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Function of the in Mammalian

Edith Heard1 and James Turner2

1Mammalian Developmental Group, Institut Curie, CNRS UMR3215 INSERM U934, 75248 Paris Cedex 05, France 2Division Stem and Developmental , MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, United Kingdom Correspondence: [email protected]

The sex chromosomes play a highly specialized role in development in mammals, being enriched in expressed in the testis and . Sex abnormal- ities (e.g., Klinefelter [XXY] and Turner [XO] syndrome) constitute the largest class of chromosome abnormalities and the commonest genetic cause of infertility in humans. Understanding how sex- expression is regulated is therefore critical to our understand- ing of human . Here, we describe how the expression of sex-linked genes varies during germ cell development; in , the inactive is reactivated before , whereas in males the X and Y chromosomes are inactivated at this stage. We discuss the epigenetics of inactivation and how this process has influenced the gene content of the mammalian X and Y chromosomes. We also present working models for how perturbations in sex chromosome inactivation or reactivation result in subfertility in the major classes of sex chromosome abnormalities.

he of sex chromosomes from a the , the inactive X chromo- Tpair of is clearly advantageous some is reactivated before meiosis. In the male to species in enabling and germline, the X and Y chromosomes undergo the genetic fitness that results, but also necessi- meiotic inactivation that is linked to their tates the coevolution of strategies to deal with unique unpaired status. This is a conserved unique situations that arise. These include the process and has important implications for lack of homology between the X and Y chromo- the evolution of sex chromosome gene content. somes in the male germline in which autosomal In this article, we will cover these different homologs must pair and the imbalance in X- aspects of sex chromosome behavior and func- linked gene dosage between males and females. tion in mammals, including the role of sex In mammals, this sex chromosome imbalance is chromosomes in sex determination and the dealt with by inactivating one of the two X chro- behavior of the sex chromosomes during game- mosomes during early female development. In togenetesis, particularly in the male germline.

Editors: Paolo Sassone-Corsi, Margaret T. Fuller, and Robert Braun Additional Perspectives on Germ Cells available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002675 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011;3:a002675

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E. Heard and J. Turner

OVERVIEW OF SEX CHROMOSOME various types of X- and Y-autosome INFERTILITY translocations. Women with normally have no germ cells (Speroff et al. Infertility, defined as failure to conceive after 1991) and analysis of XO mice has found that twelve months of regular intercourse, affects this is because of losses at the pachytene one in seven couples in the Western world and substage of meiosis (Burgoyne and Baker 1981, evidence suggests that its incidence is rising 1985; Speed 1986). Klinefelter men and mice are (De Kretzer 1997). Genetic abnormalities usually sterile with a block occurring before account for 10% and 15% of cases of infertility meiosis, during the early spermatogonial divi- in females (XX) and males (XY), respectively sions (Ferguson-Smith 1959; Mroz et al. 1999; (Ferlin et al. 2006). A striking feature of these Lue et al. 2001). For Double Y syndrome men, abnormalities is that they frequently affect the the reproductive outlook varies; the extra Y sex chromosomes; in males, for instance, chromosome is often lost during the early between 10% and 15% of cases of azoospermia spermatogonial stages and this generates XY (i.e., no in the ejaculate) are caused by Y (euploid) cell lines that can complete spermato- chromosome deletions (Foresta et al. 2001) and genesis and support fertility (Chandley 1997; a further 10% are caused by Klinefelter syn- Shi and Martin 2000). In XYY men and mice drome (XXY) (Ferlin et al. 2006). These statis- in which XY cell lines do not arise, infertility tics alone provide compelling evidence that results, with germ cell losses occurring during the sex chromosomes play a highly specialized pachytene and the meiotic divisions (Speed role in normal germ cell development. et al. 1991; Solari and Rey Valzacchi 1997; Sex chromosome abnormalities can be Mahadevaiah et al. 2000; Rodriguez et al. 2000). divided into two classes. The first comprises DNA polymorphism analysis to identify the gross abnormalities that are readily identified parental origin of human aneuploid conditions by standard karyotypic analysis (Table 1). This has shown that most cases of sex chromosome includes the common sex chromosome aneu- result from meiotic errors arising —for example, Turner syndrome (XO; in the paternal germline (Hall et al. 2006). prevalence 0.04%), This stands in stark contrast to the autosomal (XXY; prevalence 0.1%), and Double Y syn- (e.g., ), which drome (XYY; prevalence 0.1%)—as well as arise predominantly from maternal meiotic

Table 1. Summary of the three common sex chromosome abnormalities Syndrome Prevalence Somatic features Reproductive impact Turner XOa 0.04% Growth retardation Humans: sterile Congenital heart disease Mice: fertile but reduced oocyte pool and Horseshoe kidney reproductive lifespan Visual impairment Klinefelter XXYb 0.1% Variable Humans and mice sterile unless spontaneous Tall stature X chromosome loss Gynecomastia Mild developmental and behavioral problems Double Y XYY 0.1% Tall stature Humans: commonly fertile because of high incidence of loss Mice: sterile because of low probability of Y chromosome loss aTurner females are likely to be XX/XO or XY/XO mosaics; furthermore, some Turner females are partially monosomic. bSome Klinefelter men have more than two X chromosomes.

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

errors (reviewed in Hassold and Hunt 2001). whereas Yq deletions give rise to sperm head Double Y syndrome by definition always in- abnormalities (Mazeyrat et al. 2001; Mitchell volves a paternal error as the inherits 2004). two Y chromosomes; one study found that The discovery of these Y chromosome dele- 84% of cases result from failure of the two Y sis- tions and their deleterious effects on spermato- ter to separate at the second meiotic genesis created a paradigm shift in our division (Robinson and Jacobs 1999). For Kline- understanding of sex chromosome genetics, felter syndrome, approximately one-half of because they countered the long-held view cases result from failure of the paternal X and that Y chromosomes are “genetic deserts” con- Y chromosomes to disjoin at the first meiotic taining few functional genes (Marshall Graves division (Thomas and Hassold 2003). Finally, 2002). This belief was based on the fact that in the case of Turner syndrome, 75% of the Y chromosome has no homologous partner affected females inherit their single X chromo- with which to undergo recombination-related some from their mother, indicating that loss of repair (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 2000). a paternal sex chromosome is the causative fac- Without such a partner, affecting tor (Jacobs et al. 1997). The different types of the Y chromosome would essentially be irrepa- paternal and maternal meiotic errors that give rable and this would lead to the stepwise decay rise to these conditions are summarized in of Y-linked genes over evolutionary time, and Figure 1. possibly even to the eventual extinction of the The second class of sex chromosome ab- Y chromosome (Marshall Graves 2002). How- normalities is the Y chromosome deletions, ever, analysis of the sequence of the human Y most of which occur in the long arm of the Y chromosome has revealed that it contains at chromosome at Yq11 (Tiepolo and Zuffardi least 78 -coding genes (Skaletsky et al. 1976). These are difficult to detect cytogeneti- 2003). The Y chromosome also contains a large cally and as a result are usually diagnosed by number of direct repeats and inverted repeats, PCR-based methods. Three common Y dele- or palindromes. Palindromes, which comprise tions that cause azoospermia are the AZF (azoo- two arms of highly similar (.99.9%) nucleo- spermia factor) deletions AZFa, AZFb, and tide sequence separated by a small spacer region, AZFc (Vogt et al. 1996; Vogt 2005), named contain many of the critical according to their subchromosomal position genes and these are therefore present as multi- and associated spermatogenic phenotype. ple copies (Skaletsky et al. 2003). The human AZFa deletions affect proximal Yq11 and result Y chromosome contains eight palindromes in a complete absence of germs cells, whereas ranging in size from 30 kb to 2.9 MB and AZFb deletions affect the middle of Yq11 and together, they occupy one quarter of the euchro- cause a block during meiosis. AZFc deletions, matic DNA content. These palindromes pro- which are the most common, arising in roughly vide a counterpoint to Y chromosome decay, 1 in 4000 males (Kuroda-Kowaguchi et al. because mutations occurring in genes in one 2001), cause arrest in late spermatogenesis arm of the palindrome can be corrected using with small numbers of aberrantly shaped sperm the nonmutated copy within the other arm. being produced. A fourth type of Y chromo- This is achieved using ; the non- some , which removes distal Yq sequen- reciprocal transfer of information from one ces and also results in the formation of a mirror DNA duplex to another (Szostak et al. 1983). image or isodicentric Y chromosome with Gene conversion events occur between palin- duplicated proximal Yp and centromeric dromes at a high frequency, estimated at one sequences, is present in 8% of azoospermic gene conversion per 600 nucleotides per new- men (Jacobs and Ross 1966; Hsu 1994; Lange born male (Rozen et al. 2003). et al. 2009). Y chromosomal deletions are also An alternative outcome of recombination associated with infertility in mice; Yp deletions is reciprocal exchange or crossover formation, cause a block during early spermatogenesis, which can also occur between direct repeats

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E. Heard and J. Turner


x MI MII x y MI MII x y yy x x y



xy MI MII y x y y x

E XX F XO x o

2nd polar 2nd polar x body body x x MI MII x x MI MII x 1st 1st polar body o

G XXY x 2nd polar body xx x x MI MII x

2nd polar 1st polar x x x MI MII body body 1st polar body


2nd polar x body x x x MI MII x

1st polar body

Figure 1. The mechanisms by which errors in meiosis give rise to chromosome abnormalities. (A) During nor- mal male meiosis, the X and Y chromosomes synapse and crossover within the distal ; this crossover is essential in ensuring normal homologous segregation during the first meiotic division (MI). The resulting secondary then enter the second meiotic division (MII), during which segregate, thereby generating four haploid products each containing a single sex chromosome. (B) of the two Y sisters to segregate at MII results in YY ; these give rise to XYY sons at fertilization. (C) Nondisjunction of X and Y homologs to segregate at MI, either because of failed establishment or maintenance of crossing over, followed by normal sister separation at MII results in XY spermatids; these give rise to XXY sons at fertilization. (D) Formation of a DNA double-strand break in one of two Y sister chromatids followed by crossing over between palindromes of sisters results in an isodicentric Y chromosome. (See facing page for legend.)

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

and between palindromes. These recombina- SEX CHROMOSOME EXPRESSION DURING tion events result in loss of genetic information MALE AND FEMALE and as such are the principle mechanism by which AZF deletions and isodicentric Y chro- Our knowledge of the dynamics and behavior of mosomes originate (Fig. 1) (Blanco et al. the sex chromosomes during human gameto- 2000; Kamp et al. 2000; Sun et al. 2000; Kuroda- genesis is limited, for obvious reasons. In mice Kawaguchi et al. 2001; Repping et al. 2002, 2003; on the other hand, extensive studies have been Lange et al. 2009). In the case of isodicentric Y performed on germ cell development. In both chromosomes, impaired fertility is not the males and females, primordial germ cells only deleterious outcome of this form of re- (PGCs) originate from the proximal epiblast combination. Isodicentric Y chromosomes carry of the postimplantation mouse embryo at two that can form a bipolar spindle around E7.25 (Saitou 2009). In males, the single attachment during . This results in X chromosome is active in newly formed PGCs; breakage of the Y chromosome during ana- however, in females one of the Xs is initially phase and subsequently to Y chromosome inactive in PGCs (Fig. 2) (Xi; Chuva de Sousa loss (Fig. 1) (Lange et al. 2009). If this loss Lopes et al. 2008). Indeed, random X chromo- occurs in the male germline, sperm will be some inactivation (XCI) initiates well before produced that have no sex chromosome and this stage, in epiblast precursor cells at around this can lead to formation of XO at E5.5 (McMahon and Monk 1983). During fertilization. Thus, palindrome–palindrome XCI, up-regulation of RNA leads to the recombination could give rise to a significant onset of gene silencing across the length of proportion of cases of Turner syndrome (Fig. 1) the X chromosome. Xist RNA induces changes (Lange et al. 2009). in chromosome organization and results in The mechanism by which Y chromosome recruitment of modifying , deletions cause infertility is straightforward; principally the PRC1 and PRC2 complexes, these deletions remove Y-linked genes that are which catalyze mono-ubiquitylation of histone essential for germ cells to transit through H2A at lysine 119 (H2AK119u1) (de Napoles defined stages of spermatogenesis. However, et al. 2004; Fang et al. 2004) and trimethylation the way in which sex chromosome aneuploidy of at lysine 27 (H3K27me3) (Silva causes infertility has, until recently, remained et al. 2003; Plath et al. 2003), respectively. The mysterious. In this case a major factor appears inactive X is further modified by DNA methyl- to be linked to the activity of the X chromosome ation at promoters. One X chromosome is thus and its unique dynamics of reactivation in the globally inactive by the time PGCs first start to female germline and inactivation in the male appear during female embryogenesis, which germline. These processes are described in the implies that all of the above epigenetic changes following sections. must be reversed during the reprogramming

Figure 1. (Continued) This forms a bipolar attachment during cell division and is subsequently broken and lost. In principle, this form of recombination could take place during spermatogonial , meiosis, or even in the early embryo; all of which will give rise to XO daughters. (E) During normal female meiosis, and cross- over formation are followed by arrest. The first meiotic division at puberty generates a polar body and a secondary oocyte; the second at fertilization generates a second polar body and a single haploid product. (F) Nondisjunction of either homologs at MI or sisters at MII has similar effect, with haploid products with no sex chromosome (“O” ) generated. These generate XO daughters at fertilization. (G) Similar meiotic errors give rise to XX haploid products and thereafter XXY sons; the outcome depends on whether the nondis- joined chromosomes end up in the oocyte or the polar body. Although not detailed here, some cases of XXYand XYYarise during embryogenesis as a result of mitotic nondisjunction of the maternally inherited X and pater- nally inherited Y, respectively.

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E. Heard and J. Turner


PGC Migratory PGC Gonium Leptotene/Zygotene Pachytene Gametes

XX E7.5–9.5 E10–11.5 E13.5 E15.5 Fertilization Random X-reactivation Completion of Both Xs active Both Xs active X active XCI initiates X-reactivation

s-phase Synapsis MI/MII Recomb Xa Xi

Secreted factor XY E13.5–14.5 P10.5–11.5 P12.5 .5

XY active XY active Mitotic arrest XY active XY active MSCI MSCI incomplete XY active Sexbody


Figure 2. Sex chromosome activity during female and male germ cell development. Female PGCs have one inac- tive and one active X chromosome. X chromosome reactivation occurs during migration of PGCs to the genital ridge between E7.5 and E9.5; full reactivation is achieved after colonization of the genital ridge between E10 and E11.5 in response to an unknown secreted factor/s. Female germ cells then enter meiosis. Meiotic DNA repli- cation (S-phase) is followed by leptotene (E13.5) when DNA DSBs are formed. Chromosomes initiate synapsis during zygotene (E14) and the completion of synapsis heralds the onset of pachytene (E15.5). Throughout and after meiosis the X chromosomes remain active. In males, the X and Yare active in male throughout early germ cell development. In contrast to females, male germ cells undergo mitotic arrest from E13.5 to E14.5 until shortly after birth, when the spermatogonial divisions begin. The X and Y remain active until pachytene, when meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) takes place. After meiosis, mean expression from the X chromosome remains low compared to autosomes, but at this stage genes are not silenced as completely as they are during pachytene.

that occurs in the female germline (Chuva de Lopes et al. 2008). Intriguingly, Xi reactivation Sousa Lopez et al. 2008). is dependent on factors secreted by the XX uro- Following their specification, PGCs divide genital ridge rather than being an intrinsic and migrate through the hindgut endoderm, property of female germ cells (Chuva de Sousa eventually colonizing the gonad between E10 Lopes et al. 2008). The of the secreted and E11.5 (Fig. 2) (Saitou 2009). During this factors that enable Xi reactivation are unknown time, the Xi in female PGCs is reactivated. however. Following entry into the gonad, male X chromosome reactivation was originally and female germ cells exhibit a striking sexual believed to occur after germ cells enter the dimorphism in their behavior; germ cells in gonad, just before the initiation of meiosis the male form prospermatogonia and enter mi- (Kratzer and Chapman 1981; Monk and McLa- totic arrest between E13.5 and E14.5 (reviewed ren 1981; Tam et al. 1994; Nesterova et al. 2002). by McLaren 2003), whereas female germ However, more recent analyses have found that cells enter meiosis. Throughout meiosis, both reactivation initiates much earlier during PGC X chromosomes within the oocyte remain development, with Xist RNA, PRC2, and active (Fig. 2) (Epstein 1969; Gartler et al. H3K27me3 being lost from Xi during the 1975; Andina 1978). migratory phase (E7.5–9.5) (de Napoles et al. Shortly after birth, prospermatogonia in 2007; Sugimoto and Abe 2007; Chuva de Sousa the male gonad resume mitosis and initiate

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

spermatogenesis (Russell et al. 1990). Sper- McCarrey et al. 1992). Analyzing gene expres- matogenesis comprises three broad phases; sion during these very early meiotic stages is spermatogonial proliferation, meiosis, and inherently difficult because levels spermiogenesis, together lasting 35 and 64 throughout the , as assayed by tritiated days in mouse and , respectively (Heller uridine uptake (Monesi 1965) and Cot1 RNA and Clermont 1963; Russell et al. 1990). During FISH (Turner et al. 2005) are very low. This is the first phase, spermatogonia undergo approx- possibly the result of the high degree of chro- imately ten mitotic divisions, forming A, Inter- mosome compaction that accompanies DNA mediate and then finally B type-spermatogonia. double-strand break (DSB) formation and re- Analyses of transcription across the X chromo- pair (Hunter et al. 2001). However, the limited some by microarray analysis (Khil et al. 2004; data available for gene-specific RNA FISH for Namekawa et al. 2006) and RNA fluorescence X- and Y-linked genes indicate that silencing in-situ hybridization (RNA FISH; Turner et al. is initiated at early pachytene (Turner et al. 2006; Mueller et al. 2008) have shown that the 2006), when modifications necessary for MSCI X and Yare active during these stages, with the (e.g., gH2AX) appear on the sex chromosomes collective mean expression level of genes on (Mahadevaiah et al. 2001; Fernandez-Capetillo the X chromosome being approximately equal et al. 2003). to that of the autosomes (Fig. 2) (Mueller Following the two meiotic divisions, newly et al. 2008). In spite of this similarity in expres- formed haploid round spermatids undergo a sion levels, the X chromosome is more densely protracted period of differentiation into mature populated with spermatogonially expressed spermatozoa, accompanied by the replacement genes when compared to the autosomes. This of with transition and, there- is consistent with the evolutionary concept of after, . For a number of years, the “sexually antagonistic” genes (Fisher 1931), transcriptional state of the X and Y chromo- which are predicted to become enriched on somes during this period remained unclear; the X chromosome because of its hemizygous anecdotal evidence focusing on specific sex- state in males (see later for more detailed linked genes reported expression in purified description; Wang et al. 2001; Khil et al. 2004). round spermatids populations (Hendriksen After the spermatogonial divisions germ et al. 1995; Hendriksen 1999), and this fostered cells become spermatocytes and enter meiosis. the view that MSCI was restricted to meiosis. Meiosis is a highly specialized cell division However, this dogma was challenged when it that serves to convert diploid cells into haploid was noted that repressive marks, daughters and to allow the exchange of genetic such as histone H3 dimethylated at lysine 9 information between maternal and paternal (H3K9me2) and the -associ- homologs (Zickler and Kleckner 1999). During ated CBX1 protein remain associated with the this phase, the X and Y chromosomes become X and Y during the meiotic divisions and into transcriptionally silenced, a process called early round development (Khalil meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) et al. 2004). (McKee and Handel 1993; Turner 2007), and Shortly thereafter, four studies provided form the heterochromatic “sex body” (Fig. 2) further evidence that the repressive effects (Solari 1974). induced by MSCI are retained postmeiosis When exactly during meiosis does MSCI (Fig. 2) (Greaves et al. 2006; Namekawa et al. take place? Early cytological studies found that 2006; Turner et al. 2006; Mueller et al. 2008). the X and Y chromosomes are heterochromatic The X chromosome was found to be conspicu- from as early as meiotic S-phase (Odartchenko ously heterochromatic and transcription poor, and Pavillard 1970) and semiquantitative based on Cot1 RNA FISH and RNA polymerase RTPCR experiments concluded that repression II throughout round and elongating of specific X-linked genes initiated in lepto- spermatid differentiation (Greaves et al. 2006; tene and/or zygotene (Singer-Sam et al. 1990; Namekawa et al. 2006; Turner et al. 2006).

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Microarray analysis showed that the mean inheriting the wild-type were expression level for X-linked genes, which pre- unaffected. When heterozygous for a complete dictably dropped between spermatogonia and deletion of Asm-1 all the resulting ascospores, pachytene as a result of MSCI, remained low including those with the wild type Asm-1 allele, in round spermatids (Namekawa et al. 2006; were inviable. Thus, deletion of one Asm-1 allele Mueller et al. 2008). However, an important had rendered the second allele susceptible to detail became apparent when the mean silencing. This led the investigators to propose X- levels in spermatids and that physical “pairing” between genes on differ- pachytene were scrutinized more closely. ent homologs during meiosis was required for Although low, the mean X-expression level in them to be expressed. round spermatids was found to be slightly Might a similar “meiotic silencing” proc- higher than in pachytene (Mueller et al. 2008). ess be operating in mammals? During normal This provided preliminary evidence that silenc- male meiosis, the autosomes pair/synapse fully ing of the X chromosome in spermatids might whereas the single X and Y chromosomes are not be as complete as during pachytene. This largely nonhomologous and therefore remain was subsequently borne out by RNA FISH unsynapsed. This asynapsis could trigger gene data; although X-linked genes were found to silencing across the X chromosome, resulting be robustly silenced in pachytene cells, the in MSCI. Two key observations showed that same genes showed variable levels of reactiva- MSCI was indeed driven by the unsynapsed tion in spermatids; some remained silent state of the sex chromosomes. First, when either whereas others reactivated (Mueller et al. 2008). the X or the Y chromosomes were provided with In summary, in female germ cells the inac- a pairing partner, this prevented them being tive X chromosome is reactivated before meiosis silenced (Turner et al. 2006). For instance, in and thereafter remains active, whereas in males XYY males, the two Y chromosomes form a the X chromosome is inactivated during meio- completely synapsed , and as a result sis and then retains a significant but not com- continue to express Y-linked genes during plete level of silencing during spermiogenesis pachytene, when MSCI should normally have (Fig. 2). been completed. This escape from MSCI may be directly responsible for the pachytene arrest observed in XYY mice and men (Turner FUNCTION AND MECHANISM OF MEIOTIC 2006). Second, in male mice carrying X- SEX CHROMOSOME INACTIVATION autosome or autosome–autosome transloca- In female mammals, XCI serves to equalize the tions, both of which prevent synapsis between levels of X-linked products with that in males autosomal homologs, the resulting unsynapsed (Heard and Disteche 2006). In contrast, the autosomal regions became transcriptionally function of MSCI remains mysterious, although silenced, just like the X and Y chromosomes in it is assumed to be an essential process because normal male pachytene cells (Baarends et al. of its conservation across the kingdom 2005; Turner et al. 2005). Thus, any unpaired (McKee and Handel 1993). Insight into the meiotic chromosome was silenced if it failed processes that drive MSCI in mammals came to synapse. Studies in other , princi- from an unlikely source, the Neurospora pally , has shown that crassa. Shiu and colleagues (2001) were study- asynapsis of the X chromosome is a universal ing the effects of different types of of driving force for MSCI (Bean et al. 2004). the Asm-1 ( maturation-1) gene on Interestingly, meiotic silencing is not re- the development of the haploid products of stricted to the male germline. In organisms meiosis, called ascospores. They noted that in which the female is the , heterozygous loss of function mutations in for instance birds, the partly synapsed ZW sex Asm-1 resulted in inviability in those ascospores bivalent is silenced during , whereas that inherited this mutation, whereas those the fully synapsed ZZ bivalent remains active

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

during spermatogenesis (Schoenmakers et al. during the initiation of MSCI, most notably 2009). In female mice, meiotic silencing is also H3K9me2 (Peters et al. 2001; Khalil et al. seen when chromosome synapsis is impaired. 2004) and histone H3 trimethylated at lysine 9 In XX females the two X chromosomes are (H3K9me3) (Greaves et al. 2006), as well as fully synapsed and transcriptionally active SUMO-1 modification of an as-yet unidentified throughout pachytene, but in XO females, the chromatin target (Rogers et al. 2004; Vigodner single X chromosome becomes transcription- and Morris 2005). Whether these modifications ally silenced during pachytene (Baarends et al. are essential for MSCI is unclear; SUMO-1 2005; Turner et al. 2005). Similarly, in human enrichment precedes H2AX phosphorylation , unsynapsed autosomes, such as the and is therefore a very early event in the inacti- additional copy of in Down vation process (Vigodner 2009). Other histone syndrome, are silenced (Garcia-Cruz et al. modifications and variants—for example, 2009). H2AK119u1 (Baarends et al. 1999), hypoacety- A critical step in the initiation of MSCI lated histones H3 and H4 (Khalil et al. 2004), is phosphorylation of histone H2AX at H2AFY (Hoyer-Fender et al. 2000), H2AZ serine-139, generating gH2AX (Rogakou et al. (Greaves et al. 2006), CBX1 (Motzkus et al. 1999). Indeed, H2AX-null male mice are sterile, 1999; Metzler-Guillemain et al. 2003), and with a block midway through pachytene, and CBX3 (Metzler-Guillemain et al. 2003)— MSCI fails to initiate (Fernandez-Capetillo appear after H2AX phosphorylation and there- et al. 2003). H2AX is abundantly expressed in fore may be involved in the maintenance of the testis and the appearance of gH2AX silencing. Recently, a study has found that the throughout the XY chromatin at early pachy- XY bivalent is dramatically remodeled follow- tene is temporally linked to the formation of ing the initiation of MSCI; with H3.1/2 nucle- the sex body (Mahadevaiah et al. 2001) as well osomes being evicted and replaced by H3.3 as to silencing of X- and Y-linked genes as deter- (van der Heijden et al. 2007). This exchange mined by RNA FISH (Turner et al. 2006). correlates with the transient disappearance In mitotic cells, H2AX phosphorylation is and reappearance of H3-linked inactivating his- achieved through the combined kinase activities tone marks and is thought to be linked to the of Atm, Atr, and DNA-PK (Fillingham et al. requirement to reactivate selected X-linked 2006). In mammals, both ATR (Turner et al. genes in the postmeiotic period (van der Heij- 2004) and ATM (Hamer et al. 2004) has been den et al. 2007). localized to the XY bivalent during the initia- The mechanisms underlying the mainte- tion of MSCI, but MSCI initiates normally in nance of X chromosome repression during mice with mutations in Atm (Bellani et al. spermiogenesis are poorly understood. A new 2005; Turner et al. 2005), suggesting either study implicates a Y-linked gene in this process that ATR acts alone in H2AX phosphorylation (Cocquet et al. 2009). The long arm of the or that these kinases can compensate for one mouse Y chromosome (Yq) comprises at least another in MSCI. Further evidence implicating four gene each present as multiple ATR in MSCI has been provided by studies of copies (Toure et al. 2004, 2005). One of these mice with a mutation in Brca1 (Turner et al. is Sly (Sycp3-like Y-linked), which encodes a 2004). BRCA1 also localizes to the XY bivalent protein related to the at the onset of MSCI, and in Brca1 mutants protein SYCP3 (Reynard et al. 2009). Deletions ATR localization to the X and Y chromosomes of Yq cause abnormal sperm head morphogen- is impaired. This impairment correlates with esis and infertility, and this is associated with defective H2AX phosphorylation and MSCI increased mRNA levels of X-linked and Yp- failure. linked genes in developing spermatids (Ellis Other epigenetic modifications more clas- et al. 2005). This elevation in mRNA levels sically associated with chromatin silencing is caused by increased nascent transcription also become enriched on the sex chromosomes of X and Y genes and therefore reflects a

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chromatin-mediated defect in the maintenance those that enhance reproductive fitness in one of XY silencing (Reynard and Turner 2009). sex but diminish it in the other. Rice (1984) Accordingly, repressive histone marks, includ- argued that a recessive mutation in an X-linked ing H3K9me3 and CBX1, are reduced or absent gene that conferred a reproductive advantage in on the spermatid X and Y chromosomes in Yq males but was deleterious to females would mutants (Reynard and Turner 2009). Interest- spread rapidly in a population, because it ingly, SLY protein localizes to both the X and would be immediately apparent phenotypically the Y chromosomes during spermatid develop- because of its hemizygous state. Eventually, ment, and mice depleted in SLY through small females would arise that are homozygous for interfering RNA-based approaches show exactly the mutation. This would impair their repro- the same sex chromatin defects as males with Yq ductive capacity, and this in turn would lead deletions (Cocquet et al. 2009). Thus, SLY is a to the evolution of modifiers that restrict the major regulator of X chromosome repression expression of the gene to the testis. Perhaps par- in the mouse germline. The Sly gene is adoxically, the X chromosome is also expected found only mice; it would therefore be interest- to be enriched in genes involved in oogenesis ing to study to what extent X chromosome (Rice 1984), because the X chromosome spends silencing is maintained during postmeiotic two-thirds of its evolutionary time in females, development in other mammals. thereby increasing the chance that a mutation conferring a female reproductive advantage will become fixed. An enrichment of female- MEIOTIC SEX CHROMOSOME biased genes on the X chromosome has indeed INACTIVATION AND X CHROMOSOME been found both in Drosophila (Ranz et al. GENE CONTENT 2003) and mice (Khil et al. 2004), although Recent studies have shown that MSCI has had a not in humans (Lercher et al. 2003). profound effect on the gene content of the X So how can the apparent depletion of chromosome. One would predict that MSCI spermatogenesis genes on the mouse X chro- and repression of the X chromosome during mosome be reconciled with Rice’s prediction? spermiogenesis would drive meiotic and post- The answer, it appears, lies in the specific meiotic genes off the X chromosome, and this substage of spermatogenesis being scrutinized. is indeed the case. Microarray-based analysis Although the X chromosome appears to be in Drosophila (Parisi et al. 2003; Ranz et al. depleted in testis-expressed genes when the tes- 2003), C. elegans (Reinke et al. 2004), and tis is considered as a whole entity, studies on mice (Khil et al. 2004) has shown that the X specific spermatogenic subtypes painted a dif- chromosome is depleted in spermatogenesis ferent picture. For instance, in a screen designed genes. This has been accompanied in Drosophila to identify spermatogonial-specific genes, Wang and mice by an excess of retrotransposition of et al. (2001) found that one-third of the 36 genes off the X chromosome and onto auto- genes identified mapped to the X chromosome, somes (Betran et al. 2002; Emerson et al. 2004; suggesting that this chromosome plays a pre- Wang 2004; Khil et al. 2005). The resulting ret- dominant role in spermatogonial development. roposed copies are expressed specifically during A similar finding was made later by Khil et al. and after MSCI, suggesting that they compen- (2004); in their analysis spermatogonially sate for the silencing of their X-linked counter- expressed genes were overrepresented on the parts (Wang 2004). X chromosome, but genes expressed during At first, these findings seem at variance with meiosis and spermiogenesis were underrepre- the predictions of Rice (1984), who argued that sented. Because these later cell types outnum- genes involved in spermatogenesis should bered spermatogonia when the testis was actually be enriched on the X chromosome. considered as a whole, the overall impression This argument was based on the concept of was that the X chromosome was depleted in “sexually antagonistic” (Fisher 1931); spermatogenesis genes.

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

So is this the complete picture? Probably exact timing of X-reactivation in males is not; the conclusion of Khil et al. (2004) that unclear. Although two active X chromosomes spermatid-expressed genes are underrepre- are clearly tolerated by female germ cells, the sented on the X chromosome was based on situation may be different in males, because in analysis of single-copy genes. A recent study this case germ cells will express a double dosage has found that the X chromosome is enriched of spermatogonial-specific X-linked genes, in in multiple-copy genes and that most of these addition to “housekeeping” X-linked genes. genes are expressed exclusively in spermatids Any toxic effect caused by this expression would (Mueller et al. 2008). Together, these genes rep- be expected to manifest itself during spermato- resent 33 gene families, totaling 273 genes or gonial development, and this fits well with the 18% of the total protein-coding X-gene com- early germ cell arrest seen in XXY men and plement. Mueller et al. (2008) noted that in mice (Fig. 3) (Ferguson-Smith 1959; Mroz et al. contrast to single-copy genes, which showed 1999; Lue et al. 2001). reactivation in only a small proportion of sper- In sex chromosome aneuploid models matids, multiple-copy genes were expressed in that germ cell arrest occurs later, during pachy- high numbers of spermatids, and the expression tene (e.g., Turner syndrome, X- or Y-autosome levels of multiple-copy genes were similar to translocations), meiotic silencing could be a those of autosomal, spermatid-expressed genes. contributing factor. In X- or Y-autosome trans- They concluded that gene amplification antago- locations, and even autosome–autosome trans- nizes the repressive chromatin environment on locations, the disruption to autosomal synapsis the spermatid X chromosome. results in silencing of all genes located within Furthermore, most studies on X-gene the unsynapsed autosomal segments via mei- expression have focused on protein-coding otic silencing. Clearly, if one or more of these genes. Recent reports have now examined the genes are essential for progression through expression of miRNAs during spermatogenesis pachytene, then this will result in germ cell (Ro et al. 2007; Song et al. 2009). Interestingly arrest. Pachytene is a stage during which abun- testis-expressed miRNAs also preferentially dant autosomal transcription is known to occur map to the X chromosome (Ro et al. 2007) (Monesi 1965; Turner et al. 2005). The meiotic and, more strikingly, around 80% of these X- silencing hypothesis fits well with the observa- linked miRNAs are expressed during pachytene tion that small amounts of autosomal asynapsis (Song et al. 2009). This finding is unprece- do not invoke arrest whereas larger unsynapsed dented, as it represents the first example of a autosomal segments do (Ashley 2000); the class of genes that are able to evade MSCI. These larger the unsynapsed chromosome region, genes are proposed to play roles in either meio- the higher the probability that it will contain sis or in MSCI itself (Song et al. 2009). a meiosis-critical gene. The model is also par- ticularly compelling when considering XO oocytes; in this case the entire X chromosome X CHROMOSOME REACTIVATION AND will be silenced, rendering the oocyte nullizy- MEIOTIC SILENCING AS CAUSES OF gous for X-linked gene products (Fig. 3). The INFERTILITY timing of oocyte loss in XO females fits well The studies outlined on X chromosome reacti- with that of the initiation of meiotic silencing vation in the female germline and MSCI in (i.e., during pachytene [Burgoyne and Baker the male germline provide a framework for 1981, 1985]). understanding how sex chromosome aneu- A converse argument can be used to explain causes infertility (Fig. 3). X chromosome meiotic losses in XYY mice and men. In XYY reactivation occurs in the female during germ mice, a significant proportion of early pachy- cell development, but it also occurs in males tene cells exhibit complete YY synapsis and with two X chromosomes, notably XXY/Kline- this allows escape of Y genes from MSCI felter mice (Mroz et al. 1999). However, the (Turner et al. 2006). Interestingly, these cells

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E. Heard and J. Turner


PGC Migratory PGC Gonium Leptotene/Zygotene Pachytene

XO X-active X-active X-active X-active X-silencing

s-phase Asynapsis X-nullizygosity → ARREST


XXY Random X-reactivation Completion of XCI initiates X-reactivation Barr body

Double X dose toxicity → ARREST X X a Xi Y a Xi Y

XYY X-silencing XYY active XYY active XYY active XYY active YY-escape silencing Sexbody

Toxic Y gene expression → ARREST X Y Y X Y Y

Figure 3. A model for germ cell arrest in sex chromosome aneuploid conditions. In XO females, XCI does not take place during early development, the X chromosome is therefore active until pachytene. At this stage, the unsynapsed state of the X chromosome triggers meiotic silencing; the resulting inactivation of X-linked genes leads to pachytene arrest. In XXY males, the presence of two X chromosomes initiates random XCI in the epi- blast; PGCs therefore have one inactive X. The exact timing of X chromosome reactivation during germ cell development is unclear, but may follow similar kinetics to that in XX females. The resulting double dose of X- linked gene expression causes spermatogonial arrest. In XYY males, all three sex chromosomes are active until pachytene. At this stage, the X chromosome undergoes MSCI because it is unsynapsed. However, the two Y chro- mosomes undergo synapsis and therefore escape silencing; the resulting sustained expression of Y-linked genes is toxic and leads to pachytene arrest.

are eliminated during mid-pachytene, whereas in XYY males (Royo et al. 2010). Independent those harboring completely unsynapsed, and evidence that MSCI is essential for transition hence fully silenced X and Y chromosomes, through pachytene comes from Brca1 and are able to progress to late pachytene (Turner H2AX null males; in both cases there is a meiotic et al. 2006). These findings are consistent block and the stage of germ cell arrest pheno- with a model in which escape from MSCI causes copies that seen in XYY males (i.e., mid-pachy- germ cell arrest, presumably because of the toxic tene [Turner et al. 2004; Fernandez-Capetillo effects of misexpression of one or more genes et al. 2003]). Thus illegitimate YY synapsis on the Y chromosome (Fig. 3). This model drives meiotic failure in Double Y syndrome has recently been corroborated: Preventing mice and men. Y–Y synapsis in XYY males circumvents this The sex chromosome abnormalities so far mid-pachytene block (Royo et al. 2010). Fur- discussed are an unusually common cause of thermore, forced expression of Y-linked genes infertility in men. Most of the remaining cases during mid-pachytene in XY males causes a are classed as idiopathic; however, even here as meiotic block indistinguishable from that seen yet uncharacterized genetic defects affecting

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

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E. Heard and J. Turner

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Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Fertility

Edith Heard and James Turner

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002675 originally published online July 5, 2011

Subject Collection Germ Cells

RNA Granules in Germ Cells Developmental Control of Oocyte Maturation and Ekaterina Voronina, Geraldine Seydoux, Paolo Activation in Metazoan Models Sassone-Corsi, et al. Jessica R. Von Stetina and Terry L. Orr-Weaver Function of the Sex Chromosomes in Mammalian Translational Control in Oocyte Development Fertility Joel D. Richter and Paul Lasko Edith Heard and James Turner Small Noncoding RNAs in the Germline Unique Aspects of Transcription Regulation in Jonathan P. Saxe and Haifan Lin Male Germ Cells Helen White-Cooper and Irwin Davidson Mammalian Germ Cell Intercellular Bridges Marisa S. Bartolomei and Anne C. Ferguson-Smith Michael P. Greenbaum, Tokuko Iwamori, Gregory M. Buchold, et al. Molecular Regulation of the Mitosis/Meiosis Germline Stem Cells Decision in Multicellular Organisms Allan Spradling, Margaret T. Fuller, Robert E. Judith Kimble Braun, et al. Selection in the Rapid Evolution of Nuclear Transfer to and Oocytes Recognition Proteins in Marine J. B. Gurdon and Ian Wilmut Victor D. Vacquier and Willie J. Swanson

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