Transportation and Storage of Oil and Gas

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Transportation and Storage of Oil and Gas Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет» А. А. Бондаренко, И. Д. Коваленко, А. В. Чумакова TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE OF OIL AND GAS Учебное пособие для практических занятий по дисциплине «Технический английский язык» для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 131000 «Нефтегазовое дело» Тюмень ТюмГНГУ 2013 УДК 811.111 (075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ.-923 Б 811 Рецензенты: кандидат социологических наук, доцент Е. Г. Молодых-Нагаева кандидат социологических наук, доцент Е. И. Аржиловская Бондаренко А. А. Б 811 Transportation and storage of oil and gas. Учебное пособие для практических занятий студентов, обучающихся по направлению 131000 «Нефтегазовое дело» / А. А. Бондаренко, И. Д. Коваленко, А. В. Чумакова. — Тюмень : ТюмГНГУ, 2013. — 96 с. ISBN 978-5-9961-0762-9 Основная цель учебного пособия заключается в развитии языковых компетенций студентов, способствующих формированию достаточного уровня владения английским языком по специальности. Учебное пособие состоит из двух частей, в основе которых лежат тексты по нефтяной тематике с заданиями лексического и грамматического характера, направленными на овладение словарным запасом по специальности. Пособие содержит теорию по грамматике и лексику к каждому разделу пособия, а также упражнения для закрепления грамматического и лексического материала. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 131000 «Нефтегазовое дело». УДК 811.111 (075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ.-923 ISBN 978-5-9961-0762-9 © Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет», 2013 2 CONTENTS Unit 1. Historical development of oil pipelines 4 Unit 2. The methods of transporting petroleum 9 Unit 3. Types of pipelines and storage tanks 17 Unit 4. Pumping stations 21 Unit 5. Materials 24 Unit 6. Manufacture of pipelines 28 Unit 7. Arctic pipeline construction methods 30 Unit 8. Ditching and laying 34 Unit 9. Bending, welding and coating 37 Unit 10. Testing 40 Unit 11. Environmental impact 43 Unit 12. Experience in pipeline construction 46 Unit 13. Cryogenic pipeline 49 Supplementary reading 51 Список используемой литературы 95 3 UNIT 1 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF OIL PIPELINES Study the following vocabulary 1. pipe line (line) – трубопровод 2. oil field – нефтяное месторождение, промысел 3. trunk line – магистральный трубопровод 4. connect – соединять 5. trench – траншея, ров 6. because of – из-за 7. lay (laid, laid) – прокладывать (трубопровод) 8. dig (dug, dug) – рыть, копать 9. by means of – посредством, с помощью 10. spade – лопата 11. rope – канат, верёвка 12. scraper – скрепер 13. ditcher – канавокопатель 14. pipe-bending – трубогибочный 15. pipe screwing – трубозавинчивающий 16. mileage – протяженность, расстояние в милях 17. appear – появляться 18. distribution – распределение 19. bulk – большое количество 20. oil pipe-line net – сеть нефтепроводов 21. efficiency – производительность, эффективность 22. delivery capacity – пропускная способность 23. thin – тонкий 24. opinion – мнение 25. confine – ограничивать 26. crude – сырой, необработанный, неочищенный 27. crude petroleum – сырая нефть 28. slurry – раствор 29. inch – дюйм Exercise 1. Read this text about pipelines development. The first pipeline in Russia was laid in 1878. It was a short line built for the transportation of oil from the Balahani oil fields to the town of Baku. 4 Its construction was followed by the building in 1904 of a trunk line from Baku to Batumi. It connected the oil fields of Baku with the port of Batumi. Its length was 833 km. It should be noted that before the October Revolution there were few pipe lines in Russia, their construction being difficult because of the absence of such equipment as tractors, cranes, excavators and etc. The trenches for laying a pipe were dug by means of spades, the pipe was laid into them with the help of ropes without using any machinery. Now to help the builders there is first class machinery, powerful tractors, bulldozers, scrapers, ditchers, pipe bending, pipe- screwing and pipe-laying machines. A considerable mileage of trunk pipelines has been constructed in our country after the Revolution. The trunk lines Grozny to Tuapse, Emba to Orsk, a new line from Baku to Batumi were among the first pipelines, built at that time. Recently there have appeared two major lines in our country: the 2795-mile Friendship and the 4968-mile Siberian line. Pipelines have proved to be the most economical method for the distribution of natural gas and the transportation of oil in bulk; therefore the oil pipeline net is increasing from year to year. The basic task of the pipeline builders is to increase efficiency and delivery capacity of the line. For this purpose the length and the diameter of the lines are growing continuously. At present there is an increasing tendency to use longdistance, large-diameter pipes (up to 42 inches, i.e. more then one meter); at the same time thinner wall pipes are coming into use. There has been a general opinion that pipe line transportation is confined to crude petroleum, but this is not necessarily the case. At present an extensive research program is being carried out on solids pipe lining, including slurry and capsules. Other possible materials being considered for pipeline transportation are coal, iron ore, potash and even com. Exercise 2. Find English equivalents of the following words in the text. Месторождение нефти, магистральная линия, прокладывать трубопровод, транспортировка нефти, трубоукладочные машины, посредством, значительная протяженность, расширять сеть трубопроводов, повышать производительность и пропускную способность, сырая нефть, трубогибочные машины, отсутствие оборудования, распределение природного газа, транспортировка нефти в больших количествах. Exercise 3. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the most economical method for the transportation of oil and gas? 2. When was the first pipeline laid in Russia? Speak about it in more detail? 3. What was the first trunk line in Russia? When was it built and what was its length? 5 4. Why were there very few pipelines in Russia before the October revolution? 5. How were the pipelines built at this time 6. What are the two major pipelines laid recently? 7. What is the basic task of the pipeline builders? 8. What is the largest diameter of oil pipelines? 9. What material besides oil and gas can be transported through pipelines? Exercise 4. Read the dialogue. Alex – Hello. Travis – How do you do? Glad to meet you. How did you spend your vacation? Did you go anywhere? Alex – This summer I had practice in the North of our region. Travis – Oh, it's interesting. What did you do there? Alex – As you know I am a student of the faculty of pipeline transport, so our aim was to see the pipeline with our own eyes and to watch how it operates. Travis – Tell me some more details about it. Alex – The pipeline is a gigantic structure, it was laid for only two years in spite of the difficult natural conditions. The workers that were building this line were provided with all the necessary equipment. People of many nationalities took part in the construction. Travis – You were greatly impressed by what you have seen, were you not? Alex – Yes, I was. It is difficult to imagine what great efforts had been made by the builders in the construction of the pipeline. All the operations on the pipeline are fully automated. I would like to take part in the construction myself. Travis – Thank you for your story. I wish you good luck. See you soon. Alex – Good bye. What are the guys talking about? How did Alex spend his vacations? What new has he learnt? What he said about the pipeline? Exercise 5. Translate into English. 1. Первый трубопровод в России был построен для транспортировки нефти от месторождения Балахани до города Баку длинной в 833 километра. 2. Перед Октябрьской революцией строительство трубопроводов было затруднено из-за отсутствия необходимой техники, такой как тракторы, краны и экскаваторы. 3. Траншей выкапывались лопатами, а трубы укладывали с помощью канатов, без использования специального оборудования. 6 4. Недавно в нашей стране появились два главных трубопровода: Дружба и Сибирская магистраль. 5. Доказано, что трубопроводы являются самым экономичным способом транспортировки нефти и газа в больших количествах. 6. Основной задачей строения трубопровода является увеличение его пропускной способности. 7. В современном проектировании трубопроводов наблюдается тенденция использования более длинных трубопроводов с большим диаметром. WORD BUILDING Many nouns in the English language are formed from the verbs with the help pf suffixes Verb Suffix Noun improve -ment improvement manage -ment management elect -ion election discuss -ion discussion inform -ation information organize -ation organization jog -ing jogging spell -ing spelling There are common suffixes added to nouns or verbs and they describe people and their jobs. -er -er -or -ist dancer driver actor economist builder manager constructor journalist farmer employer operator artist Exercise 6. Form nouns from the given verbs with the help of suffixes. Verb Noun to educate ……………………………………….. to improve ……………………………………….. to arrange ……………………………………….. to equip ……………………………………….. to build ……………………………………….. to transport ……………………………………….. to distribute ……………………………………….. to consider ……………………………………….. 7 Exercise
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