Arizona Game and Fish Commission Rules

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Arizona Game and Fish Commission Rules NATURAL RESOURCES 54 Arizona Game and Fish Commission Rules The rules contained in this publication are printed as supplied to LexisNexis by the Arizona Office of Secretary of State. TITLE 12 Section R12-4-210. Repealed NATURAL RESOURCES R12-4-211. Repealed R12-4-212. Repealed R12-4-213. Repealed CHAPTER 4 R12-4-214. Repealed R12-4-215. Tournament Fishing Permit Regulations GAME AND FISH COMMISSION R12-4-216. Crossbow Permit (Authority: A.R.S. § 17-201 et seq.) R12-4-217. Challenged Hunters Access/Mobility Permit R12-4-218. Repealed ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL R12-4-219. Renumbered PROVISIONS R12-4-220. Repealed Section ARTICLE 3. TAKING AND HANDLING OF R12-4-101. Definitions WILDLIFE R12-4-102. Fees for Licenses, Tags, Stamps, and Permits R12-4-103. Duplicate Tags and Licenses R12-4-301. Restrictions for Taking Wildlife in Maricopa R12-4-104. Application Procedures for Issuance of Hunt Per- County Parks mit-tags by Drawing R12-4-302. Use of Tags R12-4-105. License Dealer’s License R12-4-303. Unlawful Devices and Ammunition R12-4-106. Licensing Time-frames R12-4-304. Lawful Methods for Taking Wild Mammals, Birds, R12-4-107. Bonus Point System and Reptiles R12-4-108. Management Unit Boundaries R12-4-305. Possessing, Transporting, Importing, Exporting, R12-4-109. Repealed and Selling Carcasses or Parts of Wildlife R12-4-110. Posting and access to state land R12-4-306. Buffalo Hunt Requirements R12-4-111. Identification Number R12-4-307. Trapping Regulations: Licensing; Methods; Tag- R12-4-112. Diseased or injured wildlife ging of Bobcat Pelts R12-4-113. Small game depredation permit R12-4-308. Wildlife Inspections, Check Stations, and Road- R12-4-114. Issuance of Nonpermit-tags and Hunt Permit-tags blocks R12-4-115. Supplemental Hunts and Hunter Pool R12-4-309. Repealed R12-4-116. Reward payments R12-4-310. Fishing Permits R12-4-117. Indian reservations R12-4-311. Exemptions from Requirement to Possess an Ari- R12-4-118. Repealed zona Fishing License While Taking Wildlife R12-4-119. Arizona Game and Fish Department Reserve R12-4-312. Special Use Permits and Stamps for Fishing on R12-4-120. Issuance, sale, and transfer of special big game Waters with Shared Jurisdiction license tags R12-4-313. Lawful Methods of Taking Aquatic Wildlife R12-4-121. Big Game Permit or Tag Transfer R12-4-314. Repealed R12-4-122. Handling, transportation, processing and storing R12-4-315. Possession of Live Fish; Unattended Live Boxes of game meat given to public institutions and and Stringers charitable organizations R12-4-316. Possession, Transportation, or Importation of Live R12-4-123. Expenditure of Funds Baitfish, Crayfish, or Waterdogs R12-4-125. Designated Hunt Areas R12-4-317. Seasons for Lawfully Taking Fish, Mollusks, Crus- taceans, Amphibians, and Aquatic Reptiles ARTICLE 2. MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES AND R12-4-318. Seasons for Lawfully Taking Wild Mammals, PERMITS Birds, and Reptiles R12-4-201. Pioneer license R12-4-319. Use of Aircraft to Take Wildlife R12-4-202. Disabled Veteran’s License R12-4-320. Harassment of Wildlife R12-4-203. National Harvest Information Program ARTICLE 4. LIVE WILDLIFE R12-4-204. Repealed R12-4-205. Repealed R12-4-401. Live Wildlife Definitions R12-4-206. Repealed R12-4-402. Live Wildlife: Prohibited Acts R12-4-207. Repealed R12-4-403. Escaped or released live wildlife R12-4-208. Guide License R12-4-404. Possession of Live Wildlife Taken on an Arizona R12-4-209. Repealed Hunting or Fishing License 55 GAME AND FISH COMMISSION Section Section R12-4-405. Importing, Purchasing, and Transporting Live R12-4-526. Reserved Wildlife Without an Arizona License or Permit R12-4-527. Transfer of Ownership of a Towed Watercraft R12-4-406. Restricted Live Wildlife R12-4-528. Reserved R12-4-407. Exemptions from Special License Requirements R12-4-529. Repealed for Restricted Live Wildlife R12-4-530. Reserved R12-4-408. Holding Wildlife for the Department R12-4-531. Reserved R12-4-409. General Provisions and Penalties for Special Li- R12-4-532. Reserved censes R12-4-533. Reserved R12-4-410. Aquatic Wildlife Stocking Permit R12-4-534. Reserved R12-4-411. Minnow Dealer’s License R12-4-535. Reserved R12-4-412. Repealed R12-4-536. Reserved R12-4-413. Private Game Farm License R12-4-537. Reserved R12-4-414. Shooting preserve license R12-4-538. Reserved R12-4-415. Field trial license R12-4-539. Reserved R12-4-416. Field Trial Training Permit R12-4-540. Reserved R12-4-417. Wildlife Holding License R12-4-541. Repealed R12-4-418. Scientific Collecting Permit R12-4-542. Repealed R12-4-419. Wildlife hobby license R12-4-543. Repealed R12-4-420. Zoo License R12-4-544. Repealed R12-4-421. Wildlife Service License R12-4-545. Repealed R12-4-422. Sport Falconry License ARTICLE 6. RULES OF PRACTICE BEFORE R12-4-423. Wildlife Rehabilitation License THE COMMISSION R12-4-424. White Amur Stocking License R12-4-425. Restricted live wildlife lawfully possessed without R12-4-601. Petition for Rule or Review of Practice or Policy license or permit prior to the effective date of R12-4-602. Written Comment on Proposed Rules Article 4 R12-4-603. Oral Proceedings Before the Commission R12-4-426. Possession of Primates R12-4-604. Ex Parte Communication R12-4-427. Rehabilitation Exemption R12-4-605. Standards for Revocation, Suspension, or Denial of R12-4-428. Captivity standards a License R12-4-429. Expired R12-4-606. Proceedings for License Revocation, Suspension, R12-4-430. Importation, Handling, and Possession of Cervids Denial of Right to Obtain a License, and Civil Damages ARTICLE 5. BOATING AND WATER SPORTS R12-4-607. Rehearing or Review of Commission Decisions R12-4-501. Boating and Water Sports Definitions R12-4-608. Expired R12-4-502. Application for Watercraft Registration R12-4-609. Commission Orders R12-4-503. Renewal of Watercraft Registration R12-4-610. Petitions for the Closure of State or Federal Lands R12-4-504. Staggered Watercraft Registration Schedule; Pen- to Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, or Operation of alty for Late Registration Motor Vehicles R12-4-505. Hull Identification Numbers R12-4-611. Petition for a Hearing Before the Commission R12-4-506. Invalidation of Watercraft Registration When No Remedy is Provided in Statute, Rule, R12-4-507. Transfer of Ownership of an Abandoned or Unre- or Policy leased Watercraft ARTICLE 7. HERITAGE GRANTS R12-4-508. New Watercraft Exchanges R12-4-509. Watercraft Agents R12-4-701. Heritage Grant Definitions R12-4-510. Refunds for Renewals R12-4-702. General Provisions R12-4-511. Personal Flotation Devices R12-4-703. Review and Modification of Proposals R12-4-512. Fire Extinguishers Required for Watercraft R12-4-704. Urban Wildlife and Urban Wildlife Habitat Grants R12-4-513. Watercraft Accident and Casualty Reports R12-4-705. Public Access Grants R12-4-514. Liveries R12-4-706. Environmental Education Grants R12-4-515. Display of Numbers and Decals R12-4-707. Schoolyard Habitat Grants R12-4-516. Watercraft Sound Level Restriction R12-4-708. IIAPM: Grants for Identification, Inventory, Acqui- R12-4-517. Watercraft Motor and Engine Restrictions sition, Protection, and Management of Sensitive R12-4-518. Regattas Habitat R12-4-519. Reciprocity R12-4-709. Grant Applications R12-4-520. Arizona Uniform State Waterway Marking System R12-4-710. State Historic Preservation Office Certification R12-4-521. Placing or Tampering with Regulatory Markers or R12-4-711. Grant-in-aid Participant Agreements Aids to Navigation R12-4-712. Reporting and Record Requirements R12-4-522. Establishment of Controlled-Use Markers ARTICLE 8. WILDLIFE AREAS AND R12-4-523. Controlled Operation of Watercraft DEPARTMENT PROPERTY R12-4-524. Water Skiing R12-4-525. Watercraft Certificate of Number, Numbers, and R12-4-801. General Provisions Decal Revocation R12-4-802. Wildlife Area Restrictions R12-4-101 NATURAL RESOURCES 56 Section muzzle with black powder or synthetic black R12-4-803. Wildlife Area Boundary Descriptions powder and a single projectile. R12-4-804. Public Solicitation or Event on Department Prop- 15. ‘‘Muzzle-loading rifle’’ means a firearm intended erty to be fired from the shoulder, incapable of firing fixed ammunition, having a single barrel and ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL single chamber, and loaded through the muzzle PROVISIONS with black powder or synthetic black powder and a single projectile. R12-4-101. Definitions. 16. ‘‘Nonpermit-tag’’ means a tag for a hunt for A. In addition to the definitions provided in A.R.S. which a Commission order has not assigned a § 17-101, R12-4-401, and R12-4-501, the following hunt number and the number of tags is not definitions apply to this Chapter, unless the context limited. otherwise requires: 17. ‘‘Restricted nonpermit-tag’’ means a tag issued to 1. ‘‘Artificial lures and flies’’ means man-made de- a hunter pool applicant for a supplemental hunt vices intended as visual attractants for fish and under R12-4-115. does not include living or dead organisms or edible 18. ‘‘Simultaneous fishing’’ means the taking of fish parts of those organisms, natural or prepared food by two lines and not more than two hooks or two stuffs, artificial salmon eggs, artificial corn, or artificial lures or flies per line. artificial marshmallows. 19. ‘‘Sink box’’ means a low floating device having a 2. ‘‘Bonus point’’ means a credit that authorizes the depression affording the hunter a means of con- Department to issue an applicant an additional cealment beneath the surface of the water. computer-generated random number. 20. ‘‘Tag’’ means the authorization that an individual 3.
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