
Committee on Foreign Affairs




Draft report (PE657.310v01-00)

Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2019 and the ’s policy on the matter - annual report 2019 (2020/2208(INI))

AM\1215357EN.docx PE658.904v01-00

EN United in diversity EN AM_Com_NonLegReport

PE658.904v01-00 2/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 1

Motion for a resolution Citation 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

— having regard to the Universal — having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Declaration of Human Rights, with a UN human rights treaties and instruments, special focus on Article 18 thereof, and other UN human rights treaties and instruments,

Or. en

Amendment 2 , Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

— having regard to Article 207 of the — having regard to Article 17 and Treaty on the Functioning of the European Article 207 of the Treaty on the Union (TFEU), Functioning of the European Union (TFEU),

Or. en

Amendment 3 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the General Comments of the Human Rights Committee,

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 3/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 4 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 7 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the General Comments of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,

Or. en

Amendment 5 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 7 c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the General Recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women,

Or. en

Amendment 6 Terry Reintke, Maria Walsh, , , Dietmar Köster, Sophia in 't Veld, Petras Auštrevičius, Isabel Santos, , Marisa Matias, Robert Biedroń, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Hannah Neumann, Ernest Urtasun

Motion for a resolution Citation 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.904v01-00 4/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN - having regard to the UN General Assembly Political Declaration of 8 June 2016, on HIV and AIDS: On the Fast Track to Accelerating the Fight against HIV and to Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 20301a; ______1a https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/ media_asset/2016-political-declaration- HIV-AIDS_en.pdf

Or. en

Amendment 7 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the UN General Assembly Political Declaration of 8 June 2016, on HIV and AIDS: On the Fast Track to Accelerating the Fight against HIV and to Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030,

Or. en

Amendment 8 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Citation 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the UN Declarations on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, adopted on 18 December 1992,

AM\1215357EN.docx 5/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 9 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Citation 10 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the decision of the UN General Assembly of 28 May 2019 designating 22 August as the UN’s International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief,

Or. en

Amendment 10 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Beijing Platform for Action and the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, and the outcomes of their review conferences,

Or. en

Amendment 11 Andrea Cozzolino, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the UN Human Rights Council resolution regarding the

PE658.904v01-00 6/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Human Rights Situation in Yemen,

Or. en

Amendment 12 Andrea Cozzolino, Maria Arena, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the UN Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen third report entitled ‘Yemen: A Pandemic of Impunity in a Tortured Land’ on the situation of human rights in Yemen, covering the period from July 2019 to June 2020,

Or. en

Amendment 13 György Hölvényi, Andrea Bocskor, Kinga Gál

Motion for a resolution Citation 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, adopted on 5 November 1992,

Or. en

Amendment 14 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 14 a (new)

AM\1215357EN.docx 7/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (hereinafter ‘the Istanbul Convention’) of 11 May 2011, which not all Member States have ratified,

Or. en

Amendment 15 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 15 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024, Annex to the Joint Communication of 25 March 2020;

Or. en

Amendment 16 Terry Reintke, Maria Walsh, Marc Angel, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Dietmar Köster, Sophia in 't Veld, Petras Auštrevičius, Isabel Santos, Andreas Schieder, Marisa Matias, Robert Biedroń, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Hannah Neumann, Ernest Urtasun

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Guidelines to promote and protect the enjoyment of all human rights by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons, adopted on 24 June 20131a; ______1a https://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/c ms_Data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/13758

PE658.904v01-00 8/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 4.pdf

Or. en

Amendment 17 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Guidelines to promote and protect the enjoyment of all human rights by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons, adopted on 24 June 2013,

Or. en

Amendment 18 Željana Zovko

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion and belief, adopted on 24 June 2013,

Or. en

Amendment 19 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

AM\1215357EN.docx 9/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN - having regard to the EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief, adopted on 24 June 2013,

Or. en

Amendment 20 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief, adopted on 24 June 2013,

Or. en

Amendment 21 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief, adopted on 24 June 2013,

Or. en

Amendment 22 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

PE658.904v01-00 10/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief, adopted on 24 June 2013,

Or. en

Amendment 23 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Guidelines on the death penalty, on freedom of expression online and offline, and on human rights defenders,

Or. en

Amendment 24 Nacho Sánchez Amor

Motion for a resolution Citation 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: 2020 Communication on EU enlargement policy, and the geopolitical agenda of the 2019-2024 EU legislative term,

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 11/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 25 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Commission’s report on Legal Gender Recognition in the EU, of June 2020,

Or. en

Amendment 26 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Citation 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the EU Gender Action Plan III (GAP III),

Or. en

Amendment 27 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 23 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Fundamental Rights Agency’s EU LGBTI Survey II, of May 2020,

Or. en

Amendment 28 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

PE658.904v01-00 12/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Citation 23 c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Decision of the EU Ombudsman of 30 July 2020 on the role of the EU’s Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside of the EU;

Or. en

Amendment 29 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Citation 24 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the reports from the EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU and on reports from the EP- Intergroup FoRB & Tolerance,

Or. en

Amendment 30 , Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Citation 24 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 13 September 2017 on corruption and human rights in third countries (2017/2028(INI)),

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 13/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 31 , Francisco José Millán Mon, Antonio López-Istúriz White, , Peter van Dalen,

Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2019 on EU Guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU,

Or. en

Amendment 32 Željana Zovko

Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2019 on EU Guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU,

Or. en

Amendment 33 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2019 on EU Guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU,

PE658.904v01-00 14/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 34 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2019 on EU Guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU,

Or. en

Amendment 35 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2019 on EU Guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU,

Or. en

Amendment 36 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Citation 27 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 17 September 2020 on the proposal for a Council decision on the determination of

AM\1215357EN.docx 15/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN a clear risk of a serious breach by the Republic of Poland of the rule of law,

Or. en

Amendment 37 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas the celebration in 2019 of A. whereas the celebration in 2019 of the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter of the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter of the Fundamental Rights has stimulated the the Fundamental Rights has reminded the Union to resolutely pursue actions to Union of its stated commitment and protect, promote and fulfil human rights, Treaty-based obligation to resolutely both inside and outside its borders; pursue actions to protect, promote and whereas on this occasion, the EU fulfil human rights, both inside and outside reaffirmed its commitment to remain an its borders; whereas on this occasion, the influential player on the world stage and to EU reaffirmed its commitment to remain keep playing a leading role as a global an influential player on the world stage and defender of democracy and human rights; to keep playing a leading role as a global defender of democracy and human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 38 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas the celebration in 2019 of A. whereas the celebration in 2019 of the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter of the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter of the Fundamental Rights has stimulated the the Fundamental Rights has stimulated the Union to resolutely pursue actions to Union to resolutely pursue actions to protect, promote and fulfil human rights, protect, promote and fulfil human rights both inside and outside its borders; outside its borders; whereas on this whereas on this occasion, the EU occasion, the EU reaffirmed its reaffirmed its commitment to remain an commitment to remain an influential player influential player on the world stage and to on the world stage and to keep playing a

PE658.904v01-00 16/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN keep playing a leading role as a global leading role as a global defender of defender of democracy and human rights; democracy and human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 39 Bert-Jan Ruissen

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas throughout the celebration B. whereas throughout the celebration of the 30th anniversary of UN Convention of the 30th anniversary of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in November 2019, the EU stressed its November 2019, the EU stressed its commitment to developing a commitment to developing a comprehensive strategy on children’s comprehensive strategy on children’s rights and placing them at the heart of EU rights and parental rights and placing policies; whereas Parliament hosted a them at the heart of EU policies; whereas dedicated conference on 20 November Parliament hosted a dedicated conference 2019, which addressed a range of issues on 20 November 2019, which addressed a including challenges to the protection of range of issues including challenges to the the rights of the child in an ever-changing protection of the rights of the child in an digital world, overcoming barriers to the ever-changing digital world, especially in full enjoyment of children’s rights and regards to banning access to child tackling the changing nature of armed pornography, harassment and violence, conflicts and their impact on children’s overcoming barriers to the full enjoyment futures; of children’s rights and tackling the changing nature of armed conflicts and their impact on children’s futures;

Or. en

Amendment 40 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas throughout the celebration B. whereas throughout the celebration of the 30th anniversary of UN Convention of the 30th anniversary of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in

AM\1215357EN.docx 17/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN November 2019, the EU stressed its November 2019, the EU stressed its commitment to developing a commitment to developing a comprehensive strategy on children’s comprehensive strategy on children’s rights and placing them at the heart of EU rights and parental rights and placing policies; whereas Parliament hosted a them at the heart of EU policies; whereas dedicated conference on 20 November Parliament hosted a dedicated conference 2019, which addressed a range of issues on 20 November 2019, which addressed a including challenges to the protection of range of issues including challenges to the the rights of the child in an ever-changing protection of the rights of the child in an digital world, overcoming barriers to the ever-changing digital world, especially in full enjoyment of children’s rights and regards to banning access to child tackling the changing nature of armed pornography, harassment and violence, conflicts and their impact on children’s overcoming barriers to the full enjoyment futures; of children’s rights and tackling the changing nature of armed conflicts and their impact on children’s futures;

Or. en

Amendment 41 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas throughout the celebration B. whereas throughout the celebration of the 30th anniversary of UN Convention of the 30th anniversary of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in November 2019, the EU stressed its November 2019, the EU stressed its commitment to developing a commitment to developing a comprehensive strategy on children’s comprehensive strategy on children’s rights and placing them at the heart of EU rights and placing them at the heart of EU policies; whereas Parliament hosted a policies; whereas Parliament hosted a dedicated conference on 20 November dedicated conference on 20 November 2019, which addressed a range of issues 2019, which addressed a range of issues including challenges to the protection of including challenges to the protection of the rights of the child in an ever-changing the rights of the child in an ever-changing digital world, overcoming barriers to the digital world, overcoming barriers to the full enjoyment of children’s rights and full enjoyment of children’s rights and tackling the changing nature of armed tackling the changing nature of armed conflicts and their impact on children’s conflicts and their impact on children’s futures; futures, including the impact of these conflicts on their development, education and later life, while taking into account the statements made by children in the

PE658.904v01-00 18/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN discussion;

Or. pl

Amendment 42 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the crisis triggered by the C. whereas the crisis triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of which was first identified in December of which was first identified in December 2019, the ways in which states have 2019, and the response to it caused responded to it, the hardship it has caused hardship and impacted on international and its impact on international relations relations and the observance of human and conflicts have long-term implications rights; on all matters involving respect for human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 43 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the crisis triggered by the C. whereas the crisis triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak global COVID-19 pandemic, the ways in of which was first identified in December which states have responded to it, the 2019, the ways in which states have hardship it has caused and its impact on responded to it, the hardship it has caused international relations and conflicts have and its impact on international relations long-term implications on all matters and conflicts have long-term implications involving respect for human rights; on all matters involving respect for human rights;

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 19/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 44 Fabio Massimo Castaldo

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the crisis triggered by the C. whereas the crisis triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of which was first identified in December of which was first identified in December 2019, the ways in which states have 2019, has shown the weakness and responded to it, the hardship it has caused reinforced the fractures of the rules-based and its impact on international relations international order; whereas the ways in and conflicts have long-term implications which states have responded to it, the on all matters involving respect for human hardship it has caused and its impact on rights; international relations and conflicts have long-term implications on all matters involving respect for human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 45 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the crisis triggered by the C. whereas the crisis triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of which was first identified in December of which was first identified in December 2019, the ways in which states have 2019, the ways in which states have responded to it, the hardship it has caused responded to it, the hardship it has caused, and its impact on international relations notably for the most vulnerable and and conflicts have long-term implications marginalized groups, and its impact on on all matters involving respect for human international relations and conflicts have rights; long-term implications on all matters involving respect for human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 46 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël

PE658.904v01-00 20/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the crisis triggered by the C. whereas the crisis triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak global COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of which was first identified in December of which was first identified in December 2019, the ways in which states have 2019, the ways in which states have responded to it, the hardship it has caused responded to it, the hardship it has caused and its impact on international relations and its impact on international relations and conflicts have long-term implications and conflicts have long-term implications on all matters involving respect for human on all matters involving respect for human rights; rights and have deepened existing inequalities and inequities and have had disproportionate impacts on women and marginalised groups;

Or. en

Amendment 47 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas, by way of illustration, the deleted crisis caused by the pandemic has led most countries to adopt emergency measures, curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human rights, foremost among which are the freedoms of movement and of assembly, or to establish new means of surveillance in order to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures have legitimately raised questions as to their necessity, legality, proportionality, non- discriminatory nature and duration, in the spirit of safeguarding fundamental freedoms in the short and longer terms;

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 21/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 48 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas, by way of illustration, the D. whereas the pandemic has seen the crisis caused by the pandemic has led most furthering of the global negative trend of countries to adopt emergency measures, democratic backsliding and shrinking of curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human the space for civil society; whereas, by rights, foremost among which are the way of illustration, the crisis caused by the freedoms of movement and of assembly, or pandemic has led most countries, both to establish new means of surveillance in within and outside the EU, to adopt order to prevent the transmission of the emergency measures, curtailing freedoms COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures to enjoy many human rights, foremost have legitimately raised questions as to among which are the freedoms of their necessity, legality, proportionality, movement and of assembly, or to establish non-discriminatory nature and duration, in new means of surveillance in order to the spirit of safeguarding fundamental prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 freedoms in the short and longer terms; virus; whereas those measures have legitimately raised questions as to their necessity, legality, proportionality, non- discriminatory nature and duration, in the spirit of safeguarding fundamental freedoms in the short and longer terms;

Or. en

Amendment 49 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas, by way of illustration, the D. whereas, by way of illustration, the crisis caused by the pandemic has led most crisis caused by the pandemic has led most countries to adopt emergency measures, countries to adopt emergency measures, curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human rights, foremost among which are the rights, foremost among which are the freedoms of movement and of assembly, or freedoms of movement and of assembly, or to establish new means of surveillance in to establish new means of surveillance in

PE658.904v01-00 22/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN order to prevent the transmission of the order to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures COVID-19 virus; whereas in some cases, have legitimately raised questions as to those measures have legitimately raised their necessity, legality, proportionality, questions as to their necessity, legality, non-discriminatory nature and duration, in proportionality, non-discriminatory nature the spirit of safeguarding fundamental and duration, as they undermined the spirit freedoms in the short and longer terms; of safeguarding fundamental freedoms in the short and longer terms;

Or. en

Amendment 50 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas, by way of illustration, the D. whereas, by way of illustration, the crisis caused by the pandemic has led most crisis caused by the pandemic has led most countries to adopt emergency measures, countries to adopt emergency measures, curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human rights, foremost among which are the rights, foremost among which are the freedoms of movement and of assembly, or freedoms of movement and of assembly, or to establish new means of surveillance in to establish new means of surveillance in order to prevent the transmission of the order to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures have legitimately raised questions as to have legitimately raised questions as to their necessity, legality, proportionality, their necessity, legality, proportionality, non-discriminatory nature and duration, in non-discriminatory nature, duration and the spirit of safeguarding fundamental implications, in the spirit of safeguarding freedoms in the short and longer terms; fundamental freedoms in the short and longer terms;

Or. en

Amendment 51 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas, by way of illustration, the D. whereas, by way of illustration, the

AM\1215357EN.docx 23/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN crisis caused by the pandemic has led most crisis caused by the pandemic has led most countries to adopt emergency measures, countries to adopt emergency measures, curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human rights, foremost among which are the rights, foremost among which are the freedoms of movement and of assembly, or freedoms of movement and of assembly, or to establish new means of surveillance in to establish new means of surveillance in order to prevent the transmission of the order to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures have legitimately raised questions as to have legitimately raised questions as to their necessity, legality, proportionality, their necessity, legality, proportionality, non-discriminatory nature and duration, in non-discriminatory nature and duration, in the spirit of safeguarding fundamental the spirit of safeguarding fundamental freedoms in the short and longer terms; freedoms in the short and longer terms, and in many cases these measures were not removed once the COVID-19 situation was brought under control;

Or. pl

Amendment 52 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas, by way of illustration, the D. whereas, by way of illustration, the crisis caused by the pandemic has led most crisis caused by the pandemic has led most countries to adopt emergency measures, countries to adopt emergency measures, curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human curtailing freedoms to enjoy many human rights, foremost among which are the rights, foremost among which are the freedoms of movement and of assembly, or freedoms of movement and of assembly, or to establish new means of surveillance in to establish new means of surveillance in order to prevent the transmission of the order to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures COVID-19 virus; whereas those measures have legitimately raised questions as to have legitimately raised questions as to their necessity, legality, proportionality, their necessity, legality, proportionality, non-discriminatory nature and duration, in non-discriminatory nature and duration, in the spirit of safeguarding fundamental the spirit of safeguarding fundamental freedoms in the short and longer terms; freedoms in the short and longer terms; whereas some States have exploited the pandemic to consolidate authoritarian power, to weaken democracy and the rule of law, or to trample on human rights;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 24/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 53 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas this pandemic has shown us once again, that the enjoyment of the maximum degree of health that can be achieved is one of the fundamental rights of every human being; whereas universal and free health is a fundamental right that allows access to health for any person without discrimination based on race, sex, age, ethnic group membership, economic level or other condition; whereas 100 million people around the world are pushed every year to live below the poverty line because the cost of healthcare is much higher than they can afford; whereas more than half of the world's population does not have access to health coverage;

Or. en

Amendment 54 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Db. whereas the COVID-19 pandemic is having a distinct and disproportionate impact on women and girls that is both immediate and that poses the risk of exacerbating pre-existing gender and other intersecting inequalities; whereas this crisis has exposed the structural and systemic discrimination that women and girls have long faced; whereas since the outbreak of COVID-19, all types of

AM\1215357EN.docx 25/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN violence against women and girls, particularly gender based violence, have intensified; whereas the pandemic has also revealed the essential role of certain highly undervalued sectors, namely cleaning and care sectors, where women are predominantly present, and remain in particularly precarious working conditions, which have worsened during the response to COVID-19, compromising the working, economic and social rights of countless women around the world;

Or. en

Amendment 55 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the global recession deleted caused by the pandemic creates the temptation for governments to respond by giving priority to stimulating economic activity and attracting investments, while lowering their level of ambition in terms of political objectives and standards for some other areas, such as the protection of human rights and climate action;

Or. en

Amendment 56 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the global recession caused E. whereas the global recession caused by the pandemic creates the temptation for by the pandemic resulted in governments to respond by giving priority understandable focus on stimulating

PE658.904v01-00 26/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN to stimulating economic activity and economic activity and attracting attracting investments, while lowering investments, it also led to regretful their level of ambition in terms of political lowering of governments' levels of objectives and standards for some other ambition in terms of political objectives areas, such as the protection of human and standards for some other areas, such as rights and climate action; the protection of human rights, climate action and the fight against poverty, especially of children and their families;

Or. en

Amendment 57 Leopoldo López Gil

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the global recession caused E. whereas the global recession caused by the pandemic creates the temptation for by the pandemic may lead to the need for governments to respond by giving priority governments to prioritise stimulating to stimulating economic activity and economic activity and attracting attracting investments, while lowering their investments, consequently lowering their level of ambition in terms of political level of ambition in terms of political objectives and standards for some other objectives and standards for some other areas, such as the protection of human areas, such as the protection of human rights and climate action; rights and climate action;

Or. es

Amendment 58 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. whereas certain so-called 'structural' economic reforms, and in particular the accompanying budget cuts at the request of international institutions, have a negative impact on human rights, in particular on economic and social rights and on living conditions

AM\1215357EN.docx 27/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN populations, and can lead to increase unemployment, poverty, inequality and precarious work, the decline in the quality of basic public services and the restriction of access to them; whereas without an adequate social protection system, there is a risk that these measures will involve a violation of the human rights obligations of governments, as well as the commitments adopted in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development objectives;

Or. en

Amendment 59 Francisco José Millán Mon

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. whereas the global rise in authoritarianism and populism poses a threat to the values and principles on which the Union is founded;

Or. es

Amendment 60 Nacho Sánchez Amor

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. Whereas illiberal regimes are increasingly moving away from the path of mature democracies and Western democratic standards, reassuring themselves in positions that give rise to continuous and consciously violations of human rights; whereas these illiberal regimes restrict fundamental rights and

PE658.904v01-00 28/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN freedoms, thus offering a false appearance of electoral legitimacy, in elections that cannot be considered free, fair or transparent;

Or. en

Amendment 61 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. whereas environmental emergencies, including climate change and deforestation, are the result of human actions and give rise to human rights violations against the people directly affected, but also humanity as a whole; whereas it is important to recognise the link between human rights and environmental protection; whereas ensuring access to water is vital when it comes to preventing tensions in certain regions;

Or. en

Amendment 62 Karol Karski, Charlie Weimers, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. whereas Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the World, constituting 80% of persecuted religious believers in the World; whereas this persecution ranges from routine discrimination in education, employment and social life, through limitations on all forms of expression up to physical attacks

AM\1215357EN.docx 29/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN against Christian communities, which come close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the UN;

Or. en

Amendment 63 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Recital E b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Eb. whereas increased coherence between the EU’s internal and external policies, as well as between the EU’s external policies, represents an indispensable requirement for a successful and effective EU human rights policy; whereas policies in support of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and the fight against impunity should be mainstreamed across all other EU policies with an external dimension, such as development, migration, security, counter- terrorism, women’s rights and gender equality, enlargement and trade; whereas greater consistency should enable the EU to respond quicker during the early stages of human rights violations and to be a more active and credible human rights actor at a global level;

Or. en

Amendment 64 Nacho Sánchez Amor

Motion for a resolution Recital E b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Eb. whereas fully respect for Human

PE658.904v01-00 30/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Rights and European standards in EU’s partners and neighbours, including the managing of the refugee crisis and in addressing migration, are one of the European Union’s key priorities; whereas human rights situation, affected by the pandemic due to the COVID-19, is a matter of concern in neighbouring countries, who must take appropriate measures in this regard and work in line with their respective civil society, among which there are pro-European and democratic people;

Or. en

Amendment 65 Javier Nart

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. Whereas travel bans to prevent human rights defenders from attending international events were used by a growing number of countries, particularly in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America;

Or. en

Amendment 66 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Takes note of the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have placed the rights to life and health as their first imperatives, on the basis of the their first imperatives; stresses that principle that precautionary measures, precautionary measures must be adopted

AM\1215357EN.docx 31/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN including lockdowns, must prevail over with due regard for fundamental human economic considerations; rights, such as freedom of movement;

Or. sk

Amendment 67 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Welcomes the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have the protection of life as their first their first imperatives, on the basis of the imperatives; principle that precautionary measures, including lockdowns, must prevail over economic considerations;

Or. en

Amendment 68 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Welcomes the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have placed the rights to life and health as their first imperatives, on the basis of the their first imperatives, on the basis of the principle that precautionary measures, principle that precautionary measures, including lockdowns, must prevail over including lockdowns, must be balanced economic considerations; with economic considerations; in this regard reminds that it is crucial to ensure that people have livelihoods; finds it regretful that in this context numerous children and youth had to take up jobs in order to meet basic needs and support their households and as a result left school; this undesired development brings us back in time in terms of school

PE658.904v01-00 32/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN education of children, only one third of 6- 17 year olds went back to school;

Or. en

Amendment 69 Gheorghe-

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Welcomes the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have placed the rights to life and health as their first imperatives, on the basis of the their first imperatives, on the basis of the principle that precautionary measures, principle that precautionary measures, including lockdowns, must prevail over including lockdowns, should prevail over economic considerations; economic considerations; at the same time, by showing the same regard for human rights in their totality, we must ensure that our economies will recover rapidly as to offer sufficient funding for the good functioning of the healthcare systems and other essential sectors of activity; also, citizen’s right to work and the right to have a place of employment that offers a sufficient salary must be kept high on our agenda;

Or. en

Amendment 70 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Welcomes the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have placed the rights to life and health as their first imperatives, on the basis of the their first imperatives, on the basis of the principle that precautionary measures, principle that precautionary measures,

AM\1215357EN.docx 33/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN including lockdowns, must prevail over including lockdowns, must prevail over economic considerations; economic considerations; stresses that the Member States have been much more effective than the European Union during this crisis;

Or. fr

Amendment 71 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Welcomes the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have placed the rights to life and health as their first imperatives, on the basis of the their first imperatives, on the basis of the principle that precautionary measures, principle that precautionary measures, including lockdowns, must prevail over including lockdowns, must prevail over economic considerations; economic considerations; recalls that all measures in response to the pandemic must be grounded in human rights and equity, to safeguard and further progress towards the SDGs;

Or. en

Amendment 72 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the responses to the 1. Welcomes the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of those states which COVID-19 pandemic of those states which have placed the rights to life and health as have placed the rights to life and health as their first imperatives, on the basis of the their first imperatives, on the basis of the principle that precautionary measures, principle that precautionary measures, including lockdowns, must prevail over including lockdowns, must prevail over

PE658.904v01-00 34/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN economic considerations; economic considerations and underscores that all responses must comply with human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 73 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Recalls that universal access to healthcare is a human right which can only be guaranteed through a system which is universal, public and free at the point of use; urges countries to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage as an essential priority for international development;

Or. en

Amendment 74 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards in some has caused in some countries; is of the countries; is of the opinion that this opinion that this pushback primarily results pushback results from the using of the from the devastating economic and social crisis as a pretext to manipulate state consequences of the crisis and their use as institutions and electoral timelines, a pretext to manipulate state institutions suppress the activities of human rights and electoral timelines, suppress the defenders, political opponents, media or activities of human rights defenders, civil society representatives, and restrict political opponents, media or civil society fundamental human rights for purposes representatives, and restrict fundamental unrelated to the pandemic; affirms that freedoms for purposes unrelated to the States must refrain from exploiting the

AM\1215357EN.docx 35/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic to consolidate authoritarian rise of hate speech, the targeting of power, to weaken democracy and the rule vulnerable groups accused of spreading the of law, or to trample on human rights; virus, and the widespread use, in violation also stresses in this regard the rise of hate of human rights, of digital technologies speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups aimed at containing the pandemic by accused of spreading the virus, and the tracking citizens and retrieving their widespread use, in violation of human private data; rights, of digital technologies aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data; reminds that in dealing with the COVID- 19 pandemic, States must ensure that their responses include a gender-sensitive and intersectional approach in order to guarantee the rights of all women and girls to live free of discrimination and violence, and to access the essential sexual and reproductive health services they need;

Or. en

Amendment 75 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards and in the has caused in some countries; is of the enjoyment of fundamental freedoms that opinion that this pushback primarily the crisis has caused in some countries; is results from the devastating economic and of the opinion that the devastating social consequences of the crisis and their economic and social consequences of the use as a pretext to manipulate state crisis have served as a pretext to institutions and electoral timelines, manipulate state institutions and electoral suppress the activities of human rights timelines, suppress the activities of human defenders, political opponents, media or rights defenders, political opponents, civil society representatives, and restrict media or civil society representatives, and fundamental freedoms for purposes restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups accused of targeting of vulnerable groups accused of spreading the virus, and the widespread spreading the virus, the increase in

PE658.904v01-00 36/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN use, in violation of human rights, of digital domestic violence, and the widespread use, technologies aimed at containing the in violation of human rights, of digital pandemic by tracking citizens and technologies aimed at containing the retrieving their private data; pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data; recalls that the pandemic has also led to a decrease in the visibility and reporting of human rights violations at global level;

Or. en

Amendment 76 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences; also stresses in this regard a pretext to manipulate state institutions the widespread use, in violation of human and electoral timelines, suppress the rights, of digital technologies aimed at activities of human rights defenders, containing the pandemic by tracking political opponents, media or civil society citizens and retrieving their private data; representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups accused of spreading the virus, and the widespread use, in violation of human rights, of digital technologies aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 77 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

AM\1215357EN.docx 37/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from rising authoritarianism as well as consequences of the crisis and their use as from the devastating economic and social a pretext to manipulate state institutions consequences of the crisis and their use as and electoral timelines, suppress the a pretext to manipulate state institutions activities of human rights defenders, and electoral timelines, suppress the political opponents, media or civil society activities of human rights defenders, representatives, and restrict fundamental political opponents, media or civil society freedoms for purposes unrelated to the representatives, and restrict fundamental pandemic; also stresses in this regard the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the rise of hate speech, the targeting of pandemic; also stresses in this regard the vulnerable groups accused of spreading the rise of hate speech, the targeting of virus, and the widespread use, in violation vulnerable groups accused of spreading the of human rights, of digital technologies virus; aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 78 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders,

PE658.904v01-00 38/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the human rights, including LGBTI rights pandemic; also stresses in this regard the and sexual and reproductive health and rise of hate speech, the targeting of rights(SRHR), for purposes unrelated to vulnerable groups accused of spreading the the pandemic; also stresses in this regard virus, and the widespread use, in violation the rise of hate speech, the targeting of of human rights, of digital technologies vulnerable groups accused of spreading the aimed at containing the pandemic by virus, and the widespread use, in violation tracking citizens and retrieving their of human rights, of digital technologies private data; aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 79 Javier Zarzalejos, Francisco José Millán Mon, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Lukas Mandl, Peter van Dalen, David Lega

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, religious and belief representatives, and restrict fundamental minorities defenders, media or civil freedoms for purposes unrelated to the society representatives, and restrict pandemic; also stresses in this regard the fundamental freedoms for purposes rise of hate speech, the targeting of unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in vulnerable groups accused of spreading the this regard the rise of hate speech, the virus, and the widespread use, in violation targeting of vulnerable groups accused of of human rights, of digital technologies spreading the virus, and the widespread aimed at containing the pandemic by use, in violation of human rights, of digital tracking citizens and retrieving their technologies aimed at containing the private data; pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data; expresses concern over cases of discrimination in

AM\1215357EN.docx 39/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN distribution of COVID-19 aid on account of citizen's faith;

Or. en

Amendment 80 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, defenders of religious representatives, and restrict fundamental and belief minorities, media or civil freedoms for purposes unrelated to the society representatives, and restrict pandemic; also stresses in this regard the fundamental freedoms for purposes rise of hate speech, the targeting of unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in vulnerable groups accused of spreading the this regard the rise of hate speech, the virus, and the widespread use, in violation targeting of vulnerable groups accused of of human rights, of digital technologies spreading the virus, and the widespread aimed at containing the pandemic by use, in violation of human rights, of digital tracking citizens and retrieving their technologies aimed at containing the private data; pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 81 Željana Zovko

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.904v01-00 40/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, defenders of religious representatives, and restrict fundamental and belief minorities, media or civil freedoms for purposes unrelated to the society representatives, and restrict pandemic; also stresses in this regard the fundamental freedoms for purposes rise of hate speech, the targeting of unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in vulnerable groups accused of spreading the this regard the rise of hate speech, the virus, and the widespread use, in violation targeting of vulnerable groups accused of of human rights, of digital technologies spreading the virus, and the widespread aimed at containing the pandemic by use, in violation of human rights, of digital tracking citizens and retrieving their technologies aimed at containing the private data; pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 82 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, defenders of religious representatives, and restrict fundamental and belief minorities, media or civil freedoms for purposes unrelated to the society representatives, and restrict pandemic; also stresses in this regard the fundamental freedoms for purposes rise of hate speech, the targeting of unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in

AM\1215357EN.docx 41/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN vulnerable groups accused of spreading the this regard the rise of hate speech, the virus, and the widespread use, in violation targeting of vulnerable groups accused of of human rights, of digital technologies spreading the virus, and the widespread aimed at containing the pandemic by use, in violation of human rights, of digital tracking citizens and retrieving their technologies aimed at containing the private data; pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 83 Bernard Guetta

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; is worried about the fact that rise of hate speech, the targeting of Covid-19-related emergency measures are vulnerable groups accused of spreading the often not paired with clear obligations to virus, and the widespread use, in violation revoke them once the crisis ended; also of human rights, of digital technologies stresses in this regard the rise of hate aimed at containing the pandemic by speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups tracking citizens and retrieving their accused of spreading the virus, and the private data; widespread use, in violation of human rights, of digital technologies aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 84

PE658.904v01-00 42/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of exacerbation of shrinking space for civil vulnerable groups accused of spreading the society and gender inequality, the rise of virus, and the widespread use, in violation hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable of human rights, of digital technologies groups accused of spreading the virus, and aimed at containing the pandemic by the widespread use, in violation of human tracking citizens and retrieving their rights, of digital technologies aimed at private data; containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 85 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social

AM\1215357EN.docx 43/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of rise of violence against women, hate vulnerable groups accused of spreading the speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups virus, and the widespread use, in violation accused of spreading the virus, and the of human rights, of digital technologies widespread use, in violation of human aimed at containing the pandemic by rights, of digital technologies aimed at tracking citizens and retrieving their containing the pandemic by tracking private data; citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 86 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of rise of hate speech and disinformation, the vulnerable groups accused of spreading the targeting of vulnerable groups accused of virus, and the widespread use, in violation spreading the virus, and the widespread of human rights, of digital technologies use, in violation of human rights, of digital aimed at containing the pandemic by technologies aimed at containing the tracking citizens and retrieving their pandemic by tracking citizens and private data; retrieving their private data;

PE658.904v01-00 44/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 87 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of rise of hate speech, based on race, vulnerable groups accused of spreading the ethnicity, religion or caste, the targeting of virus, and the widespread use, in violation vulnerable groups, such as Dalits, accused of human rights, of digital technologies of spreading the virus, and the widespread aimed at containing the pandemic by use, in violation of human rights, of digital tracking citizens and retrieving their technologies aimed at containing the private data; pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their private data;

Or. en

Amendment 88 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic

AM\1215357EN.docx 45/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the rise of hate speech, the targeting of rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups accused of spreading the vulnerable groups accused of spreading the virus, and the widespread use, in violation virus, and the widespread use, in violation of human rights, of digital technologies of human rights, of digital technologies aimed at containing the pandemic by aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their tracking citizens and retrieving their private data; private data; expresses concern over discrimination in distribution of Covid-19 food aid, with religious minorities in many countries being denied aid on account of their faith;

Or. en

Amendment 89 , Rasa Juknevičienė

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Expresses very serious concerns, 2. Expresses very serious concerns, however, about the decline in democratic however, about the decline in democratic and human rights standards that the crisis and human rights standards that the crisis has caused in some countries; is of the has caused in some countries; is of the opinion that this pushback primarily results opinion that this pushback primarily results from the devastating economic and social from the devastating economic and social consequences of the crisis and their use as consequences of the crisis and their use as a pretext to manipulate state institutions a pretext to manipulate state institutions and electoral timelines, suppress the and electoral timelines, suppress the activities of human rights defenders, activities of human rights defenders, political opponents, media or civil society political opponents, media or civil society representatives, and restrict fundamental representatives, and restrict fundamental freedoms for purposes unrelated to the freedoms for purposes unrelated to the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the pandemic; also stresses in this regard the

PE658.904v01-00 46/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN rise of hate speech, the targeting of rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups accused of spreading the vulnerable groups accused of spreading the virus, and the widespread use, in violation virus, and the widespread use, in violation of human rights, of digital technologies of human rights, of digital technologies aimed at containing the pandemic by aimed at containing the pandemic by tracking citizens and retrieving their tracking citizens and retrieving their private data; private data; condemns persistent attempts to use global outbreak of COVID-19 for undermining sanctions regimes which are imposed against countries who are violating its statutory commitments and obligations within the membership into international organizations such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe;

Or. en

Amendment 90 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2a. Stresses the need to ensure full respect for human rights, and adherence to the principle that human rights are universal and inalienable, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated; stresses that attempts to use the rights of certain groups to justify the marginalisation of others are wholly unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 91 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2b. Expresses its deep concern at the

AM\1215357EN.docx 47/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN attacks on democracy and the rule of law which reflect the rise of authoritarianism as a political project, embodying disregard for human rights, repression of dissent, politicised justice, predetermined election results, shrinking space for civil society to operate in, and limitations on freedom of assembly, expression and freedom of the press; underlines the importance of civil society allowing for flexible, timely and effective responses to regimes that violate international law, human rights and democratic principles;

Or. en

Amendment 92 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group Hannah Neumann

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2a. Supports international efforts to evaluate diverse national responses to the pandemic as regards restrictions of political, social and economic freedoms and to work towards the establishment of a joint human rights based framework that will inform future responses to sanitary crises; welcomes in this context the development of the Global Monitor by the European Commission and International IDEA which assembles data an analysis on developments in 162 countries in the world pertaining to the impact of the pandemic on democracy and human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 93 Fabio Massimo Castaldo

PE658.904v01-00 48/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2a. Notes with concern that the Covid- 19 pandemic has highlighted the shortcomings in many states healthcare system, thus undermining peoples' right to health, both physical and mental, and in terms of preventive actions to avoid contamination and remedy, and actions that allow access to health care; access to water and sanitary measures; access to information; and non-discrimination in access and rights;

Or. en

Amendment 94 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2a. Expresses concern over discrimination in distribution of Covid-19 food aid, with religious minorities in many countries being denied aid on account of their faith;

Or. en

Amendment 95 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of structural discrimination and systematic

AM\1215357EN.docx 49/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, persecution and killings linked to race, religion, belief, language, age, sex, ethnicity, nationality, social class and sexuality and gender identity that continue economic status, disability, religion, belief, to occur in many countries and societies; language, age, sex, sexual orientation, deplores the targeting of individuals or gender expression and gender identity, communities with intolerant and hate-filled and migration or refugee status that declarations and actions; considers the continue to occur in many countries and prevalence of racism and xenophobia in societies; deplores the targeting of many countries to be unacceptable; individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable; demands governments around the world to take a zero-tolerance approach to the racism and condemns the violence, discrimination, segregation and unlawful detention of persons with disabilities in many countries;

Or. en

Amendment 96 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces all cases of of discrimination and persecution linked to discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, ethnicity, nationality, social class, religion, religion, belief, language, age, sex, belief, language, age, sex, and sexual sexuality and gender identity that orientation; continue to occur in many countries and societies; deplores the targeting of individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 97

PE658.904v01-00 50/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination, intolerance and ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, religion, belief, language, age, sex, social class, caste, religion, belief, sexuality and gender identity that continue language, age and sex, that continue to to occur in many countries and societies; occur in many countries and societies; deplores the targeting of individuals or deplores the targeting of individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable; many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 98 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination, persecution and killings ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, religion, belief, language, age, sex, caste, religion, belief, language, age, sex, sexuality and gender identity that continue sexuality and gender identity that continue to occur in many countries and societies; to occur in many countries and societies; deplores the targeting of individuals or deplores the targeting of individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable; many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 99 Miriam Lexmann

AM\1215357EN.docx 51/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, race, religion, belief, language, age and religion, belief, language, age, sex, sex that continue to occur in many sexuality and gender identity that continue countries and societies; deplores the to occur in many countries and societies; targeting of individuals or communities deplores the targeting of individuals or with intolerant and hate-filled declarations communities with intolerant and hate-filled and actions; considers the prevalence of declarations and actions; considers the racism and xenophobia in many countries prevalence of racism and xenophobia in to be unacceptable; many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 100 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, ethnicity, race, nationality, social class, religion, belief, language, age, sex, caste, religion or lack thereof, belief, sexuality and gender identity that continue language, age, sex, sexual orientation, to occur in many countries and societies; gender identity and sex characteristics that deplores the targeting of individuals or continue to occur in many countries and communities with intolerant and hate-filled societies; deplores the targeting of declarations and actions; considers the individuals or communities with intolerant prevalence of racism and xenophobia in and hate-filled declarations and actions; many countries to be unacceptable; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 101

PE658.904v01-00 52/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Terry Reintke, Maria Walsh, Marc Angel, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Dietmar Köster, Sophia in 't Veld, Petras Auštrevičius, Isabel Santos, Andreas Schieder, Marisa Matias, Robert Biedroń, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Hannah Neumann, Ernest Urtasun

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, religion, belief, language, age, sex, religion, belief, language, age, sex, sexual sexuality and gender identity that continue orientation, gender identity, gender to occur in many countries and societies; expression and sex characteristics that deplores the targeting of individuals or continue to occur in many countries and communities with intolerant and hate-filled societies; deplores the targeting of declarations and actions; considers the individuals or communities with intolerant prevalence of racism and xenophobia in and hate-filled declarations and actions; many countries to be unacceptable; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 102 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, religion, belief, language, age, sex, religion, belief, language, age, sex, sexual sexuality and gender identity that continue orientation, gender identity and sex to occur in many countries and societies; characteristics that continue to occur in deplores the targeting of individuals or many countries and societies; deplores the communities with intolerant and hate-filled targeting of individuals or communities declarations and actions; considers the with intolerant and hate-filled declarations prevalence of racism and xenophobia in and actions; considers the prevalence of many countries to be unacceptable; racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 53/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 103 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, race, ethnicity, nationality, social class, religion, belief, language, age, sex, caste, religion, belief, language, age, sex, sexuality and gender identity that continue sexuality and gender identity that continue to occur in many countries and societies; to occur in many countries and societies; deplores the targeting of individuals or deplores the targeting of individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable; many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

Amendment 104 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, religion, belief, language, age, sex, religion, belief, language, age, sex, sexuality and gender identity that continue sexuality and gender identity that continue to occur in many countries and societies; to occur in many countries and societies; deplores the targeting of individuals or deplores the targeting of individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in prevalence of racism, anti-Semitism and many countries to be unacceptable; xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 54/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 105 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Strongly denounces the many cases 3. Strongly denounces the many cases of discrimination and persecution linked to of discrimination and persecution linked to ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, ethnicity, nationality, social class, caste, religion, belief, language, age, sex, religion, belief, language, age, sex, sexuality and gender identity that continue sexuality and gender identity that continue to occur in many countries and societies; to occur in many countries and societies; deplores the targeting of individuals or deplores the targeting of individuals or communities with intolerant and hate-filled communities with intolerant and hate-filled declarations and actions; considers the declarations and actions; considers the prevalence of racism and xenophobia in prevalence of racism and xenophobia in many countries to be unacceptable; many countries to be unacceptable; finds it unacceptable, moreover, that heads of state and government have given their silent consent to, or have failed to clearly condemn, discrimination and racism;

Or. pl

Amendment 106 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Underlines the tremendous and deleted increasing threat to human rights that climate change, environmental destruction and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving people of the fundamental right to life, due in particular to a higher level of global hunger, restrictions on access to water and additional deaths from malnutrition and the increased spread of diseases; draws attention, furthermore, to the risks posed by climate change to peace and security, as food

AM\1215357EN.docx 55/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN insecurity and water scarcity can lead to competition over natural resources and then to instability and conflicts within and between fragile states; highlights that least developed countries are the most vulnerable to climate change, as they find it hardest to withstand its devastating impacts;

Or. en

Amendment 107 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Underlines the tremendous and 4. Underlines the tremendous and increasing threat to human rights that increasing threat to certain human climate change, environmental destruction rights driven by climate change, and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving environmental destruction and loss of people of the fundamental right to life, due biodiversity entail by depriving people of in particular to a higher level of global the fundamental right to life, due in hunger, restrictions on access to water and particular to a higher level of global additional deaths from malnutrition and the hunger, restrictions on access to water and increased spread of diseases; draws additional deaths from malnutrition and the attention, furthermore, to the risks posed increased spread of diseases; draws by climate change to peace and security, as attention, furthermore, to the risks posed food insecurity and water scarcity can lead by climate change to peace and security, as to competition over natural resources and food insecurity and water scarcity can lead then to instability and conflicts within and to competition over natural resources and between fragile states; highlights that least then to instability and conflicts within and developed countries are the most between fragile states; highlights that vulnerable to climate change, as they find certain least developed countries are the it hardest to withstand its devastating most vulnerable to climate change, as they impacts; find it hardest to withstand its devastating impacts;

Or. en

Amendment 108 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

PE658.904v01-00 56/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Underlines the tremendous and 4. Underlines the tremendous and increasing threat to human rights that increasing threat to human rights that climate change, environmental destruction climate change, environmental destruction and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving people of the fundamental right to life, due people of the fundamental right to life, due in particular to a higher level of global in particular to a higher level of economic hunger, restrictions on access to water and and social inequalities and also of global additional deaths from malnutrition and the hunger, restrictions on access to water and increased spread of diseases; draws additional deaths from malnutrition and the attention, furthermore, to the risks posed increased spread of diseases; whereas by climate change to peace and security, as climate change also undermines the food insecurity and water scarcity can lead enjoyment of other human rights, to competition over natural resources and including the right to food security, safe then to instability and conflicts within and drinking water and sanitation, health, between fragile states; highlights that least adequate housing, self-determination, developed countries are the most work and development; draws attention, vulnerable to climate change, as they find furthermore, to the risks posed by climate it hardest to withstand its devastating change to peace and security, as food impacts; insecurity and water scarcity can lead to competition over natural resources and then to instability and conflicts within and between fragile states; highlights that least developed countries are the most vulnerable to climate change, as they find it hardest to withstand its devastating impacts;

Or. en

Amendment 109 Javier Nart

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Underlines the tremendous and 4. Underlines the tremendous and increasing threat to human rights that increasing threat to human rights that climate change, environmental destruction climate change, environmental destruction and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving people of the fundamental right to life, due people of the fundamental right to life, due in particular to a higher level of global in particular to a higher level of global

AM\1215357EN.docx 57/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN hunger, restrictions on access to water and hunger, restrictions on access to water and additional deaths from malnutrition and the additional deaths from malnutrition and the increased spread of diseases; draws increased spread of diseases; draws attention, furthermore, to the risks posed attention, furthermore, to the risks posed by climate change to peace and security, as by climate change to peace and security, as food insecurity and water scarcity can lead food insecurity and water scarcity can lead to competition over natural resources and to competition over natural resources and then to instability and conflicts within and then to instability and conflicts within and between fragile states; highlights that least between states; highlights that least developed countries are the most developed countries are the most vulnerable to climate change, as they find vulnerable to climate change, as they find it hardest to withstand its devastating it hardest to withstand its devastating impacts; impacts;

Or. en

Amendment 110 Michal Šimečka

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Underlines the tremendous and 4. Underlines the tremendous and increasing threat to human rights that increasing threat to human rights that climate change, environmental destruction climate change, environmental destruction and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving and loss of biodiversity entail by depriving people of the fundamental right to life, due people of the fundamental right to life, due in particular to a higher level of global in particular to a higher level of global hunger, restrictions on access to water and hunger, restrictions on access to water, and additional deaths from malnutrition and the additional deaths from malnutrition and the increased spread of diseases; draws increased spread of diseases; draws attention, furthermore, to the risks posed attention, furthermore, to the risks posed by climate change to peace and security, as by climate change to peace and security, as food insecurity and water scarcity can lead food insecurity and water scarcity can lead to competition over natural resources and to competition over natural resources and then to instability and conflicts within and then to instability and conflicts within and between fragile states; highlights that least between fragile states; highlights that least developed countries are the most developed countries are the most vulnerable to climate change, as they find vulnerable to climate change, as they find it hardest to withstand its devastating it hardest to withstand its devastating impacts; impacts, despite producing fewer greenhouse gases than richer countries which are less likely to be as impacted by climate change;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 58/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 111 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and deleted protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses accountable for their responses to climate change; underlines the need to pay particular attention to aid to environmentally and climate-displaced persons;

Or. fr

Amendment 112 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and deleted protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses accountable for their responses to climate change; underlines the need to pay particular attention to aid to environmentally and climate-displaced

AM\1215357EN.docx 59/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN persons;

Or. en

Amendment 113 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and 5. Affirms that the promotion and protection of human rights and climate and protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights because, in particular, human rights international law provides access to international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to damage caused by climate change and to implement measures to combat climate implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses change; underlines the need to pay accountable for their responses to climate particular attention to aid to change; underlines the need to pay environmentally and climate-displaced particular attention to aid to persons; environmentally and climate-displaced persons;

Or. en

Amendment 114 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and 5. Affirms that the promotion and protection of human rights and climate and protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights because, in particular, human rights international law provides access to international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to damage caused by climate change, to implement measures to combat climate implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses change and to hold accountable those who

PE658.904v01-00 60/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN accountable for their responses to climate contribute to further unlawful change; underlines the need to pay degradation of the environment; particular attention to aid to underlines the need to pay particular environmentally and climate-displaced attention to aid to environmentally and persons; climate-displaced persons;

Or. en

Amendment 115 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and 5. Affirms that the promotion and protection of human rights and climate and protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights because, in particular, human rights international law provides access to international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to damage caused by climate change, to implement measures to combat climate implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses change and to hold states, businesses and accountable for their responses to climate individuals accountable for their responses change; underlines the need to pay to climate change; underlines the need to particular attention to aid to pay particular attention to aid to environmentally and climate-displaced environmentally and climate-displaced persons; persons;

Or. en

Amendment 116 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and 5. Affirms that the promotion and protection of human rights and climate and protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights because, in particular, human rights

AM\1215357EN.docx 61/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN international law provides access to international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to damage caused by climate change, to implement measures to combat climate implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses change and to hold states and businesses accountable for their responses to climate accountable for their responses to climate change; underlines the need to pay change; stresses that biodiversity and particular attention to aid to human rights are interlinked and environmentally and climate-displaced interdependent and recalls the human persons; rights obligations of States to protect the biodiversity on which those rights depend, including by providing for the participation of citizens in biodiversity- related decisions and providing access to effective remedies in cases of biodiversity loss and degradation; expresses its support to the nascent normative efforts at international level in relation to environmental crimes; in this regard, encourages the EU and the Member States to promote the recognition of ecocide as an international crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court; underlines the need to pay particular attention to aid to environmentally and climate-displaced persons;

Or. en

Amendment 117 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Affirms that the promotion and 5. Affirms that the promotion and protection of human rights and climate and protection of human rights and climate and environmental action are interlinked, environmental action are interlinked, because, in particular, human rights because, in particular, human rights international law provides access to international law provides access to remedies and legal means to redress the remedies and legal means to redress the damage caused by climate change, to damage caused by climate change, to implement measures to combat climate implement measures to combat climate change and to hold states and businesses change and to hold states and businesses accountable for their responses to climate accountable for their responses to climate

PE658.904v01-00 62/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN change; underlines the need to pay change; underlines the need to pay particular attention to aid to particular attention to aid to environmentally and climate-displaced environmentally and climate-displaced persons; persons; considers important to work at the international level to define the concept of "environmentally displaced persons" within the United Nations with a view to establishing an international legal framework and adopting a common approach to the protection of those obliged to leave their place of residence;

Or. en

Amendment 118 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5a. Stresses the essential obligations and responsibilities of States and other decision-makers, including businesses, to mitigate the effects of climate change, prevent their negative impact on human rights and promote appropriate policies in compliance with human rights obligations; stresses that environmental changes undermine the most basic human rights, such as access to water, natural resources and food; considers that the fight against the exploitation and hoarding of resources must be a priority for the European Union and its Member States; draws particular attention to the link between this exploitation of resources and the financing of conflicts, wars and violence, directly or indirectly included by multinational corporations; recognizes that the environmental consequences of climate change may exacerbate forced migration and displacement, and therefore stresses the need to rapidly implement policies to reduce the effects of climate change in line with the Paris

AM\1215357EN.docx 63/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Agreement;

Or. en

Amendment 119 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Expresses major concern over 6. Expresses major concern over deforestation, in particular in the Amazon deforestation; in 2019, given that forests contribute to mitigating climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that indigenous peoples have often been the first victims of deforestation, which endangers their rights to land and access to vital resources;

Or. en

Amendment 120 Javier Nart

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Expresses major concern over 6. Expresses major concern over deforestation, in particular in the Amazon deforestation, illegal mining, production in 2019, given that forests contribute to of illicit drugs in particular in the Amazon mitigating climate change by absorbing in 2019, given that forests contribute to and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that mitigating climate change by absorbing indigenous peoples have often been the and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that first victims of deforestation, which indigenous peoples have often been the endangers their rights to land and access to first victims of deforestation, which vital resources; endangers their rights to land and access to vital resources;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 64/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 121 Leopoldo López Gil

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Expresses major concern over 6. Expresses major concern over deforestation, in particular in the Amazon deforestation, in particular in the Amazon in 2019, given that forests contribute to in 2019, given that forests contribute to mitigating climate change by absorbing mitigating climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that indigenous peoples have often been the indigenous peoples have often been the first victims of deforestation, which first victims of deforestation, which endangers their rights to land and access to endangers their rights to land and access to vital resources; vital resources;

Or. es

Amendment 122 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Maria Arena, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Expresses major concern over 6. Expresses major concern over deforestation, in particular in the Amazon deforestation, in particular in the Amazon in 2019, given that forests contribute to in 2019, given that forests contribute to mitigating climate change by absorbing mitigating climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that indigenous peoples have often been the indigenous peoples have often been the first victims of deforestation, which first victims of deforestation, which endangers their rights to land and access to endangers their rights to land, among other vital resources; rights, and access to vital resources; stresses that impunity for these and other violations is a driving force in deforestation and therefore deems accountability for these violations to be essential;

Or. en

Amendment 123

AM\1215357EN.docx 65/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Expresses major concern over 6. Expresses major concern over deforestation, in particular in the Amazon deforestation, in particular in the Amazon in 2019, given that forests contribute to in 2019, given that forests contribute to mitigating climate change by absorbing mitigating climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that and storing carbon dioxide; stresses that indigenous peoples have often been the indigenous peoples have often been the first victims of deforestation, which first victims of deforestation, which endangers their rights to land and access to endangers their rights to land and access to vital resources; vital resources; underlines the right to determine and establish priorities and strategies for their self-development and for the use of their lands, territories, and other resources;

Or. en

Amendment 124 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6a. Notes that some corporations unlawfully exploit natural resources, which not only constitutes a major sustainability and environmental challenge but also results in severe adverse impacts on the social, economic, cultural, civil and political rights of local communities; notes that such business practices violate the fundamental right of peoples to self-determination and the principle of permanent sovereignty, access and control over their natural resources, enshrined in UN General Assembly resolution 1803 (XVII);

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 66/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 125 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations deleted and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society;

Or. en

Amendment 126 Francisco José Millán Mon

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Is aware of the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question aspirations, demanding change in institutional and economic orders of institutional and economic orders of

AM\1215357EN.docx 67/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN societies and supporting the development societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society; of a more equitable global society;

Or. es

Amendment 127 Leopoldo López Gil

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing interest of and mobilisations of citizens, in particular citizens for political and societal changes the youngest citizens, for political and favourable to respect for human rights, societal changes favourable to respect for democratic governance, equality and social human rights, democratic governance, justice, more ambitious climate action and equality and social justice, more ambitious better protection of the environment; climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society;

Or. es

Amendment 128 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens for political the youngest citizens, for political and and societal changes favourable to respect societal changes favourable to respect for for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice; equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in

PE658.904v01-00 68/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society;

Or. sk

Amendment 129 Michal Šimečka

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the younger generations, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society; of a more equitable global society;

Or. en

Amendment 130 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for

AM\1215357EN.docx 69/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance and equality and social justice, more better protection of the environment; ambitious climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society;

Or. en

Amendment 131 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in environment; 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society;

Or. en

Amendment 132 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

PE658.904v01-00 70/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in environment; 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society;

Or. en

Amendment 133 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question aspirations, demanding awareness of institutional and economic orders of climate change and action to combat it, societies and supporting the development and supporting the development of a more of a more equitable global society; equitable global society;

Or. en

Amendment 134 Gheorghe-Vlad Nistor

AM\1215357EN.docx 71/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Welcomes the growing aspirations 7. Welcomes the growing aspirations and mobilisations of citizens, in particular and mobilisations of citizens, in particular the youngest citizens, for political and the youngest citizens, for political and societal changes favourable to respect for societal changes favourable to respect for human rights, democratic governance, human rights, democratic governance, equality and social justice, more ambitious equality and social justice, more ambitious climate action and better protection of the climate action and better protection of the environment; highlights the emergence in environment; highlights the emergence in 2019 of massive protest movements in 2019 of massive protest movements in every region in the world reflecting these every region in the world reflecting these aspirations, calling into question aspirations, calling into question institutional and economic orders of institutional and economic orders of societies and supporting the development societies and supporting the development of a more equitable global society; of a more equitable global society; stresses the importance of maintaining the peaceful nature of these protest actions; insists that positive change must only take place through dialogue and all solutions must be reached through inclusive negotiations;

Or. en

Amendment 135 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Deems essential the political 8. Condemns the violent repression of responses to the legitimate demands of peaceful movements; societies and individuals that are based on inclusive dialogue; condemns, on the other hand, the repression of peaceful movements, in particular through the excessive use of force by security agents, which certain governments have inflicted on their populations with a view to stifling democratic voices;

PE658.904v01-00 72/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 136 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Deems essential the political 8. Condemns, on the other hand, the responses to the legitimate demands of repression of peaceful movements, in societies and individuals that are based on particular through the excessive use of inclusive dialogue; condemns, on the other force by security agents, which certain hand, the repression of peaceful governments have inflicted on their movements, in particular through the populations with a view to stifling excessive use of force by security agents, democratic voices; which certain governments have inflicted on their populations with a view to stifling democratic voices;

Or. en

Amendment 137 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Deems essential the political 8. Deems important the political responses to the legitimate demands of responses to the legitimate demands of societies and individuals that are based on societies and individuals that are based on inclusive dialogue; condemns, on the other inclusive dialogue; condemns, on the other hand, the repression of peaceful hand, the involvement of NGOs in movements, in particular through the national affairs; excessive use of force by security agents, which certain governments have inflicted on their populations with a view to stifling democratic voices;

Or. sk

AM\1215357EN.docx 73/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 138 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Deems essential the political 8. Deems essential the political responses to the legitimate demands of responses to the legitimate demands of societies and individuals that are based on societies, families and individuals that are inclusive dialogue; condemns, on the other based on inclusive dialogue; condemns, on hand, the repression of peaceful the other hand, the repression of peaceful movements, in particular through the movements, in particular through excessive use of force by security agents, the disproportionate use of force by which certain governments have inflicted security agents, which certain governments on their populations with a view to stifling have inflicted on their populations with a democratic voices; view to stifling democratic voices; at the same time, shows its concern about radicalised groups that take the opportunity of demonstrations and expressions of social movements to hijack their legitimate goals, through violence and disruption of daily life of citizens and public services, intimidating individuals and attacking private and public buildings;

Or. en

Amendment 139 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Deems essential the political 8. Deems essential the political responses to the legitimate demands of responses to the legitimate demands of societies and individuals that are based on societies and individuals, both within and inclusive dialogue; condemns, on the other outside the EU, that are based on inclusive hand, the repression of peaceful dialogue; condemns, on the other hand, the movements, in particular through the repression of peaceful movements, in excessive use of force by security agents, particular through the excessive use of which certain governments have inflicted force by security agents, which certain on their populations with a view to stifling governments have inflicted on their

PE658.904v01-00 74/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN democratic voices; populations with a view to stifling dissenting or critical voices; welcomes the fact that the excessive use of force by law enforcement officers, both in and outside the EU, is increasingly being denounced and identified as a major human rights issue, and calls on governments concerned to take urgent corrective action to prevent such occurrences and to hold the perpetrators to account;

Or. en

Amendment 140 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8a. Rejects the fact that in many countries people are denied the right to demonstrate peacefully, with legal, administrative and other measures such as the suppression of demonstrations through the use of force, harassment and arbitrary detention; stresses that in 2019 hundreds of peaceful demonstrators were arrested, many of whom were subjected to ill-treatment and arbitrary detentions and have had to pay heavy fines in trials where minimum procedural standards were not guaranteed; demands respect for the rights to freedom of assembly, association and expression guaranteed by international standards and UN treaties and calls on governments not to use force against peaceful protesters;

Or. en

Amendment 141 Javier Nart

AM\1215357EN.docx 75/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8a. Condemns all violent political protest movements and supports the work of the state security forces in the fight against crime and organized crime,

Or. en

Amendment 142 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, deleted imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. sk

Amendment 143 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.904v01-00 76/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression are unacceptable; used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 144 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends strongly condemns acts of violence and towards deeper nationalism and the intolerance in any form; misuse of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 145 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution

AM\1215357EN.docx 77/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists, people belonging to underlines the existence of political trends religious communities and associations towards deeper nationalism and the and Church-engaged benevolent misuse of religion for political gain, individuals doing development and which are conducive to intolerance, in humanitarian work and journalists; particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 146 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. fr

PE658.904v01-00 78/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 147 Miriam Lexmann

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 148 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society activists and journalists; religious and belief minorities, civil underlines the existence of political trends society activists and journalists; underlines towards deeper nationalism and the misuse the existence of political trends towards of religion for political gain, which are deeper nationalism and the misuse of conducive to intolerance, in particular religion for political gain, which are towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and conducive to intolerance, in particular migrants; towards HRDs, religious and belief minorities, women, LGBTI people and

AM\1215357EN.docx 79/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 149 Javier Zarzalejos, Francisco José Millán Mon, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Lukas Mandl, Peter van Dalen, David Lega

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society activists and journalists; religious and belief minorities and civil underlines the existence of political trends society activists and journalists; underlines towards deeper nationalism and the misuse the existence of political trends towards of religion for political gain, which are deeper nationalism and the misuse of conducive to intolerance, in particular religion for political gain, which are towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and conducive to intolerance, in particular migrants; towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people, religious and belief minorities and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 150 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non-

PE658.904v01-00 80/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society activists and journalists; religious and belief minorities and civil underlines the existence of political trends society activists and journalists; underlines towards deeper nationalism and the misuse the existence of political trends towards of religion for political gain, which are deeper nationalism and the misuse of conducive to intolerance, in particular religion for political gain, which are towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and conducive to intolerance, in particular migrants; towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 151 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists, local communities, underlines the existence of political trends indigenous groups, whistle-blowers, and towards deeper nationalism and the misuse journalists; underlines the existence of of religion for political gain, which are political trends towards deeper nationalism conducive to intolerance, in particular and the misuse of religion for political towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and gain, which are conducive to intolerance, migrants; in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 152 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

AM\1215357EN.docx 81/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) local civil society activists and journalists; communities, indigenous groups and civil underlines the existence of political trends society activists and journalists; underlines towards deeper nationalism and the misuse the existence of political trends towards of religion for political gain, which are deeper nationalism and the misuse of conducive to intolerance, in particular religion for political gain, which are towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and conducive to intolerance, in particular migrants; towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 153 David Lega

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse towards deeper nationalism, of religion for political gain, which are protectionism and intolerance, in particular conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants; migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 154

PE658.904v01-00 82/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and towards HRDs, climate activists, women, migrants; LGBTI people, religious minorities, persons with disabilities and migrants;

Or. pl

Amendment 155 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people, migrants; sex workers, people who use drugs, people

AM\1215357EN.docx 83/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN in prison, people who live with HIV and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 156 Željana Zovko

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people, migrants; religious and belief minorities and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 157 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and

PE658.904v01-00 84/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people, migrants; religious and belief minorities and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 158 Leopoldo López Gil

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; underlines the existence of political trends underlines the existence of political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people, and migrants; migrants, minorities and Roma people;

Or. es

Amendment 159 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Stresses that physical attacks, 9. Stresses that physical attacks,

AM\1215357EN.docx 85/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN imprisonments, death threats, harassment, imprisonments, death threats, harassment, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of intimidation and restrictions on freedom of expression remain tools systematically expression remain tools systematically used around the world against human used around the world against human rights defenders (HRDs), non- rights defenders (HRDs), non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society activists and journalists; civil society activists and journalists; notes underlines the existence of political trends that women human rights defenders towards deeper nationalism and the misuse (WHRDs) face gender-specific threats of religion for political gain, which are and suffer from a lack of access to conducive to intolerance, in particular adequate resources and protection towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and mechanisms; underlines the existence of migrants; political trends towards deeper nationalism and the misuse of religion for political gain, which are conducive to intolerance, in particular towards HRDs, women, LGBTI people and migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 160 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9a. Calls on the EU and its Member States to develop a strategic high-level vision to counter the mounting global attacks against human rights defenders including through the adoption of strong Foreign Affairs Council conclusions in which Foreign Ministers should call for ambitious EU global action in defence of human rights defenders;

Or. en

Amendment 161 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

PE658.904v01-00 86/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Stresses that it is neither the duty institutions to actively support nor the mandate of EU institutions to organisations and individuals engaged in actively support self-appointed, defending democracy and human rights; undemocratic and subjective organisations underlines in this regard the importance and individuals engaged in defending of Parliament’s action in making their democracy and human rights; voice heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs detained as a result of their activism;

Or. en

Amendment 162 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Notes the importance that EU institutions to actively support institutions support organisations and organisations and individuals engaged in individuals engaged peacefully in defending democracy and human rights; defending democracy and human rights; underlines in this regard the importance of underlines in this regard the importance of Parliament’s action in making their voice Parliament’s action in making their voice heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs detained as a result of their activism; detained as a result of their peaceful activism;

Or. en

Amendment 163 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU institutions to actively support institutions to actively support organisations and individuals engaged in organisations and individuals engaged in defending democracy and human rights; defending democracy and human rights;

AM\1215357EN.docx 87/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN underlines in this regard the importance of underlines in this regard the importance of Parliament’s action in making their voice Parliament’s action in making their voice heard and in obtaining the release of heard and pressuring in third countries’ HRDs detained as a result of their activism; authorities to immediately and unconditionally release HRDs detained as a result of their activism;

Or. en

Amendment 164 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU institutions to actively support institutions to actively support organisations and individuals engaged in organisations, local communities, defending democracy and human rights; indigenous groups and individuals underlines in this regard the importance of engaged in defending democracy and Parliament’s action in making their voice human rights; underlines in this regard the heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs importance of Parliament’s action in detained as a result of their activism; making their voice heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs detained as a result of their activism;

Or. en

Amendment 165 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU institutions to actively support institutions to actively support organisations and individuals engaged in organisations and individuals engaged in defending democracy and human rights; defending democracy and human rights; underlines in this regard the importance of calls on the EU to support and protect Parliament’s action in making their voice HRDs in all their diversity, including heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs WHRDs and their organisations;

PE658.904v01-00 88/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN detained as a result of their activism; underlines in this regard the importance of Parliament’s action in making their voice heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs detained as a result of their activism;

Or. en

Amendment 166 Miriam Lexmann

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU institutions to actively support institutions to actively support organisations and individuals engaged in organisations and individuals engaged in defending democracy and human rights; defending democracy and human rights; underlines in this regard the importance of underlines in this regard the importance of Parliament’s action in making their voice Parliament’s action in making their voice heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs detained as a result of their activism; detained as a result of their activism; supports the work of European political foundations in strengthening democratic processes and fostering a new generation of political leaders around the world;

Or. en

Amendment 167 Michal Šimečka

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU 10. Stresses that it is the duty of EU institutions to actively support institutions to actively support organisations and individuals engaged in organisations and individuals engaged in defending democracy and human rights; defending democracy and human rights; underlines in this regard the importance of underlines in this regard the importance of Parliament’s action in making their voice Parliament’s action in making their voices heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs heard and in obtaining the release of HRDs detained as a result of their activism; detained as a result of their activism;

AM\1215357EN.docx 89/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 168 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10a. Expresses deep concern that the EU and certain Member States continue to pursue business, military, antiterrorism and migration interests over human rights and democracy concern; is deeply concerned about the use of repressive cybersecurity and counter-terrorism legislation to crackdown on human rights defenders;

Or. en

Amendment 169 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Is seriously concerned at the 11. Is seriously concerned at the persistence of the scourge of wars and persistence of the scourge of wars and military conflicts which give way to grave military conflicts, amounting even to violations of international humanitarian genocides against religious minorities, law and human rights, in particular mass which give way to grave violations of killings and forced displacements of international humanitarian law and human civilian populations; strongly condemns rights, in particular mass killings and the engagement of authoritarian powers in forced displacements of civilian proxy wars and stresses that political populations; strongly condemns the solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable engagement of authoritarian powers in peace; expresses deep concerns at proxy wars and stresses that political heightened international political tensions, solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable and in certain regions of the world, at the peace; expresses deep concerns at increased activity of non-state armed heightened international political tensions, groups and terrorist organisations and the and in certain regions of the world, at the development of communal violence; increased activity of non-state armed

PE658.904v01-00 90/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN groups and terrorist organisations and the development of communal violence;

Or. en

Amendment 170 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Is seriously concerned at the 11. Is seriously concerned at the persistence of the scourge of wars and persistence of the scourge of wars, military military conflicts which give way to grave conflicts and of protracted occupation or violations of international humanitarian annexation of territories which give way law and human rights, in particular mass to grave violations of international killings and forced displacements of humanitarian law and human rights, in civilian populations; strongly condemns particular mass killings and forced the engagement of authoritarian powers in displacements of civilian populations; proxy wars and stresses that political strongly condemns the engagement of solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable authoritarian powers in proxy wars and peace; expresses deep concerns at stresses that political solutions are a heightened international political tensions, prerequisite for sustainable peace; and in certain regions of the world, at the expresses deep concerns at heightened increased activity of non-state armed international political tensions, and in groups and terrorist organisations and the certain regions of the world, at the development of communal violence; increased activity of non-state armed groups and terrorist organisations and the development of communal violence;

Or. en

Amendment 171 Michal Šimečka

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Is seriously concerned at the 11. Is seriously concerned at the persistence of the scourge of wars and persistence of the scourge of wars and military conflicts which give way to grave military conflicts which give way to grave

AM\1215357EN.docx 91/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN violations of international humanitarian violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, in particular mass law and human rights, in particular mass killings and forced displacements of killings, forced displacements of civilian civilian populations; strongly condemns populations, and the use of sexual the engagement of authoritarian powers in violence against civilians, in particular proxy wars and stresses that political women and children; strongly condemns solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable the engagement of authoritarian powers in peace; expresses deep concerns at proxy wars and stresses that political heightened international political tensions, solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable and in certain regions of the world, at the peace; expresses deep concerns at increased activity of non-state armed heightened international political tensions, groups and terrorist organisations and the and in certain regions of the world, at the development of communal violence; increased activity of non-state armed groups and terrorist organisations and the development of communal violence;

Or. en

Amendment 172 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Is seriously concerned at the 11. Is seriously concerned at the persistence of the scourge of wars and persistence of the scourge of wars and military conflicts which give way to grave military conflicts which give way to grave violations of international humanitarian violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, in particular mass law and human rights, in particular mass killings and forced displacements of killings and forced displacements of civilian populations; strongly condemns civilian populations; strongly condemns the engagement of authoritarian powers in the engagement of totalitarian, dictatorial proxy wars and stresses that political or authoritarian powers in proxy wars and solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable stresses that political solutions are a peace; expresses deep concerns at prerequisite for sustainable peace; heightened international political tensions, expresses deep concerns at heightened and in certain regions of the world, at the international political tensions, and in increased activity of non-state armed certain regions of the world, at the groups and terrorist organisations and the increased activity of non-state armed development of communal violence; groups and terrorist organisations, mostly jihadist groups, and the development of communal violence;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 92/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 173 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Is seriously concerned at the 11. Is seriously concerned at the persistence of the scourge of wars and persistence of the scourge of wars and military conflicts which give way to grave military conflicts which give way to grave violations of international humanitarian violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, in particular mass law and human rights, in particular mass killings and forced displacements of killings and forced displacements of civilian populations; strongly condemns civilian populations; strongly condemns the engagement of authoritarian powers in the engagement of authoritarian powers, proxy wars and stresses that political particularly Turkey, in proxy wars and solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable stresses that political solutions are a peace; expresses deep concerns at prerequisite for sustainable peace; heightened international political tensions, expresses deep concerns at heightened and in certain regions of the world, at the international political tensions, and in increased activity of non-state armed certain regions of the world, at the groups and terrorist organisations and the increased activity of non-state armed development of communal violence; groups and terrorist organisations, such as Islamist groups, and the development of communal violence;

Or. fr

Amendment 174 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Is seriously concerned at the 11. Is seriously concerned at the persistence of the scourge of wars and persistence of the scourge of wars and military conflicts which give way to grave military conflicts which give way to grave violations of international humanitarian violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, in particular mass law and human rights, in particular mass killings and forced displacements of killings and forced displacements of civilian populations; strongly condemns civilian populations; strongly condemns the engagement of authoritarian powers in the engagement of authoritarian powers in proxy wars and stresses that political proxy wars and stresses that political solutions are a prerequisite for sustainable solutions within agreed negotiating peace; expresses deep concerns at formats and principles are a prerequisite

AM\1215357EN.docx 93/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN heightened international political tensions, for sustainable peace; expresses deep and in certain regions of the world, at the concerns at heightened international increased activity of non-state armed political tensions, and in certain regions of groups and terrorist organisations and the the world, at the increased activity of non- development of communal violence; state armed groups and terrorist organisations and the development of communal violence;

Or. en

Amendment 175 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Deplores the fact that while the UN 12. Deplores the fact that while the UN marked its seventy-fifth anniversary in marked its seventy-fifth anniversary in 2020, a number of governments inspired 2020, a number of governments have taken by inward-looking attitudes have taken action to counter international cooperation action to counter international cooperation efforts in favour of peace, conflict efforts in favour of peace, conflict resolution and the protection of human resolution and the protection of human rights based on the purposes and principles rights based on the purposes and principles of the UNDHR, international law, the UN of the UNDHR, international law, the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act; Charter and the Helsinki Final Act; criticises the lack of joint international criticises the lack of joint international leadership from democratic countries to leadership from democratic countries to respond consistently to serious violations respond consistently to serious violations of international human rights law and to of international human rights law and to join forces to advance human rights, join forces to advance human rights, democracy and sustain the rules-based democracy and worldwide rules-based international systems; systems;

Or. en

Amendment 176 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

PE658.904v01-00 94/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Deplores the fact that while the UN 12. Deplores the fact that while the UN marked its seventy-fifth anniversary in marked its seventy-fifth anniversary in 2020, a number of governments inspired by 2020, a number of governments inspired by inward-looking attitudes have taken action inward-looking attitudes have taken action to counter international cooperation efforts to counter multilateralism and in favour of peace, conflict resolution and international cooperation efforts in favour the protection of human rights based on the of peace, conflict resolution and the purposes and principles of the UNDHR, protection of human rights based on the international law, the UN Charter and the purposes and principles of the UNDHR, Helsinki Final Act; criticises the lack of international law, the UN Charter and the joint international leadership from Helsinki Final Act; criticises the lack of democratic countries to respond joint international leadership from consistently to serious violations of democratic countries to respond international human rights law and to join consistently to serious violations of forces to advance human rights, democracy international human rights law and to join and worldwide rules-based systems; forces to advance human rights, democracy and worldwide rules-based systems and urges the EU and member states to fill this leadership void; stresses that human rights are universal and indivisible and condemns any attempt to relativise them;

Or. en

Amendment 177 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants deleted and refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons with disabilities, who are among of the most vulnerable; notes that the number of international migrants in 2019 is estimated to be almost 272 million3, which equates to 3.5 % of the global population, and that large-scale displacement and migration events occurred over the last two years; denounces political measures eroding the human rights of migrants and refugees and putting at risk their safety; points in

AM\1215357EN.docx 95/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN this regard to the negative tendency towards the harassment and the criminalisation of the work of those who stand in defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/p df/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. sk

Amendment 178 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of persons with refugees around the world, particularly disabilities, who are among of the most displaced women, children and persons vulnerable; notes that the number of with disabilities, who are among of the international migrants in 2019 is estimated most vulnerable; notes that the number of to be almost 272 million3 , which equates international migrants in 2019 is estimated to 3,5 % of the global population, and that to be almost 272 million3 , which equates large-scale displacement and migration to 3,5 % of the global population, and that events occurred over the last two years; large-scale displacement and migration events occurred over the last two years; denounces political measures eroding the human rights of migrants and refugees and putting at risk their safety; points in this regard to the negative tendency towards the harassment and the criminalisation of the work of those who stand in defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

PE658.904v01-00 96/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Or. fr

Amendment 179 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants 13. Expresses concern about the and refugees around the world, number of refugees around the world; particularly displaced women, children notes that the number of international and persons with disabilities, who are migrants in 2019 is estimated to be almost among of the most vulnerable; notes that 272 million, which equates to 3.5 % of the the number of international migrants in global population; notes, however, that 2019 is estimated to be almost 272 million3 NGOs have played a major role in , which equates to 3.5 % of the global facilitating human smuggling and that population, and that large-scale private entities should not be actively displacement and migration events involved in carrying out search and occurred over the last two years; rescue missions; emphasises the need for denounces political measures eroding the safe havens in the region of the conflict, human rights of migrants and refugees as originally envisaged by the 1951 and putting at risk their safety; points in Geneva Convention; this regard to the negative tendency towards the harassment and the criminalisation of the work of those who stand in defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 180 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

AM\1215357EN.docx 97/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children, persons with with disabilities, who are among of the disabilities, and persecuted religious most vulnerable; notes that the number of minorities who are among of the most international migrants in 2019 is estimated vulnerable; notes that the number of to be almost 272 million3 , which equates international migrants in 2019 is estimated to 3.5 % of the global population, and that to be almost 272 million3 , which equates large-scale displacement and migration to 3.5 % of the global population, and that events occurred over the last two years; large-scale displacement and migration denounces political measures eroding the events occurred over the last two years; human rights of migrants and refugees and denounces political measures eroding the putting at risk their safety; points in this human rights of migrants and refugees and regard to the negative tendency towards putting at risk their safety; the harassment and the criminalisation of the work of those who stand in defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 181 Javier Zarzalejos, Francisco José Millán Mon, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Lukas Mandl, Peter van Dalen, David Lega

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children, ethnic, with disabilities, who are among of the religious and belief minorities and persons most vulnerable; notes that the number of with disabilities, who are among of the international migrants in 2019 is estimated most vulnerable; notes that the number of to be almost 272 million3 , which equates international migrants in 2019 is estimated to 3.5 % of the global population, and that to be almost 272 million3 , which equates large-scale displacement and migration to 3.5 % of the global population, and that

PE658.904v01-00 98/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN events occurred over the last two years; large-scale displacement and migration denounces political measures eroding the events occurred over the last two years; human rights of migrants and refugees and denounces political measures eroding the putting at risk their safety; points in this human rights of migrants and refugees and regard to the negative tendency towards the putting at risk their safety; points in this harassment and the criminalisation of the regard to the negative tendency towards the work of those who stand in defence of the harassment and the criminalisation of the human rights of migrants and refugees and work of those who stand in defence of the provide them with assistance; human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 182 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children, ethnic, with disabilities, who are among of the religious and belief minorities and persons most vulnerable; notes that the number of with disabilities, who are among of the international migrants in 2019 is estimated most vulnerable; notes that the number of to be almost 272 million3 , which equates international migrants in 2019 is estimated to 3.5 % of the global population, and that to be almost 272 million3 , which equates large-scale displacement and migration to 3.5 % of the global population, and that events occurred over the last two years; large-scale displacement and migration denounces political measures eroding the events occurred over the last two years; human rights of migrants and refugees and denounces political measures eroding the putting at risk their safety; points in this human rights of migrants and refugees and regard to the negative tendency towards the putting at risk their safety; points in this harassment and the criminalisation of the regard to the negative tendency towards the work of those who stand in defence of the harassment and the criminalisation of the human rights of migrants and refugees and work of those who stand in defence of the provide them with assistance; human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______

AM\1215357EN.docx 99/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN 3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 183 Bert-Jan Ruissen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children, ethnic, with disabilities, who are among of the religious and belief minorities and persons most vulnerable; notes that the number of with disabilities, who are among of the international migrants in 2019 is estimated most vulnerable; notes that the number of to be almost 272 million3 , which equates international migrants in 2019 is estimated to 3.5 % of the global population, and that to be almost 272 million3 , which equates large-scale displacement and migration to 3.5 % of the global population, and that events occurred over the last two years; large-scale displacement and migration denounces political measures eroding the events occurred over the last two years; human rights of migrants and refugees and denounces political measures eroding the putting at risk their safety; points in this human rights of migrants and refugees and regard to the negative tendency towards the putting at risk their safety; points in this harassment and the criminalisation of the regard to the negative tendency towards the work of those who stand in defence of the harassment and the criminalisation of the human rights of migrants and refugees and work of those who stand in defence of the provide them with assistance; human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 184 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

PE658.904v01-00 100/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children and persons with disabilities, who are among of the with disabilities, chronic illnesses and most vulnerable; notes that the number of diverse sexual orientation, who are among international migrants in 2019 is estimated of the most vulnerable; notes that the to be almost 272 million3 , which equates number of international migrants in 2019 is to 3.5 % of the global population, and that estimated to be almost 272 million3 , which large-scale displacement and migration equates to 3.5 % of the global population, events occurred over the last two years; and that large-scale displacement and denounces political measures eroding the migration events occurred over the last two human rights of migrants and refugees and years; denounces political measures putting at risk their safety; points in this eroding the human rights of migrants and regard to the negative tendency towards the refugees and putting at risk their safety; harassment and the criminalisation of the points in this regard to the negative work of those who stand in defence of the tendency towards the harassment and the human rights of migrants and refugees and criminalisation of the work of those who provide them with assistance; stand in defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 185 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children and persons with disabilities, who are among of the with disabilities, who are among of the most vulnerable; notes that the number of most vulnerable; notes that the number of international migrants in 2019 is estimated international migrants in 2019 is estimated

AM\1215357EN.docx 101/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN to be almost 272 million3 , which equates to be almost 272 million3 , which equates to 3.5 % of the global population, and that to 3.5 % of the global population, and that large-scale displacement and migration large-scale displacement and migration events occurred over the last two years; events occurred over the last two years; denounces political measures eroding the denounces political measures eroding the human rights of migrants and refugees and human rights of migrants and refugees and putting at risk their safety; points in this putting at risk their safety and regard to the negative tendency towards lives; strongly rejects the harassment and the harassment and the criminalisation of the criminalisation of the work of those the work of those who stand in defence of who stand in defence of the human rights the human rights of migrants and refugees of migrants and refugees and provide them and provide them with assistance; with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf).

Or. en

Amendment 186 Leopoldo López Gil

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children and persons with disabilities, who are among of the with disabilities, who are among of the most vulnerable; notes that the number of most vulnerable; notes that the number of international migrants in 2019 is estimated international migrants in 2019 is estimated to be almost 272 million3, which equates to to be almost 272 million3, which equates to 3,5 % of the global population, and that 3,5 % of the global population, regrets the large-scale displacement and migration increase in the number of asylum seekers events occurred over the last two years; in 2019 seeking international protection denounces political measures eroding the in the Member States of the EU-27 4 a, as human rights of migrants and refugees and a consequence of repressive practices and putting at risk their safety; points in this human rights abuses on the part of regard to the negative tendency towards the dictatorships which are holding political harassment and the criminalisation of the power illegally in their home countries; work of those who stand in defence of the and that large-scale displacement and human rights of migrants and refugees and migration events occurred over the last two provide them with assistance; years; denounces political measures eroding the human rights of migrants and

PE658.904v01-00 102/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN refugees and putting at risk their safety; points in this regard to the negative tendency towards the harassment and the criminalisation of the work of those who stand in defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance; ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf). 4 a Asylum statistics - Eurostat (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics- explained/index.php?title=Asylum_statisti cs)

Or. es

Amendment 187 Francisco José Millán Mon

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Deplores the plight of migrants and 13. Deplores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world, particularly refugees around the world, particularly displaced women, children and persons displaced women, children and persons with disabilities, who are among of the with disabilities, who are among of the most vulnerable; notes that the number of most vulnerable; notes that the number of international migrants in 2019 is estimated international migrants in 2019 is estimated to be almost 272 million3, which equates to to be almost 272 million3, which equates to 3,5 % of the global population, and that 3,5 % of the global population, over 20 large-scale displacement and migration million of whom were refugees 3 a and that events occurred over the last two years; large-scale displacement and migration denounces political measures eroding the events occurred over the last two years; human rights of migrants and refugees and denounces political measures eroding the putting at risk their safety; points in this human rights of migrants and refugees and regard to the negative tendency towards the putting at risk their safety; points in this harassment and the criminalisation of the regard to the negative tendency towards the work of those who stand in defence of the harassment and the criminalisation of the human rights of migrants and refugees and work of those who stand in defence of the provide them with assistance; human rights of migrants and refugees and provide them with assistance;

AM\1215357EN.docx 103/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN ______3 World Migration Report 2020 – 3 World Migration Report 2020 – International Organisation for Migration International Organisation for Migration (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd (https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pd f/wmr_2020.pdf). f/wmr_2020.pdf). 3 a According to data published by UNHCR (https://www.unhcr.org/refugee- statistics/download/?url=fd4J)

Or. es

Amendment 188 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13a. Expresses its deep concern to the increase in the number of murders of, both physical and defamatory attacks and the use of death penalty, persecution, imprisonment, harassment and intimidation against people standing up for human rights throughout the world, in particular journalists, activists, politicians, including women’s rights activists, environmental and land defenders and defenders of religious minorities, mainly in countries with high levels of corruption and a poor record of upholding the rule of law and judicial oversight;

Or. en

Amendment 189 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Maria Arena, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.904v01-00 104/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 13b. Demands justice and accountability at the highest level of decision-making for those attacks and refuse any scenario which might see impunity as solution;

Or. en

Amendment 190 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the discrimination in certain regions of the world, which often arises from cultural world; in this regard, urges those States habits or long-established discriminatory that have not yet done so to ratify the legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the Istanbul Convention; use of sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 191 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

AM\1215357EN.docx 105/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of notes however that no country in the widespread gender-specific violence and world has achieved gender equality yet; discrimination in every region of the world, condemns the ongoing backlash on which often arises from cultural habits or gender equality and women’s rights, long-established discriminatory legal including all attempts to roll back existing systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of entitlements and protections in the area of sexual violence targeting women because sexual and reproductive health and rights of their opinions, faith, philosophical (SRHR), as well as legislation, policies orientation or their activism in defence of and practices that continue to deny or human rights; condemns authoritarian restrict these rights in many countries in regimes that are opposing or fanning a the world; stresses the persistence of negative backlash against women’s widespread gender-based violence and demands for equal rights; underlines the intersecting discrimination in every region prominent role that women play through of the world, which often arises from their activism in political and social patriarchal cultural norms, societal movements and deplores the heavy toll structures and discriminatory legal they have paid by being victims of violence systems that legitimate and normalize caused by brutal repression; power relations between genders as well as structural exclusion of women; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, disability, ethnicity, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns governments and authorities worldwide, that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal hetero-patriarchal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 192 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

PE658.904v01-00 106/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or including within the European Union, long-established discriminatory legal which arises from gender inequality, systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of unequal gender norms and power sexual violence targeting women because dynamics, cultural habits or long- of their opinions, faith, philosophical established discriminatory legal systems, orientation or their activism in defence of policies and practices, but also re- human rights; condemns authoritarian emerging patriarchal and reactionary regimes that are opposing or fanning a movements; condemns the ongoing negative backlash against women’s backlash on gender equality and women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the rights, including all attempts to roll back prominent role that women play through existing entitlements and protections in their activism in political and social the area of sexual and reproductive health movements and deplores the heavy toll and rights, as well as legislation, policies they have paid by being victims of violence and practices that continue to deny or caused by brutal repression; restrict these rights in many countries in the world; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because of them being women or because of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; calls for concerted action to put an end to the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war; condemns governments that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 193 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

AM\1215357EN.docx 107/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which arises from gender inequalities, long-established discriminatory legal unequal gender norms and power systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of dynamics, cultural practices such as caste- sexual violence targeting women because based discrimination or long-established of their opinions, faith, philosophical discriminatory legal systems, policies and orientation or their activism in defence of practices; highlights, furthermore, the use human rights; condemns authoritarian of sexual violence targeting women regimes that are opposing or fanning a because of their opinions, faith, negative backlash against women’s philosophical orientation or their activism demands for equal rights; underlines the in defence of human rights; condemns prominent role that women play through authoritarian regimes that are opposing or their activism in political and social fanning a negative backlash against movements and deplores the heavy toll women’s demands for equal rights; they have paid by being victims of violence underlines the prominent role that women caused by brutal repression; play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 194 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses the persistence of widespread widespread gender-specific violence and gender-based violence and discrimination discrimination in every region of the world, in every region of the world, which often which often arises from cultural habits or arises from cultural habits or long- long-established discriminatory legal established discriminatory legal systems; systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual sexual violence targeting women because violence targeting women because of their

PE658.904v01-00 108/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN of their opinions, faith, philosophical opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or orientation or their activism in defence of their activism in defence of human rights; human rights; condemns authoritarian condemns authoritarian regimes that are regimes that are opposing or fanning a opposing or fanning a negative backlash negative backlash against women’s against women’s demands for equal rights; demands for equal rights; underlines the underlines the prominent role that women prominent role that women play through play through their activism in political and their activism in political and social social movements and deplores the heavy movements and deplores the heavy toll toll they have paid by being victims of they have paid by being victims of violence violence caused by brutal repression; caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 195 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence, discrimination in every region of the world, including femicide, and discrimination in which often arises from cultural habits or every region of the world, which often long-established discriminatory legal arises from cultural habits or long- systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of established discriminatory legal systems; sexual violence targeting women because expresses concern over the widespread of their opinions, faith, philosophical ongoing attacks on women’s sexual and orientation or their activism in defence of reproductive health and rights; highlights, human rights; condemns authoritarian furthermore, the use of sexual violence regimes that are opposing or fanning a targeting women because of their opinions, negative backlash against women’s faith, philosophical orientation or their demands for equal rights; underlines the activism in defence of human rights; prominent role that women play through condemns authoritarian regimes that are their activism in political and social opposing or fanning a negative backlash movements and deplores the heavy toll against women’s demands for equal rights; they have paid by being victims of violence underlines the prominent role that women caused by brutal repression; play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression and

AM\1215357EN.docx 109/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN war;

Or. en

Amendment 196 , Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of recalls that the Istanbul Convention, as widespread gender-specific violence and the first universally binding treaty discrimination in every region of the world, combating violence against women and which often arises from cultural habits or girls and domestic violence, sets the long-established discriminatory legal benchmark for international standards systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of that need to be further ratified and sexual violence targeting women because implemented; reiterates that EU’s of their opinions, faith, philosophical accession to the Istanbul Convention has orientation or their activism in defence of been recognised as a key priority of the human rights; condemns authoritarian EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025; regimes that are opposing or fanning a stresses, however, the persistence of negative backlash against women’s widespread gender-specific violence and demands for equal rights; underlines the discrimination in every region of the world, prominent role that women play through which often arises from cultural habits or their activism in political and social long-established discriminatory legal movements and deplores the heavy toll systems, as well as from propaganda and they have paid by being victims of violence disinformation actions that undermine caused by brutal repression; women’s rights; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 110/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 197 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of condemns the ongoing backlash on widespread gender-specific violence and gender equality and women’s rights, discrimination in every region of the world, including all attempts to roll back existing which often arises from cultural habits or entitlements and protections in the area of long-established discriminatory legal sexual and reproductive health and rights systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of (SRHR), as well as legislation, policies sexual violence targeting women because and practices that continue to deny or of their opinions, faith, philosophical restrict these rights in many countries in orientation or their activism in defence of the world; stresses, however, the human rights; condemns authoritarian persistence of widespread gender-specific regimes that are opposing or fanning a violence and discrimination in every region negative backlash against women’s of the world, which often arises from demands for equal rights; underlines the cultural habits or long-established prominent role that women play through discriminatory legal systems; highlights, their activism in political and social furthermore, the use of sexual violence movements and deplores the heavy toll targeting women because of their opinions, they have paid by being victims of violence faith, philosophical orientation or their caused by brutal repression; activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 198 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

AM\1215357EN.docx 111/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of notes however that no country in the widespread gender-specific violence and world has achieved gender equality yet; discrimination in every region of the world, stresses, however, the persistence of which often arises from cultural habits or widespread gender-specific violence and long-established discriminatory legal discrimination in every region of the world, systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of which often arises from cultural habits or sexual violence targeting women because long-established discriminatory legal of their opinions, faith, philosophical systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of orientation or their activism in defence of sexual violence targeting women because human rights; condemns authoritarian of their opinions, faith, philosophical regimes that are opposing or fanning a orientation or their activism in defence of negative backlash against women’s human rights; condemns authoritarian demands for equal rights; underlines the regimes that are opposing or fanning a prominent role that women play through negative backlash against women’s their activism in political and social demands for equal rights; underlines the movements and deplores the heavy toll prominent role that women play through they have paid by being victims of violence their activism in political and social caused by brutal repression; movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 199 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical of their opinions, religion, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of orientation or their activism in defence of

PE658.904v01-00 112/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN human rights; condemns authoritarian human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression; caused by brutal repression; highlights the need to protect mothers in vulnerable situation, in particular single mothers and those who have a large family, to avoid poverty and social exclusion; points out the need to create a social and economic environment and conditions that allows mothers to continue their professional development;

Or. en

Amendment 200 Terry Reintke, Maria Walsh, Marc Angel, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Dietmar Köster, Sophia in 't Veld, Petras Auštrevičius, Isabel Santos, Andreas Schieder, Marisa Matias, Robert Biedroń, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Hannah Neumann, Ernest Urtasun

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of orientation, sexual orientation or their human rights; condemns authoritarian activism in defence of human rights; regimes that are opposing or fanning a recalls that violence against lesbian and negative backlash against women’s bisexual women in the form of “corrective demands for equal rights; underlines the rape” remains a systemic problem in some prominent role that women play through countries owing to social stigma and their activism in political and social discriminatory legal systems; condemns

AM\1215357EN.docx 113/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN movements and deplores the heavy toll authoritarian regimes that are opposing or they have paid by being victims of violence fanning a negative backlash against caused by brutal repression; women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 201 Fabio Massimo Castaldo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; points out, inter alia, female sexual violence targeting women because genital mutilations and child marriage of their opinions, faith, philosophical among the most widespread and orientation or their activism in defence of systematic violations of human rights; human rights; condemns authoritarian highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual regimes that are opposing or fanning a violence targeting women because of their negative backlash against women’s opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or demands for equal rights; underlines the their activism in defence of human rights; prominent role that women play through condemns authoritarian regimes that are their activism in political and social opposing or fanning a negative backlash movements and deplores the heavy toll against women’s demands for equal rights; they have paid by being victims of violence underlines the prominent role that women caused by brutal repression; play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 114/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 202 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use systems; denounces the exploitation of of sexual violence targeting women women through the practice of surrogacy, because of their opinions, faith, human trafficking and the use of sexual philosophical orientation or their activism violence targeting women because of their in defence of human rights; condemns opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or authoritarian regimes that are opposing or their activism in defence of human rights; fanning a negative backlash against condemns authoritarian regimes that are women’s demands for equal rights; opposing or fanning a negative backlash underlines the prominent role that women against women’s demands for equal rights; play through their activism in political and underlines the prominent role that women social movements and deplores the heavy play through their activism in political and toll they have paid by being victims of social movements and deplores the heavy violence caused by brutal repression; toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 203 Javier Zarzalejos, Francisco José Millán Mon, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Lukas Mandl, Peter van Dalen, David Lega

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world,

AM\1215357EN.docx 115/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; underlines that women and girls sexual violence targeting women because from ethnic, religious and belief of their opinions, faith, philosophical minorities are doubly vulnerable to orientation or their activism in defence of gender-specific violence and human rights; condemns authoritarian discrimination; highlights, furthermore, regimes that are opposing or fanning a the use of sexual violence targeting women negative backlash against women’s because of their opinions, faith, demands for equal rights; underlines the philosophical orientation or their activism prominent role that women play through in defence of human rights; condemns their activism in political and social authoritarian regimes that are opposing or movements and deplores the heavy toll fanning a negative backlash against they have paid by being victims of violence women’s demands for equal rights; caused by brutal repression; underlines the prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 204 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; underlines that females from sexual violence targeting women because ethnic, religious and belief minorities are of their opinions, faith, philosophical doubly vulnerable to gender-specific orientation or their activism in defence of violence and discrimination; highlights, human rights; condemns authoritarian furthermore, the use of sexual violence regimes that are opposing or fanning a targeting women because of their opinions, negative backlash against women’s faith, philosophical orientation or their demands for equal rights; underlines the activism in defence of human rights; prominent role that women play through condemns authoritarian regimes that are their activism in political and social opposing or fanning a negative backlash

PE658.904v01-00 116/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN movements and deplores the heavy toll against women’s demands for equal rights; they have paid by being victims of violence underlines the prominent role that women caused by brutal repression; play through their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression;

Or. en

Amendment 205 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression; caused by brutal repression; underlines that females from ethnic, religious and belief minorities are doubly vulnerable to gender-specific violence and discrimination;

Or. en

Amendment 206

AM\1215357EN.docx 117/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression; caused by brutal repression as well as sexual exploitation during armed conflicts;

Or. pl

Amendment 207 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or

PE658.904v01-00 118/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll movements and deplores the heavy toll they have paid by being victims of violence they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression; caused by brutal repression; encourages to go beyond just tackling the root causes of structural gender inequalities by guaranteeing equal opportunities and strengthening women’s participation;

Or. en

Amendment 208 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to 14. Welcomes the fact that efforts to advance the rights of women and girls have advance the rights of women and girls have gained further prominence worldwide; gained further prominence worldwide; stresses, however, the persistence of stresses, however, the persistence of widespread gender-specific violence and widespread gender-specific violence and discrimination in every region of the world, discrimination in every region of the world, which often arises from cultural habits or which often arises from cultural habits or long-established discriminatory legal long-established discriminatory legal systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of systems; highlights, furthermore, the use of sexual violence targeting women because sexual violence targeting women because of their opinions, faith, philosophical of their opinions, faith, philosophical orientation or their activism in defence of orientation or their activism in defence of human rights; condemns authoritarian human rights; condemns authoritarian regimes that are opposing or fanning a regimes that are opposing or fanning a negative backlash against women’s negative backlash against women’s demands for equal rights; underlines the demands for equal rights; underlines the prominent role that women play through prominent role that women play through their activism in political and social their activism in political and social movements and deplores the heavy toll movements and deplores the heavy toll

AM\1215357EN.docx 119/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN they have paid by being victims of violence they have paid by being victims of violence caused by brutal repression; caused by brutal repression; condemns in these matters the human trafficking to oppress women and young girls;

Or. en

Amendment 209 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely trafficking and exploitation of children, use of child soldiers in armed children, use of child soldiers in armed conflicts and family separation and conflicts and family separation and detention of children for immigration- detention of children for displacement- related reasons; related reasons, child pornography and paedophilia;

Or. en

Amendment 210 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely child labour, early and forced children, use of child soldiers in armed marriages, trafficking and exploitation of conflicts and family separation and children, use of child soldiers in armed

PE658.904v01-00 120/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN detention of children for immigration- conflicts and family separation and related reasons; detention of children for immigration- related reasons;

Or. en

Amendment 211 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely child labour, trafficking and children, use of child soldiers in armed exploitation of children, use of child conflicts and family separation and soldiers in armed conflicts and family detention of children for immigration- separation and detention of children for related reasons; immigration-related reasons;

Or. en

Amendment 212 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely trafficking and exploitation of children, use of child soldiers in armed children through child prostitution, child conflicts and family separation and pornography and the practice of detention of children for immigration- surrogacy, use of child soldiers in armed related reasons; conflicts and family separation and

AM\1215357EN.docx 121/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN detention of children for immigration- related reasons;

Or. en

Amendment 213 Bert-Jan Ruissen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely trafficking and exploitation of children, use of child soldiers in armed children in child prostitution, child conflicts and family separation and pornography and the practice of detention of children for immigration- surrogacy, use of child soldiers in armed related reasons; conflicts and family separation and detention of children for immigration- related reasons;

Or. en

Amendment 214 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children, around the world 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely trafficking and exploitation of children, use of child soldiers in armed children, conscription or enlistment of conflicts and family separation and children into armed forces and groups, detention of children for immigration- use of child soldiers in armed conflicts and related reasons; family separation and detention of children

PE658.904v01-00 122/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN for immigration-related reasons;

Or. en

Amendment 215 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely trafficking and exploitation of children, use of child soldiers in armed children, forced child labour, use of child conflicts and family separation and soldiers in armed conflicts and family detention of children for immigration- separation and detention of children for related reasons; immigration-related reasons;

Or. pl

Amendment 216 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Expresses deep concern at the 15. Expresses deep concern at the continuation of serious human rights continuation of serious human rights abuses against children around the world in abuses against children around the world in 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of 2019, the year of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, namely trafficking and exploitation of namely trafficking and exploitation of children, use of child soldiers in armed children, use of child soldiers in armed conflicts and family separation and conflicts and family separation and detention of children for immigration- detention of children for immigration- related reasons; related reasons as well as the challenges faced by the girls in terms of sexual and gender based violence, untimely pregnancy, HIV infection, school drop-

AM\1215357EN.docx 123/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN out and child marriage;

Or. en

Amendment 217 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Condemns in the strongest terms condemnation of the terrorist attacks and the terrorist attacks and bombings that bombings perpetrated in the first half of targeted Christian communities, in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in particular in West-Africa, perpetrated by places of worship; is alarmed that these Islamic fundamentalists; recognises that horrific acts coincided with hate expressions of sorrow are inadequate in campaigns ramped up by some political protecting these vulnerable communities leaders and terror groups that aim to deny from further violence; emphasises the role the right to freedom of thought, EU Member States have to play in conscience, religion or belief; condemning and confronting these attacks against communities that share their Christian heritage;

Or. en

Amendment 218 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Express its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular 2019 that targeted believers and their in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship; is alarmed that these horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns ramped up by some political leaders and ramped up by some political leaders and terror groups that aim to deny the right to terror groups that aim to deny and limit the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or right to freedom of thought, conscience, belief; religion or belief;

PE658.904v01-00 124/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 219 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Express its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship; is alarmed that these horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns ramped up by some political leaders and ramped up by some political leaders and terror groups that aim to deny the right to terror groups that aim to deny and limit the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or right to freedom of thought, conscience, belief; religion or belief; urges states to promote the freedom to religion or belief and protect vulnerable religion and belief minorities, taking swift action against perpetrators of violence or incitement to hatred;

Or. en

Amendment 220 Michal Šimečka

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Expresses its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship; is alarmed that these horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns ramped up by some political leaders and ramped up by certain political leaders and terror groups that aim to deny the right to terror groups that aim to deny the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief; belief;

AM\1215357EN.docx 125/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 221 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Express its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship, that especially affected horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns the Christian communities; is alarmed that ramped up by some political leaders and these horrific acts coincided with hate terror groups that aim to deny the right to campaigns ramped up by some political freedom of thought, conscience, religion or leaders and terror groups that aim to deny belief; the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief;

Or. en

Amendment 222 Peter van Dalen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Express its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship; is alarmed that these horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns ramped up by some political leaders and ramped up by some political leaders and terror groups that aim to deny the right to terror groups that aim to deny the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief; belief; urges states to promote the freedom to religion or belief and protect vulnerable religion and belief minorities, taking swift action against perpetrators of violence or incitement to hatred;

PE658.904v01-00 126/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 223 Željana Zovko

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Express its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship; is alarmed that these horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns ramped up by some political leaders and ramped up by some political leaders and terror groups that aim to deny the right to terror groups that aim to deny the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief; belief; urges states to promote the freedom to religion and belief and protect vulnerable religion and belief minorities, taking action against perpetrators of violence or incitement to hatred;

Or. en

Amendment 224 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16. Express its deep sorrow at and 16. Express its deep sorrow at and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and condemnation of the terrorist attacks and bombings perpetrated in the first half of bombings perpetrated in the first half of 2019 that targeted believers in particular in 2019 that targeted believers in particular in places of worship; is alarmed that these places of worship; is alarmed that these horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns horrific acts coincided with hate campaigns ramped up by some political leaders and ramped up by some political leaders and terror groups that aim to deny the right to terror groups that aim to deny the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief; belief; highlights the need to preserve and protect religious and cultural sites and in

AM\1215357EN.docx 127/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN case of destruction, the importance of support to rebuild them for the well-being of the community attacked;

Or. en

Amendment 225 Andrea Cozzolino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16a. Expresses its concern that extrajudicial killings, torture and other human rights violations occur in the name of the so-called "war on drugs”; reiterates that the fight against crime does not justify any violations of human rights and calls for the collection of best practices towards a harm minimisation approach based on the rule of law;

Or. en

Amendment 226 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16b. Supports the reforms of the judiciary to ensure the impartiality and independence of the judiciary, including the handling of issues associated with the recruitment and appointment of judges, corruption and gender bias within the judiciary;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 128/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 227 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Recalls that the Union is founded 17. Recalls that the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, as set out law and respect for human rights, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that in Article 2 of the TEU; promoting these values externally, advancing democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights is at the core of the EU’s common foreign and security policy, in accordance with the Article 21 of the TEU and the Union’s strategic interest, and should be reflected, in an effective and coherent way, in all areas of the Union’s relations with non-EU countries;

Or. en

Amendment 228 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Recalls that the Union is founded 17. Recalls that the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of freedom, democracy, equality, solidarity, law and respect for human rights, as set out the rule of law and respect for human in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that rights, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; promoting these values externally, stresses that promoting these values advancing democracy, the rule of law, the externally, advancing democracy, the rule universality and indivisibility of human of law, the universality and indivisibility of rights is at the core of the EU’s common human rights is at the core of the EU’s foreign and security policy, in accordance common foreign and security policy, in with the Article 21 of the TEU and the accordance with the Article 21 of the TEU Union’s strategic interest, and should be and the Union’s strategic interest, and reflected, in an effective and coherent way, should be reflected, in an effective and

AM\1215357EN.docx 129/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN in all areas of the Union’s relations with coherent way, in all areas of the Union’s non-EU countries; relations with non-EU countries;

Or. en

Amendment 229 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Recalls that the Union is founded 17. Recalls that the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of freedom, democracy, equality, solidarity, law and respect for human rights, as set out the rule of law and respect for human in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that rights, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; promoting these values externally, stresses that promoting these values advancing democracy, the rule of law, the externally, advancing democracy, the rule universality and indivisibility of human of law, the universality and indivisibility of rights is at the core of the EU’s common human rights is at the core of the EU’s foreign and security policy, in accordance common foreign and security policy, in with the Article 21 of the TEU and the accordance with the Article 21 of the TEU Union’s strategic interest, and should be and the Union’s strategic interest, and reflected, in an effective and coherent way, should be reflected, in an effective and in all areas of the Union’s relations with coherent way, in all areas of the Union’s non-EU countries; relations with non-EU countries;

Or. en

Amendment 230 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Recalls that the Union is founded 17. Recalls that the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, as set out law and respect for human rights, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that promoting these values externally, promoting these values externally, advancing democracy, the rule of law, the advancing democracy, the rule of law, the

PE658.904v01-00 130/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN universality and indivisibility of human universality and indivisibility of human rights is at the core of the EU’s common rights and respect for the principles of the foreign and security policy, in accordance United Nations Charter and international with the Article 21 of the TEU and the law, is at the core of the EU’s common Union’s strategic interest, and should be foreign and security policy, in accordance reflected, in an effective and coherent way, with the Article 21 of the TEU and the in all areas of the Union’s relations with Union’s strategic interest, and should be non-EU countries; reflected, in an effective and coherent way, in all areas of the Union’s relations with non-EU countries;

Or. en

Amendment 231 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Recalls that the Union is founded 17. Recalls that the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, as set out law and respect for human rights, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that in Article 2 of the TEU; stresses that promoting these values externally, promoting these values externally, advancing democracy, the rule of law, the advancing democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human universality and indivisibility of human rights is at the core of the EU’s common rights is at the core of the EU’s common foreign and security policy, in accordance foreign and security policy, in accordance with the Article 21 of the TEU and the with the Article 21 of the TEU and the Union’s strategic interest, and should be Union’s strategic interest, and should be reflected, in an effective and coherent way, reflected, in an effective and coherent way, in all areas of the Union’s relations with in all areas of the Union’s relations with non-EU countries; non-EU countries; underlines however that the EU should only promote these values which lie within its competences in line with the Lisbon Treaty and avoid being vocal on subjects which remain within the sole remit of the Member States, including the matters of conscience;

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 131/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 232 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17a. Calls on the EU to support partner countries in realizing everyone’s right to health, as a foundation of the COVID-19 response;

Or. en

Amendment 233 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the deleted efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and their respective focal points on human rights to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. en

Amendment 234 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

PE658.904v01-00 132/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance for the efforts of the European External Action European External Action Service (EEAS) Service (EEAS) and the Commission to and the Commission to respond in a robust continuously strengthen the awareness and and vocal manner to human rights knowledge of officials of the EU and its violations wherever they occur, including Member States with regard to human in close partner countries, and to rights; calls on all EU delegations and their continuously strengthen the awareness and respective focal points on human rights to knowledge of officials of the EU and its consistently abide by their obligation to Member States with regard to human meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, rights; calls on all EU delegations and their monitor their trials and advocate for their respective focal points on human rights to protection on the ground; consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground; stresses the importance of addressing not only the consequences but also the root causes of violations;

Or. en

Amendment 235 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and rights; their respective focal points on human rights to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. sk

AM\1215357EN.docx 133/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 236 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously stand against human rights knowledge of officials of the EU and its abuses and strengthen the awareness and Member States with regard to human knowledge of officials of the EU and its rights; calls on all EU delegations and their Member States with regard to human respective focal points on human rights to rights; calls on all EU delegations and their consistently abide by their obligation to respective focal points on human rights to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, consistently abide by their obligation to monitor their trials and advocate for their meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, protection on the ground; monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. en

Amendment 237 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights rights; calls on all EU delegations and their and gender equality; calls on all EU respective focal points on human rights to delegations and their respective focal consistently abide by their obligation to points on human rights to consistently meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, abide by their obligation to meet with monitor their trials and advocate for their HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor protection on the ground; their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 134/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 238 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and their rights; recalls that effective engagement respective focal points on human rights to and meaningful dialogue with civil society consistently abide by their obligation to is a cornerstone of a successful human meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, rights policy; calls on all EU delegations monitor their trials and advocate for their and their respective focal points on human protection on the ground; rights to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. en

Amendment 239 Leopoldo López Gil

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and their rights; calls on all EU delegations and their respective focal points on human rights to respective focal points on human rights to consistently abide by their obligation to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, meet with HRDs and members of civil monitor their trials and advocate for their society, visit detained activists, pro- protection on the ground; democracy dissidents and HRDs, monitor

AM\1215357EN.docx 135/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. es

Amendment 240 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and their rights; calls on all EU delegations and their respective focal points on human rights to respective focal points on human rights to consistently abide by their obligation to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, meet with HRDs, including WHRDs and monitor their trials and advocate for their those subject to human rights violations, protection on the ground; including stigma and discrimination, such as LGBTI people, people living with HIV and others, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground;

Or. en

Amendment 241 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its

PE658.904v01-00 136/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and their rights; calls on all EU delegations and their respective focal points on human rights to respective focal points on human rights to consistently abide by their obligation to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground; protection on the ground and to facilitate such actions when attempted by MEPs visiting in the framework of the official European Parliament missions;

Or. en

Amendment 242 Bernard Guetta

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Stresses the importance of the 18. Stresses the importance of the efforts of the European External Action efforts of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Commission to Service (EEAS) and the Commission to continuously strengthen the awareness and continuously strengthen the awareness and knowledge of officials of the EU and its knowledge of officials of the EU and its Member States with regard to human Member States with regard to human rights; calls on all EU delegations and their rights; calls on all EU delegations and their respective focal points on human rights to respective focal points on human rights to consistently abide by their obligation to consistently abide by their obligation to meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, meet with HRDs, visit detained activists, monitor their trials and advocate for their monitor their trials and advocate for their protection on the ground; protection on the ground; asks for the creation of an urgency contact point where HRDs can notify the European institutions when violations of basic rights take place;

Or. en

Amendment 243 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 a (new)

AM\1215357EN.docx 137/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

18a. Is worried at the difficulties for international observers to access certain parts of the world to assess the human rights situation there; calls on every government to grant unfettered access to all their territories for international observers, including the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN Special Procedures;

Or. en

Amendment 244 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Welcomes the commitment by the deleted Council to promote responses to the effects of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing a global system of cooperation and dialogue and advancing rules- and rights-based multilateralism; stresses its view that international human rights law and the promise of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 should remain the cornerstones of all responses to the pandemic; recommends that the EU continue its efforts by engaging with countries and stakeholders which may or may not share the same values as the EU, in order to preserve or develop international standards in the field of human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 245 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

PE658.904v01-00 138/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Welcomes the commitment by the 19. Welcomes the global response to Council to promote responses to the the COVID-19 pandemic of the European effects of the COIVD-19 pandemic by Union based on the Team Europe developing a global system of cooperation approach, which focuses on expressing and dialogue and advancing rules- and solidarity and offering tangible assistance rights-based multilateralism; stresses its to partners, in particular the most view that international human rights law vulnerable and affected countries; urges and the promise of achieving the the EU and Member States to develop an Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 explicit strategy to counter increasing should remain the cornerstones of all state withdrawal and pushback against responses to the pandemic; recommends the international human rights that the EU continue its efforts by engaging framework, in line with stated with countries and stakeholders which may commitments to multilateralism in the or may not share the same values as the Action Plan on Human Rights and EU, in order to preserve or develop Democracy, as well as attempts on the international standards in the field of international level to undermine the human rights; concept of human rights as established in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; stresses its view that international human rights law and the promise of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 should remain the cornerstones of all responses to the pandemic; recommends that the EU continue its efforts by engaging with countries and stakeholders which may or may not share the same values as the EU, in order to preserve or develop international standards in the field of human rights; welcomes the statement of the Commission that the vaccine - against COVID-19 - should be made globally available and that the EU will make every effort to this end;

Or. en

Amendment 246 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Raphaël Glucksmann, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution

AM\1215357EN.docx 139/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Welcomes the commitment by the 19. Welcomes the commitment by the Council to promote responses to the effects Council to promote responses to the effects of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing a global system of cooperation and a global system of cooperation and dialogue and advancing rules- and rights- dialogue and advancing rules- and rights- based multilateralism; stresses its view that based multilateralism; urges the EU and international human rights law and the Member States to develop an explicit promise of achieving the Sustainable strategy to counter increasing state Development Goals by 2030 should remain withdrawal and pushback against the the cornerstones of all responses to the international human rights framework, in pandemic; recommends that the EU line with stated commitments to continue its efforts by engaging with multilateralism in the Action Plan on countries and stakeholders which may or Human Rights and Democracy; stresses may not share the same values as the EU, its view that international human rights law in order to preserve or develop and the promise of achieving the international standards in the field of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 human rights; should remain the cornerstones of all responses to the pandemic; recommends that the EU continue its efforts by engaging with countries and stakeholders which may or may not share the same values as the EU, in order to preserve or develop international standards in the field of human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 247 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Welcomes the commitment by the 19. Welcomes the commitment by the Council to promote responses to the effects Council to promote responses to the effects of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing a global system of cooperation and a global system of cooperation and dialogue and advancing rules- and rights- dialogue and advancing rules- and rights- based multilateralism; stresses its view that based multilateralism; urges the EU and international human rights law and the Member States to develop an explicit promise of achieving the Sustainable strategy to counter increasing state

PE658.904v01-00 140/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Development Goals by 2030 should remain withdrawal and pushback against the the cornerstones of all responses to the international human rights framework, in pandemic; recommends that the EU line with stated commitments to continue its efforts by engaging with multilateralism in the Action Plan on countries and stakeholders which may or Human Rights and Democracy; stresses may not share the same values as the EU, its view that international human rights law in order to preserve or develop and the promise of achieving the international standards in the field of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 human rights; should remain the cornerstones of all responses to the pandemic; recommends that the EU continue its efforts by engaging with countries and stakeholders which may or may not share the same values as the EU, in order to preserve or develop international standards in the field of human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 248 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Welcomes the commitment by the 19. Welcomes the commitment by the Council to promote responses to the effects Council to promote responses to the effects of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing of the COIVD-19 pandemic by developing a global system of cooperation and a global system of cooperation and dialogue and advancing rules- and rights- dialogue and advancing rules- and rights- based multilateralism; stresses its view that based multilateralism; stresses its view that international human rights law and the international human rights law and the promise of achieving the Sustainable promise of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 should remain Development Goals by 2030 should remain the cornerstones of all responses to the the cornerstones of all responses to the pandemic; recommends that the EU pandemic; recommends that the EU continue its efforts by engaging with continue its efforts by engaging with countries and stakeholders which may or countries and stakeholders which may or may not share the same values as the EU, may not share the same values as the EU, in order to preserve or develop in order to preserve or develop international standards in the field of international standards in the field of human rights; human rights, but in line with the Union's values as defined in Article 21 of the Treaties (TEU);

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 141/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 249 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19a. Condemns the fact that seats on the UNHRC are often occupied by countries with proven track records of grave human rights violations, and calls on the EU Member States to be extremely cautious on their voting patterns and to avoid supporting countries that clearly violate human rights;

Or. en

Amendment 250 Emmanuel Maurel

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make deleted the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified majority voting in the Council; calls on the Member States to speak with a single, strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as this is the only way that the Union can play a leading role on the international scene and use its influence to bring about positive changes and better responses to global challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. fr

PE658.904v01-00 142/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 251 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make deleted the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified majority voting in the Council; calls on the Member States to speak with a single, strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as this is the only way that the Union can play a leading role on the international scene and use its influence to bring about positive changes and better responses to global challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. sk

Amendment 252 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to remain the EU’s foreign and security policy more fully committed to the unanimity rule in effective by using the rule of qualified the Council; majority voting in the Council; calls on the Member States to speak with a single, strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as this is the only way that the Union can play a leading role on the international scene and use its influence to bring about positive changes and better responses to global challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

AM\1215357EN.docx 143/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Or. fr

Amendment 253 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Believes that the end of the the EU’s foreign and security policy more unanimity rule on foreign and security effective by using the rule of qualified policy issues would irreparably weaken majority voting in the Council; calls on the sovereignty of Member States; the Member States to speak with a single, strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as this is the only way that the Union can play a leading role on the international scene and use its influence to bring about positive changes and better responses to global challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 254 Miriam Lexmann

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Calls on the Member States to the EU’s foreign and security policy more speak with a single, strong EU voice in effective by using the rule of qualified multilateral forums, as this is the only way majority voting in the Council; calls on that the Union can play a leading role on the Member States to speak with a single, the international scene and use its influence strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as to bring about positive changes and better this is the only way that the Union can play responses to global challenges, primarily, a leading role on the international scene the promotion and protection of democracy and use its influence to bring about positive and human rights, as well as changes and better responses to global environmental and climate related

PE658.904v01-00 144/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN challenges including the promotion and challenges; protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 255 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Calls on the Member States to the EU’s foreign and security policy more speak with a single, strong EU voice in effective by using the rule of qualified multilateral forums, as this is the only way majority voting in the Council; calls on that the Union can play a leading role on the Member States to speak with a single, the international scene and use its influence strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as to bring about positive changes and better this is the only way that the Union can play responses to global challenges including a leading role on the international scene the promotion and protection of human and use its influence to bring about positive rights and environment and climate related changes and better responses to global challenges; challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 256 Bert-Jan Ruissen, Charlie Weimers

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Calls on the Member States to the EU’s foreign and security policy more speak with a single, strong EU voice in effective by using the rule of qualified multilateral forums, as this is the only way majority voting in the Council; calls on that the Union can play a leading role on the Member States to speak with a single, the international scene and use its influence strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as to bring about positive changes and better

AM\1215357EN.docx 145/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN this is the only way that the Union can play responses to global challenges including a leading role on the international scene the promotion and protection of human and use its influence to bring about positive rights and environment and climate related changes and better responses to global challenges; challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 257 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified effective; calls on the Member States to majority voting in the Council; calls on the speak with a strong EU voice in Member States to speak with a single, multilateral forums, as this is the only way strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as that the Union can play a leading role on this is the only way that the Union can play the international scene and use its influence a leading role on the international scene to bring about positive changes and better and use its influence to bring about positive responses to global challenges including changes and better responses to global the promotion and protection of human challenges including the promotion and rights and environment and climate related protection of human rights and challenges; environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 258 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy more

PE658.904v01-00 146/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN effective by using the rule of qualified effective by coordinating closely positions majority voting in the Council; calls on of the Member States and calls on them to the Member States to speak with a single, speak with a single, strong EU voice in strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as multilateral forums, as this is the only way this is the only way that the Union can play that the Union can play more prominent a leading role on the international scene role on the international scene and use its and use its influence to bring about positive influence to bring about positive changes changes and better responses to global and better responses to global challenges challenges including the promotion and including the promotion and protection of protection of human rights and human rights; environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 259 Fabio Massimo Castaldo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified effective by using the rule of qualified majority voting in the Council; calls on the majority voting in the Council for certain Member States to speak with a single, procedures, and in particular on issues strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as falling under the EU Action Plan on this is the only way that the Union can play Human Rights and Democracy; calls on a leading role on the international scene the Member States to speak with a single, and use its influence to bring about positive strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as changes and better responses to global this is the only way that the Union can play challenges including the promotion and a leading role on the international scene protection of human rights and and use its influence to bring about positive environment and climate related changes and better responses to global challenges; challenges including the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 260 David Lega

AM\1215357EN.docx 147/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to render the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign policy pertaining to effective by using the rule of qualified human rights issues more effective by majority voting in the Council; calls on the using the rule of qualified majority voting Member States to speak with a single, in this field in the Council; calls on the strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as Member States to speak with a single, this is the only way that the Union can play strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as a leading role on the international scene this is the only way that the Union can play and use its influence to bring about positive a leading role on the international scene changes and better responses to global and use its influence to bring about positive challenges including the promotion and changes and better responses to global protection of human rights and challenges including the promotion and environment and climate related protection of human rights and challenges; environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 261 Urmas Paet

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified effective by using the rule of qualified majority voting in the Council; calls on the majority voting in human rights issues in Member States to speak with a single, the Council; calls on the Member States to strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as speak with a single, strong EU voice in this is the only way that the Union can play multilateral forums, as this is the only way a leading role on the international scene that the Union can play a leading role on and use its influence to bring about positive the international scene and use its influence changes and better responses to global to bring about positive changes and better challenges including the promotion and responses to global challenges including protection of human rights and the promotion and protection of human environment and climate related rights and environment and climate related challenges; challenges;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 148/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 262 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Calls on the Member States to the EU’s foreign and security policy more make the EU’s foreign and security policy effective by using the rule of qualified more effective by utilising the principle of majority voting in the Council; calls on the qualified majority voting in the Council in Member States to speak with a single, selected areas of CFSP; calls on the strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as Member States to speak with a single voice this is the only way that the Union can play in multilateral forums, as this is the only a leading role on the international scene way that the Union can play a leading role and use its influence to bring about positive on the international scene and use its changes and better responses to global influence to bring about positive changes challenges including the promotion and and more coordinated responses to global protection of human rights and challenges, such as promotion and environment and climate related protection of human rights, environment challenges; and climate change;

Or. en

Amendment 263 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified effective by using the rule of qualified majority voting in the Council; calls on the majority voting in the Council, notably in Member States to speak with a single, relation to human rights-related matters strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as and to the adoption of sanctions; calls on this is the only way that the Union can play the Member States to speak with a single, a leading role on the international scene strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as and use its influence to bring about positive this is the only way that the Union can play changes and better responses to global a leading role on the international scene challenges including the promotion and and use its influence to bring about positive protection of human rights and changes and better responses to global

AM\1215357EN.docx 149/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN environment and climate related challenges including the promotion and challenges; protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 264 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy and in effective by using the rule of qualified regard to human rights sanctions more majority voting in the Council; calls on the effective by using the rule of qualified Member States to speak with a single, majority voting in the Council; calls on the strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as Member States to speak with a single, this is the only way that the Union can play strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as a leading role on the international scene this is the only way that the Union can play and use its influence to bring about positive a leading role on the international scene changes and better responses to global and use its influence to bring about positive challenges including the promotion and changes and better responses to global protection of human rights and challenges including the promotion and environment and climate related protection of human rights and challenges; environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 265 Bernard Guetta

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Asks the Member States to make 20. Asks the Member States to make the EU’s foreign and security policy more the EU’s foreign and security policy more effective by using the rule of qualified effective by using the rule of qualified majority voting in the Council; calls on the majority voting in the Council; calls on the Member States to speak with a single, Member States to speak with a single,

PE658.904v01-00 150/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN strong EU voice in multilateral forums, as strong EU voice in multilateral forums, this is the only way that the Union can play and act in unison when faced with crises a leading role on the international scene that challenge the European Union’s core and use its influence to bring about positive values and interests, as this is the only way changes and better responses to global that the Union can play a leading role on challenges including the promotion and the international scene and use its influence protection of human rights and to bring about positive changes and better environment and climate related responses to global challenges including challenges; the promotion and protection of human rights and environment and climate related challenges;

Or. en

Amendment 266 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be deleted recognised on the global scene if its core values, in particular those of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law are credible externally, and this will only be possible if the EU ensures the internal and external coherence of its policies on these matters;

Or. en

Amendment 267 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be 21. Reiterates that the EU will only be recognised on the global scene if its core credible and effective on the global scene values, in particular those of respect for if it stays true to its core values, that democracy, human rights and the rule of of freedom, democracy, human rights and law are credible externally, and this will the rule of law;

AM\1215357EN.docx 151/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN only be possible if the EU ensures the internal and external coherence of its policies on these matters;

Or. en

Amendment 268 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be 21. Reiterates that the EU will only be recognised on the global scene if its core recognised on the global scene if its core values, in particular those of respect for values, in particular those of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of democracy, human rights, the rule of law law are credible externally, and this will and gender equality are credible only be possible if the EU ensures the externally, and this will only be possible if internal and external coherence of its the EU ensures the internal and external policies on these matters; coherence of its policies on these matters;

Or. en

Amendment 269 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be 21. Reiterates that the EU will only be recognised on the global scene if its core recognised on the global scene if its core values, in particular those of respect for values, in particular those of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of democracy, human rights and the rule of law are credible externally, and this will law are credible externally, and this will only be possible if the EU ensures the only be possible if the EU ensures the internal and external coherence of its internal and external coherence of its policies on these matters; policies, and consistency in adhering to its values, on these matters;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 152/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 270 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be 21. Reiterates that the EU will only be recognised on the global scene if its core recognised on the global scene if its core values, in particular those of respect for values, in particular those of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of democracy, human rights and the rule of law are credible externally, and this will law are credible externally, and this will only be possible if the EU ensures the only be possible if the EU ensures the internal and external coherence of its internal and external coherence of its policies on these matters; policies on these matters, including by refraining from externally promoting issues that lie outside of the EU competences, including matters of conscience;

Or. en

Amendment 271 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be 21. Reiterates that the EU will only be recognised on the global scene if its core recognised on the global scene if its core values, in particular those of respect for values, in particular those of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of democracy, human rights and the rule of law are credible externally, and this will law are credible externally, and this will only be possible if the EU ensures the only be possible if the EU ensures the internal and external coherence of its internal and external coherence of its policies on these matters; policies on these matters and if the Member States start to be guided by the common good, particularly when it comes to defending the rights and values that underpin the EU;

Or. pl

AM\1215357EN.docx 153/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 272 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Reiterates that the EU will only be 21. Reiterates that the EU will only be recognised on the global scene if its core recognised on the global scene if its core values, in particular those of respect for values, in particular those of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of democracy, human rights and the rule of law are credible externally, and this will law are credible externally, and this will only be possible if the EU ensures the only be possible if the EU ensures the internal and external coherence of its internal and external coherence of its policies on these matters; policies on these matters; in this regard, is deeply concerned about the links between authoritarian regimes abroad and the extreme right and populist nationalist parties and governments in the EU, such as in , that pose a threat to the fundamental values of the Union, which are enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, including respect for democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights; believes that such links undermine the credibility of the EU external human rights policy; calls on the EU and its Member States to lead by example and strictly uphold human rights, ensure an enabling environment for their civil society and to address any negative trends in this field;

Or. en

Amendment 273 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.904v01-00 154/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 21a. Considers that human rights dialogues with non-EU countries may constitute a useful tool for bilateral engagement in the promotion and protection of human rights provided they are carried out in a result-oriented manner and are regularly reviewed; recalls that the EU guidelines on human rights dialogues outline a number of criteria for opening a dialogue, including "the extent to which the government is willing to improve the situation, the degree of commitment shown by the government in respect of international human rights conventions, the government's readiness to cooperate with United Nations human rights procedures and mechanisms as well as the government's attitude towards civil society"; believes that in a number of cases, the impact of such dialogues is hardly worth the substantial resources that are dedicated by the EEAS and the EU delegation concerned; calls for the EEAS to carry out a regular assessment of each dialogue, as foreseen by the EU Guidelines, and to ensure that if in the absence of tangible progress, the EU should either adjust its aims, or suspend the human rights dialogue with the country concerned; insists on the importance of raising individual cases in the context of human rights dialogues and of ensuring adequate follow-up and transparency over these cases;

Or. en

Amendment 274 Miriam Lexmann

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21a. Deplores the fact that Russia, China and other authoritarian regimes

AM\1215357EN.docx 155/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN have abused multilateral institutions, seeking to neutralise multilateral human rights institutions and mechanisms in their ability to hold states accountable for human rights violations; calls on the Union and its Member States to work with like-minded democratic allies to support a reform of multilateral institutions so that they become more resilient against the malign influence of authoritarian regimes;

Or. en

Amendment 275 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment

22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 22. Takes note of the appointment on February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as 28 February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as EU Special Representative for Human EU Special Representative for Human Rights (EUSR); encourages the EUSR to Rights (EUSR); pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to consolidate international alliances for promoting the human rights agenda and to convince interlocutors across the world to adopt policies that conform to high standards of democracy, human rights, rule of law and good governance, and international law and norms, in particular international humanitarian law and international criminal justice; recommends, furthermore, that the EUSR to redouble efforts to ensure the EU’s internal coherence in defining and implementing EU human rights foreign policy; calls on the EU to reinforce the visibility of the EUSR, to make it a permanent position endowed with own- initiative powers, adequate resources and the ability to speak publicly in order to report on the achievements of visits to non-EU countries and communicate the

PE658.904v01-00 156/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN EU’s positions on human rights-related topics;

Or. en

Amendment 276 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment

22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as EU Special Representative for Human EU Special Representative for Human Rights (EUSR); encourages the EUSR to Rights (EUSR); regrets however that the pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the appointment of the EUSR was not subject effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to to a prior hearing in Parliament; consolidate international alliances for reiterates its call for greater transparency promoting the human rights agenda and to on the activities and missions of the convince interlocutors across the world to EUSR, including on a dedicated segment adopt policies that conform to high of the EEAS website, and insists that his standards of democracy, human rights, rule regular reports to Council are also shared of law and good governance, and with the Parliament; encourages the EUSR international law and norms, in particular to pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the international humanitarian law and effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to international criminal justice; recommends, consolidate international alliances for furthermore, that the EUSR to redouble promoting the human rights agenda and to efforts to ensure the EU’s internal convince interlocutors across the world to coherence in defining and implementing adopt policies that conform to high EU human rights foreign policy; calls on standards of democracy, human rights, rule the EU to reinforce the visibility of the of law and good governance, and EUSR, to make it a permanent position international law and norms, in particular endowed with own-initiative powers, international humanitarian law and adequate resources and the ability to speak international criminal justice; recommends, publicly in order to report on the furthermore, that the EUSR to redouble achievements of visits to non-EU countries efforts to ensure the EU’s internal and communicate the EU’s positions on coherence in defining and implementing human rights-related topics; EU human rights foreign policy; calls on the EU to reinforce the visibility of the EUSR, to make it a permanent position endowed with own-initiative powers, adequate resources and the ability to speak publicly in order to report on the achievements of visits to non-EU countries and communicate the EU’s positions on

AM\1215357EN.docx 157/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN human rights-related topics;

Or. en

Amendment 277 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment

22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as EU Special Representative for Human EU Special Representative for Human Rights (EUSR); encourages the EUSR to Rights (EUSR); encourages the EUSR to pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to consolidate international alliances for consolidate international alliances for promoting the human rights agenda and to promoting the human rights agenda and to convince interlocutors across the world to convince interlocutors around the world to adopt policies that conform to high adopt policies that conform to the highest standards of democracy, human rights, rule standards of democracy, human rights, rule of law and good governance, and of law and good governance, and international law and norms, in particular international law and norms, in particular international humanitarian law and international humanitarian law and international criminal justice; recommends, international criminal justice; recommends, furthermore, that the EUSR to redouble furthermore, that the EUSR to redouble efforts to ensure the EU’s internal efforts to ensure the EU’s internal coherence in defining and implementing coherence in defining and implementing EU human rights foreign policy; calls on EU human rights foreign policy; calls on the EU to reinforce the visibility of the the EU to reinforce the visibility of the EUSR, to make it a permanent position EUSR, to make it a permanent position, endowed with own-initiative powers, adequate resources and the ability to speak adequate resources and the ability to speak publicly in order to report on the publicly in order to report on the achievements of visits to non-EU countries achievements of visits to non-EU countries and communicate the EU’s positions on and communicate the EU’s positions on human rights-related topics, as part of an human rights-related topics; overall reform of the EUSR’s position;

Or. en

Amendment 278 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution

PE658.904v01-00 158/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment

22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 22. Welcomes the appointment on 28 February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as February 2019 of Mr Eamon Gilmore as EU Special Representative for Human EU Special Representative for Human Rights (EUSR); encourages the EUSR to Rights (EUSR); encourages the EUSR to pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the pursue diplomatic efforts to enhance the effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to effectiveness of EU human rights policy, to consolidate international alliances for consolidate international alliances for promoting the human rights agenda and to promoting the human rights agenda and to convince interlocutors across the world to convince interlocutors across the world to adopt policies that conform to high adopt and implement policies that conform standards of democracy, human rights, rule to high standards of democracy, human of law and good governance, and rights, rule of law and good governance, international law and norms, in particular and international law and norms, in international humanitarian law and particular international humanitarian law international criminal justice; recommends, and international criminal justice; furthermore, that the EUSR to redouble recommends, furthermore, that the EUSR efforts to ensure the EU’s internal to redouble efforts to ensure the EU’s coherence in defining and implementing internal coherence in defining and EU human rights foreign policy; calls on implementing EU human rights foreign the EU to reinforce the visibility of the policy; calls on the EU to reinforce the EUSR, to make it a permanent position visibility of the EUSR, to make it a endowed with own-initiative powers, permanent position endowed with own- adequate resources and the ability to speak initiative powers, adequate resources and publicly in order to report on the the ability to speak publicly in order to achievements of visits to non-EU countries report on the achievements of visits to non- and communicate the EU’s positions on EU countries and communicate the EU’s human rights-related topics; positions on human rights-related topics;

Or. en

Amendment 279 Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23. Reiterates its call for human rights 23. Questions the effectiveness of clauses to be systematically included in all systematically including human rights international agreements between the EU clauses in all international agreements and non-EU countries and for them to be between the EU and non-EU countries; duly enforced and monitored, including stresses that trade agreements concluded through measurable benchmarks, with the by the EU with third countries or regional

AM\1215357EN.docx 159/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN involvement of Parliament and civil organisations contradict the objectives of society; stresses that these clauses should sustainable development, environmental provide for mechanisms to ensure their protection, carbon energy reduction and effective enforcement and for procedures energy transition; setting out clear and credible consequences that follow from breaches of agreement, including suspension or, as a last resort, the withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; recommends that independent monitoring mechanisms on human rights be set up in relation to trade and foreign investment agreements, as well as an independent complaints mechanism, to provide affected citizens and local stakeholders with effective recourse to remedy;

Or. fr

Amendment 280 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Thierry Mariani, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23. Reiterates its call for human rights 23. Reiterates its call for human rights clauses to be systematically included in all clauses to be systematically included in all international agreements between the EU international agreements between the EU and non-EU countries and for them to be and non-EU countries and for them to be duly enforced and monitored, including duly enforced and monitored, including through measurable benchmarks, with the through measurable benchmarks; urges the involvement of Parliament and civil EU and its Member States to make aid society; stresses that these clauses should granted to developing countries provide for mechanisms to ensure their conditional upon agreements on the effective enforcement and for procedures effective readmission of illegal migrants setting out clear and credible present in the EU; consequences that follow from breaches of agreement, including suspension or, as a last resort, the withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; recommends that independent monitoring mechanisms on human rights be set up in relation to trade and foreign investment agreements, as well as an independent complaints mechanism, to provide affected citizens

PE658.904v01-00 160/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN and local stakeholders with effective recourse to remedy;

Or. en

Amendment 281 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23. Reiterates its call for human rights 23. Reiterates its call on the clauses to be systematically included in all Commission for human rights clauses to be international agreements between the EU included in all trade and association and non-EU countries and for them to be agreements between the EU and non-EU duly enforced and monitored, including countries and for them to be duly enforced through measurable benchmarks, with the and monitored, with the involvement of involvement of Parliament and civil Parliament and civil society; stresses that society; stresses that these clauses should these clauses should provide for provide for mechanisms to ensure their mechanisms to ensure their effective effective enforcement and for procedures enforcement and for procedures setting out setting out clear and credible consequences clear and credible consequences that follow that follow from breaches of agreement, from breaches of agreement, including including suspension or, as a last resort, the suspension or, as a last resort, the withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; recommends that independent monitoring recommends that independent monitoring mechanisms on human rights be set up in mechanisms on human rights be set up in relation to trade and foreign investment relation to trade and foreign investment agreements, as well as an independent agreements, as well as an independent complaints mechanism, to provide affected complaints mechanism, to provide affected citizens and local stakeholders with citizens and local stakeholders with effective recourse to remedy; effective recourse to remedy;

Or. en

Amendment 282 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

AM\1215357EN.docx 161/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN 23. Reiterates its call for human rights 23. Reiterates its call for human rights clauses to be systematically included in all clauses to be systematically included in all international agreements between the EU international agreements between the EU and non-EU countries and for them to be and non-EU countries and for them to be duly enforced and monitored, including duly enforced and monitored, including through measurable benchmarks, with the through measurable benchmarks and involvement of Parliament and civil regular impact assessments, with the society; stresses that these clauses should involvement of Parliament and civil provide for mechanisms to ensure their society; stresses that these clauses should effective enforcement and for procedures provide for mechanisms to ensure their setting out clear and credible consequences effective enforcement and for procedures that follow from breaches of agreement, setting out clear and credible consequences including suspension or, as a last resort, the that follow from breaches of agreement, withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; including suspension or, as a last resort, the recommends that independent monitoring withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; mechanisms on human rights be set up in calls for better coordination and relation to trade and foreign investment communication between specialised actors agreements, as well as an independent responsible for relevant policy areas like complaints mechanism, to provide affected trade and human rights, to more citizens and local stakeholders with efficiently integrate human rights aspects effective recourse to remedy; of trade and investment policy; recommends that independent monitoring mechanisms on human rights be set up in relation to trade and foreign investment agreements, as well as an independent complaints mechanism, to provide affected citizens and local stakeholders with effective recourse to remedy;

Or. en

Amendment 283 Bernard Guetta

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23. Reiterates its call for human rights 23. Reiterates its call for human rights clauses to be systematically included in all clauses to be systematically included in all international agreements between the EU international agreements between the EU and non-EU countries and for them to be and non-EU countries and for them to be duly enforced and monitored, including duly enforced and monitored, including through measurable benchmarks, with the through measurable benchmarks, with the involvement of Parliament and civil involvement of Parliament and civil society; stresses that these clauses should society; stresses that these clauses should provide for mechanisms to ensure their provide for mechanisms to ensure their

PE658.904v01-00 162/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN effective enforcement and for procedures effective enforcement and for procedures setting out clear and credible consequences setting out clear and credible consequences that follow from breaches of agreement, that follow from breaches of agreement, including suspension or, as a last resort, the including suspension or, as a last resort, the withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; withdrawal of the EU from the agreement; recommends that independent monitoring urges that independent monitoring mechanisms on human rights be set up in mechanisms on human rights be set up in relation to trade and foreign investment relation to trade and foreign investment agreements, as well as an independent agreements, as well as an independent complaints mechanism, to provide affected complaints mechanism, to provide affected citizens and local stakeholders with citizens and local stakeholders with effective recourse to remedy; effective recourse to remedy;

Or. en

Amendment 284 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Maria Arena, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23a. Stresses that the promotion and protection of democracy and human rights in third countries is effective only through the use of conditionality in EU’s economic and political incentives such as the access to EU funding, the granting of generalised system of preferences (GSP) and of further tariff facilitations and the concession of EU Schengen visa waiver; recalls in this regard that according to Regulation (EU) 2018/1806, the Commission should monitor and report regularly to the European Parliament regarding the human rights situation in the third countries beneficiary of the visa waiver and should suspend the visa exemption in case of violations in the country concerned;

Or. en

Amendment 285 Nacho Sánchez Amor

AM\1215357EN.docx 163/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23a. Acknowledges the actions of EU neighbouring countries to address human rights concerns, and for instance those of candidate countries, in line with the accession criteria enshrined in Art. 49 TEU; regrets backslidings in the areas of democracy, rule of law, fundamental rights and the independence of the judiciary; recognizes that urgent efforts are necessary to ensure human rights and freedoms, including strengthening democratic institutions and ensuring inclusive democratic processes as key priorities for enlargement countries, as well as to improve the environment for elections and protect the integrity of election processes and political pluralism;

Or. en

Amendment 286 Nacho Sánchez Amor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23b. Calls for the fully adoption and implementation of human rights action plans in our partner countries to reverse current concerning trends, and to converge with EU standards, values, principles and policies in all areas, notably for enlargement countries; calls for solidarity and more EU support coordinated with Member States and EU agencies, in order to strengthen partners’ capacities in addressing human rights concerns;

Or. en

PE658.904v01-00 164/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Amendment 287 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23a. Urges to create new types of cooperation with third countries on the basis of mutual development and mutually advantageous relations that respond in first hand to the interest of the peoples; considers that trade and investment protection agreements contribute to unequal distribution of global wealth, often undermine social and economic justice as well as deepen existing inequalities, bringing a heavy toll to marginalized states and communities;

Or. en

Amendment 288 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23b. Calls on the authorities of the global south countries to demand the audit of their debts and the cancellation of all illegitimate debts to foreign creditors with a view to the total elimination of the debt and in order to meet the basic human needs of their populations;

Or. en

Amendment 289 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Jérôme Rivière, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

AM\1215357EN.docx 165/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Calls for the implementation of deleted and budget for activities and support to promote and protect democracy and human rights under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) to match the level of the Union’s commitment and ambition;

Or. en

Amendment 290 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Calls for the implementation of and 24. Calls for the implementation of and budget for activities and support to budget for activities and support to promote and protect democracy and human promote and protect democracy and human rights under the Neighbourhood, rights, combat religious extremism, Development and International address poverty, unemployment, climate Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) to match change and lack of security as root causes the level of the Union’s commitment and of migration, under the Neighbourhood, ambition; Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) to match the level of the Union’s commitment and ambition;

Or. en

Amendment 291 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24

PE658.904v01-00 166/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Calls for the implementation of and 24. Calls for the implementation of an budget for activities and support to adequate budget for activities and support promote and protect democracy and human to promote and protect democracy and rights under the Neighbourhood, human rights under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) to match Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) to match the level of the Union’s commitment and the level of the Union’s commitment and ambition; ambition;

Or. en

Amendment 292 Milan Uhrík

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25. Calls on the Commission to deleted monitor and include as part of its annual report on the achievement of the objectives of the NDICI a chapter on respect for human rights and compliance with Article 8 – General principles of the Instrument by the partner countries that benefit from its funding; calls on the Commission to propose appropriate measures, including the suspension of EU funding, in the event of a violation of human rights or of the principles of the NDICI by its beneficiaries;

Or. sk

Amendment 293 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25. Calls on the Commission to 25. Calls on the Commission to

AM\1215357EN.docx 167/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN monitor and include as part of its annual monitor and include as part of its annual report on the achievement of the objectives report on the achievement of the objectives of the NDICI a chapter on respect for of the NDICI a chapter on respect for human rights and compliance with Article human rights and compliance with Article 8 – General principles of the Instrument 8; by the partner countries that benefit from its funding; calls on the Commission to propose appropriate measures, including the suspension of EU funding, in the event of a violation of human rights or of the principles of the NDICI by its beneficiaries;

Or. en

Amendment 294 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25. Calls on the Commission to 25. Calls on the Commission to monitor and include as part of its annual monitor and include as part of its annual report on the achievement of the objectives report on the achievement of the objectives of the NDICI a chapter on respect for of the NDICI a chapter on respect for human rights and compliance with Article human rights and compliance with Article 8 – General principles of the Instrument by 8 – General principles of the Instrument by the partner countries that benefit from its the partner countries that benefit from its funding; calls on the Commission to funding; calls on the Commission to propose appropriate measures, including propose appropriate measures, including the suspension of EU funding, in the event the suspension of EU funding to State of a violation of human rights or of the actors and the redirection of aid towards principles of the NDICI by its civil society, in the event of a serious beneficiaries; violation of human rights or of the principles of the NDICI by its beneficiaries; calls for greater transparency regarding human rights related provisions in financing agreements and a clarification of the mechanism and criteria for the suspension of such agreements in the event of a breach of human rights, democratic principles and rule of law and in serious cases of corruption; calls on the Commission to strictly refrain from using

PE658.904v01-00 168/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN budget support as an operational modality in countries witnessing widespread violations of human rights and repression of human rights defenders;

Or. en

Amendment 295 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25. Calls on the Commission to 25. Calls on the Commission to monitor and include as part of its annual monitor and include as part of its annual report on the achievement of the objectives report on the achievement of the objectives of the NDICI a chapter on respect for of the NDICI a chapter on respect for human rights and compliance with Article human rights and compliance with Article 8 – General principles of the Instrument by 8 – General principles of the Instrument by the partner countries that benefit from its the partner countries that benefit from its funding; calls on the Commission to funding; calls on the Commission to propose appropriate measures, including propose appropriate measures, including the suspension of EU funding, in the event the suspension of EU budget aid, in the of a violation of human rights or of the event of a serious violation of human principles of the NDICI by its rights or of the principles of the NDICI by beneficiaries; its beneficiaries;

Or. en

Amendment 296 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25. Calls on the Commission to 25. Calls on the Commission to monitor and include as part of its annual monitor and include as part of its annual report on the achievement of the objectives report on the achievement of the objectives of the NDICI a chapter on respect for of the NDICI a chapter on respect for human rights and compliance with Article human rights and compliance with Article 8 – General principles of the Instrument by 8 – General principles of the Instrument by the partner countries that benefit from its the partner countries that benefit from its

AM\1215357EN.docx 169/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN funding; calls on the Commission to funding; calls on the Commission to propose appropriate measures, including propose appropriate measures, including the suspension of EU funding, in the event the suspension of EU funding, in the event of a violation of human rights or of the of a grave violation of human rights or of principles of the NDICI by its the principles of the NDICI by its beneficiaries; beneficiaries;

Or. en

Amendment 297 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25a. Calls for the EU to take particular care to assess and prevent any violation linked to the Union's own policies, projects and funding in third countries, including by creating a complaints mechanism for individuals or groups whose rights would have been violated by EU activities in these countries;

Or. en

Amendment 298 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25b. Welcomes the invaluable assistance provided to civil society organizations worldwide under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, which constituted the flagship instrument of the European Union in implementing its external human rights policy; calls for funding to

PE658.904v01-00 170/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN civil society and human rights under the successor global instrument to be further enhanced;

Or. en

Amendment 299 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

25c. Calls on the Commission to establish, in cooperation with the EEAS, a framework for annual reporting by the European Investment Bank (EIB) on its operations outside of the EU with regard to compliance with the general principles guiding the Union's external action as referred to in Article 21 TEU and the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Human Rights; urges the Commission to ensure that the projects supported by the EIB are in line with EU policy and commitments on human rights and that there are accountability mechanisms for individuals to raise violations related to the activities of the EIB; calls on the EIB to further develop its policy on social standards into a human rights policy in the area of banking; calls for the inclusion of human rights benchmarks in its project evaluations;

Or. en

Amendment 300 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26

AM\1215357EN.docx 171/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU 26. Notes the adoption of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024; considers it Democracy 2020-2024; understands why regrettable that the EEAS had not given the EEAS had not given due attention to due attention to the offer of Parliament and the offer of Parliament and its its Subcommittee on Human Rights to Subcommittee on Human Rights to actively contribute to its preparation, in a actively contribute to its preparation; spirit of good inter-institutional cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the Commission to engage in a structured and regular dialogue with Parliament’s competent bodies on the implementation of the new Action Plan in order to allow Parliament to play its part in the Action Plan’s activities, in particular through parliamentary diplomacy, and to effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; recommends that a set of benchmarks and progress indicators be established in order to effectively monitor the implementation of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to report on the progress made in achieving the objectives of the Action Plan against these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS follow up regularly on Parliament’s resolutions and debates which are relevant for the implementation of the Action Plan;

Or. en

Amendment 301 Salima Yenbou on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26

Motion for a resolution Amendment

26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU 26. Expresses its disappointment at the Action Plan on Human Rights and lack of ambition and operationality of the Democracy 2020-2024; considers it proposed EU Action Plan on Human regrettable that the EEAS had not given Rights and Democracy 2020-2024; due attention to the offer of Parliament and considers it regrettable that the EEAS had its Subcommittee on Human Rights to not given due attention to the offer of

PE658.904v01-00 172/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN actively contribute to its preparation, in a Parliament and its Subcommittee on spirit of good inter-institutional Human Rights to actively contribute to its cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the preparation, in a spirit of good inter- Commission to engage in a structured and institutional cooperation; calls on the regular dialogue with Parliament’s EEAS and the Commission to engage in a competent bodies on the implementation of structured and regular dialogue with the new Action Plan in order to allow Parliament’s competent bodies on the Parliament to play its part in the Action implementation of the new Action Plan in Plan’s activities, in particular through order to allow Parliament to play its part in parliamentary diplomacy, and to the Action Plan’s activities, in particular effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; through parliamentary diplomacy, and to recommends that a set of benchmarks and effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; progress indicators be established in order recommends that a set of benchmarks and to effectively monitor the implementation progress indicators be established in order of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to to effectively monitor the implementation report on the progress made in achieving of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to the objectives of the Action Plan against report on the progress made in achieving these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS the objectives of the Action Plan against follow up regularly on Parliament’s these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS resolutions and debates which are relevant follow up regularly on Parliament’s for the implementation of the Action Plan; resolutions and debates which are relevant for the implementation of the Action Plan; insists that Member States take ownership for the Action Plan and contribute to the annual report on its implementation by reporting on their own activities carried out under this strategic document;

Or. en

Amendment 302 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26

Motion for a resolution Amendment

26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU 26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024; considers it Democracy 2020-2024; reiterates its regrettable that the EEAS had not given demand that the EEAS gives due attention due attention to the offer of Parliament and to the offer of Parliament and its its Subcommittee on Human Rights to Subcommittee on Human Rights to actively contribute to its preparation, in a actively contribute to its preparation, in a spirit of good inter-institutional spirit of good inter-institutional cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the Commission to engage in a structured and Commission to engage in a structured and

AM\1215357EN.docx 173/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN regular dialogue with Parliament’s regular dialogue with Parliament’s competent bodies on the implementation of competent bodies on the implementation of the new Action Plan in order to allow the new Action Plan in order to allow Parliament to play its part in the Action Parliament to play its part in the Action Plan’s activities, in particular through Plan’s activities, in particular through parliamentary diplomacy, and to parliamentary diplomacy, and to effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; recommends that a set of benchmarks and recommends that a set of benchmarks and progress indicators be established in order progress indicators be established in order to effectively monitor the implementation to effectively monitor the implementation of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to report on the progress made in achieving report on the progress made in achieving the objectives of the Action Plan against the objectives of the Action Plan against these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS follow up regularly on Parliament’s follow up regularly on Parliament’s resolutions and debates which are relevant resolutions and debates which are relevant for the implementation of the Action Plan; for the implementation of the Action Plan;

Or. en

Amendment 303 Isabel Santos, Maria Arena, Nacho Sánchez Amor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26

Motion for a resolution Amendment

26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU 26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024; considers it Democracy 2020-2024; notes that the regrettable that the EEAS had not given EEAS did not give due attention to the due attention to the offer of Parliament and offer of Parliament and its Subcommittee its Subcommittee on Human Rights to on Human Rights to actively contribute to actively contribute to its preparation, in a its preparation, in a spirit of good inter- spirit of good inter-institutional institutional cooperation; calls on the cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the EEAS and the Commission to engage in a Commission to engage in a structured and structured and regular dialogue with regular dialogue with Parliament’s Parliament’s competent bodies on the competent bodies on the implementation of implementation of the new Action Plan in the new Action Plan in order to allow order to allow Parliament to play its part in Parliament to play its part in the Action the Action Plan’s activities, in particular Plan’s activities, in particular through through parliamentary diplomacy, and to parliamentary diplomacy, and to effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; recommends that a set of benchmarks and recommends that a set of benchmarks and progress indicators be established in order progress indicators be established in order to effectively monitor the implementation to effectively monitor the implementation of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to

PE658.904v01-00 174/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to report on the progress made in achieving report on the progress made in achieving the objectives of the Action Plan against the objectives of the Action Plan against these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS follow up regularly on Parliament’s follow up regularly on Parliament’s resolutions and debates which are relevant resolutions and debates which are relevant for the implementation of the Action Plan; for the implementation of the Action Plan;

Or. en

Amendment 304 Isabel Santos, Andrea Cozzolino, Nacho Sánchez Amor, Dietmar Köster, Maria Arena

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26

Motion for a resolution Amendment

26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU 26. Welcomes the adoption of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024; considers it Democracy 2020-2024; considers it regrettable that the EEAS had not given regrettable that the EEAS had not given due attention to the offer of Parliament and due attention to the offer of Parliament and its Subcommittee on Human Rights to its Subcommittee on Human Rights to actively contribute to its preparation, in a actively contribute to its preparation, in a spirit of good inter-institutional spirit of good inter-institutional cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the cooperation; calls on the EEAS and the Commission to engage in a structured and Commission to engage in a structured and regular dialogue with Parliament’s regular dialogue with Parliament’s competent bodies on the implementation of competent bodies on the implementation of the new Action Plan in order to allow the new Action Plan in order to allow Parliament to play its part in the Action Parliament to play its part in the Action Plan’s activities, in particular through Plan’s activities, in particular through parliamentary diplomacy, and to parliamentary diplomacy, and to effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; effectively fulfil its scrutiny role; recommends that a set of benchmarks and recommends that a set of benchmarks and progress indicators be established in order progress indicators be established in order to effectively monitor the implementation to effectively monitor the implementation of the Action Plan; calls on the EEAS to of the Action Plan; also regrets the report on the progress made in achieving missing voices of civil society, affected the objectives of the Action Plan against communities and marginalized these benchmarks; requests that the EEAS populations; calls on the EEAS to report follow up regularly on Parliament’s on the progress made in achieving the resolutions and debates which are relevant objectives of the Action Plan against these for the implementation of the Action Plan; benchmarks; requests that the EEAS follow up regularly on Parliament’s resolutions and debates which are relevant for the

AM\1215357EN.docx 175/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN implementation of the Action Plan;

Or. en

Amendment 305 Jaak Madison, Lars Patrick Berg, Filip De Man, Harald Vilimsky

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic deleted governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power and the weakening of collective organisations defending public interest; calls for the EU and its Member States to continue supporting the building up of democratic institutions and transparent and credible electoral processes, while going beyond this by providing further support to actions that encourage and unleash democratic debate, combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 306 Isabel Wiseler-Lima

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of

PE658.904v01-00 176/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, proliferating of fake poverty, the shrinking of space for civil news and disinformation, increased society, loss of credibility of public power inequalities and poverty, pressure on civil and the weakening of collective society, loss of credibility of public organisations defending public interest; authorities and the ineffectiveness of calls for the EU and its Member States to collective international organisations; calls continue supporting the building up of on the EU and its Member States to democratic institutions and transparent and continue supporting the strengthening of credible electoral processes, while going democratic institutions, transparent and beyond this by providing further support credible electoral processes worldwide, to actions that encourage and unleash encourage and unleash democratic debate, democratic debate, combat inequalities, combat inequalities, empower civil society empower civil society organisations, fight organisations, fight corruption and corruption and strengthen judiciaries; strengthen the independence of judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 307 Francisco José Millán Mon

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism and populism, increased poverty, the shrinking of space for civil inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of society, loss of credibility of public power space for civil society, loss of credibility of and the weakening of collective public power and the weakening of organisations defending public interest; collective organisations defending public calls for the EU and its Member States to interest; calls for the EU and its Member continue supporting the building up of States to continue supporting the building democratic institutions and transparent and up of democratic institutions and credible electoral processes, while going transparent and credible electoral processes beyond this by providing further support to throughout the world, while going beyond actions that encourage and unleash this by providing further support to actions democratic debate, combat inequalities, that encourage and unleash democratic empower civil society organisations, fight debate, combat inequalities, ensure the corruption and strengthen judiciaries; work of civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. es

AM\1215357EN.docx 177/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 308 György Hölvényi, Kinga Gál, Andrea Bocskor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power society and faith based organizations, loss and the weakening of collective of credibility of states, polarization in organisations defending public interest; societies and the weakening of collective calls for the EU and its Member States to organisations defending public interest; continue supporting the building up of calls for the EU and its Member States to democratic institutions and transparent and continue supporting the building up of credible electoral processes, while going democratic institutions and transparent and beyond this by providing further support to credible electoral processes, while going actions that encourage and unleash beyond this by providing further support to democratic debate, combat inequalities, actions that encourage and unleash empower civil society organisations, fight democratic debate, combat unjust corruption and strengthen judiciaries; inequalities, empower civil society organisations working for common good, fight corruption and strengthen independent and impartial judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 309 Miriam Lexmann, Lukas Mandl

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, polarisation, the shrinking of society, loss of credibility of public power space for civil society, disinformation and the weakening of collective campaigns and other hybrid threats

PE658.904v01-00 178/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN organisations defending public interest; conducted by internal and external actors, calls for the EU and its Member States to loss of credibility of public institutions and continue supporting the building up of the weakening of collective organisations democratic institutions and transparent and defending public interest; calls for the EU credible electoral processes, while going and its Member States to continue beyond this by providing further support to supporting the building up of democratic actions that encourage and unleash institutions and transparent and credible democratic debate, combat inequalities, electoral processes, while going beyond empower civil society organisations, fight this by providing further support to actions corruption and strengthen judiciaries; that encourage and unleash democratic debate, combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, support dialogue between different segments of society, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 310 Karol Karski, Ryszard Czarnecki

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, hybrid warfare and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil disinformation against the West, increased society, loss of credibility of public power inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of and the weakening of collective space for civil society, loss of credibility of organisations defending public interest; public power and the weakening of calls for the EU and its Member States to collective organisations defending public continue supporting the building up of interest; calls for the EU and its Member democratic institutions and transparent and States to continue supporting the building credible electoral processes, while going up of democratic institutions and beyond this by providing further support to transparent and credible electoral actions that encourage and unleash processes, while going beyond this by democratic debate, combat inequalities, providing further support to actions that empower civil society organisations, fight encourage and unleash democratic debate, corruption and strengthen judiciaries; combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. en

AM\1215357EN.docx 179/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN Amendment 311 Bernard Guetta

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power society, loss of credibility of public power, and the weakening of collective the weakening of collective organisations organisations defending public interest; defending public interest, while attacks on calls for the EU and its Member States to media freedom, attempts to manipulate continue supporting the building up of the public discourse through spreading democratic institutions and transparent and fake news in social media have never been credible electoral processes, while going so frequent and strong; calls for the EU beyond this by providing further support to and its Member States to continue actions that encourage and unleash supporting the building up of democratic democratic debate, combat inequalities, institutions and transparent and credible empower civil society organisations, fight electoral processes, while going beyond corruption and strengthen judiciaries; this by providing further support to actions that encourage and unleash democratic debate, combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 312 Michal Šimečka

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and

PE658.904v01-00 180/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power society, loss of credibility of public power, and the weakening of collective the weakening of collective organisations organisations defending public interest; defending public interest, as well as the calls for the EU and its Member States to proliferation of disinformation through continue supporting the building up of various social media networks; calls for democratic institutions and transparent and the EU and its Member States to continue credible electoral processes, while going supporting the building up of democratic beyond this by providing further support to institutions and transparent and credible actions that encourage and unleash electoral processes, while going beyond democratic debate, combat inequalities, this by providing further support to actions empower civil society organisations, fight that encourage and unleash democratic corruption and strengthen judiciaries; debate, combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 313 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power society, loss of credibility of public power and the weakening of collective and the weakening of collective organisations defending public interest; organisations defending public interest; calls for the EU and its Member States to calls for the EU and its Member States to continue supporting the building up of continue supporting the building up of democratic institutions and transparent democracy and transparent and credible and credible electoral processes, while electoral processes, while going beyond going beyond this by providing further this by providing further support to actions support to actions that encourage and that encourage and unleash democratic unleash democratic debate, combat debate, combat inequalities, empower civil inequalities, empower civil society society organisations, fight corruption and organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries; insists on the need strengthen judiciaries; to respect the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity and roundly condemns any political interference by foreign

AM\1215357EN.docx 181/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN powers in the life of local populations;

Or. en

Amendment 314 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power society, loss of credibility of public power and the weakening of collective and the weakening of collective organisations defending public interest; organisations defending public interest; calls for the EU and its Member States to expresses concern that authoritarian continue supporting the building up of practices such as the stigmatising of civil democratic institutions and transparent and society actors as ‘foreign agents’ are credible electoral processes, while going being copied and spread globally; calls for beyond this by providing further support to the EU and its Member States to continue actions that encourage and unleash supporting the building up of democratic democratic debate, combat inequalities, institutions and transparent and credible empower civil society organisations, fight electoral processes, while going beyond corruption and strengthen judiciaries; this by providing further support to actions that encourage and unleash democratic debate, combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries;

Or. en

Amendment 315 Andrea Cozzolino, Isabel Santos, Maria Arena, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.904v01-00 182/184 AM\1215357EN.docx EN 27. Takes the view that democratic 27. Takes the view that democratic governance and the rule of law are globally governance and the rule of law are globally under attack due to a combination of under attack due to a combination of factors including the rise of factors including the rise of authoritarianism, increased inequalities and authoritarianism, increased inequalities and poverty, the shrinking of space for civil poverty, the shrinking of space for civil society, loss of credibility of public power society, loss of credibility of public power and the weakening of collective and the weakening of collective organisations defending public interest; organisations defending public interest; calls for the EU and its Member States to calls for the EU and its Member States to continue supporting the building up of continue supporting the building up of democratic institutions and transparent and democratic institutions and transparent and credible electoral processes, while going credible electoral processes, while going beyond this by providing further support to beyond this by providing further support to actions that encourage and unleash actions that encourage and unleash democratic debate, combat inequalities, democratic debate, combat inequalities, empower civil society organisations, fight empower civil society organisations, fight corruption and strengthen judiciaries; corruption and impunity, strengthen judiciaries and the accountability mechanism;

Or. en

Amendment 316 Nacho Sánchez Amor

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27a. Condemns the holding of fake and undemocratic elections by illiberal regimes, using unfair electoral processes and a false electoral legitimacy; strongly reaffirms the importance of the role of the EU and other pertinent international organizations, namely the OSCE, in their capacity for electoral observation and for guaranteeing the correct and legitimate democratic processes all over the world, as well as for the fight against fake electoral observation; calls for the EU to strengthen even more its efforts on electoral observation and for closer cooperation with international organizations to ensure democratic, free,

AM\1215357EN.docx 183/184 PE658.904v01-00 EN clean and fair holding of elections;

Or. en

Amendment 317 Katalin Cseh, Dragoş Tudorache, Petras Auštrevičius, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Klemen Grošelj, Urmas Paet, Charles Goerens, Frédérique Ries, Christophe Grudler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

27a. Stresses that corruption and human rights abuses are intrinsically linked; calls on the EU to integrate the fight against corruption in its human rights agenda; reiterates the EU’s duty to protect anti-corruption associations, investigative journalists and whistle- blowers who work to expose corruption and fraud;

Or. en

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