LOUISVILLE COURIER - Report..-.- rxvressiy to, t)ie T.SQlTll!e Courier. HtlXTFD AND PlBLI?nr.D BT THE roLici: roiRT. RIF.K PKIVTIftU LOl l ILLE COl 1." UEORGE W. ruder an Ah of Inrorpnratton traita fry tit JOiiNST0N.Ji Dc.it. keutuckf I ,epi stature. Y" Tt MOKMVI. I . LOmSVIJmE- COURIER, IM.II BAEL Iti.l h I PT. Henry Stamper', who U C.reeu orncB,t r".MO r tTlUn ' dcCult Strwt, next Cstoai Bu( wo., brought iu VOLUME 32 the. worklioii-- e lrom LOriSVILLK. KKNTUCKT. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY U, 1861. and give b:ul TKKM OF Hut'. ttKw VU lJ'r,,tHt "Olred l BMTRIPTie. ,1 tJl TVa'tv Courier W r "ecu full ;er ffM Lr S I 'v ('..nrier f..r Hi piMtiilrjr i W The Tub Collken Baw n Mk. (Fur Ihe Louisville he i utyl ""'I' h le,.lv t ..urier fur snr rrii'A less than SEEDSCROP 1S(,0. iter Courier.) The Southern Connies. - COUKIER. KEMlikV LEGISMTIKL'. v.:n. .vk- ter month. HrfUEl CLEAN BU'KUKAS; DAJLY Collins foii For. Ntcut I.onofk I.asi Obituary or Judge Wood. The Montgomery (Alabama) pat.cts, of iu Its. lor one mould, t'.ivr Duly t'ouref. alien deliver 4 L carriers linn bushels extra .111. Jenkins .tMllf j.ism.1 d: Sioht bi (Ink o CoI.I.EtN Bawn. At a meeting of the Bar io orcttard tirasa; l aO t J .K : t tub Member of the theoth iust , contain the Hist day's pi (I.', porrej. racially for tlicl.i.uist!!lc( i:r'er.j . waaJiso!.., bar rd on yesr ; no ami T..p; IS VIM il. drinking VeeUi tourer, do Keil The Colleen and the officers of the fm.Mufh tangle whi--kv. year lust do Titnoth.; Bawn drew a very good house several Courts, held of the Southern Convention which whi.h made l..t Tor.ii'.n - WKDNKsiUiV MditMMJ i. him rath.r noisy. - " HUH do Clover- FEB. 13. last night. It l.e at the Court House In Tues- FfiASKFORr, Feb. ll,i-;- 111 will repeated to night, Louisville, ou assembled at lhat place on the 4lh. Noth- Ten - lj Wurtanted crop jn, and for t e at the lowest SKNATF. tLI.No - L.-T1I- au w price. Uberal discount to the trade and once more t, alter day, tin P.'Ui iuxtani, Hon. P. B. Muir was ing of interest Was doue that ban Lot beeii Sllt . Wvt- a-- Wn. John,ol.,alr.. z No faiier rver sent aides. .eil fur bi advance, J. D. HOMl RANT. 14t?For Ilie IMiet Telegraph Dis- Mr. Bunks A ym. Croiuby, - Which it Will porilixly be withdtawu. To called to the Chair, and Will ll.llervcy already reported by telegraph. Six JoilNStiN bill for ihe whose t:,,- w.u tai.t II IHTKwFUR AIir.KTIIM.. Seed and Artcururl Warehouse. patches Hiter aud SteHiuboat News, of the benelil of the Bank torn ye.urttay, w.is 0cr No. 3s Maiu near ihOKu w T of Louisville and tb t.:ica UJ, and and F.tmd. Rent, street, Siatu, north side. Jtlallera, ho have lint yet seen llils Secretary. ho Chair announced seceding Mutes were fol- ca-- r iday. I jr Want. Lnt Ilnardinc. for Janll ilinx latp t'uminercittl Afsre I'ourt superb represented a Other banks of Kentucky. Piis-v- d the JU w as is. l clmryed. fiftv .er m. di.ca required to ana rent half Pitse. drama we to Ihe meeting II. 1V, N. lK-ii- u qu.re of line or lesa, for Insertion, and would Say, neglect lint the op- the death of Hon. C. lows: nays, .ive.,,,1 answer at the tie firt 011,1. Circuit live cent A message was i t in deiauU r w U Uc for each additional vue,iluuut S. 13. Departure ot portunities that remain, as once withdrawn Wood, Associate Juile of the Colli' t of Ap- Alabama R. W. Walker, R. 11 Smilh received In.in Ihe t.i.e-- rt alteration. 31'GILL, Train. riior uoiiiiuuling sundry geuth-invii- No- ed lo jad. square (Milne arate or less, one In- there is no possibility of its peals ; whereupon, ou motion, the follow- J. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton, S. F. Llale, lifoiie Loi New CaiCAUO being reproduc- A I Nt..K...-nt-I- ,s,. sert ...ri WboleAaleand Retail lealer iu and ivili.k. Ai.bnv and t 'oliu J. Mi Kca, John Gill Shorter, lhivui taries Public. Noiniii.il in continued. uii.viso Meintosb. square tl 10:15 A. M.: 10:15 1. M. ed. The bill lor to night eoiiMsts of Ihe ing gcntlcuicu were appointed a Commit- message Was alias I each a.i.titior.ai insert h Import-- r of P. Lewis, bud Thomas Fearn. A received lrom the Holier remoni.U. m. 01110 relative lo the 5.nci'm souart one ninntn. without til lakh n S t) Jeffkksonvillk am Indianapolis 6 Colleen Bawn, the very clever tee to report resolutions expressive of the announcing the concurrence Abolit.ontaiid.iL.iefor months W farce of the Florida James B. Oweus, J. Paiion An- of that bodv President in IV; 1(1 A. M.; F. M.; 9:'M P. M. ill but sin a Cue f(.iarcl'r month ... flu CKJ AKS, TOBACCO, SXUFF, Spiulfield Weaver, a dance by Miss Jen- feelings ol the meeting iu relation to this derson (Jackson Morton was not present, the report of the Joint Committee oil member of the Underground Ify(.:i square fin month 3i l) Lot;i8viLi.K and N 7:45 A. M,; Loiilrrencr, in relation to the l. uiiood Company.) whosie ashville nie High t, and the inimitable luourutui event, : .Ihiiics Speed, but subsequently took his seat.) bank bill. arrest wasnien-.ioi- i. ti"(iie square teelve month 3u oil 7:00 1'. !.. Lcbauon Brnuch 7:15 A. M.: nong of the J. F. Mr. GROVER A li in iU(; sn.mr weekly. Seric-- Georgia II. Toombs, 11. Cobb, F. S. Finance bill lor tne tourier some time since, wait SaT(nc cbaiurrahle a rxrxB, fito, 2:1-- . P.M. Widow Machree by Mr. Collins. Bullitt, Hon. Henry Pirlle, G. A. Caldwell, I., R. M. presented rwk, Sou. B irtow, Martin J. Crawford, E. A. Xist.ctt uetit of Moore, of Louisville lo the court oil thechar-- e ot lel-0- square ohnnresHle weekly, ojontha, Ko. So; Groen street, Wtaven Th'rd and Tourth, IxUISVILLE,1'kANKF0RT AND LEXINGTON N. Wolfe, W. Passed. v. hav Dig , tl""('tie all :; We learn that a new drama ir in eouiae aud If. Bruce. B. H. Hill, A. R. Wri-bt.- T. K. j. oi.ie to the State in violation ft rce tiiontiis. Atcoui-luodutio- Cobb, .Omritr B'tiril'njs.) 0:OU A. M.; "':10 P. M. Lngrauge ii Mr. ol law. arre-re- Mottoes, of preparation The Woman in The Coiuiuittee, after having retired, re- A. II. Ecu. and Alex. It. Stephens. JOHNSON bank made a repoil Alter ne was d ou (he above I"" trlitorinJ intended to draw attention t.AKGE . f bent of CI 3:.Vl P. M. White ar- in, q p: ivate enterprise or im- i asor.tnent the brands De-- in relation lo the tondiiiou of Kentucky tharge. he Was recognized :w tUK liiwmn, to inrenttou. Y AK) AMI lOiiACCO kept convta'.tly on ranged lrom the highly ported the following resolutions, which Louisiana John Perkins, jr., A. ( ., ner provement, and articles for sale, aill be charged at Arrival of Trains. successful novel buuks, uuder a resolution of tlie di- wh iu Ixrfi, a.,oi,ei B,ave line. aaoo. febUdttittp louel, V. M. Conrad, D. F. Kennt r. and Senate lurrc of the wtf if twent ffrnli a of the same name by Willkie were unanimously ado, dod: recting to K.ehardso,,, OJ ,uis Kocietv. Charitable, and Political Loci ill:. Xkw Albany and Chicago Collins. We (icn. Edward Sparrow. them correspond with theln. ei,y, t0 tJ,,.:l,,e turongh. Nonce, inserted fir is the tirtt. and 2V lor each tl.tlJ A. M.; ):U0 P. M. are glad to learn that it is to be played That the members of this bar, Mississippi AV. P. Harris, Waller Ordered to be printed. the Aoouuon cktnnel, w hich durin" COAL! Brook, -t lu, uisrtier.t and will uot le putaUatird - COAL! JF.KFEK.S11XTIL1.K solemnly impressed by the dispensation ol Resolutions of thanks to Ihe officers the pa- ten vers, advuru'e. 1 tl ATE sal, at all times, by the bars" and at and Indianapolis fr.Xi here, as we believe ours isi the only theater N. L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. B..rrv, aud robbed Kentucky of so rt( f.rii -- fr A. M.; .X) Divine Providence iu removing, by reporters of the Sei;ite many lhous mile I MirrnMrr. and Notii-e- for each 1b- - a nan. ann at Uie lowest market price, best qurl-l- t P. M.; P. M. death, J. T. Harrison, aud J. A. P. Compbi-ll- for the manner in of dollars of her citizens' ieatli iic in the country where it lius pro- w r .PITTSBrRieCOAL. Also. BKACU B0T1OM Loi lk 11:45 P. M.; not been the Hon. Henry C. Wood, one of the Judg- K. hich they had discharged their respective property. The testimony mucu rates, imvillkaN'O South Carolina B. Hhett, sr., R. W. showed that at fr. and rrneecdlnmi of political ward ivil at lower 11:45 A.
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