20,000 PEOPLE read this paper every week, ] circulation than all other pap county combined. - THE WASHINGTON STAR



The Republican platform Is somewhat More tliiin "00 teachers of the to Beat Winter Tlin*' who v.nr> Indicted b\ the S. S. Convention Ordered By Council \ igue mid «mj«r Repeal Volstead Law W.iu.n Coiii.tj V.i.iuil lur/ -..crc a: tcliuul* of %Vjnji-n ooUiity '"Jncllltllns ••'The Government uIII uiduie on Mfgnii! in (ouit ."yionday and "ntiiuf he sister-teachers of the J'hillliisburK pl< .is us follows Would Cost $6,750 To Light the rock of law enforcement or ft will Party Condcms Van Ness '.u'oclilal .schools atW-nded ih»f annual Broadway Center of Activ- Much Interest 'in Great perish In the quicksand of lawlessness.' ristltute In the iiiiditorLum of the TMill- I'liink Jiltlill.il and Chubs Xtlcbluu, In this emphatt'c statement tlw .Attor iuilktid. foi issiult .ind Ijttttiy, plf.ttl- Work; Elect Officers Avenues 1,000 Feet on Act and Opposes Sunday lusbiirg iii^ili . schoul \\tdius-l.*.v ity; Road Now Past ul not f-uilt>. my General of the United States has County Supt. Ilobert Ii. Sanford of muitl} iiolntttl out the lmpoitmce of Blue Laws. •elvitlcru called the meeting to order I'miil' Kitl'k of I'hltlip-tiiurr In- for Year. Each Side. ohedUuice to the law of the land on New Village. dli V tl fi.i (Kviitloii uul tion-tuppoit of romptly nt 9.H0 o'clock. There were Owing to the central location and tho Thy demand for more and better the part of all loyal citizens, as well ns The Democrats or ?;«w'• Jersey will "With Jack Kro.tt giving indications wit. .mil *\\ dilkheii, plwdul not lany ciises of tardiness. guilty. result of. systematic work during tho nidi-walks seemed to lit.* in the air at the nt-cessltv of proper enforcement of go forth in the campaign for th.> elec- Prominent among the educators of Ills chilly presence soon being felt. the law on the part of those charged th*> contractors on the paving of the Hls r awauli Sunday School Association wns thu on or more property owners iintl citi- ion. In a nation ruled by law (person- urging modlllration-s In the Volstead weather puts a slop lo tiie work for al liberty must tflve way to civil liberty, Community singing directed by Miss this season. All contractors, however, and battery, pleaded not guilty. largest in years. Tlie -sessions w*. i*. s-,enn of the community In which the law, which Is denounced as unconstitu- larriet Woydard. supervisor of music William Drake of Haekettsiowii, two held In the Washington At. K. Shurcli walks were desired. The on*? excep- and) the will of the people, when ex- tional and subversive of the rights <>f are being held up from time to time pressed III the method provided by the f tht* local schooln. Was the opening by the delay of getting cracked stone, indictments, for assault on young girls. The committees from • the Sundn> tion was that of V, W. Thomas, Ilel- the people. The Republicans will seH< of th< . 12. A. Doll pleaded nut guilty. . .schoolM of Washington furnished both videre avenue, who asked that the own- people themselves, must be supreme, lo maintain the control tlu-y now have sand anil oilier material. Tills has else popular government falls. ihychologlst of the division of rehabi- been tilt* one big drawback to all three CrofesHla Vorcssl.'L of I'billipsburg. In- dinner nnd .supper at twenty-live centH ,cr of thf lot adjoining hit* new bunga- over the Legislature with a declaration litation and W, .1. Kills, his assistant, dicted for the illegal prnctlre uf .'iiid- "We; accordingly reiterate the party contracting lirms. each. low, C. P. Stautes, be required tn lay In favor of law enforcement, which conducted a half-hour discussion under wlfery, pleadi-d imt guilty. The devotional service at 10 a, m. a sidownlk. Inasmuch as no other pe- volley declared at the State convention might mean almost anything, and gives the tonic, -What Do I Know'.'" The Hudson Contracting Company Is aamonu Vi-nrzlu of Pblilipsburg. in- of 1020 and thereafter approved by an well along with the work from Port was conducted by liev, J. N. Wagon- titioners' were on the communication candidates for the Legisltur.- wide lati- Education through play was next dieted lor writing tiliu*kli:uid. llnt-nU'ii- hurst, pastor of the Washington Pres- the clerk was instructed to return the unprecedented majority of the voters tude in the several counties. The Colden t o WWashington.. TheThen ing letters, also for conspiracy in writ- of the Slate, that there must bo honest discussed by Henry S. Curtis, a niejn- byterian church. The department re- [n'titlon to Mr. Thomas anil have him battle for the Republicans WJIS fought ber of the Vacuity of Dberlin College, sosomm e deliiy becaausu e mploy:.>empy s . ing letters ami demanding money !Y>m ports .showed an Increased interest in net other signatures. and impartial enforcement of tin- I2igh- out before tin- convention was called compellelld to work without thhe bbii g pav- persons, pleaded nut (,'ulliy and re- leenth amendment and the laws relat- Ohio. The rest of the morning period tlie work. "Taking Aim" was the HUII- The first petition read was one from to order, and as Slate. Chairman taken up by sectional • meetings, ing machine at the bridge at I'ort manded to jail for trial. Ject of an Interesting and Jmitructlvo resident* of West Warren street ami ing thereto." Stokes' collection of "best minds" en- Colden. This work had to ha done by r.erirude Mitrka of 1'hillip.sburg, In- There was evidence in plenty follow- the high school teachers meeting with address by Joseph K. Appley, the'fcUam asked that Cieorge Rarson and Mrs. A. deavored to thresh out the most pain- (•'rank Saunders, chairman and Dr. L. hand. The wise oi es are (|uestlonlng dicted for assault, plea-led not guilty. Secretary. Itev. Kemper G. XtcComlt \V. Crevellng be required tn lay walks ing thf Republican convention that by ful of its subjects in an nil-night ses- whether the bridge will no-t- be- a verit- Robert I'olte of I'hillipsburi:. indiot- no means all "f those who had voted i. Jackson, assistant commissioner for full time. Sunday School WOfTter o£ in front of their respective properties, sion succeeding only in drafting a dry eeondary education; the grammar able death tra|i. This is diu; to the cd for adultery, pleaded not guilty. Somerset County, gave mi ittklrcHs on liolh vacant lots In that street. There to sustuln the platform were pleased or plank which reunited considerable m»d- necessity of having the grade rounding [•'rank Itucher of Alpha. Indicted .for happy over the result. Some of the f Plilllipsburg was belief that the platform would not html latter a brother of Oscar f{. Si'Ikel, released from jail, Xo indictment. tlit! afternoon than' In tho morning. Jlell thought that it ought to be u|) to tin- penalties imposed. il.ynical training director of the I'hll- ing wrecked, especially in wet went her. -Mihs* Frances IKdtlen, the Slate Super- the borough to look after the curbs be- anybody to It, and that the candidates The IMnncratfe Platform says in when they leave the asphalt surface Henry Sniiib. :t young boy from for the Legislature are left free to ipsbiirg public schools and Ihe rural riiiekelistown. charged with stealing. intendent of the Children's Division fore attention wan given to-sidewalks, eailurs, Miss Vera Telfcr. chairman. oad just east of the bridge anil strike spoke oil: "Direct or Indirect." Rev anil Unit In many eases there are deep make their own campaigns in their tlie smooth concrete as they cross Ihe was released from Jail and piaeed In own wny In tho respective counties, The Constitution of the* United States nstructur .Miss Sarah A. Dynes, de- diarge of hiw parenis. who ^eiu direct- Stuley IC. Davis, of the Hoard of Sunday gullle.s where there ought to .be glltt- mrtment of History, Trenton. Slate structure. Schools, New York city, gave "a most ters of reasonable depth. This was and that there will be nothing to pre- is the supremo law of tht! lam!, which The contractors are still in hopes of ed by the court to tak»' gornl eary »'i •ent the enactment of amendments to every citizen must uphold In thu inter- s'onmil school. their bey, who is only'lO years of age entertaining talk on: "The. (Sunday particularly true, he claimed, in re- getting the pavement laid as far as School and the Kingdom Task. ward to the |ietltli>n In South Lincoln the hated law. est, of a more perfect union, tht- ad- The afternoon session -also opened ithe t.ackiiwunna culvert in East and keep him In school. aVer.uo. vancement of cl.jme.itie tramiuiltty and with community singing, directed by Washington avenue next week and A jury composed of men and women The department conferences were Dump Whiskey into Dchiwan1. the promotion of trie general welfare, •|HJ) Wooilnrri. Dr. Shaffer gave :i In.p.- to also gi-i some work dunu un tliu brought'In :t vcrdlcr of "no cause for ac- aids to the work of the schools and Vinuenzo Allabllle, who recently pur- tion" In ihe suit of tleorge AlcICeimy, chased the lot of Joseph IS. Cornish Twenty-live quarts of whiskey, con- so that tiie blessings of liberty to our- ilk on lht» work of the state depart- other end of the Washington section. were as follows: "Teachers, Large and i of Kastou against I-:dward N. Dietrich, 1 thiit was formerly used as a Ktortgo lot fiscated following the arrest of Hum selves and our posterity may be secur- .jut <>f cdiicalloii. An address by Miss bi f()i't'>'wintcr puts n stop to the work. Small," MKs Hodden; "Vacation Dall il. The Uemocriitlc party of .Ww ,Ier- iara Askew, stale librarian at Trenton uC T'iiilliDsburg Wednesday afternoon. Uible Schools." Miss DeimisUm; "Tho for lumber, also received with the deed Muree, a Syrian, near Great Meadows. It Is not likely, however, that McKenny, who was employed as a the petition for laying a walk. When . month ago. and who has been held t\V reallirms its allegiance to the con- tlw making of clti/.t-us came next fort will made to do my work in Greatest Field uf ICvangellsin," Rev. erussing lemler by Uu- Central Hail- !>avis; "Somerset . Young People's reference was made by n councilman t Hie ullk'c of rYi>.M-i:titOl S. C. Smith, stitution of "the United Slates, and to owed by a talk "Making Use of tlH> • of the borough. ich and every of its amendments in Silent Reading." by Miss .Melissa road, was .struck whilu walking on Mur- Work," Rev. MeComb: that sonic of the properly owners had Jr., sbu'e that time, was Monday af- will therefore have to ivmniu as It is ket street, mar the Piilllipsbmg Town not been in possession long, tint Mayor noon dumped Into a sewer in Union each and every of their provisions. At ik. helping teacher. Warren county, for the winter, unless tin- State gives it The election of olllcers resulted a« Hall. He was injured severely. Die- follows: President, S. I\L Tre.ssler, lemm-kid ttutt one had lield title only a Siiuaie. PhilUM'iirg. au.l made its the same time uv unhesitatingly insist nd nuoth. HM by |)r. C . temporary . , trich is a tailor. .Judge 8l\mr made it few days. This was Attabille. • way to Ibe Dftiiwttiv Kiv.-r. Thr con- hat tin' CnnstituUnii must lie up- Do.-.i I'ubiie II,., jition Pay?" Korp A Koi|. ;i e Vlie ones who have plain to the Jurors that the pavement Washington; vice-president, Itev. J. C, held and maintained in a constitutional elosrd (I: HI'SKiOII Ilofer, Oxford; Itev. J. A. DonnhtH l!ut when the vote was takjn It was tainers, after they bad been drained : Hatifuni .,,. nlishe.1 th. most work, from Is the proper pkn-e for pedestrians to of the liquor, wen- destroyed and then iiannt.-r by the enactment and enforce- .vith a talk mi his work in th (clu ml* .Marian's Crossing there is now a line walk and when ibey walk in the street IMiillipsburg; Uev. E. C. Hall, Vienna decided to hiivu tllo clerk notify the ment of laws which do nut contravene broUL,-houl theVouuty. Another series j i i|, ,,f while " cmicret. . _ corresponding secretary, Hiss Helen new owner that lie must lay ;i walk Ihrown into the stream. This WHS In M r greater care should be used. t'ulllllment of the provisions of the any of Its provisions. it sectional meet Ings followed, when j stretching into Uroadwayliroadway. The eoncon- Htmtnton, i'liilllpshurg; treasurer, Rev within thirty days or It will be u ease The particular attention and careful Dr. Jiieltson imaln talked to the. high Howard Carey was non-suited in his M. If. Loolohtn, StewartsvIUe; record- for the street superintendent to tell his VanNesH Knforcement Act. anil was tractors liavi' also made gooil headway perfurmed In the pivscnce of Judge J. thought of every citizen of New .Jersey ehool teachers. Dr. Selic-l lo the case- against Joshua Ii. Gray, also of ing secretary, C. C. Klue. Klnesvlllt men "Attu Hoy on Attabitlie's lot." Mr. 1 through the village Itself and plan, to I. 15. IMley, Prosecutor Smith. Patrol- is directed by the members of tin. Demo- :ranmiar .school j.'n-u,i. .Miss Struble have that section completed, with the Phiilipsburg. He brought suit for al- member of Stute executive- committe<. I.'.ell refused to vote on this motion cratic Stale, convention lo u law passed <• the primary teachers. Miss Dynes, leged damages from falling through tho Itev. J. W. Martyn. HackutLstow^n; de- and there wure four votes in favor, man Ualley. Constable Kehfuss and a exception of the bridges niul side trim- iloor of a building he had been sent to iniht'r of men. women, boys and girls. at the session of the New Jersey Legis- to tin- rural tiwhew* and Wesley O. mings, before long. The trolley Jlraeks partment .superintendent,'children's: di- 'Councilman L. A. Colenuin being ab- lature by a Republican Senate ami a. Re- ITIjeury, assistant commissioner. In* fumigate. When the case, had been out- vision. Mra. AV. R. Gritllth, Washington sent. In' Hie crowd there was considerable are being shifted tu the center of the lined by the plaintiff the Court.ordered merriment, and there wer? remarks publican (.ienerul Assembly, known as ilustri'ul education to tlie special ntad through llroudwuy. The south young people's division. Miss Edna Sai- In regard to the petition for a walk a non-suit. Carey sought $^0,000 dam- KOII. Washington; adult division,.G. 1- ,ich as "what a sbamt-" etc. R is the Van News act. Despite the veto of each el's. side is being laid llrSt. The road will ages. He will appeal from the verdict. in front of the Uobert Potty estate In Governor Edwards and iinmlndftit of Snyder, Washington; educational com- Cpper Hr./k b cans. It IH said that he snapped his ute books of New .lersf.v thu most rep- minty will lioiil :i district meeting Sat- ^til'tln tin Wlmrton. last, winter, the jury brought tcsnperance. Dr. L. P. Lefferts. Belvl- mands for two years. Hut in thf vot- of l Thr cars have also dere; missions, Mrs. IS. G. Valentlni lips, in sort of a satisfied manner. rehensible ami tyrannical measure ever rday .night In Haekellstnwn. .. all tho way through in a verdict of $10,000. Mr. Hardy was ing there was no opposition to the mo- ; enacted by this -or any of her Com- A new wimp of liie V. O. S. oC A. will working on a bridge, when.hu met with Oxford; evangelism. Rev. W. R." Neff, lion thill tin- clerk notify the 'properly i After the nrrest of Muree ht> was a t nd it has been necessary for Hackettstown. The - township ' ace- arraigned 'before Judye Reilly at his mon wealth. The Van Ness act sets at e instituted tomorrow night in Hope. *ers to transfer u> cars wait- the fatal accident. The jury was out owner lo have a walk laid over the naught many of the provisions of the [t is exported the new camp will start tin- two hours. Counsel for the. company retitrles elected were: Allamuchy, Alex drive way. otllics her;.'. Tlu New Jersey state law lag .: other side. Tlie com]iany Dunn, Allnmuchy; Belvidere, Mis provides for trial without a Jury, and Constitution of the l.'niietl (States and .vith about thirty members. Delega- . cars on both sides of tho claimed it was the duty of the fore- Nine of Ihe properly owners in Van- contravenes many nf [\w provisions of nns nn? expected from all the camps man to warn workmen of oncoming Catherine Hixson; Dlair-stown, airs. K natta street and Park avenue asked tills procedure was followed. In the section where the road work is bolus: A. I^dgertnn; l-'rankllii, Mrs. J. 12. Bow- presence of a largo number of fellow the Stati' of New Jersey. i the county. done, so that tralllc is not entirely sus- trains and Unit Mr. Hardy should have that walks be laid in front of the prop- | The Van NVHM aei suhjVcls the eili- A district mectiiiir of tin' Sons and had notice of danger. 1-Yom the tes- man, liroadway; Frelinghuysen, Mrs ci'tii's of C. It. l-'ord and Amos Sickles. \ countrymen of the defendant a finf of :vr. W. WiluYtck. Hiairstown: 'Green- $.'i00 was Imposed. After more than | s».i*ns of New Jersey to search and arrest ijtugiilers of liberty will be held Wed- Cannun, >ft Cannon, or tint I'Vec-tand timony. It appeared that he stepped Mr. I.iC'11 again objected. He thought | lsfiy nlfjht In ih.- ihull of-Starsof from-ono track to avoid.one train and wich. Rev. Hugh,-Walker; Hardwlck, the" cutter question ought U> he Hrst I Miss Leola-Bird. Hiairstown; Hacketts- cash the amount of the fine and the iVroviskms of iVuth* Federal and State "oiiny Jump Council in ITopc;. Large ing progress. The workmen are now stepped in the path of another. • .considered, although he did not Rive I After the Hardy case had been deciu- i town, Mi-s, M'argaret Johnston; Har- costs were collected and Murec was Constitutions, which explicitly de- llegations are expected from tbe'othe ville. working at'the any special reason why tin? gutters j h i ctl. the. Court-.adjouitn«"V_.»nHL-Ofitobop. I mony. Mrs. Raymond Haul). Harmonv <•.:..: ' ' otnr.i thnt .tho riirhr of the people lo y rtivo com were the most important. lie voted i iil ill open Hope. Van Illff, Hope; Independence, be searched in their persons, houses". n([ State ofticers- will be present. It is against sending the notice in tills case papers and effects ngainsi unreasonable Mr.s. A. C. Ilowcll. Vienna; Knowlton, but the other four members voted to Illiteracy tu Warren County. John Young. Hainesbure; Mansfield, Four per cent of the residents of searches and seizures, shall not be vio- send the usual notices. lated, and no warrant shall issue but Miss M"yrtlo Smith, Washington, R. D. The property owners in question Warren County cannot write in Eng- Oxford. M'rs. W. A. Dawc. OxfoM lish, or any other language, a report upon probable cause, supported by oath will comply with the request for walks, of atilrmation and particularly describ- J^hillll-'sljurg. Mrs. kydta Driesbach: !t is thought, but in case of a down- issued by Ihe Department of Com- •Pohatcong. Rev. D. S. Hafer: White, merce, and bused on the 1920 census, ing the place to be searched and the right refusal the borough will take ac- papers and thing to be seized. Mrs. A. L. Smith. Belvidero; Washing- tion after the expiration of the thirty shows. There are Tour per cent white tan. Mrs, J. L. Skinner. people in this county who are illiter- The Van Ness net deprives the men days notice. The law requires a peti- and women of New .Jersey of the sacred . There are eitjht candidates ,-ait, farm. Pa Current is .10 and Ma Cur • The church was well lilled last night. tion to he presented signed by a mim- ite. this being made up of 1.0 per cent Ktrj.w Church Rev. A. B. Armstrong,. pastor of tho )f the native white born and 1M.3 of right uf n trial by jury, despite the fact In.g. a.-t .presen t and it Is expected 11Ih"e [ su-wnrtsvitle is to be oiled'and1 and" grig..t. it 43. The oldest child is ^ and the • hcr of residents and property owners HI inmost one year. There are 14 boys church, conducted the devotional serv .he foreign-born whites. There are hat both Federal and State ConstHu- ml will be considerabl. . y increased. ' 0[ol\. The material was receive" d" ""AVed- of the locality, those who are compelled itms explicitly declare that "the riKht Grand Master Charles H. IrSaks'r, ... d two girla. Four of. the boys are ice. There was special music and to walk over the, sidewalks requested. •ight counties, mostly in rural .sections, nesday. .Julian Zelchenko of Xewark gave an hat have less illiteracy. A decrease in if trial by jury shall remain inviolate.'"- s\>wark, will ]iay an official visit Tues- ,.er 21. None; are married. Mr. and Cinder and wooden walks are not eon- The Van Ness act sols at naught the day ni.trht to Mansiield 'Lodge Xo. -li;. Mrs. Cut-rent observed their silver wed- address telling of the great need oC sider'.-d. Flagstone or concrete meet .he percentage of tlie foreign-horn Itnoliiig Paper. Armenia today. Dr. George L. Xuck- iiiuvd right tu indictment, us provided tidependent Order of Odd Fellows. The liAKXET & WALTERS. ding amilversM-y on September 9, all the requirements. The statement .vhite lu the total population Is shown, unvly elected Grand Muster will bring oils of St. James' church, Xew York, t now being 11'.0 per cent, as compared )>• tlie State Constitution, which ex- Hardware, Union Sq., PhiHipsburs. l!)2t). The father of this big Hock was made at the meeting Monday plicitly declares th.it "no person shall L special message to "Washington and l>!aces, Woodrow Wilson as a hero in gave an inspirational address and held night; and was not contradicted, that ,vith 14.IV per cent In 1910. t is expected that he will also" have an tiie close attention of tiie large con- be held to answer for a crimal offense MackeHstiiwn's Sforc News l-'rom the ball of fame. He named one of. his more concrete walks have been laid (Hunterdon iias 2.7 per cent whites innouncement to make thai will be of sons "Wilson" and another "Woodrow gregation throughout. who are illiterate, ibis being made up nlesfl on presentment of Indictment of Coolie's Dt'parliuent Si ore. In Washington this year than In Mt'V- . Grand Jury, except in cases of !m- special interest, to the local members. Wilson." He admitted he. would have eral years. of 1.3 of the native born and 13.6 of the Camp 71. 1>. O. or A., initiated four The proof of the pudding U in the lieaehmenl." n .icon, stuck for an appropriate name il Binder Twini.i A communication that, stirred up foreign-horn whites. An increase in the indidales Mrmdny. nighr ;ui'T Ui"V wtis eating, and the- prool' of the buying is the pr<.>«Hl'M!t luul.iM" fm- ". 'bird term. percentage" of the foreign-burn white ..The Van Ness net permits men. and .Jnsiderable business of importance tiie-value uiven, and t'nat is'tlie very EAUXET & WALTERS, "some talk "at the meeting of the Com- women of New Jersey to bo arrested, The four boys of voting age also vote Hardu re. Union Sq., Phlllipsbuig (Continued on page (!) In Ihe total population is shown in Hun- brought before the camp. reason of the remarkable response' at , tho Democratic ticket, but "Ma" Cur- terdon. it now being S.ii as compared prosecuted, lined and imprisoned and Cooke's 12th Aimivei'siiry Sale where 1 rent is a (lyed-lu-tbe-wool RcpiibliciLn with 7.4 per cent In 1010. their property confiscated without due lit has reduced ihe prices of all mer- MOUSE ritOGKVM ocess of law. Firemen Will Install Klortric Siren. chandise throughout the store, on both mid the live voting men cannot ciiange TONIOHT—M"aurice Touineut in Or. Comvd! on Screen. Sussex has :t.9 per cent white people her latitude. tvho UJ'O ilUleriitc, this being made up We reiterate, there can be no differ- Tiie Washington Steamer Compair Iluors, for Ocu L to Oct. 15. included. - .rjei>i»..\yiileri!.'.'.-...The-stuiv oL 1O\L ao 'Rev. Russell H. Conwoll's story of jf 2,2 per cent of the native-white born ence of opinion about honest law en- las made arrangements with Managi This is your-, opportunity to buy nii/'ililit'eveh ""tlie deep w iteis of Johnny King and the Captain's Sword, md 13.(1 per cent of the foreign-born forcement, as Hie law of the land must Lungor of the. Opera House where! Coats, Hulls, Millinery, Dress Goods, Itnck Saws. ealousy could not drown it A. tliama. a- tiue-to-llfe photo-play In live reels. whites. Suusscx shows a decrease from be observed or orderly government will :he company will give four motion pu Underwear. Rugs, House Furnishings, riAUXET & WALTKUS. s appealing in its simple hummit\ as was given Its Initial presentation In 1910 from 13.5 per cent to 11.7 f>er cent. cease.- At the same time we aver that turu exhibitions on four Monday nights. J-Hc. at HEDCCBD PRICES. Hardware, L'nion Srt-. Phiilipsburg:. 'The Old Homestead." Philadelphia this week While. Johnny the Constitution of the United States The proceeds will b- used to purchase FRIDAY—October 7th. Dougl is Mas TUng I" the hero, the story actually cen- Syracuse Garden Wheel Harrows and the Constitution of New Jersey install an electric siren whistle Onr, Tw and Three KnitV Cablia^e Two Want Woodglen <.'lerkshi[i. Lean in "Tho Rookies Rotum tres about the remarkable personality Kfiluced. must be respected and their sacred pro- on the borough hall, ft wilt bo placed Ciidci The •Wnmlgliui i-orix'Spomlt'iit of the SATITRDAV—October Sth LewU T oC Dr. Conwell and is intended 'to show No. 141. S9.5O now ST.00. visions must be kept Inviolate, if our =o that ihe operator at the telephone IUKXKT S'l'AU tells of the ((lu-stions arising Selsitiick presents Olive Ihom is in why ho devoted the best years of his Xo. ML1, $9.75 now $7.15. free institutions are to be maintained. 'xcliangr; can press a button and turn III lwai , Phillipsburg. from the recent eiimiuennint of, a clerk Durling Mine." Pa the NLWS— PIH life- to social uplift. Xo. M3. $10.00 now $7.40. n an alarm. Persons on the street can iy thu Iji'lmium Hoard of Kduc-itlon oL* world before your eyes." Don t miss Russell IT. Conwell, an atheist, who 1SARNHT & WALTRRS, Two Luciil Divorces Granted. ilso press a button and give an alarm. ' ltiiki: Sale. that dfstricr. liids were asked nnd two Ledk»s. They are a scteim fiom boasted of his unbelief, became n cap- Hardware, Union Sq., Pliillipsburg. Decrees nisi, gran tins divorces in .1 will cost h-everal hundred dollars to Miss Emily Skinner will have a. bak. •e received. Ono was by Chapman start to lli'lsh. Come and hen our s!\ tain'during the civil war. Before start- two cases of local interest, were*, mude purchase aad msiull the whistle. sale Saturday, October Sth. Laye Klrby, an ex-serviceman and college •rchi'stra this SatuuUv nifcht ing: south with his company, a. boy Wasiilngton Child "Welfare Com- Krank Lyons, tiie presont clerk, ae- ley us you do :it tht. OpGi L mittee will hnvc-u benefit in the Wash- UAUNET & WAI/1'EKS. always read lii« Bible. liff Demniriitic Minting October 15. In the suit of'Kdna V. Hoover, nee knon-leilged thut it was his bid. He Houw. 23 cents and w u ti\ 7 I» nglon Opera House on October 1-ltli. Hardw-.ire. Union Sq., Phillipsburs Captain Conweit, when he found the .Prominent members of Ihe Demo- mover, of Washington, the divorce also announced that he would do the id 8.45. cratic party will attend a big rally in 'ickeiM are now boinur sold at 25 cents work for luss than the other bid. MONDAY—October 10th SpecAil it boy reading the Bible, drove him from was granted on the charge of desertion for "•Heliotrope." which is advertised Meeting in Opera Iluusi'. the tent and refused the boy permission Phiilipsburg Saturday, October IS. by,the husband, and the wife is-award- The Hoard re-elected liim to the po- action. Metro masterpkee M i> Al- 1 Notices have been forwarded to all as a second "Hurnoresquc." "IToIio- Having received. "Lite" I belie it to read it. In" spite o[ this Johnny was [I the custody of the children of tht ti'O]io" has that wonderful something iiion and made the salary $125 per lison in "Are All Mon'.AHkt.' sections of the .county. Governor Ed- will cause my death unless I. give it t( TUESDAY—October nth Ihis bo- devoted to his captain, and through a marriage. The parties were married that makes folks smile and weep, ft you. Am willing lo do so if Uu serieS'Of events, portraying two largo wards has .signified his intention of by Uev. 13. 1.1. England, at'Asbury, " ig my bii'thday I am going to gl\e tin. lulls an appealing story of a parent's iod for me. at the OJH House battles, burning of camp, etc., Johnny again comhig to Phillipsbui'K and War- lii0:i, desertion was charged in I'.HS. love for a child, and the thrilling sac- Kuilatid Stove. Un'mg. patrons of the Opera HOUSL T. gieit ren county. The visit of tiie Governor building on Sunday evening 7.30 to !) IIAUXHT & WALTERS, •treat by showing the worlds lenownul King loses his life, after braving untold The suit of George R Curling, of rifkv.s which he makes to insure her o'clock, if the way opj-ns. One who dangers to save his captain's sword! The is always hailed with delight by mem- Olen Gardner, brought against -his wife, happiness. . Hardware, Union Si(.. riiillipybury MI," with tlit famous bers of the party and others. has found the ."Truth." fontincntal star, l?ala Negii Passion buy's death made ,a deep impression on Hazel L,. Curling, nt Clinton, for deser- AT1T11UJ1 T«\ Captain Conwell. Later, while leading Others In the parly will include Hon- tion hi liiHi, was decided in favor o" IJIKIIL'!** Aid Society of the Port Mur- " ' all att.etula.nca rei oids at tlw a charge In the Uattle of'Kene orable iTas. Baker, Hon. Jas. R. Nil the petitioner and he also obtains l.h< Corn liiLsUefs. Palace Theatre, Xew Yoii Owing to 11A1ZXKT & WALTERS. Dissiii ». 5',£. I! Vt. Xarrnw Cross Cut ray .M. I-:, churcii will hnvo a. chicken Mountla.ii, he himself was severely gent. Hon. i-'rod. \Y. Donnelly, Mayor custody of James Curl ing, an infant LIUI walile. supper on Thursday, Ooto- the extreme length of tins pictmo In wounded and left for dead on the Held of Trenton; Hon. Prank Hague, Jersey child. Hardware, LJuion Sq., IMiUHpsburg. Saws. len reels—wo will start ]iiomiitl> at of battle. l' City; Hon. Elmer Goran, Hon. William Mr. Curling was married to' his pres- 1:'.AK.\KT Jt WALTERS, ".M. Full orchestra. 2;i tents md WAI Tuttlo, Mr. Cafi'rey and Mayor Archi- Speed fur Newspafiers JUKI >InIIs Hardware, Union St|., Phlllipsburg. tax. In the long hoars of pain and agony. ent wife, the daughter of Ahiman r Urged by Hays. l.antorns and Flash URM*. Colonel Con well found his God and bald of Newark. Wagner, of Clinton, by Itev. S. .1. llov I:AKXI-:T & wAi/rwus. COMIXU—WEDNESDAY Oct 12th. Members of the Warren County Exe- land.' in 1911. The. United Stalo.s mails nre lo Mr. Tlarvcy .liurgess. a well-known A Oolchvyn picture, 'featuiing Paulino vowed that if ft were the Lord's will humorist"; 'will give sin i-ntertainmei Hardware, Union S<1., I'hillipsburg. to spare his life, lie would go forth and cutive Committee, men and .women, bo speeded up In insure- prompt I^roderiek in "The Woman in Room will bo In attendance, besides hundred* ,)ur.v in HuiLlcrdnn Indicts Three in delivery of daily newspapers m .Friday evening at 7 o'etiifk in tl Thirteen." do the work of two men for God, one school auditorium. This entertainment Uli'i-tric Irons—Vac mi in ('leauers 1 for Johnny Ring: mid one for himself. of others, the Invitation lo be prescnt- Murder on Kami. readers. In new instructions ln re paired sati.sfactorily at prices thai COMI.N'Ct—- THURSDAY Oct SOth/- lu»lnjj n general one. A number of ad- The grand jury votuntuil tin iiutiot- all postal employees tbi'oLii;in>ui is for the ..heniMintMlt oof. the High School ."Cliarles Ray in George, "\[ Colion t ' •-•The hundreds.whom Dr. Conwell has the United Slates Postmustor- Athletic. As ciation we expect t satisfy. isritHh the. dust nff them and pleased in Washington will be Inter dresses will be delivered.:' meut on Monday against Vasiiuale Val- brinr them to HAHKV O. MAULATT, ,play. "Forly-flve Minutes fiom eiUinl. .l'hilippo Mantimo.. and ' Conf Cenernl Hays directs everyone ryon present, ho is int Broadway." Watch for fin ther an* csted in reading this story of him ii on 'the postal service payroll to ed In tho work of the high school boys. Kloftrieal Fixtures and Supplies?, the movies. ' | Barns Hum Near Spriugfown. sliinllno DeGi'Osso. joint owners of E. Washington Avenue. nouiicemenL on this big pioduction The large barns on the W. W. £ farm in Uav.i'tan township, 'charging expedite handling of news- They have worked hard to put u real Looks like summer ill (ho tltno papers distributed *io subscrib- team of football pliiym-s on the, field. plea farm, occupied by Samuel Kox, ul them with the muriler of Ralph Gar* Tires—Tuhes—TircM. around thu Opera House A. \orltablu Murder Trial in Iluulvnioii. Springtown, formerly the James I jjiwo on February ^ii last. The- men er}. Ihrouglr the mails. He says: and now is i.he time to support, them. land of sunshine becauso of Hit beau- Jacob Conde, of High 'Bridgo, Is on "A newspaper is pre-eminently a Hood and Krunswifk. both cord and Sblelds farms, were destroyed by fire pleaded not guilty lo the charge. Tht thing that i\ man wants when lie fabric, also have some unusual tiro tiful flowers. They should bo an In- trial at Klemlngton for the allowd which broke out shortly before 4 o'clock* trial was set for October 17. Old Fashioned Wouden Wine. Presses spiration to you, and an Inducement murder of his wife at their homo wants il. If ln« em-nut have it values in 30x3; SOxSlit and :six4. Stop yesterday afternoon. The men wer . Oargano can',e from Llayonne to . when he wants ' It. be does mil KAKXl-rr & WALTERS, in and see them. I'ut on a Hood today— to come ace^thom. Juno 12. The defense claims her was ; all at work In the fields and suddenly Fieinlnglon to make a payment upc want it at alf. • It is ti]i to us to Hardware, Union Sq., .PhiUips'burg forget R foi- a year. The IJruimwick down stairs when he heard u shoi-Jflred glancing towards the barn saw it h a farm which ho had bnuffJit. He was .see that he gets his favor it tj !- Poultry Millc Products. and going to his wife's room found In Tire—Buy one—Try one mid You'ri flames. All the outbuildings were de- stopping at the farm house where tin newsjiaper promptly." l'arliCimiriliiiUoiis. Won. (!as, Oils: Ciroese, Flash Lighti Have you tried tlie new kind of milk, , sitting on the-bed'. The State tried to stroyed. Word was senl lo Washing- men resided near Flemingtoii. During Tho STAR and its thousands of Those who contributed to the/ park | and Hutterics. Eac. l-'roe air at. curb if not, why not? Costa no moro than. prove the couple had quarreled and tlv ton and the aulo-truek went to UK the evening a idot? began barking am the inferior grade.t. Play safe, order, a luisbaiid shot his wife. Borough Mar- readers hope, this is, true. TTtt re- Improvement fuiid since the last an-" At HIP sign of the Red Man. scene and pumped water on t'Jie (lames Giirgano, with other men went out. ic iiuir nouncemeut are as follows: Peter Kin- ROHERT C. LAXNIXCi. little today and be convinced, shal Metul testified that ,he found for nearly two hours. The barns wen investigate. In tho dai-kness ho was iiuires two duvs, frei]entlyfrei]ently.. fi 1 this paper l o reachh Us renderd s in ney, $1.00: Chas. L. Stryker. 52,0(1; em- riioijo' 7R2. EAILL GRBAQEIt, blood stained shirt, slmllai* to that Oiled wilh the season's crops. It \: sluil, dying almost Instantly. 78 Went Stewart St, worn by Comic between blankets on a Asbury. tlve miles away. New Ploye ; of lri. O. T. Mfa. Co not known how the flic oiigin ited Th York suhscrihors freciucnlly r SIUSIUP Sdtnus -"-nrt Prtssis :UK cot in lht> liilter's cell in Hie High wind btlng In t ditto)nit dilution Shells, Shells, Shells Stonu Hai'\yai'c, Union SQ,; ; I litlli])si;urg, lludw IU Union Sit Phillipsbuig, Kndwaio Union &q, Hirdwue Union SQ , PhUHpHburgf, THE WASHINGTON STAH, WASHINGTON, N.' J., THUHSDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1921 ~ 1 SECTION ONE

llmliuiK. She had lioon ill ten months, ton, ;t lircilhcr-In-liUv of the hride. week In tlio, Asbury school and with •Mark, PeniiHylvatila, at ii '•».. m. 'ii'd sin- iviiH II nnllw nf lrvluml ami mill ltov./l), ill, ,itre- noon. The cereinoriy was performed RtiSO. Unnil Clmrlia II. .Vi'ivniiiii. mill n »l»- .siiled at tin; piano. • by itcv.'K. K. Fretz. 1). I)., pastor of St. li-r. Aflws .Sarah Mi-ltenilMlt, all ot l'hil- Now Cur Hiitvi'M. (ja.wlcnc. Ulxtancc '--if! mileK. Oasolcnu con* -Mtuiy relatives anil jnuwUt were pies- John's Litthenm eburcli of Uamuu. The following letter to \Y. S. Dowlby Hunied H BUIIOHH, Avl-rngc uf 22 4-11' i!iil from Lone l«l«ml, .\c\v ViirJc. lJay- They will reside in Povor. miles on a gallon of gasolene, Jlrs. Benson M.'Pmvill. onno, Someiviiie, Jersey City, Clhmni, tolls of the Having of gasolene: . D-ar Mr. .Howlby:— I tiltio car.ie. 'over, the Schooley's Tliu honii- \yt -Mr. mid A1r«. U C. Kaston and llli:li V.vMw, who extended simAIIoKer. I'ciry ;u IlfKh JJridco wan tlits Mcetio vt beany conKi-alulalions to the happy 'rithikinu tiiat you inlphi bo intrr('r.t' Mountain on ir.gh gear from Long Vnl- Thomim K. Uavidsmi, of C3ouldnl)oro, Ipy to JJncUeUatown. a prcily aiitliinn wodilliiK yt'Mtei-dny at co u )> It*. and MIKH Pearl D. Allegcr, of Ilelvldere, c".l ri'gardlng jho performance ui my hiKh mmi],, u-lion their daiiKhtcr, .Mih.i immediately sifter the buffet lunch X. ••)., wero married ut the ]>arsonaKo Velio car on my homewa.-l trip last Youra, Olive ICIlzalieth I'crry, wan utiliod in the newly-wedH left for'a honeymoon of St. John's Luther;m church In week will state Una we left Warriors J. EIXSAH WASHABAUGII. lunri'iiiKv to XOVJO ApBiir .ot Higli .trip, to WnHhliitflon. Jj. (J., thu bi'lde.'n 1 StroudHbur£ on September 21, by ICev. Urltlm . traviMinp dress behiK dnrk blue tri- F.' L. Elchner, the pastor. 'I'he CL'H'inoiiy was porCormcd In the collottc wirh a blue and prey veito hat. nnU lmill - not complainep d of belnj,' HI. j S. C. Townst-ml, uiliiit l doiilile iKirloi'H, which had ben dtcor- On their return they will reside for llunl-Cyphcrs. •\Vhilo talking to the others slip sml atotl witli autumn leaves ttiul throtiKh- the present with Mr. iiud Mrtt. Perry. Miss Cornelia L. Cyphers and Jacob (Uit tilt? Perry humu t,lit* decorntioii:! Tliu bride received many nlfts nf Hunt, both of PJiilllpHbun;, weie imtr- etuihifti'd ot" vinen ontwiiifd u» carry out gold, silver, china, out glnss, etc. For rled Saturday IIIRIU by Uev. T. A. Wil- lilt- autumnal vffvcl. The briiltr worn over four years the bride wan em- liuins^ The ceremony wits performed DO NOT USE SE1TZ KEGS a l.emitlful Kown nf bridal satin, Nhailtiw ployed In the cost department of the 1 at the p[M»ni!!iK<* tif the Wesltiiiiifjler ;iiul dniiiKL lilcssninn. entrain, with steel plant and tho bridegroom is a pal- Prt'ubytiM'iun elmrcli. Iii'ldal voil, caught up with it cornet of tern maker :it tliu Maine plant. Itoth Ductless luce and orange btosMini.s and itie popular in church and social affairs FOR HOME BREWS canii'd a shower Ijoiniuet vt bridal and havefc. host of friends. Kritfar Person nnd -Miss Alice IJ. na«- The bridegroom's Kift to the bride Kcrty. both of I'hlllliislnirK, Were liiTIr- A great many people are attempting to use Seitz kegs Tin- bridal party rnim* down the was'n t-:ime.o bruoeh with diamonds and rii'il Snmrdny itlf,-iit by lu-v. Awiih U. M.tlrs. (he iiialiun «r h.>n<'r, :-li>. Cha^. the bride, presented to htr attrndantH un: puMtir nf St. Jolm's LIUIUMMII for home brew. These kegs are lined with pitch and will Sir.. Dowltt was a itatmhtiT or Hnn. >V «" MiittlH-vvH of Clinton, a aiaUT o" Hie Kold cnynived beauty pins. The bust- uliviicli of tliat pliicf. orable IAI.IHIIH Martin. brido, oomfnj; iirst, wonriiiK it dress of nian ai:d pianist received ever-sharp spoil your attempts at home brew, furthermore, these white lift with :i yellnw satin Hash ;in in ]S"1 MoM. nf hi in lml t-aini'il n shi.wcr bituqtiot of whltu :in-I Oct. L', 1921, at Kprui-L' llmi jwirstHi- boon spmt in &u^ "\ Kin, i it tit "t KKAIJ KSTATK TKANSKKKS. j Iiink nvi-s. Tin; bridesnuiids followod— Mlller-Lurv. nKf by Jti-v. K. i-\ Sherman. |..istnr, them is liable to prosecution. A reward will be paid for of btHSi\ tint ton»t\ until th mm 1 .Mjss LiMiuii Cramer of Hi«b' L'-ridRe, Uov. I). H. llafer. pastor of Ht. .lameh" Samuel Theotloro Smith of Cluii (ianl- Jliiry Mi-Ciilii < t :il to Mliun:ho C. dfcssid in white net and a pink satin the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of the to A\ tshliinton i! out foint tn M it Aiisjk*. il;iU-l .Muroli -.*•, l'.'-W. convey*} I-ulheran (Straw) church, otliejalod at m-r mul .Miiiy lOliz-ibetb Uolin !:. Kair and hiisimml lo .TH«. SitKiva-Ves street ai\d Mrs. Clara Loie. nlu » A 11 I 1 Mi J i 1 » W t | ^ IJIIHV of Mt. Lebanon, wore a white of 319 Mercer street, i'hillliiHlnirjT. at •* Kan-, 'ial.'d .lali. T. lyls, convoys I net and blue satin sash and carried New IVnclitT in Kranltlin Township. K.t in Hii'-k-us:o\vn. ( the parsnuutfo. in HiintiiiKtiai .\romiiiy Thi» Franklin Township Hoard of man} fri(nils duinu In I,I il n in j loses. Tin: bride on the iirtn nf her evening nt S o'clock. The hrfiUwtjuni Li-wirf II. Stiyilvf tt) (tiistfo i-'t'tilt aii.1 | 1'atii.i- followed the party into the ]>ar- Education htm ojTened another room in The Seitz Brewing Co., Easton is employed by The Merchain.s' Jce tiie Anbury school and Miss Katlu r- lwlf.-, (hit..! Aim. 1. vyi\, i-onveys land lorji whoiv sho mot the briileKinom and Company 'of llastun. They will reside to sui\iud I\ tlif iiU ft iml liis lifstinan. Cinirlos Mallhuws of Clin- ine llulsizer lias been elected teacher. nophttti Alii L T 1 ulpli JI I i % ' n in Philliii.sburfc', There were 1117 pupils reyisteied last Cltv "Mm C A l mu it of \U\ii i ! , Lulu A. lllrdHall and huriiuimi to! A T Mn tin ol Ju-t\ Cit\ I'll us | lit-f S. n.ntKii.ut. .l.iti-.l AU«. I,.13iO. Mai tin of Sins \ Mi II '-I m I mvL-ys laml in Witfiiiimton townsliiji; ton ol Ttt-cv i it\ mil Mi-* M U I ' on itlvratiun SiilMjtj. Jio\ I "N A\ if,i nlun i (imltui il tht i Klijali CYiivait to Ansil ilanisim and funtnl i

ten ^!l\ ' j1 i;i, v.''i\, lot in Mil I Hi Ml!! i 1 ipt ti wit ot li«-.-].h !:. Omiisli uml wile to Kdynr JIow id I nip ut Ntu nk i t un l i [ UIH|I.T. datfil Anu-. Mi, K'-l, eonwy.S lfirl'Mt nl I hiltl! O ILL ml U i hint. I ir. \\"::^hi::;;*'!:: horoui;!:. , ton diul llun^l «\ nUht in Lh linn M ir\- !•:. I.rwi's tn Hcu. jiunison and initlilc IIO"i)it il \:,. of tlu litt Uillum tnd 1 11/ib th Mil I MrHi Ki'i'i;'.-:* to .Itw. >'ayy and lir mil th ut mi put ot h t li If dati'tl JILIH' -7, l'J-t, conveys lot IWH *«pint in 1 ItUIiiiii mt, ^li mju'l in \ipha. fiom "\\ i^hlnutnn to \tu ul ioin i v\ ' M us ui;n IU Itks lui lui*"!) nul -lit riiillip-lniri; H;i, lii- rir.'. li stii\i\ul b\ i son \\ ill] im mil Til..' |t!iiiu of tin- Fiiedlaiid linithors. The New Wool Fabrics two (lJUfihLim Mis HIM L \\ ( niwoitii in;miifiie!U!vrs :«:•.! whulesale dealers in The Art and Beauty of The of Vuntk iml Mi*. V\i <*t 11 \\ un I )!t drinks and ct.in'eetiunery. located uf rhiiiii luit. \i v »o .si i [i in tli..< Linii-klin mad. was .ilniust ti.iall for Fall and Winter J aui.1 MilUr ^honiiiU lut liom wuli destrm-od by lire Thursdny. The Ins New Cretonnes Mri npi> In Ntw nl uiiIVis \\ ih i u i rsUmitted at. ni'.n- -jiari $l"..rtt)t Use 1 AkC inn oi I hlllip Inn-, s,nh It is li'M liiimvn \u>w thv 1laiii'-< sta'.' 1\ t( ll W III \,\11lll ^ M|! 1»V in lit •1, Th» lireiiien wn-c !:itc in n.-si'.-n.; •"THE wonderful possibilities for adding that note of mil tin iwil\ \\ is til n o 1 hilllp 1 ni-, intr hi-caiisf the 'llrt- alarm sys!ein The textures, designs and Simil n lot bin nl it. iin f-tiled to work prupofly. * personality to home-decorating is forcefully dem- colors of the new fabrics" make a Death of WelUICnuiui Resident. III I'ln.ir VurnlHli. onstrated in the new cretonnes. Jert-tnlah Rocney, for many yoat HAUNICT A WALTKKS, strong appear to a woman to se- conductor of tlie Pennsylvania Hail- hViii-e, Union Sn,t Phlltlpshurpr. Their art, beauty and oddity are, recognized and made road wrock train :it this \>hu L lect her own materials and have diwl Thuvsday. Jie was taken w'ith a| much of by those men. and women who make it a business c ticbral homorrhaso whilo working i her apparel tailored individually. Wednesday and roniovrtl to inV hotu« I to develop the beauty and attractiveness of the home to He died about seven hours Ia,tor. JK \ Brown seems to predominate and was .lit) years old :uid had bt-on on tht i the fullest extent. is tobohadinmany shades. Blue, iiillroad 3S years, 22 years as COIKUK tot V wltt mil *-!\ (.htlih n am\iv , Taupe and Brown are shown in Mm •\\illKim Noiton Mi«.«n (m \i>\ j The delicate shadings for color schemes and .the Catherine, EliKibelli, Joseph and AT- j almost limitless variety in design make cretonnes adap- many new effects. There are thur Rooney. all of this place. Mi IRooney was Iwrn In Phillln^niri; mid table for numberless uses. numerous shades and combina- via a son of the Into Mr. and Mi tions from .which to choose. _ __. Timothy Koom \ Among the many designs are nursery patterns for J j Ht -u is i mt inb ol Ms I li lip i i \ •Tames" Catholic rhurch, Wiirrt-n Conn children's rooms, floral, Japanese and tapestry designs ell. Xo. 4.74^JCnij;lits m Columbus, th order- cffliTtilroad Conilm:tor.<. tht- 1 t for bed rooms, dining rooms, dens and living rooms. . nevolontRegion. :ind tin* l'unnsy-ivaniu '•mm Broadcloth Wff Hailroad Comixmy lU-iief. The fun..-ral 1 will ho held Monday morning with = i Beautiful in quality and finish vices at tho church and intoivmeiit in tiie Xew Cutholie cvmttt-ry Patterns forf.table runners, box coverings, bags and and remarkably moderate in price in taupe, green, cathedral brown, Mrs. IIIIKII K. Snyilti fancy work of alWkinds. 'Mrs. Emrai L. Snytk'v. wid< w Ting* K. Snvilor ili.wi i, .. „ i i gray,_ beaver and -trooper "blue. homo of her daughter. Mrs. Ma\ Notice this delicious Pretty''Cretonnes for bed room drapes, 30c iu $1.50. • ^umpp^i it 1 '«oin ) u ^'K " " 60 and 54 inches wide. $3.50 and years old and a. former rosident nf flavor when you ' , Cretonnes with fairy tales for children's rooms, 35c $4,50... , ,.._. , , ^._ _ u,,...... Phtllipshurir. A son. Hdwai-d Snvdi i smoke Lucky Strike jJr resides in Uloomslmry it nil a broth 50c and 88c. , :: J. Rode-nbuuirh, In Kast Strrjudsbur- -— it's sealed in by T-he funeral'was h<>M Saturday fi-om the toasting process the Quakt'rtown' tihureh. Terry Clotftjfor. living room 'drapes, $1.00, $1.15 and Checks and Plaids Mrs. Tlnimas Newman. °/$l.85. ./....,''! .,,:'.v .. . ! Mj-- btii j,tt Niiuu in I wif < f Coxes,tchairs and-cquches, 55c to $1.50. ,^;: They are shown in dark shades—red, brown, green and blue—which make up into the most attractive little dresses im- aginable. 86 inches and 44 inches wide Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.69 to $2M yard. . 3(5 i nch, 98c, $1.25, and $1.35 i/ard. 42i Trkotines v -® An Exception to all Rules This new fabric lends itself You ilu i\«, e\p' cl to obt un an imitation for readily to the making of suits'and lflss than you'd have to pay i'oi- the original utility dresses. In blue, 54 inches wide, $2.50and;.$5.0d yard. ^ ...... from which that imitation was copied. : J\o\v its i sti m^e 1 ict that tlioug-h many \.-y'.' imitations have been made of this Ueo Speed Wool Plaids and Wagon, none lias been able to duplicate its high efficiency or low upkeep. Nor has any been able to equal Uoo efficiency anmi P^-CeS f!1'^ Seem 'more J!,ke"old times'" tKe 6^le of BlanKefs JTKeseCare new fabrics and are in manufacturing W and prices that seem more, like "old times." The sale of blankets Hofen. in many pleasing:designs As a, result—and this is a condition unpre- • and comfortables are running at a surprising rate nd,1, colors. They; may be made cedented in commerce—they have to charge i' So many peopla en gar t0e buying-takintKerS 3S g fth ae "stitcreniih dein time" as it were- that tq splendid skirts for utility more for the imitation than wo price the ™C suSy. '° ° If. ° ' « ^. that, cold .. gather tfesport wear. In' browns, bliles original at. jjens, etc. • ... ear ceasolcfls, nolaoleia campaign: .tt^i Tim Atiltio nf ji I like t» HlRli BrfiltfA Coiidunii Klalc, fiistltiitlnfl at Old, Too L -t.it a piaint tannot be f,hei ulll IK < kited The Indies Aid will modeflt, unaasumlnff. carapflfgn,2bUtR (Jurdiiii us rmiUj. * Joining ulth load olllei iln of oth« i Ir< < Tht follow I iw from thi. IMgh Hrldgu HIIIUH In askliif, the piihlit. lo pi <\ ill tin U"»li •«»' ^ * Wlllmil AlUgar and mr\e rpfrcshnient) ut tho close of tho In a- virile catnpalffn> wlth^tholau (la/r-ttt HhoUfl (hi wilue of Lake. Soli- 1 h it mute buildings conslructpd upon Congn^H to \tU in tin PUHLIII tliQHi \\1V> insisted, foi tin splendid business session buteH of tho man stamped wcUSU tudi UJ Hull tifjiOliftll dining tin last fix or Htvon years al emutenej n doubk nppiopii ilion of JHOJ,! mi tho lendticd on Sundn> e\ Its workings * *# OXFORD 'Iho Hftirnilliiit, ftutfdn «t Lain »oli most inwiiiublj Hiifftitd from raitlty fideral hlghwaj aid foi U^l and m lic- inin^ lh musk was anal missive (bristiiin Sdnicc. Senator RunyonjgoeH about* lude camu to ilu eifcl Oil Huiidity luHt ikHlpjii \H well us poor rontttruuctlon it amllibi ImmtdtuUly Chlif I nj,l nnd main t'Jfi ness Ion H i>f apueiition Subject Oct 3, 'Are bin Ulseaso and pluca to place where It In at all^p Dining the mimme tin biitlilfU' uiiijii lu set fo th In a report, of Alan J' n,n 1R n acting aa neei rhomis r A\nsHti of the State Mrs Edward Huunu Una son hn,vo r IIlKhtt i\ Commission issiud a state pitsint More sin h piof,i uns nut uuni (.olden 'Uxt Tt« \elation 3 10 • Be- for ho In moat genuoqa In thatb returned to their homo til EiiHt Orungf, Month* of Maj Tune !uij Atif,unt tllticiul of ttichitettuiL^in tho JX]»ut ment today in wtiitli li e\pieijsi,d Iho «d lht\ t,l\e* line \'nl tj to tlie even t uise thou hast "kept the word of my gard "* & aftir Hpendlng tho Hiimmcr with It or Iilltl hL|>t«nthi>t It l« tlio longest HI-I mint of IiHlltutionH and Agencies Mi belief tint siwial bundiul in n with Ing si i\ieiH ]i.'tllciice. I also - will keep tlioo from He has a wonderful personality i parents Mi. und Mi's Abiilrti mini HDII tint Huliflllllntf ItiH him c-njojtd Mills wts ippolntcd April 11 last and famillts cm In unplcmd in Nt n In It w IH it fliM wiMUt that imsimtiUd the houi of tempt it Ion ulilt li shall he li a speaker far abovo'tho avert, at tho take It \Wifl flleo tliu hurt hax obsuv Ltlons iruliKkd the ptilod in tin Stindiy M hool looms on Sun tune upop n ill tin. world to tiy them lit Is also a man fur above tho avj Ecr HLV hlhlnvaj woik this fill iml Mlttttt h dd! i tf Tho Hi st enloi Lilnmont felven b> tlio Etu Iinmlng bet line papul u ii JU * < r lit. it|) to June JO, tin. tnil of tht. State H If CongKSi a^smls N( \\ I isi \ will (I i\ tft< i itnoii (I !•<> seen tat \ found Ih it dud! upon tin t utfi age In public life in New leraey. < fotc Mnnv ne» P oi<< hivi *HscoUi« IIwill >un Uh dl J,uko It *)-20 Tho rcmurkublc thing about his c~ 'Antrim Entertainment Bureau of Phila- icntw U 120000 in Us Hhut of tlie tin numbir picsH.nL to b U*. Ihf 4 delphia, iftas given at the Oxfoul ahei td tlui Jo\ of uutei iport Giown mts In duelling upon tho fiultv design double allotment If the StJnd i morning it 11 dldao, aside f-om the progress ^ tre on Tuesday evening nntl u jtnod »Uc and bibkH cunt, lcgulub to awlm as mil coiHtiurtlon of buildings lufoui 1H taken. I>L a uuiid bieakii ^ is slxt> drlliis o'clock, Harden Studio. All are Invited. stems to be making, day In and da; uudluici, waa pica tint Tin unlcitillll Will itf all Hl/c* in lirttti-m People lit tonk ofileo I)h tctor Mills stattH the pilmaij dt \irttmt nt rurnh< rint out IH the fuct that the Republic fiom cotniiliillltiiiM fm mid nea~ cimo tint tiie Tnost glaring t\idi*nct. of As outlined by the highway olii- fililf,i' Sllzi i V.i%\ on AbsMilec tJuror politicians Instead of jumping tH era wero gooA and tho people "win. cUtln, tins itlun fx for winy m;m and tluut olio hundred, Jllled tin; platform veil pleased Tho nccoml (.nUitiiln to Lake. ^olituuV waste wts the ft it t>pe of -oof con Hn Its put in tlie prOMSim and looktd in Suss^v Court chance to hn\c HO admirable a man foi l'or,min> >cus bitlicH ln\n not BtiuUlon with Imptoncr fl iihlnf.it and woman, both as Individuals and through like* :L goodly wchool In itself, Tht Circuit Tudte f.corgi S Sll^ei, elect Oo\cmor, are lying awako nights tft ment will bo given on Isovember JOlh lUHUdlcient leaders to diiiin the loofs o!g"uii/.itions to pi titiou ben Uoti I it Tho High Bridge baseball team was IJCLII fn\oie the locals Mwdij to tin. b> hiving u irm uatu iimost tho tn Congi'e*ssmcn from Xv\v Jersey to mijt (it ited a mortt wholesome' Impression •cloning day of court in Sussex County T icn-o of 5 to 2 In IL \eiy fast name It HI (isoii Onl\ at tlic ptrlod of a C.lui C Itdnei hospital building be b\ h\t UliiHtiiitid uhlriSH on 1 icob H list uitk md It pio\ul foitunite foi Iwo >e trs ago they picked a ma the do.ibl appioj.ii.llon n h irn mi> who could bmL KUnyoi), but tlio to TIIIH Sundij iifteruoon the ittilnbouH f \\ di\*t was tht wittti ^n (old unn L laitilti of AViilpaik will bo here to play the Hccqnd ganu iHili fiont iIn u in!i thu It u us not In juHtlflo itloii of this lecommendi vice, but It was not for a day. Its Township who Iiad 1 illed to answt.r the , bit uaa thth e man coulld nott beabt t jilinMant to HWitn. tlon, Mr. Mills stated that the- bulldliir, ,|>ort from others. In making the appeal real purpose is to Inspire a, rallying to sheriff's summons to act as a petit \ Democratic- candidate—Hudson **' of the season. ' ' wan ity constructed that water appar- for public co-operation In Xow Jersey Miss Hannah Broad Is at Elizabeth .Many persons, yeiing boyn nml girlH regular weekly attendance and faith- Juror. patch. and grown ups also learned to tfwim. ently got Into the masonry work and Mr. W;is.scr hopes in a measure to ics- ful work. Charged with this breach, thy recal- visiting with fricnilK and relatives. f.-DZO before the building wan com- thi.« possibility of a serious unem- MISH Slartha, PeterHon was vLsiting Kiguliir su'iinniJng instruction win* The- pulpit Lh'jmc's nn Sunday will citrant juror said he had stock to tako Koal E.staip Transfers. given in tho morning three tliiys ft pleted. Hlmie then there havo been ployment crisis during tlic coining !»• "The Issues of I'oniccusl" for tin; rare of and no one to leavo In charge. 1 with her 'sister,' Mrs, Fred Thomas, at luikH through thu brick walls and par- winter, and jit tho same lime to speed Wm. D. King to Kmma JMPIummer, WasnliiKlon, yesterday, week. Afternoons wen* devoted lo ex- morning service, and "The Uusy Man's Me was told by Judge Sllze? that It was dated July 28, 1921, conveys lotting aminations .'ind xwhninlngtests. T2very apft walls down through the exterior development of adequate highways. Neglect' for the evening hour of wor- not within the' juror's discretion to die A' surprise |>arty was given to Mltw walls of thf bulldlliff which canned •fidu whether lie should coma or not. Hackcttstown consideration $800 Ireno Smith at the honie'uf lr.»r par- hoy and girl of our community should ship. J. De-Wilt Oroff and wlfo to "Whit know lm\v to Hwim Uffoi'n lit; or aha Is frci-xlnr; with the result that the Htm:* Hearing- I'Yom Iliune Kollis, "Mow to Improve tin: .Meetings of Our Mr. Cunn replied that he thought ho neld'W. Crcgni, dated Ju( 27, 1921, ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Hmllh, on vo has fallen off in largo places und Congressmen who him* beyn visiting hail successfully arranged matters in a 1 Washington avenue on Tuesday even- ttn yearn old. Thu itirlh-r lit life Ilicy Chapter" will be this subject of tlic I3p- conveys lot in Washington Borough ^ j kiini Ilu' better. Kvrry person can brick work ban become so deeompoHed their (Ilsti-lets during the sliorL vaca- wiMtli I-euKUL' on Sunday evening. letter to .fudgo Allm It, Shay, hi which Ing by her friends. Games wen.' played iliiit it luoked uiiHiiff. tion re-port itluit, their constituents arc he stated that it was impossible, for him Hannah Cregar et al to E|mer Ges and refresbmeiilfl were Her veil. swim If they want la iiard enoiigh. Tlio King's Daughters will mwt on to come and tliiit if ha had tu be fined Ilageman, dated Aug 1, 1 21, conve s Tho motto of thtf swimmers 1M, "Swim "In itiaiiy* Instances," Mr. .Mills rd- dissatisfied with "tlic little jirogrcss Monday night. veys land in White; consideration %Vt- Edward T. Scott has opened an porls. "namely the hospital building at that has be.en iniiile* with tax revision, ho hoped the line would tic us light ns oyster houais In .the,Miller building "on for Two." Tluiit 1H "Ionrn it'o swim Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary possible." , ---.Bertha K Tigai and husband to'El yolirHelf unit (hen Iwirn liuw tu Have the UMormutory to'' Women, Clinton; the tariff, reduction of freight rales, Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Washington avenue. and other important matters, during M fj mer Gesuei and wife, dated August 1,L another IKTM-JII ID ('use of accident on Uii! hospital at the Tulii'rciiloHla saniir h. M. RUHII. 2« Taylor street, next "Mr. Gium, your fellow iurora hturo | w2h102 1 convc s lanl,di lnI whWhi|t0t ) ) ,.; ! .'" The funeral of Mm. MarjturuL Mile- 1 1 toi-lum, Gleii Gardnt-r; lio.spltal at the the* live nifiitlis of tho special session. elson.was held Saturday afternoon from or in tin* water. ' Mumbel !* of th« boys Tuesday evening. h:ul to do your work." KIM JudKo «». Cyrus c_ xorman and wlto to Trank « 'Hid S'li'ls |>asH'.'d lifL'-.saviug teats. Ht'V* HoJtliers' llomcVinoland; hospital and That is good news, «s it will probably Tlie thought for the mid-work medi- sxr, "ami I m KOing to Icavu In thoiT n p.. Tlnsmnn and wife, dated August ' -her la to residence, near Hart man's lirihfdlc1-building'at tho State TliHtl- Inspire more action. The Congressmen n Corner,,Rev. I). L..Dougherty, pastor .•nil !t]K>c-!al water events wore Ii?k{ tation on next "Wednesday evening- will iluuids thu (ttioatlon of what I shall do | i. w>\, conve •* land In Harmony. **% during Uiu suminor, lutiiiil .for Feehlo-Mlnded. : VInelapd; will be> seeking reiiomin-.ition and re- be "Hindrances to l'rayor." w you of the'Prt'sljytcrlan church, officiating-, several bull(litm« lit the Epileptic Vil- elcotlon next year, and must Ironder '.m '" . , . ! Tho». E Cnan Jr, to 1or\cy"A I, Jntei-mont was mado in the Request , Burly in, Hie Hi'amm a dual swimming am account of their doings; and it's Then to the other jurors In iho room: n;o»co, dated Juno n, 1321, convo a ' lage, Sltlllman. mill sovornNotherH, this WuKhitlKtmi ICitpltst Clmn'h. ••AH those who want me tu mil thin ,. , oxford consldoiatlon $1200.^ cemetery. , . \cvi wim lurid bi-tWi'iMi -thu boys of lli^) construction was used, with the result going to ix« difllcult far many of them man In;Jail stand up." inil n Mrs. William Hamilton^ ofluicltetls- A';:o;llil'UlgL' Hruut Cuinp nnd our own to.get the "Well done, good anil faith- Ilally Day will be observed this Sun- Julius Xag et al to la Gloria, dated • bny.i. Vlti! loL-Jtl itoVH won lltt! meet. Hint tlie Intovlor walls of tilo buildings day afternoon at :!.:«) by tho First No one stood up. Tho judge then, July 21, 1921, conveys lot in Phillip ^ town, was visiting- the week-end with luivo deteriorated to such ail «xtent ful -servant." that most of them will IbiptfKL Sunday M:JIOI»I. A sp.elal Invi- asked all who wanted Ounn to bit fin ml hoi- daughter,'Mrs. Clark Wilkinson. Mr. Kleli Of (llii 1 £l'il Crnwl IU'U(lr(llnf- tlml the entire, plastered surfaces noed. The- brief recess, has served a b Mrsi Joseph Docker was visiting- the liiH, veiled Cainn Tayl'.ir and whlii; good purpose. tatiou is extelided If» .scliolars whu have to stand up. Xo one stood up. "'"John R. Ciphers to F ed Hustft , tli':'f .spent a day in.Htruetiug tile local' should now be rcplasiered. been absenting themselves from tlio •'There, Mr. aunn._ you .Hee how B . | dated Julj :r 1921, convo s land?In * ipnst week at Brooklyn with her stater, "I lmvo iilHo found that many build- ovons your fellnw juror« an iftnjl Sirs. John Klrkpatrick. lioy.t and girl« in swirnmliit,' and lire school. Plans are lieing completed for " GreenwicGihh eonslderattoidti n $285$2850 *{* fi11 v (-•rivliiK and water safety. Since he vls- ings wore defiitfiied without regard to Mrs. Itoso McCrombs. wife of a a social cvenlnt? on Oct. L'0, wln'ii th« you. These men have done their' v.iaro Cecil -H. Couch et al to Cornc]|l(s ^ Colonial Jr. E. Churcli Notew. Uiu amount of tho appropriation or anil yours to and yet they do not. wish Ilev. J, C. Hofery pastor. tted UH yixty-uite boy* mid girls luiyo farmer living near Wcston. Iowa, is teachers will entertain the hebolars. Kiel, dated Ausust 1, 1021, convoys lot parsed swimming niiil lifi>-KnviuK tests, nfii'i- the appropriation bud been the mother of the fifth pair of twins itcl'reslimeiits will be served and good tf> see you punished." Sunday will bu observed as Tlillly mitdM, with the result that wlle'ri bldn in Hackettstov, n t r Day. Sunday school at 9.30. Le.Hson ti- Tlie crowning (.-vi-nt of tile ripiifton WUH In eijMU years. All -ten chVidrun are lime is promised. Arthur T Tillman and wife to E'V 1 tlio u-nter c:trnival on Labor Day. Mix w't'Vii received, they jivere so fur In well. ' Her vlHtcr, Mrs. Annii Kovl'cs, The? Woman's Missionary Society met Kuiiymi's CamitaJKlii. tle, "Paul in. Ephesus." All members eXCL'MM of the appropriation that In Chldsoy and v,lfc. d,ittd Ha', 10, 1ST ^ of the school arc urged to be present. hundred IK>O])1(> gathoreil around the of Sioux City, recently became the Tuesday evening at tluj home of Hirs. Senator Itunyon'H eampalgn for tho conveys IniiQ In Harmon lake, to watch iiie boys and girls in order lo got tho buildings constructed mother of her s?cond sot of triplets. Wm. Larisuu on Lincoln avenue. Itelmblteaji nomination for -Uovernor Ida Lai bach, exrx to Don' An airship.Night contest will bo start- tho fundamental points of • construc- The annual business meeting of the ed. . . swimming races, diving contests and 1 Another sister, who lives in Sacramen- 1 is a good ^leal like TennysonTs bTO5K— man. date"! AuKUSt 1 1321, tion were cut out of the plan and the to, Cal., has two se-ts of twins. church will be held on Friday evening. it scorns lo run on forever-. It Is a . Preaching servlco at 10.30, with Jun- lift'-Klvillg L'XhlbltioilH, results were faulty structure* with Ipt In AVaahlngton, conaldorat ior and senior sermon. Rally Day ser- Tlii-ougiioiit the HtfitMou thn beach lma miiterials incorporated which would mon on "The Church's Call." boon In cliargo of Mr. Iloonel*. A of necessity be no better than tem- Kpworth League at (i.:)l), topic, "How- record was kept each day of tho pso- porary. to Improve the .Meetings of Our Chap- lile who came lo bathe.- Peopl© who ter." Loader, Mrs. W. A. Dawe. camo only to visit tho beach were not BHBiHEHBBSHIiBBHIfflS^ There will be n special Itally Day pro- counted. In .May and .Mine there"1 were Washington Iloilic iJild Scliool AsHfiola- gram entitled. "Tho Jfuiv lUcrults,"* by •!.0!)(> bathers: in July. S.'iOJ; In August, (ioii. . the Sunday school at 7.30, All are cor- 2.725, it ml in September, 1,502. The The first meeting of the WasltlliMlon dially Invited. total of tht'Hi' [iRtircH show that tlwtie home and school association will f« •Tho Epworth League will holfl a Sock wera 1B.SS7 swimmois In Lake Soli* iK'ld In Iho Hcliool auditorium Krltitiy Social and Hallowe'en party on Fri- tud'- this sca.son. iUWmxin, Octoiicr 14, at 3.ir». I'nrfius Store Hours: K 'I, Distinctive day evening, the 28th. art- Invited t(» visit the classrooms be- .Suinmurlleld M. K. Church Notes. Olil Cfindmitor Itottims tn WasliiiiKliiu. fore thu meclinK, WEEK DAYS Wearing Sunday school at 2.15. All ages are With the. placing of Willliim Hnyilur • All parents, tuache-rs. SLIH! Ilifisp Inler- Invited to join the Sunday school. im tlw: peiiHlon list, thf JMVMHwanna ruled in school and scimol children iiru 8.%0 Preaching services at a o'clock. ISaibuad brings a former WiiKhington- invited and urged to join this I Ionic to 5.30 Apparfl Special, services are- being held this iau back here. Mr. Hnyiier !w:is In and School AssociiLlion. Dues arc only week. There will bo a servlco tonight cluirge of tlie trains -ICKt and -HO arriv- 25(; jie-r your, and meetings are plan* SATURDAYS for and tomorrow- night. The services will ing hi'iv at ID.17 a. in. and leaving at nod to entertain, interest, and help. continue next week.on Monday, Tues- 5.J:j p. m. Fri'd Hjiiley, who was con- Kvcty iniillicr in Washingtun should 8.30 Women day, Thursday und Friday nights. ductor on tin; trains leaving here ut be. a'memDer for the suite of her chil- 6.1!5. a. m. and returning at GMii p. m. dren. to 8 P. M. and Misses . Divorced "Then MurrRil. -sUL-ceL'ds Mr. KnyikT. .lacob 'I'liompHiin. Tho October meeting will be full nf Having received a.dual'decree of di- formerly of '.Washington, but recently interest. The progress inside towul'd vorce hist Monday, Anthony A. IV'tor- of Clud/itone. Is now in-chitrge of lite equipping a Teacher's Rest Koorn •son of I'hillipsburg Thursday married Washington Kxpress and'suce.ccds Mr. actually may lit; been. The general AUss Gertrude Snydcr, oC that town. Bailey. program besides music, election of The ceremony was performed at 'the dllluers and trcm.s^ieUon of bitHlness will parsonage of the First Methodist EpU- be a I IcalUi progrsim. Arrangements topal .church .by Uev. Gilbert C. Mouis- Warren Republicans Klevt Offieers; nvc being niudc for the eutcrUiinmoiil diile, D. D. The attendaius-^vero Mr. The luuiual meeting of the Warren and care of. young children in one of and Mis. Alviti Jlnhn. Mr. and Mrs. County Republican Cluli • was held tiie class-rooms so that mothers may Peterson will live at: 88 Fayetlo street. Monday at Uiu hoadiumrtevs In Phll- attend the meeting feeling thfit thuir The bridegroom is employed at.' the lipsb'urg. There was a largo atten- little ones are wife and happy. rouiuliioiisc of the -Pennsylvania Rail- dance. T!u.' follnwing olllcers were road, At the time of the hearing of the electi'd: President, Chester A. Pursel; divorce action thu whereabouts of th-j VIcv» I'lvsident. Willard l.iachman; Sec- Will Cduti'.st for Hurdwiclf. . first Mrs. Peterson were unknown. ielary ;uul Tita-surei', Darwin S. Wal- Testimony in the case over the will ters: Hoard of Ciovernors, .lames- He- of tlie lute Julia Ann Vass, of Miird- greave.s, John M. Lake. William Slavln, wlcik township, was completed before Mission ill,St..Joseph's Church. William. .Ihjyhii'. L.••Albert hick. All Drnli.-n irt. A A/inlssibrf will "lie conducted in St. the ofllcors iin-' IVom''i'hilllpsburg. Wil- WLVKit bud lierii Hied against'the Joseph's Catholic church October 9-17. liam I'. Tallmaii. tlie purty uttulidute bate! of the .will by Lemuel Mill, :t bro- It will be conducted, by Jiev. Father for Freeholder, delivered an addross. ther, anil four attorneys appeared in j| Maylike to, be f eminded/tliat oursemee to;them is based on Charles, .'an ex-chaplain in tho army. Tho jiarty has no candidate for Mem- the case. George A. Angle of 'Belvl- He is a member of thy 1'assionists from ber of the Assembly. dere had appeared previou.suly for tlie the Hoboken Monasty. Two services ciivialdre and Kgbert Uosccrans uf will bo he.ld in tho morning and. one Star and Thrice-o-Week New York Blairstown. and Marian Uos-som of Ho- -at..7.30. eat Courtesy—is^one of our biggest assets. ^ * ' Prices That Mean Real Economy—Our policy in this respect is indicated not by special prices once in awhile $ but by moderate prices all the time on high class J merchandise.

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WOMEN'S & MISSES' TAILORED DRESSES WOMEN'S and MISSES' TAILORED COATS 15 Models 16.75 24.75. 34.50 10 Models 24.50 39.50 47.50

WOMEN'S and MISSES1 SILK DRESSES WOMENS' & MISSES'FUR-TRIMMED COATS 12 Models 19.75 29.75 39.50..... 20 Models 29.50 44.50 67.50 )NUG ~ as-. arsailor are the wraps 1 WOMEN'S and MISSES' STUNNING for £ the- windy ways of Au- WOMEN'S and MISSES TAILORED SUITS FALL BLOUSES tumn.^ ,Every'*graceful model 18 Models 27.50 39.50 49.75 50 Models 4.75 6.50 9.75 embodies comfort and good WOMEN'S & MISSES' NOBBY FALL SKIRTS style—at£ the. new * low prices of this WOMEN'S & MISSES' FUR-TRIMMED SUITS 30 Models 5.95 8.75 12.50 •season,^, splendid investment « "a? 15 Models 29.50 37.50 59.75

Our Millinem Salon ©tollman £ro$. With a touch of Spanish here—a liim of the Orient there —yonder a directoire note arid ft 129-131 NORTHAMPTON ST., EASTON again just simplicity with richness of quality and such inimitable ~$7.50,-$8?75, $10.00. ifcf r few Page Four THE WASHINGTON STAR. WASHINGTON, N. X,'(THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1921 ' " SECTION ONE EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE WASHINGTON STAR The Washington Starj Published every Thursday morning at Washington, New Jersey, j Entered at the postoflice at Washington, Warren county, N. J., j •• • • . as second-class matter, in 1868. | F. A. Kobcrtson, Editor ami Sole Proprietor | THE WASHINGTON STAR. j has by fur the liin.'1'i.t ciivullltion or any weekly nrw3|i:ipiT |iriiitnl in ', the State of New Jersey with tin- iweplion of two. liulivil, rn IIIIK respect it irf in :i class by itself, having a lai-^rr i-uvtil:ilk>ti Ihan .til ' other ii.ipcrs in W'an-cn anility oombinnl. I'lhis fait is aikmnvli'dviv'ti by cvcrybucly, inc-hiiliuc the ollior papiT.- tlicm.-elw-O. It i-s ilu'ivimv. w-ltliout'tlmiJ't. lln> most !irn!i!:il>!.., ;nhvrli*iii«- ni-iHtmi in N..rHnw>t- cm New Jersey. That this is also a fart is prou-n l>y 11"' liivral liso of its columns every week in tin1 year, avrrayini,' nearly l'*i' columns of advertising weekly. And nut a line of snare n.-nl i: helii ; by contract. Advertisers use lite STA1! liceausc it pay.- ami mil because they are compelled to hy contract. Any advcrtisi-r i> i'l liberty to di.scnntinuc any time he chnoses. Tlic largest and most repittalile business concerns in Kastmi iuve ; been in the STAR'S advertising: columns for many, many years, "lu-y know that rich Warren county, with its I'l.lltlO people and over ten millions in bank deposits, cannot he reached, that theh- trade cannot be obtained throuKh any oilier newspaper. None hut a newspaper of hi^h standing and unilispuial'lo luisin'-s- Kcttinc ahilil'y can aifcird to conduct its business ahum ..uck hronil, fair lines.

T1IK I TAXINd XKW HWKI. •VUv SU»ti> li-urd tif Tfix. Primary elections may he a .-.-ssnu'iil. in :i .-irnihif I.-ttfi guard against boss, rnle; that w; ohjwt of tholr iiitroduetion; whether n» laxiiiK ollidals in r-^t^ris tht-y havo accomplished it m- not Is a iimuiries l \h question well worth considering. Th.-y ti.tn tu h lo the law have been in operation now a siilltd.-ru which wa H-nd.-i 1 length of time to fully determine the •aiioii I'm live y< question, and it is a question which istruct.-l 1«-iwi-f ought to be decided, for if they haw .i Ocli'b'-r 1. \:>- not they should he. abolislurl and a more t'conom!<-al plan substituted. If hut tat'-tii v.hich is It can be- proven that they haw. then. lu of course, tnt-y should ln» con i limed, hich hav.' hci'ii MihniUt-Li." notwithstanding -.ill th-1 inconvenienc.! The wi>ilum nf tin' State Hoard caniint attached to them and their excessive coat. PritiKi-y oki-tions are a gnut upon tu pass nlliciaily upi.-n appeals- burden, not only to the candidates, hut that may !»• nmde. to tho povplu •UK-ui.Nulw.s, for tluy pini Assessors aiv advised that l! is n.n ply mean two elyctions following each f.'ir llii-ni to ]":;s upon ihe valumy <•! other in rapid succession, and no one the act referred I". "It is a law until the Legislature shall repeal it or uniil ' will deny that elections in this country the courts shall declare H to \'»l l..-fmv the l»-lugo Light primary ratlier discouraged that idea. m. whil- thai part inUti'l.-d ror On the other hand, the o!d eonvejiti"U plan lent Itself readily to Uie bos.s ^ys- therv is a substantial dmiM il . l :in! n torn, or at 'least was allowed in v-ach lilyh a, i Alih-iiiah ii! vi'i-y ..||iM,.|!t !!in.> lli-iv I '•'• •"•' »'' ;' '" \'™' ""; "•'* '" 'I'iu- ivr.l .,• w.iilM I." Kliiil In furnisli ) You liiunv 1 :uu ;i |..'iniliil:it<> I'll- May- ' v.:iv ;: ..r! i.f iui \ Mvit il f.-ll int :L ' I'--- !-~!'' • •*'••-'• ' "' '" •''•:•••••• <•<>!:::: .f^vur... , ^ L.^.,,.^ ,i V.,,.,,1 I „.••; \\-,.\[, tiit.v do .^;i\ tliill I Tim I in' that-- point • before - it - was abandoned. e 1'ixpiiwr i.-ft. to his ff-nvdy hy ;; ( 1>vv i(| i;| lj;; Wlllk n 'I'lH*: TAX ilN l 1 lllfl v iL l 1 But the boss system in politics is a - i II-,. ;,,],! i! ,ly Mu^"sli'>ii:< -A! I: ill '' ' ' '" « " "'" l" " "' '" wiriH'-l ,],is .,r,i..|.. f;i|l« upon f-rilli' an.iln.1.- \ m< n silniie :intl SlliHluy IKISVIKIII. apical. : hard thing urovomomr. inin it IK ii"t ••!.: ',,..•:•, ,' ::;,,,- . ,.iv.. - i\:::\ ;—.•;;:-.. I-'H;iv from tin.*.. u\u (il* Ihn IlKiny ... . ! l:-;tlly, il' iri sy . I'otiiisli ll):iL II isn't at all clear that ilu- primary has suc- iti.--; iniviii^- L'-'f nlU'n in^' it 11' i.n'-- i'l -ir-i.-ili.- t'-h! ! i"'!>^ in i;s' '-"II^H.. Its j.ili is IN sur- Tin- f.liiw who u-ails I'll!' solilrlliin;: ! wonlt juisivcrinir, 1ml I ilolt't miliii n;ll- a.^es.-Mrs in lh- I lll 1 ceeded. If it Siu.s not it should he , •,..,,! I ' ' '/. ', "', •, ' ;,,,..'i'i. vrv tin. i-.i'-ri!-..' u'i.-!i!]i'".vm"i!!, -li^- '" i'" in. whotiEtl tnki- ;i Irssnu from i iim yuii. jusl l.t-Luvi-n niu-st-lvi-H. iliat I w-rk: also it miy ! 1 1 1 1 abolished, for il is <'.\e.e:-ihtu-ly eosily .•' ,i, . s- in! '!'' i' • •'" "." ' , .""" "• .•""• ' ,.„;.„,. «,,.,, ,.,!;..,'.n „,- in.li,.;,,-,. ,,,.iv |... tin- rx\,nWm:-» ..!' olllvri. 'I'll., only ! iiclvr. no ni-v.-r. l:i»l-.l lli|lii.r or IIC.-.T, 1 ' •' .->IT-:!>I i-.i.MMi ISIF'UIKII.IIII «li!--ii l..,.. i \- • • way for soiiii-thini: !•> liirn II|I ic lo =0 i:nnl I m-vorwiw n Siniiliiy hull B!im». •to the already overburdened taxpayer. • .•st:ill!i?-hi!it; ih- ttit.y an- '-ntill.'il .-.vfinptiu l as well as a niii>;ain-v v.< tin- voi\n: • in. lunk ... ,.ml.ins,,,, a ,l,sl,,.v,|...l „>- „ ,„,, ,,,„„ , ,,. .. .,,,.,, ,,, ." j „ ,„•„„ „•„,., ,„ „ ,. ,,,l| . ,,„• of. in. if th- net of !; 1 vv f Wlililll :1 U;11( iliistnai siliiutinn. ^ p;ili,:y or 1!'IT. ilon'l you1.' ' lii-o. a* invalid, mi,Hid with th. ,(ilN<; Ml'KDKK. I'm- ia A f.,-w day* a^o William I|..i,i ! ! y iws. ;md hy innr ii liuii i" IM'1 I-' -.\ '•''•' r.!'-; .. .1 i IV"I" .'•" i , '.. I.'"'" ' ' ;M:.1 l.-.ii'.r. ::••: r. priH-.n!...! in iti.- .on- j w:n- ;i iliMippoiulni; m I.", liniu: Iliul it [ in.- tlitil tiit-r-. i-ui"! room r••>••• ««"• ••> >> ^ »•-•••• u,..,,,; »•«.•• ....i «ifc..o»il«n,,.,.!.iiii,r!i.i.!ihi<»,ti t.. \\: (fii-- vMi!'-. Jersey Fish ;uid '.lame l'iiminls;;icn, j L A •i'l-l I" |.i"-... Hi.ir -•"-. ••<'•'• l--il,,>h •„«• h.^ ,..',...ra, hot no lu.u. H'-y »••'"' •" ''" i"iMl""S *"' i" III-j "-'•"•' - | ' ''• - ''• ' was murdered while in tin: peiTorm- 1 ::: f 1I1.. m..i|in'l ,-i .1.:. .1, ..'.siiy I ,,.,,, ,,,. ,,,,,vi,.:...| u-i!liou! Ilii' uss.ml "'.'I'l. It v.-ill li"l -"ill- lo |.:iss lliiiumli < z= ance of his duly in l.'niun Omnty. i A FtHTTK l.WICST.MIONT. i--'».,l...l, lo Ilic-ir Kui:sr:i-li:ni. Tii-y j , •• uvr'v i..-ill m",,'s h'-for- wl I 111- I llin-vi.||.-l -liinilics. l.y tryiiiK I" «"lv I |——T«~— «—.«—.. i r i,«—,...._—«,—™——n. .1 • >n {'!':v r i! •*••> " '••>• •"- -«»• <»• ™ •"• •»!,;„„,. ],:,„ ,,.•.„ •,ii.,i. ' l"'">:"* '" <>"- S f U A O ! DAYS to inves-ignt". and wrs killed w!n'Uior; !l" 11n- laxi-ayt rs of New .I-is-y it,. i, :ii,i y. I'ilnl is I., -siiy: livy i .;,„,.- ;,,-,. ,.., , v-i! l;n'OV!i. II \v;i-; 1 rfu-iiin^ n:i'l rnd.ral II^IS!:I1I..UI. j fi kj ^ lH \J %-v 1_ JLr r% I fcj. liy a poacher <>r hy M.IHC person with j ; ( ; willing i" aifihn l.dtin.iHiit l,(...tl • the .iiiry t a grievance Is net icimwn: in OMH r,n- an a-Mitinn.tl \ r-st ' hndy appears to he KiWiis any special ill- N-«-:irl;''r:..i llonrrl. to Mm* , [ NTKV IKK THUS. I———- -^—. ,=1- '-y 1 r"=—=—, iiiinlen i.-.-sitl.-:-; . Onlinarily 11 U interest to the affair, cxceptini; UK- i!:u\'. for Uiis . iiiiity ;ipp, u-s !o i- \ ,-.y,.^\n ..;,;,,.;;,.; Ordiuurily u -A "mil Jury 1 il,-,.,,,., ,1,,. • >>,i,-.. 1,-T,,Vitr, l...,li..«.rl. ^:^\^~5^^^^A Ed.Ape - oe.d *>.*>* Cl MOM 3o\wl V)^ VO" n P* ryiiir for SI.:.1I«.T isin'd tin- Hud- • Fish and G'.une Conservation T>:II;;M\

liridt:..—il:-; ' ' , . / " .. .n.nn have offered a. reward 1'or lh" am-:-t | r:u h n Th y •<, l.i-tu-i- |.u and e.onvk-linn ut the imird'-rcr, h:" nv"lv'' I"'1'' ' riionils, f.iiiliful ul liir rail "f •Inly tl.lif . scln.!.! "• '-"uviiu'. 1 Ui:'t Ih'-r- 1.-. ,1;1V ,,,1,1 ,,i;:lii. uii'l by Ills »yiti|Mll>vli<: •Is no ollicial imtict? in he taken ot •II' .S- i ' .:. this murde-r nf a servant .,1" Uu- Stan , „.,,,.,..,.„. ... .„... „„.„ ; : : ; i m 1 of Nuw. Jei-Kc.v who w.ts killed In t:iu I lln'i... i .1O, ,.u.n? ,i,.,,,, n*..ir V.:"L., ; „..,., ,.v i'"..''""'''' ""''' : '•' '"" ""' '"':' ' ''-.1" perfyrmance' o£ 'rli'ity? Will not tin- : r i t l-"isli and Game Cinninissttiaer:;, wHh ,.«,;• Iliu, Vvh:.t i '^-j r^l':,;:;™"Vomlli™!J' 'in ''im "«Mo ma) pr tho thousands of dollars :n th'.-ir eoni- l l n 1 Tn-nt'..:i. ' 'X,r*''!j"J\J'"'" 11'.- ! " ''"•• '" "" •l"l»"'"'< «' l-lur.a,,- m.'ind and a, lar^e sial'f nf prntc.c-.irs 1 inn1 (In- past f'-W y.-.irs Hi • • St; , ;.':.i.i.,",,'1',. :.•'.' lull il :>. a'|.'r-Hy Kifr | •i!-,'n'-Hi',',ii"or «'.• i-l v"-. .id I lial' i-i Wli.-r- • "' >'"""" '""'" '" I""" '"''- '" ""' anil wardens emi)inyi-d to iK-teri and Tl v r :lr r •'•ii y p;-, .ii.ii, -i I-,,:,-, n-'liiin.-; in i.arli-iil.ir i ',•<,. . \, , "V in I vl-iw'"-!' r'a.iu.v ilTi'.l ! ••""""•y- »'. - ""' '"-^ " -""'"''I arrest offenders against tin- iisii ;md i-in.i I anthiri-it;. s haw 1 1 •.•(•i:i it il atn-sn ;u:i 1,, [In.- npi'c j Hill. Thin in 10 siy. thui il will not j „ :H |,,,SSH,I,.. m i.raK.iuil- tlioss wh" j "'".[Ij,^" '^.^ '™"',"'"; ^"prof'-ssim™! h.rv ' l sor l" this money and men in htnilin^ down ; 1 ! ..vi'l! :'a:'.;:i^!l'n um stinn :o':i:i nalisfjir ijoi'j/ !!,' j.,,' ,'('-siir!('-"l'i s-t-iu-' i'lstii'l-'oV ,,'f • '! infornvitininfornvitionu utiOf.ssru.uewssriry tU,o Hi: tliu; np-trfdaHP-trfdutt - tlie murderer? riureiy me hie i,i a ( • . . . . • .. I ' ' . 1.1*, • L?I j •••• 11 'IMiiirTHIlW'-V ^Jlill. Ill) Uill'^ iniiny Biin.ll !iiiij.liii'-.,s :niil 111- -ri-iilrni man is of more ouni-vnii-m.-i- il:;m thai Z ZZTZZ-^1 .ra'puh- j l*™- '"., ,,,...,.:ryHl«l.-, Ji« says. of townsliii) jrriul.il :ivhool«. To ill..-.,- 1 1 of a. game bird or animal. .1- m^.in,. W- know nothing of lh- ! "'"^ '""'""T T" '""i ' "I- '"'I " Uif <:liiii!reu living ;tt ;i 'list;uKio ny '••,-"• Mivo'v-d in lh- <-IH-- -it Kle-lia lllt' 'l'"^"'-" ^M'k •*•'•> nu"'l] l""«-t"'e I.y And the Governor—he Is authorized carruil l.ai-lt un.l Mrlli ill imi.H.' -x- Assi^pnv-nt, ctmipo-t'd of c;nii|)et-nt by law to offer a reward not exceed ins p-use. Uut tho Slut- .i>opartni..!it lias fltizi'n*:..lf it proves satl^ractury .it c-nv; hi law In justice and common .1'"'>1|(! !lwlllil (li K.uilzaiioiih. 51,000 for ihe bunting down of lU.hi;-:- I..'.- tlit- first tinu; in ilu; history uf th- ,;,,„,,,_ • 'If the country s^ms a. restricted zell's murderers, and the Prosecutor or ti^ -.vhol- POHL ot Ihcst- i;ra(I..Hl sclioois. UJV.IC41ldest,. ClLI/.vlciti^nL ^s»' > Ifa illr thaI Ilii tI thLI I'.v1 a*si-«<; (^- r%\ LM*'- . , ^ . ,^iini/Msphere- titol *.Jl»th<*- uiJllNTUVC-.rboundlcHr>t «J.Klir4l.i^riamlH'tionL oujf . 1* the^county, with the approval of tho It is triu- thut tuition fu-s nr.. nu'til r--ff lu-^iK-rt!>ri;)>eriy hass proVL-n'^iprovu-n so. . AnAmd i TWO WAKNINCiS. j ymins man newlly sraduaU'rdtd d in modmodii- •Justice of the Supreme Cou^t of his v 5 -hiirs...!. l.ut thfS? Uir-ly I-OVIT III.. yet it winild M-ern i.hai. some lhcyisla- I ,i I- -'.nn iln- i'liil-iddphia. r^L-d^fi .^ { chic-, he should iieur in mind .that the district, or of the County Judge, mr.y inre. siinnid HE1 bright < n'i\r-:h nn-i j '1,1 ln« iiddrcss to the Xruional Un- j emolument of ,his- practice in money offer a. reward of $500. The Slate of liKhli.li,-. imokK iinil olh-r nr.hu..'r.ii'rur f:j<:i'cH>iti:,- i:il"lh.n---ni u> oe.'niiirlisii ! riispioynu-ul Cunfrreiu-;-- I'lcs-ii'.lein in not the he-alll and ..the cii'l-all in his Nuw Jersey, through iH Covernor. and 1 .•X1..-HH.-S. Tln-y do 11..1 ,-,.V,T lh • i-o-il 'Xt'ii. . pnrp'jst/, Tli;ri "Tie h;is m-v-'r l;i);- I-ianijnv;- said . I wo tilings that 11:'.- railing. Theve are etniniry ilorlors to the Cutimy nf Union, through its rrose- en ih.- maLti-r In bund ::n.l . siaiiiisln-il j ruw; -j-ein -• wi.'1 d" w. 11 \o set its dayy , , y,Keneral liei (Il I Jprac-Utii.ncr.sM il'-t iLilll*. I ,>,, whHUoM woultvillidm cutor of the 1'leas, .shoukl ant. and noi iniililinKs. nor tin- m-n-y spt ot for i!p. a standard nf valiwtifuis in- uixaiiuii i-'i,t.h in. There was inue.h phiin. 'nuPL ehiuii,'eehiuii,'e. . placejilaees s wit-withh ananyy urba urbann specspec- - leave to the Conservation League and inirpcs-'S, with severe penalty iiiiadi.-d lihim, iniil-cinihtry eommoir .sense in ialisl, Iiccausi- off thee personapi.-rson:ill .sutisf-,sal.i«f-n:i - ...the'Audubon Society the whole burden sil'.; atl'l tipso ill sornr instanfs ;;un into'liuiulroils of iiioil'sinds of ilollnis. I'or iis.vioiiiUdii, ihat ivuuUl he ]»i-fe-t- Mi..- wholi- of the short address, but .lir>lionn JJxtjy^-ljavUuiy^-liavo found in winninwiniungs ywyeaur of trying in diseuver the murderer. 1 ly fair'and just, is a iiiatte-r <>!' MUI-- '.IILKC tivo p:i:uts W.M'L- i"iunliiinciunl. -.il'u-"*'J'iifti'-'^'ji;i'ar'*(fl>^:-'.L-a!ousr or^y.L-alousiin- and selflesselfres-s worwork . If panic wardens and prutectui-s ;ire tin:- iiut-i'-st. and sip.ivinj: fund < iia"u-s ])i-i«{f, "nlso.Dt" HUKpicicm. !:. looks very] On.- <.f them was • ilus in-csidr-nlial !thc regard. .• 1 j ul - even the strong uffee--- to.be murdered without exciting ollicial upon wlllcli arc liorn- i.y Ihr rr.i'/.vns nuich ;is.[h:u:i;h 111. re was an .Unwiu warning, wliich will be harkenin-i 'to tl'on tif the whole of :i rural nelyhbpr- protest or comment, the Slide will .soon of a slnsli. muiiuiipalily. in the wood[);Ii- suniewh. !•,-.•. I'tKpr.-s- and (•clun.d l.y i.liv laxpnyer who is still find it difllculiy in putting men to do a FourtL.cn million dollars will pro- hood. AU ihe rewards and pleasures -ol vld- a Conlntl .l-ili,di ^'iiiiovi! for :'acli of liouahly c-iunmli Jippiuvni .:IYoris have lt.K,ki:i- Con^reHSward ^ov relief, life arc not lo be found Jimlil'the hus- I: work (hat, at its best, is Hiiplerisn.ni. lllL- t\v .nly-.,.no auinli'.s. an

ALL 1HLM0CKATS SUOn.lt Sl;P- . POUT TICK15T. • Now that Mr. Stryker has received hiy party nomination for J-'recliotiler' by ;i large plurality, in one of the. cleanest. primary contests ever waged in tho county, he is.deserving- of united party .support. Uis bu.sineyy and political record l» unchallen^fd, and tin pus- -.. Hcsae.s the qimliHctitkms so nuich need- • ctl.in the administration of county Why Bother About ;3 'niTali'H. Any man who _ftiims tf> be a Little Things ?r Deniocrat and does not .stand by this nomination deserves to bLi rebuked, for his tilmx "HI bo utiui elfish ti «lis- hoiirst The put\ has i rijyht to he inoud ot it nomi'iet tnd «tioultt RI\" lllltrt, a full vote. The mistako of hist jeaiVihould not be icputtcd Valrlj- ^ laminated:.cantlttlatcs;' ahoukl. he .voted r wlthouf queation Ihe Bond of ^^T?hUl^Ji topt ftjiaiy •SECTION ONE THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. ,T., THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1921 •

I) lack pockfthttok A HKTIUINO-.IJAIUY FAUM or 3? .Mi9. CiiUiii SiMtlef will hold u pub- cclptH $300, itnt foi Htou*. guiagu and 1X5ST—A Hinnll .acres In the MuiiConetconB Valley, extra lic »n.]u at her home Saturday After- rooms. $2C H month; will sell rcuson- Friday afternoon. Kindly return to 21 K. Julin.ston St.. [good past lire mid liny land; ul«o good noon. aide,' including Ti jitiflHongcr Chevrolet j seven-room house, largo h:irn, w.'ipon PubllHlifO weekly. Entered « Wash- The Waxhlngton ltnnd will play nt car. M. Sloan, Glen Gardner, New WnHhinKion. Up bouse, hennery, etc.; jirlco ?5,000. Kor. InKlon. N I nj< Bucond-cntBB mp.ttor. lliiekuUmowii loniKht (TliurHiiify) for Jeraoy. " io-i»-2t VOll '8AUZ—Uo\Hlcln heifer with ! thtH ami other burKalnH aw W. o. the 1-IitckfittKtown li*Ircmen. , tt'Uit SALIC—S5-acre farm near calf woven weekH old. Jnqulre of C. G. Drown, Uloomsbury, X. J. 8-?8-lf V. A. Kobertftun, Editor and Owuor. Tin? Ilojinl of Ki't'eholtU'i's nit't yt'Hlur- i Country Club, all !<>vel itnd tillable: can Peattle. Oxford. N. J. It "Great Oaks from day and transacted nuieii ruiitino huni- VOH SALti—I'll WliUu UKhurn cock- I^AItUOWE FEBD for cows—The by tiuugltt on i-iiMy terms, l-'rank i\ best there. Is; try It and bo convinced. Otclmittil- HrriinKin Caul HOK.H. HUCII n« ]>ayliiK bills and taking ii]i iSmltli, WJ NortliutniUuti St., Ka.slon, rets, Cornell Ktrafn. Kdw. In-Wolfe, Post Ofllcu nuildhifc', .WiiKliliiKton, N. J. Little Acorns Grow" Cut toll o & SchuIU Coal iind Lumber At Hit: U. L. & W, U. II. nicvatcil liinali tnaltei'H iicre ami there through- Pa. lO-fi-Ct Co., Washington. 2-20-tf lltMC*. • . out "tliii county. HOUSI-:KKI-;PI-:R U*ANTI-;O — pcr- 10-ti-:ttp In referring to County HuKlnccr Vct- NKW KN(JI*ANI) DINNKft by tlie . AUTO TRUCK SEIIVICE—We are DolU'urcil over scrcnim. Van] price tnnnent placu ti> right jmrty; yuod now fully equipped to haul frclRht, Hupt. 1, 1921. ter, Uie Wurrt-n Jotiritiil nay*.: "Air. wages. Address, "X," care oi* S'i'AR Ladies: Aid at the Presbyterian clitirch, 1 (catystown, Thin-Htlay. Oct. i:i. 1!K!1, A younjr man, recently mar- moving.*ng,, etc. At short nnotice. Loctil tiiritwin'iit i <".."r. PIT ion Vet let* Is considered one ol tlu; bowl Ollice. ' " ltp county cni;lnr>l(ll O 1 papfrs hidliate trend In onipTiiymont IIowcll. 7 14 tf STOVB WOOD improving. Port Murray, N. J. ltp 9-22-41 was the trusted clerk of a Service . c .• delivery, pe (It-orge li Alleger of Itelvldere for- i''OX I10LWD for Sale-r-Twd yeiira JIOU-JKKKKPKU WANTI-;i> — I VOn SAM*: or KXCIfANGI— I urn of j $1.00; HIIOVH i merly of Stroiidshurtf, han tnken u jlil. male, well biokcn;-alsn four iox family of two, fiither and son. Middle- hanking firm. A year ago Muck mules, weight 3(i0f» HM «*\tn j ccnln; !<• ton. lioHltion with Hit- Tilsl.li- Lumber Com- hound pups. It. A. Wvlivf, Haniiirpn, aged wourin preferred. Apply to J. at lunch a friend induced hor.sen wel^lilng from IMJO to IiOO lbv cents. |i:tny us n mill man and will move back II. Muyhorry. And.-nnu. N. J.. I'. O. Ad- all .VOIIIIK; also 71. fr-sh ( IKUIMV «m\ WASHINGTON nAl. A SUPPLY CO. 'yoil UKNT—riarngu nt VM lielvideie i ]{, 11. 2, him to bet 95 on a horse OrvHli! Cnte. WfifdiliiKtou K I) S t tf W. loy Fleming.' MRF; to Ktrmtdfhiirf?. The Warren County Council of t\vi ivenue. H. P. ltoWem, WaKldiigton. ItAD KGliS LOOK AS <;ot>!> AS} .race. Unfortunately he won. KOU SAliK--Fifteen _o.»l u nl < ir^ of CoiiRit';;« of .Uotlu-rn ami I'jirciit-Ti-uch- ClOOD OXKS—SO IT IS WITH TIlEKSj diiruri-ut imtke^ :it »n it rxlititi'ti in ei-K Awnrlnlloii will hv held In Wash- —A woman bought ii dozen eggs from j and fell for thu lure of "easeasy . price., s to ^.^triakr* roo^ m for nn\ outs l it ml i.timtirr InRion. N" .1., on fialurd-iy. Octohfr 1!2. a -friend" ten cents below the price! mv!hy & OITico' and yurilril,, I.nlvirteI'.nlvirter avenue AHSoelnttons :irc requested lo a])polnt WASIIINfJTON ItHAL IS1TATK he? groceryman quoted. When shti) money." lie incioascn Ins j Washington, x. J; ill If and Murrls Ciiiisill : Tiik-tilioiiTkl e r.l. FOK SALK — Tl.ri'i-i-orjiri framo lirnko the, shells, four of the eggs were Una itlon. N. .1. df!(.'t,-:itw as it l:i desired that i-vcry .IAMI->i UIUIJM-: . SON of \sl,nr\ Association in the county he repre- wcllinf,', 'i-aere of land, price SCSI). )a»l. So that the eight eggs she bought bets to rccoupe his steady will buy good beef itttl' u il r.li.s ..Sept. 1. 1S2I, sented, Five-room fiamo dwi-lllng. hlatu root cost her more than Uie groceryman'H and boiis. Phone <»r write.. r.-T-lf Huckwhciit ? B.75 per ton with lii'Ke lot, price Sl.'ifio. price fur 12 eggs. There are men who losses and prison is the end. The Jewish Xew Year bcfiiin Sundriy SALESMAN WAXTKD—Our T.a an I'tlri) ton »t Hiindown mid Iho nnmtm or rejoicing Slx-rotjin frame dweiilng, about 1 buy tires the same Way. They pay si It is the first dip into dis- 1(1.7. t'. tcre of laud, new outbuildings, fruit, Coffee route is open tn Washington and lusted for iwo diijH. Most of thy Inici- less than tin- price of a .rlce,' $1500. year—but the Goodyear miles are all j honesty that paves the way V.UK lll.r.fl pir cm IICH-S iilacea condlietr-rl hy peopk- nf ihice bushiest. .MtiMt furnish bond ami tiraiu io.no per tun Juwj.sh faith were closed Mund'iy find Five-room frame dwelling with slate good eggs and there are several movu J to ruin. It is tlie first stolen referciici'.s. If you arc a liv *,vire and •oof, newly decorated inside and mil, it them. Buy (Joodyears now—and STOVK \VOiil> wimi' also on Tmsdny. The fojist of want to make goo-l call at (UlANi> (iedaliah will be obst-rveil on Octnlier .own water, extra large lot. located here.. Your purchase bring* with it penny, the first dishorost IWJON TMA t:n., i:a:;t<.n. IM.. j. u, OATTKLLK &. SCHIM//.K COAt, St.,. nly half black fiom main direct, price our continuous service, Birle S. S TJUMHIOU CO.. WASHINGTON", N*. J. iltli and Vom Kippttr, » ^,\,-um day of I'ursell. .Mgr. S-n-tf 2SnO. •ki.'l. Washington. H-'Jit-2t r dollar, that marks the course obliK'itlon, on Octuber 11'. Other hmi- I-"OIt tSAl-K—Si-V. n nw.m h"Uhe and dayt: occur (hiring th>> month until ihr- Highl-ronm frame dwcllini,' wllii FOR WALK— I'arlur he;it<-r with iiidl-j of events. Come to think tlate roof, part im|)l•ovenu•nt^i on Kail- or pipe ami all fixtures, will sell mirageg ;; one-balf nv.m of l;tiul aritli. ending the Sinchn.H-Tornii. I!idill Stti l ItejiortH anr to the effect .that Iho •oad iiveniie. price $:t,IKM). cheap, linptire at IS7 Ka.st Washing- j about it you never heard oi I!ridi: ville Station along concret 1 N. .1, onioti eiiip grown this year on the Up-to-date. house with seven rooms ton Ave. !l-::i-2l|i a man stealing to open' a K. Uangbrirt, itrlrlgxvlll TROLLEY Great Mendows |ms Iiwn marketed In and bath, clinic llgh'it. not .n«l siid io be a reeord price. 1»\:KV 37. y-'J!>-2lp t I \PCI piiMeil Motor \ ana for long SCHEDULE or part improvement?;, FOR SALM—Double heater, three-; 10 3 tf •|uanliti'-s of lettuce'and celwy littvo tlw money that MONEY RUmiEIl STAMPS, rountaln Venn dim uiiii menhirs Iuitei un onablo been grown this year. I liave the bent farms In War- nip brass chandelier and !l x 1- wov- ; Mssir 1 r04 (illh and u irnj,0 1J4 1 Northampton-Easton en county for rale on easy terin.-i, some en rug; all in good wnilitlun. Apply i EARNS! It is a tireless and Typewriter Uiltbon, Car lion I'apt r Itt-v. Arthur (1. Lewis, new pastor Krco catalogue. Hrumier & LIrutiner, Miin St Somuvllli N J phon« located only a slmil distance, from bor- I | k'J LttttllUh U1J. A't U.I.I t^. IV LJ.llllliVI. i -x--. .----_u. . & Washington Traction of the. .Marksboro Prcsbyieiiuu ctiiiren MO Railroad avemie. lip j profitable servant when wise- Knslnti P.i. ll.m-lf Snmi'rvllie. f. Citt was Inslalled Thursday. Hev. .1. A ' DUgll. FOR RKXT—Xow private garages, il I UII OI TI—Soi Companv I-"or full, pirticula'H VJIII ,n:tl ••''••• 1 CAKOLI.N'IO. ::'. i^Mlla CAI.I.ON—Al CONTI1ACTOI1 mill Donahue, piuilor of the PhllHp:tburK rear Herman Petty. Apply Gniffrt ; ly employed. Money in bank, ir Standard pump in I t id Ixfon MMI build iii<1 Ml m csll- i:ttMt FlrM .Presbyterian church, delivered the K. O. ilildebraut. all kinds of Iteal Store. nmtt on wiiu job I do Ihi uoik com- B«ial*! and Iiifiirauce, Notary Public. l.rM l»Minrlni> nil. Shrop ^ s : tOIIIIll limimi .sermon. The charge to tlie einm-h KOU SALK—Teii line big Hol.steln [ .1. Farm Agency; let us Ii—t •* ph l< fiom b i (mi ut to sittlt T A\ 1 ."(1 Otllce, HI! Kast Church Ht., \Va:ililiiKt< _ows from four to seven years u^d. All i imr fjill 1 hum is Ciip'nui shop 217 BcKldcre I'tilllliiHMlrK was delivered by Rev. John .M. Wnddell N. .1.. 'Phone :il-K5. Ul-n-tf Tim Old (.'. I!. It. A roll IMS nf ItlairHtown, ami,the charge to the ilue to freshen In October. Tuberculin • I'b'n SAM-:—farm of -HI i A\e A\ ishlnj Ion opposite CUttllOR fiiKcrxnll (inic 1 ."• p:\.sior by Rev. R. Spenser Young, pax- tested. I-'. P. and T. J. Smith, Asbnry, t Delaware, III) acres timln t Litmbpr ^ ml 3 31 tf N. J. II-',1!)-:1! j First National Bank \VU!Mm'H UrVuHlnK ".'.'. L'.ll 1 Will tor of the Yellow I'Yiiine Presbyterian KOU SAI.K— One im.del HO Overl-nul. mine t WIND SHI! r US—All sl/e In *>tocfc Ilciisfofit Crossing .. church. .Mr. L.>wls foi-mely lived at FOR SALK — Huff Plymouth Rock \ of Washington s|iring water through i inn _ npplf oi Utit to tit qua! *M\ki ^\MrellCoun CUIR'H Switch • will exchange- for I''ord J.'cdsin eiinrds. uoud -S-rouni hoU' .Tig Knxl llethany. .V. Y. ' l!ro:ulway '.Jarage. lO-ti-l'ti cockerels: Hertz strain direct; healthy.; in w bun 11\ Jimi, mmr S 4 tt Port Warr.i. ISrMgi; . "!!"! fairing the summer vacation the vie- furJtfi h.'ad of H.U-.1. « hoi KOR itl^NT— Utilise al 10 youll vigorous breeders; strong in type.and; liiM mil | i Si u c\Hs j oi SAT I —OiKlmd KIcivartHVllNi 1 (rights where it oi'.nis the wage of m -v-ii • Irnla, two pencil sharpeners and, some Lincoln Av<-., Washhih'ton, N'. J. .losi. color; all stock from prize pens. .Mrs. ! . ] (oupf Cht \i'il< L si d in in wl\ painted '.'. 10 picture hooks were stolen from the M. 11. Do-au. Callfon. X. J. 9-2Mtp J PHee $.|S(in. This Ls biiyiin Idom niKhiiueUh p.iUct II b I littf Snyder's Lam- li. Crnlsh. 10-«-ai safety, who-.o it .is always pul'lie. AT. C VauLtilllard New Village Switch .. •'. 1 •! school building at lilnlr.stown. ' KOU SALK OK FA'CI lANdK—Klght PlilVATK GARAr,!-: FOR ItKXT —'' \\ i^lilnt,loii y 15 tC New Vlll:iKQ P. 0. ... •j. i r. 1VJ." Clifford K Snvder nf PillKiown IJIHL L'o., Phlllipsburg. X. .1 Lt-22-lt >;id of wink horse:; weighing •"nun '20 W. Stewart Si. if • yours to commnnd for need ; , ^\ AN I LU—Small I n\ luiioi. nnL Killsnii Ki.n.t week harvested his potato crop. Mr. ) 'OR SALI-:—New Fo n I>;tvlH*H .Sivileh...... :i)0 to 1000 Ilia., also i)iii> fresii row, FOR SALK— 1'/. acre country home, i " I weighing ovt-r ii Ib* Appl ht'AR Snyilei* planted -100 bushels and he h:ul or opportunity. Don't spec- trurrk, been used tmrt month. II. n llniadwiiy I'nst Ulllce three heifers, mul two yearling buiis. S-rnom brick slate dwelling. line location j , e h II. ( ' " { Ollltre. 9-15-tC Hclvlileru Itoail ovrr fi.000 bushels of very fine "potatoes. 'Phone MT-Rf). Orville Cole, Washing- uhito with your .character, pleby, lipatyestown, X. J., Tlioue l\;u ' ' VOli SAM-:— Farm of SO UCICK. 1 The New Jersey and FVnnsylvanla price $^.000. Terms If desired. Address eltstown, C-Ul'J. K-LT.-tf Mlncnil Springs inn, N. .1. 10-0-aiu Harry Christine. Washington, X. J. j ihvt'llinc li'iusfs, pnutiialh now bains Mnrlatt's Crossing .. • l-'ren IJridge CommiHsion is on the .|ol your future, your savings;! AVA'N'TMD—A girl at HIP Washington Stmttl ainoimt r.isli will huv OwnoiB Marlalt's Swllcl •-•.::!) WANTKU—Fat chickens and veal fl-M-if ; and ii'is several bridges in rnnnidera- calves. Orville Cole. Washington, X. .1. .Silk Mill, Washlgtou. !)-l-[f will iis.si.st. in Mocking faim lairn Larrison's Crossing .. s.nn lion to he freed during Uie next ye;ir [FOR HALK—Organ. suitable for i The .pfrent oak of safely i FOR KA1.K—Uairy farm . 1.. & W. U. II. Arcl Portland hrldge and that al Mllford. of thrift. running spring water all lliroiigh barn I SLACK & SON. piullcal pilntcts Port Cnldi.-n L'.-KI of seven rooms; poultry uml hroo'ii PIANOS II ml ORGAN.S tuned and n- |- Pa., being the nearest to the final houses; home ami business eombined; bu!lilin,v.s; fine .spring lious.'. U'O trui and paperhangers. Inquln. at JI 13 Power Mourn; i.r.n piiiviil by experienced facloryman: sat •silo, oui-huildlugs very lai^e: dr.uhle Silver Springs L'.tl' • to station; trolley; grydc. and high lsfact;.tii guaranteed. Arlhtir Taylor I Johnston St.. Washington 22 11) .Mr. and M-j.. Clark Cole, of Philli|is- schools; churches and stores; prici. Wasliiugtqn.-X. J. LI-2!)-tf | hini.se, spring water in house. -IT-' apple .FOU SAL!-:—W.' ln\( 1 2 7 and ShkM>«MlCr»»sl»|i!I1II.."'. L'.-l 1 t.ri" huiK. who will shortly move In Wash- tiiiv. SO pi'iich: 18 acres in alfalf'.. SoM If) a tires fiirms;. clusi lo I'hillipsbuig. t'.'r.i in-.'tnn. wer- on Mon-liiv surprised by only S4.0(10. terms. H. IS. Uirdsall KOR SALIC—A dliiing-room table amUl W:iKhhiKl'»i.'N. J. • 10-C-tr with or without stock. JI. C. Vaultlt- for sale. M. C. Vanl illi ml A. Co , Phil- Terra Coili'i''Worlia ''.'. a visit rrom the Ofllciil liojird nf th« Chairs, and sevenil pieee.s of living- | liard .t Co., I'hillipsburg. N. J. 9-22-41, HOtJXIi IKK!, partly broken, not gun t liiKshurg. X. .1. I)-22-4t IWt Murray i:.r.ii ' i.r>ii Wesley ftfetlindist Kvangoheal chinch 1'iioni furniture. Call at .1. D. Groff'.s, I'OU SAL I-:—Sawed •.vn.M JI: --luv- | SATUUDAV. OCT th—Public Silo and their wives. For nearly fifty years. thy." P. Dickinson. North Uelvlder. 2^0 W. Washington Avenue. lengths, $5.00 a load. Garner Cole, Curs Hun livery llinir on the Alinve AAC, AVashingloii, N. J. Iti FOK KALE—Oak dresser, good as j of live .stock, farm mi(,!iinoi\ house- or ulmnst for the entire history of |)i< FOR HALE—Sheep anil Iambs in new. Call at STAR Oillue. Washington, X. J., R. D. 0-20-lf holtl goods, etc.. on i« id Inullng fiom Schedule from U..'(i A. >l. to t l.r.o ehureh. Mr. Cole haw t;reu tut ollice VUUM! MAN W'ANTKD for genera g lots of one or more, hog-s and pigs, ROI1KUEAVER Kacred Dontile. FOi: SALK—Light sjirlng w Pori t Murray to Kans\itk, sale com* M. and most active in the congregation ivork on farm. Julius Anderson, Jleath- good condition. Inquire ;it 4 r. L'r Uell i-'arm, Washington. It] geese and ducks, very reasonable. Will 11KCOKDS Sri cuntfi each; six fur 5S.O0. Carlton menccs-at tl o'clock sharp. Edward S. At ihe.present time lie. is president o 1 the OilH-lal Hoard, also a steward and XOTlCli—• I will nmve detul li take in trade grain or cattle for each. •Nearer M y CotC ! lo TheeTl , I'hH e Old me. iMarlatt. • ?-2?-2t Xo services fit Sprtuio Hun •.hurcii trustee. nnd cattle for $1.00. 'Phone 4-R^-l Hemoshower, Sulley Estate, Hackotta- Hugged Cross" and llfty others; Hold s town. X. J. Oct. li. Tlit' pu-slor ami c'iiimivKiit!r,i'i Washington. C. H. Wis.eburn. I'ort only by mall. Voter Devoe sok- distri- will join wiilj tin* l-'ir.st L'.itlifnui The Washington hlj;h school fnnlbatl Murray, N. .1. . 10-0-f.tji VOli HALK- buting apsnt Northt'i-ii Jcvrey. 11 church of (Hen Cmdiifi- in ci-lctj^nln^ te'im experts t.i 'pl"V i.tethlehem higb PL'ISLIC SALIC .of Hoiioclwdd Goodrj »ISH. Uuinoll stouK North First St., Patorson, N. J. S-^ii-filp iik'ii- rt'iipviiiriK ;tnd r»oth inmivt.-rs.ii-y. 2nd on the home ground .Saturday at al Xew Village. Haiunlay. Oct.* Sth. at iimM^ hwtublo U K. FOIl HAIJE—31-iicrc equipped farm, I'lvarliin,.' ;.t W'oridKl'Mi at :t p. in. iwo o'clock. The boys .'ire \VnrklriK Have You Guessed It? hard under coaches liuuclark nnd Allo- o'clock. Mrs. Marv Hell. It Hinds, 258 !•:. Wellington Avc-., Wash- price S.'I.SJO. Thi:; gnod little mulioy- Tin- ojiMc tliat was Ivartl ln^nn- SATURDAY, OCT. lii, 19J1 at one '"^v" ,.•.,„• p makiug farm has KOIMI dwelling, lieiicry. tnan iind an Interesting game, is proni- 1t at Juntice of UR- !'t':it.'i: here on Sfpt. IS I'ultiuk Mni. William Ilnckcnbtiry nf ^ hAUh or KXCKAXO13—"Over- wagon house and other imttmildlngM; 1 iM-'twocn I-'iank Poyi-i- and Ki'i'di-rick lantl truck, will hold 12 milk cans; also - our thirtieth Mile Stone.—yes, :J0 ycar.s of conscientious Mciciun- Tiie hiph school athletic, fis?6ciii 1!) Sonih Lincoln Avc, \\"u.sliington. N. hors", :: cattle. 2 hogs, t»0 poultry;

-St ' lime. Address Harry. Christine, 'Wash- Washington a better and larger business center.-' Now, paitlj m go.-w will l:e the en'tei'taluer. T\v KARAT. FOIl UKNT ai New ViHiigf. ud the «i«u. will also be motion pictures. pt-tif. niKH, canned fruit, etc. lO-U-lil ington, N. J. !M5-ir the spirit of gratefulnoss to the people who by their patronage r 'or inforinsition address. (!. O-' I'ur.sel, "Ha-iV iv.-iv .IB!) p.m.iiK in .'Uti:lid>in<:i> The Chrislonvitbean Missimi Rncl- l*Ol l;i"UV.\IKN—I'Mniv featlicr.s niakc U'AXTKD—Wtifiit and rye in any have helped make the Ford Storo what you find it totlav, and, til tlic Itiilly Day c>xcn:lM':i «.f llu> IVc»- line birds. \\> hnvu chases for line :t0(! Colonial Trust Uuilding, Heading. quantity. Adam Wandling, Port Mur- because tt has been our custom every five yearn during oui business h-ld its Oeti.bor mer-ting in Ihe Presby- l'a.; or SlewartKVill". 11, IK H-^-:Sip liyU'i-iiMi Sunday :H-II.».1 lasl Sundiiy. A terian chapel .Monday evening. Aft also classic for Utility pep n ray, N. J. 3-6-tf career, we propose in this 30th anniversary to entertain you Kputiisil pniKnmi of music and rla.is cx- the nncnfnu hymns.'Mrs. Hdward l);iv and laying content. Tlti contlli Annual FOK HALI3—Seven-room house in 'WAXTIiJD—Money on llrst Ijond and Saturday, October 15, 1921, an ail-day of receiving and showing cii'iwn and a. missionary sk.-u-h «-n- Sh Ml Washinston, house ju.st painted, large mcirtgase.. rhillipsburg i>roperty. All 1 letl Uie Hible Reading ;>nd XISw Hori Morrlstiiwn I'onlrry. I'lfieon you around the store {we hope to be; looking extra fin* ot t im^o) titlcd "Tiiv IHI'L t.f Hit- Ufwk.* !• ^ener.-il Csirm; permanent position fn- •Iline; on Cartlun avenue, with im- ing that time, showing the carefulness day, Oct. -'Jiind, a week of Anniversary sales that will make you iiHi.', tin,' pnip-.-riy h,.- pntviiused l;iM by Malcolm Wandlini,-. Hiding .Mr» Kooil steady man. Tlieo. Schmtdt'ti 'Vcment.s: a foui^rooni house, and of our placing Mnm. W. C. Van Billiard sit up and take notice—see if it don't. Horn it is in ;i nut shell •suimiiLT and lia.s Ind fL-mink'Hi'ti. Watson Fritts, vocal snln, MVs. AHr- •••arm. in-ar iiras.s'Castle; P. O..-Wjtsh- age'Witli three lots;, S^SOO: six-room & Co., J'hillipsburg, X. .1. 7-2S-tf Comn to our thirtieth anniversary party ail day .Saturday, Oct. 15 Tlie nu'it's ivudy-ruadi' clothing in- iniin, wtltiitlon. Miss Mulkey. piano illgiOH. It. U, . - ltp hou.se. on Monroe street, J1S0D; six- FOR SANI3—-IIU'J Maxwell. lOlil Max- —a day of good time—nothing wold—bring the children—Then, tlnstry of thu United Stales ci.uld.saw st.lo, K'athryn'fiarduer. After the |.v.>- .i-'CJll. SAM::—Six pigs that ave .six room house, on Halm street, $2S()0; six- well, 19110 Maxwell, Hllll Max- Monday to .Saturday, Oct. 22, Special Anniversary Sale Week, de- *7Br,,0«« a liny and ai the s'unc lini" gram a social hour wan enjoyed rim. weeks okl. Mr. I-:.'1 lloronoficz, J'ort m house with" I xk. acres-of land anil refreshments -served. • - .Murray. N. .1.. Uox "17. • ' ltp well. l>-iiitl-(loU\'i;ry 191". Krirtl delivery tail? later on. All who have attended these good times in the past u|n.-ra(i.' with "a 1'inty per (.•*'»(. picU-ii|> n. $^-100; doubh; dwoliing on John- liiao. Hco .spufd.wagon lOl!», Undge. 10IR- will be hero and many more besides who have Hoard how'The Korrt in I'lticii'iirv" if indnslriiil wa.^te in il:i Tim Ladles' Social Circle nr the.M WANTED—SlnKle man wttii *:xp?ii- fiton street: a single brick dwelling on Ik-kl were t'tinilnal',-d. t^fiyti a rt'imrL f lh.- above cars are i In.' Anteriitaii Kn^'imTiiiK Com mil's the L-h-tpel .Mundny evening. The llrsi w:\Kvs and lm:inl linnishcd. Ci. K. Gibson'I'ark; small farm about seven More next week. f-'immitti'f fin cliiuiimlioii Buuulnrk \VASHIN(.;TON l'ouivntv ASSOCI- lotns. t'lcrtrir lights.'hath, stationary reasonable and work guaranteeil. Clar- cuuneii. reading Mrs. Harry K. Clardncr. ^ii-<. ATION will Hold an imporCint luvuthif; tubs: %z*m. Well located ono-family enw J. Jones, "Valt, N. .1. S-lStf. The New J.-rwy ltisil • Instate Com- refv-'Hlimenls were served. l-'riday ni;;lu in h>iroui;li Ifall; all in- house of eight -ounis and hath, dee- WANTED—Cattle, hoss, calves and ! : trie- linbls.- ^as. miL-iim!••wid-rmining Unit ( wini; to Uie Mho m; iind many Monday after the den Hi «f Iwo ''hlldren I'Olt SALK—liedmo -ater; %'i\m. Dwelling of six rooms August Bovelacquu, New Yillace. . iH. it hiiit b iiliysk-ul ifn- .le.ss-ilvn OeMott. R years old, nm dilion; also was; stove. l. 2 ml bath, eloclrk: lights, hot and i-old 1-6-tr p Hiliil to hy Hi.: 'Oorolhy Citn'nnn. six. from diptlu'i'i'i niK»: el?cirrc, itonie d other isi- running water, jibundanee of fruit, two- l.'OU SAMS —KlRht-niiun dwelling, ilr.sl . Two-family hmis.;' eleelric- lights, bath, .eentrally lw:ited. inission an •inices lhaL applicants wlin Address I'.ox IT., can; of STAR Oll . dis ase. well located, ]ian hnpr-nvenieuts; %-Yim. everything in oxcelleii! rondition; price The FLORAL Tokens have llii-ii- I'MUirst blanks in Die exe- The' Rranchvlilc. team dcfoalod* Ilan- 11 li. li. Birdsiill, Wa.shinyton, N. J. §2R00. Address Harry Christine. "Wash- cutive olllce and fei; paid prior to, nr gor fi tn 7 :il Knngor Saturday. It was KOti SA LK—Uiriie nibbi-r plant. , • fl-29-lf. inglon, N. J. ' H-"^-tf aliuijl Oi:i. 1, need nut. worry. For if tli» first di'fe-it Tor HSM'KHI- in ;!'J games, AO'K. Allmrt Ilohbuom. Urass CTisllu. N. s'lid applicants hear a good reputation Lafayette defeated I'lltshnrgh li tn ( J,, linx *57. 10-B-Ktp m You Soul m for. honesty, iihility anil fait fit-allug Sitturdiiy mid Mifayette is now cnnnld- I'TtlUAl'. OCT. M—Public sale of they will lake no risk ol' immediate ere»l tn be a mateh for any collcy peivoinil property by Sltien "Molna!/, prosecution and may coiilinm- with fdotbnll eleven this season. road frotn Oxford to County Almshousu. safety lo carry mi thdr real cHlale Al. A. Pter.snn, Am:. Here you will find a service business temporarily, pending early I-:; P. Itirdsalt has sold for MY. iim' Mrs. AVhitdold 'Geary their propt-rtj APPM'JH KOH SAL1S—r.jlchvin:; and Vonsldi-raiiun ol' application (blank 11) Smiths Cidcra. Sprayud fruit. "Will upon which the burden of prop- iind license issue. They lire urged in they now occunv at. TOO "vVest Wnr.-ci street, to MVs. Maude 1. Uadrnw of Ox- •ship, or un s-ule al Uie "Ml. r'tennon . muke payment fee at once and lulus Krult Farm. 11. D. l-Ivcrsole. i 'nip. erly executing your tribute may chnnce (jf being held h(iriii!cK:i. fonl. Mrs. Budrow will lake pnssos^cn nf the properly she recently purchasci Kurili one and n half miles from Hope. '•ON THE SQUARE1' Tlie Woman's Homo Missionary Aux- the early )>:n-i of November. N. .!., PoKtolllce atlilresK Dulaware. N. be placed in fullest confidence. iliary of the JI, il. church will luiltl the J.. H. IJ. a. • - U 1 Arch M. Wuldell Ins*. reneiveO : regular monthly business meeting at notice from the ITnitod States Civi FOR SALI":—First-class b;iby car- Wreaths, Sprays, and all De- tht> home j)l" -Mrs. n. M. Rush, corner Service Commission tliilt he is not. "llgi riage- In gDiid eomlillon. Mrs. "Walter Just in Wcisburn's Prepared Buckwheat Flour, 5 Ib. batf...35c Taylor jind'Kast Stewart sUiseetM, Vues- bli* for appointment as postmaster a IX'Wnlfc, Washingtun. Up signs executed on a moments d.-iy evening nt 7.II0. Mrs. A. 13. Arm- I'.l;iir.s'own'. not having lived Ihere locj SATURDAY, OCT. 2!lth—Ladles" Aid Pure Buckwheat Flour, 12 Ib. bag. : 80c slvnng will have charge of tlie de- enough, anil he has entered Cohnnbl: fc-ociety will hold a comic ent<>rl:iin- notice, and handled so as to ar- . votlonal part, follmvcd by JIH enigma University to study journalism. ment mid exorcises followed by a social program. Let all members he present. The principnl , election . contest 1' at, •ill*.'.. Siimmerlield ,M. I'], cliurcli; if Best Cranberries, ql ;....20c New Prunes, Hi '. 20c rive at any destination in per- The executive committee, of I In; Blairstnwn township will 1<» fo«- nix eni stormy, the following Saturday eve- Washington Chapter A. It. C. wili txifui lector., between George 1). Iirunnell, ning.. • 10-fi-Tl. Best New Honey, Ib. 28c . Guidon's Mustard, glass 15c ,i fect condition. next Monday evening at the lilirary. Democrat, nnd Frank. A. TCdRerton. Re VOli SAT..IC—Sis pigs six weeks ,o!d; The-regular meeting of the. Woman's publican. • 'also sow. Win. Se.hoeffler. roacV from Prices upwards from Christian Temperance IJiiton will . in; There are unclaimed letters in tin ChanK^water to old Point .Milts. Rr.mvn Creamery Butler. "Grassdale," very finest, Ib. : "»">f hold nt the homo of Mrs. Cornelius "Washington n*n«tnnW addressee, i. as the lOd. Cotenian farnl*. lip live dollars " Vum-heii.s. 5S West Church street, Fri- l.^ied Uerenmer. Sirs. A. WhUncy, fU. VOM SAI-,10—I'O Barred Koek pulk-tS7 First Prize Nut Butter,.Ib., 30c; Creamo Butter, Ib 32c day nfternoun, Oct. 17. siV three' n'elncK. IX No 2) Robert MucDonald. Mrs. LP- 51.B0 eiiuh; about 40 .R. I. R. luillels, Huh loci: "Medal content," leader, Mr.s. iian Ouick nnd .1. IL. Nowlwrry *(R. 1> $2.01) filch. A. Sexton, Potty's Grove, Lewi:; (Jerard. No. 2). i •WlishlimU'ii. . It]) Fresh Potato Chi;)s, Shimer's All-Pork Saus- A limvlby piano 1ms just been pur- W. \V. CroiiKor IHIK purc.hnsed o l''Oll SAL.K—(Si'ey liorsu, Wiebe, HERRICKjhrht chased for the school • [j.vnniii.shim. It Charles Apcar a fnrm of 100 txcra- MarJult's Crosain, "Washington, N. .1. ' i/l, Ib t 15c age, Ib. 35c in ii» inS used for llui folk anil -social near P.lonmsbur.w He ptan.s to tali 10-(j-2lp Easy'Bright Stove Polish, HACKETTSTOWN dances ami in connection with other possession in the spring. l-'OIi SAL13—Green Mountain po- can .-. :..: ::.:.:....:..6c,-12c Shimer's Scrapple, Ib 15c Kyiiintistlcj wmrk. U will be ' i>'ikl,.[or The American Legion Post will ^iv tatoes, $1.75 bushel, delivered in 'Wjis:i- Telegraph Delivery of, flowers Everywhere- by Ihe over -sale of tickets for the a mealing tomorrow "night ;it. Bovouizl inston Wednesdays; no sale Sundays. various entertainments. Mall, wlion H Is expected dcllnlte »r Isiilah l-tanslnirt, Clint' farm. \y:ishinK: Kally. l>ay at the Methodist Sunday rangomcnls for opening the local rooms ton. N. J;. Tt. D. 1. Box 105. Up SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER sehonl la.sl Sunday rcsultuil in 'an til will be made. WANTIOD—Buckboiird or sprinK One 15c Cake Sweet Chocolate with either '/ Ib. ti'iidanue of Ma and a willecUon cr-'ovc There was a goodly attendance Sat,- wason in gooil condition, reasonable. 2 $r) Then \\ »s iHci'il siuiiluB bv'th ui da\ nif,ht it tho motth^ of the Mae.De.natd. P. O. Box S, New Hampton, RockwootTs Pure Cocoa or Vi Ib. Baking Chocolate piimtu\ d putimnl md mi ulditsil A\auin Associ itlon (f Hod Men it N. ,T. 10-ti-^t] tlu He\ Ncff of Hid oUstmui As Aslmi\ Htip long tilk*, WCTO madt COWS ^YANT131D-^St!lto breed, .'is« Cocoa, 25c; Chocolate, 25c. SinieiinUnclonL litsslci was in Phi! h\ SCM.1 il Ulg Injuns of A\antn Nom milk jirotluctinn, prico ami when fre.sli lilisimif, M\lim Uu ItnlU Di\ Summ of the fatile ChiLfs wuc picsenl The W. I'\"l!olU', Callfon, N. .7. tO-G-Lf Where Everyone DINES in Contfort •WANTED11 FOR LIGHT HOUSTC in Hit A\tsh\an M JI Oim< h Ilkhiml m\i meetlnt, will be htId in tin \\\p- Sunbeam Baked Beans, can..10c Wnunan was hi IIIHIM »t tin ^i\kei \\ mi of Ute tithe tn Dccom! ci KEEPING—Three or four rooms furn- Best Seeded Raisins, Ib ;.25c ished or unfurnished for family of Mi md Mis I V Cook woi" M I \\m Andeison of Vwul* is Inning Best Pic Pumpkin, Ib -It Crcair| Corn Starch, pkg. ....Me pilM.ll 1\ tlwut lift\ of tilth nhml three. "Kotims", enro of STAR Odin. i luiimilim eiecUil on tin. io-id 1H.UCLII II]) None-Such Mince Meat, pg. 20c Miple Suup pt 'He last Tluusdnj L\oninn I In (.(tnpam Wnshinglon "iiul I nit Coldon ussLinbUd in homi ot Mi C( ok s Dbth VOli SALE—Two cows, fresh;- two dm JJincint, f,aniLS and music \uu cows due this month; 'Koort milkers cnjo\ctl until a. lull luun when nfiosh leasonuble in nrlee. Jolin Gray, Hart- Cope's New E^apo.aled S^cet Coin, Ib 2"K mans Conn i V O Oxfoicl >" 1 K moiits wen. S€i\Lfl Solid, luicj Giape Fiuit, each 10c to 12V20 SIiGi^ood \ouiif, mo\eil last «LL< ]D 10 G 2tp DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING into his nt.\\l\ built homt on '""Ishoi JIALK UOG nine months okl, Vox Teiley*s Teas-—mixed, Oi ani>'c Pekoe , 01 India. O> Ion a^ enUo Lew Is Tohnslon of NeU ong hound and collie; will give to anyont. ( mo\cd TUuisdaj Into the CicA*-llny frivlng'htm u'sootl home. Eupeno TJ ' r ^ t 22C 31-33 So. 3rd Sticct Easton, Penna. lion so Slnrut Anthom P O Poit "Mtn i n THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N..X, JJfninSPAY, • OCTOBER 6, 1921 "~ SECTION ONE ^ NEW SIDEWALKS ARE (•EN'KItAIi NEWS. a p.iylmr propoHitHin, ami the pr_iperly sportsmnn-like mnnner anil mipnit the AtiKUHt. nnd Ihe September total IH the | tot ni ill tiny nine months' period In llio Mm. IE. D. Euallitke wan found dead was .-old the otht-r day by the .sheriff nomlnccH. Mr. Sirykcr. the Democratic third larKi'Mt of the year. An rcganta voiintry'H hltitony JJahlllticH total ORDERED BY COUNCIL nt Colonial Hwieli, Va. It is charged i to (Icoruc W. Knmm of Kiixnui, who j ivinilldato for Krvcholder. Is generally ,]Uibli:tlcH. however. «iptenilier. with jr.-10,Sy,•>;,:,7, a Ilttlu over ilonhlo Iho /' (Continued from 1'ngo 1) that ahu met her death Iti tho IIIUIIIM liiul made it J^O.lWO loan lo the com-; iTsunlul as cjuvptionully well limd wily $:ifi.'Jl»,!i09, HhotvM ii decline of totiil for JOl'O aiul nimoHt twlcu that wf her hiuriiaml and a woman who (?av4> hmiiv. He bcv.inie owner of the proper- for the olllcc. • Jle haa had many yenrfl' twenty-four per cent from August and recorded In the llvat'nine nionthu o rofcssional Cards her name as Miss Samh K. Knox, «f ly on \\i* bid of $:..O':3. There MV two successful business experience, both ftirnlrhcH tho llghlcst total Mince last 1314. They uro' twenty-Koven per cent mon Council Monday nlnht ww» writ- llultlniore. They were Jn-M for the j years' Mick taxes due Kmmitoit town* inmlk: and private, and being now en*October. • '• larger than reubnled for Iho cntlro PIndex to those Prom- . ten'by J. D. OrofT. »ecretnry of thumurder. , ^jp ngainxt the pnipcrty, atiuuinting i gat^cil in no business or prnfcsHlim can year, 1020. which set up a now hl«li In the Slat? of IK-laware plum and to J157, which will have to be Ilijiildat. J aivt hiii whole ttmo to the ilutlctt ol '.'The nine muntliM' total nf fnlluiTH inent in Law, Medicine,' Washington Water Company, und was 1 lliiH year. 13.713. Is not far,from Hirer level ot fidiure damage." In* regard to tho ccimjilulnt of thecherry trees are reported in bloom for wi by Mr. KOOIIH. . (•!Ilc*e. Mi U;is u wUlt; aci:Utitrtaiice Dentistry, Optometry, the second time. lEot'ebudH aiu put*; — • • — • throughout th • county and under- tinien the total In ihe liko period of properly owners in riirk avenu1 e that WAK but Is Ktllt HIX per vanl. smaller they illil not hare. mlequtil' water «.?r- ting forth new btidn, gunli I'la us In Help Jersey 1'iieinplu.vi'il. Mtands the needs nml knows the vlcwx Star ami Thrlct'-a-Wcck Xcw York Insurance £f Undertaking are begiimltig to bloom nml second than In tin- like period of 1016. With vice. Mr. . (Jntff Hlutul.ht the com- lutt-nst evinced by the I'ubl.V WorliH of the people In rural nivtl.irtH. Ik> that exception, 1021 »ho\v« the largest Woi'M. »L'.75. in im lent Ion that no formal complaint crops of lima b.*aiiH and green peas are Committee of Hi;- iriieiilployiueiil Con- In vlttilly luterrsted In the tax problem. 'imd.be.cn made to the comjiany. The being pUkid. fercnee in He.-slon at WushhiKtoii, I). IHIIK :m owner of coiiHldoable real secretary united tho properly owner*, .\ (lerinnn seaman arrived on a ship C, in the slatctilelit ot llwlght estate. The fact tlitit WashhiKton has DANIEL V. WYCKOFF through the Council, to nuik" known in in riilljirlilp)tl:i as a stowaway. He .Morrow, member of Hit* Stat never been icpresi-nted upon the finall rNSUHANCIJ & REAL ESTATE the company tho reason!* fir the com- wai hid on the xhlp for 5U_ days. of Control of Itistllutlons ami AKellcit-s, llourd and nillll|»sbtirg already has a Tlic l^illfd atnlcH liii« Hiwtil ttvui'iy mvmiwr'hHH H# ttvtisul Ut hln favor.— A. Davidson, O. D. 18 Broad Street plaint. This ami- tlie {art1 that resi- i.iompt-d tbi' eonimlttt'C M fn-ar rnrlh- l dents of KelvMere aveitU. north of the Ji^ijO.yoO.OOl) to mitlntuln its troop* in cr of lht1 plans of New Jersey lit con- Ull I' OPTOMETRIST * noprcnenlinB leadlne l-'lro Companies canal hitvu also entered complaint that j tttTitinny. Him* u> clk-rt this «uin tribute to tliL- siiluiinri ol' tin- Itllcmr.^ I Employcr'n Liability anil Automobile tho Hervice miilits are not larK" enough, j from th«» Allies is a probK-m. Iirobleiii. Accord!n«Iy t'ommlssioni-r Scplrmhcr lias I-Vwer Kail tires. liiHUrunce. Xcw York City reported u shortage 1 k cauHcd a tliseuj-Hluii ami action l>y the j lUirdtlle (1. Lewis of tli^> DcpartHUMil I'rudstn t'n says: THE GLOVE rtontn Cnlli'ctcd. I Com'r of Deeds Council. ) on moving day of lilt,7iH ilatn. This is of InstiiiKii'iis and Agencies was eatl- Local and I^oni; 'Dlstanco 'Phones IC'JUt) more than existed ii year ago. ••While the y.'ptomber falhni' (otal Thu statement was made that ed upon to t'II nf the urgency of thel..":i!>. was live per t-ent smaller than about 2"0 more feet of six Inch mains The city of He-stou is going to reg-work (nvflve,1 In Hit- pruposrit ten- ister Us ihousands of uiicniployed with ymr constru lion prugram of his d>-the August total of l.tilMi, (lie difference aru needed In I'ailt avenue to extern! [tin- t'bj'vfof facilltaiing tlu-ir effurt.s tn is slight ami may be explained by theEXTKUT in eye examination and In DR. S. SANDLBS tho mains th.j dill length of the street. 1'artthcnt. fiii-t tli.it there, were only tweliiy-llvej fitting proper glasses for ihe rcHcf CHIROPItACTOR 3t"ls said that smaller mains. In furl t secure work. Mr. l.vwis. subslanti;iliiiK the uliili- GRIP SHOE rieiiaii.r Hinnnt. of I'tali. prnp...ses a business days last month against ; of eye and nerve strain. Iradtialc Palmer Selniol or Cliironmctlc only small service pipes, were laiil in j imiits of ,Mr ,Morn»«% strts-i'd the tClilroi'ractk* Kotuilninlicaa> ^ (J tax men.Miiv thitt w.mbl point Ihal tin• plan lo hnv»» Sl-(.lini>,(Miil iwctiiy seven in August. Tlie Septem-1 one etui nt the avenue ar.tl that tin: I axe, uf whatever nature, iiicluiling (ax \ [„ |", ,{ ' ber daily average, in fad was fil.3 fail-j WASHINGTON, N. J. A Shoe for Women who Uavvnport, loiva pressure is so reduced Hiai il i n H d for tin: rehabilitation of At men niiuM;!-:. x .1. on railroa' d' f; 'i " the sta institution was the nut-•s jier day us against 10.^ failures in \ value Foot Comfort posHlble for two persons in different i'lanc.-. (be greatest suff<-rer nf all Write or Phone .'tR-lt.") Tue»da>-H ntid Thurstlays houses to take n bath at th»* s:tm< growth mure than two year.* of for Appointment time. If one house is drawing on tin I hi' Allies in the war. reports that it itdy of the suhjtvt from all'aiiKle*. GLOVE CHIP MOM'X NO. ."» At IIOVI:U. .v. ,1. main the others have, to wall their turn. haw only l3,tM)0 men nut of work. J(H Me declared that the work that Is How is a Tan Oxfcml approved by the . MON.. W«.I.. I.VI.,. und Sat. The c-niidltion Is moat exasperating on worliri-K own bonds and not .silk skirls IHojHisid hatl been postponed fur twu national board of V. W. C. A. and the nation needs im ini]Hirts nf iyears in tlr.- Interest nf eeunomy and wash day. Councilman I«uieo made a fuel or ren-al. It l.ads all the Allies } If. SLOW ns carry in j: all the specifications motion to give the water company ten better admlniftratiim. 1 DRS.BEAM&.OSMUN Industrial recovery. | 1 of a good shoe*. days in which to lake stops lo install The culiuiilHH.'diifi dwelt upon the DENTISTS larger mains and if U in nut dune. thi> Pr.sid' lpl-jy- 1—Straight inner linos, Council will Immediately proceed to * DEATH 2—Outsidc curve -following line Office, closcil until further notice. tako tho question before iho Public of tooa. Cone on vacation trip. Utility Commission, asking for relief Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi- S—Heel broad and comfortable. for the properly owners. culty in urinating, often mean A—Low cut, poi'milting free cir- 60 So. Main St., IMiillip.sbure. N. J. There was also some discussion culation. I'liouu* DG9 tho fact that sonu- proprietors of serious disorders. The world's Hcsides it has the patented standard remedy, for kidney, liver, Water fountains have not complied The .N«-vaila court haw been aaUed to ...•l,1t,i i,,.,,.!,!,, ,.i\it,i,,vti>..i.i i,,1.,,,..n.li.,K- Glove CIrif) feature which lifta with thi? new ordinance providing for dismiss an ,„.,;«il from a Judgment up- j ! J' !„ ,i oo' ' " V , '•.'!• bladder and uric acid troubles— up the arch. OSTEOPATHY a license for tho fountains. Some haw holding the dlvorc of Marv I'k-Ufor.l. f(ll.t lh;tt |>rat.tii;(Uy „,, (lf llu. „„„,„,.„ paid and others did nut. The police I Model 55 is on sale at A .Spinal Way In Health wero Instructed to collect the license that would be required in tin- proji , llnndooed Kuterpriscs. [ construction work would be provided GOLD MEDAL Dr. G. W. KKADK. Osteopath fee at once. right In New Jersey, of courno this The Council had much to say about Some Industrial enterprises seem to Iwould further contribute t*> lh:> relief." Cor. 13. Washington anil Jackson Avcs. he hooilotied rre-m tlielr inception, i 1 !ISO s tho Great White Way on Kast and TlH'ie are two in upper Warren into [ *ThuS'iln?!' .} "• >"• '" '°° ""• •'•• "West Washington avenues and tho sub- which thou.iaudH of dollars have been j The 1-Yrcliolflcr Candidates. . force's Son ject received considerable illumination sunk. Wo refer to the marl plant at All jnimary contests bring their dls- fcrinff quick relief and often ward off from Victor Mallard, n representative of White I,:ikc near .Miu'ksboro nnd theappointments and those of laHt week deadly diseases. Known as tho national Cemetery Memorials the General Klectrlc Company. II:> plant at the mouth of the I'aullns Kill, tWere no exceptions. (loth were en- remedy of Holland for more than 200 2319 NORTHAMPTON SI. gavo figures that apparently will yesu-s. All druggists, in thrco sizes. change Hume of tho ideas of the Coun- The latter has b'Peh operated the past tirely five i>f bitterness and unfair year by the Columbia Pulverizing methods, and the defeated aspirants Look (or the namo Gold Modal on every box 101 Broad Street C. R. FORD & SON cilman. Tho Mayor at iho end of thy •ad accept no imitation discussion made his happy expression Limestone Co.. which failed to make it will doubtless accept the results In WASHINGTON. N. J. to Mr. r.;ill;ird "You have, saved us FUliKISmXG UNDERTAKERS lour or live thousand dollars, we are 37 E. Washington Ave. glad you came." Thu (representative, who hud probably had visions of in- Al tloslilinro, to Vouinniu Avo. stalling a system in Washington, scnsml tho situation nnd politely offer- ed to give assistance at any time and quietly left the room, lie had recom- mended that a cable be laid at this time. 1 lie also recommended an ornamental unit on a east iron pole. The cost of E. II. DEVOE thu lights complete would be ^so per pole. Tim average »ptir» would • l»t- NOW I Funeral Uirtclor and Embalmcr about ISO feet between llio pulcN, giv- Successor to D. U. Laubach inp a 75 fool light center. For L',000 145 W. Washington Avo. feet of (ireat White Way H would cyst about $fi.75f) vumpli'tf. The cubic Personal Attention Day or Night would cost $l.l!li per running foot. Tho 'i'hoiio 40-2 lamp brackets cotnplet<> about $H."> mid the pole and unit complete about $10. The Mayor arid Piniiu-ilmeii thought it was :i good hk'a to IIml mit the cost, T. S. BRAY & SON but that it would probably be best to Of the Star Stores, Inc.. Now Looted in Allentown, Easton, Hazleton, Reading and York, Pa. •wait until a new contract Is made UNDERTAKERS with the electric company. Dr. Lanning 115 Broad Street Telephone: 123114 desired, to get rid of the poles in the The Biggest Sale That Was Ever Attempted in This City Also Hampton, N. «J. avenues and offered $::i)0' to have thi? poles eliminated from the. vicinity nf Country calls without extra charge bis property. Hut it would cost at least $15,000 to have the avenue tigjited OF THIS In approved style from one end to tho other anil the statement was nia that Here Are The 1~-Easy Terms it could not be considered now. If a SEASON'S WM:A".STRYKER conduit system was installed it would 5 Big 2—Smart Styles £ O S A S S ES C0ATS W necessitate changes in both trolley. 3—Bigger Values f n™R!E KS' M ^cfn , , ' ' SUITSrDlS;r^A!D rTJR COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW telephone and eli-etrii; wires and it was Points of COATS, SKIRTS, WAISTS, MEN'S YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS First NiitloDal JJauk Building not thought the companies would b*.< 4—Lower Prices willing to go to their share of the ex- AT PRICES Supremo Court Commissioner and "The Star Stores" 5—Square Dealing SiKcial Master in Clmncory PractlUonor in all Unitcl States, Stato The fiuestion of taking car..- of tlw" .surface water in School" street was 25%-to 50% Lower Than Any Time this Season am! County Courts -brought tip and it w;is decided to have the clerk notify Charles Tcmperly, the State Highway engineer, that if the Dr. Horace Lichty -State would put in a catch basin at It's One Thing io Sell Suits at $29.50 and Quite iiis School .street, WIKJII the avenue is Let Us Say Emphatically til St. IIASTO.V, FA. paved tho borough will lake care of Another to Sell That Were It Possible lo bpoclalisL iii eye the water by piping It to the Shabhe- cx;iinin;uicui ami tlio Buy Belter Ilttiru; of K lapses cong Creek. This will mean getting when, needed. the right of way from1 property own- That's the Distinguishina Exquisitely . A[)|)o[nlmonts ers and the installing ot large storm Feature of These Dell 1'liono 2-IS sewer pipes. SUITS Fur-Trimmed COATS The bond of the Hudson Contracting • Wonderful TO SEU, FOR Compam fit lining the wot! in \\ i-Oi Iiip,t \ Dresses spiling regularly immune j\iistniliriir .-Opossum, Hole, Wolf, French Seal, Xntrfo ><. us in \\] Ich to »i\ and Ileavcvcl.l.e. Every nfw ter prepared than'ever to attend afc thfisa nrfnns can't begin to Mole. Xutrin or ll^nwrotte. Tl'.cr. 1 :-'- to-your uehtai needs. -•'•• • ; Ihr Coll toi s i pnit foi ^fptrmhu compare with them. ° The ImiiRine" clfoosins from "ntiioni; style represented. - .^laterliiis "iii: shnud tli u *l II oi Ii I 1 been olicn -.Km oi> Joseph Chin polier -iiul rials are those for which parison. •funlji « oo Jhiu u is i holdup there is greatest demand. Bell Telephone KaBton 1865 in tin 1 ill ot thr \\ aSSI \\ upn I nun fill ^ "\rirhme Compim of Phillips at COATS at most reasonable charges. huts: ^-< 00 I ntineeiing \eus idvei Superlily made, nuuiy are ox- '••' LIKE THESE rising M-, 0 boulln ? Nmihnn*. act reproductions of costly im- S5G 7C \\ilbui Opdjli icttcilm; *>00 That Defy Comparison at Knrlc-lK-d' with deep Imillllhll ' portntious — luxuriously fur rtn-—sonic coats,h:iviiiK liotli eitl- Davidson's Jewelry Store Citttlle t Sthult7t Slf, 10 1 I Sto k (rimmed 'with '.Squirrel, Mole ton VM7 I S I \\\ \dmin stntion lurs nml CUITK t'rlinnicd wlm It, Washington, New Jersey. fieight V>i"i8 O II PLII\ saluj $ Australian Opossum nnd iien- Silulnfl, Ilwivcr, Anstnillllii SI 10 00 Amos C uhel silaij $100 00 ver. Good selection oj mnlerials Opownni. D.vcd O|»nxsnm. otc. . .; • Established. 25 Years. Frank y , lnlama. Duvet de Ijiine, Mous- AVooloy, JUlton Slater 25an(M35 I'.knisc, IIjtritiK mid helled moil- syno and Velours. $10.S0; A. mil, .00: Wm. All»n. els, rli;vp|srrrntioii Wo.JIavc Mrs. Anna JJavis. 41 years old, is in given this store its remarkable regulation for POUSANDS, . Northampton Coiihty Jail at East on value-giving. • • • ii Rnliircd'All Our Costliest j[ have found foot comfort by using charged with murdering her husband. Suits fo © _ _ Lowest. Prices in silt Furs / . GREEN LE^F CORN PIASTIR Milton Davis, •14. in their .home at Mt. We: ?sk you to be the judge. Come and see 7n nearly every instance this, reduced price is less Hum •Bethel, near here Thursday night. SBAL COATS FUR. CHOKERS' these dresses—look them over critically then lilts nrtmil t'osl. Every one of our v.ery finest suits is'ih- Made of selected pelts ahd<; The shooting was Llie climax of a compare them with dresses elsewhere, value for cluiled in Ihis most uiinsunl oirerinir. MaKiiillcenlly Irim- That are corrooV. for Fall A thin medicated plaster that re- quarrel which lasted several days, ac- snaranteeil • hy us. The worn1 with suit: moves-the most stubborn corns . cording to neighbors. Mrs. Davis told value and price for price. ;i il wl.lli liiRlu'st grade furs— Sijnlrrcl, Beaver, Cnrncul and lilggest rallies * $ police that she shot her Husband. with I'latinuia ^Volf. , ever olTe'reil... and dresses .. 5.50 and calluses in 72 hours. Takes a single-barreled1 shot'gun In self-tie- up no room in the shoe, protects fenso. The shot was fired at close tho corn from pressure and stops range, the whole charg* entering the Anniversary Specials in New Fall Dresses man's chest. Ho tiled nlmost Instantly the pain. : ', NEW FALL SKIRTS, $3 to $10 .• • • /: M,rs. Davis said that her husband All-woul Serge, Trleo- OTHER COAT SPECIALS tfiatl threatened her life1 and just bo tint! iind .lersey. Oui- ; One-Day Special, ,. 15c package at any drug^ store. fore she used the shotgun, he- broke big leaders .... ^;... down the door to her room where sho to Friday only WRAPS-$2.95. had locked herself in. She salt! :>hat $15 and JHendershot Drug Co., •Davia dnink<> much -homo brew. Im- mediately after the shooting, sho told Newton, N. J. • Distributor.". 'neighbors what she hntl done and then MEN'S SUITS ,?avo herself up to tho county authori- Our new FnHHuila for nien nml BOYS'SUITS ties ' | young inpti, alnglo,1: suid donlilo- ! We lane (,'iouped logdlirr., nil lirpusted, nlifoliitely nil-wool our Jloys' Hull's for Kail at:'I Ills TisinsporlaUon Diils AVimlcd. Fnll weight; In "all colors, -Val- The Franklin Township Eonrd of ues to $40.00 sjiecinl,price for Friday and Sat- r'tltiCition is! s toi bltl*! foi IIIL tiuns urdny,,. Yalues tq'fSIiiOp' .,..:",. iportingvot'school children on.the rotito u^t^uin^ irom the JO Itlemx of Gar Vlllo-^Froyv-and thence to. the Cross iKoads by.the. Mosson farm; thence' to :'SfflDBvpiljffifiKK.FVrsS!W theA^bun school Twent pupil') moio QPEN ;A CHARGE ov-_-lc*s iAddress• Harvnv.v, Cole^ Clerk t Star ana Thrice a Week New - i SECTION ONK ' THE WASHINGTON STAR. WASHINGTON, N. J.. TIIUKSDAY, OCTOBElt.G,, 1921 ~*~ — .-•??,-,.

' Grand Ij>dgn of (Mil Fcllowi. ' The Primary Vote 'of Warren County for Freeholder Showing tlu'.larKt'Ht net inureaKu in momtfertthlp In HH history during tlio COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Incumbency of Grand MIIKUT Burton A. (liiHklll, or Mays LumllriK. tlie ImU*- liunilviil Order of Oflil I'VIIIJWH In New JrrKey now IKHIKIH of u memhct'Mlrlp County .Sn|)cr!i»(i'in]enl Saiifortl MCCIH of afi.OOu In thu Htale with'every indi- Wiirrrn Cnimly lMnclimls.". cation that tho mim1>cr will be mnter- Wm. Laubach & Sons County SuiicTliiifiHlwit Hmifonl w\\- Injty Hk-reiiMcd when reportH of oillcers (il n moftliiB uf the |irlii(!l|iulH iind help* urti Htihmittetl at the 'SSth anniiul M» u 1 E ASTON, PE'NNA. liiK tern-hern of Warren County on Wed- «lon of tlie CJrnnil Lodge' now being I Vi I •j iiunday cvi'iilnji ut the Itelvldere Court held at Anbury Park. Aipha a u 43 77 'JIOUM-. Tliu purpose ot Ute conference With u totiil of 247 lodBes tho onlcr 0 11 l .1 11 ttiut to menu upon » county-wMu Rchool htiK passed through tlio most aucccds- 0 liroKnim for tho year. Uwt year tlio ful year In Its hlntory, and the plans •W 10 1*;;) a 1!* HubJvutH of mulln« and Hpulllnff were formulated for the future by tho ad> HlrOHMlti III Ittl Of Ihf HCllOOlK ot tllO ministration nnd endorsed hy tho action 1 1) 37 7 h % 40 county-and -srwit Improvement vain of a large majority of jiuhordlnatc •'1 10 no 21 made its Hliowti by tnu rcMUlts or trio lodges IHTHIIKCH i-vcn greater activities M •»- Htiuuianllzfil tp»t» filvon in those sub* for the threcvllnks fraternity tlurlnstho 0 3!t I .i Jictw After u iliHCUKHlon of the purlieu- coming year, 7 1*7 r.i 0 1.' 11 More New Coats tor ittt-dH of Die schools tills yiur, it flnitid Mauler Gunklil IIUH Ru)jmJttc<] Uopv 55 It w»R ecIul a plnn for raising J 100,000 for the ercc- 1 1 IS 12 ;• For Fall and Winter ompliiiKlK t<» n-adiiiK uml HpellliiK, ami tin of a. new home at Trenton and r> 1CH .1 y 1o aiM the MiihJcctH of arithmetic ami also'for an endowment fund of $300,000 iii-nmannhiii. Mr. Sanford atiitisl that which will obvlute further per capita MunMk-ld - the results of tin- c-lclith smile cfflclen- tax for its maintenance. Tim )>Iitn has 74 79 7.". 11 $18.50 $25.00 $29.50 $35.00 ty tests or lust June' demon-strated the iM-en approved by a,majority of lodges, (I 11 : nwtl of belter InHtructlon in those sub- many huvhig HUbmitted tlie proposition 1'hllllp.sbm-g 57!) 1017 i.t; IS III jictH. Oommittt-iiS wvre appointed l»y i Its members on a referendum votu. Pohatconj; s 11 41 0 :i; New Fall and Winter styles that are new to the letter, fashion- tin- sU|M>rlnlfiicli.'nt to make a special Charles IT. B;iker, of Newark, present Washington ISorough 1(1 2.VJ 1D7 ."0 41 a: Btudy of* the bent methods of teaching deputy Uruntl Master, will he elected to Washington Township -1 4« •r, . ed of quality materials and made with expert workmanship. Hit? ab'ivc* subjects, and to prepare out- head the ord^r in the State without op- While ... t; line:!, tests and other helps for the »«« position, while Andrew Htcrtzer, of Totals 47"! 202 a -If (I 100." «r alt to:irhcrs nf the county. M"uch Jlackensack will bo advanced to the Fine Bolivia Coats trimmed with Wplf commendation was Riven to the mom- olllco of Deputy fJrnnd Master, ho in lici's of ln«t yenr'rt rommlltoOK. Tho turn bt-'lnfTPUcceeded ns f5rand Warden Great Variety of Velour do laine Coats trimmed with Oppossum now mrmlH-r.4 niv as follows:— by el tiler Senator Wnt. II. Uright, ot Normandy Cloth Coats trimmed with Nutna Arithmetic—S. M. Tmsslw, chiilr- Wlldwood, or William Mulr, of New miiti; Dr. II. H. Unwell, Miss 11. Me-Hrunswlclc, both UH pi runts for the hon- Coats in the l'ollyanna Coats trimmed with Jlde liasa Cool;. Minx IJHhm Uoimer. Pt'iimanshlp—llolr;rt Parker, chair, Tho retiring Grand Jraster. who la J'auvela'ine Coats trimmed with Beaver man; Mrs. Muliel Wood itonuni, >IIK« tho youngest mitn to ever hold the of- showing priced Erimnine Coats trimmed with Kolinsky Mildred Lash, Miss Annie Uunrle. fice in New Jersey, In his nnmml reimrt 'ItoailliiK—MIHH M. Mifllwa Cook, Kiy mueh oretllt to the public preHK Evom Cloth Coats trimmed with Embroidery clialrinun; Miss Murcla A. Kvurutt, Hur- of] this and udjolnlntf states for the suc- $45 to $195 Miirvella Cloth Coats trimmed with Stitching ry VilTMOIl. 'oss of his administration. SliflUtiK—MIHS Vein M. Telfer, chnlr- mun; CluirU-a If. HVHRII*, Kdwln -Mor- iiCdinpWent'o Cnu.Hi's .Most KnJIurcfl. They are luxurious with the large cape One needs only to see them to be con- i:an, Caroline* Carey, You aro extremely interested In At the May meeting of the PrlnelpnlH' ofy who have made a success of life, collars or shawl collars. Some of their vinced that they are super values >;iinn:m: Miss Ulllan Uouser, MIHH a study of Sundfm*. He takes the othor and stitching is a work nf art. included in this vast seleelio'u. Mary I'. Ilonibuttcr, IHKS Itortha IMW- extreme also, anil studies th* defects t* keep tho weak from becoming The (tiu'stlou of liavlnK a UniverRlty strong. In your way, you are a psy- Kxtenslon Course, for Warren County chologist, though you may call a psy- teachers wan another topic of discus- chological study "getthifr his number." sion, anil it was ilecidcd that Superin- Hoi then, in studying success, do not e will know Music tendent Kanforil and Mr. Trewter overlook the- failures. Learn what Hhould Investigate this matter. Mr. mailc them fall and you know what to Sanford expressed a dealro that avoid. There is nothing mysterious Handsome Suits there In* limi-e tnterpeholasllc debutes about the degree of prosperity and suc- amt public sivaltlnn, anil athletic ctm- cess of any business, whether it's the U'stH hi our high wlioots. Standard Oil Co. or tlie: owner of it for Particular Dressers KiilliusiaHtlc c(i-oin>ration was shown peanut stand. A htinlnPHS falls or suc- The world's finest music, which," a few liy those present but further discus- ceeds by the saint' processes and fur sion had to )>•> postponed until tho next the same rr-asous that an individual years aao, would have cost a fortune to hear, #25.00 $35.00 $39.50 $49.50 meeting of the Principals' Association. fiOi'H up or down. After all, you are a In closing the eonlVreneu Mr. Kiinfonl business oi-KantKttlon, with a produc- is now within your reach. Its influence on the Featuring four groups of smart suits including styles for regular and ixpi-L'ssL-d hiH appreciation of the keen tion department-- (your work), a pur- stylish stout women. They deserve your attention while shopping Interest and hearty cooperation of the chasing department (your .spending) leaf tiers ami principals of Warren and a sales organization (your ability life of a growing child is too great to be County. Without this team work tho to soil your services for a high or low mircrsKful farryins out of a county price). measured. Velours Tricotines Yalama program for the improvement of our Analyze the reasons why some busl- HCIHIOIH wuiild he impossible. nessoH go into receivers' hands and Only the Victrola can. keep constantly Plain Tailored, Fur Trimmed, Embroidered, Smart Collars you have an analysis of reasons' for personal failure. There are about' 1,- before him the work of great musicians—the IIACKKTTSTOWN. SOO.OOO business concerns in our coun- Style, quality and value are the stones tricotine, yalama and velour. They are Two littttdi'Ld ami twi'lVtj iiersonn try. In the last decade, failures have true reproduction of their music, as they wt'ic prcsi'iit at thii Hally Day services averaged M.152 a ye:fr, or less than om* upon .which this wonderful collection trimmed in ultra stylish manner—many iti the I'lVsliyttM'iun Suiulay school Sim- in 100. Brad street's credit agency wish it to be heard. and assortment of suits has been .built. .plain, others fur trimmed and em- iliiy. Tin- usual ovunlitR Montr service analyzes those failures ami finds that We have judged them carefully before broidered. followed tlrj iiiornliiK communion in the in every 1000 failures, lack of success We can supply the Victrola and Victor they entered tlie showing. They are church. is due as follows: for pei-Honul causes Every new style line is clearly notable Mr. anil Mrs. John Strowbriilge and —lack of capital :V2ll, incompetence truly super values for the money—a , when you see the new suits. The range suits w*:i**r wt'fk-i'nil quests of relatives 32R, fraud 70, inexperience flfi, neglect Records that will make him a finer man. feature of the Laubach Keady-to-wcir nt novvr. ,of colors gives the purchaser the oppor- 1 13, unwise credits Hi, extravagance 12, Service. Mrs. Joiini*. Rice Is the new librarian speculation «. Kor outside causes — tunity of selecting just the kind of a iit the public library. Business comlittou.1 141, failure of oth- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vanllorn, of ers 12. competition l.'t. These suits are made of three most fav- suit she prefers at the same time giving Hope, wi'ii- visitors .Sunday with his Incompetence htails the list. That The lord Store ored materials for Fall .and Wanter— her the choice of the color she desires. 1 twmiLs., Jd . mid Mrs. A. A. YtinlTorn. shows the value of schooling and ex- ' Mr'. nnilMrs: M.' T. CJibbs" are with Distributors 1 perience, laboriously and slowly ac- her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roe, of. Au- quired. Lack of capital conitis second WASHINGTON, N. J. jj Kiistit, for st'Vfial ni'iiuhs' atay. as a reason for failure. In most cases. The Woman's Foi-t'l^n Misslonjtry Ko- that can by overcome only by patient il Another Surprise For Shoppers at Laubach's ! elcty of Trinity church are holding to- saving. Business conditions, third jn day an all day muetliiK at tlie home o£ rank as a failure cause, aro beyond the Jlrs. IJranrr, near Petersbiii'tr- A lunch control of any individual. The" best wj Just Received Another Shipment of was aorveil at noon. can do is save a reserve fund for the The Hoys' Club of Trinity Sf. 73. lean years. /'I church will hold tomorrow night their first Kail mot'tlnj,'. the \yt>rk ot tho club this year will bo under the direction of New Fall Frocks Augustus JMHH. ]-3iI. Wilson, of Philadelphia-, visited recently his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. "Wai- That arc to be sold at one low price k-r Wilson, on the [lockport road. Mrs. George Tinsnuin is enttTtainlny It is of interest and importance that you In the showing priced $25 you will find .Mrs. Carey an out of town guest. Mrs. Plerson. Wheelor was the -win- come to the Dress Section of this store ner of the- tulmrt'tte plvon Saturday at —if not to buy—just to look at these Dresses of Tricotine the Frances bakery, her ticket being !3;i. Mrs. Wheeler recently won a wonderful dresses that are offered at Dresses of Canton Crepe cako from the same bakery. this popular price $25.00. II. Kiser, who has been during the Dresses of Georgette jtummur chief vlectrlciun for the local Want These dresses are all that might be de- Dresses of Satin telephone company, left Saturday for sired for Fall and Winter wear. The his home at ivintnorHVille, Pa., where ho will leave November 1st, to resume quality of the material is very good; In tho new collection you will find some his studios in a I'hiluilclpliia medical the styles are absolutely authentic, com- of the smartest creations of the season college. An Overcoat ing from the leading makers; • The —including many exclusive styles which Mrs. Frances Valentin-.!, a former resident, is visiting her won, Mr. Valen- workmanship and the trimming is will appeal to the ''•discriminating tine. worth seeing—as the designers have dresser. Persons attending the circus which used new touches here and there" that exhibited hern .Saturday pronounce tho Handsome embroidered styles, others same a fair circus. add greatly to the beauty and charm trimmed with beading and braid—but e~ recently 'installed •~pipeless"'hcat-" ul lh« lltiW 1 nicks. ' • • '':' :::':J-'v, • .:,- ,,-•;:.:.::.. -,; • aii :ijricedJat'?25. • - •• : -:"; or in tho Presbyterian Sunday school was used on Sunday. Certainly, now is the right time to buy that new Over- Miss Smilo GIORIIO returned Satin- day from All SOUIH Hospital at Morris- coat for Winter whether you want a light, medium or heavy town where shu underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis. weight, it makes no difference, and we are fully prepared to 1 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron ITartman are oc- MORE NEW MOTOR give prison sentences to persons who sponsibility in t'hei'r duties of citi?™ ' cupying tho house in Xorth Kjickctts- show you just about the right one to suit your fancy and are brought before him and convicted. slii]) than have most men Ihe -\otG ' town recently vacated by Emerson flic- LAWS FOR NEXT YEAR The mandatory period for license sus- with more .seriousness md it is piob lionaUl and family. :; meet your price if you have made up your mind about what pension is also extended from six able that they prcpue theli prlmiii ; The repair work on tho detour hack There are a number of other phases months to si year. ballots with n greatu dt«"ee of tlra of the cemetery was finished Friday. you want to pay, but suppose ybii just drop in and see some oC AsKcmbbly bill 483 which the com- The reckless driving law, which has crimination Lh.in do thch husbuKl** tnd -> | The material used for the repair wiirk missioner believes the' motoring public iiecu a loophole through which ninny brothers, c-ven iC the nn.nlto t the Was taken from the Trimmer farm. of the new ones for this season, you will be more than sur- should become familiar with before the drivers have escaped, in Mr. Dill's opin- «umo degree ot parU itf,uluilt when \m '"'Slstration period arrives. ion, has. been. substantially altered. it comes to voting at Lhc j,Liieiyl olec-' r prised at the new low prices on fine all-wool Overcoats. Chief among these is the new method Hereafter, regardless oL' what speed a tlon. »* I .Jersey EJWS IJninp Top Prices. "i! computing license fees for passenger motorist is traveling he may" be ar- If tlio liena in your nolghbofs chick- cars. Heretofore there were, but throe rested nnd fined 'if his speed is proved Prospect of compul oi jui\ dut', on yard cackle with unusual vigor,to- classes. Fees were $4.!J0 l'or automo- to have been reckless. Trallic and the looming large to many women of Bin* omlaiiKerjnj* of pedestrians are taken llngton county as tho ustilt of the le- day, don't complain at the clamor, for We have some styles we But you just want to sec biles of ten horsepower or' less, J7.5G v they are. probably advertising the fact for cars o£ from eleven to twenly-nine- Into consideration in this clause. cent .sending out of questionnal-es ,to horaopower, anil $15 for curs of thirty- Tn some townships motorists .wilt some women voters ot tho county, that Xew Jersey eggs are now hrlng- "offer at those at horsepower or above. : ine the top 'prices in competition with still see speed, restriction signs which .«oen?.s to .have led to unni.ee SUT ap- ! prehension,, Tho qiKsliontiilic wcie the world's supply in New York mar- Under the new rating motorists will arc not in accor1 d with the slate regula- kets. This unusujLl victory for the hens pay a fee of forty cents per horse- tion. Under the new law no city or not summons to com t dul but rith- and their owners has come about power for carsvip to and including: othor municipality shall have . the tn* a preliminary step uUtn bv tho through -the move of organized poul- twenty-nine horse>;^v,cr,"£ti»r»;-,a fee of power to make any ordinance restrict- ShwilT in ample season tint he might \| Irymen in New Jersey Cor co-operative (iflj- cents per •horsepower" for cars ing Ihc-speetl of motor cars. The stale have «i HBL of! eligible women juiois niarketing'and standard grading. , above thirty. Mr. Dili suggests that all law, Mr. Dill assorts, will hold true In when ithu time should iui\e for the car owners make certain of the'horse- all eases. This will eliminate the old drmvinjf of mi'xiid panels in thL^ conn It'was only a Tew weeks ago that a power of their machine before apply- six miles an hour ordinance 'still to he ty. Receipt of curds . etiue-ting ai v era ^ft few of the progressive poultrynion be- :l ing for registration. A complete list i>C found in. sections of New Jersey. • to questions propoundtd theieon ga\6 ^8 trim Uilklntr cooiieratiion and grading. made of pure wool,, some fancy backs others /o or full lined, cars' . • -tier who It should 'occasion no surprise that s Now Jersey iioultrymen ant'fclpatcd. ning at $35.00 and all the between prices up to $60.00; but tho women's vote Jit the primary co' I as elsewhere in Xew .Terser. Women, jwomen voters refused to mswer the ^ I of graded Jersey eggs. In tlio open auc- | generally, 'have not yet become nccus- necessary questions put to them, ami >| tion, tho Jersey *>ss topped tho miir- beats telling it oii'papei- all to pieces. We are going to sell liable to a line not less than $100 nor Inslruetetl the election olllceis not to uT (Micro, than ?^i)fl,for the 11 rst'offeii.se and ! lomeil to their new sufTra.se privileges v ke.t, leading even their rivals from Call- loi' in\ suhsLtnunt offi ns* i Hue ofj mil very many of .them are. not so sinx placo their names on 'the, registry, seem- foi ni L b\ tin co to loin cents a do/on a lot of them this winter so come early. ingh ftJiing tint the presence oC thait* „ nut Us Hi in i-'iO md not mou than tint thc\ unit to OUIUM. tilth 1 itch l • ml they are sWll holding the lead as JiOO icquiiLd iit,ht ThKwill ill be "imedied names on tho icgfcsler would ienilo-\ tiiti shipments incieiSL in Unit 1 hom ljoul^ of Hit women b i\i tlum liiblo to jmj dut and that thelf f Tho poulti jmtn s assotiition whose M i\ Kiul O\t.itoulinp ibstnee fiom the list would nltord them shown i kim ippieci ition of theli new l members own nearly a quarter-million Tins Hw Mi Dill (leclnies illhon^h icsponsibiliti s ,is citl7<_ns and a fhu esc-ipe thuefrom Inns Ins isUibllsheu luge central pick stiin^uit will no doubt do mm h to tlhii nnmation in tin. stketion ol can iiiK stations at \ tnel md anil Toms UK The Bryant Store Liutail the. o\(iknihnt, h lhit which has It will t ike t(me,to couoot these and ,- | aised the Moioi A eiuclo Dep n tment OUKUi foi ikeithe OIIICL which is home othei misippiehenslons amongv^l u Poultnmen send eggs dnlh to thest highly encouraglnf? for the future. pimts md the tggs au cimlled gnul Washington, N. J. such coneein dmnif, the pist \e\i tlwi fall \otus and to siccustom them \ 'Ihe new law ptit lining U into\i Probably it will be found when all the tn uoing to thr> ]>otl dml e^eicIsfnB>l! ed and ci-efullj tiaeki.il foi mukit utuins u«_ in tint i liij,"i piopoitlon t-Ued dii\eis is OIK In whkh Mi 11(11 tticii sum iFro ighm just is tho menJ?! Tho ^oIu!ll(- of biBlnoss is s ich tint is pLiliculiiK intensted x\l tin. pic ate number of women voted than went iilhoids )II\L put on i IILW sei\ln do—not just as the num dos', cither, c M (nt time be his no powei to let is i to the polls last ?so\t.mbu and lliL «o hojK foi too man mon \otaf M nicknamed by the railroad men "Tli nnpislialt md inflict i nil punish- !>e centi.,0 of \ottis in i elation to the rfefes into the, nuukt-t anil to .1 public 1 thoughtlessK ami too mm enst their i nunt lie nun nutel\ i c\ oke tin toll leUs-iii lition of women is Hkelj b illot in i espouse to Jndticemonts,^ 1unif?i\ foi giuu mtetd quality inside flti\t s licciist Umki tlu iu\\ liw to 1M hlghii m.\t \cu tho shell nnuuiil oi •othuwjqc offeiLd b cor«l liinM\n, Mi DiH utin )ie i»?imilled to "\\ onun ha\t. a c«tiit,; oC gicitci re luinioniBla—MCAV Jeisty Minor, iJ^ f 'f THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON. N. .T., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 " SECTION ONE "

MIHH Killth WIIIKII UIIH u tiumluv vln- I ruvi-rvil In liti ntjtiinioltili', ' llmitiUoti T1K< LitUi ull] uuui'V Hi \VANTi:ii I'.IDS—Tor uittiim sin** .p Nlovr. Itur (U liw humu In UIIIUUWOIHI. ' I .Mr. HIM! Mr*. .Mrs. I'hlllp II. M11.V1I1T liuiiMt*. iia\lnn inuilc niiunui in< nix with mnl IIIMII mul ivinnvitii; Hiinit- front oM I1AI1NKT & WALTKItH. .Miwi (lime l:u-utt tit \\\Ktlh'lil IN itnil .UIHM Kiln \\fK nut with tlnlr iniili, IMw <;ll>!>* lit Sdivi* ripe anil Ivllirnvn. l»tfcirt WiiliHMliij, (lit. \2, VKl, to i: M irlml. tmtl othor IIHMI rrlutlvt*. sin' llopo. I:AIINI:T A WAi/rKitM, K. Wyikoff. .M.iny KuM«r ritniiti-s Huinotl. Personal recently ivlurntHl rrom exteliiK'U Mr. ami Mitt. llaivlil S. Sloan mill Uuiilwiiiv, Union S>|., I'lil1ti|is1»tii^. vlxll at Ml. 1'iK' ••'or fl yon 4-an liny livo thni'K nn WEEKS Record of the son Alvin of Minitolalr *|n-n: >i.:> week- Mr. IIII>I Mnt. I- S, Ali.ntM liavi' tv for Noil-Sttpih.il. ninth vrtiuc VUIIIKT >IH you t-oulil In Mr*. .Martin M;U|HT «pent the we'k- i-ml ill tin- IIDIIII- of .M->. KloiiuV |iar- <-t-lvi-n-ln law atxl itaiiKhliT, .Mr. ami lift* tliiHi' day*. In KiiKland, the urtat In llriilin'l'llle. Mr. uml Mr*. I'". A. llohrlson i.|Wilt i'-Hi«il HI hlx hmm> on Ttuwlny »*vciiln« You Know Locnl Events Mr*. .1. !!. Ca yn MI-H. I...), p.iini,, m tirouklyn, In.l. T(li<> l.y CuiiKtalilf ChrlH lti-tifiiK.-«, on a c-apl- nililit'i* kliiKH tiio IM'KIIIK thu owner* ot f rk-mlnt'ton WIIM snlunlnv jn "rivnton. (itlu'i: two 4'MMivn iirv KMH. an tiiul aftiT lii'lnn locknl tip in tin* ruMuT idantalluiiH to cut I heir output Briefly Chronicled : u uwk-'iul Buwtl of H.'v. and Mr*. A. MIM Louise linwlliy will leave Unlay I 1 I.. .Uttl.-mmK lit llto M. 1-.. lunnniiRe. .MIH. Ih'lluTt Major uiulrrvvont u town J;til ov*T iiluht wax taken to lk-l< In two, to ItooHt prlrcH ami malti prof- Psychological Adjuster, fur u titl-ilay vaeatlon with relatives In Hi-rliuin n|»Ti(t!jn TtH'stliiy in till- Cor- vlik'ii; Jiill. M<> WJIM iinmnK thorn- In.Iict- HH. That' i.H un unsoinut |K>lify. tin- MnwK Cllli»»le aninll CIIITiinCIITn!! KKIIXX lhlhlilel|ihhlj'hllnilellihla.. ifll luixt'llul 111 Kiift'iii, hut in liil|irui*- itcr-iirotluctlon In any imluHtry would Olive lt-elldd ullealH uf their! KUnrorlh Wyrkuir, xon of Mr. and: (d tiy tin- fcci'tit Kiaml Jury and has Mr» I II n f Cfiiin. III..| It.'i'Ji out of town xiiii'i- tin- Jury ml- only fitrtht'i' chloroform a world con- Mental Scientist and Exponent KRinilmrclilM. .Mr. and Jim. .liihll lllack. ! Mm. K. K. Wyelioir. wan Ihe mlext uf } Ntimi' CriKli^ I In 1() (•'allims. Journi'il. Tin- i-liai'Kf HKUIIIMI him IKvali-Ht-liiK from tin* economic IOKMI-H of II 1 M I II IT n i ..f Driver I Mrs. Orvllle Winter* tludei-Wfiil a | hinior laxt IIIHIH at a sui-|irlHe parly ; M» 1 1 I IMI > I mil-I II..IT-1 ! HAKNiCT \ U'AI/1'KK.S, dcHvitliMi ami non-Kuppurt uf h\n fmtil- xurt:Ieal n|i,>nitlun in the 1're.shytiTlnn uivea at hlx la>me liy ahiillt thirty j Hanhvur-, Vnjon Sf|., PlilillpNlitifK. ly. Winger will | > trltil m-xt .Monday of New Thought hospital In Newark l.-mt week and I* yonnj,' people. j H \l I M II \ M lllrn.H) 1" .Mrs. ]);ml'l Atiili<-\vti unilcrwi'iit a wh Jl i:«ltfy (ipfiin criminal xlowly liupnivliiK. ' Mr*. Harold Cyphers ami daughter' Mui*i:ii'til <«jn-ratlon .Momlay in Hit- Cor- ft Mr. mid Mrs. A. I)avMxi>u xpenl the j Helen nf llaekettxlown are vIxlthiK j irt. 1 1, ] I H | 11 II ulliu tli ivlt ho.4)iU;il, first part of (lie week at AxlHiry i'arli. : rt'fativex In town. •: Slablc ltl:iii!(i>ls. Plaid Blankets I II I ( \ 1 t | .N*eM Tut-Mlay and Wednesday 3lr. .Mr. and Mm. A. Lewinsky and John Omrod, P. P. CAIEN'KT & WALTKISS, II.UIIT(IN. | .Mill Direct 'I'n YOU ML II I II i' Kiicst ..f l.i:ivids.iii will attend the Pennsylvania t daughter Sarali returned yexterilay I V i I II ,.,l,,i, .,,.., Stale uplie.'i! i iin,eiiiii>n nt Ailelnlila ! iioin ii'Visii tu Xew York, Ilanhvai-i*. t.'nlutt S(|. Philtliislmt^. A Willix-KniKlit tourliiK oar, owned | Full size—"0x80 inch—* lb. Lecturer,-Teacher, Author I !. I \ lintel, l'hiliid.lpliia. : » • I'loyd CnaKvr lii>* l:iki-n a piHiii.m I.y Wm. .1. KcIimcikT. of Tronlon, and absolutely nil-woo!—wnvp and u « . i iii .liuKiii.T.; .Mrs. Henry Ilnran -pent Sumlny hi I.OC'AI. XKWS. as iiriwr «f ii li'i.vli Cor tlw- liiiiW>ii a Ford far from WushlnKton were in fill—Blankets—pink, blue and and Personal Advisor M II I M I II M llson. over rontnu-iliiK (.'oiniiany. collision Sunday noun on the corner of (35 years before the public) Trenton and upon Ii. r return was ai- : Illilillnc foals. VnU, U-BKiilKs anil Sklllnian'a Hill, dtm-tly in front of tlu> tan plaids; limited quantity to tui ll ei.inpanied liv liei' daughter. Mis:' ltelts (.«i;«l Skin (•lut-rs fur IliiskEnj: Corn. lie ?olil for K [II r I r • vWlini M r. widciii-i- of Kred'-ritk VanAr.mlati.*. Til.' i:ii/.al.etl. Xlsoli. a stud. Ill lillrs.. in the . llAItXBT & WALTKItS. I:AI:\KT & \VAi/n:i:s. ear was jiltnoxt wr.i-kwl. the dain-. r Is revisiting cities in this state, and t 1 f 1 amil, :.:r. Mnnhviiri', I'nlon Si[.. I'liillipsl.mK. i 1 M \ f J/ilnnlay. "'•'r '£ '!'" '" ""•"0"": :lUV'V a^e in-ill^' rHtlniuteil at ill (out %CiH). N'o | only $9.98 «K5r,r-' in here thin Saturday. October 8th, lr i I him Siome Tlu- U'nshliiKt"ii TiiMIe IJlinuy AM- on.- was srrionsly Injured. Tin- Tren- Sent I'repaid liy Parcel Post. p 1 II Kit lu-r sister, i M>i-l:itl«]il I lie Ortolii r nn'Otinc ton party wt-ro enroiiti- to visit Mrn. and Saturday, October 15, from 10.30 Mr I \ I I • weeks. : tomiuTuw nifini. Pi'hroi-ili-r's hiotli-r. Walter Uurtln. of Mown llrjniulett II Xol dmlnfinl. a. m. to -1.30 p. m., and mny be con- Snliil Wliltt* Oals KPRS. ; Itumptun. After taking tin- wonifit to I Plymouth Blanket Co., M I I \\ Itniinv led All siz.s at I tli • Curtis home, the Kord ramhletl on sulted at the residence of Mr. John Mlf i l.-llyMitw 071 Broad Street, Newark. Hance, 1 U I i. 1 I HAKNKT K WALTKHS. to Wan. I M M I I I I \ lit Sunday HanUviti . t'nloil S<|., I'lilllliisl.iirt,'. | til U ' .Mr. ami Mrs. Clannci- Jlaynard mill ! 1""m' I'""1- •'alnls tin- Ht'sl fur I'all Oscar An-rMf I>IIIIIH 10 l.ull'l two 26 W. CHURCH ST., Cor. MADISON •Mr ^ r c k I n'liiul Jlr/ (laughter. Violet, of Newark wi-re [ Painting, nii.r.- itt>ul)tc hu'.i.scH in J'nrk avenue n i M \\ 1 I il-itiKht.-r wwk.eml k-ilusts of Mr. ami Mm. J. I BAIINET & WALTKI'.S. vJdnlty. The now wiructures will lie One Pound Tin Positively wonderful arc the I uth I 1 I 1 llihicevliio. i M. Cartel-. Hardware. Vnlon Sq.. Philllpslnn-K. i'ii a street k'iidliiK fr"iii Tark avenue things that Mr. Omrod tolls and I llr. ami Mrs. Wm. Wnnl anil chllitr."ii ! A ilistrirt meetlne of tin- Warren t.. iiu> rtiii.u.I. That will mnTti* IIvo accomplishes and the general M 1 \ II II I n anil s..n: of Ilelm-aiv WIT.' Kii.lay Kuests • if .Mi. I County Jr. O. V. A. M. will he l|,-M In (l!iithl.» IMIIMV. h<- has had .T.TU'.I. comnumt is; How does lie do it? ill t. t tlu> tioln.-; ami Mrs. Alfreil I.eiila. ! Washiim-ton next nnintli. Walter I'itts Xiiveiii)' :• is I lie of ihe Ki-,1 .Months lo Many learned .scientists attribute f M \1 \ I I I i.viT sun- ; Hairy i'.nwlby was iiromlsln^ his j anil Cllntini Fl.ii-ey aiv the ilelt'KattS IMI-II Dr. WiW Poultry Paiiiicra. Daisee Cocoa his achievements to intuitive fi-ifiuls Mini.- extra line elits of meats. ! from Warren ColllH';I .V,). 10 to t] I:AI:NI-:T A WALTKUS. M 1 M s \| ^ „ ,„• .vwilie was h.'iv rrom WilinliiKtnii last ilons or the Stale Council uhleli Uaiihitirc. imiun H«|.. I'lilIIIiixtitiri;. • powers born within him, and only ^ 1- I k I wlih :.11-^. week, stopping for a rew il.iys enronle will meet this month in Atlantle rity. ' Card of Tltanlts. in this way account for his X-ray !•• ('niunla u-hen- lie will speinl two (' plele 1 .In., of Ulwon ninl Stanley I I wish in iml'llrly uiittilt all my 35fc RETAIL eye and brain. Mr. Omrod actual- M II \ 1 I liani . .1" Ui,. we..I;s hinitlni,- mnose. hears anil other •l'nnk. fiitatlH aiul lo-i^hliors who so khully ly docs through you—knows what 1 \ N \ 111 U.-rk-ellil : Mi; fame. II.- had a ;:p,vi:il perillil i|ss!st.il inv thirhiK Hi.. Illnr.^ :uul is in your thoughts, also what i.s II M I III I n .ll.,I .Mr. rrom th-. lmpimt Company to hunt In lUIi.VKT & \VAI.TI-:i!S. I M t I : llanlwnre. Union Kit.. I'hlllliishni-j;. Hfti-r tlu> ilfiith of my wife. No Better COCOA on Earth ' in your heart. In truth, ho reads the eonipany's t'am,. preserve In Can-! Amos Sli-kels anil W. It. (iiltlllh Up Jl, MIK*i:i.SO.V. you and your life like an open M \ \ .1 a M.vk' ('iiiiS Sinulr and Douhlf IIarivlcilii• I I Sallinl.n j ! superintendent''or Ihe company ll'ere Th> Wa^hin^tjn IliiHiuess McnV As- BUY IT AT YOUR GROCER tells you a way lo remedy them. II I tilts l.t 111.. I Thomas ljirkin of Jerst.y City was :i j mid Paul Iliad: takes an i.Beiiev. scH-iatiun will hold a -serial ni.^tin-,' ••I 1 II niu.k' l.yl vilest of .Mr. ami .Mrs. John Hawaii anil ; ' Keen Killlrr Urs " tunlKlU. i:. ll. Wi'tkT. Kt'civtnry .» Mir He knows your fears, hopes, am- t i other friends lieie last weuk. j IIAISXKT *'WAI.TKISM, I'hlllip.sl.iiiMc himnl of inutu will di- bitions, just what you contem- M \ i „- suinii <,ri Tliero are several Washington reJl- | Hardware. I'nlini Si... Phllllpsbiip- llvt'i- un a.liln-Hw. "Cheap Price. Finest Quality." plate in, the way of improving lil 1 diini a< • lents who are thillkllli; or spemllilK til" ! Through K. (i. Illldel.laiU. Poslmas. yourself in health, happiness and lift i winter in I'I.,ii,la. They are Mr. ini.l ,er .1. II. Cornish has sold the house success in the future, and know- M I M 111. li.ft I'll. IMrs. Wm. Sweeney. Mr. i|-nil Mrs. .1. I'i. occupied l.y John I.miu..|- al 1711 lint ing these things, he is competent I Mil llunl and! l-ir!son, C. C. liowel-s. Mr. anil Mis. Washln^toi, avenue, to lleure Tivlorof to assist and advise you. Yiui can V 1- f .Mr. i:;iiiiu.. • C, I'. Staates aittl son Tlleml.iie. ClIli.Tn make no mistakes after having i 1 : also have similar thiniKlits. Charles STORE OPEN SATURDAY FROM S.30 A. M. TO S.30 P. M. Jefl'oi-y has not yet niaile up Ills mlm! spent thirty minutes with Mr. Ml I I ( 11 •>• limn,, in i Omrod. "• I I .M.ni.iny. i wlielher lio will no South nr nut. M II II f M eh Clnml! i Mrs. S. A. Itllihli. 1,-ft SatuiOnv <'il RUGS SALE BARGAIN II f I :iMK" Mvr.. ! th-> ttip liaek to the Paeille Coist. s:i x lu islil'ssKl.s $n r. Mr. Omrod lias devoted riioro than t I I il VMIIIC.IV travelle,] ni.iiv than 7.II0H miles from X 12 FINK WII.TUX U-ILVKT thh'ly-fivo years to tin* public — tl I ir..!li,.r. .\. ' .lime until Oeloher. :i,i)il<) of wiiieli iv-.-ro Fltl.NdKIl s-.s.r. helping humanity, loading jt nut II X » AXJIIXSTKU Ill'dS 51I.I of the wilderness, from the iltin';- ML SI I UIIIIK l;,:« • x iz wdtiL I"II:I:I: s v.r. est corners of despair, into tl',e X 12 MATTINC IJI'CS 5 .;.7 light, and gradually to the road X 11 ISKI'SKI-M.S 5 (lu IIf financial success, peace of .:i X 12 FIXI-; AVJll>-i:Tl-:i! Ml M mind, and happiness supreme, and :i x 12 ll. liursSKLs ?2f».ri with your individual co-operation, All Ilcatilifiil Colors ho can, and will lead you. I'HILLIPSISUUG AUCTION The sorrowful, unhappy, blue, HOUSE "•perplexed, worried man or wo- • ITT SO. .MAIN STREKT man, should lc-ic no time in call- Nowhere Else in Easton Will You Find Such Won- ing on Mr. Omnid, for it matters not whether you have mental, business, social, domestic, love or financial troubles, he can anil will- derful Values in Women's New Fall Apparel show you ii way to overcome the annoying problems. One visit to 'Always Something New" UNDERSELLING PRICES ON Mr. Omrod will make you a con- vert, said the lain Or. Hyslop, and all agree with him. And St. Germain says: "Mr. Omrod told me more about myself than I, §29.90—$27.50—$24.90 and myself, knew."' Let Taylor Do Your Affairs and events, arc riddlelers Highland Shaker You can't buy suits like those to Mr. Omrod! Realize to be anywhere at the^o low prices— forewarned is to be forearmed. Tailoring Everyone a wonder value. Tail- Knowledge is power—therefore, Sweater Coats ored of soft velours, nicotine.*. seek ye the knowledge, anil the 11 ite on fiylor made clothes are broadcloth in black, navy and power will come. Consult Mr. Coo! nichts arc coming alontf now. l)i-own. Fur trimmed and plain Omrod, and learn, anything and n bdou the ready-made market tailored styles—sizes for Missos everything, that is uppermost in A tiood sweater i.s a very hamly tiling and Women. your thoughts. You do not buy a tins season if you consider what you to have. All Highland Shaker Sweaters pig in the bag. Neither do you pay are guaranteed lOOCr pure wool. Our Mr. Omrod in advance—in fact, aie Gfettmo- fOi yom- money. A strictly 40 NEW FALL CHARMEUSE •you need not pay him at all, tin- line for fall affords something worlli less you receive the fullest satis- hind tuloied suit or overcoat; ma- while for men, young men anil lioys. faction. Love for humanity, ac- tuates Mr, 0 in rod's quoting the lm il pine wool, and we guarantee the Navy and Orange trimmed, Navy and following; "If I speak with the iit Wliiie Irinimed, plain Navy Blue ami $15.00 and $17.50 Values tongues of men and of angels, but -Maroon Pullovers. "•have not love, I am become sound- And they i'.re dvcrf.se.s equal to ing brass or a clanging •.ymbal! any you can find at $15.00 to Mr. Omrod amis to l>« T«rv, his Suits ....§25.00 and up S17.50. See them. -Made of ex- services, advice and help, are fr.ee $5.50 to $7;75 cellent ([iiality silk channelise in to the very poor, who are worthy, season's, newest, and i»rft(ir>st. . but who lack his fee, therefore, 0'e>coats ... .,?30.00 and up model?, in black, navy and no one needs to remain away. brown and all si/.os up to -14. Mr. Omrod wants everybody to conic—Just be sincere and seri- ous, for after all, it is the human sou! that counts with Mr. Omrod. Ai'u'yoiir satisfied ? -:-"Aiu-yuu sa1 - ' • vvuucu i isfied with your lot in life, with is very scarce what fate has sent you, with your .Exceptional Values mate, with yonr sweetheart, your We have .just received n liumbei' of dozen of Rivoli, Black Sillc $21).i)0, $24.90 home-ties, your environments, Hose Jill lashioned. This Hose lias niiule nreputation in this section Fine Velours, Bolivia ami Nor- your education, your personal at- \c liave sold them in great quantity. /J>^ r"/-v manilic Cloth in thu simu-t m:\v _ _ tractiveness, your earning powers, 1 ICC .slmdos. Luxuriously trimmed with fur collars your friends, your relatives, etc., ' ; § Z. 5 U silk linc?d throughout. Wlicn you sec the styles, etc. If not, you should see Mr. Men's Clock Silk Hose 91.OG (0 S1.6r> the qualities, and examine the workmanship, Omrod, the one. man who is able Men's Plain Silk Hose '...75c to $1.25 will agree that these values cannot be equalled. to help you to help yourself. You shall learn what to do to A full line of Ladies', Men's, Children's Lisle and Cotton Hoso. make your dreams become real- Hies, How-to obtain your every NO WHERE IN EASTON CAN NewFallHats desire. Woilv Shirts .....: 90c, $1.00, $1.25 Sweet-Orr Overalls $2.00 YOU FIND BETTER I)on't lie a quitter! Don't con- tinue to be a round peg fitting in Specially a square hole. Bo what you want 1 to. be by coming to Mr. Omrod. )Joys KIulki 1>ilnls 1 00 Priced 1'oV. Simi.il Shirts' coliar attached Z$2!()0 ' •• •? ' Saturday ; n If you are in doubt about any- Signal Overalls, best snide $2.50 lioys' Wool Pants $1.75, $2.25 thing concerning yourself or With Extra Pants • others,' coi>sult,Mr. Omrod. Cor- $4.85 and rect and helpful advice to the discouraged, to those who arc $9.90, $8.75, $7.98 an(d utterly lonesome,'•, t.p the nag- ged, to the misunderstood, to the failure, to the unsuccessful, to Shoes for the Whole Family those who lack self-confidence, to We can now show you some.ladies fall Oxfordsal reasonable prices. those void of individuality, to those in lov,c, to those who con- The finest suits this store.has ovev Not merely Hats—but stylish Hats template marriage, divorce or sep- Children's Shoes Girls' Shoes offered to the parents of Huston Boys at of very fine velvets. There arc large, aration, a change in business or Wo also have a lot of growing,, girls' such low prices. Exceptionally well small and medium sized models, intro- '• homo, taking up a new pursuit in Our line of Fniry Shoct;—for fall is the most made suits of nobby mixtures, two pairs shoes, sizes 2'/4 to 8, broad toe, to fit the ducing' the newest ideas in trimmings. life, or anything of a peraonal or t'oiniilole line in this section. Every molher full lined pants. Every suit worth from confidential nature, may be had foot. So many people have called for this $1.50 lo $3.00 more. . • Every new fall .shade and big assort- want', her child's foot lilted properly. Fairy • by consulting Mr. John Omrotl. shoe that we were compelled to stock it; ment of the wanted black. Shins .ire ninilc' to KIT '['HE FOOT. Goodyear welt, tan calf. Consultation Fees, $1, $2.50, $5.00 We carry a line of Dr. Dean's Children's Shwa Men's Shoes Boys' Fail Hats & Caps —Ankle, Draco and Arch Support COMBINED. From the number of sales of Men's •No charge unless satisfied, Shoes we have had in the last two we"ks 98c up io$ 1.49 Hatters' Plush Saiiors you to be the judge. we have pi oven to oui customeu that foi Vll the new ai st\ les, shape and ma- Sellinn Elsewheie at $5.00 Eojs' heavy 01 light weight shoes and if I 50, .V 75, S5.00, $5.85 we have a show te] laK Wondci values at these p] ILCS $ a good assoitirsnt foi school pin poses and that cannot be duplicated in the Cham Boys' $1.25 Schiol This Saturday, Oct. 8th Stoles foi the money We still cairy the 3.45, only the kind that wear. Pants Fiom 10.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. better giade shoes too. So\eial st\les, distincti\o shapes in Koys' 69c School laige, small and medium si/cs, with And Saturday, Oct. 15th Blouses stia jyht 01 lolling bums Nothing - _ 2K W, CKUUCH ST. FLOYD CREVELING Boys' S1.50 Coiduioy looks Mntfitei than one of those tich, high lu tie Hatters' plush hat5;. Mr. John H. Hance's Kcsidencc ^ <•, Pants v Washington, New Jersey. ' SECTION TWO THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, NT, X, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 -" ! ODD.H AND KN!)S NKWH. After ho hurt inliwi'd si number of chickens Thomufi Collins, ot neur Chen- icr, I'll,, watched his hen coop ant when he heuid :i cackling clioius }II found the thief wan u lnr«e blnckminkt' He rolloutil tin' Hnuke HOIIK* dlsmnci hifoie he HiiueinKul In MIHIIK it. Tin i tpltle inkirtu] HI IH,U h ton ft ft Ii length It HUM In the net of muklnj: off with anothei ihlikvit wlim tlixiuvvi^l Ant at Lovetl, Hl~eet commissioner o Tulljtovwi, htm two UCMH of il-Id corn that wns destroytd In a pecillur m.in )i< i by inmts and uonnx It npiK'jiei HI If the car of the coin WIIH HIUIIK am then fiom the end the mi was tlt.iucil uf (Oin nnd hiiHk. Notlilwc I" Mt tml lhi> cob it ml those who visited the Held admit they have never seen nnytlilnt! lo c«|ual the damage. The owner, wll 1865 FIFTY-SIXTH= 1921 not Kct ten titifthelK at corn from the two acres. Announcement was made of the fact Hint Cote UJanche, off the Southern The Annual Merchandising Event For Which Tlirifty Washingtonians Have Learned to Wait, is Here Louisiana coast, Was found to lie vir- tually an Inland of milt. A very's Is- We have been holding these Anniversary Sales every year for the past five years and each succeeding sale has been more successful than its pre- land, In the HutiH- Kroup. la the site of th«> world's largest salt mine. The decessors. Now with the sluggisli market conditions we have been able to secure merchandise for this year's event that surprises even ourselves. Values A very Island deposit wan discovered liy accident iliirlnft the Civil Wnr. have never been greater and with business conditions improving throughout the country prices will begin to advance so, taking this fact into considera- Mrs. Jane Ilurlarn. colored, 114 years tion, this sale offers some things that you may never see again at the prices quoted. For nearly three weeks old, a slave In Virginia until frw.il af- tcr the Civil War. died at Alton. 111. She resided thorp nearly half a ci'nttiry, Hiie leaves two daughters, Stf ntu) 82 yearn old. October 6th to October 22nd Inclusive A horse belonging to a farmer near SprlTih-fii'Ul, III., became III with colic, lit* kicked the liaru door out and aji this big store will offer in every department values that must appeal to you. We will have demonstrations in different departments that will be interest- pcit't'd nt a horse hospital in the city, fi.iir miles away, for, treatment. The ing and profitable. The souvenirs we will give to the ladies are worth wliile. Please do not make the mistake so common by waiti ng until the best assort- viiurlmtrltin after treating the horse, ments are gone. Be one of the first to come in and get a Ciioice selection of the bargains. In most cases quantities are limited and cannot be duplicated. remembered that uliout a year before In: had treated It for the same com- p'.r.int. It had1not been to the hospital ditrhiK the intervening period. Tlic mi'iim-st man tvns fotiml at Sar- anac Lake. Allen Sevry, a hopeless Grand Opening cripple, WHS the victim. He asked a man at Tupper Lake Hotel, to take his DRY GOODS SPECIALS of Oar HOUSEHOLD NEEDS purse, containing JU7, all the funds he possessed, to the hotel olilcc for safe Bleached Muslin—3(i in. wide, standard quality, per Window Shades—;r very special value, standard keeping. Tlie acquaintance took the yard l">c Enlarged McCall width and length, in dark gram color only, roll ami fadrd cpilckiy into the forest 1 prlnuvul. Bleached Muslin—3G in. wide. Fruit of Loom specials, while they last, cacli -lie It wus given out at Saranat- I*ake value 2oc; special 19c Pattern Depi. that the farmers of northern New Yo-k Lonjt Cloth—30 in. wide, standard quality, 2 yards haw UK* largest corn cr<>|> In history. Aluminum Kettles^rcoLr ^ During (lie past mniith tin* tops reach- 25c; 10 yard piece $1.19 Hy .-pccial iirnintfoinent with The Mo- value, special wliile they last each ed the height of tnore than twelve ffet. Unbleached Muslin—36 in. wide, standard, per yd. lTic Ilraoins—extra good not the usual sale kind, ....69c Now the silos arc flllcil to the top Call Co., wo have cnluvKcri our stock to with ensilage and many formers who Sheets—81x90 in. seamless, extra value, each SI.19 carry a complete Hue or Hicse well known Clothes Pins—a big bargain, " dozen i'or 7c otherwise would have been forced to Pillow Cases—15x36 in. nice quality, eacli 24c patterns. Cups and Saucers—good white ware, regular 25c x.-lt their callly will he aide lo winter TURKISH TOWELS—IIU-KC size -15x23 in. heavy qual- value, special, set ISc them. The hay crop had been a prac- From' now on we will have in stock tical failure. ity, value 59c; special 41c Glass Lamps—large size lamps, complete with Pauline Tobias, uf the Mi-uiix, NVw Huck Towels—size "1x18 in. plain white, very spe- every pattern issued and in all sixes so burner, wick and chimney; very special S5c York. was declared to have been liorn cial 21c as to give you the best of service. Dust Pans—good size, japanned, with luuidle, with teetli. At liL-r birth she uossussed two lower central Incisors, perfectly Cretonnes—an assortment of fancy patterns, #ood The new printed McCall patterns are each '. _.17e formed and of regular size. Shi- Is the heavy material, 30 in. wide, per yard 15c selling like wildfire all over the country. only child or Mr. and Mrs. I. Tobias. Julius Caesar and olhcr famous pc> CALICO—Mglit grounds in an assortment of patterns, With complete instructions PRINTED sons are wild lo have hail teeth at while they last, per yard- 10c on the pattern itself anyone can lay them NATIONAL BISCUITS" birth. Xote that these prices are equal ~'\ Crepe de Chine—in colors brown, blue, pink and white, nut without ilifllcully. 1 Lawrence II. Rldi-ldge. of Cape May, special per yard $2.19 It) or hetler than chain store prices: a sophomore itt Lafayette College, was The new cabinets which we have in- badly injured in a campus rush of tlie (ieoi'Ketle—Grown and Pink: special i?l.S9 UNEEDA i5ISCUITS, package 5c fiVslimi'ii and sophomore classes. Ribbons—an assortment of wide moire ribbon, in all stalled to carry these patterns make NABISCOS—all kinds, package .: 9c While llKhllnt,' for the ponnesslon r.r a every style and size easy to K& al. MAUY ANNS—pound lGc lire pluK some one threw u handful of colors at yard 19c cinders, many of them stiikliiK HI- Apron Ginghams-—27 in. wide, assorted checks, good Prompt..service and the advantage of GENTRY JUMBLES—pound IBe drid^e in the furft* and causiiiR an in- quality, special 2 yards for 25c having every pattern in every size will N. Ii. 0. GINGEK SNAPS—pound 15c jury that may result In tbe loss of he of obvious benclit to you. ZANZ1BAKS—chocolate and vanilla 20c the HIKIU of his left .yo. Cheviots—ideal I'or Boys' Waists, plaids and stripes, t SOCIAL TEA SANDWICHES—pound 27c At a conevcKiLtlonnl 'meeting hold at per yard 16c In connection with this Anniversary the Lower Valley Presbyterian church, Chambray—all colors, standard quality and width. Sale we are KOinir to give- away to the' FIG NEWTONS—pound 19c liev. Howard Preston Mcllenry, of 2 yards 25c children DANDY OYSTER CRACKERS—pound 12c Philadelphia, was asked to becomo pas- During this sale all regular Me packages tor. Fifteen years ago Mr. McIIenry SPOOL COTTON—150 yards, all sizes, black or white. was pastor of the LOIIK Valley I'I-OS- 5 spools 27c will be 2 Tor ii'je. bylerlan church,-* The Lower Valley A SI'KCIAL PUMOXSTKATION of National Biscuits on STAR BRAND CROCHET COTTON—all sizes and church has hcuii without a pastor slncu FREE OF CHARGE Friday and SiitunUty, October 7th and 8th. Come in last Septomlior. when Kev. 13. II. colors .: 10c complele patleru I'm- Dull clothes, I'Sronson resigned. and try some of the new ohe.s. riiitf in I ho kids ami ask I'or one. Ciarrct Hiowcr, of P.i-ooklyn, the old- est Odd Fellow In the world, celebrated his 98th birthday at his home in lirooldyn. Hi- is .still In possession of his faculties and received the connratu- lation.s of his friends. Stock Up With Canned Goods Announcement wns made that Ever- Women's Wear Bargains ett Colby wus hack in the fold as an active worker In the Republican county Night Gowns—a large assortment with lace and em- at These^ Prices organisation and that the G. O. P. wan Souvenirs now thoroughly united In Kssex Coun- broidery trim, very special .....$1.19 Canned Pineapple—grated, medium size can 21c ty. White Underskirts—embroidery trim, extra valuo...92c Canned Cherries—large 2'/i size caii Cal. White Cher- Emery Kreppa. a farmer nuar Sis- We want every housewife in thirf ries, can _ _ 30c U'rvillP, Pa., lost a cow from a snaku Envelope Chemise—fancy lace trimmed, special Sic vicinity to have one of these use- bite, Siie was In pasture when struck Canned Plums—large can green gage, per can. 22c by a "copper-head, the strike evidently Bloomers—plain and fancy crepe, special 92c ful CAKE TUKNKRS or MIXING nuide in the neck while she was munch- Canned Peaches—large can fancy yellow fruit 30c SPOONS. They are very durably ins srass. The poison 'had too much Silk Hose—in black and cordovan, all sizes, with fine Canned Corn—full size can, special ._ 10c start to do anything to help the cow mercerized top, value $1.39, special for this sale made, highly plated and we know when he? plight wan discovered. Canned Corn Beef Hash—1 pound net weight, spe- pair '. i 9Sc The General Couricil of the Alliance you will (hid numerous ways to use cial : : : 12c of Reformed churches throughout th'u Fibre Silk Hose—in black only, all sizes, pair 45c them to advantage. Vou nl;iy Canned Corned Heel'—12 ounce net weight, per can, world declared ut Pittsburgh Hession 1 that the present shortage of ministers Hoys' and Girls' Ribbed Hose—in black only, all sizes, select either one or the other and 15c; pel dozen '. .551.50 is "acute, critical and .grave." It was Canned Salmon—tall can. medium red, special ISc declared to be a problem that must be per pair 19c they are absolutely free as a Sou- solved If the church is to go forward venir of our FH'TY-SIXTII AN- under the proper .guiding hands. Finan- cial provisions for either minister or NIVRKSAItY KAI.H. missionary were declared to be inade- quate and responsible fo? the shortage Thompson Glove-Fitting A SALT and PEPPER BARGAIN of ministers. Miss Leah nemott, of lSnglewood, 1 5-pound bag Worcester Salt, reg. price .20 asked to be excused from Jury service Corsets 1 pound best black, pepper, reg. price ,40c on the ground that she did not ask Whitehite, loiiKskirtloiiK"skirt, good material, (J« •* in lo be selected us a juror in the Bergen ASK FOR Regular value .GO County court. She served, however, as all sizes, value $1.50; special... one of the first five women to act as ll i l $150 ial... «p J.e it/ Special for this sale and while '- petit juror in Lliul uotinty. -Shu was YOURS WHEN YOU quantities --last.-.-.we -.vill-.-salL-.-tlie- 5- the only woman who usked to be ex- ink, Elestic Top, good material, COME IN. pound bag ol' salt and a pound of .eusetl. Star of a concert on her 105th birth- all sizes, value $1.50; special pepper together for 35c 1 day annivorsury was the experience of Mrs. Harlinn MLley, of Mlllerslown, Ohio. She said that her long life ifl tho result of her simple living and her music." As long as I can sing, T am happy," sulil Mrs. Mlley. Seasonable Overcome by gas while he was sitting .in a boarding house room writing a Coffee Drinkers, Note This: love missive to his sweetheavt, Chester In spite of the advancing coll'ee market we have Hershower, 25, of Little .Britain, near Grocery Bargains Cool feather Needs Lancaster, Pa., was found c mato lias attractcri 'much attention. White Outing I'limnel—27 in. wide, best When he did not sir ike gold dust In 22c; gallon S5c 'paying: quantities in the Alaska gold quality, 5 yards Siic fields. Max Belke, a former Evanston, Corn Meal—fresh milled, granulated, per lb....3'/>c TJtankels—in tan and white, crib size, 111., barber was ready to come back to 45x68, single, extra special, each....17c IN THE WALL PAPER ijie slates. But he decided to open a, MUELLER'S MACARONI—or Spaghetti, special" harbor shop and thereby found his gold 2 .packages for 25c Good Full Size lihmkofs—gray only, field. When ho Mhumpoood $10 In gold Hcckcr's Oatmeal—large package ..:: 10c extra quality, per paiv $1.98 DEPT. nnd Sl-00* in cement out ot the beards Cotton Hats—at 2'tc ho knew that his fortune was tnnde. Prime Sweet Potatoes—basket S9c The Wall Paper market has come down from its He charged• $1.00 apiece for shumpooa Cider Vinegar—gallon :: 40c Cotton Hats—spread 72x90, comfortable size, at Sflc high peak and wo have been fortunate in securing '.and the same price for massages and Soap Bargains—Paha.Olive, 3 cakes for...... 25c for the fall trade a big selection of styles at in- "kept all the by-products. Then he In- vented the cyanide process bath and Palm Olive Glycerine, 3 cakes for 25c teresting reductions. You will find our prices re- tbe great unwashed became a prolific Palm Olive Soap Chips, 1 pound bag 20c duced from 25% to -10ft on all kinds of paper and source of revenue. Even an Indian Ozone, 6 bars for , '.:..'.. 38c the patterns were never more pleasing or the as- u host htad show id no color In the BEAR BRAND' YARNS tk inup would cssjj $100 to the. ton Toilet Paper—a big value, 7 large rolls for ...25c The1 manufacturers of'"' these yarns sortment greater. In Hit! c\anldi. tank HLIIVC IS now worth Satisfaction Flour—a good flour for pies and cake, have sent us sonic beautiful hand-made We are showing some vary nice stylos as low as hull a million and is tolng'to enjoy it. (24i/, lbs. at' $1.00 models for you to copy. Come in and Picsidunl Hauling wns elected to re* 20c per double roll: Trimming hoe ct.I\i. tin. thiitj ttlid degree in Free Globe Flour—the best for bread, our own brand, sec them. MuHOtm The action was taken.at tho " 24!/> lbs. at •_....: $1.39 We .carry in stock at all times,a largo We also carry for your convenience a patent iniuml session of the Supreme Council assortment of colors'and qualities for Cold Water Paste that is used and highly recom- Golden Egg Scratch Feed, 100 lbs $2.75 1 of tin. Scottish Ulte JWaons for the youl selection of the Knitting Worsted. mended by paper hangers Per pound 15c. not the n juiNdtctiun He will receive Golden Egg Laying Mash: 100 lbs $3.30 , Germantown, Glowfloss and Shetland tlit debitt at the next annual mooting Yarns. which will be held in Cleveland. TIIL busse\ Conntj Fair closed at TtuiicMilk with nn attendance larger than at imj pie\Ious exposition hold Deliveries mnde to, all parts Telephone 64 thcie despite the iain> weuther AVed- iHsda\ In all lines the exhibits out- of the town. Country pro- cla'.sed tht displna of. 1919 and. 3920 duce taken in exchange. baji" t»ha« m iSewton, led in the Washington dahlia "exhibit "tllipiajingi fiity \aiie- Bring in your eggs. tks ! M


Impnned Mfl'llfMii uf .StorliiR Shelled liw rjuurlors beforv they start to;]ay, there ono farmer rwcrraiiKod his feiVco I I01 tt. to iii't'vent moult. AH cold nlKlits nml «o us to wive hl« team—anil Incident* early nutumn TUUIH nro itHunlly tho ally hlnwelf^-4,300 tuiij« In one year Improvement ft trip forcriinntTM of rdujk nml khulrctl Ills, It i*ould IK* done In Xew .lerfiey too. thuintr uml Hiorlns unit In the brliiK all the Ur\\s In from trcon nml 'Grown In America" In the bcHt slo- m of in it hit Ink un wluiw time colony IIOUHCM bcfo-.v the Ural of Octo- Knn for alfalfa Heed. ii «iii'|i1uvuv. lnut i o ono of ihe proli her. Ualiitf ii buzz or y a county npvnt Clot tho liotncH roaily for the birds to out up lire wood that would have Aliilwiuiii. 'Hi* ri-i>urtM that In IflUO by thoroiiKbly rlcnnlnfc am) whitewash- taken weckfi to do by hand In right in e nun In H community m-a- Oa'iitt ing them, and putting a Kood cloun lit- line with an agu of trnotorn and pow vim-lotiHly proved tlu- very point tvr B inchuM dM-p on the IIOOI-H. Cit-L tho er niueh|iu>ry. k Mh ll blnlst I'wuly ,'ftn1 tlu* IKUIHVH by livaUiiit Kver nullee bow the,fellow who has bout Jil) .tHluls o cn thi'm with Hwlcum Huorlde or mcrcurlnl Kiimptlou enough to turn hiH.bnck on ru xolil liW fiont tin tlthl lit $1 20 blntmi'iit* ani1l ' vnsi-llnc. I'otnssluin corn luittkhiK and'endl«4H other chores I ml ffai mi r sloi jiurmiin^aiinU In tlvu drinkliiK wiutr— to po huntiiif* for a iluy in the fall In the olil u-iiy mill cuoiiRh to color It •"ivil—will hH|> ronii-M out Jiwt as near the top an .the lll 1 i to 'pt'i'vc-nt flfalll iK fellow who's tUtl'hand and foot to the New Series y K h ell opi'n for, tli farm' Tin- tbliil niiiii brought lilrt 111**1 tWO UtlkM ILtill .l\Ol(idl ptlttltii K tOt O Crowdini;-young ntock In the pout* Hhclx In. Mhi>II(*(l, In Kootl i-v.'ii w nmm piiUot* in lath pLii Do not fowl try houtif.s In one. KOIUI way of Illrflnn SEDAN tin1 birds over tnrot> itn'nl« a iliiy, nor with roup and colds. ]•'. 0. )!. Toll-do :>. Uv lm\v to kill th l) 1 may bv fwl dully. to tho Xew Jei'ttoy AKi'luiiltnmt Col- A|JrIIS<- 111' Wl'Ilt tO. IlltlllillKll lege. Xew Brunswick, for circular 12C, i l-i- nphh t n-h Wtlell r pt-itn*W . was j Aro Eji f N*« SIntliT Wluit Colin1 jiint out. and fill of the latest •'dope" Way Ahead! ! the ! fxtmnlnntor. rroilti-erse are reaping a harvoHt of on the subject. xhuckn wt-n- worth all that 11 on sit tills of dollars dally In tlua UH-RC Quality llrst; price, seond, when buy- When you compare values, the Overland tor ioti(;li;ur for hi« cow.*. This gavi> •itli'S Iti'ciiuso i»f Hii]H>r.stltlon» renunl- IiiK seed—or iinyiliiiiK else. hint Jto» moiv f«>r 200 bushol.s or corn lUK lhc 1 1 u,.t.i Hi.. ...„!•. ; t- " """ »>f WHS, experts of tin- Sedan is an easy first. It spells q-u-a-1-i-t-y, ttan his iicighliur uli Htjui un_ fidmt j i>e|»nrtnfient of Agrk-ulunv declare. Five Knr.s nit This Stulk. fnside and oul. Good-looking1 and comfort- day. j Olliciiil figures of the dfpiirtiiU'iit If itlu' fanners of Now Jt>rsoy all show that tho prioo of white OKK-S IH -iilsed flvo t-ars of con"t on tin- utalk able. Dependable as every new scries Over- '. I'tillfls N'cid :i Ml Mi' Bxlra Cure Thesr boosted '20 <-ents ,i dozen In some eities, like .1. Walter AHomtiH. of Clinton, Days. wlllle iu others the eniiMiuner must pay tlierc is no doubt about it that corn land. You really wonder how the car can be Maksim the fall nntl wlnU-r that amount nifin* for hniwn or would take a further drop in price. This turned out at the price. . , itf.- for ili<> tilnUi iitxl tii. bh-dx ] "An CPK IH an ejiji," the dt'iiartmoiu Is what Mr. AUcmu.s did, however. saf..> for thi-ir fall :m«l winhr .«ays. In .'tsscrtini; there is no rvs When he Katheml his corn the other tn believe that white slielled CBBM day ht> found -that one «tallt contalnc*! gr the making of a WJnt,i- .u,.|.l>- ol ^jf;^ \£^^joni ^ a^,,,, ti-i-s is a Jdli that lie-t'P* poulirymon on Ovcvl.'ind S«I:in lias four doovs, adjustable plato- tin.1 Jumi' '.vlu ii the cald fall tlayw conio bt'ltiT th:tii tho brown OIIPJ;. live lar^o ears of corn. Theso raw Klass window.s, vontilutor in cowl. Wii-c wlicuia uie fli taking a rh:itici* on rally (r> In New Vork while VKKH cost tlie branched out like u fan. Mr. Altcmus was no in-oiid of it h« took it to a local standard. Completely equipped, includinK electric printery and jilaccd It on exhibition. lights, starter, speedometer and liorn. Gasolino economy of 25 miles per gallon. js common, rl\ty Italloon's Lout: Trip. What is Ijolievcd to be a record lliyht for ti ten-cent toy baloon came to light at Pittsburgh when tin* mem Boxvlby & Neuhaus hers of an online company received wn frl see than ornament piill. nhifty-nliK' are succeediiiK througii word f-.-om Men-It Tencyck of Law 73 E. WASHINGTOiN.-AVE. oulty y d and utting valu...... a push. ; rencevlUlo, 17"i miles away, .stutltiK that bl .Moreover, .th malllly Some folks cat panned spinach all lie had found the notr; which had W tin' I'inLs whli-h start tthh e epide cs nf' winter; otheiK plant a Kood s\tpfly of tittached ,lo a toy baloon sent out by "A (i 0 O D INVESTMEN T" roup ami enlite. j the hardy Now Zealand vavloly In tlu* the tlreinen. It WHS of the kind sold H

IN THE FURNISHING GOODS STORE IN THE CLOTHING STORE ive offer all tlio We are offering some of the best values in NEW FALL HATS Men's and Young Men's Soft and Stiff slyies—in Velours, Beavers and Smooth finish at ,.vwv county and .tin- app-*-' v.tn""" ; w> care had fur to drive to resieh one ; .$2.00, 53.00, $4.00, $5.00 to §9.00 of thei The best values in the market today, every hat hears mi abso- Conditions SUITS changtMl now. lute guarantee no matter what the price. mills, where i-oulil -"it iirouml i the tub below s* anil till up oil 1 New Fall Caps for Men, Boys and Children you have .seen for a long time. the fresh i C an.1 t t-Wl-'f nlllL-. now j Men's Caps in the new styles a real bargain at SI.00; others MEN'S WOOL CASSIMERE (IQAn what rnoif nm>lM for i-UU-r j at $1.30, $1.75, $2.00, $2.r>0. Boys' Caps in nice nil-wool materials and styles that please the SUITS AT «plO.UU J»Uimni|. fin Mlt- ll|>i 1>llth Cl° boys at ">0c, ,65c, 7ac, $1.00, $1.50. Anticipating toi n< \t sumina v MEN'S PURE WORSTED 'ton*) CO rhi\ b lit;i. will bi tin ui m^t ' 1OP o?peichts ou piodu.c-' ••• ^" K ^loii.ii aio ; lllL YOU WILL SOON WANT TO CHANGE Seasonable SUITS AT tp^^.3y loss foi UutniiH - mil tin. :>"" lutul mi.l.t- thiMi-h i mo. Dim (it ilWiihution I . UNDERWEAR MEN'S ALL-WOOL BLUE A Afi for something a little-heavier. We have a very complete stock SERGE SUITS AT,. *p£U.UU ' for Men and Hoys Men's fine Egyptian Hibljed Union Suits, nicely made and MEN'S EXTRA QUALITY tfOQ Cft iiillon iml m inopo^in- tht u-li Swti- leduatioii ot Counn I ml1 trimmed, all sizes at $1.50 a suit, SERGE SUITS AT «p^d3'.OU lien's Fine.Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in ecru or silver, full Young Men's Fancy Model Suits •ptoblcm ... cut, woli made at 75c each. in AH-Woo! Cassimeres, at liuic siowin- intti ^ ol Lh Men's extra quality Union Suits at ?2.00, $2.30, $3.00. at recoRiii/e luiim ptitimnt tan connection with tin. inointlu Men's Worsted and Wool, Medium and Heavy weight Union $27.50 and 1,\ fioat ot the f uit buil- list li Suits at S?:i.:>0, $.1.50, $3.00, $0.00 up. Q High grade Suits from some .of the best mak- tho iKuh orchiuls hiu hid ip tn l fiom b J. inn T^ "' J Men's Medium Weight Merino Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, in 1 1 LII I The Bryant fiuit siowin- k imt i" * ers at ; .$30, $35, $40, $45 ohould iiioili"*- i bumptt cior white or natural colors at $1.00 a garment. K\t L 1SO11 l iTlOK Silk Mixtures in fancy eolors, in high grade Union Suits. ^>t>r^t*'t' ^Siii'f'Q made from, fancy mixed pure Ml i hmls OL tin- liit<- h l% bten me L millioilli n i Boys' Union Suits, S to IS years at $1.00 up. k_y^rV>J. 1. VJP ciXLo wool tweeds in the newest mod- In tht 1 t th (.nntiniiLit | Children's Union Suits, 1 to S years, 75c up. els Norfolk Coats with 1 pair regular fjouscrs and 1 pair Golf t fm th i in Stores plan tin i, • thti will he Trousers. Two suits in one. .. All the rage at the present time in Hi A GREAT SALE OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S di\ 1 nu nt o! whether you play golf or not you want one ofvthem. The <1- tonCounti It uls In tlu uldl thL industi ind with It ,m pieccsuit '. ...._ __.;.-.....-. r. :... §35.00 to. $45.00' lions to its onhiuls ODD TROUSERS chief fruit proflucins in fine all wool and worsted materials. Nicely made and trim- Having ex nced thu dis:ust med in sizes 29 to 44. m \m.\ ions \n iop -lutttd mu) n a p SPECIAL THIS WEEK! \eirs thL «tottt •> u UUimimd it DOSbillo to i\o»l thw >iii ill in the iu Men's and Young Men's All Wool Trousers at $3.85 tuit f lutud nmktb t\u\ point out Men's and Young Men's fine Worsted Trousers at $5 Boys' regular $1.50 Khaki Blouses, : have nevt-r bronchi c oap peaches to thi. fficit nu s n ton umus No mil Men's and Young Men's extra quality Worsted sizes 8 to 16 at ...... ,...,...:... ,icr linw low Chi1 urico on the fiirm n Trousers.at $6.00 and $6.50 FREE TO ALL poits bhoft thu th >t of disliibution Sanitary mouth piece for p h a Ii is a tin Every pail- of these Trousers sold last season at $2.00 to jour telephone. Stop and 10 th cnisiima $3.00 per pair more. gel them any time. A SPECIAL FALL TOP COAT (klohu Mill of line all-wool mafoiial, nicely lined and made fl»4y| - in correct stales at on^ii h iw ...W ; JUST-AT THIS-SEASON" OF THE YEAR - <-utt Co optp . i iii\t ^ sot thh o OctolKOtl t piolupolll milk in cliss one foi Hit PLI htindud I his is m id YOU NEED A SWEATER \ tncL oC one ct IH i iiu u t loi this ci i A SPECIAL RAINCOAT o£ mill o\u th. p-icr of s pUmbo more than any other time. The new stock is all ready for you Tliu price for this class o£ niillc in Sep- and the new prices are about % less than last year. that \ve have sold large quantities of.at.$12,50 d»Q E\fi tember was $2.Hi) a hundred. This pri< is for three per font, milk :H tin; ^01- Men's Sweaters at $1.50 (o $12.50 we are now offering at ;...... -.:. ;....:..:...::. ipU •\J\s J10 mile none with the usunl iliiYtircn* tials for fiviirtit ami buUcrlat. Ladies' Sweaters at : $6.73 to $14.00 Atilk «old in class two, to be used Children's Sweaters at $2.50 to $5.00 chiefly Tor the manufacture of nroam Good Strong Suits for those healthy Boys ind ice ci'Mim/will bring ?2.^5 a bun- Something, entirely new in Sweaters for small girls, 2 to S drwl. This is the same as the Suptom- the kind that stand the knocks yet look dressy, Some with Ixi puce roi thl" cl i^s years, real novelties, $2.50 to $4.50. two pairs of trousers, any color or The pries for class.three milk which WASH SUITS is itsod ehtefly for sweuLenttl conclenscd itnd evapomted milk and for choose of MEN! , We have some great values for you in the way of for the little $5 to $20 the hard typo will be determined b> fellows all at special market quotiitions duvinjr the month on GENUINE MADRAS AND PERCALE prices. -.i- butter, utlding forty cents a hundrea to Som.3 of you are already "getting your'guns in shape and this butter price. SHIRTS These prices were rccommemlcKl by tho directors of the Dairymen's Tjeague ;in new Fall patterns, all sizes, and every one a good one. They Thinking of the Hunting Season Co-operative Association, after several You want good strong coats and trousers, 'that: arci rightly hour' of discussion aurroundinir milk ; are- priced at '. $1.35 and $1.65 pvoduction and of market *condititms Men's high grade Madras and Silk Shirts at made. We have, them all in s.toclt: hbw.^Goriicun an time, look Aa everyone knows, industrial condi- them over, select what you.want and hayethem laid aside until tions at the present time are bad. $2.50, $3.00, S4.S5, ?5.85 you need them. No deposit;,required:. Your word ,is good Thousands of mun are out of work. It v is felt tint fumus thticfoiL ^111 be enough. Pay for them when you take them, ';, .', '-. pleased with, tho . aibove prices for Linen Collars are slowly Ladies' fine lisle finish whilo they are not .high considering1 th going down. All Arrow, hose in black, brown, white farmers' cost of. production, yet they Red Man and other makes ire good in view of the iiulusf'iaf sit- now ISc each; 3 for 50c and Pearl, in all sizes, no- Moleskin, Sheep-lined Coats ualion and' in comparison with the The Bryant Stores pric*>a • for milk and for other farm thing to 'equal them at the Men's 36-inch extra quality Moleskin, Sheep-lined Coals, .products, which farmers arc now vc- Boys' and Girls' extra (Seivjng In oihti temtoiits puce, pan* „ " 50c with large collars, belt and side pockets; sold last season at quality ribbed black hose, Washington, N. J. $16.50 and $18.00; 1 Six Calves in Year sizes 5 to 93/2, special at Tho six-year-old Jersey Ilolstein "cov pair 19c .$10.00 belonging; to Miss Artsi Gregg, of Hiclg- Men's good quality Lisle Our New Price wTiy, W. Va., gave birth to hev sec- Suspenders, in light stripes, ond *^it oE "triplet < Uvi.b within a \eir Men's Silk four-in-hands, OTHER SHEEPrLINED COATS.hi all lengths and slyies Tho lli^t tilo consisted of two hdfois new stripes, in large shapes fine kid ends; special at at $12.50 to $25.00. il -ind one bull ilf and thi. list set are till heifers. All of the calves are special at 30c pair 25c jieitUhy. i Miss C legg fat it d thit all the tticei Twenty-five high grade Ti unks left yet to 1)0 sold at a dis- ^tOM •)£ Jict cow \Uie piollflf inlmils count of 20 per cent- and thLt sc\enl pans o£ twii c ih cs Domet Night Shirts and Pajamas allowed on the pedigree as having" hct-n Regular Ti links' $8.00 up born to.,them. Btcausi. of ho value all ready for the cold weather. Steamer Tiunks " $7.60 up as _ji milt piotlucei is veil is -i ie Night Shuts .$1.50 up SJil'ottucei* of her land, 3Ilss Gregg s cow Hailman Waidiobe Tiunks $35.00 and $45.00 Jg coilsldtji-ed-orie of the most valuable Pajamas $1.8> up in the StuLe J f* SECTION TWO THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.,'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 ' ~ '

1 tlielv , {.•bntoiUIonH(.'ontoiUIo'nM., Tho utcmutema of tho.thoI tenth ami ahoiit half of it wa« Mttr'i: monn. They wcro mvcGllicurtK In tlieif U A An^ii^. an Australian fldent- warm 'ipon . o ODDS AND EM)b MJWK , that I'xiifirlvnRu liad nhoivu a teinlpncy 1 Tho iilclui cwitlo Blpr Hock plow In K fun^l UL tliotil tmto lJm JloK|>Ital w)ifii olher tluin farmers went admitt? i wt-ro married to litter. lovcra, and now, Invention vvhicli ho clalmH to be an »b- ' . 300 pu tintt iin Hi'wwl it logclliL'i', but tin not ln-lluvi id. In'Truiiluti, wlu-ru there Irt one ofI after a passage of liulf u century, tho ;xolut(> preyentlV o'of railway 'cdlllslbns oiiyico PJaut Bnliri held on the II B Longfum tuumllcfi 'tliL'rc will The lnvcnt'Icmrl cocpiiYthc engine linked fiom the \ Hinge, of iii(j Ilock, and in It will Miiiy, the largest retail fanners' markets in i courtMlilp W»H renewed and they were Tnero ha.» l)6on.,wuch a doihft unitiil In wedlock. tk'ctrically wit) I the signal boxes and Duton Citsr Ica/C6mpanyM tmctctl IB 000 upwlatorH It V>HH tht the stntu, -the South 'fronton Tlelall Miopii It mil of natlenlly when danger Now IIDIIU'H Ddcturvil Tax Kxcmjit I mil I arums' ^Fniluls SmltiK Mnn\ Ateri'haills' AKsorltitlon has voiced its Sqtilrre.ltf am reported MO jilentirui purchased /the jC?o,V Trnnfl. J7th ttnnual tournament held thcro MircaU'tiH. Th 2'locomotive, not thu.drl^ trty on D >ck etrcet ond wUl*n Stores uiro btincd on the KtniiRhtnci L'ntler llm New State \A\W. In Citks. ollleial upprovat of thu market hut hits j in l)iu JlueklnK rlv'L-t* valley neitr L;in- ti rloen the ttiinking. and lAinntHH of thu funowtt, wmootli protested ngalust tlie met hod a of buck eaHter, Ohio, that they Iiavo become JI other artl 3cia/{iC0,plant ^Tttfi „__ Tho 'Stato Honhl of Tuxes and AM St«ul> giottth oC Hit fiirtncis mm sters. Another forr.ier HUMNCX man wlio hns plant ha« a *aally capacity ot 100it IUSH of thu furrow endtt nnd ncitnci HoaHment, at Trenton, in ro.Hiion«o - t It t anrtMts liurtasing impoitanca an ( JK'«I, Tlie hickory nut crop 1H nlmoHt nnd tho ijoy/ plant, wllUbesalmoitj fn rnv( rlnfj t-iin)i nnd nttilihlo i pqiifsts from mttnytnxing oHlclirls o: Under the approved plan ot farmer; an on tiro ftilluro and tho nqulrreln aro been welccterl f uiiniilmoUHly and on a an cconomU f ittoi In (oiiKcttcd ccntits ny liny Vhltmin u far tho Sttito, hiwin't'pai'ud it-mi tHutribuU of populition WHO facts dimoriHt atcd market, manuKfjuctit, tlie Institution i lnvadlim tho UcIdH of the •farmerH, do- John !•;. Me ;ker. in tlio llorouKh of iiuo property. ^ / 'V^ mci IKing neai Diuphin T'n IOHL nl a commnnicJillon deviling with the o\ 1)J tin. it in mill ton i of Inspection of pmctlcally se|f-su|ip«jrtlng. The cltj irm heavy diimaKo to tlu> ripening corn WiisliliiKiitit, -X .K No potltloiiH were Hcnao of iHrenrj and »lmme' wlit eratlon of the law of lust year doHigi thci< Institutions In New Kist> cititT usually .HCtH aaidu a tract of vacitni crop filed In WIIMI lhiKton for the piimarki thL> found a lum.1 of chki uliltli hi c Chkf A h Claik of the land and the farmers pay for Hie un An aiiRry duck actually licked a wan and thi! names will be entered un the not tumid to \lnij, ti Thc> In ram ,emtions hy granting limited.vxehiittfon Slate I ur< in of Mirktts, mtmbirs of of stands, generally at the price o dcrltiK eo)v In Cliarltan, Mo. One of Kcnernl vlecli on ballots.. Air. Meeker Is »h imefullj druntt Tholr revels nttrnct from taxntlon upon new homca. his diputnfuit and rtpus< nt ittvi s of tWftity-ilvi! cents it day. Thu Jncom thv. COH'K went to Uie duck t'oml to net in i'Hteoim-d IiUHlneiiH man ot the {own cd motorists who stopptd In stuh IlccmiKu of tho Importuiieo of the lav tin fanmiv (.lutmbf rs of < ornmcicc and usually mr-ern all municipal expense :i drink and while- there wait vlnioiiHly where he rc.s'.ides.—Susuex Independent. j\o>*JWte s to thuiuiolvicpg Mr.«. numbers to watch them that tralllL on and the uncertainty that exlntH ax V ful lated uotmii H I Inlis lu m \cial clt connected with Hie- conduct of a well- tUtackod \>y the duck which lont lt» nri- wii« gvkil g from Illfih Brfdero io • the State lilffhtu i> wni lilockmi Nomu of ItH in'ovfHloiiH.-tho board covi—j kf -the fmnitis mi kits b vi tn.cn governed ;markut. governable temper nnd "kicked tbu I'Vnil Trees Blofimlnc In Xew ,1crnvy. fon Jni 1) Is touring ear, when Sfra.iAp MI«s Lulu Chik ofbLUini III wll mailt tnunlHptl insti tut lout md It wn« HluflliiK out of tho cow ' Apple and citlu..- early fruit IIXTH JUC gai sat io alonf; b<>inK fi*ot" Callwj in a. gonuml way the i|ue»llonH most p T ennln unwtd for Un jtinn 01 nntl fi-uquently HUhmittotl to It by nssessoriH found tint tht\ w»it pi iK 1 bj tlt> ODDS AND KXDS NKWS. I-zifayetU' COHOKO opened tlie, 1321 in bloom In Kouf.h Jersey and the or-to H «b Urldgo in her runabout Th " nhe Itt 10 In orilei to'accept the rUt ol untl aHHcsNing bodies. No attempt i« olMdiN is tmong tin mdHt tinpottuntj foollutll neaMOM by administering :i dc chard owners urn apprehensive of dnm mtt on a corner and their ca.ni oa 11 ICOucio farm in Iimi fiom an «.ldei Lack ai footl Inus uiivon tin; buzzard, made to formuhite bind In K InatructlQii.s tiMiuks touclilng the wdfau of ICSI I irlslvu defeat to tho Mulilenberg Col- tttf to next y<>nt ".s crnp. Jlecauso the tonitlu i with a trash 'Mrs Appav fA 1> friend who \t returning to hit old f Citrpentcrla, Cal., desperat-; JUKI tlui h'KQ eleven, neon; -IS to 0. first hlussoniH !h;in year were killed by n for nHNOHHorfl. HIIICC it is prohahle thti dtnts ' arts now attacking turkeys mi Hi 1 Mr Apgar was o blamo and JJr.^A •home abi 01A to n»i ml th rrm lining iustlons arising under the act wil Alaska Rotd yield was J2.S7a.O0n thlrt late frost. *, tn.iv innn n»y. there nrt p-ir 8Xi« Mrs Apgar was lp blamt jenrq of hH life lie m H!L tho gift on That tverj luge rlt> In the st >te, ranches In the valleys and adjacen 1 come before the hoard in tho cour.se mountains. Three big gobblers 'wer year. The. Yukon territory was $1,230. Kix-at cpi:mliti lived tho rnimo nit li part oft tho economic wystern of ills- A blgMiiifJiTJi ben In acting as moth pioneer days, Knowing liiw mvn fend ani Avhethcr tho law Is a good ono",or i trlmitltig iperlshaMe farm products. er to a half dozen maltc-te Itlttcns at tobacco. Xo person could remembor lxul one,*or whether It la In 'conflict Hoth the Xew Jersey I>agui: of Women T,os Angeles. When "liiddy" \v»H pre- having seen him wearing shuc-a. with the Constitution nro ciui-fltions A'otera -and- the Kcderntod Women's vent i-d from netting she Immediately A plague of grasshoppers has fallen which the liwinl says $o'not concern Clubs of Xew Jersey have lioco'me adopted the kittens and spread hoi upon tho southern districts of the.Koine the asHosHora." On tho contrary, tho law strong advocates or .tlie markets from feathers over them nightly, while tin Quality Groceries Fair.Prices '...•'$, and Mnrne depnrtment and the farm- In to lie enforced' unless* repealed by the consumers' standpoint. old cat meows in vain ami protests ers of that part ot France are threat- tho Legislaturo or held l>y the Courts On the other hand, chambers ot com- against the "home breaker." ened with ruin. , to'bo uncbhslltutlonai: icrco and Iioards ;of. trade, were also When a'dog that was in the habit o found to \m supporting tho estuIiHHhed iiccompsining Its mistress to church a When a porter on a KleephiK car from ; rn'illct HIKII Tofjifo I'rlri-.s. fannciK' markeiH in cities where they iliiiTortsbiirg, Ky., found that -Miss Ar IF lot Springs to St. Louis found and 'Tlie prevailing opinion of many ag- itro now conducted, having recognised via was slelt he went alone. When tho restored a $10,000 ruby pin to thu own- fli-ultu-iil expoi-tH in the great potato ihu markets as an Important Heusomihlu benediction was pronounced tho canine ==Another Slash in 'Pric"fii{? tlfc farniurs' markcti; open only This is just further evidence of u-hatour Pi oducrav.to-Consiiriier"PJan is doing y, old-taahlonctl "killing" will IJU made \iy :'"S on * Ills dusk and every one in a "blii" the' growers. to,bonal|d« growers.Ht'Iling direct from every day Tor American Stores customers. ' ',,.'' for a husband. Ho found a husband, "' This belief is general because of the their own farms, was-noted In Jersey ,• for Mrs. Mettle Dunham, of Newark, City, Perth Amboy and other cities. Let us prove to YOUtoday it pays to deal at the "Asco" Stores, where Qualityt- N. .T., tho first widow to apply. Ho fact that thi'i-o will bo a tremendous .Municipal market -.directors reported MRS. HAYDOGK really found GO candidates and told- her Hhortngo ot "spuds" In the Fall nnd counts and your money goes the. farthest. . '• ,•_ . • ,.; no( matter how large may ho the acre- to take her pick. She eliminated nil age'In the Spring, it will he far from but six and cast lots for one of the mifucient to meet tho demands. On SAVED «lx. She sulectpd Albert H. Thomas, re- account of the extreme dry weather, tired Union Pacific employee/of Omaha. tho Irish potato crop is considered to 8 E. WASHINGTON" AVE. WASHINGTON, N^l •The sheriff .received letters from every bu ;i failure, ami tills will necessari- slate In tho union and every rt>f|tiost ly mean greatly boosted prices for for u husband was from a widow. the product. ' -. , Homer llendee, Ufi, oC Antloch, III., Charles I. Slryker Followed Advice, of , Her danced a jig on tils birthday for the Hunk Notes to,lie,Smaller- Gold Seal and liwt f>7 years and hopes to do It for The (lovemment is planning to radi- Druggist's Wife and Took four more years. Ho ascribes his spry- cally change' the form of Us '-yaper Democratic 1 I ness to his habit of drinking rod pep- Lydia , 'E. Pinkham's All Mill Brands Flour f money, which lias been unaltered al- per tea, "for red pepper plant is the most HIIICL- tin; foundcLtinii or the Ko- Candidate Vegetable Compound real century plant," lie says.. He has ihlk'. IlillH will be made Miinlin-. Your choice of Cold Kenl, Gokl Mcda(, Ceresola or any brand in slock, not missed a meal in fifteen years and One of the reasons will be'.t'cniiomy. Chicago, III.— "I was in bed •.with a Take advantiiKe »r our low price and slock up. never allows himself to worry. Anulhor 'reasnti i,s "explained uy a For Freeholder female trouble .and inflammation and reasury ollichl'who «:iy«: had four doctorw but Will It n« fold or Mllri? "The liills now are really adapted none of them did me Tritely a hunch of weather proplictn >nly to pt'i'Mons of largo hands ami UEPRKSENTS any good. They nil l";s »t|jt.'l:rn In Delaware. They havo img 'lingers. A shorter and smaller said I would have to Kite will IM> more easily eounlcd by have an operation. Best Pure Best (Granulated • Rich Creamy • given lln« peHslmlHtic cold and lutril 'ellers, cnshler.s and all who have to Broad Experience, •weather" pruguoKticators uoincLliing to Adruggist's wife Lard Sugar - lb. Cheese lib. e\vi\v cvo': and cheered the optimists .audit' Ifirgt* .sums of money." told mo to take Lydia wit a hope. Additinmtl safeguards against eoim- Mature Judgment,' E.'Pinkham's Vege- want ul this mild cheese,,,. Try.'. A• nevv'i note from Georgetown, says: erfeit.lng ronslitute another reason for table Compound and yiiK.sc:; county weather prophets say hi; decision to Issue now notes. The Iiusiness Ability, I took. 22 bottles, that the 1't.niisylvaniaiis who have pre- iiiggo-stion is being considered that (never missing a dose •ills of different denominations be. is- No Sectional Bias, dicted a HL'veru winter are all wrong. tied lu varying sizes. and at theendof that f-)r the winter will bu :t mild one. Such a.seiiernp; It iri pointed mit. will time I.was perfectly "Asco" They Uisa their predictions that tliore make it Impossible to raise a two-ilot- A locality that has not been will. I have never aits few acorns, tliat corn tassels are feir note to a twenty. had occasion to take it again as I have Pork and thin :ir,d that there are few cedar her- represented upon (he been so well; I have a six room flat SS Salmon -• t))c Is itunllltir IilK "Asco" v:iluo. viesi, :t!l proofs, according to their de- and do all my work. My two sisters Nnw Is tile Unit: to Uiy in your win- Kites 'Off Tongiii) on Ilonk-ymon. to AImt tliiy wIjy lo tliwe pricdozene .It will pay you JLVv ter HII|1|>1.V. , . ; .I,.; ••:.,,. . -. duction?, that nature has not'provided Frank AVheeler of Dexter. N. Y., who Small Board. ; •' are taking the Compound upon my rec- nmmv'fniiy for birds or squirrels, and married•lllss Ktljtli Benson at Syracuse ommendation and you may publish mv Ilia:, the'.efoi'e, there will be a mild as hit by a train and bit off a part letter; It is the 'gospel truth and I will winter. if bis ti/ngue when starting on his Absolutely Free of any prom- write to any one who wants a personal Former Secretary McAtloo seems to Loheynioon trip. ' letter."—Mrs. E. II. HAYPOCK, 0821 Quality Peaches California Apricots Hawaiian Pineapple have I'c-en going reminiscently hack* The bridal couple were followed to ises, pledges or entanglements: St. Lawrenec Avenue, Chicago Illinois. ward *vhcn ha cnmcK forward andpi-o- lit- station in Oswt'Ko by a wioiip ul" !-'a Kiitify Slk-fil I'liitiiiu>k>. can 2:fe Because Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- I d.cis that next winter, will he a hard riends. whi> to.sucd old .shoes, confetti table Compound saved Mrs. Haydock riHili't. < a.iir. ivt I'n ... tall can ifa I-'ancy SllfVll I'lli4-Ill»l>lc, Cllll 2Uc oiK;. There is nothing hotter than JI ltd lice uL thorn just as • the train Cniir. SMi-o(I I'lncaiipic. .can lie sootl memory t'> make a man >>.-lk\,t nillcd In. "Wheeler, In dodging a shoe, from an operation we cannot claim that 7'ossibly .Mr. Mc-Arioo was thinking of ilipped aiuM'cll on1 the. track. all operations may be avoided by it,— bin own r.ontrihntton to next winter's Tho locomotive tossed lilm bade on but many wonien have escaped oper- predicted luirdshlps when ht1 was in a tif plat'form, Vhere.. he.'lantled on ill-*1 ations by tho timely use of this old fash- ioned root and herb medicine...' • r-.iflecluo mood. hin. '"ifin tongup was -between his Victor Bread Big Loaf Also Iteiul. This From H;tzlefon, Pa. Minced Corned Beef 3--25c Hroaii w« aru'iiroud of. We bako It In Weather r'.u])hct.s, after exhausting I'rbliafo>l ' u-Ilh imCtlocs. Co.ilied. f* oili* own tliroo bij? sanitary liaki-ries, ami the animal kingdom for signs lo show n-nily I" servo. This snuL-ial i.rico can *£(* Itninr'wncreof we sneak, that Victor Dread is the that severe winter conditions are ! It lasts. Ituy now. ' equal of tlit:_ best honie-nuide. ahead, turned to the vegetable^ world nntl stated that toadstools bear out BestSoup r New Pack Fancy •% Q Fancy California ' tA "' Beans ..lb. - Shrimp ...... _.....can ISC Prunes .....ib. ~~ tJi-'rvc Klirimi)- .salatl luiuurro;v Catarrh Ilt-st Limn lli-aiLS, Ih tdc Catarrh Is a local disease greatly, Influ- ' onced by constitutional conditions. . HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By. cleansing the Mood and building up tho. System, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Naturo to do "Its work. . AH Druggiat3.; Circulars ireo. • :-" -* - - ;Qa Owners want more iiabber: on the'tread where the: wear is - "Asco" Coffee * "Asco" Teas 1 1 r ; P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo," Ohio;"" " ' 'nidi!1 full, 'iieiivy liody, u'Oiitlur- If yiiu tn-Dfcr a stroiifj clip or a hardest; more gum between cord plies to perfect a resilient;, arid ful jironin iinil a Iliivor yon CJUI'I mild clip of Tea we can please you fiirKft. "Asco" CgfL'cc nmkos frlciuls uml We JTliar:iiit''e mil-.Teas will please the most par- powerful carcass. And they want a scientifically constructed ,Non . them. ticular ten drinker. i Skid tread with all'angles and contacts to resist skidding and:-give - 'sure"traction: -Firestone ;Cord ;Tires have met these'demands of thecar owners. r .- '', Choice Norway Soaps and Powders Mackerel. 3 for Horses! Horses! Read Letters Below-- I-VIs' Simp . e,,ki- lH,'.c Nieo white, fat. Norway lliilihltlN Ilt-M .«« cake .1 fti- Private Sale by :: ... maelcerel. Uny a tul> :IL this ciwilrr....ll pkKS eS,. ' Records from 29,000 to 5?,0O0 Miles .•X'.lnKuii J'OIMUT pliK. -'/••>• SEIPLE, CANNON'S CO. price. 'ii'iiox .*>tuu> . , . '. \\ caltcs HJe '"•Cord Tires built the Firestone Now and then they are empha- ul (he ISarnct House Slablcs way could not fail to produce sized by unusual instances such as" quoted below. Performances For Thursday, ' ii EASTON, PAv- ' • mileage. Every day ."from all 'over 1 • the country, comes the, word that like these demonstrate the. ulti- •MEAT Friday, 10,000, 20,000 or 30,000 miles are mate possibilities o£. Firestone On and After Sept. 12 frequent and consistent records. Cords under careful driving. ' " Sept. 2, 1921 Stpt. 10. .1921 Another Big Cut in Price of Beef, Pork One load of. high class 'horses 'direct ' The'Harvey E. Mack Co.,, . '•! -, from Indiana, consisting;\.of 7 heavy FirVto'ne Tiro".& Rubber Co., : : Thirteenth & Harmon Place, 1 Jacksonville-Branch, (h'aft, general purpose; driving ' -and "Jacksonville,-Florida..,, Minneapolis. I ; : : : saddlers. Special mention is-ninde o£ Gentlemen:— ' '•• . •-\-.\. '•-.•. " • FINEST NATIVE'BEEP '\ : : /'?* -^ '%• " -It occurs to me that you might be interested one pair of sox-rels weighing 3200 lbs. -.in.in' thee milcaGe that II obtained from the set^ of also four other mated teams. All are Firestone Cord tirei s c ,.iy Dodge "The young and sound. Have . four high I Save KltSSed it seven time.. The avetaBe rst tire w 29.- inileoRe to cacl> retcead- 000. milesl . The. second IS STEAK. 25c 1 , ROAST 25c lb school saddlers. These animals will g was about 7.000; "I lirr. rolled up a. mileage bear close inspection and will be cheer- ink yo will acrec tins of between, 34,000 nn.i „ „ .v...arkable record. 35,000, These wer1 e Jboth ; : : fully shown and exhibited to .any.per- It Is especially unusual rear tires -N^ri'- **'•*'' bceti ,!'A;: BEST CHUCK ROAST,,. whole cut...... ,.,);, , 8c lb. '^r y sons interested. Come and'look them os I-know the owner; to nsiderSE over. be a severe driver. How- chain: The tw fron ever, ho. gives hu tires tire i;e-ne bette Cross Cut Roast 18c lb. Bolar Roast 20c\lb.: proper inflation. The tire NO-JM SKIES lhan.3S.QO0''.....-il r - mi ar - GEORGE V. SEIPLE;; Mgr. in queatioh- > not vet Still in goad condition, i 'out of service ana has EXTRA SIZE expect to get at least Boneless Pot Roast ...; .12c lb. Lean Stewing- Beef ...!. .8c lb. - every indication of being . 40,000 nlilea from, each of • " sufficiently* stronc for an- Ihem. I need scarcely \ other retread. I »m . say that the Firestone GENUINE LAMB . .iriaillP-g. photographs un- -as Cord will, be my tiro. dcr separate cover. In this fabric tire as la our cord tires choice for the future,... ' £ O. Penney., only Firestone resouicss and cxperi- Archie H. Beard, ' Legs ...... 28c lb. ; Sboulder Chops /^2c,jfb./i - Plant:. City,. Fla. ence can provide this 'quality^at this 522 LaSnlle Bld^.. SPECIAL Minneapolis. , Loin .<' 35c lb. Shoulders ...... !. l^;lb.c Rib:.. ..28clb. : Breast . .'• A 5c Tb.

TIRE BARGAINS CITY DRESSED>POR]£ •"; ' -f^r^§ 30x3 Non-Skid ...... :$8.50 Pork Chops Best Cuts Loin .....:': 35c p. i 30x3 thuAilinjjim Nilir.nH < mi-l.iv on llnl lleIXI 1 l.\nlmuni: llu Hlni <«'! Aw "' "' II,HIM il UuH'ilii Ihinl llooi of llu ipuliniut IIOIISI in day, wln'ii tin- Ituily liioiiiiht.back f-nni ?, L\ '^'"< »•» the rtoxt llsII llI> hlth c A nt us It, ni fiom in isi cwk| Mhlih lit. mil his II i onil ulft llwi, on i i! , thliUweeh of thij t. Mil. tuuiii% hi mm k» io UK irfni, ji,iu i, ,i« 1,1, inwit, h twi I i in. In to linl.mUi! Ini In h i iuot! i llu III iL Until slu in.s thin mis nolh Iltalintl. Ity 1'p'nhii-iu. ' HllIitlllK cnHltt« »u..iUi ima alontf tin. niioro jasL nhotit that lolin sli, II li ul I, u llul tin !M ';'l fllitll. ( ill tin illlli ItHltli ill Ir:nim Hi (low nf dm nirttitli "lhu wenthrr i (if .\lis ltlK fm llll lo tin hut itquksiL fur it. hw-iriiniitt' lialt aliutdii titnttinh- 111 ill (.noil lii illh »Hh m""-'" »'"»ii riiiilnl with tlu nni' ! l.mui.i IHSIICHipru imloimtj uarnlnM Iml Iml mi nun\ i MI II, nl imisiil u ,M ,n J,n|. ui II i I IU ' .'iiy l\\w Mm till ill i mil! M s Lti|i ut Ha Mini il tin* Milllun, lo hf i|cyiiti-*d to nvayr I lo iu in i In i imp it ithi IIIMII\ .vhlli Mis Mm Ul ll\ll< III IIKI11O11 foi til. ill Ml m HAGKETTSTOWN N. Y o M ml ut I wllli pip i 1 llu I tin in I iml hii ililldttn . .istul iu illii. tervlow liitn volvi >v!lll Tli'Hitu. liodyimilv , ri.'liirni,(.iilmmil L rrulimmn l'*i-iilimitn , mil uun? lt lli u lui,,, „,, •,,;„" * i null on tlu HIM HOOI IIIIL OIII ihino W lutiHim ' hai n, Iu i ulsii (ihmpli u III until WIIHII nlnniM Idtp In IOULII »lll| ||it! MiVloui i hit ill, n\o wininii li ul iiotliliiK lo do with Mi slnll is lull I liiii" " ' Murh . -it r.urfiitti. i il.lll in ll« , •'""him i uh nib, i Inn in, nth II Is snlil Mm > 1 0 outilili m Hi" Krl< illl Hi In Hit" I" Hut ijilto'l lull" in!" iiiit' oti\n'''"'l"h<, 11',,",',"' I ™'"'"' tmmilii^in topi, nnith itlt nllmi to "Ailjurj' •Miml'U will bo IIIIIUMII «t| CluilliB \\ llll 1*1 111! 11 Cl 1IH A. L Mount 1I1 ]J u nu, I'm mil I II",\itlf| I" llHMllllH i Villtillll ni Illllil I , ilml ill AllllKII I Hi. 111^ llrst kllliui, fiost in \\ l r 1 (lit mi'lliii ut li s i hilditn 1 hi u It w i i Trlnll) clilluh Oetnlii r Jli.l Al th it nil t> •' Will i<((iui|i , ,,,1,1,1. ,rr mo n 'Il I' '; ILII lilt niilh.iu. Noiuiilin 11 II uill Hi n It h uun n ilu hup us oi it "it f ii I I 111 it MIM I up lull i In IMI IIU \v i\ hit lime un oirirlni, »»1 In tiliin fm llu .Mrs Lniu.11 on th* Pliny luuluul Hi Old nut link hi-" 1" " " -ulu 1 LKI uc ou 12 ii inn 111 Milisli. -iml ilso ixmM ulih tin II- ;;,'p, ,".'."' '"MI.U','on '.":„!','„".'"';,;', ' " """ ™»»<<-*«h> I'M" 11 l l tr 1 r liiou "il KiompinUll In Ml« Ii s«li To what il" .vim nuil J in!! l| i''" |il'i'l "" I "" " ' ii'iu'i AluVlui m"i l")".t i"s UI tif miiicli I,, bli urn ill il llu.iiuhout ••"- lions capital llu> llf*< of tin m fu litirfh \t\ Iiiuih i ^tillnikffl itriii it>....t.i •* Mrs I* C OHmuii Is sinmlllip t«o \\ ml tin iilitiNt of III, Mllulu itlijjl iiUit out tint ulim I Be mini Worn in S, nli meil as 'Ihkr A -Jhort ulilnis w is m »K ii. thc 111* tifc til. l.Ml!.. liii'iliiili nl in fi\m Th niJLvt mil ILVI littvii vi kH al lur liomi. Ut Uilli*' "" '" 'l ud (in littitiiml Ullh i b ml on hit fnu ,,|,,,nt |,,|f toi ll<-\ M nl.li D'D llomotioii i\ for p. -sons lielli tn Mill. fulluuvil. Mitrtiiiiiiiit -Jlml wllli tlic u i>» f I' i li ultik C Mccrickin horn, in » "] 1 n :IH Liil>;uvll:i Ilyj Hi, .i ii IIII Inn, ill tin ciimliuliiiil Cniinli limit mil ilip utlili nl to tin ui llu ^.lionl 1 il |i.,ll. wh in, ,ihsor e.l hi 11 I' Nillioii to Slop :' .Miiliilc-i. iniUon sliect Mill not MIHn \\il«li I rink Mil/ mil Urn Kill nil .1.111 -p tifh in uthi inn nilnuti's on Armhtlcc Day hi vn IIUOII \ -In tin i li in < tit h.,i , st. Hint lUuliit \\lw llu lnllowiliK Cuul km li.iw did it it li vombu 1st fiom thi in utn mti*.lii-. Mill tut 111 t llJlll MpcTtt hiT"liTKl lintKir lo lliu- unknown ilwul oC.tlit! great il! till I Illlu l.u worn in nuntlj u is i rli i id I nth Iml I I mil. S|H nilloM. K itli lipe old i ••P cd home of r)i\HU l.\mf hi mi. In i-iir ami her cliIKIriMi h«>rL IV; il sually neein ,l» tin 'mm i Dtmnit. Mtnllhoust iihtu .rim MeUillin mil Mill im Cool. rh. Abe Solomon unil funll. 111 visit In i Whin MB turanii KiijiKt-sti-d that .Vli-* J)i>tal!tii pliins fur the oeremoiiy at f .Si-iilelilli. In 'i I ml i jui foi i similar offt use l> tilt oftiuu,. t il€ii "ill IK II« il In I .hint in in it it ill inff htr iiartnts at riltinune I un is inimlpranls in , p top a :,ln. Miss Kealrice Uarkc-r is Kln-mllns intaliv ry .veil; i ,,ll,,l. spinning the K .Make iir. s a Kil'li'l. CComme on- I'hoeW. tiiix week with h-;r Ulster In Newark. Amerlci.. 1 Miss Kilnn Graver, of l-'ree I. mini. .Mrs. A. C. Shiner anil son, of Na- iinoili.r 'Take All:" ft Riie:U Salinnilay »'itli relatives lure. tional VillaKe. I'a.. spent recentiy two Xo session of tlie nuullr seliool was we-ks with relativi-s here. "Put n<.vm ii 1<>»- H»i, to live Jiolil yesleiila.v owing tn the one ilny Mi.i.4 MesHle Taylin- ri'lill'neil ]:i:il id.'iil n^liffl. !lt Teachers' lnstlluute lielil at I'lilllllis- wvelc u> her home at Strouilshui'K fill- ""•riiidn't min.l the rsi I-"' >*•*«>"« Imvllie a two weeks' sluy wllli her nil " rfltlleil Mr. SlifU. '"I1!:. .• ->"•" "L'w • Mrs. Cooper rctnrneil to Kasl Oranue ! ni Mis. Wllluir Itowers. l,v licforc 1 knew it. i:nt Dw IJIKI Official Outfitters Boy Sc&uts of America Monday havinc spent the past week Mr. anil Mrs. Vrmik Utlle enlw- ckht vear.s have dr«Ksr»it. I i,*u^-" with her son anil family. : Inlnwl several out at town li-ieuils for itit-ljln' il was the war iti»l thi is | C'POrse S. Ayers anil William llapp. ; the week-end. iicmUlittlun}). Tu most folks a Sr have improved their homes oil | .Mrs. .lolm Kotcham, of llovu'. vis- =nm to ni;-. Mr. and Mrs. Dou'ey Heatty moved • K. A. Cook has the eontiriet 10 in- . 'Put ilnvf." fir.' -My lucks on Saturday lo the home nf his par- ; stall a heater in the Presbyterian Sun- oliiiiiBinV* ents, Mr. mid Mrs. .laeoli Ileatly, wlu-r • ! ilay school. "Pl> Vllll StlHlIiO'.'" , they will live luilil their new home is | .Miss Si ler.,domestic si-rviee traelur "N(n"niiu*i- v..n newspaper men i»'- K 1 l-eady for oecupiiney. Mr. and .Mi's. 1^1- | at the public school, w-as ealled to her nun pomin IIP'IH-IV ami passln* nut I'lU* mcr Stcwar: are occupying tlie vnims • linni" n^nr M't'lsnn, x. V l;isr week nlMKlort." he replied. vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ilealty. | ou-tntr to the death of her father, \vlui ••\h> you use iniuin" in any tm-tn. . Mrs. Sarah I'ark. who was stricken 1 ll:1<1 bi'i'" «Ml for *"<"' months. ".Moat anv form," he ivplkd. Th f.'llowins were recently elected •with paralysis Friday last Is now re- ianl. would you c; l-eeovei'lmr slowly. ofilce of the imblle school: Atliletic "Looklni; bae A^soeL-ution; I'resideift, Milton F.VCK- o live your life ver ni-aln?" A social for the home department "Well, yes ni nu. Tin- trouble of Trinity .M. K. ehureh will lie held lit; Vice President. Mary Keai;le; He.- 1 istant ld ke so much til i: - - - Till' toddle lop 1^,"e.^u11p^,,e^^u:,•.,u^dsev.!S.-.•eU.•y. Kmh Gruondyke; Wasur- •t'l-al frk-nils at dlnnur tit hot- homo Sun- •UKUnt: Cheer !,. running or." (lustav ['late. day. 1 Iif, Mr. UMmaiis and family, who have "As you 1.o,k li.ii-l; The Jr. C. K. .Society will hohl its i whni period would .ii .•all lilenli first Pall nun-tins Sunday (.-vnint. So- ;bi-i-ii oi'eupyln^ for the sunnnc- tli.< l\ti]iiilel,ur^ ii.une. returned Satunkiy vumlH'r fith. Tlu' senior K.nh'ty will j ' I would advise every man to ex-1 •hold tlii'Ir tlrst ini-'othig Hun(l;iy cvi-n- I to their Inline ut Kll^tbcth. .Miss Dela Seals, who has a ],osi> iivrieuee the age between ninety-nine I insr- ••••••• lion ivitn a .N?warl; llrm. w;is si week- and 111)." he rcplleil. "Wlfi lit A number of C. C. I. stinientf were passed tlio end sliest of her iiareuls. Mr. and Mrs. reaches ninety-nine lie 1 vlnltcfl for tin- week-end by thilr |mr- ( ii-Uoi) the Ira Seals. HIM of foolishness and onts and friemls who are residents oi. , liorlnd of .hidguienl and |S"»I wmii •Mrs. Kdwards and son unveil Tlllll's. othi't" towns and cities. i miring the lir.sl 10" ynrs a man does Mr. and .Mia. L. C. VanSycle movoil I ilay to the (lil.l,^ home on High street. many foolish tilings thai he regrets I Uoyil C"c!iran -is vlsilliii,- in SI. "Wwlnowlay to their ii«-w linm.- on J in lill-r life. I think I »'"' luil'l'l''"' Sharp strwl Situirtlny. Mv*. iintfycle j I.ouls. at 110. Life seemed particularly (till opeiied hi.s i-fstauiMiit wlilch luis \n

•j. ble breasted suits ar 1>CCJI iicriouyly ii', al In;.- hdiiu: bei'e, in HIHliiy. .MI-S.'A Illui 1 1 ' impTov'tnjT. MV. Gwir7-"'. Illl 'l' .Mr"' Cl'i't(S Kodr'i UI'C lit -N'L-IV York <,it V. la VIENNA. j 'rticsiiay. Tho regular ihonthlv busint'ss. mout- i :l jn-». onto rtain.i'd In;? of tho Board nf Education was held thinr c];u IKhter. i'[rs.' jiirl 'H I.iM.-.Monflny evening. j u! lifty dol- ! Mrs. Isaac Whee-ier entertained on i yiv. and Mrs. Edw. Trout -were in made umler i li:. Of the i ayers Sunday M.rs. Stewart Dorcmer and j I'lemington lasr Ha-turrtay. • ntii\ in IIIL- tltl.- daughter. .Tio^e. and Minn llattie AVheet- Mrs. John KliMKjorff has i-f>tunied er. of ilaekwiHtinvn. Irvin Ayei-s, of Newark, SI,P,it Sim- All Wool Men's and Young Men's day with his parents, ;\|r, »w\ Mrs. Simon Ayers. and W«;st V,*.'i • An .-iiitomobile party consisting of J. 1IAZHN. lVK .M.'H HW1 A. •Linaberry. F. A. Linaberry, S. .Iml- .Mrs. . aving six ami son Leigh a.tul families and Wilbur and Tin; willi Iier JI i Rush, acconi]Kuiied by ,\lr. and Mrs. vkte.ro. Andrew. Mibbler and daughter Hilda. Krr.lcaw a 1 Adii Hush spoilt Tuesday ici! hii\ li.\ Mrs. Margaret Trimmer and Ceo. Mor- miner's at l!» 111. Mdiintiiin L:.iki\ 111 (.: bach, of Newark, sivnr Sunday at West i • 'f t I'll' Point i\'nd other places of interest, on I .Mrs. Krnt'.st l-ia' ight.-r iviarv 'i MjKl»w«y Cummlssloi, t,, 2.50 to- $35 with 2 Pair Pants thu Hudson. ... ' . Louise spent Wv with Ji0V r, ami pay «ui(-hnlf nl' iln< t Harry Ilowell, of. Xcwark. spent the motiu'i-. MITI. JmnoH jnil*.' Si- ami t.ln- remaining jiari (f> . -week-end with hi.s mother. Mrs. Mamie 'I'lio MiHslonnry sndety All the leading styles and materials; in models for con- mnnthly inectiiiK ill Ihe lioi $10.00, $12.50,. $13,50, $15,00' Hovell. til pmciii'ds of tin- linntls iss servative men as well as men'who follow the trend . • Mrs. John TJ11] and son Oorge. ar. ,rarn.-s .Mills. Sr.. Thursdny n "GrompScm" All-weather. Corduroy Suits $7.50 _ companied the fwmer's brntluT, r,i>or?e ,. Mrs. Armfilnmn .Mackcy, ihe sick list, it* ;i\\\'c t ..Huff, of Ktillwater, on an Vuitn trip oeen on me SICK list, is aiiio to beabontl thai !weiuy-l.-ur ihuiiMiint, li]e idi.liarl . s ..r of fashion, . Just tlie kind of a suit your Boy wants for school wear •Salui'dav and H»nd;iy near I'ongiiltL-en- 11 sio, N: v. ,:•""•• Mrs, Rulh Green spent 1-Yidiiv a'ml t'ioriK nT live himiiri-'iTcAi'lin'r-ls t'!i"li" >vit'ii Mrs. Burrows, of Newark, i.s upend- Saturday in l^-iston. ' ' , lnl.eiT-si. m six per cent per i.moim. v .. ing some time with her cousin, A. C itronK Mae.key llii(] i,mj |1K.k ii , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paine of lown Sunday, both morning and evening. ;)-.•- spent Sunday with the former's -sister, Mrs. John Thatcliyr tmd three chil-' The Mallory Hat $4 to $6 Mayer's Specials $2 to $4 ; .._ Mrs.' Boardman. (Iron spent 'Friday hi Bunion. :- .; Russell Vnnmitta attended the Tren- ;•; ton Fair Thursday. Sweaters, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Pajamas, Gloves, etc., in unlimited "'.'•'": Mr. Painter luus secured a position as I' ItRIIUiRVIUiK. r,i • fireman at the Crane Fe.lt Mill. . Misses Lizzie anil Annie f.ake nr Ilel- MAl'iltV" ('lIllMHTIXM selections, all priced at the new low level figures. L l v; .•'.•• J6 . and Mrs. Howard Mule.hior of videre spent Sunday wiih Mr. and AD-s. At,™,. : ' J1">™ :,-,'.' BrainnrdH spent last Sundny afternoon Frank Lake. ' 1 JACOK II. HA1IN. ;",; ivlth relatives here. • . • 0" *' ' Wiiliard Hoffman and sun have boon CMurk. ;,. • Mfirgni-et Vannattit has again taken on the sick list for n few days. NOTICK. . ' " §•£•;•nor former position at the Crane Felt • Martin L. Tiunlge passed 'the week- ;v>MUl# end with his prandiiareni.s, Mr. anH\d (or onliiiiiod) im the 3d day of'oc v.",'•.•••-• Miss .;Mary Osmun and urother oi; Mrs. I. H. Hildebrrini nt Mt. Hermon. 1 e V."'Montana spont'lrist Sunndad y hhere with Mr. nndMn;. Henry Ttalrymplo. hart v'^frtenehkV; •..^j,*'• •'•'. ' • • as'puests Suntlay Mn' nhd-Mrs. "Leo iind'iiny'suit,: action' MANHATTAN SJOIRTS Bothlchemicemiss sponcliiit Lomrnason of Rriclfsniirgr and ^ferle or proceedinj?\to set tislde n\\ vncnto' : tHt be beffiiii wl'lliln w. weeks' here witith hher, son..Paul. Lake of this place. . . ^ - ,,...(' 2(I- days fitter; tin publlcatlonl of this Groll and Mrs Varitten-ir e " Mr and. Mr B Ciosb ajjd family returnen-'T ianv irom n inp" in Con- TAC01J > ./•>. SECTION. TWO THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON,. N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921

POUT MUMIAY. A son nan bom -o Mi. and Mm. HOW DO YOU SAY IT? jtiisif-l! 'lliomaH SipUmbu 12, ul ba- By C. N. LURIE M.Ht L M JIuito> attended the funeral of her fath *r Wednesday of Common Errors in English and loot week | How to Avoid Them The M. K. church w»ll hold the anmtfl chlclvn iind walllc supper' •Mi Thursday, October 13'. • i "BETWEEN" AND "AMONG." .Mrs Amanda Hummer of Eaaton spent Wednesday and Thursday with j SIru. A. S. Searfoca. RXE1ULLY-. snenkhiij. "between" MfB.t Beatrice Towner la spending an G must ho employed when refer- indefinite time with her mother, Mary } ence Is mnile to two subjects, Towner. ( "nmnuR" IVJJWI there fs reference to -Mrs. Kczlah Cas;, who. Is 86 years old. tins pieced in the past year n'.nti inoro tlinn hvo. Tints, "Tlie money ijuiltH, /Four of which she placed for wns divided between the two men,"the M. K. church, but, "The money was' distributed Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tolen and Hon , iimong (ho four." However, It Is cor- Jtoliert ami Mr. and Mm. CharlcH rect sometimes to use "between" even Kclmiat Mj.vnt .Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Rtjbesion. In reference to ninny objects; when Minn Mildred Towner spent the Sale of Toilet Articles—Our Regulai the relation expressed exists between W(elc-end with her brother William of one of tin; objects iind Its neighbor. National Farm School, Fa. Tims, "There lire eighty trees In my Mr. and Mr». H. I,. lUciImi'dnon at- orchard, mid there Is u space of ten tended Trenton Fair Thursday. ^ fnet between them," meaning Unit this Fdlx Zellbnrker ami MJsw Vera Gib- spuce lies between one'tree nnd'ibi; i:nu spent Sunday with Pearl Unbutton. Autumn Event You've Been Waiting For The Infant won of Mr. and Mrn. nest one. In .this ense It would not Gardner V'oslT died Saturday and i he correct io use "ninoiiR." W;IH liuried Monday. *• "Between" should never bo used In ltoli(-rt Zi'Uai-s fell Sunday morning and hroke his leg. referring lo a .single; object, us In the Mr.". Leo Mayberry and son return- following incorrect phrnsc from Dick- L'tl home Sunday after .spending two ons: "And with u gup o£ n whole weeks with Mr.s. Charles Mayberry. Beginning Thursday, Oct. 6-Ending Saturday, Oct. 15 night between every one." The num- ber of objects th'nt are governed hy NEW HAMPTON. ilie. proposition "between" Is never less .Mr. and Sirs. William Warrick, mn than tWO. (Copyright.) William, of ItuiiKur, Kpcnl Siimiay and Mmid.iy with Mr. find Mm. •Fnmk Ry-- mon inn] family, sir. and AII-H. Rymnn Offering Exceptional Values In Articles With Established Standards also entertained the following guests Himday: .Mrs. Knnhiir Alpaiiuh, Mr.s. K. Uymnn.v Mr. m:d Mrs. Orvllln Schiller, of WaHhiiiKtoii. and Itcnjanilii Hymdn SPECIAL! and family of Phlllipsluii'K. SPECIAL! Mrs. Charles vim ~)ijr«*n IK iifpiln working at the STAII Office. , Tj'oiiioii Cream, double strength, Pepsodent Tootli Paste QC_ Mr. and Mr.s. Claiidu ITartzoll. (if EIIK- A lube ODC tcm. spent Monday with Mr. and Mr«. Tor demising, $1.00 size. I. Putney, of this place - I! lubes I'm- ' $1.00 Hev. A. 15. Ulador, of Chester, Pa., A-jar preached a very nhlc sermon In lh<; valley church last Kundity. Next Sun- day Hev. .McDonald, of San Antonio. Tex., will preach. , Sir. and Mrs. Luther Cope and fam- ily, of Kaston, were quests m M.V. and Mrs. Itnssoil lriniikf>r Saturday SPECIAL! SPECIAL! and Sunday. The following bursts were alsn entertained at the Fcnstermaki«r Mavis Face Powtjcr assorted Coty's VOrigan Toilet AV.itei, resldenci! Sunday: .\h\ and .\Irn. Ilar- lem ApK»r untl fiunlly. nf Jutland: Mr. j shades 50$ $7.00 size. Special, a and Sirs. UlcomlW'ld ApRar, of Nor- .Mavis Talmnn Powde.v .25^5 ton, and Sir. and Sirs. Lester Thomp- bottle son and baby Markley, of Clinton. | fioth Articles for ».50<£ .Mrs. Charles von HiiKen spent part of Thursday in I'hllllpNMirtr. Rutwell Mnrlutt, of .this place, and Herman Petty, of ChanKewsiter. spent Sunday at Delaware Water flap. .Mrs. Urale Carlhif-' and son, Rcti- hpn and [•'rank, and MINH .Mabel Coylo Wild root UttuU Hhampoo, n spent part uf Saturdsiy In Hast on. •Mj*. mid Mrs. Charles von llaffrn, hnttlo »»': Cncnanut Oil tor Shampooing, a. Hard ^Vater Soau In (Almond ['ears' Seented Kimp, a cake ..10': I'hyslelan'H '• ami Surgeon's also Sirs. 10. vm llayen spent the Soap, a, rloV.cn cakes for ..05c week-end in ISIUuihutti. lii>ttlo ; 30c and Verbena), a cake 08c 3 rakes for 5*»<( J-.ysterino Tooth Pnate. a tube ..35c Violet Ammonia, for the bath. A. dozen cakes S5c I'nckcr'n Tar f-oap. a cako ...20c Jcrccn's Violcl Glj"cerlno Peboco Tomb iPaste. a tube :....35c HAINKSIHKO. . ' ' larce sl?.o.'a bottle 21f Soap. :i cakoH for 21c Kolynofi Tooth Paste, a tube .'. .ilOc Church services Sunday morning. Tmporterl J'ay Rum. sjieclaL a Pull Mall Ijomo Coniiilesion Ktijrer ntnl Ciailft's* Soap, as- K.il Pheno Tooth Paste, • or J. S. Anitress is seriously sick and is purted odors, a t Hoap, lar.^e. , uiul Rr>sp, CiuranUnn, special vl';rk for J. S. Andress, was a caller 3 cn,kes for 50c '. 3 cakes for '. 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder, larjre-, a in town the past week. each 09c. Cutlcura Soap, n ralb. package Itospital Absor- S. S. White's Tooth Paste, a tube 31c Rcslnni Soap, axnke 10c Caahmero Hmniuet Snap. bar^'e bars of HocubftUl •Cas- I William Vmiwotcn is alllictwl with bent Cotton, at JJSc tile Soap, a bar $1.20 Scnreeo Tooth Paste, a tube ..;.24c By John Kendrick Bangs. i niiunps. 4711 Glycerine Soap, .Whltu small. ;L cake lOo Wash Cloths, each O5c Forhan's Pyorrhca, Tooth Paste, i Williimi Hoivnr, nf Hroat Notch. Hose, a cake lATii' •i cakes Cnr T .'5c Imported Castile So:t;>. ii cakes, ! who :;pcnt it week here bttyini: apples r l»rtf(», a tnbo 43^ A doxcn r»5 " 3 cakes for 65c '- for 6fK- ALL TO THE GOOD. i ami potato?**, returned to hin home Sat- llcio Brothers No Odor, n jar ..t7o foliates KMerflo.ver Soap, n Pyorrlioddc Tooth Powder, $1.00 j uiday. Pear's Un.scented Soap, n, cnlte 15c cake ir»c 4711 Hath .Tablets, assorted size, a box 79o j Clark Crismnii. of Columbia, hauled Miinr, a Jar ..10c odors. ;i. cake 25c Lambert's? kysterine, largp, a ITATEVER thlnfj Uio future A flO7.e» cakes for $1-75 3 ciikcs for. 40c several loads uf coal in town Friday Orto I'.o No. fiOe size, a bottln '.. .ZlUc bottle 60c 1)0, ! and Saturday. F.Ktraft of Witch Hazel, large, a X hope to "meet It cheerily.' j Sir. and Mrs. Jehlel Beck, of Newton. Pm.ill Size, a.bottlo 20r Jf Ihcro be bitters In the. cjip 1 wnv eal'iTH in town the past week. Untie .tOo Lavoris. small size, a botlle ....23c rorch.'inco my cliccr will cheer It up. j Sirs. Kmina Ward, who has been Medium, size, a bottle •/.;...15c Anil If by Joy It lie boKlrt, j con lined to the house for several A llltlc more can do no hurt. ,'wei-kn, is'able tti.be out again. I Sir. and Mr.s. Albert Meta and chil- dren, of Ten Art;.vl. visited .Mr. and •Fa©© P®w Blnuj'a Cream, non-greasy, tiltc llnd's Honey and Almoiul Dr. Lyon's Tooth 1 Q Sirs. J. It. Heck Sunday. ;;i/.e, a Jap 45c Cream, "»0c size., a bottle . ...!I5<: A Use for Royalty. • Mr. and Sirs. Allen Vanhorn attend- Coty's I'dco Powder, assorteil .shades 1'nwdor, a can* A 1/ O Eleayi!, Witch llazol. Cream. GOc lei'Ren'H Hetixoln and Almond • i-d the Trenton Fair Thursday. find o'iors, a box at 5O<: "Why do these foreign nntlona still 15 ^iintlne's Ni-w Jaflour Talcum, Lotion, 33e size, a. bottle ....-5c I Sir. and Mrs. Holm t lieek and i'lnmid's l-'ace Powder, nsaorted cling to kltiKss?" a, tan ] 1 Glyeo Thymoline. large, ' a I daughter, ,of_ nranchyille; Sirs, Sl-iry *Ii;ulc:<. r.frc sfKC a box 25'-' Hesfs brothers reroxido Vnnl-sh- lies;! lirofchrrs CMycerlne RoHt "IMH-OJ «»r hnWt, nioylie." I \*anCampen and .Miss .Marjrarei \'au- Habcock's Corylopslw /Talcum. liotile • S5c 1 Campen, of Newark, and Mrs. .Milton l.'Ami! !"at!i> Powder, all slmdes, liicf Cream, -~ic sl7.3, a jar ... ,19c Water and Benzoin. 30c size, it "ICh?" a can • •' ...... tSc !>utt!e. 21c Hydrogren iPoroxido, ^mnll size, "And besides, klnRs are useful for Sliotwell, of Walnut Valley, called un liwr'ciw. a box -ISc ll'es.H Brothers Cpcoa Buttor \ friends In town Thursday. Rabcoek's Butterfly Talcum, a l)Ottle .....07c parade p!iriio.';i;s."--P.lniiinglinm Aye- Melbn I^o'vMe l-'ace Powder, a Cream. 50e size, a jar 3Sc Fn-stllla, a bottle ..." 27c Sirs William COSF Kave a qnlltlns it can : ••lttc Lai-Bo slsw. n bottle 10." Herald. box 75c Daswett and Ramsdell ffolil Coli?.ite'ia Talcu m, assorted and rair party to several of her lady 1 friends. Thursday. Uudnut'.s T^ireo ['"lower Face Cream, ROc size, a jnr -..."O"- odors, a ran 2fK- • mnsip's -MIIU or ^i qnt-ia ~ Powder, a box .....75<-' Stillnian's Freckle Cream, iiOc i|iiib!)'H Talcum,. . Violet and bottle 3Sc Sinking nt ..ImlBH Whitu, a< L • ' "i»:ciitliiiR tlie old-dajs when -Warren KKKR UNION. \ Uiw ' K'*a !' " ' 1'owders. nil size, a jar .'.\T»c Cnitmtioti. a c.'Ln '. — O-- .Mr.s. Anna Hall, of South Orange, is ti'iadCH, r>0c- size, a I»ox *©« county courts, held at C^lvidere, re- vi.silitiK her daughter, Mrs. George Pomiielan Masr. White, residing In Carpenter, and family. [fudnufs Talcum, assorted . Mr. and Mr«. John liaijey anil daujjh- \va jar ••" l -lli-.VVMi!i™:r-«r.:l!<':itty«.imvn,.nPnr.ITnnV lei-, ot W'a'sriiiigtnii,-visiteVt iiie"fbr'ini'r'ii .....CREAM POWDER odoiw, a can ... • -^» eltslown, was for many years one of sister, Sirs. (Steven M. Wlldriek. Sun- PdrT^eian Nlprht Cream, TiOc :i:.4s Talcum, a jnr ISt size) a Jar ..:i7c these, officials. It Is .probable that be day. ' All shades, $1.00 (lQn •ompeian Talcum, a ran 1O( may be HK> only one left. He is a man Sirs; l-'red IC. Dildine commenced her well nloriK in the eighties, but remark- size, u box VJ^?C Doctor Charles' Flesh Food, 50*: Mat'D'Or Talfiim. a can (50c duties as principal of thu Hope school alze, a box .' ..™7c Imported Nail Scissors asiort- ably Jiettve W his-admnr/'d aye. AH .Monday. sisso) •: "7< a resident of Mansfield township nll'hls ori stjieH, va'.u&s to ^1 25 Spe- MV. and Mrs. Wlllnnl Klnncy and •\I-irv -(lank-n l-'ac-t' Powder, 51.00- Harriet Hubbard Ayor's Lux- .Mary Ciarden Talcum, a can (r.5c cial, each ..".., 50c life he .h:us served it in various capaci- daughter Alice, of Townsbury, .spent url;i. Cream, a Jar 75' ties'fir many years, .such as township Sunday in this place. ' xw.o, n box 70c corninltUoinun, member of the Board of A tube •'. 40' Fiver's Axurea Talcum, a can..2.*»t Flexible N'ail Files, aborted 1/- .Mr. "and "Mrs. Fluyd Smith, daughter runipeian .l-'iici.- Powder, a box ..42c '•'!'. each . : 10c 1 Education anil lax collector. Ho is the.Marion and Mr. and Mrs. William HonblsiniL'.s Kve'lte Face Pow- Harriett Hubbard Ayer"s Djer Kiss Talcum. :i ean (fle.ih oldest member of the t'.eattyntown Pres-' Moore spent Sunday with-Mr. and Sirs. Faeo Crenm, a Jar $1.50 or white) 17< Waltz. Dream Toilet WaterVator. Jl.0Ji.00 Cut ex Com pact Manicure bets liyt,erian church, and has Ions served 5c Cream De Meridor'a, 50c size, Harden of A!!nh Talcum, a can IS Cntex Nail White, 36c s!/(. i Greenwich, lie is a Democrat, and was Wcsltleld,. visited with relatives here Vinaiid's I.line ami Violet Ye:.*e- uij , , _ >- lor manv years prdminuiit in the po- Sunday. WooA-orth's Fiancee Face Pow- - a Jnr '• ..' t (1 t c dei-; all shades, a box §1.00 Full line of. liatzabelh Arden's and tal. special, a bottle S.V Hyfflo SM PoI^h>" cake or po litical affairs of his i native county. ca1 .fmlKfj While, a name he still maintains, A CiiJl to Uiyal Democrats. .Tiorin'rf Compact Powder, .13- Mariiiello Toilet Preparations. 1-ludimt's Three Flower Toilet der. -'" ...... 20c is uiii! of the best known Ineri of War- ! .Mortfid shades, Title size, a \Yaier, a bottle Jjil.50 Mart Null Polish, a bot . 40c ron county. Now that I ho primary contest, in Flk(£®SIM which every Democrat .hurt hut chance • tox • »»= Hvor's VrRotal. aborted Glyt'" Llriukl N'aiI 'PoUsh "> 'otUo 50° to participato fii thii expression of his oiiors, a I.ottlo, '•• Sl-30 limory'Uoarda, a package 07c What Do SIRIIS Kcally Imllcalu? choice of candidates, is over let us The i\e\V:id«ii from Paris ' I-'runi all parts of the sta.te and ad-all as good loyal Democrats get be- [or ciirryiiig. perfume—In Fiver's Perfume.", assorted • "• « « iaceiiL pa rift of Pennsylvania come re- hind our party ticket and put It over, liorts of apple, trees and also pear trees Ihe top on" November S by an old; tlie following odors: otloi'E—an ounce $1 lteliw hi bUinni ai;aiii. l\\ some places fashioned Dcm-'icratic majority. We ihi; trnus Jive bluomiiif? as ilf it were werci all for Assemblyman Harry Uun- Hnubijrants Perfumes— iiaaovte 1 'June instead-of October. The dwarf yon. for he ha:l ho opposition, whhh Lnrse sire, enjror;.,fringes net, na- WILD ROOT HAIR Coty's L'Origan odors, .lasmin, I,ll;ic. Gardenia fruit trees plunlul u fi-w years ago spjaks volumes for his standing with «tirtt»'.i.' colors. Eaeh net 'guav- and Cyclamen, an ounce $!• TONIC • Coty's Styx Marooii Rubber Glo\e asoited havs iilsn grown into such llusty trees Warren Democrats. Kven on the Re- anteed .Viei'ftiut. ypeciul, a , ,,. . ,-v. ... , . tlmL it is iilimni'ii In trim them, as publican primary • ticket there was no dozen ? S sir.es. a pair ...... 42c ihey tu:'ed ennsideraltle |u'tmintr. Some $1.1.0 size, a bottle Coty's C'liypro Candida to for nomi'naUon to run l.,arirc t*\7M Duublo Monh Net, ca|> Hot Water Baffs—ono lot—J qnut of the wcjithi-r-wlsii s-;u In the second against Mr. Ilunyon In tho November for ]Toubignnl 's Qucli'ines •1 ounce liottle, special nt .^-1-75 bln-ssomiuK of fruit trees sl^ns of a- election. , Eilinpe. ;«!sorted colors. ICacli not size nt,.. 75t- mild winter, while..other modest weath- In one of the. most spirited contests «iiai"tnteed perfect. SpWinl. a Flour' r»t>'3 Sntelu't's. assorted l' ut. Goodyear Hot 'ft ntor ^ er enleiilallons declare Lhere. is no par-we have had tu several years, Chai'les dozen 7Oc 'Wild Rn.it Hair Tonic, '5»'C size i.flors, im nutu-e $l.;ir» IJags, (Maroon)1 guaranteed ticular MijjnLHeanco. L. Strykor of Wsfshington, came out ' a. bottle -*5f • $1-00 Kncli. 1 A S^.OO vahie, special at ...$J 39 a victor for the Freeholder nomination. - • Mrs. Mason's Hair Tonic, $1.00 Pjer Kiss Porl'unu . $1.50 oz. 2 qt. Maroon Goodycai Foun- Citizen^' Ticket «( llacltettHlowii. Iki had four contestants for thii-noml- size, ft bottle "...TOc an ounce ijit-Jii) 1 The 'Muekoltstovyn Uoard of Tratlo is nation and in a'fair light lie has won. iroiiliignnt's 'Mon tain SyrliiRe, Ruaianteed A 1 1 Had he been defeated he would have Parisian Sapo Hair Tonic, UOc Ujer Kiss Toilet Water. S1 .To SL'.OO value, special it . . $140 hackliiR ii. Oit.lswiiH ticket -pincint,' in size, ti botlle 3t»« S\YA\ a hot Hi; Jjil.BO noinluiitlou I'or Mayor. Wallaco Tay- given .his loyal support, to the. wlmncr. Boudoir Having won, he should receivo, as -2 qt. Maroon Fountain S\rinro, lor and for iiu-mlrer of C'liimiiuii Cotin- wiiili* Ivory, Drossini Combu, all Nowbro'a Herpleide, $1,011 slxu, ^ : Coty's Jasmin LMer Kiss Saelu'i. at ...S5c Simranteed, 51.25 ylrc at ... 050 oM. Kdwiivd Kilpa.trlck, ItuberfK. Teel, we believe he w:il, the -loyal support i-narao or coarse rfrid 'line. Run- a "oltlc ^-c Wm. K. Altaic. Charley Blessing, Jacob of thoso who failed In their aspirations •r;ea'.s Uen Hur Perfume, vog- 2 (jl Ma].0O11 Combination Hot and all their irieml.s. This is a good u'a;- 7."«: valiiu. Spr;.:lnl at 40c WyIll's Sago and Sulphur Hair .Ko'sino's Nint do Chine A. Cumniitirf. Many Ap^ir and John Tonlc ?1 s £ixo !l IlllUK .liar $1.00. at <••>« WaU-r B:IK and Fountain ! time for Democrats to do woine prac- CSnodyear Black Uublier Dressing - '- * . ' •••••SOc C. Sharp. IM,OKSVS. CumniliiH, AppaV ! v $1.50 Lcli. M.v.-Is Toilet WiiR'r. jl.00 HIKO. Syringe, .guaranteed (2 Q0 ^anil Sharp are nominated to succeed tice work in voting this fall. Some of; ill coarse anil coarse Plnaml's Hair Tonic, light and ;$1.4O Leslie I. Cook, Warren Hoatty and our Republican friends' are getting 11 and line. Value 20c. Special at lite dark, a bottle $1,15 3lurry W. Unseen, pinstnt memliors little too chlrper because of their suc- who did 110L .seek lveleotlon. The. oth- cess last year, and i't'a time for Demo- ers a?e willing to run again. They will crats to let ovit a little, of the air in HAIR BRUSHES. TOOTHBRUSHES. 110L have any opposftion.. their gas bag. —Warren Journal. •'• Hair Bruslies, . nssortcd kinds; all liuvo .Pure'Bristle 'Pnotli Brushes, assoitcd liono 5500 for ii Calehy Song.'' I good stilf bristles; some with clioiiy bucks, ami'celluloid liaiulle?. Special, each . 15iJ IJmilnn? Koli ltailroinl Safe. DonaM Cnlthrop. manager of others ol' rosewood. Values to $1.23; The isiifo nt the. Iiaelmwan'ria sta- Queen's Theatre In London, has offer- •1 for :,....::,...... & ...... 250 tion/at MudlHon M'as blown.open ejjrly ed $500 fora catchy song, suitable for Special at, ...... ,,79 was .'."TJie Merry wall? lie wants a hum HI ,, ry.,%


e: fii>:cross 11 Htrect. ' rdml ftii)hn.itH pl>Ins bUucon Wee ClarClkk SIhl;S.vIihial](Jrry>y ; flmll J.** Clar l k 'Sound a lismv when'carrying an um By DOUGLAS MALLOCH hawlttn and Nen Yo-k also wclo In ffey JESSIE ROBERTS 1 LLmtermnt n 447. TTThhe R i broUalon a rainy day HI. w«1 Tho PcnnsjhanU Hullroad Inatcd Ermtr U'o''o'kpik , Display a non-Rhiro lamp when booited It*) ftn> uiUs SL«cial w"eks ^i 11111111111 n 11 il t vi [i n n'l j Ti irl 11 M 1111111 n i j n five voteses* for yo\\iishl|witi h Committea tot il eof do(t'im'uty y it ml Jim-pph wet weatherth . LicKawanni and Wist Mioii H>stema •A. Diiwiii \v witih 12S vnttt ' TThh 1 OU sometimes uorrj, wonder what Show Ikons. wlwn about t" enli- lu b ill b j, LIIIH foi iifiulo |ia»huiit,c arc mniiy "civic position; iitlih u 'talKi ttiu I'udd M loins SI (i highway rcadin;; 11 newspaper or tkk«s iMipt on tht Goitliini'Mtiott A\m S. Vur> 47 uml MM PUS C Mill Jwok' Y wjilcli will cortninly be open to 41 TJ-.i. U( put HL ins did in t in ikL am our bo) will bo n man lino of the West Slioit, uhtio the cost There are approximately a million Von like to look fiho.id a lot, is sl\ ctnH 11K fi-umi l itt was thieo women In a short time, not "only people in .V-m'• .fprwy who ride m an Tlio futnro try to smn. cents liure nnd (Iiere, bat everywlicro. .In uutonioli.l!e :it livtsl once ti Week. When You Ijop2 he'll be a man In fact rmh i tht new mhululo tin tiip mniiy "bC'onr"srtVnller'cities'nnd towns Mm HelLIt HlU> rtCLllLll DHL \OUit (.omes to making out the wisv for or Aa well us man In »\7.e, tlLktts will eost thlitv cents instcid of Ttir Cnllutor mid then uu< no othu Anil so Ills every boyish acL the women's clubs have done acrral tin pn^oii itspditlbk foi hthh nt\ llvt tenn mil twt.nlj one trii chic work nlremh, proving tlmt worn tinls Instud of "her name. l>ifn« utlttui on tlit. I Hint Up If, I list (llL IK til Hill HI Tli'o man your boy/will bti, tlflv five cents en are well fittoil'to do sucli U'ork. 1>\' i \otri Thou uui no otlui muni If ho the truth will -follow well 'iliere Is nolrcnson nt'nll why. a wonmn nations foi nn> township i Ilki b\ tin And it tin \ *u it fioui tin ft out. Cit\ declaietl th it tho c«nipm\ should not be commissioner oC struct DtimM.rH > Joseph Under rictin.il si\ i m dois tht »st foci tliin^i You need not watch his nlpliln nnd dayo oulil ilso inciti.se [ti ftiij iitti but cleaning, nnd there seem to bo ninny \otes foi "loutf-hip CltlU in tht Hi - In search of cullt or cullc— no date h ts \et heen «et for thi ntw IMiMicin Piimnrj John \\ ilhon IK.. '"."",:,'ttks to" inn itio^ ih ituit mi You only need to turn your gnzo reasons pointing to the fact that she %ol«.« to. Tmw.ship CmmlttM "ui"1 .H"' *In n the triillc oillcei Ii n Upon yourself awhile. igheduk to tnkt tffttt would be an;excellent one. As factory Ocorge MM-,, st\ \otcs for Culkttoi 1 f " \> i,n tl foi the motoi ti Ullc lUpxsentathos of the Ccntial Rail Inspectors, as recorders,1 and In pnsi Jardineers and Pedestals I'tarl \iiO'idh\s\\nrth m hws cnnliilt'ncv in himself when The rule you nmke your boy obey Ilitrn Kire Causes S1O.000'Urn.. M.. 1"hero was a fight here Cur the ollkre catight in thf midst of traffic and Must bo the rule for yoti- Harry F/lpuiiha'm, a well known Women who go Into politics should vif-member nf ihu Demo-rat II- Comity Tlie boy will heed the thing-you sa>. i farmer who resides about midway be- gbwiiira'sehse of sen-Ice to tiie lioily .Executive Committee, with two to be tries 10 run both ways. 1 elected, a mini and a woman. The vote He seems to think that the moto.* But rnoro the thing will do. tweon Hiph Bridge, and Clinton, on politic. I£ they do tliat'and can point Just at the time when'jack frost is liable vehicle Is the intruder on the high- the main macadam nad, met with .to results Unit prove them square, was us follows: .Jennie I*. IVhtcl. i»a; It Is not dimcalt to know a serious lo?s Wednesday nlfjht. when Chas. K. Fichlel, 130 and Dr. L. U.way and that tlv? road bi.-lonjied origi- Tli,. futui'L- of Urn lad, honest nnd devoted, ninny women lire to riip the plants outside we ai'e makingdt itoaKland, 62. Krct\ Fox defeated Wm. nally to the pedestrian, who has never lire of'unknown origin destroyed his l-'or lie will very likely eroiv spacious bflrn. co\\\ «hc(l, corn cribs, going tofind themselves elected to city : 11. Dalrymple for the Democratic nuin- given up his legal rights. Kxnctly like his clad. possible for you to.procure some'of the I i nation. Tor Township Committeoman by chicken hoiwcs, • sWni'g'c house, and •jobs.' : He takes the biggest risks at points The life he lends ns time unfolds, two silos.. The Kilos, were both filled 172,"to 5S. For Awiessni'. Andrew L\ where trallle Is heaviest, apparently When boyhood days aro (led, IE-yon liave a bent toward civic daintiest of designs and colorings -in Vor.scIIer, with a slogan of "Kriual As- believing that if he wants to pt-t across Will be the life bo now beholds— and the barn was filled with hay. work, study the problems in your own sessment" won tin* Ut'inoiTatlc nomin- at all, he had better go it His own* •Tho life his'father led. Mr. Dunham had not yet riHireil, and community. The'past generation stow jardineers, with pedestals "for same and ^ition With llfi votes. John Lynch iv- way. at about 10.30 he discovered his build- ceived 97 ami David 1'.. Cooper .1".. ..:.•;• •• (Copyright.) : . iiifi.i in flames. He arid .his hlrcil man the'marvellous developments" women at prices that will positively, please-you. •Thmn.is K. Cryan. Jr.. was unopposed As a matter of record; HO accidents Q trtana:i«i to save n portion of the farm- as to the buslnVss world. The coining nnd received 203 Deinneratie votes for in tOOO are caused by. the ppde.stvian i»iir •ii.u-hlnery, his hor.sca. ami chick- Then, for a companion wood jardineer running across the street in tho face, 1 one Is'sure to see an 'equally amazing Collector. .John H." Dalrymple was tlu> ens. His hivfte herd of cattle wert for* entry Into the world of political work. iiioniinee for CnnutaW" and .Inhu I-'orfrus of tin Hie: but that is Til) too many, since tunalcly in the past tire. While the stands, that are marvels of stands for the for Justice of the I'eaee. The Repub- the odds are heavily against the-per- origin uf tho fire is unknown it Is be- ! So far women who 'have been'un- licans named Wm. II. Hornbaker fur son on foot. Ifevul that it was causal,by a short pointed to various city or state posi- little money they sell for—quantity buy- Member of ihe Coumy ICxeeiulve Com- : Where pedostrfrinH can be of grea1 t electKeal clvcuft. A conservaUve estl- tions have not had to piny politics. mittee and Havry stiller for Township service tn motorists is in keeping an niat" of tilt? loss places it at $10,000/ They have been given such positions ing did it—50c, $1.10, $1.25. Front win- Committee. The Assessor nomination eye out for children who are-playing'-in Biv''Dunham carried some insurance. wn the Republican ticket was Riven tn th A street, or'iateinpting to 'cross when because they were fitted for them nnd dows. Make home homey. , • •,, .. •George Docker. Jr.. who won over them Is danger. The operator oC a hrid' the 'necessary training. That Is Frank V. Vo.Hse.iler 74 to .IS. Ferdinand car is often powerless to act. . The Flans ror-Nuw. Hospital.. tho right spirit. Got your training nnd J. Lhuiemaii received the Republiean Tho Warren Cifunty Medical Society nomination for Coltee.tnr. person on tin- sidewalk can chock the do your studying, know your problems! child by hTrt volte, or' an outstretched at its meeting last week In Phillips- and tlio type ot people with whom you hand- hui'K thoroughly Chaplain Tells Stud-.-nl-.-nls -Don't He infantorlum in the forme .' \V. 15. Har- you liave ns good a chance as your The ford 'IMWiislnp. Koiiert Ou.si-n nr..ih\d 07 'Hl^JJuy1 1 " - MAIN POINT wig ifchool building "in Phlllipsbui't,'. brother' to got It—or you will have be- votes for ihe Unnoeratie nnniiiiiUlnii The object o! the hospital will be to m The riesliman.,..at,Lafayetl(' College- "Llfo Is a blank." fore old time Is much older. for Constable and Hdimind Mjlheim »'•*». furnish pre-natal and post-natal super- (Copyright) Washington Ktlithe J. Vnsler and Wm. ,11. .Milwere- , advised -by Chaplain Jolm. Car- ".lust so. Now how are you going vision to tho expectant mother, anil rut hers not to try to be a "hard guy" heim were elected as members of the to fill it out?" to eare for her 'during the uerlou" of Democratic County Kseeulive Com- when ho reaches college, not to bluff, accouchement: to teach hypTone and mittee. TlieoOure Cornlne was mun-nor boast about'his athletics and the the care of children, and to treat in- Rillldinj; Ifig Ijuml>*r Terminal. inated for Townshi!) Comniillee ami nuinbev of girls he calls on. New Homes 'Fax li.veiupt. fants suffering from malnutrition. Construction of st lumbor terminal on Charles Westbrooko for Assessor. Tin- Pointing out tliat his suggestions The Slate Hoard or Taxes siud Assess- The hospital wilt be open to all repu- t!u> southeast side of the lUiokensnck Jlppublicans nanird >.L.t h.11. tl|'V4ll(lV(l Ul hill lal'e plans and act as advisury commit- BIG SALE OF KEGS AND BARRELS f l d ll 1 in three miles of the New* .Tumiy en- -- •«» "'ill '.•«.• Judijod for four years | U\v of !nsi. year dosijined to stlmulnU te. to the trustees. trance to tin* vehicular tunnel and lies pastor of <:hi in ibis county and by your first four weeks. Yqu will. Lv ; activity it: inilliUiiK operatknis by srant- Full carload of barrels and kegs, 5to 50-gallon M'IKJ -was :i ciindldato for tin Ueiuibli- I a. fool if you'tr.wto be a 'hard guy.' vA limiltd oxciii|)tir.!i from taxation Heal Estate Dcaiei-K .Hnst Hiivc wvlt within the radius that will be lap- can nomination for Atsenil You wilt make an ass of yourself - if uiifjii new homes. Iiicense, ped l»y tho Joint railroad -terminal and capacity, will close out cheap; also a'lot'oC old 50- Sussex county, was defeated by Atfi drink to 1M> noi;uta? while you ' 1 :*.'.• tif.L- of tl-.t.- inu.ortiineeof the law The New Jersey Heal ICstate Com- belt liny proiwsed by the Tort of Now B. Litteli. whr» ententl the primaries being looked'over. ' That doesn't get au.i tlii- 'i:i:certitint.\ that 'exists? as to mission requires that every person, York Authority. gallon barrels, will close out at $5.00 each. three days befon- flection. you nnn:ii, even with drinker?. Cni- s'Uii!' of its iji-oylslons, the board cov- linn, association, partnership or cor- Plans'by tho engineers in charKe',of Botlj the llepuI>1 it/an and IVmoeratir l?ges'arr.» (.'hanging a. lilt in viewpoint. er.* in a fcuu-ra! way the fiuef..uns poration, whether operating under a construction provide, for several luillrt- llrasa Screw Top, Kxtrn Heavy, Cold, Rolled County Rxccntive Committee will This is not dear okl S i wash—re in cm be. r- inos'. frei|iieruiy_ subrulttod to it by trade name or ' otherwise, to engage, ings. In eluding a planing mill, :i 'sash meet today and organ fee. Eiich conif^ that! • ' . . ii.«.scKJi(ii-.s and'nsHessing bodies. Xo at-citlier directly or indirectly, in the and door factory ami storage Hpaco for mitteo IK composed of. an etjiial mini' "You :siltion with- corporation designate one official mem- ! " '•Ji.'Race 01" Quakertown'arid'L'isoum T. family. Honor. W- '^Ashamed olS-pour out prejudice tn determine tli:' appli- ber only to take otuy llrm, pt«;, brok- H'Ki'ii by Insecfc 27 Years Ago Suffers House Hydrometers, 200 proof," $1.50. For tliis week Sehench of Iicadincrton. Frank H. I'ain Now. T family j.s not 'the tiling' in this demo- cation of the law to tho facts as dls-er's license, all other members and only a §2.00'proof tester and §1.00 glass free with any M elsh of Lebanon^ defeaf-d Dr. F.. D .; cratic college. cicseritiii sjK-i-itk- instances., ufticial.s thereof, ailing, must each ob- IiUten on the neck by a.n 'insect Trlinnu-.' 1uf Hhih Bridge for tin.' "Don't boasr about your athletics "Whether the law is a cood one or a tain :f "salesman's license also. Uvciity-Hevt'ii years apo. Henry CiratT, a Copper Can. •»••.. IJemocratlt uam'nation. W. Y. If->lt ! and tiie nuriiJM.'r oC girls you rail on bad nu\ or whether it i.s in conflict fanner m-ar .Tt-fft^wuitVIlU-. Ruiliviui Copper tubing 15c per foot. defeated Chai'lcs W. Bird for tho Avoid flushing 'Rah Huh' stuff in loud- •vith tho O.i'L.slittitlon are que.stioiiH . A Strange, Animal Seen. County, >lo.. is agtdn suffering severely Democratic: Assemblyman numtnaiiun. toned clothes or sporty get up. Don't whirl! the I uard • say.s do not couue.-n Wilbur Hill saw an animal down the fvom Ihu «ffeel's. The, bite is causing Unions, 35c. 'Wi Y. Holt di'feated Charl -s W. Mird brag or show off. Keep low. Time the afvcssoi-,4. On the contrary, the Kill on Monday thut he has not been a wasting of the tissues oC .his hands, II for the Democratic nomination fur Free- will tell. • law is .to lie unforced unless renealed able "to Identify. It was largev tiinn a face nnd neck. Four years ;igd, bcaiu.se holder. Rev. A. L. Moon? of Hampton. "Don't starf irig. Don't be a, by die Legislature or iictd by the dog. brownish iii color, with short "of dectiyiny tissues, it was necessary in ~ PHILLIPSBURG AUCTION HOUSE pastor of the Washington Baptist 'hvt'ifi-ti;a,n-thou' 'pci;son. Ka tiler !>•; Conns 'a be unconstitutional. pointed cars, and with an abundance of amputate the thtunl) of one hand im'd b church, was again nominated by the *thu« far-aud-no-furlhe-: num. Don't hair around its ii'cad nnd shoulders and tho liUlo linger of the other. Physicians -Phone 13O'!-W. '" . ,^ J77 Soiith Main St. Republicans for Aisomblyman from tellll peo])lLl« hou guod you are. Keep Tail Knd of Slnrui I 1 Warren. a Ions • lnishy tail, and was accompan- say the poison germs remain in liiK 1-Iunterdon. 1 ; that dark: Warren county reitelv (1 only the tail ied by young a'nimul. They forded the .system, reappearing at intervals of HPV-- PHILLIPSURG, N. J." '. . •am and disappeared toward Cedar vral years,, when the victim suffers ex- .'ml of :i heavy whuiutc 111 Friday nnd cruciating pain for weeks. 1 Although !IP had no opposition. Hon. Cekifnil's Big-Dirtd!'. but very little damage done. Ti. ..n. Luke. Tho only known animal lie can Harry Runyon of Belvidm-e, who was The Central Kailroad of New Jcrai>y UiArmometer registered a decided drop, compare it'.":o is t^e'-wolf. "Wilbur in- the only Democratic in the last 1 lists'tliat'thr:; ,1s" no'figment of tiie Im- bl lld bi in the year ended December SI. 1320.however and made many hustle for sembly, polled a big vot? in the pri-hahdd iL corpovatlte d(leflett of $l»,"i^ coats. Jjweral sections of New Jersey initiation, tl.at he was perfectly sober mary. Ho received' total" of'nearly after taxes and charge.s, and a total de- wore heavily hit and in the vicinity of it the time, and that the animal was' 4,000 votes. ficit of $5,272,100 after dividends. In tho Newark ami Jersey City heavy damage of some species not usually seen about preceding: year the company's) not., in- was. done by the wind ami llt-htning. ' •=«-pa-ts. What was it?—Blairstbwn Wont! For'I*cncils "pooniing Soai't-er. j come amounted to S;",005,C2.ri", including In many places it was a sale.. Auto- Press. "Where do all the lead pencils come ten ,pov cent unpaid fftleral compen- mobile parties returning to Warren from and wliero do tht-y yu? Although sation from IMS. from Trenton Fair -found-roads-almoKt .and Tliricea-Week New almost everybody has one, many folk .blocked with tree limbs in places. 1 . , In the ih-Kt two months of last your. 40 • never tmyonebuy one, , bt.bt,tt eveeven soso.. mormore thathan j| whewhen ththoo rall-oatls were still under 700,000,00• - • 0 are manuraeiure, d for. use j' fwk-ni„ , l . t-ontrol. the cori)oratc account in. the- [Jiiilwt Slates every yeav, iisint; j showed a. surplus of S7M.LMS but in WEEKS ; up many thotisandK of cords o£ wood. ! the .succeeding ten months there was a A But -woods suitable Tor lead pencils I tc.' Current liabilities JIB- }•ieuakind of coilm* has been fe'i-'gatwl $17,418,007, leaving a not!bal- BUY lounIn ICaad witt Afh which experiments are be-ance of llr-Liiiil -isHClH of'$!),:ii:i,(;iG. In- Ins made. The production in the United \-e.strnent.s tota'ieil' ?HS,LflO,:!(!G as' of These Cool Nights Arc Fine For Sleep- States in about xSO.OOO cases of pencil l)er:eml)t'r 31, and deferred a.ssets $27,. NOW slats pm- year. From each ease Jfjij 2SU,-1US. Unadjusted debits amounted ffrcss of pcneils are madf. This •.•csults in about one billion pencils «f Ameri- U> *4,690,886. A total of'$3l',S:tl,10:! de- ing If You Have ; , can grown cedar. Since ime-fouvth of ferred liability was shown and $27,- FOR -this number IH sent to foreign coun- Sn-5,0fil was can-led ;uu s unadjustemiftdjustrd tries. LliHt 1 wives 7511,0011,000 pencils dits. The corporate -surplus a :t the for the home market, which mo.-iSs'.mi vnd of tho year amounted to $40,- X-MAS a-veiVLgo of seven pencils per person, :M2,"JL'£(. ileurins on the. la-st census. . William G. li*ia\or, president, in bis Warm Covering report, pointed.out the burdens tile road was comiic-Iled.-to. tLaauiue," .largcly'ln- Star and Thrice-u-Weck World, J2.75 creasing Us cost uC operation. A good thing'to.get under, is one of these Wool-filled Comfortable—light in weight, yet ever so warm, large PAY size 81x90 ati$9.5.o; ' ' '.' •.' ""':;' '•"' •'•••• YOUR - .AS. CREDIT 1 Mew Fall and Winter Pure White, Cotton Filled Comfortables YOU Styles in Ready - to Wear . Some liave plain colored centers and flowered or Persian EARN GOOD border in someihis arrangement is reversed,-others are For Lailies, Misses nnd Children flowered all over, complete variety of patterns and col- USE • *;U,SE].' STUNNING COATS, stylishly designed, splendidly made, orings and all are-pretty, full bed size at .$3.00, $4.95, . Pi , in the most popular materials, slain tailored arid fur '• $5.50 to $10:95. ^ ' ; '--::•>••••:.•: • ' YOUR t 1 1 ." ' ' trimmed. ' ' ' • ' '• CREDIT ',','.,. Si>.b0 to ?45.00 ..'% NEW SUITS of individual style, in lovely Autiimri Fab- Bathrobe Blankets 1§£.-•' rics and new colors. Smartly tailored or fur trim- ; Watches ' 2 yards long 2'/^ yai'ds wiflei—ready to be'eut aiid to be •'•me'dmoflels; ( ' ' . • • • •> . •• •• 1 r ; Come in $12.50 to ¥50.00 served. ,Tliey come-in good designs 'and colorings, and Diamonds * /i •. •' there are cords for the neck and waist with each one. Now and see

•£[:/:,;••' • i'HlCfH, GHADE DRESSES, beautifully made, plain and and l : '•£ our-Complete embrbiiJei'ed. ' \ '; ;•••••• .The prices are $3.75—S3.95—jSs' and $5.95. ' m ": . 53.75 to $35.00' Assortments Jewelry

'/'•- '?"* .'READY MADE SKIRTS, jjlain'colors, plaids andstripes. :i ..,.:: " S3.50 to S15.00 •'. ••••<: • • -t:j;_...-?'-" KI;,.: j; • ,:v..;..> ...'.•. t: Great Activities in the Down Stairs ite'i -•.•'. :-;K: Complcfe line oC,BloUB^s,'"Swottters. Cloves, Hosiery and Undor- m 1 •.. . '.wear at sreaily. reduced priccs.-i- • .\' ' .;..;•;; '•"[•;,, Drapery:Section';,.' •;;., '•;•:'- ; I^^tock^of;iri:e^-curtains- in1 ''fine .'ftlefc nets. Voiles,- Lace and; Marquisette in riewesij. weaves; ahd-pa^ 1 tern designs,- atUowestpriws.:; ^,: ;' •:>, . SECTION TWO THE WASHINGTONJ3TAIUWASHINGTON* N. J

Vllel Mi nnd Mt« Cot\ltt Ap "w To the Tttaimliln Cuininlttn. of tin. TonnHlilit of Oxford In the CountJ ot War- James Cramci and famll lia\ Xr. und Mrw. Sylventer tieal yt JDii rtn I* UKCOMMENDATIONS leii ^ licntlcinon Die exact date of each .payment.of taxeli Jihdtftd L w^.n. »».•»«»-. moved fiotn TackRCfhbuig to one of thi In complldncu to our ln»truct!on» I liuvu uudltttii tli« accountH of Warren New truly for the lUeut uir end llcate Notes should be Itiude oi any change* addition*, redUctioris: oK(r< Hniold Wbitfoid Andiov, BIUBUI Will You Spend ' 660 mi Uiil-ttnup to ins iJLttmbLr tni 1 t as hintilth submitted mlttuncc or tuxes hi life diiplicate giving the authority for llic/correctloji^ Prnnklln Cira Donald mid Otofgt. 1 Save SldO? T|ie «(.0)iL of til6 BTitlltllii imlxjcllul Hit. llfntnciul trnnmtcllonH ot the Com CUIL HhoUld tiv exercised to charge each expenditure, ^ttb^ifiiath nffalnst the proper account to axold ovoTexpcnditiire of apjiroprJato^ifiJnaii, Wet It a Blaiistown bo 8 me amons thi One Gfcipkg, can kill 50 nttH, Thtt niltjinltjic ColhtloClhtlrr uriil Treafeafctucc r HIIJ plciriLntold d b y IIncjulrl y andd rCKtaiclli wltllli 1 1 ncv Htutknts at lair Academy thli average lat will 10b 011 of (10,a, cir Lbb c \nrionfi t oilli,crill « Thtj ljct«k« of the Treasurer and Colioctdr should be balttrtcad r^"-- '-' ^ • car • In fcid chicks and-'Pioptrt tlCHtnic- I urtlici Lomuiint anil rti.otiiiiK.i'knnildnH arc made 11 purt'of th<. report fo of utHjliUHs December Jln^ of each j/oar i C - ••, flic olllcers have n it m In Into red tlioJr renpcctlve duties carefully, aRd ak In' Mi« ohn A VunScotLii IHIH concluJ llon. RAT-SNAI' is deadly lo raw. CPHTIFICATi- td a visit of HCieinl moiUhH with her CrematcB lifter killing. r Lcuvcs'lio 1^ tl/elf 'judgmunt considered for tilt beat inlereHls of the Townahln ? jS 1 Itortb tertlfj that the within report In a tl-iie und rorrect stntomtnt oi CFrtTiriCAfE „ r^m daughtei Mrs Mai VanCamptn ir «mell. CtitftH Jn'cukcH.- RntB will p»B« the financial qoniiiUon of tlie Town»ihlp of Oxford) CTdirtlty of Warren N I Vewmk and returned to tnt, home oi up meat grnin thecflo 10 fea«t on nn nhov-n h\ KN looks and ricorJH nnd I belle\e thai il Ip a true and cor ret. I ticroby certlf that thb written report 1M a true and correct ntatemfenl?8 hei won D O VanScoten RAT SNAl^ Tlmt sizes 3 L 6rc statement at UH llntint lal condition < the financial condition of the Township of Oxford County of Warren, N« •J JiQspcctfully anbmittod *- i ' ersey a» nhown b Its books and records supplemented by extended Intnllrj Heck Broi and Vaughn have dtllv '$1.25. Sold and guaranteed by .'Jenkins unil marih and 1 believe that It la a true and correct statement of the flndrt ored a Special Six Studibaker tourlni & ^teeker; Floyd Major. IRA 1 itlCHAJtDb.OtLi.Oirr MMun Accountant nialmtown \ T Anp2 t,K 1321321 1 ii i , ,' * i clal tondltlon of nald Township car to Erntst Jones ip or OXFORD ARBE 6 ReHptctfull submitted _- • William Jones in having- un clcctrli Star and Thrlcc-aAVcek Xcw York Ualance She«t 1 1« CorrodeRBEV 66UNTd Y \ IliA niCHAHDS Jtcglstored Municipal Accountant for N light s fltcm installed. In hi cow bum WoiPd J2 7S CLHRENT ACt^OlJNr lUuitntoWn N J, AUK 29th 1'Kl on bis farm mar Vail ASSCT?Cd ' d Townnhlp of Oxford, Warri-n Coimty, N, J. , -. At tht Kw silt near Mnikflboio la' Carroctc HAIJANCF snnrT—cunnrNT ACCOUNT Dncn\tflEn 3ist, in Wtdntsdaj White Leghorn pulltta HO! I'uMlL Snic of itpnl FhttitV ull nilt to Heport A Sk-TS foi $2 J7 apiece and old hen $1 2r . In Chiincorj- of Sen' Jcru*1 . 1 70S-If Jl 70 -I 101 Taxei t 110fiD 1H6.3H cim cow brought J 0 jtwecn Mary AV-Gr3v' 10.74 Q*ir<\pindiiur( 1 ID ' 1 440 13 Tht icportcd Hc\cr(. lllne ft ot Milton tr et al, 3G7.0! IJiiIaiitL Treasurer Dec "list 11 1 04D 0 Green was without foundation an Mr Corii|)IititmntH Kl Giecn made his appealance in town and last week and i (.ported th it he \vu« on artfaret J-'rancu et al, I-JAnil.TTIKR. LIABILITIES. Jo Ing tht best of health KefuirianlH itill for DECI3.MI1RII Hist, 191 A tcachei his been secured for th rlltlon. Pi nnltlln Grove school In Hardwlck ASSETS. 1 2 044 27 0. I). McConnel, Sol'r •llllfl Tuxpt .% 140.R! IJAI,ANCK SIIRHT DECPMBER 31at 1020 t township and that school opened Mon 1019 FranHilH. 18.2f. da of an onli-r of Hi ' Overf'Xpenditi're, luift 1,440.13 1919 Taxes f 18 62 Italancc Treasurer Uec 1020 Taxes * 314 sr. Thoio was no school estcrdi a 1920 Franchise tho tcacheis were in attendance at th Overexpenditure. 191i I 41*0 28 institute held it Phillipsl UIB Hl TTrct ircr . Isaac, Oilman, a foi mei. leskknt n UARIMTIRS. it r S SnrpIitB Itev. Hoc. 31, 1910 Uiiu from Collector , 18. thin vicinity, died recently at Dos .14 MoinoK, la. Ho wns well advanced In I>ue from A. C. Vosaler years. UNRXPEN'DED HALANCR ACCOUNT, ' Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Mains, of pan go r, T'»ef. H«v, Ante. UARIMTIEH. Tax Heii-lliotl I!>1D Halance due Kchool Custodian $1,900.00 Pa., spent the week-end nt Albert Yet, Unexpended halancc Hill-plus revenue Uce, 31, 1920 2,148.13 tor's. Mr*f. Mains remained he-re for •c '.11", "l !l 19'','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',',', a longer visit among relatives. -• ( 4,048.13 Arch Waddell .has enrolled an a stud- , 111)9 . UNEXPENDED BALANCE ACCOUNT. ent at Columbia University, New York .Taxes remitted, 1920 .1 -12.02 City. ' ' • • Dfif. Hew Ante ,\ 1C 82 ' < Mrs, Hannah Jones has boon ap Unexpended halaneo Dec. 31, 1920 3CC.88 pointed administratrix of the estate ol nRVRNIIB ACCOUNT. Surplus fif-w Appr. .. t 42G.&4' m her husband, -thy ]»iL. Charles Bal. Kiirplu.s Utsv. Dec. Unexpended balanc Jones. Additional Tax Xlu May Allison, the beautiful "movie" • Tho football season at Blair Acad- emy opened Saturday with a game with Bahinon January. 1, 1919 Gtar, admltB that,she really was con- Phlllipshurg High School. Tho visitor* rcxct'HM JIIHC. Key. ,Ante " .. SURPLUS REVENUTJ ACCOUNT. siderably fluatrated when she took her RxcflHs Misc. Hcv. not Ant*; Surplus Rev. April, 1920 ...Jl.039.30 were defeated by the score of U to 7, Kalancu .HiirpHiK Revenue Doc, 31st, 1320 'first actual step toward becoming an Xe-xt Saturday's game with Pennlnutoi ITntxpeiHlr-il baltuicfi Di'c. 31, 11119 ... 2,148.13 actress. She had come from-her na- will bo played hore. ' » IU2U.72 tive Southland to New York with no The railhful old town clock Is again IIBVRNUR AND EXPKNmTUHBR. 1919.1 Halanc(* JantiRnry l, 1920 .Ttrlklnt- hourly since thu new steel Excess .Miflc, Rev. Ante professional experience; with only ItKVENUKS. wire striking weight cable- was put nil Mis< Hev. Ante. Unexptindod balance Doc. 31, 1920 her smile, her spun-gold, 6unny hair, a Saturday. Anticipated Realised soprano voice with the witchery of Mrs. Elizabeth Cook Martin, of Iiv HurptiiH Ilev. Appr. ... S GSr..-ir. Fees and Permits '.'.'.'.'.'. ir»!on coo RKVKNUK AND KXPENDITUIIES. 1U20 real melody In It—and confidence. dianohi, la.. Is visiting her aunt, M Tnt. nnd CoalH r.o.oo Emma Vllet. Mrs. Martin is dean r,r..oo coo .!•'• ^'»" .: • REVBNUK5?. Poll Tax ' 350.01) Iowa college und lias not visited x< Franchi«e Tax . . fi.00 Mis. Hev. Ante. Joraoy relative's In forty years. .Mlso. Itev, (Not Ante.' lii.Oo 11.99 Anticipated nealJzed .Mr.'nhd Mrs. Henry Snliunk have DOK Tux n 9. co [i9.no Surplus Key; Appr. $1,039.30 f 1.039.30 returned to their homo in Xewtirk, License , C71.C2 C71.G2 Fees and permits 10.00 -" Ana. to \n: ritiHL--! by T;i 1 1910 2,90 -f.SH 295.34 Interest and Cost 25.00 after spending several weeks her Franchise-Tax 15.00 with her mother. Mrs. Addle Muliiu. ffUSIj.OO S4.7firi.4ii $1,019.45 • ?U,00 Oroas Receipts Tax S3 i)fi Mrs. Ahram L. Smith hns returned IIECAPITUIJATION. Poll Tax.!,". 350.00 Dog Tax fiO.OO from a six-weeks' visit among Surplus Revenue Appropriated ..'.IftSff.-lit : t lives in Susquchiunm county ant Kxcetttf .Miscellaneous Rev. Anticipated .' 2'J.QU A hit. to be raised by ta\ea 1920 (-1,220.70 Scranton, Pa. v Kxcess Miscellaneous Rev. Not Anticipated ...- 731.12 (5,912.00 JG.-lfiO.S7 MARINER'S COMPASS. Mr. and. Mrs. Warron Dopuy are Additional Tax Revenue 295 3-1 ...... RECAPITULATION. spending u few days among relatives KinmnK. nein^ IDIS .MJS. .rj<>, :>vi, Deficit Rev. Anticipated , 9.00 Surplus - Revenue Appropriated ¥1,039.30 59Jf, r,!i!l, COi), c,tV.t, (104, 'JOS and fiOl aii'l KXPENDITURES. Excess Miscellaneous Revenue Anticipated 17G.2S IE Chinese claim to Imve known at Wharton, Dover 'and JCHzahpth C>n on Plan of f.ots of Wltltakcr. , Appropriated Expended Overexpe.nded Balance Additional Tax Kevenuc ; 379.E1 A festlviU will be he-Id tonlBht on'thu of the compass-noodle as early as Htiing- tlic fnnui hind and preiplso.H Ilondn ,'2(r.oo.oo (3,uio.i:: $1,-140.1 a Deficit Revenue Ante, , 1G.62 T hAwnezw school grounds by the Hoard of Health ... 100.00 41,01 50.93 EXPENDITURES. 2000 15. 0., though this Is doubt- teacher and pupils. OOlcers' HalarlftH .., , 72S.00 725.00 Appropriated Trans ful. In n work by Alexnndcr Xockam Married, Wednesday evening, Scp- Poor , r.0.00 7.so 42.R0 To Expended Balance (Do Untfiusilllms, TWclfth century) Cnnt. KxpenHes S8.03 KoadH . .$3,200.00 $4,324.12.f. 1-6.88* tumhur 28 at Columbia, by K,.v T, D ... . 200.00 3C1.97 Fire .. 1.000.00 tho use ,iGf>.i3 jr>.iori. RECAPITULATION*. s Appropriated .... 5,912.00 .Mr. und .Mrs. John D. Mlniilr uifO RECONCILIATION POIl TflRASIIREH, DAVID''TJ. COOPER, Treasu Expended Quick Building Construction. 1919 iluiiKhler null Mr. and .Mrs. Amm B RECEIPTS: Unexpended rial. Concrete houses In Gorranny are he- r.hml,erry niwnt Suniluy In nothlolu-m'. Rtteuivcd Trnlri Cl. E. Dock«r,- formor Trcas. - J l,70R.4.1 Ins built tin one'operation by pouring Recelvetl from T. K. Cryan. Collector 22.0G2.2S r'a. Tluy vialleil I). E. Jlorgim In "'RECONCILIATION FOR TnnASURBR, DAVID B COOPER, Treasurer, 1920. slut; concrete in at the- highest point , „ lots numlternd .... , Recoived from Lifions« Veen (171 r." Uorrt-ll's llospltul at Elision and :»f luts of Whitakc-r r,^!i. r.:{o, r,:u, r,:sj Interest Hunk Account 55.00 of the wooden forms that nre erected found him Bcillnt- ii|onB Kooil ami ex- jM, r>:j-i. ritiij, r,:sf; and f.:i". Peddlur's License r..00 nnaluncl e January 1st. 1920 ; 1.045.S0 v Received frorii Collector for the whole building. necls lo cram- homo this week, He Being tlw same hind and preir.lsea Error Bank Account ; i,oo 3C.2C1.29 01 ltl Received from Clnrk (I.icenao Fee) 47.(30 for horn!!' '"" """ °" Soiitumbor. 12 thlrii" William Henry -" ' Groat; Receipts -Tax 05 38 - Mr. anil Mrs. F. o. Kvcritt ant D1KUUKSE.MISNTS: Interest on Bank A-C 143.77 Road Work J .1.3J0.1S Hoard of Health 41.01 FF?i£srs?k Cont. Expense.*) .. 16J.B7 DISftURSEMENTS: Com. und Clerk K 129.00 Itoaj V.'ork 432412 family m Passaic. County Collector . 8,-H>3.3!) Hoard of Health 42.20 Mr. amiI Mrs..George Blackford '. School CiiMtodiiin . 10,000.00 Contingent Expehscs 313.25 Ofllcers Salaries .. 72H.0O Committee and Clerk Fee 311.G9 Dor Montclalr tt-lth Misses ninth R Poor 7.B0 Assessor nnd Collectors Salary 82112 Paid County Collector ll.SBl.CO ...•*.*.!!!.,,.!!"'. *• s*bo Paid School Custodian ] 7,500.0, 0 Department of Finance ; 53.35331 Tho boys turned out Friday nlcli Bnlorice In Rank 2,219.95 : RKCONCILIATION FOR COLLECTOR, TIIOB. R. CRVA-V. .Collector."0 " , Cash on Hand 16.00 , 191!) RECEIPTS: ' .".••. 1917 Taxes j 307 39 • RECONCILIATION FOR COLLECTOR,' THOMAS R. CRYAN, Collector, "1920. 5| 191S Taxes , 449 Jis !•• DODGING IT. r 131!) Taxes . 21 ''3C G7 1919 Taxes $ ]f)f>fl. . "What-do you do when a woman Franchise Tax ' 8.7A l!Ufl Franchise • 18 "5 I 01 J Q. Archdeacon of.Paulina She "-1920 Taxes 3C.141.7fi- asks your advice?" 1920 Franchlst1 13.59 "Switch off to the subject of her DISLIUKKEMHNTS: (jood looks." , Paid D. M. Cooper Treas. DISBURSEMENTS: 186,279.54,.-^. Paid to Treasurer • 33,261.29 BROADWAY. IHOH DRIDO1S. STATEMENT OF TAXES—TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD. The K|i\voiLii Lir;i#iic pageant will bo Fiscal Year Ending December .'(1st, 19111. Cash on Hand 18,25 Kiven In thi> church Sunday evening.' Al tho romiiar meeting of thp im,- Delinquent. Collected Do4lnquent H wns postponed for two weeks on ac- OliKh council .Monday nlt'lit all mi'm" ' . 1. 191!) 1919 Dec. 31, 1919 STATEMENT OF TAXES—TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD count of tlio storm. • 807..1H ? 307:39 "' nl Year End Ins December 31st, 1920. Mi\s.. Amanda Hrink. JLrs. Roy Dili- 4-I9.-I3 ir Delinquent Collected Jan. 1. 1920 rymiile and daughter of Washington, 3919 $ 110.5') i lOS.US Sirs. Edward Wt'storvclt ,nf Port Col- IJlSn .. . , 3.;!•-,' IS2.5'32.51 3G.111.75 doh' and Mrs. Arley Osmim ant! daugh- \ I22,r.H ter ot Harmony visited Mr. and Mrs. Total Delinquent Tases du 3C.GLM.10 J.1C,247.70 .T. P. Witiever-Wctlnewliiy of ki«t Less '.coHui'tecoUueted ' durindurigg 1911)11 0 • ; (2a.OiiiI.-10 Total Delinquent Taxes due Jnn. l^t. lilL'O A-rnrewoll illimbr was given to t)i« " x Collected duvintr 1920 woek. They ciime to bid udicu to "Wil- Less remitted-fill!) .';.;.,... ;(K.".2 liam . Brink;'who ruturhod to his homo J .man Olive Perry. Helen |3b«rte -id is-Hv- northwest-corner of land heroin 1 "-B Tax, ... r,,yM pital to .study for a trained nurse. clmiiBe with Hev. s. w. Townsoml m\ veyetl: thence alonp other land lor of the Methodist• churel Saoh«i tjranlur south thirty-seven degree Mr. Charles Mages of New York was 1 k oxeclie. t sermon's at both seAfces", lliirilit.lC OTIuf 1 J.I H t j-./il In n i.lnlrn this" guest' of Mr. and Mrs. X. C. Lewis Sunday. The coiujregalJons.wore unus- S56.1S2.51 Sunday. ually lai-fc. He was entertained at tin ,„.,., TOTAt DUPLICATE. Waltor W. McCormick moved a tin ring: the year TOTAL DUPLICATE. homo of. Mr and Mrs. H. 1, staples emitted 1919 Collected durlnfr the year .S30.H1.T5 truck load of furniture from Ohio here TaxeJiTemitttid, 1920 ..... last week anil are now living in Mrs. .Mrs. Jennie Nixon had as suests on 25.110 ..Bowers* house adjoining the store. Saturday Air. and Mrs. John Cam ,M 1 uc1c7.tr. District Superintendent Rev. C. C. "fKNc\v"rk-" !l"a J'rs-.Jacob Sehrlber OutstnndlnB December Hist, l!)lii : " HO 50 .Woodruff gave a lecturo here Sunday Franchise Tax lDl'D S '»c 08 . Outstanding December 31, 1920 I 314. SO Lewis Vunderlioof moved, on Mon- .•Franchise; .Tiix",' .1920 . ni^ht on (the missionary needs,-using: lt Collected 1!)1!) v -....., ...'.'. " SJ.\ !?' 33.S7 day tho houso hoi)urchasod'ofFranl< * I"*' .1...., •• imt. kj\Jt- .. ^- ..^ ^ w .stt'i-optican pictures to illustrate. iliite.l February !». 1001. iintl reconle Collected during- the year 13.CD KAngnr. Mr. and Mrs. Ap't-ar vacat- Outstanding Dec. 31, 1919 .. ^~s ]S "5 , McCormlck nnd Ilixon have opened ing, and taking'possession of their now in. Kald Clerk's OIllcu in Hook 17C or Deeds, panes :!fl. etc. , iV ANALYSIS OF TAXEK. • • , Outstanding December III!; 1520 $ 20.ZS a, temporary jjurago in Samuel Itllxon's bungalow on Saturday. Mr. and lira Property Tax ' . S2l 35S.2S •• >.-\ '• ,' ANALYSIS OF TAXES. blacksmith shop and dointf work until P.. L. Colo arc moving this week to PIPTH TRACT is Sltnntod In the Township of Hirmony aforusald, nnd Stale Road Tax '. ; $ 1 119 37 Property'- Tax 556,070.51 they can i-build on the. nroperty pur- tile John. Burk. house. > Mr. anil Mrs State School Tax , S 046.01 Stule Road Tax '.( 1.165.0S is boiiiuled anil .described us follows: Stute School Tax chased of ]]. F. Weller. • • John Transuc i will occupy the house Resinning at nn . iron . pin on . tho bounty Tax ; 4.288.01 . S.9K.G7 Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus.Snyder and Mr. vacated by Coles. .(ical School Tax $10,000.00 County Tax ii. . 1.80S. 85 southerly side of a public road run- * 'al School-';-. |. ahd Airs.-Marvin Snyder of Washing- Tho W. C. T; U. held its rcRlil'ir ning along.'-land of the Pennsylvania . 19.-I00.00 ton wuro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis monthly meeting last night al the homo Railroad Company, corner to land of ' • • * ¥18.453.39 hero. of Mrs. Wilbur Wyckoli. one Under; tlioiuui (1) along saiil Rad- C.Tho local Bun Club will hold an oi* s land soiilh 20 dcffreeN 15 minutes Amount raisejB^TT^ .• ' s" 2 90-1.Sti Mr. and Mrs. Gerose Slmanton of cnat J:i..:t feet to an iron pin, conifer Amount raised > .... (4,714.91 ' Phlllipsburtr visited J,S. Baylor Sun- all-day shoot at Recreation Park nn Amount appropriiitetl s 2,002.55 Amount appropriated • 4,335.70 , Saturday. [„•/ - to. land of Bran tor herein; tlionco (2) ! day. along said last mentioned' land south - Excess (Add. Tax Revenue)-.-.;.; ' ~t ntTtii Miss Llzxlc Mutchlcr of PMlIIpsbiii'g Prof. George S. Dare will give an or- |ji degrees weat 103.-1 feet to an Iron STATBMBNT OV UBLINQUBNT TAXKS AS OF DKCEMDKR 31. -1819. Excess, (add. ttix revenue) .. $ .379.21 ' gan recital In tho II.- E. church on pin,corner to other land of grantee Pnffe , Lino, . Name - Amount STATEMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES and Miss Margaret. Barber, of Port 1919 -AS OF DECEMBER 31,^920. Warren called' on Mr. and Mrs. .t. II. Saturday evening, October 22, assisted herein: Uienuu (3) along last mentioned 2 A M. Sml'tli -.,. ,.,.,f ]>'i\ by a. local soloist. hind north 10. degrees -IT. minutes west Li Amount Mutchler Sunday. Ulii.j feet (o an iron pin on nontliisrly 20 3 Smith .J 2.61 " Mrs, Thnrpi! of Hackcttstown and Francis Klordoii, of Plainlield pass- side of aforesaid puhllc rond; the ne'e HI. •\Veidnor '< .....,.•. r«^"*J2 11 H. Weldner palanc .. 13.05 ed tho week-end with Mr. and JlVs IIS Mrs. William J. Axford, of Washington, [•!) along aforeaald public rotitl north 1 J. Hoffniivn . 2.S5 imssod. Friday with Mrs. Jennie Bow- James McGinley. HI dCRroes l!i nilnutcs oust r>fi.r> .feet • • ' - ' • "-'T' 11 ;-:s man. ; " \ \ . The order of-Eastern Stars has re- to an Iron pin IS IIICIICH from corner of .1. Tlon*man .•.%•.-.... 2 $6 r The canal .company Is erecting a sumed its-meetings for the fall and tone house; tlienco (,".) still nlonB «Viid ': .. . •• • ' ia.9s 2 > ^r. Smith . f 7.en winter months nihllc road north .'{7 degrees I!" min- Went .Jersey Telephone Co. .,.'.; 3ii,0l N A, Jone Hit. new 'bridgu on tho road loading to J. . " Charles Apgar has vacated a part of ites east'11 ().',» feet to place of ho- Weidner '. '30s W. W,hiLe\s farm. gi lining. 1n2 .1n.. B. Wcidnor. .Ti. rchimoi AVcrner of rhiltipsbtirg was MYs. D. S.- Apgar's house. movillK lo . 2.81 1'all-mount, on Thursday. Walter Roh- IteiiiK tho sarao hind nnd premises FRANCHISE TAX. ^0 .7. Hoffman lurid up by tiireu- colored nior. at the enson and family will occupy tlie wl.Hcli the. Imperial Company convoyed ->Vest .Terfiey Tcltpli'one Co 15 J. Brown Ent. ... . 18.4OK8 -'•f camp above. the canul bridge ami CeorficFox v, . l.E1,1S rooms, vacating a part of tho Connol- to thcsahl Ann!ndn Denue hv deed Thomas Collns .' t. 4.1 claim they bent him and robbed him ly house. dated Juno 2. 1D04. and recorded In the J ifiS.SH of $2fi.0O Saturday night A inan < by Warren County Clerk's Olllce In Hook M. Koesls L*. I c, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morris AlimuMl and I7IT.i of Deeds, pasepages 2dS25S,. etc., inclIncludln" g To tlio Township Committ the Township of. Oxford. In tho'l1 County of V. TCowalehick A,V 17.1.. the name of Culver eluinio'd ho was al- Warren, N. J, . .T. Myrason 19 48 so bold up by three of them one night fnmily were, week-end guests of rela- Ihe estates nml interests of. Emma tives, at Bissoll. ' inover w^e of tlio eompliUnhnt, Eugehe Gentlemen:— , - S. Krower J3tsz last week and relieved of ?•!. D. Krower ] .flo The final conto.'u between the local [*. bnover, and Prank Pope, huslinnd of In compllnnoe, to your instructions T have audited the acenuVits nf the ; Lhe dofendnnt Alice A, Pope, in said Township ot, Oxford, County of Warren. Now JcrseV.'Crom January 1st. 1020, M. 'ninnchard 2fi,14 'ari'and the Rainbow* of G^eiH Gard- H. Rlpp 12..11! First Viinifitnn in SO.Veiirs. 2;/was played on Riiturdny here. The urcnilitcs, together with all and stnpu- Lo nnd including: December 31, 1320, as herewith'submitted. ' Wm. Btavner. a motornian on tho lar the: appurtenances ami hcredlta- M. Llterwicii , JI.BJ (Jiihows won by the score of 4 to 1. The scope of t))(i mid It embodied tha financial transactions of "'tlie * Com- V. T. Williams i.5f Stroudsburg ircUey .line's: Is on.iovtng ments to tlio srilil. premlseR .belonging mittee. Collector, and Treasurer; BUiiplcmentei] by inquiry research with the 1 Borough Clerk and 3U>-s, Hloomfleld >v in, any wise appertaining. P. Ylhdadbko 4.O8 a week's vacation,... tho .. first .vacation! Apgar and daughter, ' Jla7,el, .Amos •nrioiis officers./all nf whom-'weTtvmost courteous and unxlous to'nKKlHt, and west .Tprsey Tel. Co 43,12 -"•••• ••:•'"" •-• S. cS. . SMcI. SMITH. he had ttiken In ;{0 years. He is spend- Sohuvler, of this" place, and Jack Latl- uceivo Instructions foi" the better furtherance of their-respective duties; We t Jersey Tel. Co. Fran 20.28. b ' SpeclnSll l MasterM . .:- 1 find.upon caroful examination of the minute that all actions of the • ingpnrt.of the time at J h^ SJitio', Flrc-^ .mor,.l_of ...Clinton, : worb :Saturday ami uctobor I, 1921, Second-Clans R. R. Bal. ...,\, ,., C4.3C 1 C(iirtm1ttce.;nro .properly -Tecordnd, .^nd \vhHe-aU tlie oaymqnts riiado by the jiien's moeti'iis "'at* Wllkos-liarro." ', ir«osurer, upon proper form •voMqhera, ncvirtlielcas tlic supporting- a til davits : : 1 " " ••""' •""" " ' "•"7."/'•,(• • .'s .;,.." V:'-".v.. ~~ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N.^J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6,' 1921 ~ SECTION TWO

•IWatod Primary hied toil Hi-t uriH. Piilisfrlins Arc Often to Blame. •Ijiu-kiuvaiinn I'Vrry Kate ICab(\ t Itlalrstown TQWIIHIIIJH * illlllllllllllinilllUIIIMItllllllllllllllMIIH'i Would time bo a i eduction In PaKHonf-vr, vi-lilck* and frdpht ratrs Tlicc was a content,in thin irnvnxhlp \\U\ «r(J\ lh( CHI tit' on tin! ferryiMitfl of the I-uckintanna HOT the Dcinuumtic nomination tm I THE GIRL ON THE JOB I m*w of ]no|>k on foot If L llallroiul oitcratlnK between Hobukon Towiwlilp Conmitik*. wlfh 'four can- woro rtH|uirnl to mid Now York, were ndvuncwlSutur- ^ How to Succeed—How to Get - idHtatcH In ll»! Held. Thu icsult win It. ^ I Ahead-How to Make Good H. ISwnrlwom, 12-1; Z. P.. .Mitchell, E9; CH\e u hand signal whin ubout to tlay. HjUewon tlie West Shore Hall- Clark S. rlilimlKirryif C6 flml 'J.* Clark cross it strut Ktofl fiu>lKt.U« 1>1\IIIR InUutit W(.i Lintermin 4". The Rrllllblk ins nom- hound t luin when cimlng nn um hawk'on "uiul New' York, also were in- | fey JESSIE ROBERTS 1 bril a, on L i tln> tlnj inated i:imer \Vo»l*« ultli i tot U of croa>sitl. The Pennsylvania Itallroiul .^i 1111 ii 111111111 n V] i uu n IJ111 n r i (111 J 1111111 i?i ma \oia "foi 'tWmliin Committed Diipl t\ i non plm c 1 imp w hen booHtcdltM feiTy ratett HL'Vl h Cirn l»i il* * on t ich shot, dining Die iiU\ i)i^ f«"i i ' *ho prltmrj mil Jo c]ih wit ucithtt OU »o letlmcs worrj, bonder nhat L-iekawannii and West Shore systems A Dunnn -\un witith 12V3 \otes ThThe Miow a licLti^L whtn about to < nti other UU'LI WCI » Ittidil M lout* SI Vouir Imj will bo a mun, arc four cents fur slimlo passenger HERIJ mo ntnny civic notltton"» it hiUiu.ij ujdhif, n nnv^lMpLr or Voti lIlkl o Io look nhfid a lot, tU-kots, except on the'Cortland*"*troot •\\m b. Vtrrj, -17 ttu bo)hh ict. Under the' new schedule tcn-tri'i nrniiy "of dur*smnl16r"cities nml towns Mlfu Hokn llallj rLCihul one \ot<. It conn •* to in tklriK out tin i i**c foi 01 Ion nitch \\ltli nnxloua ojes tickets will cost thirty cents Instead of tlie wonicti'.s clubs linve done n sreat for Cnlltctm and then win no OIIKI tjrtliLst tlie pi mm lesponslbli foi hl^h twenty-live units, and twenty-one trhi •eaMUl ULH on the Dcmocr itlc ticket. civic work nlrciifly. proving that wom- u. i\ i— joti enn toll tickets wilj coat sixty ceilta inatcitl of en nro well ntted*ti> ilo such work. licr name 1 tniw uritun on tin up iirt'ii^t tin. tmltiiilitii Iho mnn jour lioj ,-u111 ho llfty-llvo cents. 1 1>\ n \ntrr Thrrt wire uootlnt nomi- There Is ho reason* nt'nU why, n woman And it tin \ iu It Tioin Hit front, oi If lie tho truth Mill follow \,clt Officials bfthe'Krle Uailroad in Jer- nations fu nn township to nnkc him «>.<> sey City declaml -that the company sltould not be coTunitssloner of street Democrats Jo«<.jih lUukr riethul >>k \ou need not witch hit nlRhts nnd days tr ui doit these fool thing* would also increa^L' Us ferry rates, but clcnnlng, nnd there seem to be many votis fur Township Cltrk In tin Id- In nteil tn turn jour gnzo reasons pointing to the fact tliat she ihe instant when the traffic otllcer has .schedule to take effect. Mf \U- stands in the fruiters Instead of For Tatlicrs to Inquire; on iluf Hiilvwiilk when tralllc is run- Sons do not lo.irn life from a book. ferry rates on that line. vide of the community, women can do of distinction at the Ford Store. Countv i \L*utl\c c_(immlt,tc excellent work. (»\ford1 IO the curbstone. They loarn H from their nlre. Itnrii Fire Caiisrs $1(1,000'LOHS. *) here « is a lli,lu lion for th(* Tlie rnli* ymt mnko your tiny ob<*y ^tust bo tli« rule for you— Ilarry !•'. !t)uhham. n well known Women who go Into politics should The boy will heed tlm thlnff you sa>, rmer who resldci Tibout midway be- gow'lthn sense "of service to tho body But more tho thins will >lo. twr?n Hlt-h HridKo and Clinton, on .Ittud imin uul ii unmm t h< vnic '•'' »^mn to think that the mom? 'politic. If they do that find ciin point Just at the time when jack* frost is liable the main macadam read, met with was us rollout. Ininit 1 lit hut 133; i vehicle Is the intruder on the hlgh- »to results flint prove them square, It Is not dUlir.ult to laiow o-lou.s \o?n WodncsJay niRht, when Clus 1 1 n.ht.1 ilu -iml i»r U IS. 1 «"ay and that tho road belonged ongl Tlie fit hire ot tlm Iml, honest nnd devoted, ninny women »re to nip the plants outside we are making at na'ly to the iiedestrlan, who has never lire of unknown oriRin destroyed his KoaclanO, «::. I''rei\ Kux defi-ated Wnt. l-'or .he will very-likely grow spacious harn, cow shed, corn cribs, going to find themselves elected to city II. Dalrymple for tin- Dt*nic»-ratle nom- liis legal felita. possible for you to procure sorae'of the Kxactlj- Ilko hlft dad. •lilrlten ho'iscs, rtWra^e house, nnd jobs.' • . " ination. Tor Township Commit trenail by He inkes the bi f-st risks at points The life he l^n/la ax time unfolds. two wllufl.. The silcs, were both filled If you linve n bent toward civic daintiest of designs and colorings -in 172/1o T.S. 1-V.i- Ass.ssor. Andrew C. where tratllc is h eaviest, apparently When hoyliood diiyn are fle»l, Vor,fsoller. with n sloKnn of "l^ipial Ax- believing that if lie Wants to j:t't ac and the barn was filled with hay. work, study the problems In your own Will bi' tho life ho now beholds— Mr. Dunham -had not yet r6tlrod, and SFs.sment" won tin- ivmocratlt! noniin- at alll , hl e hah d betteb r so it his own- Tho life his father led. • • jardineers, with pedestals for same and at about 10..10 he discovered his build- "community. TJie'pnst'Benorntion s*uw Dillon with lir, votes. John t,ym-h re- As a matter of record; iio accidents I : .... (Copyright.) themarvellous development of women ceived t)7 and Duvld li. C.-opi-r .13. —: 0 iii^H In flames. He and .his hired man at prices that will positively-please-you. -Thnmas K. Crvan, Jr.. was unoppo-cd in 1000 nri- caused by tho pt-di'stviai: ir,tina:Hx1 to -save ;i itortion of the farm- ns to tlie busInX'ss world. Tlie coinhif; ,intl reei'ived 20^ Dftnoeratie voles lr | running across tlip strcot in th; face int; 'ir.iohlnery. bin horses, and chicle- one Is sure to see nn txiunlly nmnzlng Then, for a companion wood jardineer nHretnr. .John II. lialrymple was tli of tniflle: but that is 50 too many, «] .•ns. Ills la?Ke herd of cattle were for- entry Into tlio world of political work. 1 innnlely in the pasture. While the stands, that are marvels of stands for the Siomint" fm 0mT.t il 1 in I lohn 1 iirutis j Ids art' hoavily against the-pc: urifiii? of tho fire is unknown It IH be- ...So fnr women, who hnvo been "ap- for hislict o( tin I sJdywulk can check tlm The Warren C'funty .Medical Society do your studying, know your problems' nomin ition fu t ollnrtoi child by life yjicei or' an outstrelchcil it its imetlns last week In Phillips- and tlie type of people with whom you hand. ' . • . Iiui-R thoroiiKhly discussed the plan for I lojit lo^nship cstablisliiiiR u Maternity Hospital.and must work. If you hre lit for tlie Job, 1 iitic w is mil (i ntist in Ilnpc Chaplain Tel11l s StiiclviilK "Diyi't lie :t nf-intfirluni in the foi-nKf.' W. IZ. liar- you linve an yood u cliunce ns your The Ford Store •Irtwnship lUtlnit CiuMn iicthdl (17 MAIN POINT ivig school building :ln Phllltp'sbiirs. brother to got It—or you will have, be-" \otts tor (lit Peinnti itU nnrnin ilinn "Life Is a blank." The object oi the liospttal will be to fore old time is much older. : for Con t tbl" in 1 I rlmun 1 Ablh im R't. The frcsluiKui.^jit, Lafayetlo College Washington H'l-ftj inlvised by Chaplain .lolm.Car- furnish prc-ii'itnl iind pnst-niitnl super- Fdithe 1 A uMu mil Win II Mil- ".Iuat so. Now how are you going vision" to the. expectant mother, and (Copyright) hehn writ iluttd i^ numb is of Ihe ruthers not to try to be a "hard suy" when in* reaches collouc not to Muff, to fill it out?" to care for her during the period of UenuKi Uic Ci>unt\ 1 vctitn* Uom- aecouehenient: to teach .hyslTeiie and mlttct. Thuuli it Comin \\ is noni- nor boast aljtnithl.s athletics and thtf Bulldinc Wg Ijiiiniwr TcniiJnal. number of girls he calls on. tlK> care of children, and to treat in- inited tot I CoinnntU e 1 I M inters oracle' of perfect wisdom." Chaplain started. The jiropei'ty 1H a mllu* a<|UEirc many taxing ollicials of the State, lias Dr. .1. 31. Reese, the president, will fgi CollrctO! .iml A. Ko.\ Ilunslnif,'or Carnithers' ail vice includes the follow* and available to both the Krie nnd for County Commlttre. prcpi-retl ami distributed n- coinmuiilea- appoint a committee of live to formu- 'iyn dealir.f; with tin- operation of the .Lackiuvamia rallroadti. It will be with- SALE GF KEGS AND BARRELS IV plans and act as advisory commit- ' Rev. Wm. C. Trunilxiwer, foi in three mill's of tlie New Jerstsy on- "You will be JgeJudgedd foir foufour years law of lust, yeav designed to stimulate te; to Hit1 trustees. • of clitirclivH in this county nnd l.y your lirst four .weeks, .Vo.u will, be •lelivuy in luilldLiiK o|i'jr.Ltions by prant- trance to the vehicular tuniiul and lies Full carload of barrels and kegs, 5tb 50-gallon i well within tlio radius Lhut will bo lup. who'was ;L candidate for the Ki'iuiMl- a fool if you;-.ti y.lto be a 'hard K'l.v.' in*: limitttl exeinptiwi from taxation Itail 15yl:ite Dealers Must Have cait nomination for Assemblyman In Vott wilt make an ass of yourself "if ii'itjii new homes. ped by the joint nillroad -ternilnat anil capacity, will close out cheap; also alot'of old 50- License, belt lint- proposed by the Port of New Sussex county, was di>fie pojuila*-, while you are I'•'.'; iif.;.- of the lni|iortiinco of tin1 law The New .Jersey Ucal Kstate Com- York Authority. 11. • Lit tell, wha entered the primaries lieiiifr looked over. That doesn't tret ami Hie i-r.ecrtamtj that exists as to mission requires that every person, gallon barrels, will close out at §5.00 each. s Plans by the engineers in charge,o£ three days liofirv «.>!(•<:tion. you much, even with drinkers. Col- s'im*f of Its provisions, the hoard eov- firm, association, partnership or cor- 1 construction provide for newral bulld- Upth 11ip Re]nibli«-an and n.-mocnitii.1 lines'ai-v <. han«:intf a lift in viewpoint. er.i in a Kunral way the qucr'-uns poration, whether operating under a Hrass Scccw Top, Kxtra Heavy, Cold, Rolled Ings, in eluding a planing mill, a sash County Kxoctitivo Commit toe will 'I'his is not dear old Siwaxh—••emcniucr- tnuii. frw|in!iitly submitted tn it by trade name or otherwise, to engage-, : r anil door factory and stonige space for tlttliat! ! . . nsscsHorrt ar.d a.ssessins bodies. Xo at- either directly or - indirectly, in the meet today and oi'sunrae. Each conf- 11 2O0.0OP.00O feet'hoard nieaatuv of luin- tnitteo !s composi'd o£ an equal nunir Von -aiiH bluff four ye:ir.s— indeed, tempt is made to formulate bin liiiji in* business (if a real estate ; broker or COPPER CANS not even Itor. Klglu piers over 1,000 fct ioiih' ber of men and women, one of each be- foi- four weeks. Y'III can talk st-iunions for,, assessors, j-iirju it is salesman within New Jersey, must oi>- 1 aro contemnlatcd. the water outlet n Kill. S7.75 - .10 sal. $11.75 ins elected-from cacli election district. [djout a 'ear,' a 'summer home* and a pioljrtnle that ."luestlons arisi ij? uiidur tain a liuensL , and it Is now unlawful r •fam.'iy tree" and..that won't get you being down tlie Ilackensack into New- John C. Hay ties of Annandnle won the act will..'bint; before the board in to be without such a license, the now S gal. ?11.7. ) 15 Ki>I. 517.75 a thing. ark Itiiy iind thonce tlirough the Kill the Tiopubliciin nomination far Free- •tlie course of the review oZ local as- w having taken effect October 1. "You can't .change- your spots nor von Kull, , holder In HunteiMon county, defeating sessments' on appeal, and the board If firm, assoe>ation, partnership or We also soil copper tubing %x'/i in. size. U. S. Custom your familyil , Don't cover up your must, there/ore, be- in a p:s!tion with- corporation designate one otflcl.il mem- H. of Lambertville. GoorBe Hilton by Insect 27 Years Ago SWerfi family. "" r- ic!''i(Ashamed ot-.youi" out prejudice to deiennine tin? nppli. ber only to. take outyflrm, etc;, brok- House Hydrometers, 200 proof,' $1.50. For tliis week II:.. Tain Now. cation of the law to the facts as dls- er's license, all other members and only ii §2.00'proof tester and $1.00 glass free with any clcsu)*in {.jK-'ilk- iustanees. ufllclals thereof, acting, must each ob- BHten on the neck by ;ui iiisuut V.*!ietl;or Hie law is a '-,'ood one or si .ain ;a''salesman's license also. twority-seven years ago, Henry GniftVa Copper Can. farmer near JeffcrsonVIIlc, Sullivan ••Democratic, nomination. W. Y. Mill I !;:ul cue. or wlicther it- is in eunflk-t Avoid llaKlirns.'Kah Rah' .stuff in lou.l- County, Mo., IK ;tg;Lin .suffering severely' Copper tubing 15c per foot. defeatwl 1CIUIH1OK ^\'. Bird Cor llio •viili the C.iMstitution are riubstions , A StraiiRe, Animal Seen. toned cloth'eH or.-sporty got up.' TJon't from lliu tiffeets. The bite is causing Democratic; Assemblyman nutnination. whk-b U.e 1 uard sny.s do not conee.-n Wilbur llitl s-'iw an animal down the Unions, 35c. show off. Keep „ Time the iisj-eKi-oi'H. On the contrary, the, Cill on Monday tlnit lie h:is not been a wasting Of tlie tissues of his hands, I \\*, Y. Holt |. 19^0, houvvL'r and made many hustle for ilL'lbiV is* no fiyment of the im- sembly, polled a big vol.? in the- pri- had a corporate deficit of $2,52S."4S0, tcinls. ^evt-ral sections of New Jersey g, tl.nt lie was perfectly sober mary. He received a total of nearly i after taxes and eharBCS, ami ;i total do- wore heiivily hit and in the vicinity of lit the time, and that the animal was •3,000 votes. j licit of $».27^,160 after dividends. In the Newark and Jersey City heavy dainitKe if some species not 'usually seen about was done by the wind and liKbLniiif,'. : preceding: year tho company's net/- in- hc-so tH."" Wimt was it?—Biairstowit?Biairstowu Wood For •Pencils Kccnmiiif' Scarcer. ( comt- amounted to $5,095,523, including In many plaocs it was :i Kale.. Auio- • Where do al! tho lead pencils come ten ,per cent nniKiicl federal compen- mobile parties returning m \Varrcn from and where do they KO? Although sation from 1018. from Trenton Fair -found-roads'- almost Star, .and Tliricca-Weck New almost everybody has one, many folk Mocked -with tree limbs in places. In the first two months- of last year. .Voi'ld.- J2.73. ' • •/••-• / . 40 " nev-i-r buy one. but even so. more than when tht: railroads were sill! under $i 750,000,000 arc manufactured for use federal control, the cofjinrale account in the United Stutes every yea:-, usint; •showed a. surplus of S7LM,L'1S, hut in WEEKS up many''thousands of cords of, wood. the Hiicccwlinp ten months then: was a .A'..; But -woods auitable' for 'K-uCL |n.'iicilsdeficit iof'+S.-SL'iRDS. brinyiitg Lhe'iLot" aro becornin'sr scarcer'and many man"- deficit for the calendar year to •$!!.• TO PAY ,ufauturers art- lurnins to paper. Red WEEK cedar and ivd juniper, says the Amor- Current assets ooff • &!G,i61,G*>:i are i jean Forestry Association. . are Lhc IIIOWJI on .tliebal.-u)^;:!:^.":; !;;:-.* ;:;!!•!=: pen- j casn " ot • S^.iaii.ouii.-fnatorlals and suii"- '- -cljj!!cr. cf :?.';,'1D5,SC7, 'i'l-hls ri-ct.MWtulu oC wood "that will take tlie place of thos-. ?it,riSS,.|:t7, etc. Curvent Habiilties a^- In East Africa-JI kind of cedar has been Ki'^gutMl ?17,.I18.007, leaving a "net bal- BUY found with which experiments are be- anc<; of liquid assets of *S9f31U,6lG; In- BOY inpr made. The in-oductioti in the United vestments totaled' $148,lljO,36(i as' of These Cool Nights Arc Fine For Sleep- States is about $0,000 casea of pencil Decembe_r. :tl. nnd (Iffrrrr-d juwets ?L>7.- NOW alats por year. l'-rom each ca.se 100 | 280.-198. Unadjusted debit" 1 amounted gross of ]>fnciis are made. This -o-sult. - 31.000,0Sfi. A total of Sat.S;U,10:! de- ing If You Have ..-.:;... fow in about one billion pencils of Arriori- ferred liability \vn» shrtwn and ?27.- FOR can "grown cedar. Since one-fourth of S:M,!)(J1 was carried as unailjusted tills munber l.s sent to fore-inn o; .'• * "'• ':." • V:1 •':' • "•' •: YOUR • AS.= ,,- CREDIT

Mew Fall andWmier Pure White, Cotton Filled Comfortables YOU IS Styles in Ready-fa-Wear . Some Imve'plafn colored centers and flowered or Persian •EARN GOOD border in some'this arrangement is reversed, othei's are For Liidics, Misses and .Children flowered all over, complete variety of patterns and col- USE USE iv1'"' '•:'•• • • •• SiS STUNNING COATS, stylislily designed, splendidly made, orings and all arc "pretty, full bed size at $3.00, $4.95, in the most popular materials, nlain tailored aridfui' " $5.50 tO $10i95. • '• '--'• '•' :-:' :;;.. • YOUR .; trimmed. ' ' • SS'.bo to $45.00 CREDIT ]$VWL§1^S..oC:in&mAua\.&tyie,M\ lovely. Autumn:Fab-'. Bathrobe Blankets "7"^'.'r'j|cp"'an9"uew""c616iB" Smartly tailored or "fur ti'im- 2 yards long 2i/> yards wicle^-ready to'.be-cut aiid-to be watcnes '; •' 'me'd'rhbdels ' ' ; Come in ..... ' : .$12.50 to !?50.00 served. :Tliey cbmean'g'iiod designs and colorings, and Diamonds ••/• • . : ' I • • there are cords Cor.the neck and waist with each one. Now and see MlGH.GKADE DRESSES, beautifully made, plain and our Complete and embroidered. ' \ ".• ; • •- Tlie prices'are ?3.75—$3.95—$4;95 and $5.95. ' ts $3.75 to $35.00; Assortments Jewelry

&;•• •JREADY MADE SKIRTS, plain'colors, plaids and stripes. ., '. .» ?3.50 to S15.00; Great Activities in the Down Stairs • Complete lino o£,;Blouscs/Swcaters, Gloves, Hosiery .iml Uiulor-,. , . .wear at Rrcatly, reducpd .prices.-s" ° '-•'' \ Drapery Scctiioh : KAPLAN A wonderful stock of new cuitains in fine filet nets, . t). Voiles, Lace and Maiquisette in newest weaves and pat- 158 Main St. Hackettstown, N. J. tern designs,' at (lowest pnefs. > 511 IVortliampton Street, EasJon, Pa. I • as* i SECTION'TWO ~ THE WASHINpTON_STy\n..WASHlNGTON) N. J.~ TH

niAtttrftOVVN. Vliu Mi nnd Mis C.nvln A|»J,III tun) To tin TduiiNlilp ( UIIIIIIUUL of tin Tuumdilp of Otford In tlic CountJ vt \V«f- Mi*, and Mrs. Sylvcrttc-r Hi-u! «f Uuni-t' ren, Is. J, IlKCOMMENlfATIONS n James Cramer anil famllj tin\i V kn \ (Junkmen — The exuet date ot eieh btvytueht'of taxonBjioulJ ba whJrm moved from JuckRrfiibuiff to One Of tin In toluiilianoc tit jour ItiHtrut tlons I huvu uuditLii the BLCOUHIH of tlm jioulJ -ba Gordon bunf,nto\vH nnwiHhlp uf UxMnl l i»uni> ut Wurrtn Ntw Jersey for the llacal >tur tml- licatc Notes should b* made ot any change* KildltlonKildltlo b ^reductions r, Harold, Whltfortl Andrew Urupltr Will VOII titu'tul 05c on Itat-Smm to inif l)i umhir Tlpt, 1!*19 IIK hurt-wlth subtnlttid niittancts of ttixon In tlte dupllcnto emtig the authoritthit y for the correcllc rranklln Clray Donald mid fUorgi I. Siv\L 5100? Tho Kc0|ic nf {he audit, atihudkil the flnitnclul trnnmi tionB uf the Com- Cuit, ttliuuld lie oxcreined to chttfBe each eXpeitdlture, when^Oi WitkM Ulitirntown bo>n, arc among tli One Cr>e J'kg. can kill f>0 rats. Thi\ mlt|ftt CollistioCollis r urn) TifBflnir HU| iiUniintoUtdd bhy IInquiri y und rcnturi.lht witit)h fiffaliiBt tlic proper account to aVold ovorcxpcndlture of ttp^roprlfttetj, ?uii0i3 now, Htudcntn tit ninir Academy thl a\ini(,i i it will rob >ou of |10,a >e,ir UUiio vriovariouu n m The UOOUH of (lit TrctiNUror; and Collector sliould bo baloiiced at"th«bc|ol i>cnr . In fc(.d chicks and pjOput} ticKtruc KOh i ((iniiiitnts ttnd rLtoiiimtrtdatldnB are iimdt a purl'of the report foi of Uutilnci-s Dacon-iiLt Slat «f each Vtyr „ % Z/j' Mr* lolm A \unScottn IIIIM conduct Umi. RAT-SNAP IS deadly to rats. rtiu oltlcorn Imve nilmlnldterod Ihclr renpectlVe > Its books and record*) supplemented by extended inqUIll^, iktk Bros and Vaughn time delh I'ltfiljcctfully submlttqd > r-t und fliarch and I believe that It in a tntfe and correct statement of the flnatl*1! & Meeker; Kloyd Major. ! IR1HA 1 llJCIIAHDb, Itcc: Mun Acoountant i orcd a Sited ll Six Stuikbalctr touiing nialrntown N T rial condition of naf«! Tnwnahlp Jr car lo Krnist Jonci Ailff £9th, 192] s NMiii' OF oxb6nn cdWNTV, ResfaectfUlly submitted, J « William Jones IB having an electric Star ami Tlirice-a-Week New York rialanco 8>ie«t lll*.Corr«t l !UA J RICHAHDS Kcfflntorcd Municipal Accountant /or N*.,J light sjstim installed, in his cow barn, WoiU) %lU euimrNT ACCOUNT Itltlratonn N J AUR 29th 1921 y on his farm mar Vull AS1LT9 *• r&trnnhlp ot Oxford, narrrn Couutjr. >. J. .t g Vt the lew Kilt nur \lmknboio luit Carrcctc nAIjANCB HllKKT—CUIXnRNT ACCOUNT •• •* • DECEMDER Slat, lfll9J Wtdntt4da> White Iighoin imlktft Hold riitilif $n\e *>t \Un\ RNtnlr Bull mitt OM Itoport ASSETS ^ Toi UX Jijilect und old Inn $IJG A tl 708 4f> I1.70S.J 1919 Taxes IM Vhanvery »I Sew Jernfy, 11C 30 11*13 f'rancliim eimj cow brought (JO Itflwi-on Mary A".'. MeConnol, Kol'r. .:. ft H0.B!" HA LANCE KHI3HT OBCBMDER 31st, l»lq; township and that school opened Moi rty vlrliiif of tin onhrr "f tin? Court I8.2r, da '. of Chsinei'ry buarlng ilai« tbtt fifteenth M40.I3 1919 Taxen" There .wan no school yesterday as day «»f Sciitenihi-r, 1021, 1. Sylvester C. 1.04A.30 1920 Taxes 1 Shiitb. oni- of U\a Sjiflrlal .Mnst«rM of 1920 Franchise , th teacher. * were In attendance, at th( OVPrrXjK'n'Htiir*?, 1919 .. Institute hclil nt PhiiiipHburir. the Court of Olmncnry, will, offur for sulo at pul'llr vttmiuu at tbo Union LIAR1I-ITIES. Halamrt- Tr^anurcr , lHaac Ci^sman, a former resident o H'luar.t I!»t«.-1, In the Town of I'liillliiH- Duo from Collector .... thh vicinity, di*yl recently nt D« liurjc. N«w Ji:r«f>-, on Friday, tin- 38th Uiie from A. C. Vo«sli«r Molnes, In. lit- was well advanced IT day of October, 1321, the following earn. lanil* and iir«nilKf», nil fllliiatc in the PKNDRI) 11ALANCK ACCOUNT. Mr. nriii MIH. I-Vcd Main*, of Jlutiffor County of Warren: Per, HP . Ante...... I . 9.00 MAniMTIKH. KIUST THACT IH Hltiialcu In tho Ilor- Tax (te IttPtl l!lli) .. .tscBa Balance duo School Cuxtodicin P i, spent tho woek-fiid at Albert Yet- cii bnlnnei- Surplus revenue !)(•(;. 31, 1920 ... tti H. Mrs. .Miilns remained here for migh of Alpha, f»rmfrly tin- town uf iV \ i* i fi" '.'.'.Y.'.'.'.'.WW'.'. \'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',.. 110.34 \Vliltak»'r. in tlic County at Warren a 1 -ngur visit among relatives. and Stutf! of New Jt-r.iev. anil. 1920 City. ' Flde at Fifth Avenue, wnlil ]iolnt bolng Dnf. Rev. Ante .%..-, Mrs. Hannah .Tones lias been tip. the Koiitheant eornvr of lot No. M*». UiifXiivudeU halaiiL-u Deo. 31, 1920 tolntcd administratrix of the oHtatn of and runs thnnou In a northerly direc. SURPLUS HRVEN'UR ACCOUNT. »• her husband, thu lute Churlt'H If tlun along Fifth Avenue \X> ft-el, morn KurphiR H''V. Appr J (JUS i!i Jones. *jr luu.-i tc» C'emitiit Alley: thence: along Hal. Surplus I:«v. Dec. .11. 1U10 'J,fi44.27 Cement Alley In a westerly direction May Allison, the beautiful "movie' The foolkill nonaon at lilnlr Aeud ^0 f*_-r-1. \un\v or 1Ineo tilmiif lot No. 1 IS In a Nouthorly Tlalnnrc .lannary 1, 1010 I2(46S,2" star, admits that she really was con- Phllllnsliurh- High School. Thi» vlsltorn direction ]'J". fei-l to 1'nhatcung Struct Kxress MIHC, llcv. ,Antc 2'it'J'J mmrujs RKVRNUR ACCOUNT. KXCCRM .Misc. itev. not Anie 731.12 siderably fluatrated when she took her were ihTuntoil by tho score of 14 to 7 lliencv; almiK 1'oliateonc .Street In an Surplus Rev.-'April, 10*20 , first actual step toward becoming an Nt-xt Katunluy'H ganu- with Pcnningtor friiBtcrly i[lr."'tlr>ti "T, feet, inoi'ii ur h>s ITiiexpWidi-.l balance Dee. 31. l'J13 11034 will bo played hr>n\ - to t'lncu r,f bi'KlnnltiK. llolntr lots No lialancu.Surplus Revenue Dec. 31st, 1920 actress. She had come from her na- •lift, llfi an.l 117 on f'lnn or Lots of tli tive Southland to New York with no The faUhful old town clock Is aguii Town or Wliltaker. ItKVRNUK ANO EXPRNDITWltKR. 1919. Balaneff Januftnry 1, 1920 striking hourly since the new stool IlKVENURR. Excess Misc. ltc-v. Ante professional experience; with only wire tHrlkltiK weight cable wan put mi HOIIIK thf satno la ml ati.oo c!oo 3.00 Int. and Coats no.oo r.n.oo " r>.oo • 0 hmma Vllet. Mrs. Martin is dean of llce In Hook l*Hi of DecilH, |I;IK«; 'W MVS. ' Itev. Ante. nr ui'.n. etc. Poll Tax 3RC.0D Iowa college and has not visited Xew KranutilMo Tax 1 fi'.OO 2(i.!l'J 11.9con9 Anticipate) Realized Kxccs.** Pefloit < Jersey relatives-In forty years. KRCONI) THACT Is «l tun tod In tli Misc. Hi'V. iN'ot Ante* Surplus Itev. Appr.... $1,039.30 $1,039.30 ..Mr. (ind Mrs. Henry Kelmnk Jmvt IlitrmiKlt of Alpha aforcsalil. nnd la Hog Tax r.u.r.o r>9.r.o Fees and'permits .., 15.00 47.C4 32.C4 roturncd to their home In Xowiirk boiimlcil an.l du.icrlbe.1 as ftillowH: License , C71.C2 C71.62 Interest and Cost .. 2r..OO 14*1,77 IIH.77 after .spending several weeks here Iil tlmm enst .HI.I.IKI o r Fifth An.t. to be' raised' Uy Taxes' *lViI'J 2.009.riC 2,yo4.sn 2!)fi,:t-t Fra in^line-Tax ...... 15.00 33.87 18.S7 with her mother, Mrs. Achlle .Mains. Av. u('. lu lolt t NirSNil.• r.S55 ; l Cross1 Receipts Tax ., S2.00 C5.38 16 C2 inutli 2:,ii f. niort; nr IL-.SH, in lot N' S4,7Gf<.«- Additional Tax Revenue 235.34 RECAPITULATION. Rlnnlng. llelng li>t» Son. fi9*i. Stt7 Uellclt Itev. Anticipated - 9 00 Surplus .Rovcnn e Appropriated .., 11,039.30 spend ng » few days among relatives .IDS, .-.!)!(, (JOli, «03. 001, flO.j and C01 an> JO HE Chinese .claim to have known EXPENDITURES. Excess Mtscella neoim Revenue Anticipated 176.: at \\ barton, Dover "and KHzabpth. t!02 on VUin of Lots of Will taker. .Appropriated Expended Ovcroxprnded Balance Addltlpnal Tax Revenue ; 379.21 A festiv:U will bt* held tonight on the of tlic compstss-necrile us early as HuisiK tht* snuiL' land urul prt'tnlso '" :. ;..-•.. ; fLy.00.00 WMIU?. $1,440.13 Dcllcit Hevenuo Ante J(j,l52 T i-Jtenezer school, grounds by the which William IliMiry WaUort* con- 100.00 EXPENDITURES. 2000 B. 0., though this Is doubt 09.99 teacher and pupils, voyert to tlin said Arminda »epu« by 72C.OO Appropriated Trans Trans fill. In ri.work by Alexander Nccknm Man-led. Wednesday evening, Sep- ilccrl ilatcl Di'ccmljoi- 11, I HO9, and ro- r.o.oo To From Expended Balando (Do Uiiteii.-iiiiiius Twelfth 'country) corded In said Clerk's OHlco In P.uok 200.1)0 Itoail .. ,.(3.200.00 J], 130.00 * 5 88 tember 28 at Columbia, |jy H->v. T. JJ 1CS nf Deeds, pn^os 1 Hl>. etc. tho use (if tho com PUSH by sailors Is JitmcH, Hay Lance of thin place nnd l r.o.oo 2L00 Tire ... 1,000.00 1,000.00 THIK1) THAUT is. Kltuatoil In tl Henltli : ...... ; 100.00 r.7.30 .17.80 ,42.20 referreil to. Tlio variation from the -Mrs. Mary Crlsman Rice, daughter oi $:i,725.00 J5.00I.G1 Poor ... 00.00 50.00 Mr. und Mi'H. Kdgiir Cilsmau of Vail r.urftuKli of Aljiliii nforpHiUO. anil In ji.-t'to.ia nco.r-2 true Nortli wax noticed about 1200 bmitnU-d and duKL-rlhod us follow;;: UECAPITULAT1ON. Contl ngent Expenses 200.00 IL'7.80 313.25 14 65 A. P.. thuiitfh tluj true rcitson for this lU'^ltinlnK at a point In sotithw(-.s> Appropriated Adm. and Kxfic •li! 11.00 100.00 311.69 10 31 He 01'lnmun, Klstir of tli? lirlik'. ami Expended .... $3,725.00 AHH. and Coil's 873.00 50.00 •821.12 3 68 tlQvIatlon'was not discovered till soine- torly <:(iriu*r of Fifth Avenue ll«» Elkuboth u. Enuhiril, ,,ln,l Suriiitftown I tour] ana runs thenco by Unexpended .. Dept. of Finance cr-.oo . B3.31 HOB what later. Klfih Avunue 13"i fi> ' .. (Copyright) Hampton. Mr. anil .Mrs. Lance wll to corner,of .Myitlu Alley: thence wea T5.D12.00 Jt.a*i7.80 tl,i S7.S0 (IG.SC6.G9 J46 31 reside In I'.lalrstou-n. ti.rly by Myrtlis Alley 22S feet, more o; ItECAt'ITULATION-. — O: 1 less, to KprlnKtown Itoud; thence by IIECONCILIATION FOU TP.RASUREH. DAVID'B. COOPER, Tronsu Appropriated .. r>,912.00 .Mr. and Mm. John D. Mingle am] Quick Building Construction. Hlu-iiiKtowtt Road VIC, feet, more nr 1919 Expended !!*.'.!!!*"!!!"."!"!'.!!'.!'.*.*. s.sfis.co y said mud easterly cnu Revived frntii O. R Dnck«r. formpr Trean. - $ 1,708.45 Ins liulltjin one operation by pouring I'n. They visited D. u. Morgan I feet, more or IL'HH, tu pliicu or befiln- Rureiveil frrjin T. E. Cryan, Collector 22,002.2;! •• • S,912.00 '• 5,912 110 nlnf,'. Ilelni,' lots numberc-d on i.l;i Received from License Pees 071.fi** sliif,' concrete In at the- highest point Com-llJ. Hospital at Kastuil ,,n u£RCOXCIUATION FOR TREASURER, DAVID H. COOPER, Treasurer, 1920. round him ircttln» alone (,-ood and ot of lots of \\'hitakf-r S2». '••Hi, ".III, iiS Intei-ust Hunk Account r,r. (JIJ of the wooden forms that are erected Balance January 1st. 1920 *f l 045 30 litcts to wmi> homo this week. Hi. 5^:t. i";:!-!, ri^j, r.iic. and r»37. I'eildlur's I-lcc-nHu r..OO H Error Hank Account, • 1.00 Received froii! Collector 3C."i61.29 • ' for the whole building. BelnK the sanie> land and promts' Heei'lveil from Clerk i Iiicen.se Fee) -17.50 O . - which Willtiiin Henry \vakoi\s co Oross Receipts .Tax "65.38 vc-yt'il to the said ArtnlndiL \~Je\nu: by DISBURSEMENTS: .-•'.*"• Interest on Bank • A-C I-13.77 nnd' Mrs'' T'™' P'. °' Everltt "ml 'I'1- 'deed diited January IT, 19ft.'!, and re- corded In Kiild Clurk's Olllco in Hi Road Work $ 3,940.13 17-1 of Deeds. piiKu.s .'.^, etc. Hoard of Health 41.01 Com. Expenses -. 1(11,97 DISBURSEMENTS: '~• . (37.C03 24 There Is cxccptcd out of the s Itbiul "Work ; °> ",32-1 12 tliird tract a ceriain truct of land eon- Coin, and Clerk Fees 129 00 vi'yeil by Arnilnila Ponue to F.thelyn C. County Collector : 8,4-fi;U!) Board of Ilealtli 42 20 I'arsons by det'd biiiiriiur date August School Custodian , : 10.000.00 Contingent ExpehseH 313 25 II, lOIti. and recorded in the Warren Officers Salaries , 7<>fi 00 Committee and Clerk Fees '. pn.cn County Clerk's olllce in Hook ^1)7 oi Poor 7#r,n Assessor nnd Collectors Salary 821.12 Malanee In Hank 1 040.10 Paid County Collector 11,961,60 Deeds. iianuH 2 17. etc.. and tioundiMl and l descrllied'In said last mentioned deed Cash on Hand . B,oo Paid School Cutttodian , 17 500 00 as follows: Department of Finance ; 53.31 Ralaiice In Ttank 2,219.95 IteKlnninff on l\\a 'soutli*.vnst corr RECONCILIATION FOn COLLECTOR, TIIOR, E. CRVA.N'. Colloctor." , .Cash on Hand 1G.0Q •if Mnwk Avenue nml Willlnni Stn 1 1919 formerly Spffnirtnwii Ilond; thei... RECEIPTS: ' alonw William Street east one bundred 0 UECONCILTATION FOR COLLECTOR,' THOMAS E. CRT AN. Collector, *192O fet-t to ii slake: thenco a southerly ? S07.39 Oll(1 . 191S Taxes 4-19 43 r DODGING IT, (•nurst: hundred and twenty-six, 1919 Taxes 1919 Taxes -. , $ .105.95 m»re or less to -Myrtle Alley;' thonce 21,39067 "What do you do when a woman 1 Frahcblse T ;.. 1319 Franchise ]S.2r., . alonK said Myrtlu Alley a westerly 1574 '• 191*0 Taxes ., a6,141.7r. asks your advice7" course one hundred leet more or less 1920 Franchise , 1359 "Switch off to the subject of her to Hawk Avenue: thence a northerly course aloiiK lEawk Avenue one luin- DISBURSEMENTS: good Jooks." drcd and twenty-six, moic or less to . Paid D. I!. Cooper Trc-fts. DISBURSEMENTS: ?3G,279.S4 the place of beginning. Paid to Treasurer ....: !3G,2G1 29 IIKOAMVAY. FOURTH TUACT Is. situated in the STATEMENT OF TAXES—TOWNSHIP OF OXFOHD. Tho Epworth League pageant will 1)D HIGH BKIDGE. Township of 1-Iuriunny. In the County Cash on Hand 18,25 1 Fiscal Year Knilin comber Ills Riven In tlu church Sunday evening." of Warren and State of New Jersey, Dellntiuent. Collected (36,279.54, It wsis postponed for two weeks on ac- and Is bounded and described us fol- Jan. 1. ldlit 1913 STATEMENT OF TAXES—TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD lows: -' ... I917-.;.'..-. count of the storm. ll l c I III > at A .. /.:.- -. $ .107.39 ? 307.39 Fiscal Year Endlnc December 31st. 1920. iteHrinniiig stake sixteen" and 191S •143.43 449.43 Delinquent Collected Rcnilttei Delinquent Mm.. Amanda Brink. .Mrs. Roy Dal- o"W.Wo ^ ^ fS ?i S^ i live-tenths feet south of the riprht of rymplo ami daughter of "Washington, 1011) .;.;.-: Jan. 1.1920 ' lgi'O Dec. 31, 1920 way of* the Bolvidere and Delaware Tax Lev. 21.296.C7 140.59 J 140.59 1 105.95 1 18.52 -•-.Mrs.. Kdwtinl Wwstervelt o£ 1'ort Col- Ruilroad at a point IS-l.f) ft-c-t West ,>f 36,482.51 36.1-J1.75 314.86 deiir and Mrs. Arley Oamun and dutigh* n stone monument In the said light.of; lor of. Harmony visited Mr. and Mrs. £J£S£ F?s&>sr£~way. the said monument being • the Total.Dellnciuent Taxes due .Ian. 1st, 1918 . J"1 fi;!0 GO HG.GE.I.IQ WG,241.~Q northwest corner of property belong- Total Delinquent Ta-xos-tlu'e Jan. 1st.- 1020. J". P. W'lllt-voi- -Wuclncsday of hist lr 011 Less '.colluded ' (hiring 1919 • ,, ,$22,05:1 -19 .week. -/.They_camii._Lo bill.adieu to.-AVil- .,rl.1 ™' i!''!"": »:«a eix6n..tq_th ing to'one Kader.lheneesputh alontr L't'ss remitted-I'lUfl .';.: ? ... 3,11; f,'> . _ j^. Less Collected during- 1920 : * s TtuliliUtid UuiinK' i 3-0 ...... liam- Brink, who ri.-tunii.-tl lu his tiuiuu the land herein conveyed'-HC do'groes in Atkuitlc City. \IU>lilKun. Tuesday, .as .minutes west 511.1 feet to a stake, r r ;: ni>m in.lhc.atcc! l>lant.on rridav nnnii • '•• a7il'r i"L viHiL iil.'r!.'.' tHc'iirHt'in-aa' years; B E!i wliicli said stake Is sixteen and one- lliilance l3ellnf[iient Taxes Dccembor ,'llnt. 1919 Mr. and Mrs. J. G. WUlover of Tren- sS. °°" m "'" w™ oaten I6y °t°l ' half feet south of the right of way of naiancc Delinquent Taxes Decemher 31st, 1JI20 .... 13. & D. U. It.; thence still along , DUPLTCATE POn 1919, ton are-viMltinn Mr. and Mrs. "\V. V. scicntecn ollk'i! tntttcs and the cuo-itv Property (Real and Personal) J20.9C8.20 .: .-DUPLICATE FOR 1920. Merry. ll.W8.IH.rry. Scales.™,, Mcacte S said road, south :tii degrees 22 minutes Property (Real and Personal) west 202.3 feet to a stake 1G.5 feet Not Assessed ...-...... ; ' 307.22 . .$35,619.44 . Mls-s Mildred Sh-imk of Phillipsburj: od orgo bouquets of beautiful dahlia.- Second Class Itnllroad N'ot nRHPKBi'd , , ,• 319.BG Miss Lj-dla Allen, ot Westlleld n-i south of the. right of way of the 1J. & S2.SG V .spoilt tin; wot'k.-cnd with her grandpar- D. R. H.; thence still along said road Second 'Class*'Railroad 137,21' cd several days of last week will Mr. r ents; Mr, and Mra. F. S. Strunk. and Mm. Theodore Seals south. ;!3 degrees ,»2 minutes west 1S..1 £o» Tax ....; ,-. 5 .sso.'oo MisH.AHcu Harrison went to Newark feet to a .stake, said stake being the Poll Tax ..'..'. Rev. John Way, of lii'ivonnb' in ev northwest corner • of land heroin con. laxt, .week ami entered tlic city lios- Hog Tax ])ital. to study for a.'trained ntir.se. -luineo with Itev. S. W. Tmvliscnd! nail veynd; thence along other html of grantor .south thirty-seven degrees -tl Mi*. Chark'H Magea of New-York was jxeellent sermons at.both ser\tces 01 minutes oast U-l.fi feet to a stake the tho'gtit'sf of Mr. and Mrs.'J. C. Lewis j.unday. Ibe congroeatlons.wore >.nus ttthwest corner of land herein con- Sunday. u.illy IIU-BO. Ho was entertained nt th iyed: thence along other -land of .TOTAL" DUPUCATE. AValter W. McCormick moved a. grantor north •!(! degrees east 2S0 feet Collected tl'irfiiff \lif' v'oai TOTAL DUPLICATE. homo of. Mr. ami Mrs. H. L. Staples' o a stake the soutlieast corner of land '"--res remitted 1919 Collected during: the year truck load of furniture from Oiiio Jiere Taxes remitted, 1920 .... lust week and are now living in Mrs. Mrs Jonnio Nixon bad as guest* on ore in conveyed; rhencc north -10 de- .lio'wers' hou.se ndjohiiny the store. Saturday-Mr. and Jlra. John Campbell grees -if. minutes west 195.2 feet to lte J nltiee of beginning. *t36,lG7.GB District Superintendent Hew C. C; of'Srk" """ '. »™" Seb.'.be .Outstanding December .list, lyiil Woodruff gavt? a lecture here Sunday Hcing the same land and premises . Oiitstandinfi: December 31, 1920 Lf^jvlK -Vandcrhopt moved on Mor which the Imperial Company conveyed Franchise Tax 1919 : night on .the .missionary Tiueda,' using citiiected ii)i9 !.!."*.'."!!!!!!! *-FrancliIse',,Tax; 1920 day tho hou.so he •purchnscd-of-Franh to thtj said Arminda Dcpuo by deed Collected dui*'nB* -*".he ^yoar ./;.•.,*?. ; , s tempt loan pictures to illustrate, K Apgfir. Mr. and Mr«. Apenr vacnt- dated February !l, 190J, and recorded rf Outstandine Dec. 31, 1319 -..,.-, ''""'' ^J^-''";' '• : '" '"r'-: ,. McCormick and Hixon have opened ng and taking'possession oC their new in said Clerk's Olllce in Hook 17ti of Deeds, pa.res .TG. etc. Outstanding Decemher 31. 1920 •f , 20.28 a temporary giiriigu in Samuel Hixori's bungalow on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs ' ANALYSIS OF TAXES. / r,--;. •,•; ANALYSIS OF TAXES. Ijlacksinith shop and tloiny work until ft L. Cole nro moving this week in FIFTH TRACT Is situated in the Property Tax ..., ' , ' Property^ Tax .-' -$38,076.61 they can Imild on this property pur-' Township or irarmony aforesaid, nnd Stale Road Tax '.'.",'. '•*' the John -Burk, liouao. Mr. nnd Mrs. is bounded and .described us follows: te School Tax -. .. . , State Itoad Tax ..I MGG.OEt chased of I!.,. P. Weller. . John Tninstio • will occupy tho house Beslnning at nn iron . pin on the County Tax ,. . "' ' State School Tax . . 2.S9G.G7 Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Snydor aiid .Mr. (vacated by Coles. - - southerly Hide of a public road run- * L-iil School Tax , "'" County Tax ; . .-. 7.S08.85 iind Mrs,- Marvin Snyder of Washing- The \V. C, Tify.hclcl Us regular tilng along land of the Pennsylvania Local School ...... 13.400.00 ton werij guests ofAMr. and Mrs. 'Lewis monthly meptinff last night at the home Uallroad Company, corner to land of hore. of Mrs. Wilbur AVyckoff one Under: thence (I) along said Rud- er s land smith 20 degrees -lii minutes Amount raised ..--., Mr. and Mrs. Coroije SInianton of The local Gun Cluh will hold an east 2.17.:! Teet to an iron pin', conifer •Amount approprlnled Amount rai!led «..i $4,714.91 rhilllpsl.urg visked J. S. .Baylor Sun- all-day shoot at Recreation' Park on ropriated (U ._...... ^*33B7O ; to, land of grantor herein; thence (2K Amount app ; day. ' iturday. , , ; along said last mentioned' land south • lSxccss (Add. Tax Revenue) .-.; i" 235.34 Excess (.uhl. tax revenue) ,...•• Miss Lizzie Mutchler of Plilllipsburg Prof. George S. Dare will give nn or- 15 degrees west I03.-I feet to an .Iron STATI5M13NT OP l^E^INQUENT TAXES AS OK DECEMBER 31, 1919. . and Miss Margaret 'Barber, of lJort .,.111 rucltal in tho'M.E. church on )in corner'to other land of grantee TATE.MKNT OF DELINQUENT TAXES—A Warren Killed' on Mr. and Airs. J. 11. Saturday evening, .October 22, assisted lerein; thenco (3) along lastiit.entioned BCA c by a local soloist. unit north -10. degrees -in minutes 'weal . .Line" Name Mulehler Sunday. !if».t; feet lo an Iron phi on southerly t - a ; .rw .1 . ,-.;,.. . . •M; Smltll .• Mrs. Thorjiu of Hackettstown and Francis Rlordon, of Flainflelrt,' nass- -side of aforesaid public road;, thenco 11 H. Wcidner balance -.. Mrs. "\VIlllam;J. Axford, of Washington, .il tlio^veek-ojid with • Mr. and Mrs I) along aforesaid public mad north 10 J. Hoffman ;..'. 1 ]>a.ssod. Friday with Airs. Jennie Bow- Jame.s aicGinloy. 1-1 degrees If. minutes oast GO fi feet i:.d9 man. ' ' •'•'" ' '. ' • The order of Eastern Stars has re- to an iron pin IS Inches from corner of '• .1. HolTman ...; 2.81! lt>20 The canal company is erecting a sumed its-meetings for the fall and stone hmiso: thenco (ii) still nlang said t;us 25 V, Smith new bridge on the road leading to J. winter months. * imblic road north ;t7 degrees ;t" uiin •Woat Jersey Telephone Co. ... 20.0-1 N. A. /ones Est . Chariot* A'tigrir hhs'vacated n part of utcs east '110.2 feet In place of lie- 11 IT. Wfildner W. White's farm. 1 "K-innlne:. . 12 . , . ,1.H. .Woldnor, Jr ISnunot Werner of PhlUipKbiirg: was Jfi'H.,.D. S. Apgar's house,-moving In 20 I-airmouut. on .Thursday. Walter Roh- I!eln« the aanio land and premises FRANCHISE TAX. .1. Hoffman hold up by (hree-colored rm.m, at tlic which the, Imperial Company conveyed •West .lersey Teleplione Co 1 S,2f> 15 .1. Brown Est camp above the , caiial bridge nnd ennon and family will occupy the 24 GeorKo, Fox ...!-.' rooms, vacating a part of tho Connol- to tlio said Arntinda Depuo bv (lend . nhdatlalco a week's vacation, the, i.rst-vacation" «pgiir nnd daiiRhter, Ilai-ol, .Amos various ofllrnrs.- all of whom'we're most courteous and anxious to" assist, :inJ V'cat Jersey Tel. Co. ,..', .liiKhad taken In.'HO years. lii> la.sj'end- Schuyler, of this' pIa(.c.Lf.nd .Tack Iiiti- S. b. SMITH. receive Instructions Cor tlic belter furtherance or their Tespectlviv duties. "West Jersey Tel, ,Co» Fran. • Ing piirtTofr t'ic:itime at th'p iJUi,te".Fire- v 1 , '•:% •,'„.'.• • • . . Special: Master. . I, nnd upon careful'examination of the minutes that all actions of the Second • Clas3, It: R,- Bal. .. r mor, of Clinlon,-WGi e'" SiiturdaV mid <3.: Ocloljor. ,1, 1321, Committee., tiro properly 'recordcdY"ftAd \vhlUvall tli^.-pnynients riiadp by t)\6 men's meutftTg at'AVillws-lJarre, Sunday guests of Mr. nnd Airs. Judson ireaaurer, upoii pfoper form vouchers,'nevmhclcsa the aupportlns aflldavlts '"' THE WASHINGTON STAR. WASHINGTON. N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6,-1921 ""* ' SECTION 5

Open.Daily From SATURDAY Woodbury Soap s to •> l\ Ji. . IO.L'0 1*. JI-. Nuxated Iron fe " Value $1.10 69c Packer's Tar Jad Vit-amine ¥ i Soap Cake Salts C Yeast Tablets 80c Resmol and Cuticura Dr. Miles' Nervine 77c SOAP Cake 1MIO.NK 30.-i.t-M I'HONB 3031-M

THE DAINTIEST STORE YOU'VE EVER SEEN OUR STORES 1p ASTON'S newest specialty shop is really something to pleasing. A full line of the more reliable patent medicines is J—' be proud of. It is the little store recently opened by the also carried in stock. For men there are shaving prepara- PRICES IN New York Perfumery Syndicate at 602 Walnut Streat. This tions, razor blades, toilet waters* shampoos, etc. ARE THE ALL THE concern is said to be one of the largest perfume retailers in Although the shop has been opened only a few months the SAME LOW the country and its tremendous buying power is evidenced by PRICES PRINCIPAL business is increasing by leaps and bounds. And when ev- the cut rate prices on nationally-known toilet articles. ery woman has visited the store and closely compared the EVERY . CITIES Women will be dazzled by the pretty display carried articles and the prices, the management believes they will re- DAY by this, little shop. Every worthwhile cosmetic and toilet turn again and again to buy their toilet requisites at "The necessity is on sale and the difference in price is especially Daintiest Store You've Ever Seen." 6 Cakes 45c Dozen Sold All Over- -10c Cake 85c ••. COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS! <*m We-Guarantee You a Saving on All Toilet Goods from 25 to 50%

Single and Double Mesh Each


FACE POWDERS DENTAL CREAMS PATENT MEDICINES OUR PRICE OUR PRICE OUR PRICE COTY'S L'ORIGAN, value §1.00 62c PEPSODENT, 50c size 33c PHILIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA, large ...... 37c AZURE A & FLORAMYE .value $1.25 79c PEBECO, 50c size 33c NUJOL—small, 42c—large 87c DJER-KISS value 50c 37c FORHAN'S, 60c size 37c BROMO SELTZER, 60c size 39c KOLYNOS, 30c size ..... 20c BROMO SELTZER, $1.20 size •..... 75c MAVIS . •.' value 50c 32c : BROMO SELTZER, 30c size 20c HARRIOT HUBBARD, AYERS & AYERISTO- CALOX TOOTH POWDER 20c GENUINE ASPIRIN. 5 grains. 12 for 12c CRAT FACE POWDER value 75c 62c LYONS TOOTH POWDER ....'...... 18c GENUINE ASPIRIN, 5 grains, 100 for 39c BOUQUET ADMIRATION value $1.25 72c PYORRHOCIDE, $1.00 size TOOTH POWDER 72c SLOAN'S LINIMENT 23c (Imported) A. K. LISTERINE, 50c size 32c FLETCHER'S CASTORIA '. 25c MELBACLOV'ME 75c value 52c EX LAX 8c L'AME—LARGE ...... '. .value 60c 40c COLD CREAM DE WITT'S KIDNEY PILLS .,..'"...... 40c' DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS .50c And a Good Many Others at Cut Rate Prices DAGGETT•& RAMSDELL'S, 60c size-, w:. .... At\n II: "HORLICK'S MALTED MILK"".- .'. 39c DAGGETT & RAMSDELL'S, 40c size .- 32c IVIELLIN'S FOOD, large 60c FACE ROUGE POMPEIAN MASSAGE, 60c size 38c and hundreds more at.Cut Rate Prices. DORIN—1249-50-51 ' 37c POMPEIAN DAY CREAM, (vanishing), 60c size. .38c DJER-KISS 37c POMPEIAN NIGHT CREAM 21c PERFUMES HARRIET HUBBARD (AYER), large 65c POMPEIAN BLOOM 37c COTY'S L'ORIGAN (genuine), per ounce .... $2'.3O LUXURIA CREAM 37c MARY GARDEN 39c HOUBIGANT IDEAL, per ounce $3.50 POND'S, 35c size ,.-.-.:w.:.,.:.,..,.;.:.t.l...-.- 22c HOLD-TIGHT—imported, value 60c 43c Fleurs D'Amour, Quelquesfleur, Hudnuts, Vivau- ELCAYA, 60c size ..... :.,r.;.:..... 43c dou,-Roger's and Gallettr We carry a good many others which we sell at Cut Rate Prices. TALCUM POWDERS MEN'S SHAVING PREPARATIONS MAVIS—25c red can "'.'. 16c GILLETTE BLADES, genuine, value $1.00 doz. SPECIAL! MARY GARDEN 18c 6 for 35c 65c doz. DJER-KISS -. 18c GEM BLADES, value 50c, pkg. of 7 for f.... 32c Pure Baby Castile Soap POMPEIAN 18c ^DURHAM DUPLEX, value 50c, pkg. of 5 for 35c Sol&All Over For 15c a Cake AZUREA : : < 23c AUTO-STROP BLADES, value $1.00 doz., 6 for 35c, 1 or :...... 60c doz. OUR Dozen HOUBIGANT-IDEAL AND MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM, value 50c 35c PRICE : / QUELQUES FLEUR ...... 79c 90c PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM, value 35c ...... 25c JOHNSON-BORATED BABY .15c ED. PINAUD'S IMPORTED LILAC VEGETAL ... 90c BUY SOAP BY THE DOZEN CORYLOPSIS (Babcock's) , , .15c JULES FEROND'S HAIR GROWER, value $1.50. .$1.17 MAI D'OR 40c WILDROOT HAIR TONIC 25c We Carry a Good Many Other Preparations, Such As Patent Medicines, Cosmetics, 1 Bulk Perfumes, Cutlery, Sundries, Etc., Etc., at TOILET WATERS AT T ENTJ 0 N ! CUT RATE PRICES DJER-KISS, large , $1.45 Cut this coupon oiv and bring this in with you. We will let you have a MAVIS, $1.00 size 75c 25c Cake oi Highly With a Purchase N. Y. Perfumery Syndicate HUDNUTSrASS. T., WATERS ... r.. .* \ .. 80c Perl umed Skin Soap 1FREII ot $1.00 or Over MARY GARDEN '.. $1.33 602 Walnut St. EASTON Near 6th SECTION THREE THE WASHINGTON STAK, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921

Soclvtlv* wim xcltMttihH) to )>u IH'M Oi V (ilMS (JAUDNKIE. IKT 10 In Jlnim'hvMk*. Ml.-H CII/^IIHUI Demi nmi AIIMH Aim In 22 month* tlu-ii- \vc~v fh'u (li-ii jorli> Dr:in nr .Newarli nnd Alim Don: Just a Few Recollections or In thi! fiimlly of Wm. ]>'. Ki-fan Ilinni.- IHT IIIH! IiratlitT hi 1-VIiriiary. In Miirt'li wti-ad. CLOSE SATURDAY'S AT (J P. M. The Days of Auld Lang Syne wit* or Itm i-liit.irt-n illnl and In .lu Minx Kthrl flolmiin of liMiiml lirook OPEN dLOSE iinollur illvil. In October tin- oM« wan an ov('r-/iuuday miei-t of i tine] hint clilM, HeHk«. me time with her dauKhtrr, Afrs. II, 8.30 5.30 Monroe County. ywiv if WatHftn lliinRiitirt. fiT. n farmer of Two hund™ed d<'lonut»"S utli'iided tin1 |C. I-anee. ,Mt. Lt'lKinoii. dk-d of Imirt trouble. Ilu 1 The AilKstH i:i:ile and Ituth Somrrn van mirvlvitl liy WH W»*» mi*' fulhir, mlnlHU'l'liiII I'onftTctx *' or I lie Cent ml wen- over-Sunday nurnt* <. II. ,-\L IUddlo nnd pun. EASTON, PA. .Mr. nnd Mm. l-'nuilt Stecki'i', »mf Aritrvlu. rpiimiitl Iant Tui.-.day fi.-ni Andn-W C'arllnj: moved frntn ITrwnj liiiv.- wiekti1 auto t,l|. i.. Chl«-:iK«i n... dm Saturday into Ills hntis.- whli-h I ntlter (MttiitH of lnt> rij-t. Tiny wry,- ri't-ftitly piiirl»i«4' liy Mr. and Aim, Air. anil .MIT. ihi'lCMilmry moved rmiti Wiinnan, itnujrhtcnjr r of CluirUw 1. w«r- Wynn, of tHvriinx, JJJ. tli<*.TJ;:ar linuw Into n j»;ut of I,.-WIM man. »mll GIinrlvGIl H S. KuitliKul . onllyy lirollilirolli- "From in-iilnnltiK 10 end It wim n per- Ilnr'nun"f4 house ( Jier cousin, wi-ek-end wiih ,\fiM,s Kvi-lyn UnniK-ll, in .Miss Kvdvn Itontitll. Apparel • Air. and Mm. Harry Teats nnd iw«. Mix* I-'i'iiiiii'K Klcln.y of Newark w.n children of flurwuod wore nvfr-Stlliday i\ u-t-i-Ifctiil visitor of hiT mothtr, Xfr; !;ti-Ms of Mr. and Mr*. Cli.-trlen Ca«t- C. IJU-hey. It is only natural that mothers should want their small daughters to be Win. I/H.imadieii <,f iimoklyn N rn- I>. II. Frills of Chlciiun lias :».HH JoyhiK a ton d:ijN vacation with ills .sp.ndini: a few \Ytyn with .T. D. Rt.-K- well dressed—it makes them so much more attractive. And, yet it requires family hen-. fiie.i and family. •Mix. [,y«tl;i Shr>>pr> of WIIM1I!II«(IHI in IN-v. Stanby Hanlly, former pasttir a very special talent to Fashion smart, becoming clothes for young folks. Just vbflffni: lii-riilnu>r-lit-lfiiv, .Mrs. Mimnna of the Spruit- Hun Luth.-raii eliureh. Iia.-: b>i-ti Mpcinllm; a fi-w (Jays with Air. such genius is responsible for the large new Fall assemblage of quality Ap- .Iiiil'ifiii Vllct .'imi (hitiKliicr of Diin- id AlrH. .hie.ii. Foi--. parel that awaits selection here in our Children's section. ill'ii wen. wi-.>lfi-ni| vish.-rs of life Ah-, and .Mrs. .fumes (HI «.f HIKJI faili.-r. .fnff.li Vli.t. I idne \\,\>- i.V< l-Slln.l.iy KU.-Si.s i.f Th.- Nt.nlt ma.I.- a visit at the Tmm» ,.'ir son-in-law nnd ihitmtiter. Air. ai f.r Mr. and .Mrs. X. Kim.r;;on Laving a vs. Ciu.rles Alill.-r. liltli- ilaiiKliior. IViday i>vt>nlnt;. .Mr. and Alrx. Win. S. Valentine < .Mr. and .Mrn. .Martin Hawk ww Kaston were Kik>x(s Sunday of Air. and Middy Skirts Charming Frocks for w.-ek-cn.l visit.MM of rrlciiilx in nimims- Airs. Ann. Siegfried. l)iiry. Wm. S. U.'Vln*\ Win. .Maek and Mi; of Navy Serge Mulnultnil. Th.. nun h I.-fi II y«miK danuhUT al hlbl.h- .M'ack of l'al<'i>(in w.ie over- Junior Misses Jiuvli V. Ciiru-r. fifi. tl!<-d In Ilflvlili-ns. the home (if .Mr. :ni.l Mrs. lTnw;inl leaving it willow nnd two <:)iililr*'ii. I-M- MIMS Thi-ka CIoctliiiK. of A-stniry, and Sutnlay (,'U.MIK nl the M.n-lt hom.-sl .Inmcs L.-MIU- Scoti, uf Klizal.t'th, \vi>-*> Opdykt', initi- li»wn, iln> laltc- part of Thev wvr»' airompaulid hmne by Mi^w Middies are as popular as evei" The interesting thing about our junior win nnd Muiy, Imtli at IKHIH', inarrffd at th<> homo of tin.- Inlile l.y Ih.- pa.si wit-k. Sarah Alai-lt. Miss Alary IJ.vine ; William I-'. Miller ami Mix* Maln-1 Uvv, (',. !•'. Illmaii. Mr. and MIHMr*. C,C,\ J-Iiprl.h and Iililll.'^.1 n AMSH Naii'-y Alurrv. with the younger set, which of Misses' apparel is its individuality. Klnj,', tiotli of PhllllpslitirK. wi-iv mar- .Miss Maud KVll.-r and John Stanli-H. of \i wu.n wen- Sintday visitor* nf hll plant, Won- S. 11. Ofuiiun, of llail;i'ttnloivn. dl.-d moth.'i'. Mr,-. Sarah .Shannon. frocks, liosides lovely frock's of charmeuse and in .MorriHtown. Mr. ami MI-M. Sainu.-I W.-li-h nf Dnia- Sunday. Ort. !Mh llie 7Mh miiiiwr- girls wni'drnliCt 1 KriicKi, son of Henry Taylor, »», dl.'il ha. X.b.. :uv i-nJoyiiiK a visit with l.ls •-ary <>f ilif 1'iiv-i Mithcrau rhureli will cnipi . Avtliu'r Mellick and Mis* rcilzuliftli in C'tilar Lake. brnth.-r. chas. Wet.-h. I." r'-I inanlifa'-tui- nn Rev. and Mis. Ch.i;\ Carter nrr ni- t;i-t inside tin- li.iiisi'—look nut. U:ils .Mrs. KU-:ini.i<> CJurvatt. "0. died at otKUli and r'iglit weeks to llniHh n Joytnif a vticiiilini with frl.'inls at X.-w kill InfantK—bltlni: lli*»ni !» nnt tin* tin- IIOIIH' of her ilmiKhtt"*. .MM. A. It. piano, tin- latter requiring mm'*.' time Vnrk. KltKabi-lii aiid <>ls't>where. cniTPP- ifdiiit. Xuisiiii.' hnitli-w attract rals. 3.98 MCIUKII, in Washington. Slu- was tli<> for tuning' elc Mticntly tlicre wns no pnathini,' ^fi-vtcc lre:tk a rake »,( KAT-SNAI' and throw Gingham Frocks For wl»luw of William Cmv.itt. Wawhin^lon, IS; Iiaol;.ttKti)Wii. n wan at the Asbnry Al. K. rlnnvli .Sunday.' t around. It will surely i-fd you of Oxford. -1; Washington, 0. was the llie hliKr pill Riven to the lati.T play Thn \V;irr»ii County Aswn.-i;iH..ii of MIS and mire. Three sizes, ar.e, i;:..-. .Mt'OI't' Of till.' tiallll- lM"'tW!'l'M tlVtl Kl't'Ut ••is on their own umtmiK Kklnm-r Iriumtviil Onl.v of K-rl Ab-u lu'M Its fall iint-llm: :J1 AMmry (-Jatnrday eve- ,M.-'". Sold and Muarautee.l l.y .l.i;l;n,; Girls of 3 to 14 yrs. rival basWiall ii-amx. Tin- Oxfinil Uam piich.-d for WiiKiihu'ton mid (IIWlz was & Al.-.li.r: I'h.yd Alajor. at the rii'i'lviiiK rml. Val.-ntlni- :nnl Mit- Gingham Dresses was no oth.r than ".I tie" Mr friirn th-- ii.-i«ldi..i'iiit,' urd.r.s wr-r.- prc.^- They're sure lo win instant favor with small ly'H Ni'wnrk iixll'.iii*. l.ut liutiHuwIih* eliftl Wii.i th.» llaclj.'ttstown luitti'-y. OASTORIA with Bloomers mi'iick out thirt.-Pi) of tin- MIUJWIX and Th.- Sowri'lRii Ci-iiml I.IHI«C »f OiM girls liccausc of their similarity to mother's and Alr. and .Mrs. .lus.-ph' Watson nnd! Soars thoslenaturo ot Ghas.H.Flotahor. f.uimd iliv Ilrst tlirw iii<-it who »U-pp<>iI 1-VIIOWM,' In si-Hsfon at St. (,<'iii.-4, d.-fnit- daughter of K.ist Oiaiiw wi-r.. Snml.iv ! to match, can lie had here in l>i;; sister's frocks. up to ih<> [iCan*. Hfiuy llmintitln rn-ar- • it'tlu- proposal to -mlfe ymin^ men in visiluis of his HlMcr. Mrs. Chiirlcs In uno for ovor thirty years, and Iy falnud, ••liuh" Kvani'-y The Kind You Have Aticayu Jtourjht. various styles: sizes (i lo 12 years. arnmiil Hie ^'mundH tn :i ihizitl way } The vote was 107 to f.S in raven- and Checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors. ml Home of the Oxfo-.il heavyweight waH defvati'il ovvlnw lo a thicn-fomths enlhtifiasts wore a JHIKZ11-<1 look and uijority n q ki'pl thoir hanilri In their pockets. Alfred .1. tjmtth iv;m twenty yearn 2.98 1.50 to 4.98 Alonzo llantln h:ul a p«-ar tree that and and uiix siirpris<.-d on his birth- was exppetwl to gtvi* t«!ii bii.4lH>ln of day anniversary by having the Wash- Urn' fruit. Frank W. ChiimlH-rliiln in^'-tui Maud and fit) of the members of •litul fifty iHUtltotH from thri*. l:efH. Hie .!••. O. V. A. M. inarch to Ills home r Also, a full line of I'Viink lit'ldU-man. of WiLsiiiUKton in Ualhoail avenue. John Phllljower. TownshiV. and Mtua lailn AlpittlKli. of on In-half of MH> Orii-ntal otirt. pr.'- •Mloomshury, wt'ie married. tl him with a %Ti.0» fioltl i MIDDY BLOUSES, CHILDREN'S CREEPERS AND ROMPERS The Clinton Ha pi bet iliurch n-oi-ived Leimn-II Klli-tICIU . of CClinnt;.l - pur. n le«ncy of $3,000 by the wl*l of Mrs. t-liax th.. \). \ic HotTnmti irinvry CHILDREN'S SERGE DRESSES, ETC. l'.lly.abeth KmmoiiH, of .Vow tii'rmaa- liaiikcttatowiu toffil. Isaac Dk-L. nnd .Mrs. F.liVn Haylor. Ih* Fxlwiinl Dally dlwl at 11i|;li Ijotli of New Hampton, were married ISriilso after a loiif,' illm-ss. Slio was at the home nf \Vtn. I'.iiidk' !u that Jl survived hy hot* liti-sband and two place, by Uw. A. I.. Kelly. Jtc-r. ana" Airs. C. I>. Nott utt^mluJ Favnu-rs wr>ru advertisinp: for men thi' funeral of .tin- flatter's brothe?, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. tu iin.iic corn at four fonts u sliock. Charie-s Z. CSrcsory, at Coopcrstowa. A Cl. Growling, or r.l(iomnlniry. had N". V. He died of apoplexy at the- as" aomn lihodc* l.sUind ruasot apples tliaL of -IS. Live stock—consisting of five head of cows, ono weii* in good condition. They wevo Mayor Henry .Johnston appoiiih-d tlw> grown in 1010. followinjr commtttoc lo arraiiKe for tho heifer, one spring bull. All High Grade Stock; Airs. A1U.V Snydor. BO years old, i-lltcrtalnmiMH of the 15th Regiment N. one horse and field of pumpkins. died at the* home of her daughter. Mi's. J. Vounteorn in Washington, Octoiler .John H.-iMnxvr, In RtcwtirtnvIC*'. She 22—Senator Cornish. Itnv. C. I). Xott. had lived In Washington for eleven C. L. Stryko:*, J. \V. Fritls and the years until HIIL* took tip Jior reMkkmeu mayor. ON ROAD LEADING FROM PORT with hir daughter. Four chilriri'ii sin- Lewis Al. I-annins Went to Philmiel- vivo—Mrs. liabiiiKer, .Mrs. Christopher •phia- to eontiniH. his medical stiitl!es •1'ox. of Airentown; I'hllip Al. Snyder. Thu .street roller was rented to tho ! MURRAY TO KARRSVILLE of Washington, and Benjamin Sityder, town of HaokutUtown at ^20 • per of Stcwartavlllc. month. The firemen elected of liners for the 21) Yews As». year, with J. T. 1MI, chief ami Grant Saturday, October 8, 1921 Charles C! ret her, Llie notorious burg- (Heed, president. l;ir, thief and murdere , capturep d The sixth semi-aniuiail convoiition of the SiLssex and Warren County C. E. Kaatou. Mo w:is wnnted for the nuir- Two-horse Potato and,Orchard Sprayer, Man- ure Spreader, Disc Harrow, Hand Corn Sheller, Cow Stanchions, Etc. One Parlor Suite, Brussels Carpet, Stands, When Chairs, Pictures, Dishes, Etc. Terms will bo announced at sale which will Opportunity % Intt'rosl P;ii(l begin at 2 p. m. sharp. : nir Savings Accounts Knocks EDWARD S. MARLATT at your door, will you be prepared to receive it? Now is a good time to make the right kind of 1 • prepartion by starting How Buick Accessibility Saves an account with us. Owners Time and Money Buick cars are built so they can be operated with a minimum''of"expense",~If'a''"piEQrtTJBBtis' Ti~- Northampton attention it is easily accessible. For instance, OpGit Saturday National Bank Kveniugs from 7 lo 9 adjusting or putting a new fan belt on a Buick is a job that is handled by the owner in a few EASTON, PA. it may be too late to save your (minutes. 5 Buick invites comparison. Where Northumplon SI. Crosses >l(h z=: valuables.. Give them protec- tion from. both fire and theft Buick Sixes Buick Fours h-Slx-44|«-W^l^"" Threo* ---. vPUSH. — ~r —Sonditot - — r* $U93 32-Fotir-34 Two Past. Roadat 12-Six.4SFtvo Pass. Touring - 152S 22-Fotir-35 Five Puaa. Tourin, 97S now. 72-Six-46 Threa Pass. Coupo - 2135 12-SU-47 Fivo Puss. Sedun - - 3435 ,r-3ff Thrco 1 pe Q2-Six-48 Four Pass. Coupo - 2335 •M-Foi ir-37 Fi'vo Pasa, Sedan 1650 22-Siz-49 Seven Pass. Touring 1735 You can rent a Safe Deposit 32-Six-SO Sowon Pass. Sedan - 2635 'rices F. O.B.Flint, Barnum Was Right Box in our Vault for S.1.00 and Ask about the G. M, A. C. l'lan When he said a "sucker was born up per year. every minute." Hundreds of millions

of dollars were lost last year by people ))-•-:- trying to "get rich quick" in wildcat promotions. • 331-333 Morris Street No. 5 Broad Street AFKTY ' You'll find, a safe and happy medium KRVICE *-' or makins your surplus money wovk PHILLIPSBURG WASHINGTON EVEN PER CUNT Ginscrvulively, ConlinUDusly and l'ro-. SATIgFAOl'ION filably in Tho It. L. pollings Company.


<, ui ' ,i, , *< < , _„«"_• , *> _

Page Two !~"^ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.f THURSDAY, OCTOHEU C, 1921 SECTION V * COtUMBIV. 11 p,llt <>f llHt Utlk With indt'Diittc lime tit Jldrtfonl, Conn. fjtlu I.OWKK 1UIIMONV. l.ullcs' Aid noclelv. The fwnier liens- Mm, ILllrftlu X-ltiabmy nnil u-iimi- AVilH O MIK Ann.i V. Hind In < nltiK foi tin* Ml*, iuiil ^tn<. 1^1. lluckiniill J*pcnt HK'i. .Mis. W. KIWKI. lm» iitiuiiMl m daughter, Abbte Ldfihton, \NHtil Mm Cisinu his pimliam.il a new lunnc of lui NOII hi'lau and «IutiKhtu. Ttiin-^lav at the Tu'iiVon ftiir. lit r liome In Nt ,v Yot k. Johrt [hov 1 Nrti. Clanl motorwl home with tlu-m 1 CI.uk Cool in lm|irit\ltiK at hh limni . Mr. mid .MIK i:,ln,u,| nu,|, i,,rotn- AM**-( Ilaltii IMt\ oil itniiuil Mitt. nii'Oi! ii \i*lt to ulitli\*n In Notthcin A valiinl.li' iw .if Ml, Duuhman'M innliil 1,1 Hie forum's Kinniltnnllu r, Sunday. \\ m. INnnu and Mm. C.ijmom! C.nl- .Now Vork. 1 •lliil. Wriliicmlay. rtnrlcl .arly .\l,.n,|'iy inornhiK on a Road Material—Agricultural Limestone injf and'clttiiRhtiM*, Miulgi , of WIIHIIIIIK- Mi*. Frank, HnhnV II wvvUn itld fun Sti'U-art liodtlit and Klijah 11. .tnhii J. Tuiiiulty has pti-x-IiascJ a lour tii Xnv York whero .Mrs. llurh \vns )>i])tl3U' ton Thursday. Nanrlnliiht tin* altfiidliiK tlu> Itnllroiul I-'onl «eilan. , ormcrly livid liefore makllii; her liome JtfV. T. I). Jiinu-K, Smiiiiiy aftoniouii. 1'otiT Chamller, Sr,, who ha* lui-n W'tt-ntiiH Convi'Dllon at I'.car Mountain, in New Ji'ivey. 1 W'ftUam Stnlth runs his «-.UI,.|. ]tnnA Mr«. John DtverH'returned home l-'rl- con flint I tii hi* home with Iddm-y troii- N. V. ilay from vlHitliitf her Knuiilfallui1. Mi-, Is now al>li> In hi< about ntfuhi. TlinrailnyH mill I'Vi.layn n( i-iu-li wwk. STONE CRUSHED ANY SIZE Mm. Morvld Kii-Wi* IIIIK IMH'H at Par- CIUH'I-I Smut Ntalti-il it lilitclvr route Kpluium Pitt rich, at ItosiUlU .Mrs" l-'mnk Stiver entertained Mr. si|i]iany wlu'n* »\w alti'iidcd tin1 ftuii*rnl "Tliise liitls Wiiuldn'l Kn| .My llesl 1 «-"mliif,- Tuesdays, Thur.Hiliijti iiutl for Mr. uml Mrs. U Si. llrnmlH *»f 1 IUKI- ami Mr*i. Frank CJilwon and con, Chi, of IIIT Mi!*t<:i'-ln-la\v, MM. Satniifl Val- falurilnyw. (iraln." Siijn I'Vi'il Itii.ill. italltiK \wro Minduv KUOIS of Mi ami of Hampton. Sunday, riititu-. Slu- will nlxo visit ivlatlvcx ••It's hard In kii-n rain out uf a fied Mrs Tronic D-niwrn .Miss Kitty Xt'wman of Kastou spout K\lm* Hoffman, who has t*. oil 111 fur, atj .IVouUm lu'foiv i-tuinlut: to her Sumlay with Mm. Joint J. Tumulty. sl"re. I ileil for y,.|ir«. A nelKlilKirhiK Silo Building and all concrete,work Mrs Onmun fit Dtluunn % Mt<«I her Konr- tiiiK-, doi-H not Itninuv... homo Iti'tv. store sold me sum.. HAT-SNA I'. It mli .Minn Jennie kivrilr ami Kntllryn Ann s« .Mr.". WllHam Carlini- t-ntortiiluetl Mr. tutil ,Mrn. V, ore.- Tciinoj>My and CnwiMi, of riiiniiislniri;. unnl tlu> worl.vd wonders. (lailioreil nil dead Crushing done for individuals on the job. Ha niotid C I-iiic MIH. Harry Kuwh, <«f \Va?*hii)Hloii Sun- the rurnu'r'H mother. Mrw. Knmk Ucff- wwk-i'iiil with .Mrs. Chrlaloiilivr Siullli. rats every moriihiK. Ituunht more nml Mm Mnrv nilz.ih.th Hke of Vail day. man. of Ci'iioa, III., v I sited Xnnday HATIS.VAM. Ihtveii'ta rat nmv. Tiny were nnrrUd •»> IU\ 1 1> limn ** at Mr. and Mr*, .hilm Couan. of Oxford. l>7. nnil Mi». Lyiirli nnir tlmmlitiir Columbia P irson ij,i_ iSt pi J1* 1 In ni- with l-'n-\ Judsoit UiiiUin It 1*4 td -. wan a wwk-.nd «msi of ln-r icLan.lpar- j 1 .Mr. liaci'ly. KltClun Of bttlM l fill It til \ f« I villa, Mr. and Mrs. I-Mirar OastriiT. j In r home hen aftir sp •ndim; s'jini' K"'V. Lnuloliaii, of SU'Wai-laviM?. vis- locil school llivm ilu i It hi\< J »in- tlmi" with hoi* parents In Cunncctlftit. Mr. and .Mrs. Ontis Caytn.-i-, of Mont- j Mr. and Mrs. Chan Is Crtitzley. nf it"! Clark; Cool Sutunliiy. id tin cl IMS Wiiir. pjisnol *-v THI ilaj-H uitli .Mr. nmt l!itrit:i». and Miss Anna CrotxN-y. of .Mr. Williamson montl on I-Vl.lny lo .Mr". Tliro.l(ir« C:istiiiT. i XfWiirk. wt-ii- Sunday quests of their tlren of 1'htlhp.shurK cam<- here NHur •.Mr. ami Mis. Jo*-iili l'-tl day to visit her pan-nt*. -Mr. and .Mrs !! .Milton DcWItt. .Mrs." Will Kmllli mient Satur.lav Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Transue nf o\u- • 11,., lmi.piim- lu Kiiston. ton visited his father. .\ilam TiMiwrn- Sunday h«-r ilau^ln.r. Mrs. Jitinii- Uoli last week. ens ii'nd diiimtitcr. S.nah, i.f l-'tuck- 1 I'l.liASANT liKIIVK. COItXISII. Frank Halin .stnVtltutttf fur At 1'i-ni Mr. and -Mrs. J. ]•', SIailheW.s allend- on dibble'* wood Jol. lawt week, I'enii Wai'!. :i tniin-.l inir^.\ Mis. Ilftiry H.urs.-hk.-l cjfwi-il li< 1 «••! .nervlres at .Montana Sunday jnnni- hnviiiK nufTcre«l a broken arm. with •;iimni'T honn , Uroi'I:sid:* cotiitiii', Sun- JIIss Sarah Klniif.v List 37. wr.i|'I"'! l , lav and returned to lirnoklyn for tin Sfr. and Sirs. F.rne.st lt,uv .„„! ,i;illKh- In her luuiil kerchief between CulimiUii Mrs. (Jeoixv Atl-r. (if C:illfi»t. p-issr.l ! winter. ter spent Sunday with the fitrnier'.i church and tin- IWitaml <-w\ ••f th. lay wt-vli with h.-i- «i*\.-r, Mr*. Mary Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Klllcon and Mis. 1 1>J par.-nts, Sfr. and Mrs. Henrv liace Delaware britlKe Sunday niuriilnc I *- l'' t. . | Oliarles «nri:ent wi-ri- visitors in .\e_w- There will lit- an uystei-'su-.per at Easy To Secure a Good Piano ! Mrs. Harry Ike recently visited h'i Sir. :md Mnt, I-Muai- Fritts an.! d;uit-li- | ark over the Witk-i-nd with Mr. and Sunnneriield.si. K. i-bmvli I.II Tltur«- (imple nt BatiKor, • liiy .•venintl. Oet. I'll. If it Mui-ms. t|, . Wilnier, win of Mr. anil .M"rs. Frank ter. of Ilh!h Iti-ldK*-. hnv tou-Ind. ,1 :| !\)r.f. Chail-s Mnrum. of Matawan. ( u ^LZi^ |Ktlvnhl' -Mr- 1UM MrA Sin ^d Mrs. Wm. Smith were "'ii Sultirdiiy, Oi'i. ii. The priici-f Is If you have nllowotl yourself to Ret into the way of thinking that a Thompson of Uayonr.e. and well kin» will |H. tiHfd f..r repairs on tin- dmreii hi-rc, lias cnnillwl In I.ehMi L'nlvotvi riinrn. I'iano is licyoiul your means, we ask you to disabuse your mind of such a WII.H a nwiil v!.-l!m- with Ii.r pnivntn. AliV.d Smith is a visit lo his so Sir. and Sirs. l-Mward Uush lefi. on. supposition. As a matter n[ fact there is practically no one who is too Mi'«. Ailn :it Sir. and .Mrs. VIKUI.S Sai^ont. In FMnhixtnu and Matawan for Sinmlay inorniuir for York (Suite to! Sat unlay mid Stmtlay. Mi*, ami Mrs. .lam-s \l. Sargent w.n- ...... sperm II week with relatives. poor to own a I'iano under the very easy method of payments we arrange. Sunday cm-xts at tht> hnnie of II.T sN- \,,. ". (1Vi - Sir. and Sirs, \\"m. Kostrr spi-nt Frl-! ANTIIONV. ,l:,r,h, of C:,li ; We will sell you a wood instrument on such easy terms that the question .-,-, Mrs. Cover Ai^ar, ilt IN,tt,-m. f,.nii;;, \VI.,,; it-iy with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Theil- Mrs. fiii.esto V. llanit f>mi-i-!ii!n>-.1 (lie llu. j,,,,,,,,,,,,, Suml,iy, m;i!i, of payment need not trouble you at all. . . "\Vom:in's Missionary ^oei.ty l-'d.lay al- Mrs Alvln M'triln of UMmiK'liv is ' T'"'V Mw l: i wltli his ai;ed motlier .Nthn S(..ut. the new milk man, UVKUH ter noon. 1 ( his ilmii.s Saturday. Mrs. \\\ F. Apifin l-< «!»!«* t > I'.' «nit Wm. Coll-. Jr.. i.f Phitiipshnrj,- Mtent ' You can come to our warerooms and select from our immense of the hospital anil will MOOII In- homo at Steplirr.sl.in^. ANXANDAI.K. tjm week-end wiih hln father. Win. nfjain. Sir. anil Mrs. Jain.'s- iJU-,. eiitertaltt"d Mr. and Sirs. 1!. V. Kintw-y anil snn stock the I'iano that suits you best. H will be sent homo on a first pay- Mrs. Osoai* CcK'trhur .'iiliTtaitu il over tin- \tvi*k-f)i' a! tho hrmii- of Samuel Van Mr. mill .Mis. Wm. Knster lt.ft Sun- of it the instrument is paid for and is your property absolutely. dii.ii. .JOMXSONISl l!<; i -^yul" ai Newark. day for New Vork to spend thi> winler. ClaK'iico Tiei- i« puLtinu; up a Ji«'\v V|rs IlWt John Wlllfamsnn nf \ew Vork i.-= fotliulation iljraii whii'h he cxp*.'i;ts to Our t.-ar-hf-rx IW C i V-.o \nl-«.ii ' " - ' *P"li»' •I'-.hnstoti. wlm lmn ."pending some time with Mr, and Sirs , If there is one tliinjr that will cheer and brighten a home that .thins build u new lien IIOUHI-. -lltiitV "thN ivio1' 1 •"!"•- '"•; s-nm.-what h.-lt-r this writing Win. J JrtrclitiK- Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. II. lltitin r llnzoji .«[„.,it is a Piano. If you doubt our statement ask somo of your neighbors and tulned Mr. ami Mrs'. K. I., llulfniau ITayer s,rvir'\Vils ,k.M ,.ist „,,„, [ Mrs. .loin. Fwliu-r and Sirs. Ctarenro pail of last weuk with her hrother Kd- .friends who already have a I'iano in their homes just what they think tind two elilldrcn. John SIlkiT and lk-v. war.l Culi'. AV lIofTman. of Callfon.' SuniTiiy. l^imnn; Sarsmi of .Morris 1'ark. an.! about it; we think their opinions will convince you that we are rij,'lit. Mr. and Mrs. \Vlnll<n,'?' MM'~ C"-W<- si"1"1 liand wi'ro callers at tin.- Kiihns' honi.? ' ' '"irKiby at l-.aslon. A e-.mie HallmveVn .-nteitalnim-nt Sumliiy aftt'i'tioun. er Saturday at the liuiii • ,,r Mr 'mil' will l»e uiven in tlie SununertieM SI. I-: Mrs W f"iv,ol-e ' Mr. ami Mrs. Floyyd Maxwell visit.-.1 ehuivh. Saturday evening, (Kit. i»t. i.v ! is. -MrM . andd MMrs. lleo-ve .Max- 219-221 NORTHAMPTON ST. EASTON, PA. on A.\(i I:\VAIKU. Mr. nd .Mr. .Mind Romano have the I.n.Ii.'s' Aid soeiety, f.-llowod hy ii oi\ i Ho ii of .hums ll:imi:ton's well, Sunday. .<(oii left ed the WfeK-end with hor motlu-r, Mrs. • •".Mi \MA.K\. j ,,,,, „„ „ „.„, ,„ Vttnitford, X. Y., Mume J. Hill. T hiv ill", and Mrs. frank AmU'i'son and Vilham lUielianan Is iveDveriir.- ' an.Mari-.id Ihelleyn Fm-ln-cl. .Mass:. of New Crunswtek MibHfs Marion anil Hazo! Ainlt-r.-un. iyi It th Monioria! llosplnil at M \v;ts a u-^ek-'-nd miest of h:".- molh"i\ ,M.itawan. Were yU'-sts of Mrs. AIUIL- town. Mrs. Alil.if Furliei-k. Jlounsavilltj on Sunday. Mrs. .lolm II. Thomas has for a visi- Sirs. Karl- Stimr visited her par- Miss Nora lllner went to ConvllV r Miss Anna ,\[e<;i!i!,.y, of New York. cuts several dny.s last week at Xarion. Hospital at Euston Monday to huvu ii*-r .Mrs. Tilnmns K. r,.'armure is ...it,..-. -Mrs. M. Kunn ami f-liilrlrpn •tonsils ami adenoids removed. minim.t.-lliiinv- heIn-r nlere,. .Miss .MargareJlaraii t 1'yle, I nnil .Mrs. IVarl llunn ,,f ,lam.-.lnire Mrs. ltaymond (Tackett and chiUli-r-n. ol Allenliurst. | viHitl,i Mr. and Jlrs. liiwsell Hall on Clara, and liliphalot. p;iss-d TiR^day I.yman .Ntiiin. nt V!iilll|.slniru'. is vis- j Saturday, with relatives at LambtTLvllk-. imiu n-nh .Mr. and .Mrs. Waitev An-I Mr. niul M-s. Win. Chafer has a lial.v Mrs. (.it'orgv Crotxlvy and s.m Wii- 1^0'1- ' l...y. b.jrn Thursday. liam. of Phillipsljury. \\\-w -.-IK-MIS of Jlr. uiul Mrs. Harry IValy and Ur. | .Mr. an.l Mrs. Ituss.ll Ila'.l were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver HIIUT Sumlay. anil .Mrs. K.lward Crysti'll. of Nu'.ley. day visitors of Wm Shafer A chicken supper will h<.> h^M hi t'ic s|i:.iil Hi,. w:...k.eu.l will, .Mr. anil .Mrs. Jlr.i. Snmiiel Wilson, renresontative Jf. 12. uhurdi Octuljer 1'T. -I.'nn .1. Swazy. j nf ilio Anti-Saloon League, will sii"ak Archiljald Castner, of riiillip.-jljur.y. iM'tntetli XauBiirlslit will sp,.,,d an | in tho eluufh next Sunday. ilupu i-M. K. Cluiri-li Notes. 'Pagan or Christian WhitrhV" is the stimon thuinc at St. John's .Mi-thodisi l-l)iscop:il church on Suiiilay. Oeinin-r Utii at 10.30 a. m. The subject-fur eve- ning worshii) at T.^D will W "Wii'-]> Jtinorance Is Bliss!" The bi-montiiiy. btisinoss m.^etln^ of St John's church will bt huld o» "Wed- nesday, Oct. 12. at S. p. m. The Il-cw .Mil. Mvhiur, Newark Om- ftronce ISv.injMist has completed his campaign at f£upt-. Thy intcrost ami Utendance increased M-rniily U]| tile, Jast thi-ot- days \v]u-n U,<-re \vviv lrir-,'c audieucu.s and many ru-e:msecrutlonp and conversioiiij. His tinal sermon wa.s If you appreciate . well made, was there a buy as this a tremendous description of tho Dlviut honest, reliable shoes in the latest titlecl:' •'The--Flood!" " LI"Uti W""* WI* 'As It was in. the days of Xoah -.-n shall it lie in tho day when the Sun of styles and at reasonable prices, why Man shall come!" not come to a store which has a reputation established by over fifty How to Be Rid of years of square, straight forward Dahgeroijs Dandruff dealing; behind it? It you have tliindruff you must ••->• 11J ul'-it 'quitiK—it's, posiuvolv ion,St., ,„ _ -Easton _... anti'.ep"tii;'~™liqui(ir -imrnriiiiiirs.ilisiT voui clespe loi an amis of buyers who never expected to individual 1.11, entnelj .ipail lioni the obtain such a wonderful value sit this commonplace. low cost. Why even consider a Four.when you Velio has made price reductions be- can now ha-\e ,i silenl, lle\ible, sinooth- fore, but this cut places llie.Velie Six 1'running Six for such a low price and JUSTIFIABLE, PRIDE beyond all competition so far as value with it all a fai\ Iliat is setting the most in Oi! Stove ownership is not pride in hav- at lowest cost is concerned. Here is by ' astonishing lecoids in economv oi lucl, ing the price; nor pride in public approval. It is pride in securing the best Oil Stove o:n far- the best price ever quoted on this tires and upkeep.' the marker.. mTh T- e remarkable car. Red Star Detroit The demand is already enormous— Vapor gives the best This is the Vclie with the Grand ,it will grow ,is the news spitads. results of any oil stove offered to Canyon conquering motor, with style" Toui ins Cai. Sedan, ( oupe and Road- the family — given and beauty unmatched within several ster—also the l.u <>ei Si\—the Model IS intense heat, directly beneath the cooking hundreds of dollars. Here you havo cxr ;—all correspondnujh low-pi iced. Make and Blankets utensil. No wiefcs or ceptional room, graceful lines and a sure of having your yelie when you; suipass in eveiy way- asbestos rings. Operates ljke a gas choice of several colors. Then, there want it by s-eciim us at once. full size, high quality range. One gallon kerosene lasts 19 and coi 1 ect pi ice. E vei y hours. See them demonstrated at sole machine should h.we a agents. lobe. BOWLBY & NEUHAUS 73 E. WASHINGTON' AVE. WASHINGTON, N. J. Sage's Leather Store Wilson Stove Co. 3rd & Ferry Sts., Easton 211 Northampton Street Easton Pa. I ><:-.'•*'• "XT-: •-,• ,'.•*-•:-'* "''• •''-,-"" J" •••„" I' ;;- '«l"."7 !•'•.'••' — ' * •' y- -:.' •".^•r.f- —•-••


! nf tilt- w.v!:. While In flli'ti (iai-diii'r lu-ad «t» 'J'lU' iiwi-nt ntlii** havu j.tiirtc.1 to 1111 for a fow Mays nf ..Mr. ami Mrs. l(*.rnt U»>v. S. II. Cimp'-r h:i» ri'Kimicd 111* the wills'. Tnmt. llliili- trnlnliiK .'Iniw "I Hi" Hrol.l'reur .V[f . ami >!r«. Win. CiirtriKlit :irt! Mi*. K. 1). l)..\Vltl t'liti-rlalni'd l'rof. Mr. iintl Mr;'. ll«M"«*« fliiu'liy <»f liyliTlm dwrvli Mmnlay ovi-lilnc. anil .Mr«. (ion/uiU'i! In illiiii.'i- Snn.lay. 1,'llldwloWll, I'll-. WlTf Wcik-l ll'i Kiti'Mlsl A nillfiTl-lns.' nf Slliulns- wlwi'l «••"*- V Mr. O.H.k and ramify, who hax Hlii'ilt i,f Mr«. Cllnrliy'M iKirciitK. Mr. nml -Wn'. ,-n. wan lii'l.l In Hi.. Mill *<• ••hiin-li Til" !*.'vrr.' wlinlsl.irm nr |.'i-]il:iy |:im h:ivitr with a IIIIIHIHT ..r llni' tin- mnnniiT at th..' O'l'tU'it IUIIIH-. re- xv lh,. lallci- imrt i.f Hi'' wi'li wh'«-'< «•"" iplaysil liii-n.-.! to liri...Myn SiMi.lay. ^s!rii.. f,.,,,,.,,.,'i ., t'oiwHiTi..! n m la-liirm Kiiiii.'rini: lilnili- trti'.'!. ll|ir<">!llii; on:' jiiieslx at l'*fniln-.)'il{. K.'ntcinlh'r n ml nT .'..nil weiv iln-ux.'.!"J. .Mr. :ni.l -^IrN. SU:iiiiiinl ..,.„ .,,. .\rm*Mnry lintel/'r l« ciit.'il:iiiiin;: 1 P|1 )ll:o i:.lna II.lull, s. lib Ila7.il Mls« Mlnnlf' AllinilKll "f C..k.'.•' ISrl.Ilm »••' " «*'»«'«>• K"'-»ln '<< Ml'. »".l ati.l K.'Vi'i-al ri'lt'iid.s nl'jlm-i-u t honored. . . . I Mm. 1>. S. Mr. iiliil lli-n. l'lilll|> Kxli.ii i'iij'.y.'.l an iiiitoiuoliili- tr!|i I" Hi- A'llrori.I-.t'UH i.n.l C;iiia:!n In .'oiii|i:iny \Wtli Mi-- '"I'I Mr.v. Vrrimwiii. of l'atili'iuil". I. I- j Mr. nn.l Mrs. 1-T.iiitt (Hilli'l: li.>v>- i"- turnnl li. X.'iv V»rk r..r llic v.ln:r. Mr. and Mr?. •;. It. Hank., will ..••<-tu..v •o-my, th" Ciilii.-k lioniv. j Mr. nil"l .Mrs. ^. M. All'r Ir.v.. r.- y tiniicl I', their I lr in S.'lltti N'.iivill;. with tin- wind Hi-y w.-ul d-iwn lil«- t'..mi. 'l'ln-y U'r.. timpani'i! l>y Mr. 1 how you'll take to bar (Wed !•» wi>* "La-lhs ;in«l <;.-nl!.-j „-,.,,. Suit*lay jim-stii uf in.;wlu nt U-r ni;lin.-nt Mf M)Idi-is <>v*y. ejmiM hy IhoAll. I'll hlMors. Mr* K'l.i nml Mrs. i !•• I t.iu-iny. ViH'rlii't'M, fur a vL'.M. ""(I'm- mronp/!l"tiiu.-.t ^-m r»r ninth-!'1 Vl'r. :. ml Mrs. IVt.jV Ainaiiwli .-ni.- J. L. ll.ill I: Mlill <'»idiii*'! to hi.s Iff I 1'rt'il Huyt uf \Vn^,liiiiKt"n. Ii. (.'.. A .of» fiH to i-oiiif to rum I and I'-'iv t1n'lr| talm-flS'iMiiiiy .MJ-. f '.Mm. KIIU Mm- :rntl d". H liul :-.t;eiii Ht \n: improving very MM'iil Suinliiy wllli liin iinillii'i'. Mr». niplilly. Itnlilci nl linnif In tin- Under ran- "•!' | (ll- ||(t;li Jiridi;*-. a pipe—and P Jlnry ll..yl. On (UttiliM- :uh tlicrf will he tin- rciiit- 1 Dandy. Mr.i. I Saturday al Last Sunday v.:is Itnlly Uiy at the . ]..lnliI.I. litr pnil.hiliK Mivlee ;tl the WooiL'i'li from bite and parch (cut Wliilc Jissiiilim in d-KKIHK :I II on iii'tiHfl linns'' at :!.:;.( p. in. Sunday Before you're a day older Mcthi"ll.'.l a^d i'ir.M l'ivsli.vierl;in # Mi««..s ll..»r.-r nn.l Il.l.ii M:ii'li.'y nf churches, autl very lufi.-Mini; s.-rvk^H tli« r.irni or Williiini A! p-tnuli :tl K.-liunl i'Vi iy Sunday ;it j.:in p. m. S.'tnl H.'lvl.lcr.' l.a.'-s.il Sntnlay willl MJ"s out by our exclusive pat- trsvill.- l:i»t W'li 1*1*111 > l':nl-y :iti at you want to let the idea slip wore ln-til. Slupiiirr. r.WtatiMmi ami p| a iv-l- j ;,|;,(.K|,. Thai.-ltrr. i aililri.'HUcH wi'p' tli'1 fi'jitiin-s nf itu* <>"•- ,il :in nliark "f iK-itrl I 7< !<•• Mr. Al- .-oitu- fur alt. .Mr. nml Mrn. .I"I"I «'.ilf.- ini.1 ™n under your hat that this ented process) are a reve- rasiniis. C'Hinty Htl|»t. Nailff'ld mad.- a inniizU w;i:i uliliiii'il to 1 VIM \n » tn-lK-i- It in n-ti-Mi-.d (in.- of our ytMinn ni'it William ami Mr. nnd .Mn: I'llnt.ni lation to the man who never very f)m> addr-s< l».f-.-> WaI'd Viiitril S:ilinil;iv Mi.w Iliiz-I HiiKlfM. of IMvldfiv, w:m 1 l'.l.ldl..'. something with a joy'us Its cr.-at iinp'Tfiii'-i , al Mil* tirm- »-s- li»r liusl>:uitl. who is M j-alinit ;tl flu* iL WIU-ML at Hi.' Hall lioni.' tin- las1, of Mr. nnd Mrs. I'ranli Ii. Slants and pipe! P. A. has made a IHK'tiiily. 111.-* rnnarlis wi-re. iniictlcal Cl.'ii n;it'tniT .'..nilturliim- I lit- wMi. rllllilr f Ha." «is»,d liim.liiy wllli jimmy pipe — and some and lii'.Ufrhl to tlir attention or t.-H h- s ,\|.ir ^i.-a-hini: at .tiro Sprnev Hun IMith and Doris passed ' with before! with tin* Individual Kclmliir. Tin- ml-I lEtonmxhiiry Sun.lay. • I'liuri h. HA tin' II.'v. Sii<-riiiuii and con- Mrs. J. U S].:i l Because, a pipe packed iln-iw was Weir nml HtninK ami W.IM j it. K. U'ril'ln-n nn«iV t'- IHISITICJW trip Ki't-KiUlun In Invih.d to intend tli.. op-.n- Mrs. Jjtmi-s Milla. Jr.. and dinylit- r. •with Prince Albert satisfies intiuli H|>|ir(:f|:itc(t hy tli y •ilit,- uf the Kir:tt Lutlietan fliltich or Mlritini nnd Mrs. Thru. C.ix-n and Ever roll up a cigarette K TiH'iirh;irtl did imt :-;\y nnytli- Wilsn pir, wli-i h;;:t :i p.^Kt.-H »! (Jli-li CiirdiitT tui tiiiil day. laimhtir, Klsie., pasM:.! Saturday in Wllwi lhl a man as he was never satis- ittK in hH «'h.in:<- i<> th<< (iiiirxl Jury I'l.iinOi'ld. ;;p'"' * Wf*'t;-iMitl Witlt his Kaston. with Prince Albert? Man, v nt \wr V;ill.y Miss Kstlier SinnM-nh-nr n-imn'd ;it.<>iil tlu- violation i.f Hi.' li<|iior l;iw. riiinHv \ Vlly 1 1 fied before—and keeps him -is l.vditt l/mi f "'l« I '-'" " »i':> IlKATVIiSTIIWX. hniiif l-'ri.lay alter spendlm; a wi-••!; man-but you've got a Soint- nf ih<; Mitnxili'lil street n-cl- ..f (ln> aUfnd:inl« -'-t ttn* Pen;.- 'I'lii- dnti' of the N.-w- I'lnnland HII|>|I.'I- tlcntH haw l.c.'n doliiH ii KOWI Joli l>.v ivith her sist'T at MntU-.vilie. satisfied! And, you can party coming . your way! IliM Mll Wd :il III.' IVaty.'Stnwn I'hincli IH 'I'lllirH.lay. licv. Him-r, or 'Ashnry. |iiei;.-n<-i ..llitif,' Ihc >-tr:H!t in i'mtit ol' tlii-ir u-fl- r.'Hiltlide t ni Kl»ton til." Vtllllfll. Th« C. !•:. toplr for Sunday .•v.-nlmr of Hi" IKM l yw In ihe vlflnliy wt'i'i- miCniiul Jury duty at Klemlrii;ti-tt, JII« ifi "in1 iiistaniri* limit*' 'i Til.' linvliii'.'.n Illi'i-liilK of tilt- C. K. to havld Trlmmei-s h.iuse, Wolii-;:- n class. K ihi-y tl» it a^-ain ih.-y will Clifff I'arla-i liu.l Uuins.-h.s l.-.Iiiu.i lin- ii.ni :>.u;- I li.'iil with MI»» Mllilili' IliivlHnti nt .,.|t with IHT s|-|.f. Mrw. which time It ib-cided to lulil :i i soi-ial, the- latter part of •"lura, (if [iauwor. \ww Sunday KUC'SIK ittlliilliiK lot tin Sr.oii'I sliv.-t. Iti'lviilvt-. Ji'tfUx.1!'. if Mr. and Airs. Umli'l Kiniwiilii-rfr. Copyright 1021 hits hrok'-n KIOIIIKI rm* a fiiinliy ITS-;- by R.J. Reynold. .Mrs. .lulni Malrlwin spent the wnok* Mr. and Sirs. (!i>«. At. Ainey an- visit- Tobacco Co. ik'iicu, whli'h will in- i:t)in|i|ctt-il as no(m Th'-ri' «.'« '"It a ™mll iilt.H.liIill.-• ill •ad v.'illi IJ.T moilKT, Mvn. I. Smith, of In^ with friends at ISaltinioi-f. ;IK posKilili-, Oscar StniUi irf tli" tiiilliliT. II,,' Prof. 1-itmz.il-z rarnlval at this IM .\riKK Ktliel Ciiwcll of \Vaslii;iK;.»n rhotu.m-iiiilKT \',Ui7.\>-r pimtfi^npiu'd 1- p,. Sntnnl.'.'V. Th" Iltali Hrl.lKi- hand | A mnnli.-r from here attend.-d the asscd Tiuirsttay with Miss .Miid'.d tin; Craiui Jury hi front of tli<» court i 1 < rrtTitmi l-'air \\'e

"Mol>l>y litirns siil'l tliat tli<- l"-st liihl 1 IKii-ciitM, Mr. and ami Mrs. K. U Orl, III 'il ^r' ** if >.ii-.•>.--. - plan.s of mice ami m>'ti oft PUIK a»:i-*-" ini ami the otiisid,. U l«>Uiw tath.ut for i>f this plai' He an int.' ami MI it provcii lion- in Primary *. i-stiiiK aiTuinit of his tri whoti J'olti*.' nf llii- youiik' vtiti-rtt run- '°Mi«V'Nor;i O'lirien sp--iit the week- Mr. and Mrs. l!oliL>rl Su onter- •fclvcil tin- iilra <>f ilvfratliiK Ciiirrlcy end at tier rottayi' f.-ttirninK l:> UrooU- tallied tin- lalti-r's relatives from Anu- (ianliMT |tfiiicj.t-;.tiL- Cointnlttci-inati. TlH'y hi'li'rlcd a «ooil candidiiti- ami lomlnk. l'a.. Sunday. lliiVL-I1 lo• Ji-i- Tin- r.-idies' Aid will nu-i-t witi. Mrs. ftpiii-t! iin(l*f this week. tion l.n:iid (]i'ci(l*.<{l that all surll t>al- "I'aiil'Cowoll was ii rt-coni visitor tr. ShtiiKle* haw bi-<-n brought to- thu liitK-u'LTi' illegal ami cuuM iml In* ciiunt- jnn'rvtlk'. riiuruli 'to !jef,-in repairing tin; roof. «1, nml ilu; ITMUU wan that the ol.l Ititymoud Itanuhart motored to Cllen (•oinniitti't'iiian semvd a victory. It iw Sunday. CLINTON. Iinrd to ln'iit at!, MM; liuiL' |)uli.tit:nLn.cs- Mr. and -Mrs. Kn^i Cowell wvv • Mrs. Lydta Cranti-r spent a IV Hays lK'Hally wht'ii lit* has- 'titu siiitU'rH of ^ ,f his mother. Mrs. Charles with-Mr. and -Mrs. AL \V. UMIK'.SOII Sat war iu fill I back on. Cmvell. at filt-'ir Cardm-r Sunday. Ann:ind;ili-. Di'cnratiirs and i-lrcirlciitis arc al Mr. Hitter, who ptirrhasni tin- .Mi- M'.iry Si-nls, little rliuiKhior of Mr. wuik .in the uM \). C. i:i.tlr m.m.-.iun, Carry farm, move-it his tuimiy av.-.his! J»I(.|- Mr.;. Win. J^.-als. tV-M nn.l cut hi.-r -which JI.'IH IH'UII cnnviTt'-il Into a -U.-st Curu." ' Tin: hoily nf l-:xra Hurley, father of H. C. llurli\v, was l.rmmht \wrv fnim Stoins' (Jhunli, l'a., the lattrr part of last wccU fur Imrial in tin: IJulvidei ci-mctcry. it will I..- Klin) 11-jws in v»v i.wnrrs and ilriwrs lo It-am itiat Stn>ct (.'niii- mission-r Joint Culc i:: !iulti:iii Wafi-r Htrt-L't. KflvtiU'iv. in titic c<.ii(lUi«.n wlUi thi' aid *if a tractor, a !•)>; rollci*. ami ;i furco uf ineii wim j-x't-m lo IK- dnin^ a good jdh. This alrci't wlilrli extenil:i from tlK- Delaware liiv -r hridgc m miller's hrMno. alioul one mile, hnM long liocn a prutuoli.-r nf pn>ruiiiiy.

The- asM-ssors nf tlK! enmity now Ir.m ihi-ir insii-uclirms t'roin tli.- Tax I'lnar*! anil all lh« nece.-:sary .-•|lli]>in<-nt to he!) thi^in in tin- pfrfornuimri' of their anln- uiis! liiliors. wliich Were supinisinl to li Kill on Saturday la.st and end w far ;IH tilt- htianlwork is concerned by .lai 10. TlH-n- was a fall atk-ndanr.- (1f tl; tiHHOs-sors of the eminty as tile niL-eliiiK ' JK'M at IIILI «uiul iiuiiM- -liit- lalU'f |i;ul Your partner in cooking of laal wcelc. Is it' inte tiial llu> pre::.-itci- uf lndl<- You'll find cooking success more certain on the (Ii-and Jury li>tid<-d tu <-.\|i."ti;il< matter and fiuilik-il that linnnrabt .with-a Beechwood Range. It's always body lo coniplc-tu its arduous labors in • U:KS tliiiii t\Vu""M.-iysV ' - •' • " " " -- under control. It never balks, never has,,/ .Miss Helen Canlneror Ilelvid'-n: h, to be coaxed. A Beechwood is absolutely, ben installed as tea<-lu-i- of tlic Sai'i'p jiublic school. -MI'SH Mclenisa ^radtiii dependable. That's a big help, toward a; of ilii; hiKli school class of I'.VM. successful meal...... A l.'irye miml'vr,•snint1' forty or-'-.mo! of \\l'arden c:e.ar«c Hiiiitli's fj-ieiuls ;;;i Beechwood Ranges are •"Titted' wiffi a Duplex Grate that in one turn rakes the fire and exposes the,live coals at bottom [I1' your molor ovorliral.s fn> iiniug exjH'-ris ii»II' to pruelically every needed vilivsniclIing^xJiaust i'« nios, re- sourci! anil grade of crude You'll want an enameled Beechwpo'd quires frequent carburetor ad- ])etrolei!ii2. Range for its cleanliness and attractive- j fai-bosiiKcs quickly ness. The glistening sides never discolor, It is for these ivastms that we it is probable that impure spotless. The polished top will shine with cntly a. wiiiJ-balaneo'.l gasoline a few rubs of an oiled cloth. Three colors, gasoline is llie c::uisc. Factory Ovcr-1'roditction • iind —yasioliite liiai is not lacking slightly blemished tires at great brown, blue arid gray. Have you ever really consiil- in any essential factor. It in- savings. ' creel ihe reason for using a Par folder will interest you, y/rite for it, \ sures a 'maximum of inolor Bearing Service Station. certain type of gasoline iu your efficiency, cleanliness, of com- Tinken, and Standard roller motor—or do you simply go lo bustion, smooth, strong pulling bearings for nil cars and trucks. a dealer and ask for "Gas"? Springs and Axles for all Beeclnaooel power and long mileage, be- makes of cars always carried in The improved "Slamlartl" cause it is the well-balanced, stock.-.:. • . .'•'.•. Heaters and Ranges V Motor Gasoline has certain def- all-'rouud fuel. [THE QUAKERTOWN STOVE WORKS! inite advantages that make it Ford Parts Quakertown, Pa, the superior of any oilier. "Standard" Motor Gasoline is Send or phono your order. These improvements were. the bust you can buy—and it Day and night" service on made possible principally by costs no more. Now obtainable truck tiros. • lhcs;long experience-olj our re- wherever you motor. 4 Uoll Phono 1110. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Way Bros. (New jersey) 29 SO. THIRD ST.' > i'N, PA.


I'HILLU'SHUItfJ/ All Must Work to Itrl I:I,I-:CTION NOTICIJ NOTICl-5 ! NOT/CK • Fire, tho origin of which ha- not "Every man nuita work In order to been determined, wan dlitcovrml on Notice Is hereby igiven tliat tho Suttee or l'rlmnry nnil Ocnernl Klcc- Notice of Prlmnry nnd fiencrnr Rleo- Notice of I'rloinrj- nnil Cencrnl Elec- hrltiK about a quick return to pros- District Hoards of JtcBlHtry nml-Klee- Friday night in tho -boiler house "What's in a Name?" perity" In tho declaration of tho ltolrd 4llltC(>UK, ~~: Mhlp of TllnnnOelit. - , / tion of Credit Men, which held a meet- after designated, ' Notico Is lioroby firlvon tlial tho Hoard Notico Is horcby given that tlio Itonru were called out'by telephone timl by FictMboutroutrutntitfthlitonttntin* IUK hint week In Atlantlu City. ' Said Hoards will alflo stl nt tlic namo Notlco Is lioroby glvon that tho Bonril' Ingi whence It m dttivtii ilfnlficmct; of Registry and Election of the of Hcglfltry and Eloction of /tho of Hoelstry and Election of tbo tho Otno they Arrived the compiwy's Declaring that the United States pliicvs between tlio huurs of 1 P. M. To\vn»hlp oC Lopatcong, County of Townnhlp of Mansflolil, County> of sprinkler service httd been put in yout l\u\f diy ind lucky Jewel. and 3 V. M. for tho rCBistrntlon pur- Townslilp of Greenwich, County of has hit the bottom of IHIHIIICXK Me pi)»es only, on Wnrrcn, N. J., will moot In tho rtsl- Warron. N. J., will meet In ilio Jr. Warren. N. j., will moot in tho HCIIOOI operation. The Jersey ComiKiny was PP'HHIOII. the credit men are prepai'1 dence of Laura Frey nt Hennfoot, M^eclianlcs" hall, Port Murray, ' / bullulns: at Stowartsvillo. tho only one to KO Into service. The hm to pkioe ordinary technical credit TUI'.SDAY, OCTO11KH IS, 1W21 TU15SI1AY, OCroiIUIt. 3S, 1»2I, TUKSDAY, OCTOHKIl IR, lU2t, Finally, on from ono o'clock In tho aftordoon TlinsUAY, UCTOIIIJIt J8, 1021, OumiiRu- Is HIIKM. HORTEXSE. liiHtlttHIons In tlu> background to ad- from ono o'clock In'tho afternoon un- from ono o'clock In tlio afternoon un- State President II. (>. Sloan nnil State ' TUIWI1AV, NOVHMHKIl H. J»-l til nine o'clock In tho evening, "for til nlno o'clock , In tho overling, for mit of full and free rilucusHion of ththe between tbo hours of 6 A. M. ami 7 tho pnrposo of revising nnd correct- tho purpose of revising anil correct- II nlno o'clock in tbo evening, for (Secretary O. \\\ Smith, both of Phillips*- _ —rmiM^ven i «„ »t « T^ L means off blrKi K thhe e UniteUi d States 1'. M for tho purpose of conducting ing tho original registers or adding Ing tho original registers on adding • tho purpODo of rovlHliis nml corrccl- "burg, nttimloil tha mooting of the Him- ' TTOHTENSH Is essentially n French bad; lo the normal bl^h .slate of busi- a General Bloctlon for thereto tho nnincs of nil persons on- thereto tho namea of nil peYsons civ ng tho original reglnlers or aduln« nnme A Mumlicr of tho Concral AHscmbly; titled to tho right of mi ft race In tlu t "oroto tho names of nil persona en- teutoeu n Countoy P. o. S. of A. Sutunluy j Xx » though sno 1ms been ness prosperity titled to tho right of suffrage in the titled to tho right of xnffrago In tho night nt Quaker to iv n. 'There were adopted by all comitrlos nntl sliu Ax a llrst move toward practicing A Member of tbo Hoard of Clioaeu election districts at tho. next elec- election districts it tho next elec- Frfuliolilcrs: tion who Khali appear In. portion be- tion who-.shall appear In/person be- election dlHtrlcts at tho next elec- in iittenilanoo. All tho cum\nt In tlu has ttio almost unlquo distinction for the national association a basin .ItifttlcoH of tbo 1'yace. fore, them or ahall bo shown by an fore them or Hliall bo Hhmvn by.an tion who ahull appear In person bo- county bi'inir repivnenteiL among feminine names of having no o'i which credit and business tenders ConstableH. affidavit of .some voter fn such elec- nfrtdiivft or somo voter In such elec- twa them or shnll be shown by nn PhUHpithctrtf 'IHffh SWie<»I I CinNKHAl, IIMICTION' 3! to 7. tory, with the single exception of Italy iivcntion and adopted. aiigh's Cigar Store. Union Ktiuare. TUB CJi:Ni;it,W, III.KCTIOtf "'*. John O'Doimi'll. of Woomsbtiry, con- AND AND. where tho "II" Is sometimes dropped Hiitinil.irioK:-TlK> third ward line on UI.I3CTIO.V ductor of a local Central drill crow, xvna nnd sho Is called Ortensla. the mat. the hclawure Ulver on tht TOWNSHIP I:I,I:C:TI«.V TOWXSIUP I:I,I:CTIO\ ' Itnoclicil off the top of-his vnnint: on West, the sixth wnrd line on tlic north wit! be helil for the Township of will bo '1(01(1 for the Township of Lopatcong. County of;'Warren, N. J., Ml lie hold for tho- Township or Saturday eveniiiK wli'.'ii an ICaston drill LIfee Sylvia, she Is something of n nnd tho line on Hulln.nn Street pro- Manslleld. County of Warron. N. J., In «ri'i»nwlcli. County of Warren. N. J., BACK BAD TODAY? u-ecl to tin- Delaware lilvcr. in tho residence of Latir.i I-'rey. Hem In the school building at Stowartsvillo, ran intoi * ItI . 1U> was picket!i up undent sylvan nnme. having come Tout, on the Jr. Mechanics' Hall, Port Murray, unconscious ami the a mint la i [•*lrst Ward, 2nd UislrUrt. P'btirg originally from tlie Lrttln "hortus." 1'iro Co., No. 1 Market St. TUKSDAY, XOVESIIIER 8. 1IWI, TUESDAY, XOVKMIfKIl R, 1031. TIIHSD.VY, NOVj;MHi:il S. 1021. called from tho Kaston Hospital but Ilackafho Is usually kidney-ache nnd between tho hours of six o'clock A. M., O'Donnel recovered after a short lime.' meaning a garden. Tlio slave who iiarie«;-TIetwi-e» Bnllinan Street between the It(^ura of six o'clock A. M., between tbo hours of six o'clock A. M., tended those elaborate Roman gardens makes you dull, nervous and tired. Use ri'il to the Delaware Klver (.he nnd seven o'clock I', M. for tho pur- it ml seven o'clock I'. M. for tho pur- An examination allowed no bou*"* brok- DiKiu'.s Kidney Tills for weak kidneys— third ward line and tin- fifth ward pose of conducting a General Klcctlon ind ticven o'clnhk I'. M. for thn pnr- pose of conducting a General Klectlon en nnd the conductor piomtly refused was called liortenslus, and, flnnlly for .IOSC of conducting a General Klvctlnn bf remedy recommended by your line on the north. .lernoy Street, South for ^ for to leave the job. He worked tli« hat-1 throupli home strange quirk of fancy, Vicmls and neighbors. Ask your neigh- Main Street, Itiver Street and I!!vi A Member of tho General Assembly; A Member of tho Gmieral Assembly; t produced (iitli Main Street, Ulver Street pro- A Collector of Taxes: by exertion such as lifting heavy tliitms An Aflsessor of Taxes; An AHNi-ssor of Taxes; Two Constables; vneumatlViieumatic interlockinterlocking; signag l .syste. m Italy nnd gradually the masculine form ti'< Ortensto en me Into use ns a proper ains through my kidneys and my back I*ox Street proilueed to the Delaware Two Justices of tho Peace: Two Justices of the Peace; Tw» Surveyor* of the Highway. Ing over the Delaware bridge and name, quickly followed by tho fem- A Member, of tho Township Com- Two Poundkeepers; ? A Member of tho Township Com- Through Knston. It had a Mtceessful was so lame that when I stooped It felt Klvcr. -• mittee; mittee. inine OrtetislfL The most famous Or- us If It Wt'i'o brcakhiK- M!y kidneys 1 Two Surveyors of the Highways: 1 Inauguration Sunday. The new brick S.'i-ond Ward. Unil Diftrlrt. Low And to vote upon the following A Membur of tho Township Cimi- And to vote upon tlio following tensla o£ those dnys was Ortensln ictod IrroKiilnrly nnd when I did work II Sohool r.itllding, Si>. Mil in St. proposition: proposition: tower Is located ncrot-s tht« street from tnunil.'irii>s:-ltet\vot>n Stockton Street ltlee; hut compelled uie to stand near a hot Shall tho Act on titled "An art And to vote upon tlio following Shall tho Act entitled "An act tho Union Station. All train opera- j MMnncinl, tlie niece of Maznrln. This itnve* I became very nt'i-votis and dizzy. South Main Street. Fnx Street. !•'«> authorizing thn creation of a debt of authorizing tlio creation of a debt nf tionIIUIINs toim thnite- twnvtoi lunitownns iin- iiiMiiiInstanut iiMi- notahlo lady carried her'numo into rt producod on the north and .Ion*, My head whirled MI 1 couldn't stand on Hie State of New Jersey for tho onn- Shall tlio Act entitled "An art the btato of New Jersey fur tho con- trol of, one towcrmuu on duty at the | Kr;tI1C0| wIlcre ,,l0 Fre|,ch strn|Blltwnj ny feet. I WAS affei-icd In tills manner n Slrei-t mi the smuili nnd betweci Ht ruction, extension nntl concerning st ruction, extension and concerning y Tlfill ward line (ind tlie Delaware .ulhnrlKing the. crcatlnu »r a debt of nerve-con tor of th plant. or a mtmlH't* of years, when I heard the 'Institutions of tho State ulidcr tlie While of New Jersey fur thn oun- (he hiKtitutlons of-Mlie Stale 'under A district Kpworth placed tho stntnp of tbelr >f Doan's Kidm-y Pills and boiiKht :i llie State lionrd of Control of Institu- :t ruction, extension and eoneernlng the Rtnto Hoard of Control of Timtltii- p Lf;ii;m; . nven- nn ilril Wnrd. 1st Hislriet. Free- tions ,'iml Agencies, by tlio Issuing of tlons nnd Agencies, by the issulnff oC tion, will be held October 1- I Wesley [ "P It by calling It Hortense. Since box at Williams' DI-UK Store. One box tho institutions nf thu .State, under Si-hni»l Itultdlug- Viliuore St. bonds In an nnioun.t not to exceed tht- Statn Bourd of Ciinliol nf Tnstltii- bonds in an nniount not to cxcccil M. K. chiiruh. tliar time many famous women hnve trave mr* threat relief. T used Dnan's noiindark-s:-Helwvi-ii Morris Street fourteen million dollars: providing fourteen million dollars; jirovMIng until 1 was in a normal condition." ions and Agencies, by the Issuing nf At the croup meeting held Thursday i borne It, particularly tliose of royal and Croen Alloy. Fit more Street. Suni- tlie. ways .ind means for the payment innils fn an nniniint nm to excoed the ways and means .for ihu payment liitjht about 100 were in nUendance , circles. niit Avc,, Chambers Street nnd Tyn- of tho Interest accruing on said debt .'ourtoen iiilllion dollam: providing of tin; tntcre.it accruing nn said debt and ii resolution wan adopted benrftiB [ (Statement Riven June 20, IIH6.) dall Ave. and botwron the .sixth ward and for tho payment of the principal the ways and means for the payment nntl for Urn payment of tlio principal Hortnese's Jewel Is tlie diamond, lint- and the ttrst ward line. of said debt nt maturity, and the ox- tin- Interest accruing on wild iMil of fin Id debt at maturity, ntftl tho ox- on Sabbath observance and opposing On January 12, • 191*1. Mrs. Devries pensop In connection therewith, ami in coiiiioi-Ur.n tlmrcwltli, nnd Sunday baseball. which Is said to give Its wearer fear- wild: "I have been In Very piod health Third Ward. 2nd District. Free- and for the pnyment of the principal man School ''ItiiMiling, Fllmorc St. providing for tho .submission of this if .inId debt nt imi'jirity, and tlio t>x- 'g f»r the sulimisslon of thin The plant of VrlodUind lirothvr*. lessness, Invulnerability nnd to bring ever sinro Don it's Kidney Pills did away noimdarIi's:-Hi'twren Croon Alley, Fil- law to tlio people at tho ne.\t general •Rrises In unnnectlun tliorowllh. and law to tho pi-oplc nl the next general manufacturer and wholes.il*' tltMh'is In victory In any endeavor, provided, vitb the bai-kaebp. dlnzines.s and all iii ore Street. Sinn in It Ave, Clininber election," approved one thou- n-ovlding for fie nubn-lsslon of this it th.m- soft drinks and confectionery, located however, that It Is received ns a clft Hher sinus of kidney trouble. 1 have Slrfft ami Tyndall Ave. nnd Hudson sand nino lmii'dred and twenty-one iiw to the people at the noxt gonernl nd nln hundred and twenty-ono in Limekiln road, was almost destroy Street and between the sixth wnrd be adopted? be adopted? llIltl not very reason tn believe that Doan's tine and the first ward lino. elect ion," approved one Ihou- cdliy lire Thumlny at a Injw estimatei d purchased. To exercise Its iffected :i perrnanont euro for I Iviven't WILLIAM C. MORRIS, and nine hundred and twenty-one KDOAU J. FHET. between jl.~,000 ami fL'O.imo. The origin best power it should be sat In pohl Fourth Ward. lnt Dinlrlct. Jersey Township Clerk. ie adopted? l»eon troubled fn years." Hoso Co., So. Main Street. Morris Park. Phllllpaburg, X. J, Township Clorlc. of the fire is undetermined. The fli nnd worn on tho left hnnd. Its po- S. H. T'KnilY. Stewttrlsville, N. J.. Sept. 3, 1321. UOc at all dealers. Fosler-Milburn Mpundariesi-K.-m of smiili Main street Sept. 3, 1021. Townnhin Clerk. men were slow in responding;, owing tency for Hortense Is concerned not >., MfKi-s., Buffalo, X. Y. to sixth and tlftii ward lines and from to tho tire alarm system not working Jefferson Street to sixth ward line on Port Murray, N', J,, Sept. a. 1H2I. properly. only with lovers, but Is extended to the south. enhance the love of a, hnshnnd for his Tho rooms of IJornai'd J. Donovan Fourth Ward. 2nd District. 1.. O. NOTICK /' Peers School llnildtntf. So. Main St. Prut, American legion, at OS Eolith wife. Saturday Is her lucky day and N'.ni^ is b.'rcbv Kivt^n that thf ne- NflTICK iMain street, have been furnished In an nouinl:irlps:-\r.-.st of Wnuth Main Ptrrct NolU'f of l'rliunr.v ami Con oral Elec- sis her lucky number. iunits i'f thi' siuliscril»i>r. Frank M. In Delaware River and from Jefferson •if 1'rlitmry tntil f^i artistic manner. The piano recently 'aniiathi. executor <>f Samuel T. Van- tion mid MfcfltiKM <>r lloiinl* nf Roller- of I'rliiinry nntl (iptwrnl Mlcr- rrnl Tho daisy, signifying Innocence, Is Street lo filxtb ward line on the south. iteKlMry nml 1'locthm i»f tliu llor- Ihin nml -llcpllngs ut Ilonrtlw of IIonrdN ot presented to tlie post by Keller's of mtta. deceased, will be audited and ItoiiHIry mid KU'ctlun of the llur- nortense's flower, tati-it by tiio .Siirritgan.-, and reported Fifth Ward. 1st District. Itoliance •IIIKI) <>f WiiNMiiKlini. IloKlMtry nnd Klccdcm at the Tirnn. Easton is ono of tho attractions. There ll'i.sc Co. Chambers Street. Notice Is hereby glvnn that the Hoard Mhl|i or Oxfurrl. migli ..r Alpl.n. in a large framed portrait of General' (Copyright) o til.- Orphans' Court >»f the Ceiinly of iVarren, on I-'rlday, the Fourth day tif ISonndarles:- I Set ween Lewis Street, of Registry and KlcclUm of the Notice Is hereby given that the Hoard Notice is hereby given that tlie Tlonrd PiTshing- in tht? reception room. mbcr next, at 10.ISO o'clock. A. M., Heckman Street. Silk Ave. and Stork. Itorotigh of Washington. County nf if Heglntry and Kloctlon or tho f Registry and KI*>iiion of thi> Mr>\ Vincenwt Varutta has returned xt, ton Street and the I"> U * W. It. U. and torougli of Alpha. Crmnly of Warren. 1'rm.nN.iN. i t Sh f ttl Warren, X. J., will meet for the First Township nf Oxford, County nf War- to PMIlipslutrg alone after a vi.sit with of Sf between Hudson Street and the Kixth District in tlie srhoolhoUHf. and for mi, N. ,f., will meet in the Oxford N*. J., will meet in tlie Jin rough Klro Hi'ait-d ]ir Itonnl of Kdii.-nti.m of tlic Town of T -7. t It u |. tilm Second and Third ^lat.rict.si In Theatre, Oxford, « 1 Fifth Ward. 2nd District. Peter Ht.roitgh Hull, jpleasant time visiting relatives, I.ut 1'liillliislmrg. In Ihe county nf \Vnr- KIIANK -M. VA.VNAT'I'A. l-IxeeuliU , l-yhcli's stniv. Heekman Street. TtlKND.W. OCTOlllIlt IK. )(>1M, • TUKsn.iv, <>(;TOIII-:U IN. ut2t, when ready tit r«tuni to America Mr. ivn. (N. .1.). at Hie olMro nf tliv Snper- ::.;:i| iti-ondway. New Vtn-k City. X. V. I!mindiiries:-I!otwrcn Hudson Ptreel 'I'ltl-JSD.W, OCTOIIKK IS, 1I)1!I, "roni one o'clock In the afternoon un- rom (mo o'clock in the afternoon uii- Yarona was detained at Naples be- intviiik'Nl of I'nblle Svhoolu. In the WJI, A. ^'1'KVKKlt. Troi-tcr. and Stockton Street and liefreen Lewis frmii one o'clock In tho afternoon un- it nine o'clock In the evening. f»i- II nine o'clock In Ihu evening, for cause of a physical defect. The wife MIKII Sebool IliilMlnfr. l*hllll|jslmrg. .V. -i;i'-."t Wiishiiifrtnn, New Jersoy. Street and the sixth ward line. til nine o'clock fn the evening, for ;ho purpose of revising and correct- tiie purpose of reviving and corrocl- will return to Italy if a final decision •J.. lit* rt-milar place- of nicotlnK). Sixth Ward. 1st District. Lincoln t!ie puriio.se of rovislng and correct- ng the original registers or adding the original ret:!stern or adding Tiu-Mlay evening, (h-tol.or :•:.. l»-ll. 1M- ing the original registers or adding Ho tho names of all persons en- Is rendered preventing her litisuand Kniriufi Co. Lincoln Street. hereto the names of all persons en- twoen tht- liintrs of T.lin and \.\',>) V. ^i,, t. IloundarieKi-netween the old town thereto the names of all persons en- :ltled to the right of suffrage In ttie titled to the right of suffrage In tho from returning to America, ti at tlic end uf wbU-h time «ald i»n»p<)K- o is hereby Kivon tl it t? boundary and the I.opatcong Town- titled to tho right of suffrage In the election districts at ttic next elec- election districts at tlie next elec- iiN will l.u puMioly oponwl nml rt-ad. 'lection districts at the next oloc- tion who shall, appear In person be- The bawia- and block" dance of the Oil! ts of tins sulis riber V rn I'.il- ship line ami north from tlio D. L. & ion who skall appear In person bn- 'Catholic Daughters of America held \V. II. II. to Delaware River. ion who ahall appear In person be- fore them or shall be nliown by nn fore them or shall bo shown by an Tin' hblH will be tendered lor fur- liltOL'l . Asilmioo ( f tbt M dt ^Uk fore them or shall be shown by an nflldavit of some voter In -»tich elec- the Hast throe nights of last week was nisliing all niateriuls ami Isilmr- ronuir- on »a iy. Assi^nm . win •I ti.'il Sixth Ward. 2nd District. Warren nlndnvlt of .some voter In such elec- ilndavjt of some voter In such nice- ion district to be n legal voter of tlio a big success. It was held in Madison fil in tlic cini.striictlt.n of tin' .1. JI nd st it oil l>y tin* Sum 1 re- (Mu-mk-al Co. Mill St. tion district to be a legal voter of the tion district to bo a legal voter of the Horoiigh of Alpha Square. Brcnsintrt'i- tinuk' School liulhling to iorl eil to Hie Orp urns' Co rl f noiMidarinsi-netween the old town liorongh of Washington Township of Oxforit Pride- of Malnslvii Council X'o. 100, 1H- locatfd at Congress, Mill and 'on ity of Wiu-rc 1. Ml 1- rid i> (he 1 inn nilnry am I Lopalfong Township Oaiigin-nu Street, I'liiUlp.slnirg, X. .1. "nil II ila\ of No Vi inlier t. in.;i(i lini' siiiitli from the I">. L. & W. 11 It. T1IK OENKUAIi KIJICTIOV Sons and Daughu-is of Liberty initiat- m; ,\ a to liio I'ohateoiiK Township lino. THE GRXi:».\I. RLKCTION Instriu'iliiiis to l>iihk-rs and other in- "eb ek i... in tl e lei 1) r so TII13 GENEKAl/Rl.fiC'flON AXU ed seven candidates Thursday night fnnn.it ion, tugt'tlu-r with plan.s iinil f. ttt'UI.'llt and rtARVKY O. WISMKR • AXI> and received thi-ye propositions. The MtceltU'.itluris. ihay IJO profiircd frmii , 1 »at-1 So Hombor Hull Clerk of tho Town • of I'hiUipsburg. AM) TOWNSHIP KI.RCTIOX 1IOUOUCII Hl.nn'l'ION' council is on another nicmbn-r-hip the ollliv i.f Illti'her and Kllor, Arulil. OI I'a niatcor. nonoucii KI.KCTIO.V •III be held for the Township of fix. 111 be hclil for the Borough of Alpha, h-i'ts, tiili and Court ^truuts, Keadlng, lild & n_ Ider. ITP (•tor -ounly nf iVari-i;ii,-N. J.. In the Boro- Pa. ,vill be held for the Borough of Wiisli- nd, Comity of .Warren, N. J., In the Mtv. Heurge Stam.-is and lier father 90 JlroaO Hi.. Xewai k J. ngton. (Jouuty of Warren. N. J.. for Oxford Theatre on. ugh 'Flro "irffils""e;"o?i " ttoBor llailt-y, -jtunmi Frid.iv fn.ni a A iiojKn.it Of Tivciily-nvi' li^'.'.'iin In the Matter of the Ks- he First District in the schoolhoiise, T0HSI1AV, XOVHJIIII-JIt 8, HEM, I'ollar-i will I- ri'fjiiir.'il mi .'itch set riiKsnAY, ?iiivKMiii-;it s, 11121, ten £«*;«'Ttrip u^ihe formi-r homo at tnte of .Mary A. Sharer and for the Kueond ,ind Third Districts bctweon tho Imurs of six o'clock A. M., i-f iihuif-i'fo'ivi.'il fniui I!IL- Ardilu-i/ts, ilio. Bomugh Jlall, on ; wen tlie hours of six o'clock A. M., :vcn o'clncl: 1*. M. for tlio ,pi:r- whi.-li sin,i will ho rtip.ud upon ri'Uirn Hole to'Par Crfditor::. and seven o'clock I'. M. for the pur- f conduutlug a General Election sensors ai.road the "Afiuftanki/''" <>f .s.inl ihx'iinit'nls intact ami in Kno>\ ^ Matter 'J'UKSn.VY, NOVKM11KK S, 1021, pose of conducting a. ticncral Klcctl(»ri I! vt Pursuant t<> the order of tlic Surro- between the hours of six o'clock A. M., for rttiiMitinii t«i Hit; Aicliltcets nut lati-r r,. 11,,1-bi gate of tlie County i»f Warren, made for than ihri'L- il.iyt, after tliw liiiis are r«- l-t. ' Cn I sevt-n o'lMnck l\ M. for the pur- A Member of Uio General Assembly: A .Member of the General Assembly; KOCKSIU'KU. i>ii the seventeenth day of September e of conducting ;t Ucnunil Klcction A Member of tbo Hoard of Chosen I'ursiiiint tr. ilif* nnlei- of 111 irro- *.. U. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty for A, MrtT.bor of the Hoard of Chosen 'Albert F. Itapp, of Mount Holly, Sfiiar.it.- Md.s will HIPO IIO roci-ivvil Freeholders; Freeholders; ate uf tlu* Cninity of Warren, made One, notice is ,'ieroby given to all per- A Mayor; _. spent Sunday at his hom.\ at the iiliov time and date for the sp.-- n the Seventeentii day of Aujfust. A. sons having- claims against the Ksiate A Member of the Cenorsil Assembly; A Collector of Taxes; i-ial c'oniriH-l^ ot li'iitin^r and vcntil:il- of Mary A. Sliafer hut' of the County of A Member of tho Board of Ulioaen An Assessor of Taxes; Three CuuncIImen; A .surprise party was given Paul », Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-One, Freeholders; Three Justices of the Peace; Cool Saturday evening by several of lug. plumbing- and electric work, de- otle.; is hereby Riven to .ill persons Warren, deceased, to present the same A Constable; posit for tin-si' plans and spL'cllU-a- A Mayor; Two Justices of the Pence; And to vote upon the following r his friends. A very pleasant evening invinjr elaiins apainst the estate of tt) the subscriber, her executors, on or ttons will bo $10.00, to be returned un- lohn G. Herbert. late of ihe County of before the seventeenth day of March Two Councilmen; Two Surveyors of the highway; was spent and refreshments served. der Kiine conditions as the above. A Collector of Taxes; A Member of the Township Com- Shall the Act en titled "An act 'arren. deceased, to present tho same A. D. Nineteen Hurjrcd ami Twenty authorizing the creation of a dobt of Mr. .and Mrs. Jay Warning and chil- To be I'titltSed to receive considera- i tlio subscriber, his sub. administra- Two being six Months from the date An Assessor of Taxes; mittee: dren, of Bangor. Pa., were entertained Three Justices of the Peace; And to vole upon Uie following the Stato of New Jersey for the con- tion, th.» pr"i>"s;xl.s imibt hu made up"ii irs. c.t.a. tin or before tiie Seventeenth of said order; and anv creditor neg- etlon, extension and concerning tit the home of bis brother, Clinton Uie forms iiruviilnl by tfie architi'cts. iy at Ffihriiiiry, A. IX, Nineteen Itiin- lecting to lirlng In and exhibit his or And to vote upon tho following proposition: r proposition: institutions of Ihu State under JJartung, Sunday. A roriitU-tl check of. r. ;. of the pro- •cd and Twenty-Two. beinp .six her claims under oath or atllrmalion. Shall the Aft on 11 Hod "An act State Hoard of Control of Institu- posals must arconipany each hid. wlin'ii onths frmn tin.- date of anUl order; wHliln tlie time so limited, wiil bo Shall tho Act entitled "An. n»l authorizing the creation of a dobt of Me. and Mrs. Leo Lommason mid furevor barred of his or her action tho iitato of Xew Jersey for 'the con- tions and Agencies, by the Issuing of son Donald, were Sunday guests at the v. ill he furf'-ited a.s Ui|iild:il(Ml d.im- id any creditor ne^lec-tini; to brliif? authorizing the creation of a debt of' Sends In an simmint not lo exceed iiires. il tiio cuntracts arc not accepted ami exhihit lijs or her chums under agiiliist the said executors. tue State of New .lersey for tho con- struction, extension and ronccrning home of his uncle, John Lommason, at 'ourteen million dollnrs; providing by the lltius tn wluim thi-y are a wnrd. Hit or allirmatlnn. within ihe time so Uated September IT. 1921. struction, extension and concerning tlie institution* of thn State under lie ways anil means for tlio payment Jrackettstown. eil within (S) Jive ilays of the aw.ird, rttitnrl, will be fiu-ovor hiirrol nf his M:iry T«iibellG Sliafer and the instit'iticns of the State ,under the Ktate. Board of fontr'd of Institu- >f the interest accruing on said debt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hinellm? and Xo bill bonds will U'i accepted. • her fiction against the said sulisli- Francis J. Shafor, executors. the Stale Hoard of Control of Institu- tions and Agencies, by the is'suing of ind for the payment of the principal children' .spent Sunday with her par- The llo;inl "C Kdnrati.m ro.ti-rvea tlio itml ailniinislrators. c.t.a. 1'iiillip.sburg, New Jersey. tions and Agencies, by tlio issuing of bonds In an amount not to exceed of .said debt at maturity, and tho ex- fourteen million dollars: providing 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jtsao I-'rey, at In- rlKl.t t» n0-cl mi> nnd all hlilx. ]>atC'i AIIK'IISL 17, HCM. bond.s in an nmrnmt not tn exceed lenses In connection therewith. and fourteen million dollars; providing the ways and means for [lie payment :>rovidlncf for the submission ot this gersolt Heights. .losiiPii c. uorsiiu. WH.MAM I". TIHIUIHHT, the ways and mo.ans"fnr the payment of the Interest accruing on siild debt Miss Virginia Tloi'd ontertained Mr. XOTICIJ law to tho people at the next general IIS l-'ayette St.. I'liiltipKliurK. N. J. if:the interest accruing on said debt and for th.fi payment or the principal election." approved ono thou- and Mrs. Wm. Swlntucr at t->a Sun- e " 'lliultliiiKH. Jlcpiiira'and In tho Matter of tho Ks- ,nd for the payment of the principal of .said debt at maturity, nnd the ex- .TOUN C. HHHBICrtT, late nf William F. I Ilulo to Da, sand nlnn hundred and twenty-ono day evening. Furnitu f.Ti Wp.«hincton St./ Cntii'lon, N. J. of. ;;aid debt. at..maturity., and."tue ex- penses In connection ther«v/Jt!i. and be adopted? ttest: Substituted administrators, c.t.a. Mainlin deceased ) "" " " penses in connection therewith, and providing for the subniiHsion of this Samuel Cook. Thomas Reed, Robert ALFI:MD it. CAHK, 1 law (o the people at the next'general Vannatta, Raymond Hess ami Ciibfrt Pur-siianL to tho order of the Sur- providing for the submission of tliiH CLEVELAND M It HEN". tary. rogate of the County of.Warren, made, law to the people at the next-gonoral election, approved • -one thou- Horoilgh Clerk. Ilar-tung luvtoml to Trenton i'air Fri- '. N. J.. Oct. ::, on tho ninth day of August A. D. election." approved one thou- sand nine hundred and twenty-one Alpha, N. J., Sept. 3, 1921. day. Xolli-p. be adopted? n tiir Matter of the Ka- Nineteen Hundred and Twenty One, sand nine hundred and twenty-one llrs. Gilbert Stout attended court latR of notice is hcrby given to all persons in adopted? LGWIS n. wir.mucK. last week, being one of the jury. having claims against the Estate of I'iiiK'is James Drake, WJl-liam F. Hcimlin late of. the County JACOB H. ITAIIN, Township Clork. NOTICE , Mr« Hannah Cresar, of. JJclvirierc Deceased 'Borough Clerk. • Oxford,-K. X, Sept. a 1521. .- •. visited _friends in this place Thursday llf, llu- o£ Warren, diiceased, to prcsen the same Jrnili . Itulu to the subscriber, .his executors, on or ^Washington, N. J, Sept, If, 1P3I. • Xullcc ot -Prlmnry nnd «cnernl Klec- hmu uelore. tne nintli May of February A. tlon nnd .-uco.tirign- in* itnnrut »i JLlFs Sarah Mutx is spending some I'ursnant to the rdo of the Su 1). Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two lies I* try nnil i;ivvlbin ot the Tuun- ic:.: kiined mid.T tiie pr i t fdiln of PutinUong. time at tlio home of John Itosenii"rrv itii! ppt t an Al of the County c»l Wan lie^'uii bclns six Months from the dale of said tho Tt-iitli day of isept A. M,, order; and any creditor iietcIectlnK to NOTICI3 . . Lower Mt. Bethel, Pa. " *' tilh'it, n Act '.••inci'i-ninK' Ihuti'ji Xinetecn dTundred and T^nty-One, Notice Is hereby given that tho Board tU'S,,"" apprmvd .March liT. 1!UT. hrlns in and exhibit his or her claims Xotlcc of Primary nnd fioitcrnl ICleo- of Registry and Election of tho Mr. and Mrs. Albert •Roseberry and notice is hereby Kivisn In fill persons under o:ith or alllrmation, within tho •Unn nml Meeting* or HrinriU of IIr. and Mrs. George Vannatta .spent octbm i. lie it ordalncii by baviiif? claitm; against the lOslate of NVfU-r or I'rlinnr.v nnd Cenernl IGlcc- Townslilp of Pohateong, - County oC nship coininlltt-K ..r tho toiv time so limited, will bo furover barred ll(»i) tiinl '.MentlniCH . of HonrilM nf IteKlMtry nml Kleettcm of (lie TIIUTI- Warron, N. J., will meet In tho flrsL Sunday in I Tope. Mlilnwliild , r ti • Francis .lames Drakf, late of tho of his or her action against the said district at Shlmer's sciionthouse, and Mr. and Mrs. Walton Kishjiaiigh of County of Warren, deroiisud, to present tteglNtry nnAV, OCTO1IHK IS, iflSl, from One o'clock in "the afternoon un- ing the original registers or nd'dlni; lU'd (illlwr of tho town.siiip, niation, within the timo so II mi led. Hxceulors' Snlc of Hi-nl Ivslntc. til nine o'clock In the evening, for thereto the names at all persons'en- Mr. and Airs. Jay Ilartung and chil- fUcor sliall r.-rtiry the cost will ha forever burred of his or her from one o'clock in the afternoon un- The undersigned, executors of the til nine, o'clock •in-stbc evening. ,for the purpose of revising and correct- t It led to the right of suffrage in tho dren and Mrs. Stephens and son Clyde, the Township Counnittoe action nfialnst the said Ksecutris. ins the original'registers or adding olection districts at the next elec- examine tin* cortillciilc, ami last wilt and testament of William F. tlio purpose, of revising and, correct.-, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. llartung Sun- Dated September 10th. lfil'l. liamlen, deceased, will sell at .public sale thereto the:names of alt persons en- tion who shall appear In person be- day. onvi-t. slirdl ciiu^o the cost ing the original registers or.addlng fore them or shall bo shown bv. an tbereon to be churKed JULIA D11AKK. Kxoetltrix. ;thereto the names of all.persons cn : titled to-the .right of suffrage In tlie Mrs. Benjamin Young visited with 1170 So. Jfain St., Saturday, October 15,1021 r .election districts at the next clcc- .ftldavit^ of^ some voter_ In such'elec- Jan^ajmtii Jd PliiIlinshiiNT -at. 2 o.clock in the afternoon at_the titled to the right of suffrage^ In thc^ "Unlon"-SqiTaftr""H6terin~"PhilMpsbureT 'fore them or sliull be - shown by nn Townsliip ut Polmtcong ' ^. Leo Lommason has purchased a new \rhnrffds?inil foptliuVth Now Jersey, the following tract of tion who shall appear In iiorsoa be- nlUilavlt of some' voter in'such elec- Overland sedan. omo a lien on .such lands, and shall XOTICK; lanrl situate In PhilllHsbunf aforesaid, fore them or shall be shown • by an tion district to be a logal voter of the addeil to, and lieeonn. anil fonn part, bcgrinninK at a corner on tho norther- aflldavit of some voter in sticli elec- THE GEN 13IIAI, ELECTION ho taxe 1 tion district to lie a legal voter of. tlie Township of Washington tho taxes next to bo assessed and In (he Mailer of the 12s- ) „„, , -„ ly sitlo of Hudson Street' and lot of AND ' STILL VALLKV. levied unnn h lands, the same to Into nf Charles S. Car- \ ',,,•» Karah Ilufford; thence by her lot north Township of Franklin Sirs. Anna "Weaver returned tn her boar interest at tb same rate as ta\-o« tcr. duecu.sed. ) ^rcuuor.s. u0 degrees west (if) foot to a stake; . THE GENEUALKLKCriOX TOWNSHIP KI.KCTHhY 1 liume in Trenton Tuesday nf last wok d lll b ll l^l by tlu- s-uu.. olii-' 1'iirs'iaitt to liic onlor of the Hnrro- thence north IS1 /. degrees west 20 feet ANI> ill bo held for the Township- r to :i corner on Hudson ytreet; thence THE GKXEUAI- I3I.I3CT1ON Pohatcongh , CountC y (»f WarrenW , -,NN\. J., after visiting at the humo oC Mr. ami ^iite of the Oountv of \\ :irren, irirtitf^ on TOWNSIIIP,,'KIJ1<:GTION •; airs. C. IS. VorlKMsu. the elKlith day oT AiiKust, A. D., Nine- by .said Hudson Street south S2 de- - '.AND . .' • for ihc'first district in Shlmor's Bdibol- teen Hundred and Twenty One, notice grees east GO feet to a slake, the place will IJG he hi for thc.Townslilp of Wash- iso. and for tho .second district at Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Vorhoase and •rowNsmi* Buacriox ington, County of Warren, N. J., in Is hereby Kiven to all persons having of beginning. Property i in proved by vlll he . held for ' tlie Township of llughtiKvllle schootlioiific, on ' Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Vorhess<.> and claims against the .Estate, of Charles double dwelling Nos. Si and 2a. Uelng the Township Hall, >on> •• TUESI1AV, XOVKMIimt S, J»2I. two children spent Sunday at ihe home the same lands conveyed to William -'rank I in, County of Warren, K. J., In H. Carter; late* of llin County of War- the Township Hall, on TDI3SUAV, XOVEJIIBER 8,- ll»aj. between the hours of six o'clock A'.'M., of the former's son-in-law and daugh- ren, (.lecensed. to present the nnnic to F. iramleh. by deed of John Wyckoff, between tho hours ot,six o'clock A. M., mi seven o'clock P. M. for tlio pur- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pinkerlon. in tho subscriber, his administrator,- on dated February 27 190.1. and recorded ' ' TUI3SDAV, NOVEHnBH 8. 31121, < mid soven o'clock P. :M. for "the pur- jose of conducting a General Election Little York. before the eighth day of February, A. in Hie olllce of the County Clerk, vol- between the houra of six o'clock A. IX:, ]>oso,of conducting a General Klectlon for V I).. Nineteen Hundred nnd Twenty ume 171 of Deeds, page SJ. an«' soveiiiven oo'cloc ciocikc i*P. i\i..ioM..for ui«the' l"IHU— - for Dorothy, little daughter of Mr. and A Member of the General Assemiiiy;-*" Mrs. J. T. Gardner, is able to bo out Two, beinf,' Six Months from the dale pose of conducting a General Election • A-Member of tho General Assembly; of said order; and any creditor neff- ARTHUR .T. HAJILEN', -for : , .. •:..••.'. A Member of tho Board of. Chosen again after several davs j|ln<-.ss from Icctintf to brins in and exhihit his or .. HYJAH D. HAMLEN, A Jfeniber of the General Assembly; 'A Member of "tlio Board of Choaun" Freeholders; • ' an Infeclidn of the throat. her claims under oath or alliraiatlon, LOUISA HAMLEN, A M.cmi)er of the Hoard of Chosen Freeholders; An Assessor . of Taxea; Mr. and, Mrs. Herman l'etty nnd two P.obort h. frets. within the lime so limited, will bo Executors. 'reeholders; An Assessor of Taxes; A justice ot the Peace; * ' children of New Village spent Sunday -Defendant. forever barred of hi.s or lier action Sn-ilth & Brady, A Constablo for two''ycjy.a; - A'Colleelor'of Taxes; A Constable; "^ . r A Constablo; with her parent*, Mr. and M,rs. Frank- v n i i , " Attarbmenl against the said administrator. Proctors, • 0-22-4t A Constable, for three yearc.:s A Surveyor of tho Highways; , •' • Notice is hereby pivon that a writ Dated: August s, 1921,: Threo Poundkeepers; • Sc^v A I'oundkoeper; A Poundkeepor; lin S. Nixon. Miss Lvniin. llnuscl was A Member of tho Township •Com- A Member of the Township Com- also a guest at the Xlxon home. nf nttuclimont wa.s issued olit of the CHAltLES H. BIIADV, administrator. A Member • ot the Township "C^m- Warren County Court of Common Pie'M litteb; / ^^ mittee; mittoe; M!r. and JJrs. JJarvoy Vorhesse and In the matter of tbo Es- And to vote -upon' tlio folfowlnff tAnd .ioitvotc upon' the following And to vote upon the following on .September 13, iB3r. affSt tlio tate of Emtr.a J. Yawgcr proposition: proposition: two children were. Sunday guests of his rlf,'ht.s nnd credits, moneys and effects Deceased proposition: brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Shall tlio Act entitled "An act Shall tho Act"'on tilled "An act Shall tho Act entitled "An . act Koorts and chattels, lands nml tene- lMiinjr; SAii; uv AUTO^IOHII,!]. Itulo to Har Creditora. (authorizing: the creation of a debt of authorizing tho creation of n. dobt of Raymond Obe-rly, of S to warts vi lie. 1 uthorlzliig the creation of a" dolit of inonts of Jtobert I,. Fru\v, llu absent The undersigned, a ffaratfe kenper, Pursuant to tho order of the Surro- •the State of Now Jorsoy for the con- Uio Stato of New Jersey for tho r.on- debtor, at the milt of Jacob Olton- of the Town of riiillip.sbum. Warren 10 EJtuto of New Jorsoy for the con- Franklin s. Xixon has been awarded 11111 r S X gate of tho County of Warren, made on tructlon. ^vxtension and concerning struction, extension and concerning st ruction, extension and concerning Dniwk ^nnn^ri ° c ' """'Ton County, K*o;v Jersey, having b.v law the -institutions of the' State under the contract to build an oflice and tool 11 1 the "eighth-'day. of August A. D. Nine- io instltimbns of the Stale »;unilor the Institutions of the Stato under house of conciete blocks in M linns ^•"aiul'Sr'Sino^Jiis^r^ ^^^ a lien upon -i Itiilek Mndel Jilf-F I ) teen Hithilrcd "and Twenty one, notico he State Board of Control of Inntitu tho State Board of Control of Institu- the State Board'of Control of Institu- (/.Straw ^cemt ten ind diih c\ec«Uil and w is iLturmd nn «-e\€ii p i«seiiK(r (oui inf c ir "U( toi K horebj gi\en to ill persons Iiavlnf, Joni ind Agencies bj the Issuing of tions and Agencies bj the Issuing of tions and Agencies l)j the issuing of, \» i "i on frittu No "TO forlnlur elniini igainst the ] stite of rmnn, T bonds In nn amount not to exceed bonds in in imount not to oxcocl Mrs Fdwnitl CeMo of T^niontown snonl S ltrffl r bon It In an amount not to e\cerd Ibe CotniU of ^ in Pn" " ° ippins ind nnteri ils itcifoime I ind ^1\^^,er late of the CminU of ^\Trien * II teen million dollari pro\ Idlng font icon million dollars pro\ Iding fouiteen million dollars prov wine AVctlHPS(li\ \\Hli fikiufc heir I>Tl(d ^i ptin hoi 2S Tfl fuinlsbPd forMt'H (olucd tlu owner diroised to ]ireiont the simo to the s ^a\s ind jiiem-3 foi tlio piMnptU tho •najs tml means for tljo paunonl the \\n\s and moans foi the payment "Dalo and rslhei t«o chlhlien of Mi of Mid (in mil thlitv dn\s ii n Ing subscriber, hoi i\i tutor on or before tlio Interest accruing on it Id debt of the interest accruing on said debt interest accming on said Mebt nnd Mii Stow nit "\\ olf i\ha lino ])Pcn n\Msr\ PI rsr c ierk i\|iliul sinte tlu dnt of d tendon the Sth d-n of Fobrunn A D Mnotpen 1 foi tho pajment of tbo principal nnil for tbo payment of the principal nnd for tho pajment of tho principal quite ill with ie\oic colds me nblt. to O D "UcCONM L Attomo\ of siid em bj nu will mil Uie mid 1'lunUred and Twenty two, being six iaid debt at niaturltv anil tbo e\- of Bam debt at maturitj and tho e\ it said dobt at tuaturltj and the ox- ponsoi in connection therewith and be out asraTi automobile at pub lit. uietion it nn Months from the date of said order lses In connection therewith nnil 1 .enscs in connection tborow Itli 1 and (,angt ^o ] Mon Is street In s Ud and an> creditor neglecting to bring >vidlng for tlio suhtn^sion of thli inovldlng foff tho suhmisefon of tlili 11 ovidlnp- for the submission of. ithitt Town if Pbllllptburt, on Snlunli> in and etlilblt his or hci claims under i lo the people at the nc.\t genorn.1 law to tho peoplo at tho next general law to the peoplo at"tho no\t general OASTOHIA \ ouoioi sth 1(.1 il o clock In tlic oalh-or iifllrnmtion, within tho time KO cllon Tpprovotl ono thou election approvotl ono thou olettlon approved one thou- ifturnonn in ordhif- lo tlio Htatuli limited will lie forever barred or his hand nlno hundred and' twenty-ono aand nlno hundred and twontv-ono Bears thoelgnaturo of Ohas.H.Fletohor. v id nliio hundroil and twenty one urh case miulo and p " * " fti her nc'tion against tho said ovcculoi adopted? bo adopted? r 'io adopted? In.ueo for over thirty yeara, and jDitted Anmttt IT ]121 man n cooic , 1 PERC n TitATCiira LVWRENCn CROUSFJ, \\ i Push n-inle3 V WjcKoff cxecntoV ' TOTrnshlp Oioik ToiynBhlp Glerlc 1 ^ To« nshlp Clorlc, •:';'S'h*K%nii You Have Always Bought l JENKINS is MEEKER'S •Washington Ne^7 fferse/, Broadwayj N J, Sept, 3, 1821, Waslilngton, Nt JI( Sept 3, 19il, barren, N, J,8opt, ™ •""" SECTION THREE THE WASHINGTON STAB, WASHINGTON, N. X, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 "* '

JIAM1TON. the MuHcoii"lconB Valley church Sun- the home of MIH lulin Wonniii Hit chin (h HiiviilH ItihiK Ii* Ici In SI diitui TIIIIL 10 VJJI Ldin.jH lot In John PlttenKoi woro loprcscntativcji oC Jamctf Sfticli) Suy», 'R'at Cont Me 1 A spctiil mutliit, IIIH Ken uillcil b> day. Ho will niMO fill tint pulpit of the Ut A UllLtllll MOOII H|ILtlt 'llUSlIlJ .1 IIIUH « It nt« h fot om liu mind and U'hMnku the I.iithenin church nt the Sunday for FllU-Bn»;VT*»** Jluyur IJullur and Commun Council, of Presbyterian church at Cleu Gardner Ilftv waif IIKH 1 Mm mil a ill lo Aiif,'tittiL convt ntlon held it Washington Wed in the afternoon, at fn utoii "We couldn't tell wJiftt walL Hie citizens ot Die borough for Mon- A union IIKUIIIK of Hit Ii O V A MIH Miuliut of lliiimonv sjunt :i Sdvlvu datui Julj JO LOintjs land ne«d(iy, day wilful,*. Oct. 10. Tills muutltiK Is Mi-M. Frank Miner and KOII, Philip lint of last null IIH th t,ti(.st of Mi in I^uinuoiu up our toilet nnd drains. AVo ha to l)o iifkl in Odd i-Y'llown* hall. The Hpent Saturday In Jllpth Bridge. M nut In th • 1OK thiLt. uitks st i wilh hf i pnrrntH tho pljic i with rofti80r_ TJ"* Vuim it ml mujij InUifUlnj, IKIIIHSMIS tuiidt \\a\m I i Kttiiiiid h»m< lucsdi> i 11 nd In J.oiwttotm coiiHideriLtlon Mr mil \IIH Chalks VanDUIne, ut (Jrant DaviK, will be'prcsonl lo" unHWer In Huston ift* i it M of Its \I"H with MIM KitnklL » ' bin wm $125, UAT-SNAP'cIcanpil ill (itioUloim tbut in It lit uiisc btfoic liy lit, A Llmohi Moon mill Hint* olll $1 7J" UiUhvill rodont out ' Three »izcu, 3Gc, OGc, ?l Daniel Cnnloy Is having mi addition Afc p \\ IT \\ Intfimiitp und ulfi to ClitiH llio niootinir. All cltlzetm nhould IJU iji- built to his houao. (LTH 'dllestS Mtlt JH 1*41 111 f 1 Ollt I IIH MifH draco KIKIJICI W \Isiting Miss Sold and guaranteed by Jenkin UKsUtl atul attind ton Calif on I iljtrion uul otlui sin !•;. l-'rauk Clini! and sistev. Mrs. \tount dattd April 11 10JO COIIMJH Meeker, riojd Major. The Htork visited the liome of Mr. Anna Ilamlin. visited at the home of Daisy Hull at her home in Jersey City Mr. and .MIH. Albert llrinkruff had and Mrs. Frank Riddle Sunday night IQUmllllf,' tOWIlH )ot in \\ tislilnffton IJo-oii(;h, iiH tliolr Kitcstti last wed: Miss Demi at and left u baby boy. their sister. Airs. J. Ilulsi/er, of As- Ira Dalrymiiic to Wm. S. UimngHt rOKT WAKKKX. bury 'Wednesday, The former made a .iiiti wife, elated June 30, 1921, convcyH Hum OiuiiKL*. Mr. and Mr«. James Sponcc of Jer- business ti-fp to Hampton, before re>- lot ,*;i I'liilliiisburB. Jim. Kliwibi'tli Terrlberry Ifft Snt- sey City were fjue-sts a few days last Mm. 'Willlnm AVarnur and Mr*. turning home. iiltlny for Washington WIKTO .site will week of Mrs. Spcnce'H mother, Mrs. TliLodort1 XIIdtldUKli, of Kaston, spent Coo. H. Stunton and wife to LlHIo Su.Hnn J. Wene, M. Dairy mplc, dated Julyl, 1921, cyn- visit for :i taw day« with Mr. ami Mrs. Thur.silay with Mrs. It. I-'. lEoultor, of Dr. Paul lEoiiin TIIOUKIII of II(ilil-iii). Jlayniond Apyur. MV«. Su.sau Liidlio of High Bridge Unlontown. vt-ys lot In Phlllipshitrg. visited in town Saturday. When a man Jumped on the running Kitnnio Tracy to Mui'Km'ct lioiiRhor* Easton i 'Easton/ .Mr. and Mr«. Andruw Carling movort Mr. ami Mrs. William faff and twobonrd of Dr. I'uul lieam's automobile Kulurtlny Into their newly luirchiiHtiri Misa Agnes Bill. a. Htudent In Muh- children, of Uaiontown, .npent Kunday ly, dated July 2'1, 1921, convey* lot in homo ni'iir Jlt'll'M 'crushing tit Glen lenlierg hospital, Plalnflolrt. .spent Sat- nt I'iM|iii'Sl l-YIdny uiKht, th>' *U»ntlst's urday with her parents, Mr. Jinil Mrs. aflcnioon at the liomc of her parentit, tirtit thoufihin u't-j-f tit JI liold'tip, It iltmlnor. and JttrH. Tiiomas Cornish, of I'filN was on the road from i'eqiicst Furnace IIOIOUKII Clork and Mrs. V. J. HalV- MathidK Bill. Upturn. STKWAItTSVILLIi Robert Frltts of Brooklyn was tho to liuttzvllle. The dulitlst rtuickly burton are unlvrtalnlng Mr. Hulybur- Mr. and Mr.s. CJt-oryc Optiyke cnU-r- drew a revolver and shouted, "If this llr. and Mrs. Charles Price and toti'M ir.otht'f, Mrs. J. 1<. i!a1yburlun> or week-end suent'of hlsj parvnts, Mr. and taini-d us tlielr KIKHIM at their home Hurwick, ]'«. Mm. Frank Fritts. Is a hold-up, look out!" '['lie quick re- daughter**, of TMiilllpsburg; Mr. and ALL THIS WEEK in Unlontown Kumlity his hrnthtr, Wll- ply' was, "Don't shoot, but look out Mrs. Guoruo Price and son, l&lph, of With 535 ruKlstercil votcrtt in the bor- Tlicodore Hardy Is the owner of a Ham OiKlyl•; County committee, Win. Jiutlcr, ley. M.lsa Anderson rtf Jersey City was ents IJO more. Interested in seelnj? that Si-plcmlKT Hi'itl It*'C(ird. Airs. M. llamlon, of StroudyluirK. is Mr.s. J''. J. Mtilyburton; municipal nl.so a. Kuest nt the Hurley home. .their children atti'iid more regularly, Tit month ending Kriday mnde a viaiting Indefinitely with her brother, ironnnlttie, Mr.s. Mailin Krvin. Jr., Mr.s. Parents ui*o al«n invited to attenil. reeord that has not been equalled for Mrs. Kmma Shropo, MIHK Kleanor since 1SS1, In that year the mean Carmen UnangHt. William CtiHkvy. Kdward Klli-y, Hub- T^mnliiK. Miss IJoatrlcn lierry, Mls.i Mr. and Mrs. C!eorj;e Phillips attend' lu-at -Mrs. ^Vilfton Colvcr and Miss Clark "The FOOT Horsemen ert Hltldle. Justice of tin- Peace-, nom- ed the recajitlon oC the newly-weds, his temperature fo? September was 72.L* Itelle YounK and Joseph Flynn motorrn >'->s. l-*or Si-pt..nib(T, 1921, it was spent Thursday last as KIICSIH of Mrs. ination Democratic ticket, \V;IH John lo Mt. 1'leafant Sunday and spent the coiiHln, Mr. anil Mrs. John Kiclilin, at d*-gn CieorKe Sur.Hon "nt Washington. Chi'KWirtdeii. day with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wl- his liome In Frenclitown l-'rlday even- jipiiroxlma-tely Tit. Xot only was Mrs. Uoy Morris and sons (Jvorfie iritf. September a record breaker, but the Mi'K.srH. Frederick O. Raymond anil 1 la ms. .f yiar thus fur has exceeded its and Lewis, an- spending thf^ wr>ck with CIKI.S. Cl. TIW! of Ticu & Raymond fur- Mrs. Edwnrd I'iuller and daushtor. 'I'IIL- ten-monlhs-old son of Mr, and i-utir. her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Pt-ii'i* Lmvis. normal allowance in the matter of niture store at AllL-iUown were In town Ciraee. of Hosellc; Park, were Thurnday Mrs. Andrew WInpHoIscalt, oC Wlllnir "With the exception of Auxust, The .stork visited tho homo of Mr. last week, looking after the crecllm) of KUf-Kts oC Mayor nnd Mr.s. Win, Uutler. aveniR', I'hHNpNlMtrK. was hurk'd in the heat. i and Mrs. Krvln Smith Monday and 1 month so far has •:eniHUre Surpassing; in Grandeur, Thrills, Acting and Spectacle ;i foundation for a monument to bo Mr. and Mrs. OoorjM HoRart, Mr. nnd new Catholic cemetery Saturday morn- every .left a baby girl. elected In the MliKcoiii-tCdiig \'iilli-y Mrs. fjeorj,'r» Uraman, Mr." and Mrs. Inf,'.' temp aturn above thn average. Th Tho Missionary Society of th*' Pivs- either "Way Down East" or "The Birth of a Nation." iTinctiTy. Tin; monument to be for the me:in temperature for August was 7^.(1, William Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mr. and Mrs. William Hiillipn ami at the nvi-nme for September was hyterinn <:hurch mot Tuesday evening liitit l-'n;il..'ilck Uayniond,.r:ithcr ,,i the IIlardy. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hardy family, of Holland, spent Ktuiduy as sn th at the .home of Mra. George Ilieley. runner. Mr. Uaymi.nd left bent about and Jame.s Spillane attended the vet- mi -Mr: er thitn titu pieceudiiiK mlit- Air. and Mrs. Kaymond Lcrch anH us to ltiM .siihoolniiiti'S and Campbi>ll Uros. elrcun was In town lows of Xew .lursey to convene nt AH- Is irk pat rink, dated April Ml, HIIM, con- •Iroii. of Washington, spun Sunday Playing to Record Breaking Crowds Everywhere. Secure Monday nljjht wilh a fair show. There hliry J'arlt on October -I. ". and C. He v«\vs land in Lrip:itcunf-; coiini(k'i-:ition with her mother, Mrs. LIKKIC* llajior. Seats Early and Avoid Disappointment. friends of former y,fl,n. wa« a b;ind. elephants, camels, ponies went an a delegate from the Htmvarla- Tho members of tun C. K. Society of AIV. and MIH. .1. It. Smith have- l">en and monkeys. As Mum .street was in vlllo lodKe. , Miller S. Willever in Andrew Viir- the Lutheran church will hold a Christ* nnti>riaInIiiK Mr. Smith's sister. Mm bail condition to parade over there was Some of the people from this place «'ir, liated JuiH- :!(;. VM1, couveyrf 1luotnsiiui'y I're.s- i day .school for tho month of Hepu-mher ltu5wii> fHiil1thiR' to ^IIKSHI J. Morri- AII-H. Uaehol Martin, Mr.s. Amanda Mrs. Kuhns were formerly ivslrienl.s of liytfTliiii chui-eh. Scott, MI-M. Ora VaKliburu and Min. MAIL OKDKKS FII.LKI) WHEN ACCOMPANIED-BY CHECK. were l.fjlH Staple*, Alice Feuwlck. Kve- 1.hin place and are now living at An- Jji'v. Hhuliort. of HaiiiHJiiy, juiiHd Kfiti, da'.ed .Inly 11*. I'JLil, ronvfys lot lyn l-'en\viek, Catherine Curtis, fjraee thony. in 1'hEllipsbui-^. .Merrill. Mildred Sell. .lolin Hiner. Wil- hlH wife here Friday i'V«n!>iK*mnI n>- I-'red.Tick K. Fronm ami wlf.- to Km- llmn IHiter. (lien 'illison, .lunlnr I'.UI- Mr. ami M.H. I-'redeilelt Ab.-l and Mr. nsaint-d until Sunday morning as thu and MIM. AVilliam Abel and families, quests of Air. and Mis. Atfivd Hawk. ma Siij)p!-. dated July ill. 101!l. con- dlc, Hit-hard ltlilil!<>, Louise Kvi rltt, or Plalntlflil. were Sunday KUe.its ,f v*-ys land in Manstit-ld. l-'i-ani'Is Conrad, William Martin, Har- t Jially Day niTVlcf-ii was observed In Thou. McConnick and wire to Jas. S. old .Mattit). Karl Hnvvlhy, Philip iliiu-r fiienU.4 In town. Thr» W. C. T. I", mnt at the home a very i/leiisitiK manner in St. James' M'jCormlek. dated July 11, l'»21. con- mid Mdi-inn Staples. Tim school will Lutheiuu (Stiuuj church ,hciv on Run- vry;: l-jts in HitlllpRburf,'; eoiiHideiation observe kally Uay on Oct. in. of Dr. and -Mrs. T. I!. Fulpcr Tuesday day was very lsiiTely attemlrd at both ?I2S.OO. The Best in evenliif,'. lliif Sunday selionl and church services. .Mrs. Herbert Sampson and i-ons, The charity class of the M\ K, Nellie K. Pierson tn Xoni Pierson, f'Jrant arid IMeliard, haw retiinied fnun church will hold a cake .sale Saturday Itev. K:tmiiL-l Coopi-r, of n.-K-i

THE Do You MORRIS COUNTY For Believe in SAVINGS BANK Young Saving A Mutual Savings Bank Fellows — Money? •The. ONLY SAVINGS BANK in Morris County SIX CYLINDER MOTOR CARS Make a deposit now PRICE REDUCTION It is not what you EARN, but what you SAVE • LIGHT SIX i New Sport that counts. Model B-Touring $1295 4% Dividends Since 1906 Model B-Roadster 1275 Back Suits ?7J2S1,969.74 - DEPOSITS Model B-Sedan [. .-.$2100 In Browns and Greys $717,162.30 - SURPLUS (Book Value) Model B-Coupe $1950 In Herringbones and DEPOSITORS - 12428 Mixtures Here aive values, the.iike of which you haven't Write for booklet—"How To Do.Banking By Mail" NEW PRICES seen in many a moon. .Think of getting some \ 21 South Street, corner DeHart Street . NEW MEDIUM WEIGHT SIX of the finest Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats at' • $25 these prices and-remember you paid $60 and $75 Morristown, New Jersey Continental 7 R Motor, Cord tire equipped, for garments of similar qualities. Come and , Touring $1490 ,• choose your Fall Clothes now and get the best "buy" you've ever made. Sedan ,$2375 $30 *35 Roadster $1470 Coupe $2350 For Style and Service—You Can't Beat CANTILEVER^ SHDE.SL F. O. B.- Detroit f f } IRWIN STREET GARAGE Special We design the styles, so they're uncommon; we choose the Demonstration G-Ho ZINK, "Distributor materials, so they're dependable, and we dictate the, tailoring, so Phone 531 M. PHILLIPSBURG, N. J. they're properly made. Last but not least—we price them within Wednesday, Oct. 5th reason so that every garment represents tlTe utmost value at its .Thursday, Oct.'(Jth price. ': You are cordially invited to come and learn of tho many par-, ticulat- advantages of these newly'1 PREPARE FOR THE WINTER BY HAV- Boys' Fall Suits s©o to constructed shoes. ING INSTALLED A : Beautiful Juvenile styles for the younger lads, 3 to S years, A special representative from and E!::;.::l Norfolk models, sizes 6 to l^T - the makers will bo hove and ox- plain in detail why these new ideas Caloric or Magic Service iipshoc building make, nature as- sert itself in giving foot comfort. r..-

"BUSTER BROWN" We also carry a large line of Heating' Stoves and STOCKINGS Ranges. Columbia Graphophdnes and Records. ( Mayer's Shoe Store 427 NORTHAMPTON ST. Complete Home^Furnishms' Store ~ EASTON, PA. 228-30 Northampton Street E. W. AVE. ° [' WASHINGTON, N. J tr' THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY,, OCTOBER 6, 1921" vmr. *"" ~ SECTION THREfi '

HOI'K. ANDKICSON. (Th« cvnngollHtli: mcotitiK-s at tin*"M. Mr anil Mrs. L Coleman and thlMu K. clmrcli have Ix'fii v.vll mtcncii'd i-juili of Washington and Mm W Alowilt iilfiht. They OIOHL'II with Monday WL- were Sundaj \lnitoi« of his lutuiu. Something toDIIIK'M mi't'lfiiK. Mr*. Senior and IIJIIIKII- .Mr. and Mi-n. Jitme.i Coleninn, at Cali- lui\ w\(\> of Uiu t'ViuiBeUsl, wore wivk- WoidB of frank cheer,' fiances of fon. t "l'V S"""| A DESSKIlT wllk"h Is different but I*etiT Zi'itkT and HUH John nf Xi>wurk piitrio nnd touches ihu keys, ' Mrs. K. J. i'tiihlork. ulin Is nwlitnf,' ,i\, w'''cn *s *)utu attractive Olid were wet'k-ond vinlloiH of their j.ruvnt:'. W they ribpojid with exquisite ill lUilU'i'litltU'i'. »:IH at her liunu- hvw ilie nmrltouutiirltous Isla: MV. inul MI-H. Hubert 'AulUvT. sweetness,. Vvk- Rice Ice Cream. Mr. and ilrn. Albert (.iintili-ntiiin and Tin- ship tnu-k fu daiiKhlor of Wnshlncinn wen- week- AH >UU listen nml drink In the l H Bull two and onc-liutf tubluspoonfula end visitors of her xmmUmrviitH, Mr. waking music, jou realize tlmt it Is [l"wVroali'h/Koo(V'lH)mirt'i'r paivi Now jou will drink your fill. t, _, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slater. int of Aaron Maybprry was it Sunday visitor IIo,1(? W!W Wl.n ri.piv.-ont«l at the ball'. t' whipped cream and two stlllly of Mr. uml Mrs. Ktl^ar Muriiv. »t So It Is. with a picture revealing In jinlin.Mise sfi tNeUk Oxfor- dVanllor nritmday. of Hackot'. s I lbeateu sherben eyjt jglasse whitess garnishe. Freezed witandh servchere- Kloomsbury. composition ami color those masterly • ' Mi *> " "VanM.'n" ' i ".. f N.-w' - '*ries .' ' " Mrs. '3amuel Thomas ami r fmnnlliiml vi-siu-.l Cluii'iicv Vanllorn Klla spent a f»-w days lust week with strokes which we are apt with more) uml witV last wivk. her parents, Air. ami MI-M. John Cast- or less airiness of umiinur to deslj;-} l>r. Walli-r Storm niul IfcUph Buwer:r at ChaiiROwater. Date as real art. j wriit iu l'Iiihni.-lplii;i iy «-n-; This Is the last word In misln pies: Mrs. ]'a"iil Tiiriu-i- was n Tburmlay There Is nhvjiys pleasure in watch-! route In Tn-'ntnii fiiir. ami i-tunuti [ xi«vv together one cupful o£ seeded ,. lest of her ilaimlitcr, M'r.s. Burl UUJJII. lag the p rode lent mini do his work, j Sunday. i raisins nnd one-quarter of n cupful in WHHhlnginn. llarukl Storm and his mint.','...'....""'.I, ! *'? dried currants In one pint of apri- The ciiuivli .services whlt-h have lieen nnd noting the self-con tiiieneo with j Mal'f! Htoini. of ill. I'.-cuim itn held at 7 p. in. thi-mijrliout tin- .simmx-'- which ho approaches. It,'whether he! {,'i i'liilaui-ipni:! "VvtlrK'Mliy, wli.T I he cot Juice. Add throo tahlesiKiimfnls «( will be lielil at 3 p. m. beginning with Chilly rooms he an artist, a curpenter or n cobbler.! former will Medical Colli-Ki'. butter und two egg yolks, two tublc* this Sunday, i lu 1 UP ALADDIN He oxliibttexliit.iits skill IInn hl$ every move- j ' | ; "•""•»*•« '»'»*•Hull• *»""•'> »^- spoonfuls of lemon juice and sugar to ! HARMONY. ment, ami this very sklli or his sets! -j-'f',, i . ij,.-- Auxilf-iry ofiwrs eieeie.t taste. Put Into a shell that has been made comfortable in a few minutes u previously bnketl, cover with a .Mrs. Hollo Mutcliler nt IMawaiv him oft as a master In his particular) jast s.iiuiti:iy "fur tin'* msum;; jv:ir Park vlMlti-il ht'i" Kistc-i'. Mis. \Villi:im And you don't have, to "drive" your coal heater calling. l'res.. Mis.-! Virginia Kwayxo; < meringue iimtlu with tlie whites of the llilfy, last week. vise pri's., Mrs. .11. M. aiilloin: ."ti-y." i (.'ygs and four tahlespoonfuls ot! augur, Clari'iit'f Tt't'l and family attended tlie With dcl'jjhtful outumn dnys there ohvays will cut down their coal hills this fall and SKURITYOIl IIo has acquired dexterity by com- winter by using the Perfection ns on nux- luou place work—by ilulny over ami Misw ..,Ht'lii, i AlhrriMiti; Iin;u:fi:il M-I-'V., ; _ Trenton l-'alr last week. conic chilly nights and froity mornings'. f : r ! l l (it'ii. Loiuinasiin spfiH Saturday with You dislike to start tip the furnace or iliury hcutcr. Keep llie house wurm with "" *? again the dltllcult parts until no' \j,. ' '•,..v) In. !!l .tm» : Hot Potato Salad. lI. Til.- relatives in Newark. t, to urn lieutcr until it is uctuully ncccssnry. the coal heater hut use tlie Perfection to more dillicuUius remain. will 1 with Mrs. (.!. V. lltwel Wash and peel potatoes and cut into Mr. and Mrs. Amzl Mlllor vlniicd lu-r inukc the living rooms coinfortahic. op,' public sWinnl utiinlit-rs halls with a small French cutter— hrothor ill 1'iillliiisliur^ over Sunday. Ask your dealer Next to the great convenience of the Per- The Perfection Oil Heater placed in front about the Perfection Nothing worth while In life can bo 3rt luu'ils :iml iti .•,>iis.:-|ii.- Mrs. ! there slmulil be two ctipfuls. Cook in Mrs. Anna UiiKlt of HeiliMit'tn is spi'inlilit; some weeks with Mr. and .Mrs. fection Oil Heater is its unusuul economy. of un exposed door or window tvilLmuko Oil Heater Contest— obtained except by continuously ap- .l DiUhiif •»!' 1-Yff fidmi wa bulling salted water until tender, drain It hums lor about 10 hours on n single e:U'h tin' [iriiifipjil's niiilil I.f a ml pour over tins following dressing Philtli Winter. drafts wurni und Iieulthful. $5,O0U.QU in priitu plltd effort, which, In the basic sense k W:i:= IVtVlUly rlt-fU'd Mr. and Airs. Philip Winter enl.-!- trillion of kerosene which conts only uhmit • ufter they nru well sprinkled wltli Your liardwurc, lu.iiscfurnisliin); or de- Is work—hard work, oft repented. ulHei- taliioil Mr. and Mrs. ,lames K. Wm-- Imlf M'iiat it did ld*t ycur. partment store prohuhly curries Perfection Lincoln worked his wny to honor ! iiiInuL'tl parsley: Mix one-hidf tea- mar and daughter. Ilachel. uf Itaih; It in un expensive luxury to keep hcldom- llciitcr!.. Ask the sulesmuu tu explain IHTTZVU.I.K. i spoonrul of salt, one-fourth teaspoon- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wm-man and nuns. and fume by reading and studying nt Tiuenian and David, of Nazareth. Sun- used rooms und Imllwuys lieu led ull the their simple, sturdy construction and tlio night, lying.prone1 on the floor. : Mr, ami Mrs.•:imn<-ry wel j ful of pepper, four tablespoonfuls of day. time. Hundreds of thousands of fumilics smokeless wick adjustment. Ills only light being that from tlie I oUnr .-on in tinr family Sal ' olive oil, one-half cupful of finely Mrs. John Stopp spent Sunday with burning wood In the open fireplace M!r. ;mil Mrs. WIUKTI Stinvi ami t-liil- • minced celery, two slices o£ lemon, her daughter, near liintunsbury. STANDARD OIL COMPANY l1 1 tuo of his log cabin home. .m"' !v*."'"*'tiuiiii'iv ^'li^su'i'f h.'i-'iui'- : tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar Mrs. Annie Stiff of Garw«),.d is vis- (New Jersey) 1 llIl( t;vu iting Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Lnmma.sun. Kockefeller and his partner had less Wilts' .Mr-'and Mrs. tii-orja U. Smith. \ " tablespoonfuls of minced Mrs. W. C. Kuller, whi) is cimllnrri than eight hundred dollars when they j . liiipii «'f Oxford s onion, one tablespoonful of elder vliie- tu her lied, dot's nul inuntne. fiist ventured lu the oil business. But i ami Sinuluy with | Kiir. Heat to the boiling point, re- Mrs. Miitlson Aniey is viyitlnj; her thev nverranip tin* many obstacle-: eon- j j move the slices of lemon and pour over son in Allonlown. ! the potatoes. Tho coniinunion of the Lord':: siii'pcr fronting thorn by working tuitl keeping ill be nbserved in the 1'iv^liyterin PFE nt It . •eh Smith: •vie. and Mrs. IVivy 1'heolnis ami ' Sour Cream Cake Filling. nil Saturday aftprntion. Tin? Wmiui Work Is the key that unlocks the tfr "f IMimipsburj; iirv vl iiiiiK i Cook together one cupful each of M|ssionnry meeting will be held at lib- an-nts. Mr. ;uid .\ir«. Crori;.- i your cream and lirown sugar; when elose of the preparniory meeting. world's treasure chest. .Mr. and Mrs. DanU-1 Snyder and suns, The pianist spends hours every day ' unV uf tin' in-mli,TS of the • thick stir in one cupful of hickory not Wilmont and Donald, uf (iarwond. visi- In practicing intricate passages; the huscliall t.-ain vt I liimuton It' I meats. Add llnvoring nnd spread on ted Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanilen. over painter, often cold nnd half-starved, running fcr third b;i.m> aiul b the cake while still warm. Sunday. K'B. paints and rubs out, until lie gets the M'l-. mid Mrs. Krodcriek D'M iif and effect he lias vlsloned, and so it goes datmhtiT friiin near I''ree I'aioi vlnlled Sardine Salad. with every man and woman who her aunt. Mrs. .Jennie Littz. Cut two stalks of celery Into bite, ultimately rises to distinction. Mr. .Merlano of Delaware was calling chop half a te^ispoonful of parsley, re- The mistakes they make act ns In- on his many friends lu-ru last week. luove the skins- and bones from a boi centives for greater effort und more The1 ball ^ame Saturday was int'T- of KEirdiiies nnd break Into bits. Toss cslins . At the end of the eleventh all together and chill. Serve with a earnest \vork. inning the score was :!-:!. then a dis- • * • pute urose and the jianie was not llii- boiled dressing with some of the oil Work I Work! Work I That's the | ished. from the can added If It is of good thing thnt . | llnuses :tre In Kfeat dcniuiul hero. flavor. Serve on crisp, well chilled let- • Wo have bren tuid that almut 25 fnm-,tuce leaves. The diligent worker never admits ilk'S have boen after tin; house vacated defeat, never ceases exertion till he by Henry Utmphart. "arrives" at the top oC the hill where ! Miss Carrie Reese and friend., Mr. success Is waiting with outstretched | Tlmvell. s]i"iit Sunday with lK-r aunt. 15O hands to confer honor and rlcbes be- Miss .lane Keese, above town. yond'his dreams. FOUR CENTS a pound will be paid (Copyright.) for lurKe. cleiui cotloti rags :IL the This is a Studebaker Year STAR OII1«. Star ami Tiirkv-a-WwIi "Worl.l, $-175 The car that is converting

The popularity of the' six-cylinder automobile is universal. Everyone admits that there is great pleasure in driving a Six, and the six-cylinder motor is now- recognized as the most satisfactory unit of power. The Studebaker LIGHT-SIX motor embodies the most advanced engineering EETHLEH^lSt—EASTON developments— —it is powerful. Its 40-h6rsepower motor supplies , —it is freer from vibration, up to 55 miles per much more than the usual power per pound of car hour, than any car of its size and weight yet pro- v^eight. duced in Europe or America. From the first moment you sit behind the wheel The LIGHT-SIX is the most evenly balanced car you you get that velvety feeling of a strong, continuous can buy. Its light weight (only 2500 pounds) is so flow of overlapping power impulses. equally distributed that if the chassis were halved or Bun metal Calf —if picks up quickly and smoothly, affording a quartered each section would'weigh practically the or Cordo-Browr>. quick getaway in traffic; it throttles down to a snail's same. This means tire economy, and steady road-; .:-•.. holding at high speeds. Soles welt stitched. pace in-high gear. • .-.-•- See this car—drive it—test it. You will be won by it. You will understand why it is the Studebaker ideal of what a light, six-cylinder car should be. HOWARD s: fRITTS Show rooms at 46 East Washington Avenue WASHINGTON NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER CARS, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 8th, 1921 F. o. 6. Factories ' • Touring Can andRoadilcrs Coupes and Sedans- „..„ WtWUWMUttAa- .J!JGHr.SIX.3;PASS..ROADSTER...... $1125 LIGHT:SIX.2.PASS.,CpUPEiROADSTERi:_1_.:...:A.$15S0. "I;CJIT:SJX*T(VJRINGSPECIAL-SIX 2-PASS". CA"RT;~T:ROADSTER ~:~::~:.7~:~ 158I is5o LIGHT^SIX-S.PASS.-SEDAN:—SPECIAL-SIX 4-PASS. COUPE —rrrr-r.——--.-:•;.... 245ISSO0 SPECIAL-SIX TOURING CAR 1635 SPECIAL-SIX 5-PASS. SEDAN 25S0 After all, there's a certain comfortableness in the SPECIAL-SIX 4-PASS. ROADSTER 1635 BIG-SIX 4-PASS. COUPE 2850 warmth of high shoes that makes your feet feel comfy on ' BIG-SIX TOURING CAR 1985 BIG-SIX 7-PASS. SEDAN 2950 chilly Autumn days—and cold Wintry days, too. That we haven't overlooked this established fact, is indicated by the ^ood array of women's new high shoes that are here in readiness at prices low^cr than heretofore. K" The style here pictured is just one of many new ones, ranging in price from $3.45no $10, including "medium or broader toe shapes accoiklmg to your requirement or fancy. • X

EASTON .STORE—Centre Square.