Mid Murray Council.Pdf
__/ Mid v--- Murray Council FROM THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Ref: 5/LIA/1/MM 15 December 2020 Mr Michael Lennon Chair State Planning Commission GPO Box 1815 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Dear Mr Lennon, Consultation Submission – Revised Planning and Design Code Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the revised Planning and Design Code. Mid Murray Council are a Phase 3 Council and see this as the final opportunity to ensure our local policy, particularly, as it relates to the sensitive River Murray environment is not lost or eroded. Please find below a detailed submission which has been endorsed by Council’s Strategic Planning and Policy Development Committee, as well as the full Council. Preamble The purpose of this submission is threefold, firstly to consider the new Zones of the Code and how certain Zones and Policy Areas (within the Development Plan) are to be transitioned, and consider whether the ‘right’ choice has been made for the Zone. If not, suggestions are tabled as to what might be a more suitable Zone given the context outlined. Secondly, the submission seeks to flesh out whether there are opportunities in limited circumstances where there is obvious disparity between the existing built form and landscape character to the zoning intent of the current Zone or Policy Area, and in these circumstances consider an appropriate Zone in the Code that might be more reflective and cognisant of the existing situation and perhaps sway away from unrealistic policy of the current Zone in the context to a more appropriate Code Zone. For example, parts of the Urban Waterfront (Floodplain) Zone containing dwellings and riverfront residential allotments being transitioned to a Recreation Zone (which contemplates, among other things, sporting grounds) would appear to suggest an alternative Zone might be appropriate.
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