CONNAH’S QUAY TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of Meetings held Wednesday, 3 September 2008 Present: (Attendance Register) Councillor R.V. Hill (Chair) presiding Councillors J.B. Attridge, Mrs P M Attridge, D. Barratt, Mrs. E.M. Barratt, J.B. Bone, A.I. Dunbar, C. Granger, W. Hastings, R.V. Hill, K. Kelly, R.P. MacFarlane, E.W. Owen, A.J. Roberts, A.P. Shotton Mr. Gary Feather (Clerk & Financial Officer) Mrs. C. Jones (Senior Administrative Officer)

083. NOTICE OF MEETING The notice of meeting was taken as read.

084. APOLOGIES Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors P.J. Wainwright, I.R. Smith, D. Birch, P.Kindlin and R.V. Williams.

085. POLICE CONSULTATIVE ARRANGEMENTS (47) The Chair welcomed CBM Rob Stevenson to the meeting. CBM Stevenson introduced the new PCSO Danny Hughes to councillors and submitted Inspector Darren Wareing and Sergeant Iwan Jones’ apologies due to been involved in early operations.

The CBM Stevenson reported back on items previously discussed at the 3 July 2008 meeting:-

(a) Police horses – they will visit Connah’s Quay once a month and will act as traffic calming measures to slow traffic down.

(b) Youths congregating at Hillside Avenue – there has been only one phone call since the last meeting and that was not related to youths congregating. Visible patrols are continuing and all off licences have been involved in a test purchase scheme. Many outlets have failed the test and if they fail three times they are therefore and have been prosecuted by trading standards also persons buying alcohol for underage youths have had their property seized. Proxy sales ongoing operation – youths have been dealt with by means of a yellow card.

(c) Anti-social behaviour at Primrose Street/Howard Street and Dodds Drive – CBM Stevenson assured Councillors that patrols would continue. CPSO Hughes has spent a lot of time in this area and has also been involved with the County Council’s Clean Team.

(d) Alcohol Free Zone, Wepre Park – signs are up and there has been an operation at the Park about a week and half ago. The alcohol free zone has been brought to the attention of the Press who have issued a release, as the signs are very small.

(e) CCTV – a report was submitted to the Clerk of all jobs reported and how they are utilised a total of 89 calls were received between January and August 2008.

(f) Youths anti-social behaviour at the Courts – contact has been made with the County Council’s Housing Department. This area has been included in the sales of alcohol operation and hopefully residents will see an improvement due to PCSO Danny Hughes and Sian Atkinson and myself having spent a lot of time in this area.

(g) Youth Worker, Connah’s Quay – the Officers of Police fully support the Town Council in the endeavours to have a full time Youth Worker and enquired whether there had been any progress. Councillor A.J. Roberts asked that another letter be sent to the County Council as the Clerk had written a letter but to date had received no reply.

(h) Gas canister set alight at Wepre Park – there have been no more instances of fires being lit at the park.

(i) Damaged signpost in the vicinity of the Quay House – no incidents of criminal damage had been reported and there was no sign on the floor.

N.B. Councillor A.P. Shotton entered the meeting at this juncture.

(j) Motto-bike, Hillside Avenue – there had been a call regarding this motto-bike and when officers attended there was no sign of the bike. North Wales Police have a anti-social behaviour system in place that anyone complaining should be contacted by the police within 2/3 days and in some instances due to volume of work 24 hrs. Councillor E.W. Owen reported another instance of the motto-bike and would submit evidence of this to CBM Stevenson.

The following matters were raised by Councillors and discussed:- (i) Councillor A.I. Dunbar requested extra patrols in Wepre Park as youths had been seen with beer crates entering Wepre Park and also referred to an instance last Tuesday night when a youth had a crate of beer on his bike in the vicinity of the Council Offices. CBM Stevenson stated that this could have been a test purchase and that patrols would continue at Wepre Park as part of an action plan.

(ii) Councillor J.B. Attridge expressed his concern at the amount of failed test purchases of sales to under age persons and asked what is the policy. CBM Stevenson stated that when an establishment has failed the test purchase they are given a written warning by Trading Standards and if they fail a third time the matter is referred to Licensing and they could be closed down. Following the recent trials a member of staff has been dismissed and 2 members of staff suspended and in one off licence is in fact closing down – this was across Deeside. CBM Stevenson further reported that he is now in charge of Off Watch and would keep monitoring the situation.

(iii) Councillor J.B. Attridge reported that he had recently attended a Neighbourhood Police Panel meeting and the matter of parking on double yellow lines had been discussed and an Officer had stated that this problem is not a priority. He further reported instances of double parking at the junction of Howard Street, which is dangerous as it is in the vicinity of the school. CBM Stevenson stated that 1212 he is very keen on road safety and it is prioritised, verbal warnings are given and in some cases prosecutions.

(iv) Councillor J.B. Attridge reported that there has been a lot of anti-social behaviour at Chapel Court, youths are drinking on a regular basis, broken bottles and rubbish are strewn everywhere and residents in the area are very frightened and asked for more regular patrols. CBM Stevenson reported that they are aware of the situation and CPSO Hughes and Atkinson are visiting the area and doing what they can.

(v) Councillor D. Barratt reported that youths are congregating between midnight and 1.00 a.m. on Friday evenings in the Broadway area and causing anti-social behaviour and criminal damage. CBM Stevenson noted.

(vi) Councillor A.J. Roberts referred to a recent burglary at Wepre Inn when items were taken from a car and to a conversion by one of Deeside Police who stated that two out of the sixteen cameras were not working and expressed his concern as it costs the Town Council a lot of money for the annual maintenance of the cameras. He further stated that the Clerk should be informed if any cameras are not working. CBM Stevenson stated that there had been a technical problem that night and that normally the cameras are repaired within 24 hrs.

(vii) Councillor R.P. MacFarlane reported instances of drug taking in the Golftyn area and of his concern that no prosecutions have been made and residents are affected in their daily business. CBM Stevenson reported that there has been a high level of police patrols, both high visibility and covert, stop and search which is aimed at disrupting the supply of controlled substances and these patrols will continue.

(viii) Councillor A.P. Shotton referred to the matter raised by Councillor J.B. Attridge of parking on double yellow lines at the junction of Howard Street and of a child’s fatality in this vicinity, which is a sensitive subject and residents need to have the assurance that Deeside Police will challenge an obstruction. CBM Stevenson stated that drivers causing serious obstructions would be prosecuted.

(ix) Councillor A.P. Shotton reported his concerns about the cluster of youths causing anti-social behaviour in the Central Ward and of the problems at Chapel Street. Officers are continuing to patrol the area and in fact one youth was banned from entering into Connah’s Quay.

(x) Councillor W. Hastings had been informed by a resident of View that youths have been spotted coming out of Wepre Park with alcohol and seen heading for Wepre Inn. CBM Stevenson stated that an operation is in place in identifying underage drinking.

(xi) Councillor W. Hastings referred to the three thefts of lead within a year from St David’s Church and enquired whether this involved manhole covers and if there had been any leads. CBM Stevenson stated that he was not aware that any manhole covers have been taken and with regards to lead Deeside Police are in close contact with scrap dealers in the area and also surrounding areas and they now mark their lead. Thefts are low in the Connah’s Quay area and arrests have been made.

The Chair thanked CBM Stevenson and CPSO Hughes for their valuable assistance. 1212

86. PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF WASTE TREATMENT PROCESS PLANT AT CORUS WORKS The Chair welcomed Mr Gary Nancarrow, County Council, Mr Steve Whatmore, Director and Mr Andy Gilbert, Consultant of Orchid Environmental Ltd to the meeting.

Mr. Nancarrow gave an overview of the waste processing facility, as the environment statement does not cover everything. He further stated that the consultation process is 16 weeks and ends on the 29 October. The proposal is for household and commercial waste to be processed, it could either be Flintshire County Council’s or private waste and it is estimated that there will be 160k tonnes per annum transported by 130 vehicles a day (65 in 65 out), 6 days a week and will have access onto the A548 and roads in and around Connah’s Quay will not be used. Bio fuel will be sold on the open market. There is a plant in Huyton in the Borough of Knowsley that is up and running which he will be visiting it soon.

N.B. Councillors J.B. Attridge and R.P. MacFarlane left the meeting at this juncture.

Mr. Steve Whatmore and Mr Andy Gilbert gave a detailed presentation of the proposals which included the following:-

(i) Who they are – Part of Orchid Bio-Energy Group from Adlinton, Lancashire. (ii) The proposal – to install a mechanical heat treatment facility inside the redundant ‘Baler’ shed at Corus Colours Site, which will shred, dry and mechanically sort the waste. 64k tonnes of high quality renewable bio-mass fuel pellets and 32k tonnes of sanitised recyclable products plus water and steam, leaving only 10% of process residues to landfill. (iii) The benefits – diverts a significant amount of waste from landfills and will employ 32 new jobs locally and regenerate a redundant industrial building. (iv) Environmental impact – Low level of emissions, odour control, no litter or vermin, no effect on local wildlife/water courses and no flood risk. and (v) Site location.

Mr Whatmore, and Mr Gilbert answered councillor’s questions and invited councillors to the Huyton Plant.

Councillor A.P. Shotton asked that it be minuted that he is open minded at this stage having attended many similar Defra demonstrations on a number of technologies and expressed his concern at the next stage of process and who will burn the RDF and public health concerns also whether the lorries will use Connah’s Quay as a quick access to Corus. Mr. Whatmore stated that they are willing to have an open day at the Civic Hall and will send flyers to the residents, as to the lorries there will be contractual control and they will be given the route via principal highways. Mr Nancarrow stated that the next process of the operation is not part of this application.

The Chair thanked Mr Whatmore and Mr Gilbert for attending and said the Members would like to visit the Huyton Plant.

N.B. Councillors Attridge and MacFarlane returned to the meeting at this juncture.


087. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor J.B. Attridge declared an interest in Item 6 – Planning Application. Councillor W. Hastings declared an interest in Item 28b – Waiver/Reduction of Hire Charges.

PLANNING COMMITTEE –3/9/08 Councillor A.I. Dunbar (Chair) presiding

088. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meetings held 2 July & 29 July 2008 were received, approved as correct records and signed by the Chair.

089. PLANNING APPLICATION 045393 Hill Crest, Mold Road, Connah’s Quay RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk writes to the Acting Head of Planning Services informing him that the Town Council has no objection in respect of this application.

090. PLANNING APPLICATION – SITE VISIT 043147 – 1 MOUNTAIN VIEW CLOSE, CONNAH’S QUAY Councillor D. Barratt in his capacity as a County Council reported that this application has been rejected by the County Council’s Planning Committee. RECOMMENDED: That Councillor Barratt’s report is received.

091. NOTIFICATION OF PLANNING DECISIONS The Clerk submitted Notification of Planning Decisions (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda):- 044931, 045013, 04479, 042143, 044924, 044302, 045082, 045032, 044914, 045142. The Chair reported that conditions/reasons in respect of some the above applications had not been received from the County Council.

RECOMMENDED: That the Notifications be received and the Clerk write to the County Council’s Planning Officer accordingly.

N.B. Councillor A.P. Shotton abstained from voting on the following item.

092. PLANNING APPLICATION 045320 – CORUS WORKS, WEIGHBRIDGE ROAD, DEESIDE INDUSTRIAL PARK – PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF WASTE 1212 TREATMENT PROCESS PLANT RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk writes the Acting Head of Planning Services that the Town Council does not directly object to the proposed plant but has the following concerns:-

(i) transport routing in and out of the site to be restricted to avoid use of smaller local roads (short cuts) – especially if in the event when the bridge A548 is closed due to weather conditions. (ii) landfill residual – would this create additional traffic off site in the event of not having a localised facility and what volume? (iii) residual water from the process that is contaminated where and how will this be contained and treated before entering the water system? and (iv) health hazard – screening of employees that work in those higher risk areas where the waste is “open” to the atmosphere before entering the “enclosed” process.

093. TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – APPEAL BY MR M VIRK SITE AT SWAN HOTEL, CHURCH STREET, CONNAH’S QUAY The Clerk submitted the following (copies forwarded to Members with the Agenda):- (i) Letter dated 18 August 2008 from Sara Pritchard, Registry, The Planning Inspectorate. (ii) Appeal Decision. and (iii) Our Complaints Procedures. RECOMMENDED: That the correspondence be received.

094. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL A GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING A COMMUNITY PLAN The Clerk submitted the following (copies forwarded to Members with the Agenda):- (i) “A Guide for Developing a Community Plan. and (ii) Community Emergency Plan. RECOMMENDED: (a) That the correspondence be received. (b) That the Clerk arrange a meeting with the Emergency Planning Officer to attend a meeting of the Town Council.

095. ROADS & FOOTWAYS (a) Proposals to Construct Pedestrian Crossings at Llwyni Drive & Ffordd Newydd The Clerk submitted letter dated 3 July 2008 from County Legal & Democratic Services Officer together with copies of the Notices (copy forwarded to Members with the Agenda) RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk writes to the County Legal & Democratic Services Officer offering the Town Council’s support.

1212 (b) Clivedon Road, Normanby Drive & Golftyn Lane The Clerk submitted letter dated 20 August 2008 from Alan Pugh, Head of Neighbourhood Area Services, (copy forwarded to Members with the Agenda) which stated that an additional sign would be erected on the junction advising drivers of the ‘No Through’ road. He further stated that a drainage survey has been carried out on Golftyn Lane, a drainage scheme is included on the list for consideration to form part of next years construction programme and in the meantime temporary repairs to the carriageway will be carried out.

RECOMMENDED: That the letter be received.

(c) Items of complaint/report from Members RECOMMENDED: That any Councillor with a complaint/report contact the Clerk with details.

FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – 3/9/08 Councillor A.J. Roberts (Chair) presiding

096. MINUTES The Minutes of Meeting held 2 July 2008 were received, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

097. FINANCIAL REPORTS The Clerk submitted the following (copies forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda):- (a) Statement of Cumulative Income & Expenditure for the months of June & July 2008. (b) Consolidated Cash Summary for the period ended June & July 2008. (c) Statement of Imprest Account Payments during the months of June & July 2008.

RECOMMENDED: That the Reports be received.

098. NETWORK CHANGE PROGRAMME – GOLFTYN POST OFFICE (Cou. 34(iv)) The Clerk submitted letter dated 7 August 2008 from Mark Tami MP, Alyn & Deeside (copy forwarded to Members with the Agenda) which stated that he has met with the postmaster to discuss this matter and is objecting to the proposed closure and is at present communicating with all households in the area after which all objections will be forwarded to Postwatch and to the Post Office.

RECOMMENDED: That the letter be received and the Clerk also write to Postwatch and to the Post Office opposing the closure of Golftyn Post Office.

1212 099. NEUROLOGY SERVICES IN NORTH WALES (186) The Clerk submitted letter dated 21 July 2008 from Sandy Mewies AM, Delyn Constituency together with the lastest information available (copies forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda). RECOMMENDED: That the correspondence be received.

100. NORTH WALES POLICE AUTHORITY The Clerk submitted Notice of Police Authority Community Forum for Flintshire to be held on Tuesday 9 September 2008 at the Daniel Owen Centre Mold (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda).

RECOMMENDED: That the Notice be received.

101. WELSH ASSEMBLY CONSULTATION SETTING LOCAL SPEED LIMITS – CONSULTATION OF GUIDELINES FOR SETTING LOCAL SPEED LIMITS IN WALES The Clerk submitted letter dated 29 July 2008 from the County Council’s Interim Chief Highways & Transportation Engineer (Policy) (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda). The Clerk confirmed that following the Planning Committee held on 26 August, 2008 the Clerk had forwarded the Town Council’s observations that there should be a complete ‘blanket speed’ of 25 mph and in the case of street/roads which have a school in the vicinity there should be a speed limit of 20 mph.

RECOMMENDED: (a) That the letter be received. (b) That the Clerk’s report is received.

N.B. Councillor A.P. Shotton left the meeting at this juncture.

102. REVIEW OF ELECTORAL ARRANGEMENTS The Clerk submitted letter dated June 2008 from the Welsh Assembly Government’s Local Government Policy Division, Democracy Team (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda). RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk writes to the Welsh Assembly Government’s Local Government Policy Division reiterating its previous suggestions made in 2005 that Golftyn / Central / South Wards be realigned.

1212 103. DEESIDE COLLEGE CORPORATION – GOVERNORS The Clerk submitted letter dated 1 August 2008 from Charles Jenkins, Clerk, Deeside College (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda) which stated that the current compositional rules prevent the Board from offering a post per se to Connah’s Quay Town Council. Councillor R.V. Hill expressed his disappointment at the contents of the letter and hoped that in the future the Town Council will be represented on the Board.

RECOMMENDED: That the letter be received.

104. NORTH WALES ASSOCIATION OF TOWN & LARGER LOCAL COMMUNITY COUNCILS The Clerk reported that he had attended the meetings, which had been very informative and that the Mr Huw Evans, former Chief Planning Officer, Flintshire County Council had given a talk on affordable housing.

RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk’s report is received.

105. WELSH ASSEMBLY GOVERNMENT A SHARED COMMUNITY – FINAL GUIDANCE The Clerk submitted letter dated July 2008 from Brian Gibbons, AC/AM, Minister for Social Justice and Local Government, Welsh Assembly Government together with a copy of the “Final Guidance” (copies forwarded to Members with the Agenda). Notification was given by the Clerk that the Chief Executive would be holding a Forum at the Civic Hall on Monday 20 October 2008 commencing at 6.30 p.m. and invitations will be sent to each Clerk and four appointed Members from each Town/Community Council to attend.

RECOMMENDED: That the letter and Clerk’s report is received.

106. FLINTSHIRE LOCAL VOLUNTARY COUNCIL The Clerk submitted e-mail dated 18 August 2008 from Sue Williams, Administrative Secretary (copy forwarded to Members with the Agenda). RECOMMENDED: That the e-mail be received.

107. ONE VOICE WALES The Clerk submitted letter dated 26 August 2008 from Jane C Evans, Development Officer North Wales, One Voice Wales re: Wrexham/Flint Area Committee meeting to be held on Monday 22 September 2008 (copy forwarded to Members with the Agenda).

1212 RECOMMENDED: That the letter be received.

RECREATION AND ENTERTAINMENTS COMMITTEE – 3/9/08 In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee Councillor A.J. Roberts remained in the Chair

108. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held 3 July 2008 were received, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

109. MONITORING OF ACTIVITY/PROFITABILITY The Clerk submitted the following Statements (copies forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda):-

(a) Civic Hall Activity/Profitability Statements for the months of June & July 2008. RECOMMENDED: That the Statements be received.

(b) Community Centre Activity/Profitability Statements for the months of June & July 2008. RECOMMENDED:- That the Statements be received.

110. WAIVER/REDUCTION OF HIRE CHARGES RECOMMENDED: Ratification of the actions of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of this Committee in waiving/reducing the hire charges in respect of the following events:- (a) Town Centre Manager/Night Out Scheme Children’s show to be held Monday 6 October 2008 WAIVER. (b) Rev’d Paul Varah – St Mark’s Church Saturday 22 November 2008 – Christmas Fayre Thursday 15 January 2009 – Rehearsal – Parish Plays Friday 16 January 2009 – Performance – Parish Plays WAIVER for the 1st booking and a 50% reduction for the subsequent bookings.

1212 111. TOWN FESTIVAL – WEPRE PARK 52(f)) The Clerk submitted letter dated 31 July 2008 from Joanne Pierce, Executive Support Officer, Chief Executive, Flintshire County Council (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda) which stated that the Clerk’s letter has been passed on to Mike Hornby, Leisure Services Manager and John Richards, Countryside Manager for their comments. RECOMMENDED: That the letter be received and a reply awaited.

N.B. Councillor A.P. Shotton returned to the meeting at this juncture.

112. PLAY WALES The Clerk submitted the following (copies forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda):- (i) Letter dated 1 August 2008 from Mike Greenaway, Director, Play Wales. (ii) Terms of Reference to the Board of Trustees. (iii) Nomination and Election and Appointment of Trustees Board – Guidance Notes. (iv) Code of Conduct for Trustee and Observers. (v) List of Play Wales Members 2008. (vi) E-mail dated 11 August 2008 from Angharad Jones, Information Assistant. (vii) Information dated August 2008 – Taking Action of Child Proverty – Consultation. RECOMMENDED: That the correspondence be received.

113. THE BIG DEE DAY 2008 : 18th – 19th SEPTEMBER 2008 The Clerk submitted copy e-mail sent to Lisa Fearn, Town Centre Manager dated 3 July 2008 (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda). RECOMMENDED: That the e-mail be received.

114. THE PARK RESIDENCE ASSOCIATION The Clerk submitted e-mail dated 20 August 2008 together with letter from the Secretary of The Park Residence Association (copies forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda) requesting use of the Community Centre.

RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk arrange a meeting with the Association to meet the Chair of the Committee with regard to the following:- (i) Appropriate insurance is taken. (ii) Deposit in case of damage to Town Council property. and (iii) Adequate supervision - the first sign of any trouble the hiring of the Community Centre will be terminated.

115. FLINTSHIRE FAIR TRADE COALITION The Clerk submitted letter dated 20 August 2008 from Erica Mackie, Sustainable Development Officer, Flintshire County Council (copy forwarded to Councillors with 1212 the Agenda) inviting the Town Council to celebrate the achievement of helping Wales become the world’s first Fairtrade Country. Councillor J.B. Attridge reported that he had looked at the list and it appears that the Town Council has been missed off it. RECOMMENDED: (a) That the letter be received. (b) That the Clerk contact Erica Mackie, Sustainable Development Officer and ensure that the Town Council is included on the list.

116. FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY WARNING – COUNTERFEIT SPAR BRAND IMPERIAL VODKA The Clerk submitted letter dated 22 August 2008 from R Powell, Senior Trading Standards Officer, Flintshire County Council (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda) bringing the Town Council’s attention to the fact that bottles of counterfeit Spar Brand Imperial Vodka are being sold.

RECOMMENDED: That the letter be received.

117. SUMMER HOLIDAY PLAYSCHEME – QUAY PLAY 2008 The Clerk submitted report from Flintshire County Council (copy forwarded to Councillors with the Agenda). RECOMMENDED: That this item is included on the Agenda for the next meeting of this Committee.