in*: J'O UT LAIS I) DAILY PRE»» TO LEI. FOUND. WANTS, LOST, REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. everything and published every day (Suudays excepted) by th« THE please everybody and PRESS. shows, that even with the lORTIiA.^D PUBLWHIWO CO., To Let. i^ost : best In- a SMALL TENEMENT with water. Geo. R. Davis & €o.'§ tentions, man can work At 109 Sebago the rocks 23d inst. my white DORY, about S Τ Α Ν D effectually only Exchange St, Portland. Convenient for small at A R D CHRISTMAS 1872 SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 28, 1872. A family. Enquire FROM14 feet long, with three oari, painted blue, one within certain limits ; and that universal Terms: a Year in ef- Eight Dollars advance. de24tf THIS OFFICE. clotli two lines and one dead duck. The Under BULLETIN. sail, fort is the road to will be suitably rewarded upon me. general discomfiture. Let. advising: THE MAINE-STATE PRESS To MOSES L. STAPLES. Gossip and Gleanings- "The Brick Moon" is a most — — singular FURNISHED CHAMBER. dec27dlw* Ogunquit (Wells). $20,000 lo Loan ! ! ! BOOKS. AND story— is published evefy Thursday Morning at 5θ le of the Northwest are for an (Opposite the Paik.) first floor, finished and to looking erup- This is of elegantlv adapted jobbing on the aspect ; tine neighborhood. Consists ot the third volume the "Young dry goods or other similar trade. NUBIAS, SCARFS, ion. Office Hours from &to 10 A. and2 to 4 two story framed House and ell, containing ten M., and 7 to to ALLEN HAINES. Agency for Sewing Machines. M Fronde's and Yaehter's Series," and is the account of a U P. M. de!3tf Apply highly finished rooms; painted walls throughout; septlldtf W. s. BÏKH, He. 27* middle St. All tour gas ; cellar and heated furnace ; large brick cis- * in whose wild kind, of for sale and la let. good by A writer (or an Icelnnd, sirgular, HENRY F. Machine· tern, filtered; well drained. One of the most desi- agricultural journal »ug- T. To Let. Repairing. rable and houses in the close to scenery and simple people are MERRILL, convenient city; Macauley's Histories; MITTENS. ;ests hens in the place of dogs for families. graphically house No. 80 Clark sreet, containing 13 Spring street line of cars ; can be seen from 3 to 5 P. described. Several illustrations of some There a good COUNSELOR AT LAW, BRICKrooms, with modern improvements. Bakers. M. Terms easy. Enquire on the premises. is not tramp on the face of the earth No. SO of IV. C. No. lit Pearl June ID. dtî piincipal points of interest add to the £xehnugc Ht.. Portland. Enquire COBB, 81. ^ >u„ would like to hear a hen pleas- MARK and bark. Formerly of the U. S. Treasury Department and WIGGIN, Thackeray ure ol the reader ; and the translation of the on the (KID MITTENS.) Attorney in all the courts in the District of « oluinbia, premises. Booksellers and Stationers, will attend to the Portland, Sept. 4th, 1872. FOR SALE! curiou»Gretla Saga gives a specimen of the prosecution of laims before the ποντ, FOGG & BREED,No.91 Middle Gather m· garlands of holly, Court of Claims and the valions departments at Street. Cooper's Novels; Rowjmary, jvy anil Icelandic literature. The "Young Yachter Washington. octll-tf bftjl. Fur gravity', nothing but Series" will be a favorite with the TO LET. Book Binders. GLOVES tolly great boys ROSS & TEBBETS" HOUSE, Till after the holidays. —none the less 10 thai much solid and valua- STURDIVANT, Will. A. QCINCY, Room 11, Printer'* Parkman's Histories; Exchange, No. ill Exchange St· ble information is with amusement. WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS' Store and Basement SPEINGVALE. mingled XTIALL & No. 35 Pinna —AND— The Journal does not admire SHACKFORD, Indianapolis Published oy J. R. Osgood A Co. For salo 179 Commercial Street. Millman's His- St., Portland*. No. 47-49 middle St. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP ! Olive," we judge from the following: by Hall L. Davit. Sole in Maine the and Builders. As the owner wants to j. who will leer at an audience in this agents for sale and shipment of Carpenters go West. Sykes, Γiiε Romance of τπι Hakem:—By Mrs the Celebrated One more ol those large and commodious stores WHITNEl βί Pearl Coal mined by Messrs. Ham- MEANS, Street, op- jan3l SAMUEL D. TEBBETS. tories of the Jews, HOSIERY! ity within a few weeks, is lorty-four years Anna H. Leonowen·. in ett Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. posite Park. IN THE THOMPSON ■Id, the light of day having first shone upon In the present volume, Mrs. Lconowens We have also for sale at lowest market price, BLOCK, Dentists. 1er near Elmira, Ν. Y., in 1828." continues her sketch of life at the Siamese Wilkesbarre, Scranton, and Pittston Rome and Lackawanna, TO LET. DR. W. R. JOI1NHON, orer II. II. Π.;>·. Coals, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- holiday Presents, Slipper Patterns Court. These extraor inary, and for the RUT' If for will be let low sels for applied immediately A procured the tranportation of coals from Dye-House. correspondent writes to inquire what most part, tragic details are such as have port of shipments desired. of 2V1R8. II. any point tfapr27 Inquire IS. THOMPSON, P. STMONDS, St. Velrrt Cloak. Christianity; ear it was that the first settlement was Lowell 1872 1873 ;ome under the personal observation of the MasH* dyed and finiHhed. nade in Indiana. We don't know. Our Or, SHEPAKD & same With Worsteds for ! COMPANY, block! FOSTER'S Filling of tuthoress, or have been related to her during CHAS. A. WARREN, J. C. PROCTER, Dye House, 94 Union Street.* of neinory dates is not powerful. We know Dialogues hat lier residence in Siam aud & jeSdtf 93 Exchange st. Columbus discovered America in 1776, ; they illustrate (Formerly Warren Gregg.) Furniture--Wholesale and Retail. A DECIDED REDUCTION HAS BEEN MADE IN hat the Declaration of Independence was most forcibiy the trite that truth is To Let. WALTER COREY saying Sc CO., Arcade, No. ALL OUK AND WE OFFER GRi-AT □ade in and that was born SHIP BROKER, 18 Free Street. PRICES, Plato, Joseph us, 17Θ8, Washington than fiction. Mrs. Leonowens No. 92 Middle street, recently occupied by in the of itronger AND 8th January 1815, but when you STOREHoyt, Fogg f as to the cause of the charming graceful COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! all modern DAVID W. Ne. Ν» Federal 81. In Great curiosity inquiry, improvements. DEANE, Variety. a French AU kinds of rhe poetess—whos>· works and even 108 Walnut Apply to IJphols <>ringand Repairing TIAL HANDKERCHIEFS PUT wag then wished to know how they St., Philadelphia. done to order. name will be unfamiliar to most American FANS, :ould furnish for a funei- •S. L. Oiieoo, J. B. Hamel. Jk. C. B. UPIN ELEGANT BOXES. "every,requirement SAUNDERS, readers. The brilliant and ian23-1y Hair Goods and-Toilet Articles. il" unless bodies on hand. At this sympathetic style S5S CONG-BESS STBEffiT. they kept J. GENTLEMAN'S HANDKER- Illustrated of M. Sainte-Be. ve descubes the F. HIIERRV, No. 9 Clapp'n Block Books, &C·· &C·) &C· ;he seized a and at admirably SCRIBNER & JORDAN, de!3 (UNDER tf proprietor poker, rushing HALL.) Congress Street, opposite Old City Hall. woman of whom he writes "The most cour- CHIEFS AT ALL PRICES. he humorist, proposed to supply his defi- and Solicitors Horse and ageous, tender, and of femi- Attorneys Ox Shoeing ALSO Goethe's Female :icncy summarily, and might have done 10, compassionate — with our usual assortment of OF EDUCATIONAL. Done in the MOTi'C^UAND- together nine best possible manner by S. iad not the retired in souls—she whom I do not hesitate to YOUNG & No. lOO Fore St. KERCH1EKS. WE joker haste. American and CO., call the Mater Foreign Patents, t Jan 2173 Dolorosa of poetry." Miss HAVE SPOOL AND Characters, Keat's 209 Couvre»· St., Portland, Me. ABBOTT A Preston, whose beautiful translation of "Mi- and Fine Watches. German settler in Ohio, foun 1 guilty of Jewelry Ladies' Furnishing Goods. reio" has received NEEDLE CASES contra to and sentenced such hearty commenda- Examinations made by our agent in Washington FAMILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ABNEK IiOWELL, HOI Congre» Street. lelling liquor y law, when desired. Consultât ion free. Letters of Agents for Howard Watch Enilymian, Landseer, tion, in the volume her inquiry Company. IN SCOTCH AND λ be imprisoned in the county jail for thirty displays present cheerfully and promptly answered. All business in At "jLittle Blue," Fnrmiugton, Hie. We ofler our goods at the t to an trough knowledge and appreciation of the respect application for Patent can be transact- Manufacturers of Trunks, Yalises and HOLLYWOOD lays, protested as follows: "Chail! go to ed by mail. jy2 Τ Τ & S tf French The book is on Gallery, Raffaelle :hail! M* go to chail ! But I can't go! language. printed Carpet-Bags. AND ARE tinted jr. ». DIRA\ & Dere's paper, and in ill mechanical execution WINTER division of the 32(1 year of its suc- CO., in middle and my pizinees—my pakery. Who pakes J. H. HOOPER, llti Federal Streets. LOWEST CASH PRICES. THEcessful prosperity will open on VERY as well as in its is an WEDNESDAY, Lnbke History my bread when I been gone i"' Then, cast- literary merit, elegant January 1st, 1873. All the comforts of Home com- Gallery, holiday .;ook. UPHO bined with the school in which are found the ablest Masons and Builders. HANDSOME nghis eyes about the court appealingly, they teachers. Published LSTERER, Ν. Ε. BKPI.OK, 233 I-a Congre»» Ht. fell the face of by Robert· Brothers. For sale FOR AN I VEX- of upon good-natured jolly Chris Nos. 31 and 33 ALDEN J. Β LETHKN, A.M., Sculpture, Short & Harmon. Free St, dec6d2m Ellwaner, a fellow-countryman, who had no by Loring. Principal. Taper Hangings, Window Shades, and PENSIVE PRES- ONE PRICE ONLY. A Mkmuhiai. of Alic* and Phœbe Cab y; MANUFACTURER OF ''piziness." and forthwith a brilliant idea Carpeting*. Schiller and with some of their later : ENT. ALSO A Goethe struck him. to the he poems By Mary Parlor l.OTIIROP.DK VKMS A CO,, 61 Eihnnge Turning judge said, Clemmer Ames. Suits, Lounges. Spring Sreet and 48 Market St. WATCHES ! LARGE ASSORTMENT in sober earnest: "Dere's Chris Beds, Mlattresses, ^Ellwaner! Among the many pablications of the sea- lie's to Photographers. OF EMBROIDERED Gallery, Tennyson's got nodings do; send him!'' son none McDoiiough Patent Bed Lounge*, En- A very Great possesses a deeper and more ten- Variety A. 8. DAVIS a- CO., No. NO middle Street. ameled Ac. der C'hair», T. LINEN SETTS. ALSO interest than this memorial of two of OF II. LAMSON, 152 Middle St.,cor. Cross. A. M. PEABODY'S [From the Idyll's of the Danburjr New».] the sweetest Ε3Γ*All kinds of repairing dene. Furniture King, poetesses of our day and cou > neatly THE BEST ASSORT- What a youngster win ted boxed and matted. oct5-'69T T&Stf Watches Suited to the Plumbers. Daubury to-day And to whom Season was a from of try. could the mournful, plead- JAMES MILLEK,N«.ttl Federal Street. MENT OF NECKTIES IN stocking the foot the Alps. PORTRAIT PAINTER. Don task of on —FROM— Ev«ry description of Water Fixtures ar- Quixote, Ladies' Furnishing Store, ing laying immortelle· their g ave ranged and set in the np best manner. COMPRISING have been intruded than to Mrs. Clem- ji onoing prompitfimmu^i «— PORTLAND, Mary J. O. stK*· vtiicr CLOUDMAIli, Jurgenscn, SOME NEW AND ELEGANT works illustrated by Dore. match factory on fîrê somewîieftf^MÏffllf, 148 EXCHANCE SX. Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &c. but it proved to be a who man'· to be and do her Nardin, STYLES. BEAUTIFULLY 345 stranger casually right best, is herself jau22tf P. Cor. Cumberland and Frank- Congress Str »n a barrel FEENlf, a stepped hoop. the most of lin Sts. Also fine line of convincing proof her theory—a Patek, Pliillipe & Co., MADE HANDKERCHIEF AND REMUAIS» 3. BROWN, woman with a warm heart and strong bands ; Ileal Estate who their feet off when ma- Counsellor and Attorney ai ί/,πν ! Borel A Agents. GLOVE BOXES. A LARGE AS- People chop who knows how to sympathize and to Perregaux, Courvoissier, JUVENILES AJND TOT BOOKS, PORTLAND. the cheerful will help ; JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange dec7 tf nipulating log find this of- No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. Street. SORTMENT OF TOW- and who loved the sisters with a sincere and other Foreign manufacturers, 'which with my NAPKINS, fice unsurpassed iu facilities for recording Cary Particular attention paid to collecting. usual stock of Home made, will furnish excellent op- GEO. B. ©AVIS & Co., No. 301 l-'J Con- the event. aud devoted affection. The men.orial is jan24-ly for selection. Terms Call ELS, DOYLIES, TABLE CLOTHS BY portunity satisfactory. gress Street. Short & FOR CHRISTMAS 1872 written and see Loring, Harmon, simply ; with α conscientious truth- YARD AND PIECE. BEAUTIFUL We have felt rather kindly towards French Silver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. fulness that fears to exaggerate anything ; GEO. D. 77 JUiddle roofs since Friday night. Two cats got on JOST, M. PEARSON. No. 3* Temple St., nenr FRENCH TABLE CLOTHS AND NAP- Under Falmouth Hotel. Street. and the tender touch ol to Mr. Welland's that were the living the ABNER Congress. All kinds of Silver and Plated dec!9 dtf evening. They cats LOWELL, Ware Repaired. KINS TO MATCH IN PINK, BUFF, that evidently never saw a French roof be- dead. So one that reads the book can fail to All Styles of Swiss and America·' FRESCO fore, but they were not timid. They humped be the the the PAINTER, GREEN AND DRAB. EMBROIDERED impressed by brightness, grace, Silver and Plated Ware. themselves without a BLANK BOOKS ! moment's pause, sound- life that ABNEK Alice and Phœbe Cary infused in'.o 134 MIDDLE ST., up Stairs 301 Street LOWEIX,3QI Congre»» Street. EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE COV- ed the battle cry, and went to work. For Congress WATCHES, all their their attachment to t vo minutes 11ère w s a great deal of pulliug surroundings ; ME. Schools. ERS. FELTSKIRTS FOR AND PORTLAND, LADIES The special attention of purchasers of Gold Vest, Opera, Leontine and Neck around, and howling, rut it was a French each other ; and the beauty of the lives that ENDUSH and FRENCH 4:50 SCHOOIi, roof, it was new aud before were were β Rra. e will be in session for the purpose of — AMD — wide stretches of arid pUins. Beside this judge yourselves. receiving OF CLOAKINGS FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR. (near Post Office.) Bt'SIKEM NOTICED. Moileratr said claims and proof thereof at the office ot E. |y Motto—Good work al dec!3 vivid descriptive power, Mr. Harte possesses 20 Wells, in said Freeport. on the last Saturdays of dim Priera. Aim to Plfanc. may NUBIAS IN LARGE VARIETY. VELVETEENS Such a anil January and May. 1873, from two to five o'clock P. EIGBAVIKGS. Railroads, a rare talent for burlesque and great com- filthy profuse nasal discharge. Where does it all come Commtasionere. FOR AND WITH MANY mand over which a from? The little glan Is AMOS The largest and choicest Bt^ck in the CLPAKS TRIMMING, HOLIDAY language, gives harmony PORTLAND FIELD,} city, landing in the tissue the chambers of the nose Freeport, Dec. 26, 1872. dec27oawS3w from 50 cts. to §30. 00. What is more beautiful than of local to bis and liniug > 11 R ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN- coloring legends sketches. a nice Framed Picture hangiug on the Mills and are ulcerated aad from the gracefully Published J. R. & Co. For sale diseased, drawing walls ot a quiet and cosy home! What more appro- by Osgood WORKS Notice. TION. system its It is an outlet for its MACHINE priate present can one give another? H. L. Davis. corruption. firm heretofore existing under the name of Wull line of PRANf.'S GOODS! by (EOBMEBLY C. STAPLES it 80H,) CHROMOS, very impurities. Stop this discharge by using the THELORING & THURSTON wasdiseolved Decem- beautiful. Also a stock of The Perfect Ιλγε. Wm. Chan- ber large C'ovell & Corporations By Ellery advertised snuffs and in- Marine, Stationary and Portable 18th, 1872, by the retirement of Mr Stephen R. Company, Edited his W. H. Chan- mauy strong liquids, who is about to remove to another ning. by nephew Thurston, city. Albums, Bibles, nine. halants, aud you make aa outlot in th· lungs STEAM ENGINES. The Fire and Marine Insurance business will be of Kind continued at the old stand PRENTISS Every or elsewhere. The disease is translated to an Steam «Bleach Boilers and Tanks, Shaft by LORING, Cor. and Brown Sts. RECEIVED THIS DAY! This volume !s made up of twelve dis- Boilers,· under the style of & Thurston. Mr. Thomas Stationery, Congress Mill General Machinery. Casting) Loring Fancy other locality more fatal. The rational way to- ng, Gearing and L. O'Brion will still be connected with the Fire In- dec 14 tf courses selected from the later manu- of description made to order. ltepaiC. S&Wk at the Rank on Tuesday, 14th, 1873, at THE LARGEST AND BEST CONEY MUFFS throughout inspire A M. cheerfulness and to them in- CHAS. PAYSON, Cashier. PEARL CRAYON, GERRISH& courageous help PEARSON, —ÀND- There are no 1872. de!4d2tawtd HALL L. to that of diseases of the urino-genital Doc. 13th, DAYIS, — — "clear where he in Something entirely new in the art, wliicli ssrpasses 86 OITR PRICES THE MUCH region shining" MIDDLE STREET, LOWEST, organs, be xvbat tbey may, but what can be ex- National Bank. in beauty anything ever yet introduced. his great faith stood, that th· y too may see as Casco This new Picture» is to to be found in this from the Hit- especially adapted colors, hare received a fine assortment of city. No. 53 $t. pelled .system by Smolandek's Annual meeting of the stockholders of th( and is a Hit. In order to keep our men at work the Win- Exchange he saw, the possibilities that open up before decidedly through * 4w ch p. eases of bladder and Casco National Bank of Portland for the choic< To be seen is to be appreciated. Please call and ter, we shall sell our stuffed Furniture at wholesale decl3 UNDER REGULAR PRICES. Aggravaced kidney, THE them. A very valuable preface adds, if possi- Of Directors and the transaction of such other busi- examine specimens at Oold and Silver Watches, I'liuius prices, until the ftrst of March, 1873. glandular diseases, mental and physical debil as come before them, will be held a' to the worth of this and the ness may legally ble, volume, and female their Banking House on TUESDAY, the fourteentl of all and ! ity, diabetes, gravel irregularities A. Iff. JUcKENNEY, kinds, Jcwelery GEO. A. WHITNEY & CO. Useful Presents clear in which it it a day of January, 1873, at 10 o'clock a. m. large type printed gives readily succumb by an occasional doae of this WM. A. W1NSH1P, Cashier. Silver Ware. NO. 46 further charm ι ot to middle EXCHANGE Worsted Jackets for Ladies and alone «yes that are fail- medicine. In a it restore» Portland, Dec. 13, 1872. dccl4dtd No. 101 Mtreet, STREET, extraordinary word, (BETWEEN MIDDLE AND FORE iug but also for those who would fain not health to the human frame. dcoJ4 eodlw Also a new STS.) Sashes and National Bank decl8-2w POBTI^ANI», ME style of Silver Ware, after the Japanese dcc23 2w Children, Scarfs, Belts, LADIES The Cumberland fail but are daily tired the small confused of Portland. attern, very popular. Nubias, and mittens, Kid Mittens by Portland & Waldoboro Steam- Nankin in which so books are Advertisers seek the meant of of this bank are notifie» Rings, Silver and Plated. print many really good naturally Stockholders hereby RAND and Gauntlets, Handkerchiefs, that their Annual Meeting for the election of Di boat Co. & issued. reaching the largest number of readers, and THE A FINE STOCK OF SILVER PLATED THOMES, rectors for the ensuing year and the transaction ο those of the best Annual of the Neck Ties, Sets of Collars and Published Roberts Brothers. For sale quality. The Press other business that may then come before them meeting of Hie Stockholders WARE -FRENCH please call and examine our goods. by Daily «iny Portland & lor the CLOCKS. fills the bill in both will be held at their banking room on TUESDAY THE Waldoboro Steamboat Co., No. 2 dcc. Short A Harmon. particulars better than any at 3 o'clock m. choice otDirectors, and tor the transaction of such Deering Block, Cuffls, Undersleeves, Jewelry, by Loring, the 14th day of January, 1873, p. other daily iu Main·. other business as come before them, will journal SAM UEL SMALL, Cashier. m-iy legally OPERA GLASSES! stock of for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.— be held at the office of have^a large goods suitable Perfumery, Faucy Boxes, lland- Portland, Dee. 13th, 1872. decl4dt Piano for Sale. 340 COIVORESM WTKUET. ripped,and smut,and pressed Vessel foi- Sale. them. in a Piano aud table Mar- the first in the sure to come before SOFT WOOD for sale at No. 13 Lin superior style. covers, "LINDA STEWAKT" now egg. "His Level Best' story get the Tar as them aro legally and firet-eluee, 7 outovw Piano for sale on easy Reference,, G. Walter Goold. References and or- seilles ami blankets riiffcluirging at Juniper Snap, EDWAKD GOULD, Oaeliier. covers bleached framed; scoured this terBM. ders loft Mawes & BARK port 234 ton· register a«d in order. and forcible illustration worthless with com men Dec. Mil. imo HARD NEW, atStookbndge's ttud Oeagin's. iid the wool raised. JOHN 8. MILLER & good book, is a very clear many iaiMtttout saado Portland, 13th, ^ΗϋΚΕ O. octlC CO., For particular» inquire of sepmi' M. PALMJÛR' eod3xn sep26 Jfr^^tetor». ot to do tat. «feoCW* OJULAULKb H. GllA&fi & CO. of thu utter ft>Uy attempting ■QTli-l'Jw at the usual friends went to her jf fiftoon shall Not only will the Christmas week of 1872 ing hour, her attend school. A married lady It ATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. Miaiature Almnuac December 98· of room, and the closed door found lier iu who has not reached the that Inn rises 7.30 I Moon risos t».40 AM NEW TETE PRESS. be remembered for the extreme* severity opening Houston, age This splendid Hair Dye is the best in world. ADVERTISEMENTS the iun sets water 9.30 AM MISCELLANEOUS. the bed in her »r >uld entitle her to attends Che only True and Perfect 4.35 I High but also for the loss dead, leaning upon night clothes, exemption, school Dye. Harmless Reliable the weather, appalling aid no the bed clothes turned all the circum- and Instantaneous; disappointment; no ridiculous than down, regularly carries the baby with her. or SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 28. 1872. of both land and sea. No less into unpleasant odor. Remedies 1 lie ill effects of LADIES NOW IS YOUR TIME ! life, by stances that she was stricken down washes. the indicating )ad dyes Produces Immediately a superb J 5IANO five railroad accidents, each involving Slack oe Natural MARINE NEWS. Our entire FORTES ! at the moment of retiring. As several of Brown, and leaves the hair I stock of j very soft and beautiful. The Κ ν br γ attache of the Press is furnished loss of several lives and the injury of many STATE NEWS. :lean, genuine, signed W. A. regular | the had died suddenly of heart Batchelor. Sold all T. family disease, by Druggists. POUT OF vrilb a card certificate countersigned by Stanley have been crowded into the past six CHAS. PORTLAND. more, her death was attributed to the same cause. A BATCHELOR, Prop., Λ. Y. DRESS Pulton, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel oefcl d&w lyr β m GOODS of these is that on the — — days. The worst few hours her sister aud two women ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Dec. W. AMD managers will confer a favor upon ns by demanding afterward, Friday, GORHAM'S & Pittsburg railroad in the of the went The Saxe will ARRIVED. •rtvlentials of every person claiming to represent our Buffalo, Corry neighborhood to the chamber to poet lecture in Lewiston next PIANOS. "WEBER" aud other emi- 8 Sch Arizona, Stover, to Phin- HA W L 8, "bum- of New where by a out the Thursday evening. PIANOS. nent Wiscaaeet—Leading journal, as we have information that several western extremity York, lay body, taking the furnace of coals makers, ney <& Jackson. to be closed out at mers" are courtesies in the name of the car rs was The Journal says that the semi-an- PIANOS. Sold El>. It. Sch City seeking broken wheel a with fifty passetige with them. While in the one following by ROBINSON, Point, Sterling. Indian Inland, NB, for engaged work, nual dividends have beeu declared the Lew- | New York, with and wo have no to even pas- by S Caboon Block* opposite fresli'herring. GREAT BARGAINS! PrtaQtt, disposition be, hurled over a bridge, thirty or forty feet, into of the women fell to the floor City Hall, Sch apparently dead, istou manufacturing corporations: Bates, 4 per AT REDUCED Mystic Tie, Farren, Block Harbor, NB—fresh lunual Exhibition and sively, a party to such fraud. myl7 PRICES eoraly herring to Chase & Whitten. A large lot of PAISLEY N1KAWLN to be Sale the abyss below, the greater part of whom and the other two with difficulty made their cent. ; Androscoggin, 5 per cent.; Franklin, 4 Sch Victory, Rockland for Portsmouth. jold less than cost. And in fact all oar we per cent. ; Continental, 4 all Shaw, goods perished in the fall or were entangled way from the room and called for aid. As this per cent.; payable GUNS, Wn do not read letters and communi- Jan. 1st. CLEARED. shall offer at greatly reduced price· for 30 days. anonymous — — the wreck and either drowned or was afforded were af- Sch Ε G ojr in in then immediately them, they McLean, (Br) Cook, St John, NB—John SEE. cation·. The name and address of the writer are A Cold Water Temple is to be organized in POWDER, Porteous. COME AND burned to death the fire that it. ter a while all restored. The arrival of a phy- all 0'.>*esindispensable, not necessarily for publication by enveloped Lewiston. SHOT, Sch Impudence, (Br) Baker, St John, NB—John and an examination of the soon Porteous. b*u as a guaranty of good feith. The sickening details of the mingled horror sician, facts, A Journal correspondent says a horse thief GOWELL & GREENOUGH. CAPS. dec28 tf " com- all the of was scared a fine e oannot undertake to return or preserve and torture have a parallel only in the Ham- explained mysteries the occurrence, recently out of getting nag MEMORANDA. Elegant Piano Fortes. near Mechanic Falls one last week. BUY TEEM AT 51 EXCHANGE ji Jkiications that are not used. and thus one more lesson has been old evening ST., Sch holocaust of two winters Cloie taught, j Harvest, of Rockland, which got ashore on burg ago. of G. T. recent- Island and ever and learned Androscoggin County Lodge Cushing's 22d, remains in same position, with this comes yet new, rarely except by one or two THE STATE. I upon the tidings of the loss of the ly held a large and spirited session at North holes through her. She is not worth the sad experience—that the use of charcoal is al- J. B. LUCAS. expense of off More Fires. Peruvian with its Turner Bridge. getting and has been stripped of spars, C. L. ship crew of thirty souls, Sept 18-entf rigging, blocks, &c. [BVll. GORHAM, monuf ctnrer of the ccl· a ways plates, I'M. With the terrific frost wave came such minor dangerous. The Lewiston Journal says that the shipment Sch Smith with catastrophes. Tuttle, ashore at Wood Island, is well lesiresbratulOORIIAn'MPi4Ko to thank the FOBTCM, of shoes and boots for the last week bare up on the and in Removed citizens of Portland number of fires destructive to life and proper- VERMONT BUTTER Î rocks, bilged a bad position. It is this day to Boom No. 2, Sav- :ontidence and libérai for their The Storm in New York.—The New York beeu 487 to 738 cases for the thought she will have to be very patronage, he has cases, previons abandoned. id in the sale of these recciv- as never to be to oc- of the towns week. Barque Genevie M before ings Bank Building, Exchange Street, instrumente, at each side (iur- ty ought again permitted CnABLH8T0N,0ue which Dexter of Friday morning full lOO Tubs Choice Vermont But- Tucker, reported ashore, ng he past three And despatches give partic- was being stripped at last advices and years. that Prof. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. would proba- two doors above Poet Office. that he v ill respectfully informa cur till the universal conflagration propose» to have annexed with itself to ulars of the storm of : be a total wreck. liem, open his annual along Thursday ter. For Sale bly Cargo nearly out. Salt- in exhibition and in the The News that Oriental by *Sch Wateriall, (of South Portland, from the votes in Last the streets were deserted. From Bridgtou says Lodge port) Cameron, from New Draper predicts explosion» Piscataquis County, unanimously night York lor ν of Masons had a public installation last week Boston, with pig iron, while at anchor at the evolution of town an early hour in the evening business was sus- SHAW & was run ran accompanied by great meeting against the proposed chauge. when the following officers were installed:— HASKELL, Newport 26th, into by schr S S and and no ventured out had starboard Tyler, OF THE STATE It seems al- pended persons except Albert W. M. Charles B. 8. quarter and boat stove, mainboom ready this morn- manse# of burning hydrogen. The scheme of which don't absolute Thousands Gould, ; Dodge, sail and for sale Commenciug Tuesday, Jan. 7 187 taking town», from necessity. slept J. WHOLESALE GEOCKE8, broken, torn, &c. She was towed to the CONTENTSing, everywhere: W.; Tliadeus Cross, VV.; I. S. Webb, Treas- wharf for up The Democratic Situation—Gov. most as if the "fire fiend," whom we have all want to be fiom down town at the hotels, in their offices or at repairs. Perham's Oppor- taken, countie», which ob- urer; Β. T. Chase, B. T. S. Portland. A lumber Insurance the station to their to Secretary; Bartley, 147 Commercial St., loaded schr with the name on tunity—An Problem—The One-term Prin- as a of the human houses, owiug inability 1). : A. J. D. James S. S. her was "McLeod," the Time for om: WEEK regarded product reporter's ject to letting them go, and annexing them to reach their homes in the of the Stevenson, ; Newton, ; stern, passed Nov 29, lat 43 40. Ion 33 dis- ciple—Changing for State Election—Mr. OILÏ. upper part city. A. oct4-eod3mosn* masted and 20, Goold's article on Steam a M. Gray, J. S., L. F. abandoned. of Navigation in M ai no—Cor- creative genuine objecti e exist- a which re- The classes their earn MoKinuey, Chaplain; Report ship Alex Mar- geuiu»,liad county violently protests against dependent upon daily Charles E. Gibbs, Tyler. shall, at New York trom . respondence—About Home—"Generally Speaking"— as it his ambition and ings for their following night's shelter suffered Ε D trom and Markets—A O^-Place of exhibition to be ence. and malignit y, them is an evidene· of F CATTLE 13rig Meteor, Havana for Boston, ashore near Money great variety and amount of given hereafter. ceiving enterprise Thousands of them wandered Christmas was becomingly observed at Hai is miscellany. immensely. Scituate, breakiug up and her cargo of sugar and dec28dlt destructive power had been increased hi* rison the These Pianos arc by whi«h the Legislator : wili hardly appreciate. about the streets, not knowing where to go. Village 'by citizens, who, by invita- AT portions of the wreck are coming ashore. constructed in the most thorough tion of tne all met at the Sch Dexter. manner, being maeasened Architects in for new which will obliterrte clearing seventy PORTLAND, MAINE. Janeiro; Veto, Henderson, Turks Islands. prominent citizens we refer to pine. combinations, Morrill and S. M. Cld below, that have blocks will reach $20,000. Along the water «Joseph Hon of New- 20th, shin Scioto, Mitchell, Liverpool; barque purchase· 1 these Pianos, and who up the and declare that all the old sectional lines. Gen. Grant him- sold to Boston C S Boston. Found. will to the despair give struggle, frontage the snow is piled np in huge masses. Sharon, parties about eight tons DEA1 F £in Government, and other Investment Rogers, Dickinson, testify Satisfaction they are giving year al- self be the nominee of the Old sell ter ye»r, and the like is a dream. may Southern peo No mails from have reached the of one this week. clin Gold and 21st, Omaha, NVooster, Havana. City Hall, Thursday Dec. one steadily sale we are hay- firs-proo perpetual motion, any point post poultry day Securitio * Silver Coin. evening, 26th, is the increasing The most cf Confederates PENSACOlxA—Cld 20th, barque Cienfuegos, Nor- INpair Gents' GLOVES. Apply at this Ottice. ing, best proof we'can otter for their excellence pie. distinguished office in this since yesterday noon. The Suow has fallen at Kast Wilton on seventeen DEPOSITS received to check at In- and l?ire rag·.·! « an epidemic. Il U almost calcu- city subject sight. grave, Havana. deo28 dtf durability. may be his arcent whole force of clerks were on all out of supporters." kept duty night days iwenty-thrce days of the first part terest at the rate of Four cent, annum allow- SAVANNAH—Cld sch ior Bal- lated to arose· the that is latent per per 23d, Eagle, Seavey, the citizens of superstition and will remain until the arrival ofr the mails of December. timore. Among many Portland who have pur- ed on all Daily Balances. Accounts rendered and in- Wanted. chased this in the mes', minds. Last it Tue New York papers report that Senator to sort them. Much derangemeut CHARLESTON—Ar ?4th, steamer Bookkeeper Piano, are : enlightened year immediately TCENNEEEC COUNTY. terest credited [not barque! ensues to busiuess men monthly. Endeaver, from Portland via Baltimore for New Or- YOUNG man to act as BOOKKEEPER. Good Hon. C. P. fo'l from heaven on the of Morrill is quite sick. Kimbarl', H. B. Brown, unhappy people The car The Augusta Journal says that Gen. Cham- CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT issued n- leans. A references required. Address in W\ Esq,, horse travel inBrooklvn is very good, bearing handwriting Richardsan, Esq., Mrs. S. berlain has ordered a of NORFOLK—Ar sch R Ε dec28i3t BOX 747 ME Woodbury Dana, Peahti;;o. This year ther are those who owing to a more perfect system of using suow meeting the Capital terest as by agreement and available at. maturity in 22d, Pecker, Amesbuary, PORTLAND, *V. \v. Harris, Esq., Mr. D. Guards on for Ragged Island ; Lizzie Williams. Camden G. Palmer, Choate, the Monday evening nert, the pur- Boston or New Hooper, ; E«q., Gordon K. bave that observed like Matters. plows continuously during night. Portland, York. Mary Brewer, Saunders, Rockland. John E. Garden, Esq., thought they unpleas- Washington factories and steamboats pose of electing a Captain and 2d Lieutenant Palmer, Esq., Geo. F. Counting houses, STERLING purchased. and BALTIMORE—Ar VV. H. Ayer, Esq., ant but such be of the company. Isaac of the Exchange Sigh! sixty 24th, brig Caprera, Blanchard, FOR THE Waldron, Ksq., Robert 3. phenomena, spectacles may at the pier were used last night as lodging places Capt. Dyer, Havana; schs and Gertie Lew- HOLIDAYS ! Geo. H. Hull, Esq., will day drafts on Englnnd, Ireland, , and al Philanthropist, Ryder, Knight, Esq., A. Evans. Esq., rei'oiTed without to the THE rACIFIC part»es unable to reach their homes town Skowhegan Light Infantry preside. ie, Lewis, Bangor ; Active, W. H. hesitation excited im- UNION RAILROAD—A COA1 by up the Coombs, Portsmouth; L Stephenson, Esq., Chas. Staples, Jr and in the suburbs. Thb churches were thinly attended on Sun- principal cities of Europe. Also, Gold and Cur- M Warren, Pickering, New York. J. H. Esq., of MONOPOLT. Coffin, Esq., John agination the beholder. But fire ia day.—[Utandard. rency Checks on Νew York and Montreal Cld 24th, sch Ε R Emerson, Snow. Boston. Ν. B. Bradfoid, Esq·, Boston, Noble, Esq., J. 0. Bake Esq., The directors of the Union Who told BALTIMORE —Ar 23d, schs Willie Chas. Stan a, iuvic ιυιμιιυβυιο auu governmeut you?—[Kennebec Journal. sold. Luce, Hulbert. wood, Esq., I». W. S v.l uu-Hiv-mr/uftvij Providence; Cora Havana. 5am Ί >rn, Esq., Pacific raihoad have made a report upon Its A Pool in Coal.—The Philadelphia Press Kennebec Etta, Sleeper, Out Sale Waterhouse. Esq., ira. \ lesa elemeht than we arc Thrifty county finds itself $4,904.87 Ar24tli, barques Pleiades, Campbell, for St Closing Frank E. ·*η, Esq., manageable condition. it in excellent order a in Agents for the sale of the Jago; Pray, Es.j., E. P. η s, Thiyiind reports that there is movement on foot among pocket to begin 1873 with. Clara, Hillman, sch Harriet Van S. Β. Esq., Bremen; Thomas, Gowell, Esq., R. v., ar accustomed to great as and in moat well An First ot the Cleaf, New York. * on, Esq., regard it, respects managed. the operators of coal mines for The Journal that a Mortgage Bonds Port- E. Martin, Esq., W H. Pennsylvania Augusta says good many PHILADELPHIA—Ar —OF— turner, Esq.. hnmau awe of it liai been. The opinion is expressed that the interests of the houses in that hare been 24th, sch J S Ingraham, I. P. Waterhouse, Mrs. 1 t. always the formation ef a to control the coal city injured this sea- land A Ogdeusburg β. Et. Savannah. Esq., Short, road would be better subserved if pool Packard, Jesse D. Wilson, Geo. C. ct NB, sch Ε S New- ers, who had hoped to worry from him Berwick it was voted 51 to 38, to a hand John, 23d, Newman, Drap d'ete, recently made a eflort to rid Ten- places There have been buy Ο Ν READY MADE WORK. man, Castine. desperate the recess. more than sixty conversions tire engiue, the whole cost to the town not H during in to nessee of his presence by furnishing him with the town of Belgrade during a few months exceed $2000. French. Cashmere, H past. 8 POKE If. a trunk Mark A. Cate 1 full of high-toned recommendations Beeclier on our of Portsmouth, fell dead in the OR1N 1IAWK.ES & CO., Dec 16, lat 34, Ion 62 40, barque Daniel Webster "Presidents," There is said a n Merino, *· — be Albums fV\f * η nui1- λ ■ —Ο- jo from Malaga for Boston. Photograph Jlnereas- All ft " a Ulnrlted Down to Price· at his to after he had on "Forefathers' of the Maine Conference of the Methodist novl-lsn5jan 290 & «9'2 nu way Washington orperhaps Society Day," Henry Ward ty-five. ouJjJ'x" Congre» which .Hunt H Episcopal church. they Sell. lived a week at a boarding house at the na- Beecber to the toast—"the Presi- The Times that Fred Cromwell of Juvenile responded says So. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Toy Books, &c., &c. HO"W H dent of The Universalist society in Augusta is in a Boston & Maine train died of SKATES. is THE TIME tional Sam was attacked with nos- the United States," in which he thus Berwick, hand, capital, excellent condition, notwithstanding it has small on Christmas H referred to the bad official pox day. From au humorously reputa- been destitute of the benefit of a for Acme Club and Christmas talgia to such extent that he could not pastor the Alonzo Leavitt of Common Skates, Pocket H tion and the serious trials of the occupants of last six mouths or more. It is out of debt, in Alfred, gives emjjloyment think of leaving his dear Tennessee for the to some 300 people in that and Knives, Razors, The Last Half Million H good heart, the benefit of a of surrounding THE BEST ASSORTMENT to Mew Year's. the Presidential chair: enjoys variety towns, making the best class of distant honor» of a foreign clime or a terri- excellent and will not settle a ready-made Scissors in sels tfnd single pairs. H "I call historic to take notice preaching, pastor clothing. From 75 to of —OF THE— your memory till it feels that it secures a man well fitted 1φ pairs pantaloons MILLINERY GOODS torial of eate aud menaced for are Guns and Goods as usual. —OF— place honor, by that we have never had a President in this made He also much Sporting * yet the position he has to fill. daily. gives attention bad so he the somewhat nation that was for his to custom work. G. L. are included in the Indians, conceived good anything during Kev. H. BAILEY, 7 Per Cent. Gold H or ars Z. Snow has the of Bonds four eight y of office. [Laughter.] If supplied pulpit IN GENERAL. original idea of his voluminous rec- the Union Church at the two dec9sn3w 48 EXCDANGE STREET. H changing you back to the newspapers and dis- Naples village ISSUED General go early and has The Kennebec Journal that W. H. BY THE Reduction. ommendation» so as make them so will find that was a past Sabbaths, engaged to preach there says Bige- Inkstands many cussions, you Washington six of Library H President. more Sundays. low, esq., Augusta, formerly of Clinton, To Let DON'T DELAY. ardent supplication» for his to notoriously incompetent Thousands has been H appointment appointed postal clerk on the route < and tens of thousands bitterly iuveighed against Rev. Mr. Sanford lately settled over the 1st commodious four storied Brick Store, No. 57 3 to be found in the instead of between Boston and Commercial St.—immediate CHICAGO Portland,| COttK AT OJtfB. Chattanooga post-ofiice prayers him, and his presidential life was far from be- Baptist church in Jefferson, is to be ordained Bangor. THE posession given. H Inquire of ELIAS THOMAS & CO for his Sam the cov- ing a one. J an. 15, 1873. expatriation. got happy No. 90 Commercial St. We are Out H John Adams was not a A Valuable medical Treatise. Closing; eted but now the in a certainly very popu- There will be a religious Or of W. W. THOMAS, Canal National Bank. appointment signers lar President. He sat but and the public meeting by The edition Danville & Yincennes H once, polit- the General at Woods, for 1873 of the sterling medical an- sentlisntf —01'B— chorus not in Baptists Long Naples, Writing Desks, declare that Sam ii wanted ical literature of that time is as bitter as H gall. Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 4th and 5th. Bev. imal known as Hostetter's Aimanac is uow ready, the Jefferson, who took his was considered W. Parker and may he obt dned. free of DRESS GOODS postofilce at Chattanooga and the Senate place, of Sebago and other clergymen are coat, of druggists auci MUNICIPAL & REAL ESTATE Railroad DEPARTMENT. H one-lialf of the of this land as little general country dealers in all of United Company by people expected to be The exercises will con- parts the will either refuse to confirm him or President prisent. States and British SECURITIES S H better than the devil himself; and his ideas and tinue afternoons aud America, and indeed in every civ- forenoons, eveuings. ilized of the Are now offered for sale, about Giant will withdraw the nomination. Some tendencies and about him was in- portion Wostern Hemisphere. This Al- $3,500,000 having Backgammon Oar everything manac has been Entire Stock H veighed against with the utmost issued regularly at the commence- BONDS of Towns and Cities, and MORTGAGES already been sold. conclude from this little liberty—no, ment of every for about one-fifth of of c people may episode liceuse—of the After him came • year a century. Improved Ileal Estate in the west, bearing 10 per The road (211 miles in Is the air low must be H press. Madi- News and Other Items. It combines with the length) line, lowered before wo take account of that Sam s soundest practical advice for cent, interest, payable in the east, for sale it on political race is run ; but Andy son aud Monroe and John Qnincy Adams, We the by grade route to Chicago from the Indiana Coal Fields. Jauuary 1st. H The Eastern Railroad Co. will declare a semi- preservation and res. oration of health, a large CHARLES M. HAWKES, are in moderate and amount of That of Boards, Jouuson lives in Tennessee. liviug temperate times, annual dividend of 3 interesting and amusing light reading, 28 Exchauge st., Portland. portion the road (132 miles) which has H with then, for were per cent. Jaru.let. and the compared they alternately calendar, astronomical calculations, chrono- sep288ntf been in operation since December, 1871, has earned, -tr- admired aud abominated. of suicided be- logical items, &c.. are pre, ared with and H May Atkins, Eureka, Wis., great care, over and will be found accurate. above all expenses, Ηκϊιελργεπ the American who wishes to Of course, everybody liked Jackson. caus-e too sick to attend a with entirely The issuo of Hos- ATTENTION SMOKERS! H [Laugh- candy pull her tetter's Almanac for 1873 will be the Chess, ter.] There were no opponents to him. He probably largest &c., COGIA monopolies four columos of the London beau. editinn ol a medical work ever published in HASSAN, H was pre-eminently a saint—of a robust order. any ο usii received xne nuesi assortment or $269,313.48, It that the country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter & c Ti/nas to his own laudation will not follow in [Laughter.] P.ut out of his loins political caine transpire» c'aims for damages by its interest U Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of a two cent CHOICE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC obligation upon Bonds, for the same time Russia Leather Van 1 Jure π and he was the Alabama and confederate stamp, will forward a an·' " the footsteps of ex-Minister Adams by pro- [laughter], universally cruisers will not copy by mail to any person being but $160,416.67 gold. Temple Sts. Il popular, was he not? Then came who cannot procure one in his s Basted, and I think w'e to be that in In Bath, Dec. 18, Mrs. Emma J., wife of Melville CUTPatterns constantly ought grateful the General Eastern C. C. Cook of he >« "'"'"i" take an active part in the pending fight and Dollie Bidwell, the actress, is Agent, Crooker, aged 34 years 5 months. County, Illinois, 7's ami sent for from any η chair at the White House sits a man whose quite seriously WELCH'S, goods ?ting truste 83 Commercial In Bath, Dec. 20, Mary A. Gerrish, 83 years; Boston and New York. '° are reasonably certain of success. It is fur- grandfather was born in New England, and if ill at Portsmouth, Ν. H. When playing the St., Portland. aged 79 MIDDLE STREET. Clay County, Illinois, 7's 23d, Mr. Jos. F. Hildroth, aged 65 years. order. so good a man as Gen. Grant himself was not at Iowa Modiste· Buildiug. Elm ther rumored that in ease the Maine Central French Spy Rochester, Ν. Y;, some weeks Sept21eodsntf Trimmed Hats and Bon- Central, Gold, 7's street, born there, what would he have been if he had Ready ηοτ4<Κ» is it now de- siuce, she received a wound in the arm while Northern Pacific ... beaten, may yield to the terms been so fortunate?" A Book for DEPARTUHË OFOCËAN STEAM*:KM nets at COST. Gold, 7.30's _Po^lttud· Every Man. decl9 manded with some careless It NAME FROM FOR eod2w West by the Boston