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August 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990

8-31-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 31, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Sixteen Southern Illinois 10 help the Delta area, ilx:luding a said the federal government got economy and the quality of life in Guyon spoke about the counties. including Jackson national litl:l3Cy act and a· federal the momeDtun~ .~!)ing but the Southern Illinois, University University's role in helping County, make up the northern­ job training program for those seven staleS muSI arry out the President John C. Guyon told Southern llIioois at a follow-up .".-lSl part of the Della Commis­ ne<:diDg jobs. " prognrns and initiali"-. regionallcaders Thursday. hearing on the Della Commission SIlO:! area. U. S. Rep. Glenn Pomard, 0- Vinson said Utinois, Mi::souri Guyon the University is at Shawnee College. Simon said the ...... russion has Cmerville, amended a housing and Kmtucky would bene6r born ready to work wi th community The commission was star1ed in ;ormed a good bluepriut for biD 10 bring more money 10 Delta colleges of the region in sharing 1988 by U. S. Sen. Paul Simon, fi ghting poverty in the area but roudies for low-iDIeresl housing. SeeDELTA,,,,7 Dorms start supper service on Sundays By Anne Ryman !he Sunday nighl college business SIal! Writer but has DOl drnwn as much as be would have liked. However, be has University dormilOf)' residents experienced more student business will no longer have to cal out than last year. Suoday nights because th e The cbange in meal lime .:afeu:rias aren't open. occurred after se'icral meetings 10e residence halb now serve when some students indicaled an sup(>!C on Sunday nighL and some Joc21 restaurants have mixed See DORM, Page 7 op;nions ahoUi !he effOCIS. Theodore Bcsseuc, co-owner of Gus&x:ie Saluki &press. sajd !he decision 10 serve! Sunda y dinner has cut his business 20 percent Sunda y nigh, used to be hIS bUSiest night. but now it's Frida .... he saJd "} think lI" wll l cut imo eva v sJOgJc resta urant 31 least IS pcr+ cenL. - Bcssctlc sa id. adding that ,"",,11 75 perccr1l of his business IS trom students in the residence balls. Ano ther restaurant manager seems IlIlCOOC<%nOd. Gus says n en last Iree " 11 really basIl't affCClf1l me tbal delivery mIQ!)! not be able to much: Andy Gilbert general compete wIth Sunday manage< of Sboney's, said. Gilbert dinner at the donn. said be 1.135 tried in the past 10 get Forest Service to lead ~.elf-refonn movement Wheel washer By TOOd Garoner n:creatioo or timber. Guy WchaeI, Jr~ 3, .... of Guy I6CtIIeI trum the tires of hIs lather's car Wednesday Staff Writer These goals have hem put into a c.bondaIe, gaIIt!!IS 8Uds ani scna ..,on IIIIIBmIon • ~ WIll SI. CWWIIIIL new forest !ICrVice program called Efforts by U.S. Rep. (;Ienn New~ Pt-sbard, D-Cancrville, 10 Ocve\op cw ecologically sensitive The proja:t officiaIJy began less than a year ago and was deveIcped Bush asks other nations to share expense ma nag ~ ment policy for lbe in response 10 the dissatisfaction Shawnee National Forest is part of national tnnd being lead by a that was growing across the of Operation Desert Shield ir. Persian GuN smprising group uf ar.tivisls. country over the forest service's concentration 00 timher pro­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - donalions 10 deftay the al5IS of the Bush sttesscd the costs of L'le Universily . ~ radoaLe Jerry A. duction. PresidaJl Busb 3IIII!lIma:d .. elfort opr:IlIlion. opemioII iDooIved DOl only the Sesco is the US. Forest Service's military ~, the brunt of Sestu, who received a mas1er's "IbumIay 10 per!IIIde 0Ibt:r JIllions Bush declated that it was dqttv chid of .eseadJ and one of the 10 the CXJOIS - degree 3l SfU-C in 1974, said New of world m- impor1lDl that the lJurdtm of the the people leading a reform bcIh ~ ecGDnic - PmpcctMs is a lmadening of the and of opcnIim, wbicb ... lII08IIy hem a s'::: .::r:!i:,.::e~ movement from inside the Forest beiDS endured by countries the IlIa'lSM lJDSb 10 fma: Jaq ftom U.5 . effort, be -..J by forest service's multiple-use ..-nd observiDS the international Service. Kuwait. " anyone with. state in iDter~ milDascment policy. It will economic bt"...,a apiast baq. Sesco said be warlS 10 """ cIaIer JeCOiniU. the imponance of At a "Nbite House news II3lional OIfU." ties bctwec:I researcben who are bioqical divenity, s=ery and conference, Bush said he W.lS The Unill:d S.... be Slid, WIIS 1be SIIICIDB are lqiming to trying 10 IJIIde"Staod the forest's -...... seudlng SecreI8y of Sure James "more ... willit!l1O ~ our fair lOR ldI," BIl!h said. "'Mo_1O CXlII1pIc7.:iIi tile ~ in c:lIqe '1!'s DIll ~ the missiuD of Baker and Treasury Secretary m- of the bunIeo _ bta YIC' IiIo tillite S1R dra c,'lDII1ries of timber production and the ~ Nicholas B.-.Iy on a mulli.-ioo ::oth~ to bear llwei< fair ~ 10 Ibis effort ae DOl depmdiog on the fIRSt f.,. either See SHAWIEE, PIIgo 7 . trip 10 roartIiaa c:omriboliDDs and penaIizaL " USSR educators, teacher to visit University

By ChrIsIIna Hal administnIion. fa:dy and ...­ VJalimir faculty and stDdc:ats rector(vice president). Lev StaIIWrtar in u attempt to combine 'be may come 10 SfU-C as pan of the Sauonov, pR>-n:ctor, Leyudmila academic p.ogramming _f exc:baItIe. Edwads said. Sashkova. dean of lbe VPI Five administratOrs and one Vladimir ",ith SlU-C for the John S. JacUoa. clean of the lwodcast eoginoering prognm and IeaCher ftom Vladimir, USSR are exc:baItIe. MiIIer Slid CaIIctIe of J..ibcDl Ans and Miller Wru Elms, bead of the IedricaI coming to SlU-C next week to The type of excbaIge prognm 10 S1lU1ed an infonnal eachanse in sciences program, wiD all leave finalize an exchange program be oII"eIed is !IiII beq IqOIiIIed. 1981 in st.arcll of academic SlU-C on Septcinber l~. Miller between SJU-C and Vladimir The excbange could allow lISItJCilbIns abroad said. I'Illytcdmical Instibde, said Harry ...-and fIaIlIy ftom SlU-C 10 "It was from thIt initial inIc=t Helen Potapoya, assiSlant MiIIer, vice presided of academic go to VPI from a month to a that we staned the link with professor of r.ociology wiD ..,. • affaiIs and one of the CXlIII1Iious oemesIe<, said Robert Edwards, VlaIimir," MiIIer Slid. SIU-C to te>.'Ch b the lMIuage of the excIJa>Ie. profr:s:!or rI Rtmian • SJU.C who The fiye adminisuators from department from Oct. 15 to The ~ oflOViet visiIors wiD will be .ODe of the iDlerpreten VPI, Alexei Sergeyey, rector become ,acqnainled with ·SRJ.o€· ..... tlleviiil. ,··, .·:· · (JRSideuiJ,. VJalimir.Titov, pro- Salukis battle Panttlers in 'JNI-Oome By P;aJ1 PabsI NGfthern Iowa ball game. bUI he mind. SIaII Writer isn't gi ving a ny informa tion l'1lcy 'lave an advanlal.~ c wi.h SOUTHERN UJItO!S at NOHTHERN IOWA their experience." Hochc.rtz said away. JCiduIIf: 1JNl-Dome (16.400). Nick... a: SlU-C Salukis In the 1989 000I£St between the "They (the three quarterback " but their ofrense is so simplc. Ccdor RlPdl,Ia. SoImtIIy, l:3O UNII"1n11x2s. . Salukis foolb,1I squad and the candidaIcs) know who is Slarting: They just drill it .. you ",,1 wait p.m. Smith said. - It is possible thai they for you to make a mistake. We Northern low, Panthen which . ~ Both ICIms are in see folded in the sa:ond half Ia!;t y<:Y. cndaI the Dawgs 2-9 SClSIlD. UNI could all action. With these Cadtes: sro-C, Bob Smith thc Gaway Conference. won 38-14. But the Saj-,Ids wac .. three I could flip a coin :md not be ~is year I think we can stop ('!nd year. 2-7)_ UNi, Terry wrong." • consider.IbIe disalh..mage. they Ah (bId)air. ~3). ~t SlU-C - 24 000 were without the services of The Panthers finished the 1989 The new-look Saluki defense UNI - 1I.soo. •. injured slaDdout quarterback...... ,., .. S-3 just missing a birth 10 feataIurdIy·s 1:30 p.m. game .. SailS: SIU-C b!s 5=-3; dIIiag SIeve Hoa!Pn .... ~ Rory gives the defense more room to the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls. '-* 10 J965.. .:.' • 0a11oe Air: WCn. 11115 FM. Iowa. thc SaII*is wiIJ be soiling ... Fcdenco and Chris Nuss. Saluki SIUn1 and -=!< thc off...... • beallby Gibson and Gabbert. senior defcosi'fc end Ma rty A RXtie 10 thc P:uber ..... is c....", SIU C IIBOOIJ &. Hocber1Z said fa nlSbing off the sopborJJon ~ lory n- along wilb junior-tranSfer Brian 1l1li& UNI JU]IIe.t old gold. Doomcy. SaJuti cooo.:b Bob Smilb oeason with UNl last :-- leaves mows who his starU:r is for the the Panthers offense fresh in his See FOO7BAU.., "- 111 SportsPass - il Sall'ki volleyball holders reap I the benefits i ByJeft 8abo r_._ - at . ~~~~~!~~ SIaI_ _ players a be w:r idea of what I ~'re going to have 10 Improve Salue sports buffs may be The: Sala.l J " ~tievbaJj team inclined to purchase a Saluki opens it'. =;on 1I11; ~ .. Hageme ~ saJd lhe team 's co­ SJU1S Pa;,s which aIJows its carrier the Ball Slate Invitatiooal ag3lDSI cap thaD 50 " ~,, ts each. Events the U.s. Opm. lost 10 Becker in the 1989 U. S. norm.ily CMt $2 each. so if a Bec:ker. effective Wl~ hi$ Open quarII2finaIs. "rm going OJ SIDdcDt_ .... plans_ ..1m thc aaeodin pass wouldg more be boomiag serve a1t1ooogb be go home and thiak what comes ~ tD 01 No. 14 Jim Coon:r. • ... a 6-3. S-I vicIo1y ...... PIIrica 4-6. 6-4. 7~ (U). 7-6 (7-5) ...... Athletics load up with McGee and Baines Hy. She later said ber biggest to Soolb African Gary Muller. ambitioa is to WiD u America·s Maller cIcIM:n:d 24 aces. 10 in thc Cardnal Ieoguc tbougbt the pitcben were (168) .... bas !C! Ros Fairbri:-NIdcIIcr. 6- 6nt muDd of action. bas yet to 2. 6-2. aIIbnagb she gU. ~ OAXLAND. Calif. (UPI) _ . Dodgers. and now B.ines ond Baines. who has 2112 borne ..... cktJp a set .. the NaIioaaJ Tennis from the beat. The l6-year-old Last year, \be world cMmpion Mt.>lS. 8 ·12 noon 8 - 12 noon SATIJRDAY SATIJRDAY ICancer risk tests on rodents criticized WASHINGTON (UP!) - Animal teslS "sed by the govemmenl 10 delCl111ine whclbcr chemicals pose a cancer risk to humans are virtually worthless fOl gauging low-level lhrcalS fo.;nd in daily life. scientislS claimed Thursday. Olher experts coun;::!e(! thal, despioe their wcalmesses. Featuring Seasonal Pro~'-it.ce traditional mouse and rat leslS remai.l !he best W3Y to procect the public from chemicals with cancer-caa. ">' <," t I ~~ • ~ .., .. 6( winning record in three years. ;&/ . '" -'" ' ' The Saluki volleyball team also excei~. in ine classroom. In the 1S90 Sprin[~ semester they earned a 3.28 combined grade ' point average which was the Datly EgyptIan best among all Saluki athletic f teams thafsemester. _E"""'__ --,,,-E-=_F._ -'E"""''-'_~Edb: _0pIa/I _EdD:I'td> EdD:Hopo_ __ Edl>'" Page E*r. Uoo_ _Edb:&Ic ~ SII..dItI':~~U ... ""'" Acang·...... *" Edtiar: ...... 8fMdon OiioIIIW Ad~Sherrl...~"""'- ..... -~ Ad MartIgW: CIndr CcftM ProctJcfb'I ~ GIWy Buck.. ICM """d~ I '" CoIIptp,... ~ """"-""'-­---_:...,- n~p-.tN~ CMilj' Egrpdan (USPS 1692ZJJ pbllhlcldaIy FtNJoumakmWld~~l.Jbonotwy ..oncJI¥ Ihto./VIf l :.Jay~thel'llgUta'..,....a'ldT.-s.rlhn:luCflFMIt'clImiiIthe~wmbt' SoUhem IInoiIlJrMtsIy.~1cn BuIdlr.G.~ II. EcI'.or!aI &1"1:1 bWInIs& ofticIIloc::at.d" C«muIIc:adonI Bulldi'lg, North Wing. PhcJnI; (618)-536- 331" ...... B. JMhllg.lilcaloII'ar. SIblcr1Xb'l rEellll1l $45par)'Nt Of 128 b It. trOnIt. wtlhln 1M lkIIed SUIf;. and $11!l1*' )'8ilfOf $ 73lorllllT'lDr1lh5lnllkM'lIiij~couttrie& · Pl51mas1e1 : Send"cha"lgMof.sar.alOpeiyEm!l" ' Sot.c~~~, II c:art:ordaIe .Il. 6290I . Sealnd~PDltagepiil1d.~ 1. _.,•• __---.1 ~ ...... - - - .---.~ August 31. 1990 Daily Egyptian - - ---_._ --_._------Mugsy McGuirfe'S tl l feature

lv'''''s n .,t Ente rtain')!c nt , 10:33 p.m. S.twdayat Graffiti , 215 traditional_ _ U~'"'~bop and J. azz , . llI inclS. S3. P! Metynda Alh.1Iay Harold ;-.1;l1er, a " ta .,; profCSS<', Shaffner. an lre'J folk singer. Vic~i V : n ce J) ~. at the official Ctaff v;m~ or jazz stu:ii,.s 3: S tU-C. and :..edford sa;.u. grand orcning. ~ p.OI. Sunday a: Ro~ rt A:l i~ )r: , head of the jazz " Ther ~ ...... ,~ II'Jt "cally a place Graffiu . ~ ~ . 'r ad lllo'lal be-bop mixed up .:.UJ.".Ucs progJ ,".m. that people 'Ojuld go to hear jazz • wiL' a liuJe contemporary jazz will AI~a r ~ s i dents Robert Pina. except fu Pinch Pe,my 00 Sunday Li ve j 3z~ with Mercy, 9 fi.m. be tth· main attraction tonight at Ricky Micu. Kevin Cox and Jim nights." ~...edfon1 said "So ¥.4lttlcen Rack)' Van Shehon, in conccn Sun day at Pinc h Penny Pub. No Mu)!s" Mt Guire's. WaIl are fc:>.wrr.d members of this decided I{) go to a local club to see K.T. Oslin and Exile's Les cover. A mUSIC swden~ two :;chool of jazz group. l..cifonl said. if th-.y wwld go for the idea." Taylor. ~ tooight 31 the Du Quoin Music profr.:ssors and mu~!c i 8 n s "When 00 OI~ any goOO. musicians j'here wcre two "Jazz Night" State Fair. $12. Four on ,iie Floor, 9- 30 p.m. frr 'the communilV are fealured in gel iogethcr. yoo just let it happen." perforrr,ances during the s~ mmer Sunday at GalSO)··s. S I .8 j i\. ,L combo thai will perfonn be " .d. noting that the group sets mat wtre ",.racked. .. Ledford sauL Jazz Ensemble. featunng Ken from 9 p.m. to midnigh l. its In ,"" itinerary on a song-t~ ' ·Pc:(~."I l e love this type or m"~k. " LedfOld and SIU·C Schooi of Roger Whittaker, in cooten Admission is S3 at the door. and soog ",,'!is. depending or! wh>! the L.-.dford said. "We want to ~ ~ : Music fac ulty, 9 to midnight with SIEve \Variner , 8 p.m . reservations will be =em on microftlm if they and preserve nowspapcrs r,-"", slate Opera" at 6 to night in will be n:qucstc.1 at the door. Silenl cannot be foun j anywhe!C else in reposi torir s. aud ! .0i'Xl tiues t J a Lesar Law Sc hool Faces in Ihe Wood. 9 p .m. two·recl comeoies b y C harli. the State. national bi bliographic data b~se Audi~>rium . Saturday at Pinch Penny r ub . 700 r.~aplin. Buster Keaton and W.e. The project is administered in and microfilm 2Y>.000 newspa',,", Dor,alions to the fi lm E. Grand. No cover. Field<; also will be screened. Kansas City. bu! it~ base of pages by March IY()3. when the festival will 00 rl'~uesled operation is at the S= Historieal new grant runs OUI. at the doco. Dub ·Dis. Ch.cago J'C!;g3C band. "The Naked Gun: From the Society in JelTerson City because The Natiooal Endov. mcnI for th , Piano acco mpani llY.' ~t to 9:30 pm. Sawrday 31 Hangar 9. S2. Filth. workers materials. and ~ lp inslitu L.i oni PK 's. No cover. Films. cataloged newspapers at the care for fragile malCrial

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AHELP!A Deadline To .ilppty For Undergraduate Student Student Medical Government needs you. We need your help to Benefit fee Refund maJ..~e the U.S.G. Friday, September '1. 1990 To "'p'y for • r...... stu4.nt must work for you. preHnt h's,her ...... "',nc. policy _I.t or"" sche

Daily Ecyptian O'pinion & ' Com~entary

Student E..1itor-m-Chief: MarbMillikin "i EdItorial Editor: Lisa Milt"r J\s~a~ Editorial Page Editor: Jeri:mne K'.mmel. News £:aff Representative: Anne Ryman ' Acting ManagiDg Edito.... : W8.!'.da Brandc:l ... ~. .. Faculty Editorial Adviser: Wayne Wanta . . .~ ~,<-~ -:",- ....---.,,;,.----- ..... -...;.;:. ~ . ' Rural health care bill must receive funding THEORETICAL LY, the recently signed health bill will provide the reg1.,n wit h the heai.h care relief it so desperately needs. It's a nice irlea. But when the Genera' Asscmnly and Gov. James R. Thompson approve:! the bill tioey f( rgot to aiiocare any money for the programs. The bill calls for health incentives to rural areas such a.; more health personnel on the job, improved inparient and outpatient care, bener emergency services and a ·,ariety of new scholarships offered te recruit more professionals to the rural areas.

R URAL HEALTH care Jr, 0 'le »:-ea is reaching epidemic Clearcutting given bad press; propnrtio n:. The o,e been given [0 Earth Fir.;t! in recent successional stageS for a multitude or two species of life. catch- thi s bill needs fu ndi ng. months. both nationally and of insects. birds. mammals, and Wise resource management It was a notle effort of Thompson ::.· d compa ny ;0 especially local;y due to various flora. dictates habitat manipulation that approve such a bill, but what is the point? clear cut proposals by the U.S. The Iong-ter.n benclits of a clear will promOjC quaiity conditions to Without funding, none of ti,e programs slated by the bill Forest Service. cut to wi ldlife are nearly mind support reprOfl uc tion. growth.m I[ seems fair [0 say that th, boggling. and survival ivr the greatest can become a rea li ty. EssentiaUy the politicians are saying media has done little to prepond To sysu:rnatically define all these num"'" of wildlife species. yes we need bener rural health care, but no, we're not going the positive attributes to wildlife benefits o,oold require thousands In fund it. [h at a clear cut does actually of pages with thai paper. of COW>1C, TH[S DIRECTLY provide. - being obtained from a tree. with responsible. THE PLAN of the General Assembly is to allocate This is obviously a clear cut harvest of mature case of not being able to see the WHICH TREE should we cut pans of a forest through money for tll;; bill whenever funding becomes available. trees for the forest to provide that poper'I stages over many years. BUI "whenever" might be awhile, and in the meantime For anyone to say they oppose The chain saw is ru ral health care continues to crumble. THE DA[LY EGYPTIAN. the cutting of all trees an public friend 10 far ma.. animals We realize this t> ill spons a steep $ 16 million price tag, representing a student body of a \ands is to say they oppose diverne a swml. Whether or not you but that's a small price to pay when thousands of people's major un iversity, should take a ecologicaJ balance on public lands. to ki.l a cockroach depends more progressi\'C step IOWan! fair awful lot on whethec or not you lives depend on quality h e~ th care. and rational reporting. [n other wor~o . their prejudice one. There are ample professional favors life for 0 •. ' species and Earth First! may be the best THE ILLINOIS Legislature acknowledges there is a people employed by Southern death for another. friend of a white oak, but there problem with rural health care. It's time to do something DIinois UnivelSity al Carbo,ldaIe in Wtldlife habitat diversity is the have got to be countl,-ss wild about this problem. The first step has been talcen by signing the departments of forestry and key to a healthy and viable CP.atUres wt there that don't thi!1k the bill, b ut that means nothing until the funding is wildlife who are tremendously eoosys1eIII. too much of them for bIocIring the competent to comment [f one tree is not cut, then many pI!h of a chain saw. approp';ated. scientifica1ly on the ecclogicaI pros animals, insects, and plants will not Let's get rural health care back on track for the salce of and cons of clear and selecti ve live nor will a .Iew tree begin to IF TIIERE BE one great virtue Sn~"~'m illinois before it's derailed permanently. cuts. gnJW in its place. to burying oneself in a logging ttaiI to halt the advanCe of a bulkk!zer, ir MATURE FORESTS WIth THE GREAT PROBLEM of might be to afford himseif ' be massive crown densities favor a our times i:; that select groups of cppor1Unity 10 meditIIC on whetber OpiMons '.' few select wildlife species. tunnel-visioned, self-proclaimed there might be something els" Dear and selective ruts pornote envirooment.alists direct massive better to do !-DoD Garver, from Elsewhere" di verse and abu:'dant habitat efforts toward tho! pm;t'<'::lIion and Marplaysboro • UN's talking right move DE analogy of Hussein Earth First! By Leon Daniel threatened by the winds of war. UPI Chief Correspondenl An exultant but unidenrified American diplomat told The New considered inaccurate appreciated [ncredibly, the non-achieving York Times that the accord 011 As a veteran of two Persian Gulf . guests. We are sp..aIting of a man My husband and I live and under-cherished United Cambodia c ulminiled in the naval deployments. [ can assure who has done all this in the last next to the Fairview Tl1Tlbcr Nations is on a roll. United Nation's "most hi.storie you that Saddam Hu=in is not a live years. Hardly comparable to Sale. [ am writing to It now appears that the often month." second-gra<'.e bully. Your analogy rulm, pencils and spit wads. express our appreciation mal igned world body may be the Unprecedented agreement is inaccur-.le and inappropriate. Perhaps tI.e DE should spend and thanks to the Earth last. best hope for peace in the among the fi ve permanent We are speaking of a mal with less time on cute analogies and Firstlers who have been Porsian Gulf region and in members of the Security Council an intensely loyal and battle­ more time explaining why our conducting a vigil there fer Cambodia was necessary for adoption of that proven anned foo:e, an immense economy and many other western over 70 days. UN Secretary General Javior accord. and for a series of and lethal arsenal, and no economies are affected by ~~, like most people, Perez de Cuellar goes to Amman. resolutions demanding the conscience to keep him awake Hussein's actions. had heard negative repo.-u Jordan. Thursday to try to withdrawal of Iraqi forees from when he employs both. Perhaps the DE should report on abwt Earth FII1l! and were "egoti:;!: ~ce in the Gulf with KuwaiL We are speaking of a man who the pwpose of the naval bIocIcade hesitant about their pres­ Fore g n Mj,,;s[er Tariq Aziz of Other countries victimized by .. sed chemical weapons against his ~, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of ence when their vigil began. Iraq. the Butcher of Baghdad wisely one-time enemy Iran, then turned Oman. But we have found them And the five pe rmanent sought justice through the United them on his own people in Perhaps the OF. should write to be kind, considerate, members of lh. U.N. Security Nalions. Northern Iraq. reports on IYJw Ihe vii embargoes nonviolent people who just C ounci I have reached basic Moving surely if slowly. the We ..0 speaking of a mal whose "f the 70s aift>;ted the nation and really care about the envi­ agreement on a political a&cncy authorized usc of military air force put two missiles into the draw meaningful parallels. ronment and the world. se ll ie m en[ that could e nd twO f,,"'" in support of the worldwide side of the USS Stark, murdering They have put their lives dcxJdcs of civil war in CambO

Du Q1JIOin fair survives diversity 'Grandpa' Hayes built event from 'Duchess' Ship mine lands remembers By Eric Reyes S Ia1T \Vriter her first fair n Illc 1920s. Ca"'in Coolidge sat in Ille By Eric Reyes Wh i l e House . )coplc danced the Slaff Wrtler ('harks'" <.J f,ald Reagan aaendcd gl.l' Ie .• .1 aJ d tl"k,... HaVf'~ family prcpar~ '( /...... hen Virginia Marmaduke ~~~ II ~ , IJvt. ~ fa... Al ll.." III Du Qupin for its ived at the fair for the first lime, she was 14 years old. T h{,h fo )l <:-f '" illiam R . Hay~ s. When she I,,st left the fair she was 82. arrr: "lIate ly t.. nr) wr as Grar,dpa in Du Ma rm aduke a Southe rn Illinois Quo ', • a< hu' :ng old ;trip mine lands and nati ve, attended the first DII Quoin ?Jding .11. ~l vt life to them. A particular plot Slale Fair when it opened in 1923. of land had great potenlial-potenlialto be a " I star1cd oul on the day the first fair fa irground. opened 68 years ag;). \o1 y gra~dfatJK,r lIa yes and his mother, May Haye" had a and grandmother lived on a .. ~ ~ I X success ful bottling company in Southern miles west and I went 10 the falf With Illinois. Clarence McCrary, Du Quoin Illem ." Marm.'duke said. hi storian explained. Hayes made a hobby 'lUt "Even th en you could see 11' ; of buying old stri p mines and leveling tl:e possibilities. William Hayes (f"under land and planting grass and trees. Hay", kept lJf the fair) could see it 1 ..."0 . l ie would me fair growing by acquiring njOfe lam! in stand Ille", and visualize places for the Ill< ·30s. bird •. trees and green grass," she said. In 1923. lhc fIrst Du Quoin ~ : tatc Fal' ,If.... .' M:,rmaduKe was hom in Carbon­ more th an 60.000 people and st d , dale "" J lived there unlil she was 10 lI~tllllo n thaI has been continued b) three when her parenlS movoJay. 3 column called "Around the town Du Quoin historian Clarence McCrary said with the Dllchess." It wa.~ HlYCS' love and fasc ination with show But in her youth, in the Slimmer s.'lc hu,inc.;;;:-' that brought big narJl e entenainment stayed with her grandpare nts in 10 Ihe f, ,,. In 1950, Bob Hope and Chico Southern Ill inois. Her int.crest in ShDW Marx became the fUSl major entertainers to horses landed her a job as official perform at tile fair. announcer of the Du Quoin Slate Fair During World War n, the fair had In ubles Fancy Horse Show in 1943. w 1t h tranSpOlLalion, labor shonages and See MARMADUKE, Page 8 budding material, but managed to continue. In 19d5 Ihe grands land burned and LCm por.lJ)' stands had to be builL Dally EDJ>tlau File Photo Hayes died in September 1957 just two weeks after the fair's management was left in Above, Ryan Finnegan a':ld Daniel Ille hands of hi s sons Don and Gene. The Twomey crulse In a b(;at ride at the Hayes brought th e famed Hambletonian modem day Du Quoin State Fair, ha rn ess race to Ihe fair in 1952. The BeJow, a harness racer cbarges HamblC'LOn ian was inaugurated in 1926 at past the finish Un~ on the one-mUe Syracuse, jJ.Y. In the 7.4 limes il was run in track that .... completed In 1945, Du Quoi n. moe =ords for 3 year aIds were two yean before this phto was eitiler tied or lowcrcd. taken. The Hambletonian brought big business to the fair until it moved in 1980 and the World Trotling Derby was brought to the fair. [n 1970 Steppenwolf became the fair 's first 1974 Ille HWlblClOnian was a1mOSI lost to a rock show. But in August the Slable buildicg h, . hcr bid aul a pledge of $87,000 made by bumeddown. 10 harness racing associations kepi the race The Ha yes Fair Acres Rotunda Barn in Du Quoin for six nom years. The World burned 'for six hours : USI after midni;:ht on Trotting Derby haD it's inaugural race in Aug. 8 1970. Firr;fighters from nine 198 1. communities fought Ihe file, bUI the dry wood and winds kepi their enons in vain. Don and Gcne Hayes kepi the tradition of The flfC mar>hal ruIcd aul arsre, bUI did nO! big name enlenainmem alive by bringing find a definile cause. Cslimales of Ihe Eddie Fisher, the Everly Brolho."'i, comedians damage ranged from $500.000 10 mr." than Rowan and Marlin, George Bums, Nal $[ million. "King" Cole and o!hers 10 the fair, William Hayes n took over in 1967 and in See FAIR, Page 8 !'boto Courtay of Robert lIotd1c:l4

Last in Ou Quoin wc.:n by Bu rgomeister. Hambletonian moves 10 Meadowlands in New Jersey. Grapbic by Jay Wibon Page tl Daily Egyptian August 31. 1990 Study of university murderer r------'------, I I suggests age, occupation I I I I physical descriptioo or the suspect Florida police reveal limited information, .·lthl.."'ugh they were c hecking I For People \v;t:t a Taste for' Grea'. I var; :'! us reports of ~ usp:~io:..' s fi Italian Works of Art 8 but ask for reports of suspidous behavior sighti,'t.o s fr..un I :H'; victim .::' GAINES" !LLE, FJa. (UPi) - even a .. gut rcactioo" - that might neighbo", g BUY ONE GET ONE FREE ~ The serial kilkr who ,tabbed and help them lI3Ck the killer, llut also Terror :'as gripped th ' college o This coupon en@esthebearertopurchaseanyregularZ' bludgeoned five college students is appealed ror caIrn. community s in ~e a uthorities lorder 0' pasta and receive any order 9' pasta. of equal or r possibly a s("c urity guard or " We've had officers who have discovered the bodi,'5 or the five Ilesser value' FREE! One couPQn per ttem, per cuslomer. I hospital onIcr!y and has knowledge been out on a call and bav. been students earlier this week, all in INot valid wtth All You Can Eat Special or a',y other offer. I of weapons and crime scenes, a mel at the door by guns," DamcII apartments wi thin 2 miles or the IL Off. ______Good ., University Uln kaUon only. Offer bplre.100.31-90 ~~ I psychological profile reportedly said . " We don': want any Univosity or Rorida campus. shows. additional tragcd,.,.," Four or the dead were University Unlwe:'Slty 1'Ia11. C'dale 457-5545. CarTy·outs Avail. Police said they have been Police o held a 'ey' s or Florida students and the fifth Ooodcd wiL~ .:aIls and lelleI~ from coorcrence Thllr.o!ay but rclGSClcd rcceivin& d !eucr, signed watching the victims for a snon in vesti gators shows the kille r only with the initials .. K.T.. .. rrom pcri\1d of li me but they wcre not probably is in his late 20s or early someone claiming [0 know Ih e acquainted in a ny meaningful 30s. killer. The leller, postmarked in way," Darnell said. The He rald rcport did not Tampa, said the murdt:rer was a Mourne rs jammed th e First mdicaLC what me profile was based failed medical studLn l and was Baptist Church in Pompano ileach on but said the killer probably is leaving GaincsviUc. ThurOOay ror the runeral or ooe or nOl a sworn police officer or a "Letters like that, we'vc the vic tims, Sonya Larson, 18, or doctor, but works morc aJ ong the received at least 30 or those ... I D~e r[j e ld Beach. Her body was lincs of a secu

BOURBON $4.79 $4.99 12 Pc.k.. 12 Oz. Cans $2.79 Augusl 31. 1990 Daily Egyptian DELTA, from Page 1 ex tend ing 1- 24 lO conn!!c t "a.,!) I'm driving down Route 3 ... 1t commission could find money for Paducah and SL Louis. hilS me hdrdcsl when I visit th e improving tr e de lla area in She said people who live casl of people in Southern Illinois who \\oashi" glon. D. C. EVERY PAY LUNCH J!IIFEET Harrisburg would like to sec live day·by · day in Ihe grip of " A lot of money is wasted." (l nclude.... 8 m:tin dishes, ~ :~ pretizen; , salad bar, and rresl: rr~jt) Route 13 expanded to four lanes povcny." • Jones said. " A lot o f it is nOi TIIFSPAY· FRIDAY P1NNH'J!.llE.ElIT.. S3.95' al l the way ac ross Southe rn By identifying agric ultutaJ hcing used . Onclude.s: 8 main dishe... . 9 appetizers. salad bar, :uid rn~sh# fruit) Illinois. needs, housing nerds. health Funds fro m the federal Po,hard posed the question: If needs and educational needs, a government n~cd to be rc.-directed SATI I"PAY·S!lNPW:\I 1 pAY BIIFFET $3.9;" people were offered an area to difference can be made, Poshard to a reas thai. have bee n ••• Singha Thai 8ee'r is now available··· live in like Southern Illinois, with said. malnutritioncd for years:. ·· , Bring in .his ad for a FREE son drink 4S7·~;;IO rich farmland , abundant natural State Rep. Larry Woolard. D· Jones S31d the money IS nceded resources. the convcrgcr:cc. of two Carterville. said he and other to turn around deficiencies in major rivers, and a major rescarcil congressmen will make sure housing, health care and industry. university (SIU-C) in the center, lllinois continues its participation The industry is nceded 10 put 10 would they lalce it? in the Delta program after the work the many people in the delta .~1f.4.;.-6' f7 ,,(if~ ..' j J 7, 1k.&!avu 4 "You bet Ihey ' d lake it." commission expires next month. region who have no jobs and rel y Poshard !>aid. "And that's us. Ta.~e "One thing we have idenlified on welfare, he (':tid, JA'lZr TonighU it and run with iL" well is lh31 we ha ve needs," Other r ~giona l le aders Poshard said he is 3ffiazcd thoit Woolard said, "and we realize it's recommended developing more An EVE;ning with Ken Ledford in this wealthy naLion a section of not something you can fi x bu s ines ~. increasing tourism and the Nightli'fe Players genuine poveny could exist. a quickly. We need a continuation dollars. and growing com to usc sec lion that still holds great of this program." as gasohol so consumers will nOt $3 Cover - 9 n.m. to 12 a.m. promise. Ed Jones, a retired congressman have 10 rely on the. Middle East. Reservations ~ecommended "Som(:umes it hilS me," he said. from Tennessee. said the Next to Country F . on Main· 457-MUtiS

SHAWNEE, from Page 1- The Rape Action Committee the forest scr:ice," he said. "But They w ill be joined al Ihe He said the cl :lcria that will is beginning a support group for survivors of it 's a big differencc from thr. way mccling by ilulCh Marlla. District dclCnninc if a forest qualifies as a things were done in the ~"",," Forester for Region 8 (which dcmonslrntion projecl has not been sexual assault. Another ",ange the program contains Shawnee) and Don finalized because of budgel The gJoup will meet on Monday evenings at 6:2·0 - focuses on is the need for beller Boelter, assistant director 0 1' the conside ra rions that have to be research inlO the forest crosyslCm. No(th Central Forest Exvrimcnt approved by congress. but there arc 8:00 pm for 12 weeks starting Monday, A rcpon issued ~y the National Station gencral areas agreed upon. September 10, 1990. Research Counc.l said the forcst Pcshard said he is inlCrested in A forest wanting a special servicc's research into under­ thz New Pcrspectives program designation wil! need a proven standing the complexities of the because it embraces a broader record of worlcing with the public For additional inform2'ion c.ul: forcsl crosyslCm were WlderfWlded ecological perspective and looks at that is affected by manage ment 529-2324 ,lnd failed to answer some of u~e the forest in a morc ecologically whether they reprcsent environ­ If.OSl basic questions. sound way. mental or resource conccms; a high 997-2277 _~ Hal S.. ' lwasscr, director of New "It doesn't see thc for\:sl as a degree of sensitivity 10 !he forest's Perspc:li'lcs, said the forest scrvir~ timber farm," he said. ecology; a strong ~ollaboration dcvel0pcd the program to guidc New Perspectivcs also gives the with scicnti sts; and a management regional forcslCrS as they develop public an active role in the decision IC3ITl willing 10 lalce on the risk of lIew ways of doing business with making process ratl)(:r than reacting being highly visible. the public and scicnti~ts . to what is propo'''''' by the foreSl "I'm hopeful that the Shawnee " Each region has 1:.5 own core service, Poshard said. will be designated a lead forcst in learn that is work in g to guide "I know there is a lot of strong thi s program," Forest Supervisor people through these changes," feeling toward the forest in this Rod Sallee said . Salwasscr said. area." Poshard said. " " 's impo1a1ll To cJtplore wh:st this program that ~ ",pIe know what the Ray Morris. preside nt 0f the could mean to thc Shawnee (r.lanagement) policy is, under­ Citizcns Advisory COL~cil . said Nalional Forest, Poshard has Sland the polICy and sec th at it's N-: \Io ' Perspectives would fit in with i n v it e~ Sesco and Sal wasser to carrieJ out in an environmcntaJl y the council's original mission as an .lIend a Sept. 17 meeting of the sound way." advisory group to th e fons l ~nawncc National Forest Citi7.cns Salwasscr said the idca of service. A d \' i ~ r)' Council 10 explain whal designating forests as showcases of The inviteo officials will be New rerspcctives is and how the new policy is so new. it is not given an extcnsive tour of Shawnee Shawncc oould fit inlO the program known what the)' ~ mcially will Ix' before 'llIending the public meeting at a location yel 10 be announced. I a; a lead forCSl. called. .r;J COMl- ' JTER CORNER USSR, from Page 1--- I 1lI\'(:Dlt} Pl:! ll' NE\l' IIOURS: Dec. 7. The course will probably CcnlCr ballrooms. Performers will Ccnler Illinois Room. I.:lfhflndalc. II hL·... 1l a .. \lon·Fn 10.(. '. SoU 10 C; focus on soviet culture, Edwa:ds include SIU· C 's New Arts Jazz The international forum will be a 529,)00(1 Closed Sun said. Trio. all of the SIU·C school of question and answer period 10 talk As part of their stay at SIU·C the rnusie and Carbond31e's Ncw about social ,-,Id academic issues • IW'l(lArrk C",-,,,, ,,,, '",,'c. W JlI'!" .Io.,.. • • nd ~' O<:""""' . ""!p'...... :I' n_ .u ot AppJo: C~ . l nr Sv, iets will go to the SIU· C vs. Shave Baroershop Quartet concerning the Soviet Union after Indiana StalC football game, tour A conf~rence on G;asnost and Glasnost, Miller said. TH~ ORIGINAL SIU-C and IaIcc a shopping !nur of other Soviet cultural and political the University mall and K-Man as issues will be held at I :30 on If a shopping trip 10 K·Man is pan of their firs! experience of Monday Sept !() ill the University not enough of a IaSIC of American American CullUre. Museum. The conference will be culture for the Soviet visitors. they The Soviets will be honored held again at 9:30 •.m . on Tuesday aiso wi:! be offered a' lour of the with a m""i.;a( salute to Vladimir and the forum at 2:00 Pepsi·Cola Boulillg Co. on on Sunday night in the Student p.m. O!l Wednesday in the Student Wednesday. DORM, from Page 1--- interest in Sunday evening meals, In CQ,sidering the change, Jones the busiest night as far as deliveries said Mary Morgan, assistant said ballUlCing the oost as well as wem, he said. director of housing for food student ;cccptiveness had to "'c One manager said it's 100 early service. coosidcrOO. in the ,.",,"'= 10 predict. "Most schools I was familiar '"The feedback we go! WdS very "Right now it's pretty early to with do servc muls on Sunday favorable, if we could do it without tell," sa:J SCali Dyer, !xcculive e",,"ing," Morgan said. inaeasing the COSl, " Jone< ~d. mai~ ~gc: of Ponderosa. "Sunday The Sunday evening meal now Some StudcoLS may still go to night WP. •• .,,-e still preuy P'lCked." being served is a light meal of restaurants anyway. Dyer said it will be preuy hard 10 soup, salad and sandwiches " I usually order out anyway," ICU tilis weekend s;nce it is a lhrcc· becausc housing was unsure or said Kevin Cannon, who lives in day weekend 2nd many of the how receptive the students would Bailey Hall. In his second yc:u- ,n students will be going hom ... be to it. Many of the comments the dorms. it has bc.:ome a habit 10 Gwen Coach, a sophomore from stUdents bave. been favorable, eat out on SWld3ys, be said. majoring in early childhood Morgan said. Scou Hillman, d. y manager at development major who li ves in "We decided to by the evening La Roma's Pizza. said Sunday Baldwin Hal!. said 0", dccision 10 n,cal ard sec how it works." said night businesii has dropped off serve Sunday night meals will be Ed Jones, director uf University quilC a biL very helpful because she won ' t Housing. People i ust were nOI "'Ve got killed on our have 10 go OUI 10 cat every Sunday. getting up (or brcaItiast. Jones said. delivcr;cs," he said. Hillman said Wendy Powell, a sophomore Sometimes there would be ''''ore La Roma's Uocs 70 10 80 percent of psychology major who lives in staff than students at the meal, he their delivery bu; ;ness to Ihe Nccly Hall, also is happy with the said. residence halls. Sunday had been decision. Daily Er:),ptian AugU'it 31, 1990 MARMADUKE, from Page 5 Scientists gather for garlic " The show lasted until th e} decided to take a swim 1.0(\. He wac; because otherwise it would not WASHINGTON (UPI) - "In recent years, the research nceded the I...: nds for th c just as fun ny and just as r~ :ural as survive. The fI nancial difficuhir.s Garlic, legendary for repelling progress has been spectacular," Ha mblcLOni an. But it drew ric h he was on stage ... she said. .Iabr had /.orced him to sell the fair. v~p i res a.,d lovers, attracted said Robcn I-San Lin, chairman owners from all over the nalion," 'This entire business or rairs is about 2lJO Tues:laj lD of the cunference sponsored by she. said . "Society horse shows arc Mannaduke S3Jd she has always no longer able to exist unde r discuss herb's Pennsylvania State University, a thing of the pasL" enjoyed watching the fair grow and private ownership. There rue :1Ol as for the Department of Agqiculture attract more people. many people interested in Nutrition international Co. Marmaduke befri e nded th e "I b~ lievc th e Du Q tJO in SldlC agriculture. And with the stale Irvine, Calif, consulting Hayes fam ily, and when she would Fairgrounds can be the gem of running it the state definitely has do the horse sh~w, she would stay Southern l/linois. And it could do more funding (lD give to the fair)," at th e Hayes' home w hc·c th e more to tell the slDry of what we Marmaduke said. celebrities sometimes stayed. know bener th.a..-; anything other "Scuthem Illinois is fortunate. It " I was staying at Don Hayes' than sru," Mannari"ke said. (the fai r) is not something to be house. It has a swimming pool in S!>: added that it is • good thing ashamed of, but something to be the back. And one day I wen t out the state tMk over tt,e fair rrom proud of," she said. "It belongs '0 for a s wim and Red Skelton private owner Saad Jabr in 1986, al l of us." FAIR, from Page 5-- ******** Through the '60s and '70s, the : Egyptian'Drive·ln: dirt car rnces began featuring aulD R1 148 tlGIllO Wmson Co Airport meers who would go on lD win big Palrick Swayze, Oeml Moore Indy * .. * DIE many rcnovations to the ;~~~~~~~~~~~.=====:::=::::=::~ . fairgrounds in his initial years. Jabr I had said that his ultimate goal was HARD2: to transform the rair into a year· rTJund amusc~nt park. In his fIrst year, Jabr SpCllt S I million o n 'mf1t~SlDrei~ rcpainting grandstands, relocating aruf / BAUCEi thc main entranc'! and upgrading ..,. WILLIS: the race track. Jim Benedick, a fo rmer manager for the Wa lt Ingres to Cezanne : @ I Disney Corporation was hired as president and gencral manager. September 8, 1990 ally 7:00 9:30 .; But at the 1979 fair businesses SATI - MON MATINEE ' were doing poorl y. There were s,nall clC'"ds and man . businesses TIckets: $10.00 wac complaining. . (I ncludes transportation and exhibit pass) Eventually the fair 's business Deadline: September 6 ...1 990 picked up, but fe ll inlD financial truuble in 1985. The stale bought To sign up contact SPC offi ce the £air from Jab< in Ialt 19&5. The 536-5393 DARK cost was in the area 0( $3 million. The state look over the fair and more than doubled the fair's 1985 SPC Films Presents: Mj~N ' a".e edanee in 1986. The state Daily 4:45 7:15 9:30 t!mppcd the admission charge and (R) Gov. James R. T hom pson IHf SAT - MON MATlN'EE 2:30 prC'mhed "a night a nd day :.lificrence" in the fair. The fair's attendance has been PATRICK SWAYZE ~ BELIEVE grnoing since 1986 when 275,000 OEM I MOORE r.::-::~::::-:-::-:;-;;-::-:;-:-:;:-= attended. In following years, WHooPI GOLDBERG '--_ __-'-- _ __ crowds were estimated at 330,000 III .... . 11 in 1987; 383,700 in 1988; and - Daily 4:45 7:00 9:15 426,300 in 1989. Officia ls are ..... estimating this Yl'3J"S aucndance lD SAT - MON MATINEE 2:30 be about 450,000. lWI ____ Fair manager, Mike DuBois said Friday they expect attendance figures to sl3bilize soon because there are 7:00 & 10:00 p,m, only so many pe I I m;Jlum or largor I 7:15 9:00 Police were searching ror a man purchase of any 'Olze dnnk. .~ who was reported ID have ned the I Coupon Expires ~~ C I I Coupon E)(pirel9l'~"90 , I S."T-MON secn (stem will allow rcc of 100t or stolcn cards and the Goin' Crazy From the Heat Pictures will be taken f ;'"; ' !'!! S students to charge all pro rated payme nt of each a. m to 4:30 p.m. everydzy until department in volved in the ID CHILL OUT Homeboy! Sept. 2 1 in the Student e cnler campus goods and 'YSlCm . Auditorium. Students can pick u ~ services_ Inte':est earned off !he money their new 10 carets in the ID card deposiled into the ID ....coo nt wi ll Checkers has I 5000 square feet office on the second floor of lJ';~ ii,to the ID card account and us.! help defray the cost of the system ~ Space SlUdcnt Center. the card as credit for all campus over time. Duke s.ud. ~ of Air Conditioned party Student!: returning to Sl1J-C r"," goods and services. However, no This. in tum, will Lake ~ JJl( ' ,If fa ll will be issued a new ID ~2!tI money can be withdrawn from the the financial burden off of ,'"I e free of charge. but .:;"nls account, Jeff Duke. coordinator of students and the dcpanmelH~ entering sru-c in the fall will have the ID card system said. involvlX1 in the lD card f.ystem, he AI'ID to pay a 55 fee f",' the new ID card. SIU-C is !1!B3ing the Vali-Dine said $ 1.75 Pitchers of Bud, Bud Engineers 'fix shuttle, ~( " Light i3ud dry &: ::r Lite .~ ~" ~n~ $ I.OS Ammctto Sours ~\~ launch lilTle delayed 'Ii \\\\~ CAPE CANAVERAL. Ar.. (Ur'!) Phil is at Ute Shot Bar - Engi"""" struggled Thursday to ~ reso lve a potentially crippling I Pilot blasts off gli tch with a telescope aboard the El'UOY shuttle Columbia. but delayed 1 on second launch time of Saturday to no ;~«. 0 $1.25 Heini Bottles e.arlic.- tr.dll neAL Wednesday. spac~ mission CJ~ • The problem involved a loss of $ 1.25 Corona Bottles data fronl one of thr. four Un~od Pross International :! telescopes making up Columhia's 75¢ Purple Hooters &: Watermelons S I 50 million payload. Guy Gardner. an ace test Kegman Says! : If a suspect electrical unit in the pilot and family man, will See Me For Your : serve as C(' · pilol of the cargo bay has to be replaced. the Labor D8y Party sh:J tue's launch could be delayed shullle Colwubia this ,v""k AlYD up lO a wCt"....k. ensinccrs said when he blas(S off on his SUDl!Jlies : " It's not looking very good." second spac,'! mission, a : said onc official who requested high-priority flight devoted GEl' DOWN TO nm SOUND anonymity. to astronomy. The telescojJC pn."'1cm could not "I've always been ~ be resolved, so COilJmbia and ilS interested in astronomy and MR.. BOLD seven-man crew will not blast 0(1 at asuC' as a sideline Saturday to kic" off NASA's firSt interest of mJne and I'm IN THE MIX! shuule t1J~ht in four m

1 1ge. FOOD EX' Sport. S""",, , ~ , ,., as /IoAlDA .26lX 00", ~11y Ioodoo! ; 8919.0002 /IoAlDA RX·7 ""e.... 00""""" Ii ' ) "I E t· Jf pb. ah.. ornIfm ilerflO (au., 62 , ~ axe: concI. $3300 obo. 549·8274. ' 1 .- mi. AM/fMCau. $2800 5 .. 9· ! '.11 Y gyp Ian I .;.N_'~ brok .., ,- hmo,,,,, B, " TOYOTA TERcr~ '0""" />M.'M 2279---;;=='7.=="= \ .. /90. Mu,' !oeD , S3700 abo. coil (1)>,, 52900080, 457.5354 1982 MERCUfl:Y COUGAR., 80.000 536-63.1:6, • mi , fl/c. rebui. engine. $1800 obo e 'l ~ssified I I ,9d. TOYOTACAM'Y OX s,..,.0 /', .2 FORO ESCORT, 68X, , .,d, 2. I C~ : "9 · t887 am/1m CO " po'"'. aUIW!. 35-mg t ~ e :!-l~~Ieon . $1650. 457-0258 11982ltANSAM. AUTO , ~ . pb. ami _ I II' •• t,''''''''''. C'VIC. High mi & lfld. . l ~onIy$7950 . 529'4380. Im . ..c. cond .• run, Srcat. $ .. 100 ' 3311 I 198 vn:I kup I 8 2 TOYOTA C r: lICA GT, Po"¥" 5 .. 9-6438 . . . " 5 3 - . VISA I bocI!ool~-~~SOmi~~ 198 AHONDAACCORD. " ·Dr. 5-1pd, GoodSI_i,,-._~. m'/2F:"OOCoecou• . AS~ : I JVI'Bry 1979 FORD FIESTA , "pd, 2 d, __ - cond, Prtc.;,dbWtI: 61B .289'J886 . oj" omllm (OU, cruise. 3A mpg. 'I....DfIU.. n ===-:-::c::-=-o--.--:-:------;;- I ..3,950. EllC_ cond. CoII 5A9-5197. 81 LE BARON . Run, !ite 0 cham ~ :~~~:~::}{~ . ~Ffr5A~. ~'5;:~ ·OOO 1986 M.A1D.~ P-X 7 5~ . ~r . omlfm I! Q84 HCJf'\IOA. ACC~D LX pMecI 5500 or bes.I offer. A57.AOA1. DIRECTORY ~~9~~~~';O~!lOn . Mu"~ . ~~n. 5370C or bMt off~ . 529· 80 HONDA ACC~D~. am / ~7~u:;: ~ 'N~;t4ti~ : '81 THUNDER8I~O, RUN ~ &. looh r'9"-.4"-N=ISSAN::-:-200S==X-A=C:--:S-."...d-7". ~r;;.u, 5 tpd. S600 080. Col 5A9· 17);"=4-;;57;;;••;;;':;;73;;; . c--=--::-;-=::-::-::­ For Sate: rOf Re nt: I, ~rnog i w:;;t:=:~. ~ _ $7J'75800. ..' oM70""""" . , w.p. s36000b098S- 79 FOQD E ISO van Mf'YIOI....IUde. 1978FOROlTO . oc: . 0 I power , noN ~ I . Auto A! lartmcnl --, .".- ...... om/1m rodio, ~ 'toni. moi~nce RUM great. S500 abo. 5A9-0801. Parts & Services Houses 88 CUTlASS SUPREME Inl·l. 81oc~ , l ~a3 fORD Ww:;QN. brown. o/c. hiUory, radiailirti, 51600. 529-19"1. 1978 MUSTANG. RED. A cyf. Atpd, Mo torcyCles Mobile Homes Iooded w/.,..,opt OVOIt ~deon , ou l", . o .. erdri.. e. good condition. 1989 NISSAN SfNl1tA .. speed. AmI I' P . ~ . p.b .• amllm ccu .• good runner. j;,~:,;I. ~r1y . CoR of'.f "pm. 51700. 68t·6135. fmcauefte. ljabortro"-proOfing. T"""'O- 25 "Pol... . 5995 abo. 529·5375. Rccrea lionat Vchlcles Townhomes 1 Bicycles 1985 HONDACMC CRX 5 spd : door. 16,000 miLes. Asl;ing 6"00'1197(' CHRYSlER COROO8A. Run, 86. NISSAN MAXlMA.larq tafk;ng _Nogoo;oOIe. · • Town !"J6--7A62 . greol.. ..- . . ., Iron"POrtoli on . Homc!:. c:wn/fm.c:..-..o... Pels & Supp!::-s Yard Sale Promo Na,ne c:hetyt.. Surplu,. Your orea. 11 J 805· 687--6000 Ext. 5-9501. Sporti ng Goods Business Oppvrtuniti cs Phone Miscellaneous 1'781 SU6AI«J. $500. 1980 Phoemt. 1973 PONl1AC lfIMNS. 3SO. o/c, Address/Apt. No. $700. Mus.I ..... 549.7231, Joe. • ... cellenl condi'ion, 79.000 ,-;-; : .• Help Wantee. l O'it $2.900. Call 549·6138. Employment Wanted City/State/Zip ------Found I AUTOS & TRUCKS PAINTED. low Services Offl red INSURANCE 1't:Ms. qualitywod:. Rei. 21 yn. EJCPet . F,ee ~ Write your smile ad here_ Please indicate ...... ptoy & buff. ,,57 ·,,52 5 . Wor~ Enterta,nment Anno uncemen;ISING ~ "-onIoed. preferred position of headline, photo, and Health l~:'" text. GOVERNMENT SEJUD VEHIClfS Auto s~~ Imm "00. FonI.. Meofs are INSURANCE acccplabu~ on larger col umn Widths. RCVC!'5C advertisements arc nol acceptable in da~ificd display. 457-4123


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WlOutttl .tn:B...B.EDIQQ * City/State Zip Code * :;:J.:::''''''l A V a i I a b"T~c"" ! :;;~,'=.. n F a II I 990 rWiX I * JlJ N . .spm,ern 529 ~ 1 08 .2 * I!;I_I __· ______~------~I * .' -- .. ------.*------... . ---- ... .. ;..: ',,;, '~ '.i ' .•, : ",::,::,::,: *- ** * * * *** * * P.I!! ...• I ~ ~:/,;o~~:~:~~.~;;"~~· ~::~~(,I::;;.-. -;:::===:;.::===:;:,= ::'t '1'g,;;E.'liu~I~;CA-;:"'"T '.':;:'-;::~;:,".o.;g .- """"O:O,:;;a"' 5;n:~/,~';--:-~I:::,~~~-;~;-;IZ:;!?::-" -::;;;-:'-;:~;;:'LR:SE;;:~~, -=-,~ ;:::::~t=-~-/ --:;:a-;;:".,oe 565 H&R 12 GA breo ~ ochon. mo 549 1315 Ot' I 89J 2376 5 19("· Of :0 no lor 1 S19 1025 MUSTANG HATCHBACK 80, 6 cyI, 12X5s NAT GAS, oe , fum, nice po,{, MA.C TO THE lutufe. upg.'" elo {pi J'. totngle ~hOI 545 5 .. 95916 COBOEN J SDRM house Go, hool HHPfLii ANO FRIEND\. Y 1 bd'm -.I ~ r>.bh Eng ond lron . Cleon In and bog yord and r,.- 52f'OO Mu~ W)e ~~S~!~~;:: I p;,=~:0b.:;Ir~~ WAlERBED. SUPER SINClf. heoc( (ond. _ ~~~. r~r;.VIE~~l de . e~~~~ r~e)')o I 563;- E... ..,;n9' and' waol.. f!nd~ DOAA4 QFfRIGERATOR 130+ s.q h 01 air cond. quiet :~e 12 month ~me . fu."II~hed. ~k"oge Johed . ro p'eh broke~ & IHe), cieon. 0 /(. om/ 1m , move in, clot.e 10 51U $7500. 529· INF<)OUEST NEW AND lIM!d (otpel til, . -.voIume ~ 011989 en' Ieo~ .57·733 ~ _ . 5.t.19 5596 1 5pm 82,Ull mi, 52900 Beny 5.t.19 3049 5331 or 529·5878 eo~elf! '~l!(iU .tort 0 1 S525 We ( yelopet-. ;u ~ liU in "'on'Jlo(tu,er ' ~ 1 II,O"~M , NtAR compt:\ Furndw::I, 2=QO"'",,:-:.-o;:C" "'ILE7.,CCro='-"""Ioa-..--" ,m OlDS CUTlASS 1980 • Dr V8 run~ CARSONDAJ.f COZY , END lot. 2 mi do tepoi,. and upgrodb. 5.t.1 9·341. packaging. 5?9 1.9d lno-e menage Ie~p , o .. o:lable ro.... 80wunent & I 50 280 me Un ....~~ty He ;gnr ~ • .t.I t Coil 9', aI. ,,~obIe Slooo ~ be", '57· I~m ro"l"" ;deal lKaI. '~'"" i.. r· '" ,,~~~ 16 GAllON WET / ..,. Shop V~ . ~ """ ' 05C ~'Y c~" 5,.2653 .57 .. ,., ~ '57,5266. v;.;oo 21 9 1 rernoth. uh1itie l. CoI 684·21 05, offer New li'.i , cho:". and ~t . Corbondole. 529·5331 . IItUi I"t«W't bee; s.i9""' biul. vocuurm.. & I 5 ... 9 ·7326. I'X52F~" " 'D '" '' " 1mucJ." ron,!Cclto_529·2187 . FURNISHED EFf ICIENCY W ITH full 3SORM .l b.-Jth, 5 265/rnopluiul~ . I :) N~/NON '/~~2SDRM/dI h::xn.e ...... , . _ ... ~ D4IOI"OOrn kik.Nn & pOvo le both . lDu ~ *rfoci~ty . mi n lrom SlU. 2 min from c,ob Or. 15 . mo. I 2 uh . orr. .... • ree rflf'lt 1980 SU ZUKI GS 55t1L. excellent Air Corpef. Nic:o No P. .. 5.9-0491 OUEfN SIZED W ATERBfD .....-i lh mi,· oir c -otioner . SIU _Oted. Re:.ident Ichord Lole Carterville 985.2787 untl15epl 10 . 4571551. (ondition. seoo abo. !i29·3090 I tared hecd:.oord i"d. All occes ~ iei . -- - I'Id1 ' ~ /whi 549-0572 rTXl~ . $190. 529·22.1. 2 BORM" ~EA T 101' wngle 01' (O~ IR()(),V.MA lE. fEMAlf, NIC E 2 bdrm KAWA:5AJO. 1989 EX 500 block oM Real Estate 18 i t..:. Ie Iv . . DESOTO'S ttCK(X" GlADE ii Li ~ ... erycl~ ond nice. (orpel. a /c. Ir_: q:JI. lu mi ~ . 1 bIod:.lo campul- 5 16 red . 7650 mile" Resembift, Ninja. MiSCElLAN EOUS fU RNITURE rww two bedroom pttc:e busa. ol only I qu i"port , priporki~. SI50/ me. Otoil S. Poplar ' 5, coil A57·3316 . lf CalI"'57·7000 ~NT I-IQMES f ROM 51 (U ~IES . ~ , & 57ki~ t • ek:. S280 mon~ . Wmhedboir.~ . AlC I row. SolAhwc:.ods ?o:t. 529· ~ Rc:x:>MMAT E WANTED FOCl deon , 1 ~80 YAM.6.HA XJ650 13.000 mile!. . ' -poir). Oelinquent 10 J! property . Mull - f!¥"",."irg. ... · . ColI Today ... 57·3321. IStJI ER SHARP 1 bcj, ,,, unofI Jroi ler lum. 2 bdrm Irailer. seo + " ut i ~ties . Brondywine. -ieheI. CI:'o'ef induded. Repou..auiom. YOIJforeo (l j 80 5-687· NKf 2 OR 3 bdrm lurnUhed $360/ doNI 10 S.lU. AlC. COt pel. parting: ITem. ... 57·5092. bccond. S'y;" lj 080 529·5505. 6000 E... I. GH·9501 for- CUfT'" repo KING SIZE W A TERB ::O. lorge monIhJO.W. Sycomore52918200f" lenced In boc.~ ya rd. Iree •. 6 12 W IKXlMMATE. fEMAlE, NEW J bdrm 1981 (AMAHA,,- sOo Endo,ro. mony ~It heaclJoord, ihel...... mi ·lo •• S200. 529.3581 Wilbw 51 80/".0. 529· 1539. opt, fum, dot.. to cORlpU'. 11)01 E. newpor'b, vsygood cood. S450abo. NEYlMODB.HOMf.CoIonwoodSt.h ~~: ~,2~ ~ EET In I ... fl g,h. ' e r v. COTAI.4.RTI"'f N':'S, $200 & 1J' • • 51· SlNERNICEMOe.ilEhomn. wngief>' PoR..S49· S5961 ·5pm. 5.9·5908. ~50~" i. ~T"'.m !,br~ ~~ _-L....LI.. I 1 9'-,_'. '" lUI. 2A03 , 2.~S . t-illDne . IdoJ.J. oo'~'. bcded 1 ",i. from RCX>MMATE WANTED FOR 3 h.- . 1 1977 YAMAHA 6 SOCC. like ~ ~ ..., n non'& ---, ~--.- _ .. - ~ -- , SIU -C ... condilioNld, notvrol p. hau ... Sl28/rno. pWl 1/3 \Ita., fum, 1.,000 mil... """'" Iir. ond botI-y, auoI;tv, tr- ·nanr 1..tC:IIUtM to mention. Peried Irr:.- ...... l- aob 529· 157. ~:.;~/:,L;..;::Gf bedroom, . !U~IU'. , ~~~~ ,.. ~~ . , .• I~ wi d. Cal 529-3872« 687-4806. cutJom i8OI. ~ , p.rl bocl ban, N..- \ob aho CJVOI1 wil buiY to (X)UHOUSf KITS f\HU>ITlRE and No ...... u., 5 IV!"nIn8O ~..., t....a. • • ~g .... """ ,57·A330 aIw 5 pm. w;I. ' CDIIonwood '" II bI "dCjal> ...... T-. &' TNng.. Em! Goo. ,- ~ " 266. I ..., Mo01o _ iIooIoI 8J3·5A75. [ . . :: ]Ii! YMWiA 650 SPECIAl. good cond, ~~~~ I ~ 620 EoItWJr,ut 529,3150 LOVELY 2 8.EDWOM I perfect I~ MOBU HOMl5 CARroNDALf Mobile Home Lot~ ,,11 ...... 2 '~~'L & ~. "'5 13' &,,- _.1. . L -' .. r _t __ . . r woch. oIf ..... wall, oat Roon , bu,~ · 2 8ig 8eciroom,. aolh and 1/2• • new ...... , . r~ .....,. - GOVERt-4YtENT HelMES fIOM $1 ~ ... ~. »10 ...... CDf' in boMcme, lot. aI ~ , :-U'r 10 Town & Coumy ,... SIU. S IlO pe' LOT fOR RE!"l $50. 12X55 ond oe.o. CoO 5A9·J88J. (U ~J . ~ kIx pn!p8I1y. '-&end~, tw,,,bed . ~lcMY . ~1'7~ ~• . I/868mo . Cal Ga)o4e 529· penon CoIA57·J321. , ...... po" 5'29...,;\ . I5J•~. m.l"y Sou~ ~ . Y...... lll_' ...... oMdri,~,,.r_. 2 "" -- ~ Recreational Vehicles J 6000 &:I. GH-9501 Irr:.- ~ repo &oIdingcNin., ~ . 529·3874. ~EDGf=-;Of;;-;CAAAJ==;-::..:-; 7;;:OO,,-;-5.-;;"-':--;-- ~. C3a1bdnn529' }i..~ 10 S200, ~ I::::: . = ~II . -- FOR SALE KING .iu wol ... b.d, r ~ _...... whi ~HClMESFROM$1 wort.... , tNm:.-wlheocb>ard. '*-. ~ I mmed . H':'98One Bdr .• Hn:fwd I AND 2 bdrm. fumi.hed. corpeaed. ~VAN~goodl'l75crx1 I U ~ . o.l-- m --tw. $350932·22190hetSpm. , Hi~C.1,ng, . 5A9 · A5S3 nice yardi. ale. noturol go" Ieme. =S1~54~t,~ - ~ . Y=-~ 1"" __ " ONEBEDROOMAPT. fumilhed. RenI ~1 .no peh.529 · 19"'1 . ~:..t.'~\;,0d.d":;=~ ~~~bI . c. · .SOI '" 'R MusCaI i ;~dl;;~·/~2m:.i."~o' ::~: ~ ,~~,~&,2;t~a!:~ immaculote. 549-4806. CARBOt..tDAlf RENTAL ' ;aQsses GlJTAR.IASS: lHEORY ta.or.. Cal I 8OAA4/J rooms. FvmiJ..l. ~, torbondoIe.. 5 ... 9-0153.

1986H:l81ECATI8h. wilhlr_ond =C';:r:~~- ~'~" ~1~-6I40or Gol""ftaA57- (1(. , Or 2 people. "'IA S Galan. ~!..~O~;~: ~~~ '~~==!!.t,.~ bdrwa 1 J/Abof.,l - 236-~ ·. IATTlfOfTHEBondsI990 . S!IPJ~ 529·3581 . led (2131 5 ... 9·5"'22. upoktay$3300. 529·1539. row'$9"".' ! ~ C=rgS~99, 510, ~ ~~~~i .l«~r~21bt:t~ SU8l£ASENICE 1 bdrrn. fum i.hedwith W' '::: 'id 1 JOt LOOK -.~ frornsru. S400/mo. 529-3581 . ~o4e . &;g$ovings. . A57 . 5266 . • : : Bicycles . 11.. __ c.a.miil 'iarasli~!IIII."_ ~n~ S;~~I~~ : I -, - II - lighling, r8C:Of"ding Jlumo" I_n. HOlJses SCHWNN VOYNJa 12 ~ , wi' MAMIYA/SEKOR 35MM ...;deo COI'Mt'O ...... ok, Ioc-- ' ~'* 'I "'1:!!l1!!2IIi~2IIi_E:!EZm:fil bogs orrd bofi.. ~ w.s & portI. 55nwdl.A Iem, hnr~ co... • A57-56A1. .. ~ART'E~ 2 8O'lM HOUSE cIer:J" 2 BalM, AlC. ro lame, J.oded oreo. SI50080. 549-5565. Vr"Gfor F1cnh w/CO$.8, ofl ex( .. . " , qui" bt. $200 0 month. includm. wow .. _ .1:-.:_ ColI oker Spm 529.35. q..r "\.. 0/ c Ava,l foil. S 180 5 2Y CDnIO:._.. r.. P.tts & 3 uppl es I1 5:19 CncI troJ... ~29 · 58 2 1 . SCH'W'Jo.IN VARSITY YIC:lMAN'S biM, ANTQUE C.A,MfRA cOU1CTC ...... ;,-,:=,--; ;::-::-:==0.,---0- 1 BDRM. ( llAN, quiet porfr:. -r nic. ,.I, exira Ii,.. & i...... c._$50 . Rob Come Viwl TraiN & Thirtg10 f:ol.t G..- I ::ocr.dt sr~!ELS . SHOTS. AKC $1751_ldamago oI...dy pd). Mo\, •• "'57·9950 Of VMon 01 A57·5266. 529,157, 'II Moll 620 Eo. W ...... 529·3150 ~.=..I . $75 . ': , :"; , = & : LHo.:SFr~S1: 1::::::;;:0;s::I I ~~~;.r ,~ ... ''Pa;", D. I;" •••• , la. p"'perty. SMITH ClJIIO'ilo homo...... '" iJOO, AS.'·5.77. Oood. SmaI $65. 10.000 eTU 110. $IAS. ~klwtw/ 01 ,..,~ . .van.tbe~ I 2O ,OOO8~, SI9!,_ 529·3563. ~5r"" '-""'rpriood. "" 1'~;::=~~-C~AURtiBiico;;NiDD:AiULUE~ ~~w,::ENI""'t.':'.h: MOBILE HOMES y"" ,.,.. 2 bOd.oom"'t:"~ . ""'" H" h 51 N rth ~"""~ , 'on 1" ___ FARMER oS 549-3000 ·Lawn Se!vice ·5,.SO"" ..,.7 ...... '!!!':!~ 'OOOrSt'OCk . s~ MARKE'I" ..,07 ..... Corner of E. Main '.Ulrlllllt-.. '.,7'" , ...... _c:.IIa. Strxt . "1S1", ... Stoct. ' 10!J5LA Stock ,1O!M1A ·tl,.S..... _-­·.,tl" in Downtown ·5,.... ,• ..,....-..m Carbondaland Washinge._ . tacrosson St. ' 1~1111~1111111~~I!'~ lr"'1or Sb)(t . ,ogw StOdr: ' ~ m Dillin ger 's Fe Stoct ' 1«:J7" ._-­ ''','75''',..... u,' '5,5." Store ._--­·t,...... Stoct; ' 1S08 ''!''~t=:~ '111 ___, OD • Fres h Local --. ·1,.75 ,.--StDct:...' 825So\ .•...... t_ ...... ~.Ir. 3 Bedroom 2 FuJI Baths .. Produce S fOCt . ' ~ 78 Stoct. .15QB1o M i~ ro wav e FREE Washer/Dryer ·.,.7 ..... ·1,.75OD • Floral ·t,.,.,.. Dishwasher Garbage Disposal , • ..,.... 0.. , •• CltllPlllCCIltrIwtta ,--'-'-,., A .rrangeDlents Stoo:. ' 1558 Sttd . 6OO!I8 Stoct . 1SS88 " Quality Baked Central Air/Hcal Patio or Deck ·.,H5OD ·5.5OD ·.,.75OD Goods Furnished or Unfurnished " Fine ]ew,,1ry Locared ar 707 & 709 Sourh Wall WALLAC ,INC. ~ • Crafts Wall and I :- :. • •• 1 - ~ _ • ,- - • OPER SATURDAY 8.. ,....00. 549-2255 Close to Campus . , Page 14 Daily Egyprwn

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GOLD, SILVER, QROKEN jewelry. cain1, werl ing. baWlbolI ( ard ~ , dau Mich& Abramowicz ~;;.6a-;l .J & J Coins, PO: : ~ . rlina:,. i···································· .., ····.:·······. T.lmmy Baron CASH FOR AIR. condilioncw\, brok ... or i GIVE IT ANOTH!:'K TKVr i. running. We pO up. 5 ~ 520') Melissa B ~nnt'l USED CO'S, TAPES, tp', i.:,ant ( ash. : Suy, WII) . trode. PlazaIWuJdry. 549· Beth Borgsmiller 5.23. I:.. THIS IISKUNKn IS 1£=. 1 CHEMISTRY & PHYSIC S t:ondbook Leslie Boston publi~ed by CRe, wiling 10 pay cash. Coil 549·4989. _ ALL THE WAY Amy Brannall Shelly Brown ing . FOUND i UP TO THE I Tara Buffington FOlR 10 , SET OF car keyI wirh SPC i SKY! i keydx.;n oubide of l.awJoo 121 , 8/ ! ...... ! Dana Cecil 27/90 •• 8:00 am, Cal' m ·B"'. BeltyChiu -~~%, : ...... • IDERS NEEDED i HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY i Ashley Cochran RIDER NEfDED TO Vegas in my cO" Stephanie Dement Shore gm. 5.9-7231 , Joe. .~ ERIN I Stacey Fairchild ['lISABlEO WOMEN NEEDS pari· lime i ! Christie Gaug .~ IcrnoIe alleManl. coil MMry or 549· ! Love,: 4320. : Your "Roomies" : Stacey Gottlieb BABYS lTTfR/ HOUSEKEEPER, Mon.­ Fri. ~ . Own tron5pDftaiion. i Anno, Leanne, ! Judy Hasenstab- 5.49-6784 aft. 5 pm. lfGA.L SERVK:ES. ~ rob: Auto & MODELS : FOR FIGURE dra ..... i ng o ther pe r ~ nal injurie s. Worker', .1 Leslie i Maureeb Haverkate Comp., .tc. Di"orc., from $250. WIll HOlD A Fashion .how 01 )OUr : ', : t~ : rz.~requir~~~~~:~ Robett S. Felix, Aaomey. 529·5182. club ocJf"iliM Of 1.,I"neu. ~sI be ...... Janelle Hurst rently enr1)1ed wil'r:a on file and SAlf FOR SCUlPTURED rIOillo8f'Yic:f!$ , ~ only oS. Iegitimol4!lj. Loc5.'.

~i~~ !;tt7. , ;;'~lai::7it ;: day ~ "iqhl. I LI ______Clip & Savl!; ~ I prelened. Or!:Oi'.al:·.If\ 10 community in· proudly announces our ~ Angie Pillo-UJ \egro1lOn required. Send rew me 10: five SEIZED CA RS. truck s, 4 I I 5 1Q1' InduWrie5, rtc, P O. Salt 60. Du whe~ le n. T V's, stereos I HUG E MOVING SALEa outstanding awards i Kim Robillard ~ion, II 62832. EOE . rumlture, compute" by DEA. \ Sat. _ Sun. 8 _ 5 Paruidgc FBi.' IRS and US cu. to m s. \ I (Gray o ff Sunset) Clothes. I at the National Convention: ! J2nnifer Samen AffiN'TlClt-l GR EEKS EARN exira SSS Avall,ble your arel now. Call I furniture, bikes, beer I ! in your ftee lime. show porty fCf'o'O r Tammie Schumtzkop{ l (malog. Salas come eo~yI Call 708. t-B05 ~-~5~y;:';.~~ . L.:~n::U:h.:':~~J 470·8200. i ·Standard " of Excellence I Julie~ratte l ·...... ~ ... . : • Formal Rush Quota : Diane Van Dam i = · ScholasUc CommendaUon I Amy Walldngton i · f'lewsletter Honorable MenUon I Julie Walters I I ·DIstrict 2 Fanhellenic A ward i Angie Weber ! I Sigma Kappa's -pride i Lynn Weissert Julie I ~' : Julie Whitling Student lobs! i is still shining i The Achieve P ro~ram Chris/ine Will/wit np.eds notetakcr.;, lutor~ , I Love You f i brigbt i p:"octors, and rcad e~ : Kim Windhorst ~ply in ~,son at the ; ... ..,...... ' ...... ~, '...... ~ ~.... ! ...... : ~tls t Student Cente r, : ...... : ~gco~ ' fir:.u :; t have i·················································. Call 453-6150 f The Men of Sigma Pi i i would like to congratulate I I LK I : their newly elected : CRmw.c;HIPS NOW HIRING: C : officers for 1990!! for spring. Chri'Im8S. and : ongralulates: £ i j nex i summer breaks. MaJ'y i i : President : po,itions. rail 1-805-682- :. Damelle SClano :. 7555 "Xl. s: 1109. i Janus 'W. !FufleT i (CaD ~ d.y • • w

Calvin and Hobbes b'/ Bill Watterson

by Mike Peters

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GIT A BITE O'F THE APPLE MARKET ADVERTISE ... THE MURPHUBORO APPLE FESTIVAL PROMGnON PAGE APPEARING IN 1ME D.E. ON MONDAY SSIT. 10" '990• Today's Puzzle r , , - :, , • .. ::::om»!,- r' .. .. DEADLINE: ACROSS 39 Reply' abbl, DOWN 31 Palh " 1 Brlckillye". .&0 large hl.IIOS 1 G.ab g.eedily 32 WIpe O'J I WEDNESDAY 4 ~ OOyg lan 2 Monster 36 OlsUngulSl'led ." 5~=~17:1 (3Ugnl ",11 3 Scho'a,s' reg,,,e! • a " 9 FIoo6ed wil h IS Selt a dog pl ace 37 Ver'\'t! SEPT.. 5 AT ""ater " VoluPtUOlJ I 3R Rim " 14 MoldIng 46 HIICh ' 0 WI :0 .",. JJ Jill """" "'e•• t5ln,ll lble 47 CJl lmll 5 GIOC"''Y Ilem m, I ~ ••• 2:00 P.M. emlnlllb'" 49 Not In\' 6 " _ lown" (1/.nacks ~ ~ " 16 Key It!lIer SO .'elerl n 7 Lllptcm 01 « '"" eUeclua l I" 11 Hight'S' a ... a l" 53 Pub ollenng rOCk .c; SIer"ul. UOhS .. , M 1(1 a u"e! ilent 18 Gun IoDb y r' 20 Result ~ ; I ~: ~~ er ; ~~~: le ller. .. 21 H uSh~huSh 5940ClIC1S 10 F'gh"n" ""<5 1 Lone Rano!!!':. ." 61 FooeCls me II K,tChen wear c.omDlnron M 23 BIIU'Clilon ~ Ilty 12 Recreallon 5211.0.. $101'1 PIO " " " ~ Young org 2( .... t:o~e tllel • w " y .. Egyptian 63 ~?;~:~,s 13 ~~~~esstve .. •• Daily 2'6lnclln"s 57 ROlf! ,n .. ., 26 Falana 01 6f BII'd (If 18 Copy IIoDt)< Af'ce ' • • J S(\.,~ 1I!'II1hei 22 ell wOOCl 56 OT "r(,.. l1el 60 Sf\,c ~ {'r -" JO IoI es ..... p 67 Rr..m magc 25 Vl'nelable J:\ l udw'g , 68 PODI - 21 P("Iml l ~ j)1 SKrel 6 9lJneu~ 28 "'_, CALL 536·3311 ~SK FOR BRETT ,.. in"'''g' .. a~"" . I II r: • '0 v.~r) Ol~"IDsure ~ Jal: ShIll! • 3A T., Manlll "1(' 35 S"', .... "" s..: ,,,,,' : '.• 'Q"''' toel ,q 4I1an'" IIle .... (,5S111C" Thursday's puzzle answers on Page' 8 ------~." Page 16 Daily Egyptian Augusl 3 1. 1990 I New AIDS drug results beneficial Infant mortality rates down, according to government findings AIDS deaths rose last year WASHfNU;0N (UP!) - Early Yarchoan em phasized the stud y disease's lethal pt'"ler..:ssion. WASHINGTON (UPI) - ~Iack infants for whom the rate finding3 suggest the {'-xv";" ental was small and did n Ol directly ('no problem with AZT has been n,e 1989 infant monaiily rale, is more than twice that fo r drug DOl may e .... ~e nd ':'P',S ~ om pa,... !bG effccLiwncss of AZT. tt- .j( its toxic side effects lik(~ al 9.7 pe' 1,000 live hirths, was whites, the repan said. pali c nlSi llives as long or longer wlll .:: h is made by Burroughs anemia and bone marrow the lowest ever recorded in the A breakdown of 1989 infant than AZT, the only govemmcnl­ WeJ!;.;omc Co., of Rest:arch suppression have forced about one­ United Stau:s, ""hile death.' due mortality fig ures by race was approved dn g 10 combat the AIDS Tri"ngle F-ark. N.C., with DDI , third of AIDS pati',nls 10 :0 AIDS rose 10 become Ihe not. available. But Sandra Smith , virus, rescan:hc" said Thur.;da y. made ly Brislol- Mye" Squibb Co. discontinue treatment About 15 11th leading kill,,,, the a spokeswoman for Ihe he.alth Government sc ientists said their of New York. Tes ts :0 direcll y percent 10 7.~ . the British joumaI Lancet AIDS. BUI both appear 10 slow the access" plan by Bristol-Myers. New board game make,s players talk about AIDS LOS ANGELES (UP I) -. A scx uaHy ex.,Elici t AIDS c..1 ucauon board game that tcach e~ p~~ y er s about "sexual ncgoli aliOn ~ nd sale sex tec hn iques was un v~ lle,d Thursday by one of th e !1at~on s I est / 'DS service orgamzauons. "'1lSpeaking of Sex ," thought to be Ihe firsl AIDS board game, IS meant for uSC at churches, schools, and outreach and recovery programs .cross the country. The brig htly colored ~ takes players around a plaYl~ g board, ~"ough high- and low-nsk sexual activities related lO \he' traJ\Sr.USSl00 uf Ih e AIDS virus. They move fo rward when they mak e safe sex ual decisions. The goal of the game is 10 reach th e center of the hoard lhT011 gh diSl.ussing objcctio n ~ lO safer SC?X ac ti vities, a ssc rll ~.c n~ ss. l ~ relationship:;, and ~1O.w ~n negotiations for a hca1tlucr sex hfe. Some of the \angu.lgc on the board ;, ,;tartlingly franl:. ACl.. \I ling to the rules. players mulands t onm ovesquares backward such",": when, "Youha'::'~ th ey~ ~=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::=~~:::~::::=::::::::::~ unproteCted anal sex, You . , S b d j~~~~e n ~ fLe~~~~~~ I/ to KJ as or condom," or "You shared an S.... orll' drug needle." . Unlv~rslt;t MaU Other squares dISC Located Next to the Open 10:30 am Daily masturbation, shared sex We Invite You to Stop In] Featuring 123 Items Real ' jood Food! Fresh anti ••• proper and imprClper Of Hom~qooked iabricanls, drug and alcohol Even the Price Is A Great Value! 'l.nd 0:-aJ sex. . The game wa~ "cveloped ADULTS CHllD!'IEN AIDS Projecl Los Angeles Monday·Saturday $2_19 Fried Chicken, pori< chops, baked or I.-ied fish, roast beef, l C:30 l\1TI- 3 :00pm ~J 19 ~~a:~~~~,· sw.lents al the Art Bcbter Bar-B-O ribs, salisbu:y steak, are just a few. of Design in PaslIdena. II has Moo-Sat 3:06pm 10 close $5.19 Moo-Sa. 3:00pm - ..;.. $3.19 in use for the past twO weclc. ; and And All Day ,.~ unday And All Day Sunday aboul 60 games have been sClIl out Home-cooked green beans, corn, cabbage, macaroni & to variOU£ organi;~alion s throughout cheese, baked beans, brOCCOli, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, Spc::ld! P~/ces for Senior Citizens&: Chllaren gravy, fried vegetables ar1 more. (wAi1uh Medl) tIx;'~~hole idea of the game is for both players 10 win and gel Soup and satad bar, dessert bar with dozens of cakes, cobblers, So fr.esh, so home-cooked, even the prIce Is whal they wanl in a sexual pies, pucJdings, and soft serve ice cream. deltcious. ner otiation. The best Slluauon IS whe n both people come wi nners:' said Susan APLA's "o mmunity coordiwtDr. We wa nt th e whole be playful inc~cad of so Cohen saict. " We go in to a 10 1 of ch youth £roups i,n conscrvauve and we t~ve n t gallen any all ," Cohen said. " \t's a tasleful gamct,oard. It causes people playing 10 ask a lot questions." "Speaking of S<:x" was . fOrp l aYC"' laI5byearsMo~~ gameMonday nights after 4 pm Kids under 12 eat Tuesday nights after 4 pm Senior Citizens 62 Nut avjll Ie In ;)lVI~, \ ca'n be obtained by oonlaclingfree with at1ult purchese. years anti older Double Senior Citizen Discount AI DS Projecl Los Angeles. August 31. 1990 Daily Egyptilln Page I7 Thailand ambassador visits I Male Smokers Wanled I ./ We will pay $75 to 8200 SIU-C to talk on academics for 3 to 8 sessions By Brandl TIpps would like to broaden our many year.; : Vejjajiva said. ''The must be 21-35 years old Staff Writer academ ;;: profession especially in Americnn approach to education the field of teaching." suits us well ." call SIU-C Psychology Department Thailand and the United States Veijajiva said SIU-C alumni can By hosting the a mbassador's have shared an academic be foued in high places in the visit to SIU-c' Uni versity officials 453-3573 or 453-3561 1 pm - 4pm relationship in the past, and government of Thailand. want to expose the ambassador to Thailand is looking to expand that About 35 Thai students auend possible educational projects r ~ --- -... - -- .... --- ___ worlCng relationship, the Thailand SIU-C this semester. most of who.. , ; hosted by SIU-C for Thailand ambassador to the United States are graduate students, said James soml!time in the fUlure, I ~~ Summer Lube & 'J said this week. Quisenberry, director of Quisenberry said. VtUhya Veijajiva, spealring to a ~nte~nat i onal Programming and Veijajiv. who spoke to the: 20 I~' Tune Up Special! I group of Thai students Thesday at ..etvJ.CCS . Thai students in their n2tive the University Student Center, said Veijajiva's visit was pan of the LOngue, said Thailand shares two ~EE2Literof [une-UPs~cial I Illinois and Thailand together can country's "Seventh Plan" to important factors with the United I . ?h~e 4 cylinder '39'" help improve that country's social broaden emphasis on education Stall"S - a free country :me: a free I . ~nute Maid 6 cylinder '49'" I and economic deveiopmenL along with environmental and open marl he must send 901 S. Illinois II I otJnl.ICIW sru Clinical Caner II 453-2361 . the request within the next 14 to 15 AnnOUnl'l'nl(' o f ... 1 549-3991 - and fried Rice days. He noted Congress is AMERJCAN MAP KF.TING ASSOClAnON scheduled to resume its seSSiOfl wiU be lur,;n, In l!\r:; Nip! .wtina I t 7 p.m. will MORRlS UB:tARY hro-e lipOCW haw.. in We d eliver S7.00 mln Sunday. the Amaimn T..,. r~\Y'-"TJ"", d$2.95 1 during the second week of .x-v.nce C1l LIbor o.y WD «md. Tbey aft: u 1 ordor September. PAKISTAN STUDENTS ASSOClAn:. ~ \ \10 _, c,..,onwhen "'demg> J :I Ware makes his Nfl. debul Friday FonteS said. "We no longer wonder Slcipper Pcu:r Isler, unable La I ' .:'",~ I night when the Detroit Lion." and row we're going to lose il" secure enough corporale I ," ~ • 100 S. llUnois Ave . • 529-1566 I \' incinHati Bengals conclude :hcir Counting five straight victories sponsors, has abandoned his exhibition schedule. to close the regular sca:;on last effort to race in yachting's I Hours, Sun · Thu. 4,30 · 9,30 Fri. & Sol. 4,30· 10,30 I " Andre is going La p'ay at Ie.!sl a year, the Lions bring an eighl·game 1992 America's Cup. L. ______e""""'9J<1J90 ------.J quaner and probably a half," Loons winning sueak La Cincinnati, the 'Unfortunately, we have Coach Wa),!", FonteS said. sile of lhcir laSlloss. nOI made sufficient timely $ $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ $1 Ware, w~o lasl season On Nov. 19, lhc BcngaIs bashed progress toward obtaining quarterbacked the UniversilY of Delroil 42·7 and Fontes called il lhe level of financing Yes! Be Paid Big Bucks HouslC'n 's high-po-Nered offense. the " worst game" in his req uired of a winn ing $ $ ended a hoidoul Monday by association with lhc Lions. effort," Isler saie in a To Quit '~ signing a four· year, $6.6 million '" was embarrassed," he said. stalemcnl Wednesdar ni~hL conlrnCL "'I was a horse manwe effort. We "Time is so shan Lhal ralhcr $ Smoking ~. SmokingCo" 50"", Cessation $ '" was gcuing antsy," Ware said. played ugly." lhan compromising our 7. , . ; Progf3m If all goes a<:COrding La plan, lhc The &ngals have been playing campaign's chances of ~ . ~ 453·3573 or 453·3561 Lions boas I an ugly mosl of lhis victory. we have decided to ,$ $ enlireHc,isman'------prcscason and ... MOll. - Fn. withdrnw." . (Ipm·4pm) backfield lhis 'They (Lions) could even lheir lone The departure of Is ler season. RunnJOg b th t th t viclory lasl Sailing International lefl 1$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ back Barry e e earn a weekend wasn 'l a Team Dennis Conner, Beach San~ e:s ·:. on lhe represents the NFC thing of beauly, a Boys US/\. and Triumph lrophy lwO years slop!'y 13·10 America as the teams that ~ ago al Oklahoma in the Super Bowl. .. overtime gr "~ .. ~, will compcle fo: lhc righl La Slate. over winless New defend lhc America's Cup on Bengals Coach -Sam Wyche have Ihe behalf of lhe San Diego Sam Wyche is a' ______~~ ~~wl and.e YachlClub. fan of Ware's. \"cputation of a The America's Cup " He was lhe tigh·powered Organizing Commiuee said il best player coming :Ju t of the offense, but we hciven'l shown a rcgrcUed Isler 's decision. drafl," Wyche said. " He's an high·powered offense ycI." Wyche II. Allhough Conner has had IrS TIME FOR DOMINO'S PIZZK excellcol runxr, a good passrI and said. " We've gOI La move lhc ball some success signing throw on the move as ..veil as and control it .. sponsors. Isler said the in th e pockel. That's a nice The Bengals' brightest spot-so prolracled legal ballies 549-3030 oombination." far has bocn No. I drafl pick James bclwcen !he San Diego Yachl Wyche also figures the Lions, Francis, a linebacker from Baylor. r:lub and New Zcaland made 3 TOPPER · Medium 3 Topping Pizza for only long an NFL doormal, are aboul Againsl lhe PatriolS, Fr.lJlcis had it virtually impossible for $6.99 Plus Tax ready to tum ;nto winners - big five solo tackles, a couple of sacks American learns La approach SALUKI SPECIAL· Large 1 Topping Pizza with winners. and a fumble recovery. companies for help in raising " They could be lhe learn lhal "We pUl!he halon hir.l," Wyche lhe approximalely $25 2 Cokes· for only $8.50 rcpreserlS lhe NFC in the Supcr said . " We LO ld him before lhe million nceded 10 mounl a ROOMMATE SPECIAL • Medium 1 Topping Bowl," he said. " They are a game that we were going to bring challenge. Pizza and 2 Cokes" for only $6.501 formidable learn." him. And he wa< rcady La go." A

SI'UIo/T'i: ailID'S I'OUCY - no...... s,.ot\I iII.lor. 10 _ 1_ do" bdon ,..ltlleal ...... ",. Mlotr ...~ ...... _Chamb~r of " ...... Id M Ir pr"lU~fI , .n' mint Inti...... , J_, U lt, plKrand .,.--oIUWc_.fldlbt"'_ ...... II ....· Commerce The Museum shop is having a sale to celebrate the "cI' 01 1'" ~ .~IINId Il C U. knL lo1dlllloould lit oHl ...n'd ...... Ikd "" Ow Dd, f..c:n: ·... K---. Invites you star.. Jf the new semester. Select items reduced 25· C ...... lotlonr luI~ ... a-.- 1147. A. er1d" .... !1 he

pubu ...... sonr;c lost on 20-year-old Kon Griffey :llcy wii! be teammates at least ~ urin g Septemb:r. Wh<:n Keo Griffey Sr. was asked Jr. for the mom en l, but it h a~ n' l th rough me fma! 30 gamcs of the ,' it promise.- to be an inLCrcsti n,6 l3.l:"cd If) his son about joining escaJ:C(l his father. season for the Marincrs. who have 3,) ct"ys." the 40·ycru -old Griffey thl.! Mariners before making Ihr ® Sometime in the nex t fe w days. been out .... f :hc Amcnccl!1 Lcagu ' s~lId after signing for the rest of the decision. the. younger GritTey \dki. Ken Griffey will line up in lelt fi eld pen nant rac e for months. T~ '~lrn season. " We don't have any ide.1 ,. No one a."kcd me." alongside hiS eCOler fielder son, officials. huwcvcr, would J.k.e to what's going to happen; we have .. ·.Vell. he ta".ed to hi' mother maki ng them the first fa rher and sec the Gnif('y "tip Jf'ad Lhem ",;ver played lOgether. But it 's very .::!bout it fi rst," said th r smiling ~I son in rnajor·Jcaguc history to play to their lirsl fini!: h owr .)00 and exciting for me. h 's the proud cst faU"k.:l. China HQuse II

Anniversary of Giamatti's death Monday - Thursday NEW YORK (UPI) - Bart has. Giamatti had the passion. He neutrality. Giamaui would hav" 3:30pm - 6:30pm u oamaLli died a year ago Saturday, wore a B05\(111 cap and. being 51 rootoo for them once again. With a year 100 early 10 walCh a )l<'nnant when he died. he ha·j secn the Red five weeks left in l.he season, wim race he would have savored. • Sox break bcart.•. pitchers like Dana Ki ecker. Greg ALL U CAN EAT The late commissioner's l)eloved 1ben again, it was Giamatti ....'~ Ha,Tis. Tom Bolton and Jeff Gray. Boston Red Sox, on the first WlOie that tho gam. wa., c'c.<'.gncd the Red Sox led Toronto by six a nniversary o f hi s death, have 10 break your heart. I, bl'rp.s the games. He would have winked and Learn To Only $2.95 ontered th e Labor Day weekend promise of spring and Ie?N < you rooted fo r them. Scuba Dive! with the look of a winner. Nothing with emptiness in the fall. Giamaui spent ;Ii s last year 00 between the white lines could have GiamaIU rooted fOT the Ro.d >0< ~orti n g out Rose 's involvement in $10 Off COup'Jn • Chicken Fried Rice better warmed Giamalti, the in the 1986 World Series. e"en gambling. He hired an invest.igalOr. • Beef Chow Meln Rer.aissance scholar who could though he was president of the and he. brought l e~a l a~vice . He Bitter' s Dive qUOlC the Baschall Eocylopedia. Natiooal League at the time. They u;;de rsl ~ th(" ~ra. He k.J ;~ w the & Sc tba Shop A. ·danleu Giamalli died Sept. I :,,)S t to the MClS in a seven·game ganle is ""!.:!yed be.'1irld mahogany R:,~s~aT..~Yr:}f .l of a I,cart attack in Edgartown. World Series. c:kx>rs Ai 1vcll as on y,J~n f:~:d: . <3'-7050 549-5032 Ma °s .• just eight days after banning He no doubt rooted for them in Vince nt lJsed t!lis legacy this Carbondale, IL Pete Rose for gambling. Fay 1988. when he was NL president summer, 3!".5CmMing the might to 1 mile t:8 SI of town 701 B S. III Ave. Vincent has thrived as GiamaLli's waiting LO ascend LO commissioner. confront George Steirbrenncr. 457·2729 successor, handling a v2'riely of They lost to Oakland in four Yet Giam4itll . the Yal~ pr'""...s;Jent. (across from 7'0) crises. straight in the American League kept a fan 's tJ3SSKh', <'en in an era However, th e thought persists playoffs. where men in pinstripes fill the that baseball lost a commi ssioner This year, even though a commissioner's offic I!~ well as SPECIAL UT" RfirtGE who loved the game as no other commissioner must watch with the dugouts. Lighted Driving Range Golf Equipment FOOTBALL, from Page 20 ----- Club Repair Lessons ;vi~. who saw limited action as offense. the offensive line will be situation." r=:::-0 a backup last season. The UNI a major factor to the success of Smith has specifIC goals for the Hours: 10-10 Tues.·Sat. I -' · ~ ·I offense averaged 196.6 yards a both the passing and running Saluki's first contest ~f L~e 1990 I 12-6 Sun.·Mon. games. The Saluki offensive line season, and no matter what the game pass;.g last year. but only Professional: D?'ren Vaughn I ~-= ~ 11 4.5 n·shil.,;. Panther roach Terry will begin the season with two score vezrus UNI, he win be happy (618)942-3406 Allen said h l~ has confidence in redshirt freshmen; MiJce StricIdanc! if his squad achieves'thO goals. . 'I John son as the team'~ starting and Jasoo Jakovich, starting at Hoc " If this young team keeps quarterback. guard positions for the UNI mistakes at a minimum," Smith matchup. Smith is not worried said, "and if we pJay respectable r------, " I feel prellY good about what abolii how Uv; two young linemen fOOIbaII. we will feel gOod about Jay Johnson has ,""",,"plishcd last will perform in Saturday'S ~"egame. spri ng and this faU: Allen said. baiJgame. 'They (UN!) are a big favorite. I CY~~~) I " But this ""II be his first time ''They have ~" through two bu '. if we eliminate their big plays starting." springs of practice and the August aJk!- mok",· tbem_ wjlr.k (or I . only $6.99. I From last season's experience double sessions," Smith saiJ. evel}1hing, we should do weU in ,..I'fedium .3 Topping Pizza Smith said he knows what to '"IlIey will be ready 10 play, ,'m the"..".,.. " I ex peet from the Panther offensive not concerned aloout how it's their I We deliver later than anyone else! aWlCk. flISt start." The SalukiS . in solid ph ~ 3:05 a.m. everYday • 549-6150 'They will probably run early in shape, except for senior starring Open for lunch Fri - Sun .J the fust l..tIf," Smith said. "to get Strickland, however, is both guard Tun Schiller, who is doootful the new q..anerback inlO the game. excited and nervous about sP..eing ~::cause of a heart condition. IIIIIIIII!I------But I ,fore it's over they might his fust game action in a Saluki The Panthers have a pair of WIT'W as much as us, which is a uniform. injuries. Staning defensive end (OLD 'l'OWN fIQ~;-""'~ 101." "I've been waiting a year for this Tim Pelerson and starting The Saluki offense should be opportunity," Strickland said. "I'm ~ Willie lleaI"on are both back 10 it's air attack which was excited to start. but I'm a httle listed as questionable for Lotto on the Strip T\ instituted in 1989. But no mauer nervous 100. It's been well over a Saturday's game. they could I who is at the helm of the SIU-C year since I've played in a game poosib!y see action Soturtlay. • Killian's Red ...... 6pk btl '3.. 'J VOLLEYBALL, from Page 20-- PASS, from shots for us. Her teammates rcaIIy season action. ~.4PkbU.4.71 ~ rcspec! her." The Sal"kis have yet to beat Page20-- Bri.9coe hit 2J:fl and was third in Colorado State in thrre tries in the ~ Plus many in-store specials ~ ti kills and seconJ in blocks last history of the matchup. ~ !Yrll/ Saluki team reach post­ season. " I season play, the pass holder " Debbie provides us with At noon Saturday the Saiukis play "45 lilt ...... · .. .' J'l1" \--;:n;1l..... ,3om _. J' Cotbondat. : Sot l00m·2om _1-' would have priority when stability and leadership: Ball SVlte. 1 h Fri. \' L ~.;,s'3 t'~ 1,," - 11,", . " ordering post·seaoon tickeIs. Hagemeyer said. "S:""s 10 ''Tbe,,'re a team a lot like ours. __ ._.... As of Thursday, over 300 play." They're fairly young," HagClT'eyer student season passes have The Salukis first match of the said. "The head coach has been -.::::::::::--CJ'" ..=- been sold. season begins at 6 p.m. tonight there one year and be brought in " AI this time last year "'" -,pac against Colorado State at the some preuy talented freshmen." only had sold about 250.· Invitational. The Salukis played Ban State ticket control supervisor Lee Hagemey~ >::rid CoIoraoo S= Ia.( spring and Hagemeyer cxpeas Trueblood said. " We expeet ucreamer·286 ,auggkd las, , ith a lot of the Invitational match to be a 10 sell 2000 this year." injury pmblems. lIet",e that the 1OSSup. team had always been 11Inkcd in the Ball State finished sixth with a 3- As an added incentive this nation's IO'p 20 poll. 5 record in the Mid·American $599!* year, the back of the tic1cets "They :;till have , ome prelly Conference. In 1981 the Sal uk is The"DAbm. 2B6:::=:;,::r~::: will allow the ticket holder decent pl"yers rett,rnmg to this beat the Cardinals 15-"(. 15-6. iood discounts 8t such year'':, squa'! ," HageaMyer said. ·tlY. ~altWs played Indiana State .n.s MH.r. with tMWIIA.M restaurant as Zipps. Subway. "It's everyboo'y's fj",..: match of last spring in a three-game mateh. i-.tIed. QuatTOs, and The Corner the season, so I'm not sure what The Salukis came forward 10 win Diner. It also offers 10 ""peeL I WOt~d ""JlCCtthem 10 in thrre and now they hope 10 have discounts fo, merchandise at ·""""'aAMI ~e a preuy tough match for us this a n:pc:a! performance. the University Bookstore, weeIcend." "EMSU".pp-'" B1eyer's Sport Matt, ~uthi ,,", Colorado State. who returns two "They prollj much have their Gustos. Caru's and Varsity Starters from last year's 16· 14 whole starting lineup back ," South. There is also a ol..wpon. team. iinished 6-6 , founh in th e Hag"meyer said. "They'lI have a 1nd~por1: discount on playing pool at High Country ,,·.hk tic Conference. = . but they should be doing the opti...w. ;=~ :~--- Styx Bar and Billiards. Senior Jill Johllson led th e team same thillgs they did last spring." -While L.... rrml st"cIc lasts. H,,"y, tluy'll go {.'I5 t! "All the shops on the bock with 402 IciUs and 325 oigs. selling The Salulcis plLy Indiana State at of the pass are withi;t a school rxml of an average 3.04 6 p.m. Salurday 10 end In vitatiooal Micro-Mart walking distance ot campus per game. compo:tition. Thl' Computer Ce;;!er and are mainly f:\X!ucnted by The Ram. failed to win 20 Tuesday Inc ~a l uki s travet 10 the 816l Main c.rbo ...... ll 451-4663 D.ta , 618- 529-4457,24"". 5 IU-e sUJd