Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Aug. 24

Appointment of Margaret DeBardeleben Tutwiler as Assistant to the President for Communications August 24, 1992

The President today announced the ap- to Review and Appraise the Achievements pointment of Margaret DeBardeleben of the United Nations Decade for Women Tutwiler as Assistant to the President for in Nairobi, Kenya. She was also a member Communications. of the American Center for International Since 1989, Miss Tutwiler has served as Leadership’s delegation from the United Assistant Secretary of State for Public Af- States to the Soviet Union in October of fairs and Department Spokesman. Prior to 1986. this, Miss Tutwiler served as deputy to the Miss Tutwiler was the public affairs rep- chairman of the Bush-Quayle ’88 campaign resentative for the National Association of and as Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Manufacturers in and Mississippi and Public Liaison at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1985–88. Prior to her work before joining Ambassador George Bush’s at Treasury, Miss Tutwiler was a member Presidential campaign as director of sched- of President Reagan’s senior White House uling in 1978. Following the Republican staff, serving as Deputy Assistant to the Convention in 1980, she continued as direc- President for Political Affairs, 1984–85. Fol- tor of scheduling for Vice Presidential can- lowing President Reagans’ reelection in didate Bush. She began her political career 1984, Miss Tutwiler was Director of Public in 1974 with the Alabama Republican Party Liaison for the 50th American Presidential and from 1975 to 1976 worked for President Inaugural; and from 1980 to 1984, Special ’s reelection campaign. Assistant to the President and Executive As- Born in Birmingham, AL, on December sistant to the Chief of Staff. In 1985, Miss 28, 1950, Miss Tutwiler attended Finch Tutwiler served as a member of the U.S. College and graduated from the University delegation to the 1985 World Conference of Alabama in 1973.

Appointment of Janet G. Mullins as Assistant to the President for Political Affairs August 24, 1992

The President today announced the ap- Kentucky. Ms. Mullins was the first woman pointment of Janet G. Mullins as Assistant to run a statewide Senate campaign in Ken- to the President for Political Affairs. tucky. She went on to serve as chief of Since 1989, Ms. Mullins has served as staff for Senator McConnell from 1985 to Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative 1987. In 1987, Ms. Mullins was named ex- Affairs. Prior to this appointment, she ecutive director of the Fund for America’s served as director of congressional affairs Future, then-Vice President Bush’s political for the Presidential transition. She served action committee. She joined the Bush cam- in Kentucky State government as special paign in September of 1987, serving as na- assistant to the deputy secretary of com- tional field director for the Bush primary merce, specializing in international and ag- campaign. During the general election, she ricultural trade. From 1979 to 1982, Ms. was deputy national political director and Mullins was legislative director and chief media director. of staff for Senator Bob Packwood of Or- Ms. Mullins received her B.A. in political egon. In 1984, she managed the successful science at the University of Louisville and Senate campaign of Mitch McConnell of studied international economics at Ameri-


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