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The list of responses to Female Mimics International

would do any publisher/editor very proud! It should CONTENTS please all of us to know how much goodwill and fulfill- ment this wonderful publication brings to all, especially to those exceptional people who are unable to get our LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 3 magazine on a regular basis and really enjoy the issues they can get! NOT JUST ANOTHER PRETTY FACE 8 Presently we are very busy trying to make F.M.I. easier to obtain, so for those who are interested in our special subscription offer, write me for more information. CHANCE OF GENDER (continued) .... 11 We hope those of you who are involved in the compli- cated world of “transgendered” people stay in touch PRISCILLA JUST BEGINNING 18 with us and help us help the rest, who have no under- standing of what they are feeling! And also have an opportunity to make friends and lovers with unique SULKA'S WEDDING 22 people who share your own fantasies and interests!

As you know, it is very difficult to answer everyone’s THE EXOTIC SIDE OF intimate questions on a regular letter basis, wo we try HEATHER FONTAINE 30 our best to answer the most frequently asked questions with our “Letters to the Editor” section. So continue to write us, and send those snapshots to show F.M.I. and PERSONAL ADS 34 fellow readers your progress and ideas, because we do care! "HOW'S YOUR HAIR?" by Linda Lee .46 Happy dressing,

FEMALE MIMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 11 No. 7 is published bi-monthly by Eros Publishing Company, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware. Copyright © 1981 by Eros Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved on entire contents. Nothing may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for

unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, photos and artwork must be accompanied by return postage. All photos in this publication were posed by professional models, except as

otherwise noted. Neither said photos, nor words used to describe them, are meant to depict the actual conduct or personality of the models. All models are 18 years of age or older. No

data on models will be released. Any similarity between real persons and characters depicted in fiction or semi-fiction herein is purely coincidental. Exclusive distribution by MAGCORP, The Magazine Corporation of America. Printed in the U.S.A. -Hs.ttz’ii to til£, £cLito X


Dear Kim: something was missing again. I When I would visit the peep

had to have that feminine touch. show I would fantasize that I

I am the type of person who So my girl agreed to go to bed was with a TV, and sometimes I

has searched all my life to find with a gay couple and it was would get an erection and I

myself. I’ve tried marriage and it good. It was perfect. knew then what I wanted out of

didn’t work and after two years, I I had my fantasy come true. I life. I wanted to meet, fall in have chosen you to tell my story had a man I could make love to love, and marry a TV. One that

to. I was raised in a strict and a woman to caress, but wants to stay a TV. I have a lot to

Catholic environment. I came there was something missing. I offer the right person who is from a large family; eleven wanted them to be the same per- totally feminine and wants to brothers and three sisters. I’ve son. I’ve seen TVs before and remain that way forever, be-

always been a happy-go-lucky read about them and now I think cause when 1 meet this person I

type of guy. I never cared that I have found myself. won’t have to look for myself much about school. After school anymore.

I went through the army with no I have a good job and am

problem and went to work for a buying my own house. I am a large firm working on an assem- nice-looking man, 5’ 11”, 180

bly line. The only thing I had on lbs. with a masculine build. I am

my mind was getting ahead. 35 years old but am told I don’t

After seven years I became a su- look it. I would like to meet any pervisor. person between 25 and 35 who

In the meantime, I was mar- wants to remain feminine for the

ried to a fine, beautiful woman. rest of their life. I picked up your At first our sex life was fantastic mag and decided you’re the one

and then, for some reason, I that hopefully can help me. You became impotent and have been may give my address to anyone

ever since, which I know was the you chose. You look like a per-

cause for my divorce. I started son that really has her shit toge- dating this girl that understood ther. If you know of anybody that my problem and got me into oral would be interested in me, sex which I enjoyed very much, please contact me. Please Kim,

because before, all I could do help me.

was masturbate. I thought I was

in love with this girl because of I love you for what you’re doing,

the beautiful sex life I was Larry having, but something was

missing. So one day I decided to Dear Larry, go to a peep show where I knew the gays hung out. It was dark We are always delighted to

and I never saw the men’s faces hear when someone knows what when we made love to each they want and enjoy. I am posi- other. It was fantastic, even tive you will find your dream- better than my girlfriend, but girl. Maybe you should try an ad

3 S in our Personal Ad section with to the situation; to dress each Dear Jay, your picture. other and from there we’ll feel / think you misunderstood — if close and learn another step in you would like to place an ad Sincerely, sexual fantasy with no guilt. It with us, please see our ad form Kim feels good to be a free person. on page 42. I think you will be Anyway, we discussed new happy with the contacts you will things about a guy who couldn’t make. Dear Kim understand she was a woman who was one-on-one, but still Keep smiling, I am writing as I am confused flirts and keeps in touch. Well, I Kim on my position as a male and/or related to her my recent I in female. enjoy dressing sexy dressing and how I started out. , mostly in black as I We enjoyed each other as we Dear Kim: think it is sexier in black. I enjoy talked, then dressed, then lay playing and feeling myself and together. I’ve enjoyed reading FEMALE can be mentally as a woman in A male friend has recently MIMICS recently, and I really thoughts also joined us and I tried my first and emotions and enjoy the ‘Letters to the Editor.’ male sexual encounter. Usually as myself in dressing in women’s And as you probably guessed, I suck and lick his body. Al- lingerie and being the normal I’ve been a closet TV for many though being dressed in linger- 30-year-old male I am. years. I really enjoy dressing and ie, I feel as another person and I was high with a friend’s would love to share my interests more open and sexy in my move- girlfriend and we hit it off and with others who share our spe- ments. At this point, he knows opened up deep feelings and cial desires. how deep feeling I am about my My name is Kathy Bee, and secrets to each other and under- favorite and only recently sexual when Kathy’s “in charge” I find stood. Eventually we had little release. myself loving every moment; the stories we wanted to act out. Well, here’s looking forward great feel of silky , a 38-C She dressed me as 1 lay naked to another encounter. (with padding), panty- on the bed and she moved me or hose, and other things just told me to sit, stand or pose in a Anonymous “make it” for me. My goal is to she thought was sexy, Chicago position meet a woman or a TV who can and would tease me with her help me in making a good rela- little comments. She confessed Dear Kim: tionship. I am a heterosexual TV to trying to dress a guy in high and to be totally honest, gays school but backed out, mostly My name is Jay and I wrote to don’t turn me on. of because embarrassment. She your wonderful organization As I am reading issue Vol. 11, recently met up with a girl she back in November of 1980 ask- No. 5, I find an excellent TV had graduated with and always ing for a list of who is available. I magazine which is great while had thought of her. Anyway, she saw your ad in Female Mimics featuring some of the world’s was married but felt comforta- International, No. 3, saying send most beautiful pro TVs and she touched and ble as was S.A.S.E. to your organization’s some good photos of semi-pros, hugged, and we all opened up to address, and in return you will and your coverage of closet TVs talking on cross-dressing. We send me a list of who’s availa gives me hope. no time and never had a had ble. Thanks for a great feature on chance to excite her. She was Personally, I am looking for Sugar Nicole — it’s great to know shy and weak and never really one of your TVs to really get even a large-framed person can thought about doing something something serious. They’re look so good — there’s even hope like this before. fantastic. I love team work, and for my rather large figure.

My girlfriend was frustrated, I hope they do also. I found Robyn to be a great but even more, I felt how she Please forward all valuable example of a pre-op (breast) TV

wanted to experience it alone information to me at the above and I wish I could only meet her. with another woman. address. Hope to hear from you What a great way to help a closet

I feel unsure about how we’ll soon. Thanks! TV. relate in future affairs. Will her The outtakes of the great girlfriend be jealous? Hopefully Sincerely yours. transsexual Sulka show what she’ll be involved and contribute Jay can happen with a lot of work.

5 love and sacrifice — a great work to be somehwat stilted in giving might suppose. It said to me, of art in womanhood. I can’t this a go. “I’ve come to terms. I’m willing

wait to see the movie. I recently purchased, read, to share beauty. I’ve found Excellent coverage on the and re-read your Fall, 1980 issue happy in my doing! So for those Miss International Cotillion at and found it to be both delight- previous pictures and for this

Myron’s in L.A. All the contest- ful and sensitive. I am, as you issue, thank you. I shall keenly ants were superb and very good would rightfully assume, a anticipate following the account photography. But at last here transvestite (damn labels, I am a of “Mary Louise and Georgia.” was a great story following the me) and have been so (to my You’ve charted a difficult task Cotillion feature which follows: most-times joy and sometimes w with . . . “to enter a world which Maid to Please” was just great. dismay) for all of my remem- is full of love and compassion, This is a story that has been my bered fifty years. I was a parish secret wish and fantasy almost clergyman, a military and prison despite its diverse nature.” And it! That’s neat! ever since I started cross- and a campus chaplain, and am you’re making dressing. A very well-written presently the family counselor story that I’ve enjoyed reading in a state mental hospital. I am a My love and appreciation, many times over. recovering alcoholic and an in- Michelle

I was somewhat disappointed creasingly open transvestite. Af- with the ad of T.E.A.C.H. ter years of bumbling along with Institute. While they talked to all manner of high-sounding me on the phone for about ten denials about the precious minutes tonight, they asked for chunk of me that revels in and is a membership fee of $50.00. with femininity, it is frightening- Not the $5.00 as per their ad. ly wondrous to discover the re- All in all, a great mag and wards of candidness. The writ- needless to say you’re the ing of this letter is an example of greatest. I’ve seen photo spreads such. on you and you are a total Two things within this issue of a fantastic woman — trans- the magazine prompted my writ- formation which I can only ing. First, is the account of the dream of. life of the transvestite and his Please feel free to use any of wife (my wife and I, in differing this letter in FEMALE MIMICS ways, gained from that). Sec- and/or similar publications. ond, was the frequency of smiles With all my best wishes and upon the faces of models. In love, other times of near desperately

Kathy Bee seeking to find my okayness, I have, of course, read publica- tions such as FEMALE MIMICS. “ Dearest Kim: Thank you Kathy Bee.” Your Oftentimes, the words were honest, open letter should serve helpful, the pictures were I have just seen your mag- as an example of friendship and beautiful and not a little envy- azine, FEMALE MIMMICS, Vol. warmth. Best of luck to you. causing. But the pictures 5, No. 3, and can’t find words to seemed so carefully posed to be describe my feelings. I can only Kim Christy blatantly erotic, so near plastic. say I’d like to have them all, is It seemed to me then, as it yet that possible? does, that the celebration of Dear Kim: one’s dual being is better cast in In Denmark as Greenland is a inner joy than in thrust aloof- part of, it’s impossible to get a Since I am sure you receive a ness. magazine like this, so I hope it’s good letters possible to get them from you. many of this genre, I have seen pictures of you. I it may be best for me to begin have looked upon and shared I am a man, age 35, very tall with something of an apology for your smile. Because I have said, and masculine, and a transvest- this intrusion upon your time. I “That’s what I’m after!” You and ite since childhood, but always not am normally given to writing your smile have been of more behind closed doors. I haven’t fan letters and find myself now encouragement to me than you found anybody to share my

6 wishes with and I’ve been ago. She has always been totally my other (i.e. female) side is the searching a lot. supportive, from shopping and key. Just as the major hurdle in My own wish is to be a perfect sewing for her secret girlfriend, learning a foreign language is woman, but still with male sex, to trying to fulfill my sexual learning to think in that lan- as my erotic function is male to fantasies. Furthermore, on guage, so too is the separating female — but as girlfriends. Halloween and at costume sex from the dresses and lin- But even that ... to look like gerie the key to truly enjoying parties, I have always gone “in- problems. life as a TV. a woman — makes drag” (in new outfits supposedly I the real Where do go to buy borrowed from my wife’s co- For me, FMI has served as a things? To make the transforma- workers), and everyone com- primer in learning to do just tion as perfect as possible. I also that. No longer is the goal of ments that I look exactly like a need a lot of advice. I’ve been most attractive woman (gay par- dressing up merely sexual serching for something like a ty-goers are usually the most release; spending time as the training school, even a corres- impressed with my appearance). woman long locked away in the pondence course, starting with inner recesses of my mind is Thus, I have no trouble do- my body, cleaning the skin, hair, mestically and am fairly now becoming more important. etc. And then up to full dress attractive as well (although I feel FMI has helped me relax. wigs, etc., with and makeup, certainly not in your league or special advice, so that I can that of the girls who adorn the become as feminine as possible. pages of FMI and make it the Where can I find such a place? truly superior magazine it is). Do you have any addresses or Yet I still refused to become the contacts, where I and my mas- woman I wanted at times to be, culinity can be helped. I would just for the fun of doing so. It very be happy. was, instead, simply for sexual I hope to hear from you gratification and release and — soon — personally as it is very this only reinforced a feeling difficult to get your magazine, that something was missing. but you have my permission to Where all this leads is simply print this, too. this: FMI, by stressing the beauty of the TV through its Yours faithfully, pictorials of individuals who Linda exude grace and charm (rather than the typical TV publication which contains cheap photos of Dear Kim: mine workers wearing wigs, and panties), has enabled me to

Although I never thought that feel more comfortable with my

I would ever write a letter such own inner self. Not only do I deal with and finally release that

as this, I finally decided it was relax and enjoy the quality inner me and for that, I thank time to express my appreciation product you edit (I drive over you. for FEMALE MIMICS INTERNA- 250 miles every six weeks just to TIONAL. make sure I don’t miss an issue), Sincerely,

I was always one of the but I relax with myself as well. Vickie “guilty” TVs. Somehow, despite You emphasize the beauty and my needs and the pleasures importance of expressing one’s derived from dressing up, some- own femininity without a bludg- Dearest Vickie,

thing seemed wrong. I was never eoning sexual emphasis. able to relax with my feminine Don’t get me wrong; sex is great Your wonderful compliments side; thus I only seemed to and of course FMI is not asexual made my whole day. Knowing “indulge” when the urge became by any stretch of the imagina- how much good our publication unbearable. This failure to deal tion. Yet, the sexual side of FMI spreads makes me want to reach honestly with my alter ego was is subtle and this is significant. out to people like yourself all entirely of my own making. My Too many TVs see that as the the morel wife has known my feelings end-product and this is for many since we first met twelve years like myself unfulfilling; enjoying Kim Christy


The first thing we look at, the last thing we remember! That face. Well, here are some of the most ravishing examples of memorable mugs

8 we’ve seen!


Hard to believe that these lovelies had anything to do with manhood— those eyes, those lips, that sexy stare. Androgeny at its best!

10 part of his body and from his legs, enjoying and growing randy at the sight of his buttocks, hips and thighs sheathed in the tight-fitting knickers. BENDER It occurred to him that his legs would look different if he put on the . He was

always attracted to a woman’s legs if they were well-proportioned and shapely but he

of it Change had often noticed that was the stockings that lent much to their appeal. The heavier CONTINUED kind of legs without stockings didn’t appeal to him at all, but sheathed in the right shade of nylon they could have an instant effect

on him. Very slim legs it seemed to him were also improved by the right kind of tone

of stockings. It might be the same with his own legs. He had to fix the suspender-belt first and

he found fastening it at the back a tricky

business. It wasn’t until later that it struck him that he could bring the fastening to the

front first and then pull it round his waist

until it was in the right position. Having succeeded in fastening his suspender-belt he sat on the bed to put on

the stockings. It was for him a strange sensation to be drawing a pair of nylons up his legs; almost guiltily he looked around the room in case anyone should have come in silently. Somehow he felt that wearing Joan’s knickers was something that an He was inevitably drawn back to the onlooker might have found acceptable, but bedroom as he continued to think about now that he was putting on stockings he her. Deciding to go to bed early he took a was adding a guilty dimension to his shower and then took out the undies again. idiosyncrasy.

He never knew what it was that first It was exhilarating to feel the sheathing

prompted him to put on her knickers; it nylon as he drew the stockings up his legs, happened without him thinking. He drew them as far as possible to eliminate the

supposed that it would be nice to have creases until they were within reach of the something of hers so close to his body, his suspenders. Already he could see that his penis against the parts that were tight thighs looked almost feminine in the honey- against her hairy pudenda. When he drew coloured stretched nylons, especially near

them on and looked in the mirror it almost the top where he could see the word ‘Dior’ seemed to him that his buttocks were like repeated all the way round his thighs. He Joan’s, while when he faced the mirror the began to feel that in some mysterious way tight V of material looked more feminine he was entering a new world.

than he would have expected, especially It was easy to fix the suspenders at the the line demarcating knickers from thighs. front but more difficult to twist round to He kept his eyes averted from the upper fasten them at the back, but eventually he

GENDER 11 had fastened all four of them. He could begin to think of himself as Joan,

It was a moment in his life that Henry acting, so to speak, as a surrogate for her would never forget. He would always in her absence. The clothes were tight and remember the tight feel of the stockings as restricting and their feel was soft and he got to his feet and then, as he started to feminine. In addition they gave a shape- walk towards the mirror, the pull of the liness to his body or at least covered up the

suspenders. It was a particularly pleasing more masculine parts of it. sensation and he suddenly felt strangely The sense of excitement he felt at the envious of women who could wear such reflection soon began to rouse him sexually fascinating items of clothing without and lying down on the bed he pushed back anyone taking the slightest notice. the knickers and began to caress his penis. In the mirror he wasn’t altogether He tried to see himself as a woman, and

disappointed. His idea that stockings imagined what it would be like for a man to added something to a woman’s legs be on top of Joan looking down at her. But

seemed to be true of his for it seemed to the brief vision quickly faded and he was him that they looked reasonably feminine back trying to conjure up Joan as he and appealing. He twisted round as far as manipulated himself to a climax. he could to enable him to see the back of Little did he know at that moment that his his legs. The impression he got wasn’t life was to take an entirely new direction quite as good as he’d hoped but he saw a from that time forth. pair of legs that he wouldn’t have dismissed as ugly or unattractive on a woman. CHAPTER TWO Now he dared to look at himself as a

whole in the mirror and he felt that the lower It would be wrong if the reader got the part of his body, at least, would pass impression that Henry Ingrams immediately muster. His thighs were even exciting to got the habit of dressing in women’s look at in their honey-coloured stockings clothes after that night. Such changes in a

and he was still pleased to look at the V of man’s life and sexuality do not happen the knickers, so effectively suggesting a suddenly. A man might put on a pair of woman’s body. The bank of flesh between knickers and then forget about the incident knickers and stockings looked as sexy as until years after. When Joan returned, the bank of flesh when Joan wore them. Henry got on with her better than he had Again looking up, he saw that the upper done for some months and he felt no part of his body was male and out of immediate urge to put on her clothes again. keeping with the rest. The was In fact, he was rather ashamed of what he

necessary if he was to look like a woman. had done and tried to forget his experiment

He took the bra, turned it round in his in cross-dressing.

hands until he discovered the right way to He was still frustrated sexually but Joan

put it on. Then he placed his arms through seemed closer to him than she had been for

the shoulder straps and drawing it up over some time. Even if she was still his shoulders and then reached behind his antagonistic to sex with him, she didn’t back in an attempt to fasten the clasps. appear to be so afraid of physical contact This was so difficult that he almost gave up and Henry didn’t feel so cut out of her life. the idea of keeping the bra on until, luckily, At the time he was busier than usual with the parts of the clasps met and slid into his work and for a while sex played an each other. almost secondary part in his life.

Standing in front of the mirror he felt a It wasn’t inevitable that, in the sun, with new kind of erotic excitement for he saw time on his hands, and staying at a hotel that in many ways he looked like a woman. where there were numerous attractive

12 SENDER * * women, his thoughts should turn to sex * again and that he should find himself pressing Joan to let him make love to her. A new phase of unhappiness and frus-

He found it all too much when she wore the tration began with that night on their skimpiest of and exhibited her body holiday. Henry started to think seriously shamelessly before him. The most frus- about his wife’s advice and the next day trating time of all was when they came back looked with more interest than usual at the to the hotel after an afternoon swim and lay other young women around him, particular- naked on top of the sumptuous double-bed ly those staying in their hotel. There was in their room overlooking the beach and one in particular that held quite a lot of sea. On such occasions he found her attraction for him and as she seemed to be irresistible. accompanied only by her elderly parents he But still she found excuses for rejecting thought he might even have some sort of him. chance with her. ‘But we’re on holiday, darling. Now that She was difficult to get on her own, we’ve time to relax, surely we can make however, as she spent most of her time, love together sometimes?’ pleaded Henry. even when she was on the beach, with her ‘I really don’t see what being on holiday’s mother. A brief chance to introduce himself got to do with it,’ responded Joan. ‘If you finally came his way when he found her in are really so desperate for sex you’d better the bar one evening having a pre-dinner find somebody else. There are dozens of drink. pretty girls about that would probably She was almost the opposite of his wife in oblige.’ colour and physique, being small and dark, It was the first time that his wife had ever but she had a piquant face and an hour- that he look elsewhere for his suggested glass figure. He got on with her quite well sex, and it came as a blow to Henry. and they were soon conversing enthusiasti- ?’ ‘You don’t . . . he gasped. mean cally, talking about everything from the ‘Why not? It seems that some women weather to where they came from in actually enjoy sex. So why not take England. advantage of it?’ said Joan with a laugh. ‘You’re married, aren’t you?’ eventually Once again she had thrust him aside came the inevitable question from the when he was beginning to think she might young woman whose name was Daphne. be willing to respond to him. It filled him ‘Married, yes,’ he agreed. ‘But we live with a new kind of bitterness, and it was separate lives in many ways,’ he said. humiliating to think she should ask him to ‘More friends than married.’ go to another woman. It seemed that she It ended almost there and then, for had no feeling for him at all. Daphne took the view that it was, ‘unwise to He had gone off with prostitutes once or get involved.’ as she put it, with a married twice in the past but it was more than just a kind of mechanical sex with a stranger that man. he wanted. It was the loving and sexual Then there was the girl on the beach. At response of his wife, Joan, whom he still least she had not seen him before and he loved more than anyone in the world didn’t have to admit to her he was married. despite her indifference to him. She came from Norway, telling Henry that She lay there, flaunting her superb body, she was staying with three other girls at a tantalizing him, her hair spread out on the hotel in the town itself. They’ve gone off to low pillow. The very sight of her made him Grasse for the day, ’ she said to explain why randy but at the same time he knew that she was alone. ‘I just felt like lying on the she was quite pitiless. beach.’

GENDER 13 She was attractive, if rather heavily built SATIN KNICKERS EDGED WITH LACE and Henry began to warm to her. It was soon apparent that she was quite uncon- A pair of satin knickers, edged with lace ventional in her ideas and she left little caught his attention on Karen’s bed and doubt in Henry's mind that she would be an excited at the very idea of touching them, easy lay. he picked them up and examined them ‘Why don’t we have a drink together closely. His body tingled with excitement as tonight?’ he asked her. ‘I could meet you at he felt the soft feminine garment and as he your hotel.’ Almost to his surprise she caught the scent of Karen’s body. He lifted accepted his invitation. them to his nose and inhaled the sexy When he met her she was dressed in an aroma, rubbing the crotch against his nose. attractive white dress that suited her It was at that moment that Karen opened tanned skin, a pair of almost transparent the door and Henry had no time to do nylons, and white sandals. She spoke anything but crumple the knickers up in his English fluently with an attractive accent hand and them into his pocket. and he soon found out that her name was ‘My mother has been taken ill,’ said

Karen. Karen. ‘Daddy felt that I ought to know. They got on well together and she She’s had to go into a clinic.’ eventually invited him to her room. The ‘Anything serious?’ others won’t be back till late,’ she said, ‘Not really serious, but as she’s having nodding to the other beds in the large room an operation there’s just a slight risk and and the clothes strewn all over the place. that’s why Daddy wanted me to know. But

Then she got him a drink from a makeshift he didn’t think I should interrupt my cocktail cabinet they had set up, and, holiday.’ kicking off her sandals, sat on a pile of She took another drink and handed one cushions she arranged on the floor. to Henry. But the spell had been broken. It Things were going well between them didn’t seem likely, Henry decided, that when a knock came at the door and a porter she’d want to start making love to a man came in to tell her that there was a telephone she had met only once before immediately call for her from Norway. She’d have to after she had heard that her mother had take it down in the office. gone into the hospital. He was left alone thinking about her and * * wondering how long it would be before her Henry had judged correctly and about friends returned. At the most they had half an hour later he made his way back to about an hour, he decided. his hotel, the satin knickers still in his Henry expected her to return almost at pocket. Karen had been kind to him but she once but after five or six minutes he began had made no further move that might be to get impatient and started to pace up and interpreted as ‘go ahead’ and when she down the room. He couldn’t help but notice said she felt rather tired, Henry had taken the attractive feminine underwear thrown the hint. down on the beds, chairs and tallboys. It was only when he felt in his pocket on His thoughts reverted to the night that he the way back that he remembered the had put on Joan’s clothes and though it knickers. In the growing dusk he took them didn’t enter his head at that moment to out of his pocket and lifted them to his attempt anything of the sort with the girls’ nose. They had obviously been worn since clothes, he suddenly felt an irresistible urge being washed and they brought back the to pick up some of the clothes, especially feminine smell of the hotel bedroom. He put some of the knickers lying about on the the inside of the crotch against his lips and chairs. thought of the other lips that had probably SENDER - -

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Enclosed is Check Money Order or charge it to Q MasterCharge Visa II II 1 1 #2200 ENT1CER- #22 10 SEDUCTRESS- I lace-lrimmed shorty with Interbank No Exp. Date Nightie set with lace and I matching string . mo year ribbon trim. One size fits m One size fits all Black/Red/Cream. $13.95 _J all. Black/Red/Nude. $19.95 pressed against the material earlier that well as the tantalizing aggravation—of day. It excited him to think that he should watching her undress. Sliding out of her have such an intimate garment in his hands dress and slip, and wearing a mauve bra belonging to the lovely young Norwegian and matching knickers, suspender-belt and girl, and at once all his frustrations and stockings she stood before him, teasing longings seemed to overcome him. The him about his absence that evening. knickers triggered off memories of the few But her teasing was of the lightest kind wonderful moments in his life, especially and she seemed more or less disinterested with Joan, but also forced him to realize in where he had been. It was even more what little real happiness he had enjoyed irritating for Henry to see her in this mood, especially as she continued, talking and laughing as she combed her hair. She seemed to be offering her body to his admiring glances as she did so. He noticed for the first time, as she looked into the mirror, her arms outstretched above her head— the faint ‘orange-peel’ marks towards the bottom of her buttocks, a characteristic of flesh that he found extremely attractive and sexually arousing. He decided for the first time, as much as he liked her, she could only be described as

a ‘cock-teaser.’ He couldn’t imagine what it was that prompted her to behave in this way. The paradox was that she invited a man to lust after her yet she was the first to reject a man’s advances when he made

them. Was it, Henry asked himself, that she simply wanted admiration? Wanted to be

praised for her attractions but didn’t want it to go beyond that? Was that why she always bought such lovely and expensive clothes?

It was strange that Henry himself had begun to take such an interest in her clothes. Long before he had taken her knickers from the chair or her undies from the linen basket, he had had what could be called an aesthetic interest in her clothes.

there was some malign influence preven- Was it because the clothes were the next ting him from achieving the kind of suc- best thing to her body? A substitute? As he cessful sexual relationship he so much sat there on the bed, watching her antics, desired and, in his own opinion, so much Henry dimly perceived that in some deserved. obscure way she had been successful in He replaced the knickers in his pocket getting him partly to transfer his interest in and returned to his hotel where Joan was her to her clothes. And from that he had, already preparing herself for bed. He had finding himself even more frustrated, begun little hope that she would be in a responsive to take an interest in women’s clothes mood, but at least he had the pleasure—as generally.

16 GENDER He felt the soft satin knickers in his from Fleet Street when he could be certain pocket and wondered how Joan would that there was no chance of Joan being react if he suddenly pulled them out in front away from her office at the same time. of her. If she challenged him about what he Skillfully he elicited from her that on the had been doing that evening, he would following Tuesday she would have to attend surprise her with the truth and produce the a series of meetings that would keep her knickers! busy all day and most likely result in her being home later than usual. This was the * * * day that Henry chose to stay at home. As soon as Joan left, Henry began to Henry’s efforts to find another woman think about the clothes in their bedroom, during his stay on the Riviera came to clothes filling two wardrobes, all the nothing and he returned to London more drawers of her dressing-table, and even frustrated and desolate than ever. All he four drawers in the tallboy. Not to mention had as a momento of his sex life on the the dirty linen basket. He wanted to rush coast of France was a pair of satin knickers the bedroom straightaway but resisted the stolen from a Norwegian girl! temptation, knowing very well that Joan These knickers became for him a kind of had been known to forget something and symbol of his failure and almost a source of come back even half an hour after she had solace when he was alone. One should not first left the house. imagine that Henry was any different from No, he would take his time, reading the other men in this way. Deeply frustrated, ‘Guardian’ as he sat over marmalade and especially sensitive to Joan’s continued coffee in the large airy kitchen. But he felt a rejection of him and possessing a great mounting excitement inside him as the time capacity for affection and love, it wasn’t approached to go upstairs. surprising that he frequently thought back First of all to the bathroom where he took to the night in the bedroom with the a shower and shaved. Then, naked to the Norwegian girl. He could only guess at bedroom. what he had missed; had things been When he saw clothes lying on one of the different he might have had an affair with chairs he registered his usual surprise Karen and even possibly with one of the when Joan did not conform to her usual other girls. At least he would have struck up habit of putting everything away in its a friendship with the group and spent some place. He could only assume that she had happy hours in the welcome ambience of changed her mind about what to wear at the that hotel bedroom with its girls’ undies last minute and probably hadn’t had time to strewn about the chairs and floor! The put the outfit away. knickers played their part in bringing to life It soon became obvious that she had the short hour or two he had spent with the probably changed her mind on reflecting girl in that room. that she would be attending a series of But the knickers had another effect on meetings that required more formal clothes Henry. They brought back memories of the than she normally wore in the office. The occasion when he had put on some of dress she had left out was a black-studded Joan’s undies, and he began to feel an shirtdress, rather shorter than she usually overpowering urge to do the same thing wore, and one which he had always liked to again. see her wearing for it sheathed her shapely

It was characteristic of Henry to plan body like a glove. There was also a short things ahead— particularly when he felt black slip, lace-edged, that she would have what he was doing was unworthy of worn with it, and a pair of . He knew him— but he now arranged to take a day off (continued on page 44)

GENDER 17 Although Priscilla has just started to dress in girls’ clothes three months ago, we feel “she’s” coming along quite well! 18 Already Priscilla is out in the stores, doing her own shopping. “Nobody even bats a lash at me

anymore. When I dressed in boys’ clothes everyone would stare!” “She” admits to being a big tease where the men are concerned. “But

it’s all so new to me. I guess I’ll be more ladylike in a few months ... in

the meantime, I feel free as a bird!”

20 “They say female hormones work quickly on colored girls.” We can catch a glimpse of the fine reaction, perhaps proving that point. “I just want to remain an amateur, no show biz for me.” * $ulka9sWedding

Never before in the history of the film world has anything been produced that’s more erotic or unique— Sulka’s newest and hottest

film has it all! SULKA— the fabulous transsexual superstar has done it again!

23 Featuring Sharon Mitchell, Craig Roberts, and a host of the country’s TOP blue movie STARS, this wild calamity of people and sexes will have you wondering who’s who and what’s what! Filmed entirely on location in picturesque California, the quality of “Sulka’s Wedding” is magnificent!


“Sulka’s Wedding” introduces Jennifer Thomas, who is not only a superb actor-actress, but a versatile brunette beauty who leaves no stone unturned! Our suggestion is to see it for yourself— it will be released in the fall of ’81. You will not be disappointed, we are sure!

30 The acclaim we received about this “lady” was remarkable! So here’s Heather again, exquis- itely fashioned to fit the mood!

31 m Although home is in Florida, where clubs bid for her talents, the whole world is her oyster!

33 2 female mimics

SOPHISTICATED, adaptable she-male, LADIES! I am in need of instruction in the BEAUTIFUL young queen, pre-op TS, Bay with good wardrobe seeks fun-loving art and craft of femininity. Womanhood, Area, wishes to meet and correspond with people, or to act as friend to TVs. S.A.S.E. wifecraft, housewifery, girliness and a TVs, TSs, males and females for

to Barbara. F-100 host of other qualities and crafts which I friendship and fun and games. I enjoy sadly lack. Please aid me in the task of exotic clothes and high heels. French, molding me to become the proper young Greek, bondage and water sports. Photo

MALE, 55, Transvestite— cannot find lady I want to be. F-104 and phone appreciated. All will be contact for clothing, equipment and answered. F-111 training, wishes to serve and cor- respond with other TVs. Help, please. YOUNG, convincing TV wishes to meet PRETTY, young, effeminate bi trans- F-101 similar or sympathetic young lady into vestite wishes to meet or correspond with strict, makeup and fashion. My interest is dominant mistress in New Orleans

fashion photography. Not glamour or area. I love wearing clothes, French YOUNG, 26, male TV would like to meet nude. F-105 maid’s uniforms. Other interests include female 18-30 for fun. Must wear stock- subjugation to infantile, rubber diaper ings. Possible permanent relationship. training, punishment, rubber Own house and car. Also like to hear from nurse training, enemas and spankings. MALE TV, 25, needs help in cross-dress- other TVs— anywhere. Would like to meet and correspond with F-102 ing. Wishes to meet/write other TVs or other TVs, TSs and sincere females. F- 1 1 females with similar interests. Discre- tion absolute. Genuine replies only. ARTS graduate with cultural interests. I F-106 HI! I’M JUDY, a passive and lonely TV who am not a Transvestite, but I am keen on wants to exchange letters and photos with

silky panties. I wish to correspond with other TVs and females, with a meeting other enthusiasts who have similar later on. Please hurry and write me. I need interests. F-103 YOUNG, pretty TV required for 35-year- you. I promise to answer all. F-113 old tall, slim, frustrated TV as house-

keeper, friend, lover, confidant. I can never be a beautiful woman— let me make your dream come true instead. F-107

FEMININE TV passes easily in con- temporary fashions or disco dress with spike heels—demure or provocative makeup. Some experience with light domination and submission and fantasy play. Want to share sights and night- clubs of San Francisco with adventurous women and tall, sensitive men. Also enjoy discreet couples. Trustworthy, open and accepting. Will respond to all letters with photo (returnable). F-108

TV into extreme tight lacing, ultra-high heels and leather, desires corres- pondence with others of like interests. Other interests include B&D and erotic piercing. Please enclose photo and S.A.S.E. for reply. F-109

SENSUOUS TV— bi dominant/submissive wishes to meet or correspond with bi ladies and men and couples. Will accept male and female slaves, but prefer the woman is dominant. Also TVs and TSs. Enjoy lingerie, high heels and fine clothes. Will travel Southern California. Phone, photo and all letters will be answered.

F-110 F-114


SEXY BI-TV, 42, D.C. and vicinity, wishes ATTRACTIVE TV dominant with sensuous to correspond, eventually meet other TVs flair would like to train slaves with true in area, women also. Love seamed hose, fantasy. Male and female. Love the bizarre , high heels, boots, etc. Will and erotic. Also, dominant ladies to ex-

answer all who include S.A.S.E. and change ideas. Send interests and detailed photo. Love photo sessions, too! letter for immediate reply. S.A.S.E. F-123 F-114

TV BOY/GIRL from Paris, France, has lived as a girl since a teenager. 27, long PRE-OP TS with mind of a sensual woman blonde hair, into elegant eroticism ala

and body to match seeks correspondence Helmut Newton. Seeking tall, athletic and photo exchange with all TSs who feel executive to explore dominance/sub- the same. Sincere letter and photos brings mission in a steady, mutually enhancing fast reply. No men, please. F-1 15 companionship. May be permanent. Will consider couples. Sincere only— no curiosity-seekers. Write GOLDEN GIRL. F-1 24

TALL TV wishes to correspond with all TVs and TSs, especially those over 6’, concerning availability of lingerie, DOMINANT mistress interested in rela- clothing, shoes, etc. Also wish to tionship with unique individuals and exchange ideas on makeup and hair- 8 couples. Can provide submissive or BI-TV, 20, 5' ", 125 lbs., blue eyes and styles. Let’s friends via the mail dominant male side. Send S.A.S.E. for become light brown hair, from D.C. area. Desires meeting. All replies immediate response. F-125 with hopes of eventual to hear from and possibly meet people answered immediately. Your photos get from all over to further explore the world of color pictures of me. Please hurry. F-1 16 cross-dressing and to realize her full LOVELY, sensual TV desires cor- potential. F-1 19 respondence (and meetings) with TVs, TSs, FIs, and ladies of similar desires. Interests include professional pho- MALE TV, 54. Would like to correspond VERY attractive TV, 30. Bi-sexual. Wishes tography, corsetry, lingerie, high heels, with other TV. Also want tips on how to to correspond with females and gorgeous and all facets of the feminine mystique. apply makeup, what type of clothes to Photo and S.A.S.E. guarantee reply. TVs in U.S.A. I live in England and like wear. I am not very attractive but have glamor, nudity, fashion, high heels and Discretion and honesty assured. Danielle. been feeling female all my life. Want photography. Long letters and photos F-126 someone to help in bringing out the best of appreciated and exchanged. F-120 me. F-1 17

BARBARA, the sophisticated English she-

male, seeks swinging friends. I adore Americans. Own apartment. All letters answered. F-1 21

PRETTY 28-year-old TS desires cor- respondence and meetings with other TSs. Will also help novice TVs and TSs. Will answer all who enclose recent photo

(full-length) and phone number, if possible. F-122


F-1 TV interested in meeting TVs, women or YOUNG TV, slim, 22, 5’ 6”, size 12 couples who enjoy the art of transvestism. skirt/dress. Would like young TV or

I enjoy lingerie, heels and hose, French sympathetic female to write/meet, and Greek active and passive. Would exchange photos, stories, panties, etc. especially like to meet a TV or couple to go Those living in the U.K. need only apply. in the out together or attend parties Aged between 1 8 and 24 years old. If you Philadelphia area. Would also like to meet like a slim friend in flowing skirts and long a gentle male who would treat me like the flowing hair, then write. F-142

woman I am trying to be. Photo and phone, please. Discretion a must. Love, Mary. F-127 GOOD-LOOKING executive, 30, 5’ 11”, 165 lbs.; enjoys dining, theatre, fine conversation, and the company of a ATTRACTIVE, single male, 27, average beautiful TV. Let me make you feel totally height and weight whose sexual desires female! Upstate N.Y. area. Send photo

exclusively for TVs. I live in Dallas but are and phone number. F-143 will travel, especially New Orleans, for the right person. Correspondence and photo BI-SEXUAL, male TV, interested in exchange also greatly appreciated. F-128 meeting TVs, TSs, females and selected 5’ males for fun times. I am 10”, 170 lbs.,

YOUNG, 35, inexperienced TV would love brown hair and blue eyes. I am interested understanding female to help him dress in hearing from people in the Phila. south , up and spend the day with. Prefer Jersey area. Discretion, photo and phone PASSIONATE TV wishes to hear from Chicago— northwest sub. Will answer all a must. Love, Mary. F-144 other TVs, TSs or FIs for possible who write me. Prefer women 40-60 but all relationship. I love lace and corsets. Will agesO.K. F-129 answer all letters. Joanne F-135

ADAPTABLE she-male wishes to hear Male TV wants to meet any understanding from other she-males. Seeks fun-loving people. Will answer all same day. This is people with similar interests in lingerie, first ad, so please write. Photo nice but not makeup and a variety of activities that two necessary. F-136 can do. I am shy and lonely but just beginning to open up. Please help. Need help on how to get hormones and advice. TRANSVESTITE. Married male cross- Will answer those who are sincere and dresser, 37, seeks contacts with honest. Would love to get together with understanding females and other cross- another she-male with same interests. dressers. Open-minded but not into other F-130 cultures. Interests include reading, cooking, and nice people. Discretion

F-122 SOPHISTICATED queen interested in needed and granted. No pros. F-137 meeting select men for mutual pleasure. I'm totally passive and not without ex- perience. I'm fluent in French and very DETROIT. Prospective TS needs moral receptive in Greek. Phone and photo support and advice from TSs and women. 5’ ”, appreciated. Stephanie. F-131 31 , 1 1 150 lbs. No raving beauty but passable as female. Law student with interests in music, literature and the arts. LOVING bi TV would love to meet women, Lynn. F-138 TVs, TSs, FIs, for mutual erotic pleasure. Need help in makeup, dressing. Love most cultures. Discretion given—expec- LONELY. Wish to make contact with other TVs, or females willing to help ted. I'm hot and ready to please every- TSs me

the true feminine person I long to one. Phone, photo. Will return— send become same. F-132 be. Attractive, pass easily. Travel southeast U.S. Would like to correspond and perhaps meet others with similar

interests. Promise to answer all letters F-133 TV, age 46, 5' 8" weight 150 lbs., live in with photo and S.A.S.E. first. Have the Jacksonville, Gainesville area of north extensive wardrobe. Intrigued by long Florida. Wish to correspond and meet with fingernails as photos will show. Sincere TVs and TSs, understanding women or in- replies only. terested couples. Limited travel to meet F-139 you or can entertain at my home. Will answer all who respond to my ad. Love to 25, TV in exotic makeup and dress up, take photos, go out shopping, to YOUNG, dressing, wishes to meet dominant lady or dinner, etc. Enjoy music and good con- couple which is in need of a live-in maid. versation. Hurry, let’s get to know each F-140 other. Femme name— (Elaine) F-133

5' 1 1 ”, lbs., like HI! My name is Wendy and I would love to MALE TV, 160 would to correspond with persons that have the meet female who would share knowledge in proper with me. same interests that I have. Possible dressing and makeup meeting in future— New England area. Travel western Kansas. Like all fun and F-134 games. Will answer all. F-141 F-134

36 0(JEZ±

AMERICAN FULFILLMENT, 7325Vz Reseda Blvd., Suite 660, Reseda, CA. 91335

Rush me copies of the Dream Lovers video tape, only $129.95 each. Indicate tape format: Beta VHS Total purchase, (at $129.95 each) $ Add $2.00 postage & handling (plus $1 each additional tape) $

Enclosed is check money order or charge to my Master Charge Visa Account No. Exp. Date Name

(I declare that I am an adult over 18 years of age)


State SEXY feminine she-male TV would like to meet beautiful females, TVs, TSs, and men over 6 ft. tall for sensual pleasure. I’m

warm, loving, and good in bed. I love wear-

ing sexy disco dresses and lacy little pan-

ties. I wear foxy makeup, dark lipstick and have long, pretty nails. I’m bisexual and enjoy meeting people who are the same. Photo and phone gets mine. F-147

o OO YOUNG, handsome, white male seeks meetings with females and transvestites to Li— teach me about living and loving as a girl. Has potential and would like to be a pretty young girl. Photo, phone and letters all

answered. Please be discreet. I live in the N.E. Pennsylvania area. Can relocate. F-148

MALE TS, 27, as yet not effemized, can wait no longer to begin. Wishes to lovingly

devote myself to anyone who can help fi-

nance my transition to female. I will gladly cook, clean, sew, share your bed or other-

^ wise attend to your needs. I am shy, 3 intelligent, sensitive and quite adaptive. lL F-149

5' 7 BI-TV, ", 138 lbs., wants correspon- dence with other TVs or guys who like dating TVs. I'm discreet, affectionate and uninhibited. Will travel. Photo, S.A.S.E. please. Promise to answer all. F-145

SINCERE TV wishes to meet and cor- respond with TVs, TSs in Ms., Ala. area. Interests include fashion photography, music, makeup. Can be of great help with

shoes as I manage a shoe store in the Jackson, Ms. area. Will answer all who include photo and phone. Hope to hear from all you girls in Ms. and Ala. real soon. Love, Cassandra. F-146


38 YOUNG, 25-year-old TV, beautiful and willing. Wish to meet other convincing TVs in my area. I am into sexy lingerie and make-up. I especially love lipstick. I have many erotic techniques to share. Let’s get together for satin, lace and fun! Send picture for my reply and picture. Please be straightforward, must be into cosmetics. F-150

TV WOULD like to meet and correspond with ladies who like effiminate men. Will also correspond with other TVs and TSs anywhere. I really dig being a girl. Let’s see what we have to share. Have never made love while in drag, but would love to. Answer with photo and S.A.S.E. I’m waiting for you. F-151 F-154

YOUNG, 24, FI, would like to meet young female 20-28 for fun. Also like to hear from other TV in NY-NJ. F-152

LONELY TV desires correspondence and meetings with sympathetic women in

5 ”, Southeast. I’m single, 36, ’ 1 1 1 50 lbs, with green eyes and dark-blond hair.

Reply with photo and phone number if you would like to help an otherwise normal, intelligent man occasionally turn himself into an attractive feminine lady. F-153

EXPERIENCED, sensuous, irresistibly aggressive TV, 35, looking for men who know how to please a woman or women who want to be pleased. Into everything with a touch of class. Make me part of your Florida vacation! Photo and S.A.S.E. get immediate answer. F-154

39 SENSUOUS TV wishes to meet other TV in N.E. PA — Phila. or N.J.-N.Y. areas for fun & games. Love French and Greek when dressed in sexy lingerie. Please send photo & phone. F-160

HETEROSEXUAL TV, 32, college grad., married, wife approves, wishes to correspond and set up a club for hetero

TVs in N.W. PA. and N.E. Ohio. I love everything associated with being a OO transvestite. This resort town has promise lO

for a small TV club. I would like to correspond with and meet with several

TVs to discuss the possibilities. And I HELP! I need someone out there to help ATTRACTIVE gay male, like would love to correspond with and meet me. I’m interested in purchasing female age 39, would to hear from TVs. Also would love to meet TVs in my area. F-156 hormones or a prescription for them. I'm more black men. As you can see I’m into desperate! I think I’ll go crazy if I don’t

dressing and I love going out dancing. Will have magnificent breasts of my own. Will MALE TV's first time ad. I am interested in you help me? F-161 do my best in making your dreams come meeting other TVs, TSs or females in Los true. Would also like to hear from bi Angeles area. No guys or pros. I’m 25 and females from San Jose area. Lets get

I hope my photo speaks for itself. Need MALE TV, 45, would like to correspond together and enjoy being girls, it’s so help with makeup and possible introduc- with other TSs & TVs, Mobile, Alabama much more fun when shared. Will answer tion to cultures. F-157 area. to meet with men, ladies new Wishes & those sending photos and phone number couples for fun & games. Will travel 200 first. F-164 FIRST AD ever 3/15/81, seeks nice-look- miles to meet you. Apartment available. ing female anywhere. Enjoy wearing F-162 pretty clothing, hose, dresses, shoes, makeup, etc. Are there any understanding

ladies out there? Gee, I wish you'd hurry

and write. Am completely normal. I do, on

occasions, wear mens clothing. And if there are any pretty FIs like Danielle or Heather who’d care to write, feel free to do so. Makes no difference where you live-

let's write. We can all be friends. And I think this magazine is the most “honest” way to correspond. Really. F-158

I AM a 29-year-old, black, bi TV who is interested in meeting another with a

similar interest in cross-dressing. I am not interested in heavy bondage, S/M or

drugs. I am looking for a friend to share my interests in music, movies, photogra-

phy and sports. If you are similar, sincere

and discreet, I would like to hear from you. All letters will be answered. F-159

SEXY TV, age 27, seeks other TVs, men or women. Like dressing up, letters, photos, need experience and makeup travel tips. I am discreet and willing to anywhere in U.S. Gina. F-163

< : i .ro rsif?/i b'rTi /7\'i? /r\rnY 40 F-168

MY FI/TS mate is a sensuous, erotic Denver area TV, mid-20's. Hi! I’m Beverly experience in herself. I like to watch, and I’m lonely. I’ve been in the closet for 6 supervise, and participate. Together we yrs. and I’m ripe and ready to break out! like to meet men of maturity and Interests include photography, heels, experience; but also enjoy curious hose, corsetry and dressing totally “en couples and novice TVs. We are easy- femme.” I desire photo exchange, going, experienced, and imaginative. correspondence and meeting with TVs, Tampa Bay area, but can travel. TSs and women from everywhere. I’m F-165 open-minded, sincere and very discreet, expect same. All answered, photo gets mine. S.A.S.E. F-167 TV, 5’ 11”, 150 lbs., loves high heels, nylons and garter belts. Would like to hear from or meet TV of same interests. Also IOWA BI-TV, 31, 5’ 7”, 130 lbs., would would like to buy used TV mags, films and love to meet TVs, TSs, women and men. shoes 1 1 -1 1 Vfe, garments size 1 8-T. Affectionate and sincere, will date. Send F-166 photo and phone. Love, Jan F-168


VERY SEXY TV interested in meeting everyone for mutual satisfaction. Please

write, as I guarantee an explicit letter and photo. Please be free as to interests and availability to meet. Photos in first letter preferred. F-169

TALL TV, 6’, 160 lbs., Austin area, wishes to correspond with and meet women, couples, other TVs and TSs. Interested in cross-dressing and its multiple aspects. Basic counter-culture and alternate lifestyle orientation. Please include photo when you write. F-170

WMMMaM)' 41 TV would enjoy friendship and fun corres-

pondence with other TVs or TSs in U.S. I am 30, 5' 1 1 Vi”, 155 lbs., and located in S.F. Bay area. My interests include art, music, amateur radio, and the outdoors. All letters will be answered, without excep- tion. Let's get in contact and exchange photos, gossip, fashion ideas, mutual aid, thoughts and stories. Sherry Ann. F-1 71

I'M a thin, young, good-looking, white male looking for an understanding and af- fectionate person to help make my fantasy come true: Please dress me in high heels, hose, a garter belt, fancy panties, lovely little dresses or sexy lingerie. Polish my nails and teach me how to make my face.

Let me go all the way like a pretty girl and I will be affectionate and responsive. Prefer the attention of a young woman, but will respond to pretty, young TVs, FIs or TSs. Please write soon and tell me about the pretty all-girl wardrobe you have in mind for me. Enclose recent photo, address 73 and phone. Chicago area, but will travel for most promising. F-1 72 F-1

DETROIT subs. Sensual bi-TV would truly love hearing from trans, passable TVs who are looking form someone who loves all PERSONAL AD erotic sex (except pain) who want's a girl- friend or a handsome bi-male lover, kind, HOW TO ANSWER A ORDER FORM: gentle, giving person. FIs, females, please PLEASE CHECK INSTRUCTIONS write soon. Life is to be enjoyed girls. Very FEMALE MIMICS BEFORE MAILING sincere, ultra discreet. Photo, phone, INTERNATIONAL PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY promise to answer all. F-1 73 PERSONAL AD MAIL TO ATTENTION! European mistress well Female Mimics International P.O. Box versed in the art of TVism will conduct 1622 Studio City, CA 91604 trips into your fantasy world! Specialist in makeup and discipline training for "Bad 1. Write your letter and enclose it in an UNSEALED NAME envelope If you write more than one letter, place Girls" who need a strict teacher! Write ADDRESS each letter m a separate envelope Each of these now you naughty girls! F-174 envelopes should have your correct address printed CITY STATE on the upper left-hand corner and a postage stamp ZIP

must be affixed If you wish to have your letter(s) forwarded by airmail, be sure to use an airmail stamp List the following ad as: (or stamps) Female Transvestite Male Couple 2, Write (in pencil) the Confidential Ad Number of the person you wish to write to on the lower right-hand My ad should read: corner of the envelope We will then properly address

your envelope and mail it for you

J.Send Two-Dollars ( S 2 00) for the FIRST letter and One-Dollar (SI 00) for each ADDITIONAL letter you wish us to forward for you

4 . Fill out the coupon below and place it — along with the letter(s) to be forwarded — in a LARGER envelope Enclose the proper remittance and send letter(s) to Leoram Productions c/o Female Mimics International P O Box 1622 Studio City, CA 91604

Please make checks and money orders payable to LEORAM PRODUCTIONS

FORWARDING FEES First letter $2 00 ea Additional letters $1 00 ea

I enclose S which is payment in full for PHOTO RELEASE your forwarding the enclosed letters

I hereby certify that I am over eighteen (1 8) years

of age I, the undersigned, hereby represent that I am over

eighteen ( 18 ) years of age and that the photo






COLLECTION 1 COLLECTION 2 Candy plugs her seamstress’ AMERICAN FULFILLMENT ’ pussy in Ravishment of the Bl. A blond stud gets fucked 7325V2 Reseda • Suite 660 • Reseda, CA • 91335 | corsetiere.” "The voyeur Rush SHE-MALE ENCOUNTER video tape, only $99.95 royally in Sylvia’s "Carden Gets His’’ as Sulka gives him Indicate tape format: Beta VHS of Delight. "Candy's Maid" a gagging mouthful! Mar- Collection 1 Collection 2 gets a carnal employee les- Total purchase $ Add $2.00 for postage & handling go’s black cock opens up a son. in "Breaking and Enter- (plus $1 .00 each additional tape) $ young man’s buns in "Se- Enclosed is check money order or charge to my DMaster Charge Visa I ing,” a hot intruder uses

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THESE HOT AND HARD SHE-MALE VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE NOW AND ON SALE AT YOUR FAVORITE ADULT BOOKSTORE. DON'T MISS OUT! (continued from page 17) immense range of colours and materials that Joan preferred to wear stockings but that were used for such simple items of when she wore one of her very short clothing as brassiers and knickers. Joan dresses she found tights more suitable. seemed to have them in all colours of the In no hurry now that he was in the spectrum and in materials ranging from silk bedroom surrounded by her clothes, he to satin, cotton to nylon and other man- reflected on the appeal of stockings and made fabrics. He picked up a sideless brief wondered why men seemed to prefer with a butterfly motiff in a crimson red women to wear them instead of tights. One material that looked like nylon. He had obvious reason was that stockings gave never seen Joan wear the garment but he

men a chance to catch a glimpse of flesh at was certain that it would do no more than the top of a girl’s thigh if the wind lifted her hide her triangle of pubic hair and her labia. dress or if she sat in certain positions, Then he took up a very low-cut bra and a especially with legs crossed. But he soon pair of matching , trimmed with decided that the real reason was that for his captivating lace, the bra being wired for generation stockings had come to be maximum uplift. Next to it in the drawer was associated with women, symbolic of them, a pair of wet-look hot pants in black which whereas tights were a relatively recent Joan had worn the previous year. They had innovation that only the current or next never appealed to him as a particularly generation would come to associate with a feminine garment but as he felt the smooth woman’s legs. slinkiness of the material he began to think What Henry was only to find out later was he had been mistaken in criticizing her for the appeal of the suspenders that stockings wearing them. Then he found a pair of necessitate, but he wasn’t in a position to divided-leg knickers in almost transparent know about that until he had actually worn nylon with a delicate lace trimming and a them. pair of panties in black lace that seemed to

It wasn’t until later that day that Henry be part of a set. And so it went got round to putting on a suspender-belt on—close fitting sideless briefs, a soft- and stockings, for when he saw the dress clinging satin bra teamed with expose and slip he decided to put them on, wearing briefs in green nylon, a provocative mini- as well the satin knickers that he had taken brief with a lace skirtlette, a heart-shaped from the Norwegian girl’s bedroom. G-string in black, trimmed with red nylon He picked up the nylon slip and his hands and lace, a white nylon bra and pantie trembled as he felt its soft, silky trimmed with fluffy swansdown, and a bra smoothness, and as he admired its very and briefs in chocolate, trimmed with white feminine style. He had never thought of that Joan had worn a few days previously. putting on anything other than knickers and At one side of the drawer were some stockings but now he wanted to enjoy the camiknickers and a number of pairs of feel of every kind of female attire. French knickers, one pair—skintone nylon He drew the slip down over his head and trimmed with brown— particularly taking his shoulders and found to his satisfaction that attention.

it fitted him to perfection, except that it was The choice was unlimited and Henry felt shaped to allow for a bra. Taking it off he it was almost impossible to choose one looked for a suitable bra, rummaging in the garment in preference to another. In the second drawer in Joan’s dressing-table. end he drew out a black lurex lace set He had never realized that she consisting of a wispy bra in nylon matched possessed such a range of bras and with a pair of sideless panties. He would matching knickers. As he examined the put on Karen’s satin knickers later. By the contents of the drawer, he wondered at the time he had taken off the slip and started to SENDER draw the black panties up his legs his whole he remembered, and he soon found that body was trembling, his penis swelling to there was a plethora to choose from, many full erection. pairs still in unopened packets. He chose The panties, in black with a gold one of the pairs knotted together that Joan trimming, were litle more than two triangles had worn before, a light-tan pair that he of lurex joined together by two side straps hoped would suit his legs. and a narrow crotch-piece; they did no By this time his penis was almost more than cup his scrotum and hide his bursting through the panties and he felt a penis; but as, with women’s briefs, they delicious fluttering in his loins. Sitting on were cut very low so that when a woman the edge of the bed, he knotted the pair of wore them they did no more than cover the stockings and then began to draw one of pubic triangle, it became almost impossible them onto his left foot. As he did so he for him to get his swelling penis inside recalled the very first time he had taken them, except by forcing it to one side. more than a ‘normal’ interest in Joan’s Then he took up the bra: two isosceles clothes, the time when he had found her triangles of black lurex meeting at their French knickers and had got the magic apexes between his breasts, two shoulder smell of her labia by placing them against straps keeping them in place. The bra was his nose. After that he had discovered the a tight fit but Henry saw that it had been linen basket with white panties and adjusted to his wife’s smaller shoulders matching bra and, later on, the black slip, and when he extended them it was just panties and bra. Since then he had felt a about his size. strong urge to put on her clothes, finding When he looked at himself in the mirror the ritual highly stimulating sexually. He the smile that met his gaze would have told asked himself what it was that had really an onlooker that he found his reflection started him on such a path, what lay behind pleasing. It was also pleasant to have the it? tight straps constraining him slightly. His face flushed involuntarily, sudden Now he would have to put on a suspen- feelings of shame and guilt almost over- der-belt and he had to look in a second whelming him. What on earth was he doing, drawer to find one. Once again he was a man with such a strong heterosexual amazed at the variety of items of underwear drive, putting on clothes like a woman? his wife had collected simply for the The first question that he asked himself purpose of keeping up her stockings. Most was whether he was homosexual or not. As of them were narrow garter-belts fitted with he had never felt physically attracted four suspenders, many of them lace towards a man, he didn’t see how that trimmed; but there were also a few wider could be. But what was he putting stock- belts that he was to learn later were often ings on for? Why did he find them and his called ‘waspies,’ one in particular in satin wife’s undies so attractive and sexually and lace catching his eye. He selected a stimulating? His mind was in a turmoil of simple black suspender-belt which he doubt and anxiety, but nothing would now thought would suit the bra and pantie he stop him from pulling on the stockings and was wearing. fastening them to the four suspenders. He He found that the belt was already brushed aside his feelings of shame and, fastened at the back and therefore stepped having fastened the stockings to the into it and drew it up his legs, over his suspenders, he stood up to look at himself narrow hips until it was in place, the four in the mirror. suspenders hanging excitingly at front and back.

Stockings? They were in the top drawer, To be continued . . . GENDER "HOW'S YOUR HAIR?"

On a superficial level there are closet. two visual cues, these days, that Usually this takes the form of a people use to differentiate between wig. men and women: body shape and Like everything else in the world hair style. of fashion, wigs have had cycles of Back in the Dark Ages, before popularity and unpopularity. women began to wear pants, Historians know they were used clothing could be used to tell who as far back as Babylon and Egypt. At was which, but these days when times they became incredibly men wear soft patterened shirts; elaborate. A report of a court ball in women wear army fatigue jackets, France told of a wig that simulated and everybody wears jeans, the the waves of the ocean with, at the number of available clues has crest of the “waves" a miniature of diminished. a full-rigged sailing ship!

Since it's so important, this article Perhaps because of excesses like

will take a brief look at hair. this, there were times when wigs

Since this is aimed primarily at were hardly seen except for transgendered people, an extra theatrical use or to cover baldness.

aspect has to be touched upon: Since it's unlikely that any readers how to balance between one's will want to carry around a full-

male and female images, or how to rigged ship (well . . . maybe at a change from one to the other. drag ball), this part of the article will

“Spare hair is fair . . says concentrate on different types of George Carlin, the hairy humorist, wigs that you're likely to encounter

and it's true. The easiest way to these days. change from a masculine to a Wigs became popular, after a

feminine style is to have an extra long spell of neglect, in the late '50s head of hair tucked away in (you and early '60s. Women discovered should pardon the expression) the how handy they were when there

46 wasn't time to "do" their hair or consists of hand crocheting small the wig conceals itself. make a trip to a beauty salon. amounts of hair through the mesh. Human hair wigs are generally In fact, wigs became a fashion The advantage of a hand-tied wig more expensive than synthetic craze. For a while everyone was is that the hair is in an even pattern wigs, but even among human hair selling them. The first good wig I all over the head, simulating natural wigs there are variations in price. ever bought, for instance, came hair growth and the wig is more Partly the construction affects the from a combination record and wig sturdy since each hair is knotted cost, as mentioned before, but the store. into the cap. quality of the hair is a factor, too.

One of the main reasons for this Newer synthetic wigs have The least expensive hair is Asian. sudden surge in popularity was the another feature as well, usually This is because it is coarser than development of new synthetic called something like a "skin part." European hair and also because it is fibers for wigs. This is a piece of plastic, in a skin more easily available and cheaper A moderately good human hair tone, into which "hairs" have been to buy. wig can cost from $50 to $100 and implanted. It is usually used along Asian hair has the disadvantage up. The same thing in a synthetic the front edge of the wig or where that it comes mostly in one color, fiber would probably cost half or the hair is parted and it gives a very black. To get any other color it has less. natural and lifelike appearance. to be bleached then dyed which Earlier synthetic fibers had Occasionally, someone asks why further coarsens the hair. definite problems, especially a the whole wig isn't made this way. Still, this difference is not all to tendency to become frizzy at the Technically it could be, but it the bad because Asian hair tends to slightest possible excuse. Then, too, wouldn't allow heat or moisture out have more body than most Euro- they didn't always look a whole lot pean hair. Many people with fine like human hair. "A moderately hair don't think too highly of it as it A girl I knew in the drama lies there limp and straight. department in college once walked good human A word about style . . . many into the green room wearing articles have been written, something on her head that looked hair wig can including one published in an very much like nothing I'd ever cost from $50 earlier FEMALE MIMICS, about seen before. After she had been what hair style is best for what face there awhile she mentioned that to $100 and shape. These observations apply she was going to our current equally to wigs, and there are a few production that evening. "I wonder up.” considerations that apply especial- whether anyone will notice my new ly- wig," she said. so it would be extremely uncomfor- Many wigs have too much hair.

She needn't have worried. The table to wear, rather like a hairy This may sound odd, but it is true. A

next day I saw a friend in the hall bathing cap. wig can look great on the man- who told me he had sat next to her The very finest wigs have, along nequin, but once it is on a real

at the show. "Ah," I said, "then the front edge, a piece of silk or person, it suddenly appears artificial you saw the wig." nylon net, usually skin-toned, into and "wiggy."

"Saw it," he laughed, "I kept which individual hairs have been The usual reason is that the wig expecting her to whip it off and start ventilated. This edge is stuck down has so much hair it looks too large knitting nylons out of it!" with spirit gum and becomes virtu- for the face. Wigs with this flaw are Luckily, most of today's wigs ally invisible, giving the effect that very easy to spot, once they are aren't that bad. Synthetic fibers the hair is growing directly from the worn. But since many trans- today can duplicate human hair scalp. In films and television, gendered people don't feel they very closely and, in some ways, are beards, mustaches and other can try on a wig in the salon, they even better. hairpieces are done in the same don't discover the problem until There are basically two types of way. too late. wigs, hand-tied and machine-made. For most of us, wigs made this Another reason wigs often look

Hair in machine-made wigs is way would be prohibitively expen- unnatural is that they don't move sewn onto long strips of what is sive, running into hundreds and like real hair. Largely this is due to essentially thin cloth ribbon called sometimes thousands of dollars. the stylists who tease and spray and "wefts." These are then sewn onto Instead of relying on delicate, otherwise force the hair into total the wig cap and finally the hair is expensive, hand-made lace fronts immobility. styled. to make the hairline appear natural, This isn't a real problem for short Hand-tied wigs are ventilated on most moderately priced wigs rely hair or for wigs that are supposed to the cap of fine mesh. Ventilating on clever styling so that the edge of have a highly styled look, but for

47 longer casual styles it is. your natural hair without checking tremendous aid to passing as The incident that, more than any the colors in front of a mirror, female. As mentioned at the other, made me decide to let my usually at the salon. If you aren't up beginning of this article it is one of own hair grow long happened to this adventure, then the smaller the two main visual cues that say

when I was dressed, on my way to a hairpieces probably aren't for you. "feminine." doctor's appointment. It was a On the other hand, of course, Remember, too, that the term typical windy San Francisco day with wigs you can not only change "long hair" is relative. It can mean

and I realized that my dress was length and style but color as well anything from "not quite touching being blown around; my coat was almost instantly with a minimum of the shoulders" to "down to the being blown around, and my fuss. ankles." "hair” was sitting there like a brick. Very few transgendered people The shorter end of this range

It had to be conspicuous and I felt take full advantage of this. Perhaps shouldn't be too hard for anyone to really embarrassed. the only person I knew who really manage with the possible exception

I have often taken a wig in and did was the late Pam Nolan, a very of Marine Drill Instructors. specified a "soft" styling only to get good friend. Many male hairstyles are this

it back so rigid that I could use it to I have pictures of Pam as a long, but will have enough drive nails, or perhaps better, to blonde, a brunette and a redhead, flexibility so they can be styled in a bludgeon to death the stylist who and with many different styles as very pretty and feminine way when did it. well. Pam had a good eye and her required. In fact, this points to another wigs always looked natural no Several friends of mine who are in advantage of the new synthetics. matter what color hair she chose. the position of dividing their time They "remember" their style My approach was more or less between masculine and feminine

without having to be set into a solid the opposite of that. I experimented use this compromise successfully. block with hairspray or setting only until I found a wig in a color On the other hand, the longer lotion. and style that was attractive and end of the range requires, really,

Care of wigs varies with different that I especially liked, and I stuck to more of a commitment and perhaps

fibers. Always read the information that until I began to let my own hair a slightly thicker skin to armor one that comes with the wig very grow. against the odd look, the whispered carefully before attempting to Both approaches have good remark, or (thankfully rare) the clean, set or re-style the wig. points so the choice really comes open insult when one is not

Remember, unlike your hair, it down to a matter of personal presenting as a woman. doesn't grow back! preference. My own hair is currently long There are other types of hair- Personal preference for many of enough to reach about to the pieces than wigs, of course, and us would undoubtedly be to let our bottom of my ribcage, and to say these shouldn't be overlooked. own hair grow. From about the that it doesn't arouse curiosity

Often they appear much more mid-sixties to the mid-seventies when I am not dressed as a woman natural than wigs because they use long hair was not only acceptable would be a lie. the wearer's own hair to make up among younger males, it was Luckily, it is very rare that it part of the style. almost required. Even today, causes a real problem, but then I'm

Some other hairpieces are: falls, although short hair has made a alert to the possibility that it can and cascades, wiglets, and chignons. strong comeback, there is still a fair I'm careful to avoid potential Usually these have a comb attached amount of latitude in hairstyles. problem situations. so they can be anchored in the It takes a certain amount of nerve To a certain extent it is a liability wearer's hair or they are made to to let one's hair grow really long in some of the work I do. In fact,

pin in place with hairpins. while still functioning as a male. But last year when I was making an

Generally they are made to give even if not under ideal conditions, appearance where it was important

the illusion of longer hair or a more long hair has its rewards as well. that I look "straight" to the point of elaborate style. The greatest of these, perhaps, is looking "square," I went to the

There is one thing, though, about not having to wear a wig. Even the length of buying myself a good smaller hairpieces. They must be an best wigs are far from being man's wig in a fairly short style and absolute match to the wearer's hair completely comfortable, and many wore that. It was an odd sort of color or they are worse than people have trouble wearing them "sideways" approach to the useless. Two-tone hair may be at all. problem, but it worked out for me eyecatching, but not in the way Besides, no wig can ever look as and might work for someone else most of us hope for! natural as your own hair— occasion- out there.

This means that it is almost ally better, but never as natural. Just the same, my hair is a source impossible to match hairpieces to FJaving your own hair long is a of great satisfaction to me. I love the

48 feel of it on my shoulders or down Very often these articles will have worth noting. First are hot rollers (or my back. Even when I'm working new styles complete with charts of curlers if you prefer). and have it tied back in a ponytail, it all the rollers needed and how to These are rollers of various sizes means a lot to me just to know it's roll and set them. with a metal core that retains heat. there. There are various gadgets for They warm up in a special tray, but

In fact, it has given me more drying, styling and setting the hair. once warm are used much like pleasure than any other part of my Perhaps most common these days is ordinary rollers. After they cool progress from mascu line to the styler/dryer which is generally they are removed from the hair. feminine except for my breasts (tiny shaped rather like a pistol and dries The heat helps the hair to retain the though they may be). by forcing a strong stream of hot air set and they are a real aid for a

There is something very sensuous through the "gun barrel" onto the quick styling. about having long hair. I love hair. It is what most professional Similar to these are the curling that having it and I love it on other stylists use for drying hair has irons which are basically heated women, too. not been set. metal rods (with a cool handle on Now then, to wax a bit less Of the numerous models of one end to hold on to) around poetic, once you have long hair, styler/dryer some have exotic which hair is rolled. how do you take care of it? features like handles that fold for The principle is the same as hot

There are certain basics, of travel or dual voltages (also useful rollers, but each curl is done course, like keeping it clean and for traveling). separately before going on to the free from tangles. Long hairs, like Most important features to look next. Again these are very handy for any long fibers, tend to capture dust for are variable heat control and a quick, though temporary, style. from the air. Hair is particularly strong air flow. This is because heat There are, of course, less likely to do this because of its slight can damage hair, especially if it is temporary methods of putting curl coating of oil. So, the longer your nearly dry already, so you want to in your hair, like permanent waves, hair is, the more important it is that be able to reduce the heat as the but that is really beyond the scope you keep it clean. hair dries, preferably without of this article, and is something that

Use a conditioner if you need it slowing down the air flow so you should be discussed with a sympa- but again be aware that it's best to can dry the hair with air alone. thetic stylist. avoid making your hair too oily. My own styler/dryer has a setting In fact, it's amazing how much

Some conditioners work in other with no heat at all and that is what I there is to consider about hair. ways than replenishing natural oils. use when the hair gets to be nearly All I can do in an article this short

One that really does seem to dry. I also have one of the folding is make a few general remarks and improve the body of the hair and its models. The air flow can't match point out some possibilities and general appearance is "The Hair the larger model, but it is lighter perhaps get you to consider the

Fixer" by Loreal. I use this and handier for travel. question . . . How's your hair? occasionally and like it. Other factors to consider in a

My own hair is in the simplest styler/dryer are weight and balance.

possible style because that is what I This is an appliance that must be In the past few weeks there have prefer. I wear it loose and since it held and maneuvered and the best been several cards and letters has only a minimal wave, it falls one in the world is no good if, after asking whether the one-hour pretty straight. One of the few using it for five minutes, your arm cassette "A Conversation With

"cosmetic" things I do for it is, feels about to fall off. Linda Lee" is still available. before I go out, give it a light spray There is a special kind of dryer for Happily, once again, it is and "The with cologne and brush that curly hair. It directs a very gentle Linda Lee Album," Linda's own

through. For this reason, I avoid stream of heated air onto the hair selection of favorite pictures, has shampoo or conditioner with a which helps eliminate taking out been reprinted as well. heavy scent. the curl along with the dampness. The tape can again be purchased Because I've never been interest- The "hot comb" sends a stream for $9.95 plus 65

ed in complicated hairdos, I don't of warm air through a handle and handling and the "Album" will be really have the necessary infor- out via a hollow brush or comb. It given free with each tape. To order, mation on how to do them. For this can't be made as powerful as the write: OZMA PRODUCTIONS,

I refer you to any of the myriad styler/dryer or it would be too P.O. Box 23001, Oakland Calif- books on the subject or, perhaps heavy and awkward, so it is mainly ornia 94623. even more numerous, the articles in good for short hair that dries women's like quickly. magazines McCall's , alone, Woman's Day, Madmoiselle and so In the realm of styling on. there are a couple of appliances



This Texan beauty does the Lone Star proud. At 5 feet 7 inches tall, Deborah is the perfect type to be homecom- ing queen, or girl next door. BEBORftti

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