The Riigikogu shall: • pass laws and resolutions; > decide on the holding of a referendum; • elect the President of the Republic, pursuant to § 79 of the Constitution; • ratify and denounce International treaties, in accordance with § 121 of the Constitution; • authorise the candidate for Prime Minister to form the Government of the Republic; • pass the state budget and approve the report on its implementation; • on the proposal of the President of the Republic, appoint to office the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank of , the Auditor General, the Legal Chancellor, and the Commander or Commander-in- Chief of the Defence Forces; • on the proposal of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, THE LEGISLATIVE BODIES OF THE appoint to office justices of the Supreme Court; REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA - appoint members of the Board of the Bank of Estonia; - on the proposal of the Government, decide on borrowing The Provisional Assembly of Estonia (Maapäev) by the state and on the assumption of other proprietary July 14, 1917 - April 23, 1919 obligations by the state; Estonian Constituent Assembly - present statements. declarations and appeals to the people April 23, 1919 - Dec. 20, 1920 of Estonia, other states, and internationa! organisations; Ist Riigikogu Dec. 20, 1920 - May 30, 1923 • establish state awards, and military and diplomatic ranks; 2nd Riigikogu May 31. 1923 - june 14, 1926 • decide on the expression of no confidence in the 3rd Riigikogu June 15, 1926 -June 14, 1929 Government of the Republic, the Prime Minister or individual 4th Riigikogu June 15, 1929 -June 14, 1932 ministers; 5th Riigikogu June 15, 1932-Oct. 2, 1934 • declare a state of emergency in the state, pursuant to Constituent Assembly Feb. 18, 1937 -Aug. 17, 1937 § 129 of the Constitution; 6th Riigikogu April 7, 1938 -July 5, 1940 • on the proposal of the President of the Republic, declare of the Estonian SSR / a state of war, and order mobilisation and demobilisation; Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia • resolve other nationa! issues which the Constitution does March 29. 1990 - Sept. 29. 1992 not vest in the President of the Republic, the Government of 7th Riigikogu Sept. 30, 1992 - March 10. 1995 the Republic, other state bodies or loca! governments. 8th Riigikogu March 11, 1995 - March 13, 1999 The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, § 65 9th Riigikogu March 14, 1999 -


57,43 % of the electorate participated on the elections. Parties, that got over 5 % of the votes, were elected to the Riigikogu. Mandates

Estonian Centre Party 24.41 % 28 Pro Patria Union (Isamaaliit) 16.09 % 18 Estonian Reform Party 15.92 % 18 ( — EESTI Mõõdukad 15.21 % 17 Aadress: Riigikogu, Lossiplats la, 15165 , Estonia RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU Estonian Coalition Party 7.58 % 7 Tel: +372 6316331 Information (tel.): + 372 631 6300 \ AR J Estonian Country Peop!e's Party 7.27 % 7 Fax: +372 631 6334 E-mail: [email protected] United People's Party of Estonia 6.13 % 6 Compiled by National Library of Estonia © Riigikogu Chancellery, November 2002 CHRONOLOGY Aug .6, 1940 Annexation of Estonia by the USSR. Sept. 10. 1991 - Estonia became a member of the CSCE. beginning of large-scale terror. Sept. 17, 1991 - Estonia became a member of the United Nov. 28,1917 - The Provisional Assembly of Estonia lunel4 1941 Beginning of the first deportation: over Nations Organization. (Maapäev) declared itself lo be the supreme \0,000 people were deported to . Sept. 13, 1991- - The Constitutional Assembly with equal power in Estonia. lUne22, 1941 Germany attacked the USSR and occupied April 10, 1 992 members of delegates from the Congress Feb. 24, 1918 - Maapäev's Committee of Elders declared Estonia. Estonia was annexed to the State of Estonia and the Supreme Council. the independent Republic of Estonia. The Commissariat Ostland as a General elaborated a draft constitution of the first Provisional Government was Commissariat. Republic of Estonia. nominated. Autumn, 1944 German occupation was replaced by Soviet June 20, 1992 - Introduction of the nationa! currency - March-Nov., 1918 - German occupation of the territory of occupation; 70.000 Estonians fled the the Estonian kroon. Estonia. country to get away from the mass terror. (8 EEK-- 1 DEM). Nov. 28, 1918 - Red Army invaded Estonia. War of ,y^ Armed fight of the "forest brothers" June 28, 1992 - The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia Independence began. against the Communist regime. was adopted by a referendum (supported April 5-7, 1919 - The Estonian Constituent Assembly was , Over 20.000 people were deported to by 91.3°/° of the voters). elected, laying a formal foundation to the Sept. 20. 1 992 - Elections to the 7th Riigikogu and of the independent statehood of Estonia. Siberia. 980 President of the Republic of Estonia. April 23, 1919 - The first session of the Constituent Disturbances and protests against the violation of human rights and Oct. 5. 1992 - The Riigikogu elected the Assembly; birthday of the Estonian President of the Republic of Estonia. Russification in Estonia. . Oct. 7, 1 992 - The Riigikogu declared the restoration of declared support Feb. 2, 1920 - The Tartu Peace Treaty was signed by the Jan. 13, 1983 constitutional order. for the Baltic nations' struggle for Republic of Estonia and Soviet Russia, May 13, 1993 - Estonia became a full member of the freedom. wherein Russia recognized the Republic Council of Europe. & v First large political demonstration in (nt , Aug. 23, 1987 Feb. 3. 1994 - Estonia joined the NATO "Partnership for õ Hirvepark, Tallinn. of Estonia. Peace" program. Estonian National Independence Party June 15, 1 920 - The Estonian Constituent Assembly Aug. 31 > 1 994 - The last Russian troops left Estonia. Au 20, 988 adopted the first Constitution of the S- ' was founded. March 5, 1995 - Elections to the 8th Riigikogu. Republic of Estonia, according to which Rally "Song of Estonia" with 300.000 June 12, 1995 - The Association Agreement was signed Estonia was a parliamentary democratic Sept. 11, participants in Tallinn. with the European Union. republic. Founding congress of the Popular Front. Sept. 20. 1 996 - The electoral Body reelected Lennart Meri Nov. 27-29, 1920 - Elections to the first Riigikogu. Oct. 1-2, 1988 The l l th Supreme Soviet of the Estonian the President of the Republic of Estonia. Sept. 22, 1921 - Estonia became a member of the League Nov. 16, 1988 SSR passed a sovereignty declaration. Nov. !0> 1998 - Accession negotiations between Estonia of Nations. The Supreme Soviet adopted the Language and the European Union commenced. Feb. 12, 1925 - The Law on the Cultural Autonomy of Jan. 18, 1989 Law: Estonian became the officia! state March 7. 1999 - Elections to the 9th Riigikogu. Ethnic Minorities was passed. language. October 21. 2001 - The eletoral body elected Arnold Rüütel Oct. 14-16, 1933 - A draft constitution was approved by a The beginning of the Committees of the President of the Republic of Estonia. referendum. Feb. 24, 1989 Estonian Citizens; over 900,000 people March 12, 1934 - Introduction of a moderately authoritative registered themselves as citizens during regime. The power concentrated in the hands of the President K. Päts. one year. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS AND DISTRIBUTION Oct. 2, 1934 - The Riigikogu was discontinued. Aug. 23, 1989 A 600 km lõng human Baltic Chain was ON THE ELECTIONS OF RIIGIKOGU organized from Tallinn to Vilnius (2 million July 28, 1 937 - The Constituent Assembly adopted the on March 7, 1999 third Constitution of the Republic of people). Estonia. The institutions of the President March 11-12, 1990 The first session of the Congress of Estonia with great powers and the Riigikogu with (representative body of Estonian citizens) two Chambers were established. decided to restore the Republic of Estonia Feb. 24-25, 1938 - The 6th Riigikogu (Chamber of Deputies) on the basis of legal continuity. was elected. March 18. 1990 Elections to the 12th Supreme Soviet of April 24, 1938 - K. Päts was elected the President of the the Estonian SSR. Republic of Estonia. March 30. 1 990 The Supreme Soviet proclaimed a transition Aug. 23. 1939 - Soviet Russia and Germany signed a non- period for the restoration of the Republic aggression pact and secret protocols. of Estonia. according to which Estonia became a part March 3, 1 991 Referendum on restoration of the 8 of the USSR sphere of interests. independent Republic of Estonia Sept. 28, 1939 - The USSR, threatening force. obliged (supported by 77.8 % of the voters). Estonia to sign an agreement of mutual Aug. 20, 1991 During the coup in Moscow, a nationa! assistance. allowing establishment of Red agreement between Supreme Council and Army military bases in Estonia and turning the Congress of Estonia resulted in the Estonia in essence into a protectorate of Supreme Council resolution on nationa! the USSR. independence and on the convening of June 17-18. 1940 - The Red Army occupied Estonia. the Constitutional Assembly. Number of district Number of mandates - I 8 [ THE MEMBERS OF THE 9th RIIGIKOGU IM! THE CHAMBER OF THE RIIGIKOGU (November 15, 2002)

MEMBERS OF THE RIIGIKOGU IN FIGURES Number of the members f I of the Riigikogu - 101 % 'TH (men - 84, women - 17) tf f M *m 1 4 1 FACTIONS ECeP ERP PPU

Vice-President President Vice-President ****** Peeter Toomas Tunne-Väldo Kreitzberg Savi Kelam party ECeP e Secondary 8 cent^ st0 Secondary professional 3 6 28 members Higher 90 Chairman Toomas Varek H^ /^ £^

__ ECoP party M ECeP ECeP ECeP ECeCeP do Mw" riia^ Vootele Kolt Vladimir Esto 6 members Hansen Tarto Sepp Pikaro Kauba Velman Chairman Mart Siimann

f % Cr**^

HHH^m University of Tartu 42 EPU Tallinn Technical tsto'"w^ " 7 members ERP ERP M ECoP University 18 Chairman Villu Reiljan Rein Teet Tõnu Ants Arvo Estonian Agricultural Voog Käärma Sirendi University 12 Tallinn Pedagogical University 5 Estonian Academy of Arts 2 party ERP |orm Other 11 \an si.e Est° n 7 members Chairman Paul-Eerik Rummo 11 < kimm, 2 ERP IM ECeP ECeP ECoP ERP Väino laak-Hans Indrek laak Mai Andres Linde Kuks Meelak Aab Treial Taimla

1 7 members %#' Chairman Marju Lauristin MM wS%M ECeP PPU ERP IH IH ECoP Marl-Ann Andres Ignar Raivo Eiki Ülo Ülo Kelam Herkel Fjuk Paavo Nestor Nugis rriafl Uit) Engineer 18 PPU ,.^ (isa tconomisi \z patria Philologist 8 pro 18 members Chairman Tiit Sinissaar Historian 7 © Lawyer 8 *9 Journalist 5 m&± Physician 5 ERP ERP M ECeP ECeP ECeP ECeP Agricultural specialist 4 M Psychologist 4 11ber s Maret Vambo Georg Laine Ülo Sergei mef Aap Kalev Teacher 4 Neljas Maripuu Kaal Kotkas Pelisaar Tarvis Tootsen Tootsen Ivanov wHoKaCtion Geographer 2 MP' Trainer 3 8 members Physicist 2 Veterinarian 2 Architect Bibliographer Biologist Chemist STANDING PPU PPU M ECeP 2 Ceramist COMMITTEES ERP Toivo Trivimi Mart Erika Paul-Eerik Producer Velliste Meri Salumäe lürgenson Rummo Forest technician Constitutional Committce Actor Chairman Indrek Meelak (ECeP) Policeman Vice-Chairman Tiit Käbin Sociologist Cultural Affairs Committee Technician-mechanic Chairman Viive Rosenberg (ECeP) Technologist Vice-Chairman Theologian Paul-Eerik Rummo (ERP) PPU JL ERP ERP IH M äi ECeP PPU ECeP Economic Affairs Committee Mart Kadri Uno Valve Marju Toomas Nelli Värner Hendrik Arvo Nutt Mereste Kirsipuu Lauristin Privalova Lootsmann Chairman Andres Lipstok (ERP) läätma Ilves Haug Vice-Chairman Jevgeni Tomberg Environment Committee Chairman Arvo Haug (ECeP) o Vice-Chairman Arvo Sirendi (ECoP) Univ mim e rsit ERP EPU EPU >t/e Finance Committee PPU gre es Chairman Meelis Atonen (ERP) Peeter Andres Tiit Jaanus Viktor Endel Vice-Chairman Olesk Lipstok Tammsaar Männik Andrejev Paap Master Jaanus Männik (EPU) Candidate 18 Foreign Affairs Committee Doctorate 6 Chairman Anti Liiv (ECeP) Vice-Chairman irjf Ülo Nugis (ECoP) ^L jm* Legal Affairs Committee Chairman Väino Linde (ERP) PPU ERP ERP M EPU Vice-Chairman Tiit Meelis Neinar Jüri Villu lanno levgeni Valentina Georg Pelisaar (ECeP) Sinissaar Atonen Seli Tamm Reiljan Reiljan Tomberg Võssotskaja National Defence Committee

Chairman Tiit Tammsaar (EPU) f Vice-Chairman otn Valve Kirsipuu (ERP) Q Rural Affairs Committee 1965-1974 7 Chairman Ants Käärma (ECoP) 1955-1964 28 Vice-Chairman Urmas Laht (ECeP) 1945-1954 38 Social Affairs Committee Tiit 1935-1944 24 Chairman Toomas Vilosius (ERP) Toomsalu 1925-1934 4 Vice-Chairman Raivo Paavo (M)