Year for Priests

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Year for Priests SSTT AANNTTHHOONNYY bbrriieeff € IRISH FRANCISCAN MISSION MAGAZINE No .5 AUG/SEPT 2009 1.00 AA PPaassssiioonn ffoorr PPeeaaccee FFrraanncciissccaann DDaawwnn JJoohhnn BBrraaddbbuurrnnee Always be lovers of God and your souls and the souls of your sisters, and always be eager to observe what you have promised the Lord. May the Lord be with you always and, wherever you are, may you be with Him always. Spirit – Final blessing of St Clare and The feast of St Clare of Assisi Life is celebrated on 11th August. 2 St Anthony Brief SSTT ANTHONANTHONYY briefbrief From the Editor. 4 A Passion for Peace . RICHARD C. PADDOCK meets the American friar, FR LOUIS VITALE , who has engaged in civil disobedience for 5 nearly four decades in pursuit of peace and justice. Amanacer Franciscano – Franciscan Dawn. From Costa Rica, FR GERALD EVANS, OFM, tells of a group, inspired by St Francis, 8 that reaches out to the forgotten. The Friars in Korea. The Franciscan Province in South Korea is thriving. Friar RAFAEL ABASOLO , OFM, shares something of the 10 Franciscan life in that country. Church Brief. 12 Franciscan Message to the G8 Treasury Ministers. The Franciscan friars, meeting at Assisi for the General Chapter, delivered a 13 message to the G8 Treasury Ministers gathered in Lecce. Unlikely to be Born. FR JOHN FLYNN writes that, worldwide, 14 fewer and fewer Down Syndrome babies are making it to birth. Letting Our Souls Breathe. In a hectic world FR FRANCIS 16 COTTER, OFM, takes another look at the idea of Sabbath-keeping. To St Francis . 19 Banks for the Poor. As the deep flaws in our present economic system become ever more apparent, FR JOHN O’BRIEN, OFM, 20 looks at an alternative way. News from Around the Franciscan World. Volume 69 No.5 22 John Bradburne: An Extraordinary Life. FR TOM RUSSELL, OFM, Missionary Magazine of the Irish recalls John Bradburne - Franciscan tertiary and poet, mystic and Franciscans. Published bi-monthly by 24 the Franciscan Missionary Union, friend of the lepers - who was martyred 30 years ago this September. 8 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8. Editor: Fr Ulic Troy, OFM. The Way to Healing and Reconciliation. In the context of the Ryan Production: Fr Francis Cotter, OFM. Report, FR GEARÓID Ó CONAIRE, OFM, writes of how an Subscription & Distribution Secretary: 27 Helen Doran. Tel: (01) 6777651. Indigenous Canadian points the way forward. Design, Layout & Printing: Corcoran Print & Design. Mission Digest. Tel: (053) 9234760. Subscription including Postage: € 30 Ireland – 12.00 per annum Letters to the Editor. Britain – Stg£12.00 per annum € Overseas – 15.00 per annum 31 Aug/Sept 2009 3 From the Editor… Fr Ulic Troy “YEAR FOR PRIESTS” Our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, designated 19th June 2009, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, as the beginning of a Year for Priests and is doing so in conjunction with the 150th anniversary of the death of St John Vianney, patron of priests and also a member of the Secular Franciscans. In the midst of all the trials and difficulties that priests and religious are experiencing at this time, it is both providential and necessary that we take the time and trouble to read this splendid letter of the Holy Father. It is of value for those who are in the ordained ministry, those preparing for it, those who are contemplating becoming priests and the laity who play such a supporting role in the life of the priest. It is written with an awareness of the widespread questionings about the priesthood which are prominent today. But while many books and articles are written about the changing forms of the priest’s work and role, this letter deals with the priest’s inner life amidst the changes that surround him. The Holy Father spells out very clearly what is demanded from the priest – “to deepen the commitment to interior renewal for the sake of a more forceful and incisive witness to the Gospel in today’s world.” At the same time he affirmed the excellent work that has been carried out over the years by “men generously dedicated to the daily exercise of their priestly ministry.” However, he also “deplores the situation where the Church suffers as a consequence of infidelity on the part of some of her ministers.” In this letter from Benedict XVI we have been given a timely reminder once again of what God wants from his priests. He must be a man of prayer, the absolver, minister of reconciliation, teacher and preacher amidst the turmoil of these times. Above all else, he must be the representative of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd. In an increasingly pluralistic society, where belief is only one option among others, and where trust has broken down in so many places and among so many people, the rock that people are longing for cannot ultimately be someone else’s knowledge of God. And the priest has a role to play in all of this. Today people are looking for something that will fill the void in their lives; the more perceptive know they are looking for God. Too often they do not find it in the media or in other places. They should be able to find it in the priest – the representative of Christ the High Priest. They must find in the priest one who will speak to them quite simply of God as a person whom he has met in prayer, in the Sacrifice of the Mass, in the administration of the sacraments. People are looking for priests who are spiritual guides, who can help them in that search for religious experience, and can bring them closer to God. The task and the privilege of the priest is to do just that – especially at a time where there is a sickness about faith in God. Furthermore, he must ensure that he is never party to creating this malaise by dosing people with religion, and should be aware that what people really want is the presence of God to come alive in their lives once more. Gentle reader, it is not possible for me in this short editorial to faithfully give all that the Holy Father has said in his letter, and therefore I would ask you take the time to read it during the “Year for Priests.” At the same time take to heart the words of the Holy Father to pray that all priests be given the grace “to awaken in their hearts a generous and renewed commitment to the ideal of complete self-oblation to Christ and the Church.” Pray also that despite all the evil present in our world that the words of Christ when He spoke to his Apostles in the Upper Room continue to inspire us: “In the world you have tribulation; but take courage, I have overcome the world.” – Ulic Troy, OFM ([email protected]) 4 St Anthony Brief RAICH APRD Ca. PAsDsDOiCK omenets t hfe Aomerrican Pfriar,e FRa LOcUISe VITALE, who has engaged in civil disobedience for nearly four decades in pursuit of peace and justice. r Louis Vitale has lost track of how many times he has been arrested. More than 200, he FfFigures, maybe 300. The gaunt Franciscan friar figures he's spent a year and a half behind bars. At 76, he is ready to go to jail again. He appeared before a federal magistrate in Santa Barbara. Dressed in the tradi - tional brown robe and the knotted rope belt that signifies vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, Vitale explains in his gravelly voice that he had a higher purpose when he trespassed two years ago at Vandenberg Air Force Base: calling attention to the perils of nuclear war and persuading military personnel to embrace non-violence. "The biggest threat to the world is our nuclear arsenal," he tells Magistrate Judge Rita Coyne Federman. More than two dozen family members and friends, including actor Martin Sheen, are in the courtroom to show support for the friar All in a day’s work: and his three co-defendants. Vitale tells Federman, who had found him Fr Louis being arrested guilty in December, that sending him to jail would only make him more deter - mission is to follow in the footsteps of Vitale, who lives at St Elizabeth's mined to break the law again to protest Jesus Christ and St Francis who Friary in Oakland, is one of a small injustice. "I am committed to doing comforted the poor and preached non- number of religious figures around the anything I can," he says. The judge, violence. "I call it the evangelisation of USA who seek to go to jail for their rejecting the prosecution's call for five months in jail, concludes that more peace," he says. His example inspired beliefs. "By taking on the suffering of time behind bars would not change the so many people to put themselves on others, we change the world," he says. priest's ways. She orders him to pay a the line during the anti-nuke protests "We are willing to put our bodies where $500 fine. Sheen, sitting in the second of the 1980s that he was dubbed the they are and suffer the consequences, row, expresses surprise. "The Pied Piper of the Nevada Test Site. More be what they may." He is tall and government needs the dough," he recently, he has helped focus attention slender, bearded and bald with a fringe cracks. Outside court, Vitale admon - on the training of Latin American of close-cropped grey hair, a prominent ishes friends and family members not to security forces at Fort Benning, in the nose and large ears.
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