Avram Joel Spolsky | 218 pages | 01 Jun 2007 | aPress | 9781590598382 | English | New York, United States Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent PDF Book The Econ Method Give them financial rewards and punishments to create incentives, aka replaces intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation. User Interface Design for Programmers Jun Author has a bright style and made the book quite funny, so I guess it was time well spent. currently serves 50 million programmers monthly. It makes fascinating reading. The book is written from the position of a "rockstar developer", who created a popular "rockstar company", where only the privileged, talented, and gifted people are allowed to work basically those who can write a compiler on a napkin using Haskell and understand pointers. Jul 16, Simme rated it liked it Recommends it for: People hiring tech talents. I've learnt a lot from this book. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The only real downside to the book is that, to a large extent, it assumes you make cool stuff, your company strongly supports the software developers, and that you already have at least a few rock stars at your organization. Apr 03, Sarah Carter rated it liked it Shelves: Who convinced whom? Brooks law provides an economic argument against that idea. Joe brings his mix of engineering muscle, business acumen, enthusiasm for challenges, and technical leadership to the helm of every Def Method project. A guide to attracting, recruiting, interviewing, and hiring the best technical talent. Cancelling a long running process in VB6. Note it's scoring because resumes are not deterministic by any means but are to be filtered: - Passion: can you see that they really care? Come along to this talk to hear some practical strategies for getting to grips with an ageing code base while setting realistic expectations about what's possible. During my struggle to build strong and effective teams, I designed the Engineering Pillars framework. Dec 23, Yevgeniy Brikman rated it liked it. More Joel on Software : further thoughts on diverse and occasionally related matters that will prove of interest to software developers, designers, and managers, and to those who, whether by good fortune or ill luck, work with them in some capacity. Join now. The aim is to look at their approach rather than getting them to speak code over the phone. Overall, it was a decent book and somewhat useful to me personally. Joel Spolsky. It sounded more like an advertisement of FogCreek. Like saying that ergonomic chairs are ergonomic and then breaking down the cost over the number of toilet papers that can be bought from that money. Joel Spolsky is a globally recognized expert on the software development process. The sad truth about hiring is that we all suck at it and not acknowledging that does a lot of harm to this industry. I'm pretty sure there's no good way to force VB6 to unload the control. Learn ways to give confusing things names, focus on what's important, and write nicer code. Not all that successful for a company. I went through many interviews in the past, and had to write the code on the whiteboard a lot, but I was always curious why do I need to do that if I have a computer? Join our Community. Show all. I like it very much and highly recommended. Each subsequent call to strcat has to compute the length again before concatenating another name to the buffer. Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent Writer

Bryan Liles bryanl. I hope Joel will write a new edition by that time. I'll be sharing my key insights from this project in my presentation at SCNA with code examples to illustrate. Flowing text, Original pages. Note it's scoring because resumes are not deterministic by any means but are to be filtered: - Passion: can you see that they really care? I've done technical interviewing myself and found it to be an invaluable tool. In software development, a Shlemiel the painter's algorithm sometimes, Shlemiel the painter algorithm , not to be confused with " Painter's algorithm " is a method that is inefficient because the programmer has overlooked some fundamental issues at the very lowest levels of software design. His style is sometimes sarcastic and casual, which may appeal to many techies, and I personally found it amusing. It's hard to understate what a big impact this has on making the company feel like a family, in the good way. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Mona has been leading multiple engineering teams at Dow Jones as Senior Director of Engineering for 2 years. His web site Joel on Software JoelonSoftware. Good chairs don't cost that much more over their lifetime and if you take the cost per week it is cheaper than most other office facilities People want to work with good, cheerful and happy people - Smart, and Gets Things Done and not a jerk Managers can advise but they must be extremely careful to avoid having their "advice" interpreted as a command Thing which annoy programmers being told to use a certain programming language people being promoted because of their ability to network rather than being promoted strictly on merit being forced to do something that is technically inferior because someone higher than them in the organization, or someone better-connected, insists on it. You have to seek them out where they are when they're not looking - meeting them at the places where great people congregate or creating a community. Yeah, thanks for that. I had some problem about interviewing people and also how actually other people manage their teams. In , Spolsky launched , an online project management tool inspired by Kanban methodology. This doesn't take much away from the book, but does show how things have moved on. Showing Diversity Trying to bring new ideas into the team - to break people out of group-think and their own echo chamber Great developers are likely to have enough options of places to work that any extra hoops will put them off bothering to apply. Smart and Gets Things Done May Community Name. Last year, I jumped at the opportunity to work with a startup on a Ruby on Rails code base where developers had left and business users needed support. Retrieved December 11, If you're involved in the hiring process, this book will give you a lot of ideas and advices. As Spolsky comments at one point, it really should be "Smart, Gets things done, and Not a jerk. There are many helpful tips including where to go looking for candidates, how to help employees feel at home in your organization, and how to turn around an existing team that is on the rocks. In , he founded his first company, Fog Creek Software, which creates project management tools for software developers, including Trello, which was recently acquired by Atlassian. Schools, being chosen as leaders, companies. Show next xx. Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent Reviews

It implies a quick, immediate solution for fixing an incident and a second, slower fix for preventing the same problem from occurring again by targeting the root cause. Joel always gets straight to the point and there are some lovely little nuggets in this pocket rocket of a book. There are some useful tips, but others I feel were just wrong. They help companies, founders and investors at every stage of that journey, giving sensible, practical advice informed by our experience of what the business has been through, and where it is hoping to get to in the future. Read aloud. Joel Spolsky, software guru and blogger , says how they do it at his own company Fog Creek Software. How many piano tuners are there etc are a good way to provoke a conversation. Other Editions 6. But, it doesn't really matter - if a programmer's any good, he knows both concepts inside out. Finding Great Developers Pages Avoid advertising on general-purpose, large job boards as the bad people who are all over the market will apply and swamp you. Error rating book. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Smart and Gets Things done isn't a great book, but it is a good one and a book that has quite a few useful tips for anyone involved in hiring. Make a point of of eating lunch with my coworkers. The Phone Screen Pages Trello Sep Degrees are expensive, time consuming, and expensive worth mentioning twice. Brooks law provides an economic argument against that idea. Joel Spolsky with his tongue in cheek humour has laid down the golden rules for hiring the best engineers in software. Internet Movie Database. In this brief book, Joel reveals all his secrets--from his years at , and as the co-founder of Fog Creek Software--for recruiting the best developers in the world. Whose idea was it? Retrieved September 24, Before college, he served in the Israeli Defense Forces as a paratrooper, and he was one of the founders of Kibbutz Hanaton. Ten times. The book spans a broad field and it's obvious that many things, like the location of your company, are beyond the control of most managers and technical interviewers. The sad truth about hiring is that we all suck at it and not acknowledging that does a lot of harm to this industry. It is over 10yrs old though, which does need bearing in mind. Why not? My only unfortunate hires have been when I had a favorite candidate, and allowed other people to talk me into hiring someone else. Some parts are outdated though. American, New Zealand , Israeli, Dual citizenship [1]. The first department of CS was established at Purdue in , and the first programmer calling degrees a waste of time was born moments later. Go to the mountain What conferences do they go to? In his talk, Joel will discuss how he built and grew Stack Overflow, and more broadly on the software industry today. Yeah, thanks for that. He is a cook and cyclist in his free time. Spolsky made an appearance at the WeAreDevelopers Conference , stating how developers are writing the script for the future. Statistically speaking, it was probably many things that were not noticed that brought the success. Spolsky worked for Microsoft, then founded Fog Creek software that made a bug tracker and then went on to co-found the incredibly useful site. And it's no magic bullet -- to get good people takes time and effort and investment -- from day long job interviews with several staff, to full high quality summer internship programmes to catch them early.

Smart and Gets Things Done: Joel Spolskys Concise Guide to Finding the Best Technical Talent Read Online

Meanwhile the rise of boot camps, online learning and of course apprenticeships has provided an alternative way to begin a career in programming. The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing Pages Welcome back. The book has some good references and also some good pointers which are valuable to keep for the future. He's worked for Microsoft, at other companies doing in-house software development, and now runs his own company, and all this diverse experience shines through. It was worth getting back to it in two years and reading it again. Want to Read saving…. Published May 1st by Apress first published January 1st Joel holds a bachelor's of science degree in computer science from . Not if they work for years. I'm giving this book a five because I think everyone in the software business should read it, even though there are points I disagree with. Eric Smith is an experienced software crafter and coach at 8th Light who has trained teams of all sizes to adopt software's best practices, and test various challenging portions of their system. Mar 11, Mya rated it really liked it. This should take something the candidate is familiar with but are unlikely to have implemented themselves. Objects and functions sure are convenient, so convenient that we do many shortsighted things just because they're easy. Sometimes certain programming languages or technologies indicate evidence of someone who loves to explore new technologies Pickiness Specific covering letter to the company, a custom cover letter is a sign that if we do make this candidate an offer they're likely to accept it programmers who can communicate their ideas clearly - so neat, well structured and gramatically correct CVs Brains Math camp, programming competitons etc Selectivity Have they been through a rigorous review process before either for Uni or another company Hard-core Some development work is just harder than others, if they have the harder work then they stand out. Other editions. Global Shares The must-have tool for startups, with Global Shares you can manage your cap table, issue stocks to your investors and grant options and awards to your employees — all in one place. There's not just ideas, there are ways that you can implement them. In an in-person interview, personal traits obviously play a big role. Afterwards, when strcat is told to append "George" to "JohnPaul", strcat starts at the very first character of "JohnPaul" which is "J" all over again just to find the terminating null character. Definitely would be much easier to change a small organization, but they do talk about how you can try to push for change even in a bigger organization. Spolsky says that companies should hire the best after phone screens, code writing in interviews and careful checks and then pay them very well and put coders in offices. This is a great book both for people who are interviewing programmers and for programmers who are looking for a job. Lewis Silkin Lewis Silkin is a law firm which has vast experience working with tech companies at every stage of their development, from startup to exit. When working to manage a product team, it is paramount to be able to effectively know when things are going south. A comprehensive system for hiring top—notch technical employees Packed with useful information and specific advice written in a breezy, humorous style Learn how to find great people—and get them to work for you—in an afternoon! To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. This book is like a treasure and that's not very controversial. Local Sponsors. Internet Movie Database. They'll find some way to optimize for the specific thing you're paying them, without actually achieving the thing you really want. If you want to find out more about the cookies we use, you can access our Privacy Policy. This book is designed for how to hire great developers. He also has a strong passion for learning and teaching. After you have a foothold, you will want to start improving the process of building software. This book is a must read for anyone that wants to hire people that will work on creative jobs, technical or not, but almost all examples are for software companies that build software products. Last year, I jumped at the opportunity to work with a startup on a Ruby on Rails code base where developers had left and business users needed support. Details if other :. Joel's writing on the in-person interview known as the Guerrilla Guide to interviewing is one of his best essays ever. Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader.