Gujarati- English Learner’s Dictionary

Babu Suthar

(Second draft)

A Nirman Foundation Project

Department of Studies University of Pennsylvania 820 Williams Hall 36th and Spruce Philadelphia PA 19104

 Babu Suthar



In Memory of Harivallabh Bhayani


We will revise this draft again after we receive comments and suggestions from the scholars and the users. There are still problems with phonetic transcription of some words. We will fix them as soon as we get feedback from the scholars. Meanwhile, we request the users to consult us before using information from this dictionary in their reserach.

Babu Suthar [email protected]



Gujarati is a poor language of the rich people. This language does not have scientifically written grammar books. Whatever grammar books it has are mainly pedagogic. It does not have well written dictionaries either. There are some, monolingual as well as bilingual, but many of them are impressionistic and outdated. This language is divided into many social and geographical dialects, but very few of them have been explored. Many dialects still await their documentation. It has attracted many linguists, but their impact on the language, speakers, and writers has been negligible. Gujaratis are everywhere, and so is Gujarati; but Gujarati rarely is taught systematically. The children of Gujarati Diaspora learn some Gujarati either from their parents or from classes run mainly by Hindu temples. There is no well written teaching material either. Some individuals have created some material, but much of it lacks professionalism. In addition, it is also faulty either in grammar or in pragmatics or both. This is unfortunate. In order to overcome this situation, partially if not fully, the Department of South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania has taken a leadership role. They have encouraged designing teaching material under which we have created three textbooks: Gujarati Reader 1, 2 and 3. The Reader 1 is devoted to the writing system, while the Reader 2 is devoted to written conversations. The Reader 3 is a collection of Aesop’s fables rendered in Gujarati. This dictionary is a part of that project but it has been funded by the Nirman Foundation, Washington DC. It is perhaps the first dictionary of the language created for the beginning student who is learning Gujarati language as a second language. It is also the first dictionary in Gujarati which gives phonetic transcription of the head words in International Phonetic Alphabet. Besides, it is also the first one that gives graphemic transcription of each head words. This dictionary will certainly facilitate the learner in learning the differences between spoken and written Gujarati. I am thankful to Nirman Foundation. Without their support this dream would have remained unfulfilled. I am also thankful to Prof. Bhikhu Parekh and Dr. Chandrakant Shrof for taking personal interest in this project. I can not forget Prof. Guy Welbon, former Chairperson of the South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania, who underlined the need of creating teaching material and supported all the projects. This dictionary is the third project that he supported. I am also thankful to Prof. Michael W. Meister, the Chairperson of the Department of South Asia, for encouraging me in finishing this work. Finally, I am thankful to Prof. Buckley, Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Bharti Modi, Ex. Chairperson, Department of Linguistics, The M.S. University of Baroda for ofering me guidance on various issues related to compiling dictionary.

Babu Suthar Sunday, June 29, 2003



1. Explanatory notes 7 2. Abbriviations 10 3. Dictionary 12 A 12 Aa 20 ; 25 : 26 w 26 W 29 ¢ 30 Ae 30 AE 32 Ao 32 AO 33 k 33 ` 41 g 46 3 52 c 55 2 62 j 65 z 70 4 73 5 75 6 77 7 79 t 80 9 87 d 88 0 96 n 100 p 111 f 132 b 137 - 146 m 154 y 167 r 168 l 175 v 183 = 200 q 205 s 205 h 229 7

x 235 }a 235

4. Gujarati Parts of speech 236 5. Numerals 255


Explanatory Notes:

Structure of the entries: Each entry contains five parts in the following order: 1. Head- word, 2. Phonetic transcription, 3. Graphemic transcription, 4. Grammatical designation and 5. Gloss. In addition, some entries may contain example.

1. Head-word: Head-word is the word to be glossed. It is given here in Gujarati script. Spellings such as gÅga, p¨jo, 5*6I, sNt and sMp are avoided in favor of more traditional spellings g&ga, p&jo, 5&6I, s&t and s&p.

2. Phonetic transcription: For each head-word phonetic transcription is given here in Broad transcription. Syllabic division is also marked. This will facilitate the learners in learning how to pronounce the words and how to relate them with their grapheme structure. However, stress pattern is left unmarked. Phonetic transcription is given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which is given bellow:


Front Central Back

Close i u

Close-mid e o \

Open-mid ´ ø

Open a



Pharyngeal vl. h Velar vd. g g˙ ˜ vl. k k˙ Palatal vd.

Ô Ô˙ µ j

vl. ˙ c c Retroflex vd.

Î Î˙ ¯ Æ

vl. ˇ ˇ˙

Post alveolar vl. ß

Alveolar vd. r l Dental vd. d d˙ n vl. t t˙ s

Labiodental vd. v Bilabial vd. b b˙ m vl. p p˙

non-asp. asp. Plosive Fricative Nasal Trill Approximant Lateral approximant


3. Graphemic transcription: For each word graphemic transcription is also given using the following symbols. This will help students learning the relationship between sound and later with is not always symmetrical in Gujarati.


A Aa ; : w W ¢ \ a i ii u uu ru≤

Ae AE Ao AO A& AŠ e \i o \u \m \h

Consonants: k ` g 3 k\ kh\ g\ gh\ c 2 j z c\ ch\ Ô\ Ôh\

4 5 6 7 8 ˇ\ ˇh\ Î\ Îh\ ¯\ t 9 d 0 n t\ th\ d\ dh\ n\ p f b - m p\ ph\ b\ bh\ m\ y r l v y\ r\ l\ v\

= q s ß\ s°\ s\ h X x }a h\ Æ\ kß\ gn\

4. Gloss: Gloss illustrates the main sense of the word. In some cases, more than one meaning are given in the order of their prominence.



adj. adjective advb. adverb conj. conjunction fem. feminine hon. honorific masc. masculine neut. neuter postp postposition pron. pronoun v.intr. intransitive verb v.dat. dative verb v.exp. experiencer verb transitive verb


/ . / syllabic break < . > boundary of the letter

A Axy /\k.ß\.j\/ <\.kß\.j\> adj. 1.imperishable. 2. inexhaustible.

Akb&0 /\k.b\n.d˙\/ <\.k\.b\~.dh\> adj. . Axr /\k.ß\.r\/ <\.kß\.r\> masc. .1. a 1. intact. 2. neither opened nor broken. letter, 2. a syllable

Ak6avu& /\k.Î <\.k\.Î> v.intr. Axr /\k.ß\.r\/ <\.kß\.r\> adj. . to get angry. indestructible.

Ak6avu& /\k.Î <\.k\.Î> v.intr. Axr=Š /\k.ß\.r\.ß\.h\/ <\.kß\.r\.ß\.h\> to have cramp. adv.. 1.literally. 2. letter by letter. 3. word by word. AkmRk /\.k\r.m\.k/ <\.k\.rm\.k\> adj. . intransitive. a verb that does not take a Axa&= /\k.ßa~.ß\/ <\.kßa~.s\> masc. a direct verb. degree of latitude.

AksIr /\k.sir/ <\.k\.sii.r\> adj. . A`&6 /\.k˙\¯.Î\/ <\.kh\~.Î\> adj. effective. 1.unbroken. 2. ceaseless.

AkSmat /\.k\s.mat/ <\.k\.sma.t\> neut. A`&&i6t /\.k˙\¯.Îit/ <\.kh\~.Îi.t\> adj. . . accident 1.unbroken. 2. constant.

AkSmate /\.k\ <\.k\.sma.te> A`tro /\.k˙\ <\.kh\.t\.ro> masc. advb.. accidentally. .1. an experiment. 2. a trial

AkXam8 /\k.Æa.m\¯/ <\.k\.Æa.m\.¯\> A`bar /\k˙.bar/ <\.kh\.ba.r\> neut. . a fem. news paper 1. perplexity. 2. acute worry. A`a6o /\.k˙a.Îo/ <\> masc. . a AkXavu& /\k.Æ <\.k\.Æ> v.intr. . gymnasium to get angry. A`at /\.k˙at/ <\.kha.t\> masc. .1. a bay. Ak\k6 /\k.k\.Î/ adj. 1. stiff. 2. a gulf 2. unbending. Agi8t /\.g\.¯it/ adj. .<\.g\.¯i.t\> 1. Ak\krmI /\k.k\r.mi/ <\.kk\.r\.mii> adj. innumerable. 2. uncounable. unfortunate. Ag8otr /\.g\.¯o.t\r/ <\.g\.¯o.t\.t\> Ak\kl /\k.k\l/ <\.kk\.l\> fem. . sense. adj. . sixty nine.

Axt /\k.ß\.t\/ <\.kß\.t\> adj. .1. whole. Ag*ya=I /\.g\.¯ja.ßi/ <\.g\.¯ja.ßii> adj. . 2. unbroken. seventy nine.


AgTy /\.g\t.j\/ <\.g\.tj\> neut. AigyarI /\.gi.ja.ri/ <\.gi.ja.rii> fem. . a important. small fire temple in which keep their sacred fire. AgTyta /\.g\t.j\.ta/ <\.g\.tj\.ta> fem. . importance. Agocr /\.go.c\r/ <\.go.c\.r\> adj. 1.beyond senses. 2. imperceptible. Agm cetI /\.g\m.ce.ti/ <\.g\.m\.ce.tii> fem. AiGn /\ <\.gni> masc. .fire 1.forsight. 2. precaution. AiGndah /\ <\.gni.da.h\> masc. Agm va8I /\.g\¯i/ <\.g\.va.¯ii> . cremation ceremony. fem.1. prophecy. 2. mysterious words. AiGns&Skar /\\/ AgMy /\.g\m.j\/ <\.g\.mj\> adj. .1. <\.gni.s\~.ska.r\> masc. . cremation mysterious. 2. inaccessible. ceremony.

Agrb]aI /\.g\r.b\t.ti/ <\.g\.r\.b\.ttii> A3i4t /\.g˙\.ˇit/ adj. improper. fem. . incense stick. A3ru& /\.g˙\.ru~/ <\.gh\.ru~> adj. Agv6 /\g.v\Î/ <\.g\.v\.Î\> fem. difficult. inconvenience. Ac&bo /\.c\ <\.c\> masc. .1. a Agaw /\.ga.u~/ <\.ga.u> prep.. before. surprise, 2. an astonishment

AgawnI /\ <\.ga.u.nii> adj. . Acank /\.ca.n\k/ <\.ca.n\.k\> advb. . previous (in terms of time). 1.suddenly, 2. accidentally

Agaw9I /\.ga.u.t˙i/ <\.ga.u.thii> advb. AcUk /\.cuk/ <\.cuu.k\> advb. .in advance. .1.without a mistake, 2. sure

AgasI /\ <\.ga.sii> fem. . terrace. A2t /\.c˙\t/ <\.ch\.t\> fem. .1.scarcity, 2. shortage Aigyar /\.gi.jar/ <\.gi.ja.r\> adj. .eleven. A2tu& /\.c˙\.tu~/ <\.ch\.tu~> advb. .1.secret, 2. hidden Aigyarmu& /\ <\.gi.ja.r\.mu~> neut. the eleventh day after death. A2bDa /\.c˙\b.Îa/ <\.ch\.b\.Îa> masc. . chicken-pox (honorific). Aigyars /\.gi.ja.r\s/ <\.gi.ja.r\.s\> fem. the eleventh day of a fortnight of a A2Ut /\.c˙ut/ <\.chu.t\> adj. . Hindu lunar month. untouchable


A2o6o /\.c˙o.Îo/ <\.cho.Îo> masc. a A}aan /\\/ <\.gna.n\> neut. . chain of gold or silver ignorance

Ajgr /\Ô.g\r/ <\.Ô\.g\.r\> masc. . a A}aanI /\ <\.gna.nii> adj. python .ignorant

Ajb /\.Ô\b/ <\.Ô\.b\> adj. .1. strange, 2. A4k /\.ˇ\k/ <\.ˇ\.k\> fem. .1. surname, surprising 2. a family name. 3. last name.

Ajmavvu& /\Ô <\.Ô\.ma.v\.vu~> A4kvu& /\.ˇ\ <\.ˇ\.k\.vu~> v.intr. . to 1. to try, 2. to test. stop.

Ajmo /\Ô.mo/ <\.Ô\.mo> masc. . parsley A4kX /\ˇ.k\Æ/ <\.ˇ\.k\.Æ\> fem. . an AjvaXvu& /\Ô.vaÆ.vu~/ <\.Ô\.va.Æ\.vu~> inference .to cleanse. A4p4u& /\ˇ.p\.ˇu~/ adj. <\.ˇ\.p\.ˇu~> AjvaXIyu& /\Ô.va.Æi.Ôu~/ <\.Ô\.va.Æii.ju~> 1.intricate, 2. complex neut. 1. the bright half of a lunar month, A4vavu& /\ˇ <\.ˇ\> v.intr. . to 2. Small holes in the roof foe admitting wander. sun-light. A5vai6k /\ˇ˙.va.Îik/ <\.ˇh\.va.Îi.k\> AjvaXu& /\Ô.va.Æu~/ <\.Ô\.va.Æu~> neut. adj. . weekly .light A5vai6yu& /\ˇ˙.va.Îi.ju~/ <\.ˇh\.va.Îi.ju~> Aj&po /\.Ô\.mpo/ <\.Ô\~.po> masc. . neut. a week restlessness A5&g /\.ˇ˙\˜.g\/ <\.ˇh\~.g\> adj. . out and Aja8 /\.Ôa¯/ <\.Ôa.¯\> adj. . ignorant out.

Aja*yu& /\.Ôa.¯yu~/ <\.Ôa.¯ju~> A5\5a; /\.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.i/ <\.ˇhˇha.i> fem. . a adj.1.unknown, 2. stranger religious vows of the Jains. A person who takes this vow fasts for the period AjaybI /\.Ôa.j\.bi/ <\.Ôa.j\.bii> fem. .1. a of eight days. wonder, 2. a surprise A5\5a8u& /\.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.¯u~/ <\.ˇhˇha.¯u~> adj. . A@8R /\.Ôir.¯\/ <\.Ôii.r¯\> neut. ninety eight. indigestion A5\5avn /\.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.v\n/ <\.ˇhˇha.v\.n\> Ajey /\.Ôej/ <\.Ôe.j\> adj. . adj. fifty eight. unconquerable A5\yotr /\.ˇ˙jo.t\r/ <\.ˇhjo.t\.r\> adj. . Ajo6 /\.Ôo.Î/ <\.Ôo.Î\> adj. . unique seventy eight.


A5\yasI /\.ˇ˙ <\.ˇhja.sii> adj. . eighty A7I /\.Î˙i/ <\.Îhii> adj. . two and a eight. half.

A6kvu& /\.Î\ <\.Î\.k\.vu~> .to A8gmo /\¯.g\.mo/ <\.¯\.g\.mo> masc. touch. . dislike.

A6`e p6`e /\Î.k˙e p\Î.k˙e/ A836 /\¯.g˙\Î/ <\.¯\.gh\.Î\> adj. . <\.Î\.khe p\.Î\.khe> adv..1. beside, unskilled 2. adjacent to, 3. side by side. A80ayuR& /\¯.d˙a.rju~/ <\.¯\.dha.rju~> adj. A6g /\.Î\g/ <\.Î\.g\> adj. .1. & advb. unexpected. immovable, 2. unperturbed. A8manItu& /\¯ <\.¯\.ma.nii.tu~> A6c8 /\Î.c\¯/ <\.Î\.c\.¯\> fem. . adj. .unfavorable. obstacle A8vr /\¯.v\r/ <\.¯\.v\.r\> masc. a A6talIs /\Î.ta.lis/ <\.Î\.ta.lii.s\> adj. relative of the bridgroom who assists forty eight. him during marriage ritual.

A6d /\.Î\d/ <\.Î\.d\> masc. a kind of Ai8 /\.¯i/ <\.¯i> fem. sharp point of pulse anything.

A60u& /\Î.d˙u~/ <\.Î\.dhu~> adj. half. Aiti9 /\.ti.t˙i/ <\.ti.thi> masc. . a guest who comes without prior information. A6plu& /\.Î\ <\.Î\.p\.lu~> neut. .1.a mischief, 2. a prank Aitrek /\.ti.rek/ <\\> masc. . an excess A6vu& /\Î.vu~/ <\.Î\.vu~> . to touch. AtIt /\.tit/ <\.tii.t\> masc. . past. A6s5 /\Î.s\ˇ˙/ <\.Î\.s\.ˇh\> adj. .sixty eight. Atu4 /\.tuˇ/ <\.tu.ˇ\> adj. . unbreakable.

A6oA6 /\Îo.\Î/ <\.Îo.\.Î\> postp. A]ar /\ˇ.ˇ\r/ <\.tt\.r\> neut. .perfume .very closely. ATy&t /\t.j\n.t\/ <\.tj\~.t\> adj. . A6\6o /\Î.Îo/ <\.ÎÎo> masc. .a meeting excessive place of unsocial element. ATyacar /\ <\\> masc. . A7Xk /\.Î˙\.Æ\k/ <\.Î\.Æ\.k\> adj. . tyranny plentiful. ATyare /\ <\> adv.. just now A7ar /\.Î˙ar/ <\.Îha.r\> adj. . eighteen. A{a /\t.r\/ <\.tr\> advb.. at this place 16

A0Iru& /\.d˙ <\> adj. . A96avu& /\t˙.Î <\.th.Î> v.intr. impatient. .1. to collide, 2. to hit against. A0uru& /\.d˙ <\> adj. . A9a8u& /\.t˙a.¯u~/ <\.tha.¯u~> neut. . incomplete. pickle A)0r /\d˙.d˙\r/ <\.dhdh\.r\> advb..1. Ada /\.da/ <\.da> fem. . action. unsupported, 2. hanging in mid air.

Adalt /\.da.l\t/ <\.da.l\.t\> fem. . a An9R /\.n\r.t˙\/ <\.n\.rth\> masc. . a judicial court. misinterpretation.

Adavt /\.da.v\t/ <\.da.v\.t\> fem. . An&t /\.n\n.t\/ <\.n\~.t\> adj. .1.endless, enmity. 2. infinite.

A±+y /\.dr\ß.j\/ <\.dr\.ßj\> adj. . Anaj /\.naÔ/ <\.na.Ô\> neut. .grain. invisible. Ana9 /\.˙/ <\\> adj. . orphan. Ade`a; /\.de.k˙ai/ <\.de.kha.i> fem. . jealously Ana9a[am /\.na.t˙a.ßr\.m\/ <\.na.tha.ßr\.m\> masc. . an Ade`u& /\.de.k˙u~/ <\.de.khu~> adj. . orphanage. jealous Anadr /\.na.d\r/ <\.na.d\.r\> masc. . Ad\-Ut /\d.b˙ut/ <\.d\.bhu.t\> adj. . an insult. wonderful Anamt /\.na.m\t/ <\.na.m\.t\> fem. . deposit. A0kcru& /\d˙.k\ <\.dh\.k\.c\.ru~> adj. partly baked or cooked. AnamI /\.na.mi/ <\.na.mii> adj. . nameless. A0m /\.d˙\m/ <\.dh\.m\> adj. mean. Ainyimt /\ <\.ni.j\.mi.t\> adj. A0mUw& /\d˙.mu.u~/ <\.dh\.mu.u> adj. . irregular. half-dead. Aini¾t /\.niß.cit/ <\.ni.ßci.t\> adj. . A0mR /\.d˙\r.m\/ <\.dh\.rm\> masc. .1. uncertain. the reverse of religion, 2. immoral. AnIit /\.ni.ti/ <\.nii.ti> fem. A0vc /\d˙.v\c/ <\.dh\.v\.c\> advb..1. immorality. in the middle, 2. midway. Anukr8 /\.nu.k\.r\¯/ <\.nu.k\.r\.¯\> Ai0kar /\.d˙i.kar/ <\.dhi.ka.r\> masc. . neut. a right. immitation.


AnukUX /\.nu.kuÆ/ <\.nu.kuu.Æ\> adj. . Apvad /\p.vad/ <\.p\.va.d\> masc. . an suitable. exception.

Anuk/m /\\m/ <\\.m\> Apiv{a /\.p\.vit.r\/ <\.p\\> adj. masc. .1. order, 2. sequence. unholy.

Anu-v /\.nu.b˙\v/ <\\.v\> masc. Ap=Bd /\p.ß\b.d\/ <\.p\.ß\.bd\> masc. experience. an abuse.

Anu-vI /\.nu.b˙\.vi/ <\\.vii> adj. Ap=ukn /\p.ßu.k\n/ <\.p\.ßu.k\.n\> experienced. masc. . ill-omen.

Anuman /\ <\\> neut. . Ap&g /\.p\˜.g\/ adj. . <\.p\~.g\> 1. lame, an inference. 2. crippled.

Anuvad /\.nu.vad/ <\\> masc. Apasro /\.pa.s\.ro/ <\.pa.s\.ro> masc. . translation. a Jain monestry.

Anusrvu& /\.nu.s\ <\.nu.s\.r\.vu~> ApUj /\.puÔ/ <\.puu.Ô\> adj. . not v.intr to follow. worshipped.

AnuSnatk /\\k/ <\.nu.sna.t\.k\> Apexa /\.pek.ßa/ <\.pe.kßa> fem. . adj. post-graduate. expectation.

AnuSvar /\.nus.var/ <\.nu.sva.r\> neut. Ap/g4 /\.pr\.g\ˇ/ <\.pr\.g\.ˇ\> adj. . a sign written on the top of a letter that unpublished. indicates a nasal sound or nasalization of a vowel. Aip/y /\p.ri.j\/ <\.pri.j\> adj. . disguisting. Ane /\.ne/ <\.ne> conj.. and. Afva /\p˙.va/ <\.ph\.va> fem. . a Anek /\.nek/ <\.ne.k\> adj. . many. rumors.

ANyay /\n.jaj/ <\.nja.j\> masc. . /\p˙.sos/ <\.ph\.so.s\> masc. .1. injustice. repentance, 2. alas.

Apco /\.p\.co/ <\.p\.co> masc. . Abj /\.b\Ô/ <\.b\.Ô\> adj. . one indigestion. thousand millions.

Apj= /\p.Ô\ß/ <\.p\.Ô\.ß\> masc. Abjopit /\.b\.Ôo.p\.ti/ <\.b\.Ôo.p\.tii> .disgrace. adj. a millionaire

Apman /\ <\.p\.ma.n\> neut. . A-8 /\.b˙\¯/ <\.bh\.¯\> adj. . an insult illiterate. 18

ArIso /\ <\> masc. .a A-av /\.b˙av/ <\.bha.v\> masc. . mirror. dislike. Are /\.re/ <\.re> inter.. an exclamation expressing surprise, `oh’. Ai-n&dn /\.b˙i.n\n.d\n/ <\.bhi.n\~.d\.n\> masc. congratulation. A9R /\r.t˙\/ <\.rth\> masc. 1. meaning, (Honorific) 2. wealth.

Ai-neta /\.b˙ <\> masc. Alg /\.l\g/ <\.l\.g\> adj. . separate. . a male actor. AlI /\.li/ <\.lii> fem. . a female friend for a female. Ai-p/a.y /\.b˙i.pra.j\/ <\.bhi.pra.j\> masc. . an opinion. Alop /\.lop/ <\.lo.p\> adj. . invisible.

Ai-man /\.b˙ <\\> neut. AlOkIk /\.l\u.kik/ <\.l\u.kii.k\> adj. . . arrogance. devine.

Ai-manI /\.b˙ <\> Avd=a /\v.d\.ßa/ <\.v\.d\.ßa> fem. . adj. . arrogant. misfortune.

A_yas /\b˙.ja.s\/ <\.bhja.s\> masc. .1. Avnvu& /\v.n\.vu~/ <\.v\.n\.vu~> adj. . study, 2. practice. new.

Amr /\.m\r/ <\.m\.r\> adj. immortal. Avyv /\.v\.j\v/ <\.v\.j\.v\> masc. .a limb. Amaru& /\ <\> pron.. our (exclusive). Avro0 /\v.rod˙/ <\.v\.ro.dh\> masc. .a hurdle. Amas /\.mas/ <\.ma.s\> fem. . the last day of the dark half of a lunar month. Avlokn /\v.lo.k\n/ <\.v\.lo.k\.n\> neut. . observation. Amuk /\.muk/ <\.mu.k\> adj. . some. Av+y /\vß.j\/ <\.v\.ßj\> advb. . surely. AmULy /\.mul.j\/ <\.muu.lj\> adj. .priceless. Avsr /\v.s\r/ <\.v\.s\.r\> masc. an occasion. Ame /\.me/ <\.me> pron.. we (exclusive). Avsan /\v.san/ <\.v\.sa.n\> neut. death. AyoGy /\.jog.j\/ <\.jo.gj\> adj. . improper. AvXa; /\v.Æai/ <\.v\.Æa.i> fem. improper behavior.


AvXu& /\v.Æu~/ <\.v\.Æu~> adj. up side down. As&~y /\.s\¯.k˙j\/ <\.s\~.khj\> adj. Avaj /\.vaÔ/ <\.va.Ô\> masc. .1.voice, 2. innumerable. sound. As&toq /\.s\n.toß/ <\.s\°\> masc. . Avarnvar /\.var.n\.var/ dissatisfaction. <\.va.r\.n\.va.r\> advb. .frequently. As&-v /\.s\m.b˙\v/ <\.s\\.v\> adj. AvaXu& /\.va.Æu~/ <\.va.Æu~> neut. . the .impossible. gums of teeth. As&mt /\.s\m.m\t/ <\.s\~.m\.t\> adj. Aivny /\.vi.n\j/ <\.vi.n\.j\> masc. .disagreeing. .immodesty. As&SkarI /\.sams.ka.ri/ <\.s\~.ska.rii> A=kt /\.ß\k.t\/ <\.ß\.kt\> adj. . weak. adj. . uncivilized.

Asa)y / / < > adj. . A=a&t /\.ßa~n.t\/ <\.ßa~.t\> adj. . troubled. \.sa.d˙j\ \.sa.dhj\ incurable.

A=u)0 /\.ßud˙.d˙\/ <\.ßu.dhdh\> adj. . Asur /\.sur/ <\.suu.r\> masc. . demon. impure.

AiS9r / / < > adj. . A=u- /\.ßub˙/ <\.ß\> adj. \.st˙i.r\ \.sthi.r\ inauspicious. unstable.

ASpQ4 / / < > adj. . Aqa6 /\.ßaÎ/ <\.s°a.Î\> masc. ninth \.sp\ß.ˇ\ \.sp\.s°ˇ\ month of the Vikram era. vague.

ASvC2 / / < > adj. . AsTy /\.s\t.j\/ <\.s\.tj\> neut. .1. false, \.sv\c.c˙\ \.sv\.cch\ 2. untrue. impure.

ASvS9 / / < > adj. Asr /\.s\r/ <\.s\.r\> fem. .effect. \.sv\s.t˙\ \.sv\.sth\ 1.restless 2. sick.

Asl /\.s\l/ <\.s\.l\> adj. .original. ASva-aivk /\.sva.b˙\/

< > adj. . unnatural. Ashkar /\.s\h.kar/ <\.s\.h\.ka.r\> \\ masc. . non-co-operation. ASvIkar /\.svi.kar/ <\.svii.ka.r\> masc. 1.rejection 2. denial. Ashay /\.s\.haj/ <\.s\.ha.j\> adj. . helpless. Aih&sk /\.him.s\k/ <\.hi~.s\.k\> adj. . non-violent. As¬ /\.s\h.j\/ <\.s\.hj\> adj. . unbearable. 20

Aihsa /\ <\> fem. . non- A&tr /\n.t\r/ <\~.nt\.r\> neut. .1.the vilence. heart 2. the mind. [an abstract notion that refers to one’s conscience.] AhI& /\.hi~/ <\.hi~> advb. . here. A&itm /\n.tim/ <\~.ti.m\> adj. . last. AhI&ya& /\.hi~.ja~/ <\.hi~.ja~> advb. .same as AhI&. A&te /\n.te/ <\~.te> advb. .1. finally 2. at last. Ahoho /\.ho.ho/ <\.ho.ho> excl.. an exclamation expressing surprise. A&dr /\n.d\r/ <\~.d\.r\> postp. .1. in 2. within 3. inside 4. into. AX`am8u& /\Æ.k˙am.¯u~/ <\.Æ\.kha.m\.¯u~> adj. .1. unfavorable 2. disagreeable. A&daj /\n.daÔ/ <\~.da.Ô\> masc. . an estimate. AXgu& /\Æ.gu~/ <\.Æ\.gu~> adj. .1.detached 2. uncommon. A&0a0U&0I /\n.d˙a.d˙u~n.d˙i/ <\~.dha.dhuu~.dhii> fem. . chaos. A&kur /\˜.ku.r\/ <\~.ku.r\> masc. .1. a sprout 2. an offshoot. A&0apo /\n.d˙a.po/ <\~.dha.po> masc. . blindness. A&g /\˜.g\/ <\~.g\> neut. . the body. A&0arIyu& /\n.d˙a.ri.ju~/ <\~.dha.rii.ju~> neut. A&grxk /\˜.g\.r\k.ß\.k\/ . the dark half of a lunar month. <\~.g\.r\.kß\.k\> masc. .a body-guard. A&0aru& /\n.d˙ <\~.dha.ri.ju~> neut. . A&gU5I /\˜.gu.ˇ˙i/ <\~.guu.ˇhii> fem. . a darkness. finger ring. A&bo6o /\Îo/ <\Îo> masc. . a A&gU5o /\˜.gu.ˇ˙o/ <\ˇho> masc. .a knot of plaited hair of a woman. thumb. A&= /\mß/ <\~.ß\> masc. .a part, a section A&g/ej /\˜.g\.reÔ/ <\~.gre.Ô\> masc. . an Englishman. Aa

A&g/e@ /\˜.g\.re.Ôi/ <\~.gre.Ôii> fem. Aa /a/ proun.. this. .English.

Aakar /a.kar/ masc. .1. shape A&t /\n.t\/ <\~.t\> masc. . an end. 2. form.

A&tr /\n.t\r/ <\~.t\.r\> neut. . distance. Aaka= /a.kaß/ neut. . sky.

Aaka&xa /a.ka~.kßa/ fem. . desire. 21

Aak fem. . a Aacrkucr /a.c\r ku.c\r/ neut. diagram. .miscellaneous food or household articles. Aak/m8 /ak.r\.m\¯/ neut. . an attack. Aacar /a.c\r/ masc. .behavior.

Aaxep /ak.ßep/ masc. AacayR /\/ masc. 1. a .accusation. principal 2. a spritual leader. (Honorific)

Aa`re /a.k˙\.re/ advb. Aa2u& /a.c˙u~/ adj. dim. .finally. Aaj /aÔ/ fem. today. Aa`lo /ak˙.lo/ masc. . a bull. Aa@@ /a.Ôi.Ôi/ fem. an humble Aag /ag/ fem. . fire. request.

Aagbo4 /ag.boˇ/ fem. a Aa@vn /a.Ôi.v\n/ adj. . steamer. lifelong.

Aagm /a.g\m/ masc. Aaju baju /a.Ôu ba.Ôu/ adv. religious texts of the Jains. around.

Aaglu& / adj. . previous. Aa4lu& /aˇ.lu~/ adj. .this much.

AagX /a.g\Æ/ advb. .1. in front Aa4o /a.ˇo/ masc. . flour. of 2. in future. Aa5 /aˇ˙/ adj. . eight. AagamI / advb. 1.ensuing 2. forthcoming. Aa5m /a.ˇ˙\m/ fem. . the eighth day of bright or dark half of the AagahI / fem. .a Hindu month. prediction. Aa68I /aÎ.¯i/ fem. . a wooden Aaigyo / masc. . 1. a fire round stood to shape rotali or puri . fly, 2. a glowworm, 3. a lightning bug. Aa6{aIs /a.Î\t.ris/ adj. . Aag/h /ag.r\.h\/ masc. .a thirty eight. strong request. Aa6u& /a.Îu~/ adj. . crosswise. Aa3at /a.g˙at/ masc. a shock. Aa6o=pa6o= /a.Îoß.pa.Îoß/ Aa3u& /a.g˙u~/ advb. . distant. masc. neighbours. 22

Aan&d /a.n\n.d\/ masc. .1. Aa8vu& /a¯.vu~/ .1. to fetch pleasure 2. joy. 2. to bring. AanakanI / fem. Aa8u& /a.¯u~/ neut. . 1.hesitation 2. indecision.

AaTma / masc. . soul. Aap8e /ap.¯e/ pron.. we (inclusive). Aa9m8u& /a.t˙\m.¯u~/ adj. . western. Aapi]a /a.p\t.ti/ fem. . trouble.

Aa9mvu& /a.t˙\ v.intr AapmeXe /Æe/ advb. . .to set. atomatically.

Aadr /a.d\r/ masc. .respect. Aaple /ap.le/ fem. . give and take. Aad=R /a.d\r.ß\/ adj. . ideal. AapvItI / fem. .1. Aada=I=I /a.da.ßi.ßi/ fem. . autobiography 2. good and bad events of migraine. life.

Aaid /a.di/ adj. first. Aapvu& / . to give.

Aaid /a.di/ advb. . etc. AapoAap /a.po.ap/ advb. . automatically. AaidvasI / masc. .1. aboriginal, 2. tribal. Aafro /ap˙.ro/ masc. . gas due to indigestion. Aadu& /a.du~/ neut. .green ginger. AafUs /a.p˙u:s/ fem. . a Aade= /a.deß/ masc. . an order. kind of mango.

Aab£ / / < > fem. Aa0ar /a.d˙ar/ masc. .1. a a.b\.ruu support 2. an evidence. .reputation.

AabehUb / / < > adj. . Aa0uink /a.d˙u.nik/ adj. .\ modern. exact.

Aabohva / / < > fem. . Aa0e6 /a.d˙eÎ/ adj. . elderly.\.va\.va climate.

Aa)yaiTmk /a.d˙jat.mik/ Aa- /ab˙/ neut. . sky. adj. spiritual.


Aa-ar /a.b˙ar/ masc. . Aam&{a8 pi{aka /a.m\\¯ p\.tri.ka/ thanks. fem. .an invitation letter. Aa-as /a.b˙as/ masc. .illusion. Aayno / masc. . a mirror.

Aa-Uq8 /a.b˙u.ß\¯/ neut. . Aaya. /a.ja/ fem. . a maid servent. ornaments. Aayat /a.jat/ fem. . import. Aam /am/ advb. .in this manner. Aayojn /Ô\n/ neut. . Aamjnta /am.Ô\n.ta/ management. adj. .1. the common people, 2. laymen. AartI /ar.ti/ fem. .1. a sacred Aam8e /am.¯e/ pron.. these lamp 2. a religious prayer sung with a persons. sacred lamp.

Aamtem /am.tem/ advb. Aarpar /ar.par/ advb. . .here and there. through one end to another.

Aam9I /am.t˙i/ advb. .from Aar&- /a.r\m.b˙\/ masc. . this side. beginning. Aaram /a.ram/ masc. . rest. AamdanI / fem. .income. AaroGy /a.rog.j\/ neut. . health. AamNya /amn.ja/ fem. . respect for the elders. Aarop /a.rop/ masc. . accusation. Aamr8 /a.m\.r\¯/ advb. . till the end of life. Aalvu& / .to give.

AamlI / / < > fem. .the a.m\.lii Aavk /a.v\k/ fem. income. tamrid tree.

Aavkar /av.kar/ masc. . AamXvu& /a.m\Æ.vu~/ . to welcome. twist together.

Aav6t /av.Î\t/ fem. . a Aam&{a8 /a.m\\¯/ skill. neut. an invitation.

Aav6vu& /a.v\Î.vu~/ v.exp.. to know. 24

Aav6u& /av.Îu~/ adj. . of this Aasn /a.s\n/ neut. . a seat size. (formal).

Aavrda /a.v\r.da/ fem. Aas pas /as.pas/ advb. .life-span. around.

Aavvu& / v.intr. to come. Aasman / neut. . the sky. Aavu& / advb. .of this kind. AaiStk /as.ti.k\/ adj. . theistic. Aaveg /a.veg/ masc. . an excitement. Aaso / masc. . the last month of Hindu calander. Aave= /a.veß/ masc. . an emotional excitement. AaS9a /as.t˙a/ fem. .1. faith 2. devotion. Aa=y /a.ß\j/ masc. . an intention. AaSvad /\/ masc. .a tasting. Aa=re /aß.re/ advb. .1. about 2. approximately 3. roughly. Aahaha /a.ha.ha/ inter.. an exclamation signifying surprise. Aa=ro /aß.ro/ masc. .shelter. Aahar /a.har/ masc. . food Aa=a /a.ßa/ fem. . hope. (formal).

Aa=a7 /a.ßaÎ˙/ masc. . the AahIr /a.hir/ masc. . a nine month of the Hindu calendar. shepherd community.

Aai=q /a.ßiß/ fem. . a blessing. Aahuit / fem. .1. an offering 2. a sacrifice. Aai=vaRd /a.ßir.vad/ masc. a blessing. (honorific) AaXs /a.Æ\s/ fem. .laziness.

Aa¾yR /aß.c\r.j\/ neut. . a AaXo4vu& /a.Æoˇ.vu~/ v.intr. . to surprise. wallow.

Aa[am /aß.r\m/ masc. .a Aa&k /a~k/ masc. . tables of hermitage. multiplications.

Aa¼asn /aß.va.s\n/ masc. Aa&k6a=aS{a /a~k.Îa.ßaß.tr\/ . consolation. neut. . statistics. 25

Aa&k6o /a~k.Îo/ masc. .1. a Aa&bo / masc. . a mango tree. number 2. a number-sign. Aa&su& u/ neut. . a tear. Aa&kvu& / . to estimate a price. ; Aa&` /a~k˙/ fem. . an eye. ;C2vu& /ic.c˙\.vu~/ . to

Aa&g8u& /a~g.¯u~/ neut. . open wish. space in front of a house. ;C2a /ic.c˙a/ fem. .1. desire 2.

Aa&gXIyat /a~.g\.Æi.jat/ adj. . wish. a child of the former husband of a ;jner /iÔ.ner/ masc. . an remarried woman. engineer. Aa&ckvu& /a~.c\ . to ;jaro /i.Ô masc. snatch forcfully. .monopoly. Aa&ckI / fem. .hiccup. ;jjt /iÔ.Ô\t/ fem. .1. reputation

Aa&cko /a~c.ko/ masc. . a jerk. 2. a woman’s chasity.

;5\5oter /iˇ˙.ˇ˙o.ter/ adj. . Aa&jvu& /a~Ô.vu~/ . to anoint seventy eight. eyes with collyrium.

;5\yasI /i.ˇ˙ adj. . eighty Aa&tr6u& /a~.t\r.Îu~/ neut. . eight. intestine.

;tr /i.t\r/ adj. . another. Aa&trraiQ4^y /a~n.t\r. raß.ˇri.ja/

adj. . international. ;ithas /i.ti.has/ masc.

.history. Aa&trvu& / / < > .to a~.t\ a~.t\.r\.vu~ block. ;nam /i.nam/ neut. .1. a gift

2. a present 3. a prize. Aa&trIk / / < > adj. . a~t.rik a~.t\.rii.k\ internal. ;mam /i:.mam/ masc. . the

chief prise of (honorific). Aa&doln / / < > neut. .\n\.n\ agitation. ;mart /\t/ fem. . a

big building. Aa&08 / / < > neut. . water a~.d˙\¯ a~.dh\.¯\ boild for cooking food. 26

;yX /i:.j\Æ/ fem. . a kind of w worm.

wkr6o /u.k\r.Îo/ masc. .a ;laj /i:.laÔ/ masc. .a cure. dunghill.

;laycI /\.ci/ fem. wkXvu& /u.k\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. . to .cardamom. boil.

;+k /i:ß.k\/ masc. . love. wkXa4 /uk.Æaˇ/ masc. .

uneasiness and perspiration caused by ;iSptal / / < > fem. . a i:s.pi.tal i.spi.ta.l\ heat. hospital. wkaXvu& /u.kaÆ.vu~/ .to ;Slam / / < > masc. . . is.lam i.sla.m\ make something boiled.

;N±Iy /in.dri.j\/ fem. . a wkel /u.kel/ masc. . a solution. sense. wkelvu& / .to : read (in the sense of deciphering).

wkelvu& / .to :ja /iŠ.Ôa/ fem. .injury. solve.

:6lI /iŠÎ.li/ fem. . a South wkelvu& / . to Indian food dish. untwined.

:d /iŠd/ fem. . a festival of w`a8u& /u.k˙a.¯u~/ neut. . a Muslims. riddle.

:d6u& /iŠd.Îu~/ neut. . a food wgamvu& / . item made out of fermented flour. to raise something to strike.

:=an /iŠ.ßan/ fem. .north-east. w3ra8I /ug˙.ra.¯i/ fem. . collection of money due from. :¼r /iŠß.v\r/ masc. .god. w3ravvu&& /ug˙ :sa: /iŠ.sa.iŠ/ masc. a .to collect money by contribution. Christian. :&4 /iŠˇ/ fem. .a brick. wca4 /u.caˇ/ masc. . restlessness. :&6u& /i~Š.¯du~/ neut. . an egg. wcapt /\t/ fem. . misappropriation. 27 wCcar / masc. . w6avvu& /u.Î pronunciation. . to use up. wCcarvu& / . wtarvu& / . to to pronounce. unload. See wtrvu& wC2vas /uc.c˙\.vas/ wtarvu& / .to masc. . exhaling. make a copy. w2Xvu& /u.c˙\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. wtaru& / masc. . a 1. to jump, 2. to be tossed. passenger. w2aXvu& /u.c˙aÆ.vu~/ . wtaro / masc. .1. an to toss up. inn. 2. a lodging house. w2ervu& /u.c˙ . to wtaro / masc. .1. a raise. copy. 2. a transcript. wjagro /u.Ô masc. . wtavX /u.ta.v\Æ/ fem. . abstinence from sleep. haste. wja8I /u.Ôa.¯i/ fem. a picnic. w]am /ut.t\m/ adj. . the best. wjj6 /uÔ.Ô\Î/ adj. barren w]ar /ut.t\r/ masc. . an (land) answer. w5m8u& /u.ˇ˙\m.¯u~/ neut. w]ar /ut.t\r/ masc. the North. a ritual performed after death. w]aejk /ut.te.Ô\k/ adj. . stimulating. w5vu& /uˇ˙.vu~/ v.intr. . to get up. wTpi]a /ut.p\t.ti/ fem. . production. w5a6vu& /u.ˇ˙aÎ.vu~/ . to wake up. wTpadk /\k/ masc. 1. a producer. 2. a manufacturer. w5a&trI /u.ˇ˙a~n.t\.ri/ fem. . a theft. wTpadn /\n/ neut. . an act of producing. w6aw /u.Îa.u/ adj. . extravagant. wTsv /ut.s\v/ masc. . a festival. w6avvu& /u.Î . to make something fly. 28 wTsah /ut.sah/ masc. .1. wpcar / masc. .1. a enthusiasm. 2. zeal. remedy. 2. cure. w9lavvu& /ut˙ w pjvu& /u.p\Ô.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to depose. 2. to over turn. See .to grow w9lvu& wpjavvu& /up.Ô wdar /u.dar/ adj. . generous. to reproduce. wdas /u.das/ adj. wpde= /up.deß/ masc. . .1.unconcerned. 2. dejected. preaching. wdahr8 /u.da.h\.r\¯/ wpngr /up.n\.g\r/ neut. 1. an example. 2. an illustration. neut. . a suburb. wd\3a4n /ud.g˙a.ˇ\n/ wpnam /up.nam/ neut. . a neut. . an inauguration. nickname. w¥e= /ß\/ masc. . an wpyog /up.jog/ masc. . use. intention. wpr /u.p\r/ postp. 1. above. w)0ar /ud˙.d˙a.r\/ masc. . 2. on. 3. over something. salvation. wpra&t /up.ra~t/ advb. .1. wd\-v /ud.b˙\.v\/ masc. additionally. 2. besides. .1. birth. 2. creation. wprI /up.ri/ masc. . a superior wd\yog /\/ masc. .1. a officier. vocation. 2. an industry. wpvas /up.vas/ masc. . a w0rs /ud˙.r\s/ fem. . fasting. cough. wps&har /up.sam.har/ w0ar /u.d˙ar/ adj. . given or masc. a summary. taken on credit. wpa6 /u.paÎ/ masc. . wnaXu& /Æu~/ adj. . withdrawal of money. pertaining to summer. wpa6vu& /u.paÎ.vu~/ . to wnaXo /Æo/ masc. . lift. summer. wpay /u.paj/ masc. . a cure. wpkar /up.kar/ masc. . an obligation. 29 wmda /um.da/ adj. . 1. best. W`6vu& /u.k˙\Î.vu~/ 2. excellent. v.intr. . to be ripped off. wmr /u.m\r/ fem. . age. W`a6vu& /u.k˙aÎ.vu~/ .1. to tear off, 2. to dismember. wmXko /u.m\Æ.ko/ masc. . an outburst of warm feeling. Wgrvu& /u.g\ v.intr. . to escape. wm&g /u.m\˜.g\/ masc. zeal. Wgvu& / v.intr. . to wmervu& / .to grow. add. Wgvu& / v.intr. . to wmero / masc. . an rise. addition. Wckvu& /u.c\ .1. wl4avvu& /ul.ˇ . to life. 2. to raise. to turn up side down. W2rvu& /u.c˙\ v.intr. wlecvu& / . to . to be brought up. raise up water. Wjvvu& /u.Ô\ v.tra. wLle` /ul.lek˙/ masc. . a .to celebrate. mention. WjXu& /uÔ.Æu~/ adj. .1. bright. 2. w+kervu& /uß . shining. to instigate. W5vu& /uˇ˙.vu~/ v.intr. . to w&dr /un.d\r/ masc. . 1. a rat. stand up. 2. a mouse. W6vu& /uÎ.vu~/ v.intr. . to fly. w&bro /um.b\.ro/ masc. the threshold of a door. W8p /u.¯\p/ fem. .a deficiency.

W Wtrvu& /u.t\ v.intr. .

to climb down. WkXvu& /u.k\.vu~/ v.intr. . to boil. W9lvu& /u.t˙\ v.intr. .

to be up-side-down. WkaXvu& /u.ka.Æ\.vu~/

.to boil. W9lo /u.t˙.lo/ masc. .1. an

upset. 2. an overturning.


W0; /u.d˙\.i/ fem. . a white ant. W&0Iyu& /u~n.d˙i.ju~/ neut. . a food made of vegetables, various types Wn /un/ neut. . wool. of beans, roots and etc. Popular in South . Wpj /u.p\Ô/ fem. .1. a farm product. 2. an income. W&0u& /u~n.d˙u~/ adj. . bottom upward. Wp6vu& /u.p\Î.vu~/ v.intr. .1. to be lifted. 2. to set out a journey. ¢ ¢ju /ru.Ôu/ adj. . 1.soft. 2. W-aW- / / < > u.b˙a.ub˙\ gentle. advb. hurriedly. ¢8 /ru¯/ neut. . a debt.

W-u& /u.b˙u~/ adj. . standing ¢tu /ru.tu/ fem. . a season. upright.

¢iq /ru.ßi/ masc. . a sage. Wl4I /ul.ti/ fem. . vomiting.

Wl4u& /ul.ˇu~/ adj. .1. opposite. Ae 2. contrary. Ae /e/ adj. .that. WlXvu& /u.l\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. . to be bumped. Aek /ek/ adj. .one.1.

Whapoh /u.ha.poh/ masc. Aek4a8u& /ek.ˇa.¯u~/ neut. . a . uproar. kind of fasting in which a person eats only once a day. W&3 /u~˜.g\/ fem. . sleep. Aek6o /ek.Îo/ masc. . the sign W&ckvu& /u~.c\ of number 1. .to lift up. Aekta /ek.ta/ fem. . unity. W&ca; /u~.cai/ fem. . height. AektaXIs /ek.ta.Æis/ adj. . W&cu& / adj. . high. forty one.

W&4 /u~ˇ/ neut. . a camel.. Aek{aIs /e.k\.tris/ adj. . thirty one. W&6a; /un.Îa.i/ fem. . depth. Aekdm /ek.d\m/ advb. . at W&6u& /u~¯.Îu~/ adj. . deep. once. 31

Aeks5 /ek.s\ˇ˙/ adj. . sixty Aek0aru& /ek.d˙ adj. .1. one. constant. 2. incessant. Aeksr`u& /ek.s\r.k˙u~/ AekpxI /ek.p\.kßi/ adj. . adj. . uniform. one sided. Aek&dr /ekn.d\r/ advb. . AekpiTn]v /ek.p\t.nit.v\/ totally. neut. monogamy. AekaAek /e.ka.ek/ advb. . Aekm /e.k\m/ fem. . fist day suddenly. of bright or dark half of Hindu month. Aeka8u& /e.ka.¯u~/ adj. . ninety Aekma{a /ek.mat.r\/ adj. . one. the only one of a type. Aekad=I /e.ka.d\.ßi/ fem. . Aekmek /ek.mek/ advb. . the eleventh day of dark or bright half of mutually. a Hindu month.

Aekrag /ek.rag/ masc. . 1. Aeka=I /e.ka.ßi/ adj. . eighty unity. 2. harmony. one.

Aek£p /ek.rup/ adj. . of Aeka&kI / adj. . one act similar form. play.

Aekl dokl /e.k\l do.k\l/ Aeka&t /e.ka~n.t\/ neut. . lonely. adj. . lonely. AekI sa9e / sa.t˙e/ advb. Aeklpe4u& /e.k\ˇu~/ . all at atime. adj. . selfish. Aekek /ek.kek/ advb. . one by Aeklvayu& /e.k\ adj. one. . lonely. Aekotr /e.ko.t\r/ adj. . Aekvgu& /ek.v\.gu~/ adj. . all seventy one. together. Aekya=I /e.kja.ßi/ adj. . eighty Aekvcn /ek.v\.c\n/ neut. one. . singular. Ae4le /eˇ.le/ advb. . therefore. AekvIs /ek.vis/ adj. . twenty one. Ae5u& /´.ˇ˙u~/ neut. . the left over food.


Ae6I /e.Îi/ fem. . heel. seventy nine.

AelcI / fem. . cardamom. Aog8Is /og.¯is/ adj. .nineteen. AelcI / masc. . an ambassador. (honorific) AoXgvu& /ø.g\Æ.vu~/ v.intr melt. Aev6u& /ev.Îu~/ advb. . of that size. AoicNtu& /ø.cin.tu~/ advb. . suddenly. Aevu& / advb. . of that manner. AoC2v /oc.c˙\v/ masc. . a festival. Aevama& / advb. . in the mean time. Ao2abolu& /o.c˙ adj. . reserved. Ae= /´ß/ masc. .enjoyment. . Ao2u& /o.c˙u~/ adj. . less than necessary. AE AEravt /\i.ra.v\t/ <\i.ra.v\.t\> masc. . Aojar /o.Ôar/ neut. . an Indra’s elephant (with seven trunks). instrument. Ao4 /oˇ/ masc. . an ebb. AE¼yR /\i.ßv\.rj\/ <\i.ßv\.rj\> neut. godliness. Ao4lo /oˇ.lo/ masc. . a raised platform adjoining the outer wall of a Ao building.

Aog8calIs /o.g\¯.ca.lis/ Ao4vu& /oˇ.vu~/ v.tran.. to hem. adj. . thirty nine. Ao7vu& /oÎ˙.vu~/ .1. to

Aog8{aIs /o.g\¯.tris/ wrap over the body. 2. to wear a sari. adj. Aor6o /or.Îo/ masc. . a room. .twenty nine.

Aog8pcas /o.g\¯.p\.cas/ Aorvu& / . to sow adj. .forty nine. seeds.

AorI /o.ri/ fem. .1. small-pox 2. Aog8sa;5 /o.g\¯. sa.iˇ˙/ measles. < > adj. .fifty nine. o.g\.¯\.sa.i.ˇh\ Aolvvu& /o.l\ . to Aog*yaAe&=I./ / < > og.¯ja. ´~ßi o.g\.¯ja.e.ßii extinguish. adj. 33

AosrI /os.ri/ fem. . the front kcrape4I /k\c.ra pe.ˇi/ open part of a house. fem. a dust bin.

Ao=Iku& /o.ßi.ku~/ neut. . a kcro /k\ masc. . pillow. garbage.

AoX` /o.Æ\k˙/ fem. . idenitity. kcva4 /k\c.vaˇ/ masc. .1. grumbling. 2. dissatisfaction. AoXvu& /oÆ.vu~/ . to comb (hair). kca= /k\.caß/ fem. 1.unripenness. 2. imperfection. 3. AoX&gvu& /o.Æ\˜.g\.vu~/ . deficiency. to cross over. kcu&br /k\.cum.b\r/ neut. raw vegetables cut into pieces. AO kcorI /k\.co.ri/ fem. . a type AOicTy /\\/ adj. . of food. appropriateness. kijya`or /k\.Ôi.ja.k˙or/ AOdICy /\u.diŠ.cj\/ <\u.dii.cj\> masc. . a adj. quarrelsome. sub-caste of Brahmin kjo6u& /k\.Ôo.Îu~/ neut. . an AOpcarRIk /\ <\u.p\.ca.rii.k\> unfit match. adj. . formal. k4ko /k\ˇ.ko/ masc. . a piece. AOq0 /\u.ß\d˙/ <\u.s°\.dh\> neut. a medicine. k4ok4I /k\.ˇo.k\.ˇi/ fem. . a crisis. Aod\yoigk /\u.djo.gik/ <\\> adj. . industial. k4oro /k\.ˇ masc. . a bowl.

K k58 /k\.ˇ˙\¯/ adj. . hard. kk\ko / / < > masc. . k\k.ko k\.kko k5In /k\.ˇ˙in/ adj. . alphabet. difficult. kckc / / < > fem. .1. a k\c. k\c k\.c\.k\.c\ ki5yaro /k\.ˇ˙ masc. boring talk. 2. a quarrel. .a woodcutter. kc6vu& / / < > to k\.c\Î.vu~ k\.c\.Î\.vu~ k5e6o /k\.ˇ˙e.Îo/ masc. . a trample. railing.

34 k5or /k\.ˇ˙or/ adj. . harsh. kd£pu& /k\ adj. . ugly. k5oX /k\.ˇ˙oÆ/ neut. . pulses. kdavr /k\.da.v\r/ adj. k6ko /k\Î.ko/ masc. .1.a .huge. piece 2. penniless. kn6gt /k\.n\Î.g\t/ fem. . harassment. k6vu& /k\Î.vu~/ adj. . bitter in taste. kNya /k\n.ja/ fem. .1. an unmarried girl. 2. Virgo. k6akU4 /k\.Îa.kuˇ/ fem. . unnecessary botheration. kp4 /k\.p\ˇ/ neut. . deceit. k6Iyo /k\.Î masc. .1. a kp6a&l]aa& /k\p.Îa~.l\t.ta~/ mason 2. a brick-layer neut. pl.. clothes. k6I /k\.Îi/ fem. .1. a hook 2. an kp6u& /k\p.Îu~/ neut. . cloth. earring. kpru& /k\ adj. . tough. k6u& /k\.Îu~/ neut. . an armlet. kpaX /k\.pa/ neut. . the k7&gu& /k\.Î˙\˜.gu/ adj. .1. forehead. clumsy 2. awkward in shape. kpas /k\.pas/ masc. . a k7I /k\.Î˙i/ fem. .a food item. cotton plant. k8 /k\¯/ masc. a grain. kpoX /k\.poÆ/ adj. . a sub caste in Bania community. k8svu& /k\.¯\ v.intr. . to groan. kf /k\p˙/ masc. .cough. k9Xvu& /k\.t˙\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. kb@yat /k\.b\.Ôi.jat/ .to deteriorate. masc. constipation. k9a /k\.t˙a/ fem. . a stroy. kbjo /k\b.Ôo/ masc. . a k9akar /k\.t˙a.kar/ masc. blouse. . a story teller. kbr /k\.b\r/ fem. . a grave. kd /k\d/ neut. . size. kba4 /k\.baˇ/ neut. . a cup-board.

35 kbUtr /k\.bu.t\r/ neut. . a pigeon. kra /k\.ra/ masc. pl..1. hail- stones. kmnsIb /k\m.n\.sib/ adj. . unfortunate. krar /k\.rar/ masc. . a written agreement. kmr /k\.m\r/ fem. . a waist. kirya8u& /k\.ri.ja.¯u~/ neut. . kmX /k\.m\Æ/ neut. . a lotus. grocery. kmXo /k\m.Æo/ masc. . kiryavr /k\.ri.ja.v\r/ jaundice. neut. . a bride’s father’s gift to bridegroom and his relatives. kma; /k\.ma.i/ fem. . earnings. kru8 /k\.ru¯/ adj. .1. pathetic 2. tragic. kmavu& /l\ v.intr. . to earn. kru8a /k\.ru.¯a/ fem. . kindness. kmurt /k\.mu.r\t/ neut. inauspicious time or hour. k£p /k\.rup/ adj. . ugly. kmot /k\.mot/ neut. . kro6 /k\.roÎ/ adj. . ten unnatural death. millions. kmosm /k\.mo.s\m/ kro6 /k\.roÎ/ fem. . a spine. fem. .1. bad weather. 2. untimely. kro6rjju /k\.roÎ.r\Ô.Ôu/ krksr /k\r.k\.s\r/ fem. fem. . the spinal cord. . economy. kroiXyo /k\.ro.Æ masc. . krgrvu& /k\r.g\ a spider. v.intr. . to request humbly. kl&k /k\.l\nk/ neut. .1. a blot krclo /k\.r\c.lo/ masc. . a 2. a blemish. crab. kla /k\.la/ fem. . art. krj /k\.r\Ô/ neut. . a debt. klak /k\.lak/ masc. . an hour. krmavu& /k\ wither. klakar /k\.la.kar/ masc. . an artist. krvu& /k\ . to do. 36 kLpna /k\l.p\.na/ fem. . k;& /k\.i~/ advb. .1. where? 2. imagination. some. kLpvu& /k\l.p\.vu~/ . to k;&k /k\.i~k/ advb. . imagine. something. kLya8 /k\l.ja.¯\/ neut. . k&kav4I /k\n.ka.vaˇi/ fem. . well-being. a small bowl to keep k&ku> kviy{aI /k\.v\.ji.tri/ fem. .a k&ku /k\n.ku/ neut. . a red female poet. powder/ paste used in rituals and certain social customs such as putting bindi on kiv /k\.vi/ masc. . a male poet. the forehead. k=u& /k\.ßu~/ adj. . whatever k&kotrI /k\.nko.t\.ri/ fem. . thing. an invitation letter. k=u&k /k\.ßu~k/ adj. . k&jUs /k\n.Ôus/ adj. . miserly. something. k&4aXvu& /k\n.ˇaÆ.vu~/ v.intr. . ksrt /k\s.r\t/ fem. . an to be bored. exercise. k&4aXo /k\n.ˇa.Æo/ masc. . ksa; /k\./ masc. . a medium. butcher. k&5 /k\¯t˙/ masc. .1. the throat kso4I /k\.so.ˇi/ fem. . a test. 2. a vocal tune. khe8 /k\.he¯/ neut. . a k&5I /k\¯.ˇ˙i/ fem. . a kind of message. necklace. khevt /k\.he.v\t/ fem. . a k&do; /k\n.doi/ masc. . a confectioner. proverb. k&doro /k\ masc. . a khevu& /k\ . to say. waist-band. k¬agru& /k\h.ja.g\.ru~/ k&parI /k\ fem. . a adj. . obedient. shivering. kXtr /k\Æ.t\r/ neut. . a k&pvu& /k\ v.intr. .1. to kind of body pain. shiver 2. to tremble. kXI /k\.Æi/ fem. . a bud. k&sar /k\m.sar/ masc. .a sweet. 37 kak6I /kak.Îi/ fem. . ka7vu& /kaÎ˙.vu~/ . to cucumber. take out. kaka /ka.ka/ masc. hon.. ka8u& /ka.¯u~/ adj. .1. a hole, 2. paternal uncle. one-eyed. kaka@ /ka.ka.Ôi/ masc. . a katr /ka.t\r/ fem. . scissors. brother of the father-in-law. katrvu& /ka.t\ . to kakI / fem. . a paternal cut with scissors. uncle’s wife. katrI /kat.ri/ fem. .a wafer- kakI@ /Ôi/ fem. . the thin slice. wife of the brother of the father-in-law. kadv /ka.d\v/ masc. . mud. kag6o /kag.Îo/ masc. . a crow. /kan/ masc. . an ear. kagX /ka.g\Æ/ masc. .1. paper kap /kap/ masc. . reduction. 2. a letter. kap6 /ka.p\Î/ neut. . cloth. kagaroX /Æ/ fem. . rowdism. kaplI / fem. . a clipping of a paper. kac /kac/ masc. .1. glass 2. mirror. kapvu& / . to cut. kacbo / / < > masc. . a ka.c\.bo kapo /ka.po/ masc. .1.a cut. 2 a tortoise. mark made by cutting. kaic&6o / / < > masc. . a¯.Îo ka.c\~.Îo kabr /ka.b\r/ neut. . a kind chameleon. of bird. kacu& / / < > adj. .1.unripe 2. kabU /ka.bu/ masc. . control. raw.

kam /kam/ neut. . work kajX /ka.Ô\Æ/ neut. .eye-salve.

kam /kam/ masc. . sexual kaju /ka.Ôu/ neut. . a cashew-nut. desire. ka4 / / < > masc. . rust. kaˇ ka.ˇ\ kamclaw& /kam.c\.lau~/ adj. .tentative.

38 kamcor /kam.cor/ adj. . not inclined to work. kaXju& /kaÆ.Ôu~/ neut. .1.the lever. kamdar /kam.dar/ masc. . a manual worker. kaXu& /la.Æu~/ adj. . black. kamdev / masc. . kaXotrI /ka.Æo.t\.ri/ fem. . a ther god of love. letter containg someone’s death’s message. kam0&0o /ka.d˙n.d˙o/ masc. .1. business 2. profession. ka&krI /ka~k.ri/ fem. . a smll pebble. kaydo / masc. . a law. ka&kro / masc. . a kaym /ka.j\m/ adj. . forever. pebble. karkun /kar.kun/ masc. . a ka&4aXu& /ka~.ˇa.Æu~/ adj. . throny. clerk. ka&4o /ka~.ˇo/ masc. . a thorn. kar`anu& /kar.k˙ neut. . a factory. ka&4o /ka~.ˇo/ masc. . a weighing machine. kar8 /ka.r\¯/ neut. .1. a reason 2. a cause. ka&5o /ka~.ˇ˙o/ masc. .1. a bank 2. a shore 3 a coast. kartk /kar.t\k/ masc. . the first month of Hindu year. ka&6u& /ka~¯.Îu~/ neut. . a wrist. kartUs /kar.tus/ neut. . a ka&do /ka¯.do/ masc. . onion. cartridge. ka&0 /ka~n.d˙\/ fem. . one of the kar-ar /kar.b˙ar/ masc. . shoulders. management. ka&skI / fem. . a small kal /kal/ fem. .1.tomrrow 2. comb mainly for women. yesterday. ka&sko /ka~s.ko/ masc. . a kavtru& /ka.v\ neut. . comb. fraud. ikLlo /kil.lo/ masc. . a fortress. kaVy /kav.j\/ neut. . a poem. ik=or /ki.ßor/ masc. . a minor kaX@ /kaÆ.Ôi/ fem. . care. boy. 39

ku&-ar /kum.b˙ar/ masc. . a ik=orI /ki.ßo.ri/ fem. . a minor potter. girl. ku&varu& / adj. . kI4lI /kiˇ.li/ fem. . a kettle. unmarried. kI6I. /ki.Îi/ fem. . an ant. kUk6o /kuk.Îo/ masc. . a cock. kI6o /ki.Îo/ masc. . an insect. kUk6I /kuk.Îi/ fem. . a hen. kImt /ki.m\t/ fem. . price. kUtrI /kut.ri/ fem. . a female kIitR /kir.ti/ fem. . fame. dog. ku4u&b /ku.ˇum.b\/ neut. . a kUtru& / neut. . a dog. family. kUtro / masc. . a male ku4ev /ku.ˇev/ fem. . a bad dog. habit. kU9lI /kut˙.li/ fem. . scandal. kutUhl /ku.tu.h\l/ neut. curiosity. kUdvu& / v.intr. . to jump. kudrt /kud.r\t/ fem. . nature. kudavvu& / see kuda6vu. kUXdev /kuÆ.dev/ masc. . a family deity. kUvo /ku.vo/ masc. . a water- well. kuStI /kus.ti/ fem. . wrestling. kU&cI / fem. .1. a key 2. a kuseva / fem. . a clue. disservice. kU&pX /\Æ/ fem. . a kuha6I /ku.ha.Îi/ fem. . a sprout. . ke4lu& /keˇ.lu~/ adj. . how much. kuha6o /ku.ha.Îo/ masc. . an axe. ke6 /k´Î/ fem. .a waist. ku&6X /ku¯.Î\Æ/ masc. a kind ked /k´d/ fem. . a prison. of ear ring. kem /k´m/ advb. .why. 40

kotrvu& /ko.t\ .1. kedI /k´.di/ masc. .a prisoner. to engrave 2. to carve. kerI /k´.ri/ fem. .a mango. ko9mIr /kot˙.mir/ neut. coriander. kev6u& /kev.Îu~/ adj. .how big ko9XI /kot˙.Æi/ fem. .a purse kevu& / adj. .of what kind. of cloth. kesr /ke.s\r/ neut. .saffron. ko9Xo /koˇ˙.Æo/ masc. .a large beg of cloth. kesrI /kes.ri/ adj. .saffron colored. kodaXI /ko.da.Æi/ fem. .1. a hoe 2. a spade. keX /keÆ/ fem. .a banana-tree. konu& /kø.nu~/ pron.. whose. keXv8I /ke.Æ\v.¯i/ fem. .1. bringing up. 2. training. kopru& / neut. .a kernel of a coconut. keXvvu& /ke.Æ\ .to bring up. kom /kom/ fem. .a caste-group. keXu& /ke.Æu~/ neut. .a banana. komvad /kom.vad/ masc. .1. communalism 2. castism. ko; /ko.i/ prono..someone. korvu& / .to bore a kogXIyu& /kø.g\.Æi.ju~/ neut. hole. cholera. kolso / masc. .coal. kogXo /køg.Æo/ masc. .1. a mouthful of liquid 2. a gargle. kolahl /\l/ masc. .a continuous loud noise. ko5I /ko.ˇ˙i/ fem. .a large vessel to stor grain. koi== /ko.ßiß/ fem. .an effort. ko6Iyu& /ko.Îi.ju~/ neut. .a kind kohvu& / v.intr. .to rot. of earthern lamp. koXI /ko.Æi/ fem. .a caste. ko7 /koÎ˙/ masc. .leprosy. koXu& /ko.Æu~/ neut. .a pumpkin. ko8I /kø.¯i/ fem. .an elbow. kO4uiMbk /k\u.ˇum.bik/ adj. pertaining to a family. 41

`jU.rI /k˙\.Ôu.ri/ fem. .a date kO-a&6 /k\u.b˙a~nÎ/ neut. tree. .a scandal. `jUro /k˙\.Ô masc. .a kO&s /k\ums/ masc. .a bracket. centipede. Ex. [], {}, ( ). `4kvu& /k˙\.ˇ\ kyare / advb. .when. v.exp.. to repent. kya& /kja~/ advb. .where. `4p4 /k˙\ˇ.p\ˇ/ fem. .an intrigue. k/ur /kru.r\/ adj. .cruel. `4ml /k˙\ˇ.m\l/ masc. k/o0 /kro.d˙\/ masc. .anger. .a bug.

`4mI5u& /k˙\ˇ.mi.ˇ˙u~/ ` adj. sour and sweet.

``6vu& /k˙\.k˙\Î.vu~/ `4rag /k˙\ˇ.rag/ masc. .a v.intr. .to rattle. quarrel.

``6avvu& /k˙\k˙.Î `4lo /k˙\ˇ.lo/ masc. .a law- .to knock (on suit. a door etc.). `4vvu& /k˙\.ˇ\ `ckavu& /k˙\ .to make things sour. v.intr. .to hesitate. `4aro /k˙\.ˇ masc. .a `ca`c /k˙\.ca.k˙\c/ motor truck. advb. densely. `4u&b6u& /k˙\.ˇumb.Îu~/ `Ccr /k˙\c.c\r/ neut. .a adj. slightly sour. mule. `6k /k˙\.Î\k/ masc. .a `jancI /k˙\.Ô rock. masc. .a cashier. `6klo /k˙\.Î\k.lo/ `jano /k˙\.Ô masc. .a masc. .a pile. treasure. `6kI /k˙\Î.ki/ fem. .a lane. `jUr /k˙\.Ôur/ neut. .a date fruit. `6tl /k˙\Î.t\l/ adj. .a strongly built.


`6bc6u& /k˙\Î.b\c.Îu~/ adj. .rough. `ru& /k˙\.ru~/ adj. .correct.

`6ecok /k˙\.Îe.cok/ `re`r /k˙\.re.k˙\r/ advb. publicly. advb. .1. truly 2. indeed.

`8vu& /k˙\¯.vu~/ .to `cR /k˙\r.c\/ neut. . expense. scratch. `las /k˙\.las/ adj. .1. `tro /k˙\ masc. exhausted 2. the end. .danger. `lasI /k˙\ masc. .a `tvvu& /k˙\.t\ sailor. .to make an entry in a ledger. `lel /k˙\.lel/ masc. `dbdvu& /k˙\d.b\ .disturbance. v.intr. .to boil with a simmering sound. `vas /k˙\.vas/ fem. .name of a community. `pvu& /k˙\ v.intr. .to be sold. `s /k˙\s/ fem. .scabies.

`br /k˙\.b\r/ fem. .news. `s`s /k˙\s.k˙\s/ fem. .poppy seeds. `-o /k˙\.b˙o/ masc. .the shoulder. `se6vu& /k˙\.seÎ.vu~/ .to move. `m8 /k˙\.m\¯/ neut. .a food item. `X`X /k˙\Æ. k˙\Æ/ advb. .the rippling sound of a water flow. `mvu& /k˙\ .to tolerate. `&`ervu& /k˙\n.k˙ .to pluck down. `mIs /k˙\.mis/ neut. .a shirt. `&jrI /k˙\µ.Ô\.ri/ fem. .a small tambourin. `rpvu& /k˙\.r\ .to hoe. `&jvaXvu& /k˙\µ.Ô\.vaÆ.vu~/ .to seratch. `rvu& /k˙\ v.intr. .to fall (fruit, leaves etc.) `&6 /k˙\¯.Î\/ masc. .1. a part 2. a room. 3. a continent. `rab /k˙\.rab/ adj. .bad. 43

`&i6yer /k˙\¯.Îi.jer/ neut. .a ruin. `atr /k˙a.t\r/ neut. .house- breaking (by theif) `a; /k˙a.i/ fem. .1. a ditch 2. a trench. `atrI/k˙at.ri/ fem. .trust.

`aw0ru& /k˙a.u.d˙\.ru~/ `atavhI /k˙a.ta.v\.hi/ adj. . gluttonous. fem. a ledger.

`ajlI /k˙aÔ.li/ fem. .a food `atu& /k˙a.tu~/ neut. .an account. item. `a0a`orakI /k˙a.d˙ `aju /k˙a.Ôu/ neut. .a food item. fem. .1. maintenance 2. livelihood. `a4kI /k˙aˇ.ki/ masc. .a butcher. `angI /k˙ adj. .secret. `a4lo /k˙aˇ.lo/ masc. .a cot. `anu& /k˙ neut. .a drawer. `a4vu& /k˙aˇ.vu~/ .to be benefited. `aboicyu& /k˙ neut. .a puddle. `a4u& /k˙a.ˇu~/ adj. .sour. `amI /k˙a.mi/ fem. .a defect. `a6I /k˙a.Îi/ fem. .a creek. `aru& /k˙ adj. .salty. `a6o /k˙a.Îo/ masc. .a pit. `arek /k˙a.rek/ fem. .a dry `a8 /k˙a¯/ fem. .a mine. date.

`ai8yo /k˙a.¯ masc. .a `al /k˙al/ fem. .skin. miner. `alI /k˙ adj. .1. empty 2. `a8u& /k˙a.¯u~/ neut. .a dinner. poor 3. purposelessly.

`atmurt /k˙\t/ `avu& /k˙ .to eat. neut. .a ceremony of laying a foundation. `as /k˙as/ adj. .1.special 2. `atr /k˙a.t\r/ fem. personal. Ex. Aa maro `as ma8s 2e. .hospitality. `as /k˙as/ advb. .specially. `atr /k˙a.t\r/ neut. Ex. hu& `as tmara 3er AavI=. .fertilizer. 44

`aisyt /k˙\t/ fem. .a clarification. special quality. `uLlu& /k˙ adj. .open. `aX /k˙aÆ/ fem. .a drain. `u= /k˙uß/ adj. .joyful. `a&co /k˙ masc. .1. a turn 2. a lane. `u=numa /k˙uß adj. .pleasant (climate). `a&6 /k˙a~Î/ fem. .sugar. `u=amt /k˙u.ßa.m\t/ `a&6vu& /k˙a~¯Î.vu~/ .to fem..flattery. pound. `u=I /k˙u.ßi/ fem. .pleasure. `a&sI /k˙ fem. .cough. `UjlI /k˙uÔ.li/ fem. .itching i`skolI /k˙ fem. sensation. .a squirrel. `U4vu& /k˙uˇ.vu~/ v.intr. .1. to `Ic6I /k˙ic.Îi/ fem. .a be used up 2. to run out. food. `U8o /k˙u.¯o/ masc. .1. an `Ico`Ic /k˙˙ic/ angle 2. a corner. advb. densely. `Un /k˙un/ neut. .1. blood 2. `Ijvvu& /k˙i.Ô\ murder. .to tease. `Ub /k˙ub/ adj. .1. plentiful 2. `I8 /k˙i¯/ fem. .1. a valley 2. much. a rift. `UbI /k˙ fem. peculiar `Ir /k˙ir/ fem. .a food item. quality.

`Il /k˙il/ masc. .a pimple. `Ulvu& /k˙ v.intr. .to open. `Ilvu& /k˙ v.intr. .to blossom. `U&cvvu& /k˙u~.c\ .to snatch away. `ISsu& /k˙ neut. .a pocket. `U&cvu& /k˙ v.intr. .to prick. `ur=I /k˙ur.ßi/ fem. .a chair. `U&0 /k˙u~d˙/ fem. .a hump. `ulaso /k˙ masc. .a 45

`e6vu& /k˙eÎ.vu~/ .to `o6 /k˙oÎ/ fem. .1. a defect 2. plow. a deficiency.

`e6Ut /k˙e.Îut/ masc. .a `o6vu& /k˙oÎ.vu~/ .to farmer. erect.

`etr /k˙e.t\r/ neut. .a farm. `otrvu& /k˙o.t\ .1. to scratch 2. to dig by scrapping. `etI /k˙e.ti/ fem. .farming. `odvu& /k˙ .to `erat /k˙e.rat/ fem. .1. alms- dig. giving 2. charity. `oda8 /k˙o.da¯/ neut. .a `el /k˙el/ masc. .1. a sport.2. a digging. show (of play, cinema etc.) `oprI /k˙op.ri/ fem. .the `elvu& /k˙ v.intr. to skull. play. `obo /k˙ masc. .the shape `ela6I /k˙Îi/ masc. .a formed by the joined palms. player. `orvavu& /k˙ `evna /k˙ fem. .care. v.intr. .to be disrupted.

`e&ca8 /k˙´¯/ neut. `orak /k˙o.rak/ masc. .food. .attraction. `olvu& /k˙ .to `o`ru& /k˙ok˙.ru~/ adj. .1. open. dull 2. broken. `ovu& /k˙ .to miss. `o`u& /k˙o.k˙u~/ neut. .an empty box. `osvu& /k˙ .1. to drive into 2. to penetrate 3. to pierce. `oja /k˙o.Ôa/ masc. .a Muslim caste. `oXa-r8u& /kho.Æa.b˙\r.¯u~/ neut. .the `o4 /k˙oˇ/ fem. .loss. celebration of first pregnancy.

`o4kavu& /k˙oˇ `oXIyu& /k˙o.Æi.ju~/ neut. .1. a v.intr. to stop functioning. bed or pillow cover 2. the body.

`o4u& /k˙o.ˇu~/ adj. .1.wrong. 2. `oXo /k˙o.Æo/ masc. .the lap. false. 46

g g7vI /g\Î˙.vi/ masc. .a keeper of a fortress.

g;kal /g\i.kal/ fem. g7vI /g\Î˙.vi/ fem. .a yesterday. community.

gg6vu& /g\.g\Î.vu~/ v.intr. g8karvu& /g\¯ .to roll down. .to care for. gjro /g\Ô.ro/ masc. .a bouquet of flowers. g8g8vu& /g\¯.g\¯.vu~/

v.intra..1. to murmur 2. to grumble. gjvu& /g\Ô.vu~/ neut. .a pocket.

g8trI /g\.¯\t.ri/ fem. .1. gzl /g\.z\l/ fem. .a type of calculation 2. counting poem. g8pit /g\¯.p\ti/ masc. g4g4avvu& /g\ˇ.g\.ˇ hon..the god Ganpati. .to swallow quickly. g8vu& /g\¯.vu~/ .1. to count 2. to calculate. g4r /g\.t\r/ fem. .a gutter. g8ve= /g\¯.veß/ masc. .a g5\5o /g\ˇ˙.ˇ˙o/ masc. .a uniform. lump. gi8t /g\.¯it/ neut. g6da pa4u& /g\Îˇu~/ .mathematics. neut. .blows by hand and feet. g8e= /g\.¯eß/ masc. the god Ganesh. g6do /g\Î.do/ masc. .a punch. g*yu&ga&5yu& /g\.¯ju~. ga~.ˇ˙ju~/ adj. .a little. g6b6 /g\Î.b\Î/ fem. .1. a rowdyism 2. misappropriation. gtagm /g\.ta.g\m/ fem. . understanding. g6m9l /g\Î.m\.t˙\l/ fem. .hard work. git /g\.ti/ fem. .1. motion 2. speed. g6I /g\.Îi/ fem. .a fold (of cloth, paper etc.). gd\y /g\.dj\/ neut. .prose. g7 /g\Î˙/ masc. .a fortress. g0e6u& /g\.d˙e.Îu~/ neut. .s donkey. 47

gmar /g\.mar/ adj. .manner gpgoXo /g\p.go.o/ masc. less. .a rumor. gr /g\r/ masc. .pulp. gpsp /g\p.s\p/ fem. .gossip. grj /g\.r\Ô/ fem. .need. gPpIdas /g\p.pi.das/ grju /g\r.Ôu/ adj. .needy. masc. a rumor-monger. grjvu& /g\.r\Ô.vu~/ v.intr. gflt /g\p˙.l\t/ fem. .1. a .to thunder. mistake 2. carelessness. grdn /g\r.d\n/ fem. .the gb6vu& /g\.b\Î.vu~/ v.intr. neck. .to roll down. grnaXu& /g\Æu~/ neut. .a gbI /g\.bi/ fem. .a foolish girl culvert. or woman. grbI /g\ fem. .a kind of gbo /g\.bo/ masc. .a foolish poem. boy or man. grbo /g\ masc. .1. a g-ra4 /g\b˙.raˇ/ masc. kind of poem 2. a pot with holes that .frightful confusion. used during Navaratri festival. g-ravu& /g\b˙ grm /g\.r\m/ adj. .hot. v.intr. .to get frightened. grmI /g\r.mi/ fem. .heat. g-ru& / / < > adj. .simple- g\b˙.ru~ g\.bh\.ru~ grmagrm /g\\.r\m/ hearted. adj. .fresh and

hot. gm /g\m/ masc. .sadness.

grvu& /g\ v.intr. .to fall gmgIn /g\m.gin/ adj. slowly (of leaves, flowers, dew etc.) .sad.

grIb /g\.rib/ adj. .poor. gMmt /g\m.m\t/ fem.

.merriment. grIba; /g\.ri.bai/ fem.

.poverty. gmvu& /g\ v.exp.. to like. gru6 /g\.ruÎ/ neut. .an eagle.

48 groXI /g\.ro.Æi/ fem. .a lizard. gX8I /g\.Æ\.¯i/ fem. .a g-aR0an /g\r.b˙a.d˙an/ funnel. neut. .impregnation. gXp8 /g\Æ.p\¯/ neut. g-aR=y /g\r.b˙a.ß\j/ .sweetness. neut. .the uterus. gXvu& /g\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. .to ooze. gvR /g\r.v\/ masc. .proud. gXa4U&po /g\.Æa.ˇu~.po/ glkI /g\ fem. .a kind of masc. .a strangling. creeper (vegetable). gXafa&so /g\.Æa.p˙ glgo4o /g\l.go.ˇo/ masc. .a masc. .a strangulation. kind of flower plant. gXu& /g\.Æu~/ neut. .the throat. glI /g\.li/ fem. .a street. gâyu& /g\.Æju~/ adj. .sweet. glU6I/yu& /g\.lu.Îi.ju~/ neut. .a pup. g&@ /g\µ.Ôi/ fem. .a stack of hay. glofu& /g\.lo.p˙u~/ neut. .the inside of the cheek. g&dkI /g\ fem .filth. gLla&tLla& /g\\l.ta~/ g&du /g\n.du~/ adj. .dirty. masc. pl. .pretexts. g&0 /g\n.d˙\/ fem. .smell. gLlo /g\l.lo/ masc. .a -box. g&0avu& /g\n.d˙ v.intr. gvn /g\.v\n/ neut. .a kind .to of sari. stink. gvEyo /g\.v\ masc. .a g&-Ir /g\m.b˙ir/ adj. .1. songster. deep 2. cool-minded 3. serious. gXc4u& /g\Æ.c\.ˇu~/ adj. gaj /gaÔ/ neut. .a button-hole. .sweetish. gajr /ga.Ô\r/ neut. .a carrot. gXcvu& /g\.Æ\ .to over eat. gajvIj /gaÔ.viÔ/ fem. .lightening and thunder together. gXcI /g\Æ.ci/ fem. .1. the neck 2. the throat. 49 gajvu& /gaÔ.vu~/ v.intr. .to thunder. ga&5 /ga~ˇ˙/ fem. .a knot. ga6I /ga.Îi/ fem. .a vehicle. ga&6u& /ga~.Îu~/ adj. .1. mad 2. lunatic. ga6u& /ga.Îu~/ neut. .a cart. gIc /gic/ adj. .overcroweded. ga7 /gaÎ˙/ adj. .thick. gIt /git/ neut. .a song. ga8u& /ga.¯u~/ neut. .a song. gI0 /gid˙/ neut. .a vulture. ga9a /ga.t˙a/ fem. .a moral or religous story. gIrvI / adj. .on mortgage. gadlu& / neut. .a mattress. gIro / adj. .on mortgage. gadI /ga.di/ fem. .1. a throne, 2. gujrvu& /gu.Ô\ v.intr. a cushion. .1. to pass by 2. to die. gab6u& /gab.Îu~/ neut. .1. a gujran /guÔ.ran/ neut. hole 2. a pit. .livelihood. gam /gam/ neut. .a village. gujarvu& /gu.Ô .to pass time. gayk /ga.j\k/ masc. .a male singer. gu4ko /guˇ.ko/ masc. .a small booklet. gaiyka /ga.ji.ka/ fem. .a female singer. gu8 /gu¯/ masc. .quality. galIco / masc. .a gu8gan /gu¯.gan/ neut. .an eulogy. carpet. gu8doq /gu¯.doß/ masc. gavu& / .to sing. .merits and demerits. gaX /gaÆ/ fem. .a curse word. gu8vu& /gu¯.bv~/ .to multiply. gaXvu& /gaÆ.vu~/ .1. to filter 2. melt 3. to pass time. gu8akar /gu.¯a.kar/ masc. .multiplication. ga&g6o /ga~g.Îo/ masc. .a solid lump. 50 gu8o]ar /gu.¯\r/ masc. .a ratio. gU7 /guÎ˙/ adj. .secret. gunegar / adj. gU8 /gu¯/ fem. .a sack. .criminal. gUm6u& /gum.Îu~/ neut. .a guno / masc. .a crime. skin-boil. gupcUp /gup.cup/ advb. gU&gXavu& /gu˜.g\.Æ .quietly. v.intr. .to be suffocated. guPt /\/ adj. .secret. gU&c /gu~c/ fem. .1.a twisting of threads 2. intricacy. gufa /gu.p˙a/ fem. .a cave. gU&9vu& /gu~t˙.vu~/ .to gumavvu& / knit. .to lose. gU&dvu& / .to guru / masc. . a teacher. trample. guru / adj. .1. big 2. large. gerkayde / adj. and advb. .illegal. gulmor /gul.mør/ neut. .a tree. gerkaydesr /\r/ advb. .illegally. gulab /gu.lab/ neut. .1. the rose plant. 2. a rose flower gerrSte /ger.r\s.te/ advb. .wrongly. gulam /gu.lam/ masc. .a slave. gerla- /ger.lab˙/ masc. .loss. guSso /gu.sso/ masc. .anger. gervLle /ger.v\.lle/ advb. gu&jvu& /guµÔ.vu~/ v.intr. .1. to .at a wrong place. hum 2. to buzz. gervvu& /ge.r\ .to gu&6o /gu¯.Îo/ masc. .a bully. make things (fruits, leaves) fall. gu&dr /gun.d\r/ masc. .1. gervhIv4 /ger.v\.hi.v\ˇ/ glue 2. gum. masc. mismanagement. gu&bj /gum.b\Ô/ masc. .a dome. 51 gersmj /ger.s\.m\Ô/ goma&s / neut. .beef. fem. . misunderstanding. gor /gør/ masc. .a priest gokXgay /go.k\Æ.gaj/ (normally a Brahmin) fem. .a snail. gora8I /gø.ra.¯i/ fem. .a go`lo /gok˙.lo/ masc. .a priest’s wife. small recess in a wall. gorI /go.ri/ adj. .a white- go`vu& /gok˙.vu~/ .1. to skinned woman. cram 2. to memorize. golmal /gol.mal/ fem. . gozaru& /go.Ô˙ adj. misappropriation. .sinful. govaX /go.vaÆ/ masc. .a cow- go4lI /goˇ.li/ masc. .a mango herd. seed (usually soft) govaX8I /Æ\.¯i/ fem. go4lo /goˇ.lo/ masc. .a mango .a cow-herd’s wife. seed (usually hard) goX /goÆ/ adj. .round. go4lo /goˇ.lo/ masc. .a hard muscle. goX /goÆ/ masc. .a sub-group of a caste. go58 /go.t˙\¯/ masc. .one of the knees. goX /gøÆ/ masc. .jiggery. go5vvu& /go.ˇ˙\ goXgoX /goÆ.goÆ/ adj. .to arrange. .evasive. goi5y8 /go.ˇ˙i.j\¯/ fem. .a goXpap6I /goÆ.pap.Îi/ female friend. fem. .a sweet food itm. god /god/ fem. .the lap. goXm4oX /goÆ.m\.ˇoÆ/ adj. .pulpy. god6I /god.Îi/ fem. .a kind of mattress. goXI /go.Æi/ fem. .1. a pill 2. a bullet. godam /go.dam/ neut. .a store house. goXo /go.Æo/ masc. .1.a globe 2. a round lamp 3. a bulb. gobo / masc. .a hollow on a metallic surface. gO8 /g\u¯/ adj. .secondary.


34a4op /g˙\.ˇa.ˇop/ masc. gOrv /g\u.r\v/ neut. .pride. .1. thick clods 2. false show. g/h /gr\h/ masc. .a planet. 34a6vu& /g˙\.ˇaÎ.vu~/ 1. to lessen 2. to reduce. g/h8 /gr\.h\¯/ neut. .an eclipse. 34a6o /g˙\.ˇa.Îo/ masc. decrease. g/&9 /gr\nt˙/ masc. .a book. 34avvu& /g˙\.ˇ g/ahk /gra.h\k/ masc. .a to interpret. customer. 36tr /g˙\Î.t\r/ neut. .1. a thing made 2. training. 3 36p8 /g˙\Î.p\¯/ neut. 3w& /g˙\.u~/ masc. .wheat. .old age.

3w&v8uR& /g˙\.u~.v\.r¯u~/ 36vu& /g˙\Î.vu~/ .1. to adj. .of whitish color. shape 2. to mould 3. to manufacture.

34 /g˙\ˇ/ fem. .a shortage. 36a; /g˙\.Îa.i/ fem. .wages for shaping, molding or manufacturing. 34k /g˙\.ˇ\k/ adj. 3i6yaX /g˙\.Îi.jaÆ/ fem. .1. component. a watch 2. a clock. 34tu& /g˙\ˇ.tu~/ advb. 3i6yaXI /g˙\.Îi.ja.Æi/ masc. .properly. .a match maker. 34na /g˙\ˇ.na/ fem. .event. 36o /g\.Îo/ masc. .a pot.

34maX /g˙\ˇ.ma/ fem. a 38 /g˙\¯/ masc. .a large series of events. heavy hammer. 34vu& /g˙\ˇ.vu~/ v.intr. .to 38u& /g˙\.¯u~/ adj. .1. much 2. dcrease. very. 34Sfo4 /g˙ˇ.sp˙oˇ/ 3n /g˙\n/ adj. .solid. masc. .a revealing of secret.

34a /g˙\.ˇa/ fem. .a dense 3m&6 /g˙\.m\¯Î/ masc. .a formation of trees, clouds etc. false pride.


3m&6I /g˙\.m\¯.Îi/ adj. 3vavu& /g˙\ v.intr. .to arrogant. be wounded.

3r /g˙\r/ neut. .a home. 3s3sa4 /g˙\s.g˙\.saˇ/ advb. .to sleep soundly. 3rkam /g˙\r.kam/ neut. 1. a household work 2. a homework. 3s6vu& /g˙\.s\Î.vu~/ .to drag. 3r`cR /g˙\r.k˙\r.c\/ neut. household expenses. 3s6avu& /g˙\s.Î to be dragged. 3rg(9u /g˙\r.g\t˙t˙u/ adj. produced at home. 3srko /g˙\.s\r.ko/ masc. 1. a cut 2. a scratch. 3rcoXu& /g˙\Æu~/ neut. 1.a silk bodies for women. 3savu& /g˙\ v.intr. be rubbed 2. to be worn out 3. to 3rjma; /g˙\r.Ô\.mai/ sacrifice for others. masc. .a married man living with his father-in-law’s family. 3&4 /g˙\¯ˇ/ masc. .a bell.

3r6u& /g˙\r.Îu~/ adj. .old. 3&46I /g˙\¯ˇ.Îi/ fem. ..a small bell. 3rbar /g˙\ neut. members of the family. 3&4I /g˙\.¯ˇi/ fem. .a grinding hand-mill or machine. 3rv`rI /g˙\r.v\.k˙.ri/ fem. . household 3a /g˙a/ adj. .two dozen papers. things such as furniture, utensils etc. 3a /g˙a/ masc. .a wound. 3rs&sar /g˙\r.sam.sar/ masc. . worldly life. 3a3ro /g˙\g˙.ro/ masc. .a petticoat. 3rs&sarI /g˙\ adj. .a person 3a3rI /g˙ag˙.ri/ fem. .a leading a worldly life. small petticoat.

3rak /g˙\.rak/ masc. .1. a 3a4 /g˙aˇ/ masc. . a shape. customer 2. a client. 3a4Ilu& /g˙a.ˇ adj. .well 3re8u& /g˙\.re.¯~/ neut. .an built. ornament. 54

3a8 /g˙a¯/ masc. .a unit of 3U&48 /g˙u~.ˇ\¯/ masc. .the production. knee.

3ayl /g˙a.j\l/ adj. .wounded. 3U&4I /g˙u~.ˇi/ fem. .the shin- bone. 3arI /g˙a.ri/ fem. .a kind of sweet. 3U&4I /g˙u~.ˇi/ fem. .a puzzle.

3alvu& /g˙ .1. to 3e4u& /g˙e.ˇu~/ neut. .a sheep. thrust into 2. to penetrate. 3en /g˙en/ neut. .intoxication. 3as /g˙as/ neut. .grass. 3ebr /g˙e.b\r/ neut. .a kind 3I /g˙i/ neut. .ghee (refined of sweet. butter). 3er /g˙er/ masc. 3uv6 /g˙u.v\Î/ masc. .an .circumference. owl. 3ervu& /g˙ .to 3U3rI /g˙ug˙.ri/ fem. .a surround. small mealic balls (usually of ornaments). 3eru& /g˙ adj. .deep or dark (usually a color). 3U3vvu& /g˙u.g˙\ v.intr. .to roar (of sea) 3el2a /g˙el.c˙a/ fem. .a craze. 3Umravu& /g˙ v.intr. .to turn or move around. 3elu& /g˙ adj. .craziness.

3UmrI /g˙um.ri/ fem. .a 3o /g˙o/ fem. .a kind of lizard. whirlpool. 3o6aga6I /g˙o.Îa.g˙a.Îi/ 3Umvu& / / < > v.intr. g˙ ghuu.m\.vu~ fem. .a horse- .to move around. carriage.

3Urkvu& / / < > g˙u.r\ ghuu.r\.k\.vu~ 3o6apUr /g˙o.Îa.pur/ v.intr. .1. to roar angrily 2. to snarl. neut. .a sudden flood.

3Usi8yu& / / < > adj. g˙u.s\.¯i.ju~ ghu.s\.¯i.ju~ 3o6Iyu& /g˙o.Îi.ju~/ neut. .a .a person with intruding nature. cradle.

3Usvu& / / < > v.intr. .1. g˙ ghuu.s\.vu~ 3o6I /g˙o.Îi/ fem. .a mare. to thrust into 2. to enter forcefully or withour prior permission. 55

3o6o /g˙o.Îo/ masc. .a horse. ckkr /c\k.k\r/ neut. .a circle. 3or /g˙or/ adj. .terrible. ck/m /c\k.r\m/ masc. .a 3orvu& /g˙ v.intr. .to senseless person. snore. ck/v .to adj. . compound soften by pressing on all sides. interest.

ck/akar /c\k.ra.kar/ adj. c .circular. ckckvu& /c\k.c\ v.intr. shine 2. to glitter. cgdvu& /c\.g\ .1. to trample 2. to crush. ckckIt /c\k.c\.kit/ adj. .shining. cgXvu& /c\.g\Æ.vu~/ .1. to chew slowly 2. to munch. ck6oX /c\k.ÎoÆ/ masc. .marry-go-round. cc8vu& /c\.c\¯.vu~/ v.exp. .to feel a burning pain. cktI /c\k.ti/ fem. .a name plate. c4kvu& /c\.ˇ\ .to string. cklo /c\k.lo/ masc. .a male sparrow. c48I /c\ˇ.¯i/ fem. .ketchup. cklI /c\ fem. .a female c4p4 /c\ˇ.p\ˇ/ advb. sparrow. .instantly. ckXivkX /c\.k\Æ.vi.k\Æ/ c4p4I /c\ˇ.p\.ˇi/ fem. adj. . frightened and .uneasiness. puzzled. c4a; /c\.ˇai/ fem. .a mat. ckamu& /c\ neut. .1. sun-burn 2. sore. c6wtr /c\Î.u.t\r/ fem. .1. rise and fall 2. ascent and descent. ckasvu& /c\ .to examine. c6c6vu& /c\Î.c\Î.vu~/ v.intr. .to burn with a creaking sound. ckor /c\.kor/ adj. .alert. c6tI /c\Î.ti/ fem. .1. rise 2. increase. 56

cp4I /c\p.ˇi/ fem. .a snap of c6tI p6tI /c\Î.ti p\Î.ti/ fingers. fem. . rise and fall. cpX /c\.p\Æ/ adj. .skilful. c6tu& /c\Î.tu~/ adj. .rising. cpa4I /c\.pa.ˇi/ fem. .a bread. c6vu& /c\Î.vu~/ v.intr. .1. to climb 2. to rise. cpocp /c\.po.c\p/ advb. .quickly. c6sac6sI /c\Î.sa. c\Î.si/ fem. . intense cPpu /c\p.pu/ neut. .a knife. rivalry. cbr`I /c\.b\r.k˙i/ fem. c6a; /c\.Îai/ fem. .an .a small piece of paper (mainly hand invasion. written) c6\6I /c\Î.Îi/ fem. .shorts. cbrak /c\b.rak/ adj. .1.clever 2. talkative. c8 /c\¯/ masc. .grains for birds. cbUtro /c\ masc. .a public bird feeder. c8vu& /c\¯.vu~/ .to construct. cmk /c\.m\k/ fem. .brightness. c8vu& /c\¯.vu~/ .to eat (by birds). cmco /c\ masc. .a spoon. ci8yo /c\.¯ masc. .petticoat. cmTkar /c\.m\t.kar/ masc. .a miracle. c8o /c\.¯o/ masc. a grain of gram. cmelI /c\ fem. .a kind of flower plant. ctur /c\.tur/ adj. .clever. crk /c\.r\k/ fem. .a bird’s ctura /c\.tu.ra/ fem. .a clever excrement. woman (used mainly in literary language) cr`o /c\r.k˙o/ masc. .a spinning wheel. ctura; /c\.tu.rai/ fem. .cleverness. cr8 /c\.r\¯/ masc. .legs (formal).

57 crbI /c\ fem. .fat. c&dn /c\n.d\n/ neut. .a sandal-tree. crvu& /c\ .to graze. c&± /c\n.dr\/ masc. .the moon. cir{a /c\.rit.r\/ neut. .character. c&pl /c\m.p\l/ masc. .sleeper. cru /c\.ru/ masc. .a pot with broad mouth. c&po /c\m.po/ masc. .a flower plant. ccRvu& /c\ .to discuss. ca /ca/ fem. .tea. ccaR /c\ fem. .discussion. cakI / fem. .a small metal bolt. cl8 /c\.l\¯/ neut. .currency. caku /ca.ku/ neut. .a knife. cva8u& /c\.va.¯u~/ neut. .a type of ca`vu& /cak˙.vu~/ .to food. taste. cskvu& /c\.s\ v.intr. ca4vu& /caˇ.vu~/ .to lick. slip 2. to escape 3. to be lost- minded. ca5u& /ca.ˇ˙u~/ neut. .1. a scar 2. a skin-burn. csko /c\s.ko/ masc. .1.mascular pain 2. addiction. caplUsI / fem. .flattery. chero /c\ masc. .a face. cab`o /cab.k˙o/ masc. .1. a cX /c\Æ/ fem. .itching sensation. whip 2. a kind of poem that criticizes social evils. cXvX /c\.v\Æ/ fem. .a movement. cabUk /ca.buk/ masc. .a whip. cXvu& /c\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. .1. to move 2. to break a promise. cam6I /cam.Îi/ fem. .skin. cXam8 /c\.Æa.m\¯/ neut. cam6u& /cam.Îu~/ neut. .leftover after sifting. .leather. c&cX /c\µ.c\Æ/ adj. .unsteady. camacI6Iyu& /Îi.ju~/ neut. .a bat. 58

car /car/ fem. .1. fresh grass 2. caX8I /ca.Æ\.¯i/ fem. .a sieve. fodder. caXvu& /caÆ.vu~/ .to sift. car8 /ca.r\¯/ masc. .1. a bard 2. a name of a caste/ community. calIs /ca.lis/ adj. .forty. carpa; /car.pai/ fem. .a cot. co&c /cø~c/ fem. .a beak. cair{a /ca.rit.r\/ neut. ca&c6 /ca~.c\Î/ masc. .a flea. .character. ca&d /ca~d/ masc. .the moon. caro / masc. .fodder. ca&dnI / fem. cal /cal/ fem. .style of walking. .moonlight. cal /cal/ fem. .a strategy. ca&dlo /ca~d.lo/ masc. .an auspicious mark done on the forehead. cal /cal/ masc. .1. a tradition 2. a custom. ca&dI /ca~.di/ fem. .silver. calclgt /cal.c\l.g\t/ ca&dI /ca~.di/ fem. .syphilis. fem. . behavior. ca&du& /ca~.du~/ neut. .an ulcer. calba@ /Ôi/ fem. cleverness. ca&do / masc. .the moon. calvu& / / < > v.intr. .to walk. ca.l\.vu~ ca&p /ca~p/ fem. .a switch. calak / / < > adj. .1.clever 2. ca.lak\ ca&plu& / adj. .over skilful. wise. calakI / / < > fem. .1. a ickar /ci.kar/ adj. .full. trick 2. cleverness.

iccyarI /cic.ja.ri/ fem. .a calu / adj. .1.moving 2. a shrilling cry. person with loose character.

ic5\5I /ciˇ˙.ˇ˙i/ fem. .1. a note cavvu& / .to chew. 2. a small informal letter. cavI / / < > fem. .a key. ca.vii ic6avu& /ci.Î v.intr. .to be vexed. cas / / < > masc. .a furrow. cas ca.s\ icta /ci.ta/ fem. .a funeral-pyre. 59

cIj /ciÔ/ fem. .a thing. ictar /ci.tar/ masc. .1.a picture 2. a detail narration. cI6 /ciÎ/ fem. .disgust. ic]a /cit.t\/ neut. .the mind. cItrvu& /ci.t\ .1. to sketch 2. to draw. ic]ao / masc. .1.a panther 2. a leopard. cItXo /cit.Æo/ masc. .a kind of serpent. ic{a /cit.r\/ neut. .1. a picture 2. a drawing. cInI / adj. .Chinese. icbavlu& / adj. cIp /cip/ fem. .1. a strip 2. a 1.overwise 2. childish. deal in the card game. icbuk /ci.buk/ fem. .the cIipyo / masc. chin. .pincers. icr&@vI /ci.r\n..Ô adj. cIbu& /ci.bu~/ adj. .flat-nosed. 1. having longevity 2. also used to address a son, a daughter or any person cImXvu& /ci.m\Æ.vu~/ who is younger to the addresser. .1. to pinch 2. to twist. icrag / / < > masc. .a lamp. ci.rag ci.ra.g\ cIrvu& / .1. to tear 2. to split. ich\.n /cih..n\/ neut. .1. a mark 2. a trait. cIrI /ci.ri/ fem. .a slice of fruit or pickle. ic&tk /cin.t\k/ masc. .thinker. cIro / masc. .1. a cut 2. a ic&tn /cin.t\n/ neut. .1. deep long piece of cloth. thinking 2. meditation. cIv4 /ci.v\ˇ/ fem. .care. ic&ta /cin.ta/ fem. .worry. cIs /cis/ fem. .a scream. cIk8u& /cik.¯u~/ adj. .1. sticky 2. greasy. cI&9ru& /ci~t˙.ru~/ neut. .a arg. cIkI / / < > fem. .a kind of cii.kii cI&9rehal /cith˙.re.hal/ sweet. adj. 1. dressed in rags 2. extremely poor. cIku / / < > neut. .1. a tree 2. a ci.ku cii.ku cI&0vu& /ci~d˙.vu~/ .to fruit of the cIku tree. point with a finger.

60 cUkado / masc. .a cUnI / fem. .a nose ring. judgment. cUmvu& / .to cu6el /cu.Îel/ fem. .a kind of kiss. female ghost. cUlo /cu.lo/ masc. .a fire-place cup /cup/ adj. .quite. for cooking. cUpkIdI / fem. cUvu& / v.intr. .to ooze. .silence. cUsvu& / .to suck. cUpcap /cup.cap/ advb. .stealthily. cU&k /cu~k/ fem. .stomach pain. cUSt /cus.t\/ adj. .1. tight 2. cU&k /cu~k/ fem. .a nail. staunch. cU&9vu& /cu~t˙.vu~/ .to cu&gal /cu˜.gal/ fem. .1. a ransack. claw 2. a trap. cU&d6I /cu~nd.Îi/ fem. .a kind cu&gI /cu˜.gi/ fem. .a smoking- of sari. pipe. cekvu& / .to erase. cu&bn /cum.b\n/ neut. .a kiss. cetn /ce.t\n/ adj. .animate. cu&maXIs / / < > adj.ÆisÆii.s\ cetna / fem. .forty four. .consciousness. cu&moter / / < > adj.\ cetv8I /ce.t\v.¯i/ fem. .seventy four. .1.a warning 2. caution. cUkvvu& / / < > cu.k\ cuu.k\.v\.vu~ cetvvu& /ce.t\ .to .to make the payment. warn. cUkvu& / / < > v.intr. .to cuu.k\.vu~ cetvu& / v.intr. .to be miss. alert. cUgvu& / / < > .to eat cuu.g\.vu~ cen /cen/ neut. .peace. (by birds).

cep /cep/ masc. .infection. cU6I /cu.Îi/ fem. .a bangle.

61 celo /ce.lo/ masc. .a male co36Iyu& /co.g˙\.Îi.ju~/ disciple. neut. .a unit of time divided to determine auspicious and inauspicious period. celI / fem. .a female disciple. co4 /coˇ/ fem. .a blow. cev6o /cev.Îo/ masc. .a food co4vu& /cøˇ.vu~/ v.intr. .to stick. item. co6vu& /cøÎ.vu~/ .to strike. ceh /ceh/ fem. .a funeral pyre. cotrf /co.t\.r\p˙/ advb. cEtNy /c\i.t\n.j\/ neut. .1. .on life-spirit 2. the supreme being. all sides. cE{a /c\it.r\/ masc. .the sixth co{aIs /cøt.ris/ adj. .thirty month of the Vikram year. four. cok /cøk/ masc. .a square. co9 /cot˙/ fem. .fouth day of both of the fortnights of a lunar month. cok6I /cøk.Îi/ fem. .1. a washing place in house 2. a place where co0ar /co.d˙ar/ adj. four roads .immense (tears and rain) cross. copgu& /co.p\.gu~/ adj. cok\ks /cok.k\s/ advb. quadruped. .surely. cop6vu& /co.p\Î.vu~/ coksI /cø masc. .1. a .1. to lubricate 1. to grease. surname 2. a dealer in gold and silver. cop6I /cop.Îi/ fem. .a book. cokI /cø.ki/ fem. .1. a police station 2. a watch-gate. cop6o /cop.Îo/ masc. .an account book. co`a /co.k˙a/ masc. .rice. copn /co.p\n/ adj. .fifty co~`a.; /cok˙.k˙a.i/ adj. four. .cleanliness. copanIyu& / neut. co~`u& /cok˙.k˙u~/ adj. .clean. .a pamphlet. cogan /co.gan/ neut. .a plain. comasu& / neut. monsoon.

62 cor /cor/ masc. .a thief. 2 /c˙\/ adj. .six. corvu& / / < > .to steal. co.r\.vu~ 2kvu& /c˙\ v.intr. .to go cors /co.r\s/ masc. .1. a astray. square figure 2. a square. 2kko /c\k.ko/ masc. .the six cora=I /co.ra.ßi/ adj. .eighty in a suit of playing cards. four. 22u&dr /c˙\.c˙un.d\r/ corI /co.ri/ fem. .a theft. neut. .a mole. corI /cø.ri/ fem. .a square 24kvu& /c˙\.ˇ\ v.intr. structure where marriage ritaul is .1. to slip away 2. to escape. performed. 24ku& /c˙\ˇ.ku~/ neut. .a coro /cø.ro/ masc. .a public trap. meeting place in villages. 25 /c˙\ˇ˙/ fem. .sixth day of

the fortnight of the Hindu month. covIs / / < > adj. .twenty co.vis co.vii.s\ four. 26vu& /c˙\Î.vu~/ .to

thrash. cos5 / / < > adj. .sixty co.s\ˇ˙ co.s\.ˇh\ four. 26a /c˙\.Îa/ masc. .anklets.

coslu& / neut. .a thick 28kvu& /c˙\.¯\ block or slice. v.intr. .to speak angrily.

coXvu& /coÆ.vu~/ .to rub. 28ko /c˙\¯.ko/ masc. .a

rude angry uterance. coXa / / < > masc. .a kind of co.Æa co.Æa pulse. 2t /c˙\t/ fem. .availability.

coXI /co.Æi/ fem. a woman’s 2t /c˙\t/ fem. .a ceiling. bodies.

2ta& /c˙\.ta~/ advb. .however. co&kvu& / v.intr. .to be startled. 2{aI / / < > fem. .an c˙\t.ri ch\.trii cOd /c\ud/ adj. .fourteen. umbrella.

2{aIs /c˙\t.ris/ adj. .thirty 2 six. 63

2apru& /c˙ neut. .a hut. 2br6o /c˙\.b\r.Îo/ masc. .a fiasco. 2apvu& /c˙ .to print. 2bI /c˙\.bi/ fem. .1. a picture 2. a portrait. 2apu& /c˙a.pu~/ neut. .a newspaper. 2m2m /c˙\m.c˙\m/ advb. .with a jingling sound. 2ab /c˙ab/ fem. a bamboo basket. 2l&g /c˙\.l\˜.g\/ fem. .a long leap. 2ab6I /c˙ab.Îi/ fem. a bamboo basket. 2la2l /c˙\.la.c˙\l/ advb. .over flowing. 2aya /c˙a.ja/ fem. .a shadow.

2VvIs /c˙\v.vis/ adj. 2al /c˙al/ fem. .a bark. .twenty six. 2alk /c˙a.l\k/ fem. .a splash. 2X /c˙\Æ/ neut. .a fraud. 2ala& /c˙ neut. pl..1. husks 2&2e6vu& /c˙\.nc˙eÎ.vu~/ 2. peels. .to enrage. 2av8I /c˙av.¯i/ fem. .a 2&d /c˙\n.d\/ masc. .an camp. addiction. 2avrvu& /c˙a.v\ 2&d /c˙\n.d\/ masc. .a poetic .to conceal. meter. 2a= /c˙aß/ fem. .butter milk. 2a8 /c˙a¯/ neut. .a dung of buffalo, cow, bullock and oxen. 2as5 /c˙a.s\ˇ˙/ adj. .sixty six. 2a8u& /c˙a.¯u~/ neut. .a dung- cake used as fuel. 2a&4o /c˙a~.ˇo/ masc. .a drop.

2atI / / < > fem. .the chest. c˙a.ti cha.tii 2a&6vu& /c˙a~Î.vu~/ .to leave surplus food in the dining plate. 2anu& /c˙ adj. . secret. 2I /c˙i/ fem. .excretion. 2ap /c˙ap/ fem. .1. an impression 2. a print. 2I /c˙i/ advb. .an expression showing hatred. 64

2Invvu& /c˙i.n\ 2e6o /c˙e.Îo/ masc. .the end. .to snatch. 2etrpI&6I /c˙e.t\r.pi¯.Îi/ 2Ip /c˙ip/ fem. .a shell. fem. .a cheating.

2U4 /c˙uˇ/ fem. .1. leave 2. 2etrvu& /c˙e.t\ speciousness. .1. to cheat 2. to deceive.

2U4k /c˙u.t\k/ adj. .retail. 2etram8 /c˙et.ra.m\¯/ fem. .cheating. 2U4k /c˙u.t\k/ advb. .by retail. 2etram8u& /c˙et.ram.¯u~/ adj. .deceitful. 2U42a4 /c˙uˇ.c˙aˇ/ fem. a concession. 2etaXIs /c˙e.ta.Æi.s/ adj. . forty six. 2U4vu& /c˙uˇ.vu~/ v.intr. be free 2. to be relieved. 2ed /c˙ed/ masc. .a cut.

2U4a2e6a / / < > c˙u.ˇa.c˙e.Îa chuu.ˇa.che.Îa 2edvu& /c˙ .to cut. masc. .a divorce.

2eLlu& /c˙ adj. .last. 2U4u& /c˙u.tu~/ adj. .free.

2ev4e /c˙e.v\.ˇe/ advb. .at 2Upu& /c˙u.pu~/ adj. .1. last. concealed 2. secret.

2okrmt /c˙o.k\r.m\t/ 2U&d8u& /c˙u~n.d\.¯u~/ neut. adj. . childish. .tattoo.

2okrI /c˙ok.ri/ fem. .a girl. 2U&do /c˙ masc. .minced pickle. 2okru& /c˙ neut. .a

child. 2ek /c˙ek/ advb. .entirely.

2okro /c˙ masc. .a 2ekvu& /c˙ .to boy. strike.

2o6vu& /c˙oÎ.vu~/ to 2e6tI /c˙eÎ.ti/ fem. .a prank. release 2. to free 3. to untie.

2e6vu& / / < > .to c˙eÎ.vu~ che.Î\.vu~ 2otru& /c˙ neut. .a peel. tease. 65

2ol /c˙ol/ masc. .wood- scraping j8 /Ô\¯/ <Ô\¯> neut. .1. an individual 2. a person. 2olvu& /c˙ .1. to scrape 2. peel. j8vu& /Ô\¯.vu~/ <Ô\.¯\.vu~> .to give a birth. 2oter /c˙o.ter/ adj. .seventy- six. j8avvu& /Ô\.¯ <Ô\.¯a.v\.vu~> .to inform. 2\yasI /c˙ adj. .eighty-six. jtn /Ô\.t\n/ <Ô\.ka.t\> neut. .care.

j jNm /Ô\n.m\/ <Ô\.nm\> masc. .birth.

j /Ô\/ <Ô\> part.. emphasis marker. jnm /Ô\.n\m/ <Ô\.n\.m\> masc. .birth. jkat /Ô\.kat/ <Ô\.ka.t\> fem. .custom jNmku&6XI /Ô\.nm\.ku¯.Î\.Æi/ duty. <Ô\.nm\.ku~.Î\.Æii> fem. .a horoscope.

jk\kI /Ô\ <Ô\.kkii> adj. .stubborn. jNm4Ip /Ô\n.m\.ˇip/ <Ô\.nm\.ˇii.p\> fem. .a life time imprisonment. j`m /Ô\.k˙\m/ <Ô\.kh\.m\> masc. .a wound. jNmaQ4mI /Ô\n.maß.ˇ\.mi/ <Ô\.nma.s°ˇ\.mii> fem. .Lord Krishna’s jgt /Ô\.g\t/ <Ô\.g\.t\> neut. .the world. birth day.

jGya /Ô\.gja/ <Ô\.gja> fem. .a place. jnmojnm /Ô\Ô\.n\m/ <Ô\.n\.mo.Ô\.n\.m\> advb. .in each j6 /Ô\Î/ <Ô\.Î\> adj. .inanimate. birth.

j6bato6 /Ô\Î.ba.toÎ/ <Ô\.Î\Î\> jp /Ô\p/ <Ô\.p\> masc. .1. a muttering adj. . irrefutable. of a deity’s name, 2. recition.

j6bu& /Ô\Î.bu~/ <Ô\.Î\.bu~> neut. .the jaw. jpvu& /Ô\ <Ô\.p\.vu~> .to mutter s deity’s name as a part of some ritual. j6-rt /Ô\Î.b˙\.r\t/ <Ô\.Î\.bh\.r\.t\> adj. stupid. jm8 /Ô\.m\¯/ <Ô\.m\.¯\> neut. .a formal dinner. j6vu& /Ô\Î.vu~/ <Ô\.Î\.vu~> .to fix things with nails etc. jm8var /Ô\.m\¯.var/ <Ô\.m\.¯\.va.r\> masc. .a formal community dinner. j6vu& /Ô\Î.vu~/ <Ô\.Î\.vu~> v.dat.. to regain a lost thing. jm8u& /Ô\m.¯u~/ <Ô\.m\.¯u~> adj. .right. 66

jmvu& /Ô\ <Ô\.m\.vu~> .1. to jvab /Ô\.vab/ <Ô\.va.b\> masc. .answer. eat, 2. dine (formal). jvu& /Ô\.vu~/ <Ô\.vu~> v.intr. .to go. jma /Ô\.ma/ adj. .<Ô\.ma> 1. of the credit side 2. accumulated. j= /Ô\ß/ <Ô\.ß\> masc. .reputation. jma; /Ô\.ma.i/ <Ô\.ma.ii> masc. .a son- jhaj /Ô\.haÔ/ <Ô\.ha.Ô\> neut. .a large in-law. ship. jmat /Ô\.mat/ <Ô\.ma.t\> fem. .a body of j&gl /Ô\˜.g\l/ <Ô\~.g\.l\> neut. .a forest. monks. j&tu /Ô\n.tu/ <Ô\~.tu~> neut. .an insect. jmadar /Ô\.ma.dar/ <Ô\.ma.da.r\> masc. .a head of a small police unit. j&p /Ô\m.p\/ <Ô\~.p\> masc. ..ease 2. peace. jmano /Ô\ <Ô\> masc. .an age or era. jagr8 /Ôag.r\¯/ <Ôa.g\.r\.¯\> neut. .1. sleeplessness 2. a religious vow of the jmIn /Ô\.min/ <Ô\.mii.n\> fem. .land. women. jr /Ô\r/ <Ô\.r\> neut. .wealth. jagvu& /Ô <Ôa.g\.vu~> v.intr. .to wake from sleep. jr` /Ô\.r\k˙/ <Ô\.r\.kh\> neut. .a wild animal. jajm /Ôa.Ô\m/ <Ôa.Ô\.m\> fem. .a carpet. jra /Ô\.ra/ <Ô\.ra> advb. .a little. jajru& /ÔaÔ.ru~/ <Ôa.Ô\.ru~> neut. .a latrine. jldI ~ jLdI /Ô\l.di/ <Ô\.l\.dii> ~ <Ô\.ldii> jajrman /Ôa.Ô\ <Ôa.Ô\.r\.ma.n\> advb. .quickly. adj. .glorious. jlso /Ô\ <Ô\.l\.so> masc. .a meeting ja6a; /Ôa.Îai/ <Ôa.Îa.ii> fem. .thickness. for entertainment. ja6u& /Ôa.Îu~/ <Ôa.Îu~> adj. .1. fat 2. thick. jlebI /Ô\ <Ô\.le.bii> fem. .a kind of sweet. ja8 /Ôa¯/ <Ôa.¯\> fem. .information. jLlad / / < > masc. .an Ô\l.lad Ô\.lla.d\ ja8vu& /Ôa¯.vu~/ <Ôa.¯\.vu~> .to know. executioner.

ja8Itu& /Ôa.¯i.tu~/ <Ôa.¯ii.tu~> adj. .famous. jv /Ô\v/ <Ô\.v\> masc. .barley.

ja8e /Ôa.¯e/ <Ôa.¯e> advb. .as if. jvLle /Ô\.v\l.le/ <Ô\.v\.lle> advb. .rarely.

67 jat /Ôat/ <Ôa.t\> fem. .1.a tribe 2. a caste jamIn /Ôa.min/ <Ôa.mii.n\> masc. .a 3. a community. surety. jatkma; /Ôat.k\.ma.i/ <Ôa.t\.k\.ma.ii> javk /Ôa.v\k/ <Ôa.v\.k\> fem. .being fem. self-earned income. dispatched. jait /Ôa.ti/ <Ôa.ti> fem. .1. a caste 2. a jasUs /Ôa.sus/ <Ôa.suu.s\> masc. .1. a group 3. a community. spy 2. a detective 3. a secret agent. jatIy /Ôa.ti.j\/ <Ôa.tii.j\> adj. .sexual. jaso /Ô <Ô> masc. .a threatening letter written anonymously. jate /Ôa.te/ <Ôa.te> advb. .personally. jaher /Ôa.her/ <Ôa.he.r\> adj. .1. open 2. ja{aa /Ôat.ra/ <Ôa.tra> fem. .a pilgrim. public. jadu /Ôa.du/ <Ôa.du> masc. .a magic. jaherat /Ôa.he.rat/ <Ôa.he.ra.t\> fem. advertisement 2. a notification 3. jan /Ôan/ <Ôa.n\> fem. .a marriage party an announcement. of the bridegroom. jaX /ÔaÆ/ <Ôa.Æ\> fem. .a net of a hunter jan /Ôan/ <Ôa.n\> masc. .the jiva (life). or a fisherman.

jaXv8I / / < > fem. janmal /Ôan.mal/ <Ôa.n\.ma.l\> masc. Ôa.Æ\v.¯i Ôa.Æ\.v\.¯ii .life and property. .preservation.

jaiXyu& / / < > neut. .a kind of janvr /Ôan.v\r/ <Ôa.n\.v\.r\> neut. .an Ôa.Æi.ju~ Ôa.Æi.ju~ animal. ventilator.

ja&3 / / < > fem. .the thigh. janEyo /Ôa.n\ <Ôa.n\> masc. .a Ôa~˜.g\ Ô\ member of the bride groom’s marriage party. ja&bu /Ôa~m.bu/ <Ôa~.bu> neut. .a kind of berry. jap /Ôap/ <Ôa.p\> masc. .recitation. ij@ivqa /Ôi.Ôßa/ <Ôi.Ô°a> fem. .a jam /Ôam/ <Ôa.m\> masc. .a glass. desire for life.

ij}aasa / / < > fem. jamfX /Ôam.p\Æ/ <Ôa.m\.ph\.Æ\> neut. .a Ô Ô guava. .curiosity.

ijd / / < > fem. .obstinacy. jamvu& /Ô <Ôa.m\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to Ôid Ôi.d\ be solidify 2. to congeal 3. to get assembled. ij¥I /Ôid.di/ <Ôi.ddii> adj. obstinate.

68 ijLlo /Ôil.lo/ <Ôi.llo> masc. .a district. @v-xI /Ôiv.b˙\k.ßi/ <Ôii.v\.bh\.kshii> adj. . carnivorous. ij&dgI /Ô <Ôii~.d\.gii> fem. .life. @vle8 /Ôiv.le¯/ <Ôii.v\.le.¯\> adj. .fatal. @t /Ôit/ <Ôii.t\> fem. .victory. @vvu& /Ô <Ôii.v\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to be @tvu& /Ô <Ôii.t\.vu~> v.intr. .to win. alive 2. to exist.

@n /Ôin/ <Ôii.n\> neut. .a kind of ghost. @vs4os4 /Ôiv.s\.ˇo.s\ˇ/ <Ôii.v\.s\.ˇo.s\.ˇ\> advb. .at the risk of @n /Ôin/ <Ôii.n\> neut. .a saddle. the life.

@- /Ôi.b˙/ <Ô\> fem. .the tongue. @va8u& /Ô¯u~/ <Ô¯u~> masc. .a bacterium. @-ajo6I /Ôi.b˙a.Ôo.Îi/ <Ôii.bha.Ôo.Îii> fem. .a quarrel. @vat /Ôi.vat/ <Ô\> fem. .insects.

@rvvu& /Ôi.r\ <Ôii.r\.v\.vu~> .to @vaTma /Ô <Ô> masc. digest. .embodied soul.

@ru& /Ô <Ô> neut. .cumin seed. jugl /Ôu.g\l/ <Ôu.g\.l\> neut. .1. a pair 2. a couplet. @v /Ôiv/ <Ôii.v\> masc. .embodied soul. jugar /Ôu.gar/ <Ô\> masc. @vj&tu& /Ôiv.Ô\n.tu~/ <Ôii.v\.Ô\~.tu~> neut. .gambling. .insects. jugarI /Ô <Ô> masc. .a @v6u& /Ôiv.Îu~/ <Ôii.v\.Îu~> neut. .a small gambler. insect. juguPsa /Ô <Ô> fem. @vtr /Ôiv.t\r/ <Ôii.v\.t\.r\> neut. .life. .nausea.

ju5\5u / / < > adj. .lie. @vtu& /Ôiv.tu~/ <Ôii.v\.tu~> adj. .living. Ôuˇ˙.ˇ˙u~ Ôu.ˇhˇhu~

juda; / / < > fem. @vdya /Ôiv.d\.ja/ <Ô\.ja> fem. Ôu.da.i Ôu.da.ii .kindness to all living beings. .separation.

ju\du& / / < > adj. .separate. @vn /Ôi.v\n/ <Ôii.v\.n\> neut. .life. Ôu.du~ Ôu.du~

junva8I / / < > adj. @vncir{a /Ôi.v\n.c\.rit.r\/ Ô Ôu.n\.va.¯ii .orthodox. <Ôii.v\.n\.c\\> neut. .biography.

69 jubanI /Ô <Ô> fem. .oral jev6u& /Ôev.Îu~/ <Ôe.v\.Îu~> adj. .as large testimony. as. jumlo /Ôum.lo/ <Ôu.m\.lo> masc. .total jevu& /Ô <Ô> adj. .similar. Ex. total runs in criket. jehad /Ôe.had/ <Ôe.ha.d\> fem. .a julab /Ôu.lab/ <Ô\> masc.. laxative. crusade. juvar /Ôu.var/ <Ô\> fem. .a kind of jEn /Ôain/ <Ô\i.n\> masc. .a Jain. corn. jEn /Ô\in/ <Ô\i.n\> masc. .Jain religion. juSso /Ô <Ôu.sso> masc. .energy. jEn /Ô\in/ <Ô\i.n\> adj. .pertaining to jU /Ôu/ <Ôuu> fem. .a louse. Jain religion. jU; /Ôu.i/ <Ôu.ii> fem. .a kind of flower plant. jo /Ôo/ <Ôo> advb. .1. if 2. provided that. jUj /ÔuÔ/ <Ôuu.Ô\> adj. .little. jo;Ý /Ôoi-/ <Ôo.ii> v.dat.. to need. (the only verb in Gujarati which does not jU5 /Ôuˇ˙/ <Ôu.ˇh\> neut. .a lie. have infinitive -vu&). jU5u& /Ôu.ˇ˙u~/ <Ôu.ˇhu~> adj. .untrue. jo`m /Ôo.k˙\m/ <Ô\.m\> neut. .risk. jU5u& /Ôu.ˇ˙u~/ <Ôhu.ˇhu~> adj. .the left out jo`mavu& /Ôo.k˙\ <Ô\> food. v.intr. .to be at risk. jU9 /Ôut˙/ <Ô\> neut. .a group. jo`vu& /Ôok˙.vu~/ <Ô\.vu~> .to weigh. jUnu& /Ô <Ô> adj. .old. jogva; /Ô <Ôo.g\.va.ii> fem. je5 /Ôeˇ˙/ <Ôe.ˇh\> masc. .the eight month .provision. of Vikram samvat. joganu&jog /ÔÔog/ <ÔÔo.g\> je5 /Ôeˇ˙/ <Ôe.ˇh\> masc. .the husband’s advb. . incidentally. elder brother. jogI /Ô <Ôo.gii> masc. .a sadhu. je5a8I /Ôe.ˇ˙a.¯i/ <Ôe.ˇha.¯ii> fem. .the husband’s elder brother’s wife. jo6 /ÔoÎ/ <Ôo.Î\> fem. .a pair. jel /Ôel/ <Ôe.l\> fem. .jail. jo68I /ÔoÎ.¯i/ <Ôo.Î\.¯ii> fem. .spelling.

70 jo68Iko= /ÔoÎ.¯i.koß/ <Ôo.Î\.¯ii.ko.ß\> zgmgvu& /Ô˙\g.m\ masc. . spelling dictionary. <Ôh\.g\.m\.g\.vu~> v.intr. to glitter. jo6vu& /ÔoÎ.vu~/ <Ôo.Î\.vu~> .1. to zgmga4 /Ô˙\g.m\.gaˇ/ <Ôh\.g\.m\.ga.ˇ\> connect 2. to join. masc. . glaring light. jo6axr /Ôo.Îa.kß\r/ <Ôo.Îa.kß\.r\> masc. z36a`or /Ô˙\g.Îa.k˙or/ .a conjunct consonant. <Ôh\.g\.Îa.kho.r\> adj. . quarrelsome. jo6ajo6 / / < > advb. Ôo.Îa.ÔoÎ Ôo.Îa.Ôo.Î\ z36az36I /Ô˙\g.Îa.Ô˙\g.Îi/ .side by side. <Ôh\.g\.Îa.Ôh\.g\.Îii> fem. quarreling.

jo6a8 /Ôo.Îa¯/ <Ôo.Îa.¯\> neut. .1. a z36o /Ô˙\g.Îo/ <Ôh\.gh\.Îo> masc. .a connection 2. a joint. quarrel. jo6Iyu& /Ôo.Îi.ju~/ <Ôo.Îii.ju~> adj. .twin. zzUmvu& /Ô˙\.Ô˙ <Ôh\.Ôhuu.m\.vu~>

v.intr. .1. to hand over 2. to struggle on. jo6I /Ôo.Îi/ <Ôo.Îii> fem. .a pair.

z4 /Ô˙\ˇ/ <Ôh\.ˇ\> advb. .quickly. jo6o /Ôo.Îo/ <Ôo.Îo> masc. .a shoe.

z4kvu& /Ô˙\.ˇ\ <Ôh\.ˇ\.k\.vu~> jor /Ôor/ <Ôo.r\> neut. .strength. .to jerk. jovu& / / < > .to look. Ô Ô z4ko /Ô˙\ˇ.ko/ <Ô\.ˇ\.ko> masc. .a sharp blow. jyar9I /Ôjar.t˙i/ <Ôja.r\.thii> advb. .since. z4p4 /Ô˙\ˇ.p\ˇ/ <Ôh\.ˇ\.p\.ˇ\> advb. jyare /Ô <Ô> advb. .when. .hurriedly. jya& /Ôja~/ <Ôja~> advb. .where. z6tI /Ô˙\Î.ti/ <Ôh\.Î\.tii> fem. .a confiscation. jyot /Ôjot/ <Ôjo.t\> fem. .a flame. z6p /Ô˙\.Î\p/ <Ôh\.Î\.p\> fem. .speed. jyoitqI /Ôjo.ti.ßi/ <Ôjo.ti.s°ii> masc. .an astrologer. z6pvu& /Ô˙\.Î\ <Ôh\.Î\.p\.vu~> .to seize. jvaXamu`I /Ôva.Æ˙i/ <Ôva.Æ> masc. .a volcano. z6pI /Ô˙\Î.pi/ <Ôh\.Î\.pii> adj. .speedy.

z8z8 /Ô˙\¯.Ô˙\¯/ <Ôh\.¯\.Ôh\.¯\> z masc. .a tinkling sound.

71 zpazpI /Ô˙\.pa.Ô˙\.pi/ <Ôh\.pa.Ôh\.pii> zXzXIya& /Ô˙\Æ.Ô˙\Æ.i.ja~/ <Ôh\.Æ\.Ôh\.Æii.ja~> fem. .a scuffle. neut. pl.. tears welled up in the eyes. zbkvu& /Ô˙\.b\ <Ôh\.b\.k\.vu~> zXu&zXu& /Ô˙\.Æu~.Ô˙.Æu~/ <Ôh\.Æu~.Ôh\.Æu~> neut. v.intr. .1. to flash twinkle. .twilight. zbkaro /Ô˙\ <Ôh\.b\> masc. zXhXvu& /Ô˙\Æ.h\Æ.vu~/ <Ôh\.Æ\.h\.Æ\.vu~> .a flash of light. v.intr. .to shine brightly. zbkoXvu& /Ô˙\b.koÆ.vu~/ <Ôh\.b\.ko.Æ\.vu~> z&`na /Ô˙\˜.k˙\.na/ <Ôh\\.na> fem. .to soak in a liquid. .an intense desire. zbUkvu& /Ô˙\ <Ôh\.buu.k\.vu~> z&`vavu& /Ô˙\˜k˙ <Ôh\\> v.intr. v.intr. .to be crestfallen. 1. to flash 2. to twinkle. z&`vu& /Ô˙\˜k˙.vu~/ <Ôh\\.vu~> .to z-lu& /Ô˙\.b˙lu~/ <Ôh\.bh\.lu~> neut. .a desire something eagerly. child’s frock. z&z4 /Ô˙\µ.Ô˙\ˇ/ <Ôh\~.Ôh\.ˇ\> fem. z_-o /Ô˙\.b˙b˙o/ <Ôh\.bhbho> masc. .a .useless discussion. long loose gown. z&zavat /Ô˙\µ.Ô˙a.vat/ <Ôh\~.Ô\> zmvu& /Ô˙\ <Ôh\.m\.vu~> v.intr. .to masc. .a cyclone. ooze. z&6o /Ô\.¯Îo/ <Ôh\~.Îo> masc. .a flag. zr8u& /Ô˙\r.¯u~/ neut. .1. a stream 2. a rivulet. z&plavvu& /Ô˙\ <Ôh\~.p\.la.v\.vu~> v.intr. .to start some zrmr /Ô˙\r.m\r/ <Ô\.r\.m\.r\> advb. .a work without considering risk factors. type of slow rain. zakX /Ô˙a.k\/ <Ôha.k\.Æ\> fem. .dew. zrvu& /Ô˙\ <Ôh\.r\.vu~> v.intr. .to dribble. zazu& /Ô˙a.Ô˙u~/ <Ôha.Ôhu~> adj. .plentiful. zru`o / / < > masc. .a Ô˙\.ru.k˙o Ôh\.ru.kho za4kvu& /Ô˙a.ˇ\ <Ôha.ˇ\.k\.vu~> balcony. .1. to winnow 2. to scold. zro / / < > masc. .a stream. Ô˙\.ro Ôh\.ro za6 /Ô˙aÎ/ <Ôha.Î\> neut. .a tree. zverat / / neut. .jewelry. Ô˙\.ve.rat za6vu& /Ô˙aÎ.vu~/ <Ôha.Î\.vu~> .to clean by sweeping. zXkvu& /Ô˙\.Æ\ <Ôh\.Æ\.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to shine.

72 za6I /Ô˙a.Îi/ <Ôha.Îii> fem. .a dense zIlvu& /Ô˙ <Ôii.l\.vu~> .to catch. bush. zUkvu& /Ô˙ <Ôhuu.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to za6u& /Ô˙a.Îu~/ <Ôha.Îu~> neut. .a broom. bow. za6o /Ô˙a.Îo/ <Ôha.Îo> masc. .excretion. zUzvu& /Ô˙uÔ˙.vu~/ <Ôhuu.Ôh\.vu~> v.intr. .to fight desperately. zap4vu& /Ô˙a.p\ˇ.vu~/ <Ôha.p\.ˇ.vu~> .to clean by striking a piece of cloth. zU&4vvu& /Ô˙u~.ˇ\ <Ôhu~.ˇ\.v\.vu~> .to snatch. zap4vu& /Ô˙a.p\ˇ.vu~/ <Ôha.p\.ˇ\.vu~> .to eat speedily. zU6vu& /Ô˙uÎ.vu~/ <Ôhuu.Î\.vu~> .to thrash. zap4u& /Ô˙ap.ˇu~/ <Ôha.p\.ˇu~> neut. .a sudden rain that comes for a short time. zU6I /Ô˙u.Îi/ <Ôhuu.Îii> fem. .a small bunch or bundle. zar8 /Ô˙a.r\¯/ <Ôha.r\.¯\> neut. .solder. zU6o /Ô˙u.Îo/ <Ôuu.Îo> masc. .a big zarvu& /Ô˙ <Ôha.r\.vu~> .to bunch or bundle. solder. zu&be= /Ô˙um.beß/ <Ôß\> fem. .a zalr /Ô˙a.l\r/ <Ôha.l\.r\> masc. .a kind movement. of pulse. zUmvu& /Ô˙ <Ôuu.m].vu~> v.intr. .to zalvu& /Ô˙ <Ôha.l\.vu~> .to hold hand over. with hands. zUrvu& /Ô˙ <Ôhuu.r\.vu~> v.intr. .to zaX /Ô˙aÆ/ <Ôha.Æ\> fem. .a flame (of grieve for some thing or some person. fire). zUlvu& /Ô˙ <Ôuu.l\.vu~> v.intr. .to za&`ru& /Ô˙a~k˙.ru~/ <Ô\.ru~> neut. .a swing. thorny shrub. zulavvu& /Ô˙ <Ô\.vu~> za&zr /Ô˙a~.Ô\r/ <Ôha~.Ôh\.r\> neut. .a .1. to swing 2. to rock. jingling anklet. zU&p6u& /Ô˙u~p.Îu~/ <Ôhu~.p\.Îu~> neut. .a hut. za&zrI /Ô˙a~Ô˙.ri/ <Ôha~.Ôh\.rii> fem. .a jingling anklet for children. zer /Ô˙er/ <Ôhe.r\> neut. .poison. za&po /Ô˙a~.po/ <Ôha~.po> masc. .a gate. zerI /Ô˙e.ri/ <Ôhe.rii> adj. .poisonous. zI8u& /Ô˙i.¯u~/ <Ôhii.¯u~> adj. .small (in zerIlu& /Ô˙ <Ô> adj. size). .1.jealous 2. envious. 73

4cko /ˇ\c.ko/ <ˇ\.c\.ko> masc. .a mild zokvu& /Ô˙ <Ôho.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to stroke to cut a piece of wood. doze. 4clI /ˇ\ <ˇ\.c\.lii> fem. .the last zoku& /Ô˙o.ku~/ <Ôho.ku~> neut. .a dozing. finger.

4cUk6u& /ˇ\.cuk.Îu~/ <ˇ\.cuu.k\.Îu~> adj. 4 .very small.

44ar /ˇ\.ˇar/ <ˇ\.ˇa.r\> adj. .stiff. 4kvu& /ˇ\ <ˇ\.k\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to survive 2. to last. 44\4u /ˇ\ˇ.ˇu/ <ˇ\.ˇˇu> neut. .1. a pony 2. a lean horse. 4kaw /ˇ\.ka.u/ <ˇ\.ka.u> adj. ..durable 2. lasting. 4pkvu& /ˇ\.p\ <ˇ\.p\.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to drip. 4kavarI /ˇ\ <ˇ\> fem. .percentage. 4pkavvu& /t\ <ˇ\.p\.ka.v\.vu~> 1. to write down briefly 2. to copy 4ko /ˇ\.ko/ <ˇ\.ko> masc. .percentage. out.

4kor /ˇ\.kor/ <ˇ\.ko.r\> fem. .1. a 4pku& /ˇ\p.ku~/ <ˇ\.p\.ku~> neut. .1. a drop suggestion, 2. a mild scolding. 2. a dot.

4korvu& /ˇ\ <ˇ\.ko.r\.vu~> .1. 4p4p /ˇ\p.ˇ\p/ <ˇ\.p\.ˇ\.p\> advb. .to to suggest 2. to scold mildly. prattle.

4k\kr /ˇ\k.k\r/ <ˇ\.kk\.r\> fem. .1. a 4p/lI /ˇ\ <ˇ\.p\.lii> fem. .1. a light collision 2. a resistance. stroke with a finger 2. a light slap.

4ko /t\.ko/ <ˇ\.ko> masc. .a shaved off 4po4p /ˇ\.po.ˇ\p/ <ˇ\.po.ˇ\.p\> advb. head. .one by one.

4gr 4gr /ˇ\.g\r ˇ\.g\r/ 4pa4pI /ˇ\.pa.ˇ\.pi/ <ˇ\.pa.ˇ\.pii> fem. .a <ˇ\.g\.r\.ˇ\.g\.r\> advb. . with a fixed hot exchange of words. gaze. 4parvu& /ˇ\ <ˇ\.pa.r\.vu~> .to 4gumgu /ˇ\.gu.m\.gu/ <ˇ\.gu.m\.gu> warn in a mild language. advb. .1. shaking 2. shaking. 4pal /ˇ\.pal/ <ˇ\.pa.l\> fem. .1. post 2. 4ckavvu& /ˇ\ <ˇ\.c\.ka.v\.vu~> mail. .to cut with a stroke. 4palI /ˇ\ <ˇ\.pa.lii> masc. .a postman. 74

4a&kI /ˇ <ˇa~.kii> fem. .a tank (of some 4bUk6u& /ˇ\.buk.Îu~/ <ˇ\.bu.k\.Îu~> adj. .a liquid). very small. 4a&ko /ˇa~.ko/ <ˇa~.ko> masc. .a stitch. 4mkvu& /ˇ\.m\ <ˇ\.m\.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to twinkle slowly. 4a&g /ˇa~˜g/ <ˇa~.g\> fem. .a leg (derogatory use). 4hU&ko /ˇ\.hu~.ko/ <ˇ\.huu~.ko> masc. .a bird’s cooing. 4a&gvu& /ˇa~˜ <ˇa~.g\.vu> .to hang.

4XvXvu& /ˇ\Æ.v\Æ.vu~/ <ˇ\.Æ\.v\.Æ\.vu~> 4a&c8 /ˇa~.c\¯/ <ˇa~.c\.¯\> neut. .a short v.intr. .to wail. note.

4Xvu& /ˇ\Æ.vu~/ <ˇ\.Æ\.vu~> v.intr. .to be 4a&i4yo /ˇa~.ˇ <ˇa~.ˇ> masc. .a leg removed. (derogatory).

4&k=aX /t\˜.k\.ßaÆ/ <ˇ\~.k\.ßa.Æ\> fem. .a i4cavu& /ˇ <ˇ> v.intr. be mint. collided 2. to run errands vainly.

4&4o /ˇ\¯.ˇo/ <ˇ\~.ˇo> masc. .a quarrel. i44o6I /ˇi.ˇo.Îi/ <ˇi.ˇo.Îii> fem. .a kind of bird. 4a7 /ˇaÎ˙/ <ˇa.Îh\> fem. .cold. i4Pp8I /ˇip.p\.¯i/ <ˇi.pp\.¯ii> fem. .a 4a7u& /ˇa.Î˙u~/ <ˇa.Îhu~> adj. .1. cold 2. commentary. stale. 4Ik6I /ˇik.Îi/ <ˇi.k\.Îii> fem. .a pill. 4a8u& /ˇa.¯u~/ <ˇa.¯u~> neut. .occasion. 4Ika /ˇi.ka/ <ˇii.ka> fem. .criticism. 4ap4Ip /ˇap.ˇip/ <ˇa.p\.ˇii.p\> fem. .an external pomp. 4I`X /ˇi.k˙\/ <ˇ\.Æ\> neut. .a quip.

4apu /ˇa.pu/ <ˇa.pu> masc. .an island. 4Icvu& /ˇ <ˇii.c\.vu~> .to forge.

4al /ˇal/ <ˇa.l\> fem. .baldness. 4Ipvu& /ˇ <ˇii.p\.vu~> .to strike.

4aXvu& /ˇaÆ.vu~/ <ˇa.Æ\.vu~> .1. to avoid 4Ipu& /ˇi.pu~/ <ˇii.pu~> neut. .a drop. 2. to avert. 4Il6I /ˇil.Îi/ <ˇii.l\.Îii> fem. .a small 4a&k8I /ˇa~k.¯i/ <ˇa~.k\.¯ii> fem. .a pin. mark on the forehead.

4a&kvu& /ˇ <ˇa~.k\.vu~> .to chisel. 4IlI /ˇ <ˇ> fem. .a blot of disgrace.


4I&6oru& /ˇi¯.Î <ˇi.Î> neut. .a kind 4oc /ˇoc/ <ˇo.c\> fem. .1. a peak 2. a top of vegetable. part.

4uk6I /ˇuk.Îi/ <ˇuu.k\.Îii> fem. .a team. 4ocvu& /ˇ <ˇo.c\.vu~> .to prick.

4uk6o /ˇuk.Îo/ <ˇu.k\.Îo> masc. .a piece. 4oplI /ˇ <ˇo.p\.lii> fem. .a small basket. 4Ucko /ˇuc.ko/ <ˇu.c\.ko> masc. .1. a black art 2. a joke. 4oplo /ˇop.lo/ <ˇo.p\.lo> masc. .a big basket. 4uval /ˇu.val/ <ˇu.vo> masc. .a towel. 4opI /ˇo.pi/ <ˇo.pii> fem. .a cap. 4U&kavvu& /ˇ <ˇu~.ka.v\.vu~> .1. to shorten 2. to abridge. 4opo /ˇo.po/ <ˇo.po> masc. .a hat.

4U&pvu& /ˇ <ˇu~.p\.vu~> .to 4oXkI /ˇoÆ.ki/ <ˇo.Æ\.kii> fem. .a gang. remove grass. 4oXI /ˇo.Æi/ <ˇo.Æii> fem. .a small group. 4U&po /ˇu~.po/ <ˇu~.po.> masc. .a strangling. 4oXu& /ˇo.Æu~/ <ˇo.Æu~> neut. .a crowd. 4ekrI /ˇek.ri/ <ˇe.k\.rii> fem. .a hill.

4ekvvu& /ˇe.k\ <ˇe.k\> .to 5 prop.

4ekvu& /ˇ <ˇe.k\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to 5g /ˇ˙\g/ <ˇh\.g\> masc. . a cheat. lean on 2. to be propped. 5gvu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\.g\.vu~> .to 4eko /ˇe.ko/ <ˇe.ko> masc. .1. a support 2. cheat. a prop. 5ga; /ˇ˙\.ga.i/ <ˇh\.ga.ii> fem. .cheating. 4ervu& /ˇ <ˇe.r\.vu~> neut. .a tip (of finger). 5garu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\> adj. deceitful. 4ev /ˇev/ <ˇe.v]> fem. .a habit. 5p/ko /ˇ˙\p.ko/ <ˇh\.p\.ko> masc. .a 4evavu& /ˇ <ˇ> v.intr. .to be scolding. acquainted with. 5rvu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\.r\.vu~> v.intr. .to 4okvu& /ˇ <ˇ\> .to blame become cold. a person for his or her fault. 5rvu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\.r\.vu~> v.intr. .to be stabilized. 76

5alvvu& /ˇ˙a.l\ <ˇha.l\.v\.vu~> 5rav /ˇ˙\.rav/ <ˇh\.r\.vu~> masc. .1.a .to empty. proposal 2. a resolution. 5alu& /ˇ˙ <ˇ> adj. empty. 5ravvu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\.ra.v\.vu~> to fix 2. to decide. 5avku& /ˇ˙av.ku~/ <ˇha.v\.ku~> adj. .1. serious 2. cool-minded. 5rel /ˇ˙\.rel/ <ˇh\.re.l\> adj. minded 2. wise. 5a&svu& /ˇ˙ <ˇha~.s\.vu~> .to fill closely. 5lvavu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\.l\> v.intr. .to be emptied. 5Ik /ˇ˙ik/ <ˇhii.k\> advb. .1. o.k. 2. suitable. 5svu& /ˇ˙\ <ˇh\.s\.vu~> v.intr. .to be convinced. 5I&gravu& /ˇ˙i˜ <ˇhi~.g\> v.intr. .to suffer heavy cold. 5so5s /ˇ˙\.so.ˇ˙\s/ <ˇh\\.s\> advb. full to the mouth. 5U&5vavu& /ˇ˙u~ˇ˙ <ˇhu~.ˇh\> v.intr. .to be troubled by heavy cold. 5iXyo /ˇ˙\.Æ <ˇh\.Æ> masc. .the stone of a fruit. 5U&5u& /ˇ˙u~.ˇ˙u~/ <ˇhu~.ˇhu~> neut. .1. the stump of a tree 2. a stump of cigarette 5&6k /ˇ˙\¯.Î\k/ <ˇh\~.Î\.k\> fem. etc. .coldness. 5ek6I /ˇ˙ek.Îi/ <ˇhe.k\.Îii> fem. 5&6I /ˇ˙\¯.Îi/ <ˇh\~.Îii> fem. .cold. .mockery.

5&6u& /t˙\¯.Îu~/ <ˇh\~.Îu~> adj. .cold. 5ek5eka8e /ˇ˙ek.ˇ˙e.ka.¯e/ <ˇhe.k\.ˇhe.ka.¯e> advb. . everywhere. 5akor /ˇ˙a.kor/ <ˇha.ko.r\> masc. .a community. 5ek6o /ˇ˙ek.Îo/ <ˇhe.k\.Îo> masc. .a jump. 5akor@ /ˇ˙a.kor.Ôi/ <ˇha.ko.r\.Ôii> masc. .a name of Lord Vishnu. 5ekvu& /ˇ˙ <ˇhe.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to jump or peap over. 5a5 /ˇ˙aˇ˙/ <ˇha.ˇh\> masc. .pomp. 5eka8u& /t˙e.ka.¯u~/ <ˇhe.ka.¯u~> neut. 5a56I /ˇ˙aˇ˙.Îi/ <ˇha.ˇh\.Îii> fem. .a address 2. a place 3. a location. funeral bier. 5er 5er /ˇ˙er.ˇ˙er/ <ˇhe.r\.ˇhe.r\> advb. 5arvu& /ˇ˙ <ˇha.r\.vu~> .1. to everywhere. cool 2. to freeze 3. to pacify.


5ervvu& /ˇ˙e.r\ <ˇhe.r\.v\.vu~> v.intr. 6gvu& /Î\ <Î\.g\.vu~> v.intr. .to .to fix the price. become unstable.

5elvu& /ˇ˙ <ˇhe.l\.vu~> .to puch 6gXu& /Î\g.Æu~/ <Î\.g\.Æu~> neut. .1. a big forward. slice of fruit 2. a piece of wood.

5elo /ˇ˙e.lo/ <ˇhe.lo> masc. .a puch. 63avu& /Î\.g˙ <Î\> v.intr. .to be stunned. 5e= /ˇ˙eß/ <ˇhe.ß\> fem. .a light kick. 64\4o /Î\ˇ.ˇo/ <Î\.ˇˇo> masc. .a cork. 5okr /ˇ˙o.k\r/ <ˇho.k\.r\> fem. .a stumbling. 68kvu& /Î\.¯\ <Î\.¯\.k\.vu~> v.intr. .to roar. 5okvu& /ˇ˙ <ˇho.k\.vu~> .1. to strike against 2. to hammer. 6f8u& /Î\p˙.¯u~/ <Î\.ph\.¯u~> neut. .a short thick staff. 5ok&5ok /ˇ˙o.k\m.ˇ˙ok/ <ˇho.k\~.ˇho.k\> advb. 6blu& /Î\ <Î\.b\.lu~> neut. .a tin an act of striking repeatedly. box.

5o5 /ˇ˙oˇ˙/ <ˇho.ˇh\> adj. stupid. 6bI /Î\.bi/ <Î\.bii> fem. .a small metalic, wooden or ivory box. 5o&so /ˇ˙ <ˇ> masc. .a fist blow. 6bo /Î\.bo/ <Î\.bo> masc. .a large tin- 6 box.

6`o /Î\.k˙o/ <Î\.kho> masc. .1. 6mro /Î\ <Î\> masc. .a kind confusion 2. a dispute 3. a quauurel. of fragrant plant.

6gmg /Î\g.m\g/ <Î\.g\.m\.g\> adj. 6r /Î\r/ <Î\.r\> masc. .fear. unstable. 6rpok /Î\r.pok/ adj. . craven. 6gmgvu& /Î\g.m\ <Î\.g\.m\.g\.vu~> v.intr. .to become unstable. 6rvu& /Î\ <Î\.r\.vu~> v.intr. .to fear.

6glu& /Î\ <Î\.g\.lu~> neut. .a jacket. 6ram8u& /Î\.ra.m\.¯u~/ <Î\.ra.m\.¯u~> adj. . frightening. 6glu& /Î\ <Î\.g\.lu~> neut. .a footstep. 6svu& /Î\ <Î\.s\.vu~> .to bite (of serpent etc). 6glo /Î\g.lo/ <Î\.g\.lo> masc. .a coat. 6hap8 /Î\.ha.p\¯/ <Î\.ha.p\.¯\> neut. wisdom. 78

6am /Îam/ <Îa.m\> masc. .a burn given 6hoXvu& /Î\.hoÆ.vu~/ <Î\.ho.Æ\.vu~> as a part of a ritual or a custom. .to dirty liquid by shaking. 6amvu& /Î <Îa.m\.vu~> .to 6hoXu& /Î\.ho.Æu~/ <Î\.ho.Æu~> adj. .dirty give a burn as a part of a ritual or a (water). custom.

6&` /Î\¯.k˙\/ <Î\\> masc. .a sting. 6ama6oX /ÎÎoÆ/ <ÎÎo.Æ\> adj. .1. unsteady 2. chaotic. 6&`vu& /Î\˜k˙.vu~/ <Î\\.vu~> v.intr. .to sting. 6aX /ÎaÆ/ <Îa.Æ\> fem. .a branch of a tree. 6&`Ilu& /Î\¯.k˙ <Î\> adj. vindictive. 6a&`XI /Îø~k˙.Æi/ <Î\.Æii> fem. .1. a tender offshoot 2. a thin branch. 6&fa= /Î\m.p˙aß/ <Î\~.pha.ß\> fem. boastfulness. 6a&gr /Îa~.g\r/ <Îa~.g\.r\> fem. .peddy.

6ak8 /Îa.k\¯/ <Îa.k\.¯\> fem. .a witch. 6a&6 /Îa~Î/ <Îa~.Î\> adj. .1. shameless 2. bullying. 6aku /Îa.ku/ <Îa.ku> masc. .robber. 6a&i6yo /Îa~.Î <Î> masc. .1. a 6a3 /Îag˙/ <Î\> masc. .1. a blot 2. a drumstick 2. a small stick used to play a stain 3. a spot. Raas - a kind of collective dance.

6ai3yu& /Îa.g˙i.ju~/ <Îa.ghi.ju~> adj. .wild 6a&6I /Îa~¯.Îi/ <Îa~.Îii> fem. .a small thin (usually used to modify a dog.). stick.

6a3u& /Îa.g˙u/ <Îa.ghu~> masc. pl..a 6uk\kr /Îuk.k\r/ <Îu.kk\.r\> neut. .a member of a funeral procession. pig.

6a3o /Îa.g˙o/ <Îa.gho> masc. .a spot. 6U&gr /Îu˜.g\r/ <Îuu~.g\.r\> masc. .a small mountain. 6acu& /Î <Î> neut. .the mouth (derogatory). 6&ugraX /Îu˜g.raÆ/ <Îuu~.g\.ra.Æ\> adj. mountainous. 6abu& /Îa.bu~/ <Îa.bu~> adj. .left. 6u&grI /Îu˜g.ri/ <Îu~.g\.rii> fem. .a hill. 6aberI /Î <Î> adj. .leftist. 6u&gXI /Îu˜g.Æi/ <Îu~.g\.Æii> fem. .an 6abo6I /ÎÎi/ <ÎÎii> adj. .left- onion. handed. 6Uco /Î <Î> masc. .a roll of rags or papers. 79

7glo /Î˙\g.lo/ <Îh\.g\.lo> masc. .1. a 6UbkI /Î <Îuu.b\.kii> fem. .a dive. pile 2. a heap.

6Ubvu& /Î <Îu.b\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to 7glab&0 /Î˙\\nd˙/ sink 2. to drown. <Îh\.g\.la.b\~.dh\> adj. . abundant.

6Umo /Î <Î> masc. 7cupcu /Î˙\.cu.p\.cu/ <Îh\.cu.p\.chu> .suffocation caused by sobbing. advb. .1. wavering 2. hesitating.

6Usku& /Îus.ku~/ <Îu.s\.ku~> neut. .a sob. 7b /Î˙\b/ <Îh\.b\> fem. .1.a style 2. a method. 6U&4I /Îu~.ˇi/ <Îuu~.ˇii> fem. .the navel. 7s6vu& /Î˙\.s\Î.vu~/ <Îh\.s\.Î\.vu~> 6U&6U& /Îu¯.Îu~/ <Îuu~.Îuu~> neut. .an ear .to drag. of corn. 7Xvu& /Î˙\.vu~/ <Îh\.Æ\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to 6ok /Îok/ <Îo.k\> fem. .the neck. come out (of liquid) 2. to incline.

6oikyu& /Î <Î> neut. .a 7&kavu& /Î˙\˜ <Îh\> v.intr. glance. .to be covered.

6oku& /Îo.ku~/ <Îo.ku~> neut. .the head. 7&g /Î˙\˜g/ <Îh\~.g\> masc. .manners.

6o6o /Îo.Îo/ <Îo.Îo> masc. .a spike of 7&7ero /Î˙\¯.Î˙ <Îh\~.Î> masc. maize. proclamation.

6obu& /Îo.bu~/ <Îo.bu~> neut. .a buffalo. 7&7oXvu& /Î˙\¯.Î˙oÆ.vu~/ <Îh\~.Îho.Æ\.vu~> to shake soneone to awake him or 6obu& /Îo.bu~/ <Îo.bu~> adj. 1.dull 2. her. stupid. 7ak7oX /Î˙ak.Î˙oÆ/ <Îha.k\.Îho.Æ\> 6ol /Îol/ <Îo.l\> fem. .a bucket. masc. outward appearance.

6olvu& /Î <Îo.l\.vu~> v.intr. .1. to 7al /Î˙al/ <Îha.l\> fem. .a shield. swing 2. to oscillate. 7aX /Î˙aÆ/ <Îha.l\> masc. .a slpoe. 6o=I /Îo.ßi/ <Îo.ßii> fem. .an old woman. 7aXvu& /Î˙aÆ.vu~/ <Îha.Æ\.vu~> 6oXo /Îo.Æo/ <Îo.Æo> masc. .the eyeball. lower 2. to let incline downwards 3. to mould with a die.

7 7a&k8 /Î˙a~.k\¯/ <Îha~.k\.¯\> neut. .a cover. 80

7a&k8u& /Î˙a~k.¯u~/ <Îha~.k\.¯u~> neut. .a t tk /t\k/ fem. .opportunity. cover.

7a&kvu& /Î˙ <Îha.k\.vu~> .1. to tktkvu& /t\k.t\ cover 2. to shut with a lid. v.intr. to glitter.

7Il /Î˙il/ <Îhii.l\> fem. .a delay. tkrar /t\k.rar/ fem. .a quarrel. 7Ilu& /Î˙ <Î> adj. .loose. tkladI /t\ adj.

7I&glI /Î˙i˜ <Îhii~.g\.lii> fem. .a doll. .fragile.

tklIf /t\k.lip˙/ fem. 7I&c8 /Î˙i~.c\¯/ <Îhii~.c\.¯\> masc. trouble. .knee.

tkIyo /t\ masc. .a 7I&cvu& /Î˙ <Îhii~.c\.vu~> .to pillow. drink excessively.

tkedarI /t\.ke.da.ri/ fem. .a 7ebru& /Î˙ <Îhe.b\.ru~> neut. .a food watch. item.

t`to /t\k˙.to/ masc. .the 7okXI /Î˙ok.Æi/ <Îho.k\.Æii> fem. .a food stage. item.

tg6o /t\g.Îo/ masc. .the 7okXu& /Î˙ok.Æu~/ <Îho.k\.Æu~> neut. .a figure 3. food item.

tgtgvu& /t\g.t\ 7or /Î˙or/ <Îho.r\> neut. .cattle. v.intr. to glitter.

7ol /Î˙ol/ <Îho.Æ\> masc. .a kind of tgaru& /t\ neut. .a broad drum. mouthed bucket.

7olI /Î˙ <Îho.lii> masc. .a drummer. tge6vu& /t\.geÎ.vu~/ .to

cause to run away. 7oX / / < > masc. .metal- Î˙oÆ Îho.Æ\ plating. tj /t\Ô/ masc. .cinnamon.

7oXvu& /Î˙oÆ.vu~/ <Îho.Æ\.vu~> .to tjvIj /t\Ô.viÔ/ fem. spill. .planning.

7o&g /Î˙ø~˜.g\/ <Îho~.g\> masc. .1.false tjvu& /t\Ô.vu~/ .to show 2. disguise. renounce. 81

ttkal /t\t.kal/ advb. .at tj}a /t\.Ô\.gn\/ adj. .expert. once. t4 /t\ˇ/ masc. .a shore. tt6avvu& /t\t.Î to rebuke. t4S9 /t\.ˇ\s.t˙\/ adj. .neutral. t]v /t\t.v\/ neut. .an element. t6 /t\Î/ fem. .a crack. t]v}aan /t\t.v\.gna.n\/ neut. .philosphy. t6 /t\Î/ neut. .a subdivision of a caste. t]v}aanI /t\t.v\ masc. .a philosopher. t6ko /t\Î.ko/ masc. .sunshine. t9a /t\.t˙a/ conj.. and. t6ko2a&y6o /ˇ\Î.ko.c˙a~j.Îo/ t9aip /t\.t˙a.pi/ advb. .even masc. .a cycle of then. happiness and unhappiness. tdupra&t /t\.dup.ra~t/ t6kI.2a&y6I /ˇ\Î.ki.c˙a~j.Îi/ advb. .1. in addition 2. moreover. fem. ..a cycle of happiness and unhappiness. tn /t\n/ neut. .the body (human). t6f6 /t\Î.p˙\Î/ advb. instantly. tp`Ir /t\p.k˙ir/ fem. .snuff. t6f6vu& /t\Î.p˙\Î.vu~/ v.intr. .to struggle hard hopelessly. tpvu& /t\ v.intr. .1. to be heated 2. to become angry. t6amar /t\.Îa.mar/ advb. nonstop. tpas /t\.pas/ fem. examination 2. a check up 3. an t8`lu& /t\.¯\.k˙\.lu~/ investigation. neut. .a straw. tpasvu& /t\ .1. t8`o /t\¯.k˙o/ masc. .a to examine 2. to investigate. spark. tpelI /t\ fem. .a t8avu& /t\.¯ v.intr. .to be cooking vessel. dragged. tf6&cI /t\p˙.Î\µ.ci/ fem. 1. misappropriation 2. theft 3. plagiarism. 82

trt /t\.r\t/ advb. .. 1. at once tf6avvu& /t\p˙.Î 2. promptly. .1. to misappropriate 2. to steal 3. to plagiarize. trfe8 /t\r.p˙e¯/ fem. .partiality. tfavt /t\.p˙a.v\t/ masc. .difference. trvra4 /t\r.v\.raˇ/ masc. .intense zeal. tbk\ko /t\.b\k.ko/ masc. .a stage (in development). trvu& /t\ v.intr. .to swim. tibyt /t\.bi.j\t/ fem. trvu& /t\ v.intr. .to float. .health. tr&g /t\.r\˜.g\/ masc. . 1. a tbIb /t\.bib/ masc. .a ripple 2. imagination. doctor. tr&gI /t\.r\˜.gi/ adj. tbelo /t\.be.lo/ masc. .a .whimsical. stable. trap /t\.rap/ fem. .a sudden tmru& /t\ neut. .cricket attack. (insect). trIke /t\ advb. .in the tm&co /t\.m\µ.co/ masc. .a manner of. country made pistol. tru8 /t\.ru¯/ masc. .young. tmaku& /t\.ma.ku~/ fem. .tobacco. tkR /t\r.k\/ masc. .1. an inference 2. a hypothesis. tmaco /t\ masc. .a slap. tkR=aS{a /t\r.k\.ß\/ neut. .logic. tmam /t\.mam/ adj. .all. tl /t\l/ masc. .sesame. tmaru& /t\ adj. .yours. tlp /t\.l\p/ fem. .a frenzied tma=o /t\.ma.ßo/ masc. .a desire. public show. tlpvu& /t\.l\ v.intr. tme /t\.me/ pron.. you. .to desire something or someone intensely. tr2o6vu& /t\r.c˙oÎ.vu~/ to renounce.

83 tlvar /t\l.var/ fem. .a masc. .to spend sward. money carelessly. tlsa&kXI /t\Æi/ fem. tagvu& / v.intr. .to .a kind of sweet made of sesame. estimate. tvarI` /t\.va.rik˙/ fem. taj /taÔ/ masc. .a crown. .a chronicle. tajaklm /ta.Ôa.k\.l\m/ tsvIr /t\s.vir/ fem. .a fem. a postscript. photograph. taju /ta.Ôu/ adj. .fresh. tXpdu& /t\Æ.p\.du~/ adj. .1. regional 2. local. tajetrma& /ta.Ôe.t\ advb. .recently. tXvu& /t\Æ.vu~/ .to fry. ta8 /ta¯/ fem. .1. scarcity 2. tXa; /t\.Æa.i/ fem. .a mattress. shortage. t&tu /t\n.tu/ masc. .a fiber. ta8 /ta´/ fem. .a muscle strain. t&{a /t\\/ neut. .1. ta8vu& /ta¯.vu~/ .1. to management 2. administration. stretch 2. to drag. t&{aI /t\n.tri/ masc. .editor. taTkailk /tat.ka.lik/ advb. immediately. t&durSt /t\n.du.r\st/ adj. healthy. tai]vk /tat.tvik/ adj. philosophical. t&durStI /t\.ndu.r\s.ti/ fem. health. tap /tap/ masc. .sunshine (refers to the heat and not the light). t&bU /t\m.bu/ masc. .a tent. tap8u& /tap.¯u~/ neut. .a t&bUro /t\ masc. .a bonfire. kind of musical instrument. tapvu& / v.intr. .to takvu& / .1. to aim warm up by sitting beside a fire place. at 2. to take a target. tab6tob /ta.b\Î.tob/ takat /ta.kat/ fem. .strength. advb. at once. tag6i0NNaa /ta.g\Î.d˙ 84

tar /tar/ masc. . 1. a fiber 2. a ta&i{ak /ta~.trik/ adj. .pertaining string 3. a thread. to occultism.

tar /tar/ masc. .a telegram. ta&i{ak /ta~.trik/ masc. .an occultist. tarvvu& /ta.r\ .1. to summarize 2. to prepare a balance- ta&bu& /ta~.bu~/ neut. .copper. sheet. itjorI /ti.Ôo.ri/ fem. .1. a safe taraj /ta.raÔ/ adj. .ruined. 2. a wardrobe.

tarI` /ta.rik˙/ fem. .a date. iti9 /ti.t˙i/ fem. .a date according to Hindu calander. taru& / adj. .your (sing). itrSkar /ti.r\s.kar/ masc. taro / masc. .a star. .hatred. taikRk /tar.kik/ adj. .logical. itlk /ti.l\k/ neut. .an talavelI / fem. .a auspicious mark on the forehead. strong facination. tI`u& /ti.k˙u~/ adj. .1. hot 2. talIm /ta.lim/ fem. .training. acrid 3. bitter.

tI6 / / < > neut. .a locust. taluko / masc. .a sub- tiÎ tii.Î\ district. tI8u& /ti.¯u~/ adj. .sharp. tav /tav/ masc. .fever. tItI3o6o /ti.ti.g˙o.Îo/ tavvu& / .to purify masc. a grasshopper. a thing by heating. tIr /tir/ neut. .an arrow. tavIj /ta.viÔ/ neut. .1. talisman 2. an amulet. tI9Rya{aa /tirt˙.ja.tra/ fem. .a pilgrimage. taXvu& /taÆ.vu~/ neut. .the palate. tI9RS9an /tirt˙.st˙an/ neut. a pilgrimage place. taXI /ta.Æi/ fem. .a clapping. tIv/ /ti.vr\/ adj. .1. intense 2. ta&t8o /ta~t.¯o/ masc. .1.a actuate. sting 2. a fiber 3. a thread. tuC2 /tuc.c˙\/ adj. .insignificant. 85

te6vu& /teÎ.vu~/ invite tuma`I /˙i/ fem. 2. to carry a child. .hot-tempered. te6u& /te.Îu~/ neut. .an invitation. turt /tu.r\t/ advb. .at once. te8I /te.¯i/ pron.. she. (mainly tulna / fem. .a in legal language) comparison. tetalIs /te.ta.lis/ adj. .forty tula / fem. .Libra. three. tuver /tu.ver/ fem. .a kind of te{aIs /te.tris/ adj. .33 (thirty pulse. three). tu& /tu~/ pron.. you (singular). te9I /te.ˇ˙i/ advb. .1. therefore 2. so 3. hense. tU4vu& /tuˇ.vu~/ v.intr. .to be destroyed. tem /tem/ advb. .in that manner. tUt /tut/ neut. .1. a lie 2. a hoax. ter /ter/ adj. .thirteen, tUtk /tu.t\k/ neut. .a deck. termu& / adj. .thirteenth. tUru& / adj. .astringent. termu& / neut. .the te /te/ pron.. Third person singular religious ritual performed on the 13th day pronoun (He, She, It). after a person’s death. tej /teÔ/ adj. .1. speedy 2. intense ter= /te.r\ß/ fem. .thirteenth 3. sharp-edued 4. active. day of a bright or dark fortnight of the Hindu calendar. tej /teÔ/ neut. .light. tel /tel/ neut. .oil. tejSvI /te.Ô\.svi/ adj. 1.brilliant 2. shining. te&talIs /t´~.ta.lis/ adj. .forty three. tejab /te.Ôab/ masc. .acid. te&s5 /t´~.s\ˇ˙/ adj. .sixty te@ /te.Ôi/ fem. .good business. three.

tEyar / / < > adj. .ready to te4lu& /teˇ.lu~/ adj. .of a certain t\i.jar t\i.ja.r\ proportion. use.

86 tEyarI /t\i.ja.ri/ fem. tolo /to.lo/ masc. .an unit of .readiness. weight. to /to/ advb. .1.then 2. in that case. toXvu& /toÆ.vu~/ .to weigh. to26a; /toc˙.Îai/ fem. Tyjvu& /tj\Ô.vu~/ .to rudeness. abandon. to26u& /toc˙.Îu~/ adj. .blunt. Tyag /tja.g\/ masc. .renunciation. to4o /to.ˇo/ masc. .shortage. Tyagvu& / .to to6 /toÎ/ masc. .1. a settlement renounce. 2. a compromise. TyagI / adj. .one who has to6vu& /toÎ.vu~/ .1. to renounced material comforts. break 2. to pluck. TyagI / masc. .an ascetic. tot6u& /tot.Îu~/ neut. .stammering. Tyare / advb. .1. at taht time 2. then. toit&g /to.ti˜.g\/ adj. .huge. Tya=I /tja.ßi/ adj. .eighty three. toter /to.ter/ adj. .seventy three. Tya& /tja~/ advb. .there. top /top/ fem. .a cannon. {a8 /tr\¯/ adj. .three. to p8 /to p\¯/ advb. .even {aa4kvu& /tra.ˇ\ v.intr. then. .to raid or attack suddenly. tofan /to.p˙an/ neut. .1.riot {aa6 /traÎ/ fem. .a roar. 2. disturbance. {aa8u& /tra.¯u~/ adj. .ninety three. tofanI /to.p˙ adj. mischievous. {aas /tras/ masc. .1. terror 2. nuisance. tor8 /to.r\¯/ neut. .an arch of a gate. {aasvad /tras.vad/ masc. terrorism. tol /tol/ masc. .1.weight 2. value. {aaiht /tra.hit/ adj. .third party. 87

99rvu& /t˙\.t\ v.intr. i{ako8 /tri.kø¯/ masc. .a .to shiver. triangle. 9ngnvu& /t˙\n.g\ i{a-e4o /tri.b˙e.ˇo/ masc. .a v.intr. .to be very excited for soemthing. meeting place of three roads. 9PpI /t˙\p.pi/ fem. .an orderly i{ar&gI /tri.r\˜.gi/ adj. pile or stack. .tricolor. 9r /t˙\r/ masc. .1. a layer 2. a {aIj /tri:Ô/ fem. .the third day... crust.

{aIju /tri:.Ôu/ adj. .third. 9r9r /t˙\r.t˙\r/ advb. shivering manner. {aIs /tris/ adj. .thirty. 9vu& /t˙\.vu~/ v.intr. be 2. to {aepn /tre.p\n/ adj. .53 (fifty happen 3. to occur. three). 9ak /t˙ak/ masc. fatigue. {aevIs /tre.vis/ adj. .twenty three. 9ag69Ig6 /t˙a.g\Î.t˙i.g\Î/ neut. .1. a {aes5 /tre.s\ˇ˙/ adj. .sixty repairing 2. a patching. three. 9a\8u& /t˙a.¯u~/ neut. .1. a center {aEmaisk /tr\ adj. 2. a post. quarterly. 9ank /t˙a.n\k/ neut. .a place {aofvu& /trop˙.vu~/ .to of worship. tattoo. 9ap4 /t˙a.p\ˇ/ fem. .a light ]vca /tv\.ca/ fem. .skin. blow.

9ap8 /t˙a.p\¯/ fem. 9 .capital.

9apo /t˙ap/ masc. .the hip. 96 /t˙\Î/ neut. .the trunk of a tree. 9ab6vu& /t˙a.b\Î.vu~/ .1. to pat 2. to encourage. 96kvu& /t˙\Î\ v.intr. .1. to stammer 2. to tremble with fear. 9aX /t˙aÆ/ masc. .a large plate.


9aXI /t˙a.Æi/ fem. .a dinner plate. 9o-vu& /t˙ob˙.vu~/ v.intr. .to 9a&-lo /t˙a~b˙.lo/ masc. .a stop. small pillar. 9or /t˙or/ masc. .a throny plant. 9Ig6u& /t˙ig.Îu~/ neut. .a patch. d 9Ijvu& /t˙iÔ.vu~/ v.intr. .to be froze. dix8 /d\k.ßi¯/ fem. .the 9UlI /t˙ fem. .half south. grounded wheat. dix8a /d\k.ßi.¯a/ fem. .alms 9Ulu& /t˙ neut. .husks (given to the Brahmins). separated from flour. dga`or /d\.ga.k˙or/ adj. 9U&k /t˙u~k/ neut. .1. saliva 2. treacherous. spittle. dgabaj /d\.ga.baÔ/ adj. 9eplu& /t˙ neut. .a kind treacherous. of bread. dga`orI /d\.ga.k˙o.ri/ 9elI /t˙ fem. .a small bag. fem. . treachery.

dgaba@ / / < > fem. 9elo /t˙e.lo/ masc. .a big bag. d\Ôi d\Ôii treachery.

9ok6I /t˙ok.Îi/ fem. .a small dgo /d\.go/ masc. .treachery. bundle.

d6 d6 / / < > advb. .a 9ok6o /t˙ok.Îo/ masc. .a big d\Î d\Î d\.Î\.d\.Î\ bundle. sound like that of water falling incessantly.

9okb&0 /t˙ok.b\nd˙/ d6 b6 /d\Î b\Î/ advb.. a adj. wholesale. sound like that of running of a human being. 9o6u& /t˙o.Îu~/ adj. .little.

d6bu& /d\Î.bu~/ neut. .a slice 9o9vavu& /t˙ot˙ of solid food (not of a fruit). v.intr. to stammer.

d6o /d\.Îo/ masc. .a ball. 9o9u& /t˙o.t˙u~/ neut. .a book

(derogatory). 89 ddU6I /d\.du.Îi/ fem. .a dr@ /d\r.Ôi/ masc. .a tailor. thin current of water falling down. drj8 /d\r.Ô\¯/ fem. .1. a dbdbo /d\b.d\.bo/ masc. tailor’s wife, 2. a woman tailor. pomp. drjjo /d\.r\Ô.Ôo/ masc. .a dba8 /d\.ba¯/ neut. .1. rank. pressure 2. force. drd /d\.r\.d/ neut. .1. dbavu& /d\ v.intr. .to disease 2. pain. be pressed. drdI /d\r.di/ masc. .patient dm /d\m/ masc. .asthma. drdagIno /d\ dm /d\m/ masc. .stamina. masc. . money, ornaments, valuables etc. together. dmkvu& /d\.m\ v.intr. to glow. dpR8 /d\r.p\¯/ neut. .a mirror. dmda4I /d\m.da.ˇi/ fem. .a threatening. drbar /d\ masc. .a royal court. dmn /d\.man/ neut. .tyranny. drbar /d\ masc. Rajput- a community. dmam /d\.mam/ masc. grandeur. drimyan /d\r.mi.jan/ advb. meanwhile. dya /d\.ja/ fem. .compassion. drroj /d\r.roÔ/ advb. dr /d\r/ masc. .rate. everyday. dr /d\r/ masc. .1. a burrow 2. a drvajo /d\Ôo/ masc. hole. .1. a gate 2. an entrance. drkar /d\r.kar/ fem. .care. drvan /d\r.van/ masc. .a gate-keeper. dr`aSt /d\r.k˙as.t\/ fem. proposal. drve= /d\r.veß/ masc. .a Muslim saint. drgah /d\r.gah/ fem. .the tomb of a Muslim saint. d=Rn /d\.rß\n/ neut. .1. seeing 2. viewing, 3. a form of worshiping 90 d=Rn /d\.rß\n/ neut. philosophy. d= /d\ß/ adj. .ten. d=aRvvu& /d\r.ß d=k /d\.ß\k/ masc. .the tenth 1. to show 2. to suggest. part. draj /d\.raÔ/ fem. .ringworm d=m /d\.ß\m/ fem. .tenth (a skin disease). day of the Hindu fortnight. dirya; /d\.ri.ja.i/ adj. d=/mu& /d\ß.mu~/ neut. .tenth .marine. day after a person’s death. diryo /d\ masc. .the sea. d=a /d\.ßa/ fem. .condition. drek /d\.rek/ adj. .1.each 2. d=a&= /d\.ßa~ß/ adj. decimal. every. d=I /d\.ßi/ fem. .1. hem of a dro6o /d\.ro.Îo/ masc. .a garment 2. wick. raid. d=era /d\.ße.ra/ masc. .the dlal /d\.lal/ masc. .a broker. tenth day of the bright half of the Aso month. dlalI /d\ fem. .brokerage. ds /d\s/ adj. .10 (ten). dilt /d\.lit/ adj. .1. oppressed d=ko /d\ß.ko/ masc. a 2. down-trodden. decade. dlIl /d\.lil/ fem. .an dStavej /d\.sta.veÔ/ masc. argument. a document. dv /d\v/ masc. .a wild-fire. dha6o /d\.ha.Îo/ masc. a day. dva /d\.va/ fem. .a medicine. dhI& /d\.hi~/ neut. 1. yogurt 2. dva`anu& /d\.va.k˙ curd. neut. .1. a hospital 2. a clinic. dhI&tru& /d\.hi~.t\.ru~/ neut. dvada£ /d\ a food item. neut. pl.. medicines in general. dhI&v6u& /d\.hi~.v\.Îu~/ dvapa8I /d\ neut. a food item. neut. medicines in general. 91 dhej /d\.heÔ/ neut. dowry. da`lo /da.k˙.lo/ masc. 1. an example 2. an illustration 3. a dhe=t /d\.he.ß\t/ fem. mathematical problem. apprehension. dagIno / masc. an dXdar /d\.dar/ adj. 1. ornament. thick 2. heavy. da3 /dag˙/ masc. 1. a spot 2. dXvu& /d\Æ.vu~/ to grind. burning. d&gl /d\˜.g\l/ neut. a daz /daÔ˙/ fem. feeling. quarrel. dazvu& /daÔ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to d&6 /d\¯.Î\/ masc. get burn. punishment. da4vu& /daˇ.vu~/ to bury. d&6vu& /d\¯Î.vu~/ to punish. da6m /da.Î\m/ neut. a pomegranate. d&tk9a /d\nt.k\.t˙a/ fem. 1. a legend 2. a fable. da7 /daÎ˙/ fem. a molar tooth. d&tm&jn /d\nt.m\µ.Ô\n/ neut. 1. tooth- da7I /da.Î˙i/ fem. 1. the chin powder 2. tooth-paste. 2. the beard. d&t=UX /d\nt.ßuÆ/ masc. an da8o /da.¯o/ masc. a grain. elephant’s tusk. dat8 /da.t\¯/ neut. a small d&ptI /d\m.p\.ti/ neut. a piece of a branch of a tree or a plant used couple (husband and wife). to clean teeth. d&- /d\mb˙/ masc. dadr /da.d\r./ masc. a hypocrisy. staircase. d&-I /d\m.b˙i/ adj. dadro/ masc. a hypocritical. staircase. d&= /d\mß/ masc. 1. a biting dadagIrI / (of a serpent or scorpian) 2. a sting. fem. bullying.

dadI /da.di/ fem. grandmother.

92 dado / masc. grandfather. das /das/ masc. a male servant. dan /dan/ neut. 1. a gift 2. a dasI / fem. a male donation. servant. dant /da.n\t/ fem. daX /daÆ/ fem. 1. pulses intention. grounded into two parts 2. a food item prepared from danv /da.n\v/ masc. a such pulses. monster. da&t /da~t/ masc. tooth. dane=rI /ß\.ri/ masc. a liberal donor. da&ityo / masc. a comb. dab6I /dab.Îi/ fem. a very idGd=Rk /dig.d\r.ß\k/ small box. masc. dabvu& / to a director (of a film or a drama). press. idGmU7 /dig.muÎ˙/ adj. 1. dayko /daj.ko/ masc. a stunned 2. wonderstruck. decade. idncyaR /din.c\.rja/ fem. a day8 /da.j\¯/ fem. a mid- daily routine activities. wife. idnrat /din.rat/ advb. day da£ / masc. 1. wine 2. and night. liquor. idmag /di.mag/ neut. the da£`anu& /˙ brain. masc. fire-works. idyr /di.j\r/ masc. a da£i6yo /Î husband’s younger brother. masc. a drunkard. idl /dil/ neut. the heart. da=Rink /da.rß\.nik/ adj. philosophical. idlgIr /dil.gir/ adj. dejected. dav /dav/ masc. a person’s turn in a game. idlgI.rI / fem. dejection. davo /da.vo/ masc. 11. a right 2. a claim 3. a law-suit 4. a demand. 93 idlcSp /dil.c\ß.p\/ adj. dIpavlI / fem. fascinating. the Diwali festival. idlcSpI /dil.c\ß.pi/ fem. dI3R /dir.g\/ adj. long. fascination. dIvada&6I /Îi/ idldar /dil.dar/ adj. 1. fem. a light-house. beloved 2. liberal. dIval /di.val/ fem. a wall. idlaso / masc. consolation. dIvasXI /\.Æi/ fem. a matchstick. idvs /di.v\s/ masc. a day. dIvI / fem. a lamp-stand. idvaso / masc. a festival. dIvo /di.vo/ masc. a lamp. idvaXI /Æi/ fem. the dukan /du.kan/ fem. a shop. Hindu festival on the last day of the Hindu year. dukaX /du.kaÆ/ masc. a famine. idve4 /di.veˇ/ fem. a wick. du`vu& /duk˙.vu~/ v.intr. 1. idvel /di.vel/ neut. castor-oil. to pain 2. to ache. idVy /div.j\/ adj. divine. du`avo /du.k˙a.vo/ masc. 1. pain 2. ache. dIkrI /dik.ri/ fem. a daughter. dui`yaru& /du.k˙ adj. unhappy. dIkro / masc. a son. du8avu& /du.¯ v.intr. to dIdI /di.di/ fem. elder sister. be burnt (of food). dIn /din/ adj. poor (literary). duinya / fem. 1. the world 2. the universe. dIp /dip/ masc. a lamp. dup4\4o /du.p\.ˇˇo/ masc. a dIpk /di.p\k/ masc. lamp. scarf. dIp6o /dip.Îo/ masc. a du-agvu& /du.b˙ lamp. to divide by two.

94 du-avvu& /du.b˙ dusa)y /du.sad˙.j\/ adj. to displease. difficult to achieve. du-avu& /du.b˙ v.intr. duzvu& /duÔ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to to be displeased. ooze. du-aiqyo /du.b˙a.ß dU0 /dud˙/ neut. milk. masc. an interpreter. dUi0ya /du.d˙i.ja/ adj. milk- durag/h /\h/ white. masc. excessive and undue insistence. dU0I /du.d˙i/ fem. a kind of duracr8 /du.ra.c\.r\¯/ gourd. neut. immoral behavior. dUbXu& /dub.Æu~/ adj. weak. duracr8I /du.ra.c\.r\.¯i/ adj. a person who dU-vvu& /du.b˙\ behaves immorally. to afflict. duracar / neut. dU-avu& /du.b˙ v.intr. immoral behavior. to be afflicted. duracarI / adj. dUr /dur/ adj. far away. a person who behaves immorally. dUr/bIn /dur.bin/ neut. 1. dugRit /dur.g\.ti/ fem. a telescope 2. a binocular. spiritual degeneration. ±7 /dr\Î˙/ adj. 1. firm 2. dugR&0 /dur.g\nd˙/ fem. strong. unpleasant smell. ±iQ4 /dr\.ߡi/ fem. sight. dubRX /dur.b\Æ/ adj. weak. de`re` /dek˙.rek˙/ fem. dulR- /dur.l\b˙/ adj. rare. 1. watch 2. guardianship. duva / fem. blessing. de`vu& /dek˙.vu~/ to see. du+mn /duß.man/ masc. an de`ade`I /de.k˙˙i/ enemy. fem. senseless imitation. duŠ` /duk˙/ neut. 1. de`av /de.k˙av/ masc. unhappiness 2. pain. appearance.

95 de`av6u& /de.k˙av.Îu~/ adj. 1. attractive 2. handsome devu& / to give. 3.beautiful. de= /deß/ masc. 1. a country 2. a de`avu& /de.k˙ to region. appear. de=kaX /deß.kaÆ/ masc. de`Itu& /de.k˙i.tu~/ adj. time and space. obvious. de=daz /deß.daÔ˙/ fem. de6kI /deÎ.ki/ fem. a patriotism. (female/ small) frog. de=a4n /de.ßa.ˇ\n/ neut. de6ku& /deÎ.ku~/ neut. a frog. traveling in foreign country. de6ko /deÎ.ko/ masc. a de=ai-man /de.ßa.b˙ (male) frog. neut. patriotism. dera8I /de.ra.¯i/ fem. de=I /de.ßi/ masc. 1. native 2. husband’s younger brother’s wife. indigenous. derasr /de.ra.s\r/ neut. a de=I /de.ßi/ adj. a villager. Jain temple. deh /deh/ masc. body. derI /de.ri/ fem. a small temple. dehTyag /deh.tjag/ masc. dev /dev/ masc. a deity (male). death. devta /dev.ta/ masc. a fire. dEink /d\i.nik/ adj. daily. devnagrI /dev.nag.ri/ dEvI /d\ adj. devine. adj. the script. do4 /doˇ/ fem. an act of devX /de.v\Æ/ neut. a church. running. devadar / adj. do6 /doÎ/ fem. an act of indebted. running. devaXIyu& /Æi.ju~/ adj. do60am /doÎ.d˙am/ bankrupt. fem. turmoil devI / fem. 1. a deity do6vu& /doÎ.vu~/ v.intr. to (female) 2. goddess. run. 96 do6ado6 /do.Îa.doÎ/ fem. 1. hurry 2. haste. ±ax /drakß/ fem. a grape. do7 /ÎoÎ˙/ adj. one and half. ±oh /droh/ masc. a betrayal. do76a¬u& /doÎ˙.Îahju~/ µIp /dvip/ masc. an island. adj. over wise. µEmaisk /dv\ do7u& /do.Î˙u~/ adj. one and adj. bi-monthly. half time. dodXu& /dod.Æu~/ adj. weak. 0 dor6I /dor.Îi/ fem. a string. 0kelvu& /d˙\ dor6u& /dor.Îu~/ neut. a rope. to push.

0k\k&0k\ka / / dorv8I /do.r\v.¯i/ fem. d˙\.kk\m.d˙\k.ka guidance. masc. intensely crowded state. dorvu& / to draw (picture, figure etc.) 0k\ka0k\kI /d˙\.kka.d˙\ fem. . intensely dorvu& / to guide crowded state. a person or any other animal. 0k\kamuk\kI /d˙\ dorI /do.ri/ fem. a string. fem. a crowd marked with pushes and blows. doro / masc. 1. a thread 2. a kind of necklace. 0kko /d˙\k.ko/ masc. a push. doq /doß/ masc. 1. mistake 2. fault. 0kko /d˙\k.ko/ masc. an errand. doSt /dost/ masc. a friend. 0g0gvu& /d˙\g.d˙\ dohvu& / to milk. v.intr. to burn intensely. doih{a /\/ masc. a daughter’s son. 0g= /d˙\.g\ß/ fem. 1. zeal 2. enthusiasm. doih{aI /do.hi.tri/ fem. a daughter’s daughter. 97

0ja /d˙\.Ôa/ fem. 1. a flag 2. a banner. 0nuQy /d˙\.nu.ßj\/ neut. a bow. 06 /d˙\Î/ neut. the human body without head. 0Ny /d˙\.nj\/ adj. 1. fortunate 2. praiseworthy. 06k /d˙\.Î\k/ fem. throbbing of the heart due to fright, 0b6ko /d˙\.b\Î.ko/ shock etc. masc. a fiasco.

06kvu& /d˙\.Î\ 0mkvu& /d˙\.m\ v.intr. to throb. v.intr. to tremble.

06ako /d˙\.Îa.ko/ masc. an 0mkavvu& /d˙\ exploding sound. to scold.

06a06 /d˙\.Îa.d˙\Î/ 0mkI /d˙\ fem. a advb. quickly and violently. threat.

06a06I /d˙\.Îa.d˙\.Îi/ 0m0okar /d˙\m.d˙o.kar/ fem. commotion. advb. at full speed. 08 /d˙\¯/ neut. a herd of cattle. 0min /d˙\ fem. an artery. 0808vu& /d˙\¯.d˙\¯.vu~/ v.intr. to quake 0mp2a6a /d˙\m.p\.c˙a.Îa/ (of earth etc). masc. vain efforts made impatiently. 08I /d˙\.¯i/ masc. 1. a master 2. an owner 3. the husband. 0mal /d˙\.mal/ fem. commotion. 08Iya8I /d˙\.¯i.ja.¯i/ fem.1. master’s wife 2. owner’s wife 3. a 0rtI /d˙\r.ti/ fem. 1. the female owner. earth 2. the soil.

0it&g /d˙\.ti˜.g\/ neut. 1. a 0rpk6 /d˙\r.p\.k\Î/ sham 2. phoniness. fem. an arrest.

0n /d˙\n/ neut. 1. money 2. 0rbvu& /d˙\.r\ wealth. to over fill.

0nter= /d˙\n.te.r\ß/ fem. a Hindu festival. 98

0rmUX /d˙\/ 0sms /d˙\s.m\s/ fem. neut. the very beginning. excitement.

0rvu& /d˙\ 1. to 0svu& /d˙\ v.intr. to hold by hand 2. to assume 3. to offer. rush forcefully.

0ravu& /d˙\ v.intr. to 0saro /d˙\ masc. be satisfied. rush.

0rI /d˙\.ri/ fem. an axle. 0&0o /d˙\n.d˙o/ masc. a business. 0ro /d˙\.ro/ masc. a deep pit in a river. 0ak /d˙ak/ fem. fright.

0mR /d˙\r.m\/ masc. 1. 0a6 /d˙aÎ/ fem. robbery. religion 2. duty. 0a6pa6u /d˙aÎ.pa.Îu/ 0mRguru /d˙\r.m\ masc. a robber. masc. a spiritual teacher. 0a8I /d˙a.¯i/ fem. popcorn. 0mRg/&9 /d˙\r.m\.gr\nt˙/ masc. a religious 0atu /d˙a.tu/ fem. a metal. book. 0an /d˙an/ neut. grain. 0mRs&k4 /d˙\r.m\.s\m.k\ˇ/ neut. a moral 0ap /d˙ap/ fem. a cheating. dilemma. 0abu& /d˙a.bu~/ neut. a terrace. 0maRTma /d˙\ masc. a man with a holy soul. 0abu& /d˙a.bu~/ neut. a blot.

0maRda /d˙\ adj. 0am /d˙am/ neut. a dwelling pertaining to religious charity. place.

0maRNtr /d˙\\r/ 0am0Um /d˙am.d˙um/ neut. an act of adopting another’s fem. grandeur. religion. 0amo /d˙ masc. 0maR&0 /d˙\˙\/ unexpected stay. adj. fanatic. 0ar /d˙ar/ fem. 1. the edge of 0imRQ4 /d˙\r.miߡ/ adj. a weapon 2. a thin current of falling religious minded. water. 99

0Ime9I /d˙˙i/ advb. 0ar8a /d˙ar.¯a/ fem. slowly. inference. 0Irj /d˙i.r\Ô/ fem. patience. 0arvu& /d˙ to infer. 0Ir0ar /d˙ir.d˙ar/ fem. money-landing. 0ara0or8 /d˙a.ra.d˙o.r\¯/ neut. 1. rules and 0Irvu& /d˙ regulations 2. code and conduct. give on credit 2. to lend money on interest. 0ara=aS{aI /d˙a.ra.ßaß.tri/ masc. a lawyer. 0utarI /d˙u.ta.ri/ fem. a deceitful woman. 0aras-a /d˙a.ra.s\.b˙a/ fem. a legislative assembly. 0utaro /d˙ masc. a deceitful man. 0aro /d˙ masc. 1. a custom 2. a tradition. 0upel /d˙u.pel/ neut. hair- oil. 0aimRk /d˙ar.mik/ adj. religious. 0umai6yu& /d˙Îi.ju~/ neut. a chimney. 0av8 /d˙a.v\¯/ neut. mother’s milk. 0uma6o /d˙Îo/ masc. smoke. 0avvu& /d˙ v.intr. to suck milk from mother’s breasts. 0U8vu& /d˙u¯.vu~/ v.intr. to shake or swing head under the influence 0a&0l /d˙a~.d˙\l/ fem. of black art. commotion. 0Utvu& /d˙ v.intr. to i0kavvu& /d˙ cheat. to burn intensely. 0Un /d˙un/ fem. a strong i0k\kar /d˙i.kkar/ masc. addiction. hatred. 0Up /d˙up/ masc. a kind of 0Imu& /d˙ adj. slow. fragrant substance.

0Ime /d˙ advb. slowly. 0UpsXI /d˙up.s\.Æi/ fem. an incense stick.

0UX /d˙uÆ/ fem. dust. 100

0ova8 /d˙¯/ neut. 0U&AapU&Aa /d˙u~.a.pu~.a/ attrition. adj. burning with anger. 0ovu& /d˙ 1. to wash 2. to clean. 0U&0vavu& /d˙u~nd˙ v.intr. to grudge silently. 0oX /d˙oÆ/ neut. a kind of devotional song. 0U&0Xu& /d˙u~d˙.Æu~/ adj. 1. misty 2. dim. 0oXu& /d˙o.Æu~/ adj. white.

0U&srI /d˙u~s.ri/ fem. a yoke. )yan /d˙ja.n\/ neut. attention.

0oka4vu& /d˙o.kaˇ.vu~/ )yey /d˙jej/ masc. goal. to beat with a club. 0/ujarI /d˙ru.Ôa.ri/ fem. 0oko /d˙o.ko/ masc. a short trembling. tick staff. )vj /d´v\Ô/ masc. a flag. 0oko /d˙o.ko/ masc. 1. harm 2. betrayal. )vin /d˙ masc. sound.

0oityu& /d˙o.ti.ju~/ neut. a big scarf-like lower garment of Hindu males. n

0otI /d˙o.ti/ fem. a big scarf- like lower garment of Hindu males. nkl /n\.k\l/ fem. 1. a copy 2. a transcript. 0o0 /d˙od˙/ masc. a water- fall. nklI /n\ adj. 1. artificial 2. unoriginal. 0ob8 /d˙o.b\¯/ fem. 1. a washer man’s wife 2. a washer-woman. nk=Ikam /n\k.ßi.kam/ neut. carving. 0obI /d˙ masc. a washer man. nk=o /n\k.ßo/ masc. 1. a map 2. an outline. 0or8 /d˙o.r\¯/ neut. a grade (first, second etc) of a school. nkamu& / adj. useless. 0ola; /d˙ fem. 1. washing 2. remuneration for washing. nkar /n\.kar/ masc. negation.

101 nkUco /n\ masc. a ngd /n\.g\d/ adj. in cash. hook for locking. ngr /n\.g\r/ neut. a city. nkor6o /n\.kor.Îo/ adj. without food and water (fasting). ngrI /n\g.ri/ fem. a small city. nkkr /n\k.k\r/ adj. 1. solid 2. authentic. ngru& /n\ adj. 1. a person who has no guru 2. shameless. nkkI /n\ adj. 1. sure 2. certain 3. fixed. nGn /n\g.n\/ adj. 1. naked 2. nude 3. shameless. nx{a /n\.kß\.tr\/ neut. a constellation. nic&t /n\.ci~nt/ adj. free from worries. n` /n\k˙/ masc. a nail. n2U4ke /n\.c˙uˇ.ke/ n`raXu& /n\k˙.ra.Æu~/ adj. advb. 1. compulsorily 2. helplessly. 1. prudish 2. coquettish. njdIk /n\Ô.dik/ advb. 1. n`ra`or /n\k˙.ra.k˙or/ near 2. beside. adj. 1. prudish 2. coquettish. njr /n\.Ô\r/ fem. sight. n`rabaj /n\k˙.ra~.baÔ/ njra8u& /n\Ô.ra.¯u~/ neut. a adj. 1. prudish 2. coquettish. gift. n`ru& /n\k˙.ru~/ neut. 1. njravu& /n\Ô v.intr. prudery 2. coquetry. to be the victim of evil sight. n`lI /n\k˙.li/ fem. a nail- njronjr /n\Ô.ro.n\.Ô\r/ polish. advb. in front of. n`i=` /n\k˙.ßik˙/ adj. n@k /n\.Ôik/ postp. 1. near from the toe to the head. 2. beside. n~`od /n\k˙.k˙od/ n@vu& /n\.Ô adj. neut. 1.end of a family generation 2. insignificant (in amount and quantity). complete destruction. n4 /n\ˇ/ masc. a male actor. ng8u& /n\.g\.¯u~/ adj. ungrateful. n4I /n\.ˇi/ fem. a female actor.

102 n5aru& /n\.ˇ˙ adj. 1. npas /n\.pas/ adj. fail. wicked 2. harmful. npu&sk /n\.pu~m.s\k/ adj. n5or /n\.ˇ˙or/ adj. 1. 1. impotent 2. neuter gender. heartless 2. cruel. nfkru& /n\.p˙\ adj. n6tr /n\Î.t\r/ neut. 1. an careless. obstruction 2. troubles assumed to be created by ghosts and evil spirits. nf\f4 /n\p˙.p˙\ˇ/ adj. 1.shameless 2. rude. n8dl /n\¯.d\l/ fem. husband’s sister. nfa`or /n\.p˙a.k˙or/ adj. inclined to profiteering. n8dI /n\¯.di/ fem. husband’s sister. nifkru& /n\.p˙ adj. careless. n8do; /n\¯.do.i/ fem. nfo /n\.p˙o/ masc. profit. husband’s sister’s husband. nbXa; /n\b.Æa.i/ fem. ntIjo /n\.ti.Ôo/ masc. 1. weakness. result 2. an outcome. nbXu& /n\b.Æu~/ adj. weak. n8&d /n\.¯\nd/ fem. husband’s sister. nbapu& /n\.ba.pu~/ adj. fatherless. n9 /n\t˙/ fem. a nose-ring. n- /n\b˙/ neut. the sky. n9I /t\.t˙i/ neg. is not. n-vu& /n\b˙.vu~/ v.intr. to ndI /n\.di/ fem. a river. last. nmk /n\.m\k/ neut. salt. n0i8yatu& /n\.d˙\.¯i.ja.tu~/ adj. 1. unguarded 2. nm8u& /n\m.¯u~/ adj. stray. humble. nnamI /n\.na.mi/ fem. a nmn /n\.m\n/ neut. a bier. bowing in reverence. nnamu& /n\ adj. nmvu& /n\ v.intr. to nameless. bend down. nNno /n\ masc. nmaj /n\.maÔ/ fem. prayer negation. to god (in Islam). 103

nvjot /n\v.Ôot/ fem. the nmayu& /n\.ma.ju~/ adj. sacred-thread ceremony of the Parsi orphan. comunity. nmUi2yu& /n\.mu.c˙i.ju~/ nvtr /n\v.t\r/ adj. novel. adj. having no mustache. nv0a /n\v.d˙a/ fem. nine nmUnedar /n\ types of Bhakti. adj. ideal. nvra= /n\v.raß/ fem. nmUno /n\ masc. leisure. 1. a sample 2. a model. nvru& /n\ adj. nm/ /n\m.r\/ adj. humble. unemployed. nyn /n\.j\n/ fem. am eye. nvlk9a /n\.v\l.k\.t˙a/ fem. novel. nr /n\r/ masc. a male. nvilka /n\ fem. nrk /n\.r\k/ neut. hell. short story.

nvv0U / / < > nrjait /n\r.Ôa.ti/ fem. the n\v.v\.d˙u n\.v\.v\.dhuu male class. fem. a bride.

nv=eku& / / < > adj. ntRk /n\r.t\k/ masc. a male n\v.ße.ku n\.v\.ße.ku~ dancer. lukwarm.

nvS{au& / / < > adj. ntRkI /n\r.t\.ki/ fem. a n\.v\s.tru~ n\.v\.stru~ female dancer. undressed.

nva; / / < > fem. a wonder. nXakar /n\.Æa.kar/ adj. n\.va.i n\.va.ii cylindrical. nvajvu& /n\.vaÔ.vu~/ nv /n\v/ adj. nine. to honor.

nvajUnI / / < > nvjuvan /n\v.Ôu.van/ n\.va.Ô n\.va.Ôuu.nii masc. a blooming youth. fem. a new development.

nvIn / / < > adj. new. nv@vn /n\v.Ôi.v\n/ n\.vin n\.vii.n\ neut. new life. nvu& /n\.vu~/ adj. new.

104 nvesr9I /n\.ve.s\r.t˙i/ naku& /na.ku~/ neut. 1. the eye of advb. to start a work again from the a needle 2. an entrance or end of a road beginning. 3. a hole. nVva8u& /n\¯u~/ adj. na`vu& /nak˙.vu~/ to ninety nine. throw. n=o /n\.ßo/ masc. intoxication. nag /nag/ masc. a male cobra. ns /n\s/ fem. a vein. nag8 /na.g\¯/ fem. a female cobra. nskoru& /n\ neut. 1. a nostril 2. the nose. nagr /na.g\r/ masc. a community of that name. nsIb /n\.sib/ neut. 1. fate 2. fortune. nagrvel /na.g\r.vel/ fem. the betel plant. nih /n\.hi/ advb. 1. no 2. not. nagirk /nag.rik/ masc. a nihvt\ /n\.hi.v\t/ adj. citizen. slightly. nagrI /nag.ri/ adj. 1. related nher /n\.her/ fem. a canal. to the Nagar community, 2. civilized, 3. urban. nhor /n\.hor/ masc. a claw. nagu& / adj. 1. naked 2. niXyu& /n\.Æi.ju~/ neut. a roof nude. tile. nac /nac/ masc. a dance. nXI /n\.Æi/ fem. a tube. nacvu& / v.intr. to n&g /n\˜.g\/ neut. a unit of a dance. thing. na2U4ke /na.c˙uˇ.ke/ na /na/ advb. 1. no 2. not. advb. helplessly.

najuk / / < > adj. tender. na;laj /na.i.laÔ/ adj. na.Ôuk na.Ôu.k\ incurable. na4k /na.ˇ\k/ neut. 1. a nak /nak/ neut. the nose. drama 2. a play.

na4kkar /na.ˇ\k.kar/ masc. 1. a playwright 2. a dramatist.

105 na4kIyu& /na.ˇ\.ki.ju~/ adj. 1. nadan /na.dan/ adj. dramatic 2. not real. childish. nai4ka /na.ˇi.ka/ fem. a short nadar /na.dar/ adj. bankrupt. play. nan`4a; /nan.k˙\.ˇa.i/ na6a26I /na.Îa.c˙\.Îi/ fem. a kind of sweet. fem. a many colored cotton string used in various rituals. nanp /na.n\p/ fem. inferiority complex. na6I /na.Îi/ fem. 1. a vain 2. an artery. nanm /na.n\m/ fem. inferiority complex. na6u& /na.Îu~/ neut. a string of a garment. nanp8 /nan.p\¯/ neut. childhood. na8vu& /na¯.vu~/ to examine. nanu& / adj. small. na8akIy /na.¯a.kij/ adj. 1. napas /na.pas/ adj. failed. monetary 2. financial. nai- /na.b˙i/ fem. the navel. na8abjar /na.¯a.b\.Ôar/ neut. money- nam /nam/ neut. a name. market. namcIn /nam.cin/ adj. na8a-I6 /na.¯a.b˙iÎ/ infamous. fem. financial stringency. nam5am /nam.ˇ˙am/ na8u& /na.¯u~/ neut. money. neut. a person’s name and address. nat /nat/ fem. a caste. namdar /nam.dar/ adj. honorable. natvro /nat.v\.ro/ masc. a caste-dinner. namna / fem. fame. natal /na.tal/ fem. the namu& / neut. a credit Christmas. and debit account. nato / masc. relation. nayk /na.j\k/ masc. a hero of a novel, a play etc. na9 /nat˙/ masc. 1. a master 2. the husband. 106 naiyka /na.ji.ka/ fem. a nahvu& / v.intr. to heroine of a novel, a play etc. bathe. nar&gI /na.r\˜.gi/ fem. an naX /naÆ/ fem. a horse shoe. orange. naXcu& /naÆ.cu~/ neut. a funnel. naraj /na.raÔ/ adj. displeased. naXu& /na.Æu~/ neut. a rivulet. nairyeX /na.ri.jeÆ/ neut. 1. a inkal /ni.kal/ masc. 1. coconut 2. a coconut tree. disposal 2. judgment. narI /na.ri/ fem. a woman. inkas /ni.kas/ fem. export. nalayk /\k/ adj. inkah /ni.kah/ masc. Muslim unworthy. marriage. nav /nav/ fem. a small boat. in`als /ni.k˙a.l\s/ adj. open-hearted. naivk /na.vik/ masc. 1. a sailor 2. a boatman. ingU7 /ni.guÎ˙/ adj. mysterious. na= /naß/ masc. destruction. incovvu& / nas /nas/ masc. inhalation of 1. to squeeze 2. to extract. vapor for curing a disease. injan&d /ni.Ôa.n\nd/ masc. naspit /nas.p\.ti/ neut. a the joy caused by self-realization. pear fruit or tree. intarvu& / to nas-ag /nas.b˙ag/ fem. filter. a retreat. inTy /\/ adj. eternal. nasvu& / v.intr. to run away. inTykmR /nit.j\.k\ neut. daily worship. naSto / masc. a breakfast. indan /ni.dan/ neut. diagnosis. nahk /na.h\k/ advb. unnecessarily. in0n /ni.d˙\n/ neut. death.

inpu8 /ni.pu¯/ adj. expert. 107

inb&0 /ni.b\nd˙/ masc. an inr&tr /ni.r\n.t\r/ adj. essay. 1incessant. in-avvu& /ni.b˙ inrakrr8 /ni.ra.k\.r\¯/ to maintain. neut. 1. settlement 2. disposal. inm8U&k /nim.¯u~k/ fem. inrakar /ni.ra.kar/ adj. an appointment. shapeless. inm&{a8 /ni.m\\¯/ inra0ar /ni.ra.d˙ar/ adj. neut. an invitation. 1. orphan 2. support less. inm&{avu& /ni.m\\.vu~/ inra= /ni.raß/ adj. to invite. disappointed. inma6o /Îo/ masc. a inraXu& /ni.ra.Æu~/ adj. 1. potter’s kiln. peculiar 2. distinct 3. different. inym /ni.j\m/ masc. a rule. inra&t /ni.ra~t/ fem. 1. peace 2. repose. inymn /ni.j\.m\n/ neut. controlling. inrIxk /ni.ri.kß\k/ masc. 1. an observer 2. an inspector. inyimt /ni.j\.mit/ adj. regular. inru]ar /\r/ neut. 1. un-answering 2. silent, 3. speechless in inyamk /ni.ja.m\k/ masc. response. 1. director 2. controller. inrupyogI / inyuikt /ni.juk.ti/ fem. adj. useless. appointment. in£p8 /\¯/ neut. inrxr /ni.r\.kß\r/ adj. narration. illiterate. in£pvu& / inrpex /nir.pek.ß\/ adj. to narrate. independent. injRn /nir.Ô\n/ adj. inr9Rk /ni.r\r.t˙\k/ adj. uninhabited. useless. injRX /nir.Ô\Æ/ adj. 1. dry 2. inr&ku= /ni.r\˜.kuß/ adj. waterless. uncontrolled. 108

invaR8 /¯/ neut. in@Rv /nir.Ôiv/ adj. lifeless. salvation. in8Ry /nir.¯\j/ masc. invaRist / adj. decision. refugee. in8aRyk /nir.¯a.j\k/ adj. invaRh /nir.vah/ masc. decisive. maintenance. indRy /nir.d\j/ adj. cruel. inivR#n /nir.vign/ adj. free from obstacles. indeR= /nir.deß/ masc. an indication. invarvu& / to prevent. indoRq /nir.doß/ adj. innocent. invas /ni.vas/ masc. residence. in0Rn /nir.d˙\n/ adj. moneyless. invasI / masc. a resident. in0aRr /nir.d˙ar/ masc. determination. inv<]a /\/ adj. retired. inbRX /nir.b\/ adj. powerless. inv fem. retirement. in-Ry /nir.b˙\j/ adj. fearless. inve6o /Îo/ masc. .settlement 2. verdict. in-eRX /nir.b˙e/ adj. unadulterated. invedn /\n/ neut. a statement. inmRX /nir.m\Æ/ adj. without dirt. in=an /ni.ßan/ neut. 1. target 2. a mark. inmaR8 /¯/ neut. a creation. in=anI /ni.ß fem. a mark. inmaRLy /\/ adj. in=aX /ni.ßaÆ/ fem. a school. powerless. in=aiXyo /ni.ßa.Æ masc. inmURX /nir.muÆ/ adj. 1. a school boy 2. a student. rootless.

109 in¾y /niß.c\.j\/ masc. a inStej /nis.teÔ/ adj. 1. dim 2. determination. dull. ini¾t /niß.cit/ adj. decided. inSbt /nis.b\t/ fem. 1. relation 2. concern. in¼as /niß.vas/ masc. a sigh. inhairka /ni.ha.ri.ka/ fem. a nebula. inqe0 /ni.ßed˙/ masc. prohibition. inhaXvu& /ni.haÆ.vu~/ to see with full attention. inQkl&k /niß˜k/ adj. 1. free from blamsih. in&dvu& / . to backbite. inQk/Iy /niß.kri.j\/ adj. inactive. in&da /nin.da/ fem. backbiting. inŠ=Bd /ni.ß\b.d\/ adj. inQ5a /niß.ˇ˙a/ fem. silent. faithfulness. inŠ=S{a /ni.ß\\/ adj. inQ5ur /niß.ˇur/ adj. 1. cruel unarmed. 2. merciless. inŠ=uLk /ni.ßul.k\/ adj. free inQ8at /niß.¯at/ adj. an of charge. expert. inŠs&tan /ni.s\n.tan/ adj. inQpx /niß.p\k.ß\/ adj. childless. impartial. inŠs&deh /ni.s\n.deh/ adj. inQpap /niß.pap/ adj. without any doubt. sinless. inŠSva9R /\/ adj. inQp/a8 /niß.pra¯/ adj. 1. unselfish. weak 2. spiritless. nIk /nik/ fem. a drain. inQfX /niß.p˙\l/ adj. unsuccessful. nIkXvu& /ni.k\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to come out 2. to go out 3. to appear. insr8I /ni.s\r.¯i/ fem. a ladder. nIc /nic/ adj. 1. wicked 2. mean. insaso / masc. a sigh.

110 nIcajo8u& /Ôo.¯u~/ neut. shameful condition. nIl /nil/ adj. dark-blue. nIca8 /¯/ neut. nIv6vu& /ni.v\Î.vu~/ v.intr. descent. to be accomplished. nIcu& / adj. 1. low 2. vile. nI&d8 /nin.d\¯/ neut. the act of removing weeds. nI6r /ni.Î\r/ adj. fearless. nI&dvu& / to nItrvu& /ni.t\ v.intr. weed. 1. to ooze 2. to be filtered. nuksan /nuk.san/ neut. nItyuR& /nit.rju~/ adj. filtered. damage. nIit /ni.ti/ fem. morality. nUtn /nu.t\n/ adj. new. nIit=aS{a /ni.ti.ß\/ nUr /nur/ neut. fright. neut. ethics. n neut. a dance. nIpj /ni.p\Ô/ fem. product. nek /nek/ adj. honest. nIpjvu& /ni.p\Ô.vu~/ v.intr. to be produced. neta /ne.ta/ masc. a leader. nIm /nim/ masc. a religious netagIrI / fem. vow. leadership. nImvu& / to nevu& / adj. ninety. appoint. neVya=I /nev.ja.ßi/ adj. nIr`vu& /ni.r\k˙.vu~/ eighty nine. to observe. nEitk /n\i.tik/ adj. 1. ethical nIr8 /ni.r\¯/ neut. fodder. 2. moral. nIrv /ni.r\v/ adj. noiseless. nE¢Ty /n\i.rut.j\/ adj. south-west (direction). nIrvu& / to feed cattle fodder. nEved /n\i.ved/ masc. the food offered to a god or deity. nIrogI / adj. healthy. 111 nEsigRk /n\i.s\r.gik/ adj. Nyay /njaj/ masc. justice. natural. Nyaya0I= /nja.ja.d˙iß/ nokr /no.k\r/ masc. a male masc. a judge. servant. NyayI /njaji/ adj. righteous. nokr=ahI /no.k\r.ßa.hi/ fem. a bureaucracy. p nokiryat /no.k\.ri.jat/ adj. pk6 /p\.k\Î/ fem. an act of salaried (person). holding or gripping. notrvu& /no.t\ to pk6vu& /p\.k\Î.vu~/ give a formal invitation on an auspicious 1. to hold 2. to catch 3. to grasp. occasion. pkvvu& /p\.k\ notru& / neut. a formal 1. to ripen 2. to cook 3. to produce invitation. pkvan /p\k.van/ neut. no0aru& /no.d˙ adj. sweets. support less. px /p\k.ß\/ masc. 1. side 2. a nobt /nob\t/ fem. a big party (political). drum used normally in temples. pxa3at /p\k.ßa.g˙at/ nom /nom/ fem. ninth day of masc. paralysis. the bright or dark half of a Hindu month. pxpat /p\k.ß\.pat/ noiXyo /no.Æ masc. a masc. partiality. mongoose. pxapxI /p\k.ßa.p\k.ßi/ no&0 /nø~d˙/ fem. a noting fem. discord. down. pxI /p\k.ßi/ neut. a bird. nOka /n\u.ka/ fem. a boat.

p`vaj /p\k˙.vaÔ/ fem. a nOkadX /n\u.ka.d\Æ/ kind of drum. neut. navy. p`vai6yu& /p\k˙.va.Îi.ju~/ Nyat /njat/ fem. a caste. neut. a fortnight.

NyatIlu& / adj. a p`vai6k /p\k˙.va.Îik/ person from the same caste. adj. fortnightly.


p`aXvu& /p\.k˙aÆ.vu~/ pCcIs /p\c.cis/ adj. 25 to wash (formal). (twenty five). pg /p\g/ masc. 1. a leg 2. a p26a4 /p\ch.Îaˇ/ fem. foot. an act of being knocked. pgi9yu& /p\.g\.t˙i.ju~/ neut. p2a6vu& /p\.c˙aÎ.vu~/ a footstep. 1. to throw 2. to defeat . pgpaXu& /p\Æu~/ adj. p2at /p\.c˙at/ adj. pedestrian. backward. pgpesaro /p\ p2I /p\.c˙i/ postp. masc. intrusion. afterwards. pg-r /p\g.b˙\r/ adj. p2It /p\.c˙it/ fem. a rear self-reliant. wall of a building. pgr`u& /p\.g\r.k˙u~/ neut. p2e6I /p\.c˙e.Îi/ fem. a a shoe. kind of shawl. pgrv /p\g.r\v/ masc. pjv8I /p\.Ô\v.¯i/ fem. the sound of foot-steps. harassment. pglu& /p\ neut. a pjvvu& /p\.Ô\ to footprint. harass. pgar /p\.gar/ masc. 1. pay p4ko /p\ˇ.ko/ masc. a small 2. salary. piece of cloth used to wra round the waist or pgI /p\.gi/ masc. 1. a foot-print the head. reader 2. a village watchman. p4p4 /p\ˇ.p\ˇ/ advb. pgeru& /p\ neut. a quickly. foortprint. p4p4avvu& /p\ˇ.p\.ˇ pcr&gI /p\c.r\˜.gi/ adj. to wag. colorful. p4la; /p\ˇ.lai/ fem. a pcvu& /p\ v.intr. to be village headman’s duty. digested. pcas /p\.cas/ adj. fifty. 113

p4la8I /p\ˇ.la.¯i/ fem. 1. the wife of the village headman 2. the p6tI /p\Î.ti/ fem. a fall. wife of a Patel. p6tu& /p\Î.tu~/ adj. 1. p4abaj /p\.ˇa.baÔ/ adj. decaying 2. falling. skilled in swordsmanship. p6do /p\Î.do/ masc. a p4aba@ /p\.ˇÔi/ fem. curtain. skill in swordmanship. p6pU2 /p\Î.puc˙/ fem. p4am8I /p\.ˇam.¯i/ fem. inquiry. deceit by flattering. p6vu& /p\Î.vu~/ v.intr. to fall. p4avvu& /p\.ˇ to cheat by flattery. p6vo /p\Î.vo/ masc. the first day of the first or second fortnight p4avaXo /p\.ˇÆo/ masc. of a Hindu month. a peon. p6av /p\.Îav/ masc. a p4\4I /p\ˇ.ˇi/ fem. a strip. camp.

p4el /p\.ˇel/ masc. 1. the pi6yo /p\.Î masc. a bowl headman of a caste 2. the headman of a made of leaves. village 3. a surname so named 4. the name of a community. p6I /p\.Îi/ fem. a small packet. p4\4o /p\ˇ.ˇo/ masc. a belt. p6IkI /p\.Î fem. a very p6 /p\Î/ neut. a layer. small packet.

p6kar /p\Î.kar/ masc. a p6Iku& /p\.Îi.ku~/ neut. a challenge. small packet.

p6`u& /p\Î.k˙u~/ neut. a p8 /p\¯/ conj. 1. but 2. stll 3. side. yet.

p62ayo /p\Î.c˙ masc. p82 /p\.¯\c˙/ fem. the a shadow. string of a bow.

p6tr /p\Î.t\r/ adj. a pt /p\t/ neut. laprosy. base price. ptn /p\.t\n/ neut. 1. a fall p6tr /p\Î.t\r/ adj. 2. a defeat. uncultivated (land). 114 ptrI /p\t.ri/ fem. a small p{akar /p\.tr\.kar/ masc. thin metal piece. a journalist. ptru& /p\ neut. a sheet of p{akar]v /p\tr.ka.r\t.r\/ metal. neut. journalism. ptvu& /p\ v.intr. 1. to be p{aVyvhar /p\.tr\.vj\v.har/ settled (account), 2. to end 3. to be masc. concluded. correspondance. pt&g / / < > masc. a p\.t\˜.g\ p\.t\~.g\ pi{aka /p\.tri.ka/ fem. a kite. pamphlet. pt&igyu& / / < > neut. p\.t\˜.gi.ju~ p\.t\ p9raX /p\t˙.raÆ/ adj. a butterfly. stony. ptak6u& / / < > neut. p\.tak.Îu~ p\.ta.k\.Îu~ p9rI /p\t˙.ri/ fem. a small a small piece of paper. stone. ptav4 / / < > fem. a p\.ta.v\ˇ p\.ta.v\.ˇ\ p9ro /p\t˙.ro/ masc. a settlement. stone. ptavvu& / / < > 1. p\ p\.ta.v\.vu~ p9arI /p\.t˙a.ri/ fem. a bed. to settle 2. finalise.

p(9r /p\t˙.t˙\r/ masc. a ptasu& /p\ neut. a kind stone. of cookie.

pd /p\d/ masc. a rank. pit /p\.ti/ masc. the husband.

pd /p\d/ neut. a sentential pityu& /p\.ti.ju~/ adj. suffering phrase. from leprosy.

pdvI /p\ fem. 1. a title p]au /p\t.tu~/ neut. 1. a leaf 2. a 2. a rank. playing card.

pda9R /p\.dar.t˙\/ masc. 1. p]ao /p\ masc. 1. a substance 2. an object. whereabouts 2. address.

pda9R /p\.dar.t˙\/ masc. a pTnI /p\ fem. the wife. meaning of phrase. p{a / / < > masc. a letter. p\t.r\ p\.tr\ pdavil /p\ fem. diction. 115 pdavvu& /p\ prgju /p\r.g\.Ôu~/ adj. to cause work hard. benevolent. p(9it /p\.d˙d˙\.ti/ fem. prgam /p\r.gam/ neut. a method. another’s village. pd\y /p\.dj\/ neut. verse. prcUr8 /p\\¯/ neut. 1. change (coins), 2. miscellaneous. p0ram8I /p\d˙.ram.¯i/ fem. a formal prco /p\ masc. a visit. miracle. p0ravvu& /p\d˙ pr@vI /p\r.Ô adj. to offer respectfully. parasite. p0arvu& /p\.0˙ pr8vu& /p\.r\¯.vu~/ to v.intr. to come or go respectfully. marry. pno /p\.no/ masc. breadth of prt /p\.r\t/ advb. in return. cloth. prt&{a /p\r.t\\/ adj. pnotI /p\.no.ti/ fem. dependence. misfortune. prdado /p\ masc. pnotu& /p\.no.tu~/ adj. a great grand-father. auspicious. prduŠ` /p\r.duk˙/ neut. ppEyu& /p\.p\i.ju~/ neut. other’s misery. papaya. prde= /pre.deß/ masc. a pr /p\r/ postp. 1. on 2. over 3. foreign country. above. prdo /p\ masc. a prkIy /p\r.kij/ adj. 1. curtain. belonging to others 2. belongingto foreign. pr0n /p\r.d˙\n/ neut. other’s money or wealth. pr` /p\.r\k˙/ fem. 1. a test 2. an examination. pr0mR /p\r.d˙\ masc. other’s religion. pr`avvu& /p\r.k˙ to tell unscrupulously. prnatIlu& /p\ adj. belonging to others’ caste.

116 prpuruq /p\r.pu.ruß/ prv= /p\r.v\ß/ adj. masc. a man other than one’s husband. dependent. prpo4I /p\r.po.ˇi/ fem. a prvX /p\r.v\/ neut. a small bubble. kind of vegetable. prva /p\ fem. care. prpo4o /p\r.po.ˇo/ masc. a big bubble. prvangI /p\ fem. permission. prb /p\.r\b/ fem. a public water house. prvano /p\ masc. a licence. prbI6Iyu& /p\Îi.ju~/ neut. an envelope. prsevo /p\ masc. perspiration. pr-v /p\r.b˙\v/ masc. a previous or the next birth. prS{aI /p\r.stri/ fem. other than one’s wife. prm /p\.r\m/ adj. highest. prSpr /p\.r\s.p\r/ advb. prma8u /p\¯u/ 1. mutually 2. reciprocally. neut. an atom. pr&t u/p\.r\n.tu/ advb. but. prmaTma /p\ masc. 1. the supreme being 2. god. pr&pra /p\.r\m.p\.ra/ fem. a tradition. prman&d /p\ masc. supreme pr&pragt /p\.r\m.p\.ra.g\t/ bliss. adj. traditional. prma9R /p\r.mar.t˙\/ prakaQ5a /p\.ra.kaß.t˙a/ masc. 1. the highest aim 2. benevolence. fem. 1. climax 2. extremity. prme¼r /p\r.meß.v\r/ prak/m /p\\m/ masc. god. neut. 1. an adventure 2. heroism. prlok /p\r.lok/ masc. the prak/mI /p\\.mi/ other world where the soul is believed o adj. enterprising. be going after death. prajy /p\.ra.Ô\j/ masc. a prv6vu& /p\r.v\Î.vu~/ defeat. exp. to afford.

117 pra8e /p\.ra.¯e/ advb. 1. pirml /p\.ri.m\l/ fem. unwillingly 2. forcibly. fragrance. pra0In /p\.ra.d˙in/ adj. pirvtRn /p\.ri.v\r.t\n/ dependent. neut. a change. pirvar /p\.ri.var/ neut. a pram=R /p\.ra.m\r.ß\/ family. masc. contact. piri=Q4 /p\.ri.ßiß.ˇ˙\/ adj. prayu& /p\.ra.ju~/ adj. other’s an appendix. pir3 /p\.rig˙/ masc. pir=Iln /p\.ri.ßi.l\n/ circumference. neut. deep study. pircy /p\.ri.c\j/ masc. pir[am /p\.ri.ßr\m/ masc. familiarity. hard work. pircairka /p\ pirqd /p\.ri.ß\d/ fem. an fem. a maid-servant. assembly. pirict /p\.ri.cit/ adj. piriS9it /p\.riß.t˙i.ti/ fem. knowing. circumstances. pirC2ed /p\.ric.c˙ed/ prI /p\.ri/ fem. a fairy. masc. a paragraph. prIxk /p\.rik.ß\k/ masc. pir8am /p\.ri.¯am/ neut. an examinar. 1. result 2. outcome. prIx8 /p\.rik.ß\¯/ neut. pir8It /p\.ri.¯it/ adj. a testing. married. prIxa /p\.rik.ßa/ fem. pir0an /p\.ri.d˙an/ neut. examination. clothing. pru /p\.ru/ neut. pus. pirpkv /p\.ri.p\k.v\/ adj. mature. pru& /p\.ru~/ neut. a suburban area. pirbX /p\.ri.b\/ neut. 1. force 2. a factor. pre=an /p\.re.ßan/ adj. perplexed. pir-aqa /p\.ri.b˙a.ßa/ fem. terminology.

118 prox /p\.rok.ß\/ adj. pl&g /p\.l\˜g/ masc. a big indirect. cot. pro7 /p\.roÎ˙/ neut. pla&5I /p\.la~.ˇ˙i/ fem. a daybreak. posture of sitting with crossed-legs. pro8o /p\.ro.¯o/ masc. a plIt /p\.lit/ neut. an evil guest. spirit. propkar /p\.rop.kar/ plo4vu& /p\.loˇ.vu~/ to masc. benevolence. train animals. pvn /p\.v\n/ masc. wind. propkarI /p\.rop.ka.ri/ adj. benevolent. piv{a /p\.vit.r\/ adj. sacred. provvu& /p\ 1. p=u /p\.ßu/ neut. a quadruped to thread a needle 2. to string beads. animal. pyaRPt /p\.ri.jap.t\/ adj. p¾atap /p\ß.ca.tap/ sufficient. masc. repentance. pyuRq8 /p\r.ju.ß\¯/ neut. pi¾m /p\ß.cim/ adj. a festival of the Jains. western. plk /p\.l\k/ fem. a moment. pi¾m /p\ß.cim/ fem. the west (direction). plk /p\.l\k/ fem. a twinkling of the eye. ps&d /p\.s\nd/ fem. choice. plkaro /p\ masc. a pStavu& /p\ v.intr. to twinkling. repent. pl48 /p\l.ˇ\¯/ fem. a pStI /p\s.ti/ fem. paper scrap. battalion. pha6 /p\.haÎ/ masc. a pl4vu& /p\.l\ˇ.vu~/ v.tarns. mountain. to change. pha8o /p\.ha.¯o/ masc. a pl4o /p\l.ˇo/ masc. a big stone. change. pher8 /p\.he.r\¯/ neut. a plXvu& /p\.l\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. kind of shirt. to be drenched.


phervu& /p\ to p> /p\˜.g\t/ fem. a row of wear. diners. pherve= /p\.her.veß/ p&c /p\µ.c\/ neut. a arbitrator masc. dress. (traditionally a body of five arbitrators).

phero /p\ masc. a p&ca8u& /p\µ.ca.¯u~/ adj. watch. ninty five.

phel /p\.hel/ fem. an p&cat /p\µ.cat/ fem. a body initiation. of arbitrators.

phelvan /p\.hel.van/ p&cam masc. a wrestler. neut. a mixture of milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and sugar. phelu& /p\ adj. first. p&cayt /p\µ.ca.j\t/ fem. an pho&c /p\.ha~c/ fem. a executive body of a caste or village. receipt. p&cal /p\µ.cal/ masc. a pho&c /p\.ha~c/ fem. a power blacksmith. affecting a person, thing, or course of events. p&cavn /p\µ.ca.v\n/ adj. fifty five. pho&cvu& /p\ v.intr. 1. to reach 2. to arrive. p&ca=I /p\µ.ca.ßi/ adj. eighty five. phoXu& /p\.ho.Æu~/ adj. broad. p&ca&g /p\µ.ca~.˜g\/ neut. an pho&cI /p\ fem. almanac. wristler. p&coter /p\µ.co.ter/ adj. pho&co /p\ masc. the seventy five. wrist. p&jo /p\µ.Ôo/ masc. 1. a paw 2. pX /p\Æ/ fem. 1. aperiod of a claw. twenty four second 2. a moment. p&6 /p\¯.Î\/ neut. the human p&ikt /p\˜.ki/ fem. a line. body.

p&`I /p\˜.k˙i/ neut. a bird. p&i6t /p\¯.Îit/ masc. a scholar. p&`o /p\˜.k˙o/ masc. a fan. 120 p&9 /p\n.t˙/ masc. 1. a road, 2. pagl /pa.g\l/ adj. 1. mad 2. a sect 3. a cult. lunatic. p&dr /p\n.d\r/ adj. fifteen. pa36I /fem./ fem. turban. p&paXvu& /p\m.paÆ.vu~/ pa36I /fem./ fem. bribe. 1. to pat 2. to fondle. pa36I /fem./ fem. an pa /pa/ adj. one forth. illegal payment for having tenancy rights of a house, place etc. pak /pak/ masc. crop. pacn /pa.c\n/ neut. pak /pak/ masc. pus. digestion. pakvu& / v.intr. to be pacn=ikt /pa.c\n.ß\k.ti/ produced. fem. digestive power. pakvu& / v.intr. to ripen. pa2lu& /pac˙.lu~/ adj. 1. former 2. later. pakvu& / v.intr. the formation of pus. pa2X /pa.c˙\Æ/ postp. behind. pak=aS{a /pak.ßaß.tr\/ neut. the science of cooking. pa2u& /pa.c˙u~/ adj. again. paku& /pa.ku~/ adj. ripened. pa@ /pa.Ôi/ adj. mean. paku& /pa.ku~/ adj. properly pa4 /paˇ/ masc. a plank of cooked. wood. paku& /pa.ku~/ adj. 1. skillful 2. pa4ngr /paˇ.n\.g\r/ shrewd. neut. the capital of a country, state etc. paixk /pak.ßik/ adj. pa4lUn /paˇ.lun/ neut. fortnightly. trousers. pa`&6 /pa.k˙\¯Î/ neut. pai4yu& /pa.ˇi.ju~/ neut. 1. a deceit. board 2. a black-board. pa`&6I /pa.k˙\¯.Îi/ adj. pa4Idar /pa.ˇi.dar/ masc. a deceitful. name of a caste.

121 pa4u /pa.ˇu~/ neut. a kick. pa8Icu& /pa.¯ neut. discharge from a position of pa5 /paˇ˙/ masc. a reading. employment: pa5 /paˇ˙/ masc. a pa8Idar /pa.¯i.dar/ adj. punishment. sharp. pa5 /paˇ˙/ masc. a school patXu& /pat.Æu~/ adj. thin. lesson. pa9r8u& /pa.t˙\r.¯u~/ neut. a carpet. pa5vvu& /pa.ˇ\ to send. padrI /pad.ri/ masc. a Christian priest. pa6vu& /paÎ.vu~/ to cause to fall. pan /pan/ neut. a leaf. pa6vu& /paÎ.vu~/ to pan`r /pan.k˙\r/ fem. draw. the fall (season). pa6I /pa.Îi/ fem. a female calf panI / fem. the heel. of a buffalo. panu& / neut. 1. a leaf of a pa6u& /pa.Îu~/ neut. a calf of a book 2. a playing card. buffalo. panetr /\r/ neut. a pa6o /pa.Îo/ masc. a male calf wedding sari. of a buffalo. pap6 /pa.p\Î/ masc. a food pa6o= /pa.Îoß/ masc. item. neighborhood. pap6I /pap.Îi/ fem. a pod pa6o=I /pa.Îo.ßi/ masc. a of a kind of pulse. neighbor. papI /pa.pi/ adj. sinful. pa6o=8 /pa.Îo.ß\¯/ fem. a female neighbor. pamr /pa.m\r/ adj. miserable. pai8yaru& /pa.¯ neut. a water room in a house. pamvu& / v.dat. to gain. pa8I /pa.¯i/ neut. water. payjamo /paj.Ô masc. trousers. 122

pairjat /pa.ri.Ôat/ neut. a paymal /paj.mal/ adj. 1. kind of flower plant. ruined 2. destroyed. pairtoiqk /ßik/ payl /pa.j\l/ neut. a tinkling neut. a prize. anklet. parevu& / neut. a payo / masc. a pegion. foundation. palk /pa.l\k/ adj. a parku& /par.ku~/ adj. others’ guardian. par`vu& /pa.r\k˙.vu~/ pal`I /pal.k˙i/ fem. a to test. palanquin. par`u& /par.k˙u~/ neut. a test. palvvu& /pa.l\ to rear. par8u& /par.¯u~/ neut. a cradle. palvvu& /pa.l\ v.exp. to afford. par8u& /par.¯u~/ neut. a dinner after completation of a fast. palo /pa.lo/ masc. green foliage. pard=Rk /par.d\r.ß\k/ adj. transparent. pavtI /pav.ti/ fem. a receipt. par3I /par.g˙i/ masc. a pavr0u& /pa.v\r.d˙u~/ adj. hunter. proficient. parsmi8 /pa.r\s.m\.¯i/ pasu& / neut. a side. masc. a mythological stone that turnn iron pase / postp. near. into gold. paX /paÆ/ fem. an edge of a parsI / masc. a name water form. of a community. paXvu& /paÆ.vu~/ 1. to par> /pa.r\m.g\t/ adj. foster 2. to bring up. expert. paiXyo /pa.Æ masc. a paray8 /pa.ra.j\¯/ neut. a memorial stone. recitation of a religious text. pa&` /pa~k˙/ fem. a wing. 123

ip]a /pit.t\/ neut. bile. pa&`6I /pa~k˙.Îi/ fem. a petal. ip]aX /pit.t\Æ/ neut. brass. pa&`u& /pa~.k˙u~/ adj. 1. not ip{aa; /pit.rai/ masc. a dense 2. thinly catered. cousin. pa&grvu& /pa~.g\ v.intr. iptra; /pi.t\.rai/ masc. a to blossom. cousin. pa&c /pa~c/ adj. five. ippU6I /pi.pu.Îi/ fem. a pipe-like whistle. pa&cm /pa~.c\m/ fem. the fifth day of either of the fortnight of the ipyr /pi.j\r/ neut. the paternal Hindu calander. house of a married woman. pa&jrapoX /pa~Ô.ra.poÆ/ ipyu /pi.ju/ masc. a lover. fem. a charitable aylum for domestic animals and birds. ipLlu& / neut. a skein. pa&jru& / / < > neut. a cage. pa~Ô.ru~ pa~.Ô\.ru~ ip=ac /pi.ßac/ neut. ghost. pa&{aIs / / < > adj. thirty pa~t.ris pa~.trii.s\ ipStaXIs /pis.ta.Æis/ adj. five. forty-five. pa&9I / / < > fem. the line pa~.t˙i pa~.thii ip&6I /pi¯.Îi/ fem. the calf of caused by combed hair. the leg. pa&d6I / / < > fem. a small pa~d.Îi pa~.d\.Îii pIgXvu& /pi.g\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. tender leaf. to melt. pa&p8 / / < > fem. the eye- pa~.p\¯ pa~.p\.¯\ pI2u& /pi.c˙u~/ neut. a feather. lash.

pI2eh5 /pi.c˙e.h\ˇ˙/ pa&s5 /pa~.s\ˇ˙/ adj. sixty fem. a retreat. five.

pI2o /pi.c˙o/ masc. a pursuit. pa&sXI /pa~.s\.Æi/ fem. a rib.

pI4vu& /piˇ.vu~/ to beat ipckarI /pic.ka.ri/ fem. a severely. kind of water-gun.

pI5 /piˇ˙/ fem. the back (of the ipta /pi.ta/ masc. the father. body).


pI5Ika /pi.ˇ˙i.ka/ fem. a pu~t /puk˙.t\/ adj. mature. background. pu*y /pu¯.j\/ neut. pI5I /pi.ˇ˙i/ fem. fragrant righteousness. yellow mixture applied to the bodies of the bridegroom and the bride. pu{a /put.r\/ masc. a son. pI6a /pi.Îa/ fem. pain. pu{av0U /put.r\.v\.d˙u/ fem. a son’s wife. pI8u& /pi.¯u~/ neut. drink. pU{aI /put.ri/ fem. a daughter. pIp /pip/ neut. a barrel. punr\ /pu.n\r/ advb. again. pIpX /pi.p\Æ/ fem. a kind of tree. punravlokn /pun.rav.lo.k\n/ neut. a pIpXo /pip.Æo/ fem. a kind of revision. tree. puravtRn /pun.ra.v\r.t\n/ pIrsvu& / / < > to pi.r\ pii.r\.s\.vu~ neut. a serve food (formal). repetition. pIlvu& / / < > to crush. pii.l\.vu~ punrav

fem. a reprint. pIlu& / neut. a baby chicken. punruikt /pu.n\.ru.kti/

fem. a repetition (of an expression). pIvu& / to drink.

punjRNm /pu.n\r.Ô\n.m\/ pIsvu& / to grind. masc. a rebirth.

pIXa= /pi.Æaß/ fem. punlRGn /pu.n\r.l\g.n\/ yellowness. neut. a remarriage. pIXu& /pi.Æu~/ adj. yellow. puint /pu.nit/ adj. holy.

pI&`vu& /pi~k˙.vu~/ to purbhar /pur.b\.har/ ransack. adj. at the climax. pI&jvu& /pi~µÔ.vu~/ 1. to purv5o /pur.v\.ˇ˙o/ masc. card 2. to comb 3. to lengthen a talk etc. unduly. supply.


purv8I /pu.r\v.¯i/ fem. a puiStka /pus.ti.ka/ fem. a supplement. booklet. purvar /pur.var/ adj. puiLl&g /pul.ling/ neut. proved. masculine. purSktaR /pu.r\s.k\r.ta/ pU2pr2 /puc˙.p\.r\c˙/ masc. an originator. fem. a verbal inquiry. purSkar /pu.r\s.kar/ masc. a prize. pU2vu& /puc˙.vu~/ 1. to ask 2. to inquire. pura8 /pu.ra¯/ neut. Purana. pUjvu& /puÔ.vu~/ to pura8u& /pu.ra.¯u~/ adj. 1. worship. ancient 2. old. pUja /pu.Ôa/ fem. worship. puratn /pu.ra.t\n/ adj. ancient. pUjapo /pu.Ôa.po/ masc. articles of worship. puravo /pu.ra.vo/ masc. 1. a proof 2. an evidence 3. a testimony. pUjar8 /pu.Ôa.r\¯/ fem. a female worshiper. pura&t /pu.ra~nt/ fem. balance (in account). pUjarI /pu.Ôa.ri/ masc. a male worshiper. puruq /pu.ruß/ masc. 1. a man 2. a husband. pUjy /puÔ.j\/ adj. worth worshiping (lit. meaning). Used to puroiht / masc. a address family prist. the elders in letter writing.

pulav /pu.lav/ masc. a food pU5 /puˇ˙/ fem. the back. item (made of rice). pUtXI /put.Æi/ fem. 1. a doll puQkX /puß.k\/ adj. 2. the pupil of the eye. plentiful. pUrk /pu.r\k/ adj. puQp /puß.p\/ neut. a flower. supplementary.

puStk /pus.t\k/ neut. a pUrtu& /pur.tu~/ adj. book. sufficient.

126 pUrpa4 /pur.paˇ/ advb. pUXo /pu.Æo/ masc. a bundle of at full speed. grass. pUrvu& / to fill pU&26u& /pu~c˙.Îu~/ neut. a up air etc. tail. pUrI /pu.ri/ fem. a food item. pU&@ /pu~.Ôi/ fem. wealth. pUru& / adj. complete. pU&jo /pu~.Ôo/ masc. dirt. pUrepUru& / adj. p<(9kr8 /pru.t˙\k.k\.r\¯/ absolutely complete. neut. analysis. pU8R /pur.¯\/ adj. complete. p<(vI /pru.t˙vi/ fem. the earth. pU8Rivram /pur.¯\.vi.ram/ neut. a full-stop. pe4 /peˇ/ neut. 1. the stomach 2, the belly. pU8aR&k /pur.¯a~k/ masc. an integer. pe4-ru& /peˇ.b˙\.ru~`/ adj. self-centered. pUi8Rma /pur.¯ fem. a full moon day. pe4avvu& /pe.ˇ 1. to light 2. to ignite 3. to kindle. pUvR /pur.v\/ adj. east. pe4I /pe.ˇi/ fem. a box. pUvRg/h /pur.v\.gr\.h\/ masc. prejudice. pe7I /pe.Î˙i/ fem. a business house. pUvRj /pur.v\Ô/ masc. an ancestor. pe7u& /pe.Î˙u~/ neut. the gum of a tooth. pUvRjNm /pur.v\.Ô\n.m\/ masc. a previous pe8I /p´.¯i/ fem. a frying pan. birth. pelu& / pron. that. pUvRpx /pur.v\.p\k.ß\/ masc. an initail argument. pe=ab /pe.ßab/ masc. urine. pUvaRpr /\r/ pesvu& / v.intr. to adj. contextual. eneter.

127 pe&6o /pe¯.Îo/ masc. a kind of pote /po.te/ pron. self. sweet. po9I /po.t˙i/ fem. an unbound pe&tro /p´ masc. a book. stratagem. podXo /pod.Æo/ masc. a lump pE6u& /p\i.Îu~/ neut. a wheel. of fresh dung. pEsadar /p\ adj. popcu& / neut. the rich. eye-lid. pEso /p\ masc. 1. money pop4 /po.p\ˇ/ masc. a 2. a one paisa coin. parrot. pok /pok/ fem. a lod cry of pop6o /pop.Îo/ masc. a thin wailing. crust. pokX /po.k\Æ/ adj. hollow. poy8u& /poj.¯u~/ neut. a white lotus. pokar /po.kar/ masc. a loud cry. polad /po.lad/ neut. steel. pocu& / adj. soft. polu& / adj. hollow. po4lI /poˇ.li/ fem. a small po=ak /po.ßak/ masc. bundle. apparel. po5 /poˇ˙/ fem. a caravan. poq /poß/ masc. the third month of the Vikram samvat. po7vu& /poÎ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to sleep (literary, formal). poqk /po.ß\k/ adj. nutritive. po8u& /po.¯u~/ adj. equal to poq8 /po.ß\¯/ neut. 1. three quarters. nourishment 2. nutrition. po8oso /po.¯ adj. 3/4th poX /poÆ/ fem. a street of hundred. (originally with a gate). pot /pot/ neut. texture. po&k /pø~k/ masc. roasted green grains of ceratin corns such as wheat, potu& /po.tu~/ neut. a wet piece of etc. cloth used for cleaning various surfaces.

128 po&`vu& /pø~k˙.vu~/ the p/g4vu& /pr\.g\ˇ.vu~/ formal ritual of receiving bride and v.intr. to come into existence. bridegroom. p/git /pr\.g\.ti/ fem. pO{a /p\ut.r\/ masc. a progress. grandson. p/cilt /pr\.c\.lit/ adj. pO{aI /p\ut.ri/ fem. a prevalent. granddaughter. p/c&6 /pr\.c\¯.Î\/ adj. pOrai8k /p\u.ra.¯ik/ adj. terribly huge. related to the Puranas. p/car /pr\.car/ masc. pOiQ4k /p\uß.ˇik/ adj. propaganda. nutritious. p/cur /pr\.cur/ adj. pOAa /p\u.a/ masc. a kind of excessive. rice flake. p/C2Nn /pr\.c˙\nn/ adj. p/k4 /pr\.k\ˇ/ adj. open. covered. p/kr8 /pr\k.r\¯/ neut. p/jnn /pr\.Ô\.n\n/ neut. 1. a chapter 2. a subject. biological reproduction p/kar /pr\.kar/ masc. 1. sort p/jXvu& /pr\.Ô\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. 2. kind. to burn. p/ka= /pr\.kaß/ masc. light. p/ja /pr\.Ôa/ fem. people. p/ka=vu& /pr\.kaß.vu~/ p/jas]aak /pr\.Ôa.s\t.tak/ v.intr. 1. to shine 2. to glow. adj. republic. p/k fem. p/8am /pr\.¯am/ masc. 1. nature. a bow 2. a salutation. p/kop /pr\.kop/ masc. p/8alI /pr\.¯ fem. 1. a anger. custom 2. a tradition. p/k/Iya /pr\.kri.ja/ fem. a p/8alIka /pr\.¯ method. fem. 1. a custom 2. a tradition. p/~yat /pr\k˙.jat/ adj. p/8eta /pr\.¯e.ta/ masc. 1. renowned. the author 2. the originator.


p/t /pr\t/ fem. a copy of a p/itvad /pr\.ti.vad/ masc. book. refutation. p/it /pr\.ti/ postp. towards. p/itQ5a /pr\.tiß.ˇ˙a/ fem. reputation. p/itkar /pr\.ti.kar/ masc. resistance. p/itSp0IR /pr\.ti.sp\r.d˙i/ masc. a rival. p/itkaVy /pr\.ti.kav.j\/ neut. a parody. p/ithar /pr\.ti.har/ masc. a gate-keeper. p/itkUX /pr\.ti.kuÆ/ adj. unsuitable. p/tIk /pr\.tik/ neut. a symbol. p/itik/ya /pr\.ti.kri.ja/ fem. reaction. p/tIxa /pr\.tik.ßa/ fem. a waiting for. p/it3oq /pr\.ti.g˙oß/ masc. an echo. p/tIit /pr\.ti.ti/ fem. conviction. p/it}aa /pr\ fem. 1. a vow 2. a promise. p/Tyx /pr\.tj\k.ß\/ adj. 1. visible 2. the knowledge gain through p/it)vin /pr\.ti.d˙v\.ni/ senses. masc. an echo. p/Tyy /pr\.tj\.j\/ masc. an p/itini0 /pr\˙i/ affix. masc. a representative. p/Ty&Cya /pr\.tj\ fem. p/itpx /pr\.ti.p\k.ß\/ the string of a bow. masc. an opposite argument. p/Tyagmn /pr\t.ja.g\.m\n/ p/itb&0 /pr\.ti.b\n.d˙\/ neut. a return. masc. 1. prohibition 2. restriction. p/Tyu]ar /pr\\r/ masc. 1. a reply 2. a p/itib&b /pr\.ti.bim.b\/ rejoinder. neut. a reflection. p/Tye /pr\ postp. 1. at 2. p/it-a /pr\.ti.b˙a/ fem. towards. natural or extraordinary mental faculty. p/Tyek /pr\t.jek/ adj. every p/itro0 /pr\.ti.rod˙/ one. masc. resistance. 130

p/9m /pr\.t˙\m/ adj. 1. p/-av /pr\.b˙av/ masc. 1. first 2. fundamental 3. initial. effectiveness 2. influence. p/9ma /pr\.t˙\.ma/ fem. a p/-u /pr\.b˙u/ masc. god. nominative case. p/-u]v /pr\.b˙ut.v\/ p/9a /pr\.t˙a/ fem. 1. a custom neut. mastery. 2. a tradition. p/m]a /pr\.m\t.t\/ adj. p/dix8a /pr\.d\k.ßi.¯a/ excited. fem. moving circular (left to right) motion round a person or thing as a part p/ma8 /pr\.ma¯/ neut. 1. of a religious ritual. norm 2. standard 3. proof (in logic). p/d=Rk /pr\.d\r.ß\k/ p/ma8-Ut /pr\.ma¯.b˙ut/ masc. exhibitor. adj. reliable. p/d=Rn / / < > pr\.d\r.ß\n pr\.d\.rß\.n\ p/mai8k /pr\.ma.¯ik/ neut. exhibition. adj. honesty. p/dan / / < > neut. pr\.dan pr\.da.n\ p/mad /pr\.mad/ masc. contribution. laziness. p/de= / / < > masc. 1. a pr\.deß pr\.de.ß\ p/mu` /pr\.muk˙/ masc. region 2. territory. 1. chief 2. president. p/doq / / < > masc. dusk. pr\.doß pr\.do.s°\ p/mey /pr\.me.j\/ masc. a theorem. p/0an /pr\.d˙n/ masc. minister. p/yTn /pr\.j\t.n\/ masc. an effort. p/p&c /pr\.p\µc/ masc. deceit. p/ya8 /pr\.ja¯/ neut. a departure. p/bX /pr\.b\Æ/ adj. very strong. p/yas /pr\.jas/ masc. an effort. p/-at /pr\.b˙at/ neut. dawn. p/yog /pr\.jog/ masc. 1. an experiment 2. a trial. p/-aityu& /pr\.b˙a.ti.ju~/ neut. a devotional song that sung at dawn. 131 p/yojk /pr\.jo.Ô\k/ masc. p/s&=a /pr\.ß\m.ßa/ fem. an organizer. eulogy. p/ly /pr\.l\j/ masc. p/½ /pr\ß.n\/ masc. a destruction of the creation by a deluge. question. p/lap /pr\.lap/ masc. 1. p/½p{a /pr\ß.n\.p\t.r\/ lamentation 2. prattle. neut. a question paper. p/lo-n /pr\.lo.b˙\n/ p/sNn /pr\.s\n.n\/ adj. 1. neut. a temptation. pleased 2. satisfied. p/vcn /pr\.v\.c\n/ neut. p/srvu& /pr\.s\ v.intr. a lecture. to spread. p/vah /pre.vah/ masc. 1. a p/s&g /pr\.s\˜g/ masc. 1. an flow 2. a current. occasion 2. an event. p/vahI /pr\.va.hi/ fem. p/sad /pr\.sad/ masc. 1. liquid. grace 2. favor. p/vahI /pr\.va.hi/ adj. p/sadI /pr\.sa.di/ fem. 1a liquid. thing or etable offered to a deity. p/vI8 /pr\.vi¯/ adj. expert. p/sa0n /pr\.sa.d˙\n/ neut. equipment. p/v fem. activity. p/sar /pr\.sar/ masc. spread. p/ve= /pr\.veß/ masc. entrance. p/is)0 /pr\.sid˙.d˙\/ adj. famous. p/ve=k /pr\.ve.ß\k/ masc. introduction of a book or a play etc. p/Stav /pr\s.tav/ masc. a proposal. p/vei=ka /pr\.ve.ßi.ka/ fem. an introductory book. p/S9an /pr\s.t˙an/ neut. a departure. p/=iSt /pr\.ß\s.ti/ fem. eulogy. p/ /pr\.h\.s\n/ neut. a comical play. p/s&=k /pr\.ß\m.ß\k/ masc. admirer. p/har /pr\.har/ masc. 1. a blow 2. a striking. 132

p/exk /prek.ß\k/ masc. 1. p/acIn /pra.cin/ adj. an onlooker 2. a member in audience 3. a ancient. spectator. p/a8 /pr\¯/ masc. breath. p/et /pret/ neut. a ghost. p/a8I /pra.¯i/ neut. an animal. p/em /prem/ masc. love. p/a9imk /prat˙.mik/ adj. p/erk /pre.r\k/ adj. 1. primary. inspiring 2. causal (form). p/adei=k /ßik/ adj. p/er8a /pre.r\.¯a/ fem. 1. regional 2. territorial. inspiration. p/a0aNy /pra.d˙an.j\/ neut. p/ervu& / 1. to priority. inspire 2. to encourage. p/a)yapk /pra.d˙ja.p\k/ p/oTsahn /\n/ masc. a professor. neut. encouragement. p/ayi¾t /pra.j\ß.cit/ neut. p/O7 /pr\uÎ˙/ adj. mature. repentance. p/ayoigk / adj. f experimental. p/arB0 /pra.r\b.d˙\/ neut. fkro /p˙\ masc. a 1. fate 2. destiny. paragraph. p/as /pras/ masc. rhyming. fkIr /p˙\.kir/ masc. a Muslim ascetic. p/as&igk /pra.s\m.gik/ adj. 1. unusual 2. incidental. fkIrI /p˙\.ki.ri/ fem. saintly life. p/a&t /prant/ masc. a province. fKt /p˙\k.t\/ advb. only. ip/y /pri.j\/ adj. 1. dear 2. beloved. fgavvu& /p˙\ to reject (little rudely). p/It /prit/ fem. 1. love 2. affection. fjetI /p˙\.Ôe.ti/ fem. disgrace.

f4 /p˙\ˇ/ advb. `shame shame’ 133

f8sI /p˙\¯.si/ fem. a kind of vegetable f4k6I /p˙\.ˇ\k.Îi/ fem. pod. alum. ftvo /p˙\t.vo/ masc. a religious f4kvu& /p˙\.ˇ\ v.intr. command (in Islam). to go astray. fteh /p˙\.teh/ fem. victory. f4karvu& /p˙\ˇ 1. to beat 2. to give a blow 3. to hit ffXtu& /p˙\.p˙\Æ.tu~/ adj. (a ball). boiling. f4kIyu& /p˙\.ˇ\k.(i).ju~/ adj. frk /p˙\.r\k/ masc. easily breakable. difference. f4ko /p˙\ˇ.ko/ masc. loss frkvu& /p˙\.r\ (in business). v.intr. to flutter. f4ko /p˙\ˇ.ko/ masc. a frj /p˙\.r\Ô/ fem. duty. young beautiful girl. (slang). frijyat /p˙\r.Ôi.jat/ adj. f4ak6o /p˙\.ˇak.Îo/ masc. compulsory. a fire-cracker. frtaram /p˙\r.ta.ram/ f4a8u& /p˙\.ˇa.¯u~/ neut. an masc. a wandering man. abusive marriage song. frtu& /p˙\r.tu~/ adj. f6k /p˙\.Î\k/ fem. a flap surrounding. of a garment. frfiryu& /p˙\r.p˙\r.(i).ju~/ f6ko / / < > masc. p˙\Î.ko ph\.Î\.ko neut. a pamphlet. sudden terror.

frman /p˙\ neut. f6co /p˙\Î.co/ masc. 1. an order. disposal 2. liquidation of debts.

frvu& /p˙\ v.intr. to f4af4 /p˙\.ˇa.p˙\ˇ/ advb. move. non-stop.

frsa8 /p˙\¯/ neut. f8go /p˙\¯.go/ masc. a fried tasty food items. shoot (of a plant, etc.).

frak /p˙\.rak/ neut. a f8s /p˙\.¯\s/ neut. a kind of fruit. frock.


fraX /p˙\.raÆ/ masc. light f&6 /p˙\nÎ/ masc. fund. food taken while fasting. f&fosvu& /p˙\m.p˙ firyad /p˙\.ri.jad/ fem. a to search minutely. complain. fakvu& /p˙\ to firyadI /p˙\.ri.ja.di/ have a mouthful of a powdery thing. masc. a complainant. fakI /p˙ fem. powdered frI /p˙\.ri/ advb. again. medicine.

fla8u& /p˙\.la.¯u~/ neut. 1. fako /p˙a.ko/ masc. an act of some one 2. some thing. placing a mouthful of a powdery thing.

flahar /p˙\.la.har/ masc. fag8 /p˙a.g\¯/ masc. the fruit diet. fifth month of the Vikram year. fskvu& /p˙\.s\ facr /p˙a.c\r/ fem. a wage. v.intr. to burst down with the sound of tearing. fajl /p˙a.Ô\l/ adj. surplus.

fsavu& /p˙\ v.intr. to fa4 /p˙aˇ/ fem. a splitting. entrapped. fa4k /p˙a.ˇ\k/ neut. a fX /p˙\Æ/ neut. a fruit. railway crossing.

fXdayk /p˙\Æ.da.j\k/ fa4fU4 /p˙aˇ.p˙uˇ/ fem. adj. fruitful. disunity.

fXvu& /p˙\Æ.vu~/ v.exp. 1. to fa4vu& /p˙aˇ.vu~/ v.intr. to be bear fruit 2. to be benefitted. torn.

fXaw /p˙\.Æa.u~/ adj. fruit fa6 /p˙aÎ/ fem. a splitting. bearing (plants, trees etc). fat6o /p˙at.Îo/ masc. a fiXyu& /p˙\.Æi.ju~/ neut. a eunuch. street. fans /p˙a.n\s/ fem. a f&goXvu& /p˙\˜.goÆ.vu~/ lantern. to throw. faydakark /p˙a.j\.da.ka.r\k/ f&4avu& / / < > v.intr. to p˙\¯.ˇ ph\~.ˇ adj. beneficial. change direction.

135 faydo /p˙ masc. benefit. fa&s /p˙a~s/ fem. a splinter. fargtI /p˙ar.g\.ti/ fem. fa&sI /p˙ fem. gallows. a divorce. fa&sIgr /p˙\r/ fars /p˙a.r\s/ neut. a farce. masc. an executioner. fal /p˙al/ masc. crop. fa&so /p˙ masc. noose. faltu& /p˙al.tu~/ adj. ifkr /p˙i.k\r/ fem. anxiety. unnecessary. ifKku&/p˙ik.ku~/ adj. pale. falvu& /p˙ v.intr. to bloom. if4kar /p˙iˇ.kar/ masc. hatred. fav4 /p˙a.v\ˇ/ fem. adaptability. iflsUf /p˙il.sup˙/ masc. a philosopher. favvu& /p˙ v.exp. 1. to suit 2. to succeed. iflsUfI /p˙˙i/ fem. philosophy. faXv8I /p˙a.Æ\v.¯i/ fem. 1. distribution 2. allotment. fI8 /p˙i¯/ neut. foam. faiXyu& /p˙a.Æi.ju~/ neut. a fI8vu& /p˙i¯.vu~/ to turban. froth. faXo /p˙a.Æo/ masc. an allotted fIfu& /p˙i.p˙u~/ neut. 1. a husk share. 2. an empty pod. fa&k6u& /p˙a~k.Îu~/ adj. fugavo /p˙ masc. praiseworthy. inflation. fa&ko /p˙a~.ko/ masc. vain pride. fuTkarvu& /p˙ to hiss. fa&4o /p˙a~.ˇo/ masc. 1. a branch 2. a diverging part. fudIno /p˙ masc. mint. fa&d /p˙a/ fem. a pot-belly. fursd /p˙ur.s\d/ fem. fa&fa& /p˙a~.p˙a~/ masc. vain leisure. efforts. 136

fuleku& /p˙u.le.ku~/ neut. a fer /p˙er/ masc. difference. marriage procession. fer /p˙er/ masc. vertigo. fuvaro /p˙ masc. a fountain. ferIyo /p˙ masc. 1. a hawker 2. a peddler. fUg /p˙ug/ fem. mould. ferI /p˙e.ri/ fem. 1. a turn 2. a fUgvu& /p˙ v.intr. to trip. become moldy. fero /p˙ masc. 1. a turn 2. fU4vu& /p˙ v.intr. to a trip. break with a loud sound. felavu& /p˙ v.intr. to fUdu& /p˙u.du~/ neut. a spread. butterfly. felavo /p˙ masc. fUmtu& /p˙um.tu~/ neut. a circulation. tassel. fe&kvu& /p˙´ 1. to fUl /p˙ul/ neut. a flower. throw 2. to hurl.

fUl8@ /p˙u.l\¯.Ôi/ adj. fe&4o /p˙´~.ˇo/ masc. a kind of vain and boastful because of praise. turban.

fUlf4ak /p˙ul.p˙\.ˇak/ fe&dvu& /p˙´ to adj. foppish. search.

fUlvvu& /p˙u.l\ fe&slo /p˙´~s.lo/ masc. to cause to swell disposal.

fUlvu& /p˙ v.intr. . to fo: /p˙oi/ fem. father’s sister. swell 2. to blossom. fok /p˙ok/ adj. meaningless. fU&k /p˙u~k/ fem. a puff. foj /p˙oÔ/ fem. army. fU&kvu& /p˙ 1. to blow 2. to puff. fo6vu& /p˙oÎ.vu~/ to break fe8 /p˙e¯/ fem. a serpent’s hood. violently. fefsu& /p˙ep˙.su~/ neut. a lung. fotrI /p˙ot.ri/ fem. husk.

137 foru& /p˙ neut. a drop. bg6vu& /b\.g\Î.vu~/ v.intr. folvu& /p˙ 1. to 1. to be spoiled 2. to be polluted. peel 2. to husk. bg6o /b\g.Îo/ masc. the symbol for 2. foLlI /p˙ fem. a skin boil. bgl /b\.g\l/ fem. the armpit. foslavvu& /p˙ to coax. bga6 /b\.gaÎ/ masc. wastage.

b bga6vu& /b\.gaÎ.vu~/ to waste. bk bk /b\k b\k/ neut. a bgasu& /b\ neut. a prattle. yawn. bkrI /b\k.ri/ fem. a female bgIco /b\ masc. a goat. garden. bkru& /b\ neut. a goat. bcku& /b\c.ku~/ neut. a bite. bkro /b\ masc. a male bct /b\.c\t/ fem. a saving. goat. bcp8 /b\c.p\¯/ neut. bkvu& /b\ v.intr. to childhood. prattle. bcvu& /b\ v.intr. to be bixs /b\k.ßiß/ fem. a saved. gift. bcav /b\.cav/ masc. a b`tr /b\k˙.t\r/ neut. an protection, a defense. armor. bCcu& /b\ neut. a child. bi`yo /b\.k˙ masc. a stitch. bjar /b\.Ôar/ neut. market. b`e6o / / < > masc. a b\.k˙e.Îo b\.khe.Îo bza6vu& /b\.Ô˙aÎ.vu~/ quarrel. to thrust upon skillfully. b`ol /b\.k˙ol/ fem. a cave- like hollow. 138 b4ako /b\.ˇa.ko/ masc. a potato. bdam /b\.dam/ fem. an almond. b6b6vu& /b\Î.b\Î.vu~/ v.intr. to prattle. bdI /b\.di/ fem. viciousness, corruption. b6a: /b\.Îai/ fem. boasting. b0u& /b\.d˙u~/ adj. all, whole, b6a= /b\.Îaß/ fem. boasting. entire, total. b8gu& /b\¯.gu~/ neut. 1. self- bnvu& /b\ v.intr. 1. to praise, 2. boasting. become, 2. to take shape. btk /b\.t\k/ neut. a duck. bnav /b\.nav/ masc. an event. btavvu& /b\ 1. to show, 2. to guide. bnav4 /b\.na.v\ˇ/ fem. 1. construction, 2. cheating. b]aI /b\t.ti/ fem. a lamp. bnevI /b\ masc. b{aIs /b\t.ris/ adj. thirty sister’s husband. two, 32. bNne /b\ adj. both. bdn /b\.d\n/ neut. the body. bpor /b\.por/ fem. noon, mid-day. bdnxI /b\d.n\k.ßi/ fem. defamation. bfaro /b\.p˙ masc. sultry weather. bdnam /b\d.nam/ adj. notorious. bbUck /b\.bu.c\k/ adj. stupid. bdbu /b\d.bu/ fem. bad smell. bm8u& /b\m.¯u~/ adj. double. bdma= /b\d.maß/ adj. wicked. byan /b\.jan/ neut. 1. description, 2. narration. bdlo /b\d.lo/ masc. an exchange. brkt /b\r.k\t/ fem. 1. profit, 2. benefit. bdsUrt /b\\t/ adj. ugly (face). br24 /b\r.c˙\ˇ/ adj. rough. 139

bhar /b\.har/ postp. br6o /b\r.Îo/ masc. the outside. back. bihQkar /b\.hiß.kar/ br8I /b\r.¯i/ fem. a jar. masc. 1. rejection, 2. excommunication, 3. boycott. brf /b\.r\p˙/ masc. 1. ice, 2. snow. bhu /b\.hu~/ adj. 1. many, 2. much. brfI /b\r.p˙i/ fem. a kind of sweet. bhucra /b\.hu.c\.ra/ fem. a goddess of that name. brbad /b\r.bad/ adj. ruined. bhumit /b\.hu.m\.ti/ fem. majority. brabr /b\.ra.b\r/ adj. 1. equal, 2. similar, 3. right, 4. proper. bhu£pI /b\ adj. assuming various forms with an brobr /b\.ro.b\r/ adj. 1. intention to hide an original one. equal, 2. similar, 3. right, 4. proper bhu£pI /b\ broX /b\.roÆ/ fem. the masc. 1.a person who assumes various spleen. forms with an intention to hide his/ her original one. 2. a person who assume blke /b\ advb. not only various forms to entertain people. that. bhu&vcn /b\.hu~.v\.c\n/ bla /b\.la/ fem. 1. a ghost, 2. a neut. plural. person who harasses like a ghost. bhen /b\.hen/ fem. sister. bil /b\.li/ masc. offering to a deity. bheru& /b\ adj. deaf. bs /b\s/ advb. enough. bhera= /b\.he.raß/ fem. deafness. bs /b\s/ fem. bus. bX /b\Æ/ nuet.1.power, 2. bhadUr /b\.ha.dur/ adj. strength. brave. bXt8 /b\Æ.t\¯/ neut. bhanu& /b\ neut. an fuel. excuse. bXtra /b\.\.t\.ra/ fem. pain caused by burning. 140

bXd /b\.Æ\d/ masc. 1. oxen, b&0bestu& /b\nd˙.bes.tu~/ 2. bullock 3. an idiot. adj. suitable. bXva`or /b\Æ.va.k˙or/ b&0besvu& /b\nd˙ adj. rebellious. v.intr. to be fitting. bXvu& / / < > v.intr. to burn. b\Æ.vu~ b\.Æ\.vu~ b&0ar8 /b\n.d˙a.r\¯/ neut. 1. constitution 2. construction. bXvo /b\Æ.vo/ masc. revolt. b&0ar8Iy /b\n.d˙a.r\.¯ij/ bXaTkar / / < > masc. b\.Æat.kar b\.Æa.tka.r\ adj. constitutional. a rape.

b&i0yar /b\n.d˙i.jar/ adj. biXya /b\.Æi.ja/ masc. hon. 1. unventilated, 2. stagnant. small-pox.

b&0I /b\n.d˙i/ fem. biXyu& /b\.Æi.ju~/ adj. strong. prohibition. bXev / / < > fem. a festival. b\.Æev b\.Æe.v\ b&0u /b\n.d˙u/ masc. 1. brother, 2. a co-worker. b&g6I /b\˜.gÎi/ fem. a bangle. b&ba`anu& /b\˙

neut. a fire-brigade b&6I /b\˜.Îi/ fem. a waistcoat. station. b&dr / / < > neut. 1. a b\n.d\r b\~.d\.r\ b&bavaXo /b\Æo/ port, 2. a harbor. masc. a fireman. b&dUk / / < > fem. a gun. b\n.duk b\~.du.k\ b&bo /b\ masc. a fire engine. b&dUk6I /b\n.duk.Îi/ fem. a small gun. b&srI /b\ns.ri/ fem. a flute. b&dobSt / / < > b\\s.t\ b\\.st\ b&sI /b\ns.ri/ fem. a flute. masc. arrangement.

ba /ba/ fem. mother. b&0 /b\n.d˙\/ adj. closed.

ba: /ba.i/ fem. a maid-servant. b&0 /b\n.d˙\/ masc. a dam.

bakI / adj. 1. residua, 2. b&0n /b\n.d˙\n/ neut. 1. balance, 3. surplus, 4. wanting. prohibition, 2. captivity. 141 ba`6vu& /ba.k˙\Î.vu~/ v.intr. to quarrel. babaga6I /Îi/ fem. a hand-driven vehicle for children. bag /bag/ masc. a garden. babo / masc. 1. a son, 2. ba3u& /ba.g˙u~/ adj. idiotic. a boy. baj /baÔ/ masc. a hawk. bar /bar/ adj. 1. twelve, 2. 12. baj5 /ba.Ô\ˇ˙/ masc. a foot- bar8u& /bar.¯u~/ neut. a door. stool. barmu& / adj. twelfth. bajrI /baÔ.ri/ fem. millet. barmu& / neut. a ba@ /ba.Ôi/ fem. a game. religious rite performed on the twelfth day after a person’s death. ba@gr /ba.Ôi.g\r/ masc. a juggler. bar= / bars /ba.r\ß, ba.r\s/ fem. twelfth day bazvu& /ba.Ô˙.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to of either of the fortnights. embrace, 2. to quarrel. barsa` /bar.sak˙/ fem. frame of a door. ba4lI /baˇ.li/ fem. a bottle. bara`6I /ba.ra.k˙\.Îi/ fem. a series of ba8 /ba¯/ neut. an arrow. simple syllables organized in a particular order. ba8avXI /ba.¯a.v\.Æi/ masc. an expert archer. baraxrI /ba.ra.kß\.ri/ fem. a series of simple syllables organized in a particular batl /ba.t\l/ adj. cancelled. order.

barI / / fem. a window. bap /bap/ masc. father. ba.ri

baru& / / neut. an entrance. bap6u& /bap.Îu~/ adj. extremely helpless. barEya /ba.r\i.ja/ masc. a community so- bapdada /bap.da.da/ masc. named. pl. forefathers. baro4 /ba.roˇ/ masc. a community so- bafvu& /bap˙.vu~/ to named. cook by boiling. barobar / advb. directly. babt /ba.b\t/ fem. an issue. 142 baldI /bal.di/ fem. a bucket. baXvu& /baÆ.vu~/ to burn. bav6u& /bav.Îu~/ neut. the upper arm. ba&k6o /ba~k.Îo/ masc. a bench. bavn /ba.v\n/ adj. 1. fifty two, 2. 52. ba&0vu& /ba~d˙.vu~/ bavlu& / neut. a statue. tie 2. to wrap. bavX /ba.v\Æ/ masc. a kind of thorny ba&0o /ba~.d˙o/ masc. a tree. physical construction. ba&y /ba~j/ fem. a sleeve. bavI / fem. a female mendicant. ba&y0rI /ba~j.d˙\.ri/ fem. bavIs /ba.vis/ adj. twenty two, 22. security. bavu& / neut. a cobweb. ibcaru& / adj. poor. bavo /ba.vo/ masc. a mendicant. ib2anu& /bi.c˙ neut. 1. a bed. 2. a mattress. bas5 /ba.s\ˇ˙/ adj. sixty six. bI2avvu& /bi.c˙ basmtI /bas.m\.ti/ masc. a kind of rice. to spread.

ibnAnu-vI / / basUdI / fem. a kind of sweet. bin.\.nu.b˙\.vi adj. baho= /ba.hoß/ adj. skilful. inexperienced.

ibnj£rI / / < > baXk /ba.\k/ neut. a child. bin.Ô\.ru.ri bi.n\.Ô\.ruu.rii adj. unnecessary. baXp8 /baÆ.p\¯/ neut. a childhood. ibn=rtI /bin.ß\r.ti/ adj.

unconditional. baXpo9I /baÆ.po.t˙i/ fem. a primer. iblkul /bil.kul/ advb. 1.

wholly, 2. in the least. baXbo0 /baÆ.bod˙/ adj. a variety of Devanagari script. ibla6I /Îi/ fem. a cat

(female). baXm&idr /baÆ.m\n.dir/ neut. a nursery. ibla6o /Îo/ masc. a cat

(male). baXlGn /baÆ.l\g.n\/ neut. a child-marriage.

143 ibLlo /bil.lo/ masc. 1. a badge, bIbI / fem. wife (mainly 2. a medal. in Muslim dialect). ibv6avvu& /biv.Î bIbu& /bi.bu~/ neut. 1. a die, 2. a to frighten. printing block. ibham8u& /bi.ha.m\¯u~/ bI-Ts /bi.b˙\t.s\/ adj. adj. frightful. disgusting. ib&dI /bin.di/ fem. an bImar /bi.mar/ adj. sick ornamental dot on the forehead. bImarI / fem. ib&du /bin.du/ neut. a drop. sickness. ib&b /bimb/ neut. a reflection. bIvu& / v.intr. to fear. bI /bi/ neut. a seed. bu5\5u& /buˇ˙.ˇ˙u~/ adj. blunt. bIk /bik/ fem. fear. bu69l /buŒ.t˙\l/ adj. idiotic. bIcaru& / adj. 1. poor, 2. helpless. bu6vu& /buÎ.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to sink, 2. to drown bIj /biÔ/ neut. a seed. bui)0 /bud˙.d˙i/ fem. bIj /biÔ/ fem. a second day of intelligence. either of the fortnight of a lunar month. bu0var /bud˙.var/ masc. bIjvr /biÔ.v\r/ masc. a Wednesday. man marrying for the seond time. bumra8 /bum.ra¯/ fem. bIju& /bi.Ôu~/ adj. 1. second, 2. loud shouts. another. bur`o /bur.k˙o/ masc. a bI6vu& /biÎ.vu~/ 1. to mask. close (envelop etc.), 2. to wrap. bulbul /bul.bul/ neut. a bI6I /bi.Îi/ fem. a kind of nightingale. cigar. bul&d /bu.l\nd/ adj. 1. bIna / fem. . fact. grand, 2. loud and deep sound.

bu&d /bund/ neut. a drop. 144

be5k /be.ˇ˙\k/ fem. a seat. bU /bu:/ fem. odor. be5a6u& /be.ˇ˙a.Îu~/ adj. bUc /buc/ masc. a cork. inactive (life).

bUcu& / adj. a flat-nosed. be6I /be.Îi/ fem. shackles.

bU4 /buˇ/ fem. ear-lobe. be6u& /be.Îu~/ neut. a pair of water-pot. bUm /bum/ fem. a shout. be6oX /be.ÎoÆ/ adj. bUmlu& / neut. a misshaped. kind of fish. be7&gu& /be.Î˙\˜.gu~/ adj. be /be/ adj. two. disorderly.

beAab£ / fem. betaXa& /be.ta.Æa~/ masc. pl. disgrace. dimness of the eyes acquired around the age of 42. be:man / adj. dishonest. betaXIs /be.ta.Æis/ adj. forty-two. bew /beu/ adj. both. bedrkar /be.d\r.kar/ bekI / adj. an even adj. careless. number. be06k /be.d˙\.Î\k/ be`br /be.k˙\.b\r/ adj. advb. fearlessly. ignorant. be0aru& /be.d˙ adj. begm /be.g\m/ fem. a double-edged. queen (Muslim). be)yan /be.d˙jan/ adj. becen /be.cen/ adj. restless. inattentive.

benmUn / / < > adj. becenI / fem. ben.mun be.n\.muu.n\ restlessness. unparalleled.

bepgu& / / < > adj. biped. be4 /beˇ/ masc. an island. be.p\.gu~ be.p\.gu~

be4I /be.ˇi/ fem. a daughter. bebakXu& /be.bak.Æu~/ adj.

perplexed. be4o /be.ˇo/ masc. a son.


be-an /be.b˙an/ adj. bErI /b\i.ri/ fem. wife (now a unconscious. derogatory word, particularly in urban and educated class). berojgar /be.roÔ.gar/ adj. unemployed. bo`u& /bo.k˙u~/ adj. toothless.

bel6I /bel.Îi/ adj. a pair (of bogdu& /bog.du~/ neut. a two persons). tunnel.

bevkUf /bev.kup˙/ adj. bocI / fem. the neck. stupid. boj /boÔ/ masc. 1. burden 2. bev6 /be.v\Î/ adj. folded. weight.

be=k /be.ß\k/ advb. bo6vu& /boÎ.vu~/ to undoubtedly. shave the head entirely.

be=rm /be.ß\.r\m/ adj. bo6u& /bo.Îu~/ adj. a shaved off shameless. head. be=u)0 /be.ßudd˙/ adj. bo8I /bo.¯i/ fem. the first swooned. cash-sale of the day. be=umar /beßu.mar/ adj. bodu& /bo.du~/ adj. dull. limitless. bo0 /bod˙/ masc. sermon. bes8u& /bes.¯u~/ neut. a mourning ritual. bor /bor/ neut. a kind of berry. besvu& / v.intr. to sit. bol /bol/ masc. a speech.

besvu& / v.intr. to bolvu& / v.intr. to begin (of a month, a year or a season speak. etc.). Ex. mne gya mihne p&drmu& vrs be5u&. bolacalI / fem. beSvad /be.svad/ adj. a verbal quarrel. tasteless. bolI / fem. a dialect. behal /be.hal/ adj. ruined. bovu& / to sow. behUdI / adj. irrational.

146 boXvu& /boÆ.vu~/ 1. to dip, -c6vu& /b˙\.c\Î.vu~/ 2. to soak. to eat recklessly.

Bya=I /bja.ßi/ adj. eighty two. -jn /b˙\.Ô\n/ neut. 1. devotional song, 2. hymn b/a−8 /brah.m\¯/ masc. Brahmin. -jvvu& /b˙\.Ô\ to perform (a play etc.)

- -jvu& /b˙\Ô.vu~/ 1. to worship through singing, 2. to recite. -kt /b˙\k.t\/ masc. worshiper (male) -ijyu& /b˙\.Ôi.ju~/ neut. a kind of fried food made of gram flour. -kta8I /b˙\k.ta.¯i/ fem. 1. worshiper (female), 2. wife of a -4kvu& /b˙\.ˇ\ v.intr. to worshiper. roam.

-ikt /b˙\k.ti/ fem. devotion. -4kavu& /b˙\ˇ v.intr. to collide. -gt /b˙\.g\t/ masc. worshiper (male) -4Uiryu& /b˙\.tu.ri.ju~/ neut. puppy. -gta8I /b˙\g.ta.¯i/ fem. 1. worshiper (female), 2. wife of a -4\4 /bh\ˇ.ˇ\/ masc. a worshiper. surname.

-gvtI /bg.v\.ti/ adj. -i5yar`anu& /b˙\.ˇ˙ divine. neut. a bakery. -gvan /b+\g.van/ masc. god. -5\5I /b˙\ˇ˙.ˇ˙i/ fem. 1. an oven, 2. a furnace, 3. a kiln. -gvu& /b˙\ adj. reddish. -6 /b˙\Î/ adj. brave (person). -ignI / fem. sister. -6vIr /b˙\Î.vir/ adj. -gIr9 /\t˙/ adj. brave extremely difficult. -6kI /b˙\Î.ki/ fem. -Gn /b˙\g.n\/ adj. broken. porridge.


-6ko /b˙Î.ko/ masc. a big -mrI /b˙\m.ri/ fem. a flame. wasp (female).

-6ako /b˙\.Îa.ko/ masc. -mro /b˙\ fem. a an explosive sound. wasp (male).

-8kar /b˙\¯.kar/ masc. -mvu& /b˙\ v.intr. 1. a sound indicating a future event. to rotate, 2. to wander.

-8tr /b˙\¯.t\r/ neut. -Mmr /b˙\m.m\r/ fem. education. the eyebrow.

-8vu& /b˙\¯.vu~/ to -y&kr /b˙\.jan.k\r/ adj. study. frightful.

-8I /b˙\.¯i/ postp. towards. -yank /b˙\.ja.n\k/ adj. frightful. -{aI@ /b˙\t.ri.Ôi/ fem. a niece. -r6vu& /b˙\.r\Î.vu~/ to grind. -± /b˙\d.r\/ adj. auspicious. -rt /b˙\.r\t/ neut. embroidery. -pko /b˙\p.ko/ masc. 1. a grand appearance, 2. a grand show. -rtgU&98 /b˙\.r\t gu~.t˙\¯/ neut. --k /b˙\.b˙\k/ fem. embroidery. luster. -rtI /b˙\r.ti/ fem. tide. -ravvu& /b˙\b˙ to sprinkle -rpUr /b˙\r.pur/ adj. powder. abundant.

--Ukvu& /b˙\.b˙ -r-a&`Xu& /b˙\r.b˙a~k˙.Æu~/ v.intr. to blaze suddenly. neut. the dawn.

--Ut /b˙\.b˙ut/ fem. -rm /b˙\.r\m/ masc. ashes. illusion.

--UtI /b˙\.b˙u.ti/ fem. -rmavu& /b˙\ ashes. v.intr. to be deceived.


-rvvu& /b˙\.r\ to hang. -va6o /b˙\.va.Îo/ masc. fiasco. -rva6 /b˙\r.vaÎ/ masc. a shepherd. -vanI /b˙\ fem. the goddess Parvati. -rvu& /b˙\ to fill. -vayo /b˙\ masc. the -rvu& /b˙\ to actor of a -va: - a folk-drama. measure. -ivQy /b˙\.viß.j\/ neut. -raw /b˙\.ra.u/ adj. 1. future. plump, 2. chubby. -vu& /b˙\.vu~/ neut. the -rosapa{a /b˙\\/ eyebrow. adj. trustworthy. -vo-v /b˙\.vo.b˙\v/ -roso /b˙\ masc. advb. in each birth. trust. -Vy /b˙\.vj\/ adj. grand. -yuR&-adyuR& /b˙\.rju~.b˙ad.rju~/ adj. prosperous. -svu& /b˙\ v.intr. to brak. -lmnsa: /b˙\l.m\n.sai/ fem. goodness. -Xtu& /b˙\Æ.tu~/ adj. similar.

-la: /b˙\.la.i/ fem. 1. -Xvu& /b˙\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. to goodness, 2. gentleness. mix with.

-lam8 /b˙\.la.m\¯/ -&ga8 /b˙\˜.ga¯/ neut. a fem. recommendation. break.

-lu& /b˙\.lu~/ adj. good. -&gar /b˙\˜.gar/ masc. scrap.

-le /b˙\le/ advb. well. -&6ar /b˙\¯.Îar/ masc. 1. a

granary 2. a store-house. -v /b˙\v/ masc. life.

-&6aro /b˙\¯.Î masc. a -vn /b˙\.v\n/ neut. a big collective dinner for community given as house. a part of social custom or religious ritual.

-va: / / < > fem. 1. a b˙\.va.i bh\.va.ii -&6oX /b˙\¯.Îo/ neut. folk-drama, 2. fiasco. fund. 149

-aGyu&tU4yu& /b˙a.gju~.tu.ˇju~/ -&-ervu& /b˙\m.b˙ adj. broken. to incite. -aGye /\b˙ advb. rarely. -a /b˙a/ masc. an honorable term used for elders. -a@ /b˙a.Ôi/ fem. vegetables (leafy). -a: /b˙a.i/ masc. brother. -a@mUXa /b˙a.ÔÆa/ -a:caro /b˙ masc. pl. an insignificant person or masc. brotherhood. thing.

-a:b&0I /b˙a.i.b\n.di/ -a4 /b˙aˇ/ masc. a bard. fem. friendship. -a4a: /b˙a.ˇa.i/ fem. 1. the -a:-a&6u /b˙a.i.b˙a~¯.Îu/ function of a bard, 2. excessive flattery. masc. pl. brothers and sisters of the same presents. -ai4yo /b˙a.ˇ masc. a community so-named. -a`rI /b˙ak˙.ri/ fem. a kind of bread. -a6u& /b˙a.Îu~/ neut. 1. rent, 2. fair, 3. freight. -ag /b˙ag/ masc. 1. share, 2. part. -a6Ut /b˙a.Îut/ masc. a tenant. -agvu& /b˙ v.intr. to run away. -a8aVyvhar /b˙a.¯a.vj\v.har/ masc. relation -agakar /b˙ permitting joint meals. masc. division (in maths). -ai8yo /b˙a.¯ masc. a -agIdar /b˙ sister’s son. masc. partner (normally in business). -a8I /b˙a.¯i/ fem. a sister’s -agIdarI /b˙ daughter. fem. partnership. -a8u& /b˙a.¯u~/ neut. a dish -agoX /b˙a.goÆ/ fem. an served. outskirt of a village/ a small town. -a8ej /b˙a.¯eÔ/ masc. a -aGy /b˙ag.j\/ neut. 1.fate, 2. sister’s son. destiny.


-a8o /b˙a.¯o/ masc. a sister’s son. -avvu& /b˙ v.exp. to like in taste. -at /b˙at/ fem. design. -ava9R /b˙a.var.t˙\/ masc. -at /b˙at/ masc. pl. cooked implied meaning. rice. -aiv /b˙ neut. 1. future, 2. -adrvo /b˙a.d\r.vo/ masc. fate. eleventh month of the Vikram year. -aivk /b˙a.vik/ adj. -an /b˙an/ neut. emotional. consciousness. -aq8 /b˙a.ß\¯/ neut. 1. a -a-I /b˙a.b˙i/ fem. a speech, 2.a lecture, 3. a discourse. brother’s wife. -aqa /b˙a.ßa/ fem. language. -ar /b˙ar/ masc. 1. weight, 2. burden. -aqa&tr /b˙a.ßa~n.t\r/ neut. translation. -ar8 /b˙a.r\¯/ neut. 1. weight, 2. burden. -aqa&trkar /b˙a.ßa~n.t\r.kar/ masc. translator. -art /b˙a.r\t/ neut. . -aQy /b˙aß.j\/ neut. -artIy /b˙ar.ti.j\/ adj. commentary. Indian. -as /b˙as/ masc. an illusion. -are /b˙ adj. 1. heavy, 2. weighty. -aX /b˙aÆ/ fem. whereabouts.

-aro /b˙ masc. a bundle -aXvu& /b˙aÆ.vu~/ to see. of grass or wood. -a&g /b˙a~˜.g\/ fem. 1. hemp, -alo6u& /b˙a.lo.Îu~/ neut. an 2. a drink containing hemp. arrow. -a&gfo6 /b˙a~g.p˙oÎ/ -av /b˙av/ masc. rate. fem. breakage.

-av /b˙av/ masc. feeling. -a&gro /b˙a~˜ masc. a kind of herb. -avna /b˙ fem. 1. desire 2. sentiment. 151

-a&gvu& /b˙ to -I&g6u& /b˙i~g.Îu~/ neut. 1. a break. dead skin, 2. a scale.

-a&jg6 /b˙a~Ô.g\Î/ fem. -I&jvvu& /b˙i~.Ô\ 1. negotiations, 2. quarrel. to soak.

-a&jg6Iyu& /b˙a~Ô.g\.Îi.ju~/ -I&6o /b˙i¯.Îo/ masc. okra. adj. 1. quarrelsome, 2. negotiator. -I&t /b˙i~t/ fem. a wall.

-a&6vu& /b˙a~¯Î.vu~/ to -Ulk8u& /b˙u.l\k.¯u~/ adj. absent-minded. revile. -Ul-ulam8I /b˙ul.b˙u.lam.¯i/ -a&-rvu& /b˙a~.b˙\ fem. a v.intr. to bellow. labyrinth. i-`ar8 /b˙i.k˙a.r\¯/ -USko /b˙us.ko/ masc. a fem. a female beggar. jump downward. -Uk&p /b˙u.k\mp/ masc. i-`arI /b˙i.k˙a.ri/ masc. a an earthquake. male beggar. -UkI /b˙ fem. fine i-Nn /b˙in.n\/ adj. different. powder.

-I` /b˙ik˙/ fem. begging. -Uko /b˙u.ko/ masc. powder.

-I6 /b˙iÎ/ fem. crowdedness. -U` /b˙uk˙/ fem. hunger.

-I6vu& /b˙iÎ.vu~/ 1. to -U`ru& /b˙uk˙.ru/ adj. shut up, 2. to fasten. grey.

-Itr /b˙i.t\r/ neut. within. -U~yu& /b˙u.k˙ju~/ adj. hungry. -Ina= /b˙i.naß/ fem. moisture. -UgoX /b˙u.goÆ/ fem. geography. -Inu& /b˙ adj. 1.wet, 2. soaked, 3. moist. -Ucr /b˙u.c\r/ adj. terrestrial. -Il /b˙il/ masc. a community so named. -Ut /b˙ut/ neut. a ghost.


-UtavX /b˙u.ta.v\Æ/ fem. -U&kvu& /b˙ v.intr. to a group of ghosts. bray.

-Udev /b˙ masc. a -U&gX /b˙u˜.g\/ fem. a Brahman. long-tube like trumpet.

-Uim /b˙u.mi/ fem. land. -U&gXI /b˙u~˜.g\.Æi/ fem. a small pipe or a small tube. -Uimka /b˙u.mi.ka/ fem. an introduction. -U&gXu& /b˙u~˜.g\.Æu~/ neut. a big pipe or a big tube. -Uimit /b˙u.mi.ti/ fem. geometry. -U&jvu& /b˙u~Ô.vu~/ to roast. -Uimdah /b˙u.mi.dah/ masc. burial. -U&6 /b˙u¯Î/ neut. a pig.

-UrkI /b˙ fem. a -U&6a: /b˙u¯.Îai/ fem. spell. wickedness.

-Uiryu& /b˙u.ri.ju~/ adj. -U&6u& /b˙u¯.Îu~/ adj. wicked. bluish. -U&svu& /b˙ to -Uru& /b˙ adj. blue. erase.

-Ul /b˙ul/ fem. 1. mistake, 2. -eg /b˙eg/ masc. admixture. error. -egu& /b˙ adj. 1. mixed, 2. -Ulvu& /b˙ v.intr. to collected. forget. -ej /b˙eÔ/ masc. humidity. -Ulu& /b˙ adj. astray. -eju& /b˙e.Ôu~/ neut. 1.the brain, -Uvo /b˙u.vo/ masc. a 2. intellect. remover of ghosts. -e4 /b˙eˇ/ fem. a meeting. -Usko /b˙us.ko/ masc. a jump downward. -e4 /b˙eˇ/ fem. a gift.

-UStrivd\ya /b˙us.t\ -e4vu& /b˙eˇ.vu~/ v.intr. to fem. geology. embrace.

-e4o /b˙e.ˇo/ masc. a meeting. 153

-ogvvu& /b˙o.g\ -ed /b˙ed/ masc. difference. to enjoy (the ownership, possession). -ed /b˙ed/ masc. mystery. -ogivlas /b˙ -ed-av /b˙ed.b˙av/ masc. luxury. masc. discrimination. -ogI /b˙ adj. a person -edvu& /b˙ 1. to who enjoys or suffers. pierce, 2. to thurst. -oGy /b˙og.j\/ adj. worth -edI /b˙e.di/ adj. mysterious. enjoying.

-edu /b˙e.du/ masc. mystic. -ojn /b˙o.Ô\n/ neut. a mean (formal). -ervvu& /b˙e.r\ to hang. -o4 /b˙oˇ/ adj. idiotic.

-eX /b˙eÆ/ fem. a mixture. -o4vo /b˙oˇ.vo/ masc. an earthen jug. -eXvvu& /b˙e.Æ\ to mix. -omyo /b˙ masc. a guide. -eXseX /b˙eÆ.seÆ/ fem. adulteration. -oir&g /b˙o.ri˜g/ masc. a big serpent. -eXseXIyu& /b˙eÆ.se.Æi.ju~/ adj. 1. adulterated, 2. miscellaneous. -olu& /b˙ neut. a monkey.

-e&= ~ -e&s /b˙´~s ~ b˙´~ß/ -oXvvu& /b˙o.Æ\ fem. a buffalo. to cheat.

-o: /b˙o.i/ masc. a community -oXu& /b˙o.Æu~/ adj. a simple- so named. hearted.

-og /b˙og/ masc. 1. a -o&kvu& /b˙ø 1. to sacrifice, 2. an offering to the god. pierce, 2. to bore.

-ogv4o /b˙og.v\.ˇo/ -o&5p /b˙ø~.ˇ˙\p/ fem. masc. ownership. crestfallen.

-o&5u& /b˙ø~.ˇ˙u~/ adj. crestfallen.


-o&y /b˙ø~j/ fem. 1. land, 2. mk\km /m\k.k\m/ adj. ground. firm.

-o&ytXIyu& /b˙ø~j.t\.Æi.ju~/ m`ml /m\k˙.m\l/ neut. a ground-floor. neut. velvet.

-o&yru& /b˙ø neut. a m~`IcUs /m\k˙.k˙i.cus/ tunnel. adj. extremely miser. -Ogoilk /b˙\u.go.lik/ adj. geographical. mg /m\g/ masc. pl. a kind of pulse. -Oitk /b˙\u.tik/ adj. 1. physical, 2. materialistic, 3. mundane. mgj /m\.g\Ô/ neut. the brain. -/m /b˙r\m/ masc. illusion. mgj /m\.g\Ô/ masc. a kind -/Q4 /b˙r\ß.ˇ\/ neut. 1. of sweet. polluted, 2. degenerated. mgtru& /m\.g\ neut. -/Q4acar /b˙r\ß.ˇ a mosquito. masc. corruption. mgfXI /m\g.p˙\.Æi/ -/amk /b˙ra.m\k/ adj. fem. groundnut. deceptive. mgr /m\.g\r/ masc. -/a&it /b˙ra~n.ti/ fem. illusion. alligator.

-<8 /b˙ru¯/ masc. an mck /m\.c\k/ fem. giving undeveloped embryo. in.

mcko6 /m\c.koÎ/ fem. m muscle stratch.

mc6vu& /m\.c\Î.vu~/ mkr /m\.k\r ra.ßi/ fem. the to twist. Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac. mC2r /m\c.c˙\r/ neut. a mka: /m\.ka.i/ fem. maize. mosquito. mkan /m\.kan/ neut. a m2vo /m\c˙.vo/ masc. a house. small boat.

155 mjnU /m\Ô.nu/ adj. m5o /m\.ˇ˙o/ masc. a food lovelorn. made of yogurt. mjbUt /m\Ô.but/ adj. m6du& /m\Î.du~/ neut. a strong. dead body. mjbUtI /m\Ô.bu.ti/ fem. m6aga&5 /m\.Îˇ˙/ strength. fem. a deadlock. mjbUr /m\Ô.bur/ adj. m7vu& /m\Î˙.vu~/ to helpless. frame (a photo for example). mjbUrI /m\Ô.bu.ri/ fem. mi8 /m\.¯i/ masc. a gem. helplessness. mi8yar /m\.¯i.jar/ masc. mja /m\.Ôa/ fem. pleasant. a professional bangle-maker. mjUr /m\.Ôur/ masc. a mt /m\t/ masc. 1. an opinion, labor. 2. a vote. mjUs /m\.Ôus/ masc. a big mtdar /m\t.dar/ masc. a wooden box carving on it. voter. mjja /m\Ô.Ôa/ fem. the mtp{a /m\t.p\t.r\/ neut. marrow of bone. a voting paper. m4ku& /m\ˇ.ku~/ neut. a wink. mt-ed /m\t.b˙ed/ masc. difference of opinion. m4m4avvu& /m\ˇ.m\.ˇ to wink. mtlb /m\t.l\b/ fem. 1. purpose, 2. intention. m4vu& /m\ˇ.vu~/ v.exp. to be cured. mtlibyu& /m\t.l\b.i.ju~/ adj. selfish. m5 /m\ˇ˙/ masc. pl. a kind of pulse. mtai0kar /m\.ta.d˙i.kar/ masc. the right to m5 /m\ˇ˙/ masc. a monastery. vote. m5arvu& /m\.ˇ˙ mit /m\.ti/ fem. intellect. 1. to repair, 2. to fix error in a writing. mtu& /m\.tu~/ neut. signature.


m9vu& /m\t˙.vu~/ v.intr. to mna: /m\.nai/ fem. 1. churn. prohibition, 2. forbidding. m9am8 /m\.t˙a.m\¯/ mnam8u& /m\.nam.¯u~/ fem. hard work. neut. reconciliation.

m9aXu& /m\.t˙a.Æu~/ neut. 1. a mnavvu& /m\ heading, 2. a top. 1. to pursue, 2. to pacify.

mdd /m\.d\d/ fem. help. mnIqa /m\.ni.ßa/ fem. desire. mdinyu& /m\.d\n.i.ju~/ neut. a young one of an elephant. mnuQy /m\.nuß.j\/ masc. a human being. mdarI /m\.da.ri/ masc. a jugglar. mne /m\.ne/ pron. to me.

midra /m\.di.ra/ fem. wine. mnobX /m\.no.b\Æ/ neut. willpower. m0 /m\.d˙/ neut. honey. mnor9 /m\.no.r\t˙/ m0ur /m\.d˙ur/ adj. masc. desire. sweet. mnor&jk /m\.no.r\n.Ô\k/ m)y /m\d˙.j\/ adj. 1. adj. entertaining. middle, 2. central. mnor&jn /m\.no.r\n.Ô\n/ m0rat /m\d˙.rat/ fem. neut. entertainment. mid-night. mnoiv}aan /m\ mn / / < > neut. an organ of m\n m\.n\ neut. spychology. desire.

mnohr /m\.no.h\r/ adj. mnn /m\.n\n/ neut. deep- attractive. thinking.

mft /m\.p˙\t/ advb. free mnsUbo /m\ of cost. masc. motive.

mbl` /m\b.l\k˙/ adj. mnSvI /m\.n\ adj. 1. abundant. self-willed, 2. whimsical.

mmt /m\.m\t/ fem. insistence. 157

mrvu& /m\ v.intr. to die. mmra /m\ masc. a type of rice flake. mrvo /m\r.vo/ masc. a small unripe mango. mmXavvu& /m\m.Æ to chew. mrisyo /m\.r\ masc. a mourning song. mrkvu& /m\.r\ v.intr. to . mrhUm /m\r.hum/ adj. 1. deceased, 2. late. mr3I /m\r.g˙i/ fem. a hen. mramt /m\.ra.m\t/ fem. mrjad /m\r.Ôad/ fem. 1. repair, 2. mending. decency. mrI /m\.ri/ fem. black or white mrjadI /m\r.Ôa.di/ adj. pepper. observing strict untouchablility (a religious practice found mainly among mrImsalo /m\.ri.m\.sa.lo/ the Vaishnava. This untouchability has masc. spices. nothing to do with social untouchablility). mro6 /m\.roÎ/ masc. a shape (of a letter for example). mrijyat /m\r.Ôi.jat/ adj. voluntary. mmR /m\r.m\/ masc. deep meaning. mr@ /m\r.Ôi/ fem. desire. myaRda /m\r.ja.da/ fem. 1. mr@vo /m\r.Ôi.vo/ masc. limit, 2. border. diver. myaRidt /m\r.ja.dit/ adj. mr6avu& /m\r.Î limited. v.intr. to be twisted. mlkvu& /m\.l\ v.intr. mr6o /m\r.Îo/ masc. to smile. dysentery. mlm /m\.l\m/ masc. mr8 /m\.r\¯/ neut. death. ointment. mri8yu& /m\.r\.¯i.ju~/ adj. mlml /m\l.m\l/ neut. desperate. muslin. mrd /m\.r\d/ masc. male. mla: /m\.lai/ fem. cream.

158 mvalI /m\ masc. a mhamarI /m\ scoundrel. fem. an epidemic. m=£ /m\ß.ru/ neut. cotton mhar9I /m\.ha.r\.t˙i/ and silk mixed yarn. masc. an extremely powerful warrior. m=hUr /m\ß.hur/ adj. mharaj /m\.ha.raÔ/ masc. renowned. emperor, 2. a temple priest, 3. a cook. m+krI /m\ß.k\.ri/ fem. 1. a joke, 2. a jest. mharaja /m\.ha.ra.Ôa/ masc. an emperor. mslt /m\s.l\t/ fem. consultation. mhara8I /m\ fem. an empress. msXvu& /m\.s\Æ.vu~/ to knead. mhaly /m\.ha.l\j/ masc. a palace. msa8 /m\.sa¯/ neut. a burial-place. mhavro /m\ masc. practice. msai8ya /m\.sa.¯ masc. a mourner accompanying a mhasagr /m\\r/ funeral procession. masc. an ocean. msalo /m\.sa.lo/ masc. mihno /m\ masc. a spices. month. mso /m\.so/ masc. a wart. mihla /m\ fem. a woman. mStk /m\s.t\k/ neut. the head. mhuvr /m\.hu.v\r/ neut. a snake charmer’s flute. mhiqR /m\.h\r.ßi/ masc. a great sage. mhe&k /m\.h´~k/ fem. fragrance. mh&t /m\.h\nt/ masc. the head of a monastery. mheC2a /m\.hec.c˙a/ fem. an ambition. mha /m\.ha/ masc. forth month of the Vikram year. mhe8u& /m\.he.¯u~/ neut. a taunt. mhakaVy /m\.ha.kav.j\/ neut. epic. 159 mhetl /m\.he.t\l/ fem. a like ornament usually presented by the time limit. bridegroom to the bride. mhetI /m\.he.ti/ fem. 1. a m&gXacr8 /m\˜g.Æa.c\.r\¯/ teacher’s wife, 2. a female teacher. neut. invocation of a divine being at the bringing of an mheto /m\ masc. 1. auspicious work. teacher, 2. an accountant. m&@ra /m\µ.Ôi.ra/ masc. pl. a mhent /m\.he.n\t/ fem. pair of cymbals. mental or manual work. m&jUr /m\µ.Ôur/ adj. mhenta8u& /m\.hen.ta.¯u~/ approved. neut. remuneration. m&jUrI /m\µ.Ôu.ri/ fem. mheman /m\ approval. masc. hon. a guest. m&6p /m\¯.Î\p/ masc. a mhel /m\.hel/ masc. a decorated platform. palace. m&6vu& /m\¯Î.vu~/ v.intr. .to mXtr /m\Æ.t\r/ neut. 1. begin, 2. to start. remuneration 2. profit. m&trvu& /m\n.t\ mXvu& /m\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. to to bind by a spell. meet. m&tVy /m\n.t\.vj\/ neut. mXvu& /m\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. to opinion. gain. m&{a /m\nt.r\/ masc. a spell. m&ko6o /m\˜.ko.Îo/ masc. a kind of black ant. m&{aI /m\n.tri/ masc. a minister. m&gXfero /m\˜.\Æ.p˙ m&9n / / < > neut. a masc. a marriage m\n.t˙\n m\\.n\ ritual in which bride and bridegroom churning. move around the marriage platform. m&d /m\nd/ adj. slow. m&gXvar /m\˜.g\Æ.var/ masc. Tuesday. m&dva6 /m\nd.vaÎ/ fem. sickness. m&gXsU{a /m\˜.g\Æ.sut.r\/ m&idr / / < > neut. a neut. a necklace- m\n.dir m\~.di.r\ temple. 160

ma5u& /ma.ˇ˙u~/ adj. .bad, 2. m&dI /m\n.di/ fem. 1. scarcity, wrong. 2. trade depression. ma6I /ma.Îi/ fem. 1. mother, 2. goddess. ma /ma/ fem. 1. mother, 2. grandmother. ma8 /ma¯/ fem. a metallic pot. ma:ka&glu& /mai.ka˜ ma8vu& /ma¯.vu~/ to adj. physically weak. enjoy. mak6 /ma.k\Î/ masc. a bug. ma8s /ma.¯\s/ masc. a human being. ma` /mak˙/ fem. a fly. ma8sa: /ma¯.sai/ fem. ma`8 /ma.k˙\¯/ neut. humility. butter. ma8ek /ma.¯ek/ neut. a mag /mag/ fem. demand. ruby. magvu& / to ask mata /ma.ta/ fem. 1. mother, 2. for. goddess. magu& / neut. a proposal ma{a /mat.r\/ advb. 1. only, 2. for betrothal. merely. ma28 /ma.c˙\¯/ fem. a ma{aa /mat.ra/ fem. a unit of fisherwoman. measure. ma2lI /mac˙.li/ fem. a fish. ma9akU4 /ma.t˙a.kuˇ/ fem. unnecessary discussion. ma2I /ma.c˙i/ masc. a fisherman. ma9afrel /ma.t˙a.p˙\.rel/ adj. hot-tempered. ma@ /ma.Ôi/ adj. former. ma9a-are /ma.t˙a.b˙ ma@ /ma.Ôi/ fem. hon. 1. a adj. 1. challenging, 2. uncontrollable. grandmother, 2. a goddess. ma9u& /ma.t˙u~/ neut. head. ma4I /ma.ˇi/ fem. clay. madiXyu& /ma.d\Æ.ju/ neut. ma4e /ma.ˇe/ postp. for an amulet.

mada /ma.da/ adj. female. 161

mamUlI / adj. ma)ym /mad˙.j\m/ adj. insignificant. medium. mamo / masc. mother’s brother. man /man/ neut. fame. mayka&glu& /maj.ka˜ manta /man.ta/ fem. 1. a adj. very weak (in terms of physical pledge, 2. a religious vow. construction). mand /ma.n\d/ adj. maya /ma.ja/ fem. illusion. honorary. mar /mar/ masc. beating. mannIy /ma.n\.ni.j\/ adj. honorable. marpI4 /mar.piˇ/ fem. repeated or severe beating. manpan /man.pan/ neut. respect. marft /mar.p˙\t/ postp. 1. with, 2. by, 3. through. manvu& / to believe. marvu& / 1. to beat, 2. to strike. manisk /man.sik/ adj. mental. maramarI / fem. a violent clash. manItu& / adj. favorite. magR /marg/ masc. a road. maNy /man.j\/ adj. acceptable. maimRk /mar.mik/ adj. subtle. map /map/ neut. measure. mal /mal/ masc. goods. mafI /ma.p˙i/ fem. forgiveness. maldar /mal.dar/ adj. rich. mabap /mabap/ neut. pl. parents. malmta /mal.m\.ta/ fem. property. mama / masc. hon. mother’s brother. malimlkt /\t/ fem. property. mamI /ma.mi/ fem. mother’s brother’s wife. mailk /ma.lik/ masc. 1. owner, 2. a master, 3. a boss, 4. god. 162

maXa /ma.Æa/ fem. a garland. mailkI / fem. ownership. maiXyu& /ma.Æi.ju~/ neut. a storey. mail= /ma.liß/ fem. massaging. maXI /ma.Æi/ masc. a gardener. mavjt /mav.Ô\t/ fem. maXo /ma.Æo/ masc. a nest. care. ma&jvu& /ma~Ô.vu~/ to mav5u& /mav.ˇ˙u~/ neut. cleanse a pot and etc. unseasonable rain. ma&6vu& /ma~Î.vu~/ 1. to mavi6yu& /ma.v\Î.ju~/ adj. begin, 2. to start. too much obedient of mother. ma&6vu& /ma~Î.vu~/ to mavtr /mav.t\r/ neut. pl. close. parents. ma&dgI / fem. mavo /ma.vo/ masc. 1. solid sickness. cream of milk, 2. kernel of fruits etc. ma&dlu& / adj. always ma=I /ma.ßi/ fem. mother’s sick. sister. ma&du& /ma~.du~/ adj. sick. mas /mas/ masc. a month. ma&s /ma~s/ neut. flash. maisk /ma.sik/ adj. monthly. ma&sahar / masc. meat or mutton food. maisk /ma.sik/ neut. women’s menses. ma&saharI / adj. non- vegetarian. maso / masc. mother’s sister’s husband. imjagru& /mi.Ôa.g\.ru~/ neut. a hinge. maihtI /ma.hi.ti/ fem. knowledge. imjaj /mi.ÔaÔ/ masc. temperament. maX /maÆ/ masc. a storey. imja@ /mi.Ôa.Ôi/ adj. hot- maX`u& /maÆ.k˙u~/ neut. 1. a tempered. structure, 2. a frame.

163 imit /mi.ti/ fem. a date. mI&7X /mi~.Î˙\Æ/ neut. a kind of fruit. im{a /mit.r\/ masc. a friend. mI&7u& /mi~¯.Î˙o/ adj. shrewd. im{ata /mit.r\.ta/ adj. muk¥mo /mu.k\d.d\.mo/ friendship. masc. a law suit. im(ya /mit˙.ja/ adj. 1. illusory, mukablo /mu.kab.lo/ 2. unreal. masc. a comparison. imlkt /mil.k\t/ fem. mukt /muk.t\/ adj. free. property. muikt /muk.ti/ fem. freedom. imln /mi.lan/ neut. 1. meeting, 2. union. mu`vas /muk˙.vas/ masc. a sort of mouth cleaning food imlav4 /\ˇ/ fem. taken after a meal. adulteration. mu`I /mu.k˙i/ masc. chief of imlavvu& / a village or a community. to mix. mu~y /muk˙.j\/ adj. 1. chief, imS{aI /mis.tri/ masc. a skilled 2. foremost. craftsman. mug4 /mu.g\ˇ/ masc. a mI5a: /mi.ˇ˙a.i/ fem. sweet. crown. mI5a= /mi.ˇ˙aß/ fem. mu5\5I /muˇ˙.ˇ˙i/ fem. a fist. sweetness. mutr6I /mu.t\r.Îi/ fem. a mI5u& /mi.ˇ˙u~/ neut. salt. urinal. mI5u& /mi.ˇ˙u~/ adj. sweet. mudt /mu.d\t/ fem. a fixed time. mI8 /mi::¯/ neut .wax. mu¥l /mud.d\l/ fem. the mI8b]aI /mi:Î.b\t.ti/ principal amount. fem. candle. mu¥o /muddo/ masc. issue. mI&6u& /miÎ.Îu~/ neut. a figure of zero. mu±k /mud.r\k/ masc. printer.


mu±a /mud.ra/ fem. a stamp. mus¥o /mu.s\ masc. muin/ masc. a sage. a draft. munIm /mu.nim/ masc. 1. muslman / an accountant, 2. a manager. masc. a follower of Islam. mufils /mup˙.lis/ adj. penniless. musafr /˙\r/ masc. a traveller. mur3I /mur.g˙i/ fem. hen. musafrI /˙\.ri/ murityo /mu.r\.ti.o/ masc. fem. 1 a travel, 2. a journey. a would-be-son-in-law or bridegroom. musIbt /\t/ fem. murBbI /mu.r\ adj. trouble. elderly. muiSlm /mus.lim/ masc. a murBbo /mu.r\ masc. follower of Islam. a kind of conserved food. mUkvu& / to put. murad /mu.rad/ fem. desire. mU&gu& /mu˜.gu/ adj. 1. mulk /mu.l\k/ masc. a speechless, 2. silent. territory. mU2 /muc˙/ fem. the multvI /mu.l\ adj. moustache. postponed. mU5 /muˇ˙/ fem. the hilt of a mulv8I /mu.l\v.¯i/ fem. sword. valuation. mU6I /mu.Îi/ fem. 1. capital, mulakat / fem. 2. investment. a visit. mUtr /mu.t\r/ neut. urine. mulaym /\m/ adj. soft. mUtrvu& /mu.t\ v.intr. to urinate. mu+kel /muß.kel/ adj. difficult. mU{aip*6 /mut.r\.pi¯.Î\/ neut. the kidney. mu+kelI /muß fem. mU{aa=y /mut.ra.ß\j/ difficulty. masc. the bladder. 165

me9I /me.t˙i/ fem. 1. a kind of mUr` /mu.r\k˙/ adj. fool. seed used for seasoning, 2. a plant used as vegetable. mUtR /mur.t\/ adj. 1. corporeal, 2. concrete. me9Ipak /me.t˙i.pak/ masc. a sweet made of me9I. mUitR /mur.ti/ fem. an idol. me9Iyu& /met˙.ju~/ neut. a kind mUlvvu& /mu.l\ of pickles seasoned with me9I. 1. to ascertain the price, 2. to assay. med /med/ masc. fat. mULy /mul.j\/ neut. 1. value, 2. price. mednI / fem. congregation. mUX /muÆ/ neut. 1. origin, 2. root, 3. fundamental. medan /me.dan/ neut. 1. a plain, 2. a playground. mUXaxr /mu.Æak.ß\r/ masc. pl. the letters of an alphabet. mena / fem. a kind of song-bird. mUXo /mu.Æo/ masc. a radish. mel /m´l/ masc. 1. filth, 2. dirt. mU&gu& /mu˜.gu~/ adj. 1. speechless, 2. dumb. mel`aw& /m´l.k˙a.u~/ adj. a cloth that conceals dirt. mU&zv8 /mu~Ô˙.v\¯/ fem. uneasiness. mel6I /m´l.Îi/ fem. a female ghost. mU&zavu& /mu~.Ô˙ v.intr. to be perplexed. melvu& / to put.

mU&6vu& /mu¯Î.vu~/ to melu& /m´.lu~/ adj. 1. dirty, 2. shave the head entirely. filthy.

m neut. death. me&= /m´~ß/ fem. soot.

m neut. a meXv8 /meÆ.v\¯/ neut. a kind of drum. mixture.

me6I /me.Îi/ fem. an upper meXvvu& /me.Æ\ storey. to mix.

166 meXap /me.Æap/ masc. 1. a moj=o` /moÔ.ßok˙/ meeting, 2. a union. masc. luxury. meXav6o /me.Æav.Îo/ moju& /mo.Ôu~/ neut. a wave. masc. a public function. moju& /mo.Ôu~/ neut. a glove. meXo /me.Æo/ masc. a fair. mojUd /mo.Ôud/ adj. me& /m´~/ pron. I. existing. moklvu& /mok\ mo4u& /mo.ˇu~/ adj. 1. big, 2. to send. large, 3. adult, 4. elder. mokXa= /mok.Æaß/ fem. 1. mo6u& /mo.Îu~/ adj. late. roominess, 2. freedom, 3. comfort. mo7amo7 /mø.Î˙a.moÎ˙/ mokXu& /mok.Æu~/ adj. 1. advb. fact to face. spacious, 2. open. mo7u& /mø.Î˙u~/ neut. the moka8 /mo.ka¯/ fem. a mouth. condolence ritual. mo8 /mo¯/ neut. lubricant moko /mø.ko/ masc. a mixed with flour. favorable opportunity. mot /møt/ neut. death. mox /mok.ß\/ masc. liberation. moityo / masc. cataract. mogro / masc. a kind of flower plant. motI /mo.ti/ neut. a pearl. moc8 / / < > fem. a mo.c\¯ mo.c\.¯\ modI /mo.di/ masc. a grocery. female of the cobbler community.

mo- /mob˙/ masc. a beam mocI / masc. 1. a supporting a roof. cobbler, 2. a name of a community.

mo-adar /mo.b˙a.dar/ moj6I /moÔ.Îi/ fem. a kind adj. 1. respected, 2. having high status. of light, embroidered shoe.

mor /mor/ masc. peacock. mojmja /moÔ.m\.Ôa/ fem.

1 luxury, 2. comfort. morco / masc. front.

167 morlI / fem. a flute. mohvu& / to be fascinated or deluded. mors /mo.r\s/ fem. granular sugar. moXu& /mø.Æu~/ adj. tasteless. moiryo /mor.(i).jo/ masc. a mo& /mø~/ neut. 1. the mouth, 2. kind of wild corn. face. morI /mø.ri/ fem. a drain. mo&3varI /mø~g˙.va.ri/ fem. 1. dearness, 2. allowance. mol /mol/ masc. a standing crop. mo&3u& /mø~˜.gu~/ adj. extremely dear. movu& / to lubricate flour with oil, ghee etc. mOn /m\un/ neut. self- imposed dumbness. mosm /mo.s\m/ fem. a season. mOlvI /m\ masc. 1. a learned Muslim, 2. an expert in Islamic mosmI /mos.mi/ adj. laws. seasonal. mOlIk /m\u.lik/ adj. mos&bI /mo.s\ fem. a original. kind of fruit. Myan /mjan/ neut. a scabbard. mosaX /mo.saÆ/ neut. the maternal side of relation. y mosaXu& /Æu~/ neut. 1. gifts given by the parents to their daughter on her first pregnancy, 2. gifts yk neut. the liver. given by the maternal side of the relatives. yjman /j\Ô.man/ masc. a host. moh /moh/ masc. fascination. y}a /j\g.n\/ masc. a religious mohk /mo.h\k/ adj. performance. charming. ymdUt /j\m.dut/ masc. a mohn9aX /mo.h\n.t˙a/ servant of the god of death. masc. a kind of sweetmeets. y= /j\ß/ masc. fame.

y&{a /j\\/ neut. a machine. 168

yogI / masc. an ascetic. yatna / fem. suffering. yoGy /jog.j\/ adj. 1. proper, 2. ya{aa /jat.ra/ fem. a pilgrim. needful. yad /jad/ fem. memory. yojk /jo,Ô\k/ masc. an organizer. yadI /ja.di/ fem. a note. yojna /joÔ.na/ fem. a plan. yan /jan/ neut. a vehicle (formal) yojvu& /joÔ.vu~/ to plan. yar /jar/ masc. friend. yoin / fem. a female’s generative organ. ya&i{ak /ja~t.rik/ adj. machine- like. yOvn /jau.ban/ neut. youth. yuikt /juk.ti/ fem. 1. skill, 2. trick. r yug /jug/ masc. an age.

rkm / / < > fem. a thing. yu)0 /jud˙.d˙\/ neut. war. r\.k\m r\.k\.m\

rkabI / / < > fem. 1. a yuvk /ju.v\k/ masc. a young r\ r\.ka.bii man. plate, 2. a saucer.

rkt / /< > neut. blood. yuvtI /juv.ti/ fem. a young rk.t\ r\.kt\ women. rxk /r\k.ß\k/ masc. a yuvraj /juv.raÔ/ masc. a guard. crown prince. rxa /r\k.ßa/ fem. a protection. yuvra}aI / fem. the wife of a crown prince. r`6p4\4I /r\.k˙\Î.p\ˇ.ˇi/ fem. 1. wandering, yog /jo.g\/ masc. union. 2. roaming. yoganuyog / r`6vu& /r\.k˙\Î.vu~/ advb. 1. by chance, 2. incidently. v.intr. 1. to wander, 2. to roam. yoignI / fem. a r`6u& /r\k˙.Îu~/ adj. 1. female ascetic. wandering, 2. roaming.

169 r`at /r\.k˙at/ fem. an illicit wife. rja: /r\.Ôai/ fem. a quilt. r`e /r\.k˙e/ advb. by chance. rjaic5\5I /r\.Ôa.ciˇ˙ˇ˙i/ fem. a written permission. r`evaX /r\.k˙e.vaÆ/ masc. 1. guardian, 2. a protector. r4vu& /r\ˇ.vu~/ to speak the same thing repeatedly. rg /r\g/ fem. a vein. r6vu& /r\Î.vu~/ v.intr. to rgi=yu& /r\.g\.ßi.ju~/ adj. weep. slow and tedious. r6aroX /r\.Îa.roÆ/ fem. r3va4 /r\g.vaˇ/ masc. weeping. bewilderment. ri7yaXu& /r\.Î˙i.ja.Æu~/ adj. rcna /r\ fem. 1. fascinating. construction, 2. composition. r8 /r\¯/ neut. a desert. rciyta /r\c.ji.ta/ masc. 1. a constructor, 2. a composer. r8 /r\¯/ neut. a battle-field. rcvu& /r\ 1. to r8kvu& /r\.¯\ v.intr. construct, 2. to compose. to tinkle. rj /r\Ô/ fem. 1. a molecule, 2. a r8kar /r\¯.kar/ masc. a particle. tinkling sound. rjk8 /r\Ô.k\¯/ masc. a r82o6 /r\¯.c˙oÎ/ masc. Lord Sri particle of dust. Krishna. rjko /r\Ô.ko/ masc. a kind of r8z8vu& /r\¯.Ô˙\¯.vu~/ grass. v.intr. to tinkle repeatedly. rjt /r\.Ô\t/ neut. silver. rtn /r\.t\n/ neut. the pupil of the eye. rjnI /r\Ô.ni/ fem. night. rtl /r\.t\l/ masc. a measure rjpUt /r\Ô.put/ masc. a of weight. man belonging to Rajput community. rtva /r\ masc. a kind of rja /r\.Ôa/ fem. 1. a holiday, 2. a skin disease. leave. 170 rta= /r\.taß/ fem. redness. rmUj /r\.muÔ/ fem. 1. humor, 2. fun. rtaXu& /r\.ta.Æu~/ neut. yam. rvrvvu& /r\v.r\ rta&0Xu& /r\.ta~n.d˙\.Æu~/ v.intr. to occur a biting sensation on the adj. night-blind. tongue. rTn /r\t.n\/ neut. a gem. rivvar /r\.vi.var/ masc. Sunday. r9 /r\t˙/ masc. a chariot. rvo /r\.vo/ masc. granular flour r¥I /r\d.di/ fem. 1. useless, 2. of wheat. scrap papers and etc. rs /r\s/ masc. juice. rbarI /r\.ba.ri/ masc. a shepherd. rs /r\s/ masc. interest. rmk6u& /r\.m\k.Îu~/ neut. rsaksI /r\.sa.k\.si/ fem. a toy. an intense contest. rm`a8 /r\m.k˙a¯/ neut. rsadar /r\.sa.dar/ adj. a riot. juicy. rmjan /r\m.Ôan/ masc. rsay8 /r\.sa.j\¯/ neut. the ninth and the holy month of the Hijri chemical. era. risk /r\.sik/ adj. romantic. rmz4 /r\m.Ô˙\ˇ/ fem. the climax and the higest tempo of dancing, rsI /r\.si/ fem. a vaccine. singing etc. rsId /r\.sid/ fem. a receipt. rmt /r\.m\t/ fem. 1. a game, 2. a play. 3. a sport. rso /r\.so/ masc. thick juice of cooked vegetables. rmityaX /r\.m\.ti.jaÆ/ adj. 1. playful, 2. joyful. rso;yo /r\ masc. a male cook. rmrmvu& /r\m.r\ v.intr. 1. to jingle, 2. to tinkle. rso;8 /r\.so.i.j\¯/ fem. a female cook. rmvu& /r\ v.intr. 1. to play, 2. to sport.

171 rso: /r\.so.i/ fem. 1. cooking, r&g-ed /r\˜.b˙ed/ masc. 2. cooked food. racism. rso6u& /r\.so.Îu~/ neut. a r&glo /r\˜g.lo/ masc. a kitchen. clown. rsoXI /r\.so.Æi/ fem. a bug- r&gvu& /r\˜ to color. like tumor. r&gIn /r\˜.gin/ adj. colorful. rSto /r\ masc. 1. a road, 2. a cure, 3. a solution. ra: /ra.i/ fem. 1. mustard plant, 2. mustard. rSsI /r\ fem. a thick string. raxs /rak.ß\s/ masc. 1. a monster, 2. a demon, 3. a devil. rhSy /r\.h\s.j\/ neut. secret. raxsI /rak.ß\.si/ adj. 1. rhe5a8 /r\.he.ˇ˙a¯/ neut. devilish, 2. monstrous. 1. a house, 2. an abode, 3. a residence. ra` /ra.k˙/ fem. ashes. rhe8Ikr8I /r\.he.¯i.k\r.¯i/ fem. 1. life style, ra`6I /rak˙.Îi/ fem. a 2. manners. thread that sisters tie on the arm of the brothers for their protection. rhevu& /r\ v.intr. 1. to live, 2. to dwell, 3. to reside. ra`vu& /rak˙.vu~/ to keep. rXvu& /r\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. to earn. ra`o6Iyu& /ra.k˙o.Îi.ju~/ riXyam8u& /r\.i.ja.m\.¯u~/ adj. grey. adj. 1. beautiful, 2. pleasant. rag /rag/ masc. tune. r&k /r\˜k/ adj. poor. /raÔ/ neut. a kingdom. r&g /r\˜g/ masc. color. rajku&vr /raÔ.ku~.v\r/ masc. a prince r&g-Uim /r\˜.g\.b˙u.mi/ fem. a theatre. rajku&vrI /raÔ.ku~v.ri/ fem. a princess. r&g7&g /r\˜g.Î˙\˜g/ masc. manners. rajkar8 /raÔ.ka.r\¯/ neut. politics. 172

rajkIy /raÔ.ki.j\/ adj. ratidvs /rat.di:.v\s/ political. adj. day and night. rajkumar /raÔ.ku.mar/ ratpaXI /Æi/ fem. a masc. prince. night-shift. rajgadI /raÔ.ga.di/ fem. a ratvaso / masc. a throne. halt for a night. raj0anI /raÔ.d˙ fem. ratu& /red/ adj. red. a state’s capital. rai{a/rat.ri/ fem. night. rajnIit /raÔ.ni.ti/ fem. politics. ranI / adj. wild. rajnEitk /raÔ.n\i.tik/ raf6o /rap˙.Îo/ masc. 1. an adj. political. ant-hill, 2. a serpent’s burrow. rajrmt /raÔ.r\.m\t/ rab /rab/ fem. gruel. fem. diplomacy. ram7ol /ram.Î˙ol/ masc. raja /ra.Ôa/ masc. the king. a big drum. ra@ /ra.Ôi/ adj. pleased. rampatr /\r/ neut. a begging-bowl. rajy /raÔ.j\/ neut. a state. ramfX /ram.p˙\Æ/ neut. rajyai-qek /raÔ.ja.b˙i.ßek/ a kind of fruit. masc. 1. enthronement, 2. coronation. ramba8 /¯/ neut. infallible. ra6 /raÎ/ fem. a shout. ram-roso /ram.b˙\ ra8I /ra.¯i/ fem. queen. masc. faith in god. ra8Ivas /ra.¯i.vas/ masc. ram-rose /ram.b˙\ a harem. postp. 1. things left on the faith in god, 2. things left ra8o /\ra.¯o/ masc. a Rajput unattended. king. ramrajy /ram.raÔ.j\/ neut. rat /rat/ fem. night. an ideal state. 173

ra&0vu& /ra~d˙.vu~/ to ramlIla / fem. a cook. folk drama. irbavvu& / 1. ramI /ra.mi/ masc. a gardener. to persecute, 2. to tyrannize. ramo / masc. a domestic irvaj /ri.vaÔ/ masc. a custom. servant. irsavu& / v.intr. to be ray8 /ra.j\¯/ fem. a tree. displeased. ray8 /ra.j\¯/ neut. fruits of rIzvvu& /ri.Ô˙\ ray8 tree. to please. rav8h(9o /ra.v\¯.h\t˙.t˙o/ rI7u& /ri.Î˙u~/ adj. seasoned. masc. a kind of musical instrument. rIt /rit/ fem. 1. method, 2. style. ravi8yo /ra.v\.¯ masc. a village-watchman. rIt-at /rit.b˙at/ masc. pl. manners. raQ4^ /raß.ˇr\/ neut. a nation. rItirvaj /rit.ri.vaÔ/ raQ4^Iy /raß.ˇri.j\/ adj. masc. pl. customs. national. rI&g8 /ri˜.g\¯/ neut. an ras /ras/ masc. a kind of eggplant. collective dance. rI&2 /ri~c˙/ neut. a bear. rasayi8k /\.¯ik/ adj. chemical. ruAab /ru.ab/ masc. 1. pomp, 2. grandeur. raht /ra.h\t/ fem. relief. rucvu& / exp. to like. rahdarI /rah.da.ri/ masc. a traveler on a foot. ruic / fem. liking. rahbr /rah.b\r/ masc. a ruickr /\r/ adj. 1. guide. tasteful, 2. likable. rahu / masc. a planet of rudn /ru.d\n/ neut. that name. weeping.

174 rui0r /ru.d˙ir/ neut. blood. £mal /ru.mal/ masc. 1. towel, 2. handkerchief. £ /ru/ neut. cotton. £&0vu& /ru~d˙.vu~/ 1. to £zvu& /ruÔ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to restrict 2. to stop. be healed. re`a /re.k˙a/ fem. a line. £5vu& /ruˇ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to be enraged because of displeasure. re`a&= /re.ka~mß/ masc. a longitude. £6u& /ru.Îu~/ adj. graceful. rec /rec/ masc. a purgative. £7 /ruÎ˙/ adj. traditionally established. re6 /reÎ/ fem. a raid.

£i7 /ru.Î˙i/ fem. a custom. re6vu& /reÎ.vu~/ to pour.

£p /rup/ neut. 1. appearance, rei7yaX /re.Î˙i.jaÆ/ adj. 1. 2. form. stray, 2. ownerless and wandering.

£pk /ru.p\k/ neut. a re7u& /re.Î˙u~/ adj. uncared for metaphor. by any one.

£pre`a /˙a/ re8 /re¯/ neut. a substance for fem. an outline. soldering metals.

£paXu& /Æu~/ adj. retI /re.ti/ fem. sand. beautiful. rebzeb /reb.Ô˙eb/ adj. £pa&tr /\r/ neut. wet with perspiration. transformation. rel /rel/ fem. flood. £ipyo / masc. India’s currency. relm2el /re.l\m.c˙el/ fem. an overflow. £p&u /ru.pu~/ neut. silver. relavu& / v.intr. to £b£ / advb. in the spread like a stream. presence of. relo /re.lo/ masc. a small thin £mzUm /rum.Ô˙um/ flow. advb. with the sounds of jingling anklets. re=m /re.ß\m/ neut. silken. 175

resadar / adj. ronk /ro.n\k/ fem. beauty. fibrous. ropvu& / 1. to reso / masc. fiber. plant, 2. to sow. re&kvu& /r´ v.intr. to roma&c /µc/ masc. a bellow (of cow, buffalo). thrill. rok6 /ro.k\Î/ fem. cash. rovu& / v.intr. to cry. rok6Iyu& /ro.k\.Îi.ju~/ adj. ro=nI /roß.ni/ fem. dealing in cash. illumination. rokvu& / to stop. roq /roß/ masc. 1. anger, 2. wrath. roka8 /ro.ka¯/ neut. delay. rO± /r\u.dr\/ adj. 1. terrible, rog /rog/ masc. disease. 2. horrible. roigyu& / adj. sick. l roj /roÔ/ masc. 1. a day, 2. a date. lkvo /l\k.vo/ masc.

paralysis. roj /roÔ/ masc. a daily wage.

lx8 /l\k.ß\¯/ neut. 1. a rojnI=I /roÔ.ni.ßi/ fem. a sign, 2. a symptom, 3. quality. diary.

låmI /l\k.ßmi/ fem. the rojbroj /roÔ.b\.roÔ/ wide of lord Vishnu and the goddess of advb. everyday. wealth. ro@ / / < > fem. maintenance. ro.Ôi ro.Ôii l`pit /l\k˙.p\.ti/ masc. a millionaire. rojo /ro.Ôo/ masc. a fast-day for Muslim. l`lU4 /l\k˙.luˇ/ adj. abundant. ro4lI /roˇ.li/ fem. a thin, soft circular bread of wheat flour. l`vu& /l\k˙.vu~/ to write. rotl /ro.t\l/ adj. apt to weep over trifles. 176 l`a8 /l\.k˙a¯/ neut. lckvu& /l\.c\ v.intr. written material. to bend down because of burden. l`av4 /l\.k˙a.v\ˇ/ fem. lcko /l\c.ko/ masc. a lump writing. of a viscous substance. l`o4I /l\.k˙o.ˇi/ fem. a lcpc /l\c.p\c/ adj. marble. viscous and doughy. lg6I /l\g.Îi/ fem. a bar of ljam8I /l\.Ôam.¯i/ fem. a gold. kind of plant whose leaves contract when we touch. lgn /l\.g\n/ neut. marriage. ljavvu& /l\.Ô to lg-g /l\g.b˙\g/ advb. disgrace. approximately. ljja /l\Ô.Ôa/ fem. modesty. lgatar /l\.ga.tar/ advb. nonstop. l4 /l\ˇ/ fem. a thin string of hair. lgam /l\.gam/ fem. 1. the bit of bridle, 2. control. l4kvu& /l\.ˇ\ v.intr. to hang. lgavvu& /l\ 1. l4kaXu& /l\ˇ.ka.Æu~/ adj. apt to smear with, 2. to join. to walk. lgI /l\.gi/ advb. 1. till, 2. up to. l4ku& /l\ˇ.ku~/ neut. a graceful expression or physical attitude. lgolg /l\.go.l\g/ postp. very near. l6t /l\.Î\t/ fem. a fight. lGn /l\g.n\/ neut. marriage. l6vu& /l\Î.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to fight, 2. to quarrel. l3rv3r /l\.g˙\r.v\.g˙\r/ adj. tattered. l6a: /l\.Îai/ fem. a battle. l3u /l\.g˙u/ adj. small. l6ayk /l\.Îa.j\k/ adj. 1. warlike, 2. inclined to fight. l3utm /l\.g˙u.t\m/ adj. minimum. l78 /l\.Î˙\¯/ fem. manner. l3umtI /l\.g˙u.m\.ti/ fem. minority. 177 l8vu& /l\¯.vu~/ 1. to lpavu& /l\ v.intr. to reap, 2. to harvest. hide oneself. lt /l\t/ fem. habit. lpe4vu& /l\.peˇ.vu~/ 1. to wrap, 2. to involve someone. l]ao /l\ masc. 1. a locality, 2. a street. lpe6vu& /l\.peÎ.vu~/ to besmear thickly. l96vu& /l\.t˙\Î.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to stumble, 2. to deteriorate. lpe6o /l\.pe.Îo/ masc. a thick layer. l96Iyu& /l\.t˙\.Îi.ju~/ neut. stumbling. lPp6 /l\p.p\Î/ fem. a slap. lpkvu& /l\.p\ v.intr. lPpn2Ppn /l\p.p\n.c˙\p.p\n/ to be scorched. fem. useless worry or discussion. lpkaro /l\ masc. repeated scorching or stinging pain. lf6ff6 /l\.p˙\Î.p˙\.p˙\Î/ advb. with lp2p /l\p.c˙\p/ fem. disorderly clothing. underhand maneuvering. lfru& /l\p˙.ru~/ neut. a lump lp4 /l\.p\ˇ/ fem. . a swoop, of the nose-mucus. 2. a pouncing upon. lb6vu& /l\.b\Î.vu~/ v.intr. lp4vu& /l\.p\ˇ.vu~/ to to hand. trap someone. lbaco /l\ masc. a lp6ak /l\p.Îak/ fem. a disorderly collection of cloths, broken slap. things and etc. lplp /l\p.l\p/ fem. lba6 /l\.baÎ/ adj. roguish. prattle. lm8azI&k /l\m.¯a.Ô˙i~k/ lpvu& /l\ v.intr. to hide. fem. a tedious and useless discussion. lpsvu& /l\.p\ v.intr. lm8u& /l\m.¯u~/ neut. the to slip. temple. lps8u& /l\.p\ adj. ly /l\j/ masc. rhythm. slippery.

178 llkar /l\l.kar/ masc. a lso4vu& /l\.soˇ.vu~/ to loud singing or utterance. mash. llkarvu& /l\ lha8I /l\.ha.¯i/ fem. gift 1. to sing in a lingering tune, 2. to distributing among the relatives. challenge someone. lhavo /l\.ha.vo/ masc. a llcavu& /l\ chance. to be enticed. lihyo /l\ masc. a scribe. llna /l\ fem. a beautiful woman. lher /l\.her/ fem. a wave. lvro /l\ masc. a bruise lherI /l\.he.ri/ adj. joyful. caused by the nail etc. lXvu& /l\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. to bend lvvu& /l\ v.intr. 1. to down. prate, 2. to chatter. l&g6u& /l\˜g.Îu~/ adj. 1. lame, lvajm /l\.va.Ô\m/ neut. a 2. cripple. periodic subscription. l&g6o /l\˜g.Îo/ masc. a type lvadI /l\.va.di/ fem. of a mango. pertaining to arbitration. l&gr /l\˜.g\r/ neut. an lvaru& /l\ neut. 1. a kid anchor. (of goat) 2. a lamb. l&gUr /l\˜.gur/ masc. a lvaro /l\ masc. prattle. monkey. liv&g /l\.vi˜g/ neut. a clove. l&go4Iyu& /l\˜.go.ˇ masc. childhood (friend). liv&igyu& /l\.vi˜.gi.ju~/ adj. as big as or shaped like a clove. l&p4 /l\m.p\ˇ/ adj. adulterous. l+kr /l\ß.k\r/ neut. army. l&bcors /l\\s/ ls8 /l\.s\¯/ neut. garlic. adj. rectangular. lsrko /l\.s\r.ko/ masc. a l&bodr /l\\r/ adj. scratch. pot-bellied.

lak6I /lak.Îi/ fem. a stick. 179

la6kvayu& /la.Î\ lak6u& /lak.Îu~/ neut. 1. wood, adj. beloved (child). 2. timber. la6vo /laÎ.vo/ masc. a kind laxi8k /lak.ß\.nik/ adj. of sweet. 1. peculiar, 2. typical. la6u /la.Îu~/ masc. a kind of la` /lak˙/ fem. sealing-wax. sweet. la` /lak˙/ adj. one hundred lat /lat/ fem. a kick. thousand. lad /lad/ fem. excretion of la`u& /la.k˙u~/ neut. a birth- some quadrupeds such as horse. mark. ladvu& / to load. lag /lag/ masc. 1. a support, 2. an opportunity. ladI /la.di/ fem. flooring tile. lag8I /lag.¯i/ fem. la0vu& /lad˙.vu~/ v.exp. 1. to sentiment. find, 2. to get. lagt /la.g\t/ fem. local lap4 /la.p\ˇ/ fem. a slap. taxes. laprva /la.p\ adj. lagvg /lag.v\g/ fem. careless. influence (for getting gain illegally). lap=I /lap.ßi/ fem. a sweet of lagvu& / v.exp. to feel. that name. lagvu& / v.intr. to lafo /la.p˙o/ masc. a slept. kindle. la- /lab˙/ masc. 1. advantage, lacar / adj. helpless. 2. benefit. laj /laÔ/ fem. 1. credit, 2. layk /la.j\k/ adj. suitable. reputation. lal /lal/ adj. red. la4I /ma.ˇi/ fem. timber-market. lalc /la.l\c/ fem. greed. la5I /la.ˇ˙i/ fem. a thick stick. lalcu& / adj. greedy. la6 /laÎ/ masc. pl. endearment.

180 lalsa / fem. intense il&g /li˜.g\/ neut. 1. a sign, 2. desire. the idol of Lord Shiva, 3. the generative organ of the male. lala= /la.laß/ fem. redness. il&bu /lim.bu~/ neut. a lemon. lailma / fem. redness. il&bu6I /lim.bu.Îi/ fem. a lemon-tree. lalI / fem. redness. il&boXI /Æi/ fem. the lavrI /lav.ri/ fem. a kind of fruit of a neem tree. bird. lI` /lik˙/ fem. 1. an egg of a lavvu& / 1. to louse, 2. a nit. bring, 2. to fetch, 3. to buy. lIcI / fem. a kind of fruit- la= /laß/ fem. a corpse. tree or its fruit. laX /laÆ/ fem. 1. saliva, 2. lI4I /li.ˇi/ fem. a line. spittle. lIm6I /lim.Îi/ fem. a kind laXo /la.Æo/ masc. a burning of neem tree. coal. lIm6o /lim.Îo/ masc. a la&38 /la~˜.g\¯/ fem. fasting. neem tree. la&c /la~c/ fem. a bribe. lIlm /li.l\m/ neut. emerald. la&bu& /la~.bu~/ adj. long. lIla / fem. play. ili`t /li.k˙it/ adj. written. lIlalher /\.her/ fem. complete happiness. iljjt /liÔ.Ô\t/ fem. keen joy. lIla= /li.laß/ fem. greenness. ilip /li.pi/ fem. script. lIlu& / neut. green. illam /li.lam/ neut. auction. lIsu& / adj. smooth. ilso4o /ˇo/ masc. 1. a thin line 2. a bruise. lI&4 /li~ˇ/ neut. nasal mucus.

lI&6I& /li~¯.Îi/ fem. excrement of goat etc. 181

lU4 /luˇ/ fem. robbing. lI&p8 /li~.p\¯/ neut. daubing with cow-dung, clay etc. lU4vu& /luˇ.vu~/ to rob. lI&pvu& / to daub lU8 /lu¯/ neut. salt. with cow-dung, clay etc. lU8o /lu.¯o/ masc. the effects luCca: /luc.cai/ fem. of combination with salt. cunningness. lUm /lum/ fem. a bunch. luCcu& / adj. cunning. lUlI / fem. the tongue lu2i8yu& /lu.c˙\.¯i.ju~/ neut. (derogatory). jute cloth for wiping. lUlu& / adj. lame. lu4aru /lu.ˇ masc. a robber. le` /lek˙/ masc. 1. an article, 2. a writing. luhar /lu.har/ masc. a blacksmith. le`k /le.k˙\k/ masc. a writer (male) lu&gI /lu˜.gi/ fem. a cylindrical garment worn round the waist and le`n /le.k˙\n/ neut. covering the legs. writing. lU / / < > fem. sunstroke. lu luu le`u& /le.k˙u~/ neut. account. lU`s / / < > fem. a kind lu.k˙\s\.s\ le`e /le.k˙e/ advb. at the rate. of skin-disease.

le8dar /l´¯.dar/ adj. a lU`u& /lu.k˙u~/ adj. dry creditor. (without oil, ghee etc.).

le8de8 /le¯.de¯/ fem. lug6a&l]aa& /lug.Îa~.l\t.ta~/ relation of financial transaction. neut. pl. clothes and similar other things. lep /lep/ masc. coating. lUg6u& / / < > neut. 1. a lug.Îu~ luu.g\.Îu~ lepvu& / to coat. garment, 2. a sari, 3. an article of dress.

lebas /le.bas/ masc. lU2vu& /luc˙.vu~/ to costume. wipe.

182 le-agu /le.b˙ adj. loko]ar /lo.kot.t\r/ adj. unreliable (person). super-human. levadeva / fem. lo`&6 /lo.k˙\¯Î/ neut. iron. 1. relation, 2. concern. locn /lo.c\n/ neut. the eye levu& / 1. to take, 2. to (poetic). purchase, 3. to accept. loco / masc. a lump. lok /lok/ masc. 1. people, 2. a mythological region of the universe. lo4 /loˇ/ masc. 1. flour, 2. fine powder. lokk9a /lok.k\.t˙a/ fem. lo4vu& /loˇ.vu~/ v.intr. to roll a folktale. on around. lokgIt /lok.git/ neut. a lo7I /lo.Î˙i/ fem. an iron pan. folksong. lo7u& /lo.Î˙u~/ neut. iron. lokccaR /lok.c\ fem. popular talk. lop /lop/ masc. 1. merger, 2. assimilation. lok@vn /lok.Ôi.v\n/ neut. social life. lopvu& / v.intr. to hide. lokip/y /lok.pri.j\/ adj. popular. lofr /lo.p˙\r/ adj. a vagabond. lok-oGy /lok.b˙og.j\/ adj. capable of being understood by the lo- /lob˙/ masc. greed. masses.

lo-am8u& /lo.b˙am.¯u~/ lokmt /lok.m\t/ masc. adj. enticing. public opinion.

lo-I /lo.b˙i/ adj. greedy. lok=ahI /lok.ßa.hi/ fem. democracy. lohcu&bk /loh.cum.b\k/

neut. a magnet. lokiht /lok.hit/ neut. public welfare.

lohIyaX /lo.hi.jaÆ/ adj. 1. lokacar / masc. bloody, 2. violent, 3. stained with blood. social customs.

lohI /lo.hi/ neut. blood. lokoikt /lo.kok.ti/ fem. a proverb. 183 lohIwkaXo /lo.hi.u.ka.Æo/ v`a8 /v\.k˙a¯/ masc. masc. quarrel. praise. lohIluha8 /¯/ v`a8vu& /v\.k˙a¯.vu~/ adj. bleeding heavily. to praise. lohIva / masc. a v`ar /v\.k˙ar/ fem. a store kind of disease related to blood. house. loiXyu& /lo.Æi.ju~/ neut. ear- v`o6vu& /v\.k˙oÎ.vu~/ ornament for women. 1. to find faults, 2. to criticize. lo&do /lø masc. a lump of vg6aw /v\g.Îau/ adj. sticky. pertaining to wood. lOikk/l\u.kik/ adj. worldly. vg6o /v\g.Îo/ masc. barren region.

v vgr /v\.g\r/ postp. without. vkrvu& /v\.k\ v.intr. vga6vu& /v\.gaÎ.vu~/ 1. to deteriorate 2. to worsen. to cause to sound (of musical instrument). vkro /v\ masc. sale. vga6vu& /v\.gaÎ.vu~/ vkIl /v\.kil/ masc. a 1. to harm, 2. to injure. lawyer. vgere /v\ advb. et vkIlatnamu& /v\ cetera. neut. power of vgo /v\.go/ masc. a locality. attorney. vktVy /v\k.t\v.j\/ neut. a vgovvu& /v\ speech. to defame. vkta /v\k.ta/ masc. a speaker. v3ar /v\.g˙ar/ masc. the act of sizzling a liquid dish with boiled v`t /v\.k˙\t/ masc. time. mixture of ghee or oil and spices.

v3arvu& /v\.g˙ v`tov`t /v\.k˙\.to.v\.k˙\t/ to sizzle a liquid dish with boiled ghee or < > advb. 1. often, v\.kh\.to.v\.kh\.t\ oil and spices. 2. frequently.

184 vcgaXo /Æo/ masc. v4avvu& /v\.ˇ 1. in middle part of time. to exchange a big coin/ bill for smaller ones, 2. to encash a draft, note or checks vcn /v\.c\n/ neut. etc. promise. v4avvu& /v\.ˇ to vcn /v\.c\n/ neut. number pass by or cross safely. (grammatical). v4emaguR /v\.ˇ vclu& /v\ adj. 1. middle, masc. a traveler. 2. intermediate. v6 /v\Î/ masc. a banyan tree. vCce /v\c.ce/ postp. in the middle. v6vo /v\Î.vo/ masc. an ancestor. v2U4vu& /v\.c˙uˇ.vu~/ v.intr. to go off suddenly. v6ssro /v\Î.s\ masc. father of a father-in-law. v2eru& /v\.c˙ neut. a colt. v6sasu /v\Î fem. mother of a father-in-law. v2erI /v\.c˙e.ri/ fem. a filly. v6Il /v\.Îil/ adj. elder v2o6vu& /v\.c˙oÎ.vu~/ person in a family. to separate. v6IlopaijRt /v\.Îi.lo.par.Ôit/ vjn /v\.Ô\n/ neut. 1. adj. acquired or weight, 2. burden. erned by ancestors. v4 /v\ˇ/ masc. reputation. v6e /v\.Îe/ postp. 1. by, 2. with. v4lavu& /v\ˇ 1. to become a religious/ caste convert, 2. v7vu& /v\Î˙.vu~/ v.intr. to to be polluted because of food, drinks quarrel. etc. v8kr /v\¯.k\r/ masc. a v4hukm /v\ˇ.hu.k\m/ weaver. masc. an ordinance. v8jar /v\¯.Ôar/ fem. a v4a8a /v\.ˇa.¯a/ masc. a craven. kind of beans. v8vu& /v\¯.vu~/ 1. to v4av /v\.ˇav/ masc. weave, 2. to intertwine and make, 3. to discount. roll bread, 4. to pick or gather crops. 185

v0are /v\.d˙ adj. 1. v8svu& /v\.¯\ v.intr. more, 2. additional. 1. to worsen, 2. to deteriorate. v0avvu& /v\.d˙ v8a4 /v\.¯aˇ/ masc. texture. to welcome gladly. vtn /v\.t\n/ neut. native v0u /v\.d˙u/ adj. more. place. v0U /v\.d˙u/ fem. a wife. vtnI /v\ adj. a native. v0ervu& /v\.d˙ vtI /v\.ti/ postp. on behalf of. to offer as a sacrifice. vd /v\d/ fem. the dark half of a vn /v\n/ neut. forest. lunar month. vnraj /v\n.raÔ/ masc. the vdn /v\.d\n/ neut. the face king of the forest- lion. (poetic). vnSpit /v\.n\s.p\.ti/ v¥I /v\d.di/ fem. reminder fem. 1. trees, plants, etc. 2. vegetation. (in mathematics). vpra= /v\p.raß/ masc. 1. v0 /v\d˙/ masc. a slaughter. use, 2. consumption. v0vu& /v\d˙.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to vfadar /v\.p˙a.dar/ adj. grow, 2. to increase. faithful. v0vu& /v\d˙.vu~/ v.intr. to vmn /v\.m\n/ neut. remain as a residue. vomiting. v0a: /v\.d˙a.i/ fem. good vmX /v\.m\Æ/ masc. news. whirlpool. v0am8u& /v\.d˙am.¯u~/ vy /v\j/ fem. age. neut. a ceremonial worship of goddess on an auspicious event. vyov<)0 /v\.jo.vrud˙.d˙\/ adj. 1. old, 2. v0arvu& /v\.d˙ elderly. to increase. vr /v\r/ masc. a bridegroom. v0arvu& /v\.d˙ to save. vr` /v\.r\k˙/ masc. a very thin layer of gold or sliver. 186

vraX /v\.raÆ/ fem. 1. steam, vr3o6Iya& /v\r.g˙o.Îi.ja~/ 2. vapor. neut. pl. people accompanying a marriage procession. viryaXI /v\.ri.ja.Æi/ fem. fennel seed. vr3o6o /masc./ masc. a marriage procession. virQ5 /v\.riß.ˇ˙\/ adj. chief. vr8 /v\.r\¯/ fem. 1. a caste, vru /v\.ru/ neut. a wolf. 2. a social class. vre6u& /v\.re.Îu~/ neut. a rope. vr8aigyu& /v\r.¯ adj. 1. foppish, 2. vainly showy. vro /v\.ro/ masc. a caste dinner. vr8I /v\r.¯i/ fem. selection. vgR /v\r.g\/ masc. a class. vrtvu& /v\.r\ v.intr. to behave. vgRivg/h /v\\h/ masc. a class-war. vrtaro /v\ masc. 1. a prediction, 2. a forcast. vcRs /v\r.c\s/ neut. controlling power. vrdan /v\r.dan/ neut. blessing from a god, a saint etc. vcRSvI /v\r.c\ adj. powerful. vrmaXa /v\Æa/ fem. the garland that bride puts round the v8R /v\r.¯\/ masc. color. neck of the bridegroom.

v8R /v\r.¯\/ masc. letter. vrraja /v\r.ra.Ôa/ masc. a bridegroom. v8R /v\r.¯\/ fem. caste.

vrvu& /v\ adj. 1. ugly, 2. v8Rn /v\r.¯\n/ neut. 1. misshaped, 3. wicked. description, 2. narration. vrsI /v\ fem. ceremony v8Rvvu& /v\r.¯\ performed on the first anniversary of someone’s death. 1. to describe, 2. to narrate.

v8Rs&kr / / vrs /v\.r\s/ neut. year. v\r.¯\.s\˜.k\r adj. born of parents vrsad /v\r.sad/ masc. of different castes or religion. rain.

187 v8aRnuk/m /v\r.¯\m/ vsva4 /v\s.vaˇ/ masc. 1. masc. residing, 2. dwelling, 3. stay. alphabetical order. vsvu& /v\ v.intr. 1. to vtR8U&k /v\r.t\.¯u~k/ fem. dwell, 2. to reside. 1. behavior, 2. conduct. vs&t /v\.s\nt/ fem. the vtRn /v\r.t\n/ neut. 1. spring season. behavior, 2. conduct. vsa8u& /v\.sa.¯u~/ neut. a vtRman /v\r.t\.man/ adj. food item made of various spices and 1. present, 2. current. eaten normally in winter. vtRmankaX /v\r.t\.man.kaÆ/ vsavvu& /v\ masc. present tense. to cause to live.

vsavvu& / / < > vtRmanp{a /v\r.t\.man.p\t.r\/ v\ v\.sa.v\.vu~ to purchase durable things. neut. a newspaper. vsaht /v\.sa.h\t/ fem. a

settlement. vtuRX /v\r.tuÆ/ neut. a circle.

visyt /v\.si.j\t/ fem. vqR /v\r.ß\/ neut. an year. inheritance. vqaR¢tu / / < > v\r.ß vv\.rs°a.r≤u.tu visytnamu& /v\.si.j\ fem. the rainly season. neut. a will. vl8 / / < > neut. mental v\.l\¯ v\.l\.¯\ vsUkvu& /v\ v.intr. inclination. to cease yielding milk. vlo8u& / / < > neut. a v\.lo.¯u~ v\.lo.¯u~ vsUlat /v\ fem. an churning rod. act of recovering money. vlopat / / < > masc. v\.lo.pat v\\ vStI /v\s.ti/ fem. population. restlessness and dejection.

vStIg8trI /v\s.ti.g\.¯\t.ri/ vlopaityu& /v\,ju~/ fem. census. adj. inclined to be restless and deject.

vStIp{ak / / vsit /v\s.ti/ fem. population. v\s.ti.p\t.r\k neut. a census vsvso /v\s.v\.so/ masc. record. 1. remorse, 2. grudge. 188 vStu /v\s.tu/ fem. a thing. vheXo /v\.he.Æo/ masc. a vS{a /v\\/ neut. a garment. stream. vha8 /v\.ha¯/ neut. a ship. vhe&c8I /fem./ fem. distribution. vhal /v\.hal/ neut. affection. vhe&cvu& /v\.h´ to distribute. vhI /v\.hi/ fem. an account- book. vhorvu& /v\ 1. to purchase 2. to undertake a risk vhIv4 /v\.hi.v\ˇ/ masc. thoughtlessly. an administration. vX /v\Æ/ masc. a twist. vhIv4I /v\.hi.v\.ˇi/ adj. administrative. vXg8 /v\Æ.g\¯/ neut. 1. a relation, 2. a connection. vhIv&co /v\.hi.v\µ.co/ masc. a bard keeping the record of vXgvu& /v\.Æ\ v.intr. genealogical tree. 1. to cling, 2. to stick to. vhu /v\.hu/ fem. a wife. vXga6 /v\Æ.gaÎ/ masc. 1. ghost, 2, an evil spirit. vhem /v\.hem/ masc. 1. suspicion, 2. doubt. vXtr /v\Æ.t\r/ neut. 1. profit, 2. remuneration. vhemI /v\.he.mi/ adj. suspicious. vXvu& /v\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to be twisted, 2. to be bent. vhelu& /v\ adj. early. vXvu& /v\Æ.vu~/ v.intr. to vhevar /v\.he.var/ masc. return. day to day interaction. vXavvu& /v\.Æ to vhevaru& /v\ adj. see one off. honest in day to day interaction. vXa&k /v\.Æa~˜k/ masc. a turn. vhevu& /v\ v.intr. to flow. vXI /v\.Æi/ advb. besides. vheiXyu& /v\.he.Æi.ju~/ neut. a v&4oX /v\¯.ˇoÆ/ masc. small stream. whirlwind.


v&4oXIyo /v\¯.ˇo.Æ masc. va38 /va.g˙\¯/ fem. whirlwind. tigress.

v&trI /v\n.t\.ri/ fem. a female vack /va.c\k/ masc. reader. ghost. vacn /\va.c\n/ neut. v&dn /v\n.d\n/ neut. a reading. respectful bow. vacnaly /va.c\.na.l\j/ v&dna /v\ fem. 1. a neut. a library. bowing, 2. a salutation, 3. a prayer. vaca / fem. a speech v&do /v\ masc. a cockroach. vaCya9R /vac.jar.t˙\/ adj. literal meaning. v&= /v\mß/ masc. descendents. va26I /vac˙.Îi/ fem. a v&=pr&pra /v\mß.p\.r\m.p\.ra/ female calf. fem. a femily-tree. vaj /vaÔ/ adj. tired. va /va/ advb. or. vajape4I /va.Ôˇi/ fem. va /va/ masc. wind. a harmonium.

va /va/ masc. rheumatism. vaij&{a /va.Ô\/ neut. a musical organ. vaky /vak.j\/ neut. a sentence. va4 /vaˇ/ fem. a road. vagvu& / v.exp. 1. to be injured, 2. to be wounded. va4 /vaˇ/ fem. a wick.

vagvu& / v.intr. to be va4vu& /vaˇ.vu~/ to pound struck. or crush with a muller.

vagvu& / v.intr. to va4a3a4 /va.ˇa.g˙aˇ/ fem. strike (of a clock). negotiations.

vagoXvu& /va.goÆ.vu~/ v.intr. va6 /vaÎ/ fem. 1. a hedge, 2. a 1. to ruminate, 2. to chew and cud. fence, 3. a railing.

va3 /va˙/ masc. tiger. va6kI /vaÎ.ki/ fem. a cup- like small vessel.

190 va6ab&0I /va.Îa.b\n.d˙i/ vadiXyu& /va.d\.Æi.ju~/ adj. fem. group-ism. cloudy. va6I /va.Îi/ fem. a farm of vadXu& /va.d\Æ/ neut. a cloud. nursing fruit or flower plants. van /van/ masc. complexion. va6o /va.Îo/ masc. a backyard. vangI / fem. an item. va7 /vaÎ˙/ masc. 1. a cut, 2. a wound. vanr /va.n\r/ masc. a va7vu& /vaÎ˙.vu~/ 1. to monkey. cut, 2. to reap. vam8u& /vam.¯u~/ adj. vai8jy /va.¯iÔ.j\/ neut. 1. inferior. trade, 2. commerce. vamn / adj. vai8y8 /va.¯i.j\¯/ fem. 1. dwarfish. a woman belonging to the Vania caste, 2. a Vani’s wife. vay6a: /vaj.Îai/ fem. over wisdom. vai8yo /va.¯ masc. a man of the Vania caste. vay6u& /vaj.Îu~/ adj. causing gas in the body. va8I /va.¯i/ fem. speech. vaydo / masc. 1. vat /vat/ fem. 1. a story, 2. a promise, 2. a forward transaction. narrative. vayro / masc. wind. vatcIt /vat.cit/ fem. conversation. vayro / masc. a popular or current trend. vatavr8 /va.ta.v\.r\¯/ neut. atmosphere. vayVy /va.j\v.j\/ adj. North- West. vaTsLy /vat.s\l.j\/ neut. affection. vayu /va.ju/ masc. 1. wind, 2. air. vad /vad/ masc. 1. debate, 2. ism. vayu /va.ju/ masc. 1. gas, 2. indigestion. vadX /va.d\Æ/ neut. a cloud. varvu& / 1. to restraint, 2. to prohibit. 191

vavu& / to give a birth vars /va.r\s/ masc. an to a calf. inheritor. vavetr /\r/ neut. 1. varsagt /\t/ sowing, 2. planting. adj. hereditary. vas /vas/ masc. a locality. varso / masc. 1. legacy, 2. heritage, 3. inheritance. vas /vas/ fem. smell. var&var /va.r\m.var/ advb. vas8 /va.s\¯/ neut. 1. a 1. repeatedy, 2. now and again. vessel, 2. a utensil. varafrtI /va.ra.p˙\r.ti/ vas8kUs8 /va.s\¯.ku.s\¯/ advb. one after another. neut. pl. kitchen utensils. vare36Iye /˙\.Î advb. frequently. vasna / fem. 1. desire for worldly happiness, 2. passion. varo / masc. turn. vasvuU& / to close. vataR /var.ta/ fem. 1. a stroy, 2. a narrative. vasI / adj. stale. vaiqRk /var.ßik/ adj. 1. vaStv /vas.t\v/ neut. a yearly, 2. annual. reality. val /val/ masc. a kind of pluse. vaStivk /vas.t\.bik/ adj. real. valoX /va.loÆ/ fem. a green pod of kind of pulse used as a vegetable. vaStu /vas.tu/ neut. a ritual performed before occupying a house. vav /vav/ fem. a step-well. vaStupUja /vas.tu. pu.Ôa./ vav4o /vav.ˇo/ masc. a flag. fem. a ritual performed before occupying a house. vav6 /va.v\Î/ masc. 1. whereabouts, 2. news. vah /vah/ advb. 1. well-done, 2. bravo. vav8I /vav.¯i/ fem. a sowing. vahn /va.h\n/ neut. a vehicle. vavu& / v.intr. to blow. 192 vaihyat /va.hi.jat/ adj. 1. va&cvu& / 1. to hollow, 2. bogus. read, 2. to decipher. vaX /vaÆ/ masc. hair. va&z8u& /va~Ô˙.¯u~/ adj. 1. barren, 2. childless. vaXvu& /vaÆ.vu~/ 1. to bend, 2. to roll. va&7o /va~.Î˙o/ masc. a bachelor on compusion. vaXvu& /vaÆ.vu~/ 1. to repay, 2. to return. va&dro / masc. a male monkey. vaXvu& /vaÆ.vu~/ to sweep. va&drI /va~d.ri/ fem. a female vaXvu& /vaÆ.vu~/ to monkey. change the direction of a vehicle, water etc. va&dru& / neut. a monkey. vaX&d /va.Æ\nd/ masc. a barber. va&0o /va~.d˙o/ masc. 1. opposition, 2. objection, 3. dispute. vaXI /va.Æi/ fem. a nose-ring. va&s /va~s/ masc. a bamboo. vaXo /va.Æo/ masc. a metallic wire. va&sl6I /va~.s\l.Îi/ fem. a flute. va&k /va~k/ masc. 1. fault, 2. defect. va&sXI /va~s.Æi/ fem. a flute. va&k6o /va~k.Îo/ masc. dowry va&so / masc. the back. given to the bridegroom by the bride side. ivk4 /vi.k\ˇ/ adj. 1. tough, 2. difficult. va&ku& /va~.ku~/ adj. 1. crooked, 2. bent, 3. curved. ivkraX /vik.raÆ/ adj. terrible. va&ku&cUku& / ivkLp /vi.k\l.p\/ masc. an adj. zigzag. alternative. va&3u& /va~.g˙u~/ neut. a ravine. ivksvu& /vi.k\ v.intr. 1. to grow, 2. to develop, 3. to increase. va&cn /va~.c\n/ neut. a reading. ivkist /vik.sit/ adj. developed. 193

ivkar /vi.kar/ masc. ivcrvu& /vi.c\ v.intr. deterioration. to loiter. ivkarI /vi.ka.ri/ adj. apt to ivcar / masc. thought. change. ivcark /\k/ masc. a ivkas /vi.kas/ masc. 1. thinker. growth, 2. development. ivcar8a /¯a/ fem. 1. ivk adj. thinking, 2. consideration. distorted. ivcarvu& / to ivxep /vik.ßep/ masc. think. obstruction. ivic{a /vi.cit.r\/ adj. strange. iv`vad /vik˙.vad/ masc. 1. discord, 2. dispute. ivC2ed /vic.c˙ed/ masc. a cut. iv`U4u& /vi.k˙u.ˇu~/ adj. separated and lonely. ivjy /vi.Ô\j/ masc. victory. iv`ervu& /vi.k˙ ivjatIy /vi.Ôa.ti.j\/ adj. of to scatter. different sex, caste, class or race. iv~yat /vik˙.jat/ adj. ivjeta /vi.Ôe.ta/ masc. a victor. famous. ivjog /vi.Ôog/ masc. ivgt /vi.g\t/ fem. 1. past, 2. suffering from a separation from the gone. beloved one. ivg/h /\.h\/ masc. a iv}aan /vig.nan/ neut. battle. science. iv34n /vi:.g˙\.ˇ\n/ neut. iv}aapk /\k/ adj. deconstruction. 1. declaring, 2. advertising. iv3atk /vi.g˙a.t\k/ adj. iv4&b8a /vi.ˇ\mb.¯a/ fem. destructive. 1. misery, 2. grief, 3. difficulties. iv#n /vig.n\/ neut. obstacle. iv6&bn /vi.Îam.b\n/ neut. mockery. ivcx8 /vi.c\k.ß\¯/ adj. 1. intellegent, 2. shrewd. 194 ivtr8 /vit.r\¯/ neut. distribution. ivd\van /vid.van/ masc. 1. a learned man, 2. a scholar. ivta6vu& /vi.taÎ.vu~/ to harass. iv0va /vid˙.va/ fem. a widow. ivday /vi.daj/ fem. a departure. iv0vaivvah /vid˙ masc. a widow’s ividt /vi.dit/ adj. known. re-marriage. ivduqI /vi.du.ßi/ fem. a iv0ata /vi.d˙a.ta/ fem. the learned woman. creator of the universe. ivdUqk /vi.du.ß\k/ masc. iv0a{aI /vi.d˙at.ri/ fem. the a clown. goddess of destiny. ivde= /vi.deß/ masc. a foreign iv0an /vi.d˙an/ neut. a country. statement. ivde=I /ßi/ adj. foreign. iv0ayk /vi.d˙a.j\k/ adj. constructive. ivd\yman /vid.j\.man/ adj. 1. existing, 2. present. ivi0 /vi.d˙i/ fem. the god of destiny. ivd\ya /vid.ja/ fem. knowledge. ivi0 /vi.d˙i/ fem. ritual. ivd\yapI5 /vid.ja.piˇ˙/ fem. an educational institution. iv0ur /iv.d˙ur/ adj. widower. ivd\ya9IR /vid.jar.t˙i/ masc. a male student. ivny /vi.n\j/ masc. humbleness. ivd\ya9IRnI /vid.jar.t˙ fem. a female student. ivnv8I /vi.n\v.¯i/ fem. a request. ivd\yut /vid.jut/ fem. 1. lightning, 2. electricity. ivn&tI /vi.n\n.ti/ fem. a request. iv±oh /vid.roh/ masc. a mutiny. ivna / postp. except. ivd\vta /vid.v\.ta/ fem. ivna= /vi.naß/ masc. 1. knowledge. destruction, 2. extinction. 195

ivi-Nn /vi.b˙in.n\/ adj. 1. ivna=I /ßi/ adj. different, 2. separate. destructive. iv-Uit /vi.b˙u.ti/ fem. a ivinmy / masc. superman. 1. exchange, 2. barter. ivml /vi.m\l/ adj. pure. ivnod /vi.nod/ masc. joy. ivman / neut. an ivpi]a /vi:.p\t.ti/ fem. 1. a aircraft. calamity, 2. misery, 3. trouble. ivmanm9k /\.t˙\k/ ivp9 /vi.p\t˙/ masc. wrong neut. an path. airport. ivprIt /vip.rit/ adj. ivmu` /vi.muk˙/ neut. opposite. unfavorable. ivpul /vi.pul/ adj. abundant. ivyavu& / v.intr. (of beasts) to give birth. ivp/ /vip.r\/ masc. a Brahmin. ivrmvu& /vi.r\ v.intr. ivPlv /vip.l\v/ masc. a to stop. revolt. ivrh /vi.r\h/ masc. iv-kt /vi.b˙\k.t\/ adj. separation from dear ones. divided. ivragI / adj. a iv-ikt /vi.b˙\k.ti/ fem. a hermit. case. ivra4 /vi.raˇ/ adj. 1. huge, 2. iv-ag /vi.b˙ag/ masc. a magnificent. section. ivram /vi.ram/ masc. 1. rest, iv-ajk /vi.b˙a.Ô\k/ adj. 2. pause. dividing. ivro0 /vi.rod˙/ masc. 1. an iv-ajn /vi.b˙a.Ô\n/ neut. division. objection, 2. opposition. iv-ajy /vi.b˙aÔ.j\/ adj. ivro0a-as /˙a.b˙as/ divisible. masc. mere apparent opposition.

196 ivlx8 /vi.l\k.ß\¯/ adj. peculiar. ivveck /\k/ masc. a critic. ivly /vi.l\j/ masc. dissolution. ivvecn /\n/ neut. criticism. ivlsvu& /vi.l\ v.intr. 1. to shine, 2. to glitter. ivvecna /\.na/ fem. interpretation. ivlap /vi.lap/ masc. lamentation. iv=d /vi.ß\d/ adj. clear (argument etc.) ivlayt /\t/ neut. England. iv=aX /vi.ßaÆ/ adj. large. ivlaytI /\.ti/ adj. 1. ivi=Q4 /vi.ßiß.t\/ adj. peculiar. made in England, 2. foreign. iv=e /vi.ße/ postp. about. ivlavu& / v.intr. to wither. iv=eq /vi.ßeß/ adj. additional. ivlas /vi.las/ masc. iv=eqtŠ /vi.ßeß.t\h/ advb. merriment. especially. ivvr8 /viv.r\¯/ neut. 1. iv=eqta /vi.ßeß.ta/ fem. criticism, 2. commentary. difference. ivvad /vi.vad/ masc. a iv[aam /vis.ram/ masc. rest. controversy. iv¿leq8 /viß.le.ß\¯/ neut. ivvadaSpd /\d/ analysis. adj. controversial. iv¼ /viß.v\/ neut. the universe. ivvah /vi.vah/ masc. 1. betrothal, 2. marriage. iv¼as /ivß.vas/ masc. 1. trust, 2. confidence. iviv0 /vi.vid˙/ adj. various. iv¼as3at /viß.vas.g˙at/ iviv0ta /vi.vid˙.ta/ fem. masc. betrayal. variety. iv¼as3atI /viß.vas.g˙a.ti/ ivvek / / < > masc. vi.vek\ adj. a betrayer politeness. person. 197

ivq /viß/ neut. poison. ivSmy /vis.m\j/ neut. 1. a wonder, 2. a surprise, 3. an ivq0r /viß.d˙\r/ masc. a astonishment. serpent. ivSmr8 /vis.m\.r\¯/ ivqm /vi.ß\m/ adj. unequal. neut. forgetting. ivqy /vi.ß\j/ masc. 1. a ivhrvu& /vi.h\ v.intr. perceivable object, 2. subject 1. to stroll, 2. to walk for a pleasure. ivqyaNtr /vi.ßa.jan.t\r/ ivhar /vi.har/ masc. 1. a neut. digression. stroll, 2. a leisurely walk. ivqad /vi.ßad/ masc. 1. ivhIn /vi.hin/ adj. devoid dejection, 2. grief. of. ivqe /vi.ße/ postp. about. ivh\vX /vih.v\Æ/ adj. puzzled and upset. ivsgR /vi.s\r.g\/ masc. the sign (:). vI`rvu& /vi.k˙\ v.intr. to dispersed. ivsjRn /vi.s\r.Ô\n/ neut. dissolution. vIgt /vi.g\t/ fem. details. ivsamo / masc. a vI2Xvu& /vi.c˙\Æ.vu~/ halt for resting. to cleanse (utensils etc.) ivStrvu& /vis.t\ v.intr. vIjXI /viÔ.Æi/ fem. 1. to spread out. lightening, 2. electricity. ivStar /vis.tar/ masc. 1. an vI8vu& /vi¯.vu~/ 1. to area, 2. extension. pick, 2. to pluck. ivStarpUvRk /vis.tar.pur.v\k/ vI8a /vi.¯a/ fem. a lute. adj. 1. at length, 2. in detail. vInvvu& /vi.n\ 1. to entreat, 2. to request. ivStarvu& / 1. to extend, .2 to expand. vIfrvu& /vi.p˙\ v.intr. to become uncontrolled because ivSfo4 /vis.p˙oˇ/ masc. of anger. explosive. vImo / masc. insurance. 198

vIr /vir/ adj. brave. ve5vu& /veˇ˙.vu~/ to suffer. vIrta /vir.ta/ fem. bravery. ve6fvu& /ve.Î\p˙.vu~/ vIyR /vir.j\/ neut. semen. to waste. vI=I /vi.ßi/ fem. an inn. ve6vu& /veÎ.vu~/ to pluck fruits. vI&2I /vi~.c˙i/ masc. a scorpian (male). ve7o /ve.Î˙o/ masc. one of the cuts on a finger-joint. vI&28 /vi~.c˙\¯/ fem. a scorpian (female). ve8I /ve.¯i/ fem. a braid of hair. vI&j8o /vi~Ô.¯o/ masc. a fan. vetn /ve.t\n/ neut. salary. vI&4vu& /vi~ˇ,vu~/ to wrap.vI&4I /vi~.ˇi/ vetrvu& / / < > to fem. an ornamental ring. ve.t\ ve.t\.r\.vu~ cut cloth for tailoring. vI&4o /vi~.ˇo/ masc. a roll. vetaX /ve.taÆ/ masc. a ghost.

vI&0vu& /vi~d˙.vu~/ 1. to vedna / fem. pain. bore, 2. to pierce, 3. to prick.

ve0k / / < > adj. 1. v neut. a tree. ve.d˙\k ve.dh\.k\ piercing, 2. sharp. v<)0 /vrud.d˙\/ adj. old. ve0vu& /ved˙.vu~/ 1. to

bore, 2. to pierce. v fem. growth. ve0=aXa /ved˙.ßa.Æa/ fem.

an observatory. v neut. a testicle. vepar /ve.par/ masc. 1. trade,

2. commerce, 3. business. veg /veg/ masc. speed.

veparI / masc. 1. vegXu& /veg.Æu~/ adj. at a trader, 2. a businessman, 3. a shop- distance. keeper. vecvu& / / < > to sell. ve.c\.vu~ ver /v´r/ neut. hostality. veca8 /¯/ neut. sale. 199 ver82er8 /ve.r\¯.c˙e.r\¯/ vE0Vy /v\i.d˙\v.j\/ neut. advb. scattered. widowhood. vervu& / to scatter. vE=a` /v\i.ßak˙/ masc. the seventh month of the Vikram year. veragI / masc. an ascetic. vEQ8v /v\iß.¯\v/ masc. a sect of Hinuism so named. veran /ve.ran/ adj. 1. desolate, 2. uninhabitated. Vyikt /vj\k.ti/ fem. 1. an individual, 2. a person. vero / masc. 1. a tax, 2. a toll. Vyg/ /vjg.r\/ adj. puzzled. vel8 /ve.l\¯/ neut. a rolling- Vyg/ta /vj\.gr\.ta/ fem. pin. uneasiness. velo /ve.lo/ masc. a creeper. Vy9a /vj\.t˙a/ fem. pain. vevla: /vev.lai/ fem. over- Vyi-car /vj\.b˙ wisdom. masc. immoral sexual relation. veva: /ve.vai/ masc. the Vyi-carI /vj\.b˙ father-in-law of one’s son or daughter. adj. an immoral man. veiv=aX /ßaÆ/ neut. Vyi-carI8I /vj\.b˙¯i/ betrothal. adj. an immoral woman. ve= /veß/ masc. 1. dress, 2. costume. Vy9R /vj\r.t˙\/ adj. useless. ve+ya /veß.ja/ fem. prostitute. Vyvsay /vj\v.saj/ masc. activity. vEkiLpk /v\i.k\l.pik/ adj. optional. VyvS9a /vj\.v\s.t˙a/ fem. 1. a proper arrengement, 2, a proper vE}aaink /v\ management. masc. a scientist. Vyvhar /vj\v.har/ masc. vE}aaink /v\ a social interaction. adj. scientific. vEd /v\id/ masc. a doctor. 200

Vyvharku=X /vj\v.har.ku.ß\Æ/ Vyayam /vja.jam/ masc. adj. 1. exercise. practical, 2. good at social interaction. VyuTpi]a /vjut.p\t.ti/ fem. Vyvharu /vj\ adj. etymology. feasible. v/t /vr\t/ neut. a moral or Vysn /vj\.s\n/ neut. a bad religous vow. habit. = VySt /vj\s.t\/ adj. dispersed.

Vy&g /vj\˜.g\/ masc. satirical. =k /ß\k/ <ß\.k\> masc. 1. doubt, 2. suspicion. Vy&jn /vj\µ.Ô\n/ masc. a consonant. =kdar /ß\k.dar/ <ß\.k\.da.r\> adj. suspected (person). Vyakr8 /vjak.r\¯/ neut. grammar. =km&d /ß\k.m\nd/ <ß\.k\.m\~.d\> adj. suspicious. Vya~ya /vja.k˙ja/ fem. definition. =kro /ß\ <ß\.k\.ro> masc. 1. a hawk, 2. a falcon. Vya~yata /vjak˙.ja.ta/ masc. a lecturer. =kvu& /ß\ <ß\.k\.ro> v.intr. 1. to be able, 2. to be possible. Vya~yan /vjak˙.jan/ neut. a lecture. =kkiryu& /\ß\k.k\.ri.ju~/ <ß\.kk\.ri.ju~> neut. a sweet potato. Vyaj /vjaÔ/ neut. interest (on money). =kkl /ß\k.k\l/ <ß\.kk\.l\> fem. face.

Vyai0 /vja.d˙i/ masc. 1. a =ikt /ß\k.ti/ <ß\.kti> fem. 1. strength, 2. disease, 2. a sickness. force.

Vyap /vjap/ masc. spreed. =iktpUjk /ß\k.ti.pu.Ô\k/ <ß\.kti.puu.Ô\.k\> adj and masc. a Vyapk /vja.p\k/ adj. worshipper of the goddess. widespread. =iktpUja /ß\k.ti.pu.Ôa/ <ß\.kti/puu.Ôa> Vyapar /vja.par/ masc. fem. worship of the goddess. business. =ky /ß\k.j\/ <ß\.kj\> adj. possible. 201

=rdI /ß\r.di/ <ß\.r\.dii> fem. cold. =kyta /ß\k.j\.ta/ <ß\.kj.ta> fem. possibility. =rbt /ß\r.b\t/ <ß\.r\.b\.t\> neut. cold drink. =8 /ß\¯/ <ß\.¯\> neut. a plat of jute. =rm /ß\.r\m/ <ß\.r\.m\> fem. 1. =8gar /ß\¯.gar/ <ß\.¯\.ga.r\> masc. modesty, .2 shame. beauty-aids. =rmavu& /ß\ <ß\.r\> v.intr. =taBdI /ß\.tab.di/ <ß\.ta.bdii> fem. 1. a 1. to blush, 2. to crestfallen. century, 2. a centenary. =rmaX /ß\r.maÆ/ <ß\.r\.ma.Æ\> adj. shy. ={au /ß\ <ß\.tru> masc. an enemy. =raf /ß\.rap˙/ <ß\\> masc. a =p9 /ß\.p\t˙/ <ß\.p\.th\> masc. 1. oath, banker. 2. vow. =rafI /ß\.ra.p˙i/ <ß\.ra.phii> adj. =b /ß\b/ <ß\.b\> neut. a corpse. related to banking.

=Bd /ß\b.d\/ <ß\.bd\> masc. a word. =rab /ß\.rab/ <ß\.ra.b\> masc. 1. wine, =Bdkoq /ß\b.da.koß/ <ß\.bd\.ko.s°\> 2. liquor. masc. a dictionary. =rabI /ß\ <ß\.ra.bii> adj. and =mvu& /ß\ <ß\.m\.vu~> v.intr. to be masc. a drunkard. pacified. =rIf /ß\.rip˙/ <ß\\> adj. =ytan /ß\j.tan/ <ß\.j\.ta.n\> masc. respectable. Satan. =rIr /ß\.rir/ <ß\.rii.r\> neut. the body. =r8 /ß\.r\¯/ <ß\.r\.¯\> neut. shelter. =rIrrcna /ß\.rir.r\ =r8agit /ß\r.¯a.g\.ti/ <ß\.r\.¯a.g\.ti> <ß\.rii.r\.r\.c\.na> fem. anatomy. fem. 1. submission, 2. surrender. =rIrs&b&0 /ß\.rir.s\m.ban.d˙\/ =r8a9IR /ß\r.¯ar.t˙i/ <ß\.r\.¯a.rthii> adj. <ß\.rii.r\.s\~.b\~.dh\> masc. sexual and masc. a refugee. relation.

=r8a: /ß\r.¯ai/ <ß\.r\.¯a.ii> fem. a =£Aat /ß\ <ß\.ruu.a.t\> fem. a musical instrument. beginning.

=rt /ß\.r\t/ <ß\.r\.t\> fem. 1. a bet, 2. a =S{a /ß\ß.tr\/ <ß\.str\> neut. a weapon. condition.


=S{aik/ya /ß\ß.tr\.kri.ja/ <ß\.str\.kri.ja> fem. 1. surgery, 2. surgical operation. =ayr /ßa.j\r/ <ßa.j\.r\> masc. a poet.

=hId /ß\.hid/ <ß\.hii.d\> adj. and masc. =arvu& /ß <ßa.r\.vu~> to make a martyr. hole.

=hIdI /ß\.hi.di/ <ß\.hii.dii> fem. =arIirk /ßa.ri.rik/ <ßa.rii.ri.k\> adj. martyrdom. bodily.

=hen=ah /ß\.hen.ßah/ <ß\.he.n\.ßa.h\> =al /ßal/ <ßa.l\> fem. a shawl. masc. an emperor. =ask /ßa.ß\k/ <ßa.s\.k\> masc. a ruler. =her /ß\.her/ <ß\.he.r\> neut. a city. =asn /ßa.s\n/ <ßa.s\.n\> neut. =&ka /ß\˜.ka/ <ß\~.ka> fem. 1. suspicion, governance. 2. doubt. =aS{a /ß\/ <ßa.ßtr\> neut. a scripture. =&ka=Il /ß\˜.ka.ßil/ <ß\~.ka.ßi.l\> adj. 1. doubting, 2. suspicious. =aS{aa9R /ßas.tra.rt˙\/ <ßa.stra.rth\> masc. =&kaSpd /ß\˜.ka.sp\d/ <ß\~.ka.sp\.d\> interpretation of scriptures. adj. 1. doubtful, 2. uncertain. =ahm neut. =&` /ß\˜k˙/ <ß\\> masc. a conch. an ostrich.

=ak /ßak/ <ßa.k\> neut. edible =ahukar /ß <ß\> masc. vegetable. an honest person.

=akaharI /ßa.ka.ha.ri/ <ßa.ka.ha.rii> adj. =ahu6I /ßÎi/ <ßÎii> fem. a vegetarian. porcupine.

=a` /ßak˙/ <ß\> fem. 1. credit, 2. =aXa /ß <ßa.Æa> fem. a school. reputation. =a&t /ßa~nt/ <ßa~.t\> adj. .1quite, 2. =a`a /ßa.k˙a/ <ßa.kha> fem. a branch. peaceful.

=a8u& /ßa.¯u~/ <ßha.¯u~> adj. wise. i=kar /ßi.kar/ <ßi.ka.r\> masc. hunting.

=ap /ßap/ <ßa.p\> masc. a curse. i=karI /ßi.ka.ri/ <ßi.ka.rii> masc. a hunter. =aba= /ßa.baß/ <ßß\> excl. 1. bravo, 2. well-done. i=xk /ßik.ß\k/ <ßi.kß\.k\> masc. a male teacher. =aiBdk /ßab.dik/ <ßa.bdi.k\> adj. verbal. 203 i=x8 /ßik.ß\¯/ <ßi.kß\.¯\> neut. 1. i=Lp /ßil.p\/ <ßi.lp\> neut. a sculpture. education, 2. teaching. i=Lp=aS{a /ßil.p\.ß\/ <ßi.lp\.ßa.str\> i=xa /ßik.ßa/ <ßi.kßa> fem. 1. teaching, 2. neut. architecture. education, 3. punishment. i=Lp=aS{aI /ßil.p\.ßas.tri/ <ßi.lp\.ßa.strii> i=ixka /ßik.ßi.ka/ <ßi.kßi.ka> fem. a masc. an architect. female teacher. i=LpI /ßil.pi/ <ßi.lpii> masc. a sculptor. i=ixt /ßk.ßit/ <ßi.kßi.t\> adj. educated. i=vra{aI /ßiv.rat.ri/ <ßi.v\.ra.trii> fem. i=`r /ßi.k˙\r/ <ß\.r\> neut. a peak. the night of Lord Shiva’s festival. i=`&6 /ßi.k˙\¯Î/ <ß\.r\> masc. a i=i=r /ßi.ßir/ <ßi.ßi.r\> fem. the later half kind of sweet. of winter. i=`a /ßi.k˙a/ <ßi.kha> fem. 1. a tuft, 2. a i==u /ßi.ßu/ <ßi.ßu> neut. 1. a child, 2. an pigtail, 3. a crest, 3. a flame of a lamp. infant. i=`aw /ßi.k˙a.u/ <ßi.kha.r\> adj. i=¿n /ßiß.n\/<ßi.ßn\> masc. the penis. learning. i=Q4acar /ßiß <ßi.s°ˇ\> masc. i=`am8 /ßi.k˙a.m\¯/ <ßi.kha.m\.¯\> politeness. fem. instruction. i=Qy /ßiß.j\/ <ßi.s°j\> masc. 1. a male i=i9l /ßi.t˙il/ <ßi.thi.l\> adj. loose. student, 2. a male disciple. i=ibr /ßi.bir/ <ß\> masc. 1. a tent, i=Qya /ßiß.ja/ <ßi.s°ja> fem. 1. a female 2. a camp. student, 2. a female disciple. i=yaX /ßi.jaÆ/ <ßi.ja.Æ\> neut. a fox. i=St /ßis.t\/ <ß\> fem. discipline. i=yaXu& /ßi.ja.Æu~/ <ßi.ja.Æu~> adj. grown or i=&g /ßi˜g/ <ßi~.g\> fem. a pod. produced in winter. i=&g6u& /ßi˜g.Îu~/ <ßi~.g\.Îu~> neut. a horn. i=yaXo /ßi.ja.Æo/ <ßi.ja.Æo> masc. winter. =I` /ßik˙/ <ß\> fem. advice. i=r /ßir/ <ßi.r\> neut. the head. =I` /ßik˙/ <ß\> masc. a community i=ra /ßi.ra/ <ßi.ra> fem. a bllod-vessel. so named. i=la /ß <ß> fem. a slab of stone. =I`vu& /ßik˙.vu~/ <ß\.vu~> to learn. 204

=<&gar /ßru˜.gar/ <ßr≤\> masc. 1. =ItXa /ßit.Æa/ <ßii.t\.Æa> fem. smallpox. decoration, 2. ornamentation. (honorific) =ekvu& /ß <ße.k\.vu~> 1. to =Iro /ß masc. <ß> a kind of bake, 2. to roast. sweet. =e5 /ßeˇ˙/ <ße.ˇh\> masc. a master. =I=I /ßi.ßi/ fem. <ßii.ßii> a small bottle. =e5a8I /ße.ˇ˙a.¯i/ <ße.ˇha.¯ii> fem. a =I=o /ßi.ßo/ masc. <ßii.ßo> a big bottle. mistress.

=IXva /ßiÆ.va/ <ßii.Æ\.va> masc. pl. a kind =etr&@ /ßet.r\n.Ôi/ <ße.t\.r\~.Ôii> fem. a of skin disease. carpet.

=ukn /ßu.k\n/ <ßu.k\.n\> masc. hon. an =er6I /ßer.Îi/ <ße.r\.Îii> fem. sugar- omen. cane.

=uk/var /ßuk.r\.var/ <ß\.va.r\> masc. =erI /ße.ri/ <ße.rii> fem. 1. a lane, 2. a Friday. street.

=u)0 /ßud˙.d˙\/ <ßu.dhdh\> adj. 1. =ero /ß <ß> masc. a remark. clean, 2. pure. =eq /ßeß/ <ße.s°\> adj. residual. =ui)0 /ßud˙.d˙i/ <ßu.dhdhi> fem. purification. =Eil /ß\ <ß\> fem. style.

=u- /ßub˙/ <ß\> adj. auspicious. =E=v /ß\i.ß\v/ <ß\i.ß\.v\> neut. childhood. =u-eC2k /ßu.b˙ec.c˙\k/ <ßu.bhe.cch\.k\> adj. a well-wisher. =ok /ßok/ <ßo.k\> masc. melancholy.

=u-eC2a /ßu.b˙ec.c˙a/ <ßu.bhe.ccha> fem. =o` /ßok˙/ <ß\> masc. a hobby. a well-wishing. =o0 /ß˙od˙/ <ßo.dh\> fem. . search, 2. =UNy /ßun.j\/ <ßuu.nj\> neut. 1. zero, 2. inquiry. nothingness. =o-vu& /ßob˙.vu~/ <ß\.vu~> v.intr. to =UrvIr /ßur.vir/ <ßuu.r\.vii.r\> masc. a look beautiful. brave person. =o-a /ßo.b˙a/ <ßo.bha> fem. 1. beauty, =UX /ßuÆ/ <ßuu.Æ\> fem. dry thorn. 2. charm.

+yam /ßjam/ <ßja.m\> adj. black. 205

+yam /ßjam/ <ßja.m\> masc. The Lord q6\d=Rn /ß\Î.d\r.ß\n/ Krishna. neut. pl. the six different systems of Vedic philosophy. [a)0a /ßr\d.d˙a/ <ßr\.dhdha> fem. 1. trust, 2. faith, .3 belief. qiQ4 /ß\ß.ˇi/ adj. sixty.

[a)0aXu& /ßr\d.d˙a.Æu~/ <ßr\.dhdha.Æu~> adj. devotional. s

[av8 /ßr\.v\¯/ <ßr\.v\.¯\> neut. an act of hearing. s: /s\i/ masc. a tailor

[aav8 /ßra.v\¯/ <ßra.v\.¯\> masc. the skmRk /s\.k\r.m\k/ adj. tenth month of a Vikram year. a transitive verb.

[aI /ßri/ <ßrii> masc. an auspicious word skX /s\.k\Æ/ adj. fortunate. used in the beginning of a writing. sk&jo /s\.k\µ.Ôo/ masc. 1. a [aeiQ5 /ßreß.ˇ˙i/ <ßre.s°ˇhi> masc. a great gripping machine, 2. a grip. merchant. [aota /ßro.ta/ <ßro.ta> adj. 1. a hearer, 2. sik/y/s\k.ri.j\/ adj. active. a listener. s`8u& /s\k˙.¯u~/ adj. 1. ¿lok /ßlo.ka/ <ßlo.k\> masc. a stanza. quiet, 2. tranquil.

¿van /ß <ßva.n\> masc. a dog. s`X6`X /s\.k˙\Æ.Î\.k˙\Æ/ adj. loose. ¿vas /ßva.s\/ <ßva.s\> masc. breathing. s`avt /s\.k˙a.v\t/ fem. ¿vet /ßve.ta/ <ßve.t\> adj. white. donation.

s`I /s\.k˙i/ fem. a female q friend.

s`ed /s\.k˙ed/ advb. sadly. q4\kmR /ß\ˇ.k\r.m\/ masc. pl. the six duties of Brahmins. s~t /s\k˙.t\/ adj. hard. q4\ko8 /ß\ˇ.ko¯/ masc. s~ta: /s\k˙.ta.i/ fem. hexagonal. hardness.

q4\pd /ß\ˇ.p\d/ adj. six footed. 206 sg6 /s\.g\Î/ masc. 1. foot- sjvu& /s\Ô.vu~/ to put on prints etc. 2. traces. clothes, ornaments. sgp8 /s\g.p\¯/ neut. sja /s\.Ôa/ fem. punishment. relation. sjatIy /s\.Ôa.ti.j\/ adj. of sg-aR /s\.g\r.b˙a/ fem. the same sex. pregnant. sjav4 /s\.Ôa.v\ˇ/ fem. sgv6 /s\g.v\Î/ fem. 1. decoration. provision, 2. comfort. s@v /s\.Ôiv/ adj. animate. sgIr /s\.gir/ adj. minor (age) s@vn /s\.Ôi.v\n/ adj. living. sgu8 /s\.gu¯/ adj. 1. attributes, 2. qualities. sjj /s\Ô.Ô\/ adj. equipped. sgu&vhalu& /s\.gu~.v\ sjjn /s\Ô.Ô\n/ masc. a neut. relative. gentleman. sgu&s&b&0I /s\.gu.s\m.b\n.d˙i/ s4Ik /s\.ˇik/ adj. with neut. relatives etc. commentary. sgo{a /s\.got.r\/ adj. s4oi6yo /s\.ˇo.Î masc. having a common ancestor. a speculator. s3n /s\.g˙\n/ adj. 1. s4os4 /s\.ˇo.s\ˇ/ advb. dense, 2. solid. repeatedly. s3Xu& /s\g˙.Æu~/ adj. entire. s4\4o /s\ˇ.ˇo/ masc. a risky transaction in forward market. sic{a /s\.cit.r\/ adj. illustrated. s6k /s\.Î\k/ adj. wonderstruck. sco4 /s\.coˇ/ adj. unfailing. s6k /s\.Î\k/ fem. a well- sCca: /s\c.cai/ fem. honesty. built road.

s6vu& / / < > v.intr. to rot. sjnI /s\Ô.ni/ fem. a female s\Î.vu~ s\.Î\.vu~ friend. s6s5 /s\Î.s\ˇ˙/ adj. sixty seven. 207

s]aavIs /s\t.ta.vis/ adj. s6s6a4 /s\Î.s\.Îaˇ/ twenty seven. advb. non-stop. s]v /s\t.v\/ neut. essence. s6o /s\.Îo/ masc. 1. rot, .2 moral degeneration. sTpuruq /s\t.pu.ruß/ masc. a virtuous man. s7 /s\Î˙/ masc. a ship’s sail. sTy /s\t.j\/ neut. truth. s8ko /s\¯.ko/ masc. a shooting pain. sTy /s\t.j\/ adj. true. stt /s\.t\t/ advb. non-stop. sTyvadI /s\.tj\va.di/ adj. truthful. stam8I /s\.ta.m\.¯i/ fem. 1. harassment, 2. teasing. sTyag/h /s\\h/ masc. insistence on truth or stej /s\.teÔ/ adj. shining righteousness. brightly. sTyana= /s\.tja.naß/ neut. sTkmR /s\t.k\r.m\/ neut. a annihilation. benevolent work. sTs&g /s\t.s\˜g/ masc. sTkar /s\t.kar/ masc. 1. company of saints. welcome, 2. reception. sd&tr /s\.d\n.t\r/ advb. sTkarvu& /s\ absolutely. to welcome. sda /s\.da/ advb. always. s]ar /s\t.t\r/ adj. seventeen. sdakaX /s\.da.kaÆ/ advb. s]aa /s\t.ta/ fem. 1. authority, forever. 2. power. sdacr8 /s\.da.c\.r\¯/ s]aavar /s\t.ta.var/ adj. 1. neut. moral conduct. officially, 2. authentic. sdacar /s\ masc. a s]aa8u& /s\t.ta.¯u~/ adj. ninety moral conduct. seven. sdI /s\.di/ fem. a century. s]aavn /s\t.ta.v\n/ adj. fifty seven. sd\gt /s\d.g\t/ adj. having attained salvation. 208

sNmagR /s\n.marg/ masc. sd\git /s\d.g\.ti/ fem. a moral path. salvation. siNm{a /s\\/ masc. sd\gu8 /s\¯/ masc. a a virtuous friend. virtue. sp6avvu& /s\p.Î sd\g masc. a gentleman. spnu& /s\ neut. a sd\bui)0 /s\d.bud.d˙i/ dream. fem. constructive understanding. sprmu& /s\.p\ adj. sd\-agI /s\d.b˙ adj. auspicious. fortunate. spa4 /s\.paˇ/ adj. flat. sd\-aGy /s\d.b˙a.gj\/ neut. good fortunate. spa4ab&0 /s\.pa.ˇa.b\nd˙/ advb. 1. at once, 2. sd\-av /s\d.b˙av/ masc. promptly. constructive sentiment. spa4I /s\.pa.ˇi/ fem. surface. sd\v fem. constructive intention. spUcu& /s\ adj. entire. s)0r /s\d˙.d˙\r/ adj. wealthy. spUt /s\.put/ masc. a virtuous son. snm /s\.n\m/ fem. a sweetheart. sPtko8 /s\p.t\.kø¯/ masc. a heptagon. snsna4I /s\n.s\.na.ˇi/ fem. 1. a widespread feeling of dismay, sPtah /s\p.tah/ neut. a 2. a thrill. week. snatn /s\.na.t\n/ adj. sp/ma8 /s\.pr\.ma¯/ eternal. adj. with proof. snepat /s\.ne.pat/ masc. sp/ma8 /s\.pr\.ma¯/ delirious fever. advb. proportion. sNman /s\ neut. 1. sp/em /s\.prem/ advb. reception, 2. honor. lovingly.


s_y /s\b˙.j\/ adj. polite. sfr /s\.p˙\r/ fem. 1. a travel, 2. a journey. sm /s\m/ masc. an oath. sfrjn /s\.p˙\r.Ô\n/ smx /s\.m\k.ß\/ advb. in neut. an apple. the presence of. sfX /s\.p˙\Æ/ adj. 1. smg/ /s\.m\g.r\/ adj. 1. fruitful, 2. successful. whole, 2. entire. sfa: /s\.p˙a.i/ fem. smcors /s\\s/ cleanliness. masc. a square. sfac4 /s\.p˙a.c\ˇ/ advb. smj /s\.m\Ô/ fem. totally used up. understanding. sfaXu& /s\.p˙a.Æu~/ adj. smj8 /s\.m\.Ô\¯/ fem. stunned. understanding. sfed /s\.p˙ed/ adj. white. smj8u& /s\.m\Ô.¯u~/ adj. wide. sbk /s\.b\k/ masc. a moral. smjvu& /s\.m\Ô.vu~/ v.intr. sb6ko /s\.b\Î.ko/ masc. 1. to understand, 2. to comprehend. a sound made when eating a liquid food with hand. smju /s\m.Ôu/ adj. wise. sb6vu& /s\.b\Î.vu~/ v.intr. smjUtI /s\m.Ôu.ti/ fem. 1. to suffer for a long time. understanding, 2. compromise. sbX /s\.b\Æ/ adj. strong. smtl /s\m.t\l/ neut. an even surface. s-r /s\.b˙\r/ adj. plenty. smtula /s\ fem. s-a /s\.b˙a/ fem. a meeting. balance. s-asd /s\.p˙a.sad/ smtol /s\m.tol/ adj. of masc. a member (of an association or equal weight. organization). smd=IR /s\m.d\r.ßi/ adj. s_y /s\b˙.j\/ masc. a impartial. member (of an association or organization).

210 sm±iQ4 /s\m.dr\ß.ˇi/ smSya /s\.m\s.ja/ fem. 1. a adj. impartial. riddle, 2. a puzzle. sm-av /s\m.b˙av/ smagm /s\.ma.g\m/ masc. impartiality. masc. 1. an act of meeting, 2. union. smy /s\.m\j/ masc. time. smacar /s\ masc. news. smysUck /s\.m\\k/ adj. sharp- smacarp{a /s\\t.r\/ minded. neut. a newspaper. smysUckta /s\.m\\k.ta/ fem. presence smaj /s\.maÔ/ masc. 1. of mind. society, 2. an association. smrvu& /s\.m\ smajvad /s\.maÔ.vad/ to remember someone or something with masc. socialism. devotion. smaj=aS{a /s\.maÔ.ßaß.tr\/ sm£p /s\m.rup/ adj. neut. sociology. 1. of the same form, 2. similar. smaj=aS{aI /s\/maÔ.ßaß.tri/ sm9R /s\.m\r.t˙\/ adj. masc. a sociologist. powerful. sma0an /s\/ma/d˙an/ smpR8 /s\.m\r.p\¯/ neut. 1. compromise, 2 settlement. neut. 1. an offering, 2. a surrendering, 3. dedication. smai0 /s\.ma.d˙i/ fem. 1. deep meditation, 2. a death of an ascetic, smpRvu& /s\.m\r.p\.vu~/ 3. a shrine, etc. constructed over the to offer, 2. to dedicate, .3 to spot where an ascetic’s corpse is buried. surrender. sman /s\.man/ adj. 1. smvySk /s\m.v\.j\s.k\/ similar, 2. equal. adj. of the same age. smanta /s\.man.ta/ fem. 1. similarity, 2. equality. sm=er /s\m.ßer/ fem. a sword. smapn /s\.ma.p\n/ neut. an act of completion. smSt /s\/m\s.t\/ adj. 1. entire, 2. whole. 211 smaPt /s\.map.t\/ adj. 1. smu± /s\.mud.r\/ masc. an completed, 2. finished. ocean. smarvu& /s\ sm<)0 /s\m.rud˙.d˙\/ to repair. adj. prosperious. smar&- /s\.ma.r\m.b˙\/ sm masc. a grand celebration. fem. prosperity. smave= /s\.ma.veß/ masc. sme4vu& /s\.meˇ.vu~/ 1. accomodation, 2. inclusion. to wind up. smas /s\.mas/ masc. a smov6u& /s\.mo.v\.Îu~/ compound. adj. equal. sma&tr /s\.ma~n.t\r/ adj. srk8u& /s\.r\k.¯u~/ adj. parallel. slippery. simit /s\.mi.ti/ fem. a srkvu& /s\.r\ v.intr. committee. 1. to slip, 2. to slide. smIkr8 /s\.mi.k\.r\¯/ srkar /s\r.kar/ fem. neut. equation. government. smIxa /s\.mik.ßa/ fem. srkarI /s\r.ka.ri/ adj. criticism. governmental. smIp /s\.mip/ adj. 1. near, srko /s\r.ko/ masc. vinegar. 2. close. sr`am8I /s\r.k˙am.¯i/ smIpta /s\.mip.ta/ fem. fem. comparision. 1. nearness, 2. proximity. sr`avvu& /s\r.k˙ smIsa&j /s\Ô/ fem. to compare. the dusk. sr`u& /s\r.k˙u~/ adj. equal. smUict /s\.mu.cit/ adj. proper. srgvo /s\r.g\.vo/ masc. a tree or its fruit like stick that can be smuCcy /s\.muc.c\.j\/ used as vegetable. masc. a collection. sr3s /s\r.g˙\s/ neut. a smUday /s\.mu.daj/ procession. masc. a group. 212

srdar /s\r.dar/ masc. 1. srhd /s\r.h\d/ fem. 1. leader, 2. chief. frontier, 2. border. srdarI /s\r.da.ri/ fem. srX /s\.r\Æ/ adj. easy. leadership. srXta /s\.r\Æ.ta/ fem. srnamu& /s\ neut. simplicity. address. sravvu& /s\ to srp&c /s\r.p\µc/ masc. offer food and other things om the death the president of a village assembly. anniversary of a relative. srpav /s\r.pav/ masc. 1. srera= /s\.re.raß/ fem. a gift, 2. an award. average. sr-r /s\r.b˙\r/ adj. 1. srera= /s\.re.raß/ advb. on neither more nor less, 2. equal. an average. sr-ra /s\r.b˙\.ra/ fem. sroj /s\.roÔ/ neut. lotus. hospitality. sroijnI /s\.ro.Ô fem. srmu`TyarI /s\r.muk˙.tja.ri/ lotus plant. fem. dictactorship. srovr /s\.ro.v\r/ neut. lake. srmu`Tyar=ahI /s\r.muk˙.tjar.ßa.hi/ fem. sjRk /s\r.Ô\k/ masc. creator. dictatorship. sjRn /s\r.Ô\n/ neut. srvaXo /s\Æo/ masc. creation. 1. addition, 2. total. sjRnaTmk /s\r.Ô\.nat.m\k/ srvEyu& /s\r.v\i.ju~/ neut. a adj. creative. balance-sheet. sjRvu& /s\rÔ.vu~/ to sri=yu& /s\.r\.ßi.ju~/ neut. create. rapeseed oil. svR /s\r.v\/ adj. all. srs /s\.r\s/ adj. good. AvRkalIn /s\r.v\.ka.lin/ srsaman /s\ adj. eternal. masc. household things. 213 svRg/ahI /s\r.v\.gra.hi/ slamt /s\.la.m\t/ adj. adj. comprehensive. free from fear. svR}a /s\r.v\g.n\/ adj. slamtI /s\.la.m\.ti/ fem, omniscient. safety. svR{a /s\r.v\t.r\/ advb. slah /s\.lah/ fem. advice. everywhere. slahkar /s\.lah.kar/ svRna= /s\r.v\.naß/ masc. adj. advisor. total destruction. sv8R /s\.v\r.¯\/ adj. svRnam /s\r.v\.nam/ higher caste people. neut. pronoun. svlt /s\v.l\t/ fem. svR-xI /s\r.v\.b˙k.ßi/ convenience. adj. omnivorous. svXu& /\s\v.Æu~/ adj. svRmaNy /s\r.v\.man.j\/ clockwise. adj. accepted by all. sva /s\.va/ adj. one and a svRVyapk /s\r.v\.vja.p\k/ quarter. adj. omnipresent. svayu& /s\.va.ju~/ adj. superior. svR=iktman /s\r.v\.ß\ adj. svar /s\.var/ fem. morning. omnipotent. svarI /s\.va.ri/ fem. a svaRnumt /s\\t/ passenger. adj. unnimous. sval /s\.val/ masc. 1. svaRnumit /s\\.ti/ question, 2. inquiry.

fem. unanimity. sivny /s\.vi.n\j/ adj. 1.

courteous, 2. modest. svoRCc /s\\/ adj. highest. siv=eq /s\.vi.ßeß/ adj.

peculiar. sla4 /s\.laˇ/ masc. stone- mason. sivStr /s\.vis.t\r/ adj. 1.

detailed, 2. extensive. slam /s\.lam/ fem. salutation.

214 sveXa /s\.ve.Æa/ advb. in shyog /s\h.jog/ masc. co- time. operation. s=kt /s\.ß\k.t\/ adj. shi=x8 /s\h.ßik.ß\¯/ strong. neut. co-education. ssro /s\ masc. father- shsa /s\ advb. in-law. suddenly. sslu& /s\ neut. 1. rabbit, shanu-av /s\˙av/ 2. hare. masc. sympathy. sStu& /s\s.tu~/ adj. cheap. shanu-Uit /s\˙u.ti/ fem. sympathy. sSneh /s\.sneh/ adj. with love. shay /s\.haj/ fem. help. sh / / < > advb. with. s\h s\.h\ sihyr /s\.hi.j\r/ fem. female friend (of a female) shkar /s\h.kar/ masc. co- operation. sihyaru& /s\ adj. jointly owned. shkarI /s\h.ka.ri/ adj. co-operative. sihQ8u /s\.hiß.¯u/ adj. tolerant. shj /s\.h\Ô/ adj. 1. innate, 2. natural. sihQ8uta /s\.hiß.¯u.ta/ fem. tolerance. shjan&d /s\h.Ôa.n\nd/ masc. bliss natural to the soul. shI /s\.hi/ fem. signature. shn / / < > neut. s\.h\n s\.h\.n\ shej /s\.heÔ/ adj. a little. suffering.

shetuk /s\.he.tuk/ adj. sh-agI /s\h.b˙ adj. intentional. partner.

shel /s\.hel/ fem. a pleasure- shmt /s\h.m\t/ adj. trip. agreeing with.

shelu& /s\ adj. easy. shmit /s\h.m\.ti/ fem. agreement. shodr /s\.ho.d\r/ adj.

brother (born of the same mother). 215

s¬ /s\h.j\/ adj. endurable. s&kul /s\˜.kul/ adj. complex. sX /s\Æ/ fem. wrinkle (on bed s&ket /s\˜.ket/ masc. 1. sign, shit etc.) 2. gesture. sXgvu& /s\.Æ\ v.intr. s&kelvu& /s\˜ v.intr. to burn. to wind up. sXvXvu& /s\Æ.v\Æ.vu~/ s&koc /s\˜.koc/ masc. v.intr. to move slowly. contraction. sX&g /s\.Æ\˜g/ adj. s&kocvu& /s\˜ unbroken. v.intr. to contract. siXyo /s\.Æ masc. rod or s&korvu& /s\˜ bar (of metal). to ignite. sXI /s\.Æi/ fem. a thin round s&ixPt /s\˜.kßip.t\/ adj. stick. abridged. sXe`m /s\.Æe.k˙\m/ fem. s&~ya /s\˜.k˙ja/ fem. 1. cold. number, 2. figure. s&k4 /s\˜.k\ˇ/ neut. misery. s&~yab&0 /s\˜.k˙ja.b\nd˙/ adj. numerous. s&k6am8 /s\˜k.Îa.m\¯/ fem. crowdedness. s&g /s\˜g/ masc. association. s&kln /s\˜.k\.l\n/ neut. s&g5n /s\˜.g\.ˇ˙\n/ neut. collection. 1. association, 2. organization. s&kLp /s\˜.k\l.p\/ masc. s&gm /s\˜.g\m/ masc. determination. meeting. s&kLp=ikt /s\˜.k\l.p\.ß\k.ti/ s&ga9 /s\˜.gat˙/ masc. fem. will-power. company (in travel). s&kXavu& /s\˜k.Æ v.intr. s&gIt /s\˜.git/ neut. music. to be associated with. s&gIn /s\˜.gin/ adj. 1. solid, s&kuict /s\˜.ku.cit/ adj. 2. durable. narrow (minded). 216 s&gemrmr /s\˜.ge.m\r.m\r/ s&}aavack /s\˜\k/ masc. marble. adj. proper noun. s&g/h /s\˜.gr\h/ masc. 1. s&6as /s\¯.Îas/ neut. latrine. collection, 2. hoard. s&6ovvu& /s\¯.Î s&g/h`or /s\˜.gr\h.k˙or/ 1. to involve, 2. to implicate. adj. hoarder. s&t /s\nt/ masc. saint. s&g/h`orI /s\˜.gr\h.k˙o.ri/ fem. hoarding. s&tva8I /s\¯i/ fem. s&g/hvu& /s\˜.gr\ teaching of saints. to collect. s&tru /s\ neut. orange. s&g/hS9an /s\˜.gr\˙an/ s&takUk6I /s\n.ta.kuk.Îi/ neut. museum. fem. a game of hide and seek.

s&ta6vu& / / < > s&3 /s\˜.g\/ masc. 1. group of s\n.taÎ.vu~ s\~.ta.Î\.vu~ pilgrims, 2. association, 3. union. to hide.

s&tan / / < > neut. s&3rvu& /s\˜.g\ s\n.tan s\~.ta.n\ 1. to collect, 2. to hoard. offspring.

s&tap / / < > masc. 1. s&3qR /s\m.g˙\rß/ masc. 1. s\n.tap s\~.ta.p\ clash, 2. conflict. distress, 3. misery.

s&tavu& / / < > v.intr. to s&calk /s\µ.ca.l\k/ masc. s\ s\ manager (male). hide (oneself).

s&tuln / / < > neut. s&cailka /s\µ fem. s\n.tu.l\n s\~.tu.l\.n\ manager (female). balance.

s&toq / / < > masc. s&caln /s\µ.ca.l\n/ neut. s\n.toß s\°\ management. satisfaction.

s&toqkark / / s&co /s\µ.co/ masc. machine. s\n.toß.ka.r\k adj. satisfactory. s&jog /s\µ.Ôog/ masc. meeting. s&toqI /s\ßi/ adj. having happy disposition. s&}aa /s\˜.gna/ fem. sign. s&d-R /s\n.d\rb˙/ masc. 1. context, 2. reference. 217

s&pkR /s\m.p\rk/ masc. s&idG0 /s\n.dig.d˙\/ adj. contact. doubtful. s&padk /s\\k/ s&de= /s\n.deß/ masc. masc. editor. message. s&padkIy /s\\.ki.j\/ s&de=vahk /s\n.deß.va.h\k/ adj. editorial. adj. 1. messenger, 2. courier. s&padn /s\\n/ neut. 1. editing, .2 acquiring. s&deh /s\n.deh/ masc. 1. doubt, 2. suspicion. s&pU8R /s\m.pur.¯\/ adj. 1. entire, 2. whole. s&i0 /s\n.d˙i/ fem. 1. a joint, 2. conjunction, 3. treaty, 4. euphonic s&p/day /s\\.daj/ coalition of sounds (in grammar). masc. 1. a religious sect, 2. a cult. s&i0kaX /s\n.d˙i.kaÆ/ s&b&0 /s\m.b\n.d˙\/ masc. masc. period of transition. relation. s&)ya /s\n.d˙ja/ fem. 1. s&b&0I /s\m.b\n.d˙i/ adj. 1. evening, 2. evening prayer. related, 2. relative. s&inpat /s\ masc. s&bo0vu& /s\m.bod˙.vu~/ delirium. to address. s&inQ5 /s\n.niߡ˙/ adj. 1. s&-v /s\m.b˙\v/ masc. honest, 2. devoted. likelihood. s&inQ5a /s\n.niß.ˇ˙a/ fem. 1. s&-Xavvu& /s\mb˙.Æ honesty, 2. devotion. 1. to make someone hear, 2. to speak in insulting s&Nyas /s\m.njas/ masc. manner. asceticism. s&-arvu& /s\m.b˙ s&NyasI /s\ masc. 1. to remember, 2. to recollect. hermit. s&-avna /s\m.b˙ s&p /s\mp/ masc. unity. fem. probability. s&pi]a /s\m.p\.tti/ fem. s&-aX /s\m.b˙aÆ/ fem. care. wealth.


s&-og /s\m.b˙og/ masc. s&vad /s\m.vad/ masc. sexual intercourse. conversation. s&mt /s\m.m\t/ adj. agreed. s&vaidta /s\ fem. harmony. s&mit /s\m.m\.ti/ fem. 1. approval, 2. agreement. s&vadI /s\ adj. harmonious. s&meln /s\\n/ neut. s&vedn /s\\n/ neut. gathering. sensation. s&ym /s\i~.j\m/ masc. 1. s&=y /s\m.ß\j/ masc. restraint, 2. control. suspicion.

s&yukt /s\m.juk.t\/ adj. 1. s&=o0k /s\m.ßo.d˙\k/ joined, 2. united. adj. researcher.

s&yog /s\m.jog/ masc. 1. s&=o0n /s\m.ßo.d˙\n/ union, 2. meeting. neut. 1. research, 2. purification.

s&yojk /s\Ô\k/ adj. s&=oi0t /s\m.ßo.d˙it/ adj. uniting. 1. purified, 2. searched out.

s&yojk /s\Ô\k/ masc. s&sgR /s\m.s\rg/ masc. 1. organizer. contact, 2. association.

s&yojn /s\Ô\n/ neut. s&sar /s\m.sar/ masc. 1. the the act of joining. universe, 2. the world.

s&rxk /s\m.r\k.ß\k/ adj. s&sarI /s\ adj. protector. worldly.

s&rx8 /s\m.r\k.ß\¯/ s&Skar /s\m.skar/ masc. neut. protection. purification.

s&vt /s\m.v\t/ masc. the s&SkarIta /s\ Vikram era that begun in 56 B.C. fem. civility.

s&vTsrI /s\m.v\t.s\.ri/ s&Sk fem. fem. death anniversary. Sanskrit language.

s&vnn /s\m.v\.n\n/ neut. s&Sk fem. 1. wooing, 2. courting. civilization.

219 s&S9a /s\ß.t˙a/ fem. institution. sa6{aIs /sa.Î\t.ris/ adj. thirty-seven. s&S9apk /s\˙a.p\k/ adj. founder. sa6lo /saÎ.lo/ masc. sari. s&har /s\m.har/ masc. sa6I /sa.Îi/ fem. sari. destruction. sa6asatI /sa.Î fem. sakr /sa.k\r/ fem. suger. malicious influence of Saturn that remains over a period of seven years. saxr /sak.ß\r/ adj. 1. literate, 2. learned. sa7u /sa.Î˙u/ masc. husband of wife’s sister. saxat\ /sak.ßat/ advb. in physical presence. sa8sI /sa¯.si/ fem. pair of pincers. saxaTkar /sak.ßat.kar/ masc. 1. devine realization, 2. spiritual sat /sat/ adj. seven. perception. satTy /sa.t\t.j\/ neut. saxI /sak.ßi/ fem. testimony. continuity. saxI /sak.ßi/ masc. eye- satm /sa.t\m/ fem. seventh witness. day of a lunar fortnight. sag /sag/ masc. 1. teak-tree, 2. satmu& / adj. seventh. teak-wood. sa9 /sat˙/ masc. company. sagr /sa.g\r/ masc. ocean. sa9X /sa.t˙\Æ/ fem. thigh. sacvvu& /sa.c\ . to take care of, 2. to preserve. sai9yo /sa.t˙ masc. auspicious figure of Swastik. sacu& / adj. 1. true, 2. right. sa9I /sa.t˙i/ masc. companion. saju& /sa.Ôu~/ adj. healthy. sa9Idar /sa.t˙i.dar/ masc. companion. sa4u& /sa.ˇu~/ neut. bargain. sad /sad/ masc. 1. voice, 2. sa4e /sa.ˇe/ postp. in exchange. shout.

220 sadgI / fem. sap /sap/ masc. a male serpent. simplicity. sap8 /sa.p\¯/ fem. a female sadr /sa.d\r/ advb. serpent. respectfully. sapex /sa.pek.ß\/ adj. sada: /sa.da.i/ fem. relative. simplicity. sadu& /sa.du~/ adj. 1. simple, .2 sapoilyu& / neut. plain. young serpent. sa0k /sa.d˙\k/ masc. saPtaihk /sap.ta.hik/ adj. spiritual discipline. weekly. sa0n /sa.d˙\n/ neut. 1. saf /sap˙/ adj. clean. tool, .2 instrument. safsUf /sap˙.sup˙/ sa0ns&pNn /sa.d˙\n.sam.p\n.n\/ adj. cleaning. adj. possessing sufficient resources. safo /sa.p˙o/ masc. a kind of turban. sa0na /sad˙.na/ fem. spiritual practice. sabdu& /sab.du~/ adj. alert. sa0vu& /sad˙.vu~/ to sabr /sa.b\r/ neut. stag. undergo a spiritual practice. saibtI / fem. proof. sa0ar8 /sa.d˙a.r\¯/ adj. 1. ordinary, 2. common. sabu /sa.bu/ masc. soap. sa0u /sa.d˙u/ adj. good. sa-ar /sa.b˙ar/ adj. thankful. sa0u /sa.d˙u/ masc. 1. ascetic, 2. hermit. sa-ar /sa.b˙ar/ advb. gratefully. sa)vI /sad˙.vi/ fem. 1. a female ascetic, 2. a female hermit. samg/I /sa.m\g.ri/ fem. materials. san /san/ fem. . sign, 2. sense. sam4u& /sam.ˇu~/ adj. sanukUX /Æ/ adj. collected. favorable.

221 samno / masc. sarvar /sar.var/ fem. 1. resistance. nursing, 2. attendance. samiyk /sa.m\.jik/ neut. sars /sa.r\s/ neut. crane. periodical. sar&gI /sa.r\˜.gi/ fem. sam(yR /sa.m\r.t˙j\/ neut. stringed musical instument. capability. sarasarI / fem. sama@k /Ôik/ adj. cordial relations. social. sara&= /sa.ra~mß/ masc. 1. saman / masc. essence, 2. gist. luggage. saru& / adj. good. samaNy /\/ adj. general. sa9Rk /sar.t˙\k/ adj. successful. samaNytŠ /\.t\h/ advb. usually. savRjink /sar.v\.Ô\.nik/ adj. public. samudaiyk / adj. collective. savRi{ak /sar.v\.trik/ adj. ubiquitous. samUihk / adj. collective. savR-Om /sar.v\.b˙\um/ adj. sovereign. same / postp. in front of. sal /sal/ neut. year. samEyu& /sa.m\i.ju~/ neut. procession going to receive a dignitary. sal-r /sal.b˙\r/ advb. through out the year. saMy /sam.j\/ neut. similitude. salvu& / v.intr. to feel a sam/ajy /sam.raÔ.j\/ neut. pricking pain. empire. salosal /sa.lo.sal/ advb. sayujy /sa.juÔ.j\/ neut. every year. merging together. saLlo /sal.lo/ masc. sari. sar /sar/ masc. 1. essence, 2. gist, 3. summary. sav /sav/ advb. completely.

222 savku& /sav.ku~/ adj. of a saheba / fem. step-relation. respectable woman. savcet /sav.cet/ adj. sahebI / fem. cautious. prosperity. savcetI /sav.ce.ti/ fem. sahelI / fem. a caution. female friend. savj /sa.v\Ô/ masc. lion. saXavelI /sa.Æ fem. wife of wife’s brother. savr8I /sa.v\r.¯i/ fem. a small broom. saXI /sa.Æi/ fem. wife’s sister. savr8o /sa.v\r.¯o/ masc. saXo /sa.Æo/ masc. wife’s a big broom. brother. sasiryu& /sa.s\r.(i)ju~/ adj. a sa&k6u& /sa~k.Îu~/ adj. narrow. relative of father-in-law. sa&kX /sa~.k\Æ/ fem. chain. sasrI /sas.ri/ fem. home or family of father-in-law. sa&kXvu& /sa~.k\Æ.vu~/ to link to gether. sasu / fem. mother-in-law. sa&kXI /sa~k.Æi/ fem. necklace. sahijk /sah.Ôik/ adj. 1. natural, 2. instinctive. sa&kXu& /sa~k.Æu~/ neut. anklet. sahs /sa.h\s/ neut. 1. sa&`vu& /sa~k˙.vu~/ to adventure, 2. enterprise. endure. sahisk /sah.sik/ adj. sa&j /sa~Ô/ fem. evening. adventurous. sa&5o /sa~.ˇ˙o/ masc. stalk of saihTy /sa.hit.j\/ neut. sugar cane. literature. sa&0vu& /sa~d˙.vu~/ 1. to saihiTyk /sa.hit.jik/ adj. sew, 2. to join, 3. to solder. literary. sa&0o /sa~.d˙o/ masc. joint. saheb /sa.heb/ masc. 1. master, 2. boss, 3. reputed person. sa&p/t /\t/ adj. contemporary. 223

isfars /si.p˙a.r\s/ fem. sa&p/daiyk /sa~p.r\.da.jik/ recommendation. adj. sectarian. islk /si.l\k/ fem. amount sa&belu& / neut. a remaining after expenditure. wooden pestle. islislab&0 /\nd˙/ sa&-Xvu& /sa~.b˙\Æ.vu~/ adj. in orderly 1. to hear, 2. to listen. manner. sa&sairk / adj. isla: / fem. sewing. mundane. isv6am8 /siv.Îa.m\¯/ sa&Skairk /sa~ns.ka.rik/ fem. wages for sewing. adj. pertaining to culture. isskarvu& / sa&Sk adj. v.intr. to hiss. cultural. isskaro / masc. iskko /sik.ko/ masc. 1. seal, 2. hissing sound. stamp, 3. coin. isso4I /ˇi/ fem. whistle. istm /si.t\m/ masc. tyranny. is&cvu& /siµ 1. to istar /si.tar/ fem. a musical sprinkle, 2. to water (plant and etc.). instrument. is&dUr /sin.dur/ neut. istaro / masc. star. vermilion. is]aer /sit.ter/ adj. seventy. is&0v /sin.d˙\v/ neut. rock- salt. isTyoter /\r/ adj. seventy seven. is&0I /sin.d˙i/ fem. a community so named. isTya=I /sit.ja.ßi/ adj. eighty seven. is&0I /sin.d˙i/ fem. . is)0aNt /sid˙.d˙an.t\/ masc. 1. principle, 2. doctrine, 3. is&h /simh/ masc. lion. theorem. is&h8 /sim.h\¯/ fem. lioness. ispa: /si.pai/ masc. soldier.

224 is&hasn /sim.ha.s\n/ neut. su` /suk˙/ neut. happiness. throne. su`6 /su.k˙\Î/ neut. sIzvvu& /si.Ô˙\ sandalwood. to cook by moderate heat. su`6I /su.k˙.Îi/ fem. a sIzvu& /siÔ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to be kind of sweet. cooked by moderate heat. su`I /su.k˙i/ adj. 1. happy, 2. sI4I /si.ˇi/ fem. a whistle. well-to-do. sI6I /si.Îi/ fem. 1. ladder, 2. sugm /su.g\m/ adj. easy. staircase. sug&0 /su:.g\nd˙/ fem. sI0u& /si.d˙u~/ adj. straight. fragrance. sIm /sim/ fem. land on the su36 /su.g˙\Î/ adj. neat border of a village. and clean. sIm&t /si.m\nt/ neut. a ritual su6taXIs /suÎ.ta.lis/ performed at the time of the first adj. forty seven. pregnancy of a woman. su6oX /su.ÎoÆ/ adj. sIma / fem. 1. border, 2. handsome. boundary. sutraw /sut.ra.u/ adj. made sIimt / adj. limited. of cotton yarn. sIv8 /si.v\¯/ neut. sewing. sud /sud/ fem. bright half of a lunar month. sIvvu& / 1. to sew, 2. to stitch. su0rvu& /su.d˙\ v.intr. t o improve. sI&ca: /siµ.cai/ fem. irrigation. su0ra: /sud˙.ra.i/ fem. municipality. sukan /su.kan/ neut. helm. su0a /su.d˙a/ fem. nectar. sukanI / masc. helmsman. su0arvu&/su.d˙ to improve. sukavu& / v.intr. to become dry. 225 su0aro /su.d˙ masc. sulehnamu& / improvement. neut. peace treaty. su0I /su.d˙i/ postp. 1. up to, 2 suvaky /su.vak.j\/ neut. a until. maxim. sunav8I /\.¯i/ suvav6 /\Î/ fem. fem. hearing of a case in a court. childbirth. supa{a /su.pat.r\/ adj. suvas /su.vas/ fem. deserving. fragrance. sup/is)0 /\.sid˙.d˙\/ suiv~yat /su.vik˙.jat/ adj. adj. 1. renowned, well-known. 2. well-known. suividt / adj. subo0 /su.bod˙/ adj. easy well-known. to understand. suiv0a /˙a/ fem. sumn /su.m\n/ neut. convenience. flower. sui=ixt /su.ßik.ßit/ adj. surixt /su.r\k.ßit/ adj. well-educated. safe. su=Il /su.ßil/ adj. of a good surIlu& / adj. 1. well- character. tuned, 2. melodious. su=o-n /su.ßo.b˙\n/ suruic / adj. refined neut. decoration. taste. su=oi-t /ßu.ßo.b˙it/ adj. sure` /su.rek˙/ adj. well-decorated. proportionate. susjj /su.s\Ô.Ô\/ adj. well- sul- /su.l\b˙/ adj. easily equipped. available. susva4o /ˇo/ masc. sule`n /su.le.k˙\n/ neut. a wind-blow. good handwriting. sus> /su.s\˜.g\t/ adj. 1. suleh /su.leh/ fem. peace. consistent.

suSt /sus.t\/ adj. lazy. 226

sUmsam /sum.sam/ adj. suStI /sus.ti/ fem. laziness. utterly silent. su&dr /sun.d\r/ adj. sUr /sur/ masc. musical tune. beautiful. sUrj /su.r\Ô/ masc. the sun. suvaXu& /su.wa.Æu~/ adj. smooth. sUr8 /su.r\¯/ neut. a name of an edible root. sUkvvu& /su.k\ to dry. sUyR /sur.j\/ masc. the sun. sUku& /su.ku~/ adj. dry. sUyRg/h8 /sur.j\.gr\.h\¯/ neut. solar sUåm /suk.ßm\/ adj. eclipse. minute. sUyRmu`I /sur.j\.mu.k˙i/ sUg / / < > fem. nausea. sug suu.g\ neut. sun-flower. sUck / / < > adj. 1. su.c\k suu.c\.k\ sUyaRSt /sur.jas.t\/ masc. suggestive, 2. indicative. sunset. sUcn / / < > neut. 1. su.c\n suu.c\.n\ sUyoRdy /\j/ masc. suggestion, 2. indication. sunrise. sUcvvu& / / < > su.c\ suu.c\.v\.vu~ sUvr /su.v\r/ neut. pig. 1. to indicate,2 to suggest.

sUvu& / v.intr. to sleep. sUic / fem. list.

sU&3vu& /su˜ to sUict /su.cit/ adj. 1. smell. suggested, 2. indicated.

sU&5 /su~ˇ˙/ fem. dry ginger. sUjvu& /suÔ.vu~/ v.intr. 1. to swell, 2. to be swollen. sU&7 /su~Î˙/ fem. trunk.

sUz /suÔ˙/ fem. deeper s fem. the universe. understanding.

sena / / < > fem. army. sUtk /su.t\k/ neut. ceremonial untouchablility observed after a death of a family member. sevk /se.v\k/ masc. servant.

seva / fem. service. 227

sevacakrI / sonerI / adj. golden. fem. nursing. soparI / fem. betel se&k6o /s´~k.Îo/ masc. a nut. hundred. sobt /so.b\t/ fem. company. se&9I /s´~.t˙i/ fem. line formed by the parting of hair on two sides. somvar /som.var/ masc. Monday. sE)0aiNtk /s\i.d˙an.tik/ adj. theoretical. soml /so.m\l/ masc. extreme poisonous object. sEink /s\i.nik/ masc. soldier. soy /soj/ fem. a needle. sENy /s\i.nj\/ neut. army. soyo / masc. a large and so /sø/ adj. hundred. thick needle. sogn /so.g\n/ masc. an sohag /so.hag/ masc. well- oath. adorned. sogat /so.gat/ fem. gift. soham8u& /so.ha.m\.¯u~/ adj. good-looking. sojo /so.Ôo/ masc. swelling. soX /soÆ/ adj. sixteen. so4I /so.ˇi/ fem. a cane. so&3varI /sø~˜ fem. so6 /soÎ/ fem. a side of the cheapness. body. so&pvu& /sø 1. to so6m /so.Î\m/ fem. hand over. 2. to entrust. fragrance. sO /s\u/ adj. all. sodagr /so.da.g\r/ masc. a merchant doing large scale business. sOjNy /s\u.Ô\n.j\/ neut. gentlemanliness. sodo / masc. trade. sO-aGy /s\u.b˙ag.j\/ neut. sonamhor /\.hor/ good fortune.

fem. guinea. sOr- /s\u.r\b˙/ neut.

fragrance. sonu& / neut. gold. 228

S9avr /st˙a.v\r/ adj. sO&dyR /s\u~.d\r.j\/ neut. immovable. beauty. iS9it /st˙i.ti/ fem. a condition. S`ln /sk˙\.l\n/ neut. 1. an error, 2. a mistake. iS9r /st˙ir/ adj. immovable.

Stn /st\n/ masc. female Snatk /sna.t\k/ masc. breast. graduate.

Str /st\r/ neut. a layer. Snan /snan/ neut. a bath.

Stvn /st\.v\n/ neut. praise. Snayu /sne.h\/ masc. a muscle.

Stuit /stu.ti/ fem. praise. Sneh /sneh/ masc. 1. love, 2. affection. StuTy /stut.j\/ adj. praiseworthy. Sp0aR /sp\r.d˙a/ fem. competition. Sto{a /stot.r\/ neut. a hymn of praise. Sp=R /sp\r.ß\/ masc. touch.

S{aI /stri/ fem. a woman. SpQ4 /sp\ß.ˇ\/ adj. 1. clear, 2. plain. S{aE8 /str\i.¯\/ adj. womanly. Sf4Ik /sp˙\.ˇik/ masc. S9pit /st˙\.p\.ti/ masc. an crystal. architect. Smr8 /sm\.r\¯/ neut. recollection. S9X /st˙\Æ/ neut. 1. a place, 2. a location. Smrvu& /sm\ to remember. S9aink /st˙a.nik/ adj. local. Sm=an /ßm\.ßan/ neut. S9apk /st˙a.p\k/ adj. funeral place. founder. Smark /sma.r\k/ neut. 1. a S9apTy /st˙a.p\t.j\/ neut. monument, 2. a memorial. 1. sculpture, 2. architecture. iSmt /smit/ neut. smile. S9ayI /st˙a.ji/ adj. stable. Sm fem. Hindu scriptures. 229

Sm fem. memory. Svraj /sv\.raÔ/ neut. self- government. Sv. /sv\/ adj. a short form of SvgRS9, deceased. Sv£p /sv\.rup/ neut. 1. shape, 2. form. SvgRS9 /sv\r.g\s.t˙\/ adj. deceased. SvgR /sv\r.g\/ neut. heaven.

SvC2 /sv\c.c˙\/ adj. clean. SvgRvasI /sv\r.g\ adj. deceased. Svjn /sv\.Ô\n/ masc. a relative. SvgRS9 /sv\r.g\.st˙\/ adj. deceased. Svt&{a /sv\.t\\/ adj. free. SvgIRy /sv\\/ adj. deceased. Svt&{ata /sv\.t\\.ta/ fem. freedom. SvamI /sva.mi/ masc. 1. husband, 2. lord, 3. master, 4. owner. Svde= /sv\.deß/ masc. 1. motherland, 2. native land. Sva9R /svar.t˙\/ masc. self- interest. Svde=ai-man /sv\.de.ßa.b˙ neut. SvaS(y /svas.t˙j\/ neut. patriotism. health.

Svde=ai-manI /sv\.de.ßa.b˙ SvIkar /svi.kar/ masc. 1. neut. patriotic. recognition, 2. acceptance.

SvIkayR / / < > adj. Svde=I /sv\.de.ßi/ adj. of svi.kar.j\ svii.ka.rj\ one’s own country. acceptable.

SvPn /sv\p.n\/ neut. a dream. H

Sv-av /sv\.b˙av/ masc. hk /h\k/ masc. 1. right, 2. nature. claim.

Svman /sv\.man/ neut. hkar /h\.kar/ masc. self-respect. affirmation.

Svr /sv\r/ masc. voice. 230 hkIkt /h\.ki.k\t/ fem. a h8vu& /h\¯.vu~/ to kill. fact. hta= /h\.taß/ adj. hkIm /h\.kim/ masc. a disappointed. physician. hTya /h\t.ja/ fem. 1. an hcmcvu& /h\c.m\ assassination, 2. a massacre. v.intr. to become unsteady. hTyaro /h\ masc. an hj /h\Ô/ fem. pilgrimage to assassin. Mecca. hi9yar /h\.t˙i.jar/ neut. a hjam /h\.Ôam/ masc. a weapon. barber. h9eXI /h\.t˙e.Æi/ fem. palm. hjar /h\.Ôar/ adj. thousand. h9o4I /h\.t˙o.ˇi/ fem. skill. h@ /h\.Ôi/ advb. 1. yet, .2 even now. h9o6I /h\.t˙o.Îi/ fem. a hammer. hju /h\.Ôu/ advb. 1. yet, 2. even hd /h\d/ fem. boundary. now. hm8a& /h\m.¯a~/ advb. 1. h5 /h\ˇ˙/ fem. stubbornness. now, 2. presently. h5vu& /h\ˇ˙.vu~/ v.intr. to hmddIR /h\m.d\r.di/ move away. fem. sympathy. hmal /h\.mal/ masc. a h6kva /h\.Î\ masc. porter. rabies. hme= /h\.meß/ advb. h6tal /h\Î.tal/ fem. a always. strike. hyat /h\.jat/ adj. living. hD0Ut /h\Î.d˙ut/ adj. insulted or condemned everywhere. hrkt /h\r.k\t/ fem. obstruction. h6pcI /h\Î.p\.ci/ fem. the chin. hr` /h\.r\k˙/ masc. joy. h6selvu& / / < > h\Î h\.Î\.se.l\.vu~ hrigj /h\r.giÔ/ advb. 1. to push away. (not) at all, 2. (not) ever.

231 hr36I /h\r.g˙\.Îi/ advb. hlncln /h\.l\n.c\.l\n/ every moment. fem. movement. hr8 /h\.r\¯/ neut. a deer. hlvo /h\l.vo/ masc. a sweet. hrtu&frtu& /h\r.tu~.p˙\r.tu~/ hlavvu& /h\ 1. adj. healthy. to stir 2. to shake. hrs /h\.r\s/ masc. piles. hlesu& /h\ neut. an oar. hra@ /h\.ra.Ôi/ fem. auction. hvn /h\.v\n/ neut. a ceremonial sacrifice. hram`or /h\.ram.k˙or/ adj. wicked. hva /h\.va/ fem. air. hrayu& /h\.ra.ju~/ adj. 1. hvaman /h\ ownerless (cattles etc.), 2. strayed. neut. 1. climate, 2. weather. hir /h\.ri/ masc. Lord Vishnu. hvaldar /h\.val.dar/ masc. a police constable. hiryaXI /h\.ri.ja.Æi/ fem. greenery. hvalo /h\.va.lo/ masc. 1. possession, 2. reference. hirhr /h\.ri.h\r/ masc. Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. hve /h\.ve/ advb. now. hrIf /h\.ri˙p/ masc. hve9I /h\.ve.t˙i/ advb. 1. competitor. henceforth, 2. now onward, 3. hereafter. hrIfa: /h\.ri.p˙a.i/ fem. hvelI /h\ fem. 1. a big, competition. majestic building, 2. a Vaishnava temple. hrek /h\.rek/ advb. 1. each, 2. every one. h=e /h\.ße/ advb. 1. never mind, 2. let it be, 3. it does not matter (to me). hroX /h\.roÆ/ fem. a row. hsvu& /h\ v.intr. to hlka: /h\l.kai/ fem. laugh. meanness. hsam8u& /h\.sa.m\.¯u~/ hlku& /h\l.ku~/ adj. light. adj. that which provokes laughter.

232 hStkXa /h\s.t\.k\.Æa/ fem. h&s /h\ms/ masc. swan. handicraft. ha /ha/ advb. yes. hStxep /h\s.t\.kßep/ masc. undue interference. hak /hak/ fem. a shout.

St0Unn /h\s.t\.d˙u.n\n/ hajr /ha.Ô\r/ adj. present. neut. a hand- shake. hajrjvabI /ha.Ô\r.Ô\ adj. quick-witted. hStp/t /h\s.t\.pr\t/ fem. manuscript. hajrI /haÔ.ri/ fem. presence. hStmeXap / / < > h\s.t\.me.Æap h\.st\.pr\.t\ ha6ku& /haÎ.ku~/ neut. a bone. masc. the act of joining hands of bride and bridegroom in a marriage ceremony. ha6vEd /haÎ.v\id/ masc.

a bone-setter. hStaxr /h\s.ta.kß\r/ masc. 1. hand writing, 2. signature.. ha6marI /haÎ.ma.ri/ fem.

difficulties. hX /h\Æ/ neut. a plough.

ha6oha6 /ha.Îo.haÎ/ hXdr /h\Æ.d\r/ fem. advb. 1. up to the bone, 2. affecting very turmeric. deeply. hXvu& / / < > adj. light. h\Æ.vu~ h\.Æ\.vu~ ha9 /hat˙/ masc. hand. hXve / / < > advb. slowly. h\Æ.ve h\.Æ\.ve ha9k6I /hat˙.k\.Îi/ fem. handcuffs. hXve9I /h\Æ.ve.t˙i/ advb. 1. slowly, 2. gently. ha9calakI /hat˙

fem. jugglery. h&karvu& /h\˜

1. to drive, 2. to sail. ha98I /hat˙.¯i/ fem. female

elephant. h&gamI /h\˜.ga.mi/ adj. temporary. ha9I /ha.t˙i/ masc. elephant.

h&me= /h\m.meß/ advb. ha9o /ha.t˙o/ masc. handle. always.

ha9oha9 / / < > h&me=a& /h\m.meß/ advb. ha.t˙o.hat˙\ always. advb. a handle.

233 ha na /ha na/ fem. hesitation. ha&ja /ha~.Ôa/ masc. pl. the joints of the body. hain / fem. damage. ha&f /ha~p˙/ fem. panting. hainktaR /\r.ta/ adj. damaging. ha&fvu& /ha~p˙.vu~/ v.intr. to pant for breath. har /har/ masc. 1. garland, 2. necklace. ha&isyo /ha~s.(i)jo/ masc. a margin. har /har/ fem. defeat. ha&sI / fem. 1. a jest, 2. a harvu& / v.intr. to be joking. defeated. ihckaru& / neut. hal /hal/ masc. 1. condition, 2. cowardly. circumstances. ihjravu& /hiÔ v.intr. to halk6olk /hal\k.Îo.l\k/ languish in someone’s memory. advb. unsteady. iht /hit/ neut. welfare. halcal / masc. condition. ihteC2u /hi.tec.c˙u/ adj. and masc. a wel-wisher. halt /ha.l\t/ fem. 1. condition, 2. circumstances. ihna / fem. myrtle. halvu& / v.intr. to ihm /him/ masc. frost. move. ihlcal / fem. 1. ha= /haß/ interjection. shows a movement, 2. activities. sense of ease or gratification. ihsab /hi.sab/ masc. 1. haSy /has.j\/ neut. smile. account, .2 calculation. haSyaSpd /has.ja.p\d/ ihsabnI= /hi.sab.niß/ adj. rediculous. masc. accountant. hahakr /ha.ha.kar/ masc. ihSso / masc. a share. widespread feeling of sorrow or terror. ih&g /hi˜.g\/ fem. asafetida. ha&kvu& / to drive.

234 ih&mt /him.m\t/ fem. hU&f /hu~p˙/ fem. warmth. courage. ®dy /r\.d\j/ neut. heart. ih&sk /him.s\k/ adj. violent. ®dy±avk /r\.d\j.dra.v\k/ ih&sa / fem. violence. adj. stronly affecting to the heart. hIj6o /hiÔ.Îo/ masc. eunuch. ®dypirvtRn /r\.d\j.p\.ri.v\r.t\n/ neut. a hIbkvu& /hi.b\ v.intr. change of heart. to sob. ®dy=UNy /r\.d\j.ßun.j\/ hIbku& /hib.ku~/ neut. a sob. adj. feelingless. hIro / masc. diamond. het /het/ neut. 1. affection, 2. love. hI&cvu& / v.intr. to swing (oneself). hetu /he.tu/ masc. 1. motive, 2. intention. hukm /hu.k\m/ masc. an order. herangit /he.ran,g\.ti/ fem. 1. trouble, 2. difficulty. hukko /huk.ko/ masc. a smoking pipe. helI / fem. heavy rain. humlo /hum.lo/ masc. an hevainyt /\t/ attack. fem. 1. brutality, 2. cruelty. huLl6 /hul.l\Î/ neut. a riot. heval /he.val/ masc. an account. hu& /hu~/ pron. I, first person singular. heisyt /hes.j\t/ fem. capacity. hUko /hu.ko/ masc. a smoking pipe. hoj /hiÔ/ masc. a water reservoir. hU&i6yam8 /hu~.Îi.ja.m\¯/ neut. rate of hojrI /hoÔ.ri/ fem. stomach. exchange. ho5 /hoˇ˙/ masc. a lip. hU&6I /hu~¯.Îi/ fem. a bill of exchange. ho6I /ho.Îi/ fem. a boat.

235 ho¥o / masc. 1. a xmapa{a /kß\.ma.pat.r\/ rank. 2. a position. adj. forgivable. honhar /hon.har/ adj. xy /kß\.j\/ masc. .tuberculosis. promising. xar /kßar/ adj. 1. saltiest, 2. honart /\t/ fem. a saline. big accident. ixitj /kßi.tiÔ/ fem. the hom /hom/ masc. a ceremonial horizon. sacrifice. xe{a /kßet.r\/ neut. a place. holo /ho.lo/ masc. a dove\line bird. xe{afX /kßet.r\.p˙\Æ/ neut. area hovu& / v.intr. 1. to be, 2. to take place. xo- /kßob˙/ masc. hesitation arising from bashfulness. hoi=yar /ho.ßi.jar/ adj. 1. clever, 2. brillient. }a hoi=yarI /ho.ßi.ja.ri/ fem. 1. cleverness, 2. intelligence. }aait /gnja.ti/ fem. a caste. hoha /ho.ha/ fem. uproar. }aan /gnan/ neut. knowledge. hoXI /ho.Æi/ fem. the Holi }aanI / adj. intelligent. festival.


x8 /kß\¯/ fem. .a moment. xit /kß\.ti/ fem. 1. loss, 2. injury. xi{ay /kß\t.ri.j\/ masc. a community so named. xma /kß\.ma/ fem.



A Brief Outline of Gujarati Parts-of-Speech

Babu Suthar [email protected]

(Work in progress)

Department of South Asia Studies University Of Pennsylvania 820 Williams Hall 36th and Spruce Philadelphia PA 19104



1. Introduction 2. Open class 2.1. Nouns 2.2. Adjective 2.3. Verbs 2.4. Adverbs 3. Closed class 3.1. Pronouns and other Pro-Forms 3.2. Noun adjuncts 3.2.1. Role markers Case markers Postpositions 3.2.2. Quantifiers 3.3. Verb adjuncts 3.3.1. Auxiliaries Simple auxiliaries Modal auxiliaries 3.4. Connectives 3.4.1. Coordinating connectives 3.4.2. Subordinating connectives 3.4.3. Correlative connectives 3.4.4. Adversative connectives 3.4.5. Explicative connectives 3.4.6. Causal connectives 3.5. Other closed classes 3.5.1. Emphasis markers 3.5.2. Interjections 3.5.3. Negators 3.5.4. Politeness markers 3.5.5. Tag-marks 4. Conclusion


1. Introduction Gujarati words can be divided into: (1) Open class and (2) Closed class. Open class consists of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, while closed class consists of pronouns and other pro-forms, noun adjuncts, verb adjuncts, conjunctions and others. 2. Open Class 2.1 Nouns Nouns have the following properties: • gender, • number • case. Genders are three: masculine, feminine and neuter. All three genders are marked and unmarked. Masculine is marked with -Ao, feminine with -:, and neuter is marked with Ýw&. Examples:

Nouns with unmarked gender


-a: b˙ai 'brother' sap sap 'serpent' ha9 hat˙ 'hand' pvRt p\rv\t 'mountain' ivcar vicar 'thought'

Feminine bhen b\hen 'sister' -e&s b˙´~s 'buffalo' Aa&` ø~k˙ 'eye' vel vel 'creeper' pX p\Æ 'moment'


=rIr ß\rir 'body' nak nak 'nose' fUl p˙ul 'flower' man man 'respect' mn m\n 'organ of desire'

Nouns with marked gender

Masculine 239

2okro c˙okr.o 'boy' kUtro kutr.o 'dog (male)' 36o g˙\Îo 'pot' Aa&bo ø~bo 'mango tree' p9ro p\t˙r.o 'stone'


2okrI c˙okr.i 'girl' kUtrI kutr.i 'dog (female)' ndI n\d.i 'river' za6I j˙aÎ.i 'bush' Aa&gXI ø~gÆ.i 'finger'


2okru& c˙okr.u~ 'child' kUtru& kutr.u~ 'dog' taXu& taÆ.u~ 'lock' mo7u& mø~Î˙.u~ 'mouth' ka8u& ka¯.u~ 'whole'

Gujarati has many nouns that end in ÝAo and Ý:, but they are not masculine or feminine respectively. Most traditional grammars treat them as exception. In fact, they are not. The ÝAo and Ý: of these nouns are not gender markers, they are the indivisible part of their stem, and therefore it is wrong to treate them as gender markers and then list them as exceptions. Consider 3o and pa8I, for example. Traditional grammars analyzed them as follow:

Ë. 3o g˙.o stem-Gender marker. 'a kind of reptile'

Ì. pa8I pa¯.i stem-Gender marker 'water'

As Ë and Ì show, they treat ÝAo and Ý: as gender markers, which is not a correct analysis. The correct analysis is given bellow in Í and Î:


Í. 3o g˙o.∅ stem-Gender marker 'a kind of reptile'

Î. pa8I pa¯i-∅ stem-Gender marker 'water'

This analysis shows that 3o and pa8I are nouns with unmarked gender and their -Ao and -: are not the gender markers. Numbers are two: singular and plural. Singular is unmarked, while plural is marked with ÝAo. Examples:

Singular Plural

2okro c˙okr.o 2okraAo c˙okra.o 'boys' 2okrI c˙okr.i 2okrIAo c˙okr.i.o 'girls' idvs div\s idvso div\s.o 'days' ma8s ma¯\s ma8so ma¯\s.o 'men'

Case markers are ∅ (nominative), -e (agentive/ergative), -∅ or -ne (accusative/ absolutive), -ne (dative/experiencer), -thi or -e (instrumental), -nu~ (genitive), and -ma~ (locative). Consider the following paradigm:

Nominative 2okro c˙okrro.∅ Agentive/Ergative 2okraAe c˙okra.e Accusative/Absolutive 2okro c˙okrro.∅ 2okrane c˙ Dative/Experiencer 2okrane c˙ Locative 2okrama& c˙

Genitive case inflects for gender and number as the following paradigm shows:

Singular Plural

Masculine 2okrano 2okrana c˙ c˙

Feminine 2okranI 2okranI c˙ c˙


Neuter 2okranu& 2okrana& c˙ c˙

2.2 Adjectives Gujarati adjectives fall into two categories: (1) variable and (2) invariable. Variable adjectives vary in terms of the gender and number of the nouns they modify, whereas the invariable adjectives do not vary. Consider the examples of saru& and su&dr, variable and invariable adjectives respectively.

É. saro 2okro sar-o c˙okr-o good-MSASC.SG boy-MASC.SG. 'a good boy'

Ê. sarI 2okrI sar-i c˙okr-i good-FEM.SG boy-FEM.SG. 'a good girl'

Ë. saru& 2okru& sar-u~ c˙okr-u~ good-NEUT.SG boy-NEUT.SG. 'a good child'

Ì. sara 2okraAo sar-a c˙okr-a-o good-MSASC.PL boy-MASC.PL. 'good boys'

Í. sarI 2okrIAo sar-i c˙okr-i-o good-FEM. boy-FEM.PL. 'a good girl'

Î. sara& 2okra&Ao sar-a~ c˙okr-a~-o good-NEUT.PL. boy-NEUT.PL. 'a good child'

In É - Î the adjective saru& varies in terms of the gender of the noun it modifies. For example, in É, the noun is masculine and singular therefore the adjective saru& agrees with the noun in masculine and singular. In Ê the noun is feminine and singular and therefore the adjective is also feminine and singular and so on. In Í, however, the noun is feminine and plural the adjective does not show a plural marker. We can say that adjectives in Gujarati remain unaffected in number when the noun they modify is feminine and plural. Now consider the example of su&dr an invariable adjective: 242

Ï. su&dr 2okro sundar chhokr-o beautiful boy-MASC.SG. 'a beautiful boy'

Ð. su&dr 2okrI sunder chhokr-i beautiful boy-FEM.SG. 'a beautiful girl'

Ñ. su&dr 2okru& beautiful chhokr-uN beautiful boy-NEUT.SG. 'a beautiful child'

ÉÈ. su&dr 2okraAo sundar chhokr-a-o good boy-MASC.PL. 'beautiful boys'

ÉÉ. su&dr 2okrIAo sunder chhokr-i-o beautiful boy-FEM.PL. 'a beautiful girl'

ÉÊ. su&dr 2okra&Ao sundar chhokr-aN-o beautiful boy-NEUT.PL. 'beautiful child'

In Ï - ÉÊ, su&dr is an invariable adjective and therefore it does not agree with the noun it modifies.

2.3 Verbs Gujarati verbs (non-inflected) have the following structure: verb stem + infinitive. Example:

É. hsvu& h\s-vu~ verb stem + infinitive 'to laugh'

Ê. r6vu& r\Î-vu~ verb stem + infinitive 243

'to cry'

A verb root may be intransitive, transitive or double transitive. It may be also simple or causative. É and Ê are the examples of intransitive root. Ë - Ì and Í- Î are the examples of transitive and double transitive roots respectively.

Ë. kapvu& kap-vu~ verb stem + infinitive 'to cut'

Ì. pIvu& pi-vu~ verb stem + infinitive 'to drink'

Í. Aapvu& ap-vu~ verb stem + infinitive 'to give'

Î. moklvu& mok\l-vu~ verb stem + infinitive 'to send'

É to Î are also the examples of simple verbs, while ÏÝ Ð bellow are the examples of causative verbs. These are the verbs that are derived from simple verbs.

Ï. hsavvu& h\s.av.-vu~ verb stem +CAUS1+ INFINITIVE 'to make someone laugh'

Ð. hsav6avvu& has.av.Îav-vu~ verb stem + CAUS1 + CAUS2 + INFINITIVE 'to make someone laugh through some another person'

Gujarati inflected verbs have the following pattern: verb stem + inflectional material. Inflectional material may consists of various features such as tense, person, gender and number. Following table summaries some of the major inflections for the verb hsvu&Š Present (verb stem + tense, person, number)

Singular Plural 244

First Person hsu& hsIAe h\s.u~ h\

Second Person hse hso h\s.e h\s.o

Third Person hse hse h\s.e h\s.e

Future (verb stem + tense, person, number)

Singular Plural

First Person hsI= hsI=u& h\s.iß h\s.ißu~

Second Person hs=e hs=o h\s.ße h\s.ßo

Third Person hs=e hs=e h\s.ße h\s.ße

Past Progressive (verb stem + progressive marker + gender, number)

Singular Plural

Masculine hsto hsta h\s.t.o h\s.t.a

Feminine hstI hstI h\s.t.i h\s.t.i

Neuter hstu& hsta& h\s.t.u~ h \ s . t . a ~

Past Perfective (verb stem + perfective + gender, number) Singular Plural

Masculine hSyo hSya h\s.y.o h\s.y.a

Feminine hsI HsI h\s.y.i h\s.y.i


Neuter hSyu& hSya& h\s.y.u~ h\s.y.a~

Past Plu-perfective (verb stem + pluperfect marker + gender and number)

Singular Plural

Masculine hselo hsela h\s.el.o h\s.el.a

Feminine hselI hselI h\s.el.i h\s.el.i

Neuter hselu& hsela& h\s.el.u~ h\s.el.a~

Verbs also inflect for imperative (present and future), desiderative, obligatory, conditional, and infinitive constructions. Examples:

Imperative Present Second Person

Singular Plural/Hon. rm r\m rmo r\m.o 'play' `av k˙av `aAo k˙ao 'eat'

Third Person

rmje (future) Desiderative rmvu& Obligatory rmvanu& Conditional rmt Infinitive rmvu&

Excluding desiderative, all verb forms inflect for gender and number. However, conditional verb forms inflect optionally.

2.4 Adverbs Like adjective, adverbs are also variable and non-variable in Gujarati. Variable adverbs agree with the noun with which the verb agrees. There are various types of adverbs. Some of them are adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner, adverb of order, 246

adverb of quantity, adverb of doubt, adverb of frequency, adverb of negative and connecting adverbs.


Aaje aje 'today' kale kale 'tomorrow' prmidvse p\r\m divse 'day after or day before tomorrow.' svare s\vare 'in morning' bpore b\pore 'at noon, in the afternoon' sa&je... sa~je 'in evening' etc.


AhI& \hi~ 'here' Tya& tya~ 'there' n@k9I n\jik.t˙i 'from near' pase pase 'near' dUr9I dur.t˙i 'from a distance' etc.


Aem ´~m 'in that way' jem j´~m ‘as’ tem t´~m ‘in that manner’ jem tem j´~m t´~m ’by hook or crook' f4af4 p˙\ˇap˙\ˇ ‘one after the other’ 06a06 d˙\ÎaÎ˙\Î ‘one after the other’ Acank \can\k ‘accidently’ AekaAek ekaek ‘suddenly’


phelu& p\helu~ ‘first, before’ p2I9I p\c˙it˙i ‘later, after’ Aa`re ak˙\re ‘finally, at last’ Agaw9I \gaut˙i ‘in advance’ badma& badma~ ‘afterward’ 247

A&te \nte ‘finally, at the end’


08u& g˙\¯u~ ‘plenty, much, many’ 9o6u& t˙oÎu~ ‘small, less’ pUrtu& pur.tu~ ‘sufficient’ brobr b\rob\r ‘equal’ 4ko4k ˇ\koŠ\k ‘full’

Doubt kdac k\dac ‘perhaps’ kdaict k\dacit ‘hardly’ mo4e -age moˇe b˙age ‘mostly’ 38u&`ru& g˙\¯u~k˙\ru~ ‘mainly’ kyarek kjarek ‘sometime’

Frequency roj roj ‘everyday’ kyarek kjarek ‘sometime’ Avarnvar \varn\var ‘frequently’ var&var var\mvar ‘repeatdly’

Negative ma ma ‘not’ (colloquial) na na ‘not’ nhI& n\hi~ ‘not’

Connecting p8 p\¯ ‘but’ pir8ame p\ri¯ame ‘as a result, consequently’ v0uma& v\d˙uma~ ‘in addition’ joke jo ke ‘however’ td\wpra&t t\dupra~t ‘morover’

3. Closed class 3.1 Pronouns and other Pro-forms Personal Pronouns 248

Gujarati personal pronouns differentiate three persons (first, second and third) and two numbers (singular, plural). They have also inclusive and exclusive contrast in third person plural. In addition, their second person plural form is also used as honorific. Following table summarize regular and agentive pronouns: Singular Plural

Fist Person hu& Ame (Exclusive) Aap8e (Inclusive) Second Person tu& tme Third Person te teAo

Personal pronouns take various cases, which include nominative, ergative, accusative/ dative, genitive and locative and instrumental. From these genitive forms distinguish among three genders and two numbers. Following table summaries their forms: ------

Nominative hu& Ame tu& tme te teAo Aap8e

Ergative me& Ame te& tme te8e teAoAe Aap8e tem8e

Accusative mne Amne tne tmne tene teAone Aap8ne temne

Locative marama& Amarama& tarama& tmarama& tenama& teAonama& Aap8ama& temnama& Instrumental mara9I Amara9I tara9I tmara9I tena9I teAo9I Aap8a9I temna9I

Genitive Masc. maro Amaro taro tmaro teno teAono Aap8o temno

Fem. marI AmarI tarI tmarI tenI teAonI Aap8I temnI

Neut. maru& Amaru& taru& tmaru& tenu& teAonu& Aap8u& temnu&

Non-personal Pronouns 249

Gujarati non-personal pronouns include demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns and reflexive pronouns. Demonstrative Pronouns Aa, pelu& and te / Ae are the demonstrative pronouns. From these pelu& is variable. Aa is the near demonstrative pronoun, pelu& is the far demonstrative pronoun, while te / Ae are deictic pronouns. Interrogative Pronouns Interrogative pronouns are =u& and ko8. From these =u& is variable. We use =u& to ask question about non-human things, while ko8 to ask question about humans. Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns are je...... te. These pronouns are used to connect two sentences. Indefinite Pronouns ko:, ka&:/ k&: and k=u& are the Indefinite pronouns. ko: used for human, while k&:k/ ka&:k and k=u&k are used for non-human. From these pronouns, k=u& is variable. Reflexive Pronouns pote is the Reflexive pronoun. In addition to these, Gujarati has also distributive pronouns (je je, te te, ko8 ko8, =u& =u& etc.), reciprocal pronouns (prSprSpr, ANyoNy, Arsprs), indefinite pronouns (Amuktmuk, fla8u&7I&k8u&, k&:k etc.). Non-personal pronouns also inflect for ergative, accusative/dative, locative, genitive and instrumental cases.

3.2 Noun adjuncts 3.2.1 Role markers Case markers and postpositions are the role markers in Gujarati. Case markers Gujarati nouns distinguish seven types of cases: subjective, ergative, objective/dative, agential, ablative, genitive, locative and vocative. From these, genitive inflects for gender and number of the noun it takes. Following table summarizes the case markers: Nominative 2okro 2okro AaVyo. -∅ Ergative 2okraAe 2okraAe kerI kapI. -Ae Objective 2okrane rme=e 2okrane mayoR. -ne Dative 2okrane rme=e 2okrane kerI AapI. -ne Experiencer 2okrane 2okrane p(9r vaGyo. -ne Ablative bgIca9I maru& 3r bgIca9I 9o6ek j dUr 2e. -9I Instrumental rme=9I rme=9I bhu& kam 9tu& n9I. -9I Genitive 2okrano 2okrano kagX -no, -nI, -nu&, etc. 2okraAono kagX etc. Locative 3re rme= ATyare 3re j h=e. -Ae bgIcama& rme= ATyare bgIcama& h=e. -ma& Vocative he 2okra he 2okra, AhI& Aav. -∅ Postpositions Gujarati postpositions fall in two classes: invariant and variant. The variant postpositions agree with noun in gender and number. Examples: 250

Invariant postpositions: trf, bad, lgI, pEkI, v6e, vgr... Variant postpositions: jevo, sr`o... 3.2.2 Quantifiers Quantifiers are the words that refers to quantity. Following are some of the Gujarati quantifiers: 1. È %, Í%, Î%..... 2. É/Ì, É/Ê, Ë/Ì... 3. É,Ê, Ë, Ì, Í... 4. Aek, be, {a8, car, pa&c.... 5. Aekad, beAek, {a8ek, carek, pa&cek 6. pa, A60u&, po8u&, do7u&, bm8u&... 7. b0u&, 9o6u&, 9o6&uk, ke4lu&k, pUrtu&, ApUrtu&, v0are...... 3.3 Verb adjuncts 3.3.1 Auxiliaries Simple auxiliaries Gujarati has two auxiliaries: 2- and ho-. Of these, 2- is used in present tense, while ho- is used in past tense and future tense. 2Ý and hoÝ both differentiate three person and two number in present tense and future tense, while hoÝ differentiates three gender and two numbers only in past tense. Consider the following tables:

2Ý Present tense Singular Plural

First Person 2u& 2IAe

Second Person 2e 2o

Third Person 2e 2e

hoÝ Future tense

Singular Plural

First Person ho:= ho:=u&

Second Person h=e h=o

Third Person h=e h=e

hoÝ Past tense

Singular Plural

Masculine hto hta


Feminine htI htI

Neuter htu& hta& Modal auxiliaries Modal auxiliaries are the verbs that are used as auxiliaries. Such verbs are small in number and they occur with many restrictions. One such restriction is on the combination of the verbs. We can not combine all the modal auxiliary verbs with all the non-modal auxiliary verbs. In such verbal sequences, the first verb takes some linking element while the second verb takes inflectional material. Examples:

Verb Modal Example verb `a: levu& me& kerI `a: lI0I. na`vu& na`vu& me& je khevu& htu& te khI na~yu& kapI ka7vu& me& kerI kapI ka7I. sm@ jvu& hu& AemnI vat sm@ gyo. s&-XavI devu& me& Aemne be vat s&-XavI dI0I. wtrI jvu& hu& f4af4 pg9Iya& wtrI gyo. -rI ra`vu& saru& 9yu& ke me& pa8I -rI ra~yu&. nhI& to Aap8e =u& krt? hsI p6vu& te jor jor9I hsI p6yo. bolI w5vu& te AekaAek bolI w5yo. ka7I mUkvu& me& rme=ne Aoifsma&9I ka8I mUkyo.

3.4 Connectives 3.4.1 Coordinating connectives Gujarati distinguishes between conjunctive (Ane) and disjunctive (ke, A9va). In disjunctive it distinguishes between inclusive (ke) and exclusive (A9va). Examples: Conjunctive sentences: É. rme= Ane mhe= kale 3er j=e. Ê. mne lal Ane lIlo r&g gme 2e. Ë. rme= Aav=e Ane mIna j=e. Disjunctive sentences: Ì. marI sa9e ko8 Aav=e? mIna ke lIla? (mIna Aav=e / lIla Aav=e / mIna Ane lIla bNne Aav=e.) Í. marI sa9e mIna A9va lIla Aav=e. (mIna Aav=e / lIla Aav=e / *mIna Ane lIla bNne Aav=e.) 3.4.2 Subordinating connective Subordinating conjunction is ke. Examples: É. te8e k¬u& ke hu& AavI=. Ê. rme=ne khejo ke Ae kale mare 3er Aave. Ë. mne htu& j ke Aek be idvsma& mne tav Aav=e. 3.4.3 Correlative connectives je ...te is a correlative connective, which decline for all the cases. Consider the following table:

Nominative je...te Ergative je8e...te8e 252

Dative jene...tene Genitive jenu&...tenu& Locative jema&...tema&, jenama&...tenama& Instrumental jena9I....tena9I

Correlative also inflects for comparative to express size, quantity, etc.: Examples.

jev6u&...tev6u&. (size) je4lu&..te4lu& (quantity) jem...tem (manner) jya&...Tya& (place)

3.4.4 Adversative connectives p8 and prNtu are adversative conjunctions. prNtu is more formal than p8. Examples: É. hu& ca nhI&, p8 kofI pI=. Ê. tme gme Tya& jav. p8 Aa 2okrane AhI& mUkta jav. Ë. rme=ne khejo ke -le kam kre. p8 tibyt p8 jaXve. 3.4.5 Explicative connectives ke and Ae4le are the explicative conjunctions. Examples: É. hu& Ae4lo b0o 9akI gyelo ke na pu2o vat. Ê. lIla Ae4le lIla. AenI vat 9ay? 3.4.6 Causal connective kemke/ kar8ke is a causal connective. Examples: É. hu& kale Skule n hto gyo kemke/ kar8 ke marI tibyt sarI n htI. Ê. mare `Ub va&cvu& p6=e kem ke / kar8 ke mare kale pirxa 2e. 3.5 Other Closed classes 3.5.1 Emphasis marker Gujarati distinguishes between two types of emphasis markers: (1) inclusive and (2) exclusive. Inclusive marker is y / p8 and exclusive marker is j : Examples: Inclusive É. lIla y/p8 kale sa&je rsro4lI `a=e. Ê. lIla kale sa&je y/p8 rsro4lI `a=e. Ë. lIla kale sa&je rsro4lI y/p8 `a=e. Exclusive É. lIla j kale sa&je rsro4lI `a=e. Ê. lIla kale sa&je j rsro4lI `a=e. Ë. lIla kale sa&je rsro4lI j `a=e. Ì. lIla kale sa&je rs ro4lI `a=e j. Besides there are also sentential emphasis word `ru&, that agree with object > subject. Examples: Í. rme= AaVyo `ro? Î. rme=e cop6I va&cI `rI? 3.5.2 Interjections Gujarati has two types of interjections: primary (which do not have any lexical meaning) and secondary (which have some lexical meaning associated with them). Ahha, Aho, Aoho, A0000, h&A are the examples of primary interjections while vah, =aba=, ALya, etc. are the 253

examples of secondary interjections. In terms of function, they can be divided into expressive, conative and phatic types. Expressive interjections can be further divided into emotive and cognitive interjections. Following is a rough and very preliminary classification of the Gujarati interjections: Expressive interjections: Emotive 1. hay, hay hay, hay re, bapre, ma re, Ao... Express pain 2. Aoho, Aha, A000, Ahha... Exclamatory 3. h4\, 2I, 24\, 9U, i0k... Express hate. Cognitive 4. vah, =aba=, Aaha, 0Ny... Express joy Conative 5. Ao, ALya, AlI.... Address terms (informal). 6. hay, hlo, Express greeting. 7. Aav, Aavo, p0aro Express reception (informal sg. informal plural and honorific, formal respectively). 8. Aavje, Aavjo Express good-bye. 9. cal / calo Tyare Express parting Phatic 10. h&, =u& Express question. 11. h&A, ha,... Express permission. 12. W&hu& Expresses negation.

3.5.3 Negators na, nhI&, n and n9I are the negators in Gujarati. We use negators to prohibit an action and also to negate a sentence or a phrase. Examples: Prohibitative Negation É. tme kerI na `ata. Ê. tme bIju b0u& j `ajo, p8 kerI nhI& `ata. Ë. tme kerI n `aAo to saru&. Sentential/Phrasal negation É. p/½Š rme= AaVyo? jvabŠ na. (Ramesh did not come.) Ê. rme= rmto n9I. (Ramesh may be doing something else.) Ë, rme= rm=e nhI&. (Ramesh will not play. He will do something else). Ì. rme= Aavu& na kre. (Ramesh would not do such thing. Some another person must have done it). Í. rme= pakI kerI n laVyo. (Ramesh brought a mango but it was not ripe.) 3.5.4 Politeness marker @ is the politeness marker that is used with verb and nouns. Examples: É. kagXno jvab AapvanI k

É. to tme kyare pa2a Aav=o? Ê. te tme kyare Amdavad jvana? Ë. to to tu& Aa nokrI krvano `ro, kem? Ì. Tyare to t u& 3er jvano Aemke? Sentence Final tag-marks Í. tme ca pI=o ke? Î. Aa cop6I lw& ke? Ï. jra Aa kagX va&cI btav to. Ð. me& Aa4lu& kam to kyuRne? 4. Conclusion This is a very brief outline of the Gujarati parts-of-speech I have prepared for the Beginning Gujarati and Intermediate Gujarati class. I am more concerned with specifying general properties of these parts of speech and listing sample words belonging to them.


Gujarati Numerals

Gujarati has three types of numerals: cardinals, ordinals, and fractions.

Cardinal 32 32 ËܵÜßôÜ 1 1 †å‘ 33 33 ´ÜåµÜßôÜ 2 2 ËÜå 34 34 œÜÜåµÜßôÜ 3 3 µÜ±Ü 35 35 ÆÜÜصÜßôÜ 4 4 œÜÜÓ 36 36 “µÜßôÜ 5 5 ÆÜÜØœÜ 37 37 ôÜܲµÜßôÜ 6 6 “ 38 38 †Ü²µÜßôÜ 7 7 ôÜÜ´Ü 39 39 †ÜåÄܱܜÜÜêÜßôÜ 8 8 †Ü« 40 40 œÜÜêÜßôÜ 9 9 ÃÜíÜ 41 41 †å‘´ÜÜêÜßôÜ 10 10 ¹ôÜ 42 42 ËÜå´ÜÜêÜßôÜ 11 11 †ÝÄÜÑÜÜÓ 43 43 ´Üå´ÜÜêÜßôÜ 12 12 ËÜÜÓ 44 44 œÜàÏÜÜêÜßôÜ 13 13 ´ÜåÓ 45 45 ÝÆÜô´ÜÜêÜßôÜ 14 14 œÜÜæ¹ 46 46 “å´ÜÜêÜßôÜ 15 15 ÆÜØ¹Ó 47 47 ôÜ಴ÜÜêÜßôÜ 16 16 ôÜÜåì 48 48 †²´ÜÜêÜßôÜ 17 17 ôܶÜÓ 49 49 †ÜåÄܱÜÆÜœÜÜôÜ 18 18 †°ÜÓ 50 50 ÆÜœÜÜôÜ 19 19 †ÜåÄÜݱÜôÜ 51 51 †å‘ÜíÜÃÜ 20 20 íÜßôÜ 52 52 ËÜÜíÜÃÜ 21 21 †å‘íÜßôÜ 53 53 µÜåÆÜÃÜ 22 22 ËÜÜíÜßôÜ 54 54 œÜÜåÆÜÃÜ 23 23 ´ÜåíÜßôÜ 55 55 ÆÜØœÜÜíÜÃÜ 24 24 œÜÜåíÜßôÜ 56 56 “ÆÆÜÃÜ 25 25 ÆÜœœÜßôÜ 57 57 ôܶÜÜíÜÃÜ 26 26 “ííÜßôÜ 58 58 †¬ÜíÜÃÜ 27 27 ôܶÜÜíÜßôÜ 59 59 †ÜåÄܱÜôÜ܇« 28 28 †¬ÜíÜßôÜ 60 60 ôÜ܇« 29 29 †ÜåÄܱܵÜßôÜ 61 61 †å‘ôÜ« 30 30 µÜßôÜ 62 62 ËÜÜôÜ« 31 31 †å‘µÜßôÜ 63 63 µÜåôÜ« 256

64 64 œÜÜåôÜ« 83 83 ´ÑÜÜïÜß 65 65 ÆÜÜØôÜ« 84 84 œÜÜåÑÜÜÚïÜß 66 66 “ÜôÜ« 85 85 ÆÜØœÜÜïÜß 67 67 ôܲôÜ« 86 86 “ÖÑÜÜïÜß 68 68 †²ôÜ« 87 87 ôÜ´ÑÜÜïÜß 69 69 †ÄܱÜÜåôÜ߶ÜåÓ 88 88 †«ÖÑÜÜïÜß 70 70 ÝôܶÜåÓ 89 89 ÃÜíÑÜÜïÜß 71 71 ‡‘Üå´ÜåÓ 90 90 ÃÜåíÜàØ 72 72 ËÜÜå´ÜåÓ 91 91 †å‘ܱÜàØ 73 73 ´ÜÜÇ´ÜåÓ 92 92 ËÜܱÜàØ 74 74 œÜàÏÜÜå´ÜåÓ 93 93 µÜܱÜàØ 75 75 ÆÜØœÜÜå´ÜåÓ 94 94 œÜÜåÓܱÜàØ 76 76 “Üå´ÜåÓ 95 95 ÆÜØœÜܱÜàØ 77 77 ÝôܶÜÜå´ÜåÓ 96 96 “ÅÜàØ 78 78 ‡«ÖÑÜÜå´ÜåÓ 97 97 ôܶÜܱÜàØ 79 79 †ÄܱÑÜ܆åïÜß 98 98 †¬Ü±ÜàØ 80 80 †åïÜß 99 99 ÃÜííÜܱÜàØ 81 81 †åÑÜÜïÜß 100 100 ôÜÜå 82 82 ËÑÜÜïÜß

In counting 100 is †å‘ ôÜÜå, 200 is ËÜôÜÜå, 300 is µÜ±Ü ôÜÜå, 400 is œÜÜÓ ôÜÜå and so on. Similarly, 1000 is ÷¡Ó, which is once again †å‘ ÷¡Ó, ËÜå ÷¡Ó, µÜ±Ü ÷¡Ó and so on. One hundred thousand is called êÜÜƒÜ in Gujarati. There is no concept of million in Gujarati. We describe it as ¹ôÜ êÜ܃Ü. One hundred êÜÜƒÜ is called ‘ÓÜå² and one hundred ‘ÓÜå² is called †ËÜè.


In Gujarati each number symbol has its own name. They are †å‘²Üå, ËÜÄܲÜå, ´ÜÄܲÜå, œÜÜåÄܲÜå, ÆÜÜ؜ܲÜå, “ÄܲÜå, ôÜܴܲÜå, †Ü«²Üå, ÃÜíܲÜå and ÏÜß²àØ for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 respectively.


The ordinals for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are ÆÜ÷åêÜàØ, ËÜßèàØ, µÜßèà, œÜÜå³ÜàØ, “¬àØ, respectively. For rest of the numbers, we use –ÏÜàØ. Examples: ÆÜÜØœÜÏÜàØ, ôÜÜ´ÜÏÜàØ, †ÜÜ«ÏÜàØ, ÃÜíÜÏÜàØ ¹ôÜÏÜàØ and so on. The ordinals must agree with noun in gender. Example:

ÆÜ÷åêÜÜå “Üå‘ÓÜå first boy

ÆÜ÷åêÜß “Üå‘Óß second boy 257

ÆÜ÷åêÜàØ “Üå‘ÓàØ third boy


Following is the list of the fractions:

¼ ÆÜÜ ½ †²ÁÜàØ ¾ ÆÜÜå±ÜàØ 1¼ ôÜíÜÜ 1 ½ ¹Üå° 1 ¾ ÆÜÜå±ÜÜ ËÜå 2 ¼ ôÜíÜÜ ËÜå 2 ½ †°ß 2 ¾ ÆÜÜå±ÜÜ µÜ±Ü … ... … ......