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Arun Neyla is Picture perfect:

THE TIMES OF the latest man clicks with Saturday, January 25, 2003 in Hurley’s life stars Page 8 Page 3 TO D AY S LUCKY 846 Upto tricks I love my mum 851 823 A duck and a flea Saving grace 868 Your Dambola Ticket available in Delhi Times on 19th January, 2003 Numbers already announced : 71, 11, 79, 56, 21, 25, 5, 76, 10, 33, 2, 62, OF INDIA 20, 14, 9, 64, 70, 43, 32, 55, 44, 81, 89, 36 MANOJ KESHARWANI Axing times: DDA grins, greens bear it The DDA plans to chop down atleast 500 trees to construct a night bazaar and parking lot at Nehru Place ARUN KUMAR DAS al, jamun,mango,arjun, gulmohar, kachnar and Times News Network bottle brush. Ironically,the hands which planted these trees were those of VIP dignitaries, artistes, elhi’s greenery might be in the red, but and envoys of various embassies. this hasn’t prevented the DDA from plann- Environmentalists point out that if the ambie- D ing to chop down more than 500 fully-gro- nt air quality of the Nehru Place area is superior wn trees in the Nehru Place area, where it plans to those of surrounding sites, it is because of the- to construct a night bazaar and parking lot. But se trees, which act as green lungs for the residents this is not to say that friends of trees have desert- of Chittaranjan Park, Hemkunt Colony, Greater ed them. Citizens and corporate houses with an Kailash, East of Kailash, Pamposh Colony and address in the area have put up stiff opposition to New Friends Colony,apart from the thousands of the DDA’s proposed line of action. visitors to these colonies and office-goers. The ‘‘The DDA’s plans of constructing a night baza- DDA, on its part, seems to have its own take on ar with kiosks for hawkers and a parking lot in what the Delhi government’s ‘clean and green’ Nehru Place would result in the felling of atleast policy translates into. 500 trees in the area. We have drawn attention of ‘‘Although we have nothing to do with the Neh- the authorities concerned to this act,’’ says Paha- ru Place project, we are aware of the issue,’’ says rpur Business Centre CEO Kamal Meattle. Delhi environment secretary Naini Jaiseelan, Interestingly,DDA vice-chairman Subhas Sha- TREE TRAVAILS ‘‘The government is clear in its stand that no age- rma maintains that ‘‘no fully-grown tree will be land in the Nehru Place area which we intend to de- ncy will be allowed to cut down trees without justific- cut down as part of the project.’’ The official assur- velop further. While the plot in question is currently ation for the execution of a project. Alternative sites ances notwithstanding, evidence indicates otherwise. in a haphazard state, the DDA will develop it in a should be located for the purpose.’’ Unfortunate as it Sharma, on his part, doesn’t offer an explanation planned manner,’’ says Sharma. sounds, even as the DDA attempts to breathe life into which is convincing enough to allay fears. ‘‘We are in Spread over seven acres, the trees in line to face the a night bazaar, Delhi’s trees are gasping for life. the process of procuring from the MCD a piece of axe include varieties of silver oak, teak, shisham, pip- [email protected] Desi fans hooked, WHY RITU QUIT SCHERRER GAURI SINH France Luxury Group airlines booked! Times News Network (FLG)? ‘‘Not at all. My transition has nothing ANUBHA SAWHNEY dus of desis to go abroad for t’s the end of her Fre- to do with Mounir Mou- Times News Network a sporting event. ‘‘The nu- Inch connection. But, ffarige,’’ asserts Ritu, mber of visitors from Ind- as the lady insists, an while adding that her he calendar is cl- ia is expected to be amo- end always marks a new experience with Scher- Tosing in on the ng the highest in the wo- beginning. Ritu Beri’s rer was rewarding and cricket World Cup rld,’’ says SAA India sudden move to quit Fr- the parting of ways in South Africa. GM Nalini Gupta. Wh- ench fashion house Sch- was amicable. Though But even as fans ile SAA is the offi- errer might have stunn- her contract doesn’t pe- of the willow cial carrier for the ed the fashion commun- rmit her to reveal more game bite the- World Cup, traffic ity,but the petite 30-som- at this stage, Ritu might ir nails in ant- is also being rout- ething designer sounds just be part of a ‘‘globa- icipation, the- ed through composed, even elated. lly renowned’’ fashion re are those Emirates, Air- This, when Ritu made brand in a few weeks’ whose bags Mauritius and Air-India. history last year by bec- time. Or so she claims. are packed Says the official spokespers- oming the first Asian to As of now,however,Rit- — to go where on for Emirates, ‘‘As of now, head a French fashion u’s lips are sealed. The the action is! all flights heading house. international label she Yes, February for South Africa are ‘‘I know the transiti- refers to is a secret. will see numer- already booked. If on was sudden, but som- Meanwhile, rest and BEBO’S DAY OUT! Delhi Times captures the charisma of as the ous Indian fans need be, we might ething really big came relaxation top the desi- Bollywood beauty, who is readying for the release of Khushi, sports the smile of converging on So- deploy an addition- my way.It was somethi- gner’s agenda. Ritu is success (To send this photograph to a friend, log on to www.timescity.com/delhi/) uth Africa to watch al flight, but nothi- ng I had wished for for a going on a holiday — a our men in blue. So ng has been finalis- very long time,’’ says Ri- world tour. ‘‘The new much so, South Afric- ed as yet.’’ tu from Paris, ‘‘I have year has started with a an Airways (SAA) is Apart from the cr- been really fortunate be- TAKE TWO bang. I know I’ll be very Abhi Khushi,no gham! deploying three spe- ucial March 1 match, cause the move comes at a time busy when I take up the new ass- cial 747 jumbo flights to the India-England and when Scherrer is changing its policy.It wants ignment next month, so I’m taking a breather VINOD NAIR In town recently to promo- the hundredth of the day,but cater to one specific mat- India-Australia fix- to reduce the number of shows and will soon now.’’ As for the future, speculation serves no Times News Network te her latest film Khushi at nothing gives me a bigger th- ch — yes, you guessed ri- tures are also proving be part of the Smalto group.’’ purpose in the current context. Actions speak the soon-to-be-opened DT Ci- rill than seeing fans happy.’’ ght, the India-Pakistan to be major draws. The Is Ritu’s move a loyalty gesture towards her louder than words. Quite clearly,the ball is ba- he loves cooking up pala- nema Complex at DLF,Kare- And ‘happy’ is Kareena’s tie on March 1. South Afric- ‘godfather’ — businessman Mounir Mouffar- ck in Ritu Beri’s court. Stable potboilers of the li- ena aka Bebo grew up drea- frame of mind too. ‘‘My role According to CRICKET TICKET an consula- ige, who has left Scherrer’s parent company, [email protected] kes of aloo mattar and pane- ming about moviedom. ‘‘Sin- in Khushi is close to my hea- insiders in the te, in turn, er bhujiya. And she claims to ce I belong to the Kapoor fa- rt. It was wonderful working travel industry, more than 80 is making life easier for Indi- be an expert at flavours to do mily, it was only natural for with director SJ Suryah.’’ per cent of the tickets to South ans on the ball. ‘‘We have made with sugar,spice and ever- What next? Plenty. Bew- Africa are part of bulk corpor- visa rules simpler. While visas ything nice. One problem, KAREENA CAPERS afa, Mein Prem Ki Deewa- ate bookings. Business houses, are now being issued based on though. Kareena Kapoor nee Hoon and Talaash are on their part, are distributing letters from the sponsoring co- seems to be short on an imp- me to be interested in films. in the pipeline. And she is ke- World Cup tickets to high-perf- mpany,we do not insist on eith- ortant ingredient — time! And I took the plunge right eping her fingers crossed. ‘‘I orming employees, dealers, bu- er bank or income-tax stateme- ‘‘I love cooking, reading after school.’’ hope viewers love me the siness associates and everyone nts from the applicants.’’ The and going out with my frien- Since then, she has proved way they have until now!’’ else in between. stage is set. And with Indian ds and family. But I hardly to be a favourite with produ- That, of course, will depend Size counts. Atleast in this fans readying to take wing for have any time to spare! But cers. And fans. But surely the on Kareena hitting the bull’s- context. The Indian fan contin- South Africa, the Cup that che- then, with lots of work comi- attention bothers her? ‘‘For eye at the box-office! gent for the World Cup is expe- ers will find plenty of desi che- ng in, I’m not complaining!’’ me, an autograph might be [email protected] cted to cross the 10,000 mark, ers at cricket stadiums! making it the largest ever exo- [email protected]

Times News Network become pretty difficult to know wheth- er or not a particular painting is actual- he recent instance of artist MF Hu- ly the master’s work.’’ Tsain not being able to recognise a WHAT A FAKE! Adds Kalpana Shah of the Tao Art copy of his own painting has raised ma- rounds. Dealers are understandably ca- ylistic discrepancies, can help gauge Gallery,‘‘These days, a number of inter- ny an eyebrow in the art world. And it utious, and one such member of the fra- authenticity,’’says Mehta. But identifyi- ior decorators are known to employ les- has also raised questions about the nu- ternity remarks: ‘‘If there is even the sl- ng a fake can be difficult at times. As Sh- ser-known artists who can copy an ori- mber of fakes doing the rounds in the ightest doubt that a work is not an orig- inde puts it, ‘‘Paintings from Jamini Ro- ginal painting down to the most precise market and ways to counter faking. inal, then I wouldn’t even touch it.’’ y’s school were signed with his name re- brush strokes.’’ Yet, both artists and bu- So, how big is the Indian fake mark- yers don’t want to get into legal wrang- et? ‘‘It’s huge,’’ says Anupa Mehta of les on spotting a fake. ‘‘Though I would- ArtWorks, ‘‘But it’s difficult to make an PICTURE IMPERFECT n’t take a forger of my works to court, I estimate in terms of figures, given the would definitely raise a huge stink abo- fact that many such sales are conducted Dealers feel that fake works of ut it and spread the word. Then, the pa- in the parallel market. Besides, most of higher-priced artists and those who inting would die a natural death,’’ says the people involved, with a few known have passed away are copied the artist Jaideep Mehrotra. exceptions, are ‘suitcase’ dealers.’’ Adds And what can a dealer or a buyer do Niyatee Shinde of the Birla Academy of most. The list includes Jamini Roy, to counter faking? Artists could begin Art, ‘‘The Indian fake-art market runs KH Ara, FN Souza, artists of the by numbering works and keeping a sys- into crores of rupees. This market ca- Bengal School, the Tagore brothers, tematic visual record of each and every me to the forefront in the late 1980s, spe- work of art. But, as Mehta puts it, ‘‘Eve- cially with the exhibition of KH Ara nu- Nandlal Bose and J Swaminathan. ryone in the art world knows where the des at the Jehangir Art gallery in 1989.’’ fake lies. But is anyone willing to call a With increasing interest in art as an But how does a dealer distinguish an gardless of who had painted the work. spade a spade?’’ Yes, the answer to this investment, there has been a sizable ri- original from a fake? ‘‘The age of the pa- It could be signed J Roy or Jamini Roy, question is the art of the matter. se in the number of fakes doing the per,the freshness of the paint, as also st- either in Bengali or English. So, it can [email protected] ‘I want to move beyond the chocolate-boy image’ Are you nervo- TUSSHAR Kucch To Hai sees you and Esha co- in love. Natassha, my co-star in Yeh us about how KAPOOR ming together for the second time. Dil, has made her debut with Kucch To Kucch To Hai Actor Esha and I share a great rapport beca- Hai. Then, there is Shart, co-starring will fare at the On his plans to use we already have a release together Gracy Singh and Amrita Arora, which box-office? play a spectrum —Kya Dil Ne Kaha. And the comfort is slated for a May release. If anything, I am of reel roles level we enjoy comes through in Kucch What kind of roles will you be loo- not nervous abo- To Hai. Esha is a thorough profession- king at this year? ut the film’s pros- al — she immediately absorbs what is I have never planned my future — I al- pects. After all, required of her. ways go with the flow. As an actor, my Kucch To Hai is Which are the forthcoming films biggest asset is that I portray my roles our home production and we have tri- you are excited about? with sincerity.I will prove my versat- ed to make a different kind of movie. a new wardrobe. In fact, I play two ch- There is Yeh Dil, to be released in Ma- ility by taking on more action-oriented What kind of preparation did you aracters in the film, with the second rch, which is the remake of a south In- films. I don’t want to be remembered put in for your role in the film? half of Kucch To Hai showing me in a dian film. I play a normally subdued as a chocolate-boy hero. I changed my hairstyle and got myself mature role. guy who turns aggressive after falling MANISHA ALMADI

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Photos: SUNIL KATARIA Bright weaves from the fascinating experi- WATCH OUT! little known village of ence in shopping for ‘Leisure’ has now been Upara in Andhra Indian crafts and the shifted from page 2 to Pradesh have been de- colourful gaiety of page 4. For an all-enco- signed by her. , en- the place. sembles, silk bags and ‘‘I am very happy mpassing guide to ent- shawls to match are also to participate in this ertainment, turn to page available. great occasion — the 4 for comic strips, Daily The Mountbatten, The golden jubilee of the Oberoi 10 am onwards Indian Parliament,’’ Crossword, Indiatimes „ said Ruairi Hannlu- Dating, TV/film/event lis- Nitin and Anjali Bhalla’s ain of the Irish Par- tings and Bol Tara Bol Nitanjali Art Gallery at liament. Sharing Ansal Plaza is being these sentiments was launched today with a VP,federal council of wine and cheese evening. the Republic of Aus- The gallery will also host its Roryo and Tepesg Hanlow Subroto Kundu, Harshvardhan & Shamshad Husain tria, Anna Elisabeth WHAT’S HOT ’N’ first solo exhibition ‘Hu- Haselbach and many HAPPENING? manity in Relationship’ by others. ‘‘Although the Blue Chip artist many skeptics th- Proud to be an Indian? Pa- Amitesh Verma. Parliamentarians’ day out! ought that India will triotic pride takes on a new Nitanjali Art Gallery at not be able to main- high at Blues that will rock Smart Home utting the formality Tourism’s Rajiv Tal- to this theme, and on some 7.30 pm of their stiff grey war egged them on to all-new mixes by DJ Tony. „ Csuits, parliamentari- participate in the rev- Also on offer is a veg/non- Italianni’s at Hotel Radis- ans from different countries elry of Punjabi veg snacks platter and son features the Antipasti & walked in at Dilli Haat, after Bhangra and Ra- drinks unlimited for just Rs Wine Festival. Ten An- a day-long conference to jasthani music. Of 750 per head (all inclusive). tipasti temptations, pre- mark 50 years of the Indian course, what Celebrate Republic Day pared by master chefs are Parliament. most seemed over dinner and music for being served during the fes- At the specially organised to enjoy was Rs 300 per head (all inclu- tival. A glass of wine, which cultural programme, Delhi the sive). will be matched with the Blues antipasti, will be served Today and tomorrow; along with the appetizer or- 7.30 pm dered. „ Italianni’s, Hotel Pranavi Kapur is all set to Radisson 12.30 to 2.45 offer her next collection: pm and 7 to 11.45 pm V Popov tain democracy for long, they have been proved wrong,’’Anna explained. As many continued to shake a leg to the call of tradi- tional music, she said they looked forward to Ingrida Vore & being part of the spectac- Jorgen Kosmo and Anna Elisabeth Liga Bergmae ular parade on January 26!

MEDIANET PROMO What s up at # (Hash)?

t’s the newest restobar in to choose from. Definitely Basant Lok Community the first of its kind here! ICentre to join the list of Chef Prem recommends pubs in the Capital. We’re Chicken Hawaiin Salad, talking about #, or Hash, Creole Prawns, Moroccan which, in terms of its loca- Roast Chicken and Car- tion, couldn’t have asked for bonara Pasta for those who a better address, located as prefer non-vegetarian fare. it is in the hip-and-happen- The vegetarians could try ing market. The food is mul- Arabbiata, a spicy prepara- ti-cuisine and offers people tion of the famous Italian a wonderfully-exotic range pasta, besides a number of other delectable dishes. For the health-freaks, there is the Soup & Salad Bar in the afternoons. The wine list has both house and imported ones, and gives customers the option of ordering wine by the glass! Right from not having a name, # is different, for, it uses just a symbol for its identity! And the own- ers have made use of this unusual concept by giv- ing various interpreta- tions to it, using it innov- atively on their coasters, crockery etc. As Ajay Sahdev says, ‘‘Names are outdated and more often than not, not unheard of ! So we prefer being short and crisp and SMS- friendly.’’ The warm ambience is open to all age groups during the day,but after 8 pm, only those over 18 are allowed! The music is foot-tapping, with DJ An- kur behind the console. For the World Cup, the restobar has a big-screen fitted — something crick- et-lovers are going to love! Another highlight is the City Bar, with miniatures of well- known buildings. Accessible location, lip-smacking food, inter- national selection of liquor, great music and competitive pricing # (Hash) certainly has what it takes to be a winner. medianet promo

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Photos: SATISH JAISWAL Surya signature hat, Amrish Puri in his deep baritone said, ‘‘Fardeen brought back memories of the days his father and I worked together....’’ Khushi unlimited A happy note for sure! hushi hi kh- added, ‘‘I am impressed by Fardeen’s Janasheen, his dad’s produc- not the Bhoot,’’ he (With contributions from ushi for Del- sincerity. And Kareena is so full of tion that he’s looking forward quipped. Sporting his Sanghita Singh & Manisha Almadi) Khiites. The life!’’ Happy with their work, the pro- to, besides Ram Gopal Ver- stars of the film ducer informed that he is planning yet ma’s Bhoot. ‘‘In this, I am Khushi, Fard- another film with the two. certainly een Khan While Ka- and Ka- reena Kap- oor, tou- ched down in Delhi for the launch of Gurgao- n’s first Boney Kapoor and Amrish Puri multiplex DT Cinemas. While Kareena made a late entry ‘‘because she is not well,’’ Fardeen with a bandaged hand managed to woo the crowd with his brand of charm. Also present was Amrish Puri with di- rector Surya who makes his foray in Bol- Pia Singh with Kajal Aijaz lywood with this film, a remake of a South block- reena buster, and its producer hoped Boney Kapoor. that the Introducing his cast film does to the audience, Boney well, Fardeen good-humouredly was a little hes- said, ‘‘Amrish has just itant to talk about eight scenes in about the Khushi, but it took me pre- film. ‘‘I hate cisely eight days to con- to do this be- vince him to accept the cause I’m a lit- role.’’ To this, Mogambo tle supersti- gave a warm smile in re- tious. I feel this sponse. Meanwhile, the film, could act as a Boney said, is about the jinx. But do wish youth ‘‘aptly represented by us luck,’’ he said. Fardeen Khan Fardeen and Kareena.’’ And About his forth- about his two young stars he Kareena Kapoor coming films, it’s Freaked out! nce upon a time she orates dead people for was the sweet girl their funeral. Why is she Onext door in movies such a recluse? The an- like Chashme Buddoor and swers lies in her past that Saath Saath, the middle-of- keeps haunting her. the-road cinema, that es- The film progresses as tablished Deepti Naval as the writer wraps us an actress to reckon with. around his imagination And now, after almost a and introduces us to many decade, Deepti is back — interesting characters in- and seems to be in great cluding a young boy. The form. film also stars Sachin In Freaky Chakra, she Khedekar, Ranvir Sheorey, MEDIANET PROMO


plays a 40-year-old eccen- Sunil Rao and Sunaina tric woman who is highly Lala. Directed by V K temperamental and thus Prakash and set to the mu- invites unnecessary atten- sic of Ousephachan (on tion. She goes about her Times Music), Freaky life humourlessly, and Chakra promises to be a fights with everyone in the romantic comedy with a neighbourhood. She has difference. Check it out! given up her profession as medianet promo a doctor after the death of (With contributions from her husband and now dec- Sanghita Singh & Manisha Almadi)

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Prog. of Music: 2100 Jhankar (10.55 a.m., 3.45 & 9.45 p.m.); TUXEDO: offers seem too good to be true, on the other they 2130 Earth Matters 0930 Back to Back (Jackie Chan) PVR Saket (1.10, 7.15 p.m.), ham, Gulshan Grover) 3 C’S (Lajpat Nagar- Violin by P. Manorama NEWS 26927846) (11.45 a.m., 5 & 7.30 p.m.), PVR demand a variety or degree of commitment that 2200 Ek Nai Subah 1000 Saturday Stack Satyam Cineplexes (25893322) (1.15 & 7.45 0930 Current Affairs 1030 Back to Back ZEE NEWS Saket (12.55, 6.55 & 9.50 p.m.), PVR Naraina feel hesitant about making. However, if you ignore these Ki Ore p.m.); BOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD: (Akshay offers now, and you could be rejecting life-changing 1000 News in Sanskrit 1100 Saturday Stack 0700-1200 Bulletin- Every Khanna, Rahul Khanna, Lisa Ray, Moushami (10.55 a.m., 1.40, 4.25, 7.10, 9.55 p.m.), PVR 1005 Hello DD SONY 1130 Zabardast Hits Half An Hour Chatterjee) PVR Saket (11.30 a.m., 5.10, 11.15 Vikaspuri (11.30 a.m., 2.15, 7.45, 10.30 p.m.), opportunities for good. 1100 Mukhya Smachar 0700 Sant Asaram Vani 1200 Saturday Stack 1227 Manoranjan p.m.), PVR Naraina (5.40 p.m.), PVR Vikaspuri Delite (23272903) (12 noon, 3.15, 6.30 & 9.30 TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Being a practical 1102 Bollywood Tamasha (10.40 a.m. Only), Satyam Cineplexes p.m.), Paras (26432842), Chanakya earth sign, you’ll never make a commitment 1100 Good Morning 1230 Zabardast Hits 1300 Beyond Headlines (24670423) (12.30 & 6.30 p.m.), Movie Palace 1130 School School Disney 1300 Saturday Stack 1330 Bulletin (25893322) (8 p.m. Only); DIE ANOTHER DAY without knowing what - or who - you’re 1200 News Headlines (A): (Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry) PVR Saket (95120-4625502), Urvashi (G’bad), Regal becoming involved with. But over the next week 1200 Kya Haadsa Kya 1330 Zabardast Hits 1427 Manoranjan (23362245), Rachna (25713586), Alpna 1230 Junior-G Haqeeqat 1400 Mainstage 1430-1600 Bulletin- Every (1.50 & 11.20 p.m.), Satyam Cineplexes or so you’ll need to made decisions either very swiftly or 1300 Mukhya Samachar (25893322) (5.45 p.m. Only); MR & MRS IYER: (27413104), Kavita; KARAN ARJUN: Dev based on very little information.Trust your instincts.They’ll 1700 Chartbusters 1500 Back to Back Half An Hour (Loni); MAKDEE (Tax-free): (Shabana Azmi) 1302 Nandu Apna 1730 Music Mantra 1530 Saturday Stack 1627 Manoranjan (U) PVR Saket (7.05 p.m. Only); MY BIG FAT guide you with unerring accuracy. 1330 Timba Roocha GREEK WEDDING: PVR Saket (11.50 a.m. & PVR Saket (11.15 a.m. on Sat & Sun Only); PATI GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) You’ve been 1800 Disney Hour 1600 Zabardast Hits 1700-1800 Bulletin- Every PATNI AUR PATNI KA WOH: Gagan, Seble; 1400 Samachar 1900 CID Files 1630 Saturday Stack Half An Hour 9.20 p.m.) worrying that in addressing tricky issues, you’d 1415 The News Watch ‘Kal Aaj Aur Kal’ on MAX at 2100 Hrs. PYASA JISM: Rivoli (23362245), Ritz,Westend intensify tensions with those closest. Raise these 2000 Kya Haadsa Kya 1700 Back to Back 1827 Manoranjan HINDI FILMS 1430 Turning Point: Sunstorm 2100 Must See Saturday: (27770168), Lokesh; SAATHIYA: (, matters and you’re likely to find out that the Haqeeqat MOVIES 1730 Hit Machine 1830 Bulletin Rani Mukherjee, Sharat Saxena, Tanuja) Science Magazine 1045 Horror/Sci-Fi: The World is Not DUM (A): (Vivek Oberoi, Diya Mirza, Mukesh reverse is the case. They’re worried too. But they’re afraid SAHARA TV 1800 Zabardast Hits 1900 News at 7 Satyam Cineplexes (25893322) (3 & 6 p.m.), 1500 Mukhya Samachar MAX Dracula Enough 1830 Back to Back 1930 Bulletin Rishi) Sheila (23528299), Satyam (Cineplexes) that you’ll continue to avoid matters, forcing them to live 1502 Bhoomi (25893322) (12 PVR Saket (4.20 p.m. Only), PVR Naraina with situations they find impossible. 0800 Dum Dum 0900 Anand Aur Anand 1300 Action/Adventure: 2100 Saturday After Dark: 1900 Coke [V] Popstars 2000 News At 8 (12.10 & 5.10 p.m.); SHAITAANI ILAAKA: Jin- 1530 Sports World Diga Diga Code Name Phoenix The Dark Half noon, 3.30, 6.30, CANCER (June 21 - July 22) The time has come 1300 Ujala 1930 Karaoke 2030 Metro News 9.30 p.m.), PVR dal; TALAASH: (Akshay Kumar, Kareena 1600 News Headlines 0830 Manpasand 1700 Paapi Gudiya 1445 Horror/Sci-Fi: Pet 2000 Billboard US 2100 News at 9 to resolve issues from the past. You’ve been STAR PLUS Saket (3.50 & Kapoor, Raj Babbar) Suraj, Raj, Excelsior avoiding these for the fear of upsetting others. 1602 Sports World 0930 Just Kids 2100 Kal Aaj Aur Kal Semetary II Countdown 2130 Spl. Correspondent (23213377); HOME DELIVERY For PVR Cine- 1700 Mukhya Samachar 1030 Chacha Chaudhary 1645 Action/Adventure: 1500 Do Qaidi 10.30 p.m.), PVR That’s what they’ve been hoping, that you AXN 2100 Saturday Stack 2200 Din Bhar Naraina (12.50, mas Dial 26151111 (10 a.m. to 8 p.m., or book 1702 Sports World Contd... 1100 Music Batman and Robin 2000 Fiza 2200 Club online at www.pvrcinemas.com) wouldn’t see through their smoke screen of sad stories. 1730 Ghoomta Aaina 1915 Suspense/Thriller: STAR NEWS 4, 7.10, 10.20 Once you penetrate it, you’ll view the individuals in 1130 Aanewala Pal 1400 Predator SAHARA TV p.m.), PVR 1800 News Headlines 1200 Manpasand 2100 Premiere Movie: The Net ZEE MUSIC 0900 News- Eng. MORNING FILMS question in a very different light. 1802 Swabhimaan Ke 1400 Dharti Kahe Vikaspuri (12.40, 3.50, 7, 10.10 p.m.), Sangam LEO (July 23 - August 22) Others may insist that 1230 Kagaar U-571 2130 Suspense/Thriller: 0830 Sizzlers 0930 News- Hindi (12.15, 3.15, 6.30, 9.45 p.m.) (26187486), 1). CHALO ISHQ LADAAYE, 2). TOOTA TEER: 1330 Star Ek The Cell Pukar Ke 0900 Hit Pe Hit 1100 News- Eng. Movie Palace (95120-4625502); JANAM- you stick to what you know. But your instincts HALLMARK 1930 Bombay Filmistan (23673071), Sapna (26431787), are telling you that it’s time to take a break Gaane Anek STAR MOVIES 1000 Hit Mix 1130 News- Hindi Swaran, Samrat (27183119), Aakash, Movie JANAM (Nepali): Rachna (9.30 a.m.) 1700 Music 0700 Children of the Dark Police 1030 Zee Music Box 1900 Saat Baje (25713586); GLITCH: Rivoli (23362227); KHI- away from the familiar. Not only that, if you al- 0700 Comedy: Revenge Palace (995120-4625502), Pawan (G’bad); low yourself to go where your instincts guide you, what you 1730 Dum Dum 0900 Clifford ZEE TV 1100 Infomercial 1930 Limelight- Hindi KUCH TO HAI (A): (, ) LADI KHATRON KA: Dev (Loni); TRISHAKTI: Diga Diga 0930 Caillou of Nerds Simran Tea 2000 The Big Fight Jindal (Pushta); DAUD: Hans (Azadpur); RE- learn and who you meet could utterly transform your life. 1430 Barsat 3 C’S (Lajpat Nagar- 26927846) (2.15 & 10 VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) You’re in a 1800 Just Kids 1000 Sesame 0830 Comedy: Ernest 1130 Compact D 2100 News- Eng. p.m.), Odeon (23322167), Chanakya TURN TO TWO MOON JUNCTION: Filmistan 1900 Hello Street - 115 goes to School 2030 Kambakh Ishq 1200 Telebrands 2130 Reality Bites (24670423) (3.30 & 9.30 p.m.), Vishal, Liberty (23673071); WOMEN SECRET (A): Milan position to capitalise on certain properties or (25101014) possessions, particularly those involving family. 1930 Saturday Hits 1100 Sign of Four 1030 Drama: Music of ZEE CINEMA 1230 Hit Pe Hit 2200 Business Week (25728800), Satyam (Cineplex) (25893322) 2300 Star Ek Gaane 1300 Legal Eagles the Heart 1330 Jharokha 2230 Limelight- Eng. (11.45 a.m., 2.30, 5.15, 10 p.m.), Amba True, this means discussing tricky issues with Anek 1500 Guilt by Association 1230 Drama: Bringing 0700 Veer Chatrasal 1400 TaraRum (23916000) (12.30, 3.30. 6.30. 9.30 p.m.), PVR indiatimes 8888 others. Once you break the ice, however, you’ll not only 1000 Balma BBC resolve issues of ownership, you also should be able to put ‘Swabhimaan Ke 2330 Yaadein 1700 King or Texas Out The Dead 1500 Hit Mix Saket (1.30, 4.30, 7.30 p.m.), PVR Naraina (12, • Go to write msg 1300 Viewers’ Choice: certain persistent misunderstandings to rest. Suriya: Padma- 1900 The Soul Collector 1500 Action: Power Play 1530 Music Box 0830-2230 BBC News- 2.50, 7.40, 10.30 p.m.), PVR Vikaspuri (10.55 Message: • Type Movie del ZEE TV Hulchul, Taaqat or LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) Once you bhushan Pt. Surya 2100 The Great Outdoors 1705 Coffee Time Movie: 1630 AOTF Every Hour a.m., 1.45, 4.35, 7.25, 10.20 p.m.), Priya Mov del and name & Baazigar press ok make up your mind, your commitment is rock Narayan Vyas’ 0800 Tarunsagar Vani 2300 Boy Meets Girl Stop Or My Will 1700 Hit Mix 0900 Asia Today (10.55 a.m. & 10.15 p.m.), Movie Palace Makdee 0830 Cartoon Network Shoot 1700 Ek Ka Teen 0915 World Business • Send to 8888 solid. The process of reaching that conclusion, on DD I at 1802 Hrs. HBO 1730 Dil Se B (95120-4625502), Chaudhary (G’bad), Moti, Ok_ on Zee 1900 Action Force: Premiere 1800 Music Box Report Eros (24311784); AWARA PAAGAL DEE- • U receive list of however, can be a complex one for you and Surya- Docu. on Pt. 0930 Guldasta 0845 Suspense Thriller: Cop Land 2100 Yeh Vada Raha 1830 Telebrands 1000 Fast Track WANA: (Akshya Kumar, Paresh Rawal, Aftab, halls showing confusion for those around you. So much, in fact, that you Surya Narayan Vyas 1000 Ghar Jamai 1900 Music Box 1015 Holiday Sunil Shetty) Hans (Azadpur); BANDIT QUEEN Makdee as should consider discussing the impact of this period of Delhi & Relay a msg exploration with those closest to you. 1030 Mr. Gaayab 0930 Rendezvous with For Kids Dirty Work Double Episode 2000 Hit Pe Hit 1100 Talking Movies (A): Virat; DIL KA RISHTA: (Aishwarya Rai, Ar- Transmitters 1100 Ek Nazar 2100 Sizzlers 1200 Africa Direct SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21) Love 1830 Music/Dance Simi Garewal 1030 Going Wild with Jeff 1300 Richie Rich comes in many forms. Of greatest importance 1130 Count Down Show 1000 Travel Asia Corcovado- 1330 A Pup Named 2130 Dialogues 1300 Click Online EVENTS 1900 Regional News 1200 Rishtey 1340 The World Debate: now, however, is to consider whether what 1030 Goose Bumps Costa Rica Scooby Doo 2200 Jharokha 1915 Regional Service 1255 Jhalak Davos you’re doing shows love for yourself. As gene- 1100 Life with Louie 1100 Mystery Hunters 1400 Tom & Jerry Show THEATRE through spirituality’ by Tapasyaji and Dianet- National Network 1300 Suspense Hour SPORTS 1440 Ice Dogs rous as you can be with others, you can be unduly tough 1130 The Tick 1130 Splat IV 1500 The Flintstones and ics’s ‘Identify people around you’ by Horst 1930 Message of Hon’ble 1600 The Car’s The Star Shaurya: Hindi play- ‘Sultan,’ directed by on yourself. Kindness begins at home, and with the person 1200 X-Men 1200 Great Romances of Jetsons Hour DD SPORTS Nav Ratan Gautam, IHC, Lodhi Road, 7 p.m. Tubbesing (6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.) (Contact — President: On the Eve 1700 This Week 23782396 - 23782031); Shri Ram Mandir: you see in the mirror every day. of Republic Day- LIVE 1230 World’s Wildest the 20th Century 1600 The Popeye Show SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21) 1230 Makeover Story 1700 the Power Puff Girls 0830 High Action Adrenalin 1845 Profiles: Kofi Annan MUSIC AND DANCE ‘Srimad Bhagwad Katha’ (Uddhav Charitra followed by Hindi Police Videos 0900 H/Ls of National 2000 Correspondent You’re generous by nature. While that’s an Stuck In The 80’s 1800 Toonami: Dan Dare and Rukmani Vivah), B.T. Block, Shalimar version of 1330 Viper Games 2040 Ice Dogs Katyani Institute of Art & Culture: ‘Hindus- admirable trait, it can mean that you neglect your 1430 Baywatch 1300 Science Mysteries 1830 Toonami: tani classical and devotional music’ by Bagh, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; The Message 1000 India vs. Zimbabwe 2200 Beyond the Swami Sivananda Cultural Association: own interests, dealing with obligations such as 2005 The News 1530 Walker Texas 1400 Science Frontiers: Cardcaptors: 2 Madhumita Ray, Chinmaya Mission Audi- finances at the last minute. Now, however, you owe it to 1900 Samurai Jack 1st ODI R’gds Boundary ‘Group meditation,’ Sivananda Marg, Amar 2030 Samachar Ranger Robotic Devices 1230 India vs. Zimbabwe torium, Lodhi Estate, 7 p.m. yourself - and to your future - to focus on the extraordinary 1630 Xena 1500, 1600 & 1700 1930 Hong Kong Phooey CNN Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; 2100 Regional Service 1st ODI Contd. .. FILMS Sri Aurobindo Ashram: ‘Meditation,’ Sri offers that are coming your way. 1730 The Lost World Discovery Sunday 2000 Superman: The 0730 Larry King Live CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) Patriotic Songs 1700 Nehru Boat Delhi Telugu Academy: Telugu films- Aurobindo Marg, 7 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. 2130 Aap Beeti 1830 Mutant X 1800 Martial Arts Animated Series 0830 World News Usually you have no problem letting go of the 2100 The Flintstones and Race-2001 R’dgs. Manmaddudu, 2.30 p.m. & Sandede Sandede 2230 Feature Film in Hindi: 1930 Water Rats Kung Fu: The 1800 ITF Men Futures 0900 Diplomatic License LECTURES past. But you seem to be having trouble getting 2030 Malcolm in the Jetsons Hour / Naga, 5.30 p.m., A.P. Bhavan Auditorium, PUKAR (Anil Kapoor, ‘The World is not Animal Within Tennis T’ment (Fnl) 0930 World News The Theosophical Society: Lecture on ‘Life certain things out of your mind. This may be Middle 2200 The Real Adventures No. 1, Ashoka Road. Madhuri & Namrata) Enough’ on Star 1900 Speed played at 1000 Lou Dobbs & message of Krishnamurti’ by Sis. Shalja because you haven’t adequately dealt with them.Talk them 2100 Baywatch Hawaii of Jonny Quest Movies at 2100 Hrs. 2000 Gulistan Rajasthan Chennai - R’dgs. Moneyline EXHIBITIONS Khan, Shankar Lodge, 24, East Patel Nagar, 5 through, point by point, and you’ll soon find yourself able DD METRO 2200 Mutant X 1400 Naye Nazrane 2000 World Junior 1030 Int’l Correspondents Council of Handicrafts Development p.m.; J. Krishnamurthy Study Centre: A to bid them a lasting farewell. 0700 Prerna 1730 Gaane Anjaane NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Boxing C’ships 1100 World Report Corpn.: ‘Designer handicrafts,’ Open Palm weekly meeting and audio/video talk by Shri AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) You’re by 0730 Health Line 1800 Cartoon Network 2030 Meat the Champ 1130 World News Court Area, IHC, Lodhi Road, 11 a.m. to 8 J. Krishnamurthy, Lajpat Bhawan, Lajpat Na- no means secretive about your feelings. Yet at 0800 Bikhare Moti 0800 Violent Earth:The Day 1200 The Music Room the same time there are certain individuals on Zee The Ocean Boiled Beat the Champ p.m.; Nitanjali Art Gallery: ‘Fresh art’ by gar, 4 p.m.; All India Movement for Seva: 0830 Saturday Wake 1900 Ek Nazar 2100 Western Union 1230 World News you’ve kept at arms’ length, solely because you 0900 Nat Geo Max: The Amitesh Verma, Sujata Dere, Bhaskar Bhat- ‘Kathopanishad’ by Tushta Chaitanyaji (Eng- Up Show 1930 Thursday Football Show 1300 Next@CNN didn’t want to discuss what you feel. Much as you dread Secret Life of Crash tacharya, Sujit Saha and others, H-456-A, lish), B-64, Sarvodaya Enclave, 4.30 p.m. to 0900 Hello Inspector Premiere Trailor 2130 Dortnund Sparkssen 1330 World News such exchanges, once you begin talking things over you’ll Test Dumy Palam Vihar, Gurgaon, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 5.30 p.m.; Vedic Wisdom Ashram: Talk on 0930 Kuntee Chess Mate 1400 People in realise how ridiculous your worries were. STAR PLUS 1000 Gene Hunters: HIV Daffodils Art Gallery: ‘Art works’ by Seema ‘Astrology - Management of life’ by Swami 1000 Manoranjan Express 2200 FINA Diving Grand the News Varma, The Grand, Nelson Mandela Road, Prakashji, B-25, 3rd Floor, Dayanand Colony, PISCES (February 19 - March 20) Somebody 1030 Rang Birange 0700 Aatma Nairobi Prix-2001: Women’s 1430 Larry King LIVE owes you, and they owe you big time. In fact their 1030 Extreme Vasant Kunj, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Gallery Pio- Lajpat Nagar-IV, 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. Sapne 0830 Hit Filmein Hit Fnl. held at Canada (Replay) neer: ‘Recent works’ by Amit Dutt, 6-A Hauz debt to you is so substantial that you thought 1100 Family Manoranjan Sangeet Science:Great Whites 2300 India vs. Zimbabwe 1530 World News- Every PUBLIC FUNCTIONS there was no need to discuss it. Not only do you 1100 Human Edge (2) Khas Village (First Floor), 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 1130 Curtain Raiser 0900 Fox Kids 1st ODI R’dgs. Half an Hour Max Mueller Bhavan: ‘Colour odyssey’ Pho- Shiba Art Group: ‘The Sag Awards’ with cul- now realise that there is, it’s vital that you talk everything 1200 Glamour & Rythm 1000 Gurukul- Ancient 1200 Pearl Harbor 1600 World Sport tural programme and fashion show, Kamani through in precise detail. Weekend: Pearl Visit ‘Desert Shores of Cortez’ on NGC - 2300 STAR SPORTS tographic works by Ranjit Singh, Siddhartha 1230 Ek aur Ek Gyarah Wisdom of India 1630 World News Hall, 3-Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 10 a.m. to 7 Auditorium, Mandi House, 6 p.m.; British 1300 Star Style 1100 Hai Na Bolo Bolo Harbor:Legacy of 0700 Team India 1700 Int’l Correspondents Council: ‘Calligraphy workshop’ by Anita Attack 2100 Terra X Fata Morgana MUSIC p.m.; Anant Art Gallery: ‘Paintings’ by Anil 1330 Jeevan Ke Pal 1200 Aur Phir Ek Din Programming: 1730 World News Gaikwad, 35, Link Road, Lajpat Nagar-III, 10 Bagla, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 11 a.m. to 1 Do Pal 1300 Pearl Harbor: Beyond 2200 Treasures of the 1230 Star Bestsellers World: Treasures MTV India Glorious 1800 Inside Sailing a.m. to 7 p.m.; All India Fine Arts & Crafts p.m.; Al-Anon: Meeting for relatives and 1400 Geet Sangeet The Movie 0800 Australian Open 1900 Business Unusual 1330 Hit Filmein Hit of Asia 0800 Non-Stop Hits Society: ‘Delhi State art exhibition,’ Rafi friends of ‘Alcoholics,’ Free Church (near 1425 Pakwaan 1400 About Asia:Chinese Women’s Singles & 2000 Talk Asia Jantar Mantar), Sansad Marg, 7 p.m. to 8.30 Sangeet Footing Binding:The 0900 Hit Film Music Marg, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Govt. of Chhattis- 1450 News in Urdu 1400 Deewarein CARTOON NETWORK Men’s Doubles 2030 World News garh: ‘Shabari’ - Handicrafts and handlooms p.m.; Alcoholics Anonymous: Meeting on 1500 Feature Film in Hindi: Vanishing Lotus 1000 Non-Stop Hits Fnls LIVE 2100 World Sport 1430 Hum Hai Kal 0800 Tom & Jerry Show 1230 Housefull of Chhattisgarh, Tribes, 9-Mahadev Road, 10 ‘Recovery from Alcoholism,’ Masihgarh HARE RAMA HARE 1500 Hour India:Great India 1100 Ckt Progamming: 2130 World News Church, Sukhdev Vihar (opp. Escorts Heart Aaj Aur Kal Railways Part I 0900 Jakie Chan 1300 Non Stop Hits a.m. to 7 p.m.; Triveni: ‘Paintings’ by Gopal KRISHNA (Dev Anand, 1800 Bol Baby Bol Adventures Super Selector 2200 The Daily Show: Chowdhury and ‘Paintings’ by Vasundhara Institute), 7 p.m. 1700 Nat Geo Genius: S2-6 1515 LKL Global Edition Zeenat & Mumtaz) 1830 Yatra 0930 Hong Kong Phooey 1200 PGA Tour Golf Tewari Broota (Shridharani Gallery),Triveni Kala 1730 Gila Monster 1800 Non Stop Hits Phoenix Open MISCELLANEOUS 1730 Rail Road Watch 1900 Sea Hawks 1000 Superman - The 1900 Fresh CNBC INDIA Sangam, 205-Tansen Marg, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 1800 Platform for Young 1800 Human Edge 1430 Go Kart MRF Formule Lok Kalyan Samiti: ‘Free eye check-up,’ 2330 Aaj Ki Baat 1830 Earth Pulse Animated Series 1930 Non Stop Hits 0900 Cutting Edge Krishna’s Collection Art Gallery: ‘Prayas’ 1830 Baton Baton Mein 1100 Power Zone: G I Joe Mondiale C’ship Sucheta Bhawan, 11-A, Vishnu Digamber 1900 Saturday Unltd 2030 House Full 0930 Insurance by Ajay Kumar Samir, D-47, Defence Colony, 1900 Jo Jeeta Wohi STAR WORLD 1130 Power Zone: 1500 NBA Inside Stuff Marg, 9 a.m.; Enlightenment Foundation: Flight:Arctic Flyer 2100 Bolti Bund Intelligence 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Lalit Kala Sikander Swat Kats 1530 Asia Sports Show ‘Teachings / Meditation and healing,’ S-107, 0730 Bold and the 2000 Saturday Unltd: 2130 Chito Chat 1000 Mutual Fund Akademi: ‘Art of Bengal, A vision define 1955- 1930 Ekka Beghum 1200 The Mask: 1600 Australian Open 1975,’ Rabindra Bhavan, 35-Ferozeshah Road, G.K.-II, 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.; Venue Eye In- Beautiful Flight: Beyond 2145 Non-Stop Hits Investor Women’s Singles & 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Indira Gandhi National stitute & Research Centre: 1/31, Sheikh Sarai Limits 1030 Taking Stock Visit www.astrospeak.com for detailed forecast Men’s Dbl Fnls Centre for the Arts: ‘Art of Afghanistan,’ Mati Institutional Area, Ph.-II (near PSRI Hospital) (9 2100 About Asia:Secret 1130 Managing India 1900 Ckt Programming: Ghar, Janpath, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. a.m. to 4 p.m.) and Sanatan Dharam Sabha, China the Land Of Super Selector 1200 CNBC Executive Shivshakti Mandir, Madangir (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.); INTERNET HUMOUR Mercy 2000 Team India Sports RELIGIOUS DISCOURSES Adhyatma Sadhna Kendra: ‘Free meditation, 2200 Hour India:Hot Programming: 1800 Managing Asia yogasana & pranayam, yoga-meditation & re- 1830 Mutual Fund Times Foundation - Nityaanandita: Golden A couple of hunters are out in the woods in the deep south Science from India Mission South Africa Age Foundation’s ‘Session of prosperity laxation classes,’ Chhatarpur, 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to 2300 Nat Geo Classics: 2130 Australian Open H/Ls Investor 1900 CNBC Spl. be breathing, and his eyes are rolled back in his head. The Desert Shores ESPN The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He Of Cortez 2000 Global Market 0843 Australia Ckt.: 2nd Wrap gasps to the operator, ‘‘My friend is dead! What can I do?’’ DISCOVERY Fnl Session 1 LIVE 2030 Digital Revolution The operator, in a calm and soothing voice, says, ‘‘Alright, 0800 Great Books Inferno 1230 Goals! 2100 Good Life take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.’’ 0900 Blue Planet Frozen 1300 Australia Ckt.: 2nd 2130 Trendmill There is silence, and then a gun shot is heard. Waters Final Session 2 LIVE 2200 StoryBoard The hunter comes back on the line. ‘‘OK. Now what?’’ Star Plus airing ‘Fiza’ at 2000 Hrs. 1000 Popular Mechanics HBO presenting ‘The Cell’ at 2130 Hrs. 1700 NBA Action 2230 Appointment

DLTD250103/CR1/02/M/1DLTD250103/CR1/02/C/1DLTD250103/CR1/02/K/1DLTD250103/CR1/02/Y/1 CMYK DL D ‰ ‰ † ‰ K DL D ‰ ‰ † ‰ DL D ‰ ‰ † ‰ M DL D ‰ ‰ † ‰ C

SATURDAY 25 JANUARY 2003 DELHI TIMES, THE TIMES OF INDIA CUTTING EDGE 5 Women on the pill prefer hunks f she’s on the pill, she’s Isure to choose a hunk. If psychologists are to be believed, women’s taste in men could vary de- pending on whether they are taking the contracep- tive pill. BREAKERS According to a report in The Age, researchers believe taking the con-

PATH traceptive could lead to women choosing men with a “macho” appear- NEELABH

ance, as opposed to those with more feminine features. Wom- en who were on the pill were more attracted to men with strong masculine features but the reverse was true of women not taking the contraceptive. Cleaners use cruise control outh Korean scientists Shave adapted a navigation system from cruise missiles to build a robot vacuum clean- er that can find its way around a room day or night, says a report in New Scientist. Robot cleaners usually keep track of their position by measuring how far their

wheels have turned. But if the wheels slip on a parquet floor, the cleaner gets confu- sed. The patented device built by researchers at Samsung gets around this by placing a video camera and infrared de- tector on top of the cleaner, giving it a normal and in- frared vision of the room. Now, barcodes identify babies hospital in Spain has in- Atroduced barcodes for newborn babies’ fingerprints in order to prevent mix-up over identification. As soon as babies are born, their fingerprints and those of their mothers are stored in

electronic barcodes which mother and baby wear on their wrists In effect, they act as an ID card for the child. If there is any doubt about a baby’s identity, the barcodes can be scanned by a machine which matches the child with its mother, says a BBC report. Hi-tech brushes are no better he people who think their Tlatest hi-tech tooth brushes with “rotation-oscillation” are helping them fight tooth decay and gum diseases must think again. The largest study of its kind by researchers in the UK

found that electric toothbrush- es are no better than tradition- al brushes at preventing tooth decay and gum disease. They also found that the reduction of plaque and gum disease was “modest” while the benefits were “borderline” in the very long term.

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Photos: SUNIL KATARIA t’s an instant me- sons in service. I mean, one isn’t Chicken Balls (Rs 120), the Roast tamorphosis — from looking for liveried five-star, Chicken with Five-Spice and Red KNOW YOUR INGREDIENTS flame to ex-flame! white-glove attendance at a neigh- Wine (Rs 190), the Saute Prawns with Preah Narang IYes, Flame’s, the lat- bourhood restaurant. But, at ap- with Green Vegetables (Rs 300) or est restaurant to mush- proximately Rs 1500 for a meal for the Stir-Fried Leafy Vegetables in room in the ever-bur- two, how many of us can stomach Ginger and Garlic (Rs 120), each geoning landscape of food being served by a waiter who, looked and tasted the same. Not eateries in the GK II mar- moments earlier, has picked his helping matters much, the right Pate for all seasons ket, doesn’t exactly have pearly whites with his finger- honourable husband decided to Intimidat- saute until tender, for about the fire burning bright. nails right in front of you? Or an- match the colour of the evening ing as it 5 minutes, keep aside. In a Don’t get me wrong, the other who coughs into your neck — let’s just say that the mood was may sound, large mixing bowl beat the restaurant itself is not while serving you a curious offer- dark which no amount of zintec Pbti de foie eggs and cream cheese until bad-looking but the food was going to help im- gras is con- smooth. Add the bread and service may leave MAIN COURSE prove! sidered by crumbs, salt, basil, rose- you stone cold! I really would like to many as mary, oregano, black pep- Situated just beyond Sabina Sehgal Saikia point out a spark in the the ultim- per and reserved onion and Anupam Sweets, bang menu but even the delhi.timescity.com ate culin- celery mixture and mush- opposite Diva, the first- Spring Onion and Chick- ary delight, the king of rooms. Check the seasoning floor restaurant serves en Dimsums (Rs 150) did- pbtis. Foie gras in French and adjust if required. Stir what masquerades as ori- n’t match those offered stands for ‘‘fat liver,’’ and until the mixture is well ental cuisine, mostly Chi- by some enterprising Ti- this pbti is specially made blended and smooth. Butter nese and Thai. But, be- betans at Lajpat Nagar’s from the livers of specially a loaf pan. Cover the long Central Market. The Sin- fattened geese or duck, side and bottom of pan with gapore Rice Noodles (Rs which is the reason why it a strip of greaseproof paper 150) would fall into the comes with a hefty price leaving a 1-1/2 inch over- same category. The tag! hang. Spoon the mushroom Steamed Rice (Rs 65) was Pate is French for ‘pie’. mixture evenly into the pan FOR WHOM THE not bad at all. Traditionally pate was and cover the top of the pan All in all, if you asked served either baked in a with foil. Bake until firm, me if you should visit crust or moulded as a ter- about 1-1/2 hours. Cool in Flame’s, I would say do... rine. The pate grind can be pan until lukewarm. Then but only if you want to smooth and creamy or on remove the pate and serve it FLAME S turn that flame of yours the chunky side. It can be at room temperature with into an ex-flame! served hot or cold, moulded crackers as an appetiser. lieve me, the meal that the hus- restaurant is pleasant or unmolded. Prawn and Brandy Pate band and I partook of the enough — its dominant black ing of Sun Lat Thong (Rs 95), al- RATING: Food ★★ When making pbti en Ingredients other night transcended and white theme, chairs with legedly a hot and sour chicken Service ★ crofte, you can use a pbti 500 g cooked Prawns antler-like flourishes, large all boundaries of time soup. Did someone say they en- Ambience ★★★ pan that comes apart (like a 1/2 cup dry white wine and space, not least geo- glass windows with ele- vied food critics? spring form pan) so you 90 g butter graphical divisions. In gant drapes, shades with The food is clearly colour-coor- don’t damage the delicate A dash or two of tabasco other words, after eat- holes that reflect a fluo- dinated as well — every dish from ★★★★★ Outstanding crust when trying to un- Salt and freshly ground pep- ing at Flame’s, you rescent yellow light.... the menu we ordered was in vary- ★★★★ mould the dish. If the per might just emerge lust- But, the incongruous- ing degrees of black. The chef at Excellent ing for the omnipresent ly-dressed waiters in Flame’s doesn’t let you forget his ★★★ Good Delhi staple of Punjabi French-style aprons, colour- bias for soya sauce — no amount ★★ Average Chinese! coordinated in black and is too much for him! So be it the ★ Poor The first impression of the white, need more than a few les- starter of visibly kacha Sesame

fectly brewed, and authentic A perfect platter in taste. The Indian cuisine restaurant downstairs offers oused in PVR com- fine Mughlai and Indian food. Hplex, 4’s enters the brimming foray of spe- ciality restaurants and It’s a grill pubs with a chic Indian TOWN you’ll enjoy! cuisine sit-down dinner on the ground floor. The he Village restaurant pub offers food on plat- Tcomplex at Siri Fort Ro- ters for casual dining. ad, Colours ‘N’ Spice offers a The cocktails capture fabulous array of ethnic Indi-

AROUND pep in their innovative an and grilled fare.You can names: Blue Lagoon, start with Murgh Malai See- Red So- khs, the ama- recipe calls for goose liver, 1 stick celery, finely cho- cks, Orange zing Amritsa- but it’s not available, try pped blossom... ri Maach, or substituting chicken livers. A pinch each of nutmeg The pub pro- the sumptous It won’t be as rich, but it and cayenne pepper mises to offer Kakoris Ke- will still end up quite tasty. Juice of 1 lemon good value for babs. Follow Depending on the richness 1/2 cup fish stock (from the money and up with Resh- of the pbti, plan on 1/8 to prawns) enough va- mis, Superb 1/4 pound per person as a 1 tablespoon brandy riety and ad- Shamis, Bur- serving. Serve with toasted A generous sprinkle of pa- ventured. The rahs Chapal- brioche, toast triangles, or prika drinks range is, Phalanda- crackers. Melted butter for sealing is enhance ri, Murgh Ka Mushroom Pate Method: with a range Soola, Elaichi Ingredients If using fresh prawns, cover of fine coffee: Ghost et cet- 500 gms fresh mushrooms them with a little water and from Calypso ra. You can 1/4 cup butter salt and bring to a boil and to Irish, there have as many 1/3 cup minced onion simmer for a few minutes. is Jamaican you like just 1/3 cup finely chopped cel- Drain the prawns, reserv- coffee, per- for Rs 299. ery ing the stock. Put the 2 eggs prawns in a blender with 3 Oz cream cheese, softened the wine, butter, tabasco, 3/4 cup fine dry bread salt and pepper, celery, nut- crumbs meg, cayenne, lemon juice 1/2 tsp basil leaves, crushed and stock and blend for one 1/4 tsp rosemary leaves, minute or until smooth. Re- crushed move from blender, add 1/4 tsp oregano leaves brandy and paprika. Pack Salt and pepper to taste. in small jars, seal with melt- Method ed butter and screw lids on Preheat the oven to 400. tightly. The spread should Rinse and finely chop keep for 3 to 4 days in the re- mushrooms (makes about 5 frigerator. Serve on fingers cups); set aside. In a non of hot buttered toast or on stick pan melt the butter. savoury biscuits and serve Add the onion and celery; with lemon juice. Snacking sensation! atissier’s Gallery is TOWN Porganising Hors d’ oeuvre festival. This will offer vegetarian and non vegetarian cocktail sna- cks comprising of deli- cious cheese aigrettes, AROUND spicy mutton pockets, chicken cheese three be-

ll pepper jalousie, mushroom orly,babycorn orly et cetra in a affordable price and has been prepared by Patissier’s Gal- lery’s Chef. To add to customer convenience, they also offer home delivery of the hors d’ oeuvre range for people who are planning to have parties at their place. Wine and all things fine ow about driving the win- Hter blues away by some great wine? Radisson Hotel of- fers an Antipasti & Wine Fes- tival at Italianni’s till January 31. Antipastis will be supple- mented with a glass of Wine.A glass of wine will be served along with the appetiser or- dered. The wine served will be matched with the antipasti.

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firstbut he said that once the thing to do with your role to me. I am there in very few Do you think you were have an important and de- work with. film is complete its the pro- being hacked? scenes, but at least I have an over-shadowed by Karina fined role to deliver. I dont I hardly had any scenes ducers prerogative to decide I really dont know all that, important and defined role in the film? come during the songs, make with her. so I wouldnt know. which elements he wishes to but you see Karina has so to deliver.I dont come during I dont think so. Most of an appearance and go away.I What about your forth- include and what he wants to many films releasing every the songs, make an appear- those who have seen the film have performed well in what- coming projects? edit. Its his call totally. now and thenIve had a re- ance and go away.I have per- say that I was the best thing ever little scope I had. I have Parwane and Taj Do you think any of lease after very long, so this formed well in whatever lit- in Talaash. I am there in Many claim that Ka Mahal in the pipeline. your co-stars had any- movie was really important tle scope I had. very few scenes, but at least I rina is quite difficult to (Filmfare Online)

In Talaash of POOJA Times News Network Koi offer mile hi nahin.I myself had no idea why fter Dil Ne Phir this happened. Its not that Yaad Kiya and Kuch the performances in my AKhatti Kuch Meethi previous films havent been in 2001, many believed that appreciated; the industry the lady had bid adieu to complimented me on Bollywood and had settled every performance but no for a life off-the-camera. meaty roles came my way. Breezing news of her in- Tell us about your role volvement and her mar- in Talaash. riage to a man from Amer- What do I say about the ica created further un- film nothing absolutely. A wanted trem- chunk of my ors in Poojas She regrets that role was any- professional ways snipped life that was not many meaty off. The songs silently conva- roles came her were pic- lescing back to turised on Ka- the limelight. way, but she’s rina and I sim- Pooja gave a ply flashed sigh of relief here to make somewhere in when she the best of what the back- signed the Ak- ground. I was- shay-Karina she gets nt even fea- starrer Ta- tured in any of laash assuming this film the promos on air, the would haul her career out hoardings or the cassette of the sinking well. cover.You seem to be total- From 2001 to 2003was- ly disinterested in the film nt this really long hiatus and thoroughly disap- from Bollywood. What pointed with the way its was the reason for this turned out unexpected break? audi- Didn’t you raise this is- ences almost believed sue with your director? that you called in quits I did question the direc- to Bollywood. tor - Suneel Darshan at PICK OF THE WEEK DVD/VCD/LD Undercover Brother The Bourne Identity rom the et again- Fproducers Sst dram- of The Nutty atic Europe- Professor and an backdrop Liar, Liar, it’s the story comes Under- of a man sal- cover Brother. vaged, near Starring Ed- death, from die Griffin, the ocean by Undercover Brother is a live- the crew of an Italian fish- action comedy based on Urb- ing boat. When he recuper- an Media’s popular website ates, the man suffers from series. total amnesisa. He is com- About a Boy pletely without identity. ased on Red Dragon BNick Ho- n this pre- rnby’s popu- Iquel to The lar novel, AB- Silence of the OUT A BOY Lambs, the is a comedy- story of for- drama starri- mer FBI age- ng Hugh Gra- nt Will Gra- nt a rich, chi- ham, who ld-free Londoner in his thir- was nearly ties who, in search of available killed by Hannibal Lecter, is women, invents an imaginary told, and it includes the initial son and starts attending single capture of The Cannibal. parent meetings. The Banger Sisters Half Past Dead riminal wo best Cmaster- Tfriends mind Don- and former ny(Morris rock groupies Chestnut) has reunite after set in motion twenty years a plan to infil- to find that trate a high one of them tech prison in is still rocki- order to persuade a death row ng out while the other has inmate to reveal the where- “grown up”. Shot through abouts of $200 million worth with belly laughs and bawdy of gold. Undercover FBI agent energy. Sascha (Steven Seagal) must stop him before its too late. Trapped rapped is Ta horri- bly-construc- ted kidnap- ping flick, with child- snatchers at- tempting to replace the loss of their own child by snaking Dakota Fanning.

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Tina Ambani gives a reason to smile SHE LOVES: Her glossy hair: I condition my hair with career. here are 32 reasons to Tina Ambani to introduce us Michael Douglas: The night we met at honey and beer. I smell like the bottom Her flaws: I have a piggy nose and puffy Tsmile in city to the extra reason to say the Deauville Film Festival in France, he of a beer barrel for days afterward, but eyes. from now on. And it took the cheese without pain. had said, ‘I want to father your children.’ it’s very good for the hair. Concealing her scar: I have a one-and- svelte hands of the gorgeous The hostess recently inau- We dated for a long time and then, in the HEART FELT! Dylan Thomas: I was very lucky to be a-half-inch tracheotomy scar I got as an gurated a brand new designer June of 1998, we were in Majorca and born in the same hometown as Dylan infant, the result of a virus that hindered dental clinic at Chowpatty, that was it. We realised this was serious. Thomas, so there was a Dylan Thomas my breathing. Make-up artists are al- Mumbai, called ‘32 Reasons’. On the millennium New Year’s Eve, he Read on as to what the theatre group that I belonged to. Tom Jo- ways trying to cover it up, but I hate hid- And the great thing about this proposed. We both had flu at the time nes was in a production of Thomas’ Un- ing it. I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t clinic is that unlike the pokey and we were honking and blowing our Hollywood princess, der Milk Wood with me. Anthony Hop- have that scar. little rooms that add to our noses. I had snot dribbling down my kins directed it, and I had to sing in it. Being accused of smirking: I think my misery when we have to say face but he gave me a beautiful antique Catherine Zeta-Jones, Her energy: I have this frenetic energy lips are nice the way they curl up at the ‘aaah’ in the torture chair,this diamond engagement ring (10 carats) that’s unbelievable. ends but, at school, my teachers would one makes us let out the extra and we decided to get married. I do love loves and loathes... Titanic: The TV mini-series, not the movie. think I was smirking because of the way aaah of delight, at the sheer him, and I know it’s a real long road It was lucky for me. I made the mini-se- my lips curl up at the ends. I got a lot of, comfort of the environs. ahead, this relationship. I want him to be ries in 1996, and when Steven Spielberg ‘Zeta Jones, take that smile off your proud of me. saw it, he asked face!’ Dylan Michael Douglas: His birth was me to do Zorro. Smoking: I used probably the best day of my life! He’s America: The to smoke Marl- this chubby angel. He’s got about four best thing I ever boro Lights. I just pounds on each cheek, and he’s got the did was to take stopped. Now I Douglas dimple. He has his grandfa- time out to move hate it. ther’s — we call him Pappy — dimple. to Los Angeles. It Rumours about Movies: I like the fact they’re on celluloid changed every- the pre-nup agr- forever, unlike the theatre. thing for me. eement: There Children: Ideally, I’d like to have three. A fire: I love a was a load of Her family: We’re very close, a big Irish- fire because the rubbish written Catholic/Welsh family. My mother is a smell reminds about it, but th- seamstress and my father a financial me of coming ere was no ar- manager. home from scho- gument, no ma- Her double-barrelled name: One of my ol as a girl and licious feud. If I grandmothers was Catherine and the smelling the was marrying other is called Zeta. She was named af- sooty coal fire. someone of les- ter a ship that my great-grandfather Quiet darkness: ser fortune who took to Greece. I like quiet and I was 25 years Giving sentimental gifts: For Michael’s like the dark. I younger, I’d ha- birthday, I surprised him with a photo have this weird ve done the ex- portrait of his two sons — Cameron thing, I don’t re- act same thing. I (from his first wife Diandra) and Dylan. alise it’s gone think pre-nups It’s hanging in his office. It was very inti- dark outside. are brilliant, be- mate and he loved it. Michael will cause it’s all sort- Dancing: I’m a hoofer. I once starred in come home and ed out. It wasn’t 42nd Street on London’s West End. I say, ‘Why no lights? No TV? No music? a nasty experience for me; it was like, started studying dance at the age of four. Are you OK?’ And I’m just quite happy ‘Thank God that’s done — let’s get on At the local Catholic church around the in that space without any stuff. I like that with it!’ It is signed and put in the bottom corner from my house, there was a lady peace. of a drawer, hopefully never to be seen who teaches dancing. She’s a lifelong SHE LOATHES: again. I get taken care of very well. friend of mine. As a child, I was so hy- Being dubbed an overnight sensation: I Emotional vulnerability: It used to scare peractive that it was the easiest way for wasn’t just dragged off the streets! I’ve me to open up, to be emotional in front me to exert myself so that I would at been working in theatre since I was 15. of other people. least sleep at night. I put a lot of sweat and homework in my (Asia Features)

Abhishek on the ‘run’! Open love Brad warns Aniston n the Tamil version of work in Hindi. But we’ll let ollywood hunk Brad IRun, actor Atul Kulkarni that be. For the all-powerful match HPitt has instructed wife made quite an impact as an antagonist, Boney wants Jennifer Aniston to treat underworld don who takes Mahesh Manjrekar. ‘‘Bon- her co-star in The Good Girl on a small-town boy, ey has approached me and with care because he was so played by Madha- I’d be only too glad to much younger than her. How- van. For the Hindi work with him. Boney ever, rather than being nerv- version, producer is a good producer,’’ ous about his steamy sc- Boney Kapoor says Manjrekar who’s enes with the Frien- has signed Ab- playing the male lead ds beauty, Jake hishek Bach- opposite Sushmita Gyllenhaal only chan to play Ma- Sen in the English took the part be- ddy’s role. Maddy version of his own As- cause of the op- thinks titva which starts layers at the French Open portunity to get there’s shooting in the Pthis year will be facing intimate with no way US at the some tough competition, as the sexy actre- Run end of Andre Agassi and his wife ss. can Febru- Steffi Graf are planning to Aniston ary. enter the mixed doubles to- says, ‘‘They’re gether. Speaking at the Aus- my first love tralian Open, Andre said, scenes ever!’’ ‘‘For the record, if I win Jake said here, Stef has to play dou- that’s the only bles with me in Paris. You reason he did can print that and I’ll hold the movie! you to it.’’ And the ac- tress says Pitt told her, ‘‘Be SHAKIRA’S nice to the guy! He’s just profitable venture a kid’.’’ eebok spokeswoman RShakira and her founda- tion, Pies Descalzos (Bare Feet), is teaming up with Juhi Chawla’s the athletic shoe giant in a year-long project that going strong! will dole out 10,000 he Chirpy Cha- pairs of Reeboks to Twla is still ve- Colombia’s neediest chil- ry much a part of dren. the film indus- try,in spite of her having turned a mommy. Jhankar Beats promises to be a biggie at the box-office. Besides this film, Juhi has also been roped in for Tanuja Chandra’s Vaasta and another one in which she plays a house- wife. Well, we hope these bring her the suc- cess she hopes for.

Sunil Shetty: Short ‘n’ snappy hat I hate in my da- my mate... Wte... The fact that she knows me When my date tries to act better than I know myself. overtly sexy, dre- She knows exactly what I ssed in a re- want, when I want it, what vealing out- I’m thinking and the pat- fit and pre- tern of my mood tends to be swings. Without saying extra-fri- much, I am understood endly and and loved. familiar, My sex appeal... it triggers I’m very human, guess me off. that’s my sex appeal. What I lo- I desire... ve in I’ve got more than I ever desired. Sin to me is... Fatty food!

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1 0 BACK BEAT DELHI TIMES, THE TIMES OF INDIA SATURDAY 25 JANUARY 2003 Bipasha has no regrets here were some who didn’t quite Tapprove of the ‘erotic’ scenes in the film Jism, but sexy Bipasha argues that those scenes were narrative in their own way and necessary to keep the story going. In fact, ‘‘I am happy that it happened to me,’’ she had to say.

secret Liz’s is out he mystery Tman seen sn- uggling up to Bri- tish actress Liz Hurley at a Paris fashion show is Arun Neyla.The pair were snap- ped holding han- ds at the Christ- ian Dior show.De- spite having front row seats, the co- uple spent most of the show looking at each other, ign- oring the catwalk action. She sho- wed her support for CD by wear- ing a top.


Vol. 03 No. 25 RNI Registration No. DELENG/2001/5765. Published for the proprietors, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. by Balraj Arora at Times House, 7 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi — 110 002 and printed by him at Times of India Press 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi — 110 002 and 13 & 15/1, Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad (U.P.). Regd. Office: Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Mumbai — 400 001. Editor (Delhi Market): Sabina Sehgal Saikia, responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. © All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Circulated with The Times of India in Delhi & adjoining areas.

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