CANBERRA BUSH WALKING CLUB INC NEWSLETTER P0 Box 160, Canberra ACt 2601 PP248831/00047



AUGUST MONTHLY MEETING Dickson Library Community Room Wednesday 17 August, 8.00pm onwards

"If you go down to the woods today..." Tim Shepherd, Manager operations, Southern Region, of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service will give an update on the Service's activities in some of the areas beloved of CBC walkers - Morton,

Budawangs, Ettrema, Deua, Wadbilliga, Nadgei ... as well as a pragress report on the new wilderness reserves and other key NSW wilderness issues

Make the most of the evening and join other members at 6. OOpm for a convivial (BYO) meal at the Vietnamese Restaurant at O'Connor Shops (the one on the corner). Try to be early to ensure there will be ample time to finish and still get to the meeting in comfoffoble time.


This month I would like to remind everyone that in Renewals September we will have our,Annual General Meeting at A significant number of memberships are due for renewal in which we will elect a new Club committee. Now is the the next few months. Please check the top right hand corner time to start thinking about who you would like to see of the address label of this magazine for your renewal date. serving you on the committee for 1994-95 and to give Ifthe label has RENEW SOON, RENEW NOW orLAST some thought as to whether you would like to serve on the IT, kindly send your subscription. Members paying at club committee. Besides the leading of walks, committee meetings are requested to bring the correct amount. Cur- membership is a means by which you can contribute in a rent fees are $24.00 single and $32.00 household. positive way to the running of the Club and thus ensure its continued success and vitality. Serving on organisa- New Members tional committees such as this, can also be a good experi- PeterBaulderstone, Chisholm; Kestrel Khan, Aranda; Peter ence and an opportunity for learning and developing skills Walsh, Torrens; Diane Amos & David Lee, North Lyne- which can be useful elsewhere. ham; Phil Davis & Marie Lake, Kambah. A list of the Committee positions with descirptions of Prospective Members their responsibilities will appear in the September IT. John French, Richardson; Allan Brownston, Palmerston; Gerald Dodgson Stewart McDonald, Pearce; Glenn Anido, Kambah. BUNGLE BUNGLES & KAKADU HUME AND NOVELL WALKING May 1995 TRACK UPDATE April/May 1995

The trip previewed in the last IT is now more definite: Mrs Shayne Godde who is intending to walk the Hume & Hovell Track from Woomargama to Yass in April and May 7 May Drive Darwin to Kununurra (Willis' ve- 1995 is interested to hear from people who would liek to hicles and guide) join her (so far she has 4 others) 8-20 May Bungle Bungles (8-14 May) and Can Details are: Boyde Ranges (16-20 May) 20-2 1 May Drive Kununurra to Kakadu and start • Approximate date of departure: Mon 17 April 1995 Kakadu walk • Each person provides their own camping gear 21 May-3 June Kakadu Circle, Koolpin to Gunlom • Supply own food or for a cost she will supply (approx 3 June Drive Gunlom to Darwin $140) 1 The first teip starts in Darwin, and the second can be met in • Support vehicle will make food drops on days and day Pine Creek— so it is still possible to do only one section. Land 10. content for group of 10-13 paying 4 months in advance is: Bungle and Can Boyde Ranges: $1025 • Option of doing 5, 10 or 17 days as support vehicle can pick up people, other transport has to be arranged by Kakadu Circle: $775 each person. Both together: $1725 • $10.00 (est) each for boat transport across Burrunjuck Plus breakfasts & lunches ifrequired: max $100 each section Dam. Plus return airfare, Canberra to Darwin $669 • Accommodation in Yass is at walker's expense. Deposit of $100 is needed by about end of September, and balance of land content by end of December. A comprehensive list of equipment, itinery etc is available. Leader: Helen Stevens: 2864334(h); 274 1942 (w) after 14 Formore information contact: Mrs Shayne Godde, "View- August. point,Jennings Road, Culcairn 2660. Phone (060) 365251. THE HILLS AND THARWA WAY Eastern Namadgi National Park A Driver's and Walker's Guide by Ian Fraser and Margaret McJannett Drawings by Helen Fitzgerald

A companion to Above the Cotter; a driver's and walker's guide to the northern Brindabellas.

This book is the Environment Centre's latest publication. It is a guide to the natural history of eastern Namadgi National Park. Walkers and drivers are introduced to the habitats of the area with details of plants, animals and history. The book includes 6 drives, 23 walks and 13 short excursions. As well as Above the Cotter, Ian Fraser and Margaret McJannett are local authors of Wild About Canberra; afield guide to the plants and animals of the ACT and Wildflowers of the Bush Capital; afield guide to Canberra Nature Park. Helen Fitzgerald is a local artist whose drawings appeared in Above the Cotter and her beautiful water colours illustrated Wildflowers of the Bush Capital. Over the Hills and Thaiwa Way has been published by the Canberra Environment Centre with the assistance of an Australian Heritage Commission grant, and all proceeds from sales ofhe guide go towards the Centre's educa- tional work The book will be on sale from 15 July at the, Environment Centre, Kingsley St, Acton or from most book stores. ORDERS: Ph 2473064 or Mail to Environment Centre, GPO Box 1875, Canberra ACT26OI. COST: $16.00


TRANSPORT: Costs are presently 25 cents per kilometre per car divided equally among ALL participants. This amount is a guide only and can be varied at the discretion of the leader depending on the condition of the roads, the number of passengers per car and othe factors. The figures given for individual trips are rough estimates only,based on four people per car, and other factors - the costs may rise if can are only partly filled. Park admission and camping fees are additional costs which leaders should list separately. Members are reminded that bookings close at 2.00pm on Thursday.

CHECK-IN/CONTACT OFFICER: The Check-in/contact Officer for the Club is Michael Pedvin 2885751(h), 2775777(w). He (NOT the police or other bodies) should be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late returning from a trip. Leaden must also report the safe return OR cancellation of their trip to the check-in-officer.

BOOKINGS: Trip bookings should be made by telephoning the leader no later than 2pm on Thursday. There is a club limit of 16 on most walks.

GRADING OF WALKS: (5) Short - under 12km/day (E) Easy - firetrails, tracks, beaches etc. (M) Medium - 12-20km/day (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub (L) Long - over 20km/day (K) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles (W) Wet - compulsory swims, many crossings NOTE: In calculating distance 1 km is added for every 100 metres climbed. NOTICE TO ALL WALKERS: The leader should check that-

Each applicant is capable of completing the proposed trip. This is done by observation on previous walks or by contacting them personally and asking where, when and with whom they have walked previously. Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any special equipment or skills needed.

SEARCH AND RESCUE ORGANISATION: S&R Contacts are: David Campbell 2541511(h) 2722025(w), Allan Mikkelsen 2540764(h). Area Contacts: Belconnen—Pat Miethke 2493085(w) 2412798(h); Woden—Doug Wright 2814148(h).

MIDWEEK WALKS In an attempt to retain what is left of my sanity, I intend to take a day off work to go walking regularly. There will be at least one Wednesday walk per month - see the program for details. I will choose destinations close to Canberra usually in Namadgi National Park but try for places not usually walked by the Club. The exact destination may be influenced by who is interested in coming along. We will normally meet at Kambah at 8.30 and expect to return by about 5.30 or 6.00pm. Please ring me by 10.00am on the day before to let me know you are coming and to confirm the meeting time and place. So, if you are retired (or wish you were), unemployed, or can take a rec leave, flex day, or sickie, then join me for a day out in the bush. Allan Mikkelsen

13-20 August (inclusive) - Extended Snow camp Up to a week of camping someplace where the snow is deep. Phone leader for further details. Leader: Ken Moylan 2431011(w) 251 41 73(li). Transport Cost: about $25 + park entryfee. Note:This is ajoint trip with Canberra Cross Country Ski Club. Saturday August 13 - Gingera in the Snow - L/E-M A scenic walk from Corin Dam climbing to the summit ofGingera, the (usually) snow covered mountain visible from central Canberra. Good views, includingJagungal. On the return we will have tea and a roaring fire at Priors Hut. Map: Corin Dam 1:25000. Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 254 0764(h) 264 3472(w). Transport Cost: about $9.

Page 3 Saturday 13 August - Booroomba Rocks - Visitors Centre - M/E This walk follows the new (1993) track starting at the Booroomba Rocks carpark via Bushfold to the Cypress Pine track through the recent (1990?) extensions to Namadgi National Park. A car shuffle will be necessary. Map: Corin Dam 1:25000 Leader: Murray Dow 2574371(h). Transport Cost: $8. Sunday 14 August - Hill with Rocks on Top - (very) S/M (R) Leaving Canberra late we will drive to Orroral Valley and walk about 1.5kms to GR786549 to spend time playing on the rocks or lazing in the sun. Suitable for beginners. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader: Nick Clarke 3991301(h). Transport Cost: $6. August (12) 13-14 Ski Tour - Grey Mare Range - M/M A Friday night departure camping the night at Geehi. On Saturday up the Pinnacle track, and hopefully camp the other side of Grey Mare Mtn. Map: ??Leader: Chris Sinkora 2506902(w) 2871033(h). Transport Cost: About $25. Wednesday 17 August - Monthly Meeting 8pm at the Dickson Library. Dinner at 6pm at the O'Connor Vietnamese. Sunday 21 August - Brandy Flat Hut - M/E An easy walk in Namadji National Park, all along fire trails, to a picturesque bush hut where we will have lunch. Map: Michelago 1:25000. Leader: Gerald Dodgson 2549452(h) 2633089(w). Transport cost: about $8. PROGRAMMING WALKS The Walk Secretary, Maurice Wicks 258 8890(h), 2571 433 (fax Att: H Wilson) is pleased to accept walks from leaden at any time.

Sunday 21 August - Ski Tour Brindabellas - M/E

Mt Franklin to Mt Gingera, along the tops of the Brindabellas. Good skiing about one hour from Canberra. Map: ACT 1:100,000. Leader: Bill Brown 2764704 (w) 2489948(h). Transport Cost: about $10. Note: Trip will proceed if snow visible on the range from Canberra. August 20-21 - Bittangabee Bay, Mt unlay (2 day trips) - M/M Base camp at Bittangabee Bay, a sheltered little haven in . Lunch by the bay then walk as much of the coastal track to Saltwater Crk (9km) as we choose and return. After a night of indulgence and a sleep-in we will clear our heads by climbing nearby Mt Inilay (880m). Maps: Kiah and Mt Imlay 1:25000. Leader: George Carter 2512130(h) 2633549(w). Transport: about $30. Note: Limit 12. 20-21 August Ski Tour - Rolling Grounds, Tate West Ridge - M/M Camp high in trees above Horse Camp, with extended side trips towards Dicky Cooper Bogong and Tate West Ridge. Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Alan I/idler 2545373(h). Transport Costs: about $28 plus park fees. 20-21 August Ski Tour - Boobee Hut - L/M Starting from Selywn, ski to Tabletop and down Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut, then across to Happy jacks Plain to cosy Boobee Hut. The energetic can ascend to Bald Mountain. If insufficent snow for this trip Jagungal from Eucumbene may be an alternative (also L/M). Map: Cabramurra 1:25000, Eucumbene& Khancoban 1:50000. Leader: John I'Ons 2316326(h). Transport Cost: about $25: Wednesday 24 August - Namadgi National Park - M/M join me for a day off from the office to walk to an interesting place close to Canberra. The exact destination and meeting place will be decided closer to the walk. Ring leader by lOam Tuesday for details. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 2643472(w), 2540764(h). Transport Costs: maximum of$10, probably less. Wednesday 24 August - Conunittee and IT Closing 8pm at the home of Sue Vidler, 56 Woolner Circuit, Hawker, 2545373. Saturday August 27 - Another hill with rocks on top (Billy Range) - M/M Walk from Glendale Crossing to explore several large rock outcrops on the Billy Range. Time for exploration or lazing. Return to the car via the headwaters of Half Moon Ck and more interesting rock formations. Map: Mkhelago 1:25000. Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 254 0764(h) 264 3472(w). Transport cost: about 11. Note: Limit of 12. Page 4 Saturday August 27 - Ski Tour Harveys Camp, Rainbow lake, Moon Rock - M/M An exploration of some of the features of the north eastern end of the Ramshead Range starting at Daners' Gap and finishing (probably) at Prussian Flat. Forintermediate skiers. Map: Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Terence Uren 2822403 (Ii). Transport cost: about $25 + park entry fees. Note: Limit of 8. Sunday August 28 - Dingi Dingi Range & Waterfall Creek - M/M Come and explore this seldom visited area north ofMt Coree. Visit the site of Coree Hut to confirm its presence or absence. Maps: CotterDam & Utnburra 1:25000 orACT 1:100000 Leader: Maurice Wicks 2588890(h). Transport cost: about $10. Note: Limit of 8. 27-28 August - Mt Currockbilly via Bimberamala River - M/R This is a solid climb in the Budawang N.P. with plenty of steep roller coaster ridges. Perhaps catch the sunrise from an exposed campsite near the summit. Up via Colley Ridge, down via another into the Paradise of the Upper Bimberamala. Map: Brooman 1:25,000. Leader: Chris Leslie 2516123 a Transport cost: about $20. 27-28 August Ski Tour - Paradise & Purgatory - M/M Ski about 4-5kms to the camp spot, then do a side trip without packs to the Chimneys. On the Sunday, a side trip along the range to easily reached Purgatory Hill. Paradise is a little harder to reach, but easy ifconditions are favourable. Map: Thredbo 1:50000. Leader: Alan Vidler2545373 (Ii). Transport Cost: about $25 + park enttyfees . Note: This trip was originally in the May IT, but got" lost' on route to the July IT. Alan does not plan to lose members. Mid August or late September - Ski Tour - M/M Ski-tour from Kiandra to Mt Kosciusko, possibly via MtJagungal, Schlink Pass, and the Main Range. I am allowing 9 days for the trip, but hope we can go faster. To take a bit of the pain out of the car shuffle we will start with a bus ride from Cooma to Kiandra. Phone me to discuss further. Leader: Ken Moylan 2431011(w) 2514173(h). Transport Cost: about $25 + park entry fee. Note: This is a joint trip with Canberra Cross Country Ski Club. Sunday 4 September - Square Rock and Smokers Trail - M/E A car swap trip allowing an easy downhill ramble for beginners or geriatrics starting at the northern end, and a more energetic uphill walk from the south. We'll walk up the grassland of the Orroral Valley and then follow Smokers Trail, with a detour to Square Rock (optional for the northbound party). Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader: David Truman 254 6700(h), 2 724632(w). Transport cost: about $6. Sunday 4 September - Tinderries M/M A short drive across the range to the east Tinderry Fire Trail which will take us to our starting point on a some what exploratory route up to Tinderry Peak. Be prepared for a litttle ice underfoot en route, but the views from the Peak will be spectacular. A snack at the Michelago Village Inn to finish the day. Map: Tinderry 1:25000. Leaders: Sylvia Plaxman 2363125(h) 2 740206(w) & Lynn Atkinson 2411039(h) 2 740232(w). Transport Cost: about $12. Sunday 4 September - Ski Tour: Dead Horse Gap, Brindle Bull, Paddy Rushs Bogong - L/M (about 20km) A steady climb through wooded undulating terrain and then a couple of hours through open country to the prominent peak of Paddy Rushs Bogong. Return via Boggy Plain, along the head waters of the . An area less frequented by skiers. Map: Thredbo 1:50000. Leader: Ian Wright 2861473(h) 2 725072(w). Transport Costs: about $25 plus Park fees. 3 - 4 September - Ski Tour: The Chimneys S/E (Saturday) & Teddy's Hut M/E (Sunday) Two day trips from Dead Horse Gap. Camp at Leatherbarrell Creek. Can be taken seperately ifpeople want. Map: Thredbo 1:50000. Leader: Bill Brown 2764704 (w) 2489948(h). Transport Cost: about $25 + Park entry fees. 3 - 4 September - Canoe Trip: Kangaroo Valley - Tallowa Dam - E/Wet Easy flat water canoe trip from Tallowa Dam in Kangaroo Valley. Paddle up the Shoalhaven arm of the lake to Fosskcker's Flat and camp where the river enters the lake. For those able to leave on Friday, spend an extra day exploring the river, trying the rapids or lazing on sandy beaches. Local canoe hire available .Leader: Kevin Frawley 2993995(h) 2712883(w). Transport Costs: about $28. Saturday September 10 - Mt Lowden - M/M A reasonably easy ramble, mostly on tracks through the Tallaganda State Forest east of Canberra. There will be a small amount of scrub bashing and a 300 metre climb to reach the summit of Mt. Lowden for views to Canberra, Lake George, Braidwood and the Budawangs. Maps: &ndoura & Bombay 1:25000. Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 2643472(w), 2540 764(h). Transport Cost: about $10.

Page 5 Sunday September 11 - Camelback Ridge and Pierce's Trig - MIE Join Debi on this pleasant stroll in the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Suitable walk for beginners. Maps: Tidbinbiila 1:25000. Leader: Debi Williams 2581645(h). Transport Cost: about $5. 10-12 September - Ski Tour: Grey Mare Range - L/M Take a day off work to make a long weekend. Departing from Mungang we will ski via Valentineg Hut to the start of this suberb sking area. The distance and route for days 2&3 will be determined by the capabilities of the party. Participants should be experienced tourers and snow campers! Map: Khancoban/Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Ian Wright 2861473(h) 2725072(w). Transport Costs: about $25. Tuesday September 13 - IT Collation 8.00 pm at the home of David Campbell, 15 Laycock P1, Holt. Preceded by stew vegetarian soup and bread at 6.00 pm. The house is on a battleaxe block. Park in car park in Holt oval. Enter house from front - lookout for Canberra Bushies sign at front. Wednesday 14 September - Namadgi National Park - M/M Join me for a day off from the office to walk to an interesting place close to Canberra. The exact destination and meeting place will be decided closer to the walk. Ring leader by lOam Tuesday for details. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Allan Mikkclsen 26434 72(w), 2540764(h). Transport Costs: max of $10, probably less. Saturday 17 September - Booroomba Rocks Circuit - SIR Follow the rock climbers' tracks around Booroomba to the northern end, down around north Buttress then some rock scrambling up the descent gully and finish over to the summit of rocks - The ACT's Uluru. Map: Corin Dam 1:25000. Leader: Murray Dow 2574371(h). Transport Cost: $8. Sunday 18 September - Sentry Box Rock, Upper Naas Valley and Sheep Station Creek - L/M From 'Bradley's Creek' we'll follow the pleasant ridge northwards to Sentry Box Rock, then strike NE to the top of the Naas Valley and return to the cars by the trail along Sheep Station Creek. Map: Yaouk 1:25 000. Leader: David Truman 254 6700(h) 2724632(w). Transport cost about $11. Sunday 18 September - Durras Mountain circuit - S-MIE Climb Durras Mountain, forviews ofthe coast and Budawangs. Stan from PebblyBeach we'll climb Durras, returning via the coastal route. Some easy rock hopping. Leader: Vance Brown 2513997(h). Transport Costs: about $25. 17 - (18) September - Murramarang National Park - MIM A Saturday walk towards the southern end of Murramarang National Park through the magnificent Benandarah spotted gum forests returning via a number of spectular beaches and rock platforms. Overnight in a cottage at South Durras. Explore some more of the coast by yourself on Sunday or join Vance's Durras Mountain Circuit at the northern end of the park. Maps: Durras 1:25000. Leader: Terence [ken 2822403(h). Transport cost: about $25 Note: Limit of 8. 17 - 18 September - Tarn and Hoddle - MID-ElM From the Mongarlowe Rd park entrañce, follow the track via CorangPeak & Bibbnluke to Tarn for spectacular views of Holland Gorge & the central Budawangs, thence to a scenic camp site on top of Hoddle, the highest point in the Budawangs. Return will bypass Barney's Hill and its scrub, to return via Corang Lagoon. Map: CMWBudawangs, Endrick/Corang 1:25000. Leader: Alan Vidler 25453 73(h). Transport cost: about $15. 17 - 18 September - Ski Tour & Igloo/Snow cave Main Range - SIE+ Hard work! A short ski into the main range probably from Crackenback Chair. We will then spend the afternoon constructing an igloo and/or a snow cave.Map: Mt Kosciusko 1:50000 Leader: Bill Brown 2764704 (w) 2489948(h). Transport Costs: about $25 + Park entry fees. Wednesday 21 September - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 8pm at the Dickson Library. Dinner at 6pm at the O'Connor Vietnamese. Sunday 25 September: DAY Walk URGENTLY REQUIRED Please 24(25) September - Yadboro, Nibelung, Owen Circuit (in a day) - LIR After a gourmet night by the Yadboro Rvr on Saturday, we climb the Castle track Sunday,early, continue up Nibelung and out to a breathtaking lunch spot overlooking Clyde Gorge. Then stroll through Monolith Valley, climb Owen and walk out to the visitors' book at its southern point. Return via steep passes through the southern-most points of

Page 6 Owen's two cliff-lines. Map: Corang 1:25000. Leader: George Carter 2512130(h) 2633549(w). Transport cost: $22. Note: Limit of 8. Sunday 25 September - Ski Tour - The Paralyser & The Perisher Range Not far from Perisher resort but an interesting day trip Great views, bowls of snow, challenging descents for the adventurous, giant boulders,and magnificient snow gums. Map: Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Ian Wright 2861473 (ii) 2 725072(w). Transport Cost: about $25. 24 - 25 September - Mt Hoddle - MIM From the Nerriga entrance to the Budawangs we proceed past Round Mtn and on to Hoddle's Castle Hill. After some exploring, camp will be made in a cave. Sunday will be out via Mt Houghton and Styles Creek. Map: CMW Budawangs. Leader: Richard Bain 257481601), 2655222 (w). Transport cost: about $18. 24 - 25 September Ski Tour - Mt Alice Rawson - M/M Starting from Thredbo. We will take the lifts to the top of Thredbo before camping on the tops near Mt Alice Rawson.Map: ?? 1:25000. Leader: Chris Sinleora 2506902(w) 2871033(h). Transport Cost: About $25. - DAY Walks URGENTLY REOUIRED for October - Sunday 2 October - Bike Ride (Hike) Midgee Range - 50-80kms A bike ride around the Midgee Range, north ofGunning. I know nothing of the area, however from my map it appears that the route will be predominately on dirt through gently undulating country. Distance is about 50-80kms, depending on the actual route., which will be determined on the way. Map: Gunning 1:100000. Leader: Roger & Rosemarie Edwards 2954598(w) 2887863(h). 1-3 October (Public Holiday) - Lacy's Tableland, Broken Rock Range, Butchers Creek - MIR Why do we keep going to this area? Come along and find out. From Yerranderi, ascend Lacy's Tableland via Tonelli Pass, then descend to Green Wattle Creek to camp at the junction with Bull Island Creek. Next day climb Green Wattle Mountain, then descend into Butchers Creek. On the last day we will return via Scotts Main Range after exploring Butchers Creek.Map: Yenanderie & Burragorang 1:25 000. Leader: Alan I/idler 2545373(h), Transport cost: about $35. 1-3 October (Public Holiday) - Mt Feathertop and Mt Buffalo - LIE Two separate two-day walks, fairly energetic but all on tracks. (1) From Harrietville we will climb 1000 metres up Bungalow Spur to set up camp by Federation Hut and push on without packs a further 200 metres up to the summit of Mt Feathertop (Victoria's second highest mountain, 1922 metres) and back. On the second day we'll follow the scenic route along Razorback Ridge almost to the Mount Hotham road, before turning northwest to descend by Bon Accord Spur back to Harrietvffle. NOTE: for a 3-day trip, we could do Feathertop as a day trip, up and down Bungalow Spur in the day. (2) Fromjust before the Park Entrance at the base of Mt Buffalo, we'll take The Big Walk and climb 1000 metres up the track to the Chalet. The massive granite cliffs enclosing the Buffalo Plateau are an impressive sight from afar, and the views from the top are superb. Next day we'll spend about five hours walking on the plateau (and driving between a few points) to take in The Monolith, Lake Catani, Mt Dunn, the Hump, Bogong Plain and the Horn, before starting the long drive home. Maps: (Vicmap) Bogong Alpine Area or Harrietville and Feathertop 1:25 000; (Vicmap) Eurobin and Buckland 1:25 000. Leader: David Truman 254 6700 (Ii), 272 4632 (w). Transport cost: about $45. OR jf too much snow David Truman has the following planned! Ben Boyd NP and Mt Imlay - MIE Friday night camp at Myrtle Mountain (south of Candelo), then on Saturday walk along the beach to admire the Pinnacles of coloured sand in the northern section of Ben Boyd, climb Mt Imlay, and camp at Saltwater Creek. Sunday, after a short car shuffle, we'll follow the coast from Bittangabee to Saltwater Creek and beyond. Monday we'll check out the lighthouse at Green Cape and swim at Wonboyn Beach before returning home via the Imlay Road. Map: Eden State Forests. Leader: David Truman 254 6700 (h), 272 4632 (w). Transport cost about $35. 1-3 October - Canoe Trip - South Coast Canoe Saga - Wet Three days of easy paddling in places like Lake Brogo, the Bega River estuary and Wallaga Lake. Car based camping atBeauty Point nearBermagui. Hire canoes orBYO. Leaders: PeterRoe 2919535(h) orChtine H,ham 269 1425(w). Transport Cost: about $37.50.

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(RENEW NOW) g/g Reet VALLAI< 5 Fullwood St WESTON ACT 2611



COMMITI'EE 1993-94

Work Home Fax PRESIDENT: Gerald Dodgson 2633089 2549452 2633868 VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER: Janet Edstein 2058033 2881398 2058026 SOCIAL SECRETARY: Sue Vidler 2723553 2545373 2723765 CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY: Paul Edstein 2714514 2881398 271 4555 WALK SECRETARY: Maurice Wicks 2588890 2571433 —P ASSISTANT WALK SECRETARY: Michael Pedvin 2775777 2885751 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Roger Edwards 2954598 2887863 MINUTE SECRETARY: Ann Gibbs-Jordan 2802105 2415775 EDITOR: Harriette Wilson 2495994 2474284 2571433 PUBLISHER: Cate Kennedy 2926989 CONSERVATION OFFICER: John Webster 2414 646

David Campbell 2541511(h) 2722025(w) is the Search and Rescue Officer, Michael Pedvin 277 5046(w) 288 5751(h) is the Check-in Officer, Margaret Cole 288 6947(h) and Mike Morriss 288 6947(h) are the Conservation Council representatives, Paul Edstein 271 4514(w) 288 1398(h) is the Public Officer, Alan Vidler is the Club Record Keeper, Doug Wright is the Club Archivist and Maurice Wicks 258 8890(h) is the Equipment Officer.