The Bhiwan i di stric t consist s of four tahsi ls, Bh iwan i, , Dadri and . Th e number of towns and vi llage s1. in each tah sil of the di strict as on March 31 , 1977 are given in Tabl e A and the po lice stations an d police posts in Table B below :


Tahsi l Towns Vi ll ges (N umbe r)

Number Names Inh abited Unin ha- Tota l bited ------Bh iwani 2 Bh iwa ni, 12 4 1 125

Bawan i Kh era 2 Bawani Khera , 57 1 58

.Dadri 1 Charkh i Dadr i 169 3 172 Loh aru Lo haru 11 9 119

Tot al : 6 469 5 474 ------

1. A vi ll age refers to an area for whi ch a separ ate recor d of rig ht s is mai ntai ned, or which has bee n separate ly ass esse d to land holding tax , or wo uld have been so ass esse d if the land hold ing tax had no t been rea lise d or compou nded or redeem ed. or whic h th e state Gove rnm ent h'l d otherwi se de clared as an 'estate' . This defin itio n of vill age is ide nti ca l with that of mauza under se ction 3(1) of the Punja b Land Rev enue Act, 18.87. Th e def in ition app lies to a demarcate d area of land and not a resi dential site. 306 BH IW AN I DI STRI CTGAZET IEE R


Ta hsi l Pol ice Stations Poli ce post s attached to ea ch police st ation Number Nam es Numb er Nam es ------Bh iwa ni 3 Bhiw ani Cit y 3 Dinod Gat e Tigrana Gat e Patram Gat e Bhiwa ni Sad ar

Tosham 1 Bawa ni Kh era 2 Bawa ni Kh era 1 Dhan ana Si wani

Dadr i Ch arkhi Dadri 1 Baun d Kalan Badhar a

Loharu 2 Ii Loharu 1 Bah1 1


Tot al: 9 8

On th e prin cip le of decent ra1is at ion of authority in the admini strative set-up , the distr ict is divid ed il1 tothr ee su b-di visions , Bh iw ani , Dadri and Loharu . Th e Bhi wani sub -di vision was create d on Se pte mber 3, 1954 . It co mprises two ta hsils, and Bawani Khera. The Dadri sub -div isio n whi ch wa s create d ·on Septemb er 4, 1968 , coincides with the tahsil are a of Dadr i. The Laha ru sub-div ision , co-terminous wit h Lo haru tahsi l, was con stitut ed on Navembc :r 10, 1976 . Th e ob ject of a sub-divisio n is to prom ote ,effi ciency on th e admini st rati on and to ensU re be tt er sup erv isio n ov er publi c affa ir s through decentrali sa tian . The Sub-Di visional Off ic er has power to deal with many matters expeditiously on th e spot.

1. Th e poli ce pos t of Bahl havi ng bee n up-gra ded as poli ce stat ion on April 1, 19 77, th ere are now 3 poli ce station s and 1 police pos t in the Loham tahsil . Thus th e total number of polic e station s in the district has incr ease d to 10 whi le th at of the polic e pos ts de creased to 7• ... -2. Since Apri l 1, 1977 , Ch:lhr Kalan ha s bee n at tac hed. to the :newly up- grade d Bah l Poli ce Station . Th e strength of sub-di visi on and tahs il ofticer s, who ass ist the Deput y Comm issioner , is as follo ws :-

Sub-Divi sional Of fic er (Civil )

Tahsildar s

Sub-Di visional Offic er (Civ il)

Tahs ildar

Sub -Division al Officer (Civil)


DI STR ICT AUTHO RITI ES Deput y Commi ssione r. - Th e geneial admi ni str ation of the di str ict is ve sted in the Deputy Commis sion er, who is no rma ll y a me mber of the Indi an Admini s~ trative Service. For administr ati ve purpos es, he is und er th e Commi ss ioner , Hi sa r Division, (Hi ss ar) . In other word s, th e St at e Gove rnment's gene ra l auth ority descends through the Di visional Commissioner to th e Deputy Co mmissio ner. With the ad vent of demo cra tic se t-up and inc rease d tem po of dev el opme nt activity , the duties and re sponsib iliti es of the Deput y Comm issio ner have increase d enormou sly. He still perf orms the triple , func- tions of Britis h times be ing at once th e Dep ut y Commi ss ione r, the Di stri ct Mag istra te and th e Co ll ector , but his res po ns ibi li ties, part icu la rl y as Deputy Commi ss ioner, the executive on the spot , have gre atly inc rea sed .

1. His jurs idiction extends to th e Bhiw an i and Bawan i Kher a tahsils. 2. Hi s juri sdicti ;m extend s to the Dadri and Loh aru tahsi ls . As Dep uty Com missioner, he is the exe cuti ve he ad of the di strict with mult ifar ious res pon sibi lities. Th ere is ha rdly any as pe ct of distri ct adminis- tr ation wit h the gen era l supervi sion of wh ich he is not con cerne d in one way or anot he r. He ha s a speci al ro le to play in the Panc hayati Raj .In addi tion to kee pi ng an eye on th e work ing of Pa nch ayati Ra j insti tutions , he gu ide s th e Panch ayats , Panchaya t Sam itis, Munici pa l Com mittee s, Ma rket Comm it tees an d Im pr ovemen t Tr usts and helps them to overcome difficu ltie s and probl em s. As the seni or most officer in the district , he is exp ected to main - tai n cont act wit h the ele cted repr esentativ es of the pe ople in order to kee p himse lf we ll infor me d abo ut th e functi on ing of the mach inery for whic h he is res pon sib le.

As Di str ic t Mag ist rate, he is ent rusted with the ma intenance of law and ord er in th e di strict for which purpose he heads th e pol ice an d the pro se cuting ag enc y. In the dis ch arge of this re sponsibil ity he is assisted by th e Superin - tend ent of Poli ce. Af ter the separ at io n of th e jud ic iary from the executi ve, co ntrol ove r judicia l wo rk was wi thdr awn from the Di strict Magi st rate. The res ult is tha t he is no W co nce rned on ly with regula tion of pr os ecu tion s, binding do wn of ba d ch aracter s or susp ects for good behaviour and or der ing prevent ive det entio ns. Here, he is assis ted by 3 Executive Magi strate s. Previo usly, the Distr ict Mag ist rate like the Add ition al Distric t an d Se ss ion s Judge, had the conc urr ent power s of hearing appea ls ag ainst the or ders of an Executive Magi stra te. Af ter th e intr oduct ion of the new Code of Cr imin al Procedure on Apr il 1, 19 74 , he has ce asc d to exercise su ch powers.

As Col lecto r, he is the hi ghest revenu e judi cial aut hori ty in the di strict and is res ponsible for col lec ti on of land hold ing tax and all du es recover- abl e as arrears of land re ven ue. If a pa rty does not pay a tax in time , the tax- . coHect ing auth ori ty scn ds a certifica te of tax arrear s to th e Depu ty Com missi on - er , who ha s powe rs to reco ver th e amo un t in the sam e way as he does in respect of lan d rev enu e. A hos t of func tion aries , viz. Sub-Div isiona l Off ice rs, Tahsi ld ars, Nai b Tahsi ldar s, Ka nun gos an d Patwa ri s, as sist him in this sph ere.

He supervi ses the maint enance of land records an d agr icu lt ural statis tic s beside s the mana geme nt of Govern ment la nds and esta tes. He is also entru sted with th e impl emen tati on of land re forms an d dist ri but io n of tacc avi an d other loa ns to agr ic ult urists. Th e su pervis ion of acquis it ion and re qui si tion of land and admin istering relief meas ures in case of droug ht, flood and oth er na tur al . ca lamiti es are some of his other duties . He act s as the Dis trict Ele ct ions Office r and the Regis trar for registra tion . The li st of hi s misc ellaneous duties tor wh ich he can be sai d to be res - pon sible is not a short one. So me of rhe mo re important on es re late to civi l defenc e, jails , reform ato rie s and poor hou se s; li aison with mi li taryauthori- ties and we lfare of the me mb ers of the armed forc es ; col lecti on of loans , donations and subsc rip tions ; an d coll ec ti on and supply of all sor ts of inf or- ma tion about the di stric t.

The co -or din ation wo rk of the Deputy Commiss ione r to which a brief refe ren ce has been ma de, fo rms a piv otal pa rt of hi s over all res pons ibilitie s. While co- or di na tin g the activiti es of va riou s dep artme nts in th e dis trict, whe n- ever necessary , he tak es care not to inte rfere in the ir int ern al admini stration, and the pro ce dures , meth ods and pol icies of thei r parent depart me nt s. He hold s periodi cal meeti ngs of all the district level officer s with a view to re view- ing th e progr ess of work don e by the sever al de partme nt s an d co-or dinat ing and int ensi fy ing th eir efforts . He ha s to po ss ess a cle ar pict ure of the objec- tives of all the departm ents so as to evo lve an integ rated appr oa ch to develop - ment . The Dep uty Co mmiss io ne r has be en autho rised to in spe ct the of fices of all the departme nts in the di str ic t and he mau y call fo r any report an d other inform ation regardin g th ose offic es and their wo rking. He is, in sho rt , the head of the di strict admini strat ion, a co-ordinating officer for th e various de part men ts and a con nect in g link between the publ ic and the Government so far as he execute s the p~licies , admini ste rs the rules and r.egula ti ons framed by th e Government form ti me to time and also look s after the wel fare , ne eds and requirement s of the peop le. In fact he has beco me an essentia l ins trument in the buildi ng of a We lf are State. Su b-Di visi onal Off ic er .-Th e Sub-D ivis io nal Officer is the Chief Civil Offic er of a sub-di vision. In fac t, he is a mini ature Deput y Comm issio ner in his sub· di vision. He exercises direct contro l over th e Tah sil da rs and the ir st aff . He is, however , com peten t to corre spon d direct with the Gov ernmen t an d de pa rt me nt s on ro utin e ma tt ers. Hi s main duti es, like tho se of the Depu ty Commiss ioner , inc lu de reven ue, ex ecutiv e and judic ial work .His executi ve duti es pertain to the ma intena nce of la w an d order, devel opm ent, loca l bo die s, motor taxation, report about pas sport s, renewal of arms licence s, sub-di visiona l esta bl ishment, etc . As Sub-Div isio nal Ma gist rate, he exe rcises judi cial powers und er cert ain section s of th e pr ev entive chapte rs of the Co de of Cri minal Pro - ce dur e. An ap pea l from the order s of the Sub-Divisi ona l Mag ist rate in such cases lie s to the Di st ri ct and Se ss ions Judge.

Ta hsildar (M ahal) jNaib Ta hsil dar (M ah al ). -The Tah sild ar and Naib Tah sild ar are the ke y-offi ce rs in th e revenu e adm ini stra ti on and exercise the powers of the Assi smnt Collect or II Grade . Whil e decidin g partition case s, the Tahs ildar ass umes po wers of Assi sta nt Col lector I Gra de and for regi s- trat ion work he act s as Sub-Regi s~rar.

The ir ma in ta sk be in g revenue col lec tion an d superv ision , the Tahsildar an d the Naib Tahsil dar have to tour ex tensive ly. The y are pr inci pally responsi- bl e for the maint ena nce of reve nu e recor ds and crops statis tics . In (he dis- ch arg e of th eir misce lla neou s du ties, they ass ist th e dev elopme nt staff in [heir various activitie s in the exe cu tio n of pla ns, co ns tr uctio n of ro ad s, drain s, em- bankments , soil cons erv atio n and reclama ti on, pav em ent of stre ets , filling of depr es sion s and di sposing of wor k conn ec te d with rural re co nstr ucti on. They also help the Block De ve lopm en t and Panchayat Offic ers in enli sting the maxi- mu m co-operation of the pe opl e in rur al areas in making the Panch ayati Raj a succe ss. The Tahsild ar s and Naib Tahs ildar s in th e district are assisted by the follo wing re ve nue staff

In the "Half a Milli on Job Pro- gr am me"

Sadar Kanu ngo~ 1 Naib Sadar Kanun go 1 Office Kanu ngos 4 Field Kanun gos 14 14 Patw ari s 237 125 Since the actu al prep arati on of vill age reco rd s an d reve nue stat isti cs re sts with the Patw ari s, th e dis tri ct is di vided into 237 pat war cir cles, ea ch circle being lo ok ed after by a Patwari who work s und er the im med ia te supervision of the Kanungo con cerned . The Lamb ard ar (a non- offici al) is quite an import ant functionary in the administration . He coll ec ts an d depo sits the lan d hold ing tax. Th es e deposits were previou sly made in the Go vern:nent tr easur y under the charge of the tahsil of fic er s.The deposit s ar e now made in the Branche s of the State Bank of Indi a. In add ition to his duti es of co lle ctio n of land ho ld ing tax , he keeps an eye on la w and ord er in his area and any br~R ch or adverse circum stance is rep orted by hi m to the near est po li ce stati on and to the Deputy Co mmis sion- er' s ag ency.. He is as sis ted in his wor k by the vi ll age ch owkid ar.

1. He is in ch arge of the di stri ct hea dq uarter s revenue rec ord -room and ex ercises general super vision ov er th e maint enance of reve nu e rec ord in all offi ces in the district . {prior to th e enforcement of the Land Holdings Tax Act, 1973 , the Lam ba rd ar was paid pac hotra at the rat eoof 5 per ce nt of the land re ve nue. Since vari ous levie s have been conso lidated into land ho ldi ng tax ,1 the rate of pa chotra has been fi ed at 3 per ce nt of the new tax . Th e Lamb ardar also co ll ects duvs perta ini ng to the :Min or Irr iga tio n an d Tub ewell Corpo- rati on, consolid ati on fee and abi ana an d is pa id commi ssion at the rate of 1, 5 and 3 per cent respecti ve ly.

In additi on to sub-di vision, tahs il an d block staff, the Deput y Com- miss ion er is assiste d by the Genera l Assis tant an d th e Add itiona l Gene ra l As sis tant . Ass istant Comm issioners/Extra Ass istan t Co mm iss ioners are also someti mes te mporaril y apP8in te d in the di stri ct with var ying de grees of powe rs, magi ster ial (e xec utive ) an d reve nue.Thes e of fice rs relie ve the Deput y Com- miss ioner of th e detai le d an d rou tine acti vities of his office and thus enable him to conc entrat e upon the gene ral mana ge ria l duti es of co-ordin ation , dir ec- tion, sup erinten denc e and co ntrol in all sphe res of the district admini str ati ve fun cti ons.

Gen eral Ass ista nt.-He is the princip le administrative off icer und er th e Depu ty Commi ss iJner an d assis ts him in all exe cuti ve and admini strati ve fun ction s. He mos tl y stays at the head qu ar ters to supe rvise the worki ng of the office . He is com petent to corre spo nd cl .ire ct wi th Government and other depa rtm ents on routine matt ers. Th e work in the Deput y CJmmis sioner' s Off ice is divided betwee n Gene ral Assistant an d Additi on al Ge ne ra l Assis tant.

In ad dition to the above , th e Gener al As -istant attend s to a lot of mis- ce ll aneou s work, su ch as-

(ii) Wor k of occasional nature , e.g . arr an ge me nts In con nect ion wi th the cel ebrat ion of In depe nd en ce Day , Repub lic Day, Vana Mahotsava , vi sit s of V.I. Ps., Dis tri ct Relief Fu nd , etc .

(ii i) Mi sce ll aneous wo rk, e.g. wo rk of semi -off icial and non -o fficia l bo die s, such as Zi la Saini k Boa rd, Boy Sc out s, Di str ict Sp orts Associatio n, Home Guard s, et c. , Ad ditional General Assistant to Deput y Commis sion er. -He is th e /prin ci- pal offi cer who hel ps the Deputy Commi ssioner to carryo n the com munity development and we lfa re prog ramme . He deals wi th the fo ll owing subject s :-

(I) Wo rk relat ing to deve lopment , fiv e yea r pl ans and local devel op- ment works.

(2) Panchayat Sami tis, Local Bo die s and Pan chaya ts.

(3) Comp la int s an d en qu iri es re cei ve d fro m pub lic an d Go vernment .

(4 ) Low and Middl e-Inco me Gr oup Housi ng Schemes .

A nu:nber of committ ees hav e been co nstitut ed at the di str ict level to he lp in sp ec if ied fi elds, to kee p in to uch >'it h the publi c and to dev ise concrete mea sUr es to improve the adminis trat ion. These are enume rated be low

1. Distri ct Coor dinat io n an d Grieva nces Comm ittee

2. Di str ict Agric ultural Min is ter Depu ty Dire ctor Production and Ag ric ultu re De ve lopment Comm ittee

3. Dis trict Dai ry Deput y Distri ct An im al Development and Commissioner Husb andr y Officer Co ordi na tio n Committee

4. He alth , Sanit ati on Deput y Addit ional Genera l and Fo od Co mmitt ee Co mmi ssi one r Assis tant to Dep uty Comm issioner

5. Re ve nu e Of fic ers ' Deputy Gener al Assi stant Board Commi ss ioner to Dep uty Commi ss ioner

6. Di strict Administ ratio n Deputy Gen er al Assi sta nt to Depu ty an d Offic ers Boa rd Comm iss ioner Comm issi one r

Th e meeting s of all the commi ttees are held on ce a month . An oth er com mit tee of th e offic er s of th e prin cipa l law enforcement agencies at the district level,i.e. judiciary including the magistracy, the police and the Correc - tional -Officerof the Borstal Jail including ]District Probation Officer,was con- stituted in December 1973 . This committee was to meet once in a quarter and its first meeting was held on January 30, 1974. The membership of the committee comprises the District Magistrate as Chairman and the Superin- tendent of Police, Chief Judici al Magistl'ate, the Superintenchmt of Borstal JaiP and the District Probation Officer as members. This Committee aims to lay stress on the need of the change of emphasis in the working .of the criminal justice system from repression to prevention of crime and to discuss inter-related problems of the principal law enforcement agencies at the district level for coordination and improvement .

Other State and Central Government Offi cers in the distri ct are listed below. They are administratively under the control of their respective heads of department but the Deputy Commissioner has been investecl with the powers to co-ordinate their activities and exercise general supervision over them.

1. Superintending Engineer, Public Works Departmertt (Buildings and Roads) Circle , Bhiwani 2. ExecutiveEngineer, Public Works Department (Buildingsand Roads) , Provincial Di vision , Bhi wan i

3. Executive Engineer , Public Works Department (Buildings and Roads), Construction Division No. I, Bhiwani

4. Executive Engineer, Public Works Department (Buildings and Roads), Corrstruction Division No. II, Bhiwan i

.5. Executive Engineer, Public Works Department (Buildings and Roads) Construction Division, Tosham

6. Executive Engineer, Public Works Department (Buildings - and Roads), Provincial Division,

1. Since there is no Borstal Jail at Bhiwani, the Sub-Division al Magistrates. Bhiwani and Dadri, being the part· time Superintendent of the respective sub-jails at Bhiwani aqd Cl1arkhi Dadri have been nominated as m~mbers c;)f thi s Committee. 7. Executive Engineer Public Works Department (Buildings and . Roads), Electrical Div ision , Bhiwani ~" 8. Superintending Engineer, Publi c Works Department, Bhiwani Irri- gation Circle, Bhiwani

9. Executi ve Engineer , Public Works Department (Irrigation), Jui Canal System, Bhiwani

10 . Executi ve Engineer , Public Work s Dep artment , Bh iwani Irrig a- . tion Division , Bhiwani 11 . Executi ve Engineer, Public Works Department (Irrigation), Siwani Development Di vision, Tosham

12. Executive Engine er, Minor Irrigation Tubewell Corporation, Bhiwani

14 . Superintending Engineer, Public Works Department (Public Health) , Bhiwani

15 . Executive Engineer, Public . Works Dep artment , Public Health Division I, Bhiwani

16 . Executive Engineer, Public Works Department , Public Health Division II , Bhiwa ni 17 . Chief Executi ve Off ic er , Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labourers De velop ment Agency, Bhiwani

18. Executive Engineer (Operation), State Electricity Board, Bhiwani

19. Executive Engineer (Operation) , Haryana State Electricity Board , Charkhi Dadri

20. Executive Engineer, Constnlction Division , Haryana State Elec- tricity Board, Bhiwani

21. Treasury Officer, Bhi wani 22. Chief Medical Officer, Bhiwan i 'GENI!RAL A:DMINIS 'rRA nON

25 . District Employment Officer, Bhiwani

26. District Industrie s Offi cer, Bhiwani

27. Mining Officer, Bhiwani

28. District Welfare Officer , Bhiwani

29. District Excise and Taxation Officer, Bhiwani

30. Fisheries Development Officer, Bhiwani

31 . Divisional Forest Officer, Bhiwani

32. Assistant Soil Conservation Off icer, Bhi wa ni

33. District Food and Supplies Controller, Bhiw ani

34 . General Manager, Har yana Roadways , Bhiwani

35 . Di strict Sports Officer , Bhiwani

36. Di strict Education Officer, Bhiwani

37. Deputy Director of Agriculture , Bhiwani

38 . Agriculture Officer, Bh iwani

39. Agriculture Officer , Charkhi Dadri

40 . Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societ ies (General Line), Bhiwani

41 . Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies (Milk Supply), Bhiwani

42 . Crop Production Officer , Charkhi Dadri

43 . Deputy Director , Animal Hu sbandry, Bhiwani

44. Labour Officer-cum-Conciliation Officer , Bhiwani

45 . District Public Relations Officer , Bhiwani 46. District Probation Officer, Bhiwani

47. Deputy Director Wool Grading , Loham

48. Inspector, Weights and Measures , Bhiwani CENTRAL G0VER :NMENT ,OFFICERS (excluding Military Officers) 1. Engineering Supervisor, Telephones, Bhiwani 2, Assistant Engineer, Northern Railw ay, BG Link Bhiwani-, Bhiwani 3. Station Master, Northern Railway, Bhiwani 4. Post Master, Post Offices, Bhiwani 5. Inspector, Tele-communication, Bhiwani 6. Inspector, Central Excise (two), Bhiwani

7. Inspector, Central Excise, Charkhi Dadri

8. Income Tax Officer, Bhiwani 9. District Savings Officer, Bhiwau i

To administer schemes of development"the district has been divided into 7 blocks. The block was previously under the charge ot : a Block Develop - ment Officer but with the merger of the Panchayat Department with the De velopment Department on October 31, 1959, t4e BIQckDeyelopment Officer has been re-de signated as the Block Developmen t and Panchayat Officer and has been ve sted with powers of Panchayat Officer under the P1l lljab Gram Panchayat Act, 1952. With the introduction of Panchayati Raj in 1961, the development of t4e block is looked after by an elected body known as the Panch ayat Samiti. The Block Development and Panchayat Officer functions under the administrative control of the Panchayat Samiti and also functions as it s ex -officio Executive Officer.

Each block has been proviqed with Extension Officers from the Development, Industries, Agriculture, Cooperative and Panchayat Depart- ments who function up,der the control :pLthe Block 'Development and Pan- chayat Officer . This procedure helps in the co-ordination of several develop - ment ac ti vities in the block.

For the implementation of programmes relating to the uplift of rural women in the blocks, the Block Development and .Panchayat Officer is assisted by Mukhy a Sewikas and Gram Sewikas who ate under the administrative control of the Lady Circle Supervisor, ( district).! The various programmes undertaken by them include Kitchen Gardens, Arts and Crafts Centres, Balwadis, Home Decoration, Poultry Farming, etc.

Panchayats have been constituted at the village level . Chulha ta]( and lease money of shamlat lands are the main sources of their revenue. These mainly look after the development works. Their other functions include criminal, civil and revenue Qudicial) work as prescribed. Panchayati Raj institutio~s function under the pverall supef\:,ision of the Deputy Commissioner.

The police administration in the district is under the ·Senior Superin- tendent of Police, who, next to the Deputy Commi ssioner, is responsible fOJ ,the maintenance of law and order . The Superintendent of Police is assisted J>y two Deputy Superintendents posted respectively at Bhiwani and Charkhi Dadri. He functions under the administrative control of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Hisar Range, Hisar .

The organization of civil and criminal justice in the district is heFld,ed by the District and Sessions Judge, Bhiwani. Civil justice is administered by the Senior Sub-Judge, Bhiwani and the criminal justice by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bhiwani. They have under them Sub-Judge-cum -Judicial Magis- trates one each at Bhiwani and Charkhi Dadri. Executive Magistrates try only security cases. 3

Previously criminal and civil business on behalf of the Government in the district was done by the Public Prosecutor and the Government Advocates respectively. In 1960, a regular service known as the Punjab District Attor- neys Service was constituted. The work of litigation on behalf of the Govern- ment is being done in the district by an Assistant District Attorney (Grade 1).

1. The Lady Circle Supervisor functions under the overall control of the Director, Women Programme, Development Department, Haryana, . 2. For details about the functioning of police. see Chapter on 'Law and Order and Justice'. 3. For details about judiciary , see Chapter on 'Law and Order and Justice', All civil cases in the district are conduct ec 1 by the Di strict Attorn ey under the guidance of the Leg al Remembr ance r and crim ina l ca ses under the g•.•idance of the Director of Pr osecuti on who is also th e admini stJativ e and supervisory head of Di strict Att orne ys. The Distric t Att orney, Bhiwani. is assisted by 4 Assistant District Att or ney s (Grade II).

There are 5 Oath Commissi Jners, out of whi ch, three are functioning at Bhiwani and two at Charkhi Dadri. They ch arge Re. 1 as attestation fee for each affida vit attested .

The Deputy Commissioner is the Registrar re sponsible for registration work in the d.istrict . The Tahsildars and the Naib Tahsildar s perform the functions of Sub-Registrars and Joint Sub-Regi strars re spectively .


There is one Notary Public in the district . The main functions of the Notary Public are preparation and attestation of an affidavits, administration of oath, etc. The fee for an attest ation of affidavit is Rs . ?50 and for certifying or authenticating a document as original Rs. 5.

The Local Commissioners are appointed for recording evidence and statements of witnesses under the orders of a court, as and when occasion arises. They are paid fee ac cording to the quantum of work fixed by it .