Avram Joel Spolsky | 218 pages | 01 Jun 2007 | aPress | 9781590598382 | English | New York, United States Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent PDF Book I had the same problem today, and learned a lot. It seems that you're in Germany. Interesting perspective on what you should look for when hiring for tech. Joel not only understands it, he also bases his company on the idea and provides some rather convincing data and discussions. How to find people who are not on the market: 1. Published May 1st by Apress first published January 1st It's an interesting and important introductory chapter that sets the stage for the rest of the book. American, New Zealand , Israeli, Dual citizenship [1]. The Identity Method Make people identify with the goals you're trying to achieve The Identity Method is a way to create intrinsic motivation. The advice is all fairly solid, the issue being that it's solid for a company that is able to pay well and give top software engineers what they want. Solid short read. His personal website, Joel on Software, has been popular with developers around the world since its inception in and has been translated into over 30 languages. In that time, she has built highly-productive and successful teams to deliver high quality software efficiently, and established delivery processes to achieve growth. He is the author of Joel on Software , a blog on software development, and the creator of the project management software . Why not? Without a controlled experiment, we don't really know. What comes off in the book is that Spolsky is pretty opinionated about the hiring process without doing some self-assessment of whether it really makes sense. This has been controversial and I'm not sure if Joel is correct. Which websites do they read? To ask other readers questions about Smart and Gets Things Done , please sign up. Retrieved August 4, Network Trello. It was worth getting back to it in two years and reading it again. Joel graduated from with a Computer Science degree. Also the best piece of advice from this book is in the title. It gives some pointers to what to look for when you are applying for a job and want to find a great team to work with. I've always wondered why companies seem willing to pay people lots of money to think, then put them in precisely the kind of cubicle-hell open plan environment where they can't think. . Joel Spolsky has been writing his Joel on Software blog , about real software development, since before there were blogs. About this book A guide to attracting, recruiting, interviewing, and hiring the best technical talent. The company has been profitable since inception and is world-famous for providing excellent working conditions and for its mission of helping the world's best software developers make better products. You can't afford to be number two, or to have a "good enough" product. However, it should be read with its age in mind. Your message has been successfully sent. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Wrote a monthly column for this large American magazine about small business and entrepreneurship. Other Editions 6. You can't abdicate your responsibility to train your people by bribing them. The title "Smart and Gets Things Done" refers to the criterions you look for in a technical interview. He writes humorously, but seriously about his methods for sorting resumes, for finding great candidates, and for interviewing, in person and by phone. Stack Overflow serves more than 50 million programmers every month and is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange network, one of the Top largest web properties in the world. Avoid advertising on general-purpose, large job boards as the bad people who are all over the market will apply and swamp you. Joel on Software : and on diverse and occasionally related matters that will prove of interest to software developers, designers, and managers, and to those who, whether by good fortune or ill luck, work with them in some capacity. Company data powered by. How to Predict the Apocalypse When working to manage a product team, it is paramount to be able to effectively know when things are going south. From the reviews: "Programming-employment decisions are a critical managerial process. Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent Writer

This book is like a treasure and that's not very controversial. Strengthening each pillar and its main features has helped me to build effective and productive engineering teams. Our Preferred Partner Matrix is a highly-curated set of resources and offers provided by organizations we know and love, designed to help you navigate the startup journey. The management have the least knowledge so are ill placed to make decisions. Join our Community. But there's more to hiring technical talent than an interview, hence the rest of the book. You can't afford not to hire them. You can learn more about his role from this recent blog post. And it's simply not a matter of throwing more man-hours on the problem, let's say by hiring 10 mediocre programmers instead of a really great one. Definitely would be much easier to change a small organization, but they do talk about how you can try to push for change even in a bigger organization. He uses the metaphor "we are just little vegetables floating in software soup", referring to our constant use of software for the most mundane activities, including work, social networking, and even taking a cab. Objects and functions sure are convenient, so convenient that we do many shortsighted things just because they're easy. Writing DOS code? There's not just ideas, there are ways that you can implement them. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I have several interview books in my collection, But this one is probably the best so far. The Best Software Writing I. A great read with helpful advice for anyone who needs to hire or manage software engineers. Books by Joel Spolsky. In this brief book, Joel reveals all his secrets—from his years at , and as the co— founder of Fog Creek Software—for recruiting the best developers in the world. Ten times. Wikiquote has quotations related to: Joel Spolsky. Joel Spolsky is the 1 ranked blogger in the technical space and is widely quoted even in the mainstream media for example Smart Money and the Wall Street Journal Joel Spolsky is well-known in his field, notably because of his Joelonsoftware. What does success look like and how can you measure it? Finally, I'll end with the most important part of software development, the people by focusing on why relationships are important. As far as content goes, his methodology and ideas were solid. It's well known that the three things you need to produce good software are "good people, good people, good people". JavaScript is currently disabled, this site works much better if you enable JavaScript in your browser. Come along to this talk to hear some practical strategies for getting to grips with an ageing code base while setting realistic expectations about what's possible. A lot has happened since, and some of the suggestions feel dated. Statistically speaking, it was probably many things that were not noticed that brought the success. Which are taking advantage of us? Learn ways to give confusing things names, focus on what's important, and write nicer code. It gives some pointers to what to look for when you are applying for a job and want to find a great team to work with. Overall, it was a decent book and somewhat useful to me personally. Stack Overflow serves more than 50 million programmers every month and is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange network, one of the Top largest web properties in the world. Some good key points here, works as a good starting point or a refresher. About Joel Spolsky. Also the best piece of advice from this book is in the title. This book collects together, in dead tree form, some of the early online articles, with only a little extra material. It's still a good book, but probably the title has a context that one is not necessarily aware of. Remind me not to do that again. Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent Reviews

Although, as he admits himself, occasionally. Here's what I do Code provides an honest way beyond those traits, but it has to be done in a fair and representative way. Words fall short when it comes to describing this book, so I am going to leave it up to you to decide but do remember, this is one book you'd definitely want to read if you were in the tech industry. The framework has 4 themes: People, Delivery, Resources and Architecture. Want to Read saving…. Oct Nikolai Avteniev navteniev. I had the same problem today, and learned a lot. How to Predict the Apocalypse When working to manage a product team, it is paramount to be able to effectively know when things are going south. His web site Joel on Software JoelonSoftware. Retrieved June 27, Any practical advice on how to do that is very important to me. Now that we know who we want, where do we find those great hackers? To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To some the answer is, "panic. Which includes private offices. If you want to find out more about the cookies we use, you can access our Privacy Policy. Showing You can learn more about his role from this recent blog post. Some parts are outdated though. Last year, I jumped at the opportunity to work with a startup on a Ruby on Rails code base where developers had left and business users needed support. Nothing is more aggravating to a developer than being forced to do something that is technically inferior because someone higher than them in the organization, or someone better-connected, insists on it. This time from cover to cover, taking notes, thinking of what the author says, how it aligns with what I did on the interviews and what I should do differently next time. I have been using these pillars to explore the areas we need to improve upon for each team, identify and allocate the right people to own these areas, and build further on them. Some good key points here, works as a good starting point or a refresher. The top software developers are ten times more productive than average developers. He is a cook and cyclist in his free time. However, it should be read with its age in mind. He is also the creator of "The Joel Test". Joel recognizes this and gives solid and honest no-nonsense advices. With that said, it doesn't really contain anything new - at least not by standards.

Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent Read Online

This book is short, to the point, with lots of practi This is a great book both for people who are interviewing programmers and for programmers who are looking for a job. Other Editions 6. It is probably one single book that virtually every HR person and manager that would like to hire developers should read mostly because it is a really quick read and provides actual real world advice. They'll find some way to optimize for the specific thing you're paying them, without actually achieving the thing you really want. Joel not only understands it, he also bases his company on the idea and provides some rather convincing data and discussions. Any practical advice on how to do that is very important to me. More Joel on Software : further thoughts on diverse and occasionally related matters that will prove of interest to software developers, designers, and managers, and to those who, whether by good fortune or ill luck, work with them in some capacity. The either you-have-it-or-you-don't, fixed-mindset is, IMO, harmful to the software industry. It's full of insights and interesting thoughts from someone who has been in the trenches of being a programmer and hiring programmers for years, who has succeeded at both tasks, and who has thought deeply about why. Goodreads is hiring! If they are great make them a good offer for after graduation 3. With this talk I will be sharing my experience of building and strengthening engineering teams. The preface for this is the the quality of the work and the amount of time spent are simply uncorrelated. The first department of CS was established at Purdue in , and the first programmer calling degrees a waste of time was born moments later. Good advice doesn't get old. Nothing is more infuriating than when a developer is told to use a certain programming language, not the best one for the task at hand, because the boss likes it. I hope Joel will write a new edition by that time. Fixing Suboptimal Teams Pages WeWork Labs is an innovation platform focused on powering the growth of early-stage startups. You will not find much practical advice for hiring staff for you non-IT company IT department. Jan 09, Jeffrey L Barton rated it it was amazing. If you can't fire them move under-performers to a place where they can't cause any impact. Paperback , pages. Smart and Gets Things done isn't a great book, but it is a good one and a book that has quite a few useful tips for anyone involved in hiring. Apr 03, Sarah Carter rated it liked it Shelves: As Spolsky comments at one point, it really should be "Smart, Gets things done, and Not a jerk. CV validation Politics: How the candidate handles challenges. Many of his ideas are innovative and eye-opening, but many also don't work with existing company cultures and would be more suited for a start-up firm looking to hire sharp people to move with them to the top. The title "Smart and Gets Things Done" refers to the criterions you look for in a technical interview. So why do so many with non-traditional backgrounds report Imposter Syndrome? Joel holds a bachelor's of science degree in computer science from Yale University. He also leads code retreats that reinforces a developer's fundamental skills by stressing illuminating edge cases. It's well known that the three things you need to produce good software are "good people, good people, good people". Wikimedia Commons has media related to Joel Spolsky. Joel also presents the alternative of building your own community. Anonymous peer ranking with the options: Great developer Needs specific improvements Hopeless Firing poor performers can increase moral because poor performers are taking time away from the good performers. Joel always gets straight to the point and there are some lovely little nuggets in this pocket rocket of a book. As the President of top software consultancy Def Method, I have found that certain processes and methods can help you to project out to the future and see when things are not going as smoothly as anticipated in order to give yourself time to respond and work to get the project back on track. I have been using these pillars to explore the areas we need to improve upon for each team, identify and allocate the right people to own these areas, and build further on them. Like saying that ergonomic chairs are ergonomic and then breaking down the cost over the number of toile Don't know what the idea behind the formatting of the book is. First of all, Joel motivates why you should care about finding the best developers. Each day, Schlemiel paints less than he painted the day before, and complains that it is because each day he gets farther away from the paint can, and it takes him longer to go back and put paint on his brush. In-line objects and anonymous functions create a poor signal to noise ratio, making it hard to understand your code.