THE miMELLiNEOCI. PORTLAND HAIL* l’HESS, THE you will see a toad get near soft earth the floods come. the The lire CHAUTAUQUANS. buildings. ronthiued spreading THE BALL BECINB. two more in the third. the (our and wiggle backwards and under until It haa In fourth, HOT TIMES ABROAD. Published every day (Sundays excepted) tbe It consumed twenty-five buildings, single", a double and by and there go to for the winter. In a base on balls, ran sleep May which a short time before had housed one the score up to PORTLAND PUBLISHING A the toads come out and seem to on lo, where It staid for the re- COMPANY, Rainy Time for the Sojourners at know where Trains Stalled the Maine Centra thousand Chinamen. Three American Schooner* In mainder of the the nearest is. game. The visitors scored The Proclamation of Iroland the at W7 Hxchanui Street, me. pond Many people say they Near intelligent Chinamen place the loss from their niu in the Portland, Martha’s Crove. hear the Watervllie. Trouble on Canadian Coast*. only ninth, on hits by Cud- frogs when really it is the toads *100,000 to 8175,000. There was little insur- worth and In Topic of Discussion. K'KhtlRdhirs a Year. sub- the seventh they got a Lively To mall that sing louder. There aro ten varieties of ance on the a few be- puffy. scribeis, Seven Dollars a buildings. Only days man around to third on a of close de- Year,if paid in advance. the toad in the United States. The toad’s fore the fire couple Rev. J. P. on agents of insurance companies cisions, but the hit to Rates of Danforth Talks Upon is a very Floating Haycocks the Creen Seine Boats and Fishermen necessary bring him in Advertising—One inch of space cry long trill. They go to the of San Francisco went down there and can- Captured was the not forthcoming. Liberal length of or twelve on water to their these Fields of the Mahoney umpired, Nobleman Rally to tho Sup column, lilies nonpariel “Words;” Dr. Nourse lay eggs; are black, Cranlte State. celled their insurance policies, saying tiiat Within the Limit. and so our Lowell constitutes a about as contemporaries will find “square.” big as turnip seed, and encased in a with the existing the Chinese hard work port of Gladstone. first 75 cents “Salvation.* feeling against to excuse the defeat. He was ^1.*BOsPer 8Su&re, dally, week; per jelly like mass. The tadpoles eat the the risk was too to continue the week after; three insertions or eou- jelly great poli- rattier critical on balls and strikes, ami less, $3.00, first, then any soft decaying when Rivers of Yankeeland cies. The Hat- ttuulng every other after first week, 60 cents. matter; Swollen Until origin of the fire is unknown. Hundreds of Sails, Millions of Mack- field was obliged to find the centre of day full sized as a tadpole, towards the Professor Half square, three insertions or less, 76 cents; Dr. Hill’s Instructive Lecture on midsummer, the Oldest Inhabitants plate every time, no corners being allowed. Tyndall Renews His Pro- one week after. lie stops eating, draws in his tail and throws Stare. erel Down East. week, $1.00; 60 cents per Whatever dose decisions were made were test Special one-third additional. Toads Enjoyed. out his legs, boon as the transformation is OUR TOUCHY PRESIDENT. In Against Home Rule. Notices, Greatly favor of the visitors, but still of Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction complete lie is'.no bigger than a sized nothing good tiv, [Special to the such a nature as to be seriously complalued Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- then he conies out of the water; he has'a ^ress.j [Special to the Frees.] tions or less. of occurred. Cuilworth’s only chance to $1.60. [SDeclul to tlie Press.] tongue and knows how to use and finds Watebville, July 25.—There was a ter- Consolation from the West and Balm sensation Loxuox, July 26.—The Cabinet Council it, Halifax, July 25.—A genuine was at the score , which hau Small Martha's 25.-- his food in the &c. after a rific shower at this place this today considered the reports THE MAINE STATE PRESS, Grove, Fryeburg, July midges, Later, afternoon, ac- from Crady of Ceorgla. was created here today by the reports of the down for pitcher iustead of Hatfield. A submitted by shower, these small toads are seized thunder Mr. Balfour on the How many clearing up showers have we July companied by ana At a of three Re- new edition was not printed for his I smell t, proposed suppression of Published every Thursday Morning, at *2.50 with an impulse for emigration and scatter lightning. capture American fishermen. if in *2.00 a had? And still come. wonder between Vassalboro and however, and the procession moved right the National The year; paid advance, year, they What in every direction. You will often see them point Winslow, a ports from all along the coast indicate that League. proclamation a Advertisements inserted In the “Maine State Washington, July 28.—The delegation along, of the Lowell was that tlie ltev. Rober t Nourse was applauded crossing a road or stone wall. I would put serious washout has occurred on the Maine fiichardson, Times, approved, bat all further application of Press” (which has a large circulation in every from St. Louis, which arrived here last the mackerel are schooling in shore in vast did UUU3i Mancbesters, another letter his fall has been unprecedented. Low lands are luugvu UUV-Hliy n C uttering sol- Nortlifleld... uvi/igu VCUCIUr on all sail aud to ries—Turner and Farrell, Williams, Ellis and Bar- have plenty of time. I shall be glad to meet or attempted escape, skipper emn protest against the of WATERBURY Nantucket... flooded and highways badlv washed out. rett. turning Loyalists ble and sacred, the word of the Greek civil- corresponu with a committee of citizens and Morrison his that Ireland over to the tender Awaiting Court Martial Charged your explains position by saying H mercies of the Albany, N. Y N. tlx the date and males arrangements in detail, but I.YNN8, 0; AVKItHII.I.S, 1. Home Rulers. New York... ization, of art. and the Portsmouth, II., July 25.—It is re- when he was fifteen miles off Shelburne He also reflects on Geo. Otto philosophy learning, With >3000. the tiling must be done. I will come. The home team Embezzling ported from several towns In the defeated the HaverhilU, 5 Trevelyan’s stride into the OlasUtoman Philadelphia. word of polite, elegant and learned, society. county that fishing yesterday, tb ree dories left his vessel Washington.. At this point the President asked Mayor to 1, at Lynn yesterday. The score: ranks. There was a third from the iron considerable damage has been done by the to attend to trawls. A Two re- Norfolk, Va. word, lips Poktsmouth, N. H., July 25.—Intense ex- Francis what would be the most attractive fog set|in. Innings.1 23466789 foreign Notes. recent rains. The river at -WATCHES- Wilmington.. of Rome, the word of order and a Raymond has day of the fair week. The mayor but the third did not. l 100030 x— 6 law, citement replied: .Savannah Ua force, has beeu caused here this evening turned, Thinking Lynns.o The yacht Thistle sailed (tom Glasgow for selfish word without overflowed its banks. Communication be- “The third day of the month when the veiled HaverhiUs.O 1 OOOOOOO— 1 New York CLOSING OUT SALE. Jacksonville. conscience, without by the report that Richard H. Payne, the men would follow the sound of the fog yesterday. A gale was blowing pay- tween orophet parade will occur. But if you can’t Base hits—Lynns. 11; HaverhiUs, 6. Errors— when she took her Atlanta. hea rt, and whose emblem was a keen Raymond and Deerfield is maintained horn aud he came in to departure and she pro- New edged master's clerk under Paymaster Putnam at oe there then, X might communicate your put into Shelburne, Lvnus. 6; HaverhilU, 8. Earned runs—Lynns, 1, 1 have a large quantity of Waterbury Watches Orleans boats. in ceeded under storm sails. Tho crew num- sword. I could mention other words. These by Crops some places are four feet and the to his see if had arrived there. He found Pitchers—Bemarls au