Kit List

Essentials for travel...

Passport Flight details/tickets Vaccination certi�icates (you must carry your Yellow Fever certi�icate in your hand luggage for presentation upon arrival in Entebbe) e-visa Travel insurance documents Clothes... Emergency contact details A photocopy of all important documents (it’s also a good idea to have an electronic copy in your email Underwear inbox/phone) Socks Mobile phone (unlocked if you wish to use a Ugandan T-shirts/vest tops SIM) Long-sleeved tops (for the evening and colder days, Large rucksack// and for protection from insect bites) Smaller day/weekend rucksack/bag Shorts (knee-length or below for on site) Easily concealable /money belt for cash/bank Trousers (for protection against insect bites and a cards (don’t forget to tell your bank you’re travelling) requirement on any activities that require walking through long grass) Swimwear Sunhat Sunglasses Comfortable shoes for work e.g. trainers Sandals/�lip-�lops Toiletries... Waterproof jacket Jumper Weekend clothes (it’s nice to spend a few days not Towel covered in paint!) Deodorant Baby wipes (as many as possible as you won’t be able to shower on site) Toothbrush and toothpaste Shampoo and conditioner Living on Site... Soap/body wash Razor Sanitary products (although it’s hot during the day, it Flannel/body scrubber/nail brush can get surprisingly cold at night) Hairbush/comb /bed sheet Camping roll mat (although we provide mattresses to sleep on, a roll mat is great for an extra layer of comfort!) Travel pillow Water bottle Gaff/duct tape String Scissors Head torch Padlock Work gloves (heavy duty gardening gloves are �ine) Tent (depending on your choice of weekend activities) Personal Items...

Camera iPod/mp3 player Speakers Headphones Power pack/solar power charger Playing cards e-reader/books Notebook and pen Games/sports equipment/activities to use with the children on site (balls, Frisbees, skipping ropes, bubbles, stickers, nail varnish, face paint etc. are ideal - anything that can be used in a group Medical Bag... activity and collected back in at the end of play) Anti-malarial medication (it’s always best to bring an extra strip in case you lose any) Insect repellent (at least 50% DEET) Ample �irst aid kit (check the NHS Choices website for what should be included in a travel �irst aid kid) General medications (pain killers, anti-diarrhoeals, anti-histamines, bite cream, oral rehydration etc.) Sun cream/after sun Anti-bacterial hand gel

When packing, please bear in mind that you’ll be living out of a bag, in a classroom-turned-dormitory with your fellow volunteers for a number of weeks! You will need to bring clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and potentially ruined on site. It is also nice to have a few options for the weekend so you’re not always covered in dust/paint! It is very hot on site, so a sun hat and plenty of sun cream is a must.

Please remember that Uganda is a relatively conservative country when it comes to clothing. Ensure you refer to our Volunteering Guidelines when packing.