RESEARCH ARTICLES Emperor chain should match the present- day latitude of (ϳ19°N) if the hot- The Emperor : Southward spot has remained fixed with respect to Earth’s spin axis. The most reliable indica- Motion of the Hawaiian tors of paleolatitude are basaltic rocks, but their reliability depends on each section Plume in Earth’s Mantle spanning enough time to sample geomag- netic secular variation. Recovery of such John A. Tarduno,1* Robert A. Duncan,2 David W. Scholl,3 samples requires ocean-drilling technology, Rory D. Cottrell,1 Bernhard Steinberger,4 and only a few seamounts have been sam- Thorvaldur Thordarson,5 Bryan C. Kerr,3 Clive R. Neal,6 pled to date. Paleomagnetic analyses of 81-million- Fred A. Frey,7 Masayuki Torii,8 Claire Carvallo9 year-old recovered from Detroit Sea- mount (Site 884) yielded a paleolatitude of The Hawaiian-Emperor hotspot track has a prominent bend, which has ϳ36°N (10), which is discordant with served as the basis for the theory that the Hawaiian hotspot, fixed in the Hawaii. Data from ϳ61-million-year-old deep mantle, traced a change in plate motion. However, paleomagnetic and basalt (9) from Suiko define a radiometric age data from samples recovered by ocean drilling define an paleolatitude of 27°N (11). These data sug- age-progressive paleolatitude history, indicating that the Emperor Sea- gest that the Emperor Seamounts record mount trend was principally formed by the rapid motion (over 40 milli- southward motion of the hotspot plume in meters per year) of the Hawaiian hotspot plume during Late Cretaceous to the mantle (10). early-Tertiary times (81 to 47 million years ago). Evidence for motion of the A paleomagnetic test. The Ocean Dril- Hawaiian plume affects models of mantle convection and plate tectonics, ling Program (ODP) Leg 197 (12) sought to test changing our understanding of terrestrial dynamics. the hypothesis of southward motion of the Ha- waiian hotspot by drilling additional basement The concept of an age-progressive set of define the directional change at 43 million sites in the Emperor chain (Fig. 1). We collect- volcanic islands, atolls, and seamounts pro- years ago (Ma) (7) that would be expected ed detailed stepwise alternating field (AF) de- duced by a hotspot plume fixed in the deep if such a large change in plate motion had magnetization data aboard the drilling ship mantle was first developed to explain the occurred. There was also a general lack of JOIDES Resolution. Although these shipboard Hawaiian Islands (1). The bend separating circum-Pacific tectonic events (8) docu- data are of high resolution, they alone are in- the westward-trending Hawaiian island mented for this time. Recent age data sug- sufficient to define paleolatitudes. Magnetic chain from the northward-trending Emper- gest a slightly older age for the bend [ϳ47 minerals with intermediate to high coercivities, or Seamounts has most often been inter- Ma (9)], but this revised timing still does carrying magnetizations resistant to AF demag- preted as an example of a change in plate not correspond to an episode of profound netization, are commonly formed during sub- motion recorded in a fixed-hotspot frame of plate motion change recorded within the aerial or seafloor weathering. The magnetiza- reference (2). Pacific basin or on its margins. tions of these mineral phases are easily resolv- However, global plate circuits suggest One approach to examine hotspot fixity able in thermal demagnetization data, which we large relative motions between Hawaii and is to determine the age and paleolatitude of also discuss here (13). hotspots in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans volcanoes that form a given hotspot track. The geomagnetic field at a radius r, co- (3–6). Improved mapping of marine mag- For the Hawaiian hotspot, the paleolati- latitude ␪, and longitude ␾ can be described netic anomalies in the Pacific has failed to tudes of extinct volcanic edifices of the by the gradient of the scalar potential (⌽):

1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Fig. 1. Hawaiian-Emperor chain shown University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA. with ODP Leg 197 sites (12) and marine 2College of Oceanic and Atmosphere Science, Oregon magnetic-anomaly identifications (40). State University, Corvallis, OR 97331–5503, USA. 3Geophysics Department, Stanford University, Stan- ford, CA 94305, USA. 4Institute for Frontier Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Marine Science and Tech- nology Center, Yokosuka 237–0061, Japan. 5Depart- ment of Geology and Geophysics–School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Ha- waii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. 6Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA. 7Depart- ment of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 8Department of Biosphere- Geosphere System Science, Okayama University of Science, Okayama 700–0005, Japan. 9Department of Physics, Geophysics Division, University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON L5L1C6 Canada. *To whom correspondence should be addressed.E- mail: [email protected]


ϱ Ϯ ␴ l lϩ1 induced inclination flattening (17). Sediment yield a mean age of 49.15 0.21 Ma (2 re ⌽(r,␪,␾) ϭ r ͸ ͸ͩ ͪ ϫ magnetizations, however, can record long uncertainty quoted; table S1). e r lϭ1 mϭ0 time intervals. Similarly, chemical remanent Reflected-light microscopy revealed rela- magnetizations (CRMs), carried by minerals tively fresh titanomagnetite grains in the la- formed during weathering, can preserve sta- vas (fig. S2A). AF demagnetization of basalt m͑ ␪͓͒ m ␾ϩ m ␾ Pl cos gl cos m hl sin m ] ble magnetizations that provide insight into samples (n ϭ 74) showed the removal of a m where Pl are partially normalized Schmidt the time-averaged field. small low-coercivity component, followed by functions, re is the radius of Earth, and the Koko Seamount (Site 1206). Site 1206 the definition of a characteristic remanent m m Gauss coefficients gl and hl describe the (Fig. 1) was positioned on the southeastern magnetization (12). Two normal-polarity in- size of spatially varying fields. At least sev- side of the lower summit terrace on Koko tervals were defined, separated by a thin eral millennia must be sampled such that the Seamount with the use of crossing underway reversed-polarity zone; the radiometric age 1 axial dipole term (g 0) becomes dominant, seismic profiles (fig. S1). The base of the thin data are most compatible with the chron 21n- allowing an estimate of the paleolatitude. sediment cover contains nannofossils of 21r-22n sequence. This assignment is con- We used the angular dispersion of incli- Zones NP14 and NP15, which provide an firmed by thermal demagnetization (n ϭ nation averages (14) from independent early- to middle-Eocene minimum age for the 113), which revealed univectorial decay after flows (inclination groups) and compared this volcanic basement [43.5 to 49.7 Ma (18)]. the removal of a small overprint (fig. S2, B with global lava data of the same age (15)to Fifteen volcanic formations (including pa- and C). examine whether secular variation has been hoehoe flows, flow foot breccias, and subaerial Seventeen inclination groups were iden- adequately sampled (13, 16). Observations of a,a units) were recovered in 278 m of basement tified in the thermal demagnetization data the physical aspects of the lava flows, as well penetration (12). Thin intercalations of lime- (table S2), with a mean thermal inclination ϭ ϩ6.9° as petrologic and geochemical data, were stone, volcaniclastic sandstone, and a deeply (IT 38.3° Ϫ9.3°; hereafter, all uncertainty used to group cooling units into lava units weathered flow top were also recovered, pro- regions are the 95% confidence interval (12, 13). viding geological evidence of time between unless otherwise noted) that was nearly Marine sediments can also provide useful lava flow units. The are mainly of tholei- identical to that isolated by AF treatment ϭ ϩ8.4° paleolatitude information, but they generally itic composition, although two alkalic flows (IAF 38.5°Ϫ10.9°, based on the 14 incli- provide only minimum values of paleolati- were noted. Plateaus in 40Ar/39Ar incremental nation groups sampled; (fig. S2D). The an- tude because of potential compaction- heating spectra from six whole-rock samples gular dispersion (13) of the thermal data ϭ ϩ4.3° (SF 15.3° Ϫ2.7°) is within the error of that predicted by global lava flows of 45 to 80 Ma (15). A comparison of the inclination units based on thermal demagnetization with a synthetic Fisher distribution (19) (Fig. 2) suggests that the basalt sequence well represents the time-averaged geomag- netic field. Furthermore, a stable magneti- zation carried by hematite [likely a CRM Ͼ with unblocking temperatures (TUB) 580°C] in samples of the deeply weathered ϭ basalt yields a mean inclination (IT 38.2° ϩ5.1° ϭ Ϫ5.6°, n 10) that is indistinguishable from that of the lava flows. Nintoku Seamount (Site 1205). Site 1205 on Nintoku Seamount (Fig. 1) was se- lected with the use of two crossing seismic profiles that defined a ϳ43-m-thick sedimen- tary sequence above a flat igneous basement on the northwestern edge of the summit re- gion (fig. S1). Nannofossils of Zone NP10 in the sediment immediately overlying the base- ment provide a minimum age [53.6 to 54.7 Ma (18)] similar to that obtained by radio- metric dating of basalt from the nearby Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 432 [56.2 Ϯ 0.6 Ma; 1␴ error (20)]. A sequence of 25 subaerially erupted a’a and pahoehoe lavas and interbedded sedi- ment and soil horizons were recovered in 283 m of basement penetration (12). Two flows of tholeiitic basalt are intercalated within the lower part of the sequence, Fig. 2. Paleomagnetic inclination groups for Sites 1206 (A), 1205 (B), 1204 (C), and 1203 (D), based on which is otherwise composed of alkalic thermal demagnetization data (blue) shown compared with a synthetic Fisher distribution (magenta) basalt. Plateaus in 40Ar/39Ar incremental that has the same mean as the experimental data and a dispersion predicted by global lava data (15).Latitude of Hawaii, mean basalt inclination value (thermal demagnetization) for Hole A, Site heating spectra from six whole-rock basalt 1204 [(C), green], and mean sediment inclination value (thermal demagnetization) for Site 1203 (D) samples (table S1) spanning the section are also shown. give a mean age of 55.59 Ϯ 0.25 Ma. SCIENCE VOL 301 22 AUGUST 2003 1065 R ESEARCH A RTICLES The recovered basalt contains fresh to magnetization was defined (12). Thermal de- the section, but some alkali basalt is inter- slightly altered titanomagnetite grains (fig. magnetization, however, revealed a clear calated in the lower sequence. This occur- S2E). AF demagnetization (n ϭ 144) defined two-component structure in many samples rence of alkalic lavas is unexpected; it may a reversed polarity magnetization after the (13). A reversed-polarity component was de- indicate the interfingering of volcanoes in

removal of a normal polarity overprint. Bio- fined at low unblocking temperatures (TUB different stages of evolution, as can be seen stratigraphic and radiometric age constraints ranging from 100°C to between 275° and today between and indicate that the basalt was erupted during 350°C), whereas a normal-polarity compo- on Hawaii. chron 24r (18). Thermal demagnetization of nent was defined at higher temperatures (fig. The lavas have a range of magnetic ϭ basalt samples (n 85) in general showed S2, J and K). We interpret the high TUB mineralogies, from relatively fresh titano- univectorial decay after the removal of a component as the primary magnetization be- magnetite to grains showing titanomag- small overprint (fig. S2F). Unblocking tem- cause it is the only magnetization seen in the hemitization (fig. S2M). AF demagnetiza- peratures sometimes extended to 625°C, in- least altered rocks after the removal of vis- tion of most of the basalt samples (n ϭ 199) dicating the presence of some hematite. Low cous components; we believe the reversed- and sediment samples (n ϭ 34) that we unblocking temperatures (Ͻ325°C) were polarity component is a later magnetization examined showed a stable single compo- seen in other samples, indicating the domi- carried by titanomaghemite. nent of normal polarity after the removal of nance of high-Ti titanomagnetite carriers (fig. We identified only a single inclination a low-coercivity (Ͻ10-mT) overprint (12). S2G) (13). unit in Hole A. Thermal demagnetization In the two uppermost flows, AF demagne- ϭ ϭ The thermal demagnetization data (22 in- data (n 10) yield a mean inclination (IT tization patterns were more complex, indi- ϭ ϩ10.2° clination groups) yield a mean (IT 64.5°Ϫ19.0°) that differs from that observed cating the presence of additional, unre- ϩ10.3° ϭ ϩ6.8° –44.3° –6.3° ) (table S3) that is similar to that by AF treatment (IAF 55.5° Ϫ8.3°), presum- solved components. Titanomaghemite, ϭ ϩ10.5° of the AF data (IAF –45.7° Ϫ6.3° ) (fig. ably because the latter fails to separate the detected by reflected light microscopy, is S2H). The estimated angular dispersion of two components of magnetization. On the common in the upper flows. ϭ ϩ4.8° the thermal data (SF 19.9° Ϫ3.2°) is higher basis of a lithofacies succession in Hole B Thermal demagnetization data of lava than that predicted by models (15) based on (12), we identified five inclination groups. samples (n ϭ 87) (fig. S2N) and sediment the average data of lavas from 45 to 80 Ma, Our thermal results (n ϭ 36) indicate a mean samples (n ϭ 28) (fig. S2O) mostly showed ϩ5.2° ϭ ϩ5.8° and may point to higher frequency changes in inclination of 60.1Ϫ5.5° (IAF 58.9°Ϫ6.4°, univectorial decay after the removal of a secular variation with time. Nevertheless, the based on AF data) for Hole B (table S4 and small overprint at low unblocking temper- geologic evidence for time, together with a fig. S2L). Angular-dispersion estimates are atures. In the two uppermost flows of the ϭ ϩ2.0° comparison of the data versus a Fisherian low (SF 3.1° Ϫ0.9°) and at face value sug- sequence, however, a distinct reversed distribution (Fig. 2), suggests that the mean gest that the sequence does not adequately component of magnetization was isolated ϳ value represents the time-averaged field. sample secular variation (Fig. 2). However, (TUB ranging from 100°C to between (Site 1204). Site rather than random directions, AF and ther- 250° and 325°C) before definition of a 1204 (Fig. 1) was chosen along two crossing mal demagnetization of breccia samples often normal polarity magnetization at higher seismic profiles that revealed a flat basement revealed a consistent normal-polarity direc- temperatures. As in the Site 1204 , ϳ surface beneath 850 m of sediments (fig. tion, similar to that of the basalt flows. This we interpret the higher TUB magnetization S1). Two holes were drilled (A and B), pen- observation, together with the presence of as the primary remanence. etrating 60 and 138.5 m of basalt, respective- titanomaghemite, suggests that CRMs might Thermal demagnetization results from ly. Diamictite and volcanic ash–rich sediment be important at this site. lava samples (16 inclination groups) yield a ϭ ϩ7.0° directly overlying the basement contain Cam- Detroit Seamount (Site 1203). Site mean (IT 48.6° Ϫ10.6°; table S5) similar to ϳ ϭ panian nannofossils (CC22/23) of 73 to 76 1203 (Fig. 1) on Detroit Seamount was locat- that calculated from the AF data (IAF 50.0° ϩ7.3° Ma (19); nannofossils of this zone were also ed in an area of flat basement imaged in three Ϫ10.6°, for 14 inclination units, excluding the recovered in a sediment interbed in the last crossing seismic lines (fig. S1). A thick (462- uppermost lava flows; fig. S2P). The estimat- core from Hole B, suggesting that the entire m) pelagic sedimentary sequence overlies the ed angular dispersion of the thermal demag- ϭ ϩ6.9° basement section drilled is of this age (12). basement. Eighteen compound lava-flow netization data (SF 18.4° Ϫ3.7°) is slightly The basement units are pillow lavas con- units and 14 volcaniclastic sedimentary inter- higher than that expected from global lava- sisting of multiple lobes (which are some- beds were drilled in 453 m of basement pen- flow data (15) (Fig. 2). The inclination aver- times separated by calcareous sediment) etration (12). Nannofossils of Zone CC22 age from AF demagnetization of sediment ϭ ϩ3.1° intercalated with a 46-m-thick interval of were identified in sedimentary beds within samples (IAF 54.7° Ϫ6.4°)(12, 13) is con- ϭ massive lava (diabase) and a 10-m-thick the basement sequence, indicating an age of firmed by thermal demagnetization (IT 40 39 ϩ5.0° hyaloclastite lapilli breccia interval (12). 75 to 76 Ma (12). Plateaus in Ar/ Ar in- 53.2°Ϫ11.4°) and is somewhat steeper than the The basalt has undergone low-temperature cremental heating spectra from three whole- basalt mean. alteration, consistent with late-stage sea- rock basalt samples and two feldspar sepa- Paleolatitude history. The inclination floor weathering. 40Ar/39Ar incremental rates (table S1) yield a mean age of 75.82 Ϯ groups, averaged by site, form a progressive heating spectra from four whole-rock basalt 0.62 Ma. sequence of decreasing paleolatitudes with samples and a feldspar separate failed to The upper part of the basement sequence time (Fig. 3) that is inconsistent with the show plateaus in the step-heating ages. The consists of nonvesicular pillow lavas and fixed-hotspot hypothesis. We did not recover apparent ages for total fusion range from 33 thick, sparsely vesicular pahoehoe lava flows. coral reef material north of Koko (nor to 58 Ma, indicating variable loss of radio- These lavas were deposited far from eruptive did we find evidence of such material as genic 40Ar (table S1). centers at relatively shallow depths (fig. S1). sedimentary debris). This is consistent with Reflected-light microscopy showed a The lower part of the sequence is dominated the idea that the hotspot was once located dominance of titanomaghemite in basalt sam- by highly vesicular compound pahoehoe farther north, beyond the latitudinal zone sup- ples (fig. S2I). Linear decay during AF de- lavas (up to 65 m thick) but also contains porting reef growth (21). magnetization was observed in only ϳ70% of pillow lavas and hyaloclastite, indicative of Four data sets are now available from the samples examined (Hole A: n ϭ 9; Hole shallow marine to subaerial environments. Detroit Seamount based on thermal demag- B: n ϭ 39). In these cases, a normal polarity Tholeiitic to transitional basalt dominates netization (Fig. 3). Lava emplacement may

1066 22 AUGUST 2003 VOL 301 SCIENCE R ESEARCH A RTICLES have been less frequent at Site 884 relative to calculation (25) requires a mantle density and a large-scale upwelling. Thus, in these mod- the other sites because of its flank position. viscosity model and a surface-velocity els, fast hotspot motion corresponds to slower The Site 1204 (Hole B) lavas record a low boundary condition (13). A tomography mantle flow rates (ϳ10 to 20 mm yearϪ1). angular dispersion, but these rocks might car- model was used to infer mantle density vari- Most computations (25) yield a hotspot mo- ry a CRM, explaining the agreement of their ations (26), and a viscosity structure based on tion of 5° to 10° toward the south to southeast mean inclination with that of the Site 884 an optimized fit to the geoid (with additional during the past 100 million years (My). It is basalt section and the Site 1203 sediments. constraints from heat flow) (27) was applied. possible to achieve a good fit to the paleo- Because of potential inclination shallowing, Both moving- and fixed-plume sources (28, magnetic data, because the age of the initia- the mean inclination from the Site 1203 sed- 29) that originate at the top of the low- tion of the is unknown (and iments should be a minimum. This suggests viscosity layer at the base of the mantle were can hence be used as a free parameter). For further that the mean derived from the basalts considered (13). the moving-source model, southward motion at the same site is shallower because the Fast motion occurs when a conduit is tends to be faster if an earlier plume origin is available lavas underrepresent higher inclina- sheared and tilted in the large-scale flow and assumed. However, plume initiation ages tion values. the tilted conduit rises to the surface aided by from 180 to 120 Ma (which imply the sub- We consider two scenarios: one in which the paleomagnetic results from the Site 884 basalts, 1204 (Hole B) basalts, and Site 1203 sediments best represent the field (paleolati- ϭ ϩ12.4° ϭ tude model A; IT 56.5° Ϫ12.6°, N 3) and another in which we combine all the individ- ual basalt inclination units from Detroit Sea- ϭ mount into a mean (Model B; IT 52.9° ϩ3.7° ϭ Ϫ6.9°, N 32). With either model, the paleo- latitude and age data yield average rates (Model A: 57.7 Ϯ 19.2 mm yearϪ1; Model B: 43.1 Ϯ 22.6 mm yearϪ1) that are consistent with the hypothesis that the Hawaiian hotspot moved rapidly southward from 81 to 47 Ma (10). The values are consistent with updated estimates of hotspot motion based on inde- pendent relative plate motions (5). Both pa- leolatitude models suggest that most of the motion occurred before the time of the Hawaiian-Emperor bend (Model A, Ͼ44 Ma; Model B, Ͼ43 Ma). This is further supported by the mean paleolatitude value from Koko Seamount (based on both thermoremanent magnetizations and CRMs), which is only 2.5° north of the fixed-hotspot prediction. Modeling of hotspot motion. Crust ages available from marine magnetic anom- alies, radiometric age data from drill sites, and geochemical data (22) indicate that the Hawaiian hotspot was close to a spreading ridge during the formation of Detroit Sea- mount (23). Hence, asthenospheric channel- ing of the plume (24) from a position to the south toward a more northerly ridge could have played some role in the difference between the paleomagnetic data and the prediction of the fixed-hotspot model. The monotonic age progression of lavas recov- ered from Detroit to Koko Seamounts, however, leads us to believe that this po- tential channeling of plume material was limited to the region at or north of Detroit Seamount. Furthermore, the similarity of the Hawaiian-Emperor chain with the Lou- Fig. 3. (A) Paleolatitude data from ODP Leg 197 sites (1206, Koko Seamount; 1205, Nintoku isville chain of the South Pacific suggests Seamount; 1204B and 1203, Detroit Seamount), ODP Site 884 (Detroit Seamount) (10), and DSDP that asthenospheric channeling was not the Site 433 (Suiko Seamount) (11).Orange, results of thermal demagnetization; blue, results of sole cause of the paleolatitude progression. alternating field demagnetization.Result from 433 is based on AF and thermal data.Magenta, We examined whether the observed pa- magnetization carried by hematite from weathered basalt from Site 1206.( B) Average paleolati- tude value for Detroit Seamount (square), based on inclination groups derived from basalts of Sites leolatitude motion can be explained by a 884, 1203, and 1204B (Model B, see text), plotted with select values from other seamounts (A). geodynamic model of the interaction of a Also shown is a least-squares fit to the data (orange) and several paleolatitude trajectories plume with large-scale mantle flow. The flow representing combinations of plate and hotspot motion. SCIENCE VOL 301 22 AUGUST 2003 1067 R ESEARCH A RTICLES duction of volcanic edifices older than the spect to the spin axis since the Early Creta- and more gradual than previously thought. oldest extant seamount, Meiji Guyot) gener- ceous Epoch. Similarly, some changes in the Given the central role the Hawaiian-Emperor ally yield the best fits. For the fixed-source morphology of the geomagnetic field with bend has played as an example of plate mo- model, the computed hotspot motion consists time (34) that have relied on fixed hotspots tion change, these observations now raise the of two distinct phases. During the first phase, to anchor data from global sites are proba- question of whether major plates can undergo which lasts 100 to 150 My, southward motion bly artificial. One recent analysis that has large changes in direction rapidly, and wheth- can be rapid. The second phase begins when not relied on the fixed-hotspot reference er plate boundary forces alone can play a the first conduit elements that arise from the frame has called for a significant axial dominant role in controlling plate motion. 3 fixed source reach the surface. The computed octopole contribution (g 0) to the time- The similarity of the Hawaiian and Lou- hotspot motion is slow during the second averaged field (35). This conclusion is con- isville hotspot tracks implies that the motion phase and, in the example shown (Fig. 4), troversial, but if correct, it would imply we are tracking by the new paleomagnetic somewhat toward the north (13). that our paleolatitude calculations underes- data is of large scale. This Late Cretaceous to Overall, the results of the large-scale flow timate the true hotspot motion. early-Tertiary episode of hotspot motion was modeling approach described above are con- Backtracking the position of early-Tertiary not isolated; motion of the Atlantic hotspots sistent with the Leg 197 paleomagnetic data. and older Pacific basin sites, an essential aspect relative to those in the Pacific occurred at Potentially important differences lie in the of some paleoclimate and tectonic studies, re- similar rates during mid-Cretaceous times total motion predicted since ϳ80 Ma (13) and quires rethought, given that previous efforts (39). These data sets indicate a much more in the need to incorporate in the modeling have also relied on fixed hotspots. The north- active role of mantle convection in control- results a change in plate motion at or near the erly position of the Late Cretaceous Hawaiian ling the distribution of volcanic islands. At time of the bend. The paleomagnetic data do hotspot (23) casts doubt on the southern option times, it is this large-scale mantle convection not require a change in plate motion, al- for the Kula-Farallon ridge [a plate configura- that is the principal signal recorded by hot- though a small change is not excluded. tion that is typically called on to create high spot tracks. Implications of hotspot motion. The rates of northward transport for tectonostrati- hotspot motion defined by the new paleomag- graphic terranes in Alaska and British Colum- References and Notes netic and radiometric age data has implica- bia (36, 37)]. 1. J.T.Wilson, Can. J. Phys. 41, 863 (1963). 2. W.J.Morgan, Nature 230, 42 (1971). tions for a wide variety of issues, including The fixed-hotspot interpretation of the 3. P.Molnar, T.Atwater, Nature 246, 288 (1973). true polar wander (TPW) (30), the morphol- Hawaiian-Emperor bend implies that huge 4. P.Molnar, J.Stock, Nature 327, 587 (1987). ogy of the past geomagnetic field, and the plates can undergo large changes in direction 5. C.A.Raymond, J.M.Stock, S.C.Cande, in The History and Dynamics of Global Plate Motions, vol.121, history of plate motions. Some investigators rapidly. But such changes cannot be associ- Geophysical Monograph Series, M.A.Richards, R.G. (31) have proposed that as much as 30° of ated with internal buoyancy forces (such as Gordon, R.D.van der Hilst, Eds.(American Geophysi- TPW (rotation of the entire solid Earth) has subducting slabs) because these require many cal Union, Washington, DC, 2000), pp.359–375. 6. V.DiVenere, D.V.Kent, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 170, accumulated during the past 200 My. How- millions of years to develop. This has led to 105 (1999). ever, a fixed-hotspot reference frame is used the suggestion that plate-boundary forces 7.T.Atwater, in The Eastern Pacific Ocean and Hawaii, to define TPW in these studies. 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formation of silent chromatin over these centro- Hairpin RNAs and Retrotransposon mere repeats (25, 26) and for centromere func- tion (27–29). Proteins related to CENP-B and the LTRs Effect RNAi and mariner class of transposases also bind the outer repeat sequences at fission yeast centromeres and contribute to the formation of heterochroma- Chromatin-Based Gene Silencing tin (30). In addition to centromeric repeats, the Vera Schramke and Robin Allshire* standard fission yeast genome contains 13 intact Tf2 retrotransposable elements plus 249 Tf1 and The expression of short hairpin RNAs in several organisms silences gene expression Tf2 long terminal repeats (LTRs), or related by targeted mRNA degradation. This RNA interference (RNAi) pathway can also LTRs, and LTR fragments dispersed throughout affect the genome, as DNA methylation arises at loci homologous to the target RNA the genome (31). in plants. We demonstrate in fission yeast that expression of a synthetic hairpin In many organisms, the process of RNAi has RNA is sufficient to silence the homologous locus in trans and causes the assembly been exploited to nullify gene expression (32). of a patch of silent Swi6 chromatin with cohesin. This requires components of the Silencing can occur in two ways: posttranscrip- RNAi machinery and Clr4 histone methyltransferase for small interfering RNA tional gene silencing (PTGS) involves degrada- generation. A similar process represses several meiotic genes through nearby tion of the targeted RNA; studies in plants indi- retrotransposon long terminal repeats (LTRs). These analyses directly implicate cate that expression of double-stranded RNAs interspersed LTRs in regulating gene expression during cellular differentiation. (dsRNAs) can result in DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) at the target Eukaryotic genomes invariably contain repeti- tions (12, 13). Although transposable elements locus (33–35). Moreover, the RNAi pathway is tive DNA sequences of uncertain functional sig- can alter the expression of neighboring genes in required for the generation of siRNAs homolo- nificance: large expanses of heterochromatin are plant and animal cells (8–10), it remains unclear gous to, and DNA methylation of, retrotrans- associated with centromere regions and flank the whether these elements play a direct role in en- posons in plants (36, 37). Here we test whether, kinetochores at centromeres. This centromeric dogenous gene regulation. Nevertheless, early in fission yeast, the RNAi machinery is preserved heterochromatin is frequently made up of tan- models proposed that families of interspersed to specifically process transcripts generated from dem arrays of simple satellites interspersed with repetitive sequences might regulate networks of centromeric repeat sequences or if it can act to transposable elements (1–5). Moreover, recent genes and lead to cellular differentiation in re- silence noncentromeric transcripts in trans and studies support a direct role for such tandem sponse to a signal (14). trigger heterochromatin formation. We also repeats in centromere function, because arrays of The heterochromatic nature of centromeres demonstrate that endogenous, developmentally human centromeric ␣-satellite allow de novo and the abundance of transposable elements at regulated, lineage-restricted genes are subject to kinetochore assembly (1). In addition, the het- pericentromeric regions in some organisms sug- control by this same process and that adjacent erochromatin that coats centromeric repeats in gests links between transposon silencing and cen- retrotransposon LTRs effect this regulation. fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) tromeric heterochromatin formation. In mamma- Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) can silence a -plays an important role in sister-centromere co- lian cells, both centromeric and retrotransposon normally expressed ura4؉ gene. To deter hesion (6, 7). repeats have a similar repertoire of both DNA mine whether the RNAi machinery of fission Other repetitive elements (e.g., retrotrans- and chromatin modifications that are usually yeast can act to process noncentromeric repeat posons) are found scattered throughout eukaryot- found associated with silent chromatin and also transcripts, we cloned an internal region [280 ic genomes (8). It is becoming apparent that attract cohesin (15–18). base pairs (bp) of ura4ϩ, Stu I–Eco RV (SE)] interspersed repeats can influence the expression Fission yeast centromeres are composed of from the ura4 open reading frame (ORF) in an of nearby genes (9, 10). McClintock first recog- outer repeats that flank the central kinetochore inverted orientation around a 355-bp spacer un- nized this potential role for transposons in maize domain. Marker genes placed within these re- der the control of the nmt41 promoter (shuraSE; and referred to them as controlling elements (11). peats are silenced by a process requiring Clr4, Fig. 1A). To assess whether expression of Consistent with this, mutations that reduce DNA which methylates histone H3 on lysine 9 shuraSE could induce silencing of the ura4ϩ methylation in plants result in activation and (MeK9-H3), which allows binding of Swi6 (the gene, we transformed the construct and empty mobilization of transposons and lead to epimuta- ortholog of metazoan HP1) and Chp1 to these vector into two strains; one in which the endog- outer repeats (19–24). Overlapping noncoding enous ura4ϩ locus remained intact and the other transcripts are produced from these repeats, and in which the 280-bp Stu I–Eco RV region was Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, King’s Buildings, Univer- analyses suggest that their processing by the deleted from the ura4 gene (ura4-DS/E, which sity of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JR, Scotland, UK. RNA interference (RNAi) machinery results in lacks homology to shuraSE) and a wild-type ϩ *To whom correspondence should be addressed.E- the generation of small interfering RNAs copy of ura4 had been inserted at another ϩ mail: [email protected] (siRNAs), which are continually required for the location (Rint:ura4 ). Previous analyses demon- SCIENCE VOL 301 22 AUGUST 2003 1069