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Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 17 December 2015 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the South team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Approve - Conditions 8 2015/04902/PA Former Birmingham Battery Site Land at Aston Webb Boulevard Selly Oak Birmingham Reserved matters application following outline consent 2013/02178/PA for the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping, pedestrian and cycle access, and vehicular access within the site for the supermarket and other retail development, student accommodation and petrol filling station Defer – Informal Approval 9 2015/05416/PA Beechenhurst House 10 Serpentine Road Selly Park Birmingham B29 7HU Conversion of existing buildings and erection of annex blocks (three storeys plus basement) to create student accommodation with associated ancillary facilities, car parking and external works. Approve - Conditions 10 2015/08675/PA Former Avenue Members Club & Lodge Weoley Avenue Weoley Castle Birmingham B29 6PS Retention of change of use of first floor from function room (Use Class D2) to 22 bed and breakfast rooms (Use Class C1) Page 1 of 2 Director of Planning and Regeneration Approve - Conditions 11 2015/08218/PA Land at Hudsons Drive Cotteridge Birmingham B30 3BE Erection of 10 no. three bedroom terrace houses Approve - Conditions 12 2015/09047/PA 19 St Marys Row Moseley Birmingham B13 8HW Change of use of premises from a bank (Use Class A2) to a coffee shop (Use Classes A1/A3). Approve - Conditions 13 2015/05292/PA Land adjacent 14 Pritchatts Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2QT Erection of 5 flats with associated parking, access and landscaping) Approve - Temporary 14 2015/09096/PA Stratford Road South of Solihull Lane Hall Green Birmingham B28 Installation of double-sided digital advertising totem Approve - Temporary 15 2015/09099/PA Stratford Road - East Side 11 Metres North of Green Road Hall Green Birmingham B28 Installation of double-sided digital advertising totem Page 2 of 2 Director of Planning and Regeneration Committee Date: 17/12/2015 Application Number: 2015/04902/PA Accepted: 07/07/2015 Application Type: Reserved Matters Development Target Date: 18/12/2015 Ward: Selly Oak Former Birmingham Battery Site, Land at, Aston Webb Boulevard, Selly Oak, Birmingham Reserved matters application following outline consent 2013/02178/PA for the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping, pedestrian and cycle access, and vehicular access within the site for the supermarket and other retail development, student accommodation and petrol filling station Applicant: Harvest 2 Selly Oak Ltd c/o Agent Agent: Turley The Charlotte Building, 17 Gresse Street, London, W1T 1QL Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Most Members will recall the Outline consent secured two years ago for the former Battery site (2013/02178/PA), which provides for the site’s de-contamination, re- development for a Life Sciences Campus on its northern half, and a mixed-use scheme on its southern half. This new application seeks Reserved Matters consent for the majority of the mixed-use scheme, principally consisting of the Supermarket, other Retail (Outline Consent allows for Classes A1 to A5), a Petrol Filling Station, and Student Accommodation. For this mixed-use scheme, the Outline consent secured Vehicular Access to the Site and the various uses and floorspaces, as summarised below. This Reserved Matters application seeks consent for Pedestrian and Cycle Access to the Site, along with Layout, Scale, Appearance, and Landscaping. 1.2. The Outline consent established maximum floorspaces for the various uses granted consent. This Reserved Matters submission complies with those maximum parameters, and proposes (Gross Internal): Supermarket: 11,945 sqm Other Retail: 6,974 sqm * Petrol Filling Station: 101 sqm Student Accommodation: 15,000 sqm * This figure includes the two storey floorspace recently considered at Unit 1 (2015/04615/PA). Floorspace would rise from the 6,974 sqm should all of the other units have a mezzanine floors installed, but still remain within the total consented within the Outline application. Page 1 of 20 1.3. The proposals have been amended during the course of the Application to secure various improvements and clarification, on many matters including hard and soft Landscaping especially at canalside, design and siting of the Student Accommodation, management and safety of the Student Accommodation, Supermarket undercroft parking, the Lapal Canal route, design of the Supermarket Delivery Yard. Further public participation and relevant consultations followed. 1.4. RETAIL PARADE 1.5. The ‘Retail Parade’ would run west-to-east for 150m, parallel to the site’s northern boundary, with a 44m long return in front of the large electrical Switching Station. It would be sub-divided into ten retail units of varying depths and widths. A detached café/restaurant would sit at the western end (Unit 11), set back a minimum of 16m from Aston Webb Boulevard and linked to the main parade by a covered arcade. At the parade’s eastern end, Units 8-10 would also be café/restaurant, with an 11m gap to the northern elevation of the Supermarket, forming the principal east-west pedestrian link to the Worcester & Birmingham (W&B) Canal. The parade is 10 and 11m tall to parapet top with flat roofs behind, while Unit 11 would be 6m tall and present a 31m long elevation to Selly Oak New Road. While there would be sufficient height for mezzanine floorspace, none is currently proposed (apart from Unit 1). The Outline consent floorspace allows for a much greater floorspace than currently shown, so the units could have mezzanines installed in the future without the need for further consent. 1.6. The retail units’ deliveries would be via a road running along the site’s northern boundary, turning south alongside the Switching Station (which would also use this road for its servicing). The retaining wall already in situ dividing the application site from the Life Sciences site would be topped with railings along the site edge. 1.7. The whole parade is set behind a 6m deep arcade, with the principal columns and the arcade soffit finished in white, powder-coated, pressed-metal cladding. The arcade would be set at different heights (5 or 7m tall), with the higher elements principally used to mark the entrance points into each unit. Signage is indicated both above and below the arcade, which will be subject to future advertisement applications. Lighting would be provided within the arcade, with details controlled by a condition attached to the Outline consent. Outdoor seating terraces are indicated under and close to parts of the arcade, where café/restaurant units are intended. The buildings are fronted in full height glazing shopfronts for the majority of the parade. Above the arcade, cladding materials are ceramic tiles and vertical timber. The rear (north) elevation of the retail parade would be clad in a metal panel system, except for the first 28m long return closest to Aston Webb Boulevard, to be clad in timber strips. 1.8. Two groups of twenty cycle bays each are shown at either end of the parade. 863 car parking spaces would be provided in the surface and Supermarket undercroft parking areas. Parking would be controlled by automatic number plate recognition, for maximum four hour stays. 1.9. SUPERMARKET 1.10. The Supermarket would face west across the parking area to the access roundabout on Aston Webb Boulevard. It would be sited a minimum of 12m from the boundary to the Battery Retail Park to the south, and with a 5m gap from its rear (east) elevation to the adjacent student block proposed. It would measure 135m wide by 84m deep, with the entrance element additional, on its front (west) elevation. It Page 2 of 20 would measure 11m tall to top of parapet, with a low-pitched roof and plant behind the parapet. Undercroft soffit height would be 4.4m (3.5m indicated at Outline stage). The undercroft would be accessed by cars to both the southern and northern corners, with the first quarter of bays set out for disabled use and parents- with-child. The atrium would principally house escalators and trolley bays, the first floor would house the retail floorspace, with café-restaurant, and customer toilet. Opening hours have not been stated by the Applicant, but the Outline consent did not impose any restriction. Thirty bicycle spaces would be provided under cover in the frontage atrium, and six motorcycle bays in the undercroft. 1.11. The building would be clad principally in a variety of timber panelling (Atlantic Cedar) and glazing, with feature metal cladding painted white of a horizontal emphasis including a tall overhang/colonnade effect on the front elevation. The north elevation, fronting the east-west walkway to the canal, would be predominantly clad in a variety of timber cladding, with a ‘hit-and-miss’ arrangement fronting the undercroft parking. 1.12. PETROL FILLING STATION (PFS) 1.13. A PFS is proposed at the front (west) of the site, as per the Outline Consent. The building would be positioned 7m south of the site's access point, and measure 11m wide by 9m deep by 4m tall (flat-roofed). It would be farmed in white metal panels, with vertical timber and glazing infill elevations, the pump canopy and columns would be in white alone. The pumps' forecourt and canopy would be sited to the building's south, with the canopy covering an area 37m by 15m, sited 15m at its closest point to Harborne Lane. Ground levels change at this part of the site's western periphery, so the PFS would sit a little lower than the Harborne Lane highway, behind a heavily landscaped area. 1.14. STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 1.15. The Student Accommodation would consist of a large building facing the W&B Canal, as indicated at Outline stage.