LIFRRRY RICKS COLLEGE ID:208_356_2590 MRR 02'01 10;34 No.002 P.06


Tv,o translations ,l,he/irsl of tht: Jtn6.nal o{Day,i6l Gile.c llobcrts hute heert mnde wtts

dane on Septembcr 19, _955, hi'Mrs. ,frnt: Mu,sgrove. The: trtmsktlion wus madcfront Welslt tp

Englisltfiom the originul.ierurnal in the Clutrclt llistoriun's )fice, Salt Lakc CitS,, g1o1r. ,r"

.tecond lrttrtsktt.ion wus done in the l;all of Igg5, h),Rhi.unrton pritcltattl, an hisloriun rtnd trunslator, who rcsidc:, itt Marh)tilleth, Walcs. Ilor trunslution wtu uade.from llelsh to Engtish

a coP! oJ'th( origirtul.iournal. froru l)r. Ilonttkl I)cnnis o/'Brighunr Young lJnh,, a llrctsh lranslalor uncl histot ian, has rcccfillt milrlo severul l.ratir;latiort cltattges, u,hich ulso lteve

contribuled lo lhe at:c:uruc:1, of the"iournal.

The ltt'o complet6 translafians hat,e been eilitetl Jbr eccut'ctcy of infurntatiott, pttncluttlicttt,

rlates, ttntl spelling of place iluDte-r, in an cffort lo preserve ntost clo.relst the sp[rit in which r)a.vid

Giles lloltet'ls wrote. This eclitiort w,tt.t ntnde h), lti.g grear-grandduughler, C)arolyn Roher"ts, a hislory/slret:iql family t,ctlJec:tiott-t liht.ttrisn, in Januur.1,, 2001, llte Dat,id O. McKcq, Lihraty,

Ri c ks C o l ge/ g le il ri h a nt Y o u n g {.-t n i t, tt rs i t }, - I cl uho, R exhirg, Icl a ho.

Dinas (), July 21, i B5S

I'he Presidcncy ol'thc Chruth dcsirE allrnenrbers in to kccp tlrcirrccords, and

according to lhis ttesire i will bcgin to kccp a record.

I was bonr March g, g2(j, .,Lonc I I ttl a piace callecl Bocilr,,pcn,rallt Slrcct, Maohynllcth,

irr the corurly of Montgolnery, North Walcs, Grcat Brilain.

My firthcr's llalnc was Robcrt Robcr(s, He rvas lronr at a place called Tinynant, on thc first sunday in March, 17g4, i^thc parish ol', in the c.unty of Mo'tgonrery.

My nrother'$ rlarilc wes Jirnc llob<;rts, She rvas borrr at a plaoe oalled Lonc Boclh,


It{AIr- 2-01 Flt l0:29 itr 2,t! 353 2390 P, 6 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE ID:208-556'2394 |"1RR 02'01 10 :34 No .002 P.07

Perr'rallt Street" , on New Year's day (.Ianuary I),1794, She was .lanc Giles before

her nrarriagc.

I have two brothers and lbur sistcrs. My elder brotlrer's namc is Jolur Robeits. He was

borl Angust 18, 1821, at l,olre lloeth, T'ctt'rall( Strcct, Machynlleth.

My othcr broii:cr's naurc is Edwald llotrerts. He v"as born Dccetnber 8, 1823, at Lone

Bocth, Pcn'rallt Street, MaohynIleth,

Thc names of nry .sisters Brc. !.he eldcst, Susan Robcrts, bont iu the urontb of June, 1828,

at a placc called Penybonlyfelingen-ig, in the Parish of Pcncgoes, . My clear

sister .Susan diecl at thc agc ol'trvo nronths. She was buriEd in the churchyartl at Pcncgocs in

August, 1 828. My sucond sistcr, natrtccl Susan Roberts, wos born Septernl'rer 31 (J0Z), 1830, at

Penyborrtyfelingerr-ig, Purish of . My third sistcr's namc is Margaret Roberls. She was

trour June 9, 1833, at Perryborrtyfelingerlig, Parish of Pcncgocs. My dear sister, the second

Sttsatr Robctts, diccl Febnrary 3, i 836, at the age 5 years and 6 nrorrths, at Penybontylblingcrig.

artd she, too, was buried in the ohulahyard at I)erregoes. My youngost $istcr's rralilc is also Susan

Roberts. She was born Februaty 26, 1837, at Penybontyfelingerrig, parish of l,enegoes.

My father and lrtothEr were niarried Juno 9" IBZA, in Machynlleth Church.

My dear tttotlter, Jans Robcrts, diocl at my grandmothcr's homc in Machynllcth, on

January 10, 1843, at the age of 49. Sire was burie

14, 1843.

My btother, .Iohn Robcrts, rnarricd a Cathcrinc Davies, the daughter of David zurd Mary

Davics of Pcnisarclrc, Dinas Mawdriwy, at Mallwyd Clhurch, Montgomcryshire, March 5, 1g49.

Hc now has Ibur chiidrorr. Mary, thc cldcst, was born at Penisardrc at her grandparent's homo in

April, 1849. Thc sccond child is Johrr Roberts. He wirs bonr al Penygeularr, Dinas Mawcldwy,


IIIAR- 2-01 Flt i|:2g Ar,1 208 35A 2390 P,i LIBRARY RI CKS COLLEGE ID :2OB_356_2390 MAR 02'01 10:35 N0.002 P.0B

'i'he Dcccmbcr 24, 1851. third chiltt is Robcrt Robcrts. l'lc was lronr at Perrygeulan, August 3l,

1853. 'l'he fourth clrild is Janc Robcrts. She was lrom at Per:ygeulan, Dinas, March 9, 1855.

My brothcr, Eqiward Robcrts, rnarricd Elizabeth l,ewjs, dauglrter of Robert and Margaret

I-ewis frorlr the parisir of Towyn, county of Merioneth. 'l'hey were rnauied in the churclr of

Mallwyd, Mongonreryshire. Noverrrber- 20, I 852.

Janc Lewis Robcrts, daugirter of F.dwar

parlor, Wilgob Street, Dinus Mawddwy, ut 2 o'clock, Wcdncsday aftcmoon, August 23, 1854.

Jane Lervis Robert.l was blesserl by clcJcrs Edward Robcrts and John Davis, who held her in tlrejr

an'us, Noven:ber 3, 1854. John Davis, prosidcnt of thc branch, prayed.

My sistcr, Margarct Robcrts, trtauicd Edward Jones, son of David and Jang Jonos frorrr

Frorr, Cwnrgerist, in Mall*yd ohurch, Montgonreryshire, May ZZ,lg5}.

My grandlathc;., rny rnother's father, together with his brothers ancl sisters aro as foltows;

Elinor Giles, bom l)ecembcr 9, 1766; Edward Gilcs (ury grancl&rthcr), born April 1767 (176s?). His thther's llarnc was Thomas Gilcs, wlto catnc li'ottr onc of thc conntrics overscas with his brothcr, Gilcs Gilcs, two strangcrs to oilr counttyl Elizabcth Gilcs, born ^iune 22, IZ70; Janc Gilcs, bom Octobcr 2,1772; Thomas Gilqs, 6.m Jun l, 1775; Susan Gilcs, born August lg,l77l

Ann Ciles, born April g, l 7g l .

My grandf'ather's motirer was Jane Ciles.

My molhcr, Janc Robcrts, was ottc of fivc chilclrcn, two sons and tlrcc rlauglrtcrs, a.s


]. I'homas Giles: 2. Jane Ciles; 3. Bdwar-d Giles; 4. Mary Gilcs; 5. Susan Gilcs.


20t 353 2390 P, B LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGI ID:299_356_2390 MRR 02'01 10 :55 No .002 p.09

Suszur Ciles has a son uarned David Davics.

Tlre namcs olthc cilildr-en of my uncle, J'honrers Gilcs, and Callrerine, lris wifc, and the

datcs of their birth arc as foliows:

.Iane Gilcs, bonr August 22, tr 816; Edward Ciles, lronr .Tanuary 12, l8] 8; Thomas Giles, bom Nove:rrbcr 22,1820: Susan (iilcs, bonl May 22,1822; Catlrcrinc Gilcs, trorl April 29,1824; John Gilcs, bour AugusL29,1827.

Tlroir nrollrer'r* ruaidcn llal)re was (lstlrorirrc Rowlands-

rvho livecl in Corriu, aboitl 6 tniles frorn Machynllcilr, on tlre road to Dolgcllau.

My aunt, Catherinu Gilcs, dicd in June 1840,ltge 58 ycars.

My grandfather" Edv"ard (iilcs, died in May 1841, agc 74 ycars.

Edwatd (iiles, tlte sott of Thumas and Catherine 6iles, djcd in 1842, age25 years,

My gritrrdrnotlrer, Susan Giles, died iu May 1846, agc 86 ycars. Thc four were burierl irr

Machynllctir churchyard,

.Iolrrr Robcrts, my graudfather, was bom irr Tytytrau, Ccmes (Cenmae.s) parish, jn 1751.

Margalet l{oberts, nty gratrdnrothcr, was borl at Penybontycock, Llanbrynrnair.

John ltobr;rts, ti;y grandfathcr, died July 25,1828, at thc agc of 77 years, at f)ipas


Marrgaret Robcrts, rny gratrdnrother,

buried at IVlaliwyd.

May 13, 1826 , the beginrrirrg of the sumnlcr:

When I was abont 2 months old, rrry par€r1ts rrroved to a snrall villagc about I ntile fi.orn Machynlletlr, called Penybontylblingerrig, in Penegoes Par-ish. I was nurturccl i1the clootrirres of


2tt 353 2390 r. I LIBRRRY RICKS COLJ.-EGE iD :208*356-2390 MAR 02'01 10:36 N0.002 P.10

tlrc established cirurch (Church of Englaud) unrler the nrinislry of Morgan Davis, parish parson.

In May, 1844, we tttovecl fi'ont (here to Mlchynllelh, where I joinecl anothcr church, "T|c

Cantptrellites." I wtts lraptizerl by Edrvar-d Evans of Llarrir]locs in thc Rivcr Dyfi, near


ln the yeat' I845, in tire sutrtrnsr, I firs!. hear-d l.he gospel preachcd by Dldcr Captain Dan

Jottcs, utldcr tltc Towtr l'Iall of Machynlleth. He preacherl at I o'clock Srrlurday rright and or:

Sunday at 9 an ., I pr:i., 4:30 pm., arrd 7:30 pnr. irr lhe everrirrg. He provcd his tcachings fi.onr thc

scril:r(ures. tesl.ifiecl that ]ris rnission was divinc, and that wc would receivo the gifls of the Holy

Girost if wq vvulg obcdicnt. This was a lnystcly to nre, My firther bought "The Old Religion," (a

refcrenae to l)an .Iones's first Tturnphlet). I read it and it pleased me greatly. Elder Captairr Dau

Jotres cane to Machynlletlr again and ho prcachcd twicc on a Sunday. I studicd thc cloctrines in

dept)r for nronths.

I 846

In lhe ntonth of Fetrruary Eklcr Abcl Evans carue to Machynlleth zurd preaohed twice- on

Tucsday night arld Thursday night. Nearly 3 nronth.s later, lil{or Ahe I }ivans carre 4g;1ir 1u

Muohynlle(h with Samrrcl Davis ,flrotn Llwyn. Eldcr Abcl Evans baptized ule llear CraigybwloS

Lake, Sattrrday evening, April 18, 1846. trlder Abel Evuns preachetl irr the Canrpbellite chapcl al

i I tl'olock, A rnccling saintrs of thc was hcld in thc hornc of Etlward Davies. I was rrrade a full

mcmbcr of thc Church of Jcstts Clrrist of Lattcr-day Saints, being confirmed under t5e halcls of

Eldcr Abcl Evalls' attd rcceivcd the gift of the lloly Chost. I was advised to pray sipoerely for a testinroDy lnd to Iive worllti]y. This was thc first mccting I attcndcd as a mcmbcr, and I thank t:ry Hesvet:ly Fatlrer for the Privilege of bccomi::g a rncn:bcr of thc Church of Jcsus Christ, This

date was April 19, I 846.


IilAl- 2-C 1 Fl i l0: 31 ,{\x 2!3 355 2390 P. 10 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE I D : 208-356-2390 MRR 02'01 10:36 No.002 P.11

I tnoved frorrr Maolrynilclit to Abcrgyrrolwyrr orr May 17,1847 . ln the surnmer of tlris

ygala branch was opcrrecl ut Llunegryn, in lhc horne of Willianr Morris. Eldcr Thomas Ellis was

chosen to be presidcnt of thc blnuch. I wns set upar-t iis^ ir dcacon by Elder'l'honras Hughes, thc

president ttf thc Machynllcth Branch. l".Jtler Thonras EIlis ordaincd rne a deacon in the honrc of

'i'he Ilrother Williant Mon'is in Llancgryn. r)arres of the porsons in thc branch arc: TIrorDas Ellis, nrcsidc[t, David Robcrts, deacon, Williarrr Mon-is, Margarct Robcrts, my sister

About the rrriddlc ol"Nr:vctnbcr I moved fi'onr Abergynolwylr to Pcrnrission

rvas given by Eldcr Abci Evans to hoid I prayer nreeting at , above thc town ol

Dolgellau, and I rryas placed as presidcnt. Thc narncs of those present rvere David Roberts,

Robert Roberts, rltd Margarct Robcrts and Snsan Robcrts, my sisters. Elclor Abel Evans came

there to preaolr; also the elders Hiiward llobsrts and Thonrus Ellis of Machynllcth

J lrtoYed fronr l)olgellau to I)olfur', l,lurrwrin about May, 1848. My menrbers5ip

rcmarncd at thc Macirynllcth Brar:,ch.

I moved liotr) Lianwrin 1o Ltanbryrunair about thc cnd of Junc, 1848. 'l'he Llanbryrunair

Rrattclr was fonned irr the Merionetlrr,^hire c

Roberts a coutr.selot. I was set apirrt as a priest al thc Dolgcllau confcrencc, and Thornas Ellis

was sent to Llattbtyruneir to open the branoh and to ordain nre a 1:riest. Elder Thonras EIlis oarrrc

to Llanbrynnr;iir froi.n Machyr:llcth t"o r:porr thc branch, and Thornas Bllis and trdrvard Roberts ordaincd mc a pricst in my housc at pcnygilyn on May 6, 1g49.

i traveled with [drvzud Robelts to tr)any different places. I began the preachilg nreeting with praycr.


IrIAR- 2-N1 Fll 1f:j' Ai,J 2tt 353 2390 P. 1l LIBRf;RY RICKS COLLE6E ID :208-356-2390 l"]AR 02'01 10:37 No.002 P.12

I ntovcd fronr i,ianbrynmair Wcdnesday, July 25, I849, and went to stay with Mr,

Criffith Evarrs, Tanylbil, Abercyrvarch villagc, Llanynrawcldll'y Parish. Edwyn Smith an

Evan Williams, flarrnel rrrauufacturers, I)irras Muwddwy, were here before nre; also Margarct

Roberts, nry sistcr, rvho stayed at F'rondiron with Mr. Ilvan lIuglres. I tcstilicd to several persons

aboul tlre divinity of the tnessage, exhorting thcm to otrey, arrd they would rcceive a witness liorr

Cod. My bro(her, trdward Roberts, camc hcrc Tlnrrstlay, May 17, I850 to Mr, Griffe.lh Evarrs,

Tanylbil. Ile held a cxrunoil with Prcsiclcnt Erlu,ards and Thomas llughes, pl-osidcnt of

the M.aolrynlleth Branch.

Thc Llantrrynntair Branch rvrts movcd fronr Llanblynrnair to . lilder

Ildrvard Robgrts was ::.:aclc president of the trranch of Dinas Mawdclwy. The brarrch rvas fomrcd

a n:ontit or two before he currrc hcrc lo stay-and he used to conre herc lionr Llanbryrurair to visil

u.'i at Dinas.

The nanrcs of thc pcrsons in the Dinas branclr wcrc as follows:

Edward Roberts, president; 'Ilronras Ellis, cldcr; David Roberts, priest; Iidwyn Snrith, priest; Robcrt Robcrts; Margaret Rohs4s; Susau Roberts; Margarct Richards. Eldcrs 2, priests 2, tolal 8"

Elder Thomas Ellis anC l')thvyrr Srlith. pricsl, movcd back to the Machynlletb brapch orr May 14, I850

Margaret Ricliards was cul offfrom thc church. She livecl at l,lantrryrmair.

Orr Sunclay. May 20, 1850, thc Mcrioncth Conlbrenco was hold at Maohynllotlr, I wolt to

l}tc conlbrctrcc frotn Abercywalch orr Surr


]\,{AR- 2-01 Fli 1tl:32 ril 2ut 35i 239tt P. 12 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE iD :208-556-239A MRR 02'01 10:37 No.002 P.13

Thursday. Eliazer Edwartis, prcsidcnt of this conferencc, was released fronr his dutics as

prcsidctrt, and Williur Evans r:l'Rhynrni was rnade prcsidcnt of thc conferellce. Thomas Pugh,

sccotrd couuselor of the First Prcsidcncy of the Church in Walcs rvas at the confelemce, and hc

taught tlre merrrbcrs of tltc Llhurch to corrtribule Lo the diffcrcnt causes portaining to Thc Church

of .lesus Christ of Lattcr'day Saints, that they irr Jsrael arc prcscnliug a shcaf of the firstfruits to

lltc Lord, and that Cod requests tirc firstli uits of our possessions in this a$o toward thc building

ol'his kingdont, 'l'he Saints in thcir various duties were addressed by Prcs. Pugh, Eliazcr

Edrvards, Willianr Bvatrs, unrl William .Toncs. Prcsidcnt Pugh preachecl on the subject: "lJnlcss a

Man be llonr of tlro Water and tlrc Spirit."

Narrres of llre books I lrouglrt: Ad

Machynllclh Confcrcncc, May 20, 1850: May 20.....Tlronras pugh...... l shilling May 20...... Willianr Evans ...... 1 shillins May 20...... llliazcr lidwarcls...... ,...,... ,.,.,."....,.6 pence May 20...... William .Iones ...... 6 pcncc May 20...... Collccrion...... ,,..,,6 pence

.Iune 24...... Thomas Morgan, Mon...,...... 6 pcncc .Tunc 24....willianr Evans rbr thc guarter cnding september g...4 shillings Total: I pound,7 yzpencc

Nunres rlf persons in llre Dinas Mawddrvv Branch: Eclwarcl Robcrts, cldcr; David Robcrts, pricst; RobertRotrerts; Margarct Robcrts; Srisan Robcrls Tolal ntcrlbcrs:s


MAR- 2-f1 Fti 1f::2 A}l 2r't 35i 2390 P. 13 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLI6E ID:208-356-2390 l',lRR 02'01 10:38 N0.002 p.14

Augusti8,l850...... WilliarrrWillianrs...., ..l shilling S eptonrbcr 4, 1 8 5 0. "...'l'lrorrras Morgan, M on...... ,, 6 pcnce

I wns ntade an EIdcr in the Towyr Confcr$ec by , pre.sident of tlrc conl'erence.

Daniel l(obcrts, a prics{ who catrte fi-orrr Hirwaerr Branclr, , at the begiuning of last

Augttst, wtts trrs.tle a:r elder, and Edward Roberts was sallecl lo ordain us the first Surrclav afler the

conference at Dina.s. (RobertT) Roberts rvas oallecl to lrc a tcachcr.

Ol Surlday, Septertrber 14, 1850, Edward Roberts or

Daniel Rotrerts arr el

Moncy Collcctcd Octobcr 9...... ,...Jolrn Evans...,...,,. ...,.6 pcncc October 16...,.,...... John Evans ...... 6 penoe Novenrber 18,..,.;..,.,.,.John Evans...... ,,,....6 pence Decerrr[:er 6.,.,...,,...... Jolur -[,vans,,. .,,,...... 3 Per]ce William Evans lbr the quaftel ending l)ocenrber 8....,..,d lhitlings, 6 pcncc I)ecember 8,...... WiIham llvans ...... ,....3 pence Ilecenrber *....,,,,..,....Jo}tn Evaps...., ...... 3 prnou I)ecenrber 26...... "....Rcnt for rootr)...... 3 shittings 2 volunres 1850...... ^.... .,,...... S shillinls Total ruoncy collected...... 16 shillings and 9 pcncc

Mcmbers of the Dinas Mawdclwy Branch: Eclwurd Roberts, eldcr; David Robcrts, cldcr; Danicl Rot>efts, elder; RobErt R


MAR- r1\1 2-C1 ilt 10:33 20t 35A 2390 ll 1/ LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGT I D : 208-356-2590 l-lRR 02'01 10:38 N0.002 P.15

Itt thc year 1850 I starturl to prcach in l,lanynrawddwy with Bdward Roberts, and whcn

Danicl Rotretls canre lrcrc liorn South Walcs I was placcd to preach with him. Wc preached at

tnany placcs-Llautyrrta'*'ddwy, Cywarcir. Blacn Cyrvarch, I)inas Mawddwy, ,

Brynurug, Torvyl, and Aberdovoy*- ancl we tsstified {o irurrdrcds of porsons of the divinity of our

nles"sage. I purcltasc:ci t:catises fionr Williaur Evturs, wofih I ponce, lo sprcad them oul. to the

world. Total 8.

Art accounting of contrihutions for different oauses in thc church for 1851: January 13, I 851 "....,.John Evans...... ,....,.6 pencc Februruy 5, 185tr..,.,...iohn Evarrs,.,,,.,,,, ...... 3 pcncc Willianr Flvans fur thc quarter ending March 1 , 1 851,....6 shillings

Mnohyrrlleth Cr>nforcncc, March I, I85l: Marcli i.","...... ,.WiIIiarn Evans...... 6 pcncc Marcl: 1..,...,.,,,..,...,,...'l'lrorrurs Pugh,.."...... 6 ponce March 1.....,...... ,,.,...... John Evans...... , ...... 6 penoe

Jnne 1...... ,..,...... ,.,",,.,.Retrlof room...... 2 shillings flnd 6 pcncc Eliazcr Edwarcls, clothes...... 1 shilling

J'-rly 6...... ,...... Wi11ianr Evuns ...... 2 shillings

willianr I'lvarrs for tlre qurrrter cnding September L4...... 4 shillings antl g pcncc

M uchyn I letlr Con ference, Scptcrnbcr I 4, I 85 I : Presidcnt W. S. Phillips

Total collecterl:..,...... -- -,------1 I -hittrrg. rr.t 5 p"r* -

Elder Williarn

]I,IAX- 2-01 Fli 1.;j3 iM 2lE 350 2390 P, 15 TIBRARY RICKS COLLTGE ID:208-356-2390 MRR 02'01 10:38 No .002 p.16

Doctrine anti Covcuants...... ,...,,.,...... 2 shillings and 6 pence 2 volumes r:f Zion's ll)-umpct for l85l 4 shillings and 4 pencc End of year lotal...,,,...... 12 shillings zurd 4 pencc

In March, 185 i, l)arriel Roberts left Dinas ftrr the South, but I do rrot know wlrere.

Merubsrs of the l)inas Mawdrlwy Branch irr thc parish of Mallwyd, Co. of Morionelh, as '!, of Jamrary 1852: I . Edward lloberts, clderl ?. l)avi

Marclr I 3....,.,....".....W, Richards,...... ,2 shillings March 14...... iohn Parry. .6 penoe

Apl'il..John Evarrs and Peter Davics lbr books...2 shillings and 6 pertcc Washing fol'John Evans and P. I)avies.,.S Yrpcnce For nrenciing lheir slockings,...... 3 pcnce

May 12..,.,...... ".Book of Mont:on,,,...... 3 shillings and 5 perrce

.trun"; i2...... ,..,....,.W. Richards,.,...... 7 shillings and 3 % pence June I 3...... Jolur Flvans, Abertei fi ...... 2 pence Jure I 3,.,.,...... ,..,,.,.John Parry...... ,....6 pence

J urre 1 3...... ,...... ,.I3nr i gration Futd,.....,.....(i perrce Junc 13,...... Fasl ...... 6 peuce June | 3.,...... ,...... W,S. PhiIlips...... ,.,.,.,. I shillirrg .irrne 25.,.....,,...... ,... Rent of room...... 3 shillings June 25...... Erastus Snow...... -_,...... I shilling June 26..,...,...... Willianr Richanls...,...... I shilliing Jurre 26.."...... "..'l'Ernple 8lock...... ,...... 5 shillings and 6 pcncc

August 4...... Wi ltiam Richards...... , I shilling Augus1 4...... John Davics, clothcs.,.,., l shi l ling and g pcncc August 20...... "..Willianr Richards..,...... I shillirrg arrrl Idp'rce Total.....,.,.1 pound, l4 shillings and 5 % pcnce

August 29...... W. Phillip.s....^ 5 pcncc

-t l -

]\itAR- 2-t]1 Flt Au 1f:34 20t 350 2390 I tn LIBRRRY RiCKS COLLEGE ID:2OB_556-2390 |'1RR 02'01 10:39 No.002 P.17

August 29...... Wi}Iiarn R ic,hlrds...... 4 pcncc August 29....,,... Enrigration Fund....,.,.'.'.,'4 pence August 29.,.,...... ,.t''or books...... 7 shillings and'3 h pcnoo -l-otal: 8 shillings and 4ll2 pence

Dinas Mawddwy Branch in Mallwyd Farish, County of Mcrioueth.

I copicd this fi-onr a writterr paper:

"We have conrc to tliis town according to the counsel of God, to preaolr tlre gospel, telling

everyonc what is neoessary ior thern tt: clo 1o be save

and presenl thcm to Cod to do as hc wishes wilh them-those rvho rtrocked and scontcd us, wlro

rcfused our te$tirnorly, son)E of whicir called us foolish and irnpudont, deceivcrs and dovils, lhe

organizatiott of tlte devii, attd that ours were thc tcachings of the der,il. We shook the dust fronr

our lbct atrd washerl tlrem.

1. John Jorres, glazicr 2. l,ewis Evans, cobblcr 3. 'fhomas Williams. chapel luan 4. Elizabcth Williams, his wife 5, Evan Evans, cobbler 6. Elizabetlr Evans, his wifc 7. Duvid Lloyd, tailor 8. Gainor Lloyd, his wife 9. Rowland Jones, weavcr 10. Oven Bvans l l. Margarct Davics 12. Monis Evans, shopkeeper i3, Gwen Watkins 14. Davjd Davies, spllurer 15. Mary Dovies, his rvifc 16. Jane Evans, Abcrc;.wal'ch 17. Ebcnczcr Jones, At:eroywaroh I8. 'l'honrus .Ioiles, Abcrcywarch I9. Sarah Jolros, Abercyrvnrch 20. Henry lldwards, tnasoll 2l . Richard Hughcs 22. Morgan Lewis 23. David l-lughes, Abera.rrgeli 24. Johrr Giles, weaver


I'IAR- :-i1 F?l l"l::4 All 1 1t 20r 355 2390 i. I I LIERRRY RICKS COLLEGE I D : 208-356-2390 l"1RR 02'01 10:39 No.002 P.1B

25. William Williarns, miner 26, William Jones, tiller 27. El i sabeth Vaughn, Ponygeulan, 28. Thonras'l'homas, Cilwent 29, Richard Roherts, joiner 30. Marged l)avics, ty Craig 31. Evan.Ioncs, seryice Septcmber 5, I852 - wc have prcscnted thess unbcljevers tr) God and havc bont witness to God,

thc Etcr:tal Father, for their wickctlncss and rejcction of us l:ccausc of t]rp gospcl.. We shook (he

dust arrd washcd our feet,"

Edward Robcrts, president David Roberts, counselor Robert Robcrts, tcacher Edward Robcrts, seclelary

W, S" Plilllills corrrr:rarldcd us to shake the dust lrom our feet as testimony against lhosc who

refused tlre gospci,"

Scptember 26, 1852 - to help the Llanidlocs Branoh For books owed to the confurcncc...... 2 shillings and 6 pencc Picturc of Phiiips.... I shilling and 6 perrce

Octobcr and November. I852 Willianr Rrchards.,...... 6 shillings

Dccernber, I852 I)ecember ..Stars ...2 shillings a1d 4 pence f)ecernbcr 12...... "...Ijng1ish lectures,...... 3 shiilings Dcccrnbcr 12...... ,,,.,.,....Wt:|sh lcctures...... Z shillings and 7 pence Dcccrrrber 12..,.,...,...... Zion's Trumpet rnagazines.,.,.,.l shilling and 6 pence Decerrilrer 12...... ,,.,.,,.,Entigration liund...... ,.,.,.,...... 1 shilling Dccerrrber 1?...... ,,,.".,,. Fasl...... ,...... -...... 8 pencc Dooerrrbor I2...,.,...,.,...,.John Joncs.,....,... .. 3 Dence I)ecerrrber 12...... John parry ...... ,,,.,.6 p"rrr" l)ecernlrer 12...... Willianr IU chards...... ,,.....,. 6 pcncc Decembcr i 9...... ,.,.,....Wi i1ianr Rio]rarcls...... ,...... (; penoe December 2.:,...... Wi11iarn Richards...... ,,3 shillings Decernber 26...... ,...... John jones, trousers...... 1 shilling 'l'otql: I pound, 6 slrillings, and l0 pence

- l3-

I'JAR- 2-01 Fil 10rj5 Al,J 20t 358 2390 f . lij LIBRARY RiCKS COLLEGE ID:2OB_356_2390 MRR O2'01 10:40 N0.002 P.19

Janurry 1, I853 - Nurttbcr of tnembers of Dinas Mawddwy Branch; I, Edward Rotrerts, clder; 2. Davjd Robcrts, elder; 3. Robert Robsns, teachcr; 4. .Iohn Roberls 5. Margaret Jones 6. Elisabetlr Roherts 7. Sttsan Rotrerlri

February Aooourrls: February 6, 1853...... Fast.,.,...... 4 pcnce Iiebruary 21, 1853..... W. I(ichards, cloties...... 2 shillirigs Fcbruary21.1853,...."...... ,.,.W.Richards,..,. ...3shillings Febnrary 27,1853...... ,.,.,....,Fast.....-...... 2 shillings

Marc,itl2,!853...... Enrigrationl'und,.,.,...... ,...... 1shi1|ing

April 13, 1853,,...... ,...... ,.|)oclrinc and Covenants...... ,.,.3 shillirtgs and 6 penoe April 13, 1853...,,..,.....,...... "...Ziorr's Trumpet rnagazincs,,,..l shilling and 2 pencc April 1 3, 1 853.,...,.,. "...... ,.,,,.... Pj 01ure o f thc Prcsidonoy...... 6 pcncc

May 3, 1853...... ,...... W. Riohards, clotJ:es...... 2 shillings May 19, 1853...... -....,.^...... ,.W. Richarrls...... 3 shillings and 6 pcnce May I1), I853...... Zion's 'l'runrpct magazitters,....2 shillings and 6 pcnce Total:19 shillings and I pence

Jurre 10, 1853...... ,.....,....W. ltiohards,.. ...,.,3 shillings and 3 pencc .lune 10, I 853...... "...... Iias1 ....6 perrce June 10, 1853...... Unrigralion Funcl,,..,.,.,.,...,...... 1 shilling June 12, J 853...... I{yrnn books.... ,.,..2 shillings Junc i2, I853....,..,,...... Wi11iaur Richanls, ren1,.,...,.,..,8 pcncc June 22, 1853..,.,,,.,.,.,..,,,,,.,.,.C)ollcction for officiats...... 3 pcncc lune2'2, i t53...... ,,.W, Riohards...... ,..6 pcncc June 22, 1853.,...,...... ,...... Danie| Daniels. ....6 pcnce

.iuly 14, 1853...... "...... W. Richanls...... ,.4 shillings

August 4, 1853.....,.....,..,.,.,.,..W. Richards... ,.^....4 shilllrrgs August 7, i 853...... W. Richards...... 1 shilling August 7, !853...... W. Richards, s|roes,...,..,...... 1 shilling alcl6;1enoe August 7, 1853...... Prophecios.,.,, ..,...2 shillings '.1'runr1:et August 7, 1853..."...... "...... Zion's nragazincs...... 2 shillings an

sq:lcmbcr :j, 1853...... w. lticlrartls.,...... I slrilling and 6 pence Scpternber 9, I853.,.,...... Fast., ...6 pence


]r,I,tR- 2-01 Flt 10:35 Atvl 20t 356 2390 !. l9 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE ID ;208-356-2390 l"1AR 02'01 1O:40 N0.002 P.20

Scpteuttrer'9,1853...... ,.....,..EnrigrationFttnd,'lshilling Septembu I l, i853.,.....,.....,,,Captain I). Jotrcs' .'6 pencc Septctrttrer24,lS-53....,...... ".Tcttrp1e81ock...,.. .l0shillings

Oclohcr 10, 1853...... ,.,...,.,.,,Ziott's 'l'runt1:ct Disoolrrscs.'.'.5 shillings Outobcr 10, 1853...... ",..,...John l)uvies, shoes,...,.,..".'....'6 Poncc l'otal: I pound, l8 shillings und 6 pence

Novenrbcr 2, I 853.."...... W. Richards,.,.. ,.'.,.2 shillings Novembu 2, J 853...... W. Richards, slr<1es...... ,1 shilling Novemhcr 26, l853.,.,..,.,...,.,W. Richards...... 2 shillings Novcntbcr 26, I &53...... ,...... i..nrigration liunrl,. . I shilling

Dcccmlrerl0,1853...... W.Richards.,,.. ..,.,.3shillings Decetrber 10, 1853.....,.^...... Zion's Trunrpct n:agazines...... 1 shilling and 3 pcnce I)ooernbcr1l, l853...... RichardRobcrts,.. ..2pence Dcccmtrer I I, I 853...."..,...... John Bvans...... ,. ...1 and ltpcnce 'l'otal: l0 shillings und 6 Yz ponoe

End ofvear

Nutnber of Saints, January 1, i 854: l. Edward Roberts, Elder; 2, David Roberls, Elder; 3. .lohrr Roberts, Pricst; 4, Robcrt Robcrts, 'l'eaclrer; 5. Elizabeth Roberls; 6. Margarct Joncs; 7. Susan Rotrerts.

January 25, 1854...... Jolur DaviEs,.....,, ...... 9 pence January 25, 1854...... W, Riohards...,...,.,.,,,,,,,t,.....,...... ,6 pence

February 25, 1854...,...... ,...,John Davis.....,...... 9 pcncc Fcbruary 25, 1854...... ,,.,.....Emigr-arion Fund.. ,.,.1 shilting February 2.5,1854...... ,.,.,,Fas1...... 6 pcnce

Marcl'r5,1854...... ,...... ]"honrns..1eren:y ..,._...6pence March5,1854...... Johnparry...... 6pencc

April 4, i 854...... Errrigration of W.O. philips...,.,....t shilli'g ancl I) penoe April 4, 1854.,.....,...,.,.,..,.Confe1.enoe costs.. .,...6 perroe

May 14" I854....."...... ,..2ion's Tnrrrrl>et r'agazi'es...... 3 shillings and 7 pence


]\,IAR- 2-t]1 Fli tC:30 A},1 2f3 350 2390 P, 20 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE ID :208-356-2390 l"|RR 02'01 10:41 N0.002 P.21

Augusr ! 6, ] 854...... ,...Iohn Davj es,,,,,...... 3 slrillittgs

Scptettrber 3, 1854.....,,,...Danie| I):lricls...... ,,2 pencc Septerlber 3, 1854,...,.,..^.John Parry.....,.,.,. ....,.,.2 Pcncc Septerrrbcr 3, 1854..,,...... Richard Robcrts...... ,.^2 pcncc Total: I pourtd and I pence

Seplcnrber3,lB54.,,,...,....EnrigrttionFund...... ,,lshilling

Novcnrtrer 3, i 854...... iohn Davics, cIothes...... ,....1 shilling aud 6 pence Novernber 3, 1854...... ,.....DanieIDanicls...... , .....3 pencc Novernber l, I854.,.,...... John Parry...... ,...... ,3 pcrlce Novcnrber 3, l854...... linrigrutiorr Fund.,.,.,., .6 pence

I)ecenrber 3, i 854...... ".....Cr:nfcrcnce Closts,.,.. ...2 pence I)cccmbcr 28, I 854...... Zion's Trunrpet nragazincs...... ,.5 shillings aud 8 pence Dcccrnbcr 28, 1854.^...."...T'emple I1look,..,,,.,.. ...1 shilling and 6 penoe Dcccrnbcr 28, 1854...... ,.Panrphlets...,...,,,...... ,3 shillings, 5 % penoe Total: 14 shillings and 3 '4 pcncc

Nuntber of Saints, January 1 , 1 855: I Edward Robcrts, elder.; 2. David Roberts, eldsrt 3. Jolrrr lRoberts, pricst; 4. William (A),e/c?), elder: 5. David l,cwis, priestl 6. )loi>ert Roberts, tcachcr; 7. Elizabcth Roberts; 8. Margarct Joncs;

Jannary, 1855 .Ianuary 25, 1855.....,.,..,.Zion's Tnrmpct magazines...... l shilling

l'ebruurv 25, 1855...... tohn Davics..,.,.,...... 2 shilliugs and 6 ponce

March 2, 1855...... 'Ihomas Jcrcmy...,...... 1 shillirrg ancl 6 pence

-l 6-

I,tAt- t}j 2-0i Flt it:36 2rt 35i 2390 P.2l LlHRHRY RICKS COLLI6E Iil :208-556-2390 Mf,R 02'01 10:41 No.002 P.22

April 9. 1855...... Ziorr's Trunrpet nragazines and cssays....2 shillings, 4 Vz pence April 9, 1855.,...... ,.,..-.-.....Iohn Davios.,,,.... ,.6 pcnce

May 20, 1855..,...... ,...... John Davies...... ,l shilling anrl6 pencc May 20, 1855,...... ,...... ,.Daniel Danie 1s...... 1 shilling

Jurrc 16, 1855,.,.,.,...... ,..John Davies.,...... 2 shillings and 6 pence ir.urc 15,;855.,...... ,...,.,...... ,.FtnigrationFunrl...... ,.1 shilling Junel(r, 1855...... ^..,.,.,J'enrple Block...... 1 shilling alrd 6 pcncc Jrrne 1 6, I 855...... ,.,,,,...... 2iorr's Trutnpet lragazincs.,.,.I shilling aud 5 pencc June 17, 1855...... DanieIDanicls... ..1 shilling and 6 pencc .f urrc 24, 1855....,,....,.,...,....,..Elders ovcrsefls.. ..1 shilling Ji:ne 24, 1855.....,...... ,....Iohn Davics,.,.,,,. .2 shiltings tnd 6 pence

Scptcnrber' 5, 1855...... "...... ,John Davies, cIotlres...... 2 shillings and 6 pencc Scptelntrer'5, 1855.,.,...... Ernigration Furrd.. I shilling and I pcncc Septemtrer 5, 1855....,...... Temp1e 111ock...... -.-...... 1 shilling Septembcr 5, 1855.....,.,...... ,Burgrawn nraga2ine....,.,,.,..,...3 shillings and 6 pence Septenrb;i 5, l 8-55.,...... "..,..Richard (Swan cod? )..,...... 1 shilling Total: I pound, l3 shillings and 10 % pcnce

Septerrrbcr 5, i 855,...... ,...,.,Zion's 'l'rumpct magazines...... 1 shilling and I pcncc Septcmber i6, 1855.,.,...,.,.,.C)ol1ection...... ,.,,,.,.,...6pcnce

Novetnber 3, i855.."...... Joirn Davies...... , ..2 shillings

.Ianuary 28, 1856: .Ia'uary 28, i856...... ,.Dcbl for books...... 1 shilling and 8 pence January 28, I856.....,,.,.,.,.,..John Davics, c1o1Ires...... 1 shilling Janualy 28, I856.,..,..,...... ,..Rrig|rarn Yourrg ....5 perroe Janu ary 28, J 85 (r...... Hebcr C. Kirnbsl 1.,,....,.,...... , 5 pcncc Jatruary 28, I 856...... Jcdcdiah M. Gr arrt,.,...... ,...,.....5 pellce .lanuary 28, 1856...... ,.,",...... Flanklin D. Richards.,.....,.,.,,..,5 pcnoc January 28, I856,...... ,..Captain D, JonEs ..,5 pcnce January 28, I856,,...,...... Prcsidency of Johrr Davies,...... 4 shillings aucl 5 pcncc

March l l, I 856."....,.,...Clothing colleoriorr, presidency...... l shilling Mat'ch 23, 1856...... ,...,...,....John Tr-ehanl, shocs...... ,6 pence


I'Hl,- :-01 il. i[ !7 "]l 2fr 353 2390 ?, 22 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE ID:2OB-356_2390 MRR 02'01 1O:42 No.002 P.23

Edword Roberls, presitlent Edrvard Rober(s, secretary

For thc presidcncy: May 31 , 1856...",,...... Iohn Trelram...... ,....,3 shillings .Tuly6,1ti.sii...... JolrnTrcharn...... ,.,...... 1shilling July 6, 1856."...... 8ooks...... 4 shillings utd 8 pencc July 6, 1856...... Dmigration Fund...... 1 shilling .Iuly 6, 1856..,..,.,..,,.,.'fernple...... 1 shilling.

Payments for the l0 rveeks cnding Soptembcr 14, I 856: Tithing,...... ,....10 shillings Binningham ...,.....2 pence

Paymcnts for the l0 wccks ending Novemtror 23, 1856: Tithing...... 8 shillings

Payrrrenls lbr the quarter cnding Fetrruary 22,1857: Tithiug...... ,....12 shillings

Penny Fund for thc quurter enditrg Fcbruury 22,1857: Fast...... ,,,,2 shillings zurd 1 pencc

Marolr 20, 1857...... ,.....Tirhing....,.,.,...,... ..3 shillings

David Robcrts has reseived ponrission to leavc thc Dinas Mawrldwy Branch tomonow

rrtonring, for thc purpose of enrigrating. I tcslify that he is a faithful cldcr of the Churoh of Gorl,

and my prayff is tirat otu licavenly lrather will hlcss him abundantly with the Holy Ghost for his

great ftrithfuhrcss to the Cliurch,

(sigrred) Hdward Robcrts, Prcsidcnt of I)irras Branclr, March 20, lgsT

This appcars to l>c the entl of tha u.ffic:iul.jtturnal lty Datid Giles Rctherts whilc rcsiding in Ilales' Dnvid Giles Roherts snilecl.from J.,iterytool on tlte shilt Gcorgc Washington, on Marc]t

28, 1 857, irz u compctu! of tonte 817 Sninls. They arrivecl in IJostott, Mass.t:lurselts on April 20,

I 857.

Other nol€s r1'}(rc tnade or into tlte.journlil

- I8-

2Ut 356 2390 i. 23 LIBRf,RY RICKS COLLEGE iD:208_556_2390 l"1AR 02'01 IO:42 No.OO2 P.24

transtt"ibed l>elotu in llte order in which lhe.y altpear:

Robert Roberls (f,athcr of David Giles Roberts) ilicd January 14, 1859, uge 65 ye ars.

Mr. T. Tamplin Llolunrlria Buildings Ilrr.urswick St., Liverpool Dircctions orr back T. R. Jones

'I'lrorras Seair to 'Ihoruas Seion" April 5th..,,. .$1.00

May 3, 1867; Star cow."...... TakE bull July 19, 18(r7: Queen cow..,".,Take bull 14 Britrdle corv,..Takc bull

Augrrst 2, 1867: Star cow...... 2 Takc bull I : Quccn cow....2 Talcc bull 18 : Rose cow...... 2 Take bull

Edrvard Evaus - Plowirrg one acrc and a cluar(er

l)aniel Thontas - Plowing o)loe acrc irnd a quar-tor

"DrLrg" (Dnggs?) - Piowing "Tow agcr" (two aeres?)

Bcnjamin Thomas - Plowing one acrc and harrow I duy and hall'

"Drdgs" - paid three bushel ofpotatocs at one do11ar...... $3.00

I'aid to Danicl Thomas.,...... $3.60 And work one day and h:rlf in thc gardcn...,,....g;3.00

.lanuary 14, 1859 Dinas Mawddwy Dcar fathcr died at 1/"4 t* 2 o'ck>ck Friday afternoon North Andover Stovens Village Massachusott s. n nlcri ca

In the hertl: 2 cows, 1 stccr, at one doilar each...... ,.$3.0t) March 31, I867


IIIAR- 2-01 Fll i0r3? AI1 rt8 350 23911 t. 24 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLE6E ID :208-356-2590 l*lRR 02 ' 01 10 : 45 No . 002 P . 25

In the herd, comeuoing April l. 1867: 2 stcers, I ycarlittg,2 calves

Danicl Roherts paid to Mt. Wil!ianr F{utltslnan: JunE 7 - 2 lbs butter - at 30 cerrls...... 60 cerrt.s 1B - 3 lbs buttcr at 30 ccnts...... ,,,.,.,....90 cents 29 - 2 lbs btritcr - ut 30 ceuts,....,...... 60 certts .Iuly 25 2 lbs butter - at 30 cerrts..,.....,...... 60 ccnts 30 - 2 lhs butter --- at 30 cents...... ,..60 ccnts Nov. I8 - 2 lbs butter'- at 40 cerrl.s...... 80 ccttts

David Roberls was tront thc 18'h (of March) l82ri in Machynllcth, Montgomery, Noilh Walcs, Britain.

Mary Morgan(s) was born May 16, I834 in Pcmbrcy, Canlarthcnshile, Sorrth Wales.

I)avirl Morgan Ro[rerts was born tlio 2"d day of Octobcr, 1867. Blcssed by Jarues Chivcrs. Novembcr 5'r' 1867

Margarct Jane Roberl"s was born March 16, 1869. Blessed by G, Adarns, April 9. t 869.

Robei't Morgan Robcns was bonr l6rh of Scptcmber, I 870. Blessed lry .Iohrr Bricc, October 9, 1870.

l'honras Charlcs Robcrls was bom lv{arch 23. lB7Z, Bicsscd try John Willianrs and Eclward Rotrerts, April 28, 1g72,

Mary Autt Rotrerts u'as bonl April 3, I 874, and blessecl by John Williarns, May 3, 1874.

Joltn Morgan Robetls was bom August 1 1"' (1876), and blessed hy Thomas E. Thornas, Sqrtembcr 3, 187(i.

(l'robahfu okl nates)

susan Robcrts owes David ltoberts 7 shillings ancl 3 pcnce for trooks March 10, 1856 parrrp'1ets""" ror " " " " "i;;;;...... ; ;i,; i rj;;; il f ffff; Thomas Ellis ou'cs oarj! Rotrerls 2 shiltings ancl 9 pcncc lbr the small carpet, whiclr I gave ro Thouras Fllis, Maclry'lleth, irr thc Torvyn conference, Marclr 23, 1g56, Signed: Edward Robcr.ts, secretaly

David Morgan Rolrerts was bortr the 2",1day of Octobcr 1g67.


i\iIAR- 2-01 Flt 10:38 rl\r 2irE 356 2390 t. 25 LIBRRRY RICKS COLLEGE ID:208_356-2390 MRR 02'01 1O:43 No.OO2 P.26

Blessecl by .Iamcs Cl'rivcrs, Novcmber .5, I867

Davitl Morgan Roberts was bonr thc 2"d day of Octobcr 1867'

('I'hefollou,ing entry w,ns ltrobably ntade by Katherintt lrinn lstal.ling.rl, u, grancl-tlwghter ol Ila'vitl Giles lloberts: This bclqnes te: Mrs Katherirrc Fim No. 5 Wcst Court 528 24'h Street Ogdcn, Utah


MAR- 2-01 Ftr 10:38 A]\{ 20E 356 2390 P, 26