, to upon ail rtandinc dlva-- blowd MctiiLL and ith confidence m buy two that flti and nated. was recognized by Judge Jones, machinery iot) stiiull s;uns, are heir to. tu. lia? brolly. Uver fu-tlint- , GREAT REDUCTION is of iu the guidance aud blessings of a kind 1. shot with which he and a coin- - i'5.!a. one of the cleverest and uioat Potiulur the late I . S. Court of For ainiuunitii.u ri.iul i its, Hlin:ne, Iwafiieaa. Al'ictlouof the this District, on the Providence, we will this day inaugurate for a. For ramp equipage union went shooting. The gun or his. plecn. Kbeunialistn and I'alcy; and will warrant ! of entlenieii; his recherche eatablish-uicu- TuatDi el. Hetfieii and Moody avoid very day of the l.uoil c In t of the Oidin.iuce the South a uew era of peace, security. 4. For salary of master armor, iu addi- oiujuiiou accidentally exploited, shooting cure in all caaea of Cancers. Scrofula. Tttter Vsy ed the danger incidental to a duel, of Secession and the last of iht- - . elas. i.utiiona and t'ornn. hen the a.tleiit U nut is Tery conveniently located, and we by the vi.r..n.... and prosperity. Applause. tion to the salary of the keeper at Dickson in the head, as he W:is crossing beyoi,.! X of Said court. On ground the reach of medical aid. HOVi:R liAKDU aiKific the loVi-i- s thu surgeou of the Litter failing to arrive at the the that the act preeeM 30 branch uear the li.su. The frightened bo Madame R. tmin the first Astrolorlat of the city, of weed to drop iu 01 SF.CkND DAT, FEB. 5la. a secession nullilied all judicial v relations i. For pay of ineehauiet and laborers tied home, baying Dicks.i it ly ing wiil itlso caarantee to five true and correct Infor- and ;;ive his articles a trial. hour, by misunderstanding. Iu the Mr. employed tf half on ail life; voxscx.rss latelV exisliu'r between Ihe iL. Stephens, from thr eoiiimiilie. re be in repairing of aim. Jtc buried in mud aud w;iier. mation the event of of ahat changes are 6. For lie wtu fonml heiure: be'her you will marry; wiil tell of aliaeut meantime, Col. Jones of Newport, aud United States, a writ of hnbeat wrpus Was ported the rules of the House of Represen Citttridue boxes aud other acn.u V rida v moriiing, IM.MILY SlaULVti u!- - siiil alive, aud lived till friends and She r M1(III.L! who du tiut go to Iht treiiieuts accessary to the anus trace loft property. Ac. hat a IWThou Ihet'frr and W. G. Terrell of Indiana, patched up a sued out by F. S. Blount, Esq., counsel for tatives aud Senate of the United Stairs, and Saturday, when he died, after relating A oir:Cct-- her profeasion aldch will (msW mho uftould from Jefferson's Manuel, r. ady ow ned by the State ... 5oO tha obtain many point in hutir.cs or LEtiAL ASB GENUINE FOR 40 UOLLAKts! do, vitU Hit UolinHH ; th peace, honorable course to both. Mr. tuc prisoner, wno pieau tliat all statutes of soine lo govern 7. For construction of magazine pur- ui.uiiicr of the accideul. His iying of 1 I and in the lie ha in Alabama and tlip 'tiite. sii .i :.i:.. the Cougrcss. .". dy her pmwflon the celebra- Is now fli t, Itiiiute tht ptrfonnanc it uifrcrj.tlun- - chase of lot :.asj Uiuil. ing almost, for Iwo nights aud A ted IK tTli A.KN brourht from here-i- within the reach of all. and will delight Moody withdrew the allegation of "trai- X fl l. Africa. for the reuditiou of fugitives from justie', Shorter Keid, ol the Montgomery Ad 5. 'i.r repairs of arm by ttwvero-uieit- t day, is aw 'f.-i- can fee th ir future partners, friend or thousands of families through. .nt the land. U; tht v.'omo', to children yrwn, the lul. II. ay The only that manufactures the two va- tor." Hcflrcu withdrew the churge of wen; a oeau letter irom tlie vertiser, Were elected printers, aud the of the I'nited States, should uny ctLeis. Madame ir happy to that she it the time -of the ii'j Kfon that can eive lucky nuinbera in Lotter. rieties of Machine, OtlvTt. "peculation," and also stiinc epithets by of the Ordinance of v,.,.f.u- .,, , clergymen of that city wireiuvitedto open n in be due. riu U amount as will dis- l.i?Jhe H-j-l uiit JVufpe hax inodt iM I'. h. Mia:ue K. bciiut a natural Medium, vtu Double-Lot-- s charge the same . k the Convention until they Here v.icn uai session Willi jjiaycr. 111 k. ant'acrany iueti-o- and Shuttle Stitch. Sale Bank Our old no means ccuipliuientbry. Geo. P. Buel, reamriued 'J. For the s ilarv the tieii- - of Stock. friend iijr me 01 mar Mr. MeuiiQinger presented the following of fee from cent tor Ladle and Gentle, the Patent nnder Ma- action Convention upon eml do i which these celebrated Sum ti. Henry, that of Cincinnati, the second of Moody, re- : and t'lerk hire Mi triei. ianildtf chine are in .de. have now, aflerlonaeontest. been capiul auctioneer, of them, which did not take place until the resolutions koki: of an Actress. A young act fully sustained by i The areual for repair and liisjs.-ln- ress great the Courts and Patent Olhce, aud fered iday, at auction, ou account of signed that position iu disguvt, rather than 'Hi aa., ana that, therefore, the That this Couvrnlii.a deem il - of beuufy, M'ilc Zove, was nmr-- d trie Company anticipate, jirtt detention shall be- constructed and placed under the a' in time to coine.au of the prisoner was illegal during p:-- expedient.(,forthwith lo form a Confederacy redi:i Paris on ihe 11th of Jan t.try. from the heavy expenses of litigation, they a cuitoiner, 140 shares of the slock of the be implicated iu the compromise. that charge and dimeiion f the . and propose as wen as was of the States which have seceded front the She was perl'oriiiiiig at the Tbe;iter Impe- to irivethe public the benefit of this immu- Bank of Louisville, Bank of Kentucky, iiou, tue orUer lor Uls ren- the purchase of ammunition aud other store nity, and have accordingly reduced the prices of Opf.ua Titot'PK dition, issued from a court which had be- Federal I nion, and that a committee be and equipage- provided for as shove shall be by rial as iol.i, in a new piece of Scribe. Iter their Machine from Ten to Parlor Last Nioht. Piovi.-doua- Fifteen Dollars on c. Purchasers for only ten shares of the come extinct with the a. t ...I' ,.. ...1..,. apKiinted to rcpoil a plan for a iMxIy was found stranded the next mom-in- g, each Machine. Call and r thetn. Many of our amusement seekers will (.R'lVI K A BAKER hare recently Introduced a Rank of Louisville stock at 10. w ere to be Judge Chamberlain took the case under Government upon the basis of the Consti- A motion to lay on the table was rejected in her riMjrn, umlisrobcd of the last, new shuttle Machine for Tailors' use. which is greatly rugret that this is the last evening advisement, reserving judgment. Mobile tution of tin- - United States. yeas l"i, nays t)S. night's wardrobe. she waa singularly to be had, and the balance were withdrawn. Louisvilla Optical Institute, superior to any of its kind In tl That a Mr. MACHEN moved ii 11 In beatit.lnl. The Count de market. Price. Fifty rol!rs. und night of the Parlor Opera Troupe, (Ala.) Advertiser. coiuiuittee of thirteen to the bl.mk Poligny a rich, Main street, finder National Hotel. Louirville, Ky. This etock has exceeded 120. The lessened be appointed as follows, viz : regard to salary Inspector yon g officer of the Is J. T. II ARBEK, Aerxr. which for ten das past have delighted The Chair of Genera! au.l Guard susjcted ot IMPKtlVm SPKCTACU'S AND KI T GLArVKg rSo. Fourth st..het Market and Jefferson. value of the stock arises simply from hard Afirl Sallit Ilol.tan ting" Hod iV..t man by the Convention, and two members Clerk hire by inserting 11,000; adopted rouipi.ciiv In the murder. in silver and ateei, dU them. They will give a this even- yeas eerrectly fitted to Kye: MicrosoMa. Telescope, Louisville. Kr. times, and disinclination lor iuatlne Irolu each Stale lo bo nominated by the 5, tiavs ol. tie investment. A;ini," MOHK PE I LAT1NO Opera iiase. Mathematical and Physical Inatra-nieii- ing especially for the ladies and little folks, deputies of that State. Mr. MACHEN moved 10 amend so a 10 OFFICIALS Tllel btereo-Copi- Our Kentucky banks arc, perhaps, Liei tric Machines. Ftereoacope and c next to Jtemjlred, 1 hat all proposition iii refer make the amount of repairs bv the Federal Pittsburg Pa.) people havejii. discovered Viewt in a treat ai iely. ELIAS HOM'K w ho tind it iucouveliielit to attend at night. Latest from I'urt Sumter. JK., those of New Orleans, the safest in the ence to a Provisional Government be re- Government not to exceeil t'XK and that a urge number of their lax collector Artificial IKunan Kyet inserted, and New Claaaet The last performance positively is that of The Charleston Courier of Wednesday put major H Into old frame. 3 dif eountrv. ferred to this committee. tilling the bUrnt iu the second srcUou w ilh th: jrt of their col lections in Avail yourselves of the oppor- savs: Mr. Meinminger I am not disposed to Governor and Inspector t.cueral. their breeches pockets; and that though, JiTAlf. Burnett, with whose inimitable press Th. previous question Was this) peculation has been going oil for Sev- J0H1T L. SCOTT, S. tunity to wituess the most extraordinary We have h.td conversation with a citizen ttie consideration of ihes resolu ordered , II. ROPER'S representations on tion at the present time, any yeas Vs, nays pj. eral year-- the thieves have generally beta H and delineations many of performers, of their age, iu the w orld. who left Fort Sumter Sunday, and had if jeutlcinan Attomwy fit u v becu engaged there (and at Fort Moultrie) desires their postponement. It will require The first amendment oife-rc- bv Mr. reappointed. The grand jury of the" coun- our people are familiar, will give two of . ty have rltAXKKOKT. kV. since November as a re- come day to mature a plan of Govern MACHEN Was adopted yeas 7t, liav-- lu ikdicledd whole batch of the de- his popular entertainments iu this city, The Military Fever is Bcllitt Coik- - workman. He linquents. CiriCJT AbJOiyiXG "YEOMAN" office. V3W ttiitl at ports forty-fou- r laborers aud uiiietv-sl- ment, ami, tlieretore, I have brought these The hour of I J o'clock having arrived, RrncRKRCax: Iniiovel The military MacoBin. Frankfort. Kt.; Masonic Temple, on Thursday Friday lever in Bullitt county I resolutions forward the House adjourned until the '.ULh dav ,'u.lre. io. and tt. soldiers (officers included remaining in at this early period. of Dim ..rs of the Phila- ixivaii. Georretoan. Kj.; Pres. Milliiran. SlHTTLl SEHl.VC MAIIIIXE! was Sat- Mr. Stephens I Mi I . Mint at woi, o.lere, Ky.; Leairurtoti. ky evenings. Those who wish to enjoy some is raging. A company formed ou the fort, with a large supply of provisions. move to sirike out of March. delphia, given Ir. Hiviq. Your.--, KF. having notice that, alter tha Ju1e I'rarier rrat.kfort, Kt.; Chancellor Trimble, Warranted to ba thetWin sMiilWfor all kinds at Ml. Washington, Of these he specifics, according Ihe resolutions the word Convention, truly, PORTER. VKh ., Unili-- Ky.; rare should make their arrangr-luenl- s urday making the third lo his thr Stairs will not, a A I'sducah. Hon. Ha. R. fiinma. Paris. K know titty-eig- wherever it occurs, and substitute Mavnn.o1taTsille, of work. in county, aud a cavalry is ledge, bnrrels of pork and the word heretofore, pay ihe cost of Ilon.J.C. K.: Judre Whlta, to attend. that company ti Congress. fnjlitit ahjitr uiijht transporting; ker, Ky.; Ltider W. T. Moore. Frankfort, "WHEEL FEED ecee.lini:ly simple. alllUparU beef, ve hogsheads of Molasses, tw o casks Ll fji unr J.c' go the r raising in the vicinity of Brook Mr. old ctnis to the Mini, Mr. J. y Station. of vinegar, with large supplies of flour Mckuiuiugcr I have uo objection to and ..ce- fA yiV.,mi. ud and arrarfed. Items permanent adjust ywt v Hul,i,ai the and Sanlord. the uj rinlt ndeut of Adiims XSTllavt Alfred Au esteemed friend writes us : South potatoes. Inesuiiplvot luel, Wus the change propostd. LAW CARD. "y,l",,"e uu or aiiuoyaiicea, liesiues "If which Express Co. , his instructions te thei 'Stage Mauagerf" good, hid been lately increased by- a drill- Mr. Bartow lollerthe following resolu Kttce.-IMrin- et Uettt-r- n agent-- , oo any ern territory is invaded, old Bullitt, with Gie.tt l'ourMili ol Ihe Company, not to receives .Ti-.- , Machine. Tailors and rood judge ackuua I ing rail which was Secured. As' to tion as a substitute for those presented by 7:3tt .JOHN .IOXErS, euse ii every uay. 1200 w 500 the Time such freight in future, unless it be prepaid. What's w voters, ill send soldiers to fiht - the geiiilcnian ATTORXKV.) rnM.1. JU1ISTN. Afetlt, the Matter irn the Mails arms, our informant reports five Colum- lrom South Carolina (Mr. Planet, the Virginia cr.it k racer, was rtrTV b26 dtf 312 for the South." Bully for Bullitt ! AT LAW. Court Place. Louisville Fourth street. A correspondent writes from Brandenburg, luads, 10 incnes, iu the yard, mounted on jicmiiunger.) Nkii. ri; os Akvis is New York. VTTORNKV The States Of beaten in a great four mile race at Charles- Got. proni4 attention to LKal basines Meade county, that no mail has been re granite, two ranging towards the city, one Whereas, South Ci.iolina. Morgan, of N. Y.. replies to Gov. Brow n, in iiieConncol Louiille, ai.il the Court ol A l pea!. WHEELSH & WZZ80Z.S hundred itol'ar fill be fhi id to tite towards Sullivan's Isluud, and oue Georgia. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, ton, South Carolina, on Wednesday, by ;:tt Jec 2 Jtf towards of Georgia, as the anus seized by tun ceived for a week, although they are enti- - aud Louisiana, fi.j who hat itot titjoyed the entcrthtnt 4tl at rort Johnsou. ihere are also four C'oluui- have dissevered the politi- by Monarch. New York jadire were destined to be used SEWING MACHINES! tled to one every day. Where i. the mail biads, eijjht inches, bearing ou Fort Mor- cal lies which bound them to a eolnjraet . to lint offi- the umi'ii proriilfd At hat been therr. KECAMri-LVrivN- su'.verl Government which his BARXU3I. contractor and why don't he execute the ris, three of the same Calibre on Known as ilie Lulled Males of America. cial c.ith binds him to sustain, he couU THE Cri.EHttATtD cPANM.H Point, aud four that can be and through duly authorized delegates are Course, Wednesday. First mail service right Nf.w York Stork, No. 317 F01 k it Sr., brought Jockey uot so far as he had any control permit. ISTItOLOGIST, PRICES REDUCED. to bear on Mount Pleasant or Sullivan's now assembed in Cougrcss to provide race; four mile heals; Club; pur.c anus t. h ave ILIIRVOVAXTE, Kv. We shall the State whit h might bej Lol'isvn.l.E continue the Island, at choice. o reinforcements iu Measures for the welfare of those Mates. i l,0Pt. turned ag.ou.M its own citizens. lS?There was but one arrest yesterday sale of our goods at cost a few-- days longer. men have been received. und to establish an enduring government I. John Cuut'y i iitcUih. f. Albiue. PHYSICIAN, 4 bv Davis, hv whereby their rights may be Maintained. vrs. old, Jefl. darn import l JUtn-l- yi-- LB announce that of an individual who wreaked his Monday, February lStjl, we .' admir-il- "Wo l riotfullf to the cttiseni On 11th, shall Old bjilulort and. toullftt cd Monarch 1 1 If, hit 'f LouieUie. ti, at i,e ha just arrived iu the tniiilnthrofnt, And wherea. it is important that a Pro d vengeance on his landlady, by smashing w rt T. A T. W. Dos well eh ti. drum iiri.i.'wi)j City. at. can he consulted ou all matters pertam-l- otter our hole stock of hoop skirts at cost . to Mo-a- UnH it.nl r vhat ca visional Government shall be be- i. enter to Life, thlldrrn lormed Planet. yrs. old, by Revenue: (lain Nina. either Pat. Pre o. or Kutnre,Tractnt up household articles of a ; : '' tn- or the tenemeut ou und less thancoi-t- also, silks, tncriuoes. do. fore a permanent one can be constructed iinea Life from iufaney to old lie, particu-Inrinn- r The UuitctlSUfes Tretsury is at arh event iu recard t liuslneSN Love. High street. He WTecked a good deal of shawls, carpels, window shades, Therefore, MaT-aite- . Time, first l.cjf. Time, second beat, lo bb. None but the most uecessarv 'or)rtl.ip, Losjc-a- Law Matter, aud iu Virgiuia. lufAiird, the President appoint a rs- knes.-- of UcUtns as..l FrirUds at matter, and crushed most of the crockery embroideries, lace collars, hosiery, gloves, Preparation lhat mile.... I .U ayi;.fiit.s are met. A very large a instance. - re- number ifc.,ame Ihe- h committee of oue from each Stiilc to luiic- 1:.V "d mile Joe aiil LoW let vUlcirs a and cooking utensils before the watchmen find a According to Richmond (Va.) id ...1:4 of ri quisitions air Persons iul rpres(-nati- of tiieir. lace curtains, linens, damasks, full' port a plau for a Provisional Govci .'id mile . 3d mile ...I.V; the State armory, located in that city, i.iuciil the si eedcd States, to w Govern- arrived. u as soon as possible. 4lhtuile l.oii. .. ;u Bole hom the I'nlure Husbands and Wives. slock of housekeeping good, also, full in lull OTier.it ion. It turns out from 7.000 ment is indebted, arc uniformly Madame will Mr. Barry I to offer a substitute iutorine! l'h furnish medicine for all assortment of domestic goods. to s.Ooo musket and ride cartridges a dav. rise that payment will be by f r per ton, u.ale or female, chii- - The Mavokai.tt. Mr. Joseph A. Gillies 7:4i.H made drafts on and At 1 W ten-iuc- h lor the substitute ot the gentleman from firTi- - feb!2 dif S. BARKER V CO. the redegar orks two the iu New Orleans, Charles- No. SU !eve.;th aunouuccM that he is a candidute for May- Georgia (Mr. Bartow.) Sf.io.nd Race.'' Hutchison stake lor stee.t.twernUiuand Market, destined for Alabama, are nearly ton, Ki cajMsiile. LttLitVU.I.K. KV jy or at the Mayor's election. The present completed ; Mr. Perkins Before the substitute is three year olds, mile heats, t'.'-- entrance, dtf The Rksclt in Virginia. .The Nash and two tierce looking mor jsiO read, I move that the galleries be clrarcd. forfeit. Closed with twelve sub- Si 1. iPECai SKD X SPlRITt Har-- iucuuiheut, Mr. Crawford, will also be ville I'uiou has a dispatch which it indors- tars lor touth Carolina, will shortly be tlsAI. A CAKD. ready for the troops of that republic In in order that we may discuss the Various scribers: trv MeAlpin, a lawyer of Port Huron, urged for that place by his friends. It is es as reliable, stating 120 members Miehigau. TsiTkD 5t:kc Hotm. Octolsrr 100. that of tne casting ot one mortar and gun last plans proposed in Secret session. 1. Thomas Patyear names th. f. R.. eouiiiiuted stiicide, a few day A a The galleries accordingly Boiihe.tr, by imp. (tieucoe, .- To Ma. Hrcii ViLtrxs: fHHr WHEELER WILSON SEWINti MA-- probable there will be number of candi- the Virginia Couveutiou will Vote for se wcek23,0o0 pounds of metal were used. Were cleared. out of since, by shooting himself with a pistol- CHINE COMPANV. bavins- - 1 MIE AHPKT rained all their dates and a sweepstake race. Shell aud the Congress proceeded to to sit with i He had for some lime been a firm be-h- LINING put down forojbjroa suit at law with infrinrdnr manufacturer, propose cession before the 4ihol March, unless the aud cannon shot lay about promiscu Koudren A White b. c. js is thennlvthitirnf the kind that we have dosed doors. i. Uslilcs r in the iIim triuc-- of spiritualism, anit ever that the public shall be lenefitted t' ereby, and ously una lu ne;ips, aud a large number ol Fn-l- by Red Eve, dam bv imp. e aen that e would care to have put under oor s toety H Washington Peace Conference does not " in- have accord REbLCXU THE PKIO of Ihelr f The mails from the South have been men are engaged TH1HD DAV, FEB. t'lTH. ." had treqtieuily betrayed symptoms 0 in irucb are we pleased with it. that we would Sea Machines. in the uiauulact lire of i t be i wf agree upon an adjustment. A. gill A. sanity. err nr,ili;iie to have another carpet (old or Ilavinr for over Seven rears, the most detained for nearly a week past by the ob- these destructive messengers. Several Hon. Jackson Morton, Deputy for Flori- W.J. II a name iR. AlsMn'si ne i put down mad. . without it. The difference between popular Family Sewine Machine in tl,r country The Convention meets cannon, of large and small calibre, are in da, was th. r 'foin Puryear. by Hif.hlaudi.-r- out a room when- it is and where it i not, i so struction to Southern railroads employed appeared and sworu. aitd the and dow employinr I .tMMKKWt In their busi- process ol or complet- of Kltlv Put vear. bv imp. Aintlur'ur. . .. t harm, ttrtoi, nkiif to arrest the attention of the most unob- ness, and maklUK ON E HI MACII INKS manufacture, alrady The resolutions of North Carolina, touch- is NDKrll per by the service. Great damage was done to Imaaty mid 4. If. C. I 'alley names b. e. Joe Line, bv .. ( tht is. servant. It worth more than It coat in the in- day. ihey are prepared with audi extraordinary fa- yot cwyiidj ed, aud in another department the gun car- ing the appointment of Commissioners to . , soft 1 iinp. out of Little olisiies.-- creased ne and pleasantness it ves the carpet, llit'.e and experience to guarantee pur- most bv riages and we think y, to the of these roads the lute tremen jrt0itijirj.j tSalli Hohiian will jjtraonijij are getting ready, under the hands Ihe Southern Congress, were read, and the by isbarnroek I 1 do not overrate its economy chase entire satisfaction. All our Machine air competent Mi i.i) eh Committed. Last Monday In statirr ti.at it add one half to the carpet's wear. made equally well, and are dous freshets. them. of workmen. Commissioners, D. L. Swain. M. W. Ran- If ,4 will lk. ntrrht, Jacob Cloninger shot dowc Audre t; oiirrecotiiricndation it add to som, and John L. Bridger. invited to seals Firsl heat 1::.1 r"ur sslos. we cheerfully ri re it. feelinc w do your WARRANTED THREE TEARS! " tided" jteoile yo to the J. Davis with a rifle, in the upper part of a much we Wuwld yon enjoy ti laugh! fro SuoFLiFiiXti. Mary Fowler, a profes. jfThe tit during the open sessions. So olid heat 1:j0:4 erealer kindness than do von, The iu price gd tliis county. Cloniuger was very deliber- rft'rf II ALL A H A HKI.". difference beln merely a difference n Jiolitian. Mr. Meinminger I um instructed by the Mulsh. and ec thr llulmdm. sioual shoplifter, was arrested last night Skcond Day, Feb. it. Three mile heats; ate, calling Davis while II AltriNti TOV? CAkPKT I.INIXd HKPtrT Committee appointed pre- out, the mother ol t7 inl-V- i, on yesterday to Jockey Purse 750: t on ';t-- betw-e- 2 1. SOS Machines sold lor stealing a coat, some jewelry, Club the former t A ctt side f h street Main and beinr double the Ac., Marvei.ovsCase of Matermt V . Dou pare a plan lor a Provisional Government, held a pine torch for him 'ae:ct. o5dtIj HI 4, II UlLklNg. sales r( any other company In the I nion. Aaard Crawford, a brother of 1. T. A T. W. Dow ell h. FJxcbcqiuT. shoot. Cloninger has escape. cd the First Premium In the from Mr. Lester, on Market street, between ble Parturition in a Fortnight. The San ask leave to hold their sittings during made his our friend Lyter lo 4 years old. by Reveuue, darn Niua. by Kuovii:e(Tenn.) Whig. Huffman, died recently at Fraucisco Herald says that a lady in that 1 1 8. FAIRS OF IsSs, ls59 AND 1A. Fourth and Fifth. Policeman Seay made the sessions of this body, until they shall be Boston t Sttu Antonio, . He was one of a par- city became the mother to a line, healthy prepared to aud I move this leave J. O P. Hare's c. b. Uysterruan, 4 years, Aad at the Kentucky State Fair for lsoii, as the best the arrest. reiort; St The Montreal Gazrll-'- . five female child, on the day after Christinas. be granted. br Revenue, dam by Boston 2 S AlItAVt it. 1S61. ty of invalids of this city who, last - 'Jd, I NIO FAMILY l'ouilrcu, William Jt C'w.'s b. f. I.eis- of tlie says: "This morning Messrs.. "A1 PRINTS: FrWIXtJ MACHINE! Mr. aud both mother and child did well and Mr. Withers I desire to ask the geutle-ma- u 3. 1") I" CA-I- jj TACONV PHI NTS: summer, attended Baden Springs, Indiana, late speech of Yancev. of by Red Eye, dam by imp. II a r-- Baring Brothers and Messrs. Givn It uses no shuttle, makes the lock t Itch progressed iu health and strength. But whether he can give any us unt. Co. do M'KAOIEH PH INT?; alike on Alabama, he said that he addressed his conjecture i;rave- - 4 3 instituted actions for Jt 400,000 against, i both side of the roods, leaving no chain or lor their health. All of them are dead. two weeks afterward the same lady was each I KNt.l.lSH P.LAt K POINTS; rbhte to the period of time necessary lor that 4. t ley's eh. f. Cooper, 4 on the under tide of the train; and uses but half at w Ji.hu aut Julia the Grand Trunk Railway Company in tie i 'io CANTON PLANM Lj for the last time, certainly for again the mother of a child, a tine boy, ho Committee to make up its report 7 oiiveii-ii- Jn-- t received anil for sa:e cheap. uiurh thread a the chain stitch Machines. sale en- tears, by Jeu. D:ivl. dam by t Superior Court here." ""Send or of steel French plate is also nourishing, as well as the Uoutile-taxe- d Mr. ." 4 We call fur a Circular, containini prices inauy years to come, and that he retired to Memininger The Committee were 4' Invlt the attention of the trade testimonials. Ac. gravings and oil paintings, advertised by mother. This circumstance, although 3. T. Bacon's l.r. h. BUI Deariug. 6 to our si... k. wt.ich a ill be fnll and well private lite with the intention never again engaged on that rejort the greater prt of ti. huxij fad, but the ill ipt of uxtrcme rarity, being probably sec- 1 rears, by imp. Albiuo, dam Anu t base. irjri,t,M and at areat bargain for rash 1VM. SOI NEK & CO., A(.fuU, Mr. Spencer, takes place this morning at the lasl night, and all of this moruing. think, it l. e tJoi..t.u iei.'l not. or to protni t buyerslinllon short time. to leave it. ond case of tlie kind in will be iv imp. Leviathan i i KO. 1 M his auction rooms. Hunting iu all probability, they ready to .V Hi jat.1T T. A k. H.KTIX A CAIN. tKIMC TEMPLE, "Herring's the United States, is one which is know n Time ITS: 3: V Mum Pato- - make their report litem VR.lM t'liil Xfe fcblOatweowtf LOL'ISTILLE, KT. r?ceiic" are included in the lot to be sold. "Treason !" The people of i R vc'E. South Carolina slake for nrT f.lur.l to medical men as having occurred before. Adjourned to 11 o'clock Thursday. Secon A. l.anioureux, a lawyer in New York ka township, - city. "WIG Artists aud amateurs should Crawford county, Indiana,, and is accounted for upon clearly-ascer- l wo year olds: K FACTORY, attend. rOI'RTH DAY, FEB. 7TH. Who Was liolelillv ...s:inlt...l ...l K. ltarkb-- f. Ella, Lex I have indorsed the"treasouable" resolution lauieu I'lnsit ai grounds. 1. J. B. br Liltle by ii "injured husband" about trn tlays ag led Ornamental Hair Work, The President, laid before the body a ington, out of St. .'lary. iiv 1 1 f:3yThe lecture of Bishop Spalding for of their fellow-citUcu- s of Perry, that, if a tiamiel died from tlie effect of his injuries OF ALL KIMMi. What Alabama will Resist. Gover- communication from the Governor of the J. A. J. Minor' eh. r. by Lexiutrtuo, oat est the benefit of the Catholic Church, in Now division of the Union is 1 nursuav. fpilF nnderslr-.e- is sellin hi bet Wis.. Praid. made, the line nor Moore, of Alabama, writes lo the Vir- Stale of Alabama, teudrring the loan of ol I upper, by Let ipse 3 1 I Curls and every of Fancy llalr Wcrk, Albany, on Monday night, was largely at-- t must be run north of them. for placing the seecding States iu Time l:.Vi; l:i!,'. l)lcii are warianied if superior ginia Commissioner lhat his State seized Alleoed Wira Mlkder. Wm. U'mi p eoual not to any ended. The receipts exceeded $200. A a better condition of defense against any made Fast. West, or eJ.bT,i, and at the vojt l.Hile. hr.r - a native of Maryland, was arrested ne wr a est kiyThe Directors of the Floyd County her forts and arsenals, not from'hostility to attaek that may he made upon them by the JT" Julia iJtiyt Mme Ul char- prire. number of persons of this city were pre-feii-t. f v.nr.siiaiu, renitsyivama, ou V ci en the same, purchasers may E. euneadar. l':re troin Clark's ol ae Revolring Looper Agricultural Association, at New Albany, the General protect Frtleral Government the tinted States. Uitnl 4 Double Government, but lo tfiarged with the l Stltn 2i I'KU IM.. they will nit aet Congress then went into secret Session. murder of his wife, y into tl,e m rona b a. I have reason to waru the Threaded Family are endeavoring to secure the attendance herself. He concludes thus : poi-o- iu leceiPber last, iu Perry county. ubl c is n in bus- the New Orltunn .Hint j that there but MCUoLAf tiiis jow U4ii the Uv'.iikih TiWp? the. FIFTH DA t, ttrt Mil. Seitne of iiu.--i ivauia. iness in Lotiisvilie. the identica1 one who in 1H3 I lff'llai'e of noted trotters Ethan Allen, Flora Whilst I feel authorized to assure you and 1 utotn House. ri es'anl.shed the jlr bnsincas 00 Fourth street, a- - d SB Temple, and George M. Patcheu to that Alabama w ill do nothing intended to Mr. Hill made the following report. who ci,n s!.-.- found at his post. No. SSI, WIS. MACHINE. tiYt'sterday, being a beautiful day, irot produce a The Committee to whom was referred The New Orleans Delta of the Clh inat. MaJ. ClljE. This gentleman, who 'M KTII Main collision of arms between the l"l'!N"."iHil rTKKF.T. heteen arid ngaiust time. As- : s-- .Market. Call you IVKKTBODT and his wH prooonnoe It the best found McGlll'8 Gallery crowded with anx- Federal Government and herself, I am the Communication from the General Says ov in of the troop at Pens and see tiiat are "all rlcht'at They will Mitch and Ueiu. Tuck tU-- deter- sembly of the State of Alabama, enclosing iui.1, say s the Tallahassee Floridiuu, of tUa N. MCJIOLAh'S, and Fell, t.atl.er aud Eiiibiolder, with perfection, ious customers, who seemed to appreciate yoit u ilh tht "Wuc. '' A fk-t- i equally certain that il is her firm T In: iniitln lion of leerecv of the proceed No. (old ) a copy appropriate -- d i'lsl., has, through prostration hj tf SSI. Ko. Fourth street and are particularly adapted for family use the llolinam is the mination to resist, at all and every h.tz.od, ol an act to lo ings of Ihe Stale Convention, now silling of They will sew all the true merits of their work. Undoubt- t hciptal rtnudg. L lih, kinds of roods, from the finest to fr any attempt at coercion. the cause of Southern independence, have in this cilv, having ber 11 removed, we may asked lo ie relieved. the coarset. lietler than any other machine exUt.t lloolc l!ooniH may edly, the best pictures in town are made had the same under consideration, and beg state as I ha I 3IMliolit and be used with eicellent lucces in all kn d' Comm ri ED. Henson Mcintosh, the free Legislature. This body d facts, the Stale ol Louisiana NO. 223 THIRD STREET. of I1ht leather work. Any person of ordinary it Met. ill's, corner of Fifth and .Vain. Florida have to report the resolutions following, has taken possession of the Mint and Cus- i,""The students of tieorgetown CoV e an negro who It is charged can in hour learu to ue them successful aided two slaves journs on the 15lh. A bill providing fir and recommend that they be adopted by tom House in this city, under ord nance lei;e, D. C.,are leaving fist, ou account ! Law and Mnsiraf Rooks at Tost! ly. These machiues are warranle.t, and any person K. purchasing thriu can of S. Richardson to abscond, had an ex- currying Tho free the Congress. of the Conveiiliou, anil that the Federal th. Southern Nearly all tha JTORY ON BAILMENT": return them aud ret their r?The members of those congregation the mails has passed. uioney. If after a niouth't trial they do not prove amination Jttaulrtd, That this Congress accept the iu charge- - Iileilicat studcllU have lelt the College i'A Kevased Matute of Retilockr; satisfactory. interested iu the coming Passover, are re- yesterday. Judge Johnston or- negro expulsion bill was indefinitely post- officers of these establishuieuis liberal olfcr of the General Assembly of have Con- Nashville, Teun., for the same reasons. brT i At abiiny: Tl folio inr are amonr the advantage they pot dered him committed to answer In default signified lo the President of the Ialtons Physioiory: sesa over all ot her machine: ferred to the advertisement iu another poned. the State of Alabama to place at the dis- vention their recognition of the authority i ros rystem of urrery; 1st. They are simple, of t'.M baiL ."SX),UO0 B. Graham has been ti .tronr and durable, easily column of Mr. J. A. Jessel, corner Second at- posal of this body the sum of as a of the Slate, and w ill henceforward per- Peira's Siateira Medica: understood and managed, and not liable to out '"Burglars made an unsuccessful Al.iti.una, W. V. i.od s Practice of Me.1i. ll)e; ret ; loan lo the Government of the Confedera- their duties in ed Treasurer of J. Green, of order. aud Jefferson streets. Jr(.'i i"ith her Jiofter hat phr,,d tempt of Clagctt A form subordination to thai Wood'. Tlieri'pculics and Pharuiacopla; d. They use cotton from the ordinary spool, with- to break into the store cy now beiug formed. authority. Comptroller, ami Joel Kiggs, Adjutant Whirl, I ill sell at cost f. r ca-- out aavinir lime, Ihelitie otiet uftftt UoliiKln family. 'at;IT reaiudinr. trouble and waste. IV have Afotart Hall Sproule, New Albauy, ou Monday night. "ViVstwW, That this Congress jdace the It is p'ropcr to add, the State, in Genera'. . If. RKHFORI). Sd. The st itch i stronKer aud more alilfirult to rip frtatentlg that tm highest appreciation upon this generous, ta king possession cf these offices, is rT-JL- , FINE CARRIAOEO.Just received". thaii any other made by machinery, and is superior fitlrd rittifs Kiimi httiubiig tiforniance; !! womeu had a irill not fxttroni-- e the theater, pledged LiatK vi.i v. Mersrs. Watts and Yancey, to the best hand doub- fight yesterday iu JJfJuiy patriotic and considerate a. tiou of K one elerant.close panneled. latest style. sewth. The two threads are the State laithluily to account for all the property Ucleuttles Ala'. re- Tr" " le looped inito each other, and firmly tied and knot- sor if a tribute to merit New Albany about but to the. llohitan-l- . tj the auia Convention, Coach, trimmed with crimson cotelalne, pig jroer their truant husbauds. etryliody goet ol Alabama, aud realize iu il the zealous which it has seized, iu a geueril settlement thi- - special is ted at every stitch, 1 he principal of this stitch is ft lumed lo State as a donation, ttie of which at'ention directed at Ladies, husbands who play devotion of the people of that State to the w ith United was I. F. STONE A CO.'fi. Main street, the same at tne celebrated tirover Baker s, with is Ash Wednesday, the first the truant are M. Botcheld, w ho had been drink- the States. An inventory amount received for their services duriig the evceptinn that the obiectional cord on the no t$?"This 13TU. cause of Southern independence. every custody iat'" ne eouare above the alt Hons. hardly worth fighting about. was drow ued in a pond taken of thing in the of these me 01 v. is entirely dispensed with, and leaves a per- day of Lent. will be St. Valen- ing for two days, Messrs. Fearn aud Lewis, deputies from sLiiiug iuc ouyeuiiou. fectly sm.Mith. even ville, Ind., last week. officers, by a committee of the Convention, sironr. and seam. you l,i-- of water, near Brook Alabama, aud Mr. GRASS SEEDS. 4i h. They sew Cotteu, Linen and (Ilk Thread tine's day. tWIto hr,)u,y? Tht IM,n' water was not knee deep, but he was Clayton, deputy from composed" of gentlemen of ihe highest Thb Suave Tkade ix Alabama. Bei' r eeuauy wen. The Mississippi, w ho were reach- 11(111 BfSnEIJt BLlEfJUASS SEri; tinging itfauHlett. extricate himself. detained from reputation foriutegritT and honor. The ihe adjournment of ihe Alabama Convet-tiO'- i, ' bushew tirehard Grass red; th. They FINISH their work. There Is no occa- annual Fair at Eminence, Ky., too drunk to ing Montgomery at au earlier day, appeared 7 tJ k.'i Red at., sion to fasten the threads at either end of Federal property has never been in safer Mr. Yancey made a strong n led do lop do: the team will Frank Ryan, this morniug aud placed .M1 do Timothv do dot as is required br ail Shuttle stitch Machine commence ou the fourth Tuesday of IW aged thirteen years, "During thehigh wind which prevailed their uaines ou hands than it is now. The law s of the slave tnde speech. .V" do R.H lover do; Mb. Every machine Is made to run by hand or September. disid In Cincinnati ou Sunday, spans of the roll of the Cougrcss. United States regulating these office wiU H crop pfr rale by foot power, thus combining the advantatet cf both from alleged on Thursday afternoon, six the arranted snethoda. Mr. Meinminger, at half past 11 o'clock, be laithluily executed, aud no interruption Yon hiuy ttke your Wv ditte;h PIT KIN MilARO A CO. cruel whipping inflicted iu one of the Ger-ma- Northern Central Railroad bridge over the JaT atl la!)N ll Ma'u strtei. Liui.villa, Kl Several thousand respectable families In different JifTwo large, fine Kentucky farms for Susquehanna, at Dauphin, Pennsylvania, moved that Congress go iuto secret session of commerce will occur from the change Ui l lo Sic t.'u y .'.Mls. placet in the East. West and aoutb pronounce this schools. Adopted. hav- ANT HI I he In World were blow u down. which ha. been made in the anthoriiy H'tUP krTS- - best Machine the for ns which sale. See Bredeu's advertisement iu to Luircnt Rivest-an- and X. l"0 ilusen pajnU-- Buckets; Is quite to Insure tin ing control over theiu. aumdeut exaininatiod of our "Mar iifjanyled three l.ic-ut- Tl do Not. I aa 2 ps'tifc-- TuSt; day's jxiper. lTThe Jnin r" H'Untanx ritited by (hi elite t, has. Mori is, of the navy, ' i Machine. &'J'he art oj suspected spy was arrested on ..S fe do; A U Inquiry, Aci itu-- be 1. do letters of with an extra postage stamp for ttg by tht HJ,ha,u Tuesday iu Charleston. The circumstan- ltd K'tt at tht UAirl,$ Lie Ct rby and Boggs, ot t'o4 In tore and tor sal" br will Insure reply snd a circular. gr Wouldyou the city. ri It rsi-n- . T drirtdull art'eij? VitU ces army, b..vr JACK A i. Kuril IK, No. Si" Main street, llMAf .Kl W..l. of the case were such that it wus teeurrd id IV. it t'fgy's ritout titrd fJ,; between Tidrd and Fourth. tVArects wanted In every oounty in the Fdate. tht U'Amani, Bland's advertisement. Money deemed adv isable lo ship him by the North- M wnom very liberal iiisrount. will lie irlven. D.M'Cliutock, charge. l A. Co. 's Batik, of Cmtorf, O H:l Apples tSTJa. a priuter from diamonds", t, eastern Railroad. I Illt Iried Address . II. WILLIAMS. Box Laid. loaned ou Ac. Ofliceou Ne York, h as I) and i'eache al ail J. citi-te- Cincinnati, Was tail. J. The bill hol.br tin.es. at market f.rice. Louisville. Ky. Jed Nailor, a distinguished accidentally drowned l , JOH.N M A tf"Cu. between Third and Fourth. jyjPThe Scheldt has beeu frozen over at ai d depositor-- secured. ri. ILVAI Htn. srRoomtN'o. U Fourth ttrevt, betaeen lIri of Mississippi, Inst Vlcksburg, 7"Aoc icAo to the llpl.uam lu air W Main street. and Market ml. dAweowly died week. Mississippi, ou Monday of Jail vt Antwerp for the lirst time in forty years. w I ' AK In store and for sale tr last week. JifJ. H. Dyson, a notorious desperado, Ihe Ut eiiUrlainment of tht toton. r, BI fell to the depth of five step-so- STAKD. 'JTAT0K8 AND APPLES- -1 amrecelvli.gdajly J?"6uow inches was tally in hi red by his it. Jen J3T Passports are about to be abolished H i.ej S.'r'rt, four iior ""--' Ko. iVKttlW ain stieet. Ur. W. C. , Two '' JL. iieci, i4;ii,cs, inn iui i"i' i"w In Aberdeen, Vi6s.. last week. 5T Daniel, of lit Kalb coun-t)- kins, in Panola county, Miss., ou the 2jIU IW men, Sexton and Daniels, tired iu Switzerland. I AVA CorFt.r.--.'bha- i,d S3 pocket Old J.it GEO. R, PATTON. Ga., has been upon an old man named Terry, 'in the The small pox hits t reated cousi er - UalraN!vrl for .air by (old o. 4 Wall street, appointed Commissioner ult. Jy 't Itr n.alib'st and ho. W Court House at Dover, I enn., kliling Xr&'LiUle .Ntiiis ifiJtnai, 11 .!" .'n'f d i,i tbir l.yuchbarg,VA.,here thi r UAiiTi.1. bli tea Main acd u. riTcr to Kentucky, to ' tiui alaini iu llLktt t (t reprtteut lhat RtpuUi, . f !i til,)ni , ,'. t Jt i jy fi'dru:, tht H.ltuilv. lti',e n.',.Vr .i.i .!. ..A-'- U.;ve bv, u twelve iatS and hrv deaths.