BARBERSHOP TALK What is your life’s blueprint? Join Us For: Saint Rita’s Feast Day nd by Robert L. Woodard on May 22 The Wynnefield Barber Masses and events all day long. o parade can top a parade where the game of football, but the game of life. It gave people of every ethnicity and cul- us a chance to take the game seriously enough to All are welcome! ture are represented. It is beauti- want to win in it. Winning in the game of life starts ful to see when all are in balance. when we love our neighbors as ourselves. Neigh- Human beings have a natural bors don’t just live next door. They live around desire to come together as one. the world. As a team, we human beings should NUnderstanding that means we are the world and not discriminate against each other. Together we the children of it. We as people are “One Family” stand, divided we fall. People around the planet called “Human.” watched this formula create the very first Super In my barbershop, I have the unique privilege Bowl win in Philadelphia history. We watched the of cutting the hair of numerous human beings, all Eagles win regardless of all the adversities and ob- with many different hair textures. This gives me the stacles that tried to get in their way. opportunity to talk to diverse people from various The late, great Reverend Dr. Martin Luther countries around the world. I guess you can call me King Jr. was one of the greatest neighbor’s I know. the “Crossover Barber.” Working on the head and He spoke at my Junior High School just a couple in the head gives me an advantage. I use my skills to of months before he was assassinated. He delivered work on the head, which gives me the privilege and his speech entitled “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?” opportunity to touch the inner thoughts of these di- on October 26, 1967, at the Norris Barrett Junior verse people. I have traveled the world from behind High School at 16th and Wharton Streets. The the barber’s chair. In many of my conversations with school closed in 2011 due to declining enrollment, patrons, most people realize that people are people which leads to the question. Why would the city regardless of where they come from. Each individu- change the name of a school that reminds all people al wants to share his culture with others. of this national and international history that hap- One of the greatest ways to understand this most pened right here in our City of Brotherly Love? awesome reality is by watching a city win the Super If I have learned nothing else from the World Bowl. We just won our very first . The Champion , I have learned the coach, and each great player showed us importance of teamwork. Each player must have all what it takes to become a real team. Teamwork is direction in order to perform his job correctly. the key to controlling our destiny as human beings. You have to know where you came from in order We first have to see ourselves as “One Big Human to know where you are going. The city allowed Family” with many wonderful cultures, just wait- the name Norris Barrett Junior High School to be ing to communicate with each other to win the changed to the G. W. Child’s School, throwing the game. That game becomes the game of life. Each history of the school in another direction. Think person’s life is different, yet meaningful. Doug about it, if the quarterback threw all of his passes Pederson realized this and his players understood in the wrong direction, we would never win any it and respected him as a friend. Nothing on earth games. I am asking, along with many other fellow can supersede love for your fellow man. The Eagles citizens of this City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly represented that in their quest to bring home their Affection, to give that historical school its original very first Trophy. name back. Future Philadelphians of every culture Hats off to Pederson for realizing that the whole will have the proper direction in knowing our his- team is the answer to a sure win in football and tory as a great and growing city that makes sure in life. When we lost Carson Wentz, we give all the people proper direction. Without stepped up. Foles knew that, with God, all things it, we will lose something very special. are possible. He allowed himself to be used as a tool Our Barbershop Talk Human Family Day to get the job done. He first had faith in God and Celebration will be held on Sunday, April 29, then he learned to love his teammates as himself. 2018. We are looking to present the “Good That simple formula spread to all the other play- Neighbor of the Year” Award to the Philadelphia ers and they became a family. Once you become a Eagles for their outstanding example of what it family, it makes you a believer. Everything is pos- takes to win a Super Bowl and to win in the game sible if we all love our team members as we love of life as a “Good Neighbor.” ourselves. This great lesson is something the whole The successful future of our Human Family world witnessed because just about everyone on the depends on how each of us views Race. Take the planet watched that game. And, oh what a game! “RACE Test” today for a better way at www.Bar- This gave all of us an opportunity to see not just PHOTO BY MARIA MERLINO BY PHOTO

86 | ROWHOME MAGAZINE | April / May / June 2018