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REFERENCE/REFERENCE : 24 February 2005


I write to thank you for all your assistance in ensuring that the recent visit of the Secretary-General to Munich ran smoothly. Your efforts and your professional support were much appreciated and contributed greatly to the success of the visit.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Michael M011er Director for Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs

Mr. Ekkehard Griep Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Association of Germany Munich Co l«^f <3v-mo^^s


TIONS. N. Y. 1O017


24 February 2005


The Secretary-General would be grateful if you could kindly forward the enclosed letters to their addressees.

Copies of the letters are attached for your information.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Michael Moller Director for Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs

His Excellency Mr. Gunter Pleuger Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations New York

: 0 nr


24 February 2005


Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to express to you rhy gratitude for your warm welcome and hospitality, and to thank you once again for your public support of the United Nations and the work we do.

My participation in the Munich Conference on Security Policy was especially important given that we are at a critical juncture in the evolving debate on the challenges and threats facing the international community. It was an appropriate forum and opportunity for me to speak publicly about issues that demonstrate the continued indispensability of the United Nations. During our meeting, we discussed several issues of mutual concern. While all of them are important, I was impressed by the affirmation of your continued commitment to Africa and your plan to establish an African Forum in Germany, which you hoped would cooperate closely with the United Nations. I wish to reiterate once again my support and that of the United Nations for the forum, and look forward to hearing more from you on the process of its establishment.

Finally, let me thank you also for the German Government's commitment to increase its Official Development Assistance (ODA). I was pleased to hear that benchmarks are already in place for Germany to meet the ODA target of 0.7%. By devising such a "road map", Germany will surely encourage other nations to follow its example. I fully share your views that the ongoing campaign for the International Finance Facility (IFF), vital as it is, should not detract attention and focus from the ODA. Realizing our ODA goals and the IFF measures is crucial to our collective accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals.

His Excellency Mr. Horst Kohler President of the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin I look forward to continuing to work with you on these and the various other challenges that lie ahead.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

24 February 2005


Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity to exchange views with you on issues of mutual concern to Germany and the United Nations, and for your public support of the United Nations and the work we do.

I found it very useful to discuss with you a whole range of issues, including the situations in and in Iran, and the Middle East Process. Since the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, the process has taken a positive turn, which I hope is truly a silver lining. As I mentioned, I will be attending the Middle East Peace Conference in London in early March, as well as a meeting of the Quartet.

On , I came away from our meeting mindful that the thinking in Berlin points toward a "Bonn-3" process. If that is the way to go, it would be important to get all the key players to sign on. Unquestionably, such a process would be useful in addressing the modalities for tackling residual issues, as well as the drug situation, which requires collective effort and tactful handling. Additionally, the forum would also offer an opportunity to the Afghani people to start assuming ownership of their institutions and political process, whilst being reassured that the international community does not intend to abandon them.

I was also grateful for the opportunity to address the Munich Conference on Security Policy, which is a very pertinent forum for discussing the challenges and threats facing the international community.

His Excellency Mr. Joschka Fischer Deputy Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin I look forward to continuing to work with you on all matters of mutual interest.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

. Annan nr


24 February 2005

Dear Mr. Stoiber,

Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to thank you warmly for your generous hospitality and for the splendid dinner at the Munich Residence, during which I received the Award for Peace through Dialogue of the Munich Security Conference. It was a great honour for me to be the first to be awarded this medal. But this award is also a tribute to the United Nations and its global mission of peace and development. I would like to thank you once again for your public support of the Organization and of my own efforts.

Allow me to also express my appreciation for our meeting before the dinner. I found it useful for us to have the opportunity to hold a frank and open discussion on a number of issues of mutual concern such as recent developments in Iraq, the situations in North Korea and in Iran, and the reform of the United Nations. I was particularly interested in your candid and interesting remarks on the expansion of the Security Council.

I have taken note of your kind invitation to attend the opening of the Soccer World Championship in Munich on 9 June 2006. I would certainly enjoy it and hope to be able to respond to you in due time.

Finally, let me thank you for the beautiful gift which you so kindly gave to me. It will be a fond reminder of my visit to Munich.

Yours sincerely,

A. Annan

Mr. Edmund Stoiber Minister President of Bavaria Munich r?


24 February 2005


Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to convey to you * my gratitude for our candid exchange of views in the margins of the Munich Conference on Security Policy, and for your public support of the United Nations and the work we do.

I found it useful for us to have the opportunity to hold a frank and open discussion on a number of issues of mutual concern such as recent developments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the situations in Kosovo and the . Germany's continued commitment and contributions to peacekeeping operations is greatly appreciated. I hope that we can count on your continued political and financial support to build up a truly collective international security system and strengthen UN peacekeeping.

I look forward to continuing to work in close cooperation with your Government to address these and the various other challenges that lie ahead.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

KofuA. Ainnan

His Excellency Mr. Peter Struck Minister of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin fi


24 February 2005

Dear Professor Teltschik,

Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to thank you for having invited me to participate in the Munich Conference on Security Policy, and for the honour that was bestowed upon me in awarding me the first medal for Peace through Dialogue of the Munich Security Conference. This award is also a tribute to the United Nations and its global mission of peace and development, and I would like to express once again my sincere gratitude for this recognition.

I was grateful for the opportunity to address the Munich Conference on Security Policy, given the pertinence of such a forum for discussing the challenges and threats facing the international community. I found the question and answer session very stimulating, and was also very interested in the panel discussion which followed. My presence in Munich also gave me the opportunity to hold useful meetings with a range of German officials, as well as other participants in the conference.

Finally, allow me to thank you for the warm welcome which was extended to my delegation and me in Munich, and to wish you every success in your future endeavours.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan

Professor Dr. h. c. Horst Teltschik Chairman of the Munich Conference on Security Policy Munich Clu/'fe


24 February 2005

Dear Dr. Merkel, •i Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity to exchange views with you on matters of mutual concern to Germany and the United Nations. I found it useful for us to have the opportunity to hold a frank and open discussion on a number of issues such as recent developments in Iraq and the Sudan, and the reform of the United Nations.

Allow me to also thank you for your support of the United Nations and of my own efforts.

With best wishes in all your future endeavours,

Yours sincerely,

"Kofi A. Annan

Dr. Angela Merkel Chairwoman of the CDU party and Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag Berlin THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

24 February 2005

Dear Mr. Ude,

Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to express my gratitude for your warm welcome and hospitality. I was grateful for the opportunity to meet you and honoured to sign the Golden Book of the City of Munich. Allow me to thank you once again for your public support of the United Nations and of my own efforts.

I would also like to thank you for the beautiful gift which you gave to me. It will be a fond reminder of my visit to Munich.

Yours sincerely,

A. Annan

Mr. Christian Ude Lord Mayor of Munich Munich THE SECRETARY-GENERAL


Dear Mr. Bartelt,

I write to thank you for the gift which you gave to me during my recent visit to Munich for the Munich Conference on Security Policy. I was touched by your thoughtfulness and generosity, and will keep your gift as a fond reminder of my visit.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

•K.ofi*A. Annan

Mr. Axel Bartelt Chief of Protocol of the Bavarian State Chancellery Munich THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

23 February 2005


Following my recent visit to Munich, I write to express my sincere appreciation for all you did to ensure that my stay was a success. Your efforts helped to make our work so much easier - from the early stages of planning for the visit to your assistance in ensuring that everything ran smoothly while we were there.

I was grateful for the opportunity to address the Munich Conference on Security Policy and to hold productive meetings with a range of German . officials and other participants in the Munich Conference. My colleagues in the Secretariat and I look forward to continuing to work with you closely on matters of mutual concern.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency Mr. Gunter Pleuger Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations New York


Le 24 fevrier 2005

Cher Hassen,

Suite a ma visite recente a Londres et a Munich, je tiens a vous remercier pour toute 1'assistance que nous avons re?ue du Centre regional d'information des Nations Unies a Bruxelles, et en particulier de Mme Karen Davies et de M. Arne Molfenter.

Comme d'habitude, 1'assistance de M. Molfenter, tant lors des preparatifs de ma visite qu'au cours de mon sejour a Munich, a ete tres professionnelle. Sa contribution a ete pour beaucoup dans le succes de ma visite. L'aide que Mme Davies a apportee a mon porte-parole a Londres et a Munich a egalement ete vivement appreciee.

Je vous saurais gre de bien vouloir les remercier tous les deux pour les efforts qu'ils ont deployes afm que mon voyage se deroule dans les meilleures conditions.

Sinceres salutations,

. Annan

Monsieur Hassen Fodha Directeur du Centre regional d'information des Nations Unies Bruxelles United Natioiu Press __Releas ^ e Secretary-General A Time for Renewal Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

SG/T/2436 15 February 2005


The Secretary-General arrived in Munich from London on Friday evening, 11 February.

On Saturday morning he had a breakfast meeting with the President of Germany, Dr. Horst Kohler. The President affirmed his commitment to the 0.7 per cent of gross national product target for official development assistance. Although Germany is currently at 0.28, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder had publicly announced Germany's intention to reach 0.7 by the year 2015. They also talked of African political and economic development, as well as United Nations reform. In closing, the President offered his sympathy and support for the Secretary-General saying, "We know what we have in you."

The Secretary-General then attended the opening of the 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy. German Defence Minister Peter Struck delivered the opening address on behalf of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who was ill. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld then spoke and took questions. At one point, he turned to the Secretary-General, said that he had just returned from Iraq, and commented that the work of United Nations electoral expert Carlos Valenzuela there was impressive. The audience applauded.

After a brief exchange with members of the United Nations Association of Germany, the Secretary-General held a series of bilateral meetings in the margins of the Conference, starting with German Defence Minister Peter Struck. The Secretary-General said that with the planning for deployment of the United Nations's 19th peacekeeping operation in Sudan, the Organization was reaching the limits of its physical capacity. He asked for any assistance that Germany might provide. They also discussed Afghanistan, Kosovo,. Sudan and the aftermath of the South-Asian tsunami.

His next meeting was with the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who asked him how he saw things developing in Afghanistan. The Secretary-General welcomed the expanded NATO presence in that country. They went on to discuss political and narcotics issues there. They then went on to Iraq, Kosovo, the Middle East and NATO-United Nations relations.

On Saturday afternoon, he talked with the Chairwoman of the opposition CDU party, Angela Merkel, who asked him first about United Nations reform, including prospects for a German seat on an enlarged Security Council. They also discussed the current and future role for the United Nations in Iraq's transition and efforts to pacify the Darfur region of Sudan.

Then he met with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Romania, Teodor Baconschi. Their agenda included Iraq, Kosovo, Georgia and United Nations reform.

(more) For information media • not an official record • also available at http://www.un.org/News - 2 - Press Release SG/T/2436 15 February 2005

After that, he saw Javier Solana, High Representative of the European Union for Common, Foreign and Security Policy, for a review of the situations in Iraq, Iran, the Middle East and Sudan.

That evening, he had a meeting with the Bavarian President and leader of the CSU party, Edmund Stoiber. Mr. Stoiber asked the Secretary-General for his views on efforts to contain the nuclear programme of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In that connection, they also discussed Iran's nuclear ambitions, and they touched on the situation in Iraq and United Nations reform as well.

The Secretary-General and Mr. Stoiber then went to Emperor's Hall, where the Secretary-General was presented with the first "Peace through Dialogue" award at a dinner ceremony. The Secretary-General told the more than 300 guests gathered there that he was honoured to receive the award, which he saw as an affirmation of the importance of the Office of the Secretary-General and of the United Nations itself.

"Like all my predecessors", he said, "I have sought to use my office to build bridges between parties, wherever I believed an opportunity for the peaceful resolution of disputes might be found." Inevitably, he added, "my success rate in resolving disputes peacefully has been mixed. That comes with the job description."

In this work, he went on, "I have had to confront not only the doubts of others, but my own as well. But I have persisted, because by precedent, by principle, by Charter and by duty, I am bound to exhaust peaceful means to further international peace and security." (See press release SG/SM/9719.)

On Sunday morning, the Secretary-General addressed the 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy, pointing to the advances in global security evidenced by the Sudan peace agreement, the Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire and the elections in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"I have come here today", he said, "to call on Europe and America to do something more this year; to think ahead and to help plant the seeds of long-term global collective security". The message is simple, he went on: "our global security environment has been transformed, and our global collective security system, including the United Nations, must be transformed too."

"Let us banish from our minds the thought that some threats affect only some of us", he said. "We all share responsibility for each other's security. Indeed in strengthening the security of others, we protect the security of our own."

He laid out a four-part formula to give effect to this vision: 1) strengthen our collective defences; 2} when prevention fails, consider the use of force; 3) equip ourselves to build lasting peace in war-torn lands and 4) our goals should be a world of peaceful and capable states.... We must take democratisation, development and human rights seriously.

If Member States act now, he concluded, we will have a more efficient, more effective and more equitable collective security system. "And if you keep in mind the people who are losing their lives today in Sudan and elsewhere", he said, "that would be a precious gift to humanity."

(more) - 3 - Press Release SG/T/2436 15 February 2005

On the subject of Sudan he said, "People are dying every single day, while we fail to protect them. Additional measures are urgently required. Those organisations with real capacity -- and NATO, as well as the EU are well represented in this room -- must give serious consideration to what, in practical terms, they can do to help end this tragedy." (See SG/SM/9717.)

He then took a number of questions from the audience.

In the margins of the Conference, the Secretary-General met the German Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, who had just returned from visiting the tsunami-devastated province of Aceh in Indonesia. The Secretary-General thanked the German people for their generosity in responding to the crisis in South Asia. The Foreign Minister commented that the United Nations had played a crucial role in the relief effort, demonstrating once again its indispensability. They also discussed Israeli-Palestinian issues, post-election Iraq, the Iranian nuclear issue and Afghanistan.

In the afternoon, the Secretary-General went to Town Hall to sign the Golden Book of the city of Munich. He was welcomed by the Lord Mayor, Christian Ude. He thanked the Mayor for the warm reception and presented him in turn with two books of his own -- the report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change and the other on the UN Millennium Project. Both reports, he said would provide a focus of discussion and debate in the months leading up to the September Summit, which he hoped would take far-reaching measures to adapt and renew the United Nations. "I believe that historic, fundamental progress is possible", he said. "But it will depend on the will of governments, and on the engagement of civil society and individual citizens, such as all of you."

The Secretary-General later departed Munich for New York, where he arrived on Sunday evening.

* *** * / -I J

Karen Davies

From: [email protected] [[email protected]] 11/02/2C)05 10:44 To: Karen Davies i_fc_ Cc: Dj Subject: For the Secretary General-Appologies! FEB 1 5 twA, J Attachments: n » I EXECUTIVE OFFICE Dear Secretary General, OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL i ^^ ! Thank you for your kindness in being willing to include me in your meeting this morning with Dr. Swire. It is a great honour to be afforded a piece of your valuable time. I am so sad that, after all, I have to bow to the pressures on ^ me as I prepare for a two week visit to Quetta, Pakistan where I am due to open a new college and deliver a series of lectures. Had I been able to meet you today I would mainly have been supporting Dr. Swire's thoughts. I would also have wanted to give you a copy of the attached amazing newspaper article which followed an interview I gave. I speak at a number of reconciliation events and distribute this freely.

I was privileged to meet you in Holland during the Lockerbie trial as you were attending the royal wedding there. Dr. Swire and I came away feeling that we had met a man who had similar concerns about international justice as ourselves.

With my sincere prayers for strength to carry out your huge responsibilities,

Most sincerely,

Reverend John F. Mosey. (Father of Helga, Killed on Pan-Am flight 103 aged 19)

https://mail.runiceurope.org/exchange/davies/Inbox/For%20the%20Secretary%20General... 11/02/2005 Note to the Secretary-General


1. Attached is the revised Munich Security Conference Speech', incorporating the changes you requested as conveyed by Michael to Robert.

2. In addition, there are two slight tweaksj on the advice of Bob Orr (who did not manage to review the draft until very late today) to soften the degree of endorsement of Panel recommendations, so as not to tie your hands in the final package you put forward in March. In particular:

i. On non-proliferation, rather than saying: "That is why I support the High-Level Panel's proposals for X,Y,Z", the text says: "The Panel has made many forward- looking proposals, including X,Y,Z. Member states must summon the will to act to strengthen the non-proliferation regime."

ii. On terrorism, rather than say the UN's anti-terrorism strategy "should include" a trust fund and greater UN assistance to States, the text says that "The Panel recommends" that it should do so.

3. Consistent with the Darfur Report, the crimes are described as "war crimes, which may well amount to crimes against humanity".

Edward Mortimer 12 February 2005 Formatted: Line spacing: 1.5 lines RD (7T) Approved with changes [ Deleted: 3 11 February2005



Munich. 13 February 2005

! Deleted:, Thank you, very much, Professor Teltschik, for inviting me to address this famous conference, which has long been a leading forum for discussion of international security. I am greatly honoured to be the first Secretary-General of the United Nations to do so.

Excellencies and dear friends,

Anyone who looks at the global security situation today can see that we face many daunting challenges. But we can also see hopeful signs in humanity's endless quest for peace.

Old foes have agreed to share power in Sudan. The Israelis and Palestinians have committed themselves to a ceasefire. The Afghan people are in charge of their destiny. And the Iraqi people, with heads bloodied but unbowed, have begun the long march in that direction too.

A stable and democratic Iraq, at peace with itself and its neighbours, is vital - for Iraqis, for the region, for the entire international community. The United Nations must play its full part in helping to_achieve that goal. We are proud of the role the United Nations played in helping the Iraqis conduct the recent election. And we are determined j Deleted: Iraqi people to help them jn the important next steps in the transition. The key to success in Iraq is inclusiveness. The United Nations is already engaged in efforts to reach out to those groups - mainly Sunni Arabs - who stayed away from the elections, for whatever reason, but are willing to pursue their goals through peaceful means.

I Deleted: As we help to broaden the ^Ve will also, if the Iraqis ask us. provide them with all >the technical assistance we i transition process, w can — in preparing the constitution, in organizing October's referendum to approve it, and { Deleted: offer the Iraqis in holding the subsequent parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, 23 UN agencies, fund and programs are working today to coordinate international aid and help rebuild the country.

I am greatly heartened by the efforts of long-time allies to come together to nurture the fragile shoots of peace in Iraq. I have come here today to call on Europe and America to do something more this year: to think ahead, and to help plant the seeds of long term global collective security.

Next month, I will be placing before the Member States of the United Nations a blueprint for the most far-reaching reform of the international security system since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945. My report will draw heavily on the recommendations of the 16 eminent men and women who served on the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.

Their message is simple: our global security environment has been transformed, and our global collective security system, including the United Nations, must be transformed too.

We all know that today's threats can cross borders in an instant, and can appear, sometimes literally, from a clear blue sky. But what is less understood is just how mutually vulnerable we are: - If New York or London or Paris or Berlin were hit by a nuclear terrorist attack, it might not only kill hundreds of thousands in an instant. It could also devastate the global economy, thereby plunging millions into poverty in developing countries.

- If a new deadly disease broke out in one country, international air travelers could quickly and unwittingly spread it to every corner of the earth.

If a country is engulfed in civil war, it can destabilize whole regions, radicalize populations, become a haven for terrorism and organized crime, and hasten the spread of disease.

- And if perpetrators of mass atrocities are allowed to get away with their crimes, it only emboldens others to do the same.

So, in this era of interdependence, let us banish from our minds the thought that some threats affect only some of us. We all share a responsibility for each other's security, and we must work together to build a safer world. Indeed, in strengthening the security of others, we protect the security of our own.

I believe we must act, in four areas, to give effect to this vision.

First, we must strengthen our collective defences, to give us the best chance of preventing latent threats from becoming imminent, and imminent threats from becoming actual.

Take the threat of nuclear proliferation. For decades, the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty has helped prevent a cascade of nuclear proliferation. But unless new Deleted: That is why I support 1 steps are taken now, we might face such a cascade very soon. J^he Ffigh-Level fanel has [ Deleted: Panel's made many forward-looking recommendations, including;: f Deleted: proposals for - Tougher inspect! on rules; - Incentives for States to forgo domestic uranium enrichment; - A fissile material cut-off treaty; - A tighter timeline for the Global Threat Reduction Initiative; - Broader participation in the Proliferation Security Initiative; Closer cooperation between the IAEA and the Security Council; And concrete steps on disarmament. Member States must summon the will to act to strengthen the non-proliferation regime.

In the fight against terrorism, the United Nations must put its convening power, normative strength and global reach to good use. Next month in Madrid, I intend to >• < r T • i 1 T • rr,i „ i vI Deleted: It should include outline an anti-terronsm strategy for the United Nations. TThe Panel recommends the creation of a trust fund to help Member States meet binding anti-terrorism obligations imposed by the Security Council, and greater UN assistance to help them do so.

The United Nations must show zero tolerance of terrorism, of any kind, for any reason. The Panel was able to reach consensus on a definition of terrorism - something that has eluded Member States until now. States should now use that definition to finalize and adopt a comprehensive anti-terrorism convention, making clear that any targeting of civilians or non-combatants is totally unacceptable.

Our world must also take bio-security much more seriously. As the Panel report shows, it would be comparatively easy for terrorists to cause mass death by using agents such as anthrax or weaponized smallpox. We saw with SARS how quickly a new infectious disease can spread. Let's not wait until something has gone terribly wrong to act collectively to meet this threat. I encourage the Security Council to begin work now, in consultation with the World Health Organization, to strengthen global public health defences.

Second, when prevention fails, and peaceful means have been exhausted, we may have to consider the use of force. The decision to use force is never easy. It is among the gravest decision anyone I Deleted: guidelines can ever be called upon to make. The Panel has proposed^n approach to help all States, and the Security Council, to think through such decisions, and their consequences, and to reach consensus.

The Panel sees no need to amend Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. Article 51 preserves the right of all States to act in self-defence against armed attack. Most lawyers recognize that this includes the right to take pre-emptive action against an imminent threat.

However, as the Panel points out, in today's world we may also face threats that are not imminent, but which could become actual with little or no warning, and might culminate in nightmare scenarios if left unaddressed. The Security Council is fully empowered by the Charter to deal with such threats. It must stand ready to do so.

We must also remember that State sovereignty carries responsibilities as well as rights - including the responsibility to protect citizens from genocide or other mass atrocities. When States fail to meet their responsibilities, the Security Council must be prepared to assume them - including, if necessary, by authorizing the use offeree to save innocent life. I therefore welcome the report's emphasis on the responsibility to protect. I believe Member States should embrace this carefully formulated principle - and that the Security Council should act on it.

Third, we must equip ourselves with the collective tools we need to succeed in Deleted:, building lasting peace in war-torn lands - a task in which the United Nations, and regional I Deleted: . and international coalitions organizations, are ,engaged today in a wide range of countries. Our success in winning the Deleted: all peace is decidedly mixed. Half of the civil wars that appear to have been resolved by peace agreements tragically slide back into conflict within five years.

To help the international community succeed in this vital work, the Panel recommends the creation of a new intergovernmental organ in the United Nations: a Peacebuilding Commission. The Commission would give Member States, international financial institutions, regional organizations, donor countries, troop contributors and the country being helped a forum for consensus and action: to agree on strategy, provide policy guidance, mobilize resources, and coordinate the efforts of all involved.

The United Nations also needs more operational capacity to respond to State failure. Today, we have more than 75,000 personnel deployed in 18 peace operations on four continents, and a 19th operation in Sudan is in the pipeline.

Our resources are stretched to the limit. Indeed, for the foreseeable future, the global demand will outstrip the capacity of the United Nations to respond — particularly when only one in five of our uniformed personnel comes from developed countries.

To help redress this situation, the Panel report calls for: - Developed countries to move faster to transform existing force capacities into contingents suitable for peace operations; - The strengthening of the UN's strategic deployment stockpiles, standing arrangements, trust funds, and civilian police capacity; - And closer cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations, to divide labour and reinforce each other's work.

These are not dry or academic issues. Look at the situation in Sudan today. Millions have been killed over many years in north-south violence. The United Nations > Deleted: faces huge jjnder very challenging: conditions, is going to deploy a peacekeeping operation in the I Deleted: difficulties in deploying an south in support of the recent peace agreement. r j adequate peacekeeping operation into the \ south, to shore up the recent peace ^ agreement. And in Darfur, a United Nations Commission of Inquiry found last month that the civilian population has been brutalized by war crimes, which may well amount to crimes against humanity. The Security Council is now considering how to ensure that those responsible are held to account for their crimes. And I salute the African Union for taking the lead in deploying peacekeepers in Darfur. Deleted But even wj^the help of the UN ^he EU. the US and other donors. the_AUls u capacity to me/A'the requirements in the area of security is dwarfed by the size of the | Deleted: In the face of our inadequate challenge/nnd people are dying, every single day, while we fail to protect them. T { response, people are dying, every day.

So when I speak of our responsibility to protect - and when I say we must be able to deploy robustly and quickly, and that we need an integrated approach to crisis management and long-term peacebuilding — remember this: our current collective [ Deleted: being shortcomings are jmeasured in lives lost.

Of course, it would have been far better if the chronic problems of governance [DeletedI:: facing that have long plagued. Sudan had been addressed earlier. So let me stress a fourth and final point about collective security: our eventual goal must be a world of peaceful and capable States, able to exercise their sovereignty responsibly, and to deal with internal [ Deleted: dang ^tresses before they Terupt in conflict, harming their own citizens and threatening others. |J>eletedI:: harm

We cannot build a safer world unless we take democratization, development and human rights seriously. The United Nations advances these causes every day. For example, UN reports draw attention to human rights concerns in many countries. We have helped to foster a long overdue debate on the state of human development in the Arab world. And our efforts to halve global poverty by 201 5 are based on the need for good governance in developing countries, matched with concrete assistance from developed countries.

More and more donor countries are now making concrete plans to meet the development promises made at key international conferences. In 2005, all rich countries should follow suit. A recent landmark UN study shows that, with the right mix of policy and resources, development can succeed. So as we support democracy and good i Deleted: also governance, let us boost aid, provide debt relief, and promote free and fair trade. These efforts reinforce each other, and are the best investments we can make in our collective security. In just over a month, Member States will have before them my agenda for renewal and reform. And in just seven months, world leaders will be called upon to make some momentous decisions.

If Member States act now, we will still have plenty of problems. But we will have a more efficient, more effective, and more equitable collective security system, a more serious plan to promote development, and a better United Nations.

And if you keep in mind the people who are losing their lives today in Sudan and elsewhere, that would be a precious gift to humanity.

Thank you very much. > draft briefing note for SG meeting with OCHA Seite 1 von 1

Kevin S. To:michael moller Kennedy cc:Juana Clough/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Laila Manji/NY/UNO@UNHQ, [email protected], Wai Tak Chua/NY/UNO@UNHQ 11.02.2005 17:04 bcc: Subjectdraft briefing note for SG meeting with OCHA

MIM: SG will meet with OCHA staff on Tuesday morning with video link to Geneva and telephone link to Banda Aceh. Attached for your review is a briefing note for the SG, transmitted to me informally by Amjad Abbashar in Egeland's office.

Do we need a more formal transmittal from JE?

It was assumed that the SG would speak "off the cuff. Can you confirm this or will he need talking points?

Pis let me know.

Thanks. ksk

Kevin S. Kennedy Principal Officer Chief, Scheduling Office Executive Office of the Secretary-Gene United Nations Tel. 1.212.963.6821 Fax 1.212.963.1185

-— Forwarded by Kevin S. Kennedy/NY/UNO on 11/02/2005 05tOO PM -—

Arajad To: Kevin S. Kennedy/NY/UNO@UNHQ Abbashar(5)OCHAcc: Brian Grogan/OCHA/NY@OCHA, Sylvie Dossou/OCHA/NY@OCHA i n/mnnn* m ™ Subject: draft briefing note for SG meeting with lu/uz/zuuj u/:/o PM


I have attached a short briefing note for the SG as discussed. I have not cleared with Jan, but thought you should have it. Of course if you require a more formal transmittal, we would surely comply.

We are working on agenda which I will share with you. In it, the SG could say a few words after being introduced by Jan and then he could say something before he goes, will keep you updated


SG brief.doc

https://unhq-mail-02.un.org/mail/mollerml.nsf/38d46bf5e8f08834852564b500129b2c... 12.02.2005 Briefing Note For the Secretary-General On OCHA's Successes in Tsunami Response

Immediate Response (During his mission to the region, the Secretary-General was informed by many donors and government officials of their appreciation for OCHA's work.)

Since the early hours of 26 December, OCHA has been at the forefront of the UN's response to the tsunami. OCHA was first on the ground in a number of the sites and took the lead in facilitating the efforts of the broader humanitarian community. This facilitated OCHA 's being accepted as the coordinator of the international response and added to the effectiveness of the overall response.

In the field Four UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination teams were dispatched from Geneva to the most affected areas within 24 hours. Margareta Wahlstrom was named Special Coordinator and was working in the region a few days after the earthquake. Senior and seasoned staff were deployed to the hardest hit places like Aceh to take charge of coordination. Dozens more staff (a total of 72) have been deployed since to help. Rapid deployment of capable staff gave OCHA credibility early on, contributing to a strong overall response. At the country level, strong local coordination and engagement of local agencies enhanced efficiency of efforts. Effective sectoral coordination demonstrably increased the impact of response.

Liaison with the military Liaison with the military was hugely important in tsunami response because of the extraordinary number of militaries, and the amount of assets involved. Civil Military Relations Officers built excellent understanding of the UN and how it works through briefings to the military, at senior levels, as well as daily meetings with the military in affected countries. For example, UN staff participated in the crucial assessments of Aceh's west coast that were carried out from the USS Lincoln. Close cooperation is ensuring a smooth handover of responsibilities from militaries to humanitarians.

At Headquarters OCHA provided leadership in New York and Geneva. OCHA Task forces were established on day one. The ERC convened the IASC on 27 December. For the first month after the disaster, people were working around the clock through holidays and weekends to consolidate and relay critical information to UN, humanitarian and governmental partners. The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) catalyzed progress on the establishment of a regional tsunami early warning system.

With Donors OCHA staff organized a massive, US$977 million humanitarian appeal in 11 days. Donor meetings in New York and Geneva were tremendously successful, eliciting an unprecedented response. The provision of rapid financial analysis and almost real time financial tracking enhanced the quality of the response and further strengthened the perception of effective coordination.

With the world public Public Information efforts by OCHA raised the profile of the whole UN's response. A strong media profile and strategic use of the media created awareness of critical issues and contributed to Briefing Note For the Secretary-General On OCHA's Successes in Tsunami Response effectiveness of overall response. It also showed that the UN was doing good work at a time in which the Organization is under great scrutiny. Secco luncheon Seite 1 von 1

Kyoko Shiotani To:Michael Moller/NY/UNO@UNHQ cc:Lena Dissin/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Alexandra Pichler/DPA/NY/UNO@UNHQ 11.02.2005 17:11 bcc: Subject:Secco luncheon

Secco president came to see MMB today. In the course of discussion suggested that Togo be added to the list of topics for the luncheon, pis seek SG's approval, thanks.

https://unhq-mail-02.un.org/mail/mollerml.nsf/38d46bf5e8f08834852564b500129b2c... 12.02.2005 US Mission has confirmed that Secretary of State Rice will not meet with SG on 15 ... Seite 1 von 1

Kevin S. To: Wagaye Assebe/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Alexandra Pichler/DPA/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Kennedy Elpida Rouka/United Nations@UNHQ-DPKO, Florence Sau Sze Lee/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Michael Moller/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Patrick Hayford/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Robert Orr/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Kyoko 11 .U2.2W5 I to» Shiotani/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Georgios Kostakos/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Kevin S. Kennedy/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Laila Manji/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Kalyani Ravishankar/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Kaori Minami/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Marie Okabe/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Stephane Dujarric, Frederic Eckhard/NY/UNO@UNHQ cc:[email protected], Wai Tak Chua/NY/UNO@UNHQ, [email protected], Danielle Loff- Fernandes/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Gian Dean/NY/UNO@UNHQ bcc: Subject:US Mission has confirmed that Secretary of State Rice will not meet with SG on 15 February

Confirmation of postponement of the meeting sine die was received this afternoon.

Kevin S. Kennedy Principal Officer Chief, Scheduling Office Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations Tel. 1.212.963.6821 Fax 1.212.963.1185

https://unhq-mail-02.un.org/mail/mollerml.nsf/38d46bf5e8fD8834852564b500129b2c... 12.02.2005 NOTE TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

Stern Magazine photograph

Stern Magazine is planning an article on the Munich Conference, including your participation in it.

They would like a photographer to take a portrait photo of you, which they say will take only two minutes.

Could we schedule this?

Fred Eckhard 11 February 2005 cc: Michael Moller rU> \J UNITED NATIONS NATIONS U NIES



DATE:11 February 2005 CDC/05/02/2005 TO: Mr- Michael Moller FROM: M- Malloch Brown Secretary-General's Party Chef de Cabinet Munich EOSG ^\ New York Cv *i . i{ J£^_* _' 1

FAX NO: 011-49-89-2120-3830 FAXNO: (212) 963-2155 SUBJECT: Miscellaneous TOTAL NUMBER OF TRANSMITTED PAGES INCLUDING THIS PAGE £


Here is the background I had requested in addition to the letter you had signed earlier to the Security Council. This will give you an idea of how far in reality the investigations have and have not progressed.

1. Note from Ms. Holl Lute dated 9 February on the Status of SEA Cases. (25-01928)

2. Note from Mr. Guehenno dated 9 February on Comprehensive report on sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations peacekeeping personnel. (25-01918)

Thanks and regards.

cc: The Deputy Secretary-General i FEB 1 4 2005 j 11/02 '05 FRI 18:56 FAX EOSG.'CF ilOOl




DATE:11 February 200; CDC/05/02/2005 TO: Mr. Michael Moller FROM: M- Malloch Brown Secretary-General ' s Party Chef de Cabinet Munich ) SOSG f^7 • \ New York ^ i . / JL^_ 1



Here is the background I had requested in addition to the letter you had signed earlier to the Security Council. This will give you an idea of how far in reality the investigations have and have not progressed.

1. Note from Ms, Holl Lute dated 9 February on the Status of SEA Cases. (25-01923)

2. Note from Mr, Guehenno dated 9 February on Comprehensive report on sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations peacekeeping personnel. (25-01918)

Thanks and regards.

cc: The Deputy Secretary-General i^^™^frwi




DATE:11 February 2005 CDC/04/02/2005 TO: Mr. Michael Moller FROM: M. Malloch Brown Secretary-General's Party Chef de Cabinet Munich EOSG S~) . * New York Vf , \J^ ~\ FAXNO: 011-49-89-2120-3830 FAXNO: (212) 963-2155 SUBJECT: Miscellaneous TOTAL NUMBER OF TRANSMITTED PAGES INCLUDING THIS PAGE / /


Draft SECCO Presidential statement on elections in Iraq. The draft has been prepared by the US and will be discussed by experts of Security Council Member States on Monday, wit! a view to having a text finalized for adoption xat the Council meeting on Wednesday morning./

Code cable from SRSG Swing dated 9 February on degradation of security in Ituri and proposed courses of action.

Note from Catherine Bertini dated 10 February on Article in the New York Sun about the Capital Master Plan. (25-02009)

Thanks and regards.

cc: The Deputy Secretary-General u 11/02 '05 FRI IS:20 FAX EOSG.'CF El D01




DATE:11 February 2005 CDC/04/02/2005 TO: Mr- Michael Moller FROM: M. Mai loch Brown Secretary-General's Party Chef de Cabinet Muni ch | EOSG S~) . » New York


Draft SEGCO Presidential statement on elections in Iraq. The draft has been prepared by the US and will be discussed by experts of Security Council Member States on Monday, with a view to having a text finalised for adoption at the Council meeting on Wednesday morning.

Code cable from SRSG Swing datea 9 February on degradation of security in Ituri and proposed courses of action.

Note from Catherine Eertini dated 10 February on Article in the New York Sun about" the Capital Master Plan. (25-02009)

Thanks and regards.

cc: The Deputy Seere-ary-General 11/02 "05 FRI 18:21 FAS EOSG/CF El002

Draft UNSC Presidential Statement The Security Council congratulates the people of Iraq on the successful elections cf 30 January 2005. These clectior.s represent a historic moment for Iraq aid a positive stsp in ins political transition, fin tumini out to foe polls, Iraqis demonstrated their respect for the rule of law and non-violence, They voted for democracy and iull ownership of their i . / L^fT Affairs. The Security Council encourages the Iraqi people to exercise fully their ( ^j A j^ J sovereignty, The Security Council congratulates the newly-elected coalitions and individuals in these elections. The elections took place under difficult con dittoes, and the Security Council salutes the -..bravery of the Iraqi people who defied the terrorists. The Security Council commends the tens of thousands ofliaqis who ran as candidates, administered the elections, staffed the polls, observed, the elections, and provided security. The Security Council gives special recognition to the Independent Electoral Commission, of Iraq for its fomtade and organizational skill in administering the elections.

The Security Council expresses its appreciation for the advice and support extended to the Iraqis by the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Iraq Ashraf Qazi and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) in Baghdad, particularly the tead elsctoiel advisor Carlos Valenzuela, as-well as international actors including EU electoral experts and others who provided invaluable international support, The Security Council also nates the commendable role played by the Iraqi Security Forces and the Multi-National Forces-Iraq in providing security to the elections.

These elections are an important step for Iraq's political transition, as outlined in UN Security Council Resolution 1546, The Security Council looks forward to the seating of the Transitional National Assembly and the formation of a new Transitional. Government of Iraq in the near Mure. A Constitution of Iraq, to be drafted urtder the authority of the Transitional National Assembly, is expected to be put to a referendum by October 2005 and followed by general elections by December 2005 under ths new Constitution. The Security Council affirms its cotttioving support for the Iraqi people iti their political transition and reaffirms the independence, sovereignty, unity ar*,d territorial integrity of Iraq.

The Security Council stresses the need /or sustained political efforts aimed at making the next steps of the transition, in particular the coming constitutional process, as inclusive, participatory and transparent as possible. The Council welcomes the statements recently made by Iraqi leaders in this regard., and strongly encourages the Transitional National Government and the Transitional National Assembly of Iraq to reach out broadly to all segments of Iraqi society, with a view to promote genuine political dialogue and national reconciliation and to ensure that all Iraqis are duly represented and. have a voice in the political process and the drafting of the Iraqi Constitution. 11'02 '05 FRI 18:22 FAX EOSG'CF g]003

Consistent with 'UNSCR 1546, the Security Council reaffirms the SRSG and UNAMPs leading rait, in support of Iraq's own efforts and as requested by the Government of Iraq, tc promote national dialogue and consensus building in the constitutional process, In this regard, the Security Council urges the UN to prepare itself rapidly and encourages the members of the iiitem.ario.tial community to provide advisors and technical support to the UN to help it ful.fi]] this role.

The Security Council condemns, b the strongest possible terms, acts of terrorism in frac, which should not be allowed to disrupt Iraq's political and economic transition. The Security Council calls on those who use violence in &n attempt tc subvert the political process to lay down their arms and participate in the political process. It encourages the Iraqi authorities to create a suitable political atmosphere to mpvs towards national reconciliation and political, competition through peaceful means.

Consistent with UNSCR1546, the Security Council reaffirms it* support for a federal, democratic, pluralist and unified Iraq, in which there is full respect for human rights. It welcomes the intemetioral ccmmuTjity's support to Iraq and ur.derlin.es the importance of enhanced, and expeditious assistance from all States and relevant international organizations in support of Iraq's further implementation of the political transition process and efforts to achieve national reconciliation, economic reconstruction, and stability, in accordance with "UNSCR 1546, Miinchner Konferenz fiir Sicherheitspolitik .Munich Conference on Security Policy N <1> C J/J _

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for the Visit of

His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Mr. Kofi A. Annan

to Munich

February 11-13, 2005 His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi A. Annan will be accompanied by:

Official Delegation:

Mr. Jean-Marie Guehenno Senior Adviser

Mr. Kieran Prendergast Senior Adviser

Mr. Michael M0ller Director, Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs, and Trip Coordinator

Mr. Fred Eckhard Spokesman

Ms. Martine Therer EOSG Political Officer

Mr. Oseloka Obaze DPA Political Affairs Officer

Mr. Arne Molfenter Information Officer for Germany, RUNIC Brussels

Ms. Anastasiya Delenda Appointments Secretary

Mr. Americo Canepa Telecommunications Officer Mr. Moataz Khalil Security Officer

Mr. Joseph Leal Security Officer

Mr. Marcel Juving Security Officer Arriving on Feb. 10, 2005

Accompanying German Party:

Ministerialdirigent Axel Bartelt Chief of Protocol of the Bavarian State Chancellery

Oberamtsrat Johann Rothorl Protocol Department of the Bavarian State Chancellery

Ms. Brigitte Marcolla-Robert Friday. February 11, 2005

2010 hrs Arrival of H.E. the Secretary-General of the United Nations at Munich Franz Josef Strauss Airport on flight BA 954 from London

(Guard of Honour/red carpet/flags)

Welcoming Party.

. The Bavarian State Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Dr. Otto Wiesheu

- The Chief of Protocol of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Ministerial- dirigent Axel Bartelt

Also present:

. Staff of the RUNIC Liaison Office, Bonn then Departure for the Hotel Bayerischer Hof accompanied by State Minister Dr. Otto Wiesheu

- Motorcade -

2110 hrs Arrival

Private programme and overnight accommodation Saturday, February 12, 2005

0830 hrs Meeting with the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Horst Kohler, in the Watteau Salon of the hotel followed by Attendance at the 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy in the Hotel Bayerischer Hof (see separate programme)


Meetings with

1115 hrs the German Federal Minister of Defense (until 1135) Dr. Peter Struck

1115 hrs H. E. the Secretary-General of NATO, (until 1205 hrs) Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

1500 hrs Ms. Angela Merkel, Chairwoman of the CDU (until 1520 hrs) in Germany and CDU/CSU Floor Leader in the Federal German Parliament (Bundestag)

1600 hrs H. E. Mr. Javier Solana, the High (until 1630 hrs) Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy

1700 hrs Interview with the deputy Chief Editor (until 1720 hrs) of "Die Zeit", Mr. Matthias Nass 1930 hrs Meeting with the Bavarian Minister-President and Chairman of the CSU, Dr. Edmund Stoiber in the Presidential Suite

Bavarian Party. • Mr. Bartelt, Chief of Protocol • Dr. Barth, Head of the "European Politics and International Relations" Department in the State Chancellery • Ms. Gernbauer, Personal Assistant • Mr. Haselbeck, Press Spokesman • Interpreter

1950 hrs Departure of H. E. the Secretary-General and the Bavarian Minister-President for the Munich Residence (approach via Kaiserhof)

- Motorcade -

2000 hrs Arrival then Dinner on the occasion of the 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy, hosted by the Bavarian Minister-President Dr. Edmund Stoiber in the 'Kaisersaal' of the Munich Residence

dark suit

During dinner:

Speech (after the first course) by the Bavarian Minister-President Dr. Edmund Stoiber and Presentation of the Medal "Peace through dialogue" to His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi A. Annan about 2230 hrs Departure for the Hotel Bayeriscfier Hof

- Motorcade •

Overnight accommodation Sunday. February 13, 2005

Attention: bylO3Ohrs Hand in baggage!

1030 hrs Transport of baggage to Airport

0900 hrs Speech by H.E. the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi A. Annan, to the Participants of the Security Policy Conference on the "A more secure world: The future role of the United Nations" followed by Discussion (until IQOOhrs)

1030 hrs Meeting with US Congressmen (until 1130 hrs)

1200 hrs Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs (until 1230 hrs) of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Joschka Fischer then Private lunch in hotel

1350 hrs Met by the Chief of Protocol of the Bavarian State Chancellery, • Mr. Axel Bartelt then Departure for the City Hall of the State Capital of Munich

- Motorcade - 1400 hrs Arrival

Met by the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, Mr. Christian Ude

Walk to the 'Kleiner Sitzungssaal'

Official Welcome by the Lord Mayor

Brief response by H.E. the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi A. Annan

Signing of the Golden Book of the City of Munich

1420 hrs Departure for Munich International Airport Franz Josef Strauss

- Motorcade -

1505 hrs Arrival then Farewell by the Chief of Protocol of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Ministerialdirigent Axel Bartelt

1515 hrs Departure on flight LH 410 for New York Motorcade

Police escort

Protocol car MDirg. Bartelt (temporarily) Oberamtsrat Rothorl Photographer

Escort of honour 7 motorcycles

Car of His Excellency Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan Minister-President Dr. Stoiber or State Minister Dr. Wiesheu or Ministerialdirigent Axel Bartelt Interpreter

Security car

Van 1 UN security

Conference bus Delegation

Standby car

Police escort Telephone Directory

For Munich dial: (0)89/

Bavarian State Chancellery 2165-2320 Franz-Josef-StrauB-Ring 1, 80539 Munchen Fax:-3320

Munich Airport - VIP Service: 975-21 331/332/333 Fax:-21 336

Munich Police Headquarters 29 10 - 23 50

Bavarian Alert Police Force 45 01 20

Hotel Bayerischer Hof 21 20 - 0

Munich Residence 290 67 -1

City of Munich 233-0

Protocol Mr. Rothorl (mobile phone): 0171/55 76 935 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Hotel Bayerischer Hof February 11-13,2005


Friday, February 11, 2005

8:00 p.m. Dinner in Honor of the German Federal President

Dinner Speech Economic Development and Security

Horst KOHLER Federal President, Federal Republic of Germany

Saturday, February 12,2005

9:00 a.m. Opening of the Conference

Horst TELTSCHIK Chairman, Munich Conference on Security Policy

Perspectives of German Foreign and Security Policy

Gerhard SCHRODER Federal Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany

Donald H. RUMSFELD Secretary of Defense, United States of America


Angela MERKEL Chairwoman of the CDU of Germany; Chairwoman CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag, Berlin


Interrelation of Economic Development and Security

Antonio MARTINO Minister of Defense, Italian Republic

Joseph I. LlEBERMAN US Senator, Connecticut

Donald J. JOHNSTON Secretary General, OECD, Paris Suleiman Jasir AL-HERBISH Director General, The OPEC Fund for International Development, Vienna

Jurgen THUMANN President, Federation of German Industries (BDI), Berlin


12:30 p.m. Luncheon

2:00 p.m. Security in the Middle East: New Challenges for NATO and EU

Jaap de Hoop SCHEFFER Secretary General, NATO, Brussels

Peter STRUCK Minister of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany

Javier SOLANA MADARIAGA Secretary General, Council of the European Union; High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, EU; Secretary General, WEU, Brussels


Security in the Middle East (ctd.)

Sergey B. IVANOV Minister of Defense, Russian Federation

Ahmed ABUL GHEIT Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt

John MCCAIN US Senator, Arizona

Gholamali KHOSHROO Deputy Foreign Minister for International and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Republic of Iran


6:00 p.m. End of First Conference Day

8:00 p.m. Dinner by Invitation of the Bavarian Minister President at the Munich Residence Dinner Speech by

Edmund STOIBER Minister President of the Free State of Bavaria

Awarding of the Medal Peace through Dialogue to H.E. Secretary General of the United Nations

Sunday, February 13,2005

9:00 a.m. A More Secure World: The Future Role of the United Nations

Kofi ANNAN Secretary General, United Nations, New York


Joschka FISCHER Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany

Hillary RODHAM CLINTON US Senator, New York

Adam ROTFELD Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland


M.K. NARAYANAN National Security Advisor, Republic of India

Tatsuo ARIMA Special Envoy of the Government of Japan


12:30 p.m. Luncheon

End of Conference 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Participants Peace through dialogue

Name Function/Position

Adam, Dr. Rudolf President, Federal College for Security Studies, Berlin -« Aissi, Said Assistant Director General, The OPEC Fund for International Development, Vienna AI-Herbish, Suleiman Jasir Director General.The OPEC Fund for International Development, Vienna Al-Orabi, Mohamed Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Berlin Altenburg, Dr. Giinther Ambassador, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, International Staff, NATO, Brussels Anda, Bela Spokesman and Chief of the Press and Information Office, Federal Government, Federal Republic of Germany Annan, Kofi A. Secretary General, United Nations, New York Arima, Prof. Dr. Tatsuo Special Envoy of the Government of Japan. Arnold, Rainer Member of the German Bundestag, Defense Policy Spokesman of the SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin Atanasiu, Teodor Minister of National Defense, Romania Baker, Gerard Columnist, The Financial Times, Washington, D.C. Bali, Jozsef Deputy State Secretary for Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Hungary

Ball, William L. Chairman of the Board of the Asia Foundation, Washington, D.C. Bandler, Donald K. Ambassador (ret.), Senior Director, Kissinger McLarty Associates, Washington, D.C. Baramidse, Giorgi A. State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Republic of Georgia Bartels, Dr. Hans-Peter Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Bayoumi, Gamal Secretary General, Arab Investors Union; Former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt Beer, Angelika Member of the European Parliament, Brussels Bell, Burwell B. Commanding General, US Army Europe and 7th Army, Heidelberg Berger, Sandy Chairman, Stonebridge International, Washington, D. C. Berman, Howard L. Member of Congress (Democrat), US-House of Representatives, Connecticut Biegun, Steve Vice President, International Governmental Affairs, Ford Motor Company, Detroit Bindenagel, James D. Ambassador (ret.), Vice President for Program, The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Chicago Bode, Dr. Manfred Chairman and CEO, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG, Munich Bonde, Alexander Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Boot, Max Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, D.C. 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Borkenhagen, Franz H.U. Head of the Planning Staff, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Brok, Elmar Member of the European Parliament, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy, Brussels Brooks, David Columnist, The New York Times, New York Brownstein, Ron Correspondent, Los Angeles Times, Washington, D.C. Brzezinski, Ian Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and NATO Policy, Department of Defense, United States of America Burns, R. Nicholas Ambassador; US Permanent Representative to NATO, Brussels Busek, Dr. Erhard EU Special Coordinator for South East Europe, Brussels BiJtikofer, Reinhard Chairman Green Party, Berlin Campbell, Menzies M.P., House of Commons, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Canrong, Ma Ambassador of the People's Republic of , Berlin Carter, Dr. Ashton John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Cekuolis, Dalius State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Lithuania Chipman, Dr. John Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London

Chrobog, Jiirgen State Secretary, Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany Clinton, Hillary US-Senator (Democrat), New York Cloud, John Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the United States of America, Berlin

Coats, Daniel R. Ambassador of the United States of America, Berlin Cohen, William S. Secretary of Defense (ret.); Chairman and CEO, The Cohen Group, Washington, D.C. Cohen, Dr. Eliot School for Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. Cravens, James J. President, MEADS International, Orlando, Florida Crosby, Jr., Ralph D. President, EADS North America, Washington, D.C. Daerr, Hans-Joachim Director General for Global Issues and United Nations Affairs, Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany David, Peter Foreign Editor, The Economist, London Davinic, Prvoslav Minister of Defense, Serbia and Montenegro Dick, Georg Head of the Planning Staff, Foreign Office, Berlin Dieter, Hans-Heinrich Lieutenant General, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Federal Armed Forces, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Dornisch, Werner Member of the Board of Management, Diehl Stiftung & Co., Nuremberg 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Drozdiak, William Executive Director, Transatlantic Center (German Marshall Fund), Brussels Eberhardt, Klaus Chairman of the Executive Board, Rheinmetall AG, Dusseldorf Eickenboom, Dr. Peter State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Eiland, Giora Director, National Security Council, State of Israel Enders, Dr. Thomas Member of the Board of Management, Defence and Security Systems Division, EADS N.V. Erjavec, Karel Minister of Defense, Republic of Slovenia Erler, Gernot Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Chairman, SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin van Essen, Jorg Member of the German Bundestag, Secretary of the FDP Parliamentary Group, Berlin Ezdi, Asif Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Berlin Fagiolo, Silvio Ambassador of the Italian Republic, Berlin Fechner, Wolfgang Journalist, European Security, Bonn Feldmeyer, Karl Security Policy Correspondent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Berlin Fischer, Joschka Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany Fitchett, Joseph Executive Editor, Bureau Paris, International Herald Tribune, Neuilly Foglesong, Robert H. General, Commander, US Air Forces in Europe; Commander, Allied Air Forces Northern Europe, Ramstein-Miesenbach Gabashvili, Dr. Konstantin Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Republic of Georgia Gabr, Shafik Chairman and Managing Director, Artec Group for Investment and Development, Gasteyger, Prof. Dr. Curt Director, Program for Strategic and International Security Studies, Geneva Gayet, Frangois Senior Vice President, Marketing and Sales, Thales International, Neuilly Gedmin, Dr. Jeffrey Director, Aspen Institute, Berlin Geoana, Mircea Dan Chairman of the Parliamentary Committe on Foreign Policy, Senate of Romania

Gerhardt, Dr. Wolfgang Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman, FDP Parliamentary Group, Berlin Gertz, Bernhard Colonel, National Chairman and CEO, German Federal Armed Forces Association, Bonn Gheit, Ahmed Abu-El Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt Giambastiani, Edmund P. Admiral, Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation; Commander US Joint Forces Command, Norfolk, Virginia Lord Gilbert, John Secretary of State for Defense (ret.), House of Lords, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Glos, Michael Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman, CSU Parliamentary Group, Berlin Goris, Stef President, Assembly of the WEU, Paris Grabner, Justus Major General, Commander of Military District Command IV, South Germany, Munich Graham, Lindsey US-Senator (Republican), South Carolina Graham, William Minister of National Defense, Canada Grant, Charles Director, Centre for European Reforms, London zu Guttenberg, Karl- Member of the German Bundestag, Foreign Committee, Berlin Theodor Frhr. Haaland-Matlary, Prof. Dr. Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo Janne Hacke, Prof. Dr. Christian Managing Director, Political Science Department, University of Bonn Hagel, Chuck US-Senator (Republican), Nebraska Hajdii, Andras State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary Halgus, Dr. Joseph D. President, Croton Institute, Arlington, Virginia Manning, Dr. August President, Federal Intelligence Service (BND), Federal Republic of Germany Harman, Jane Member of Congress (Democrat), US-House of Representatives, California Hasenpusch, Armin Brigadier General, Director, Federal Armed Forces Intelligence Office, Federal Republic of Germany Heisbourg, Frangois Chairman, Geneva Center for Security Policy, Paris Helm, Robert W. Corporate Vice President for Government Relations, Northrop Grumman Corp., Arlington, Virginia Herrmann, Jiirgen Member of the German Bundestag, Defense Committee, Berlin Hertrich, Rainer Chief Executive Officer, EADS N.V. Hiatt, Fred Columnist, The Washington Post, Washington, D. C. Hoagland, Jim Associate Editor and Senior Foreign Correspondent, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C. Holbrooke, Richard C. Ambassador (ret.); Counselor, Studies Department, Council on Foreign Relations, New York de Hoop Scheffer, Jaap Secretary General, NATO, Brussels Hoyer, Dr. Werner Member of the German Bundestag, Minister of State (ret.), Berlin Hunter, Robert E. Ambassador (ret.); Senior Advisor, RAND, Arlington, Virginia Ignatius, David Associate Editor and Columnist, The Washington Post Ingram, Adam M.P., Secretary of State for the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Ischinger, Wolfgang Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Washington, D.C. Ivanic, Dr. Mladen Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bosnia and Hercegovina Ivanov, Sergej B. Minister of Defense, Russian Federation Jackson, Bruce P. President, Project on Transitional Democracies; President, U.S. Committee on Nato, Washington, D.C. Janes, Dr. Jackson Executive Director, American Institute for Contemporary Germany Studies (AICGS), The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.

Jankovic, Pavle Assistant Minister for Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense, Serbia and Montenegro Japaridze, Tedo Ambassador, Secretary General, Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Istinye-lstanbul

JoeruiJt, Jaak Minister of Defense, Republic of Estonia Joffe, Dr. Josef Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Die Zeit, Hamburg Johnston, Donald J. Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris Jones, James L. General, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), SHAPE, NATO, Casteau Jonsson, Albert Ambassador, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Republic of Iceland Kaariainen, Seppo Minister of Defense, Republic of Finland Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Kamer, Hans Rudolf Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Neue Zijrcher Zeitung, Zurich

Karkoszka, Andrzej Under Secretary of State for Defence Policy, Republic of Poland Keckeis, Christophe Head of the Army, Departement of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports, Swiss Confederation Khareghani, Seyed Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Berlin Shamseddin Khoshroo, Gholamali Deputy Minister for International and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Republic of Iran Kimmitt, Robert Ambassador (ret); Executive Vice President, Global & Strategic Policy, Time Warner, Washington D.C. Kirkilas, Gediminas Minister of National Defense, Republic of Lithuania von Klaeden, Eckart Member of the German Bundestag, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group Secretary, Berlin Klein, Achim Member of the Management, Head of Communications, RHODE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG, Munich 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Klein, Michael U. Vice President, Private Sector Development; Bank-IFC Chief Economist, Washington D.C. von Kleist, Ewald-Heinrich Publisher, Munich Klose, Hans-Ulrich Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Berlin Kohler, Prof. Dr. Horst Federal President, Federal Republic of Germany Kolbow, Walter Member of the German Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Kornblum, John C. Ambassador (ret.); Chairman, Lazard, Berlin Kornelius, Stefan Head, Foreign Policy Desk, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Munich Kossachev, Konstantin President, Committee of the State Duma on International Affairs, Russian lossifovich Federation Kotenev, Vladimir V. Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Berlin Krepinevich, Dr. Andrew F. Executive Director, Center for Strategic and Budget Assessments, Washington, D.C. Krivokapic, Ranko President of the Parliament, Republic of Montenegro

Kuhne, Helmut Member of the European Parliament, Brussels Kuhnl, JUDr. Karel Minister of Defense, Czech Republic Kujat, Harald General, Chairman of the Military Committee, NATO, Brussels Kukan, Dr. Eduard Minister of Foreign Affairs, Slovak Republic Lamers, Dr. Karl Franz Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Lanxade, Jacques Admiral (ret.), EADS, Paris Larrabee, Dr. F. Stephen Senior Staff Member, RAND, Washington, D.C. Larson, John B. Member of Congress (Democrat), US-House of Representatives, Connecticut Lauk, Prof. Dr. Kurt J. Member of the European Parliament; President, Globe Capital Partners; President of the Economic Council of the CDU, Berlin Lellouche, Pierre President, Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, French National Assembly, Paris Leonhard, Dr. Hike Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Lieberman, Joseph I. US-Senator (Democrat), Connecticut Liska, Juraj Minister of Defense, Slovak Republic Lunde, John Secretary General, Ministry of Defense, Kingdom of Norway Majko, Pandeli Minister of Defense, Republic of Albania Maltzev, Leonid Colonel General, Minister of Defense, Republic of Belarus Manasievski, Jovan Minister of Defense, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Marion, Fred L. President, DRS Electro-Optical Systems Group, Palm Bay, Florida Markwort, Helmut Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director, FOCUS, Munich Martino, Prof. Antonio Minister of Defense, Italian Republic Mazurkevich, Anatoly Head of Main Division on International Military Cooperation, Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation May, Dr. Bernhard General Secretary, German Group of the Trilateral Comission; German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin Mayr-Harting, Dr. Thomas Ambassador, Political Director, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Austria McCain, John US-Senator (Republican), Arizona; Chairman, US Senate Commerce Committee, Washington, D.C. Mclntyre, Jamie Military Affairs Correspondent, CNN, Washington, D.C. Meckel, Markus Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister (ret.), Deputy Foreign Policy Spokesman of the SPD Parliamentary Group; Head of the German Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Berlin Mehta, S.S. Principal Adviser and Member of the National Security Advisory Board, Republic of India Merkel, Dr. Angela Member of the German Bundestag, Chairwoman of the CDU of Germany; Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, Berlin Merten, Ulrike Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Spokeswoman for Security Issues of the SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin Mertens, Guido General, Chief of the Military Household of HM the King, Kingdom of Belgium Merz, Dr. Friedrich Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Mey, Prof. Dr. Holger Director, Institute for Strategic Analysis (ISA), Bonn; Head of the Foreign Relationship, Market and Customers Coordination Germany, Defense and Security Systems, EADS N.V. Mihaylova, Nadezhda Member of the National Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs (ret), Chairwoman of the Union of Democratic Forces, Republic of Bulgaria Miralles, Domingo Marcos Lieutenant General, Head of the CESEDEN-Academy for Studies of National Defense, Santiago de Compostela Mitreva, Dr. Ilinka Minister of Foreign Affairs, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Miitzelburg, Bernd Assistant Secretary of State, Federal Chancellery, Federal Republic of Germany

Nachtwei, Winfried Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Group; Spokesman for Security Policy, The Green Party, Berlin Nagel, Peter Major General, Head of the Staff Department, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Narayanan, M.K National Security Advisor, Republic of India 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Fu nction/Pos ition

Naumann, Klaus General (ret.), Chief of Staff of the Federal Armed Forces (ret.), Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (ret.), Otterfing Navab Motlagh, Dr. Deputy Minister for Economy and International Affairs, Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammed-Mehdi Nider, Steven J. Director, Foreign and Security Studies, Progressive Policies Institute, Washington, D.C. Nikolaev, Andrej I. General, Adviser of the Government of the Russian Federation Norkus, Renatas Undersecretary, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Lithuania Ojuland, Kristiina Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia Okruashvili, Irakli Minister of Defense, Republic of Georgia

Olshausen, Dr. Klaus Lieutenant General, German Military Representative to the Permanent Military Committee of NATO and at the WEU and EU, Brussels Ortega, Andres Commentator on Foreign and Security Policy, El Pais, Madrid Oskanian, Vartan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia Pabriks, Artis Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Latvia Padilla de Leon, Freddy General, Joint Chief of Staff, Republic of Columbia Passy, Dr. Solomon Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Bulgaria Peel, Quentin International Affairs Editor, Financial Times, London Penke, Normans State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Latvia Perrin de Brichambaut, Marc Director, Department for Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Defense, French Republic Pflijger, MdB, Dr. Friedbert Member of the German Bundestag, Foreign Policy Spokesman of the CDU/CSU- Parliamentary Group, Berlin Pleuger, Dr. Gunter Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations, New York Lord Powell of Bayswater, House of Lords, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Charles Priifert, Andreas Secretary General, EUROMIL, Brussels Raidel, Hans Member of the German Bundestag, Defense Committee, Berlin Rangachari, Anandan Pillai Ambassador of the Republic of India, Berlin Reiter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Erich Director General, Commissioner for Strategic Studies, Federal Ministry of National Defense, Republic of Austria Repse, Einars Minister of Defense, Republic of Latvia

Reyels, Dr. Riidiger Ambassador, German Permanent Representative to NATO, Brussels

Ricardel, Mira Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, Department of Defense, United States of America 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Robbe, Reinhold Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman of the Defense Committee, Berlin Roncevic, Berislav Minister of Defense, Republic of Croatia von der Ropp, Gotz- President, Military District Administration South, Stuttgart Friedrich Baron Rose, Dr. John P. Director, George C. Marshall Center, Garmisch-Partenkirchen Rose, Dr. Klaus Member of the German Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary (ret.), Berlin Rossmanith, Kurt Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman of the Parliamentary Group Aviation and Astronautics, Berlin Rotfeld, Prof. Dr. Adam Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland Daniel Ruhl, Prof. Dr. Lothar State Secretary (ret.); Research Institute for Political Science and European Issues, University of Cologne Rupel, Dr. Dimitrij Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman OSCE, Republic of Slovenia Sandschneider, Prof. Dr. Otto-Wolff-Director, Research Institute of the German Council on Foreign Eberhard Relations, Berlin Schaefer, Dr. Michael Political Director, Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany Scharioth, Dr. Klaus State Secretary, Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany Scharping, Rudolf Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister (ret.), Berlin Schauble, Dr. Wolfgang Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister (ret.), Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, Berlin Scheunemann, Randy President and Managing Partner, Orion Stategies, Washington, D.C. Schlogl, Herwig Deputy Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris Schmid, Samuel Federal President, Head of the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports, Swiss Confederation Schmidbauer, Dr. Wilhelm President, Police Headquarters, Munich Schmidt, Christian Member of the German Bundestag, Defense Policy Spokesman of the CDU/CSU- Parliamentary Group, Berlin Schmitt, Gary Executive Director, Project for the New American Century, Washington, D.C. Schneider, Jiri Political Director, Section of Multilateral Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic Schneiderhan, Wolfgang General, Chief of Staff of the Federal Armed Forces, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Schockenhoff, Dr. Andreas Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Schonbohm, Jorg Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister, State of Brandenburg Schroder, Gerhard Federal Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Schuwirth, Rainer General, Chief of Staff, SHAPE, Mons Schwarz, Joseph Member of Congress (Republican), US-House of Representatives, Michigan Scowcroft, Brent President, The Scowcroft Group, Washington, D.C. Selverajah, Ampalavanar Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore, Berlin Sikbarulidze, Vasil Deputy Minister, Ministry of Defense, Repuplic of Georgia Sikorski, Radek Director, New Atlantic Initiative, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D. C. Slatinski, Dr. Nikolay National Security Advisor to the President, Republic of Bulgaria Slocombe, Walter B. Under Secretary of Defense Policy (ret.), Washington D.C. Smith, Jeffrey H. Partner, Arnold & Porter, Washington D.C. Smith, Jeff The Washington Post, Washington D.C. Smith, Prof. Dr. Gary Executive Director, The American Academy, Berlin Solana Madariaga, Dr. Javier Secretary General, Council of the European Union; High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, EU; Secretary General, WEU, Brussels Sonnenfeldt, Dr. Helmut The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.; Member, Defense Policy Board, Department of Defense, United States of America Spiliotopoulos, Spilios Minister of National Defense, Hellenic Republic Staffelt, Dr. Ditmar Member of the German Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, Federal Republic of Germany Stampa Pineiro, Leopoldo Head of the Department for Institutional Affairs, Kingdom of Spain Stein Leshem, Shimon Ambassador of the State of Israel, Berlin Stinner, Rainer Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Stoiber, Dr. Edmund Minister President, Free State of Bavaria Stoudmann, Gerard Director, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), Geneva Strmecky, Marin Senior Vice President, The Smith Richardson Foundation, Westport, Connecticut Struck, Dr. Peter Federal Minister of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Sturmer, Prof. Dr. Michael Professor, History of the Middle Ages and Modern History, University of Erlangen- Nuremberg; Chief Correspondent, Die Welt, Berlin Svinarov, Nicolay Minister of Defense, Republic of Bulgaria Tarasyuk, Borys Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine Targamadse, George Member of Parliament, Chairman, Defense and Security Committee, Republic of Georgia Tauscher, Ellen 0. Member of Congress (Democrat), US-House of Representatives, California Tebbit, Kevin Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Teltschik, Prof. Dr. h.c. Horst Chairman, Munich Conference on Security Policy

Teo, Chee Mean Minister of Defense, Republic of Singapore Thumann, Jurgen R. President, Federation of German Industries, Berlin lorry, Sir Peter James Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Berlin Chebotov, Andrej S. Lieutenant General, Advisor of the Minister of Defense, Russian Federation Udall, Mark Member of Congress (Democrat), US-House of Representatives, Colorado Ude, Dr. Christian Lord Mayor, Munich Uhl, Dr. Hans-Peter Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Ungureanu, Mihai-Razvan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Romania Uribe Echavarria, Jorge Minister of Defense, Republic of Columbia Alberto Valionis, Antanas Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Lithuania Vice, Thomas Sector Vice President, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems, Arlington, Virginia Vinocur, John Editor-in-Chief, Herald Tribune Journal, Neuilly Voigt, Karsten D. Coordinator for German-American Cooperation, Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany Vollmer, Dr. Antje Vice President of the German Bundestag, Berlin Wagner, Hans Georg Member of the German Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany Wald, Charles F. General, Deputy Commander in Chief, European Command (EUCOM), Stuttgart von Wartenberg, Dr. Ludolf Director General and Member of the Presidential Board, Federation of German Industries, Berlin Weigel, Andreas Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Weisskirchen, Prof. Gert Member of the German Bundestag, Foreign Policy Spokesman, SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin Westerwelle, Dr. Guido Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman of the FDP, Berlin Whittle, Richard Correspondent, The Dallas Morning News, Washington, D.C. Winkler, Jan First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic Wissmann, Matthias Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs, Berlin

Wohlleben, Verena Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin Wolfowitz, Prof. Dr. Paul D. Deputy Secretary of Defense, United States of America

Woolsey, James Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton, Washington, D. C. Van, Prof. Dr. Jiann-Fa Associate Professor, Ching Yun University, Taiwan 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy


Name Function/Position

Zamaninia, Amirhosein Director General for International Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Republic of Iran Zapf, Uta Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs of the SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin Zavarzin, Viktor Michailovich President, Committee of the State Duma on Defense, Russian Federation Ziesemer, Bernd Chief Editor, Handelsblatt GmbH, Diisseldorf Zopel, Dr. Christoph Member of the German Bundestag, Minister of State (ret.), Berlin Zourabichvile, Salome Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Georgia Zuzul, Miomir Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Croatia 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Observers Peace through dialogue

Name Function/Position

Arendt, Axel Chairman, Rolls-Royce Germany Ltd. & Co KG, Dahlewitz Argirova, Santa Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Avramoska, Biljana Advisor of the Minister of Defense, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Bagci, Prof. Dr. Hiiseyin Department of International Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Baranyi, Maria Consul General of the Republic of Hungary, Munich Bartels, Henning Colonel (ret); Editor-in-Chief, Europaische Sicherheit, Bonn Baumann, Dr. Werner Ambassador of Switzerland, Berlin Beaver, Sarah Director General, International Security Policy, Ministry of Defense, Great Britain Bencina, Dragoljuba Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, Berlin Bicher, Norbert Head of Press and Information Division, Federal Minister of Defense, Berlin Blanco, Dr. Vicente Consul General of the Kingdom of Spain, Munich Blekxtoon, Kees Vice President, Northern and Western Europe Boeing International Corporation, Amsterdam Booklet, Reinhold Minister of State (ret.), Head of the International Commission of the CSU, Member of the Bavarian Parliament Bonchev, Plamen Director, NATO and Security Policy, Republic of Bulgaria Boruvka, Karel Consul General, Czech Republic Botorog, Mihai Consul General of Romania, Munich Bourlogiannis-Tsagaridis, Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister of Defense of the Hellenic Republic loannis Brandenburg, Ulrich Deputy Director, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany Braun, Laszlo Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Hungary Braun, Dr. Harald Ambassador, Deputy Head of Department 2, Federal Chancellery, Berlin Casteleijn, Lo Director of General Policy Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Kingdom of the Netherlands Chernov, Vladimir Advisor to the Minister of Defense, Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation Cho, Yun-soo Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Berlin Czichy, Dr. Reinhard H. General Manager, Synopta GmbH, Eggersriet Damusis, Ginte-Bernadeta Ambassador, Head of Mission of the Republic of Lithuania to the NATO, Brussels Davis, Dr. James W. Associate Editor, European Journal of International Relations, London; Lecturer, Chair of International Politics, Geschwister-Scholl-lnstitute, University of Munich Diem, Tadeusz Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Belgrade 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Observers Peace through dialogue

Name Function/Position

Downey, Fred Military Legislative Assistant to Senator Lieberman, US-Senate Dubois, Paul Ambassador of Canada, Berlin Echandia, Dr. Vicente Head of International Department, Ministry of Defence of Columbia, Bogota Eckhard, Fred Spokesman, Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations, New York Efjestad, Svein Director General, Department of Security Policy, Kingdom of Norway Erfan, Ali Counsellor, Personal Assitant of H.E. Minister Abul Gheit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt Farenik, Prof. Dr. Serhii Ambassador of the Ukraine, Berlin Farge, Philipe Vice President of Institutional Affairs, Armaris, Paris Fischer, Kristian Deputy Permanent Secretary of State for Defense, Ministry of Defense, Kingdom of Denmark Fedorov, Vladimir Lieutenant General, Section Head, Foreign Relations Department, Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation Fontaine, Richard Legislative Assistant to Senator McCain, US-Senate Forster, Karina Manager, IPA Network, International Public Affairs GmbH, Berlin Frank, Hans Vice Admiral (ret.); Meckenheim Friedman, Dr. Michel President of the United Israel Campaign, Frankfurt a.M. Freiherr von Fritsch, Rudiger Vice President, Federal Intelligence Service (BND), Federal Republic of Germany Georgiou, Theodossis President, Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, Athens Ghazaryan, Sal pi Chief Councellor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia Guehenno, Jean-Marie Senior Adviser, Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations, New York Gunsche, Karl-Ludwig Head of Office, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Berlin Hajnoczi, Dr. Thomas Head of the Department of Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vienna Hauer, Jovanka CEO, Telschik Associates, Munich

Haun, Frank Executive Director, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Munich Heina, Aleksandar Chief of the Cabinet, Republic of Croatia Hellwig-Botte, Margit Adviser of the SPD Parliamentary Group in the Working Group for Foreign Policy Helsing, Craig R. Vice President, BMW (US) Holding Corp., Washington, D.C. Hizlan, Mustafa Babur Consul General of the Republic of Turkey, Munich Hochleitner, Dr. Erich Ambassador (ret.); Chairman, Austrian Institute on European Security Policy, Maria Enzersdorf-Sudstadt Hoffmann, Dr. Hubertus Founder, General Capital Group and International Defense Finance, Grunwald; President, Worldsecuritynetwork.com 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Peace through dialogue Observers

Name Function/Position

Hughes, Dr. Peter Croton Institute, Arlington, Virginia Ignatavicius, Evaldas Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania, Berlin Jakabcin, Vladimir Director General, Defense Policy and Foreign Relations Department, Slovak Republic Jeric, Vladimir Consul General of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Munich Jevnisek, Matjaz Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia, Munich Jochems, Maurits R. Director, Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands Joetze, Dr. Giinter Ambassador (ret.), Konigswinter Kamp, Dr. Karl-Heinz Head, Coordinator Security Policy, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Sankt Augustin Kannike, Sulev Deputy Secretary General for Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Estonia Karatchevtsev, Alexander Consul General of the Russian Federation, Munich Kazinian, Ambassador Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia, Berlin Karine Korcok, Ivan Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Berlin Kotil, Rostislav Director, Ministry of Defense, Czech Republic Kotsch, Dr. Bern hard Head of the Office for Foreign Relations, CDU, Berlin Kronenburg, Ed Director, Private Office of the Secretary General of NATO, Den Haag Kruger, Jens Public Relations Director, German Federal Aviation and Space Association, Berlin Kuhne, Dr. Beatrice Head of the Department for Intenational Markets, Federation of German Industries, Berlin Kull, Clyde Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, Berlin Kunz, Raimund Head of the Department for Security Policy, Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports, Swiss Confederation Kurelec, Vesna Cvjetkovic Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Berlin Kypreos, Dimitrios Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic, Berlin Lang, Gene General, Chief of Staff to the Minister of National Defence, Canada Lange, Konteradmiral a.D. Senator (ret.), Rear Admiral (ret.), Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation, Potsdam Rudolf Lindberg, Tod Editor, Policy Review Lundqvist, Maria Minister, Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden, Berlin Maetzge, Dr. Heinrich Editor, Bayernkurier, Munich Maget, Franz Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group, Bavarian Landtag, Munich 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Observers Peace through dialogue

Name Function/Position

Maghiar, Mirela Romanian Delegation

Marn, Matej Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Slovenia

von Marschall, Dr. Christoph Editorial Page Editor, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin Frhr.

Martin, Mathias Task Force Security Issues, SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin

Maruyama, Shigeharu Consul General, Japanese Consulate General, Munich

Matano, Motosada Principal Deputy Director, National Security Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Matei, Mihaela Section Head, Security Policy Division, Republic of Romania

Mathiopoulos, Prof. Dr. Partner and Managing Director, EAG European Advisory Group GmbH, Berlin; Margarita Professor of US-Foreign Policy and International Politics, Technical University of Braunschweig

Mayer, Dr. Hans Deputy Head of Department, General Issues and Cross Border Cooperation, Bavarian State Chancellery

Mejia-Marulanda, Dr. Ambassador of Columbia, Berlin Victoriana

von Meyer, Heino Head of OECD Berlin Centre

Misik, Peter Consul General of the Slovak Republic, Munich

Miszczak, Dr. habil. First Section Head, Foreign and Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Krzysztof Republic of Poland

Moller, Michael Deputy Chief of Cabinet and Trip Coordinator, Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations, New York

von Moltke, Gebhart Ambassador (ret.), Head of the Britsh-German association, Berlin

Momtcheva, Veneta Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria, Munich

Moniac, Rudiger Editor-in-Chief "loyal", Journalist and Consultant, Editorial Office rmc., Berlin

Muggier, Alphons N. Consul General of Switzerland, Munich

Mukul, Jagdish Saksena Consul General of the Republic of India, Munich

Muller-Kraenner, Sascha Section Head, Section Group Europe, North America, Heinrich Boll Foundation, Berlin

Mustafoev, Ison Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Berlin

Noev, Boyko Minister (ret.), Director, European Program, Center for Democratic Studies, Sofia

Nyberg, Rene Ambassador of the Republic of Finland, Berlin

Oleksy, Vaclav Consul General of the Republic of Poland, Munich

Osterburg, Hartmut Section Head, Affairs of the Armed Forces, Bavarian State Chancellery, Munich

Pandshikidse, Dr. Maja Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia, Berlin 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Observers Peace through dialogue

Name Function/Position

Papastavrou, Andreas Consul General of the Hellenic Republic, Munich Peisch, Dr. Sandor Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary, Berlin Plater, Stephen Consul General of Great Britain, Munich Plecas, Zvonko Consul General of the Republic of Croatia, Munich Plugchieva-Alexandrova, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Berlin Meglena Ivanova Pohl, Eberhard

Pokaz, Igor Head of International Defence Cooperation Department, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Croatia Pond, Elizabeth Editor, Transatlantic International Politics, Berlin Ponomarenko, Dr. Anatoli] Ambassador (ret.) of Ukraine, Berlin Prendergast, Kieran Senior Adviser, Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations, New York van den Put, Jef Successor of General Mertens, Brussels Rafajlovski, Dr. Goran Ambassador of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Berlin Reichel, Ernst Deputy Director, Private Office of the Secretary General of NATO, Den Haag Rettig, Klaus D. Managing Director, Thales International Romes, Thomas Personal Advisor to the Chairwoman of the CDU of Germany, Berlin Rooney, Matthew M. Consul General of the United States of America, Munich Sachs, Steffen Director of Political Committee, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Brussels Sarygulov, Dr. Askar Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic, Berlin Scarlata, Dr. Francesco Consul General of the Italian Republic, Munich Schempp, Dipl. Math. CEO, Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH (ESG), Munich Gerhard Schlumberger, Jean-Claude Consul General of the French Republic, Munich Schmalfeld, Dr. Horst Major General (ret.); Deputy German Director, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen Sen, Prof. Dr. Faruk Director, Center for Turkey Studies, Essen Siemens, Oltmann Special Representative Europe, International Finance Corporation, German Office Siever, James Secretary General, European Rotogravure Association e.V., Miinchen Sigurjonsson, Sturla Political Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Iceland Skworzow, Wladimir Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus, Berlin Solomonia, David Head of Minister Zourabichviles Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 41st Munich Conference on Security Policy

Frieden durch Dialog Observers Peace through dialogue

Name Function/Position

Soone, Sander Delegation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia Spaans, Kornelis Willem Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Munich Speckhard, Daniel Director of Policy Panning, Office of the Secretary General, NATO HQ, Brussels Stedman, Steve Senior Adviser, Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations, New York Stepanov, Valerii A. Consul General of Ukraine, Munich Stuve, Christian B. W. Vice President, Howaldtswerke - Deutsche Werft AG, Berlin Tiido, Harri NATO-Ambassaor, Republic of Estonia, Brussels Turck, Christian Head of Division, Affairs of the Armed Forces, Bavarian State Chancellery, Munich Turdiu, Gazmed Ambassador of the Republic of Albania, Berlin Twining, Dan Consultant, German Marshall Fund, Oxford Vierita, Adrian Cosmin Ambassador of Romania, Berlin

Virsis, Dr. Martins Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia, Berlin Vos, Joris M. Vice President, EU & NATO Relations, Boeing International Corporation, Brussels Weil, Dr. Christof Section Head, ESVP, Foreign Office, Berlin Werner, Franz Major General (ret.), German Representative, International Security Advisory Board to the Minister of Defense of Georgia Wessely-Steiner, Dr. Senta Consul General of the Republic of Austria, Munich Widder, Werner President, Forderkreis Deutsches Heer e.V., Bonn Willems, Lodewijk Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Berlin Wittmann, Dr. Klaus Brigadier General, Director Instruction, Acadamy of the Bundeswehr, Hamburg Yazhen, Yao Consul General of the People's Republic of China, Munich Zoller, Dr. Stefan President and CEO, EADS Defence and Communications Systems, Munich Munchner Konferenz fur Sicherheitspolitik

Frieden durch Dialog Peace through dialogue Miinchner Konferenz Kir Sicherheitspolitik Munich Conference on Security Policy

Prof. Dr. h. c. Horst Teltschik Vorsltzender Chairman

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