Difficulties in the molecular diagnosis of rodent infections Scott Poynter, Julian D. Phipps, Angel Naranjo-Pino, Jose M. Sanchez-Morgado

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Scott Poynter, Julian D. Phipps, Angel Naranjo-Pino, Jose M. Sanchez-Morgado. Difficulties in the molecular diagnosis of helicobacter rodent infections. Veterinary Microbiology, Elsevier, 2009, 134 (3-4), pp.272. ￿10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.08.009￿. ￿hal-00532462￿

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Title: Difficulties in the molecular diagnosis of helicobacter rodent infections

Authors: Scott Poynter, Julian D. Phipps, Angel Naranjo-Pino, Jose M. Sanchez-Morgado

PII: S0378-1135(08)00332-5 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.08.009 Reference: VETMIC 4118

To appear in: VETMIC

Received date: 1-4-2008 Revised date: 31-7-2008 Accepted date: 14-8-2008

Please cite this article as: Poynter, S., Phipps, J.D., Naranjo-Pino, A., Sanchez- Morgado, J.M., Difficulties in the molecular diagnosis of helicobacter rodent infections., Veterinary Microbiology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.08.009

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1 Difficulties in the molecular diagnosis of helicobacter rodent infections.


3 Scott Poynter 1, Julian D. Phipps 1, Angel Naranjo-Pino 2 and Jose M. Sanchez-

4 Morgado *3


6 1Laboratory Animal Science, GlaxoSmithkline, The Frythe, Welwyn, Herts,

7 AL6 9AR, UK.

8 2Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, C/ Darwin 3, Campus de Cantoblanco,

9 28049 Madrid (Spain)

10 3MRC-National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill,

11 London, NW7 1AA, UK.

12 *Corresponding author. Fundación Centro Nacional de Investigaciones

13 Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), C/ Melchor Fernández Almagro 3, 28029

14 Madrid, Spain. Fax: + 34 914531265. E-mail: [email protected]





19 Accepted Manuscript


Page 1 of 31 20 Abstract


22 Molecular diagnostic methods using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are

23 the gold standard in Helicobacter diagnostics. Most rely on the amplification

24 of parts of the 16S rRNA gene sequence. Therefore, the validity and accuracy

25 of results depends heavily on the PCR design at the time of its publication

26 even though new sequences are constantly published. Here we report

27 inconsistency amongst different commercial laboratories in identifying

28 infection in commercially bred mice supposedly free of

29 this infection. Furthermore, 3 out of 6 different commercial laboratories

30 performing helicobacter testing on the same spiked faecal samples failed to

31 detect and identify H.hepaticus . We designed a simple generic PCR assay

32 that amplifies a 261 bp amplicon spanning two of the seven variable regions

33 in the 16S rRNA of helicobacter. Using this assay together with an

34 established generic assay designed by Bohr (Bohr et al., 2002) and then

35 cloning and sequencing their products, we detected the H.hepaticus used in

36 the study that three commercial laboratories failed to detect. We also think we

37 can detect all the currently known species of helicobacter and hopefully the

38 new ones as well. And we have been able to identify different species of

39 helicobacter and their relative proportions infecting a single animal. This 40 informationAccepted has also shown that some helicobacters Manuscript may have a much 41 broader host range than originally reported.



44 Keywords: Helicobacter , rodents, PCR.


Page 2 of 31 45 1. Introduction

46 Since the identification of Helicobacter hepaticus in mice, many different PCR

47 assays have been developed for the detection and identification of

48 Helicobacter in rodents. This is due to the difficulty in growing the in

49 culture. Most Helicobacter diagnostic PCRs target the 16S ribosomal RNA

50 gene (Battles et al., 1995; Beckwith et al., 1997; Fermer et al., 2002; Ge et

51 al., 2001; Grehan et al., 2002; Mahler et al., 1998; Nilsson et al., 2004; Riley

52 et al., 1996; Shames et al., 1995). A current search of sequences for the 16S

53 ribosomal RNA gene of Helicobacter spp in NCBI produces at least 513

54 different sequences (Table 1). This is a growing database, which constantly

55 incorporates new sequences to the genus. Therefore, the validity and

56 accuracy of results depends heavily on the PCR design and the time of its

57 publication. Nowadays the genus contains 31 formally named species

58 (http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/h/helicobacter.html).14 are currently known to

59 infect rodents, and 9 of them have been found in mice (Fox and Whary, 2007)

60 In 2001, H. hepaticus -free mice received straight from commercial vendors

61 tested positive in our laboratory for this organism by two different PCR assays

62 (Mahler et al., 1998; Shames et al., 1995), culture and electron microscopy.

63 This prompted an investigation into the cause of this discrepancy in health

64 status. 65 Here, weAccepted report further inconsistencies between Manuscript different commercial 66 laboratories in identifying H. hepaticus on the same spiked faecal samples in

67 2007. We also highlight the deficiencies of two published assays (Mahler et

68 al., 1998; Shames et al., 1995) used in our laboratory in 2001 by cloning and

69 sequencing their products. We have also designed a simple generic PCR


Page 3 of 31 70 assay that amplifies a 261 bp amplicon, which was validated with and proved

71 as effective as an already published 800 bp assay also used for generic

72 helicobacter testing (Bohr et al., 2002).

73 Finally, by cloning and sequencing the products from several different PCR

74 assays we have been able to identify the species of helicobacter and their

75 relative proportions infecting a single animal and to show that some species

76 of helicobacter have a much broader host range than originally reported. The

77 new 261bp assay also detected a naturally occurring infection by a single

78 helicobacter strain in a mouse facility that some currently used assays failed

79 to detect.

Accepted Manuscript


Page 4 of 31 80 2. Materials and Methods.

81 2.1. H. hepaticus strain MIT 96-1809 controls.

82 H. hepaticus strain MIT 96-1809 was grown on trypticase soy broth

83 supplemented with 10% foetal calf serum at 37 oC. Genomic DNA from H.

84 hepaticus strain MIT 96-1809 was extracted using the DNeasy Tissue Kit

85 (QIAGEN, West Sussex, UK) and quantified by quantitative PCR. Dilutions of

86 10 7, 10 5 and 100 genomic DNA copies were prepared. Three triplicates of

87 each dilution plus a negative sample were pippeted into eppendorfs to which

88 a faecal pellet from Helicobacter negative animals was added. In 2007 ten

89 samples were sent frozen at -20 oC from Centro Nacional de Biotecnología

90 (CNB) in Madrid to each of six different commercial laboratories, two of them

91 located in the US and four of them in Europe, plus to MRC-NIMR for PCR

92 helicobacter detection. Diagnostic laboratories were named A, B, C, D, E and

93 F.

94 2.2. Bacteria.

95 The following NCTC/ATCC bacteria strains have been used in this study:

96 H. hepaticus (ATCC 51448), H. muridarum (NCTC 12714), H. cinaedi (NCTC

97 11611), H. fennelliae (NCTC 11612), H. canis (NCTC 12220) H. pylori

98 (NCTC 11637), H. nemestrinae (NCTC 12491), H. acinonychis (NCTC

99 12686), H. mustelae (NCTC12031), H. bilis (ATCC 51630), H. rodentium 100 (NCTC 700285Accepted ), Staphylococcus aureus (NCTCManuscript 10017), 101 (NCTC10002), (NCTCC 10460), Streptobacillus

102 moniliformis (NCTC 10651), Salmonella typhimurium (NCTC 12416) ,

103 Salmonella enteritidis (NCTC 12694) Pasteurella pneumotropica (ATCC

104 35149), (NCTC 10983), Campylobacter coli (NCTC


Page 5 of 31 105 11350), Campylobacter fetus (NCTC 10384) (NCTC 10512),

106 (NCTC 10024) (NCTC 10352). A laboratory

107 isolate identified by biochemical characteristics and DNA sequencing was

108 also used: muris (EF597221) .

109 All the bacteria except the helicobacter species were grown on Horse Blood

o 110 agar (Oxoid Limited, Hampshire, UK) at 37 C in an atmosphere of 5% CO 2.

111 The helicobacter strains were cultured on H. pylori selective medium (Oxoid

112 Limited, Hampshire, UK) in a MACS VA Variable Atmosphere Workstation

113 (Don Whitley Scientific Limited, West Yorkshire, UK) with 88% Nitrogen, 2%

114 Oxygen, 5% Hydrogen and 5% Carbon dioxide at 37°C. H. ganmani was

115 cultured anaerobically in a MACS VA Variable Atmosphere Workstation (Don

116 Whitley Scientific Limited, West Yorkshire, UK) with a 10% Carbon dioxide,

117 10% hydrogen and 80% nitrogen gas mixture.

118 2.3. DNA extraction.

119 DNA was extracted from bacteria using the Qiagen QIAamp Kit and from

120 faecal samples using the Qiagen Stool Kit (QIAGEN, West Sussex, UK)

121 according to the manufacturer's instructions. The DNA was dissolved in 200

122 µl of elution buffer (AE buffer, QIAGEN, West Sussex, UK) and stored at –

123 70 0C. PCR products for cloning and sequencing were cleaned using the

124 QIAquick kit (QIAGEN, West Sussex, UK) according to the manufacturer's 125 instructions.Accepted Manuscript 126 2.4. PCR assay.

127 Table 2 shows the various primers used in this study. PCRs were carried out

128 as follows: 50 ng of template was added to a PCR mix containing 2 mM

129 dNTPs, 10 pmol of each primer, and 2.5 units of HotStart Taq DNA


Page 6 of 31 130 polymerase (QIAGEN, West Sussex, UK) in PCR buffer containing 15 mM

131 MgCl 2. PCR for the Helicobacter spp assay and the H. hepaticus assay

132 followed conditions defined previously (Mahler et al. 1998; Shames et al.

133 1995). PCR conditions for the 800 bp (Bohr et al. 2002) consisted of an initial

134 denaturation step of 940C for 5 minutes followed by 35 cycles of 94 0C for 15

135 seconds, 65 0C for 45 seconds and 72 0C for 90 seconds, and a final extension

136 step at 72 0C for 10 minutes. A new PCR assay (261bp assay) was developed

137 that amplified a 261 nucleotide fragment (Table 2) (Poynter, 2004; Sanchez-

138 Morgado, 2004; Sanchez-Morgado and Poynter, 2003). Conditions for the

139 261 bp assay were identical to the 800bp assay except for an annealing

140 temperature of 50 0C. PCR was performed using the Robocycler Gradient 96

141 (Stratagene, London, UK). Amplified DNA was resolved by use of gel

142 electrophoresis in ethidium bromide prestained 1.5% agarose gels.

143 2.5. Quantitative PCR

144 Primers and probes were designed using the application Beacon Designer

145 (PREMIER Biosoft International, Palo Alto, USA) based on the sequence

146 H..hepaticus strain MIT 96-1809. Using Beacon Designer, the sense primer

147 (5-GGCAGCAGTAGGGAATATTG-3), antisense primer (5-

148 TCTAACAAAAGGAGTTTACAATCC-3) and antisense LNA probe 5-

149 cctTcaTccTccAcgc-3, LNA nucleotides in uppercase) were blast against 150 GeneBankAccepted sequences and shown to have crossManuscript homology with this strain of 151 H..hepaticus . We then optimised the maximum analytical sensitivity of the

152 assay using different concentrations of primers and probes. The standard

153 curve to calculate the copy number was done using pGEM-T cloning

154 vector containing the 5’ end, nucleotides 78 to 469, of the 16S ribosomal RNA


Page 7 of 31 155 gene from H. hepaticus strain MIT 96-1809 (pGEM-T-Hh16S (78-469)). The

156 reaction was carried out as follows: increasing concentrations of template

157 were added to a qPCR mix containing 12.5 ml of the A βgene Mix (Fisher

158 Scientific UK, Loughborough, UK), 600 nM of the forward primer, 800 nM of

159 the reverse primer and 250 nM of the dual labelled FAM-TAMRA probe.

160 Reaction conditions consisted of an initial denaturation step of 94 oC for 15

161 minutes followed by 40 cycles of 94 0C for 15 seconds and 60 0C for 60

162 seconds. QPCR was performed using the Mx3000P system (Stratagene,

163 London, UK). The lowest copy number we could detect was between 10 and

164 100 copies for the plasmid.

165 2.6. DNA cloning.

166 PCR products were cloned using pGEM-T Vector (Promega, Southampton,

167 UK), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, PCR products were

168 ligated using T4 DNA ligase (Promega, Southampton, UK) and the ligation

169 transformed by heat shock at 42 oC for 45 seconds into JM109 Escherichia

170 coli competent cells (Promega, Southampton, UK). Cells were incubated in 1

171 ml of SOC medium (2.0% tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 10 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM

172 KCl, 10 mM MgCl 2, 20 mM MgSO 4 and 20 mM glucose) and plated on Luria

173 Bertani (LB) medium (1.0% tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract and 171 m M NaCl)

174 plates containing ampicillin (100 µg/ml), IPTG (0.5 mM) and Xgal (80 µg/ml).

175 Positive Acceptedclones from each PCR product were Manuscript sent for sequencing.

176 2.7. DNA sequencing and sequence analysis.

177 Sequencing was carried out using the Big Dye Version 1.0 Sequence

178 Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, C.A., U.S.A.). Samples were


Page 8 of 31 179 sequenced by use of an ABI Prism 3700 Capillary Sequencer (Applied

180 Biosystems, Foster City, C.A., U.S.A.)

181 Primers from all the PCR assays used in this study were used for sequencing.

182 Sequences were edited and analysed using EditSeq, Megalign and SeqMan

183 of Lasergene programs (DNAStar, Konstanz, Germany). Sequences were

184 identified using BLAST from the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology

185 Information ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/ )). 16S sequences were

186 analysed also using the ribosomal database project (Cole et al., 2005; Cole et

187 al., 2003).

Accepted Manuscript


Page 9 of 31 188 3. Results.

189 3.1. Commercial laboratory analysis of Helicobacter hepaticus strain MIT 96-

190 1809 controls.

191 Ten faecal pellets spiked with different amounts of H. hepaticus genomic DNA

192 were sent to 6 different commercial laboratories to test the reproducibility of

193 their helicobacter diagnostic assays. We asked for a positive or negative

194 result for Helicobacter spp . Only one of the positive samples, the higher copy

195 number, was consistently identified by three laboratories. Three of the

196 commercial laboratories were not able to identify any of the positive samples.

197 (Table 3). Samples were also analysed in our laboratory at MRC-NIMR

198 (control in table 3). After analysing the DNA extracted we found the two

199 highest copy triplicates to have lost one logarithmic unit.

200 3.2. Published H. hepaticus and H. species PCR tests.

201 We used two assays to detect the presence of helicobacter in the mice

202 received from commercial breeders in 2001. We followed Mahler’s method

203 (Mahler et al., 1998) to detect and differentiate H. muridarum , " H. rappini ," H.

204 hepaticus , and H. bilis , and Shame’s PCR (Shames et al., 1995) to detect H.

205 hepaticus . These assays detected H. hepaticus in mice from commercial

206 vendors supposedly H. hepaticus free. PCR products from these two assays

207 were cloned and then sequenced to discover exactly what they were 208 detecting.Accepted Initial focus was on the H. hepaticus Manuscript species assay due to concern 209 about H. hepaticus pathogenicity in mice. We found that out of 158 positive

210 samples only 42% of them corresponded to H. hepaticus sequences. 25% of

211 the samples gave poor sequencing results, or amplified DNA not present in

212 the GeneBank database (Table 4). The other 33% of sequences were


Page 10 of 31 213 identified as H. rappini , H. typhlonius , and Helicobacter spp . It is possible that

214 H.hepaticus could have been present in sequences identified as H. spp due

215 to too short a sequence for speciation. It is true to say then that 7% of

216 sequences were definitely not H.hepaticus but those identified as H.

217 typhlonius and H.rappini .

218 We also sequenced a small number of the generic assay products focusing

219 mostly on the 390 bp band, as this band is for H. bilis detection, and found

220 that 57% of the 390 bp bands amplified corresponded to H.bilis , 28% to H.

221 apodemus and 14% to H. ganmani . H. trogontum was detected in all the 210

222 bp band samples sequenced (Table 4).This band can also be generated by

223 the presence of H.hepaticus and H.muridarum.

224 3.3. Design and set up of a new 261 bp Helicobacter assay.

225 Since we were having problems with the reliability of current in-house

226 Helicobacter assays, we decided to look at the possibility of designing an

227 assay that would detect all the current and even potentially new Helicobacter

228 species. The 16S ribosomal RNA gene from the 14 different Helicobacter

229 species infecting rodents were aligned and variable regions along the

230 sequence were identified. The total length of the variable regions is about 314

231 nucleotides. We also observed in some sequences an insertion of up to 290

232 nucleotides at the 5’ end of the gene. We established that Helicobacter has 8 233 conservedAccepted and 7 variable regions plus an insertionManuscript on the 16S ribosomal RNA 234 gene (Fig 1). We designed primers that span the variable regions 3 and 4

235 (Table 2 and Fig 1). We validated our new primers together with a published

236 method (Bohr et al., 2002) that will amplify variable region 2 (Figure 1) against


Page 11 of 31 237 different helicobacter and non-helicobacter genomic DNA. The 261 bp assay

238 and the 800 bp assay amplified only helicobacter sequences (Fig 2).

239 We took one randomly chosen sample from each of 4 physically separated

240 known helicobacter positive animal facilities. 261 bp PCR products were

241 obtained and cloned. Plasmid DNA was purified then sequenced and blasted.

242 We managed to identify a single helicobacter infection and three multiple

243 helicobacter infections using the described new primers spanning variable

244 regions 3 and 4 (Table 5).

245 To improve the identification of the sequences obtained we decided to include

246 the 800 bp assay in parallel because of its larger product size. We ran both

247 assays on 32 samples from a different H.hepaticus positive colony. From 120

248 clones, a unique sequence corresponding to H. hepaticus strain MIT 96-1809

249 was identified and subsequently used for the spiked faecal samples study.

Accepted Manuscript


Page 12 of 31 250 4. Discussion

251 H.hepaticus free mice from commercial vendors tested positive for this

252 organism by PCR (Mahler et al., 1998; Shames et al., 1995), culture and

253 electron microscopy in 2001. We are not the first to report such a discrepancy

254 in the helicobacter status of commercially bred mice (Bohr et al., 2006). In

255 2007 we decided to send quantified spiked samples to different commercial

256 laboratories in order to check the consistency current helicobacter testing.

257 The amount of helicobacter excreted in infected animal’s faeces isn’t known

258 so we decided to send three different concentrations representing 10 7, 10 5

259 and 100 copies of the genome. When we analysed the same samples we saw

260 a loss in copy number of one logarithmic unit, which may be due to the DNA

261 extraction method used in our laboratory .Results showed an inconsistency

262 amongst different commercial laboratories performing helicobacter PCR tests

263 on the same samples. This suggests that the helicobacter status of many

264 rodent colonies may depend not on the presence of the bacteria but on the

265 laboratory performing the tests. Our findings support previous reports by Dew

266 (Dew et al., 1997) and Karkas (Karkas et al., 2000).

267 We also found that published PCR diagnostic methods for helicobacter can

268 fail to detect and identify this infection in rodents. We have proved by

269 sequencing, that the H. hepaticus assay (Shames et al., 1995) amplifies other 270 species ofAccepted this genus. The assay detected ManuscriptH.hepaticus, H.rappini and H. 271 typhlonius as well as other helicobacters (Table 4). A possible reason for

272 these high numbers of false-positive results was found when the primers were

273 compared with known sequences for some different helicobacters. The

274 reverse H.hepaticus PCR primer was able to anneal with sequences from H.


Page 13 of 31 275 aurati , H. rappini , H. trogontum , H. typhlonius , and H. hepaticus (Figure 3).

276 This primer then is non specific and could account for the different species

277 found when sequencing the PCR product from this assay.

278 The helicobacter generic assay was designed to detect H.muridarum,

279 H.hepaticus, H.bilis and “H. rappini “ (Mahler et al., 1998). We have found

280 additional helicobacters to those mentioned in the original paper as would be

281 expected (Table 4) .Some of these are relatively new and their significance

282 and host range is not established yet so this is all useful information.

283 H.trogontum was originally reported in rats ( Mendes E.N et al., 1996) and

284 H.apodemus in striped field mice (Jeon et al 2001).

285 Mahler’s PCR reverse primer hybridised with nucleotides 440-459 for H. bilis

286 U18766, and with nucleotides 261-280 for H. bilis AF047847. Different

287 positions of sequences complementary for this primer found even in the same

288 species ( H. bilis ), could account for the different sequences found when the

289 390bp band from this assay was sequenced. This helps explain why the

290 helicobacters could not always be speciated from the assay result alone.

291 The generic assay does not always give a 210bp band when H.hepaticus is

292 known to be present in the same sample after the PCR product was

293 sequenced from the H.hepaticus assay. Unless the two assays were run in

294 parallel one could wrongly assume H.hepaticus to be absent in these 295 samples.Accepted This may suggest some strains ofManuscript H. hepaticus have changed in the 296 region targeted by the generic primers or that there could be a new

297 helicobacter species present in the animal.

298 The deficiencies found in these primers may also explain the reported

299 discrepancies found between different laboratories when testing the same


Page 14 of 31 300 samples. Different laboratories are using different primers with their own

301 inherent strengths or weaknesses and this, coupled with the fact that

302 individual animals may intermittently shed helicobacter and harbour more

303 than one species makes complete correlation highly unlikely. We have shown

304 that with some assays it is necessary to sequence amplified DNA before it

305 can be relied on to speciate an organism. In addition to all this, new

306 helicobacters in rodents are being reported often enough to make old assays

307 invalid by drastically reducing the number of positions in the 16S rRNA gene

308 specific for any particular species. An example of this is H. typhlonius cross

309 reacting with in house H.hepaticus primers as shown in the results (Table 5).

310 H.typhlonius was first reported in 1999 (Franklin et al., 1999) and the details

311 of the H.hepaticus assay were first published in 1995 (Shames et al., 1995).

312 Other helicobacter assay primers may frequently amplify other unwanted

313 helicobacter sequences or, even worse, other closely related bacteria. In

314 some cases they may miss sequences they were supposed to detect.

315 To improve testing, we designed a simple generic PCR assay that generates

316 a 261 bp amplicon and amplifies variable regions 3 and 4 of the 16S rRNA

317 gene of all the current and even potentially new helicobacter species. This

318 PCR was used together with a published generic PCR (Bohr et al., 2002) that

319 spans variable region 2. By cloning and sequencing the products from these 320 two differentAccepted PCR assays we have been ableManuscript to identify different species of 321 helicobacter and their relative proportions infecting a single animal, to identify

322 species of helicobacter with a broader host range than originally reported, and

323 to identify a naturally occurring infection by a single Helicobacter strain in a

324 mouse facility. The cloned 261 bp product gave us more information after


Page 15 of 31 325 sequencing on how many different helicobacter species are present in one

326 animal (Table 5). H. cinaedi has previously been reported in Hamsters,

327 Rhesus monkeys, rats, dogs ,foxes, and people (Fox et al., 2001) but not to

328 our knowledge in mice. This is another example of how such an approach can

329 shed light on the host range of different helicobacters.

330 The larger 800 bp fragment gave us more information after sequencing for

331 the purpose of speciation. However a smaller PCR product is advantageous

332 when trying to amplify DNA extracted from formalin fixed tissue. This is

333 because the DNA from such samples tends to degrade into shorter lengths as

334 has been shown previously (Greer et al., 1995). The 261 bp PCR assay could

335 be used in formalin fixed tissues although we have not tried this yet.

336 Clearly, there are issues with the diagnosis of helicobacter in mice which

337 could lead to the introduction of positive animals into negative colonies with

338 animal welfare and research implications. The level of excretion in faeces of

339 helicobacter infected animals should be quantified in the future so we can

340 evaluate a diagnostic test against a limit of detection. We can discard

341 reliability issues related to the presence of unknown inhibitors in the extracted

342 nucleic acids as the DNA spike samples and the known positive faecal pellets

343 we sent were also analysed in our laboratory following the same shipment

344 protocol. As the focus of this study is not to analyse sample processing 345 amongstAccepted the different diagnostic laboratories Manuscript we cannot evaluate why they 346 failed to identify the H. hepaticus positive samples sent.

347 The continuous detection of new helicobacters may make the 16 srRNA

348 gene a poor target for species assays. The likely horizontal transfer of 16S

349 rRNA gene fragments and the creation of mosaic molecules with the


Page 16 of 31 350 consequent loss of phylogenetic information will add to this problem (Dewhirst

351 et al., 2005; Ueda et al., 1999; Wang and Zhang, 2000). Dewhurst claims that

352 the 23S rRNA gene would render a much more robust phylogenetic analysis

353 in accordance with phenotypic DNA-DNA hybridisation analysis. We think that

354 diagnostic methods based on the 16S rRNA gene should be supported by

355 sequencing and possibly 23SrRNA gene analysis until such time that enough

356 sequences are known to make it a realistic target.

357 There is therefore a need to clearly identify and define the pathogenic

358 Helicobacter species in rodents. The use of a reliable generic helicobacter

359 PCR and subsequent cloning and sequencing, is one way forward to a better

360 understanding of helicobacter infection in rodents.

Accepted Manuscript


Page 17 of 31 361 Acknowledgements


363 We would like to thank Dr. Kathleen Mathers for her critical reading of the

364 manuscript. We would also like to acknowledge MRC-National Institute for

365 Medical Research, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología and GlaxoSmithKline

366 for their financial support to carry out this work.


Accepted Manuscript


Page 18 of 31 368 References


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Accepted Manuscript


Page 22 of 31 455 Figures


457 Figure 1. Schematic representation of the constant and variable regions found

458 along the Helicobacter 16S rRNA gene. The number intervals represent the

459 length of the variable regions. IVS, intervening sequence; C, constant; V,

460 variable.


462 Figure 2. A. Bohr 800bp PCR validation. B. New 261bp PCR validation.

463 Lanes 1 to 25, they follow the same order as the bacteria listed in section 2.2.

464 Lane 26, negative control. Lane 27, 100 bp nucleotide molecular weight

465 marker. Image contrast has been enhanced by using `Adobe Photoshop

466 software.


468 Fig. 3. Alignment of the reverse primer from Shames (Shames et al., 1995)

469 and the 16S rRNA gene from the different Helicobacter found to infect

470 rodents. Alignment was done using Megalign and SeqMan of Lasergene

471 programs (DNAStar, Konstanz, Germany). Adjacent to the species name and

472 in brackets is the Gene Bank accession number. On the right, the last

473 nucleotide position is annotated.

474 Accepted Manuscript


Page 23 of 31 Table 1

TABLE 1. Number of 16S sequences per Helicobacter species. (NCBI)

Species 16S Species 16S Species 16S Species 16S H. pylori 134 H. pullorum 15 H. pametensis 1 H. rodentium 3 H. acinonychis 1 H. canadensis 17 H. cholecystus 2 H. ganmani 8 H. cetorum 4 H. muricola 1 H. mesocricetorum 2 H. muridarum 4 H. felis 17 H. marmotae 1 H. mustelae 5 H. typhlonius 1 H. bizzozeronii 4 H. fennelliae 3 H. trogontum 2 H. bilis 20 H. salomonis 3 H. canis 12 Uncultured Helicobacter 116 H. cinaedi 14 H. aurati 1 H. suncus 2 H. winghamensis 7 H. hepaticus 9 H. sp. 117

Accepted Manuscript

Page 24 of 31 Table 2

TABLE 2. Oligonucleotide primers used for Helicobacter PCR testing and sequencing.

Name Sequence (5' to 3') Reference Year Gene Positiona Species Orientation Forward TAGCTTGCTAGAAGTGGATT Mahler et al. 1998 16S 72-91 H. spp Forward rRNA Reverse ACCCTCTCAGGCCGGATACC Mahler et al. 1998 16S 262-281 H. spp Reverse rRNA B38 GCATTTGAAACTGTTACTCTG Shames et al. 1995 16S 585-605 H. hepaticus Forward rRNA B39 GGGGAGCTTGAAAACAG Shames et al. 1995 16S 985-1001 H. hepaticus Reverse rRNA C97-20 GGCTATGACGGGTATCCGGC Bohr et al. 2002 16S 252-271 H. spp Forward rRNA H3A-20 GCCGTGCAGCACCTGTTTTC Bohr et al. 2002 16S 994-1013 H. spp Reverse rRNA New F TACCTAGGCTTGACATTGAT Poynter et al. 2004 16S 912-931 H. spp Forward rRNA New R CCATTGTAGCACGTGTGTA Poynter et al. 2004 16S 1155-1173 H. spp Reverse Accepted ManuscriptrRNA

a Numbering is based upon starting nucleotide of the 16S rRNA gene of Helicobacter hepaticus ATCC 51449 (NCBI accession number NC_004917).

Page 25 of 31 Table 3

TABLE 3. Results from the Helicobacter PCR tests carried out at different commercial laboratories. (2007)

Ref Control Lab A Lab B Lab C Lab D Lab E Lab F

7 10 copies 1/07 + + - - + - +

2/07 + + - - + - + 3/07 + + - - +/- - + 5 10 copies 4/07 + ------

5/07 + - - - - - +

6/07 + ------2 10 copies 7/07 ------+

8/07 ------

9/07 ------

Negative 10/07 ------

* Samples sent at environmental temperature as requested by the commercial laboratory.

Accepted Manuscript

Page 26 of 31 Table 4

Table 4. Helicobacter hepaticus (Shames et al 1995) and Helicobacter spp assay (Mahler et al 1998)sequencing results.

Assay Species detected # of sequences

Helicobacter hepaticus

Helicobacter hepaticus 67/158

Helicobacter spp. 41/158

Helicobacter rappini 5/158

Helicobacter typhlonius 6/158

Non significant data 39/158

Helicobacter spp

Helicobacter apodemus 2/7 (390bp)*

Helicobacter ganmani 1/7 (390bp)*

Helicobacter bilis 4/7 (390bp)*

Helicobacter trogontum 3/3 (210bp)* Accepted Manuscript *PCR band size

Page 27 of 31 Table 5

TABLE 5. Sequencing results from the new 261 bp diagnostic assay.

Mouse Organism Sequences 1 H. ganmani 12 2 H. ganmani 30 H. hepaticus 3 H. apodemus 1 3 H. hepaticus 3 H. apodemus 1 4 H. typhlonius 20 H. cinaedi 1 H. bilis 1

Accepted Manuscript

Page 28 of 31 Figure 1

1495-1545 985-1010 1255-1288

120-200 825-910 1070-1100 1383-1394 290 nt

C1 V1 C2 V2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 V7 C8

IVS V3 V4 V5 V6 Accepted Manuscript

Page 29 of 31 Figure 2

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Page 30 of 31 Figure 3

Shames et al. reverse G G G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 17

Helicobacter apodemus (AY009130) G - G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 999

Helicobacter aurati (AF297868) G G G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 1000

Helicobacter bilis (AF047847) C C A G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 984

Helicobacter cholecystus (U46129) C C A G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 991

Helicobacter ganmani (AF000224) C T A G A A C T T G A A A A C A G 981

Helicobacter hepaticus (AF302103) G G G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 979

Helicobacter mesocricetorum (AF072334) C T A G A A C T T G A A A A C A G 986

Helicobacter muridarum (AF010140) G T G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 983

Helicobacter rappini (AY034817) G G G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 985

Helicobacter rodentium (U96297) C T A G A A C T T G A A A A C A G 985

Helicobacter suncus (AB006148) C T A G A C C T T G A A A A C A G 1006

Helicobacter trogontum (U65103) G G G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 985 Helicobacter typhloniusAccepted (AF061104) G GManuscriptG G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 1134 Helicobacter muricola (AF264783) A G G G A G C T T G A A A A C A G 1276

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