Open Forum Infectious Diseases BRIEF REPORT

Human Immunodeficiency Virus presence of Aspergillus fumigatus antigens in the airways leads to a complex allergic response involving both innate and adap- and Allergic Bronchopulmonary tive portions of the immune system [2]. : Case Report and Review The impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on the of Literature immune system has been well described [3].With the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART), there is marked improvement in the Panagis Galiatsatos,1 Michael T. Melia,2 and Leann L. Silhan3 cellular immunity of patients with HIV infection [4]. However, 1Critical Care Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Divisions of 2Infectious Diseases, and 3Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, even with a restored immune system, the discussion of allergies Maryland in HIV-infected persons is complex. For example, atopic diathe- ses have been reported in HIV patients but mainly in children [5] Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) results from a and in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome [6]. hypersensitivity response to airways colonization with Aspergil- The spectrum of atopy in HIV patients ranges from dermatitis to lus fumigatus, and it occurs most often in individuals with asth- asthma [7]. However, ABPA is a rare phenomenon and, to date, it fi ma or cystic brosis. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is has only been case reported in HIV-infected patients. We present an indolent, but potentially progressive, disease in patients. In a case of a patient with HIV and a new diagnosis of ABPA, whose patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), only prior pulmonary comorbidity was a severe case of acute re- ABPA is rare, and its description in the literature is limited to case reports. We describe the occurrence of ABPA in a 37-year- spiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Furthermore, we review old woman with well controlled HIV infection. This represents prior cases and assess potential risk factors for the development the first documented case of ABPA in an HIV-infected patient of ABPA in HIV-infected patients. whose only pulmonary comorbidity included the ramifications CASE REPORT of prior acute respiratory distress syndrome due to Pneumocys- tis jirovecii . We also review prior case reports of A 37-year-old HIV-infected woman presented to pulmonary ABPA in HIV-infected patients and consider risk factors for clinic in early 2016 for evaluation of years of persistent cough its development. and dyspnea. Her relevant medical history included a prolonged Keywords. allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; bron- hospitalization in 2010. At that time, she was not on ART and chiectasis; HIV infection. her absolute CD4 lymphocyte count was 6/mm3. She was hos- pitalized for evaluation of dyspnea and chest pain; she was found to have bilateral pneumothoraces. She was intubated Aspergillus are common fungi found throughout the for respiratory failure and had chest tubes placed. She was world. Their spores thrive in humid, organic material. In hu- found to have Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia. She required mans, the pathogenicity of Aspergillus species is variable and mechanical ventilation for a total of 3 months. depends on host characteristics [1]. For instance, invasive asper- During her hospitalization, ART was initiated and an unde- gillosis is commonly found in immunocompromised patients, tectable viral load was achieved. Although she subsequently whereas chronic necrotizing aspergillosis is often found in pa- was found to have viremia owing first to resistance mutations tients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prior tuber- and later to medication nonadherence, she has maintained culosis, or current corticosteroid therapy [1]. Another entity an undetectable HIV viral load since 2013. Her most recent triggered by Aspergillus, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillo- CD4 lymphocyte count is 588/mm3. Her current ART pro- sis (ABPA), occurs almost exclusively in patients with asthma or gram includes etravirine, dolutegravir, and ritonavir-boosted cystic fibrosis; atopy is another risk factor [1]. In ABPA, the darunavir. Six months after her prolonged hospitalization in 2010, she had a pulmonary function test that showed no obstruction Received 27 February 2016; accepted 27 May 2016. fi Correspondence: P. Galiatsatos, Critical Care Medicine Department, National Institutes of and signi cant restriction (total lung capacity was 48.5% of pre- Health, 10 Center Drive, Room 2C145, Bethesda, MD 20892-1662 (panagis.galiatsatos@nih. dicted). She was using inhaled beclomethasone twice daily and gov). an albuterol inhaler as needed at the time of testing. Upon her Open Forum Infectious Diseases® © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases evaluation in the pulmonary clinic in 2016, she complained of a Society of America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative frequent nonproductive cough that had been persistent since Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is her illness in 2010, and although she functionally recovered properly cited. DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofw116 after her critical illness, she continued to have significant

BRIEF REPORT • OFID • 1 On examination, she was in no acute distress, and she was obese (body mass index of 35.4 kg/m2) with oxygen saturation 100% on pulse oximetry at room air with no desaturation on ambulation. On percussion, she had small lung volumes, inspi- ratory rhonchi over the left upper lung field, but otherwise was clear to auscultation without wheezing. There was bilateral ax- illary scarring from prior chest tube insertions, with keloid for- mation. Her cardiac and abdominal exams were unremarkable. She had no lower extremity edema or clubbing. Computed tomography of the chest without contrast (Fig- ure 1)revealedfibrotic changes predominantly in the upper lobes (left greater than right) and upper lobe ground-glass opac- ities. There was varicoid and cystic bronchiectasis associated with the fibrosis in the left upper lobe, right upper lobe, right middle lobe, and lingula. Calcified pleural plaques were present along bilateral hemidiaphragms. There were calcified left hilar lymph nodes and a normal cardiac examination. Figure 1. Computed tomography of the chest from our patient, revealing cystic Updated pulmonary function tests obtained in 2016 showed bronchiectasis and ground-glass opacities in the left lung. significantly improved restriction (total lung capacity of 64.6% predicted), although concomitant obstruction was now seen

(forced expiratory volume at 1 second [FEV1] was 58.5% pre- dyspnea on exertion. She described shortness of breath walking dicted). Complete blood count revealed mild eosinophilia of 1 city block or climbing 1 flight of stairs. She had occasional 320/mm3. We were able to review laboratory testing from wheezing and reported triggers included strong odors, seasonal 2010, which included an absolute eosinophil count of 640/ changes, and her current living space. After her critical illness in mm3, before therapy with inhaled corticosteroid. 2010, she moved into a rental property, which had to be reno- Out of concern for a diagnosis of ABPA, total serum immu- vated twice due to mold, and then in 2014 she moved to another noglobulin (Ig)E and Aspergillus-specificIgEweresent.Both property, in which water damage occurred from a leaking air were found to be markedly elevated (Table 1), supporting a di- conditioner. The carpet was taken up and dried but ultimately agnosis of ABPA. In addition, given her identifiable triggers that remained in the home. At that time, she began to feel her pul- correlated with dyspneic episodes, we ran an allergy (Rast monary symptoms worsen in regards to coughing frequency Northeast) panel, which reported elevated IgE levels to allergens and endurance limitations; these symptoms progressed through that included A fumigatus, cat, dog, and environmental stimuli the time of her initial pulmonary clinic appointment. She de- (eg, birch, oak). Given the patient’s clinical history, positive nied orthopnea or lower extremity edema. She was a life-long mold exposure, radiographic findings, and laboratory data, a di- nonsmoker and did not use illicit drugs. agnosis of ABPA was suspected. The patient was started on

Table 1. Patient Characteristics From Case Reports at Time of Diagnosis of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosisa

CD4 Count AIgE Level IgE Level Age Sex (Cells/mm3) Antiretrovirals Prior OI CM (kU/L) (kU/L) Treatment 33b Man 300 Lamivudine Aspergillus pneumonia Tobacco 3798 6822.6 Prednisone Indinavir Asthma Zidovudine Chronic sinusitis 35c Woman 597 Zidovudine None Asthma 100 29 600 Itraconazole Lamivudine Seasonal rhinitis Nevirapine 37d Woman 588 Dolutegravir PCP Asthma 6.66 2020 Itraconazole Ritonavir Prednisone Darunavir Etravirine

Abbreviations: AIgE, Aspergillus immunoglobulin E; CM, comorbidities; OI, ; PCP, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia. a Note: Normal levels for Aspergillus IgE are <0.34 kU/L, and normal levels for IgE are ≤114 kU/L. b Patient from Reference [13]. c Patient from Reference [12]. d Our patient.

2 • OFID • Galiatsatos et al prednisone at 0.2 mg/kg per day, which is lower than recom- dyspnea and by laboratory testing. She had no family history mended for initiation for ABPA, but given the patient’s HIV in- of atopy, although she did have a mild eosinophilia dating fection and potential drug-drug interactions, this dose was back to 2010 (range, 200–640, with normal 120–300). Finally, decided on in a multidisciplinary discussion. Itraconazole it is unclear how her prior infection with P jirovecii resulting 200 mg daily was also started and was then adjusted based on in pneumonia and ARDS is related to her current pulmonary levels. manifestations, both radiographically and symptomatically, be- The patient returned after 4 months on the aforementioned cause there are no reports that specifically highlight these out- regimen with significantly improved pulmonary symptoms: no comes found in our patient. coughing or wheezing, improvement in her endurance, and less usage of her as-needed inhalers. She had a new set of pulmonary CONCLUSIONS function testing that revealed improvement in her FEV1 In conclusion, our patient with well controlled HIV infection (60.2%), total lung capacity (69.6%), and diffusion capacity was diagnosed with ABPA. This highlights that ABPA can de- (65%; increased from 56%). Furthermore, her IgE levels had de- velop postlung injury that results in bronchiectasis, and, al- fi creased from 2020 to 903 kU/L and her Afumigatus-speci c though rare with concomitant HIV infection, vigilance to IgE levels went from 6.6 to 3.01 kU/L. diagnose ABPA is necessary in an asthmatic patient with bron- DISCUSSION chiectasis. This represents the third publication to date of ABPA and HIV occurring in the same patient, and it offers more in- The pathophysiology behind ABPA is complex, with local in- sight into the development of this disease in a patient without a fl ammation resulting from ineffective spore removal, which in long-standing history of atopy or pulmonary disease. Further- turn leads to increased mucus production, airway hyperreactiv- more, this is the first case of ABPA in an HIV patient treated ity, and bronchiectasis [8]. Aspergillus spores that are allowed to with dual therapy: a corticosteroid and an antifungal agent. germinate and proliferate in the airways ultimately result in a This case serves as an important reminder to consider diagnoses hypersensitivity response that is thought to be due to a predom- associated with a hyperactive immune response in patients with inance of allergic T-cell lymphocytes (Th2) over nonallergic well controlled HIV infection. T-cell lymphocytes (Th1) [9]. There is also thought to be a genetic predisposition to ABPA in atopic patients, whereby pa- Acknowledgments tients with ABPA also have higher rates of other atopic condi- Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: No reported conflicts. All tions, such as allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and food authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Con- fl sensitivities [1]. 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