The original documents are located in Box 2, folder “1976/08/12 - Hadassah National Board Reception, White House” of the Frances K. Pullen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

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Scanned from Box 2 of the Frances K. Pullen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

Hadassah, August 12, 1976

I'm delighted to welcome the National Board of

Hadassah (Ha-da-sah), and I look forward to· meeting each of you personally. I know what a hard-working and fine organization Hadassah is, and I share your special areas of interest: he~ith, education and child welfare.

Your humanitarian efforts are so inspiring. Your magnificent medical work in has saved countless lives and helped build bridges of communication between peoples. I'm so impressed with the many medical facilities for healing and teaching that you support.

Your involvement with young people in Israel and

America has strengthened both countries. I especially admire your efforts to preserve Jewish heritage and culture, because religious faith is so important in the lives of individuals and nations.

The President and I have been honored by being recognized in the Bicentennial National Park in Israel---which is also one of your interests.

You are doing so much to help others, and I feel a special bond with you and your work.

I'm so glad you came today.


• Welcoming Remarks, Hadassah, August 12, 1976

We've had an unusually beautiful summer in Washington.

It's quite green for August and, the flowers especially lovely. I'm so delighted you are here to enjoy this historic home during our Bicentennial year. This dear old house gets lots of company, and I love it best when the rooms are filled with people enjoying themselves.

It's a special pleasure to welcome the National

Board of Hadassah, because I know what fine work you do in Israel in education and medical services and of your concern with young people. Thank you for coming today, and I hope your visit to Washington is most enjoyable.

(Presentation of Medallion and Book)

• Hadassah, August 12, 1976

~irw ~ ~ deligh~ ~ the members of the National

Board of ~ Hadassah to take time out to come

over for a visit. I know how much important work

~aHxax your organization does. I share your special

areas of interest: health, education and child welfare.

Your involvement with young people---~ in

Ame± America and Israel---has strengthened both

countries. I especially admire your concern about preserving xke~aax Jewish heritage and culture, because religious faith plays such a vital role in the lives of individuals and Nations.

Your magnificent medical ~xa~xamsHHHEaxkxkas~±x work has saved xaax countless lives and helped to build bridges of communications between peoples. I 1 m so impressed with the many medical facilities for healing and education that you support.

The President and I are es~eKR especially honored to have been involved in the Bicentennial National Park---which I know is another one of your many interests.

One ofa our most important personal xe~x responsibilities

• is to HSHX3HXxXRXH help others---how marvelously w you are fulfilling that responsibility!

I'm so glad you came today.

Presentation of Medallion and Book


• · WQMEN:S ZIONIST ORGANIZATIOM ., OF AMERICA. INC. ..,. 50 WEST' 58ttJ STREEJ: NE'fll#, l'OR~. NEW YOR~ tOQ19> e (2t2) ~

August 10. 1976

Ms. Pat Howard. The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Ms. Howard:

We are very pleased to deliver herewith:

1. Copy of "Balm in Gilead'' by Marlin Levin, which is the story of Hadassah' s v.10rk in Israel.

2. A silver "Iredallion coined to CODIIBIDrate the rededication of Hadassah' s Mt. Scopus Hospital. Cererronies for this rededication were attended by IIDre than 2000 Hadassah menbers fran the United States in October. 1975. The medallion signified both the historic role of Mt. Scopus in Jewish history and the work of Hadassah in rendering health service to people of all nations and creeds.

This hospital opened in 1939. The building WclS designed by the world-famrus architect, Eric Mendelsohn. It became the forerrost Medical Center in the Middle East and served allied military persormel during World War II.

In 1948, after the massacre of 78 Hadassah doctors, nurses and other persormel on the road to Mt. Scopus, Hadassah was forced to evacuate the hospital. However, an Israeli police force was stationed there during the 19 years which followed. In 1967 Mt. Scopus was repossessed by Hadassah. Follow.i..ilg this it became necessary to rebui.ld the interior of the hospital in order to meet tiDdem standarq.s of "Iredical practice and treat::rrent.

This hospital serves both the Arab and Jewish population of Jerusalen. You will be interested to know that 60% of the children in the pediatrics depart:IIEnt are Arab children. In addition, Arabs come across the bridges and borders to receive treat::rrent at Hadassah Hospital since it is the IIDst sophisticated medical center in the entire Middle East. Patients come fran, , and other states which do not recognize Israel.


Founder Vice Presidents Miss Mrs. James Feldman Mrs. William H. Rubin F're~ident Mrs. Saul Katz Mrs. Lawrence Schacht Mrs. Max N. Matzkin Mrs. Harold Raizes Mrs. Nathan Strauss Washington Representative Treasurer Mrs. Denise Tourover Ezekiel Mrs. Edward H. Lewis Honorary Vice·Presidents Secretary Mrs. MOses P. Epstein Mrs. David de Sola Pool • Mrs. Walter Brecher Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin Or. Miriam Freund Rosenthal Executive Director Recording Secretary Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson Mrs. Max Schenk Miss Aline Kaplan founded Mrs. Emanuel Schechter ~rs. ~iegfr:ied .~r~marsky Njrs. l:ferrnan Shulman


Mrs. Richard Barrett ~,1rs. Stanley Lieberman Mrs. Le<>ter Ber!ove. Rochester. N.Y. Mrs. Philip Berman Mrs. Irving Lobel Mrs. Philip Berman. Allentown. Pa. Mrs. Reuben Bienstock ~ rs. Oscar Lozabnick Norman H. Brilm. Philadelphia. Pa. Mrs. Robert Blumberg Mrs. Edward A. lusterman Mrs. Leo R. Burson, Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Henry M. Brown ~v1rs. Irving Mack Mrs. Mrs. E. J_ Evans, Durham. N.C. Mrs. M.1urice Bucksbaum Mrs. Delbert Mammen Feinberg. Brookline. Mass. 1\1 rs. Leo R. Burson t.1r~. Irving E. M3rks Mrs. Theodore lewis Goldberg. Broolrton Ellish Mrs. Geoffrey Myers Mrs. Sidney Munter, Hoilywood. Palo Alto, Calif. Mrs. Denise Tourover Ezekiel Mrs. Jerome Pai'kin Mrs. Norman R::>gers. Pa. Mrs. Emanuel Gamoran Mrs·. Morris Popkin Mrs. Jacob N. Rose. Philadelphia. D.C. Mrs. Percy Gellert Mrs. Fred Retchin Mrs. Joseph Rose, Washington, Mass. Mrs. William M. Ginsburg Mrs. Joseph Rose Mrs. George Rossyn, Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Samuel M. Gold Mrs. Louis Rosenstein Mrs. Victor Schlesinger, Brookline. Mrs. Henry Goldman Mrs. Milton W. Rothbaum Mrs. Ezra Shapiro, , Israel Fla. Mrs. Buddy B. Goldzimer Mrs Martin Ruza Mrs. Israel D. Shapiro. Miami Beach, Colorado · Mrs. Morris Gurin Mrs. Israel D. Shapiro Mrs. Murray M. Shernoff, Denver. Mrs. Milton Handler Mrs. Murray M. Shernotf ' Mrs. Carl Spector, Brookline, Mass. Md. Mrs. Morris S. Handler Mrs. Gerald N. Shukow Mrs. Alfred Tuvin, Baltimore, Mr5. Samuel H. Hartley Mrs. Burton J. Soboroff Mrs. Charles J. Weiner. Atlanta, Ga. Mass. Mrs. Gizelle Joblin Mrs. Norman J. Sondheim Mrs. Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr .. Cambridge, Mrs. Harry Kairys Mrs. Bernice S. Tannenbaum Mrs. Aaron Kaplan Mrs. Israel l:Jsdan Mrs. Hyman Kolinsky Mrs. Samuel Zales Mrs. William J. Kramer Mrs. Benjamin Zamost Mrs. Philip levy Mrs. I. Mark Zeligs HONORARY COUNCIL

REGIONAL PRESIDENTS Miss Julliet N. Benjamin Mrs. Benjamin Gottesman Berkowitz Mrs. David B. Greenberg Mrs. Irving A. Hurwitz Mrs. Donald Sacarob Mrs. Hazel Greenwald Mrs, Emanuel Halpern Brooklyn Northern Seaboard Mrs. Sol Boneparth Mrs. Joseph Hamerman Mrs. Ernest Alexander Mrs. Philip Wolf Mrs. D. leonard Cohen Mrs. Milton· Handler Central Pacific Coast Queens Mrs. Leo 1. Dana Mrs. Samuel H. Hartley Mrs. Paul Flacks Mrs. Melvin Kruger Mrs. Sundel Doniger Mrs. _Irving Mack Central States Southeastern Mrs. Arthur H. Ellis Mrs. ·senjamin Meiselman Mrs. Samuel BJank· Mrs. George Shendelman­ Mrs. Denise Tourover Ezekiel Mrs. Lawrence Schacht Connecticut Southern Mrs. Emanuel Gamoran Mrs. Bernice S. Tannenbaum Mrs. Harry A. Kiley· Mrs. Sidney W. Greenspan Miss Hannah L Goldberg Abraham TUiir:!. Eastern Pennsylvania Southern New Jersey Mrs. Benjamin E. Gordon Mrs. Israel Usdan Mrs. Maxwell L Weic.berg Mrs. David M. Goodman - Mrs. Florida Southern Pacific Coast Mrs. H. K. Parks Mrs. Walter Segeloff Great lak"" Southern Seaboard Mrs. D. Louis Steinberg Mrs. Steve S. Deifik NATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE Illinois-Indiana Southwest Mrs. -Emanuel Mentz Mrs. Adolf Fried Mrs. Morris M. Mathews Mrs. M. Milton Adler Mrs. Robert Naigles lower New York State Suffolk Mrs. Louis H. Barnett Mrs. Norman Perl Mrs. Martin Sorkin Mrs. H"arry A. Getz Mrs. Norman N. Bernsfein E. Pinkus Michigan - . Texas Southern Mrs. louis I. Brill Mrs. Irving Mrs. Marvin A Saltzman Mrs. Nathan- Ber-nstien Mrs. Milton Kopstein Mrs. Sidney Cohen Mr.-. Norman Shapero Missouri Valley Upper Midwest Mrs~ Irving Coler Mrs. Sterling Shapiro Mrs. Martin Kalmanson -Mrs. Jerome L Cohen Mrs. Harry Donner Mrs Sam Silberman Nassau Upper New York State Mrs. Alexander S. Fisher Mrs. Leo Silver Mrs. Harry Portman Mrs. Jack Friedman Mrs. Alfred l. Hurwitz Mrs A<~ron Slam New England Westchester Mrs. Jack Kahn Mrs Ch;Hies Snider Mrs. Jess Bernstein Mrs. Charles Hausen Mrs. Morton Ka rpa Mrs. Milton M. Wemberger Northern New Jersey Western New England Mrs. Jerome Kaufman Mrs Acnon Wetssman Mrs. Lewis Weiner Mrs. Jack Kaminsky Mrs. B Robert levin Mr~ Leon-:rd Y!olpP Northern Pacific Coast Weste-rn Pennsylvania· Mrs Bernrtrd Mandler P. Young MrS Sylvia Mellman Mrs. Samtwl CHAPTER PRESIDENTS ·------·------Mrs. Stanley W•lkins Mrs HMry Rapoport ------Bal_timore Los Angeles Mrs. Maurice Si-lverstein Mrs. Harvey Fnedman Boston. Miami NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES Mrs. J. Morton Finke Mrs. Jean Feinberg MiC~~mi Beach Bronx FtncHlCe AdVISOry" c·ommittee· Mr>. GeorgeS. Mack Mrs. Sam Oellsy Fnto::. M.arkus. Ch<11rmetn Chicago New York Mrs. Sheldon Adelman Mrs. Jay D. Barsky Cleveland Philadelphia Nat10nal Youth Ailyah Committee: Mrs .• Peter A. Martin Mrs. Arthur Eden Baroness Al!x de Rothschild, World Patron Metropolitan Detroit Greater Wash_mgton

basic Jewish education as a IN AMERICA: Hadassah helps interpret Israel to the American people; provides carries on a program for American Jewish youth; background for intelligent and creative Jewish living in America; and in efforts to help safeguard democracy and promotes participation .in voluntary community action programs member of the American Zionist Federation. here and work toward peace everywhere. Hadassah is a constituent health system, its education projects IN ISRAEL: The members of Hadassah support Hadassah's medical and public and education for youth through Youth Aliyah of including a Community College in Jerusalem; provide maintenance United States; and participate in a program of Jewish which Hadassah is the main individual supporting agency in the National Fund land purchase and reclamation. and girls, 9 to 25, organized in four HASHACHAR: Hadassah is sole sponsor of this youth movement for boys Summer Institutes. Year Study Courses. etc. in Israel, age levels. Club and summer camp programs in the U.S., and Zionists. and help develop links with Israel. help youth understand problems they face as Americans, Hadassah, the Women's Zionist HADASSAH carries out the program described above through two corporations: program, and Hadassah Medical Relief Association, Organization of America, Inc., which administers the American Inc .. which administers the Israel proqram .

• Ms. Pat Howard - 2 - AtloOU.St 10, 1976

3. We are delivering to you a copy of the Hadassah Convention Program, together with a parrphlet FACIS ABOur HADASSAH.

4. The of ·the principal participants are:

a. Mr's. Max N. Matzkin, National President b. Mr's . Walter Brecher, National_ Secretary c. Mr's. Emanuel Schechter, National Recording Secretary and ' Convention Chai.J:umt d. Mrs. Julius fuppelt, Convention Co-Chainnan e. Mrs . Saul Katz, National Vice President f. Mrs. Harold Raizes, National Vice President g. Mrs. William H. Rubin, National Vice President

All of these WOI:lEl will be instructed to approach, one of the military aides and give their names.

5. During this week, beginning on Thursday, August 12th, the Hadassah National Board will meet. This is the governing body of Hadassah. 'lliey will discuss Hadassah budgets and projects and make recon:mendations to the Convention, in addition to gUiding Hadassah's program developnEnt in every area. They are the elected representatives of the 350,000 rne:rbers of Hadassah. 6. Please note the name of the photographer is Bemhard Schopper.

We shall be happy to furnish you with any other info:rma.tion you require. You may reach me at extension 610 in the Washington-Hilton Hotel. Sincerely yours,

Aline Kaplan Executive Director encls.

• : WOMEflrS ZlONtST ORGANfZATION! OF AMERICA. INC. .,_ 50 WEST 58ttr STREET, NEW' YOR~~ NEW YORK 1001!1 -.. 1212) 355-790

August 10, 1976

Ms. Pat Howard The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Ms. Howard: Pursuant to our conversation, please add the name of Professor Kalman J. Mann, Director­ General of Hadassah Medical Organization in Israel to the list. He was born July 5, 1912 in Jerusalem, Israel. In addition, I want to remind you that the silver medallion will be delivered tomorrow. This, together with the book "Balm in Gilead" will be presented to the First Lady by Mrs. Matzkin.

Sincerely yours,

Aline~ Kaplan ..e~ Executive Director -

Founder Vice Presidents Miss Henrietta Szold Mrs. James Feldman Mrs. William H. Rubin President Mrs. Saul Katz Mrs. lawrence Schacht Mrs. Max N. Matzkin Mrs. Harold Raizes Mrs. Nathan Strauss Washington RepresentativP. Treasurer Mrs. Denise Tourover Ezekiel Mrs. Edward H. lewis Honorary Vice-Presidents Secretary Mrs. Moses P. Epstein Mrs. David de Sola Pool • Mrs. Walter Brecher Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin ,Dr. Miriam Freund Rosenthal Executive Director Recordmg Secretary Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson Mrs. Max Schenk Miss Aline Kaplan founded Mrs. Emanuel Schechter ~~~· ~~i_:,~f~i;~ ... ~~~~arsky Mr:. !:le,rm~~ Sh_u,1man

• NATIONAL BOARD ___ . NA T!Ot\iAL ASSOCIATES Mrs. Richard Barrett Mrs. Stanley L1eberman Mrs. Philip Berman Mrs. Irving Lobel Mr'.: •. Lester Berlove, Rochester. N.Y M ro;;. Reuben Bienstock Mrs. Oscar Lozabnick Mrs. Philip Berman. Allentown, Pa. 'lArs. Robert Blumberg Mrs. Edward A Lusterman Mrs. Norman H. Brom, Phiiadelph;a, Pa ~Ars. Henry M. 8row11 Mrs. Irving Mack Mrs. Leo R. Burson. Memphis. Tenn. Mrs. Maurice Bucksbaum Mrs Delbert Mamrnen Mrs. E. J. Evans, Durham. N.C. Mrs. Leo R. Burson Mrs. Irving L Marks Mrs. Theodore Feinberg. Brookline. Mass. Mrs. D. Leonard Cohen M+s. Benjamin Meiselman Mrs. l-ewis Goldberg, Brookline. Mass. Mrs. Julius Doppelt Mrs. Max M. Meth Mrs. Jack Karp, Beverly Hills. Calif. Mrs. William K. Dorfman Mrs. Irving J. Mishkin Mrs. Philtp Kroskin. Norfolk, Va. Mrs. A!fred Oriesman Mrs. Franklin 8. Moosnick Mrs. Martin Lcbedoff. Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Morton Ellish Mrs. Geoffrey Myers Mrs. Sidney Munter, Hollywood, Fla. ~.. ~rs. Denise Tourover Ez.ekiel Mrs. Jerome PaiXin Mrs. Norman Rogers. Palo Alto. Calif. Mrs. Emanuel Gamoran Mrs. Morris Popkin Mrs. Jacob N. Rose, Philadelphia, Pa. ).1 rs. Percy Gellert Mrs. Fred Retchin Mrs. Joseph Rose. Washington, D.C. Mrs. William M. Ginsburg Mrs. Joseph Rose Mrs. George Rossyn, Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Samuel M. Gold Mrs. Louis Rosenstein Mrs. Victor Schlesinger. Brookline. Mass. Mrs. Henry Goldman Mrs. Milton W._Rothbaum Mrs. Ezra Shapiro, Jerusalem, Israel Mrs. Buddy B. Goldzimer Mrs. Martin Ruza Mrs. Israel D. Shapiro, Miami Beach, Fla. Mrs. Morris Gurin Mrs. Israel D. Shapiro Mrs. Murray M. Shernoff, Denver, Colorado Mrs. Milton Handler Mrs. Murray M. Shernoff Mrs. Carl Spector, Brookline. Mass. Mrs. Morris S. Handler Mrs. Gerald N. Shukow Mrs. Alfred Tuvin, Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Samuel H. Hartley Mrs. Burton J. Soboroff Mrs. Charles J. Weiner, Atlanta. Ga. Mrs. Gizelle Joblin Mrs. Norman J. Sondheim Mrs. Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr.. Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Harry Kairys Mrs. Bernice S. Tannenbaum Mrs. Aaron Kaplan Mrs. Israel Usdan Mrs. Hyman Kolinsky Mrs. Samuel Zales Mrs. William J. Kramer Mrs. Benjamin Zamost Mrs. Philip Levy Mrs. I. Mark Zeligs HONORARY COUNCIL REGIONAL PRESIDENTS Miss Julliet N. Benjamin Mrs. Benjamin Gottesman Mrs. Irving A. Hurwitz Mrs. Donald Sacarob Mrs. Hazel Greenwald Be-rkowitz Mrs. David B. Greenberg Brooklyn Northern Seaboard Mrs. Sol Boneparth Mrs. Emanuel Halpern Mrs. Ernest Alexander Mrs. Philip Wolf Mrs. D. Leonard Cohen Mrs. Joseph Hamerman Central Pacific Coast Queens Mrs. Leo I. Dana Mrs. Milton Handler Mrs. Paul Flacks Mrs. Melvin Kruger Mrs. Sundel Doniger Mrs. Samuel H. Hartley Central States. Southeastern Mrs. Arthur H. Ellis Mrs. Irving Mack Mr>. Samuel Blank Mrs. George Shendelman Mrs. Denise Tourover Ezekiel Mrs. Benjamin Meiselman Connecticut Southern Mrs. Emanuel Gamoran Mrs. Lawrence Schacht Mrs. Harry A. Kitey Mrs. Sidney W. Greenspan Mtss Hannah L. Goldberg Mroc;. Bernice S. Tannenbaum Eastern Pennsylvania Southern New Jersey Mrs. Benjamin E. Gordon Mrs. Abraham Tolin Mrs. Maxwell L. Wetsberg Mrs. David M. Goodman Mrs. Israel Usdan Florida Southern Pactfic Coast Mrs. H. K. Parks Mrs. Walter Segeloff Great Lakes Southern Seaboard Mrs. D. Louis Steinberg Mrs. Steve S. Deifik NATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE Illinois-Indiana Southwest Mrs. Adolf Fried Mrs. Morris M. Mathews Mrs. M. Milton Adler Mrs. Emanuel Mentz Lower New York State Suffolk Mrs. Louis ·H. Barnett Mrs. Robert Naigles Mrs. Martin Sorkin Mrs. Harry A. Getz Mrs. Norman N. Bernstein Mrs Normdn Pert Michigan Texas Southern Mrs. Louis I. Brill· Mrs. Irving E. Pinkus Mrs. Nathan Bernstien Mrs. Milton Kopstein Mrs. Sidney Cohen Mrs. M~rvin A. Saltzman Missouri Valley __Upper Midwest Mrs. Irving Coler Mrs. Norman Shttpero Mrs. Martin Kalmanson Mrs. Jerome L. Cohen Mrs. Harry Donner Mrs. Sterltng Shapiro Nassau Upper New Ydrk State Mrs. Alexander S. Fisher Mrs Sam Silberman Mrs. Harry Portman Mrs. Jack Friedman Mrs. Alfred L. Hurwitz Mrs. Leo Sliver New England Westchester Mrs. Jack Kahn Mrs Ar:tron Slam Mrs. Jess Bernstein Mrs. Charles Hausen Mrs. Morton Karpa Mr...:;. Charles Snider Northern New Jersey Western New England Mrs Jerome Kaufman Mrs. Milton M. Wembe_rger Mrs. Lewis Weiner Mrs. Jack Kaminsky Mrs. B. Robert Levin Mr-;. A1 P Young Mrs. Stanley Wilkins Mrs. Harry Rapoport Baltimore Los Angeles Mrs. Maurice Silverstein Mrs. Harvey Friedr.tan Boston Miami Mrs. J. Morton Finke Mrs. Jean Femberg NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES Bronx M1am1 Beach Mrs. Sam Dellsy Mr'i. George S.--Mack Fmitnce Advtsory Commtttee: Chicago New York I Frits Markuc:,, Ch.1irman Mrs. Sheldon Adelman Mrs. Jay D Barsky Cleveland Phtladelphta ~ Nattonal Youth Ahyah Committee: Mrs. Peter A. Martin Mrs. Arthur Eden Baroness Altx de Rothschild, World Patron Metropolitan Detroit Greater Washington

IN AMERICA: Hadassah helps interpret Israel to the American people; provides basic Jewish education as a background for intelligent and creative Jewish living in America; carries on a program for American Jewish youth; and promotes participat1on in voluntary community action programs and in efforts to help safeguard democracy here and work toward peace everywhere. Hadassah is a constituent member of the American Zionist Federation.

IN ISRAEL: The.members of Hadassah support Hadassah's medical and public health system. its education projects including a Community College in Jerusalem; provide maintenance and education for youth through Youth Aliyah of which Hadassah is the main individual supporting agency in the United States; and participate in a program of Jewish National Fund land purchase and reclamation.

HASHACHAR: Hadassah is sole sponsor of this youth movement for boys and girls, 9 to 25, organized in four age levels. Club and summer camp programs in the U.S., Summer Institutes. Year Study Courses, etc. in Israel, help youth understand problems they face as Americans, Jews and Zionists. and help develop links with Israel. HADASSAH carries out the program described above through two corporations: Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc., which administers the American program, and Hadassah Medical Relief Association, Inc .. which administers the Israel program .

• .-

• commissions, Hadassah has a volunteer representa­ tive in Washington and is invited to U.S. State Dept. briefings. Nationally, Hadassah is a non-governmental organ­ ization (NGO) of the United Nations, operating as a public relations arm of the UN Office of Public Information, and as an accredited observer to the U.S. Mission to the UN. JEV/ISH EDUCATION Education for creative Jewish living through study, discussiQn and qook review groups, seminars and Education days and forums, is provided by Hadassah to equip members to understand their Jewish herit­ and enrich their lives as jews in this country. l age ' Towards this end, Hadassah has commissioned sev­ eral important books: Great Ages and Ideas of the jewish People, Woman of Valor: The Story of Hen­ rietta Szold and, most recently, Balm in GUead. A founding member of the World Jewish Bible Society, Hadassah is embarked on an intensive new educa­ tion approach. It promotes the use of the to develop closer ties with Israel and Jews everywhere. Founded in 1912 by Miss Henrietta Szold, American-jewish scholar, writer and pioneer Zion is!, ZIONIST AFFAIRS Hadassah numbers 350,000 Concerned with a just and lasting peace in the Mid­ members in the U.S.A. and East, which is an objective of U.S. foreign policy, Puerto Rico. Hadassah provides factual information on the de­ velopment and security of Israel to the American AMERICAN AFFAIRS public. It is engaged in the struggle to alleviate the Hadassan's American Affairs program relates mainly serious plight of Soviet as well as Synan jewry. Also to civil rights and liberties, U.S. international inter­ a member organization of the American Zionist Fed­ ests which affect our Jives as citizens and those eration, Hadassah subscribes to the Jerusalem Pro­ areas which concern us as members of our com­ gram which declares the unity of the Jewish people munities. Chapters wishing to give "local option" and the centrality of Israel in Jewish life. community service in Hadassah's name do it within Hadassah's areas of special interest: health, educa­ ACTIVITIES FOR AMERICAN YOUTH tion and child welfare. Through its youth movement, Hashachar (The Dawn) program The American Affairs Program of Hadassah brings Hadassah offers young people a varied the United members accurate information needed to help them whose goals are enriched Jewish living in acceptance of analyze vital current issues and participate intelli­ States, deeper understanding and in Israel and gently in public affairs, as individual citizens. There , stimulation of active interest has four divisions; three is a constant flow to members of analytical informa­ its people. This program are: junior Young tion on legislation which impinges on civil rights are known as Young )udaea. They between 9 and 11; In­ and liberties, better housing, education, environ· }udaea for boys and girls between 11 and ment, employment, health and child care, mass termediate Young )udaea for those of high school age. transit and welfare. 13; Senior Young }udaea for youth The oldest level of Hashachar is Hamagshimim (The there is often no sharp dividing line between Since · Fulfillers) for high school· graduates up to age 25. America's domestic and foreign policy, American Affairs also focuses attention of members on certain The Programs, which are geared to the interests of international issues. This is because any foreign each age division, include discussions, social activi­ commitment the U.S. makes in foreign aid, reCip­ ties, seminars, leadership training, summer camps rocal treaties, trade agreements, etc. can directly and Israel work-study-travel institutes. The Hadassah affect our lives in our own communities. Youth Center Judith Riklis Building on Mt. Scopus has facilities for some 120 youths from the United To keep apprised of information from the State States, in Israel for work and study. Department and various governmental and other

• Sir Isaac and Areas within these facilities include: begun one year after Labora­ HADASSAH'S FIRST PROJECT, Wolfson Ophthalmological Research a modest mother and Lady it was founded in 1912, was James and Edith Ross Research Laboratories of Jerusalem. From this tories* child station in the Dana Division of Child Psychiatry* Elsie Hadassah * Herman Dining has evolved the internationally-known Heiser Emergency Department* Gottesman based, since 1961, in the Medi­ Medical Organization Halht Himmeffarb Reception Hall* Danciger University Medical Center, Ein Computer Hadassah-Hebrew cal Records Department * Frankford which have been added rebuilt Clin­ Karem, Jerusalem, to Center* Erna & Henry Leir Private Pavilion* on Mt. Scopus, Hadassah's Also: and expanded facilities ical, diagnostic and research laboratories. School and first "hill of healing.'' Kathryn Nevins Children's Eye Clinic; SClENCE" Medicine. THE MEDlCAL CENTER-A "CITY Of Dept. of Public Health & Social includes: Schacht­ in Kiryat Hadassah, , The Newest additions: Aleen and Lawrence Rose and Robert Gerber Rothschild-Hadassah-University Hospital Hadassah Day Care Nursery; * Mother & Child Rosensohn Outpatient Clinics floor for premature infants atop * Ger­ * Henrietta Szold-Hadassah School of Nursing, Pavilion; communications exchange. trude Gale Building UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, MT. SCOPUS Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School HADASSAH * and to Mt. Scopus-·its "first hill of Adolf and Felicia Leon-Hadassah Mother Hadassah returned * hospital and nurses' school in­ Child Pavilion healing"-and to its absence of nineteen years, University-Hadassah School of stallations there, after an * Hebrew over. Re-dedication by Alpha Omega when Israel's Six-Day War was Founded rebuilt and expanded Kennedy Building, reception and informa­ of this second health frontier- * John F. the first 100 patients tion center, headquarters for Ya'a/ volunteers -was on October 21, 1975and Nurses move-in in April 1976. Harry and Reva Lindenbaum-Hadassah began a three-stage * Hadassah­ Residence Units on Mt. Scopus, an integral part of the Karem, will Murray j. Rymland-Hadassah Doctors Residence Hebrew University Medical Center at Ein * Resi­ of which the Muriel & Philip Berman-Hadassah Nurses comprise a 300-bed General Hospital * Rehabili­ dence 60-bed Daniel and Florence Guggenheim of the central crowned by stained glass windows tation Pavilion is a part. An adjunct to * Synagogue will in­ famed artist Marc Chagall facilities at Kiryat Hadassah, the hospital Levitz Out­ Yassky Administration Wing clude: Ross Information Center, Sarah * Cancer & Gorn Thera­ Siegfried & Irma Ullmann Build'ing for patient Clinics, Mordechai and Ottilie * Sharett Insti­ and Philip Allied Diseases housing the Moshe peutic Pool & Gymnasium, Gertrude tute of Oncology

• Hoffman Pharmacy, Elizabeth and George Haikin degrees in Master of Public Health and Community Orthopedic Wing, Gale Family Occupational Ther­ Medicine, nursing and other undergraduate teaching apy Section, Moses Goldberg X-Ray Institute, Violet programs, and by research workers. and Harry Solomon Nursery, Muriel and Philip Ber­ Alyn Hospital and Hansen's Hospital (Israel's only man Auditorium, Rebecca & Joseph Meyerhoff Emer­ leprosarium) are among hospitals serviced by gency Dept. six operating theaters, laboratories, an Hadassah. Other hospitals are affiliated officially underground hospital, a pathology building and through The Medical School. animal house for research. The School of Occupa­ The Dental Clinic of the Hebrew University-Hadassah tional Therapy in the Edith and james Ross Building, School of Dentistry Founded by Alpha Omega, han­ maintained jointly by Hadassah, Government, Mal­ dles nearly 53,000 patient visits yearly; a 4-chair clin­ ben and Kupat Holim, and the Hadassah Youth Cen­ ic is for staff and their families' care. Clinic handles ter Judith Riklis Building, have been functioning 1,000 visits per fT!Onth. since 1970. TEACHING AND RESEARCH MEDICAl CENTER SERVICES Enrolled in all schools: close to 1,300 students, in­ The Rothschild-Hadassah-University Hospital: This cluding 566 medical, 265 dental, 261 pharmacy, nurs­ 700-bed hospital with its famed radial unit is Israel's ing undergraduate and post-graduate, 105 occu·pa­ first teaching hospital. Its 75 departments cover vir­ tional therapy, graduate residency training, micro­ tually every modern medical discipline. Annual in­ biology, medical sciences, clinical psychology. About patient load is over 25,000; major operations total 2,500 more attend the Institute of Postgraduate over 8,330. Laboratories handle over 1,400,000 tests Medical Training. and the pharmacy, 720,000 prescriptions yearly. Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School-:­ Special department units include a Hemodialysis lsrael's first undergraduate medical school started in Unit for acute and chronic kidney failure and a Day temporary buildings in Jerusalem in 1949. In 1965, Care Unit for chronically ill cancer patients brought it moved to the Medical Center. Most of the teach­ by ambulance for daily treatment. Also a Blood Bank, ing staff of the Medical School also hold clinical posts Pulmonary, Diabetes and Audiology Units. New de­ in the Hospital. Many of the over 1,600 graduates partment units for intensive emergency care: an now work within HMO and throughout the land. eight-bed Coronary Care Unit; a six-bed Acute Trau­ Henrietta Szold-Hadassah School of Nursing: A first ma Unit; an Acute Burns Unit; an Intensive Respira­ in Israel, it was founded by Hadassah in 1918. Most tory Care Unit; and a Post-Cardiac Surgery Intensive of its over 1,600 graduate nurses have made con­ Care Unit. tributions to nursing education, medical care and Equipment includes the latest diagnostic and curative community health. In its own building it has housing apparatus- i.e. a Cobalt Bomb, Kiil Dialysis ma­ and teaching facilities for 170 student nurses. Post­ chines, Cardiac Resuscitation Trolley, oscilloscopes. graduate courses, seminars, etc. are given to hun­ Also, Israel's first 35-million volt Betatron, only dreds more. New: a four-year degree course in· nurs­ Argon Laser in the Middle East, highly-sophisticated ing leading to a BS in the Faculty of Medicine. cardiology, X-ray and angiograph machines, a linear Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dentistry accelerator, Emi scanner and gamma camera. A Founded by Alpha Omega in 1953 moved, in 1964, Blood Analyzer does 12 simultaneous tests on sam­ to its own five-story Medical Center building. In addi­ ples from 60 patients. tion to graduating 350 dentists serving throughout The Adolf and Felicia Leon-Hadassah Mother and Israel, the School does research, runs a dental clinic Child Pavilion, a division of the RHUH, housed in its and retrains immigrant Russian dentists. Hadassah is own building, has 57 maternity beds and 65 bas­ sinets. The Premature Baby Unit was established with U.S. Government funds. (Over 3,100 births yearly.) The Rosensohn Outpatient Clinics (43) handle some 216,000 visits yearly. OTHER SERVICES The Sally and Philip W. Lown-Hadassah Community Health Center at Kiryat HaYovel is an arm of HMO's Department of Public Health and Social Medicine. Created in 1953 as a pilot community health center serving Kiryat HaYovel's growing population, it treats patients within the context of family, community, physical, emotional and social relationships. Annually, HMO physicians handle over 50,000 pa­ tient visits at the Center, and 14,000 at home. The Center's resources are used by students working for


• responsible for the maintenance budget of the School. Hebrew University School of Pharmacy: Initiated in .I 1954; graduated over 300 pharmacists. Now housed in its own Medical Center building are its 32 teach­ ers and 261 students. Under the administrative juris­ diction of Hebrew University, students use the Ha­ dassah Hospital Pharmacy run by Hadassah for their hospital clinical training. . School of Occupational Therapy: Since Hadassah's first course for therapists (1947), over 300 therapists have been graduated. Maintained jointly by Hadas· sah, Government, Malben and Kupat Holim, its new Mt. Scopus home, Edith and James Ross Building, has been built by Hadassah. School of Public Health and Social Medicine: Over 200 graduates hold key public health posts. Students now major in Epidemiology, Hospital Administration, Maternal & Child, Family & Community Medicine, Health Education, Public Health. Institute of Postgraduate Medical Training: Since 1963, to close the gap between medical progress and practice it has provided additional training to immi­ grant doctors, refresher courses for all general prac­ titioners, short courses in medicine, surgery. Postgraduate Fellowships: Since 1946, the program enabled hundreds of Hadassah physicians, nurses and hospital administrators to receive specialized training in the U.S. and Europe. Research Projects: Hadassah provides "seed money" funds to initiate research in virtually all areas, mak­ ing it possible for projects to merit grants from YOUTH AUYAH governments, institutes, foundations. Through this youth immigration movement, under -~Jr the auspices of. the Jewish Agency in Israel, Hadassah ·.- has helped resettle and rehabilitate in Israel nearly 155,000 Jewish youth from 80 lands. Since 1935, Ha­ dassah has been contributing not only large amounts of money for maintenance and education, but con­ tinues as a major contributor for special Youth Aliyah HADASSAH projects which it undertakes from time to time. Founded in 1934 by Recha Freier and other coura­ SUPPLIES geous Jewish leaders in Germany, and by Henrietta FOR Szold, founder of Hadassah, who became its director in , a post she held until her death, Youth HEAliNG Aliyah has since then "graduated" tens of thousands. These graduates have become a skilled vanguard, a potent and positive force in the development of their contributions to agriculture, indus­ Begun as a series of sewing circles, this project-one country, making try, teaching, the arts, the defense forces, merchant of the oldest in Hadassah-has grown into an auxil­ marine and diplomatiC services. iary of the Hadassah Medical Organization. Its goal is to provide supplies for the Medical Center's Currently, there are some 16,000 wards in training in "largest linen closet in the land." It now also pro­ 270 Youth Aliyah installations, kibbutzim, youth vil­ vides supplies for the Mt. Scopus General Hospital lages and Youth Centers, where they can be given and Rehabilitation Pavilion, the first sector of which academic and vocational education plus recreational opened recently. Also, to encourage the growing and cultural activities. Nearly 5,000 more, part of an textile industry and provide employment, Hadassah "internal aliyah" of over 25,000, were recently ab­ buys supplies, whenever possible, in Israel. sorbed. Currently some 2,000 Soviet youth are being

: :·

• provided with special programs. Recently instituted: The two-year Hadassall Community College, first in mobile Culture Caravans which bring enrichment Jerusalem, has hundreds of graduates. Some 300 programs of art, music and theater to each students can now train for para-professional posts installation. in education, health, medicine, science, etc. Train­ ing is for Scientific and Medical Photography, Elec­ Youth Aliyah, together with the Absorption Depart­ tronics, Computer Sciences, Medical Technology, ment of the Jewish Agency and the Israel Ministry of Medical and Scientific Secretaries, Medical Record Labor and Education, runs Youth Centers (Hadassah, Librarians. understanding this need, recently established three such Centers in , and jerusalem) provid­ In Brandeis' Fine Mechanics and Precision Instru­ ing vocational training for boys and girls, many ments School the present four-year curricula stresses school dropouts who continue to live at home. mechanics, scientific subjects, precision instrument des.ign a~d repair, tool and die-making. Ramat Hadassah Szold, once a Reception Center for all children accepted into Youth Aliyah, now offers The Hadassah Vocational Guidance Institute is the two-year courses of special education to prepare only non-public guidance center offering individual those who have a low educational level for entry into counseling, group guidance and selection testing the regular Youth Aliyah program. The Eddie Cantor recognized by the Israel Government It tests 16,000 Workshop of the Center stresses courses in carpentry, clients annually, also handles 1,600 mail and tele­ metalwork and pre-vocational training. phone inquiries. It recently tested its 100,000th At Hadassah-Neurim, the Rural Vocational Guidance client and, since the 1973 Yom Kippur War, has been Center, Kfar Vitkin, youth from developing towns, working to rehabilitate war-disabled men and war Youth Aliyah Centers as well as shareholders' settle­ widows who must often work for the first time. The ments, are given short courses in many different Institute is accredited by the Hebrew University for skills and trades needed for village life, i.e. carpentry, those serving internships required for an M.A. in Vo­ cooking, farm machinery care. Facilities include an cational Counseling, and has been selected to take electronics building and a vocational secondary Tel Aviv interns, too. The research staff has devel­ school. oped over 100 psychological tests. Most recently, new immigrants, many from the Soviet Union, have required new testing and guidance routines. HADASSAH ISRAEL EDUCATION SERVICES Hadassah's model education system is continually being updated, as it has since it began over 30 years ago. The recent restructuring and expansion has created a multi-level comprehensive education net­ work encompassing the latest theories of secondary and community college career-oriented schooling. The restructured Hadassah Comprehensive High School/Seligsberg-Brandeis results from a merger of the Hadassah Alice Seligsberg Comprehensive High School and Brandeis Vocational Training Center. Together with the 2-year Hadassah Community Col­ lege, located in the new Joseph and Caroline Gruss Building, both schools are based, physically, in the former enlarged, renovated Seligsberg and Brandeis complex in jerusalem. The standard-making Hadas­ sah Vocational Guidance Institute stays on in the Straus Health Center. Now fully consolidated: the boys of Brandeis and the girls of Seligsberg go to a four-year co-education­ al school, with a student capacity of 1,000. Technical classes are in the former Brandeis area, academic in Seligsberg. Throughout, emphasis is on enriched vocational and academic studies.

• Through the Jewish National Fund Hadassah has par­ ticipated in the reclamation of tens of thousands of acres for farming and industrial sites. Much of this land has been prepared for settlement by immigrant families, enabling them to earn a livelihood as they expand Israel's agricultural development. An integral partner in JNF work since 1926, Hadas­ sah has provided more funds for land projects than any other single organization in the world. Every three years Hadassah embarks on a specific JNF commitment. Currently in Tefen, in upper Galilee, a rocky wilderness near the sensitive Lebanese bor­ der, JNF- with Hadassah's aid- will build a new, modern industrial center. This will provide jobs in an updated environment for families who must be­ come economically much more viable if they are to be less vulnerable. There will also be a very im­ posing Hadassah Plaza in the Bicentennial National Park to mark an enduring bond between Israel and the United States. In this park there will be one-mil­ lion trees to create an area where every recreational service, a forestry museum, observation gallery and hall of honor will be a green oasis of friendship forever. Just completed was Hadassah's "Green is Beautiful" project for the towns of Shderot, Netivot and Ofa­ kim. The project immediately before this called "Guardian of the Desert" was at Beer Tsofar. Hadassah has also provided funds to plant millions of trees. It continues, in addition to tree planting throughout the land, to help reforest the Hadassah­ Hebrew University Medical Center sites at Ein Karem and Mt. Scopus.

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\' "\ . ~- . . ' . ; :.-:.. ·. ... .,,, ~ ' / ..... -; .. :. . : . ':i: . . ·'·' .... . -\ .. ' ,: ~-,.. , .. . :,il / REGISTRATION 'A Nation lndivisit Sunday, Augu,;t 15 Exhibit Hall A People lndestruc Concourse Level 9:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. * Monday, August 16 i Exhibit Hall a Concourse Level 9:00a.m. to 12:00 noon ... PRE-CONVENTION a REGISTRATION Those who have pre- registered may obtain the Delegate's Kit by presenting the stub from the official Credential, in the area designated in the Exhibit Hall, Concourse level.

HOSPITALITY PACKAGES The Greater Washington Area Chapter has prepared Hospitality Packages for Delegates and Guests. These will be distributed in the Exhibit Hall, on Sunday, August 15th. Present the Credential stub or Guest ticket stub to obtain yours.

MEAL RESERVATIONS Tickets for the Banquet and Oosing Luncheon may be purchased in the Exhibit Hall, Sunday, August 15th.

lUNCH BARS Available for your conven- ience and quick inexpensive service. Monday, Tuesday HAD AS SAl 11:30 a.m.-1 :30 p.m. Exhibit Hall RECORDINGS OF SESSIONS SIXTY-SECO Cassettes of sessions will be available for purchase Concourse Lobby one half hour after the conclusion NATIONAl of each session.

KOSHER MEALS ! Hadassah Banquet and 1 CONVENTIC luncheon are strictly kosher. Other special kosher meals {Schreiber) are available in all Hilton Hotel restaurants. Meat or fish-$8.50 per meal. Please notify restaurant 45 minutes in advance of time meal is"to be served. AUGUST 15-18, 1976 • WASHINGTO

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' •• \;~ 1f\ Nation Jncfivisiblel A People Indestructible// i ...• a


AUGUST 15-18, 1976 • WASHINGTON, D. C.

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' ' SPEAKERS BUREAU Sunday, August 15 to Wednesday, August 18 Hamilton Suite, Terrace Level 8:00 a.m.-9:00a.m. 12:00 noon-1 :00 p.m. 5:15 p.m.-6:00p.m. Chairman: Mrs. William]. Kramer Consultant: Mrs. Dorothy Kurland WITH ALL OTHER NATIONAl CHAIRMEN Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. and by appointment EXHIBIT HALL


See the displays and visual aids in the Exhibit Hall Chairman: Mrs. Lee Lobel

· _ fi[M. THEATER'

All showings in the Military Room Concourse Level Sunday, August 15 10:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. Monday, August 16 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. 5:00p.m. to 6:30p.m. Tuesday, August 17 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. ; Wednesday, August 18 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m.

SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION Using Audio-Visual Techniques for Effective Programming Monday, August 16 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.


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,: ..,._ ·--\. SUNDAY August 15

INTERNATIONAL Mrs. julius Doppe/t, Presiding BALLROOM HATIKVAH Concourse Level STAR SPANGLED BANNER 3:45p.m. Vocalist: Virginia Schultz to Accompanist: Ziona Tuch/er 5:00p.m. GREETINGS: Mrs. Morton Karpa, Chairman Greater Washington Area Chapter Convention Committee HADASSAH ISRAEL FASHION SHOW Created in Israel by Students at Hadassah Comprehensive High School/ Seligsberg-Brandeis, jerusalem Introduced by Mrs. Aaron Kaplan Hadassah Fashion Show Coordinator Coordinated and accessorized by Lord & Taylor, Washington, D.C. Commentator: Mrs. Mary Ann Lundgren Director of Fashion Promotion and Public Relations, Lord & iaylor TREASURER'S REPORT: "A Woman Is" Mrs. Edward H. Lewis

SUNDAY August 15

INTERNATIONAL Mrs. EmanU'.:!I Schechter, Presiding BALLROOM · GREETINGS: Mrs. Arthur Eden, President 8:30p.m. Greater Washington Area Chapter PRESIDENT'S REPORT: "Embrace the Future" t Mrs. Max N. Matzkin ~ ADDRESSES: The Honorable joseph j. Sisco \ l Former Under Secretary of State The Honorable Haim Zadok, .. Minister of justice, Israel

CRYSTAL RECEPTION BALLROOM TO DELEGATES Hosted by: 10:30 p.m. Greater Washington Area Chapter


•.. >· \. SUNDAY August 15 ~i ______,

INTERNATIONAL Mrs. Julius Doppelt, Presiding BAllROOM HATIKVAH Concourse level STAR SPANGLED BANNER 3:45p.m. Vocalist: Virginia Schultz to Accompanist: Ziona Tuchler ·' 5:00p.m. 1 GREETINGS: Mrs. Morton Karpa, Chairman Greater Washington Area Chapter Convention Committee HADASSAH ISRAEL FASHION SHOW Created in Israel by Students at Hadassah Comprehensive High School/ Seligsberg-Brandeis, Jerusalem Introduced by Mrs. Aaron Kaplan Hadassah Fashion Show Coordinator Coordinated and accessorized by Lord & Taylor, Washington, D.C. Commentator: Mrs. Mary Ann Lundgren Director-of Fashion Promotion and Public Relations, lord & Taylor TREASURER'S REPORT: "A Woman Is" Mrs. Edward H. Lewis

SUNDAY August 15

INTERNATIONAL Mrs. Emanuel Schechter, Presiding BALLROOM GREETINGS: Mrs. Arthur Eden, President t 8:30p.m. Greater Washington Area Chapter PRESIDENT'S REPORT: "Embrace the Future" Mrs. Max N. Matzkin ADDRESSES: The Honorable Joseph]. l Sisco : \ Former ! Under Secretary of State l The Honorable Haim Zadok, Minister of Justice, Israel

CRYSTAL RECEPTION BALLROOM TO DELEGATES Hosted by: 10:30 p.m. Greater Washington Area Chapter

_((\'~~·-·::>~\ ,,:'.·:: MONDAY August 16

INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM AMERICAN AFFAIRS Mrs. Walter Brecher, Presiding 9:00a.m. to ADDRESS: "The Mass Media as a Sociallnstrumen 10:15 a.m. Professor Irving Rosenthal Professor Emeritus of Communications, City University of New York

MONDAY August 16 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP BALLROOM Mrs. Henry Goldman, Presiding Presentation: "65 Years- The Essence of It All" Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin Participating Chairmen: Mrs. Emanuel Job/in Mrs. Delbert Mammen Mrs. Jerome Paikin Consultant: Mrs. Irene Wexler


Presentation: Allan Topol, Esq.

Consultant: Miss Lillian Ka/tman

GEORGETOWN BALLROOM TOURISM Concourse Level Mrs. Israel Usdan, Presiding

FILM PREMIERE: "The Israel Experience" Courtesy Israel Government Min· of Tourism

Exhibit Hall LUNCH BARS 11:30 a.m. to ! 1:30 p.m. t 6

' .

.·J • MONDAY August 16

INTERNATIONAl BALLROOM ZIONIST AFFAIRS Mrs. james Feldman, Presiding 1:10 p.m. to ADDRESS: "Israel__: 1976" 2:00p.m. His Excellency Simcha Dinitz Ambassador of Israel

INTERNATIONAl ZIONIST AFFAIRS BALLROOM PlENARY WORKSHOP Mrs. james Feldman, Presiding 2:05p.m. to ADDRESS: "U.S.-Israel Relations and Public Input" 2:35p.m. Mr. Morris j. Amitay Executive Director American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Washington, D.C.

Consultant: Charles j. Levine

MONDAY August 16

INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION BALLROOM Mrs. Morris Gurin, Presiding 2:45p.m. to ADDRESS: "Reflections on a 3:45p.m. Study of the Jewish Past" Dr. David Ruderman, Assistant Professor of Jewish History, ' University of Maryland, College Park, Md. l Consultant: Mrs. Murray Sartin ~ ft :

{ t'



.. - ~. MONDAY August 16

4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m.


Participating Chairmen: Mrs. Benjamin Zamost · Mrs. Alfred Driesman Mrs. Morton V. El/ish

HEMISPHERE ISRAEL BONDS ROOM Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin, Presiding


"Balm in Gilead- The Story of Hadassah" Mrs. Moses P. Epstein

MONDAY August 16

INTERNATIONAL HADASSAH MEDICAL ORGANIZATION BALLROOM "From Out of Zion ... 8:30p.m. Medical Science for the World"

Mrs. Max Schenk, Presiding

GREETINGS: Mrs. Walter Segaloff, President . Southern Seaboard Region • ADDRESS: "25 Years with Hadassah- View & f, Dr. Kalman}. Mann, Director General t Hadassah Medical Organization ~ "The Course of Medical Research­ l Present & Future" I Dr. Robert I. Levy, Director National Heart and Lung Institute National Institutes of Health


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.... TUESDAY Augusl17

i ., INTERNATIONAL HADASSAH MEDICAL BALLROOM ORGANil/\TION ~) BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT 9:00a.m. Mrs. Charlotte jacobson, Presiding to 10:20 a.m. Participating Cbairmen: Mrs. Siegfried Kramarsky · Mrs. Morris Popkin Film

JNTERNATIONAL FUND-RAISING BALLROOM Mrs. William K. Dorfman, Presiding 10:30 a.m. to Presentation of HMO Quota: 11:50 a.m. Mrs. Nathan Tannenbaum

Participating Chairmen: Mrs. Aaron Kaplan Hadassah Israel Education Services

Mrs. Isidore Goldzimer Jewish National Fund

Mrs. Stanley Lieberman, 'I· Coordinator, Major Gifts 1 Mrs. Lawrence Schacht, Consultant, Major Gifts

Mrs. Samuel M. Gold Founders & Special Gifts

Mrs. Percy Gellert Founders & Special Gifts

Mrs. Gerald N. Shukow Founders & Special Gifts

Mrs. Irving]. Mishkin Youth Activities

Mrs. Saul Katz Youth Aliyah



• TUESDAY August 17

GEORGETOWN BALLROOM ALIYAH Mrs. Richard Barrett, Presiding 10:30 a.m. Participating Chairman: to Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson 11:50 a.m. Consultant: Yekiel Leket, Director Israel Aliyah Center, North America

EXHIBIT HALL LUNCH BARS 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

TUESDAY August 17

THOROUGHBRED (for Hebrew Speaking ROOM Delegates) Mrs. Emanuel Gamoran, Presiding 12 noon ADDRESS: Dr. David to Ben Ezra 1:15 p.m.

TUESDAY August 17

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH BALLROOM ALIYAH Mrs. Saul Katz, Presiding 1:30 p.m. ADDRESS: "The Dramatic to Need" Dr. 2:30p.m. Reuven Feuerstein Child Guidance Clinic Research Unit, jerusalem, Israel

INTERNATIONAL HADASSAH ISRAEL EDUCATION BALLROOM SERVICES Mrs. Samuel Zales, Presiding 2:40p.m. ADDRESS: "Colleges and Careers: to Israel and the United 3:40p.m. States" Dr. Seymour Eskow, President Rockland Community College FilM PREMIERE: "To A New Beat"


.. ,-_._r_ • ' ~...... ,:..- ~-: .. TUESDAY August 17

GEORGETOWN Mrs. Norman Sor:dheim, Presiding BALLROOM WEST PRESENTATION: "Current Review of Mid-East Events" 3:45p.m. Aaron Rosenbaum, Research Director, to American Israel Public Affairs 5:00p.m. Committee, Washington, D.C.

REMARKS: Dr. Kalman]. Mann

TUESDAY August 17 3:50p.m. to 5:00p.m.

EXHIBIT HALL COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS (Hadassah Magazine; Press, Radio, TV; Promotion; Visual Aids)

Mrs. D. Leonard Cohen, Presiding

Participants: Mrs. Edward Lusterman, Hadassah Magazine Mrs. Lee Lobel, Visual Aids Miss Mina Brownstone, Promotion Director

Consultants: Mrs. Lenore Kahn Mr. jesse Lurie

JEFFERSON PROGRAM BALLROOM : Mrs. Martin Ruza, Presiding

Consultant: Mrs. Arthur Talmadge


• TUESDAY August 17

INTERNATIONAl BAllROOM Mrs. Max N. Matzkin, Presiding INVOCATION: 7:30p.m. Airs. Moses P. Epstein GREETINGS: Vitali Rubin Soviet jewish Activist PRESENTATION: Henrietta Szold Award and Citation to the Rt. Hon. Sir Harold Wilson, KG OBE MP by Dr. Miriam Freund Rosenthal ENTERTAINMENT: Mr. Marvin Finn{ey, Baritone

\ i WEDNESDAY August 18

\ CRYSTAL \ BALLROOM YOUTH ACTIVITIES Mrs. Philip C. Levy, \ 9:00a.m. Presiding to Participating Chairmen: Mrs. Irving 10:30a.m. Mishkin l Mrs. Isidore Goldzimer \ Consultant: Irving Widaen


CRYSTAL BAllROOM BUSINESS SESSION Mrs. Benjamin Meiselman, 10:40a.m. Presiding to ADOPTION OF HWZOA BUDGETS: 12 noon Mrs. Morris Handler ADOPTION OF QUOTAS: Mrs. William K. Dorfman CREDENTIALS REPORT: Mrs. I. Mark Ze/igs RESOLUTIONS: Mrs. Harold Raizes NATIONAl SERVICE COMMITTEE REPORT: Mrs. Leo Burson NOMINATIONS REPORT: Mrs. Geoffrey Myers ElECTIONS


. . ~\ . ' ...... - -•. ..,~s~.;...:' : ~7 ··-- l ..-.,.,.. ~ • WEDNESDAY August18

INTERNATIONAL Mrs. William H. Rubin, BALLROOM Presiding INVOCATION: Mrs. Allen Farrar, Co-Chairman 12:30 p.m. Greater Washington Area to Chapter Convention 3:00p.m. Committee ADDRESSES: Mrs. Max N. Matzkin Mrs. Nathan. Tannenbaum









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