PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. — ~~ ESTABLISHED .TUNE 23, 1862. VOL. 11. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORN TNG DECEMBER 28, 1872. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. in*: J'O UT LAIS I) DAILY PRE»» TO LEI. FOUND. WANTS, LOST, REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. everything and published every day (Suudays excepted) by th« THE please everybody and PRESS. shows, that even with the lORTIiA.^D PUBLWHIWO CO., To Let. i^ost : best In- a SMALL TENEMENT with water. Geo. R. Davis & €o.'§ tentions, man can work At 109 Sebago the rocks 23d inst. my white DORY, about S Τ Α Ν D effectually only Exchange St, Portland. Convenient for small at A R D CHRISTMAS 1872 SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 28, 1872. A family. Enquire FROM14 feet long, with three oari, painted blue, one within certain limits ; and that universal Terms: a Year in ef- Eight Dollars advance. de24tf THIS OFFICE. clotli two lines and one dead duck. The Under BULLETIN. sail, fort is the road to will be suitably rewarded upon me. general discomfiture. Let. advising: THE MAINE-STATE PRESS To MOSES L. STAPLES. Gossip and Gleanings- "The Brick Moon" is a most — — singular FURNISHED CHAMBER. dec27dlw* Ogunquit (Wells). $20,000 lo Loan ! ! ! BOOKS. AND story— is published evefy Thursday Morning at 5θ <le23tf NO. 48 SPRING STREET. Blue the account of the building of that $2 A Wc arc to loan in lanii stocking»—the ones. luminary, year; if paid in advance, at $2 00 a prepared money empty year. Wanted the careful estimate of its cost to a the For Rent. from 9100 to any amount desired, on flret dollar; Rates of Advertising : One inch ot it SMART YOUNG MAN in a Store. elae· in Portland Eliza- Calf, and Cloth A of such an of space, GOOD House, No. 24 Street, con- Clothing morta^CM Cape Morocco, library KEW worthless bond—A apparent feasibility ceuscructing length column, constitutes a "square." Dwelling High at YEAR'S 1873. vagabond. $150 13 finished well hard A Enquire beth, or Parties de- the per square first 75 cents A taining rooms, arranged, de27dtf 169 FORE STREET. WcMtbroolc, Deeriug. addi1 ion to the celestial e:«niray: busi- week daily week; pel ami soft drainage. after; three insertions, or less, $1 continu- wa'.cr, good MirouMof building can al»o be accommoda other 00; Also, a good private stable, containing two stalls, The valentine will ness-line way in which the whole thing is re- ing every day after first week, 50 cents. ted with loan*. coming represent Cupid Half three carriage house, harness room, water, &c. Inquire of Found. BIÎsTDIlNraS. square, insertions or 75 on< with an make us believe that "old less, cents; JOHN C. P. S. P. K. GEO. K. DAVIS & improved breech loader. lated—almost week. $1 00; 50 cents per week after. PROCTER, tlie & R. a SILVER WATCH, CO,, Special deo20-3\v 96 Street. The owner can have the same on Notices, one third additional. Exchange AT by calling the Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. We havo fbr the Thorn-bush," as Mr. Hale irreverently styles Under Ticket Master of the P. S. Λ prepared ourselves head of $2 00 P., proving property sep24 tf the weftk "Amusmjsments," per squari To Let. and charges. The latest made la- criminal his been superseded per ; three insertions or less $1 50. paying dec3tf application by young Moon, quite Advertisements inserted in the "Maine PLEAS ANT rent of 7 rooms, on Wilniot near dies of their the manu actured article. 'The Salamand- Press" Stati For Sale. ill-regulated passion for needle- by (which lias a circulation in Street. For call on large every pari A Cougrees particulars Vessels house on State the un- Waverly Novels, in the of the State) for $1 00 nolCtf Wanted. Street, occupied by work is on collars. er"—a little style of Ε Poe's sto- per square for first insertion) L. TAYLOR. This house is thoroughly built of HOLIDAYS dog !gar and 50 cents per for THEdersigned. square each subsequent inser- brick and atone and has all modern conveniences. ries, without their disagreeable and unneces- tion. For Mll To load Lnniber at Portland, Bangor, Kent. ■Machiaa. and South ALLEN HAINES. Address all communications to Calais, Montreal, Centenary Edition; There i« a time Tor all The time to sary accumulation of horrors—is admirable FIRST CLASS residence, located, con- era Ports, for the River Platte· Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872. sepl9-tf a things. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. centrally by purchasing in its A taining 13 rooms, bath room, &c., stable on Also, To load Coal, at Pictou, Lingan, and Port eave is when a asks how the suggeativenees, more effective than pag- suited for a young lady you premises. Particularly physician. Caledonia for New York, Boston, the Souond ports, es of novl3tf to GEO. It. & CO. St. Lawrence House. Dickens' in is. description. We have not space to Apply DAVIS and St John, Ν. Β. % Household, talking BUSINESS CARDS. BIRD, PERKINS & JOB. For Sale or To Let, speak more particularly of t!ie tales contained A Few Good Rents 103 State St., Boston. 27 South New York Choice Selection of Goods St., 40 Rooms, Gas and water. It is said of a Rochester that in this novl4 d3m Sebago kindly corpse volume, but they will be welcomed applied for at once. to Ε. H. GILLESPIE, Riverside, Globe Apply a married man he was not addicted and C. W. M. IF MATTOCKS & FOX, sepl3-tf» No. 31 Plum St. ilthough appreciated by Mr. Ilale's many admir- STOCKMAN, D., nov5dtf 88 Middle street. Wanted· to suitable for tbe profanity. er·. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, IOAT and Pant makers and Machine Girl, at FOR SALeT~ and Illustrated season, consisting of STORE TO LET. C sp26tf CHESLEY'S. 167 Middle st. Published by J. R. Osgood & Co. For sale has removed to Mount Hood is said to hare House No. 24 Emery St.. liead ot adopted the by Hall L. Davis. brick store in the Raeklefi corner Cushman Street. habit of and the No. 207 large Block, Library eprelienstible smoking, peo- Off to the Geysers. A. Congress Street, of Middle and Ceurch streets—basement and BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y Editions; By C. Stephens. A Said house is one of the best locations on >le of the Northwest are for an (Opposite the Paik.) first floor, finished and to looking erup- This is of elegantlv adapted jobbing on the aspect ; tine neighborhood. Consists ot the third volume the "Young dry goods or other similar trade. NUBIAS, SCARFS, ion. Office Hours from &to 10 A. and2 to 4 two story framed House and ell, containing ten M., and 7 to to ALLEN HAINES. Agency for Sewing Machines. M Fronde's and Yaehter's Series," and is the account of a U P. M. de!3tf Apply highly finished rooms; painted walls throughout; septlldtf W. s. BÏKH, He. 27* middle St. All tour gas ; cellar and heated furnace ; large brick cis- * in whose wild kind, of for sale and la let. good by A writer (or an Icelnnd, sirgular, HENRY F. Machine· tern, filtered; well drained. One of the most desi- agricultural journal »ug- T. To Let. Repairing. rable and houses in the close to scenery and simple people are MERRILL, convenient city; Macauley's Histories; MITTENS. ;ests hens in the place of dogs for families. graphically house No. 80 Clark sreet, containing 13 Spring street line of cars ; can be seen from 3 to 5 P. described. Several illustrations of some There a good COUNSELOR AT LAW, BRICKrooms, with modern improvements. Bakers. M. Terms easy. Enquire on the premises. is not tramp on the face of the earth No. SO of IV. C. No. lit Pearl June ID. dtî piincipal points of interest add to the £xehnugc Ht.. Portland. Enquire COBB, 81. ^ >u„ would like to hear a hen pleas- MARK and bark. Formerly of the U. S. Treasury Department and WIGGIN, Thackeray ure ol the reader ; and the translation of the on the (KID MITTENS.) Attorney in all the courts in the District of « oluinbia, premises. Booksellers and Stationers, will attend to the Portland, Sept. 4th, 1872. FOR SALE! curiou»Gretla Saga gives a specimen of the prosecution of laims before the ποντ, FOGG & BREED,No.91 Middle Gather m· garlands of holly, Court of Claims and the valions departments at Street. Cooper's Novels; Rowjmary, jvy anil Icelandic literature. The "Young Yachter Washington. octll-tf bftjl. Fur gravity', nothing but Series" will be a favorite with the TO LET. Book Binders. GLOVES tolly great boys ROSS & TEBBETS" HOUSE, Till after the holidays. —none the less 10 thai much solid and valua- STURDIVANT, Will. A. QCINCY, Room 11, Printer'* Parkman's Histories; Exchange, No. ill Exchange St· ble information is with amusement. WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS' Store and Basement SPEINGVALE. mingled XTIALL & No. 35 Pinna —AND— The Journal does not admire SHACKFORD, Indianapolis Published oy J. R. Osgood A Co. For salo 179 Commercial Street. Millman's His- St., Portland*. No. 47-49 middle St. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP ! Olive," we judge from the following: by Hall L. Davit. Sole in Maine the and Builders. As the owner wants to j. who will leer at an audience in this agents for sale and shipment of Carpenters go West. Sykes, Γiiε Romance of τπι Hakem:—By Mrs the Celebrated One more ol those large and commodious stores WHITNEl βί Pearl Coal mined by Messrs. Ham- MEANS, Street, op- jan3l SAMUEL D. TEBBETS. tories of the Jews, HOSIERY! ity within a few weeks, is lorty-four years Anna H. Leonowen·.
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