Eid-ul-Fitr Quiz

1. Eid-ul-Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of the Islamic holy of fasting. What is the name of this holy month? a. Shawwal b. Shabaan c. Rajab d.

2. Eid is an Arabic word meaning “festivity’, while Fitr means ______? a. Breaking the fast b. Respect c. Raised d. The one of pilgrimage

3. Eid-ul-Fitr has a particular salat (Islamic prayer) consisting of ______raka’ah (units) and generally offered in an open field or large hall. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

4. By what name is Eid celebrated in Malaysia (Malay translation of Eid –al-Fitr)? a. Hari Lebaran b. Nonbu Perunaal c. Hari Raya Puasa d. Ngaidul Fitri

5. Eid gifts are frequently given at Eid to children and immediate relatives. What is the name given to the Eid gifts? a. Zakat b. Eidi c. Ka’ak d. Baklava

6. Zakat, one of the pillars of and a practice initiated by the Islamic prophet Muhammed, has played an important role throughout Islamic history. What is Zakat? a. Acknowledging the power of the spiritual realm b. Eid gifts given at the eid to children and immediate relatives c. Giving fixed portion of one’s wealth to charity, generally to the poor and needy d. Islamic prayer

7. What is the night before Eid called in Pakistan, , , Sri Lanka and Nepal? a. Raat b. Chaand Raat c. Mubarak Raat d. Murubbis Raat



8. What is the name of the meal consumed early in the morning by Muslim before fasting, dawn, in daylight hours during the Islamic month of Ramadan? a. Iftaar b. Roadha Villun c. Suhoor d.

9. During which month Muslim observe a strict fast and participate in pious activities such as charitable giving and peace-making? a. Ramadan b. Shawwal c. Rajab d. Shaban

10. What is the pre-sunrise prayer called in Islam? a. Saltul Zuhr b. Salatul Fajr c. Salatul Asr d. Salatul Maghrib

11. Shawaal is the ______month of the Islamic calendar. a. 8th b. 9th c. 10th d. 11th

12. Eid among the Pashto speaking community in Afghanistan is called ______a. Idul Fitri b. Kochnai Akhtar c. Rozar Eid d. Ramazanski bajram

13. The Islamic calander is also known as______a. Hijri calendar b. Gregorian calendar c. Akan calendar d. Berber calendar

14. During Ramadan, in Muslim countries, non- are expected to a. Join in the fast b. Refrain from eating in publ c. Just go about their business d. None of the above

15. Ramadan is…… a. a month of festive activities b. a period of fasting and praying c. a four week vacation for Muslim d. a celebration of the Prophet Muhammed DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL TAPI LEARNING PARTNERSHIP 2018-19


16. Ramadan is celebrated in honour of? a. The Quran was first revealed b. A great Muslim victory c. Prohet Muhammed was born d. Islam was founded

17. Who are exempt from Ramadan’s fasting? a. Babies and little children b. Clerics c. Pregnant women d. A andC

18. During Eid-ul-Fitr…. a. People give to the poor b. People do not fast c. People go visit their relatives d. All of the above

19. Eid-ul-Fitr lasts for? a. 1 day b. 2 days c. 3 days d. 4 days

20. The date of Eid-Ul-Fitr in the Gregorian calendar (usual calendar) a. Moves approximately a week backward b. Moves approximately 11 days backward each year c. Moves approximately 12 days backward each year d. Moves approximately 2 weeks backward each year

21. The date of Eid-Ul-Fitr is known long in advance, as the position of the Moon is charted. a. True b. False

22. Eid-Ul-Fitr is alse called ‘Smaller Eid’ a. True b. False

23. The word Ramadan comes from a. Arabic b. Latin c. French d. Persian



24. Eid-ul-Fitr, or Eid for short, is the holiday that marks? a. The end of Ramadan b. Third week of Ramadan c. The beginning of Ramadan d. None of the above

25. During Ramadan, the meal eaten at sunset is called the a. Iftaar b. Imtaar c. Ishtaar d. Sehri

26. The first day of Idd falls in the first day of a. Ramadan b. Shawaal c. Rajab d. Muharrum

27. The Eid-Ul-Fitr was originated by a. Anas b. Anadith c. Muhammed d. Abu Bakr

28. What does Ramadan symbolizes? a. Lanterns b. Dates (Khajur) c. Eidi d. A and B

29. Ramadan is the ______month of the lunar calendar. a. 9th b. 10th c. 6th d. 8th

30. Ramadan activities include… a. Visiting with family b. Attending special prayers c. Giving charity d. All of the above

31. Seclusion in the in the last ten days of Ramadan is called. a. Istikhara b. Istinfa c. Itikaaf d. Istighar

32. The reward of obligatory deeds in Ramadan is multiplied by how much? a. 1000 times b. 10 times c. 70 times d. 700 times

33. The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan. Which Surah in the Holy Quran affirms this? a. Surah Al – Kahf b. Surah Al-Imran c. Surah Al – Nisa d. Surah Al- Baqarah DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL TAPI LEARNING PARTNERSHIP 2018-19


34. Worship in the night of Laylatul Qadr is better than the worship of. a. 1000 b. 1000 years c. 1000 times d. 100 times

35. How many years did it take for the whole Quran to be revelaed? a. 21 b. 23 c. 20 d. 25

36. Before the fasting of Ramadan became obligatory, Muslims were ordered to fast on which day? a. 10th Muharram b. 8th Muharram c. 6th Muharram d. 12th Muharram

37. How many Takbeers are there in Salat-ul-Eid? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 8

38. Eid Salah is … a. Wajib b. Nafl c. Sunnah d. Fard

39. The purpose of Ramadan, as mentioned in the Quran, is to.. a. Lose weight b. Experience how poor feel c. Read your prayers d. Achieve God consciousness (Taqwa)

40. The Prophet Muhammad said: Ramadan is: a. My month b. Allah’s month c. The Ummah’s month d. The Angel’s month

41. What event took place on the 17th of Ramadan? a. The Quran was revealed b. The battle of Badr c. Khadija, first wife of the Prophet passed away d. The Prophet went to the Heavens



42. Before the Eid prayer begins it is Wajib (required) for every Muslim to: a. Go to the graveyard b. Visit the poor c. Pay Zakat Ul Fitr d. Give food to your neighbours

43. Which of the following is NOT a Sunnah of Eid? a. Take a bath after fajr b. Hire a limousine on Eid c. Have breakfast on Eid before leaving for the prayer ground d. Use two different routes to and from the prayer ground

44. The penalty imposed on a person who deliberately breaks his fast is that the person will have either free a slave, fast for sixty consecutive days or feed sixty people. This is called: a. Sadaqah b. Qadah c. Kaffarah d. Mustahab

45. Where was Prophet Muhammed born? a. Mecca b. Madina c. Riadh d. Jeddah

46. Which of the following is not associated with Ramadan? a. Fast at day b. Feast at night c. Fight for Islam d. None of the above

47. From whom did Muhammed receive the verses of God inscribed in Quran? a. Giaz, the merchant b. Gabriel, the angel c. Abraham- the king God d. None of the above

48. Islam is based on Five Pillars of Faith. To which one Ramadan fast belong? a. First pillar b. Fourth Pillar c. Second Pillar d. Fifth Pillar

49. What is the language of Quran? a. Persian b. Arabic c. Egyptian d. French

50. How long does Ramadan last? a. a month b. a day c. fortnight d. three weeks DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL TAPI LEARNING PARTNERSHIP 2018-19


51. Ramadan, it is encouraged to travel on a hajj, or pilgrimage to the holy city of ? a. Mecca b. Medina c. Ramad d. Jerusalem

52. What country has banned Muslims from fasting? a. America b. China c. France d. Egypt

53. The start of Ramadan is determined by the cycle of the ______a. Sun b. Moon c. Constellation Orion d. Venus

54. Going on Hajj is a part of a series of central beliefs in Islam called the ______a. Ten Commandments b. Quran c. Five Pillars d. Torah

55. Muslim wants to wish a fellow passenger a happy Ramadan, they can say Ramadan Mubarak, which means '___'. a. Happy holidays b. May the Prophet bring you peace c. Have a blessed Ramadan d. May Ramadan bring you fortune and favour

56. Many Muslims will use Ramadan to follow the third pillar of Islam which commands the faithful to ___. a. Worship five times a day b. Refrain from eating pork c. Read Quran daily d. Give charity

57. What famous king of Mali made a hajj during Ramadan and gave away millions of dollars in charity? a. Ibn Battuta b. Shaka c. Mansa Musa d. Muhammed Ali

58. For how many Ramadan did Messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad Fast? a. 7 years b. 8 years c. 9 years d. 10 years

59. In which year of the Hijrah was the fasting of Ramadhaan enjoined? a. First year b. Second year c. Third year d. Fourth year



60. Charity is very important during Ramzan. Muslims are to give away a certain percentage of their total savings and wealth above a minimum amount as Zakat or charity. What is the stipulated percentage of Zakat? a. 2.5% b. 3% c. 3.5% d. 3.5%

61. During Ramzan, the fast is broken every evening with different foods. Certain traditional dishes are especially made during Ramzan. According to tradition, what was the first thing the Prophet Muhammad had to break his fast? a. Olives b. Water c. Raisins d. Dates

62. Muslims perform special prayers during Ramzan, apart from the usual Namaz, where the entire Quran is recited in the course of 30 days. What are these prayers called? a. Tahajjud b. Tarawih c. Nafil d. Zikr

63. The length of the month of Ramzan is determined by the visual sightings of the crescent moon, typically a day (or more) after the astronomical new moon. What is this crescent moon called in the Islamic tradition? a. Mehvish b. Hilal c. Al Qamar d. Sahara

64. How old was Prophet when his mother passed away? a. 1 year b. 3 years c. 6 years d. 8 years

65. Muslims believe that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during the month of Ramzan. They observe a particular night during Ramzan as the holiest when the first revelation of the Quran was sent down. What is it called? a. Shab e Barat b. Laylat ul Firdous c. Laylat ul Qadr d. Al layali al sud

66. On the day of Resurrection those who will fast will enter Jannah through the gate called. a. Al-Islaam b. Al-Jannah c. Ar-Rayaan d. Al-Hoor



67. What is meant by the word Muslim? a. One who gives himself to God b. One who prays facing the Kabbah c. One who is ready to be sacrificed d. All of the above

68. The Eid prayer is followed by the ______and then a supplication (dua) asking for forgiveness, mercy and help for all living beings across the world. a. Buthbah b. Juthbah c. Khutbah d. Rahutbah *****************************