E676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 22, 2021 community and the resilience of Detroiters. about Cherry Hill’s neighborhoods. He is de- COMMEMORATING LGBTQ PRIDE Occupy the Corner Detroit provides a space of voted to keeping the area protected and safe. MONTH residents to convene and feel empowered to He also focuses on police transparency and address day to day challenges. I am truly up to date technology to continue to provide HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. proud to work in partnership with Council aid and comfort to the residents. OF GEORGIA President Pro Tem Sheffield in serving the The Cherry Hill Police Department is com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 13th Congressional District. mitted to protecting both life and property. Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Please join me in recognizing the hard work Cherry Hill, New Jersey is home to over sev- of Occupy the Corner Detroit on behalf of the enty-thousand residents and the police depart- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, communities of Detroit, Wayne County, and ment averages one-hundred twenty thousand this June, we celebrate Pride Month in soli- Michigan’s 13th Congressional District and calls for service per year. Chief Monaghan darity with our fellow Americans, and world congratulate this initiative on eight years of and his police department provide the highest citizens, who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisex- service to the community. level of police service while also enhancing ual, Transgender, and Queer, also known as f the quality of life in the area. the LGBTQ community. We celebrate the Chief Monaghan’s dedication to the police courage it takes for LGBTQ people to openly IN RECOGNITION OF DAVID JOHN department and its 136 full-time sworn officers and freely be their true selves, and we cele- SHAWVER has resulted in a safe and thankful community brate to show them compassion and under- that fosters growth and acceptance. Chief standing, even if they have not yet made the HON. MICHELLE STEEL Monaghan describes his time and service at decision to affirm their identity publicly. OF the Cherry Hill police department as ‘‘the The struggle to attain full equality for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor of a lifetime.’’ His successor will be cho- LGBTQ Americans is far from over, but we Tuesday, June 22, 2021 sen in the coming months, but it is evident can take solace in recent triumphs: the repeal of ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’’ Obergefell v. Mrs. STEEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today that Chief Monaghan’s impact on the Cherry Hill Police Department will be appreciated for Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage in to recognize David John Shawver as he com- the United States, Bostock v. Clayton County, pletes his tenure as Chairman of the Orange years to come. Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in GA, which prohibited employment discrimina- County Sanitation District Board of Directors. tion based on sex or sexual orientation, and Chairman Shawver served in this capacity honoring Police Chief William Monaghan in his retirement and recognizing his more than two President Biden’s lifting of the ban on from December 2018 through June 2021. Transgender people from serving in the U.S. Throughout his tenure, Chairman Shawver has and a half decades of service to the Township of Cherry Hill and their Police Department. Armed Forces. been committed to providing an affordable But also, during this Pride Month, we must service to the community and understands the f not forget the struggles that lie ahead for the importance of keeping with OC San’s mission RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF LGBTQ community—most notably, attaining of protecting the public health and the environ- LIEUTENANT LANE FOWLER the right to live freely, with equal protection of ment. Under his leadership, Chairman the laws and without fear of violence or perse- Shawver and the Board of Directors under- HON. cution. For many LGBTQ people, especially stood the financial hardship COVID–19 cre- those of color, this dream is not yet within OF MISSISSIPPI ated for many of our ratepayers, ensuring the reach. I implore those Americans that face ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service cost for consumers was less than $1 versity for their sex or sexual orientation not to per day. Chairman Shawver’s commitment to Tuesday, June 22, 2021 despair; as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. para- affordable water and water reuse has allowed Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, phrased the words of the abolitionist Theodore OC San to move in the direction of recycling I rise today to recognize the retirement of Cor- Parker, ‘the arc of the moral universe is long, 100 percent of its reclaimable flow through the inth Police Department Lieutenant Lane but it bends toward justice.’ Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), Fowler, Sr. It is incumbent upon each and every one of a joint project between OC San and the Or- In 2004, Lt. Fowler joined the Corinth Police us living in this country to extend the kindness ange County Water District. Upon completion Department. His desire to help people was the and respect to our neighbor that we, in turn, of this project in 2023, GWRS will produce reason he chose to launch a career in law en- would wish to receive. LGBTQ Americans live 130 million gallons of high-quality water every forcement. Over the course of his 17-year ca- and work in every city and county in our na- day, which will be enough water for 1 million reer, Lt. Fowler fulfilled his duties with a sense tion. They live in communities that are rural, residents in north and central Orange County. of pride. urban, suburban and everything in between. We thank Chairman Shawver for his years of One of his most rewarding achievements They are a diverse community that spans all service and dedication to OC San and the was serving as the leader of the Drug Abuse races, ethnicities, nations, and creeds, but community he serves. Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program. they all have one thing in common—they were f During his eight years working with fifth grade created by God and in his image. WILLIAM ‘‘BUD’’ MONAGHAN students, Lt. Fowler taught them about the im- f portance of living a healthy lifestyle and mak- HONORING REAR ADMIRAL JOHN ing good choices with their lives. Lt. Fowler A. OKON HON. said it was his goal to teach children that law OF NEW JERSEY enforcement officers are not to be feared. It IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was his goal to build good relationships with HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO OF MISSISSIPPI Tuesday, June 22, 2021 members of the community of all ages. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. NORCROSS. Madam Speaker, I rise On Friday, June 11, Lt. Fowler’s retirement today to honor and commend Cherry Hill, New was celebrated during a ceremony hosted by Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Jersey Police Chief William ‘‘Bud’’ Monaghan, his fellow police officers with the Corinth Po- Mr. PALAZZO. Madam Speaker, today I rise Cherry Hill Police Department. lice Department. It was my honor to thank him to recognize Rear Admiral John A. Okon for After 26 years of service, Chief of Police for his dedication to the citizens of Corinth and his profound leadership while in command of William ‘‘Bud’’ Monaghan is set to retire in Oc- for his pledge to protect their safety. Lt. Fowl- the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography tober 2021. Chief Monaghan joined the police er’s service will always be remembered. Command (CNMOC) at John C. Stennis department in 1995 as a patrolman. He has Lt. Fowler is married to Tonia Fowler. They Space Center in South Mississippi from 2017 led the police force since January 2014. Dur- have five children: Kacie Blakney; Johnson to 2021. ing his years as Chief of Police, he worked to Fowler, Jr.; Sidney Robertson; Mikki Holmes, Rear Adm. Okon grew up in Syracuse, New strengthen the community by creating close and Justin Holmes. The Fowlers have six York where he married his wife, Valerie ties with the public. Chief Monaghan built rela- grandchildren: Lainey Blakney; Corbin Gessner. Okon first graduated from the State tionships with cultural, religious, youth and Blakney; Caben Robbins; Eli Robbins; Hadley University of New York Maritime College at civic groups to connect the Police Department Holmes, and Anna Grace Holmes. Fort Schuyler in 1991 with a Bachelor of with its area. I am grateful for Lt. Fowler’s lifetime of serv- Science in Meteorology and Oceanography. Chief Monaghan regularly attended commu- ice to North Mississippi and thank him for his He also earned a bachelor’s degree in Na- nity meetings to participate in the discussions commitment to the Corinth community. tional Security Studies from the Naval War

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jun 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22JN8.014 E22JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS June 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E677 College in Newport, Rhode Island and holds diers were killed by a roadside bomb outside INTRODUCING BILL TO COMBAT master’s degrees in Meteorology and Physical of Kirkuk. TRANSNATIONAL WHITE SU- Oceanography from the Naval Post Graduate PREMACIST EXTREMISTS AND During her time overseas, she was known School in Monterey, California. STRENGTHEN INTELLIGENCE AS- While Okon’s previous commands include to eagerly volunteer for every mission and pa- SESSMENTS ON TRANSNATIONAL locations such as Osaka, Japan, and Mon- trol and taught games like duck-duck-goose to WHITE SUPREMACIST THREATS terey, California, his tenure at CNMOC will be Iraqi children. In one of her final phone calls fondly remembered for successes such as to her parents, she reminded them that ‘‘if she HON. ANDRE´ CARSON procuring funding for a new oceanographic should die, we should remember that she died OF INDIANA survey ship (T–AGS 67) built at VT Halter Ma- for a reason.’’ Her family said it best, ‘‘Holly is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rine Pascagoula, Mississippi, launching the another reminder that our freedom truly is not Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Unmanned Systems Operations Center in the free.’’ Naval Oceanographic Office, and endorsing a Mr. CARSON. Madam Speaker, I rise to in- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Memorandum of Understanding with NOAA to troduce a bill that will address intelligence execute language in the Commercial Engage- me in honoring the legacy of SPC Holly gaps and sharpen our focus on transnational ment for Ocean Technology (CENOTE) Act. McGeogh and her unwavering bravery and de- white supremacist extremist threats. Specifi- He was also instrumental in overseeing sev- sire to serve our country. The dedication of cally, this bill will improve our federal intel- eral Naval Technology Exercises along the the SPC Holly McGeogh Memorial Highway ligence agencies and prioritize the white su- Mississippi Gulf Coast and Port of Gulfport will ensure that all who pass through will rec- premacist extremist threat, including its ties to Rear Adm. Okon has played an influential ognize her service and honor the ultimate sac- international groups. This bill builds on pre- role in fostering community engagement by rifice that SPC McGeogh has made. vious work done by a number of congressional educating organizations on the critical con- committees, including the House Permanent tributions the Navy makes to our National Se- f Select Committee on Intelligence’s Intelligence curity. His collection of personal awards in- Authorizations (IAA) over the past few years. cludes the Legion of Merit, Defense Meri- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF DALE As the Chairman of the Counterterrorism, torious Service Medal, in addition to various FORTENBERRY Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation campaign and service awards. (C3) Subcommittee on the House Permanent As the Congressman for the Fourth Con- Select Committee on Intelligence, I am proud gressional District of Mississippi, it is an honor HON. TRENT KELLY to strengthen our earlier provisions in the IAA and privilege to recognize Rear Admiral John and introduce this new bill. I am also ex- Okon today for his selfless duty and commit- OF MISSISSIPPI tremely grateful for the collaborative efforts ment to the Navy and to the United States of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and support of Chairman —who America. joins me as an original cosponsor of this bill, f Tuesday, June 22, 2021 and whose work was invaluable in developing this legislation for introduction today. IN RECOGNITION OF THE DEDICA- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, This bill mandates that the National TION OF SPC HOLLY MCGEOGH I rise today to celebrate the life and service of Counterterrorism Center—alongside the Fed- MEMORIAL HIGHWAY Dale Fortenberry as alderman and mayor of eral Bureau of Investigation and the Depart- Farmington. ment of Homeland Security—explore and ana- HON. Dale was elected Alderman on July 1, 2001 lyze more completely the ideology and objec- tives driving white supremacist groups with OF MICHIGAN and served until his Election as mayor on July IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES transnational connections, including their lead- 1, 2005. Dale diligently served the city of ership and operational structure. Currently, the Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Farmington for 16 years as mayor. During his United States government too often and too Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise time as mayor, he worked diligently to acquire heavily relies on outside research organiza- today in recognition of the dedication of the $1.2 million in grants for the City of Farm- tions for detailed analysis of white supremacist SPC Holly McGeogh Memorial Highway in ington to provide wastewater collection, city extremists. It is imperative that United States Taylor, Michigan. By dedicating this highway hall renovation, and to build a city park. His government’s intelligence agencies and subor- in the name of SPC McGeogh, an American persistence for Heritage Community Park dinate organizations perform the high-level hero who paid the ultimate sacrifice, we are showed when the City of Farmington received analysis needed to best utilize existing data, ensuring that generations of Michiganders and a 1st Place award for Community Develop- add additional data that may be missing, and Americans will remember her name and story ment at the Mississippi Municipal League Con- ensure this is done on a national level. The of selfless courage. This ceremony held today new assessments required by this bill will ference in June 2019. He also served 3 terms is an important reminder to us all of her dedi- allow lawmakers and the public to more com- cation and love of this country. It is important as Chairman of the North Mississippi Mayor’s pletely understand the full scope of the that we never forget the first female soldier Association and was a member of the Execu- transnational threat and will help foster a sus- from Michigan to lose her life in the war in tive Board of Directors for the State of Mis- tained examination of its international impact Iraq. sissippi Municipal League and Legislative well into the future. As a daughter of Dearborn and Taylor, SPC Committee. As a former law enforcement professional, I McGeogh wanted nothing more than to serve Prior to his career as mayor, Dale supported have warned my colleagues for a number of her country and fight for our freedom. A life- local Corinth businesses by working at Tyrone years that the threat of white supremacist ex- long Michigander and a dedicated member of tremist organizations has been growing worse. Hydraulics for 35 years and Little Brothers our military from the very beginning, she Today, this problem is the top terror threat to served for four years as a Cadet in the Junior Construction for 10 years. American lives, and the United States Govern- ROTC program at Truman High School in Dale Fortenberry is the youngest son of ment needs to take actions that reflect this Taylor, Michigan. Buford and Clara Fortenberry. Dale is origi- heightened priority, especially since the Janu- From Truman High in 2002, McGeogh ful- nally from Leake County. He has been mar- ary 6th insurrection and home-grown attack on filled her dream of joining the U.S. Army and ried to Shirley Fortenberry since 1972 and has the U.S. Capitol. While there has been im- hoped to continue her education and begin a two children, Sammy and Nancy. He is pas- provement under the Biden Administration, career in Army intelligence or psychology. sionate about the history of the Confederacy, plus increased Congressional efforts, the Intel- Upon joining the Army, SPC McGeogh was ligence Community continues to place a pri- his family, and the citizens of Farmington. assigned to Company A, 4th Forward Support ority on the international terror groups and Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, and stationed I join many Mississippians in commemo- their offenses, while ignoring the domestic ter- at Fort Hood in Texas. She was sent to Iraq rating the life of Mr. Dale Fortenberry. He was ror threats. While some were taken by sur- at age 19 where she served as a light truck a loyal businessman, alderman, and mayor. prise by domestic terrorists that blew up the mechanic. On January 4, 2004, while de- federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, we ployed in combat for Operation Iraqi Freedom, should never again be caught by surprise—es- SPC Holly McGeogh and two of her fellow sol- pecially when we have the ability and the duty

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jun 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22JN8.019 E22JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS