
: An Introduction

f you live in the Western today Neoplatonists synthesized the approaches or have been influenced by it, you of , , , and others, I may be more of a Neoplatonist than addressing the individual yearning for you realize. As the mathematician and salvation from a philosophical viewpoint. Alfred North Whitehead stated, Neoplatonism posits a single source (the the general characterization of the Western One) from which all emanates philosophical tradition “consists of a series of and with which an individual can be footnotes to Plato.”1 mystically united. This philosophical school Neoplatonism is a relatively modern provided ways that the individual could term that mid-nineteenth century scholars ascend the ladder of through theoria – created to distinguish the ideas of later of the Divine. Greek and Roman Platonists from those of Many widely accepted Neoplatonic Plato himself. (ca. 204 – 270 CE) concepts have been perpetuated in the West is considered the first main proponent of by such diverse sources as , Neoplatonism. His intent was to use Plato’s , , the art and of thought as an intellectual basis for a rational the , the , and humane life.2 the American Transcendentalists, and others.

Rosicrucian Digest No. 1 Plato (428 BCE – 348 BCE). 2012 Page 2 Neoplatonic approaches continue to be of • Contemplating the harmony tremendous importance in Jewish, Christian, and transcendental nature of the and Islamic , as well as the Beautiful and the elevates us esoteric schools, including . in consciousness. Neoplatonism exerted a great influence • After completing its spiritual on the Western esoteric tradition through evolution, the soul of each human the work of , a devout being reintegrates with the Universal Neoplatonist, translator, and humanist Soul in all purity and lives in philosopher of the fifteenth century. the Divine in full The following Rosicrucian tenets consciousness. resonate with Neoplatonism: Remarkable individuals such as Plotinus, • All of Creation is permeated by a , , , Augustine Universal Soul. of (Saint Augustine), , • The ultimate goal of life is to achieve Pseudo- the Areopagite, , mystical union with the Divine (the , Marsilio Ficino, Pico della One). Mirandola, , , , Thomas Taylor, and Ralph • Knowing oneself is essential to Waldo Emerson have all been associated with achieving this goal. Neoplatonism or Neoplatonic thought. • This can be accomplished without This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest an intermediary person. introduces us to some of their lives and • Mystical contemplation is a means to ideas, and the Neoplatonic tradition over the achieve union with the Divine. millennia.

As for the Rosicrucian conception of , it is based, on the one hand, upon the conviction that the Divine exists as an Intelligence having created the and everything therein; and, on the other hand, on the assurance that each human being possesses a soul which emanates from the Divine.

—From the Rosicrucian Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis (2001)

ENDNOTES 1 Alfred North Whitehead. Process and : An Essay in , (New York: Free Press, 1979), 39. 2 PBS, “Neoplatonism,” http://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/gengloss/neoplat-body.html.

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