
GUIDE Abhilasha Jain Marwadi Khana Winner 2021

J U L Y 2 0 2 1 • I S S U E 1 • I N D I A G U I D E H O M E C H E F F I E S G U I D E CONTENTS 04 F R O M T H E F O U N D E R S A brief note from the founders of Home Cheffies about the first- ever power brand awards and the home chef revolution 06 W I N N E R S 2 0 2 1 A list of the award winners and the top 5 nominations from 12 award categories 09 P O W E R J U R Y Meet one of the most experienced and versatile juries and know their experience


M E E T T H E H O M E C H E F F I E S Get to know the story of the nominees and award winners from the Home Chef Power Brand Awards. H O M E C H E F F I E S G U I D E CONTENTS

126 P A R T N E R S Get to know more about the partners at Home Cheffies, their stories and where you can find them!


J O I N T H E C O M M U N I T Y ! Read more about the community, programs and plans! FROM THE FOUNDERS


The first-ever Home Cheffies Power Brand Awards was announced by BookAWorkshop in May 2021 in partnership with Kalyan Karmakar of Finely Chopped Consulting. The aim behind the awards was two-fold. Firstly, to recognize and encourage brands emerging in this nascent sector. Secondly, to make home chefs think in terms of creating their own brands and identities in order to build sustainable businesses.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 0 4 This year we received 800+ entries from 40 cities across and it was fascinating and inspiring to see the efforts put in by the home chefs to build and showcase their brands.

The jury process can be summed up by two words for us, “exciting and amazing”. The reason behind it being the originality, sincerity and eye for detail, that the jury showcased.

"The home chef revolution is about empowerment and the Home Cheffies Awards was our humble attempt to aid this" x

WINNERS 2021 Marwadi Khana

Abhilasha Jain

Old Fashioned Gourmet

Vasundhara Jhunjhunwala

The Goan Poie

Aaron D'souza

Anurag Arora

Anurag Arora

Evergreen Fit Food

Anjali Thadani

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 0 7 La Amistad Patisserie

Varun Tariyal

Didi's Kitchen

Ankit Vengurlekar

Renaye's Bakesale

Renaye Tejani

Whimsical Baker

Abhishek Thukral

Bageechi Kitchen

Anjali Thadani


Selecting the top 12 Home Cheffies from over 800 entries!

The judging for the Home Cheffies Awards was done through a three- step scientific process involving a jury consisting of industry stalwarts who are experts in brand building. Their inputs were fed into the proprietary Home Cheffies Brand Index. Ties were adjudicated by the jury.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 0 9 The parameters judged on were: uniqueness of brand story and clarity of vision, strength of social media marketing, visual depiction, packaging and strength of menu. There were no tastings involved!

Harsh Goenka

I’ve got to taste the food of numerous home chefs thanks to the lockdown and this is why I was delighted to be a part of this jury. The diversity that these awards showcased was amazing. The intricate details as to how the contestants presented themselves was a pleasure to see. It made me familiar with so many regional dishes from varied places across the country. It was an enjoyable experience.

Ashwini Deshpande

It has been a very heartwarming and beautiful experience to read the stories and go through the social profiles of these amazing home chefs. I am extremely grateful for the immense love, care and comfort that these home chefs keep showering the world with.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 0 Mohit Khattar

The food lover in me was very excited to be a part of this jury. This was an opportunity to get insights into how the home chefs industry works and what keeps them going.

Anushree Ghosh

Going through the entries for the Home Cheffies was a learning and enriching experience. Kudos to all the home cheffies, I can’t wait to see what's next in store! Prabha Narasimhan

I believe that one should try everything in life at least once and being a part of the Home Cheffies jury would be one such example for me. The one word that comes to my mind after seeing the entries is ‘impressive.’ The range and diversity that the Home Cheffies awards presented was beautiful. And well, who wouldn’t want to see such tempting pictures of food?!

Anil Vishwanathan

Two words sum up the judging process for me, “exciting and amazing”.I was thrilled to see the level of hard word and thought that participants have put in. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this Power Jury. Kainaz Karmakar

Home chefs and their food have been very close to my heart which made judging the awards a very fulfilling experience. I was astonished and proud to see how the home chefs have single handedly done things to build their brands that usually need many more hands when it comes to big and established brands. Here’s wishing all the home chefs a lot of love, success and growth!

Harshad Rajadhyaksha

Coming from an advertisement background, I was fascinated and overwhelmed by the entries that I got to judge. The sheer hard work, determination and enterprise that these home chefs have shown is commendable. The creativity that these contestants have brought to the table has been very humbling. I am stunned by the amount of detailing that the home chefs have put in. I wish them all the best. Shormistha Mukherjee

It has been a pleasure to go through these passion fueled stories; some that have been about carrying forward a legacy, some about working for a cause. I wish them all the best for the future.

Kalyan Karmakar

I have been inspired by the work of each home chef that one came across. The year that went by has been tough for all, but home chefs have shown us the way out in such times. The most thrilling part of the judging process was to experience the brilliance and sincerity that each had been put in. I doff my hat to all the home chefs out there for you have turned adversity into opportunity and poison into medicine. More power to you. MEET THE HOME CHEFFIES STREET FOOD FROM HOME BRANDS The Goan Poie

Lost my father when I was eight. I distinctly remember the curries he made, my palate was shaped by his cooking. Dad didn’t leave behind recipes but I may have been 10 when I noted down grandmums recipes, my godfather who recently passed away due to Covid also helped me hone my culinary skills. After studying hotel management, I took up a job in F&B service.

After 10yrs of experience I was working as a manager at Lord of the Drinks, Lower Parel. This changed, when I launched The Goan Poie in September last year. The happy accident was a result of the pandemic-induced lockdown. Cooking was therapy. H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 7 It distracted me from everything around. I love the traditional Goan recipes but I also love experimenting & making these dishes my own. From our Bacon & Jalapeno Prawn Rissóis to Choris Potato Chops to our Cafreal Chicken Chops, it's all unique not something you'll find in any other Goan restaurant. I wanna take Goan cuisine to the next level, into the future still savouring traditional flavours at the same time. The best compliments I get are that our food tastes like their parents or grandparents food,who they've unfortunately lost. Theres nothing like bringing that joy to a person's life and that is my soul purpose of cooking. Soul Food Jaipur

Passion turned into profession, our love for eating and cooking made us start our Homemade food delivery business. We're a mother-daughter duo who manages everything from sourcing raw material , to cooking them , packing them and delivering them.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 9 Chef with Six Pack Abs

I have been cooking since I was a child, but never took this up professionally, my purpose behind this is to help people realize that it's not the food that makes them gain weight, but rather the preservatives that are into it . When I cook, I make sure I source the most premium ingredients and make everything from scratch. I offer healthy alternatives as well as gluten free and vegan food as per dietary restriction.. I myself have been diabetic from over 20 years and I know what food cravings are a part of life but how to eat healthy and still be satisfied is the real trick.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 2 0 I specialise in Bohri and Pakistani cuisines, which is food that is inspired from Persia and Gujarat. My business started from selling dips and now we are a full fledged weekend kitchen.. I take personalized orders. Keeping In mind health concerns. My future plan is to run a small little cafe that caters to walk in customers with a weekly new menu. Anni's Kitchen

The reason behind this name is because my kids call me 'Anni' which means 'mom' in Turkish. So basically it means 'mom's kitchen'. I started Anni's Kitchen because of my passion to cook food and I always wanted to get into cooking. All the people who have tasted my food complimented me and inspired me to start a food business. The important person who motivated me is my sister and her daughter. They believed in me that I could achieve my dreams. They helped my dream turn into reality. As the food business overcame this pandemic, it was beneficial for me. I continued to serve food from home with amazing feedback.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 2 2 I have multiple dishes on my menu out of which most come under 'highly recommended' from the happy customers. I also have Instagram and Facebook pages where people have given feedback after tasting food from Anni's kitchen. We are specialised in non vegetarian food. We have served a huge order for 50 people on a short notice period which is just 4 hours. We deliver orders all over Mumbai by using the help of the 'We fast' delivery app. We have received orders from New Jersey for their family who stays in Mumbai. I am looking forward to expanding my kitchen and I am willing to learn more. Ambrosia Kitchen

I always had a passion for cooking. My inspiration was my mother. I always use to be with her in the kitchen as a child. I made my passion my profession. I do regional, Asian, Continental cuisine. I am happy with the growth in the last 10 years. Now people are more aware of my work and their reviews make me more happy.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 2 4 HEALTH FOOD BRANDS Evergreen Fit Food

The urge to help people around me who were suffering from many issues and ailments and to be able to help them get over their problem and enjoy food is what got me started. I began to study and read a lot about gluten free flour. The more I learned, the more I got myself into baking breads , cookies, cakes and more without the white poisons like sugar, maida, milk and replaced those with healthy versions.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 2 6 I am now known for healthy food. I have also served many celebrities and influencers. I'm proud to be known as the one who could spread health with all my heart. I will continue to innovate and find new ways of making food healthy and delicious at the same time! Edible Love

Pandemic gave me enough time to get my priorities right. Food has been my first love, which has been passed on by my mom. I started out sharing simple recipes, that not just looks fancy but definitely do-able. I love sharing some traditional recipes that have taken a back seat in this new era and has to be passed on to the next generation. I want to share all the knowledge that I have learnt.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 2 8 When people try my food, it give me immense happiness. Now I have moved to building my website. Food is love. Divine Flavour

My journey of losing over 40kgs in 10months was the root of this idea. What surprised me, was that I went from someone who woke up at 11am and never ate breakfast, to someone who wakes up at 7am and looks forward to her first meal. This breakfast comprised of oats, nuts, seeds, berries, some honey, milk and the occasional teaspoon of nut butter. It was my motivation to wake up every morning! The idea behind Granola is that this is a ready mix in 6 different flavours for everyone to simply add some milk to every morning and enjoy a healthy and wholesome breakfast.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 3 0 Not only breakfast, it makes for a great snack eaten with some fresh fruit and yogurt as well as just as it is. The idea is to get more people to eat breakfast! This is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day and skipping it does nobody any good. Eating low GI foods like oats also helps to maintain and promote weight loss as well as provide the body with much needed energy for the day. We have grown into a small community of people and have already managed to create quite a loyal customer base with lots of repeat orders. We are now working on developing some new products. We hope to grow into something bigger - a household name for good food. Prerna's GoodFood

I have always been passionate about food that is delicious and good for you. During Corona when most of us were working from home, my salad menu provided a perfect balance of vitamins, protein and healthy fat to keep us fit and boost our immunity . My salads inspired by my Indian roots are a unique blend of Indian lentils and local vegetables. I wanted to share my ideas about healthy eating , recipes that are suitable to the locals and bring it to every household.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 3 2 Offering a monthly subscription the salads have had an overwhelming response. With great reviews on the internet I plan to supply to companies soon. The new menu will also include fresh smoothies, sugarless treats and sandwiches. Food Hug

Our heart has always been somewhere between sustenance & sustainability. Drawing from these two principals we offer you - authentic flavours with mindful preparation of food which should be enjoyed WITH people! Our aim with Food Hug is to give you a friendly, warm & loving & authentic Food eating experience. Our menu

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 3 4 introduces people to certain parts of Asia & Europe while keeping in mind that food first and foremost has to be comforting and how the origin of food has always looked at that aspect and nutrition has never been ignored. CONDIMENTS BRANDS Old Fashioned Gourmet

Old Fashioned Gourmet, is a boutique food brand founded by the Late Smt. Shyamlata Sihare in 1995. Born into an illustrious family in Kanpur, Shyamlata ji was a successful businesswoman, with an MA in Advertising from Michigan State University, USA. She was a child widow who with her sheer grit and fire in the belly, faught her destiny to become a very enterprising business woman, despite being a paper trader in Delhi’s paper market, for more than four decades she set up a food business out of sheer passions for food. She created OFG, to revive heirloom recipes of pickles and . Just like in the olden days, pickles were made at home using the best ingredients and natural techniques of

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 3 7 fermentation, our pickles too are handcrafted using the same artisanal techniques, with the best of selection of spices.

We only use premium ingredients like Sendha namak, Kabuli Hing, Cold pressed oils in all our pickles. Shyamlata ji passed away in 2014, it was her last wish that her legacy lives on. I am Vasundhara Jhunjhunwala, her daughter, trying to carry forward her legacy. We have a bouquet of 84 products consisting of 30 homemade pickles, 8 papad, 3 squashes, 4 salts, 8 spice blends & everyday whole and powdered spices.

All these are made at home using the BEST possible ingredients to ensure consistent quality. Since the brand ethos is to carry forward Amma's legacy, our only endeavour is to remind people of the taste of their childhood and to please the palate with the food our grand mothers used to make. All our products are made from age old, time-tested recipes which are based on season and reason. We make seasonal specials using natural elements like sunlight to ferment and dry our products.

We only use age old tools like sarota (cutter), imamjasta (mortar & pestle), the stone spice grinder to cut, grind and crush our spices and fruits. In 2019, I re-branded Old Fashioned Gourmet, with new packaging, labels, bottles et all and a handmade website to showcase Amma's love and hard work. I made the OFG website in 2019 (without any prior experience) to help the brand reach out to a larger audience. Since my objective was to carry forward my mothers legacy, we still only do small batch production, to ensure consistent quality, I chose not to retail and stick to e-commerce. I also solely handle the brand's social media presence, customer relation, the admin work for the backend etc.

We are a small 5 member team (my home staff and I) who are all trained by Amma, and we do everything in-house. Our only aim is to do 'what Amma would do' and that is our guiding light. I have in the past 2 years introduced products that I like or felt would be liked by people like the Mangalore Ghee Roast Masala, Kaali Gajar ki Kaanji, Gajar Gobi Shalgham pickle and I am very proud to say these are my best sellers today for they have made the brand more relevant.

I intend to help people rekindle their old food memories and relish each bite of my pickles and spices and possibly wonder who Shyamlataji was. Sundooq

I identify as a curious maker rather than a chef. Sundooq was born out of the pandemic, with a need to pivot and re- imagine storytelling in more ways than one. I've been crafting performances, spaces and experiences for the last ten years. In 2019, I began to explore food as a tool to share stories not often told, and built an immersive performance of memoirs, music and food, titled Table Radica. While we did begin to grow, life had other plans, suddenly transforming the delight of sharing an intimate table with strangers into a threat. Sundooq is my attempt at finding new ways to take stories of food, places, people and cultures, to the tables and homes of urban Indians.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 4 0 We create curry and mixes, inspired by heirloom recipes from regional Indian kitchens. Our mixes are handcrafted and packed in pre-proportioned servings with zero preservatives, for you to recreate regional family favourites with ease and perfection. We use the most flavourful ingredients that are fresh, traceable, sustainably sourced and equitably produced. We're 130 days old, our journey has just begun with our first 100 homes. We're targeting to grow through partnerships & reach a 1000 tables in the next 6 months, while building a collective repository of stories, recipes and memories. House of Anglo

I own the House of Anglo, a home kitchen based in bangalore which specialises in the Anglo . The Anglo Cuisine is a cuisine that has almost lost its roots and I started the House of Anglo to give people a taste of authentic Anglo food which cannot be found at any restaurant or cafe. My goal was to give people a unique eating experience in the comfort of their homes and I wanted customers to not just eat food from the times of the British Raj but I wanted their taste buds to time travel.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 4 2 WeMixx

WeMixx was founded with a vision to EVOLVE the existing Indian Food Aisle options to INCLUDE more Healthier, Zero Preservatives, Oil Free & 100% Plant based - Breakfast Blends, Spice Mixes & Mid-meal Snacks. We pride ourselves on offering "clean-label + low calories" blends with Handpicked ingredients from local fair-trade suppliers in the Ahmedabad, Gujarat area ensuring delicious fresh flavors in every bite. Not only are these products clean but also premixed so that takes

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 4 3 away the hassle to purchase and blend every single ingredient which makes the cooking experience so much quicker, healthier and cost effective. We are currently selling nationwide on Amazon USA Marketplace and Razorpay in India. Also we recently expanded in 10 retail outlets in India and Jersey city area. Little Treats

I am Dr Sunita Pradhan. I am a dentist and live in Bombay. I’m also a mom to two boys who have unimaginable reserves of energy. Dentistry to Little Treats you may ask? Food is a passion for me. You’ve heard that often enough I’m sure and it’s also true. After my kids were born I was determined to feed them wholesome home cooked meals and foods. Flavoured butters were born out of various kitchen experiments. Butter for us in India is synonymous with salted butter. It is present in all of our pantries yet it is so under utilised. Flavoured butters are flavour bombs that amp up anything you add it to. H O M E C H E F F I E S | 4 5 Butter is the carrier vehicle which adds a rich and creamy flavour to the dish. Outside India, compound butters are fairly common and are served in restaurants. I realised that no one was making flavoured butters. I started experimenting with Indian flavours like Thecha, Kadipatta, Red chilli and Moringa flavoured butters. This is my effort to hero our unsung Indian ingredients. We use local, seasonal and easily available ingredients. We have savoury, sweet, fruit and nut butters. We offer 20 plus flavours and do not use any artificial colours or preservatives. PACKAGING BRANDS La Amistad

After a decade in the apprenticeship of some of the most distinguished Maitre Patissier (including Michelin Star ones) and working in places like London, Dubai and Thailand, I decided to open my Patisserie, coining it as La Amistad Patisserie. The purpose was to utilize the knowledge instilled in me in the hours spent making flour my acquaintance and the products as my harvest. Setting up a French kitchen was an big task in Jalandhar, however, with each hurdle came an opportunity to grow and each failure guided me to the road less travelled, thereby allowing me deepest satisfaction, rather gratitude, upon looking at those first tossed cookies and the aroma of opera cake.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 4 8 A steady flow eventually allowed me to move ahead and fill up my shelf with croissant, pastry, choux pastries, Tarts, chocolate bonbon. The freshness and the exquisite detailing of my products is something which helps resonate my dream. There have been delays due to strenuous supply chain in pandemic times. But as the old Kashmiri saying goes ,”Jhelum ki Lahrey kahti hain, ummeed abhi to Baki hai; ye raat kabhi to jayegi, wo subah kabhi to aayegi”. That said I am looking forward to bring the taste of my ingredients, the delicacy of my art to everyone’s table. The Burrow

I've always baked treats for friends and family, and for a good six months of the lockdown, I used to send out parcels to a few friends. They're the ones who encouraged me to get 'The Burrow' up and running. I've borrowed inspiration for 'The Burrow' from my grandmum. She loved to feed people, and would invariably make and serve an assortment of things at parties. The menu didn't necessarily go together, but everything was something she loved. The Burrow's menu - at the moment - is a mix of cookies, jam, and ice-cream; and all the ice-creams sport a little something extra. The Salted Caramel ice-cream tastes even better with shortbread in it, and the Chocolate ice-cream has bits of brownie - because brownie and ice-cream just go together.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 5 0 The newest flavour- Cinder Toffee, has chunks of actual cinder toffee. It's my current favourite. I literally only make things I like to eat. Because if it doesn't sell - guess who has to eat it? Next on the menu: Olive butter, and I'm experimenting with fruity butters. The Burrow is growing alongside my day job - so the mornings before work and the weekends get really busy! A sizeable number of orders that come in our repeat customers, and after The Mint Lounge covered the brand last month, business picked up even more. RUSHK

RUSHK Chocolates is a product born of pure love for craft chocolate and Rushdah’s zeal to bring the rare experience of high-quality chocolate in its authenticity to others. The brand has found a special place in the heart of the food-loving Bengalis since it’s the only bean-to-bar chocolate brand that has its roots in Bengal, making it something they can call their own. According to Rushdah, the secret behind the rich taste and smooth texture of the chocolate bars are the single- origin organic cacao beans sourced from South India, and the multilayered process they undergo. These include roasting, winnowing, grinding, tempering, and placing them in moulds of the perfect dimensions in small batches with utmost care.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 5 2 The brands dedication to conform to business practices that are eco-friendly extend to its packaging as well. The chocolates come in sleek hemp boxes that are screen printed by local service providers, a small initiative by RUSHK Chocolates to not only promote more sustainable alternative to paper and plastic, but also to create employment locally. The bean-to-bar chocolate brand’s long term mission is to bring Bengal on the map of artisanal chocolate-making. Sundooq

I identify as a curious maker rather than a chef. Sundooq was born out of the pandemic, with a need to pivot and re- imagine storytelling in more ways than one. I've been crafting performances, spaces and experiences for the last ten years. In 2019, I began to explore food as a tool to share stories not often told, and built an immersive performance of memoirs, music and food, titled Table Radica. While we did begin to grow, life had other plans, suddenly transforming the delight of sharing an intimate table with strangers into a threat. Sundooq is my attempt at finding new ways to take stories of food, places, people and cultures, to the tables and homes of urban Indians.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 5 4 We create curry and chutney mixes, inspired by heirloom recipes from regional Indian kitchens. Our mixes are handcrafted and packed in pre-proportioned servings with zero preservatives, for you to recreate regional family favourites with ease and perfection. We use the most flavourful ingredients that are fresh, traceable, sustainably sourced and equitably produced. We're 130 days old, our journey has just begun with our first 100 homes. We're targeting to grow through partnerships & reach a 1000 tables in the next 6 months, while building a collective repository of stories, recipes and memories. INTERNATIONAL DESSERT BRANDS Whimsical Baker

We are a home baking venture born during the lockdown. In times when the world came to a standstill and people were confined in their homes, our brand was created with the intention of giving people a chance to experience flavours of the world in their very own homes. Our cakes are inspired from Abhishek’s travels around the world. His love for travel and food with an eye for ingenious local flavours reflects in our specially curated menu.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 5 7 We love experimenting with flavours and ingredients, which makes our creations stand out. Our cakes are sophisticated in taste, never overly sweet and ideal for every palate. Hence, we also have a range of cakes that can be customised as per dietary restrictions. The response has been encouraging and motivates us to introduce people to more flavours from around the world and also diversify into other traditional desserts from various countries. Pooja's Bake By Heart

Professionally I am a practicing MD Homoeopathic doctor but being a creative person I took up baking as a therapy just to utilise the break time of my clinic. Eventually over a period of time people started recognizing my work through social media and so I decided to learn it more seriously to cater the need of my passion turned another proffession. I feel in India hobbies are always underestimated and so academics are given more importance than art. I am a doctor and artist and earning additional source of income and huge satisfaction by cultivating my hobby into add on profession.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 5 9 I customise cakes for every occasion and by giving attention to minute details I make cake as a lifetime memory. Crafting 'out of the box' ideas makes my cakes unique and I bake from scratch using quality products and without using any premixes it tastes delicious. I started as one man army but with increasing work load over a period of 5 years now we are a team of 4. In future I wish to learn more and share my knowledge with people of similar interest and wish to empower them to work in their pajamas to earn a living and Yes... value the artist within them. Anurag Arora

I have been cooking since the age of 7. But, it is only 2 years ago when I started sharing my food with an audience outside of my friends and family. I did my first popup at my own terrace and received an amazing response, that’s when it all started. My food is somewhere a cross-section between experimental and refined. Most of my cooking stems from mere curiosity and often an obsession. And I guess a lot of what I make is inspired by travel, as well. I recall never having liked any pizzas until I chanced upon one in Naples. I spent the following year re- creating it at home. I started with perfecting the dough. Then I learnt to make my own Buffalo mozzarella and even put a wood-fired oven on my terrace.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 6 1 I find myself switching between cuisines very often depending on my curiosity. But for me authenticity and respect towards different cultures is very important. It brings a nuance to the final dish. I do hold myself accountable to the highest standards. I am not the kind of person that would serve a half-done sourdough or substandard pasta and since I am a designer, I focus a lot on the aesthetics of food and the packaging. In the future, I want to leave my job as a full-time designer to open a farm-to-table concept. It is so easy to forget what you had for lunch yesterday. My hope is that maybe you could create a new memory and experience, eating my food. And that would be my absolute pleasure! Dr. De-Lucious

I am a Dentist by profession but I always had a knack for Baking. My baking started probably when I was a 12 year old kid. As covid came into picture, being a dentist was the utmost risk if I had to attend patients. I utilised my lockdown in baking for family members and re-living my hobby for which I couldn't get time due to my clinical practice. One fine day my friends pushed me to start my own baking venture and that's how dr.de_lucious started.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 6 3 Bake Me Up

Fueled by the desire to indulge my kids while nourishing their souls I started baking healthy desserts for home just to realize that I was sending parcels everyday to friends and family. So it’s my passion that turned it into a business

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 6 4 Sinfully Yours

I am Gungun Chanda, living in Navi Mumbai for last 15 yrs. It's been about 8 years I have started baking professionally. I started baking for friends first then slowly entered the professional field. I am now a professional cake artist, home baker, a passionate bread enthusiast, and a teacher. I did a few short courses and attended a few workshops to upgrade my basic skills and to know the nuances of the baking art. Initially I was only baking rustic breads and cakes but being a creative person, I was gradually drawn towards cake decoration where I could explore my artistic skills while playing with color, moulds, various edible mediums and different design techniques.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 6 5 Through my passion I make people happy , I make their cake dreams come true and in return I get my share of pure joy and happiness. This field has nourished and nurtured my creative mind where I can experience and experiment many new skills. This field has also given me the opportunity to know some beautiful bakers and cake artists, some of them, I know personally are fabulous human beings. I feel privileged and humbled to have them as my good friends. All my baking related activities come under the brand name of 'Sinfully Yours' and 'Happiness is Homemade' is my mantra. INDIAN CUISINE BRANDS Didi's Kitchen

Didi's Kitchen was started by Ankit Vengurlekar to help his home chef Saroj Didi gain financial independence. In July 2020, post lockdowns, Saroj didi had considerable debt due to non payment by households she was working in. I took it upon myself to help her earn all the money, almost 1 lakh rupees that she needed in 3 months by starting Didi's Kitchen out of my home kitchen. Saroj Didi is a really gifted home chef and her manglorean crab curry is absolutely delicious. I put out a call to action sharing the availability of Didi's crab curry and the post went viral with Master Chef Vikas Khanna tweeting about it from New York.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 6 8 We managed to average 100 orders every weekend for 3 months and earned enough money for Didi to repay her debts. We paused the kitchen due to Didi's health condition in 2020. In April 2021, we resumed operations to cook and serve homely, veg free meals for COVID patients across Bangalore. We have served more than 700 meals in less than a fortnight and are now looking to shift to a bigger cloud kitchen in order to scale up our daily output to couple of hundred meals a day. Saroj Didi's daughter Kavita has been trained and so is her sister in law. This all women enterprise cooks nutritious and delicious food that helps COVID patients recover soon. Oottupura

The name Oottupura, meaning a community dining space, comes from childhood temple visits with my grandmother, who loved eating at the temple’s Oottupura. Oottupura by @thatthalasserygirl was borne out of novel circumstances. Covid-19 and the ensuing lockdown halted my plans of starting a vegetarian Keralite restaurant and instead transformed my dream into a home delivery service. This crisis has been challenging for everyone in different ways and Oottupura has been my way of bringing comfort, joy, warmth and healing to myself and others. It started with an Instagram post offering ten meals every Sunday which people could book through my website on Fridays at 12 pm. The meals offer Kerala’s underrated vegetarian fare, with a

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 0 focus on seasonality and local produce. I source red rice from local farmers in Palakkad, Marayoor jaggery from Idukki, cardamom from Munnar, and freshly-milled coconut oil made from coconuts grown in my mother’s farm in Thalassery. I also grind spices and extract coconut milk at home instead of using store-bought substitutes and cook food in earthen clay pots and urulis to ensure authenticity. What started with ten meals every Sunday has now become forty , which sell out in 30 minutes flat. The festival meals during Onam and Vishu are also popular, as are inji pulli (a condiment) and the Kerala bakery plum cake offered during Christmas. Of course, I continue to harbour my restaurant dream, perhaps when Covid-19 ends. But for now, Oottupura by @thatthalasserygirl has gifted me joy, and taught me resilience as well as nuance. It has been a homecoming. Bageechi Kitchen

My husband and I started this kitchen when our furniture business was impacted by Covid. I always enjoyed cooking and dreamt of doing it commercially. Our food is influenced by our Mathur culture and our Old Delhi roots which makes it a combination of traditional Mathur ingredients, recipes and techniques and also Old-Delhi specialties. We started as a small kitchen but have got love from clients and recognition from industry stalwarts, which has grown our business to a self-sustaining scale. In future, we would like to expand further and get more customers, but are constrained today with space and resources.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 2 Every Aroma Caterers

As a child, food always made me excited. Whether it was eating, cooking or feeding. So in 2010 when I got the opportunity to start something of my own ( after completing all the degrees my parents wanted) I decided to start my own catering company. Over the years I have kept up with the market trend (offered it to my customers too), worked on my skills as a cook, photographer, entrepreneur etc. It took me time to find my market/USP ( Kolhapuri) , but now I want Every Aroma to be reconized as a Kolhapuri homebased kitchen catering/delivery service.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 3 The Cutchi Memon Table

We wanted the people of Bombay to experience our passion for authentic Cutchi memon cuisine. There was no one doing justice to the authenticity of Cutchi Memon flavours and spices which set our kitchen apart. The slow cooking of our meats and abundant use of saffron and birista take our food up a higher notch than the and served in restaurants. Each dish is prepared by me right from sourcing the ingredients to turning it into a beautiful meal. A story started from home for a few select people 6 years ago has now grown into a large family of returning customers.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 4 However this is a labour of love and passion and I want to continue running this business single handedly so I do not plan to expand this into a large commercial venture. Every dish must be a replica of the very first and retain the same taste and quality years down the line. SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDS Renaye’s Bakesale

Baked goodies made with love and a story to tell! 16 year old Renaye raises money for charity with its sale. The purpose is to spread the sweetness and one day open our own cafe!

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 7 Old Fashioned Gourmet

Old Fashioned Gourmet, is a boutique food brand founded by the Late Smt. Shyamlata Sihare in 1995. She created OFG, to revive heirloom recipes of pickles and spices. We are a small 5 member team (my home staff and I) who are all trained by Amma, and we do everything in-house. Our only aim is to do 'what Amma would do' and that is our guiding light. I intend to help people rekindle their old food memories and relish each bite of my pickles and spices and possibly wonder who Shyamlataji was.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 8 Marwadi Khana

Marwadi Khana is not just my brain child but my dream, my desire, lot more than what I aspire! I come from a typical orthodox family where women work only in certain special and unfortunate cases, financial insecurity being one of them. But, against all odds here I am today, nurturing 'Marwadi Khana' just to bear the fruits of my passion and fulfil my dreams.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 7 9 Cauldron Sisterss

Ratika & Richa Khetan, we are sisters who started Cauldron Sisterss in 2015. It started as an exotic food gift hampers, but our love for food encouraged us to start culinary workshops, food deliveries & slowly & gradually it turned huge as restaurants & cafe started approaching us for consultancy. With each step further, we mastered their cooking skills and it added magic to every bite we curated. Together, over the years, we have successfully filled people’s kitchen with enchantment with exotic vegetarian food. We have mastered all cuisines on our own, by experimenting & creating a fusion of many. We do complete vegetarian food in cuisines like Indian, Continental,

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 8 0 Chinese, Mexican, Thai, Moroccan, Egyptian, Spanish, Japanese sushi, Burmese, Italian, desserts. We make the best 100% authentic sourdough breads & eggless macarons, which is rare in Jaipur. We have been awarded ‘Best food consultants’ of Jaipur by Esha Deol in 2018 & ‘Entrepreneurs of the year’ by IIHM, London 2019 on world hospitality day. We have been invited for collaborations by various good brands like Gustora pasta, Kitcheneif home appliances, Mahou maestra Spanish beer, Bioayurveda cosmetics & more.

Recently, we collaborated with SV public school of Jaipur; penned a book “Khichdi of India” which has 51 recipes of khichdi. Our passion for work has been acknowledged by various media house & newspapers. In February 2019, feather in our cap was added when we shot an episode about home cooks of India series for Blue Marlin TV from London. We have been associated with Master Chef India for selection of candidates for season 5 (2019).

Worked with several big brands & setting up restaurant, cafe, coffee shops for last 2 years. In 2020 we completed 3 major projects, Quyu’s Taproom at Bagariya Bhawan OMG by Greendesk, CScheme Brewtown Cafe,

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 8 1 Dhuleshwar Garden Bestowed with ‘Global Excellence Award’ on 15th March 2020 In lockdown, our work has been awarded by ‘Social Symphony Award, Jaipur FBAI as Best Home chef Baker award 2020. Bri’s Kitchen

I am a jewellery designer by profession and I really enjoy and love my work but I also always had a passion for cooking so I just wanted to take up cooking in one way or another. Friends, family, guests - everyone had the same feedback for me -to start my own business! While it had always been at the back of my mind, but I never thought I would act upon it. It was only when the pandemic led the whole country towards a lockdown that I decided to give it a shot. There weren’t many home chefs who served continental dishes - and that was exactly my forte! So this passion lead me to start a home chef business of healthy gourmet food for our local tastebuds a kitchen that specialises in global cusine.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 8 3 I started with setting a menu and arranging the supplies for my dishes. But it came with a challenge - the lockdown. Sourcing the ingredients was difficult, but my local vendors made sure that I got them on time as per the requirements. I made sure that the packaging was a treat to the eye - the designer in me had to come in. As I was ready to hit the ground running, I started out with my first set of customers who were mostly friends and family. Everyone loved the food and gave me suggestions that I took seriously and worked upon. I have been in business for over a year now and it makes me so happy when people tell me that they prefer my food over ordering in from a high end restaurant it feels like a dream come true and definitely motivates me to keep the spirit high and keep innovating and adding new dishes to my menu. A passion for genuine, healthy, gourmet food meets the professionalism of a restaurant. A home chef business that specializes in global cuisines for our local tastebuds. Cooked with love and packed with care, you can be assured of quality food delivered to your doorstep for those special occasions and celebrations that call for something unique. I will keep innovating and creating new dishes and items for my customers and I do believe that customers are very important and if they tell me a particular thing about the dish they didn't like I will definitely look into it and try improving and growing. Keeping customers happy is the most important thing for me. NEXT GEN BRANDS Renaye’s Bakesale

Baked goodies made with love and a story to tell! 16 year old Renaye raises money for charity with its sale. The purpose is to spread the sweetness and one day open our own cafe!

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 8 7 Artsy Baker

I am 21 years old and in third year of my college. So basically this all has started in lockdown . I never had a taste in baking but then lockdown made me realised the baker in me. I haven't attended any classes or courses till now. My mom had learnt baking cakes. So she taught me and icing cakes was like real god gift to me. I was also pursuing CS executive level. But now my life has changed its pathways. So settled and thankful to each and everyone who has been supporting me. And especially my parents have a huge role to play in this. Grateful to live like this.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 8 8 Mad House

As a kid I use to watch cooking shows on TV, which gave a rise to my love for food and inculcating the idea of having my own restaurant someday. To develop my passion further, I completed my graduation in Hotel management and started working in the kitchen of 'Ellipsis', which was run by Chef Kelvin Cheung and later by Chef Phuong Tran. After working for a year and half, I started with Mad House in the year 2016 at the age of 21. I took a 300sq.ft place on rent in Thane. Burgers were the USP for MH. The most selling burger at Mad house is 420 and classic. During the year 2019, I had to close the dine in outlet due to increase in rental value. H O M E C H E F F I E S | 8 9 With low funding I started with cloud kitchen, I ran that place without hiring any staff and than the Covid first wave started which had me closing down the outlet, I got myself a managing partner job with an Indian brand during the first lockdown, as of 2021, I had to resign from that job. And here I'm today, having started Mad House from home and simultaneously pitching to investors. The special point of Mad house is that all the burger patties are made in the house. The idea is to sell handcrafted burgers at an affordable price. I look forward to start QSR chains of MH pan India. Ka Shawla

When pandemic hit in the year 2020 the most affected people were famers because they were unable to make profit from their farms. They are not even tech savvy to use digital medium. So here we are to help them and to help the people to eat healthy food. We will source fresh spices from the farmers to deliver to our customers. We want to be the Amazon of North East Food, we have loads of people from our region who craved for local and authentic food because they are outside the region either studying or working but they miss home local food from the region. So, we want to cater to them and we want to be the first from the region selling the local and authentic food to International level.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 9 1 Where we have number of people working in other countries when they will get the local and authentic food at their door steps. We want to sell all authentic food of all the seven sister and one brother states of North East India. We sell all kinds of pickles, spices, herbs and the local food items. Our plan is to expand the business to International levels. Like we have 'Lakadong Turmeric' which has highest cur-cumin percentage 7-8% which has loads of health benefits. Slowly we are planning to work with other communities as well who has spices or honey and so on. Crave Along Satyen

I am a culinary arts student and I wanted to explore my area of interest. There wouldn’t have been any other opportunity than lockdown. I decided to start baking cakes for my dear ones. Later, they insisted to start it on a larger scale. I was a bit skeptical about it, but I decided to take it up. The response I received was unbelievable. People trusting an 18 year old boy for their special celebrations melted my heart. I mainly focus on bakery. But hot kitchen too interests me. There are many home bakers at the moment, but I think, the taste that I offer is unique since I do not use any premixes like most of the others do.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 9 3 Be it any large order I prefer baking with my own recipe. I honestly didn’t take this up as a business, rather it was an opportunity for me to explore. The business has grown better than my expectations. I would surely love to have my own unique bakery outlet in the coming future. INTERNATIONAL GOURMET BRANDS Anurag Arora

I have been cooking since the age of 7. But, it is only 2 years ago when I started sharing my food with an audience outside of my friends and family. I did my first popup at my own terrace and received an amazing response, that’s when it all started. My food is somewhere a cross-section between experimental and refined. Most of my cooking stems from mere curiosity and often an obsession. And I guess a lot of what I make is inspired by travel, as well. I recall never having liked any pizzas until I chanced upon one in Naples. I spent the following year re- creating it at home. I started with perfecting the dough. Then I learnt to make my own Buffalo mozzarella and even put a wood-fired oven on my terrace. H O M E C H E F F I E S | 9 6 I find myself switching between cuisines very often depending on my curiosity. But for me authenticity and respect towards different cultures is very important. It brings a nuance to the final dish. I do hold myself accountable to the highest standards. I am not the kind of person that would serve a half-done sourdough or substandard pasta and since I am a designer, I focus a lot on the aesthetics of food and the packaging. In the future, I want to leave my job as a full-time designer to open a farm-to-table concept. It is so easy to forget what you had for lunch yesterday. My hope is that maybe you could create a new memory and experience, eating my food. And that would be my absolute pleasure! Vedika Agarwala

After studying at The Culinary Institute of America for 4 years and working under prominent chefs in New York City, I had dreams of working with as many chefs all over the world as I could. Around came 2020, and I was under lockdown, grateful to be safe at home with my family. I knew I wouldn’t get an opportunity like this again where I was under no pressure, and I could attempt to make anything I wanted. I had an idea, I wanted to create food inspired by some of the most famous paintings of the world. I used bread and pies as my canvas and just had fun with it! I was posting pictures of my food regularly on Instagram and the response was phenomenal! The designs were a big success, people loved the idea of customized

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 9 8 food to celebrate their special days, even if it’s just at home. I wanted my food to be a gift someone is receiving, so I designed my packaging with that in mind. I started taking orders in September, keeping my menu small so I can give enough attention to minute details of each food item. It’s an eclectic menu, attempting to bring art and food together. It has only been a few months since I started taking orders for my food, but the response has been overwhelming and I hope to keep growing and eventually popularize the concept of floral wedding cakes in Calcutta. Bri’s Kitchen

I am jewellery designer by professionals I really enjoy and love my work- I also always had a passion for cooking so I just wanted to take up cooking in one way or another. Friends, family, guests - everyone had the same feedback for me -to start my own business! This passion lead me to start a home chef business of healthy gourmet food for our local tastebuds a kitchen that specialises in global cuisine.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 0 0 Incendiary Kitchen

A lifelong fascination with BBQ and grilling led to Joshua spending years experimenting with and perfecting the art of wood-smoked meats. After repeatedly being dissatisfied with the quality of generic store-bought bacon and ham, Joshua decided to take matters into his own hands and Incendiary Kitchen was born. With a custom-built smoker at home, Joshua and his wife, Larissa began processing meats from their house and quickly developed a name for themselves in and around Bandra. Over the years, the menu has grown to also include Goan Chorise, Smoked Bacon & Ham, Pulled Pork and many other staples. Besides these, regular customers look forward to the various H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 0 1 ‘Weekend Specials’ that Incendiary Kitchen holds – serving up diverse fare from Seafood Boils to Pizzas and everything in between. What sets Incendiary Kitchen apart is its commitment to process without any compromise. The team sources from only select suppliers and make all the marinades themselves – preferring to exercise complete control over the entire curing and slow-smoking process before it reaches the customer. The business has seen tremendous growth since inception. Now, Incendiary Kitchen is looking to expand its menu and build on the momentum it's got. Iya`s Sushi

Iya's Sushi was started in September 2020, post the first long lockdown. It was started out of sheer love for Korean food. I, Indraja Khaladkar (home chef) had learnt how to cook Korean food in a South Korean household. During the lockdown, as I experimented with food a lot, I came up with the concept of Iya's Sushi. Pune had very few places serving Korean cuisine and hardly any serving Indo- Korean fusion food. We established a home chef business in Pune that served Korean food that was adapted to the Indian palate as well as affordable. We started with selling just 2 types of sushi and now we have a complete menu with popular Korean street foods like Bulgogi Tacos and meals like Soba Black bean noodles.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 0 3 We try to make as many products as possible in-house, including the wasabi and Kimchi. We are also coming up with a new retail line that serves interesting new products such as Gochujang Hummus, Kimchi, edamame hummus, etc. We started the business as a home chef business. We have ever since gained a good customer base in Pune, which is only growing. We have also done events in different cities like Mysore And Gokarna and pop-up events in Pune. We wish to popularize Korean food in India, make it accessible and affordable to Indians. GOLDEN AGE BRANDS Bageechi Kitchen

My husband and I started this kitchen when our furniture business was impacted by Covid. I always enjoyed cooking and dreamt of doing it commercially. Our food is influenced by our Mathur culture and our Old Delhi roots which makes it a combination of traditional Mathur ingredients, recipes and techniques and also Old-Delhi specialties.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 0 6 We started as a small kitchen but have got love from clients and recognition from industry stalwarts, which has grown our business to a self-sustaining scale. In future, we would like to expand further and get more customers, but are constrained today with space and resources. Mama K Treats

Mama K is a venture from your well-known Foodaholics family. Mama of course, is none other than Kanan (fondly called Bala aunty in her circle) is center-stage and chief love giver in the household. As a beacon and role model for her 3 kids, Mama delights and shares in their many successes. She looks after their nutritional and health needs with much passion and love. Combine the love of Bala aunty and Kishi's charisma, you get Mama K hometreats. We venture out to the morning markets to source the freshest vegetables and other ingredients. Adding a generous drop of love and care into making each dish, Mama K ensures you get treated exactly like one of her kids. Using recipes that go back to the glorious times,

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 0 8 all you get is taste, health and nutrition made with love. And be sure to let her know, she is listening in to know how your palate is - bland, spicy or truly eclectic. (With Covid the sourcing has been done with all precautions) Cooking Concepts

I started at an early age of 17 in 1972 with a goal to achieve the best in the food industry & gaining the best knowledge I worked in kuwait for 15 yrs as a chef for the Royals and learnt the authentic Lebanese-Pakistani & Bakery and INDIAN fine cooking. My food is unique because of the taste and authentic and traditional recipes that I do so people can understand good food and its value for money. I expanded my business since 2006 by social networking and putting across my food and teaching enthusiasts people who love food. So far I have taught 10,000 students in India from last 40 yrs.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 1 0 My motive is giving empowerment to women, purpose to live and every woman should earn and be independent. Since the pandemic I have started selling food to the people in Mumbai, specializing in PATHARE PRABHU CUISINE- hyderabadi-pakistani and Lebanese food and also cakes. Also wish to be the best known for the food that I make for its authenticity Dharkar's Kitchen

Our friends & relatives have always loved our food over the years & cooking non vegetarian CKP food has been my specialty since over 30 years now. During the last lockdown, we started sending tiffins (free of cost) to friends/relatives whose family was quarantined. It really gave us joy to be of little help. In August, since we had received fantastic feedback, we thought this can be a really good business opportunity to start a home delivery model professionally. The purpose is to spread traditional CKP non vegetarian cuisine.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 1 2 When we first started it was more to keep myself busy than making huge profits. But as months passed, we saw a huge potential in this model & have targeted a value addition of 1 Lakh per month by Aug 2021. We want to keep growing at a good pace and see to it while doing so all our old customers are retained. (ie while adding the new ones) As we have seen the power of customer advocacy in this past one year. I started with me alone cooking and now 2 other have been recruited. Our aim is to employ 10 women by end of this year. We started with small portion quantities on Weekends only, by sending the menu out on Wednesdays. It started with sending it on personal WhatsApp of friends, relatives and groups.

Preparing food is my passion, so we use the same ingredients, source supplies from vendors a we do it for our home food. This allows us to charge extra than the market pricing, and customers don't mind paying extra as the quality of ingredients/food is guaranteed. The recipes in our menu are very unique since they have been passed on to me from generations to generations. Hence, the taste is unique too. We started in Aug 2020, our month on month growth for the first 6 months has been around 30% & the next months has been 20%.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 1 3 Delegation is a challenge for me. I do not wish to be the bottleneck if the business has to grow. So the plan for another year is the business should continue to run without me, standardize as many things (if not all) as possible. Do not have any figure in mind for target TO or profit, as if we continue to maintain consistency in quality (quality including food, packaging, on time delivery, customer experience, all aspects), we are sure growth & profits will follow. We do not wish to deviate from our expertise in non vegetarian domain. But would target that whenever anyone in Nashik thinks about ordering non vegetarian food, our name should pop up on the top of their preferences. Pinch of Flavour

My journey as an entrepreneur began quite late but all the efforts put in and the journey up till now has been worthwhile. I love what I do which makes what I do quite satisfying. Even though there is a lot of physical labour that one needs to put in while cooking I enjoy every bit of it simply because food is my passion, it always has been probably why my friends and family thought that I should make it into a business. Being an artist (Painter) for more then 40 years now I treat my food as art as well coz I believe you eat with your eyes just as much as your mouth, presentation as important as the taste and probably that is what people love about our food.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 1 5 ‘Pinch Of Flavour’ is a family run business and I cannot have it any other way coz my family has been my pillar of strength all throughout my journey as an entrepreneur and journey can only be enjoyable when your loved ones are with you on it. INDIAN DESSERT BRANDS Marwadi Khana

Marwadi Khana is not just my brain child but my dream, my desire, lot more than what I aspire! I come from a typical orthodox family where women work only in certain special and unfortunate cases, financial insecurity being one of them. But, against all odds here I am today, nurturing 'Marwadi Khana' just to bear the fruits of my passion and fulfil my dreams. I cook because I like to feed others, I cook because I like that smile which my food brings on others faces, I cook because I feel my soul connects with others' in the process and that's liberation for me! Since I was a child, my father has been an inspiration for me all my life but when I shared the idea of Marwadi Khana with my family and parents, my father did not support me

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 1 8 at all and in fact got upset with me as he was afraid that his daughter's desire to follow her dreams might be not good for the family in the typical Marwadi society! But I decided to prove my father wrong and bring him laurels instead! Even though I lacked the emotional support and any inspiration in my life during the initial phase except for my husband who became my sole anchor, soon one achievement followed the other, helped me regain all my ties, made me stronger than ever! That is the reason why Marwadi Khana is not just a venture for me but a strong bond indeed and why whoever orders food from Marwadi Khana feels 'bonded' over food! The dishes/menu are not the ones aimed at garnering lot of praises from my clientele or aimed at attracting a big clientele, rather each dish has its own story, its own relation, its own share of history, or some 'kisse-kahani' related to it or some childhood memories attached for me while I feasted over them at my aunt's house during the summer vacation or while learning them from my mother or mother in law or bhabhi. Thus the menu encompasses relations and ties for me and not just any dish! Mom's Kitchen

My children and grandchildren being super foodies, I keep experimenting with different cuisines. My culinary skills are always appreciated by everyone. I fostered a dream to open a small restaurant. With my love for my work place "My Kitchen" what would be a better place than starting from home. That's how "Mom's Kitchen" came into existence on 1st May 2019 We started at a small scale which was truly appreciated by many and it inspired me to expand my "Kitchen" on a larger scale. Cooking makes me empowered and happy from inside which gives me peace of mind and helps me keep healthy and fit. Today, at age 72 I can say that I am accomplishing my dream everyday.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 2 0 Gharchi Products Homemade Cookies

‘Gharchi' (meaning homemade in Marathi) was born from our desire to do something creative and enjoyable as a family during this pandemic. As the name suggests, this is a wholly family-run business. Our dough is hygienically and lovingly kneaded and baked into cookies with a motherly touch, that are then meticulously packed for delivery. Our marketing and design too is handled by our 'gharchi' design agency - Barn Advertising & Design. This has been a truly delightful and special experience for us!

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 2 1 Our delectable Gharchi cookies are sure to give you a sense of nostalgia and it brings us great joy to share a piece of our home for you to savour in yours. 100% home- made, safe and hygienic – truly Gharchi! SWAAD

We are a food delivery service for home cooked meals specialising in all cuisines (only vegetarian food). We have been operational since a year, and started during the lockdown with the objective of helping people by curating meals. We have delivered food to over 1500 people, mainly to those who were unable to acquire or access the food, or celebrate occasions or even those having Covid. We are proud to be one of the few people in Mumbai who have been constantly delivering meal plates, meal boxes and curated menu meals on a daily basis all over Mumbai and helping a lot of Covid patients with nutritious, comforting home cooked meals. Our aim is to spread love and happiness through our simple Gujarati meals and other cuisines.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 2 3 Smita Manoj's Kitchen

“A civilisation that does not preserve its traditions, culture and uniqueness commits an unpardonable disservice not only to themselves but also to the generations to come. Such civilisations will one day disappear from history”. I think that Food is an unmissable part of any civilisation but rapid urban-migration today poses a real risk of traditional recipes getting extinct. Smita Manoj’s Kitchen was born out of this concern. I saw two options, either record the recipes for posterity or master them. I chose the latter. My septuagenarian Mother, Mom-in-law and a few assorted aunts became my primary source.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 2 4 I had them cook lots of traditional Bihari food which I watched, recorded & also tried capturing their true essence. I started off with traditional pickles using WhatsApp and Social media groups as marketing platforms. Soon, Word-of-mouth became my most potent marketing tool. I was soon learning & making mithais, festival special like Dhuska & Thekua, & known staples like /Chokha/Meat. I had no desire to experiment with “Traditional-food-expressed-with-modern-sensibility” and hence my recipes remained true & traditional. I hope to play some role in seeing Bihari food being counted amongst popular mainstream Indian food! TNE R RS PA Our journey began from a small shop in the holy city of Nashik in Maharashtra. The sheer quality and the taste of the exotic spice blends developed, soon became a favourite with the masses and necessitated the formation of a dedicated manufacturing unit to fulfil market demand. It became the stepping stone of the renowned brand of spices – “Ram Bandhu Masale”.

Gradually the demand and popularity of Ram Bandhu Masale started spreading to other cities of Maharashtra. With continual expansion a public limited company was established in 1994 with the name of “Empire Spices and Foods Ltd”. Quality and innovation are the pillars of our success in the pursuit of culinary ecstasy.

H O M E C H E F F I E S | 1 2 7 We always make it a point to come up with products that are attuned to the tastes, preferences and lifestyles of our consumers. At present our brand portfolio includes the brands Ram Bandhu, RBM, Temptin and Zaiqa. These are loved by the masses for the taste, variants and convenience that they bring.

Our market presence spans 8 states in the central and western part of India with more than half a million retail shops and a team of over 400 field staff dedicated to supplying the best spices and culinary delicacies to all our consumers. AASHIRVAAD believes in giving you nothing but the best. This is why the ingredients are carefully hand-picked and processed with the same love and care with which you prepare your food. AASHIRVAAD covers the range of atta, ghee, salt, spices and instant mixes. AASHIRVAAD goes straight to the source to hand pick the finest grains and spices to produce the best ingredients that you can use in your kitchen. To lock in the freshness of the products, AASHIRVAAD uses world class technology in packaging across all categories - whether it is the PET Poly packaging used to give you fresh chakki Atta or the four- layer international pouch to retain the flavour of tastefully crafted Instant Mixes. Yes, we are the ones who conquered your craving needs on a meetha beat and the first and only to serve choco- late on the local-plate. We reside on the kitchen shelves of most Indian households. And, we have one superpower that holds the potential to disrupt the whole snacking domain. Head chocolatier for 75+ years and cookie boulanger for 10+ years, with classics like – Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo, Mondelez is the ultimate ‘snacking-royalty’ in India. With 3500+ chocolatiers here at home, we bring our best to you and the world, tantalizing taste buds across 150 countries. From Cadbury, Tang, Bournvita, and Oreo, we offer an oasis of balanced indulgence and nutrition in every ounce of our creation. Baskin-Robbins has nearly 7,000 store locations in over 50 countries outside the US. You might be surprised where in the world you'll find us. We're one of the world's most recognisable brands of ice cream treats and the world's largest ice cream speciality chain! We entered India in 1993 through a joint venture with the Ghai Group. Offering delicious and fun treats in 190 cities/ towns with 725+ stores, Baskin Robbins is one of the largest retail chains in India. The company has a dedicated team of people with expertise in the consumer goods and hospitality industry that has turned Baskin Robbins into the world's most loved Ice Cream brand. India’s leading plant-based meat company, GoodDot, is focused on enabling a cruelty- free and compassionate world. Their nutritious, affordable and high quality ambient- stable products mimic and even surpass animal meats.

Kikkoman Soy Sauce is made using only 4 simple and carefully selected ingredients - Soybeans, Wheat, Water and Salt. It is truly an "All-Purpose" seasoning and is suitable for cooking any cuisine, whether Asian, Japanese, Western or Indian. Instachef is a food processing company specialising in Gourmet Food Solutions for hotels, cafés and caterers.

An initiative by hospitality experts with over three decades of experience, Instachef is focused on creating innovative solutions INSTACHEF for chefs all around the GOURMET SNACKS country.

We serve comfort food with a deep focus on ethically sourced local ingredients that are healthy, organic, and wholesome. Our produce comes straight from local farms across the country, so that you can enjoy the best of both flavour and health, handmade from scratch. HOME CHEFFIES x

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