.,,,(1 vigorous newspaper Before you shop, it will be wise to .d' ' 1,,'thP activities and inter- study carefully the values and ser- i!'"''"''" ,. residents of Woodbridee Ml vices offered by our advertisers. Each i•••'' "'.., Read it regularly each ;' \ edition carries merchandise news of I"'" L fUily informed of every utmost importance to the thrifty r.'" \ ,',ihy event in your home town! Mepenbent • leaber buyer. You can trust our advertisers! ,,1 IHHS MRUIT r '! It tllft I'nnl (Jltlr... W')ii.ltirlclic«, N. J W(X)DBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 13, UttO 1'iiliKihi.il Kvpry Tliiirnrtjy »t IK drum Slri>»i, WHbll N. J PRICE FIVE CENTS ollar Hurls f Big Inch' Blasts in Colonia Probed iraft' Charge,To sta^Soon On Federal, County and Local Levels; *"' Hailcy Hopes to Set Up *

WOODBRIDOE—Free lmmunl- vfies Law SuitiKJswS- : Melko to Refer Case to Grand Jury /.alion of doss against rabies ivlll start within the next three weeks. Fitzpatrick's Hcilth Officer Harold J. Bailey In- formed the Board of Health at its Bursting Pipes Endanger Lives, Property but Law is Helpless -No Negligence ISweetness tiMctini! Tuesday. Denial is Sole "After interviewing several vet- 1 AND erinarians," Mr. Bailey 'reported. Seen but Vogel "I find that we will have to pay Reply to Blast approximately $10 an hour. It will trht be costly, but I think we should 11 (Elites Danger ••• • il LiO * WOODBFdDUE-Wlint started Rive'It a fair trial." to be a routine nuvtinn of the Yesterday Mr. Bailey said he (|Vl!IIS i; GREGORY Township Committee turned into plans t!) Ret in touch with the Fire WOODB1UDGE — Action on. a startling session Tuosrlay when Commissioners in Fords, Wood- three level.'- -Federal, County and Municipal-hos been instituted on time I am not j, Julius Knllar, Port Readily, tte- 1 , , brl(RCi Iselln Aveneli Port Read 1 fresh. I shajl Pelican candidate for the Town- ,n2 antl lnmnn Avenue and ask behalf of the Colonia resident* .. chin f^nm mi t t nn in tU,, Tl, 1 „,] iuiy, candidly— ship Committee in the Third pemission to use the firehouses «liD luive protested bitterly against Ward, hurled chai-Res that "some" fairly—about a for the Immunization of the doss. ihr alnio.-L daily explosions along unnamed members of the Town- "I plan to have the veterinarian the nIK Inch Pipe Uric, matter. ship Committee are conducting a in each district for three nlnhts Township Attornw B, W. VogeJ "shakedown rackrt." and I hope to announce the dates of course, ha.s appealed IQ the Interstate Mr. Kollar arose to speak in op-'. within the next.week," the health comiii'Tn* commission and If no hargesV out- position to the ordinance 16 raise. oflirer continued. "In order to ob- satisfactory action Is taken by preferred the Township Committee's salary tain this free service the owner thai body he said the Township ilain members of from $1,000 to £2,000 a year. The must have the don licensed. How- • will r.o into court for a restrain* i;ip Committee by ordlnanco finally was adopted. : ever, we will permit the dos owner , inn order." "Personally." said Mr. Kollar,! ta obtain a license the same nlshl :;tr of Port Read- Prosecutor Matthew Melko told "I think your salary is siinkum,' if Hie dug Just became of a^c for The Independent-Leader last night not intimately ac- for there are several members of' the license." Hint even though hts investigation ipelint' said there have been at least 80 -,;,, matter, he has: ,,Thm ms. onn (i|.uiip,. Mr Ko]_ by the Texas Eastern Transmis- different explosions 'but that "the ,il two triings— | la|. continued, "that appeared and sion Corporation, preparatory ; work Is done carefully, in sections, [united a highly j discussed ii KnrbaKc ronrract >vith Primary Nears to using the line for the flow of and a stop valve is placed at the public service or some of the Township Oommitt»o iKitnriil gas, residents of Co- i end of the section. Some one la always on watch and we have no ;i nail of blackest ftnn< the Ki-oup was told to include lonia arc alarmed over the po- 80() ( - - But Few Care record of any injuries." '.M ' i nnocent men * 0 ' >'' tl»c Township Commit- tential danger. The picture, tee Senator Vosel disclosed he has ii works, Time, I , ; above was taken by our staff Another m-lamr was three written to the Interstate Com- 1|yewg ba(,k wlu,n W(, lM(, t]w ^ K',,VO early photographer in the back yard merce Commission, pointing out of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frcd- ;snow storm." he went on. "Mcm- To be Light, Due , that the Texas Eastern Transmis- jbers of the Township Commltfe rUkson, Runnymeadc Hoad, sion Corporation, owners of the life are SUD-; hired trucks tor snow removal. To Contest IAICI; after an explosion Friday, when war-built BIB Inch, Is a common 1 , a.nd their One trucker asked six dollars an a section of the pipe rave way carrier and as such comes under WOODBRIDGE—An cxceedinn-: challenge on a hour and he was told by amenta Ihe commission's jurisdiction. He li«ht vote is qxpected in the after a test with water pressure. th0 called attention to the fact that M itiuds. I am cer-: ^_1 , Township next Tuesday, Primaiy A large section of the pipe was make it $15 an hour. When this residents of Colonia are living in that none of; aVi U le ac 5 blown near the house and may I trucker received compensation, a|^ ^ P ^° '-' ' ' °' constant fear of the explosions pdIs wil1 De en frbm 7 A M t0 be seen in the background. The :iy satisfaction in! Toiwvshlp employe tried to shake' °P ' ' i caused by the testing and, since 8 P Mi a moment that j him down, but he refused to pay.I ' spot where the explosion oc- the safety of the people Is af- •elected to high j "Thm month* went by," Whatever .interert is shown by j ciirred, tdiowerlng the area with fected, toe Township Is looking n crass and SO Charged, "and this trurker went the voters will undoubtedly de- rocks and large clumps of soil, to the commission to come In and bf willing to be-'l0 2.n?'.h»r member of the Toum- velop in the Second Ward, TcnUi is in the foreground. At left is make a thorouuh Investigation and, District i Indian Avenue section of r i ~nn MIO Vioifo ship Committee and asked whv he , the closeup of the pipe after issue the. necessary orders. iddence we have ^ ^ ^^ m ()v ^ ,wA Coloili;(, where there are cont|lsts the explosion. The Senator also stated in his f r hciil. We WOUld aravf, rf>nli-;i--t and ho was told " County Committee in both ihe A meeting: held last night by a communication that the Town- •prefer that they , | . , . Democratic and Republican ranks. blunlly lh:l 1P dl(lnt ku k b u k committee of Colonist residents sin P Engineer's investigation themselves by the last lime anil, therefore, he In the Democratic party, Rich- showed that the pipe was only and representatives of the Texas ict SO that we wo"1(1 R«1 no more business from and J. Polhamus and Catherine of '•''« inch thickness and experts mtifiahlp nririp the Township. If you don't think Keenan, the InCutnUents. will be Eastern Transmission Corpora- in the field Have indicated that tion in an effort to solve the llbimauie puuc you 8re aeitin., enough c-ompensa-. oppoied by PBSkel Merritt and the pipe should be % inoh thick mil of OUr seiec- UQn why ()ona you m Ollt?.. . Mary Brady. The latter were problem "informally," proved and reinforced with steel.' /'iting TOOth. Absolves Fitzpatrfck ?uest speakers at the newly orsan- "unsatisfactory," accordinn to Examines Ordinances Tlrfle was no reply (o Mr. Kollar iziri Colonia Demou-atlC Club, Inc.. the former eroup, Colonia resi- "Meanwhile," continued the r admittedly did at the time 'Commateamen Peicr Tenth District, Tuesday nteht. dents say they will now rejy off Township Attorney, "I am having .:• in his devastat- Schmidt and L. Ray Alibani were when Committeeman Willl-im Township oflieials for "a satis- an inve.stlKa'tion of our ordinances ions of corruption absenti. Later in the meeting: Warren, who is seeking reelection factory iinswfir to their prob- 1 made and if I find that a prior mlicrsof theTown- Committeeman William Pi-tzpat- from the Second Ward, was also lem." administration gave tha sorpora- MutU't'. Challenged rick said: , a speaker. tioti permission to go through the iiitirinan Fitzpat- "I am sure Mr. Kollar did not On the Republican side, Clayton Township I will recommend that > he quickly ab- refer to me when he spokt' of a; A. Nourse and Ida V. Kotvas, in- the ordinance be rescinded. If shakedown a little while ago and cumbenLs. will be opposed by ;Ui- Draft Ordinance Boys Accused of Setting Fires Tract in Sewaren there is np ordinance, then the ltzpatrlck Of any I do not know', personally, of any 8USt Frazier and Mary Ellen Van- corporation is in violation and I 1 ii n in the Wicked ' m«mb(11' of tne committee who was; der Linden. will advise that the Township go ted ! involved in any shakedown." Mr. i Als0 t0 be clected at Tuesday's On Developments 'Just to Watch Firemen Arrive' Sold to Developer into court for a restraining order." "*• Kollar later said he did not refer; p,.imal.ics are the'trustees of Free In the meantime, residents of men t0 Mr Puzpalrt,k. an" ; in Mr Pii7.nai.rl.-k. 'School Lands, commonly referred Colonia have secured, clippings v absent from the A member of the audience, who to as "The Seven Sisters." The ; to as The Seven Sisters. Filing of Bond to be Youngsters, Out of School for taster Vacation and iThrec Acres on West Ave. from all over the country tending .,1111 \yere not, there-; Identified himself as Fred HoUhur,: RcpuWicim candidates are Mary to show that the natural gas pipe- asked tne Requisite 111 Measure Bent on Mischief, Seen (lausinn Epidemic Transferred; Buyer t;> speak for them- committee members on"B Lars011i MonS W. Hamilton, lines tire/dangerous from bhe like- thpn all whal basls they lll0Ui!hl thty w< re > Marie M. Giroud, Mary , menh , ll ' > Marie M. Giroud, Mary E. Klein, To be Introduced Soon WOODBRIDGE—Boys who j grass tires and one alarm resulting To Build 10 Houses lihood of flre, fQ|) a p.u.t.Um(, job. ii Gel.,rufle Messick, Helen Hubeit, lSl is 1 "' : "Do y°U icalize that $2,000 [ Myrtle Palmer. In the Democratic WOODBRIDGE — Committee- "think they are being smart" ancli from grass flrts; April 6, two grass WOODBRIDGE—The Hamilton Some of the headlines read as Mr. Kollafa respon-: half of the average person's sal-; 1..inks the candidates are Elizabeth man George Mroz, chairman of the careless housewives are being i fires; April 1, eight grass fires; Cross Corporation has bought follows: "Little Inch Blast Burns y as the accuser ary?" he asked. "When you loot' Marsaret Scott, Mildred Farm Wife" (North Veropn, Ind., Huberi Administration Committee, said blamed by the various Township April 8, six grass fires; April 9, one from Mrs. Minnie C. Adams and ..ndidate I Some of them ride around on bi- :ui tiic taxpayers got ii .sobw removal costs, | cycles and set one flre after an- Adath Israel Players to bqSeen This Week-End ' made Irresponsible Pitting Finishing Touches on CYO Production I'othqr. We Intend to make com- •>Minsi the reputations i plaints against those we catch and IIKr of municipal offl- we urge neighbors to inform us as to be most effect! e. to the identity of the pijankstersj Hier the slightest sine ir. if they see them." Housewives, too. are not blame- •l ii, too, must be specific, I:'1 exempted Mr. FiU- less, according fo flre officials. 'ii i lie other members of "We have found," said one offi- i liip Committee are now cial, "that housewives are prone to i••<• alk'Ked ring of cor- bum papers and rubbish whether 1 has set up. All of them I or not the wind is blowing. They '!• ihe suspicion equally leave the flre unattended and thi: first thine you know the surround- 1 harte is proved or Is iiiB area Is on fire'and neighbors' >>id I cannolfcee how homes are threatened. A little - i'i|) Committee can en- common sense would stop that "II confidence of the peo- hazard." 111 'uminumty Belong as "Uiled In li« ygly foldB In Avenel, in one day. the,fire •"iim's charges' of disso- company was called but eteht lime.-, thiti wecH to extinguish erus:i tires. In Woodbrldtte proper, the tire company answered ovoi" 40 iHliIp Comtiiltlee itself nit thrte allegations I'ttlla, mo.st|y,toi' isrqis fires; in Monday, •>nspwided In tlw air. past seven days. Last s member* have been Woodbrifige Fire Company th srojB dishonest* in called .out 17 times. The .m:ont liim of public money sheet at Woodbrtdse I'lrehouse attalrsuJifl m dlrwt stows the following: April 4, four of theJ«fworn oath 111111 Not omy M pubilc offl. LIST »K»aiON I'uiward," the musical Seated left to right are: Herbert Kefs, leading 11111 "s Kentlenun, they must The isl of "Best WOOPBRIDOE—The Women's «! James DeJo.v, Margaret Boyle. Standing unity (.'enter, Anibo.v Avenue, by the Aduth "»dly concwMd with the t() lit! lllTM'lltl'lI by St. Jitiiu's" C.Y.O. Association of the Woodbridye Above Is one of the "murder scenes from Israel I'luyers. I-rft U> light me: Beujattiin 1U-, '•' «»'aft wbjoh have been mi's' Auditorium, Is aoaBal.UkUi'tikjUl raeeet tonight April JU and M '•' *'• lerlne Hurke, Lois R««& and John Jinn, i "ArteiUc tiliil Old l,m-f," ;i three-wt cunleiy, lu bluuM'IU, Jack (Jaltdeuker, Waller Ruuerman, ml)l";iy at som» pf their touehrs oil the pro- at 8 o'clock at" tRe Home of Mrs. putting un Ihe linWi ilif from the picture is Marylin Hushes, David Kushiusky and living Kline. "iiu IR. G. Ermt, Claire Avenue. be presented Saturday and Sunday at the Com- Above in we ul U™ se(;uI>l1 acl mM*'

I I'ACP, TWO INDEPENDENT T,F,Ar,rJ APHTT, r.. ior>n Committee Objects PBA Dinner for Pnnrnni Slated !Sc.xi WnlnondayAnti-Trust Charge To Turnpike Plans WOODBRIDQE - Policemen Is Denied by A & P from* points ns tiit uii as Wild- WOOnBRTDCJF. - The Town-! wood and Dtimorr will be amone NEW YORK—Thr Qrpat At- Come to Chtnrcb ship Cimmliw is t-nVinj: i«up those who uill nit"ml the dinner lantic A Pacific Tea Co. flatlyde - in honor oi P.itiulnun Daniel C. Third Wednesday, 8 Pilgrim Women's Union with itio Turnpike Authority In itsj nied government antl-trust charges ADATH ISRAU SYNAGOGUE Trinity Altar Guild meets quar- > Son ice ni1 Panconi next Wednesday nleht at M Wednesday except |n .,. ' plnns for the construction of • new' in U. S. District Court Tuesday Amboy Av«nu«, Woodbrttlt terlj. , P - the Pines umiw the ausplcts o( hi-h'-v:»v through the Towiwhlpj and termed the civil suit aitainM, Rev. S»muel' Newbergtt, Rafcbl Trinity Junior Altar Guild, flirt WOODBRIDGE GOSPlL Woodbridge Irtrnl. PBA. The din- Friday. 7:30 P. M. — Regular and third Mondays, 6:45 P. M. 8:00 - Christian m. iiiid hiN paesrtl a it-solution lite-1 ;t an efTort to change the nations (illlRCH Alumni, every other ' ner marks the afficn's elevation to Sabbath Services. Trinity Acolyte Guild, meeU Wefk :i;>;i''->\;iv.'. phm-. submitted by the' "entire economic structure ' 118 Prospect StfMt State PBA tnisUT'.hip. Saturday, 8:30 A. M.-Sabbath quarterly. 8:00—OttlCial Board Ar'I'iM'.Y. In its formal answer to the com- Gustave Bott, Pastor third Thunday. Howard J De;aney. Glen R'J^J". plaint .seeking dissolution of the Service. Trinity Choir, Thursdays, 7:30 ('••rr.mlttfpman Willam Warren State PBA president, Prosecutor P. M. Sunday 80-year-old food chair. A & P said !):45 A, M. — Sunday School. 3:30—CWol Choir. .ni-i the plans would "hurt resl- Mattehe-,v Melko. State Senator there "Is no justification In fact or Trinity Church School Faculty, >><)•:• of Ford Avenue. HiglilandB. W. Vai'fl and Assemblyman IH NGARIAN REFORMED fourth Friday, 7:30 P. M. iifses for all ages.. 4:00—Junior Choir. ;n la* for the drastic and conflsca- CHURCH ll -00 A. M.-Worshlp lervlc*. 6:30 —?4mlly Night Av. nap. Main Street and Wood Brtxl* hnve open added to iiy list tory destruction" of the company. ST. JAMES' R. C. CHURCH •V.fiHic 1:1 the Fords section." of s;)^kr.>. Woodbrldie, N. J. Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge B:30 P. M.—Young People's Pel- second Prldjya. A Si P denied \p detail the Corner of School & James Strtets 8:00—Senior Choir. T'f:" r^olution suites that the "harpes of restraint of trade and Krv I..is7lo Kecskemethy, Pastor p servlc. to ii:::i] provide for "the vacation of BIDS APPROVED nonopoly brought under the Sher- ord I i:'>' Brook Road in Port Read- Older of Services and Activities: sell. Assistant Pastor. and «' ; 4:00—Board of Deacons „ WOODBRIDGE - The Middle- man Act. Defendants John A. nounced. ' i;;-' . . . and fall to provide for the [ F.very •••inday at 9 A. M. Sunday WeeKday Masses: 7:00 and 7:30 Wednesday sex Concrete Products Corporation Hartford, chairman of the board, Sundays ii.;vi>m!-ir. of a portion of Bunn's' Georce L. Hertford, treasurer, and School; ,>•' Judicial flat, new and extremist Consistory mee'tlnt. Market And High Street* Mrs. Kenneth Tagsart, Choir '.'-re as follows; A son to Mr. and Federal Housing Project was irlnciplts of law which would re- Fvery Tuesday at 6:30 P. M- Pnth Amboy Dire-dor. OUR LADT OF PEACE ( HI n turned down as the amount was sult in a complete remodeling of Sunday Servleev. New Brunswick A?tnUf '..].•-. Lester Greenfield. 490 Rah- SMART I,(K)K I OR SM.M.t. Junior Choir practice; 7:30 Settlor Rey. Arthur L. Maye, Pastor hipher than thai provided In t'.ic he entire economic structure of j 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School for Fords • ,,y Avenue. Woodbridge; a BOYS: l.UhUclRlil t\vi-(K in Choir. 11 A. M.—Morning Worship. d;iii"htpr to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen' budget. this country." First Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. :ill except Beginners. Re?. John Grimes, Pa»r! brighter colors are .1 feature nf 9:45 A. M.—Sunday Sehoo.. 11:00 A. M.—Beginners In the Sunday Masses, 7:00, R nm,v Nir.irr Woman's Club at a conference of his smooth outfit. Mrs. Catherine Balog, Soloist , S. S. Teachers 1st Monday, 8:00 the Third District of the Federa- i business, "with enormous and in- Mrs. Edith Elko, Organist 8:00 P. M., and 7:30 to 9 li p i WOODBRIDGE—The first of a calculable savings to the consumer P. M.; Trustees. 3rd Monday, 8:15 » Tuesdays tion of Woman's Club at Spring consumer, the producer and the; ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH 9:30 A. M.—Sunday services. on-- of Family Nights will be and especially to the wrker fami- lp. M.; Men's Fellowship, 4th Mon, First Tuesday—Session ii'-ld Sunday at 7:30 o'clock at the! Lake. Tuesday. The Iselin Club general public." Aventl 10:30 A. M.—Church School. i Tuesday 1 will meet, Wednesday afternoon at I lies." Rev. John Egan, pastor. Wednesday, WoodbridKe Methodist Church. I j Mr. and Mrs Club. 1st and 3rd 1 The answer said A cfe P j FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Ladles Aid Society. M,*/ A movir. "Reaching from Heaven." j the First Church of Iselin j Promote* Trafle Sunday Masses. 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, ' Tues.; Lad rs' Aid, 2nd and 4th "achieved enormous cost savings; CHURCH fourth, S:00 P. M,, at the :;!,rn:in", Addison Richard, Nance; ' The effect of the company's ac- 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. TUPS., 8:15 P. M.; Deacons, 2nd r;i from the expansion of the prin-'; Thursdays Brv.ini and Cheryl Walker, will tivities "has not been to restrain Holy Day Masses t:00, 7:00 and Rahway Avenue and Carteret Road Tues.. 7:00 P. M.; Session, 2nd E. C. A, mission chief scores clple of the economy stores, the j Third Thursday—Wnmcr.\ br Miown. The public is invited. ! trade or to prevent competition," 3:00 A. M. "THE OLD WHITE CHURCH" Tues., 8:15 P.M. Italian red tape, business men, ! manufacture by the company of soclatlon meeting at 8 P M the answer continued. "Oft the Weekday Ma*ses-7:30 A. M. WoodbridEe Young Adults meet 3rd Tues- n some of its own Roods, the elimi- Earl Hannum Devanny, Minister chutch. contrary, its competition has nation of the expense of unneces- day at 7:30 P. M. at homes. greatly promoted trade and In- Mrs. Lillian M, Stephens, Organist Fridays sary middlemen, the acceptance '- OUR REDEEMER EVANGELICAL Wednesday Junior Choir, 3:45 p. M creased competition." LUTHERAN CHURCH Dale L. Kalter, Choir Director 3:30 P.M.—Brown!*. of low profit margins, and the j Sunday Services High School Choir, 7 p \j Thus, dissolution of the com- Introduction of new methods of j 26 fdnrth Stftet, Fords Thursday Adult Choir, 8 P. M pany. A & P said "would result Rev. Arthur L. Kreyling, Pastor Morning Worship at 11:00. 3:30 P. M—Children's Choir. transportation and distribution! Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. in a decrease rather than Increase j which were far more efficient than! Sunday School and Bible Class, 7:00 P. M—Yout h Choir. ST. Regular Meetings JOHN'8 cni'Rcn in competition." those which had been theretofore 9:30 A.M. 8:00 P. M.—Senior Choir. Second Monday—Board of TTUI- Sewarcn prevailing. It also insisted uponj Morning n'orshlft 11:00 A. M. The food chair contended a de- tees; Breckenrldge Auxiliary; Jowph Thompson, Lay the highest quality of food. TRINITY CHURCH cree of dissolution is entirety un-.. White Church Guild at the Manse. Mrs. Dorothea Pcrz!c, warranted because. FIRST CHURCH OF ISELIN, Corner Berkeley Boulevard and organist The food chain said that part Third Monday—Sunday Gchool Cooper Avenue "1. A& P is hot a monopoly or of the savings which it has been PRESBYTERIAN Teachers. 8:30 A, M,—Church s, ol. Rev. Henry M. Hartman, PaatOr helln otherwise illegal in itself. ble to effect and pass on to the Fourth Monday — Breckenrldge 11:00 A. M. — Mornln "2. There is no clear, wilful, 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School. Rev. Emily R. G. Klein, Pastor and service. consumer has resulted from the Auxiliary; White Church Guild at serious and continuing vio- 11:00 A. M.—Morninj Worshiu. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. integration nf its operations, the Manse. ~~ Sunday Morning Worship, 11:00 FIRST BAPTIST lation of the anti-trust laws. whereby it manufactures some of riirnni Third Thursday—Women'i As- o'clock. Nielson Street, Wo the company said "destruction of "These subsidiaries," it said, tinuous Novena to St. Jude, Pa- CHURCH Church Service, 11:00 might take it by mistake, or a child may be A & P organization, far from bene- "sell, .and always have sold, their TRINITY CHURCH tron of Hopeless Cases. Barron and Grove Avenue* Testimonial; Wednesday 8 P ! flttingr the public, would render ir- products only through A & P re- lUhwaj Arcane, Woodbrldf* Norman K. Allen, Organist and Reading Room, Thursday U attracted to it by the bright color and do himself harm; reparable Injury to it." tail stores and not to competitors." ReT. William H. Schmaus, Rector WOODBRIDGE METHODIST Minister of Muiie' P. M. Mrs. Wllllun Neebe, Organiit Mondays Many medicines deteriorate after exposure to light and One of the world's most press- A it P said It never has had CHURCH "Dootrine of Atonenicir Sunday Services 8:00—Sigma .Alpha Phi flofo- ing problems is "how to maintain "either nationally, or in any re- Main Street subject for Sunday, Apn; ii: standards of living for individuals 8:00 A, M.-r-Hoiy Communion. rlty, second and fourth Mondays air. On long standing, some compounds change their gion or community, a monopoly Rev. Frederick W. Poppy, Pastor • GOLDEN TEXT: "If ,,i:v in the face of constantly increas- 8:30 A. M.—Sunday School, 8:15-G. E. T. Club, first Mon- of retail food sales, nor are de- Sunday Services sin, we have an advocate •.'..•:. chemical structure. Yes, the safe thing to do is to throw ing populations and greatly in- 11:00 A. M.—Holy Communion day. fendants attempting, combining Bible School for everyone, 9:45 Father, Jesus Christ ii- .. creased tax burdens," A & P said. and sermon (first and third Sun- it away. If illness again overtakes you, see your doctor. or conspiring to monopolize, nor A. M. Tuesdays eous." (I John 2:1) The problem Is intensified by the r days; morning prayer and ser- An rl nfnv\d*i V\4 i* . /^TX/ii'n f i/^Tir tjinH Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. 8:00—Church School Workers SfeRMON; Passages U\<:v. fact that distribution costs "con- do defendants'- operations tend mon (second and fourth). Brjng his prescriptions to us for acofrate compounding. Stated Meetings Conference—third Tuesday. King Jama version (if stitute too large a proportion of toward a monopoly." 7:00 P. M.—Young People's Fel- Official Board —First Monday, Wednesdays include: the cost of living," it said. lowship. 8 P.M. 2:00—Plymouth Colony, every "And Jtsus said. For ] FRIDAY AND him endless homage " SATURDAY ONLY HOW IH OQR life's work aright not only : SHOE SALE IRON FIREMAN tlce to himself, but in im- mortals—to show them !i theirs, but not to do r : •WOMEN'S SHOES nor to relieve them ni .: CASUALS - SPORT - DRESS HEATING responsibility." ip. 18' Chantinf Of Monickers Btmfiti Hillywood Stars HOU.XWOCih.-'A rose ^ other nam* may smell :cs '• but who could ever niJkc a ' hero out'ol fyorster Van h Wortter , changed his i»« Willard P»t*er, and \mi>- name he wai able to stir m movies, including the lat>"t < lumbU, "Civid Hardii^, •' spy." * » "An actor h»i to have a B- OUJ souodlnf name if he •• 1.99 2.99 3.99 • ANTI KNOClP mi HiW UWMPH Of be »uc««Slrful," Parker. <; VALUES TO 4.45 VALUES; TO 6.95 VAUUES TO 8.95 • PERFORMANCE GASOUHl (HIMSIM Eps, said. . How Rit Hayworth pi^-J • POWER screen naq I Parker ducsn; « Polly Preston - Sandlrr's - Vlinule Tread / but she's b«n a lot mme • ••> • VALUE ful with it titan ihe was a* ' rita Canilnoj (Jladys Smith w< SHU SHLS kl for several y#»rs as a d'1 ' former, but became iiittriu:: 1 •T ly known it Mary Pickfm' Hi RtCVLAR Frances Qumm was a :•-' 20% , <| vaudeville singtr beJure si"' •' Mil] GASPRICt tagged Judy Garland. Kinn ' On All Children's & Men's Shoes m* couldn't imagine that i'j:l A COME IN... TODAY! a theater marquee, so she i|lJ NUNN BtJSH H FRKPUN - ACROBAT - PtAY POISE ktc. ~jkU sir, .eam it legally and professionally !<• VQnVA Sav« up fo 30% tf« I abeth Scott. , _ ^1 '•%• nir Ruby Stevens wasra •>*> •' '* ••- OIL BURNER on your fu«f Ml I "" LOT OF BOY'S SNEAKERS sizes 4 to 7 79c pr. chorus tlTl befor* she bei-aii„• f b»ra Stanwyck. Her husbami. »»01J ert Taylor, chanjeiJ his » • Hank's Sunoco Service Sunoco Service' Center Sputler Arlin|ton w 1 Amboy Avfc.& Campbell St. Rahway Ave, & Smith St. , Jotn Ctiwftird, a movif ; «

WOODBRIDGE 8-0012 #•11 ^ Main and Fulton St . West & Woodbrldjc Avte, SHOPPING s Must Be s CONVENIENCE MOBILHEAT Woodbridge, N.J. Sewa«,n,N.J Ifessor sW 8! MAIN ST. WOODBRIDGE, N.J. BLUE COAL* ft; V THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 15)50 THTllSf


TOMORROW morning at 9:00, we'll snip the ribbon stretched across our gleaming glass doors.'

WITH a sincere and fefvent "Thank you, everyone, for making it all come true."

ITS a beautiful new store—years ahead of its time in store front design, ^ lighting, interior arrangement and fixtures. Our entire first floor and balcony have undergone a magic transformation.

EVERY floor in our 6-story building has been completely redecorated and rearranged. For 45 years we have served the Raritan Bay area with fine quality furniture and home furnishings.

you will find it overflowing with greatly augmented stocks secured from the best resources the country over—-with good and beautiful . things you need to make your home a better place to live in!

LEON'S is a human store, a family-owned store, in which a sincere intarest in your needs and a deep concern for yoUf pocketbook gu huud-in« hand—just as they have since 1905 when this business was founded ' MfrsUU-£<^e-iuiheJinifcto^t^^ and grandson,

LEON'S is your store—built l>y your patronage and your confidence— ' geared to your way of life. Come see it tomorrow!

ALBIjBT LEON — Founder MARCUS L LEON-Tfeas- and president of Loan's, who urer and gehorul manager. established the ftrni in Perth Sou of Albert Leon, has bepn Amboy in 1905, in the business ever since j»ia graduation (rom Columbia University, !,


MAKtf A. LEON-A recent gradualu at Lafayette, hftt -hf •of Marcus I .ton, ha has jj--t entered the busies to j»ia with his father and gra> *t have mude new and gre»t»t OF PERTH AMBOY Leon's a wall*.

v~~ ~-mr- MT. *r~ —„. -. ~J

(. • ;«-.• ••_••.

. o. :-..'•., n i FOUR THtflKSt), 91) 13, 1960

Ladies' Aid Pledges to Raise \ Joca/ Youngsters — Grown-ups,' Too —Enjoy Egg Hunt Several Affairs are Schedule $2,000 More for Building Fund By Sisterhood of Adath IST(i , - Mi - W.-invn W W,u linpr to comp!rt<> thr canvass i WOODBniDOE Several nfTnirs Mrs. .lark Ttunii man condiiclod I he (!CVI>IMII.H.S at within ten days. I were planned Monday at a ment- be contacted for (:„„;' . „.„,.,„„ „.,,„, i A,,, o. An invitation from the Wood- ins of the Sisterhood of Conjre- Mrs. Nathan Win;:! fjnttnn Adnth Israel held In the :he joint Installnii,,,," a meetmz of ,n- Lulu, AM sn- brl(Igc Melhodlsl church to attend Community Center with Mrs. Cyril men's group nnii H,,, Ciety held nt tlw> i'rcbyirnan a missl(mary mevUm „„, Ua ,n I Hutner presiding. be held May 24 Tuesday n:::lit. She alw May was ftccoplwl. Mrs Isadore Rabinowltz, Cub Mrs. Irvine GomiM... th« t.li«mr of :alcnt and Mrs Davld Davis announced the •-'*rvlce as outlined In the mps- Group firout chairman, reported that a of thenomlni'tin:: i,,,,, nni meflinR of tn€ study country sale program will be held sented the follnwitu. ; 'toges heard at thn Ftaboth Pros- will ^ held at the nome 0( Mrs, Monday In the center. Mrs. Harry fleers: Mrs. Hut HIT \n,, •yterlal Tuesday afternoon. Livingston Avenue. Prank Brrekgi Melnlck and Mrs. Irving Hutt are Ralph Deutsrh, li, , jLik'Mrs. Clyde Berry, rhitirmnn. rr- April 25. the new den mothers. lent; Mrs. Riclhini n flpKljorted on the Micrrssful work of Plans for the Smorgasbord vice president: Mi ' * the canrer dressing uroup. Mrs. luncheon to be held May 5 1n the denker, treasurer. \ Moore was appointed ns- Aid Squad Drive center were presented bv M^s Ooinyak, coriTR|)(i|..,i;i| ilst*nt and Mrs. Bertram Van and Mrs. Norm,* v/n Irvtnif Kline, co-chairman with •"•"••^Jleft was named chairman of the Ing secretary, Tiir ,i Girl Scout woric in this project. In Avenel, Colonia take plane at tin- i., It was announred !h:it co.ikles me May 8. beinu sold by tlie scouts. Easter Hat Party Annual Solicitation to A plea was marie i,, ; Mrs. Hf-rbert Hnnscn reported to be present at ih,, u ! on the collection of coupons ind Get Started Monday; noon boxing session in requested that all coupons be in by Held by Auxiliary each week. i . the May meet in s,. Mrs. Carl Nier McHugh I» Chairman A pageant of tj,.-. | announced that $80 had been reiU AVENEL —An Easter hat pa- presented In ittd from thfc thror> clam chowder' AVENEL—Avenel-Colonla First rade was held by the Ladies' Aux- n, sales and that another will bo held Aid Squad will open its annual iliary of Avenel Plre Company No, Passover. Hostesses [,,, '' tomorrow. Orders may br placed drive for funds Monday, James 1 after Its meeting Tuesday at the were Mrs. Dorn.vak. M< with Mrs. Stephen Viuh or Mrs. McHugh, general chairman, an- flrehouse. Prize winners were: Coen, Mrs. Morns <;;,,,. Nler. Cabbage rolls wil' he marie nounced today. The campaign will, Prettiest hat. Mrs. Peter Greco; Charles Rossner. \\,' and sold on Thursday. April JO. • continue until May 17 and- will in-j | second prettiest. Mrs. Joseph Pe- Lehrer, Mrs. lrvm> !•-.,-, Mrs George Kayser. with Mrs. elude a house-to-house canvass. I Role in Operetta ', has; funniest, Mrs. Zoltan Vargo, nick, Mrs. David i; • Edward Kosic assisting, will head Mr. McHugh is being assisted; and most original, Mrs. John Klu- Louis Manner, Mrs. Ci. a committee for a dinner. May 16. by George Watson, co-chairman; j • bensples. man and Mrs, .-The committee will meet Monday!Robert Snowfield, Jacob Herman.I Goes to Ciuffreda j I Mrs. John Lockie conducted the !- evening at thr church. Mrs. Kny-; Joseph Price, Herman Steinbach, I business session during which ' ser is also taklna ordn- lor dish- Stanley Chapman, Michael Bod- plans were made for a card party ".. cloths and pot-holders. mar. Jack Maclver, Edward Mc-| Port Reading Man to j May 19, with Mrs. Walter Meyers Magnolias In Biorj Grath. Mrs. Koslc reported all mer- Sing in 'New Moon' in as chairman. The group voted to DOGWOOD T],|.; .,, chandise received on "the current „,.,."The annua. l drive.," Mr. Mc- attend a meeting find social of the 2 ft.-3 it,-..MI, ; our Five New Jersey Cities j • , club and urged raptoms to make ^" **«•"« **** *««V Wooribridse Auxiliary Mny 9 .\nd 3 ft.-4 It,-Slii,i lnc0 The d to postpone Its own meetinc from • • returns as soon as possible. A new ! ™- "^ '* Hf ** PORT READING —Port Read- r/dub wUl be started May 6. j opmting expends lncludlni; the that date to May 16, Mrs. Harold 4 ft.-5 ft—SI.,Mi ing's 31-year-old baritone, An- , l maintenance of the ambulance. Hanson reported 44 women attend- WISTERIA, Slim • /Announcement was made of the; « thony Ciuffreda, has garnered a We h tnat all Tesld nts of tne ed the theatre party In New York A Tree or ,1 \ , fcesbyterial mocung to be held at; leading role in the Sigmund Rom- area we serve will cooperate ftn(1 City recently. .* Connecticut Farms Church. Union, .. berg operetta. "The New Moon." donate t0 the bejt of thftlr ab|m The dark horse prize was won by REGAL PRIVET i', May 9. to be conducted by Mrs. O. to be staged by the Operetta Guild Mrs Peter Oreco and the mer- $").00 per Inn of Central New Jersey. Mr. Ciuf- '"* H. Weferling. chandise club winners were Mrs. freda will sing the part of "Beza"" CALIFORNIA i'i;r "I" Mrs. William FalkensU-rn. prr-s- John Anacker. Mrs, GeorRe Urban, Cast Announced when the guild presents the de- idept. appointed Mrs. John Etter- Mrs. Joseph Petras and Mrs. Owen or BARBARY Hii lightful operetta in South River, shank chairman. Mrs. Frederick Rofl. Hostesses for the evening 10c ea. aivi u Perth Amboy, Rahway, Trenton Beckley. Mrs. Herbert Hansen. were Mrs. Peter Greco. Mrs. Rubin For PTA Comedy and New Brunswick during the i Mi's. Clyde Berrj'. Mrs. Bertram Greco. Mrs. Everett Johnson and SHADE;, VUKI- last week of April and the first j Van Cleft, Mrs. Carl Nior, Mrs. AVENEL — "Johnnie Get Your Mrs. Charles Koza. FRUIT TKI-.H week of May. The production will Warren Warman and Mrs. Stephen \ G[ry a three-act play" will be pre- OF ALL KIND, open in South River's Capitol . VlRh as a committee to meet with ,5^^ by lhe Avenel PTA Aprll 28 t)»e contractor of the new building i l school with Mrs. Philip Theatre with performances April! PATENT HVi;,;; at Avene 25 and 26. The operetta will be j Mrs. Mirkovich and decide the placement of fix- > ciayboume as chairman, At top youngsters are seen near the finish line Grasso. Henry Smithies, Charles Andersen, John TEA ROSI-.s presented at the Perth Amboy Safranski, William FlUpatrick. Mayor AUKUM F. BIrtoms Up to ,v tures in the kitchen and later to [ Harry Lund, principal, is dlrect- in the egg-rollinc contest sponsored by the Van- decide on the kitchen furnishings. \ [ i j the cast Includes High School on April 27 and 28 i Greiner, Magistrate Andrew D. .Desmond, Ger- CLIMBING l(o m lne p ay an and. In the Empire Theatre, Rah- i Heads Junior Club As a repre.sentatlve of the build- j Mrs. Samuel Albrecht Jr., Mrs. Tassel Association Saturday in VVoodbridne Park. Md Harriean. Standing in the first row, second in all ruiMi Ing. Mrs. R G. Pericr asked for John Kerekes, Mrs. Harry Jones way, on May 2 and 3. May 5 and I Below are the committee and prize winners. from rilfht, is Alfred U Penta Jr., 8 East Gretn 6 will find the 45-member cast at j AVENEL—Mrs. Georsc Mirko- AZALKA,, volunteers to canvass for the $2,000 Jr., Lawrence Pelston, William Standing in the rear are Jesse Fuite, Georite Del Street. Woodbridire. vich was elected president of the needed to complete the finances i Chafey, Miss Gertrude Gutman, the War Memorial Building in j 6-inch, SI — K-ur Trenton. The final performances Junior Woman's Club at a meeting Ml of the new church facilities.! Mrs. Stephen Marfculin, James held at her home on Avenel Street 10-inch, S'Miii Twenty members volunteered and ' Connifl and Stephen Sylinski. will be given at New Brunswick's Rivoll Theatre on May 9 and 10. Former Local Girl Tuesday. Others elected were: Vice RAMBLING l;t^ Area residents remember Mr. OBITUARIES president, Mrs. Daniel F. Ogden; 50c o;i Ciuffreda for the concert he gave Recording secretary, Mrs. Allan A Selection ol [•, ., last December at the Woodbridse ToWedN. Y.Man WILLIAM J. FISCHER Woodbridge; three sons, Joseph' BJorken; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Johun cSchorku ; treasurer, Mrs. Shrubs and !-.• 1 High School where his varied pro- WOODBtflDGE— W i 11 i a m J. and John, WoodbrldRe; Stephen,'""" *~ " " ""*" *--•""••»•• Norman Kerr. of All Soik;.M gram met with enthusiastic audi- FischEr, 36, 273 South Park Drive, Fords; 15 grandchildren and nine ence approval. The local man, who Donations were made to the NEW YORK—Miss Cecelia Var- State Supervisor of Vocational Ed- great-grandchildren, See No Evil has appeared in numerous con- Braille Fund, the Penny Art Fund, TAXIS VI ",,; ga, 27, formerly of Woodbridge ucation in the Vocational Division Funeral services were held Mon- certs as well as on television pro- t h e Pan-American Scholarship OR BOX\V()()| and now at 60 Amsterdam Avenue, of the New Jersey State Board of day afternoon at the Greiner grams, has studied voice under Fund, Vineland Research, NJC 12"—SLliii Educ&ti«n, died Sunday at his Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, Hazel Dleseth Schweppe of New New York, and Charles Bauer, 38, College room fund, Avenel-Colonia and at the Hungarian Reformed York and Frederick Schweppe of of 1340 Second Avenue, this city, home after a long illness. First Aid Squad and Red Cross. Plants Too Nun it: A native of Staten Island. Mr. Church, Woodbridge. Burial was the dramatics department at were issued a marriage license Mrs. Conrad Kessler and Mrs. Mention ;d Fischer tiujjht in the Middlesex in the Cloverleaf Park Cemetery. H. J. Tamboe were co-hostesses. Syracuse University. A chemical Tuesday at the City Clerk's Office ROCK BOTTOM I'lilii; County Vocational School, Perm Mrs. Edward Regan was guest. In- engineer by profession, Ciuffreda CHARLES J. WESTON DRIVE Oil i" A'.; is looking forward to a stage ca- here, , Amboyy , ^ years. He had been stallation of officers, with past , AVENEL—Funeral services (or reer, The* couple «aid they would be a member o| the State Board of presidents in charge, will be held CONVINCE Yori;-'; Charles J. Weston, 13 Madison married here on Saturday. ' Education for the past year and a at the next meeting, April 25. TOPSOIL—Ci.st i ,. Miss Varga was born in Wood- half, He was a graduate of Rut- Avenue, World War I veteran, t Taylor, Wallace's '48 running bridge, the daughter of PauL and gers University, Class of 1936. were held Monday from his home Telling Her Size mate, seeks comeback in Idaho. Juliana Varga. Mr. Bauer, the son The son of the late William J., and at St. Andrew's Church, He walked timidly into the store Weigelia Nurserie of George and Mary Bauer, is a and Marie Mathes Fischer, he had where Rev. John Eagen officiated. and announced he wished to buy 3 Ml. SOliTH 01 HI >• India says she will not tolerate' native of this city. He was divorced resided in Woodbridge for the past Burial was in St. Gertrude's Cem- a present for a young lady. Hear No Evil • last year from Margaret Bynes. etery, Colonia. SOUTH RIVKlt < I!ANI;I invasion of Nepal. few years. He is survived by his The saleslady showed him some ItOAD widow, Mrs. Margaret Monahan Mr. Weston, who served in the silk coats but when she asked him Fischer; two daughters, Barbara Navy, surviving the sinking of the the size, he was baffled. He gazed j and Nancy; two sisters. Mrs. Wai-. U. S. Supply Ship Montano, tor about helplessly for a minute or ter Buhlman, Great Kills, S. I, pedoed August 15, 1917, on the so and then, spotting a dummy j wnen you order printed and Mrs. Everett Polhemus, Tot- j way to France with supplies, died figure, a smile stole over his face. tenville, S. I. Friday after a heart attack in his Walking up to it he encircled it matter, chances are you Funeral services were held yes- home He resided in Avenel fnr 18 with l)is arm want it in a hurry. Our terday afternoon at 2 o'clock at years and was employed as an the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 electrician by the Pennsylvania tion, received during the flrSt'war, Green Street, Woodbridge. Burial •c-faftsmea • know .ihisr-ani Railroad. he was a wireless operator on the "warTrTHmaae' Cemetery:"Plain- He was a former member of Montano and stuck to his post are geared to render high- field. Colonia Post, American Legion. A sending out distress calls until a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chris French destroyer and several speed service, with no sac- MICHAEL PINTER Weston, Hoboken, he is survived smaller vessels came to the Mon- Speak No Evil rifice in quality. Call us WOODBRIDGE—Michael Pin- by his widow, Frances Glace Wes- tano's aid, He was believed to be ter, 76, 14 Milton Avenue, an em- ton; four daughters, Mrs. William the last to leave the ship. He today! Wooctbridge 8-1710. ploye at the Valentine Fire Brick Fergus. Elizabeth; Mrs. Edward jumped overboard and swam to j Company, died suddenly Friday Burke, Woodbridge; Mrs. Nicholas a raft upon which he stayed for; after a heart attack at his home. i Toft, and Arlene, Avenel; four 24 hours before being'taken aboard j He was a member of the Ba- sons, Edward R., Raymond W,. another ship and taken to France.! koczi Spciety Braneh 2j>, Pro- and lAwrenee ' J., Av&nel, and "For Favorable Impressions!" gressive Camp No. 86, Woodmen Howard C, Fords; two sisters, VINCENTJ^ATALANO ' We've Gol Till llH( of the World and the Hungarian Mrs. Rudolph Kantner, Queens WOODBRIDGE—Vincent J. Ca- Feformed Church. Village, L. I., and Mrs. Edward talano, 55. died Monday at his I Track Oil Men r» >t\J Surviving are his widow, Mary Bohne, Bellaire, L. I., and a broth- home, 247 Green Street. Bazik Pinter; three daughters, er, Edward, Hawaii. He is also Surviving are, his widow, Mar- MIDDLESEX PRESS Mrs. Joseph Tullo, Bound Brook; survived by tliree grandchildren. garet; a daughter, Margaret, and You won't bt Mrs. Joseph Zeienak, and Susie, According to Mr. Weston's cita- a son. William, at home: his moth- j capped" when it > er, Mrs. Catherine Catalano; three) heading for a p>> 18 GREEN STKEET WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Clean Clothes Wear Longer . . . Clean Clothes Wear Loiiger brothers, Ralph, John and An- j |hc philosopher who penned those words drew, and four sisters, Rose, Mrs.! tion in the Sunn-: Harry Burr, Mrs. Kenneth Weston i nf feshion. was not writing about cancer. Cancer is . - Slip Covers and Mrs. Thbftias GuTIKb, all' of Ozone Park, L. I. a grim reality and the facts must be No, sir, men, wluli Smooth Sailing. i Rugs and Drapes? MRS. ETHEL V. ELKK j a topcoat, a .suite WOODBRIDQBMWrs. tthel V, brought into the open, so thai we can see f Elek, 29, wife of John Elek, 112 outfit. We can lit i' We Clean em! James Street, diad Monday at St. cally an> man n the true situation. We must listen in ' Peer's .Hospital,! New BrMniwicK, 1 > Time to ready your dome for the new after a short illness. Also surviving We'll give you odd. order to learn the danger signals and ^vc swson. lfet us help you by cleaning are an infant son, John D., her never seen such ; ji your rufflS) drapes and slip covers— parents, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ec- secly, Woodbrldee and a. sister, assortment of men must speak in order to help educate apd « juskitie ihe«> l<">k »s nice as new! *f ^J 4 ^ Mrs. Andrew E, Harto, Norwalk, ing apparel before. ;l a Spec/a/ Conn. protect others. ' i g I lOlO Funeral services will be held thU MOTOR TUNE-UP! afternoon at two o'clock at the Come in and see 1- The triumph over cancer can come Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green. self. . 4 'MILTON'S QUALITY CLEANERS Street and at 2:30 o'clock In (he t i A Is Your Car MARKET STRUCT PERTH AMBOY First Congregational Church. 1 only through continuing research, Burial will be in the Cloverleaf Finest Quali Park Cemetery. Trained minds and expensive laboratory Ready for Suits ami Top' equip neat must be kept at work. For DIAGNOSIS at Modest I'n Jt THI tun llUfit HUM HIKUMUtU I humanity's sake and for our own preser- Spring Driving* There's no guess work with "SUN." \t U\h you the «uct ,;on- " vfttiwi: • we must support the crusaflfe NEW DeSOTOS & PLYMOUTH dltiiMi of your car. What repairs, if an^ar.' needed--ifoWi take against this terrible enemy. Will youf chances-be sure your car is In top comlilioo for safe driving. For more pep, power, oil and tan economy, bring your- CM in FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I today! gtve as generously as you can? ' SALES S SERVICE * L SERVICE METCHIK MOTORS, Inc. American Cancer Society ,%X X-i ^ xexaco Products - YOUR AUTHORIZED DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALER ^I toil IK •!«••' -"• ./I Amboy Avenue and Convejy Boulevard WO-8-0893 446 St. Georges Ave. Rahwgy, N, h PERTH AMBOV| Span fatal by PUBLIC SERVICE HOljBS 8 TO 5-MON. tO SAT. ONLY QPKN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY *•«•»• THtTRSDAY, 1950

|nili;; Bakes Important as Adults to Uncle Sam! Mrs. A. R. Bergen Blustery Winds Fail to Cool Easter Ardor |jj!;iinlwmr Girls Elected as Regent

, ulM1M;K Misses Elaine WOODBRIDOfr -Mrs Albert R. ,!py Brnndt were inli shl Bergen was electcii regent ol ii , ,,, Anirticus Chapter, Junet O

,,,•,. i.D attend In a succetds Mrs, Konrad Stern ria service in the. ,i:m Church Sunday Others elected were Mrs. W (in' tn assemble In . Leon M&med. vice renent; Mrs church 15 minutes1 John M. Krecer, recording secre- „„. tary, and Mrs. Stern, member ol the executive board. !o sinr nl the Perth V ,,n' il Hospital April 30 The program Included vocal sc- v ! lecttons by Mrs. Justin Marsh ,.ini;i sharp. Dorothea il nniathy Jaw, Joyce truest Mloist, with Mrs. William S. Meebe accotnpanyini! on the piano. , Annetle Dawson. Es- . •- •'*• ... - .':',• V .J * '' ,',1! Nancy Martin. Brooke The numbers Included 'Barca- ' .,.-ion Iflckic, Charlotte rolle." by Offenbach; "Andiin- M tine," by Lemare; "Old Refrain," by Krelsler, and "April Showers," [,„• i he mother-daughter by De SllVa. III «]r.!e of hlustrry winds, thf traditional Kiistrr IVirinn nnd Cruvr Avnuic. ;in«l lirlow is the s<-en» •','„, !„. held May 15 in the 1 nnr;itle was In full swine Sunday. Although some ,{,,,, „„,, ,,f (|,,. m;is>;rs t\ St. .l.tmen' (hureh, 1 A re&dlng entitled. "Menhirti? n , ,, i .in .m.vlc by the fol- of tl»f n«t suits were covered by furs and t»p|H>rs. M )( K Easter in L960," written by Franci.1- Florence Grlb- Ti(isi n( the lamps sported CasUr bonnets and cor- B. Sayre, was read by Mrs. Ernes "•' very much in evidence. All the churches In the. ;r?n. Doris Myers, (Mr. Att top. worshippers are shown lravitiE the C. Moffett. "Just a Neighbor," bj Hist ( ntmreg.-itlflnal Church at the eorner of Township were tilled l» <;n>.uity l>y Hie faithful. cniham, Betty Coryell. Dorothy Canfleld, ,wns read by Mr: ;, ,n>, smith nnd DlnKley, | George R.. Men'lll and an article „„,. jn!eiTsied In trying "The Other Home of Helen ftel ',!„, ,;|therl*B I .... .ia» painted one of the sets tn 7am(10 wioht WOODBRIDGE - The C»nt r; lights for his seventh consecutive, and Hunting and sound effects are New Jti'sey Optometric Societj | role in "Arsenic and Old Law?," to In charge of Fred Kaufman and Mrs- JamH s- Hid Auxiliary met Monday at Bul- Anniversary Drive, Roselle, formerly of Linden s Dar tonwood Manor, Matawan. Je- I be presented Saturday nnd Sunday, 'dney ^*^- Avenue, Wsodbridge, find the late rome LasKy, O.D., of the Readins •,mi)GE-Tlie Mothers' i nights at the Community Center/ Assistant Prosecutor James S. dlinic ftt Long Branch, was suest Wight, at a party Sunday after- will celebrate Amboy Avenue. Nf>W Pftlitiral fllill speaker, taking as his subject. nC noon, Home-Made Articles to be Sold ^ Monday at in the role of "Teddy," -x^ " 1 UllllLdl VilUU "Optomjtric Approach to Read- home of Mrs^Wnl- spends most Q, hjs Ump d|R(?lng A graduate of Railway High Ing." •1 K Meredith Road. Co-, the cellar under the lnusion lhat School, Miss Simnuns is complet- £ Formed in Colonia Mrs. Nathan Mill man, Dover Tomorrow at urn bcout Bazaar WOOUBRIDQE—Police Chieti' mrmbers have been i he is Theodore Roosevelt diRsin? ing her senior year at the Scudder School and is attending the David addressed, the auxiliary on "Op- ISELIN—The three Iselin Girl operation of their parents and all GIWHO K. Ki'atinK today re^' ! the Panama Canal, Dr. RablhowiU COLONIA—The new Colonia i.uii will inciuae Mannes Music School, both in New tometric Auxiliaries and Their Scout troops met this week at the residents of Iselin to make to- minded tavern owners that 0 antl ] Is hilariously funny, yet extremely Democratic Club, Inc., Tenth Dis- York. She is a member of tfie Functions." Mrs. Sidney Kirsch. presidents homes of their leader, Mrs. Jo- morrow's bazaar a success." Mrs. liquor may be sold Tuesday, prt-; ! New Brunswick, was appointed .•nilicrs. interestins pa- helpful In disposing of the multiple trict, was organized Tuesday at i Junior Service Le.acue. Mr. Rapacioli said, chairman of courtesy. seph Rapacioli, 711 Dow Avenue. mary day, while the polls are in previous vears and a I murder victims of his aunts, the the home of Paskel Mcrrltt, Am- j Is a Graduate of the Admiral Far All three troops launched then Plans were made to attend the Final plans were mad? for the open. uv-mn on "Can We Af-1 loveablc Brewster sisters. herst Avenue. ramu Academy, Toms River, and annual Girl Scout cookie sale this ('u n-MindedMothers?" \ | | Q Rablnowllz Is a student at Davis and Elkins State Convention In Atlantic City inniuil Girl Scout Bazaar to be Sale, service and consumption In preV 0U510 PSi V A slate of Ofncera was elected as collcse W. Va, held tomorrow from 2 to 9 P. M., week. of alcoholic bovcraaes on retail ii" in the panel will be > ] ^ beaten up, forcibly un- the last week in May. Present ias ea follows; President, Lycy Lewis:: ' r oplo are members in St. Cecelia's Church basement.' Elaine Gass. Troop 1, passed licensed premises and delivery, II Ten Fyck, Mrs. C. P.dressed and thrown Into bed and Bolh youni pe from Woodbridge were Dr. and Home-made cakos and candles, her tenderfoot test and has re- by retailers to consumers on or n:>l Mr.;, R, L. Clark. pcrsiWied to commit suicide. In vice president, Frank Tuttie; .ec-jof the Ilderan Outins Club. No Mrs. Herbert Moss and, Dr. Irwin lantlicraft. books, games and ceived her Girl Scout pin. Diane otT licensed premises during, ,iiiiniiui-i' in charRe of ar- thls appearance he sjlmply por- retary. Mrs. Emma Morrlssey; date has been set for the wedding., Goldman. 'lome-ciinncd foods will be on sale. Santafaser, Raritan Township. polling hours come within th^ ,v.t is Mrs. G. G. Rohln- trays a harmless madman *'ho treasurer. Mrs. Carrie Staunton; There will also be a rummage and Bernice O'Neil were accented rule.. Polls will be open from 7 ,i!ii:iii: Mrs. R. O. Ernst, blows a bvmle and charges up the 1 fable. One of the features, will be as tenderfoot Scouts. Lillian Cuf- A. M. to 8 P, M. I .h.iifs. Mrs. A. A. Moli- stairs. His brother, Jonathan. trustees, John Bren,an, Roy Dasher and Mrs. Marguery Hushes. JERSEY SCRAPBOOKMOE MASK* he di'mnnsiration of bandage ner, Warwick Street, was trans- \V. McKean. Mrs. J. H. j piay»d bv .lack Oottfenker, returns ••olliny tor the Cancer Foundation. ferred from Troop 93, Jersey City, : M'>. !!. Jackson. All to his childhood home and suc- Speakers of the evening Included to Troop 1 as a Second Class First jot auto shown in Britain Committeemen William Warren | Proceed:; of the bazaar will be used ;md quests desiring ceedi in turntnK Brooklyn upside Scout. hits 90 miles an hour. and George Mroz; A. H, Rosen-1 !o finance a trip to Washington, ,it inn are requested to' down beforj he leaves In the moni- D, C. linyinoncl Jackson,' blum. Fords; John Samons, Povt 1 Readins; Charles J. Alexander. [ A .1'llIK Donations for the bazaar will be HONOR DAUGHTER township treasurer; Mr. Merritt, j Krutefully accepted by Mrs. Rapa- , PORT READINO-Mr. and Mrs.; Ml.s MBOr Brady. Mrs. Margaret; cioli or any Gill Scout, til IKHIWS aKalnst ex- j Frapk MesWr, oak, .jStreet. enter- Scolti c«idWat-r tor trustee of! "The Girl Scouts urge the co- -.itiii prices soaring. | tatned friends nnd relatives at "'pree School Lands; Mr. Brennan.i IP TIME! SAVE MONgl party in celebration of the second, Thomas Leworthy, John Stcvnns,! 1MANT BAPTIZED take the train at sports only power, and i biiVmlay of their datighler. Chris- Stanley Seabasty, Mr, Dasher. Mr. Blaine says, tine, at their home. Tuttie. Mrs. Morris-ey, Mrs. Staun* j AVENEL—The son of Mr. and ton, Fred Suitor. Fred Drostc, Wll-; Mrs. John Billy was baptized John liam Price and Benjamin Whit- • •it Si. John's Greek Catholic aker. ! Church by Rev, Dr. Joseph M. PLAINFIELD Maekov. Sponsors were Mrs. Ann CHRISTENSEN'S Cscpcsar, Pei'tli Amboy, and John Busarab, A vend. A dinner was held •THE FRIENDLY STORE" M & D Club Meefc at the Billy home and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P, Csepc- MORRISTOWN sar,. :;.r. and Mrs. Charles Olasin, With Mrs. Orlick Mr. and Mrs. John Basarab, Mrs. Q MADISON WOODBRIDGE —Mrs. Vincent Viisil Kczui'i Misses Martha and orliik, 171 Clinton Strprt, wns Helen Bii'y. hostess to the members of the M iind D Club at its meeting on Wednesday. SCOTCH PLAINSO Plans were made to attend a TPA$SAKH/S#,WM$ A 1 iii»ntr» party in New York in the TATfFVU&ACfV/V'/P-Se "T/JC Friendly Store" V / CRANFORD fall. The winner of the dark horse WAITED T, prize was Mrs. Donald Smith. 41" CABIMFT I1HK Of h pi's pre^nt were Mrs, John MA06ETTS Coughlm and Mrs. Robert St. John, Penh Amboy; Mrs. Louis Chismar, BIG Raritan Township; Mrs. Stephen ..., W F/M/MfD A A. Frost, Fords, and Mrs. Fred 1 Buliler and Mrs. Theodore Perry YfASS ..... 'Vagabond'* *8.50 of Metuchen. Mrs. Perry will be hostess at the .(jfytltfn IWOtyJ.iW.mil Complete next meeting on April 19. with Fittings fin Tht family Next Door... WOODBRIDGE IllMlktiM 6 Chick (hi METUCHEN

wark-sovlftfl fiotnro 9 • ' v

Most -popular of KNOX IN TODAY; 11 FOJt YOUfttflFf Light-weight Hats

No need lo tell men about tliis famous casual light- weight. They "come and get it." For the money, Other Sinks Priced PrioporlHHMtely Low it gives them more dashing style, more year-'round I'm out of «V9i - Can I Mnd Sonny to fenww MDMT " wear, than any oilier liat STOKE (JOURS: 9-6 flAILYJ VMDM TILL 9 we offer, . _. _._.,.».*. mt.'nviL'um V Pbj^y ev«y6ne (excett inny!) will OPEN AU UAY tenjily «(|ree tliat telephone service is a great DAt ARM DAY your t«l«phon« sjvei of time and «te[». You call the stores... 58.50(6 540.09 nuke appointments'... visit friends... all with- ffi«nib end *op» or* add«d to out leaving your home, simply by lifting the the number you e« «altl«* y«pr In N«w Jtrwy alon» mor. than rqeeivo: of your 'phone. In fact it's -all so 96,000 optional 1»ltpl»n« w«re simple, that it's easy to take telephone service ploctd In Mfvitt. foe granted—-and forget how much it provides, so reasonably. * i Department Store NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY yr MAIN 'T, Kootmiuin.i. INDEPENDENT PAOF, ifflt THURSDAY. APRIL M. i0!)0 iScw Hoiths C.irmUitvil Vvrfvvt C.hvvU h'vtwl Man hu Shell Oil Drivers Hoys' Sportswear it W''oodhrhlfii' Uhrnry In jfrsvy (.ity (gash CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS

S."vr:il ;ifiv l-'pi-i'lnl In tmlrilfnilriif-l.rntirrl Io Receive Awards books lmve l;mi pl.in-.l PI cir.-u n- .IKK '-KV CITY -Two New York (Note' Contributions to this column must be in tin, ,, rn later than .TUESDAY NOON of each week. Ev,,,,,, i; . , tlon at the Rinrnii !• t ••'• Liinvr? Group to he Given l:ere are broadcast dally at 7:30 A. M.. on the -Arum,! „ this week, iirrordin:' :'i": .Atlull. it'd by DHIIPI Iif-vv. fin Citm-.t ''Tlie On.-'lnr H:H .1 Kumllv." file ]--, fMrd pnrly sponsored by Liulirs' Aid .Society of Fi,M r,,, 'iv'i't Avfivi. lowed for tradir SEWAREN—TIIP annual safety nf I.-ielin. Pre-sbyterinn. Mudlark, A I/mi; l):iv's D\in;-.' •uul slunk an unidentified ear. ,iward dinner for the drivers of "Louis Pn-tfur." ^tr.inuc I.:ind.' u-cm-lini) to Hudson County Po- tip Shell Oil Company will be held r,.|fi -Play •Arsf-nlc and Old Lare," to be presenlci! !,•. A,:, "The Wall/ T!:"iv,iv' 'Each lice it Burlew's Restaurant, Lawrcnrf Israel- Players at Community Center Bright Rivi'V," Mm:) •I arbor, Hun day. if Molher-DaiiKhter Communion Breakfast sponsored i,, Tlir abrupt Unit of the Levy nutr ' .FamPS- Senior Sodality after ^7:45 Mam "All the Kin"'- M-n 1 HoilKC" ' Stiir M'ury. ' "B«>.i-.' | i >ii ilii lioltrlay-onKostrd traffir Tlii' Mmmittce is composed of n MeetinK Janet Ga«« Chapter, DAR, with Mrs Jamt's F N(, •Mi'i-'.i :i pile-up of four otlvr V. ;,. Tunlson, Albert Barnn, Wil- Plainfleld. hostess. "An InU'i-estin« Hobby," by M,:, ., Juvenile. "Unrl" AIII)V\ Islanrt." ! ".t^-iioniul :• ii'v ojv/iit\1 by Rifli- irrl Clnrk, 3. W. Dyckmnn, "Hmokcy :m:l :h'' Pi.n RmmnV'j utl Mnsin >f Trenton. Harry Mil- Thomas Morris, Joseph Hmiclrski, 17- .Mpe'tfrrn'of "woodbrldec Chaptrr, DAV In Memwi.,] Ml "DIP Biilmmns. ' "N-'\v Ztibiid.' i ' ; I "oln. P,i.: Artic:i Kopp, iilso Adolph Wllliambrcciit, Charles nicipal Building. • Virgin Isl.inH- " • B nnu.i.i ' I if I eil:i. rtiul Thclina I,.ik? :if I-'nr- ,Vioi)!'i nnd S. J. Wpller. Mastrr Ifl Primary Day, "Aluskit ' "M< \icn." j • -t Hill;. NY. if cpi^monirt will be Russell Dunn 1<) PBA dinner in honor of Daniel Panconi at Pines, Mm, i., •>0-"l -Presentation of "Best Foot Forward" by St. ,I;«n1(,, ,.•; ! Mr-- I.;ik" iuicl a pn'scnwpr ir, SpoAlw.r.i will be C. L. Lockliart, in St James Audltoilum. BUILDS OWN HOME AT 84 ; 1 -,1V 'Ml. M; '. l(!,i Cnlvn Of Man-plant manager; J. B. Duni^.t:i, '!l-2r|- Minstrel Show sponsored by Avenel Post. VK\v. ,. il.iJH sjppriiHeh(l?iH; M. J. H;in- NEW YORK CITY—Prom thr l'"i;it',m w-'ve ;\!nbul''ii:';'il tt) tl~.P " Auxiliary at Aveni-1 School, conn-dp foundation:; to the bfiurij M-'-ir.i! Ci'iit' ;-. ti-criivl for br\ii.scS :ion, operations mnnaiser, N. Y "S Meeting and election of offlctrs of Home and School r,, on thr roof. Mrs. Annf,s Taylor. ni;l . -r.iye-:. and rc-iW-etl, polirt division: W. J. Lamb, district mnn- of'sewnren School. 3 P. M.. at theschonl. 84-year-old, small, wlii'f-hahffl, .u;i'r. all fjr tlic Slioli Oil Coup inv jj :!7- - Birthday Celebration, Americus Chapter. Order of Hi M, \, formn- school teacher, has put to- . uul flip- Mrssr;. Mountnin nnd pettier every pierp of her 12-by-15 Savitsky af DTP Travelers Iivmr- MAY ROVGII ROAD TO LOVE AV:L> Compnny and Eci Tlioma.i. n-Banquet sponsored by Wondbrldpe Townsinp Mcnioi- D-y foot one story coitiw. Hhe even ! drew blueprints. It has taken her OI.YMPIA, Wash -Determined !?puty (iiief inspprtor, N. ,1. .->.;itf- Association at the Pines, most of a year. Sprinir Style fur Small Fry: to see his uirl to explain a mis- vjotoi Vehicle Department. r,--Mother-Dmishter Banauet sponsored by Amerlrus A-. ,„, im(lerst;iii(lini!. Ed Dorsey climbec' bly No. 37, Order of the Rainbow for Olrls. As smartly ilnwsMl at his rtadfo r Silo-driving awards will be :;ivyn to the iMi'f of ii stnre nri.j£:'en" tr lS-Mcr'ti'nif of Jnnet Gai;e Chapter, Daughters of tlir Am, .o Albert Barna, 16 years; Frank RAKE OPERATION j any occasion, this junior firentle- her apartment, tiopintc to see. her can "Revolution. Mrs. Hampton Cuter, Orren .'•-.,, Irazp, 15 years; S. W. Dyckmnn rhroufth the window. He fell hostess. Talk, "The New Therapeutic Trentmem -,v, ; MELDOURNE. Australia- -Sur-1 man < A'prhinski, Paul Swalllck, Oris merly of town, now of Colon, ized she could see better ,'nd Thompson and Louis Panek, three —Mrs. Warren Warman, Mrs. May 12 at the schoolhouse with Mich., were Sunday guesU of Mr. hours Inter, found that :;•!• year*; W. H. Baum, Thomas Burns, O. H. Weferling. Mrs. William Fal- Mrs. Joseph Florio as chairman. and Mrs. Frank Mazzur, I«nox in her left pye was iilmn:; ,. BOB'S RADIO & TELEVISION kenstern. Mrs. William Whitley. —Mr. and Mrs. John Ettrrshank Arthur Courter, Joseph Palco, An- Avenue. ! us her right. drew Gorechlad, Bernard Mc- Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. Prank ' and rterbert Head were Sunday SALES & SERVICE Cluskey, Arthur Staehle, C. Fred Brecka, Mrs. William Detweiler, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walker, Clifford Worth and Rob-Mrs. John Peterson, Mrs. Clyde Smith, Bnyonne, :rt Thorne, two years; Daniel DIK- Berry, Mrs. Frederick Beckley. —The Mr. and Mrs. Club of the Ttie front end ciinu s •iin, George Griffin, John Kellnei Mrs. Robert Rhodes, Mrs. John First Presbyterian Church will first ... H lion.,.. Largest Service Dealer In Woodbridgc ind Gt-srge Lane, one year. Ettershank, Mrs. Stephen Vigh, sponsor a square dance at the steering apriritih Mrs. Carl Nier and Mrs. R. G|. schoolhouse tomorrow at 8:30 P. Perier represented the Ladies' Aid I M,, with Mrs. George Klasek as thr luotnr . , . tin- More Convenient Than EVER BEFORE JO BLESSED EVENTS Society at the annual spring meet, chairman. Music will be by Fred . . . the hradli^hls. TAMPA, Pin. — An 8-foot boa- ing of the Elizabeth Presbyterial Riecke Country Orchestra. Pro- the rest of vour i ir constrietor gave birth recently to in Westfl"1'? Tuesday. Mrs. Wefer- ceeds will be donated to the THE flo. To keep it m,I 30 wriggling snakes at a local pet R was re-elected as vice presi- church Riiildins fund. in tiii-top shop to the amazement of monk- dent for a second term of two —The V.F.W. and its auxiliary eys Inside and spectators outside years. LET AN F.XIT.RT DO YOUR the store. The proprietor said it i will present a minstrel at the was the first time he had heard of —Mrs. Kenneth Hunt, Dema- I school on Friday and Saturday. a boa constrictor having young in rest Avenue, is convalescing at April 21 and 22. It is important the Elizabeth General Hospital FRONT-END REBUILDING captivity. The snake had arrived that all members of the cast at- the day before from South Ameri- after an operation. tend the remaining rehearsals. 2g YEARS EXPERIENCE ca for delivery to a snake collector. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barna i —The SKC Club met Tuesday NO GUESSWORK, EXPERIMENTING, DELAYS New 1950 Crosley Refrigerator and children have returned to | with Mrs. Warren Cline. Park Ave- COMPLETELY EQllPrHl) SHOP Middlebury. Vt, where Mr. Barna 1 nue. They will meet next week GOOD NEIGHBORS is attending college, after spending ! with Mrs. Edward Trost, Schodcr AND STOCK OF PARTS Norfolk, Va—In less than a the Easter vacation with his par-| Avenue, Woodbiidge. with Exclusive Worksaver Design week after the home of the L. B.ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barna, i —Mrs, Frank Mestrr w a s j BEAR WHEEL ALIGNING & BALANCING Stowe family burned to the ground, Lord Street. hostess at the home of her mother, | they had moved into a new sk- - EXPERT BRAKE SERVICE - —Miss Nancy Palmer, a student Mrs. Warren Cline, Park Avenue, j room home, constructed by neigh- ! at a stork sho\ver for Mrs. Wayne < bors in 30 working hours and also at Hood College, Frederick, Md., I Hillier, Park Avenue. Guests were furnished by them. Response to anis spending the Easter vacation at her home on Manhattan Ave- i Mrs. Louis Pugliese, Mrs. Michael - RAHWAY BRAKE SERVICE appeal for furniture was so great Sasso, Mrs. Joseph Krasovic, Mrs.', that the eleven-member Stowe nue. , Warren Webb, Port Reading: Mrs. Motor Tune-up - General Repairing - 21-Hour Towinfi S.-nin family had to stack some of the —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suchy excess in the yard when they and daughter, Meinzer Street, Robert Sams, Metuchen; Mrs. 1203 MAIN STREET RAHWAY 7-!ia moved into their new home. have returned home after spend- Charles Klein, Mrs. Edgar Nevins, Samuel J, Gassaway Joseph N. (;;is..i«.,v ing five days with their son-in- Woodbridge: Miss Isabelle Gag- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. non, Mrs. Jofeph Siekierka, Rah- The. Exploring Program of theThomas Fox, Arlington, Va. . way; Mrs. Ernest Patz. Union; Boy Scouts of America, designed —Barbara and Carol Bieiiy, Mrs. Fred Hil!ier, Mrs. Fred Hil- lor young wen 14 and over, in- lier Jr., Mrs. Samuel Albrecht, cli'.rios land, sea and air activities George Street, are visiting their grandparents in Bellefonte, Pa. I Mrs. Samuel Aiinecht Jr., Mrs. • 1895 CHRISTENSEN'S Jay Herman, Mis. Otis Sears. Mrs. —Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Brecka "THE FRIENDLY STORc" Jr. and children, Frank and Edward Grotle and Mr.-*. Cline. Wayne, WoodbridKe, were Sun- —Prof. Paul E. Schwartz. Mt. day ilmner gu»sts nf Mr. nnrt Mrs.. Union Co!le:re. Al!iance. Ohio, was Frank Brecka, Livingston Avenue. a Buest of his broihn'-in-law and —Ensign Judy Perirr. Btihsi'tia, sister. Rev. and :.!:•.<. Warren W. M(L spent the wetl'.end at herW.trman, Wocicibiiii'1.o Avenue, home, Si. Geor;;e Avenue. -•-The PaiTiit-'l>..('hi"r Associa- — Thi' Avenel Libr:i;-y A.'roua- lii'ii will hold un (-!ti-iion of ofli- tion will meet at the .sch'.iolhouse i-ci-. TUI-MIU.V at :.!:l;i P. M. A May 5. Plans will be complKrd ijuivic on av.i education will be for the card party scheduled for shown.

—J PRICES 6-foundation Big New 7 Cu. Ft. Models NOW AS HEAVIER LIFELINE Model illustrated, the new (8-11 Custom • An all-in-one llut slendcrizti LOW AS 18995 allthe-way. Larger Cgurei find Model, l(l.53- Shelvador it roomier—up to 23% mure refrigerated spare in ferainint unooibpess from chest the same size rabinet—easy to rise, easy to reach, no stoupinc clear to the to knee.. Broad tecuooi of elastic floor. All spaee is at the "CONVENIENCE LEVEL." give uilort'd-ia control with • There's a new easy-M-cIean "ButterSafe" with individual temperature SERIES "t control. ' comfort, the famous Ijft-Bra top • V\i to 70 pounds of frozen foods fit into- the eisn't freezer compartment. lifts molds, corrects, holdj, l t There's a nttx rearrar.fing shelf, a gener+us-sue-) meatholdtr and not just OIL BURNER Light in weight y«t Jturdy md une, but two Vegetable crispers long-wearing. Sizes 35 to 46. • COME IN—SEE IT NOW! $27050 'I'flon I'ajttning, A smaner

BUY ON THE METER PLAN <'olili>liK'lv lii.lnllrd silhouette forth e more WITH !!75 (iAL. TANK generous figure.

BETTER PRODUCTS EASY TERMS FOR HAPPIER LIVING MONTHS 36 TO PAY ONLY 10% DOWN Open Every Evening il^te rlimittv over front cuql lj> oil In I liuiim! Krerr Job »p- There'i extra richnessan d fragrance In Flagstaff £ul)' dealer (har uln is blended from tht STOKE HOURS: S TO « DA1LV, "XI'.WIO" In'Mtrd '«<•[ <*H Mt no t>Atrii: oiiNt, choioot coffee beans grown in Brazil, Colotnbui tLOSED WEDNESDAY 1 Sam Chodosh and Venezuela. So - give yoursetf a treat - tot* BOB'S RADIO & TELEVISION Flagstafi Coffee-because listing W believing. arttfSbns SALES and SERVICE, Inc. m - mt on COR. SCHOOL & MAIN ST., WOQDBRIDGE luffiffl- Sales & Senice

Call Woodbridge Carteret, N. J. Tel. CA t-fti»2 THURSDAY, APFTT, 13, 1050 j.-pr w

Every won,an like* ,l,noe inner grocer.

Spry give yon*- pur9 vegetabla shortening lb Jlb Quality lo«l. »t 20c - 79 price*- Prompt Dexo icrvice. frpnh Jan* Parker Pure vegetable shortening 25o !:,69 DONIITS A Plain. Suqurrd or Cinnamon

write: For dishes, lingerie, etc. Customer Relations De Ige. A&P Food Stores, 420 Lex^ton Avenue, pkg

Rinso Marvel While Bread fvertno^cwy tib ioai \U For all laundry and dishei Pumpernickel Bread JonePartc. iibio»il6c t 26* Irish Raisin Bread Jane Parker lib loaf 21c tibby's Baby Foods Pineapple Coconut Buns ptq ci K)ior25c Silmlst T/ianfe Goodness tor A&P'tt Delicious, Thrllty Jelly Domit Finders . Pk0 oifl for 21c Strained and homogenized or chopped Granulated while lOap Pound Cake Gold or Marble 1'4 Ib cut 49o Ige, tt*7 Corn Muffins , t g ot6fo> 19c Pfcg. * 2 (or 29c SUPER-WGHF MEATS Kidney or Red Beans suite™ Iit>.an2for 19c Dixie Ring Cake ch29c Lux Toilet Soap LlOIt BeanS Dil Rich-gr«n >ndwhili 20 oi tan 2 lor 25c They're roal budget-savers . . . thanks to A&P's policy of keep- For toilet and bath mi 1*5 prices as low as market costs permit. Real treats, too, with Cut Beets lona 28 oi can 2 lor 27e in ^KOSTKD FOOD reg. their tenderness, juiciness and delicious flavor. Try "Super- Q reg. Minute Mild or tVirdseys. , . conctn'.ralio ,1 cakes String Beans iom 19 01 c«n 2 for 23c Ri^lit" meats, you'll thank your lucky stars you did! Orange Juice . . 6Oi can 2Jit Golden Corn A4P fancy cn«m ityli 20 01 cm 2 for 25c Blenddl Jllice Minute Maid 6oican27c Lux Toilet Soap Tomato Sauce Aspi.ncy 1«can 3 for 20c Urge cake (or bath uu Ib. Fordhook Lima Beans w« P^ 35C Sweet Peas ion. 20 01 CM 2 for 27c LEGS OF LAMB „,„ — i) lg«- • Sandwich Steaks swiifi 12 oz Pkg 95c Tomatoes \ > Ib 45c Pancake Flour Aunt Jemima 20 01 pkj 16c 2125c Apricots lona-unpeeled halvti 29 01. can 23c Leg or Rutnp of Veal . • • . ib. 59c Ready-tO-Eat HamS Whole or either hall Ib. 55c Log Cabin Syrup , . , • . 12 or 26c Jdnket Rennet Powder 3 pkg« 29c Veal Shoulders Square cut Ib 49c Smoked Beef Tongues short-cut ib 53c BaM Fruit Cbcktail Del Monte or Libby 30 01 can 33c Grease dissolving cleanser Shoulders of Lamb Cnm-cut-whoie ib 49c Sliced BaCOll Sunnylield-iugar cured 2 hall Ib. pkcjs 55c 1401 Del Monte Peaches • , . 290? am 25c Tttngy Cheddar Cheexe Food Stewing Lamb Breast and shank Ib29c Frankfurters sunless ih 53i: can 12*-- Nectar Tea Bags Rich MI flavored Pk3 of 48 43c Chickens Broiling and Frylng-under 4 lbs. Ib. 42c Pork Sausage unk b 49t it 42c CHKD-0-BIT r 23* Our Own Tea BagS combination pkg. of«4 bagt 45c Melts quickly . . . ideal lor Spic and Span IIS Oven ready-under 3 lbs. Ib. 59'-'^r Spiced Luncheon Meat sliced ib 55« Crispo Oatmeal Cookies • to or. pkg. 18c grilled sandwiches, rarebits, etc. For cleaning painted iurfacei Ready lo cook Ib. 49<"'fr Regular style Ib. 35c Fresh Cod Steaks , > , , ^ »>• 35c Ritz Crackers N.bii« iib. k 32c 16or P B Beef Liver Specially se'ec'ed Ib. 59° Fresh Fillet Cod and Haddock Ib. 49c pkg. Smoked Pork Shoulders short cut ib. 39c Fresh Mackerel Pan ready ib 39f* **^*< »>. 29c lion Ami Powder Del Maiz Corn . . 2'l:29can; e Smoked Pork Butts Boneless ib 69c Fresh Buck Shad Pan ready Ib 47c* Regular Ib 33« Golden... cream style •k Oven-ready meats and ready-to-ceak poultry available only In stores with Self Servioe Meat Departments Hasn't scratched yal Thank Goodness for A *P'« New Method of Selling Salty TJiln Pretzels CmP« <« pkg 17c 2i cans £JC . -•• > .J Kirknian Granulated Chivcr's Marmalade oid. Enaii.h jib.i«r27c EfijiJS WiWmere-large brown and v/iila-grade K dor 49 Strawberry Preserves LoUi> sherry 12 01 jar 37c Sliced American Meioa.t ib 45c For the laundry and dishes FRESH FRUITS and VEGETARLES GoJdeu Blossom Honty »..„. ijkjv33c 1 -i#* Sliced Swiss Domestic Ib. 75c Libby's Dq Luxe Plums , . 30 01. can 23u Florida ntw crop Valencia Blended Swiss Meioen ib 53c Chiffon Flakes 'Corned Beef Hash Armour or libby 1 ib. «m 33c OI(\\<,IS bag P'abal-elt . . , L o 1 . «»»«25c "Prem, Spam or Treet • • ^ozcan39o Swiss Knight Oruyere imported 6<«.49c Largeipun Ib. Far dishes and line fabrics Fresh Irom Calilorna Claridge Hamburgers . . j« c* can 49c Liederkranz I 4oz]Pkg35c Corned Beef ?»wht^ 12«csft 3{5o yr«akiion« K OI piig-. 1^« Pkg. 24c < !k j i, 10 oi cello bag 19« It's ready-to-oook La Choy Chinese Dinner . , p Sweet Creaill Border's whipping Mi pi. conl. 30t! California Ib 15c 4 » | Ivory top Henri's Spaghetti Sauce * • 8oi Waxlicd Spinach Personal size uki Carrots Western L(eaf Oil For "ladi and cookino, 8 qr bol. SJ Fresh Peas personal fi Maine Potatoes U 5 No igradeAiiie 10 Ib bag 39c sue OC Sunnyfield Corn flakes 8« k . 2 lor i FRESH A*P COFFEE P g Pascal Celery Cmp •talk 13c Kellogg'sPep .... Join the many who now save by changing Ivory Snow Radishes • N«W crop bunch 5c to A&l' Coffee from ollifin <>[ comll Shredded Ralston ... quality! /or dishes, sillci, nylons, etc. New Cabbage ; White Ib. 5e Cheerios or Corn Kix 1 7oi kg 2/<»31c 26 P California Lemons Juicy Ib 15c (nunti . Mild and mellow . 3 Ib. bad 1.^ Martal/Paper NapkinsUa.ii.pka oi8o2i'or 19c A ' Fresh frateS California I 8 or pk3 15c l0> i MarcalPaperHankies . • . 2pkg. 17* Almond Nut Meats , , ,. Aoipkg 29« * • * ' lava . R.cft sKS lull bodied . 31b b»g 2.04 Park Toilet jT^sae /« • • 8 «iu 29« Cashew Nut Meats Sitied f>ai pkg 29« MiKXH ...... "bb.*7^ for washing dirty hjndi 1 11 Soap*Flakes. : '"a " s* . '»• <*«• 18* Filbert Nut Meals , . . . 6 oi pkg 25c ioui and wlney ... 3 Ib. b»J2.19 j cakt % Oaitite Gtntral houithold clianir 2pk««2So

Kirkman'a Completion Soap 3 etk., 17o For toilet ind balh WrUl^y's Soap In '•i»bl* plaHie b»a( 10ukw590 STORE HOUUS: c,?« 22c Johnson's ui.toOp. Silf-poliihins «»<>' wax pt. can 25« «.!•W 45« Moiidav Evaporated Milk WbJI* Hw» fc»»J PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, APHI1, 13,, 1950 INDEPENDENT-LEA!,]:,,

$1,000 If he did not. [,., • ig Inch Blast" Development worth it, Mr. School No. 1 Pupils to Offer (Continued from Pafte One) "I ilicl not enter 'Continued from Page One) pensation. I did it brruu / < CAMERA TOPICS pindcs, Seen 100 Miles (Centralia, meeting of the Committee. "We aiVgolns to 1M»VC a rnurus ed to help my town and | ' 3-Act Operafta, 'Spring Glow' liy T. T. IIOLDF.N Mo.'. Friday night," the Third Wnrd bfiifve I have helped v '[ The pipe, in Coloiila, is burst- Commltteeman explained, "and we wonder if the town r<\inv WOODBfUDOE— An opmlU, ] follows: Direction, Mrs. A E. im: under a series of experimental will discuss the matter then witn atns flll the work we ))m',," "Spring Glow." will be presented | Klim; music, Mrs. Andrew Aaroe pressure tests by the corporation. the attorney. There Is a possibility Says Raise 'Will n,,| by the pupils of School No. 1 next 1 tnd Miss Edna Nolan; stage dec- The compnny has endeavored to Wednesday at 2 P. M, In the au- and costumes, Mrs Rob- the ordinance will be ready for "Well," said a man in i , , \pliiin that pressure testing is a introduction tit next Tuesday's ence who did not identitv' ditorium of School No. 11 as tn ert Munger, Miss Claire Zimmer- ;t ii ml arc! operation in the pipe- entertainment for the P.T.A. man; Mrs. 3amuel Hlgftins, Mrs. meeting, but II not, It definitely "Ihat extra $7,000 will , ','. line business and the testing Is will be introduced at the May 1 maintain your attitude ,( !' B*uk Home: Th« cast of characters will be Frank Kagan, MLsa Ediih Davis. proceeding -under maximum safe- meeting." it where it Is really nm|, ', •" For weeks I was planninc for as follows: flprlng. Nancy Young; Miss Rae Osborn. Miss Catherine ly conditions. Colonla residents, my vacation The time arrived, I Waters, Mrs. Daniel Gibson, Miss! Fillns of a bond by real estate Crammltttjman Wiiii;iIl! '.. i Jack Frost, James Sandahl; Blue- however, do not agree. They claim also related how much mi,, hopped a train and . poof! bird, Marcy Cole; Flower Maidens, Elizabeth Mulvaney, Miss Jennie' developers bus boon rccomm^narri pp blrd Marcy ColfF]ower Maidens, ihat explosions occur regularly, time and time again editorially by in and said that he sot •,,•• Oarthwaite. Mrs. Harlan P. Brady, i (radically every day, time went quickly and before I 8usan Bernstein. Marilyn Tobey, The Independent-Leader. sleep as a result. "] (i,in knew it I was on a train heading ; artln. Adlene Stako. Mrs. Aaron Pvgor, Mrs Leonard ((inference 'Unsatisfactory' Bonnl c M Plckell, Mrs. Fred Uchtl, Mrs. An- the people don't want u >, back to Woodbridge. my vacation. Bien(ja Wilson, Judith Jackson, Kepre-nntatlves of the Texas a raise," he continued. ,„. over So I Ruess the best part , of IMarfl mpuma Burnuuinos . £^.ivt.lleen i chrUtensenu.i.«.w..ov>.. Reline Moccaro. Miss Jean Aaroe; M.Mn Transmission Corporation jnever had much moiic, a vacation Is planning It. way; Beverly DeWItt, Patricia Rechnltt- honorary chairman, Patrick Boy- i uifor nally last nittht wltb Kollar Defies Mr. Pltapatrlck .said h,,., down deep you are always Rlad j er_ Arlenc Schilling, Charlotte Ian, principal, l; ihree Colchis residents, C. Continued from Page One) in1! to let the mattr-r ••,, to Rnt back home, ... So now it Linn: Frost BlVeS. Alan Schoon- Hover. William Thdmhlll and bridge Township." stated he be- ballot as a referendum, h i.s time to get back to work again, over Roben stone Jerry Hin, ^ • K Frrderickfon at the Thorn- leved tho committee should leave mlttpeman William Mr . and try to dig up some newu for •, A1)an wescott, Marvin Kaufman, l home to discuss the situation. M/ ,t up to the people to decide motion to close tlit pu'oin you. It's kind of tounh whenNuu:Bo(,er Bangert. David Dlsbrow. lract In bewarcn .ireseiniiiR the Texas Eastern first RK back. tryinR to get inl^; Rtchard LuU. Thomas Kirkman. (Continued from Pane 11 insmission Corporation were R. whether or not they deserv* a 100 and take a'tote on t)>-. ,,,...'. the sv.inn of things, but I'll do' p willows. Joan Moccaro, Kallok a four-room dwelling at iisinv,;)]!. a Philadelphia attorney per cent increase in salary. Committeeman Kltzjwtn, v' ussy to second the motion unir my best. So, here Roes; i Marlyn Turner, Susan Wright. Do- 232 Clinton Street on a lot ap- v.ii;iso firm is retained by the cor- Says Plan Secret proximately 50 by 116 feet. The poration to handle Its legal af- | minute recess was taken. ! lores Finn, Barbara Iverson. Bon- "When you culled in the Citizens I Mr 01 Position n-ie Iverson, Carmen Henderschott, buyers have taken possession. f.nrs iii the East; Mr. Putnam. \dvlsory Committee tn help you." Tidbits: I At the conclusion of u,, Patricia Qulgley, Christine Schae- Mr. and Mrs. Perce E, Dlxon Jr. , hicf of the right-of-way depart- he declared, "there was nothing in Ed Keating is an appendectomy ) Mr. Mroz said the convm>' fer. Marie Minucci, Joyous Moore, lave bought from Mr. and Mrs ment; Mr. Sharp, assistant to the the budget abnut a raise. Then, In patient at Railway Memorial Hos- ; carefully considered \\, . ,, pitai Joseph S Curatilo. 53 iLorelta Wilson; Raindrops, Jo Ann Warren C. Huguley the seven- '•hief engineer of the corporation :ind behold, when the burlsel was { ' expressod "and we IIHVC n.,, room dwelling on Qlendale Road i and Mr. Richardson, reprwi'nt- submitted to the peoplf there wns Second Street, WoodbridRc. is a \ Hunt, Roger Burns, Beverly To- ! with anyone, This oidimt Co.onla Hills, located on a lot 125 Careful roimxiKiliim and elimination of useless details made U nm a consulting engineering firm \ thousand-dollar raise for the member cf the Clarinet section of .bias, Carolyn Clark. Claudia Co- not Introduced on snup , by 150 feet. Th« buyers will take interrstiiiR iihoto by Huh Doty a prize-winner in the Graflcx I'li' that adivses on technical matters committee for a part-time lob. The ; the University of Illinois Concert i nant, John Kozo, John Remizow- • but after a compictf :. possession on September l. on or Contest. Mr. Thornhlll and Mr. Fred- Township employes who do a full Band. . . Wesley C. Jankc, avia- ski. Robert Schaefer, Michael ! iriiide of salaries recclvi'-] aefore which date the sellers plan M-ick'-nn reported that from their day's work didn't ad ii raise, And tion machinist's mate, second Benko. Ronald Misak, Francis NEWSrAPKU PHOTOS OFFER HELPFUL HINTS I communities, We feei n; to move to Red Bank. Mr.-JDIxtm ;tandi>olnt the discussion was -'mi- why did you have to call in an elass. son of Mr and Mrs. O. A Zygler. Peter Raison, Richard Pre- ; is reasonable for the ., 11.,- ! vs a salesman for Johnson and satisfactory" as they "gathered Advisory Committee to do y.mr Janke. 33 Harding Avenue, Iselin. kop. Audrey Choma. Christine Photographs winch appear in j R the exact instant to shoot. time we give to the mini Johnson. that the corporation had complet- lob? If you can't do your job. you has been transferred to the Naval Johnson, Nancy Jackson. nir newspapers and magazines depth of field and other creative Mr. Mroz then m:in< Mr. and Mrs, John W. Dallnsky factors that make the difference ed its wattv tests in Colonia and should not run for office. I believe Air Station, Guantanamo Bay, Also in Cast offer the amateur photographer the pipe may contain sas in the that time for public !, !iave purchased from the Chain- between a snapshot and a great $1,000 is sufficient." 1 Cuba, for duty. Janke entered the Bees, Barbara Ernst, Susan To- in excellent gallery of good pic- near future." cin-.cci and that the onn: Naval service November 2, 1942. j bey, Juddy Riggs, Richard Nemeth, O-HIUs Development Company a Ijire taking lore. By studying and picture. An unidentified man in th" audi- t;iken UD on second ami t: . four and one-half room dwelliriE analyzing the work of these pro- This is where you can profit The representatives, of the firm, ence exclaimed that he did nut Richard D 8mith, 889 Am- William Schwenuer, Christian ircardin.- to the Colonla residents inn.i, The measure v , boy Avenue, Fords, Is among the Stockel, Virginia Scheln, LaVerne on Ridge Road, Colonla, on a lot fessional cameramen, you can from a careful study of news pic- wow why "the committee held unanimously, »5 by 100 feet. The buyers have 'earn more about Rood pictures lures. Sit down with a handful of •have agreed to submit to their jubllc hearinss, anyway. You don't 15 Rutgers undergraduate stu- Malon. Carol Holtoway, Margaret top management our proposal flents whq have been elected to Menko, Charles Jakosa, Florence taken possession. •Hun by reading aU the words ever them and try to dissect them. my a heck of a lot of attention to written on the subject. What has been omitted from the :liat an independent firm of out- us anyway." membership in Tau Beta Pi. na- Davlsson, Richard Whitman. Chris ' Clarki Sell standing consulting engineers be tional honorary engineering so- Matlsa. Jack Aquila. Barbara. Mr. and Mrs.'Raymond H. Clark picture which might help tell the Committeemait Filzpntrlck 'old FORDS. In earlier columns we have story better? What is included ilbwsd to review all technical as- ciety. . . . Oneitlng; Brownies, John Benko. have sold to Er1zal)»rh Kelleman pointed out one important secret pects of the pipeline operation in- the audience he spends all his days David Byers, George Paul, Sheila I •» nve-room dwelling at 77 Albert that could have been left out? off at the town hall, and attends of the professionals. They know Would another camera aniile have .•Sliding orginal design, quality of . N. J. - P, A i Jottings: Belafsky, Harriet Bernstein, Joan 3ti-eet on a lot 40 by 100 test. The their equipment thoroughly Rnd •nnteiials, methods of testing, at least five meetinus a «•• 'k. buyer take possession when been more effective? Why did the "sometimes even on Saturdays and Dr. H. L. Moss. Main Street, is Ferraro, Elisabeth Langazo, Linda how to work It automatcially. You rriinncr of installation and all THUTtS.. FRI SM redecoratlon IS completed. photographer choose this split- Sundays." APRIL I3T1I. HTM i } busy tee these days for he is Ntarkulin, Rlla Seamon, Kathy will never see a news photogra- second to shoot? Does the back- it her aspects that might reflect : tn great demand as a speaker on A dwelling of two four-room pher stop to wonder if he has in the safety of the pipeline oper- "The thousand dollars we r.el." "WHEN WILLIE C(»MK i Zak, Leslie Nims, Bruce Margar- apartments at 73-75 Caroline ground get in the way of the pic- "Visual Screening Program In the changed his film after a picture or ture? >t ion . . . the people of Colonia to he went on, "does not b the former Elizabeth Duncan, ney have bought from Mr nnii •nude by a consulting firm." Kirk I)ou;',is ward Hnat, James Hudanlch, Aflcr thMC are a11 in w wi olTlM- RAIIWAY Grove Street, has joined the law Mrs. Edwin C. Ross the four-room here is a serious job ahead- ' " and Reana Cohen, Nona Levlne, Pa- Qur won t Walter I'ldsenn - I'flci I.awfoid firm of Schnader, Harrison. Seaal bungalow at 99 Lehlgh Avenue, for Mr. Knllar and for the Town-11 coneluslona-and we Navy is closing Its Installations Klliel Biirr,\more 'BORROWED TRon;11 •licia Dem, Patricia Lisi, Carol ship Committee. As for us, we will; hedce. bub. in the Caribbean area. and Lewis, Philadelphia. . . . Whitman, George Van Dalen, Iocs'ttfl .gn a lot approximately 50 "RED DANUBE" Mlth Wm. Hind Catherine Johnson, Barbara Clark by 100 feet. The buyers have taken — nhis — possession, the sellers moving to Soviet establishment of Naval From the Notebook: and Glen Smith. Ministry may affect world. Yvonne DcOarlo - i»\i Ellzahelh. Mr. Growney is em- APRIL 18TH AMI HIM Understand that among those Breezes, Virginia Ryan, Elaine ployed by Purolator Products, Inc. "SLAVE GIRL" an the sick list these days are Lea "SKYLlNMIt Henshaw, Gerald Polyascko, R6b- UN 11:< MM! (ll.dll i Farley, Jim Gority, Charley Treen ,Jt Bochmeri Ronald Bottmeti , with Richard Tia\i- u i Sat. and Sun Mat.—3 Cartoons 1'Hmcla [Slain and Bob Trainer..., Frieda Grode Martha Urb|in Norma. REiJ?alin. Sweelne88 and Light See NEXT WEEK und was very happy over the weekend skl Sandra wainwrlght Barry! I UI., SAT., SUN. when her son and family came Ka'gan Rona,d HorbaenuiCi RlAtm\ (Continued from Page 1> "THERE'S A (iIK I. IN down from Massachusetts to visit seen—and it is their own honor what's Tho Academy Award Winners MY HEART ert Anzivino, Frances Fredericks, Broderick Crawford her. . . . Among the ,110 students which now Is at stake, • with Lee Bowman . Nancy Olsen. in in the evening division of the * * • • nifty for TODAY TI1KU SATl'RHAY Elysc Kini\ Piano solo, Martha Menko; vo- As a newspaper man on no- "ALL THE KING'S MEN" State University who won places cal and accordion solo, Richard on the Rutgers University College body's pay roll but my own. I will lt:irl)i i i" Jlke to give an old-fashioned Perfect for the girl spankins to the kids who set field RIDING HIGH' who grow ia| or the girl CYCLORA8AK ftres. I think it would do them ; ~ PIUS — SCrlELN $. lot of good even though some who It IP I j»r her age. Wiimcr Bixter in ISON WARDEN I RAIN! This is The lUiny STATE THEATRE I Season— WOODBRIDGE, N. J, I'rotert Yourself STRAND Sec Us. Price A Wauer Rtode Theatre is TOOAi T1IUI' SATliRUAV WHEN WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME NOW PLAYINti | 1.98 Wiilt Oisnry's j with Dan DA1LKY - Cu|rinc CALVERT "(lNI)KKELLA' | Plus ' — I'lllb — ;''i All \lii- Buiiplciidii "thfi Mjuki; J»AN, PATCH"

.'/• // ' / In /• •'• •'l • ••//••' li«LONPIE'S HERO" We'll Mid your Carpel hy Lees with the yvutcst of ease / STA11T8 8ATLKDAY Sl'NOAV muu TUE8OAy You have your mm idca» alwul color i|> your Jiomc. A linnd New Musical! DOUGLAS - Lauren *ACAI4< >n PAKK law (lM|«?ries, y«m lavuri^ jwintjua_-(cve.ji your The Mam Bros. "YOUNG MAN WITH A HOP" PARKING eyes)—may kav« a lot to do with it. Hcgiu witii tt Pitt* Hoy ROGIRS wlth.TRIQfiBR itt LOT—USE beautiful b'auc Lees. Carpet—and let us help yaw "LOVE HAPPY" with the rebt of yout color plans with good cuuiuiel, -Plu» — "DOWN DAKOTA REAR persoall guidance, wide selections—plus ilie fliwfst "ill Wtm»m» - June In Main Street, Woodbridfe ENTRANCE ... oi wurkin^nitbip on your Ue» Carpel iu»tullatiom. WEDNESDAY THRU Come to us for "tkoue heavenly carjwU by Lees," "BLUE GRASS OF \r\l In \Vi,iihviir|h'« •UEAK WUE" also ' CAPTAIN „• OftN i KIDAV 'till it RBNTUCKY" PAOEKTN1 •.y THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 FORDS NEWS FORDS NEWS ^nbepetibeixt-Xcaber V

Funeral Services Held uild Social Is Set 2 Students Enter Clam Chowder Sale iFords VFW Elects Lions Club Names Simon-Iwanski For Edward Brnychcy 1 ,|iriiiation Fete Scheduled by Rosary or Latter Part of May Wedding Is Held FORDS —Funeral services for Club Art Contest FORDS—Mrs. Leon Blanchard Slover Commander FORDS Plans were discussed State Delegates Edward Brzycchcy, 85 Dunbar U |,v Pedcrsens was selected chairman of a clam for a social to be held the latter Avenue, were held at his home and chowder sale planned for April 28 part of May at the meeting of the at Our Lady of Peace Church Painting* by No. 7 chowder sale planned for April 28 v n . n I O • 1 Women's Guild of St. John's Epis- Convention to he Held Fords Man Married in Honor by the Rosary Society of Our Lady New Post Head 3UCCeeJ . by her par- drew's Mission in Porto Rico. The ',u Adolf rtomax Mrs. C. J. Lund, Mrs. Domtnick with Harold Slover betag elected Fords Lions Club on Monday night A firing squad from Fort Mon- the State federation, the flrat M1 Jannuccl and Mrs. Joseph I/even- commander to succeed .....Edward. dark horse pinje went to Mrs ,, , flrmntlon which held mouth in charse of Sgt. Thomas Judging of which will take place ( n doske. Any of the above commit- Miljes. Charles Schuster. Hostesses for the Stanzel save the salute to thc dead the Grace LuthWan They at the third district spring eon* tee may be contacted for advance Others elected to serve were evening were Mrs. Charles Schus and a bugler sounded taps. The ference in Sprinn Lake.. orders. Glen A. Nelson, Senior vice com ter, Mrs. Robert Fullerton, MrA pall bearers were Leon, Joseph j yce Kemmerer in the Holy The entries are the painting! O The dark horse piiM was wonmander; Herbert Schultz, junior William Chamberlain and Mrs K and Edward Mozdilen, James of Edward Baumlln. eighth graje Ruth Tapley. Jednejewskl. Alternates nameda ^y ^ur;h; Chlclm Dy thc Bcugard, Anna by Mrs. Joseph Levendosk«, Elec- vice commander; Milton Lund were George F. Woodcock Ji.. ' Gvwlnikl Breef, Peter Klnnevy and Albert student, and Carole Hunytdl, sev- .;,ivin tion of officers will take place at|quartermaster; Joseph Egan The next meeting will be held Rev Jullus Brletske. enth grade student of School Nfl. and Charles Van May 9 at 8 P. M. in the social Jacob Boer*. Clifford Dunham, Mrs' . Joh nO>»»«*» Jarc • and Tessle P«Uur- the May 1 meeting Hospitality chaplain; David- Pavlovaky, post John Egan and Oeorue E, Kovak. RiluaU were held by UIP Fords 7. Winning paintings will be In the ia was In charge of Mrs. Joseph Re- advocate; Harold J. Bailey, post rooms. for the bride, American Legion, Post 163, in Koblick, Shirley and President Joseph Oreiner intro- in marriage by her father. Stan- final judging at the Atlantic City H Glenn Gerhard, bovlcli and Mrs. Anna Provashlak. surgeon, and Edward Miljes, three duced the guest speaker, John J. charge of Commander Robert convention In May. Vincent FarringWn year trustee. McDonnell, newspaper «,»,editor,, wh *.«o, '^ .Iwahf„ {['^^ °f the Musacchla. and Fords Memorial The winning pictures were «• m, Malcolm Lau- The next meeting will be held Holy Name Holds defended the stand newspapers °ride, served as best man Post 6090, VFW, in chaw of . cled from a group of 24 entered throughout the country have taken The bllde att«n i l f^ l at 8 p. M. • 'Straffi Night' a i,,hn Hutchlns, Mr. The speaker compared crime to graduate of Perth Amboy Hlfih the Fords library throughout this Laubach, Edwin By Lishth Graders r. ~—;r~, ., a disease such as'cancer which has week and the public Is Invited to lvim FORDS—"Benjamin Straffi been brought to the public's at- 4 Babies Baptized ' ;nd Mrs. Vincent _ ___ _- (jianvito-ravlik inspect the. display, FORDS The three eighth ..luht" was observed Monday night tention by widespread publicity [ town. at the meeting of the Holy Name The Judges were Mrs. Henry Eisie Anderson of grades of School No. 7 held an and had molded public opinion in Nurse Addresses At Lady of Peace Bunr, and Mrs. Jens Jcssen. Easter dance at the school. Miss | Society of Our ,.Lady of Peace the course of providing steps for - MIS. John King of Engagement Told Church, held in the auditorium. :.• Mr. and Mrs. Rui- Drew Mossman was in charge. The Its' control. FORDS—Rev. Stanley J. Leven- prize for me novelty dance was Straffi has Just returned from A call to the press to publicize Sr. Girls Scouts ,, of South PUlnfltld, HOPELAWN—Mr. ahd Mrs, Rome where he was granted an doski administered the sacrament Andrew PederiOJl of won by Lillian Van Dutsen and Pavlik 8r., 18 Emmett Ave- the sex • criminal was made by of baptism on four Infants at cere- Sale Arranged Banko. audience with Pope Pius XII, at Louis Nelson, assistant director of li and MrsM , Wwln announced the engage- which time he presented the Pope monies held in Our Lady of Peace Mr and Mrs. John FBI, , McDonnelll ««said,. anad th,nee sesexx MSSS^^So£5 with a scroll signeg d by the men Church. By Mothers'Club ,,," ,i Mrs. Wilson criminal problem must be solved anand TechnlcaTechnical l ttlHig_h h „.,.„Schoo, l ,fac- iin of Our Lady of Peace Church through the pressure of public The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . ,i Mi. and Mrs. Mal-dor, Carol Hanson, Ethel Kramer ulty, gave a talk on practical nurs- George Baplste, 264 First Avenue. and Karen Stern. Hospitality was £ parish. opinion upon law enforcement ., of Railway. Metuchen. Theodore Ratajcsak reported on ing and first aid at the meeting of Raritan Township, was christened Group Celecratee 2nd in charge of Llndft Lou Peterson. agencies and political bodies to the Senior Oirl Scouts, held in the **«. Pavlllc' ar «...raduat. e of the society's square dance sched- eradicate these conditions. Elizabeth Gracette, Sponsors were Anniversary; Session Shirley Gosack, Stephen Yager Woodbridge High School, class of uled for Friday night at 8:30 VFW post rooms. Joseph Lasar and Suzanne Baplste, and Stephen Drak. Peter Rebovlch Gerald Parrella, deputy district The birthdays of Ann Roller and 1947, is employed by Reynolds, o'clock in the church auditorium. governor, announced that a meet- Christine Susan Harmson, Linted on May 8th iary Makes photographed the dancers. Perth Amboy. Her fiance served a Music will be furnished by the Mary Ann Ondcr were celebrated. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy ing of the clubs in District 16-B, Mi's. Elizabeth Dougala, scout- Harmson, had Frank and Annaj FORDS -Mrs. Jack Hlmer, WIK year with the Third Mechanized Jersey Ramblers. , Region 5, would he held April 27 Harmson, had Funeral Rites Held Cavalry, U,S. Army, ahd Is now master, named Carol Patten hon- Shcrayk? as sponsors. "inm Street, was hostess 8t the in Party Plans at 7 P. M. at the Packer Hotel. orary scout of the week. >J. A. The infant daughter of Mr. :incl lecilnR of the Mothers' Club Of For Sigvaard A. Nelson associated with Ills lather in Ma- Perth Amboy. The entire board rio's Restaurant, Metuchen. Carteret Girl Betrothed Johnson of town exhibited his Mrs. Geral SwaniciTwas named 'roop 52, BSA, at its meeting held membership of the local club will stamp collection. Gayle Helen. Siwnsors were Joseph Monday night, Mrs. Theodoff ,\ I nil to Sponsor FORDS—Funeral services for To Herbert J. Schultz attend. HOSTESS TO OOP and Helen Anders. rlarmsen was co-hostess. i,ii V|»i'il 26 In Slgvaard A. Nelson, 154 Ford Ave- A delegation of members will Frank Prybylowskl and Minnie Final plans were made for the nue, were held Saturday afternoon KEASBEY—Mrs. John Faczak FORDS--A. J. Anderson, 56 attend a meeting of the Carteret Safety Poster Winners Liberty Street, Carteret, has an- Delia Pietro were sponsors for :oocl sale to be held Wednesday, ,tnmli;,| Port Roomi at 3 o'clock at the Flynn and Son 45 Oakland Avenue, was hostess Lions dlub tonight in the Oyusy nounced the engagement of his At School 7 Announced Judy Ann Strain, daughter of Mr, April 19, in Jack's American Bar- Funeral Home and at 3:30 o'clock to the members of the Women's iCamp, Carteret, at which time and Mrs. Edward Straffi. ber Shop, 467 New Brunswick Ave- i .mil plans were com-' at the Wesley Methodist Church. sister, Doris, to Herbert J. Schultz, Republican Club of Keasbey last I'District Governor Paul R. Cronce FORDS—Winners In the safe- nue, at 11:00 A. M. Mrs. Vemon ,v.i party to be held Perth Amboy, The Rev. Arthur son of Mrs. Theodore Petersen, 588 will make his official visit. night. Hint? Georges Road, Fords. ty poster contest sponsored by VETS GET BASKETS French, president, is chairman of :io p. M. In the post Zook officiated. Interment was in Final plans for attendance at a Miss Anderson attended Carteret School No. 7, PTA, in the school FORDS—Mrs. Rose Baronek the sale. Hireling of theUdles' the Alpine Cemetery, Perth Am- TO IIOLD FOOD SALE television broadcast in New York and Mrs. Mary Kmiec, represent- The second anniversary of the [•iiids Memorial Post High School and is employed by have been announced as follows: boy. FORDS—The Mothers' Club of City were discussed by John Egan. Eighth grade, Edward Baumlin, ing the Ladles' Auxiliary of Fords club was celebrated, and the In- , (i Monday nlRht tn the General Cable Corporation, All members planning to attend The bearerbeae s were Alfred and Troop 52, B.S.A., will hold a Food dd first; Richard Redlins, second; Memorial Post 6090. VFW, dis-stallation of the newly elected ol- m,. with Mrs. Margaret Perth Amboy. Her fiance attended will meet in the flrehouse Satur- Richard Nelson, James Dowling Sale on Wednesday, April 19. in Woodbridne schools, served two Robert Abraham, third; seventh tributed Easter baskets to hospi- flcers took place. HI man. day before 5:30 P. M. for bus trans- Jr., Thomas Christensen, Albert Jack Hlrner's Barber Shop, New years In the Navy, including 20 grade, Chrlstel Laubach, first; talised Veterans of Foreign War: The next meeting will be "field :! i,m was received to and Robert Johnson. Mrs. Marie Brunswick Avenue,, from 11 A. M portation. Arlene Goetz, second, and Jane in Roosevelt Hospital, Metuchen M»y 8 tit the horns of Mrs. Joseph installation of the months in the Pacific, and is em- Hyldahl sang at the service. Cla- to 2 P. M. ployed by George's Garage, Fords. Donations were made to the Nagy, third. Members of the Rebovich, Liberty Street, with Mrs. Auxiliary Saturday rence KelloKi! was at the onjan. cancer drive and the Cerebral school faculty acted as Judges. INFANT BAPTIZED Evelyn Nochta as co-hostess. VISITING HERE Palsy League. Guests were Chris FORDS—The infant son of Mr „•-s will participate in SCHEDULE SESSION FORDS—Miss Lois Lund of Brens of town and Chijs Larson PLAN SPRING HOP and Mrs. Clarence Miller, 289 Five Boy Scouts ., jersey City A|»fi .30 FORDS—The Fords American Washington, D. C. is spending the of California. Community Grandvlew Avenue, was christened Mlbndue at 11 A. M was led by Ben Erdeyi and William FORDS—The "Spring Hop," un Legion. Post 163. ar scheduled to I Easter holidays with her uncle and der the auspices of the Sub-Jun Clayton James at baptismal cere- To Attend i ,ry City they will at- meet Tuesday, April 18, at 8 P. M. aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Carl J. Lund Weatlake with Al Nasy at the monies held in Our Lady of Peace vnr .-iranlsm Day serv- piano. lor Woman's Club, is scheduled FORDS — Scoutmaster Michael ln-the Legion rooms. 48 Hoy Avenue. -, for Saturday, April 22, in School Church Sunday. Rev. John B, Grimes officiated. Volosln of Boy Scout Troop 51, iill iiold a jointpui>lic DEMOCRATS TO MEET No, 14 auditorium. Music will be sponsored by the Lions Club of When Universal - International furnished by the gtardusters. The Sponsors were Miss Lorraine •.i.ith the maiLiWJfil 21. FORDS—The Fords Woman's makes the film version of the stage Egan of. Perth Amboy and Jolui Fords, has announced that five . Lurid Is chairman of Democratic Club will meencct MonMon-1'"'«"••- • ""- -,--. Misses Jean DUdlk and Janet Fo- members of the troop will attend lltl frich are co-chairmen, Tickets Lucas of Raritan Township, Mrs. Emily Westlake day, April 17, at 8 P. M. In the, ' "Harvey," Mrs. Mary Chase, the National Jamboree to be held Emy dy, p I author of the prize-winning play. may be had from any of the mem- of the dark hoise Scandinavian Grill. I wants Harvey seen on the screen TOWEL SHOWER in Valley Forge. Pa., this surfUnar; bers or at the door the night of FORDS-The Ladies' Mission- They are Jullus Kwlatkowskl, meeting will be held SLATE FATHER'S NIGHT —at the tall end ot the film, as the dance. 1 ary Society of Grace Parish House Phillip Fischer, Lyman p-Nelll. i . M. Mrs. Rose B*r-; FORD6—"Father's Night." with a means of vindicating James imun of hospitality,, Bernhardt Jensen, Chief County Stewart, who plays the role in the will meet tonight at 8 o'clock. A Cal1 Sundqulst and Robert Volo- - .-.,__ w._ „ ,,,, ., .,, v_ifiifilmm . otherwiseOtherwise,, she says, "he ap- help his sons when they come children never appreciate thc sll \l i Lillian Burke. Mrs. j Probation Officer, as uuesni t tspeakBo - Dear Louisa: worth of a dollar until t;hey dis- dish towel shower will be featured. Jnl ,, ,,,, • :• J and Mrs. Dorothy er, will be celebrated at the meet- pears to be merely a drunk." So What is your opinion of a man home from the war—help them The troop will meet tonight In get started so that they can make cover what it means to get along SQUARE DANCE ing of School No. 14, P.T.A., far, both Jimmy and the studio who refuses tp share his home without help. School No. 7 at 7 o'clock. are saying, "No." a decent living for themselves and FORDS—A Square Dance for CLUB HEARS DOCTOR | Wednesday. April 19, at 8 P. M. with Ins own llcsh and blood? Personally, I would be glad to the benefit of the baseball team in the school auditorium. He has a largo home which Ue families. help my children get started in FORDS—Dr. Benjamin Cpple- Girls, that new giant blond vil- But to say that a man who likes of Our Lady uf Peace Church will man of Perth Amboy was the prin- Fords Resident lain you see on trrt screen these owns as he has no rent to pay and life, but if they threw away their be held tomorrow at 8 P. M. in ACAT1ONING he lets his family struggle along j live a quiet life should take his cipal speaker at the meeting of the days in none other than Lyle Bett- money drinking and carousing, I the church auditorium. d to \. V, Girl HOPELAWN-Albert Kovacs Jr., paying rent. With the high cost, children with their families into Woman's Club of Fords last night. ger, who kidnaps, murders and should certainly not be doing them _ student at Elmhurst College, of living and income tax to payi his home—where they can make His topic was "Cancer and its Con* robs with nary a wink of the eye. any favor to keep on doing so. SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET \\v. and Mrs- Bernatd Elmhurst, 111., is spending his va- and the upkeep of a car, it is no whoopee entertaining their friends trol." He's a former Broadway actor LOUISA FORDS—Th8 Fords Social Club Brooklyn, have in- cation with his parents, Mr. and easy job making ends meet. with drinking parties Is something will meet at the home of Mrs. of their who made a hit as heavy in sev- Address your letters to: ATTENDED CONFERENCE Mrs.. Albert Kovacs, 39 Erin Ave- We have quite a lot of enter- :lse again. Leon Blanchard, 50 Liberty Street, eral plays. And, by the way, how can a cou "Louisa." P. O. Box 532 FORDS—Members of the Wo- nue. taining and it takes a small for- Orangeburg, S. C. Wednesday, April 19, at 8 P. M. 1 Andersen, son of Mr. pie down and out do so much en man's Club of Fords that attended Bette Davis, bu»y on the RKOtune just to set up the drinks. But i mr W.Andersen. Budd SON IS BORN tertaining and spend small for the spring conference in Bprinj lot with "Story of Divorce," is if we don't, entertain we will lose - Budd Lake, former- FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas tunes on drink? Perhaps if you Lake Tuesday were Mrs. Arthur one of the happiest actresses in our prestige. Edward Shoobridac 10 Anna were thrifty and not so worried __. Overgaard, president; Mrs. Jens Hollywood. Bette is free-lancing He says lie is very lonely living C. Jessen, Mrs, Sidney Dell, Mrs*. ::dson Is a graduate ol Street, are the parents of a son, about prestige your father-in-law these days, being free, from her alone. Wouldn't, you tnink he CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS •••:, High School.BtOok- Richard Thomas, born at St. would be glad to have you live Fred Deik Jr., Mrs. Albert, Betcher Warner Brothers contract alter Would welcome the companionship and Mrs. Ralph Deutsch. : 1948. and Is employed Peter's rfospital. New Brunswick. with him. At any rate, a man who fORDS. H0PEUWN and KEASBEY eighteen years on the same lot, of his own kin? Don't you think :. i in Radio and Phono- Mrs. Shoobridye is the former there should be a law passed that has worked and bought a home is '(NOTE: For insertions in this calendar, call Mrs. Stephen A. 1 certainly entitled to decide whether TO VISIT Y .n!.ition,N*w York City Lorraine Frick. So enthusiastic is the reception would compel a parent to help out Prost, Woodbridge 8-1710 or Perth Amboy 4-7111, before nooD FORDg^-Members of the Gra-Y he wishes to live alone or take his on iuesQuyiOl each week.) i graduate of Wood' being given to the talking mule, a son or daughter when they are and Jr. Hi-Y Boys' Club, sponsored :< School, 1643, served ENJOYING RECESS down and out, even If they are kin in with him. ' H O P E L A W N—Miss Olga E. "Francis," that plans are under Of course, there are parents who APRIL by the Lions Club of Fords will :n tiie U. 8. Army and is way to give American people an- past 21? Uncle Sam could save meet Saturday morning at 8^10 iv Johnson and John- Ellas, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. money by passing such a law, for are very selfish and let their chil- 13—Meeting, Ladies' Missionary Society, Grace Lutheran Pariah John Ellas, Ellen Avenue, is spend- other picture atarYlng the mule dren struggle alone unj.ll they are at the Fords Firehouse, from whfJe Knmswlck. thde are probably many other at 8 P.M. they will goTy" bUs to ttSfPerOr ing the Easter recess frofmm the This time It will" B'Trancls Goes worn out trying to make ends meet. 14—Square Dance, benefit baseball team of Our Lady of Peace to Washington." selfish men and women who coulc" Amboy YJi.C.A. Traphagen School of Fkshion, Now help their G. I. sons Instead o These parents die and leave money Church, In church auditorium. Homig Honored York Ctty, at home with ligr par- making them depend on the sov Co their children where just a lit- 16—Cake Sale, P.T.A. of Our Lady of Peace Sohool, Mrs. Paul DAUGHTER NAMED Metro's breaking out all over in tle bit of It "would have meant so Bau«r and Mrs. Stephen M^wu'w.-wi-oliwraw}. ents. She is majoring in clothing Americana, having on schedule, eminent. Birthday construction. much to them if they could have 17—Social, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of Our Lady of Pea^e daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. Jolw "A Plymouth Adventure," dealing KEY WEST, FLA. had It earlier. Church. Misses Fiances Hendlowttch and Bernice Kor- with the pilgrims; "Inside Answer: delnki, cp-chairmep. Church auditorium at 8 P. M. Trabalka, 34 New Brunswick Ave- '• Mr. and Mrs. William NEW DAUGHTER" On the other hand, some of the nue, was christened Elizabeth at | :>ui Crowi Mill Road. FORDSr-Mr. and Mrs. Domlnick Straight," about the California I think that eveiY parent shoul 17—Meeting, fords Woman's Democratic Club, at,8 P. M. in gold rush] "Across trie Wide Mis- Scandinavian Drill.j baptismal ceremonies held in Holy i ,•• Lucy jQiardWU) of who seldom get their faces on film, to 3 P. M. FQRDS—The P.t.A. of bur '• "luw, Shirley Cwragher BUNDW: I'ROM~HEAVEN 19—Meeting Fords Social Club at the home of Mrs. Leon Lady of Peace Church will spon- HOPELAWN—Mr. and Mrs,hati ordered that as many stand- i Kathleen Kficwn and ins as possible be given acting Blanehard, 50 Liberty Street, at 8 P. M. sor |a Cake Sale Sunday, Apfil 16. 1 I'm-cellana of Hopelawii), Alexander Kondti, 52 Loretta 20—Reception new members of Our Redeemer Evangelical Mis. Paul Bauer and Mrs. Stfephen Street, are the parents of a son roles in the suspense film which Lutheran Church by Priscilla Missionary Circle at 8 P. M. MM of Iselln an4 EUzabetb stars William Holder., Barry FiU- Mcszurotj are co-chairmen, Assist- iK'iit'Toth and Marie YuA born Friday at the Perth Amboy in Parish House. ed by Mrs. JohnCaputa, Mrs. Wil- gerold and Nanby Olson. 21—Joint public Installation Fords Memorial Post 6090, VFW, i > •'. i i . General Hospital. liam Richardscjin, Mrs. Gerald, and Ladles' Auxiliary of the post in the post rooms. Diust'an, Mrs. William Allen aud Among the stand-ins who will The FORDS NATIONAL BANK 22—Spring Hop—Sub-Junior Woman's Club, School No. 14. Music be seen arc Dougla* Spencer, who toy 3tardu3tcT5. Misses Jean Didlik and, Janet Fofrlch Mrs. John Peterscak. has been Ray MillWid's stand-in The Friendly Bank of For(|s, New Jersey co-chairmen, |p|CK - Ul* - DELIVERY for many films; Charmienne Haf- 24—Lions Regional meeting, District lfi-B, Region 5, at Packet •all ker, stand-in for H«dy Lamarf; House, Perth Amboy, Fords Lions to attend this meeting Helen Hanson, Barbara Stan- BpTH BIG 24— Meeting, Ladles' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Pose 6090 Woodbridge 8-1735 wyck's Kubstltute; Tommy Sum- VFW, at ft' P. M. in post rooms, mers, stand-In tor Alan Lack); ENOUGH TO SAVE 25-i-Meetlng, Latllea, Auxiliary of Fords American Legion, in Howard Gardner, Sir Ralph Rich- post rooms at 8 P. M. 25—Meetlnt, Victory Club, Mrs. Hattie Pinelto, Superhighway 25, ardson's stand-in; Charles Camp- Thrift, like all good habits, is mpro feeil. who work? withsonny Tufts; Rarltan T«Nroship. ' ..'» IVdh Amboy 4-7538 ™»ily learned In diildhtfod. KWH :!(i---Curd Hrty. Udit*' Auxiliary, Fords Memorial Post 0090. Alan Calm, for Blrili Crosby; Lyle 1 VFW, 7:30 P. M. lif post rooms. Mrs,' Margaret Slower, Maroine for Bob Hop*; Pearl Mil- child's "own Savings Account* at the Ford* National Bank will teach ciialvman. r,> ' ' f ler, for Nancy Okoni Gus Tirillon 26—Dance, toeneflt Cancer Drive, Hopelawh School, Mrs. Michuel for Barry FiUger&ld, and others. him thrift ... and srow as he Kopoho, chairman. ' .; grows. 26—Meeting Junior Woman's Club, in library at 8 P. M. Well, Dean Jaeger's, gone and 26—Sprlnf. Da»ce, Tumble Inn Basketball Teem, Our Lady uf done it—done aw»y with his tou- Peace auditorium at a P. M. Music" by. Melodalres. pee, that is. His role In "12 O'clock 27—Election, of officers, P.T.A. of Our Lady of Peace School, DON'T BE- SHOP AT High," in which he played the "re- 8 P. M. ' Hmd" dtik jofllfiflf 1ft the Air -Roast Beef Supper, Ladies' Aid Society of Our Redeemer Ttie FORDS NATIOHAL BANK ~ '"'"•" ' Lutheran Chwoh.. Mrs. C. Albert Larson, Foree. Qftflof. that the role done by 1 The Friendly Bank of Fords, New Jersey ?8—Clani CTOTder Sule, Rosary Society of Our Lady of Peace 553 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. a bald-headed glad- 1 .•UHUKII VKUaUKU UHUiHlli KVHTHH Church, 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. Mrs, Leon Blanchard, chairman. (Next to t'oid^ STORES ly disposed of nil and 30—Paper Drive, Wons CluboX Fords, 12:30 P. M. turned in «J«h "~ ent per- FOKDS, N. J, PA-4 DBRIDGB - FORDS formwioe hi Acade- AT WHIUi'S H my Aliiik" •: Editorial :- UMMY-YUM-YUM!! Opinions of Others

STOP HANDICAPPING AOE wavering nation.;, r,,, S'liiitm Mlllkln of Colorado Is tresslng fact, us n., The Quicker We Get At It, The Better :>4;m!' witnesses at teh socidl.v- pointed out and as tin. i intiv hearings what's to be done censorship and suu,. „,- in slop the Junktn*" of older with Independent new*,,.,, clearly confirms. Is n,.., '!• The Township Committee, very wisely income annually, and It must life reason- Wlll'iU'l'S. of the press even u,,, ! Wo hope the senator will keep (l vac contend, made provision in the Iflsn ably within that income. lorn Curtain Is a*,,-,* ',;' mi uskinK that question. For it Is today than at any mi,,',' budget for the employment of a Supervisor There are hundreds of home-owners in I,IV of the Krent human, trou- this ctntury. the community who pay leas than $100 an- bling and tragic questions of our for tlie Board of Assessors who would be on Mr. Benton called ,,,, nually in taxes, and many more who pay Kress to take a con si M •' the job full time and devote himself to the A;! the pressures are to try to less than $150. Educating their children in the making nf f(lll ., la.sk of injecting common sense and fair :ln>vf older people out of the way by aiding and conn . alone, in most cases, costs more than they iiiul into retirement. The Socliil State Department in „ business judgment into our present im- pay in taxes. We cannot understand just, sc.'iirliy IiBW lUelf stipulates to take world lead*-. ih:il tin old-HRP benefits be paid ixissible assessing procedure. The quicker who they think is going to make up the While it .tak?s two V, (inly to those who quit their Jobs make an agreement, it ,'."• this Supervisor is appointed, the sooner deficit between what they pay and what at the IIKC of 85. Those who keep It takes only one to ,!, ,, mi working fift nothing back for this terrific job will get started. *~~ their residence coats—for schools, for roads, Intelligent about lack ,,'• the premiums they have paid ment. Our policy i.; !(J far police protection. Industry, of course, iivi'i- the years In HIP form of When such an undertaking was first dis- "strength.at points o[ -,u takes up some of the slack but not enough. tuxes withheld from their wanes, Secretary Aeheson divi., cussed, the administration declared its in- •nils an irnwire discrimination one point of weakness; The only answer is to increase assessments ;: i(i> mist older citizens who remain the failure to counu . s , tention of filling the office of Supervisor so every one pays his fair share. Raising nb'i !in:l willing to work. paganda with our own ;• ' : without regard to politics. This position cer- the tax rate isn't fair because It places an And flic private pension plans by accident Unit om m,, Hir Intoly have been developed cessful- enterprise to ,\ • ; tainly demonstrated clearly that the prin- additional burden on those who already dii' such a wlcir scale—they nlso Marshall Plan, priniunh , 1 are carrying an unfair share of the load, make i! harder for middle-aged it Is posititve, Sm.i in / ' cipal objective in mind was to do an im- while the others are getting by for less and older men and women to find challenge rathe r than ,, > portant public service, and there is no evi- now jobs/ The actuarial tablts a challenge the Comiiim than their share—the result of an insane miikc it murh more costly for the' not meet. Wf hnvp ;ti, dence at the moment that this position has assessment system which must be corrected employer to hirr a man of 45, say, idea In the world to "s i; • pie held in slavery u,, been changed. We certainly hope not, and and which the administration has indicated than to hire a man of 20. Important human values are at freedom—and the nw we would like to see the office set up imme- it intends to correct. slake. Laws we pass mid pension promise to offer—the ;,. , schemes we work out ought,not national Independence ,,, diately with an experienced business man Assessment equalization is not a pleasant penalize older people who prefer cent living standard i: hoped that the Senuic to work. Ami to the natural dls- at the desk. undertaking, but we maintain it is impera- from some of Its minnr , fidvantnee of advancing years, in pations to debate the ,',,. Residents of Woodbridge Township are tive here and we think we will find ready competitive Job him tin it and job tlve program Mr. Koi,' going to be forced to realize one day soon agreement in this position by all who will holding, we ousht not add arti- poses—New York Tlmrv look reasonably at the problem. The cost ficial handicaps—San Franrisco that most of them are not paying a fair News, share of the cost of government, They de- of government, like the cost of every other SPEAKING FOR AMl.lm \ mand roads, sewers, schools and a variety commodity, has increased sharply. It is not MARSHALL TLAN OF IDEAS George Wells |of in.:,.. It was to be expected that Sen- traction] has lived m y:, , of other facilities and are offended and fair to make the few assume this extra ator William Benton. in his first more than 30 years. )\i ,, . antagonistic if these items of necessity or burden and permit the many to escape it speech in the Senate, should re- a sawmill and IOK bu-uc almost entirely. turn to a the;m he has developed widely known. convenience are not immediately provided berore many other audiences.... George, however, is i, .... for them. The Township Committee, after We trust, therefore, that the task can be As Assistant Secretary of State, citizen, to he attend, i,•: all, cannot work miracles. It has a fjxed lie reorganized and expanded the every meeting In the p ,,: started at once under trained hands. Department of Public Affairs— terest and he gets tu hi ;. • too much so for Congress, which expresses his views in ., . cut the proposed appropriation American fashion thut i,. .' last year —but not enough to doubt about his sinci;!. raise the Voice of America above people find George' : :; Can't We be Ready to Act by Tuesday? a whisper. ... At various . . . amusing, which place, i; ; Under the ftipitol Dome conferences , , , he [hasl argued that rare circle of p: •:• The Township Committee, by its next it is to avoid the humiliating impositions By J. Joseph GrlHIis vigorously that, since the present can get their ideas an... , it has suffered in the past. contest is in essence a struggle tively and get a hiu regular meeting on Tuesday, should be fully for the minds and loyalties of same time. prepared to deal with the transgressions Various members of the Township Com- TRENTON—New Jersey's pri- November. Agencies, shows that persons who men, the first task of democracy For"all his lack of ., . voluntarily entered the Institu- is to launch a world-wide bar- against fair play which have been perpe- mittee have indicated their awareness of mary election next Tuesday HEAVY TRUCKS: —One of educational polish, G<\,\ promises to produce a record the hottest political battles In tions for a check-up and treat- rage of ideas that wUL, break (Continued on Pat... i. trated by some real estate developers oper- the importance of dealing with this prob- light vote because of the lack of years may be settled by the time ment more than doubled during through and overpass Barriers _ lem effectively and promptly, and we are contests in many sections of the you read this —the controversy the past two decades. and reach people everywhere. ating within the Township. Not only should Yesterday Senator Benton quite willing to take them at their word. 8tate. Polls will open in all mu- between the trucking Industry During the depression era from this step be taken, but some definite under- nicipalities from 7 A. M. to 8 and Governor Alfred K. Drlscoll, 1932 to 1937, the average number pleaded for a Marshall Plan In We do not feel, however, that the passage the field of Ideas to close a men- HuKk Wllllammii, K..|;, standing should be reached concerning the P.M. This is typical of the bitter of voluntary admissions at the Mlirck K, I87K—.tuium : u of time is in favor of the community's pre- Whatever interest Is shown by fights that have been waged all institutions was 429, while dur- tal gap between ourselves and the . correction of some of the frightful condi- over the country. It has been the rest of the world that is even dicament, and we earnestly urge the ad- the electorate will be churned up ing the pre-war years of 1938 to same story everywhere. The pub- 1941 the average jumped to 522. more dangerous than the dollar The I.mrtrr-Jouriiiil HMll tions which have resulted because of lack by four Republican contests and The Wnodliridcr I.«d4rr ministration to have an ordinance pre- three Democratic fights in the lic, represented by the Governor, During the war years of 1942-45 gap that communism, "which be- Kuril gan as propaganda, survived WooribrldKe Indriif'drni of adequate regulation. pared for introduction Tuesday night which congressional primaries. Repub- highway officials and engineer- the average increased to 550 and Th* IHIIU Jmirunl .._ I,,1 .-n| ing experts, try to enact legisla- from 1947 to 1949, the post-war more than half a.'century as pro- Published Every -i-i.nr licans are battling m the fifth, 1 nil- will safeguard us in the future. tlie V,'oOilt>Hil*« i .Mis ! We have suggested that a bond be re- seventh, tenth and eleventh dis- tion to protect public highways years, such voluntary admissions paganda" and exalts propagand- ists as its greatest heroes, pours puny, WonilbrliiKo, v ,1 quired to guarantee that any damage done Such action, of course, should include all. tricts, w h 1 le Democrats are and bridges. The trucking indus- fcaped to an average of 935. Cliarlta J5. .OrtKOM, l'. scrambling for congressional try, aided by other special Inter- Its stream of poison into (he to existing roads be repaired within a spe- developers without exception even though MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS: — minds and emotions of mankind- VIce^Fresldfwit u.vl T: seats in the first, thirteenth and ests, proclaim Its innocence In hacY T r cified time and to the satisfaction of local many of them have obeyed ftie full letter broad generalities and urges fur- ,Elght municipalities in New Jer- ... Mr. Benton proposed a slx"y ^ ^ l fourteenth districts. The latter sey operating under the City two are located in Hudson Coun- ther study. point resolution for a campaign ClURLKS K. UHi: ; authorities. In cases where building per- and spirit of their responsibility to the mu- Commission form of government PuMi ty. The battle started at the Con- of information on a scale com- Killor am) mits are issued on the basis that such resto- nicipality. We believe, though, that a ference of Governors in 1948, will hold elections on May 9 to mensurate with the need and the Scattered throughout New Jer- select city fathers who will oper- stakes Involved. . . . i}N IMMCI'ENDKXT S.,j ration is implicit in the privilege, or where bonded guarantee would not be a matter when California's Warren told of Subscription ruirn *iv sey are contests for county cleric, ate local governments during the Increasing pressure for freedom the transaction contemplates meeting of of any considerable inconvenience to legi- sheriff and freeholder positions his problems. It has been con- eluding uuKt&(-"\ uiir i tinued In State capitals and city next four yeai-s, of the press was the first on the SIX months, JUT.. TM any other conditions by the builder, a bond timate operation, or that it would cause which may produce a better than list; not because there is any 6fifc. SilriRle copies by m . average primary vqtejn sections halls from Maine to Oregon. They include Belleville, Irving- All jmyuhle In inl\jn •• to guarantee fulfillment of these condi- any hardship whatever to the faithful. It At Trenton the controversy ton, Orange and West Orange in chance of this In Soviet-domi- Hy iJ.irTli-r deli\, i .. but in general the voters'are ex- nated countries, but to rally tions should be required. It is our considered would, however, protect us against the un- peeted to play golf, stay at the centered on Assembly Bill 13, a Essex County; Beach Haven, bill intended to bring equity into Beachwood and Island Beach opinion the community can do no less if faithful. office or relax at liome. They definitely are not scheduled to truck taxation and sanity into Boro in Ocean County, and Union Ik exercise their privilige of fran- truck loads. Governor Drlscoll City in Hudson County. Of the chise. threw the full weight of his pos- eight municipal manager munici- sition behind the measure, He palities in New Jersey elections For the first time in over a pointed out, even with the pro- will be held on May 8 in Clifton, State Spending Program century, a primary election will posed changes, the bill would Teaneck and Teterboro, be held without voters being re- leave New Jersey near the bottom quired to cast ballots for Sena- Of the sixty municipalities in i; I After you pay your taxes, how is your of the list of states In fee* col- New Jersey operating under the to receive in income almost $171 million to tors or Assemblymen. Under the lected from heavy trucks and, on 1947 State Constitution, terms of City Commission form of gov- • money allocated to keep New Jersey's State cover expenditures. ^ axle loads, one of the ten most ernment, Cape May City changed PROTECT "TOUR PBOPE«TYV Senators wei'e extended to Four liberal states. government operations going for a year? His budget was then referred to the Leg- years and Assemblymen to two to the municipal mannser plan WITH AOEQUATE The Governor also stressed the December 30, 1924, and returned FIRE INSURANCE COVERAGt Actually, the huge task of planning and islature's Appropriations Committee, which years, and 1950 happens to be the first of! year. fact that Hie load limitations, to the commission form of gov- : appropriating funds for the State's multi- is composed of members of^both the Senate which are the target for the most ernment April 6, 1937. Incumbent Republican Con- 1 :; million dollar operation requires nearly a and the Assembly. This Committee held gressmen who are all seeking re- strenuous opposition, would af- Beverly anql Medford, Burling- year of work in advance. For instance, take election are slated to be en- fect less than 10,000 of the ton County; Oaklyn, Camden hearings at which some department heads " dorsed by the voters next Tues- State's 206,000 trucks. It would County, and Rahway, Union I a look at the job of preparing for the next were again asked to justify their spending day for another term. Among protect billions of dollars worth County, once adopted; Commis- of highways and bridges, aid. the sion Government, but subse- I t fiscal year, which begins July 1, - programs. The Committee made some these is the veteran Congressman Charles A. Eaton, of Watchung, average taxpayer, and curtail quently abandoned it and .re- | Back in the Summer of 1949, the various changes in the Governor's budget and then foriner"chairman of the House acmes of highway deaths and dis- turned to -their-pM-fornw of gov- !' State offices were already a(t work develop- referred the document back to the Senate, Foreign Affairs Committee. asters. ernment. The City of Trenton, first municipality' in New Jersey jL jn£, spending programs for] the fiscal year where it became known as the Appropria- Statewide interest is focused A S Y L U MS:— New Jersey's •on the •«H§Mefr-«h«w- etete-mentel-hosptteh at Orey- (continuedLfi&JftSS- \?.l * 1950-51. Later in 1949, department heads tions Bill, it showed a net increase of ten Democrats are seeking voter stone Park, Trenton and Marl- ' presented their spending needs tq. the $171,000. approval to replace the veteran boro are not looked upon as the Mary T. Norton of Jersey City, asylums of an earlier day or Budget Director at hearings which ran for In all, it called for a State spending pro- who has held the congressional snake pits of more modern usage. many weeks. Then the department j budget, gram of $168 million. It must now run the post since 1924. The candidate A recent study by the Division You- probably know someone who plans were brought together and combined who wins the primary election of Statistics and Research, De- gauntlet in the Assembly and be approved will most probably be elected in partment of Institutions and in a single budget—the Governor's budget. by the Governor, 1 In transmitting this budget to the Leg- On July 1, ithe State will then begifi op- By Don banks at the Woodbridge National islature in January, Governor Driscoll asked erating under thijs program. Very shortly GLAMOR GIRLS Flowers for appropriations of more than $167 mil- thereafter State offices will begin again|*- lion. He said that the State could ekpect planning for the fiscal year 1951-52. j After all, the Woodbridge National Bank serves over eight thousand customers. One, "Confusion" Is Mental or more, probably works with you, belongs to the same church or organization, or is a "'•,* It is quite common to hear so-called edu- ard throughout the world, or tKe exact re- neighbor of yours. Just Inquire about the ;- cational experts declare that the education- lation, between the supply of money and k al system of the United States is "in hope- kind of service the' Woodbridge National the prices of commodities, buit this dpes not always trite to give every customer. If you mean that the study of economics^ abjwrd. s mean is that the will do so, we know you will want to make 1 Neither does it necessarily imply vjjpgglets,, schools afeTte^-dogmatrcir^ their teaching: this Banlixy

s Rites (}eis; General Chairman? or Avenel ,1nseph Names Aides: Meeting timi of the First Baptist Church John Of Committee Tuesday AVKNKI, Cnmmittpf mnn Oeon»e of Wnodbvltige have opened their PF.RTH AMHOY Miniirip' n ti|C intent Mi"? spolei> nn the (unctions of campaign [or funds frtr extending Magl.it.rale Christian J JmiTtiseii, l Kovcrnment at the retni- WOQPPR1DGE-An "Old Tim- and repairinw their church prop- oi Ratitan Township. Andrew .1 v Hill lar meetini! of (he Fifth DIs- erty 011 Monday, iicrordinK to an-Wight or PlainrlpUl and Harnlll nr-ld in St.ers Kigrji,," under the sponsorship M tricl Ocmon-:itle Club held at thenouncement, made lt»st nUht M. N. Oast of Perth Amboy have , with the Rev.of Middlesex Council, No. 857, headquarters in Vnssar Place. | workfis from Knights oJ Columbus, will be held announced the formation of a He dismissed ln detail the opw-|ftt homM ln {£ community "toir partnership for the practice of 1 ,i(.s Sewell and on April 29 at the Columbian Club. 111 ' ions cf various committees Rnd jmniritmUons and it fc- tfe hope aw under the firm name of ' ,f Perth Amboy.j Arthur P: Oeis I? ireneral chair. ', ,,i dm parents'I man and will bo assisted by the apartments and told of the pros- : a,u, . 0, ,,„„•,„ offlclals thgt Wight, Joigensen and Oast. ine Mrs. Jo- following: P. h. Ryan, J. J. Keat- ITSS which has been made In the Ithesr canvassers will be well re- Their offices will be in the Perth 111 Mr nnd Mrs. I Ing, Edward Leonard, William, nnmic.lpality during the years of ceived. Amboy National Bank Building. . Mrs. An- Orausam, John Fofrleh, Stephen 1 Democratic administration. The buildlnR program of the Mr. Jorgensen, who has been mid Mr.M.m particularly commend- ^^ haTbe^n"indorsed by hthe Mrs. Albert Kager, John J. Grenus, R. B. Holz-1 practicinR since 1936. is a special u'l ed his colleagues Commltteomen of Woodbridge who Berna- heimer, Richard Ryan, John Pn- master In the Superior Court nnd William Warren of the Second have made a special appeal for Charles linsKy, Aafry" Burlce, John Mul- Superior Court, commissioner. Ho Ward and Jtlin Bergen of the public support o[ the program. ^ Was formerly associalvd with •.,'riilrr, Christine, lens, Philip fiellanca, William First Wind for their able work. of $12,000 lias been set, this David T. Wllsntz's law firm, nnd Kmil Viyclc and Haug Jr., Michael "Sudzlna, John Dmirm" the business session, boliv! the amount needed to eom- in 1942 was elected to the New „„.,„; Mrs. Walter boj?csak, pdward Martin, Rlch- Frank Gr/.a was admitted as a now | pl(,((, ^ ynm-r ft'rc} tji'ace. Cart tteraog, David whleh has Jersey State Legislature. (l:Urhtrr. Jerilyn; member. The following member-1 um|fr(akwl tte^tty, J'arncs Crowley and Leon He has been the magistrate in lV ,,f Perth Amboy, ship comimttre was appointed by I ' J . \\ < Charles LurT- Gerltjr. Hie president: John Welters, chair- Tr.ii.ii- • Rarltan Township since 1943 and y Is now president of the Perth Am- M,,. Patricia and ""this committee will meet to man; Mrs, John Welters, Mrs. Ed- ' HPtttre I'arly ftn/O.Vftl n boy Bar Association. Jorr.ensen v. Ann ZawlHnskl further Its plans next Tuesday ward Sukatskas and Frank Klrwln. n , ir I.;.,, r JIIIW/I CiiiUI AlaO night. ' Tentative plans were made for a "•' H nuei.nurctl i,UWt was a delegate to the New Jersey picnic to br held in June with ~ Constitutional Convention ii\ 1347 and Is also a member of ilu- Mid- i ^ polish chnrse Brannan asks "trial run" oh his Edward Ruth us chairman, ns- WOODBRirjGE-~Twenty mem- plan fbr potatoes. sistetl by James MCHURII. Arthur ^ers of the White Church Oulld dlesex County, New Jersey and Rnussel, Mrs. Joseph Florio and "Ueuded a theatre party ln New American Bar Association. Y rk ;,i,.d to charity Big boom in citrus land is Mrs. John Welters, and Mr, ,md « - AHendlns? *cre Mr,s. Charles Mr, Wight has been a practic- •Mi'isin 1348. 'over Florida. ' Mis. Edward Schlatter. Mrs. Su- Sermnyan, Mrs. Ruins Hosldng, ing lawyer since 1813 and wns katskas was the winner of the Perth Amboy . eltjf attorney in Commander James It. Hinton, of Falrhaven, the Perth Amhoiy Armory last nUlit. Commander dark horse prize. The next meet-1 Stockel Jr., Mis. Victor Sandorf. 191V He served ln the New Jersey 100 Neyr, advanced, Diitinguished who until » slini-l time acn wits plant engineer i, 1, |, hltis predecessor, nilUon is s ;lk ie him( wit is scheduled for May 1. I Mrs. John M.'Krcgcr, Miss Mar- State Legislature in 1919 and in jorle Kreger. Mrs. Amelia Bowers 1928 formed a partnership with Motor Cars — jMI Mokes and Models! LEGAL NOHCES Mrs, W. C. tieeson. Mrs. Oeorge York offlcc, is pictured abota on the right being fleldl Commandfr Kdwarri I'. Jackson, l!KN, on the his brother, the late James S. R. Merrill, Mrs. Arvid Windqulst WlRht of WoodbrldRe. Hr Is a coneratulitted uftn assuming his new duties as left, represents the Navy as training; Instructor at I'UMNKV." inlniitiMl .I;IIIII:M-V !"•. I1U7 Mrs. C. William Messlck, Miss member of the Perth Amboy, battalion commander for thr Naval Reserve at the Armory. UK IT (IIMiAINI',1' by tlie TIIWII- slilp Cniniiiittor- uf llio Tuwnslilp ni1 Hannah HcnzoK, Miss Echo St Plainfli'Hl and Middlesex Courfty WiHiilliriilni' In llii' I'niiiily nf ,\llil- John, Mrs. A. J. John, Mrs. John Bar Associations. LEGAL NOTICES illi'si'v tliiil: Killeen and Mrs. James Filer. 1. Si'i'llnn 4 nf HIP iinlliiMiii'K I'll- Mr. Gast has also been associ- Cousins of Pastor Here Fire Company and K. €. (U.li'il us .ilunr Is lirrcliy niiii'lnlril New .IIMSI-V. imci lit \v 111• • 11 Unit' bids ated with Mr. Wilentz's office and In lti\i\ us fiilln.xvs: LEGAL NOTICES Assigned to JSvw Posts Will lie u|VHH-il. Svillnn I. Thi' annual miliiry nl began practicing law In 1DI13. He (liven Carnival Permits Sji|.r[!ii ;iti IIKIINI'VI'II ll":-pl:iil K inn nl I'.iii y - six Ihuniri'il (.tliiiiii.nin h M'il.l ;ls ti'llliW-^ WOODBRIDOE—The trans- .Mi'liii'licn, N. .1. |)"ll.lr.- I hi' pMtil 111 Mi'llli-lllnllliilv 1946. He was admitted to practice WOODBRIDGE—It will be car- Si-i-lliiip I. Thi' s.il.m- i.f |lin I'nl Itishillin fer of two priests, cousins of the IlifliliTs slinll ti'ii'lcr Ilirlr Mil mi ll'i'tnl' nl' TllM'H shilll III' till' •'•Illll nl before the U. S. Supreme Court in nival time ln Woodbridge proper 1'. All I'diiiiMifi'S nr I'iitis iif itrill- Rt. Rev. Msiir. Charles O, Mc- 11 icfr nwii liMli'i'lit'H'l* iiinl WIIK must l-'ni-i.v -si\ liiiinlri'il ijn'iiiiiiiiu linl- 1942 and is a member of the Perth during the hot motjths of July In' iici'OMiii.inli'il Hy cjisli ur iM'i'tlllpil i-nll-ilsll'llt Wltll till" I'l-nVl- liir» I'i'i' M'.ir, t" In' |i.iiil ill si'iul- Corristln, pastor of St. James 1 Amboy, Middlesex County and and August. i liifU In tlip .iiiioiuil cif tin |ii'i' cent Ililw OVIIIIIIIIHT iii'i lu-rrti; Miniil !il\ in^liil Illlriits. R. C. Church here, has been an- I |(l''i I lit thv Intlll liiil. .'. All i>iilin iii' i s in' pluirlx iif unli- New Jersey State Bar Associn- unliiianrr (iluill t:iI\ I- nounced by Bishop Bartholo- It I ivn in1 innri' IIIIIIIITH :ii-f tU' nn lons. • •I\ iiiKni Us luhiiiliuu iitui nrilin.ilit i- art1 ht'iviiy .•in iti'ln, the I'ni'i tinning AKMit rr- permission to Woodbrldie Fire IK IIS rniiiiriil liy luw. mew J. Eustace nf the Camden p Company No. l to hold its annual .Mlves the rlKlit I" Illilki1 I lie .UVIU'il TOMOBILE Catholic Diocese. ;:. Thh "I'lliiiaini. -liiill luki' rfl'i-.t LEGAL NOTICES hi mil- uT Ilii' lilihlcVK. ('nlllUlittrClllltll -at -l.ill'l^l' affair on the fkeho.use grounds be- 1 iiiiniiiliah'l\ npnii Us iiiln|ilinu anU The Rev. Joseph B. McCor- Til' I'lll'i'llllsllllC .\KI-llt ri'SiTVI'K Atti'M: 1 ail VITI :sin^ as it'iniirnl liy law. \-'l. ill 1 hi (Viii l»; i.i .Mi 1 Knights of .Columbus at the club- 1 '•'I 1 Illll ~ ill' 111,' Ill- • Mil:I:|I.' rfl- Joan of Arc's Church, Camden, -1'i'i I.; Hi tin- ii|i|iriiviil nf thi liminl 1'iiiiitiiltti t'liiiin-al-l.aiKi'. ,Tn In- mlvi'i'ilsi'il ;is nilupti-il in l-ll .IS .III i\ i 1- Ill l.'ln in II ii.l.it Ii Ki'ounds from August 21 to 27. i>f rinisrn Kri'l'll'ildiT." iif Mlc I'nllll- All.si: III will now be pastor of Our Lady Ilie Inili'l'rniU'iil-l.finli'i' mi April I:!. VII ll ,!•: lull I • w :•: I y •!' Ii. .1. lil'XKi.VX, 1 Motor Cycle SHOW! Star of the Sea Church, Atlantic llv If- timi T. Tlic Ti.w llsli KlUli HrVl nf tin. liminl of < 'linsen House rejects program for stock- 1 'l, ill 1 I'I r\'11' II s 1 ..Illlllp - n.i;i Hull Illl uf tin- I'liiinly nl Miii- Tn :is nilnpli'il In City, and the Rev. William P. Sinn nt Km |\ -si \ llniiiliril piling of minerals. < r. lie lij'li'pi'ii.liiit-l.i'ailiT nn April 1:1, Hnllat,s pi-r -vc,:r ln 1>, p.iiil in niu.il McCorristin, pastor of St. Mat- AKTiin; i.. Nnlliii r« lii'ii'liy nlvcn tlmt tin1 I'lni-ninill hl\- p.i \nn nl s ainl inajili- thews Church, National Park, Audit. I'IIIIIHVIMK iirilliwniiT w;is rt'Kiiliivlv LEGAL NOTICES Inri liii'i'ri.i, 1'iiiiipi-ns.iiiiiii si.,,I| hi- IIIISSIMI ami mliiiili-il :il n li'Hill.U' has been transferred to St. Joan niil in lii- ,iv cipliv Klvi-M thai tin1 MII'll I'. TO HII1DK1IS Mill III III" IIM'SMH II. i,I Win k .1, - of Arc's Church. nf Illf Townslilli uf rt'iinilln-lilRi', In. I'liiliiwlnu nnlliwinri- wn« n-itiiliirlv ftpril15ta23TSr 1 K, snpi•i-ylsinn. • is• 1 IH-'H - Inn Sc.ilcil I'iils will In' rei'flvril ill tin- the t'liulitv nl' MliMU^rv, New .Ii'lsi-\'. PIISMM] iiiiti uiliiiitt'il iit ii Moulin' Is lii'rpliy ^iv«• n thnt nl 'saiil ilnpt ii i iinnl ., u 1' !• H I'urrliasinu Ajjout's OIHrft, llimin lii-lil (Hi IIPC lltli'.il;iy uf April, I1.!."in. nii'i'tiiiK iif I In' Tuwnslilii t'liiiiinlltci' Admission: Adults 90C tax UcJ. — CWIdrtn 40t tox Iptl. saitl i iinipriis.il .nil shall IK* pa M HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS I'll.",, Cuiinty K'IM-III-II Illlllilillg, New It, .1. lil'Sli'.AS, nl tin- TllWllHllIlP nf WiillillllillRf. Ill Hiur>...ll A.M.-11 P.M. • lundayi...1 P.M;>10C,M. il ninl juloptt'il lit ;i ll|!nl! (• I-1 1 i!'h ntlnl'. hv |li,- -,ii,l T"Ull- SEWAREN-Harry Burke, Se- Hi uiiswlrlt, Ni'\v .liTHt'\', nn Mi>niln\', Tiiwnslilii Cli'i-U. I In- t'liiiiily nf M|ili|lt'Si>s, Si'W Ji-i-si-y, 1 uf t Iit- hip l'.lii;ilnir -.ill Inu I nil ': ilni April !\, liirifi, in limn A. M., fut' Hie l iiK uf Iit TTotisll i I'nmmltti'nmmlttOO AN i»l:l >!N.\Ni'l-; 'in AMI'JKIi AN I lii'lii mi lllli il.iy nr Ain-ll, l;i"i(i. lilnlllll iliii'. sill.i, i I in I !,«• I |i inn \ u I waren chairman of the Ameri- I uriilsliliiK I iiiHliiltiitlini wltore at till; Tiiwnshlp of W lln-iilni', in < >K I UNA NCI': I'INTITI.IOli "AN n|;- II. .1. lM'NIiiAS. I ••!:• ,:u\itcsi Auto Show at the Palace in ten years! New lines, tin' ('iiiintv oi NtliMlosin, ,NPW .Iprspv, l lli>- I'nlilli Wi.llis I'nlnlLiilli-i- ami. • 11 •-•-•-(•-•! uf: OIXANCI-: Tn I'lX TIIK SA(,.M;Y ToWnslilp rli-i'U can Cancer Society fund-ralslnf? iln'i pi "pi r i 'niii ini'i ;*.-• s line (n Minli'l 'Dii Korhur Ml Hiiln- in-ill mi tin' mil ii.iy nf Aurii, lonn I IF TIIK ClVI.LHt'TiM! (IV TANKS," AN 111:111NA N<"I-: 'I'll AMKNIi AN campaign, will contact local resi- r 4 Z. All niilln.iii' . s nr p/ii'l>- uf iinll- r A iJtMs in engine power, exciting designj, great advance* Ir^ ^li^oj l' e i ulie bin pi't* nmnu- II. J. JU'XIllAN. ,nlii|iti'l lii'iriiiliiT , i:M7. nKI'INANl'l1'. KNTITI.HIi "AN dl;- Ndn'cN, iiirniisi- lint \, i l u l in- pi'iiv: - dents next week. I'tii'lui I-I-'M K|ii'i'in<'iitlonn with Miiil- T«« nsliiii Cli-rk. itI-; IT oi:HAixi';n ip> tin IUN'ANI'I-: HKl.ATIMI 'I'll TIIK til''- sinus nl I Ins tii'iUna in '' -i if in i i'1'V r\ 4r»« Vurk culie rrctzlrtk unit or AN'olMil.XANCIC TO AMIONI> A.N shlp Coininllli'i- uf Tnwnalilp nl KICK (IK Till'1, T1Irnvi.>il ci|iml, pet tnai^nvifin;111 r- miMINANVI'] KNTITI.K!) "AN Oil- iKiilliridst' in till' Cniiiity m Mi'l- (1INKKI!,11 iiil-n|ili'il .laiiiiiiry IS, lOltt. Life Insurance in force reported Tliis i.riliiMin •• "hull I ikf nfiVrt I'I'S s\H'i ilii'atliiiiH, MNANi'W HKI'ATI.Nii TO THK OK- li'Ncs Hint: Ill-: IT (lllhAINIOli liy Hip Town- IlliliK'illltli-ly ii| ils ailnplliiii ami ;^ici ear-great racers, motor, cycles md bicycles! to be largest in history. in f'niiHPVflt llui-iiltal, lletucli KII-1-, II' Till-: T'lWNSIIII' AT- 1. Sfitinn f n( tht' ol'ilin;uni' en- ship Ciiinliiittw 1)1' tin; Tnwtishlp ot ailyi-rlisluu as ii'i|iiln,i| liy law. Anir.-iT I". <',I;I;ISI:I:. Culllinittri'iiiali .H -l.ai'Ki'. Attrst: II. .1. Ht'XUi.VN. TIIWUKIIIU. (Merit. Tu In1 ailvm llsi-.l as ailnpli'il In

till! llHll'pi'lUll-llt-l.tMiIlT nil Aplll I'.!,

st:i'UiMoii C(H'I;T Hi'- Ni':\v JKU-

SIOV—l'h:itlii'l>' IM\'i>i"ii, lidiki't Nu, K-;i I I - is. JiWKI'll ,|i»S\\|Alv EUiil MAIiY .IOSWIAK, IIIH will',. 1'lllllltllTs, Illlil MlvlA'IN ('. ,-illAI''-

dllll- III' Illlll'tmiKi'il pfi'llilsi :f -ililtl'il

MIII-I ll IT, III.",(I,

l(.v vIrt Hi- nr tin' MIIIIV,1 stiitcil

Writ, tn lne iliri'i'li'il iiml il.livi'i'cil,

I Wilt t'X|i|ps|i ti» ^iiU ill lnililk' Vl'll-

lllll1 nil WKhNKShAY, Till-: TKNTII ;iAV' ()K MAY A. 11.. NINT'.TKKN Ill'N- liliKli I-'ITTY ;lt mil' n'rhM'k SlitilihuM rl'illit- ilnil IWII II'I-IIII ll Klistrl II |i|l\ Until fiiiv. IllK ill Illl' ill |rl linn: nl' I 1,o Mill ilu.V, al thi' Slii.'ril'l's illiiii' in l n *• L'itv or New UTII IISW irk, N, ,3.

A|| tlic fiillnuilif;- ti;n t HI- jiiii'i-i-l mem uf imij II lid till- "jil'i'llli'ii <'" li'i r,-ill- llfllT liiit'tli-lllilrlv di'S'Tilii'il, sililiili'. lylti'K anil IM-IHK In thi- i'it\ m I'viCi Alnluiy, Ciiiuity nt .M i.l.|h.'si'\ ,ui,l Stall- ill' Ni-w Ji'i-si-y:

IU'IIIK kiiuwii ,-unl ili'.^i^iiiiU'il iis I.ul Nu, :!l iiiiil»tlif i-;isli'i-ly uiii'-liiiir hr Lot Nil, 2;., In Mini'k ::i:;-lt, nn u'' ma|) of |ii'ii|ii>i'ty mvinil liy Kmil Kuyen anil Ivtr C Cj.-tt«-i-n;i;'ii-.l, in- I'll ted in the I'lly of Ivrih Aniihoy. bounty uf Mlildli'si'x nn.1 Sun.' ul' » \ew .Ici'si'.v, Hiirvcyi'il April is, Hum, ' by M;isun it Smiih, ,n,,| ||f,,,| ,•,,,, rei'ortl In Hie Olltcc nf (hi1 ('niinty-: I'lerk uf MiililU'Si'X CUIIIIIV in June, 19IT9. ' .•Hegtnntiis lit ;i jmliit In the nurtli- 'erly line or 'Myrtie'Mtrri'f, iiinmit ,- eilntti'ly 1(17.50 feet frmii Hi.- iinitli- erly I'lirnvr t'iirini>i| liy tin. 1 utt-i-^i-t-- timi «f tllf niiitheily liiit- ,,r Alynl,. „ .Street with the i'.is|i'iil\- in ..( S|H'ill|f Strt!ft; It!lining;1 Ilirnci- Mi northerlyiitixl li;ii\tllt;l wiiii Spi-|ni? , sn.tr. fri't; tin-in .- r.'p i.astcrly ami liaj'iij.li-1 |vilh llyrtlc Si fi-i'i, ST.ilt) feet; tliciiri- i:ii KHIIIlicrly aiiil

Iianillfl wilh ihu tlrst ilc si liln-i! '•Tmr.sc.-'itrrTi'Tm-1 n- utri'ttr- nn-nett— lii'iici! l-li wt'sttrly, ;II,,IIK lln- ninth,. •rly Hue nl' M'yi'tlii ,Snvi-i. ;;7..ri'l! o date with a "Rockot 8"! Tout feet tn (hi! |iiiilil in- gill, i- ,,| He-. Wmfgjtj tinning, Try DUsmobile's "Rocket" Engine "88" Qf) a *TmirarfPTT JJTT-rnT - niiui'lii'i'i'il P .iii'l ll, un I in' cist liy demonstration drive sometime this week—and special "88" demonstration for you. lot NIL :!!!; im tin- sniitli liy Hyrilf •>ti'4'et; mill on the ^i-si ]iy |i;u-t i,i' yqw'H come home with a brand new idea of One "Rocket" ride will prove that the "P2" Liit Nn. LTi us Mill ilnu n iin .-,-.Ij, 1 mini.' ItelnK tliu iu'i'iii|M'n| ^ijiiiiiiuiih1 jnoiqr car performance! In the first two minutes, J8 all We clajm, and more. And when you mown -HIHI ili-HiKiiiiti'ii !HH No, :iii(i discover that new, louvr price tag on all tfa Myrtle Stn-i-t, 1'i-rtli Amliny, N. .1 you'll see how quiet and quick the "R

jjpwjjsi fi'ii minutes—you're out on the ' KliAXCIS X, lilOl'S, Atliiiniy. open road, where the going is really grail in it "Rocket 8"! Hills, rough roads, curves, the Btraightaway—each sb<>w» a new advaj)lagc of Jhe "88"! Fifteen minutes -and now you know what "aeliou" means! You're ready to heep pn driving ibq "Rocked" A GENCRAl MOTORS VAWE FLOWERS ( SPEAK FOR, Y,OpR HEARt

Vdlll'll. Ml-llll U .'ViVi'.iBi', l»l:illt •f i>r l>i)Ui|iiul nf unr l'l'i-.ilj, lr-'-

gniut, eliuk'u IJIDSSOIIIS. Uoan-




Advertising CUiVEFt LEAF CKMETBKT — Lot 1M Hl.rSHIVi CO> 113, Grnvps * and 4. Koni-wond spi-tlon. Price f 100 OH. Cull Mm. I'. 1H (irrrn Strrrl, « nnfltiiidcr, N. HHiMleninn, Cmnforil d-0279-.' Carelessly prepared rnMls are j sorted to 10-13 tl expensive as well as a menace to healtli. Every housekeeper should carrots. woonnRinoE INDEPENDE: I'tNl'I r>HI'i romiifoiii1, ?1<; know the ait of cookery. If she IjltnV bottom c'lmlrx, JS: I.nI» VI1' falls in this she ennnot exppct the Cofoan.,1 A,,,,, CARTERET PRESS (Will's etmir, |1«; 4 drawer ' liorry cook In her kitchen not to ape her I cups cimkid " 1 ehtst, 130; blanket clicM, fK>; Hns- : tARITAN TOWNSHir-EjfliDS tnn rorkirf IK.; 4-ft. wlintnnt, SH; failures. Therefore, it behooves in- '/a cup pow(||.,-,,,,'" • SERVICES AND BEACON Sl»c|iy Hrtllow i-liuli, JK; Pino, 2-Rlnw telligent interest in food and its Vz cup ci-Piini. -.-, doors. i-D^arr riipliniir.l. $110; other V2 enn coeoani,' "lil i licsis, J3"; hrli'-ii-hrn.'. <>i»''i preparation. . THREE NEWSPAPERS fvtry 'duj'j J Humli'vp, Cilmtrr Bivml Force apricm< • C.i*tle Honil. Hamburg. Sussex Sour Cream Waffles Add sugar, fnui ,,,' 1 Tlnre ' - 15. per line County, W. .1. 4-KI can cocoanut. iv per |in» 2 cups sour cream : Tlm*s remainder of c0; !1(,, i..r line HSTATK HHt S.U.fi 2 egRs .Ji:\v.u:t:\ -•- JU oi-f> KOAD. fn- 2 cups flour (YEARLY CONTRACT) oppilon Itivlii'il. Plume I't-rtli l'/2 teaspoons melted butter Amhoy 4-i>21« nr 4-3t21-M. 1 teaspoon soda |iInf- —tliT" p !•: IT line 3-;3. 30; 4-G, in Ml* ID urn s ',2 teaspoon salt About THE ROAD TO flmnge of ;>y ? i:.i ,\ e,t in.uiti.i I SEWATIBM — OHOIfTK I/OTS fnr Beat egss separately. Mix cream Tel: WOodbrldW 80632 Telephone CA-8-5089 36 letters ! liomc »l(f», ltfnsonalile. Tprms. MUSICAL HAPPINESS raone PWTH Amboy 4-0216 ur 4- with ef?K yolks, stir In flour, melted - ENROLL NOW - Holohan brothers butter and salt. Add soda dissolved Ho, AVs Radio & Television] 3-23, 30; 4-6, 13 Clarhe Repair Service Expert Instruction GARAGET ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in enough sweet milk to make bat- Accordion - Violin SALES and SERVICE 1 l>ii)»ljlrln ii'iviin e r T REFRIGERATION 1 AI'AIITIIIINT W.1>TKI> ter right consistency. Add beaten As long as ,» Headquarters for Quality Standard Esso Products lllilite 1"! i it! s only. ' and AUTOMATIC A nl I whites. Bake In hot waffle Iron. Musical ttiftnuacnta and Radio Overhauls a Specialty j Iriiog'iur MH NKi: (•WMH.Y of tlncc ilpuporalclv there is no Hinn WASHING MACHINES Free Estimates - j Phone wirglil I'nr at n.t'ls 4 nr S ninm unfiirniiln1'! bedspreads, dr.ip,. Accessories ; ;lp:irtmiT.i in WnndluldKP or vicln- Baked Ham and Potatoes Prompt and Expert Rrpairs lows and doiii,s 52 Avenel Street, Avrncl. N. J. LIBERAL TRADE-INS Woodbridge 8-0064 and 8-0533 !1>. J'lv.isc mil Haliway 7.7019. Take a slice of ham three-quar- RCA - Tung - Sol Tunes 4 • 13 make for their l Authorized I.audcrsll Service limes tin ters of an inch thick or thicker. All Type Batteries for Portables • WAXTED TO BIV • Another good p.pnnii.- Eddie's Music Center Cor. Amboy Avenue and tin rate Lay on the bottom of a pan. Mice Expert Bendli Repairs to create these thi AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC 34 PERSHING AVENUE the .V i'lll'K Co. HOOKS FtorOHT-i-We nofd tbeni potatoes to cover the meat with a n Second Street IV. isp CII prk is that-by doins- E4. Bimkoakl, Prop. retri'veJt and we'll pay hljrhest <»S.' Call sprinkling of onions. Pour oVer CARTERET, N. J. n-Je-'l .»ll ;l!l.l Will nr »rlli> for deinlls, 1' M Bm ik Shop the"y will reflect 357 State St. P. A. 4-1SM Firestone Tires and Tubes Plaliilleia, Bar and Grill Open Weekdays from 9 to 9 not lit lib- sjo Park Avi'iiuo, or call this a can of tomato soup with an that would be il.ll>' Plainflflil .4-3?0d, equal quantity of water. Cover and lm;, Woodbridfe, N. J. the 2-23-tf by any other bake an hour, removing cover to STOP AT Etposito's Music Shop i ill l>- ;i;.j>: -I. All the bin !>,,•,. • ADS A( • r.rir.i) To i 1'IVK-KOOM M'SHiAI/IW In rcsi- bjipwn. AUTHORIZED DEALER • Radio and Television 'li'iitl.il KPtll"ii of WoniHuiilKc have R large sell•< • Mom Markovs fSlflO A. M. WKIIMCMIAV nlttiii.K walklni} ilist.iiiie 01 rn11- for making the, . Meat and Vegetable Loaf BAR Buesoher, Selmer, Martin ruail M:iliun !ni'l slmppInK reiiiiT. pieces for the hoi,,. Eplphone, Stinieriand, Oretsch CAR RADIOS WOODBRIDGE 8-1710 SI,iff Imatli'ti. prii ,• wnnlPH :»in] Round .steak Sewing Center • Int. rl|i|lim nf limiMt' anil pri'lit'i'tv An accomplisi.iii TELEVISION 1 cup bread crumb3 Murical Distraction on All MOTOROLA AND PHILCO in letlir. Write ha\ IS, 'in rim" nf use the rpady-init. Initnnnenta lot: *• u.r. rhis ne»s|iuper. 4-13 tf 1 cup celery SANDWICHES Standard and Custom Deluxp basic foundation .,. Rental Plan for Students 1 cup carrots GOOD DRINKS Models in Stock LllT -I-'OK S.\l.i:--.\ i-S 1 !V!H the • LOST A\D KOl.M) • finished detail., : 465 New Brunswick Avenue Frank Hovanec's Si tt'.'i 1 *'Tl AVi 1,110 S fT W i,-id- 1 cup onions case, Designed to Fit Your Car! brl.lif.. A^e; ui\ •"•"• \ 1 11. i.ST—A pair of eve glasses W It'll Route 15 — Lafayette Street 1 1 eg? Fords. N. J. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE wuter, Riis. i-i." tri.-. \ - K l IK tricf Mil, last*, i n Green Street, neiu skill, is the imrmr, Convenient Time Payments 1 Trim and grind the steak. Add Near Roosevelt Park • i' 1 Ml • lie- l' Mill ^tiltUMl. A it-'.v wt'ek^ JIK i In- ed. Ambor *-*»•* AND NOTION CENTER $sIIU. KnlM'i t l-'-i *!' rt' , .V J. Mo- quire at Independent-Leader bread crumbs moistened, celery, The old-fashu.!. Anderson Radio II-. S tf 4-f carrots, onions cut fine and egg. tiii'htn ii-"Ml. becoming quite \> ,• 414 Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy Season to taste with salt and pep- almost any kimi Csscrete • Oil Birners • DOWN BUYS A NEW per. Mix thoroughly and put into Phone Perth Amboy 4-3735 Capitol Dome < | Opinions of Others Is most effective;\ $5 SEWING MACHINE greased pan, sprinkle with flour spread In the 11 .,•. - HIGH TEST QUALITY .Continued from Editorial Page> i Continued Irom Editorial Page) and bits of butter. Add enough the early-AmiTi' : to adopt city commission form of water to keep from burning on ;:;:.. CONCRETE -SEWING MACHINES often proves to be more eloquent These quilts, wi..;. Laboratory Approved Our Trained Staff can put an end governmpin m 19U. chaiued to than the professionals on the bottom. Bake until nicely brown. buy ready-mad' REPAIRED & ELECTRIFIED the municipal man,r.'?r system in platform. George is the kind of R to all your troubles today! Hunter Salad to make. Crushed Stone - Wariie*Gr»vel 67 WASHINGTON AVE. 1935 and changed b.u-k to Com- man the politicians dread to see Lettuce Washed Pani - Waterproofing mission GavtvnmcnL in 1939. walk into the auditorium. His There are a fc,\ ; CALL WDGE 8-1308 Tomatoes Ume - Brie.*: - Cement - Plaster Carteret 1-7206 backwoods bluntness throws them terestlns and !> 1 cup,cooked lima beans FOR THE FINEST HIC!—As of April 1, New Jer- off balance and keeps them there. about storing m;..' 2 cups1 cooked potatoes cubed sey had Si.410 lii-t'Dsed Uiverns. Where they Use the stiletto vegetables. "2 cup chopped celery Rariiun Mercantile Taxi 1.922 pnukis'.-p Morr-.v 782 clubs George uses the broad-ax. Use green VP::K Radio and Television '/a cup uncooked shredded car- ; lUvn.sed to disprnsc the cup that Blackfoot is a richer commun- fresher the belli. ,, Corporation rots • Service cheers, 22i pLm-s auilionzed to ity for men like George Wells. No appear as vei?et;ib. Phone PE-4-0875 WOODBRIDGE Vt cup cooked beets, cubed DELCO OIL BURNERS soil wines only and 46 seasonal a»es to grind, no constituents to Wash quick;;, ... FEONT AND FAYETTE STS. YOU'VE EVER HAD 4 hard cooked eggs sliced cocktail lomrios. serve, no special interests, just fine spray is Icle.ii PERTH AMBOV^N. J. y cup minced green onion tops 3 YEARS TO PAY State Alcoholic Beveraae Di- good old George Wells speaking 2 Toss green vc Salt and pepper rector Edwin B. Hock also re- up for America. The courage and gether just bcf.: 1 cup French dressing AVENEL ports total fees paid for licenses fundamental honesty of his kind served. Best re.;, Drug Stores Mayonnaise • Real Estate-Insurance* to dispense- beer, wines and liquor reflects with brutal candor on when a clressin: , Combine beans, potatoes, celery, COAL & OIL CO. reached SS.107J78.41 during the some of his fellows and reveals little oil is usi'il carrots, beets, eggs and onion tops. 454 RAHWAY AVENUE period fioin July 1 to Marcli 31. them in sharp and sickening de- HavD water IK'!.: Season with salt and pepper. Add Avenel Pharmacy Call Donald T. Manson The number of licenses in effect tail. ting green vewt.iii • totaled 12.339. . It is a sad thing for America French dressing and marinate 1 1010 RAUWAY AVENUE WDGE. 8-1400 It is all ri.nl,; - INSURANCE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE John H. MiclK'lson. capable that tradition calls for the silky, hour before serving. Arrange let- tuce on salad plates. Add desired potatoes if they ,:.. VVOODRK1DGE 8-l«14 METERED RATES deputy rtuector to Director Hock, triple-tongued politician instead cooking. Never M: First \\ Mile 15c who prepared the report, also re- of men who talk poorly and think amount of mayonnaise to salad Oil Burner Service • ingredients. Blend lightly. Serve they contain thi- '•'v Representing Boynton Brothers Inch Additional !i Mile . . l()c vealed that 01 liquor licenses straight—like George Wells of substance Jouncl r & Co. Over 29 Yean OFFICE: 443 PEARL STREET were surrendered, revoked or ex- B 1 a C k f 0 0 t—Daily Bulletin each portion and garnish with 24-HOUR WOODBRIDGE, N. J. pired during the nine-month (Blackfoot, Idaho). tomato slices. OIL BURNER SERVICE period. WHITMAN'S CANDIES i Potatoes in Sauce Conversions to Oil Telephone WoodbHdee 8-1592-J THIng McCARtHY AJVD MOSCOW Cosmetics - Fi'm - Greeting Cards Heating Installations JERSEY JIGSAW:—The State Senator McCarthy's perform- 1 tablespoon fat CONSULT Highway Department reports 3 Years to Pay ance is not laughable. His charges 1 onion sliced that a recent check of traffic on Call Us at t Roofing and Siding • ART TILE CO. go beyond character assassina- 1 teaspoon chopped green, pep- Metuchen 6~-2»18 —Met. 6-1200 the Lincoln Highway at Kearny tion. He has taken upon himself pers RAYMOND JACKSON 454 RAHWAY AVENUE rayealed that 1.S00 trucks an hour a wholesale eastlgalton of the 5 cold boiled potatoes sliced Baldauf Henry Jansen & Son WOODBRIDGE parsed by. and one in every ten men to whom the nation has en- 1 teaspoon parsley AND SON Enginereing and Maintenance w'to the heavy variety. . . . Dr. Salt and pepper BATHS KITCHENS , . trusted the conduct of its foreign DRUGGIST F. O. Box 208—Metuchen Tinning and Sheet Metal Work niel Bei-K.sma of Trenton has| u His disp]ay 0, venora may 1 cup gravy or thick broth RUBBER FLOORING •- confirmed by the State Sen- , weak confidence tn that policy Melt fat in heavy pan and saute Roofing, Metal Ceilings and as State Commissioner of i thel.e and anywhere-else. The cus- onion and green pepper. Do not 88 Main Street (QUALITY FIRST) 1 Pet Shop Furnace Work for anotiier terra . The toma sbem for his kind of tfro. brown. Slice potatoes in thick Vfoodbridgc, N. J. Phones: WO-8-2927 H^use of Assemoly has defeated) duttion is Moscow, not the United slices and add to onion. Add pars-1 588 Alden Street for this year an attempt of mi-j gtate Senate._st. Louis Post. ley, seasonings to taste and gravy.' Telephone: ^-0554 E. W. NIER WO-8-23G8 noniy Democrats is abolish Woodbridge, N. J. Cover pan and simmer until most motor vehicle agencies and send liquid has evaporated. I 1 Telephone 8-1246 Used Cars motorists theii rpglstratlon tags Met ARTHY AND ACHESON • Dog Kennels • ariS clnvins licenses by mail. . . . If Senator McCarthy wants to Joe's Pet Shop Hifeh State dignitaries headed by be thought of as a responsible "BETTER USED CARS" Governor Alfred E. Diissoll will citizen and officer of this govern- PETS - FOOD - SUPPLIES "SINCE 1905" GOING AWAY? grfttt George N. 'Craig of Brazil, ment, then he most emphatically HUHM'. MEAT— PHKSI1 DAILY Indiana, national commander of D. S, fiOV'T I.XSI'BiTKI) 1 BERNIE AUTO SALES does not have a right, to snipe at BOARD YOUR DOGS THUl'ICAL FINH New Jersey Roofing the American Legion, on his visit Mr. Acheson from behind a cover Daily, Weekly, Monthly Rates nutns - CA(;KS - SIIUM.IF.S 405 AMBOY AVENUE to Burlinftton on Saturday. April of reckless and unsupported WANTED 156 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE 15;"-. . . The New Jersey fair .sea- charges against the state depart- Washing and Stripping Company PERTH AMBOY TEL. 4-3419 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. soiS w'ill open ihis year with the ment. For when he resorts to that People who sincerely desire to straighten "' and family motored to Pittsburgh ling State troopers will begin! Paid employes in the Govern- y.; I AND SAVE! All in the Same Easy Payment Ranje SUrtim ' • Plumbing and Heating • Pa., where they attended his training next Monday at the ment decreased fcy 132,267 in the !| Spring is the season for new Clarkson's grandmother's funeral. State Police Academy at Wil- six-month period ending January •* freshness. Our furniture is fresh burtha. 1 of this year. An increase in the $279 * in design—tops in quality. —Mr, and Mrs. John Goetz and for THREE Beautiful ItooniH of BRAND NEW 11 HMI Charles Fan children, Jack and Joan, Irving- first six month* of 1949, however, ESSO SERVICE CAPITOL CAPERS: — The made the-net reduction of em- i Plug Your Choice Of: £ Winter Brothers Plumbing • Heating ton; Mrs. Fred Rapp, Newark; 174th Legislature of New Jersey • A 1950 PHILCO TELEVISION SET Edward Bolte, Thomas Groga ployes In the 'executive branch of "$ Wayside Furniture Shop Telephones: now in' session promises to HO the GoverjUUent.for the calendar •I A NEW 19tO AUTOMATIC WASHER Aroboy Avenue and James Street and Mi-, and Mrs. George Rapp! down in history with the 801 h •I! A GUARANTEED G.t. REFEIGEBAlO-l Hiehway 25 jAvenel, N. J. Woodbridge 8-0594 or 8-3026 year 111,642. The total number of and son, Bruct, town, were Easter Cwigre.-is as an ineffectual piece * WlTp NO MONEY DOWN £ Open Daily 10 A. Ml to 8 P. M, SHOW ROOM Sunday guest^ of Mr. and Mrs. paid employers in the executive 454 Rahway Avenue Woodbridte, N. J. of; lawmakins machinery. . . . branch of the Government on AND LOOK WHAT, YOU GET! ~ Phone Woodbridie 8-1577 Russell Pm&e; Sonora Avenue. Prisoners at'thuJNi'W Jersey State , Woodbridgeit, , N. J. January 1, 1950, was 1,961,029. * t 15 PC. LIVING ROOM (GROUPING WO-8-1514 —George. Britton, a student al Prison are considering a sit-down A Bjeai&ful Upholstered 3 Pc. Suit* tyith,AU-Tlie \sw*>s* Georye Washlrtgton Law School, strike beoau.se \d a ruling of the }• ONLY $125. Liquor Stores Pony liRided s Washjnatyn, jdc.. spent the Egs- HoiiKl lit Munn«i'l'n tlltjiyf UHlOt IAWN P ter weekend wfth his parents, Mr speud too much money in the. Sharpened and Repaired 11 PC. BEDROOM GROUPING H. Det'er's Pony Rides and Mrs. George Button, Sonora« prison store. The Hojue ')f 3 Pc, Modern Walnut Bedroom Suite With All Tlit1 T" ••Telephone Woodbridge 8-1889 Power Mowers overhauled " Royal Gardens—East Railway Geis Bros. Avenue. Assembly plans to adopt the Red VAN BRAMEK » ONLY |126. COMPLETE ir Maple Tree—Avenel —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perillard Oaic as the official tvee of New New U«>tr Road, Cololiia, N. J. FHyments J1.2S Weekly! * Woodbridge Open But., Sun. £ Holidays and daughter, Joyce, Trieste Street, Jerjiy if somebody doesn't stop it «1 PC. KITCUEN OUTFIT Gulf Service spent Easter Sunday with his . ., Too much milk on New. Jer- bi^ «»hway 7-6674 1 to 6 P. Bt SjtUd Oak DtaetU With 8llv«rware and DW" T Liuuor Store Jack Gels, Jatyn Dojcsak, Prop*. mother, Mia. Margaret Perillard, sey; dairy fatpts this spring ONLY $29. COMPLETE PONIES- New York City. to provide a' gfant J JOS. ANDRASCIK. PROP. Payments 2»u Weekly! FOR WASHING, GREASING —Mrs. Ruesell Furze and son, idie for sutf Milk Conti'ol [[complete S^ock of Domestic ALBRECHT'S kEY SHOP FBEE STORAGE - FREE DELIVER* PARTIES TI&ES IJEI'AJBED Thomas, Sonera Avenue and Mrs Imported WjiMS, Been PICN|08 Stanley iWosst and children, Movv«tV SURPRISE STORE and Liquors BAZAAR8 AMBOT AY*.*NP GM«N S^. Ww w ana'JTorewe and Bru<;e !ss Frauclne Pellegrino, So- ''iH .fR0NT STREET, KEYPQRT, N. J. KHi»'rl r Call i|Avenue. is spending her H«U — 1 all 574 AMBOY AtENUE WOODBBIDGE, N. I. Rapp, Flat Avenue attended a per- vacation at the home of Mr. l ww •. mJtfMf of "Cinderella" In Perth •s. Frank Treich, Newark. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Amboy Monday. PAGE THIRTEEN ,,,,,1 jT)ENT -LEADER THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 Biography Tells Colorful Story 0! Adventurer' Catherwood ,.nVX.

\" M,,.i,l lino, lustily tacked l ,,f shipwreck vlctlmi,

"Vll.k Herald in 1854 give , ,.,'•; that Me at last had

,'tl,\vith a man who h»d Mm; it f"r decad«8' . „,,! nuich ot a requiem ,„,„„,,, cold ««v«iturir PRODUCTS

r ,||U| again had risked hl« '.',,„, ;, picture, who had ven , disKiilse Into Mohamme v ,,f holies, who had «ur- X) ,,,,,, America's first rail- l',', hiid helped open to the \,..c-ric;ms the lost cities

,|;1V;i;, (ifpertcd and moul- ',., thn central American , Del'7 two significant thing* DIt •*•••• I-.IS'IKC Pineapple^rr J5cr33c" Diced Carrots TOM , ,. (he "missing" Cather- Compore These Acme Everyday Low Prices! DEl MON i , been missing things all (Mif) Asparagus 15S4T."i^ ^^c Fruit Cocktail 1L . 33c ^ DEI MONIE Fancy O 13-oi. *)Q ,,, |,,,riini]arly fame and for- 8 44 DEI MONTE I..;-- ' -«• 1C» "°" QR/> VrOrn Ooldtn VtUU Kirntl *• I.M *•'*- Brill's Spanish Rice "«" 19c PINEAPPU JUICC can I 3C con OjC u,.,-..i: ii uned Latin. Greek and Swift's Gerber's,? CHIFFON 4 v.is apprenticed to an Strained or Diced • , • v.iien 10. He became a Baby Foods SOAP n[ "the Keats circle," Chuck Roast'S : : iho |X)et, then, when 22, MEATS 10 ?.: 93c FLAKES Bone in. Acme is fomous for bed. SovU-Trim gives you more meat for your money! • ii,.ri,i« where he probably 1 : ;in!ic interlude with in Cereal ;;. 16c pkg. lb .. i.'iblmvoinan to whom Tkii Acme evirydiy low Otrbtr't itralntd oatmaal. 15c C«ke Dial Soap •'it's were no novelty. •lit* MV« you money 1 coctld (irtal or r«ot)ylo- Attached to Large Pkg.l . i.i' went to Greece to ' Try them! Itrvt barky w«al. Round Roast - 69c Be Modern! i -ki'Ich the ruins of her hd meot, most economical. Really delicious. Featured at oil Acmes! i iililniis, and dipped for : : time into adventure CANNED GTRDS JUICES Serve Fresh -.'.,.••, revolting against thi Natural Frosted Fish! * • ! Ciilu'rwood was caught Grapefruit Juice m: 2'::; 29c 45-ei. con ; I'.v a beseiging Turkish IM Sirloin ^Qc Steaks "Fresher than frew —lmm»- I!.' ctintinued his artistic 7 - 25c ^*To treat Sov-U-.'Trim rotnorci much surplus lot belor. wei9hing. Pure Sweet Tangerine Juice So tender, so juicy, what - diately frosted when caught. ;:: ihe lu'leafiucrcd city, All food, no waste, no fun, • (•..•.lilies with his own Pure Orange Juice 21" 31c no muss! At all Acmes I , 'h.'ji escaped—no man d 46., j . ! liu'.v -to Syria. Blended Juice Slt; 2fB" 31c can Prime Cut Rib Roast n,. 65c T-irst 6 ribs 7-inch cut. For o meal fit for Q king! Acme rib roost tops them all. Try it! n- found a merry private - MORE FEATURE VALVES Teddy's Fillet of ,i: lii'tween a sheik and an 14-0 pkg. k^43 r itiJL! a (riend disguised Uncle Ben's Converted Rice : 17c lb : ;is Arabs and scurried 16-01. LEGS of LAMB 59c Plate Beef'-; ^ * 19c Ritz Crackers packogt b : [h, n v.-as boiling as a cen- Chucks Lamb 45c Phila. Scrapple >We Teddy's X pkgi, LI •, i:i-o?ogintl research. Glo- Nabisco Social Tea Biscuits pk '.•• m, a circus strong man Fresh Ground Beef - 49c Midget L.verwurst * 49c Scallops « 51c patkegt " t.unod aicheologlst. had Sunshine Krispy Crackers -!n t!i* iU'«tr^ pyramid Sunshine Chocolate Puffs 2 X. 27c ,.TI d cafd plated 'mum- s &U-OI. ;!iuii ns leaves." A num- Ranger Joe Puffed Wheat -""« 2 pk,,:27. c i;i v Iiritoni had gone to 6-si. "'• in record the wonders Nestle's Chocolate Morsels packagt 19c ;::mvrred «nd to took lor 4 packa Durkee Shredded Cocoanut " 17c California Fancy Loote " ni'xt nine years, Cather- t-ot. i California rancy Loote /^ A mm .•.ui m Kgypt, with the cx- Puss 'N Boots Brand Cat Food 9c ibs ii i.i.c nip, not too success- Double Your Money Back if you do not agree ( Asparagus 2 ooc i! .i'ni to make more mon- Seabrook frosted foods ore tops in quality ^ All-green tender plump spears. Serve with Louella butter! • •(.•.I:J;C part ol a Nile ex- IVORY DUZ and value! ' lii ..nerd by Robert Hay, IVORY Deei Everything'. v. [vnjjii-ihman. SEABROOK FARMS SOAP Freih Fancy .•. ».'"i'l^ how to u*« sunlight 12c Nationally turnout Baby Lima Beans ' ,l. pk8. l B ' •"• nutritious food cheaply fratunA at all P & G Ffture! II Floali! bfObr k r. L;!i-iil quantities. h Broccoli Spears " ,o-o,P k9. Grapefruit T£2? 2far 25c liv.v developed a method SN0W •.'..Kinii the process of photo- Red Raspberries S pk, : I iy'which plants use sun- liblty whoU Jersey Apples BE?UTY 3 •»». 25c 1 Strawberries U.O1 pl, i" i-mivert water, carbon and Ivory Flakes • •'.!UT biniple chemicals t French Fries ™ ,.„ pk,19c Cleaned Spinach ceiioph^e package 19c For Fine Laundering i ii'iitists report that the ivory bnow ii l'lioy say the remaining Job ' '..uk out the technical and 0»en fresh, i! ' iin;: details which will give rusheJ from our Rich, tangy cheese—mild, mellow blends- Camay Toilet Soap own modoin bakery! : M'-iti-st yield lor the smallest DAIRY all your favorite cheeses at a saving! :. li'.iiie o( materials and en- Camay Bath Soap 2 New! Delicious! Virginia Lee i.l M. Cork, chemical engineer Domestic Swiss Cheese V 75c 1 'ii.niii- uf the project, thinks The Miracle Cleaner Cinnamon Fingers *$7 19c You're sure to enjoy the full rich flavor of Acme's domestic swiss! i'. oaiclu-rs should have ^ , o r C ox Package !i data soon to put the under- Coffee cake. Extra rich in cinnamon and raisins! 1 • ••.- <>n an industrial basis. SPIC & Spa 1 Borden's Chateau Cheesefe' 29 c l ;".'.•, scientists are starting Rainbow Bar Cake ""CJT 35c Featured ot oil Acmes this week-end. ,Try a packqge now! ••» tn:,t small pilot plant. It Is, a K 9c Vir iniol>( 1 'M tu looking collection of bir- Lava Hand Soap Danish Pecan Rjng ' Eoth 35c Colartd JIC OOOD LUCK COIORID :•• ."Mil .shallow rectangular tanks Vi American a... fc ••'[i tin- Stanford chemical engi- l Iced Cinnamon Buns t ;:;:. , 30c 45c u ; e «"• * k 69c t f amflr n p •• 'i in;', liil). P«ko9e P 3 plain oiMaibl t ViMoo n 1' " i.irh tank the researcher! Pound Cake 35c Gorgonzola t *69c Margariniurganne^ tL 22c :!' put abuut 100 gallons ol water, CHOC "Co*™ Cup Cakes S* 29c Muenster »• 49c Bacon S2 2 £; 55c '••iiis and jitt-w minerals such f8 iiiannriiiuni, Iron and sulphur Bar B-Que Rolls 2*- » 29c l"'^ I"11 mis. A!lw Q ai ••\ t"\v liumJj'ed little green one Frankfurter Rolls 2 H 29c Gold Seal Large Fresh Eggs ' \Lc^., „ 55c 1 "( I plants, ton small to be seen 1 ''iilually, will be dumped into 1 '••' i-iiik;.. Small pumps will stir Supreme White Bread I Gol«| Seal Lirge Mixed Color Eggs- — « 49c ''i'1 '.'.itii and add carbo_n dioxide ""•'••I'mully. Sunlight will dQ. the ENRICHE Silver Seal Eggs Carton ot n 47C plantp s are,^ tfpe ol Open seaweed callecalled crjlorella The toast of the town! Try it! iiiuki'is;i. Kach ccntaim chloro- •II, v.liali nuikes plants green and Fridays l'uiti chemicals Into cell sub- jiici'b with the aid of light, iiupttm* Bread Until HOUSEHOLD INSTITUTE 10,000 James p CAST AlUMINUAlUMINUM U 9 P. M. Junes Buchanan intended to re i»: in pi'ivate Me'after-W* «fvl«« 8-CUP PIRCOLATOR CONTEST "i Die legislature; The «uW«» *r» WITH S7.00 WITHOUT (AR '••Mill of his fiancee caused him to O fli.iniji' his ,'rjluna; H« eonti

I.FGAI- NOTICKS LEGAL NOTICES I.KCiAI, i:s LEGAL Nl LEGAI, NOTICES I.EfiAI, NOTICES LEGAL NOTICfft t.F.GAI, NOTICF.S mr line nr snid P"iiiiae|vnr,j , Mli'll 1 OI.'lilX IN'i'i' KVTITI.Kii "AN 'HIbin us dire, led or i-i',|iiirfd hi (be Iri.ltl Illtli* In Hill,- lit lillll, , lit. !'"- Mid Township of Wmidhi I. tu HIP cpnter line uf th,. .| , - :•? 1-. i«V ,- Null, Itprpby Ltivrn thai thp MVAN'T: KsT.tr.Msriixii A NIT-•;pe, Hi, ill lunM and HIP slit I lite ; In IIII.IP .mil k'i-"[i .l.'ar till irr-pc. nn- I hi - Vn 1 lei Hn Hrnilil, tllen.-p v, ,, [•: ....piiAm, ,n inu ni 'llnniu e nil-* rpit ol i rl v MI'IV.M. I'lll'HT III' W'l'HU'.niliCI- -llcli i a-es made alld provide I. N'n- ilrrKri.Hlli ami iitllfr nlislrnrtli.il' Ml MIII'll, IMII DIM. iloiiK tlit'ceoicr line of l.ebi.-i, ,111,1 :i,|t.Me,I ieil nini adopted a| egular Iliaf nnn Illluli1. i-ii.la nli'-f in inlrM'- W iiiulliriiltrp. N, .1, ley llnllroiid lo Ihe pdlm ,,,'.' !-,.- |.. lierebi given In nil lilddpri 1 rni'i Him nf HIP Township I'nllHiiiitll 111 e II j.'iniinrv l'i, 1'HI, Hull il I hell- hldl. nCP Inl'nMll.'ll, dp- frrp \Vlih HIP inrlrtl l in I inn, n|.pi:v I' Hll" beniepii \V'-dlli""lav. nl* li.'itliinhn* 1 ,1 ll-l '1 'i, VI n .Ilip ,| IV« M.lhl 'If . in . 1'nu n.vliip nf M'i,,,,lhi'ilirllT,r III III') IT (ll^llAiNKIi h Ihr 1 1'p, live ,ic liri-Kithir. Ihe iiainp n'lll llnn. tniiipipnnin <• in,I ii'imli nl ialil I'l. IK ,ii, and Tlnn-iil.'iv, Si'|i- IVIMIIIK I'lliWi I'onl. Cinln,,, 1. I 1 ',.,,, IV "f Mi Hi i- v,' v N',-iv h i • • , the c t<- of Ml(1ille"f\-. New .ler slip OniiFirll," of llu, T..H n il il|. nl I',- itlimi'.llall'lv tiler-led. |il|i» line.". (Iml li.^ilii-r with tin' nih •l i^. I'irei. nn iv hicb lit lei ,lale liriniimlpk Avenue, enm^r i M no tin 1 III- In 1,1 n|| the I 1th In uf linil, I Wondhri.lKc In the Cuuiily ..I •e-l-lralinll l,,,,,l< lllll he i-|n- .' I 1:' <\"i il Mill Tin- Hn.ird nf Chosen I'leehnldprs rlKl't In li-mpmiirily u«p and i he I in wherp In Inlerneets 4IIII Iliivd, Knril*. ! all. r Iiii fiirlln Mining lleiiprnl el 1 Id 'Nli MY II. .1, lil'NMiAN, •lll'HI-X HlTIt: reserves tin riKlit In liu-ri'iisc nr de* rtiirliiK i-miFlriiciliin m li llril .tiler line of New Hrunn#lclr Ave- r, —. 1 j |, , ' . • I !( I, Ki'Cl.'mi f, nf |I,P nl-dill.illcp en- nf Illinl inn 1,11 Tne>- In v. Nni-eniher, 7, Tun T.niiisliip Cl • teiuie tin. iininiinl ilho^p sppl-lll'-d by |*l|,r line, Illl nihlllnillill - UP, thence Ul weKlerly 'hlonn ihe Vf.r, .1 Vi'l \ M v 1 IN" titled II" llluHo |i hit,-hi iii.ii'"! tu am' ur at .Mi,I,II, i\ i IMIIII'. I!,,,ir,I AN I''I : I •! N '|| ' A\ cIM'INW'i'i: Tn VMKNl' AN ailillnlf Ihi'leln or deilin itltif |li/-rp- .'ill' I,'. I III WI • 1111. ,'l|ll enter line of New ItriiMiiwbik Ave- i'T 1II i\f' i.- 1 1 |, IN 11!.'- lu lend iin fidbmt1. •,,-,11,1-d ,-• linn-., CiliZP, « Hiilhlliilf, III U'lX.l i-: VI Tl 1' iii:hi..Vri.Ni'i-: I-:N'TITI.I:H AN nii- fruin ri TI nmoitnl eOH.'i! to Iwe'ily- parallel with Ihe abnv- lo whelp II IntersPi'ts the eed- IlpjfliuiiiiK ni t a .pulni ivh, III i i-11 \ : -; M. 11 ifcHiiii .",. The Mitnldp.'il Marls- no Ihe ,1 sin-.-t. NPU Ili-iiusfi'ipli, N. nue IN \M 15 'ri Till :il-;s i>iV/NI•!•: Tn PHcvii'i-: iiii' TIIK II \ f jn 1 . ell! t'l'i'r I of Ihp I III n 1 JTi root slrlp, ilml li'l me of Hoy Avenue: thence CH ,nlihiliiry l'"e hetwppn W -•I .11 v Him- h.lWI'PII WedlK'Hdllv, ter III•' Till l\' X '1 II' '1' 1: K '-1 i: !•: i: ,;.Mri.nvMI',NT AXU roMPHNHiA- (p .•-IIH!) t.'C.'IVP flTl atiollill ill.Ill' ooribpily hide, (lu'leof, nil Hu TuWlldhlllH i, KtllunaVe belelh nielli loneil. Hir.ll, mid Thursday, Sip- iiui-ih.ily alnriK Ihe center line nf A \ 11 '1' in \\ N 'III I' I'I.I: Ilk." Tliiv 111." A cHlKI' IM.I'IHK A.Vli A (if KVnr Thiiiisanil Hlin.ii on i |in|- Hoiilberh sble tliPI'.'ilf IIS In I April I hy Hi et-ntpr line ,,| Tli-' I'lircliiiiliifc Aenit I • I.. il, .l.ii Ini: Hie Inlluiv- tiny Avenue to where It InfrrNpctn on Inpl.-d 1 "' '.''. i •'ASM I Mil IN TI1K ' WVWP. OP Till', B relKlll'tJVP tu .I.II 11.11 1 . lil'.n, IH mill H In Rli.ck :ts I liprellifil liihct 1 nnrilierlv ;>l,, :'", i i )•. 1,1 l rpji.,I npi nr all M.N, ..... : 1 '.ti li, ,-v. ppl Sal tinla i , tin. cenler line of Klfilt (I, urn.- - Hi-: [T '11:1 • ii i: • 11 .' T, in n- •'M.I.IOt'Tcl'*!!!'' TAXI'H" Adopted lo he |,n|il In p.|iia1 HI mi-tin in i h!i In- i!i*>htl'ini',l. H In.' ^nivVisliltl liniiirilary llnr, I,is .i. I.ill I- Killiji' -I ill all re- I'os! Hoiid. IbMnce (4> Nniiheaslerly in i.'tiin in lr T.,11 II : ll l> i)l I rr.-lllhi : I. HU; IIIKHlls, atnl V.hlch -I.,ll In- pal,I li A, M. In I V. M., nr ill Ihe si ti ,. f llif llnaril To blive ami lo hold "inn rliil-l m f> In nx tlip (enter line of KltlK iiiiunMiii'f line between VV (fl lien of nil I'PPH, cuts, :illd any u to Hi ' a|i|iiovnl id HIP M|illlli'S.-\ CoUlllv Hoal'il \\ 111! \w, in en nil .I' Mi !- III! IT III:1I,MXI\I' hy the T*wn- ivav ami .nMtiiiprii nut., thp f'nm- I'lLnrKc's I'nsl Ilimd to Wh'-r II In- Tuvnshlp nnd Chirk T,,i lilliir ii)l*w (ifteiJ i\ ha11 ,,ei ,-r. ll l tl:p Ciitinly -.-Hun-., I'lilly .Main,v N'.itl . 11 si Ip ComirilMi f II"' T(i**h»IHp 1)1 pnny, Us successors ulnl ns-'igiis, ..I ipisiiis tlip renter line of Crnws Ilii-lice easlerll' nldl'lKJr'fil.l h, 1. He, U"l t: !• " " ,i me en- ihr Ciuinij' of Mlil« !. Si. turn 1 of tip ncl'ilinm-.- , n nli II ill,! iiK.I'erth Ambiiv, X. .1. In Ill' -.1,1,1 nf III.. Illianl I'f I'hi. Illllil ui|e)l II CM PlpP 1 ill ^ he cilli Mill Hoiid. ihence (f,| HUH 11, lin., tu the ('prtler Hfie nf I.,. !., , , •h. illlle IJJed us ifbniP H li.Tehv amende! • ,,f r<'.-l.l li ttpl ,1 1 ,,,!,, s,'\ iitt HlruclPil and sn IIIIIK ihei-eiifter as Xolicc df cl alniifc Ihe icnler line iif Crnw.i Mill :,,:l.l will. Ii IX HIP lii'illlil.i 1,\ • .,r Hi.- i nf M In , r. ,1).'. 1 n i.r en th rend ;IH Inllnu H: |,|ilti'.il|i.ll I' Mliiler nl f.'Kls- Hnad to where it 1 1•I,. II pipe I lilt- Is maiftiiined Hu-i Hnad to where it IIIIITSPCIS mIhee ,„,„-,.,.„• Wooillirldne T.mii- I , • , in.i,le i- I her by S,' 11, n ! T •M 11- Mil. ii nl.. erep\v ,Xe.l Inn 7 Tl ere "HH he a . h-rl. Th llipany shall have llie I'Kli' r.iilnli shnll II Vllllel ; I,. lU'ltl:nl(!ll- iiorlliei-ly line nl' tin, l.ehlrh Vullei t lui i v ; I Wi'iicc soul bet Iv 11 rl 'ii. '1 i 1 111 ica'l '•• I uf tin- Muni. Ij.al Cuinl. u •' -' 'I ,l ivarded tu the 1 I'm-. if Af>n I to assign Mild Klaul In Win ili' nr In l-lillell I'd III, Hailroinl, 11,-11,, (ill ajniiK the lllllhiri I til I- belwei-li Win, tl . .., tn I-'. II- lillllHll C,l •it lull :l. .innmil mtl.'irv (if be nnpntlltnl 111 Hie Ton li--i,||. i '.nil• i.r tin- C.only 1 I I. pfii-1. liini, iiial Cl iinilherly line of llie LnlilBh Valley township nod Hahiiiii tu iU"ti IIII i 1 ••I i |i, 1 ' .-:il. 1,i In hall lii^ Hit' Kuril fil' nilllee mill « In. shall M I i '• lor -i •i mi I I ttl^ 11 !•' l,.| I'I. T.,e Cilllpani- a| -loci' Ire.I If.'MMI llfl) li-lto n! Ihrip ye.-irs fliilll t! • dale id Mn , I T I.l I 1 eili 1 1 ,iiv djimiiye in !'ii, ,->-. -1 I-.I I ii ^, u;,Iks lie,I bl ' ir pllice of •1,e division Hue lietwei-n n tin ui,! i nnuiil milari ut thr I II Milt III' I I- 'Ippullltlll M»'ii; in •vi'.w JK.IIHI:) 1 Mill,.. llf rui 1. [In- point 1 drlvpH iind i-linilar liiipmvpin, nls, alhiti: 11 ,nd Hi": (hi'iice soiithivi-si.', l'i Minn ol Twi'l 1> - .I p 'll .Illl >| iil.i'MIT)II:\'I' •k nl ColllllV I lnpf- K'l'uwillK cr.'ps Illlil lillll,er, slll-nhs. In. M.iIII ll" .iiii ,II.-1Hii• n Hue nn'.r 'l SI My I «*: I fi't.lift ! llf.l; pruvl-li ,1, linn I. Hial tin i i:n'hi'i< vn: <•!• I'IIIIIBK I'lneri riirilk 'ill lawns which may aiis,- frnm li; (iiiyaid fii ilolltf HIP llnllhcrlv line n nl thp Tun II- I..'!., ,ihl | Cnurl Cl<-rk V, Ijn sliall l. ve I.R.-II u .ill lii ivhnlll 11 ii-«f' presents orrlplle strrri, Inrdil. clng. construction, allci -inn. re V H •|i,-i,n-«i, k, X. J., in- "I Ihe "f- nrs.H 4fln-H, u.s-H. rr,i],.. Ir. •mi- ninnllily iiif thii,-ii-i-ii',l fn siilil Wiinli'l iil I'I.III'I tin- i nine, lin'itin);: (IrinK. M-riifivIng, chaiiKlng Un- r t in Mid,lle~e\ I'niinly Hnan nf i'!i:l)i- WAIID—Kill IITII |i;s-(l, ir.8-A, ^2, 47fi, 4TH,•Hi'. IMlrKiinnl tn tin- [ir.ivi i.ilir \VIIKHM\S, II tipppiir-i tn my nut-. co of and i-epla. Ing diicli pip" H""s «, I'erlh Anil.io N.I I inn,, in,-.* ur pari-i nf 1!I|S, n.i llltfYHK'!' l!i:l, 4!H, 4S9 lii i.-lller (In,. ,.i ,• 111 .'III Ml Illl' I^U'.H nf I.-I.i, th.p., I.-, .Inl.' aullii'i In ale,I r(>,-- The IlllerfS! nf I be , ompiiliy il llnn. l'i-itli A"1 i.v, N. J. slrlll Ultl. tils P .l, in,ill I'omprls tin iciilnij Kurds. All Ihai I'laci-; IIIPIV e we- lerlv aho^ .., jllni'fulp,! anil -Jtippli-ln.-til il'-l •.!' I he (lliie lillKH fill- II e Vol- i,-l, easpinPTil and rtKhl uf nay I. in.-In,Iiii'-; Sept -nil.el- -I ,,i I i 'i.i.tl 1 (riicl lyh.it north Kinn (It-ortcc's line nf ('lark I'lac." In II,,. t;;1, 1 A, nl-, 1 i rill hi e lire h* ln> lln- I'li'tk uf tin Muni, i iHlliri 'lis-nilllt inn tll.-r.-uf 111', llle i ttr.inlPrt and In nny pipe IIilr• M an. 1 Pus! roiiil. lylnj between tlie llnrl- r'oVi'liHlilp line, the point ,,r |, , mill' > - pr.nl- l .iml sli.ill 1'i.nthilii' in ii ••III-I. fli-ik lll'lt Intmill-; i nil-., Ill nl illl I be sllu-k- ppiil'lenaln e« I rix I II I U'-.I niirsniii l Mini i: Isi>• Tnwnship Him and Hie biiuu'hirv •ipfllllllinK. ( TI is ll I •nt- :i ti'Mll #"|linl to DIP l.alnli,. nl , ", '.-I -• ii/.pi,sli.-.l In iny iillh-e. lln! ifl-eln sluill In' Hilbjpct In the lid lllstrlel, mlnlJllnl! •il'll thill ni the I'lrst Ward, und Ivltll! smith I'nlllllU I'lneei (nlnlllll \,,li,,,| in,i r. IIH mlnlJllnl! Np Ilii- li-nii fur wliicli h:i« ii as m ij;- I'hiirlcH Mills. Inc., a .-.irpiiratinll ul f il eectiilll MnrlKiiKi' Iind I I u •ihnll pffi-i I iirlfi''il liy Inw 1 • f a nnrllierly hniinilary ilescribed , iVf hf,. Iiirtitm A—FIHST 111.- llm ilia li-ilt -1.II Ti KMMI. \iivi:iint:li ;. IIIMI an Ilii" Inn feel nnflh of the north- init oh StiHiti Hap.i .-, lltirt'li-rl i l27im.Mii i linll.us I.-IN.- ('ninny ol Middlesex, Stole uf Nc« f the city of .New Vorli and I'm- f In tin- In .l:l'rtiiiii- I, lir.n. In lip |,.'i, IU.CII ihi- lunn s uf '7:(i(| A. M an •rly line nf fifth Sired; them e it Hie suntreflv lprmliiii« oi in- .F.'l-ii.V I l'"r:l'--ees W Illl ! llllflhfl, helllP I. llncliley, as Trustees, which ha Sl.m.lard Tim. 1 • VN lit fifiial -•< riil-iniiiillilv JnHinPiiu'tii-1, Sld Tim •iiilerlv ;i" ' Hm feet ni»'h of Pi ft I uni) clusN rnilrnail properly uf • tie iiL'ini ilieri'ln iiiiil In charge erpfoliue bpeit illed for r,•,,,[,! I ndllcllni; a fi-rli. l ami ivlii, I, sluill lip In II,'ii ui' all pin pi,-.- Slrn-t iiii'Klnir (Irilnl Avenue tn IhePort Ileiiilii'lf llullroiid, llu,in-.. ,. ii.|vcril«" .l l!i, n-iif, iipnn nhoiil inuceHlj mtly hf be snhl I'oiiiily. I,III.-1 Id's, ^'nrtis, ,'ui'l IIIIV nilii-i a llmi- : northerly line of I'ordu Terrace N .i'if'lfM: - l.c Ii r nil APiil •^.'iii-ili, has i-tiintdli-d wilh thp re- Tnhr fm inn- notice that at "i" ' thi> f«l- irellel'al snlllhprly dir'-cllnn i April aii<-,.v u huts.ii'if-r Mr s'lall pi-|-fi,nil 1 , ,iti(iiil,i|.- 1, thence northerly nlnnls the saUK- I'lhr.tiipiits nf Tillp II, I'nrpora- lale, or any date to which It ma; Slflti'ii Islnnil Round to the i , sw h fnn/'tlntiH ami .lutli"- as shall an HIIMP; thence eaulerly olon*' proliinjuaMiiii of Central Av. nn. ilonn. Citeral, nf lii-vhi-d Mtiilute). 6- pdjolirrieil the Township Com of Ihp Mr in-psfrlliMl , fur Mm liy law, .tin- northerly line of FOrdu Terra, HIP B,iRr Staten l«l|ind Sniiinl. ui Nuiv Jirsev, t.t eliminary (u the rnIKe* rr»cr*es the right In Its din nIII th. rule* iipiil li-iilili' in Muni,ilia I I'muts reLlon to fijeet nhy one or nil Wd Xo. 1, to tHe epiiler nf Mnry 'n a general weyeTly Hii i-, ii,., Nnlh-e iH llPfph,!- fiivoll tllltl I ami hy Hi.' Municipal Ma^i iraic. Is'-uluu uf II,K Ci-rlini-iilc uf lilssn- , i tin ii full term Avenue; thence northerly alotiK the Inliuii. lid to nidi snhl ritfhl nf iviiy anil llii> center line of Sewnreii Ai.- • i I I..SV I II K iiidloain <• VI.IHI reuuhirly ,1. All urillnniiips nr pn I "f iinli- flsomPiit In xii,di bidder as il m.ii cenler of Mary AVPIIIIP, to a point thence southerly tilnnic s. v tniii-pn. iiirfiriHlslciil vl'li t'• *• prnvi- xmv TirwUMi'dnr., i. the s,-.-rp- Sheriff of Mlddb- a->-,-. III.I adnpied at' a n-unlar (*lect, d,i(, rei^nrd hclnn niven In Ion feet norih of the northerly line Alenue to Ihe ceYlter line ,,- luns (if llils iirilliKidi'p arc In-n-liy lal.v of Sl.'lle (if llle Slnte nf Ne« 1 full til ileililju nl Hie Tnwnshlp Ciinunlltet' 1 cMlis and manner ui paynipiil. in .HUM fn nf Pllman Avenue, thence easterly .li'l'vi-y. I in Ili-ri'ln Certify thai Hie In'cr-eel Ion of HIP said WPMU-II I ,,l il Ihe Tuunshlp of Wniidhrliixe, In itpiiilid. nse i,iie nr more minimum hhls mid 100 feet to Poplar Street, und nuc tiiul tiled I.'OVP Avenue, c, •j Tills nr,linn in.' -hall tnUe i-ffi, I -•-:• IrI I'lit'piiriilliiii did, on llie T*eii Mid,lie IPX CnllMV f<> .I Mlil.l' , \I-H- .l.-i -..>. lie I'uiinty nf AllililleieK, New .lersey, hall !,p received, Tin (iniihiR In the samp course to tl in a genera] WPHIPIly ,11 -, , ll-M nil liie Mill dm1 of Apl'll. IDSU. lit'lli.' ninniii'f pi'pvi'i-lhpd l.yl.uv. |v-s.-, und day uf Man*. lfl."iH, (lie 111 lie is full !• tin of three ( I Illi ,l- April, Hi.'.II Ijpon oin-ejnaiicB of th» mlnimun b(iiiiidni) of the First Ward. innK Cileit (^ove AvcntK' and |i , II. .1. DKNICAN, ATCll'ST F (IKKIXI-:!:, my olllri- (i duly executed and .it II. .1 Ipslcil consent In writing tn the ills •Id, or bli) *tibve mlnliniim, hy thi PiillliiK I'lurri Old Put-da Sehnol, tension of the ».nld oenter i|i,,- Tuwiishlp I'ltrk, I'limnilttppmiiti-i'il-l.ni'KC "owfltihlp CoTlimlttee and th« pay Tin 131 Me ml II nl the lln i suliillnii of snhl enr|i "AN Oil-H. J. IH'NHl.VN, i. vh|- It sahl ciiiisi-iil and the rec-.-.Jlng lo the miinner of purchasi SI:lllM) WAIIII—1'IKTH . itlllU fnllowlllg the rime, 'I \ »Xl'l-; TIM I'I/M TMI-: |i|,N.\\C|-; To FIX THK WAI-AlilKS k ord uf ihe proceedings aforesnld tire n «M*rdttnfe with terms of i»le ol nniprlsing; both sidles bf Main tin- WnodlirldKe Creek; then,-, . 1 ailnpti'.l In iillllsllill Cullliullleemn'l 'I'HIXTMIINT II-' \ IK Mill) dl ' IF Tin-: ovi;i:sKi';n OK Till', PODI; T.r adVi-i'llspil as ninv nn fl• i> in my salM nrlice as pi(i-Ms', the Township will deliver » bur Street, Including Central l-'ordi and rly alonif Myrtle Avenue ,\i, 1 anl In this .Tuwnshlp. v-'SI'XSlll!S A X I HHIIVMH': ANP Till-: TdWXAflll*' ' I'lfVHI- Iml, in-iiili'iit-l.i-.i,lii On April vlilcd by law. n'.l W} rtle AVPIIIIP to tIn- 1 •Illinl Liifavellp lfclxhts. All of the ward I'HMI'I:N. lP: April .'Hi. lO-'n. Ttiislees fill- 1'Vci : 1 pin Tin-: >T KIN HI- IA.\'," ,i,lupie,I .liinnary S, l!C!.'i. > i i , lylnpt hit up.ii the nnrilierlv lln" ofline of Asll Street; tlielii" me- IN THST1MOXV II. .1. IHNICAN. Tnivn-hln ClPrli II!-; IT (iHHAINIOli by the Tinvn- I lini'p hereto set my ban L.iPds. Distriil Xo. 4, and the, Port Heading iilonif A»h Street tn the In • r , .linn H.i in. lei .Inly To he iidfprlln'i! April <".I h. in I'uiiiiniilep ni' Ihp Township Of XOTHT. anil affixed my nrhVlal H^III. llailrond. of said Ash Street .»llii II IM-nlir.. In tin' Ciittily ol M 1.1- II.7H, and April lS:lt, lS.'iO, in th. The pnllinir pim-ep for the various Xnllep IH herehy given llntt Ilic • all al Treiituti, this Twenlv-sei- 1'iitHim IMnrn Neu I'uriln Selimil, Avenue; thence cnstctK ;, HI-: IT (il:l>.\ i- Toivn- l.-se\ thai : lidependeiit Lender. -var,W iiml eld linn district* of the nl|u\l Ing nrdliiiini-i- wjs reulllarly diiy nf Mill'li. A, IV up llomesle.iil Avenue in In hu, ship i 'uiuni'f t,,' Hull I nf the inillliilln ,• , tl- Township of M'oodhliiigp; .Ire asVn. 14, I'nril Atmnr. IHhln nl I Hissed Illlil adopted ,11 II ri'Bllla,!' Ihu isaml nliii' hiindrpil nh lion nrllli Blair Uoad: then,.' n, • W I Ii;,' fit •- itlinve Is lletplil anien.led flefer loi W-.ir.n •'nlli .us: M:({I\II W A iin—SIXTH OISTIIKT of Mill- neplliiK nf I In- Township ('nmmlitei' ti It erly lllong Ihp cenler line ut 1 lllrS.A Hat ti4 KO'I'ICK OK Plllll.ir SAI.K I II! VI' WAIIII—IIIIST niSTIIKT if Hie Tiiwnnlilp of Wonilbrld!,'!', In l.i.nvii ii. MAitsn, ( HeKiiiiiiiiK n't a phlnt In the earn- Hniid lo the boundary line nf \v, I. Sei-tioii 1 . mil, nine ell- -11,1 The salary f TO WHOM IT MAY cilNCKUN: All Ilial H.irl lying hll\vei,:i tin " "vir- lie I'niiiily (it Middles.'\, New .let-.-py, Sprn-inry nf h'tnli erly buundary line of PurHiiii Town- hriilKc and Cartpret; then, <• '- I'llle-I .1- ilbulc rid.', uf the Poor shall he Ihp Al j regular mpe'ttnn or the I'c-tin-ylvanla Hallrnad (nn the eist) ie|d on the Illli day of April, lliiiii. ship where the same Is intersected tn 1,1.,I as I'.ill'i f Ti n Ihitnlted ami I.-I., l-r.. IS, i)fl Ttiwnshlp (?oinrnilt"e nf Ihe Town- Hie center line of Amboy Ave- by tlii'.Ppnnxyh'iitila liallhiad and Si.. I inil I Tlie In flMMi.uiii Imlliiis per year, to be II. J. lH'NKiAN. of Wooilhiidffe. held TiiPSilay. nue (on the wefltl; nnil 100 feet alfillK the boundary line nl V, Township Cl.-rlt, from sahl beultining point runnlnK bird');e and Curteret In t'u. ,. III- 11... nU 1 |, e ,1 hnar nald in -. iiii-iinmtlili Insl.-iII llielitn llpfpr tnl April -41 li. lH.'ifi, 1 was directed north of fireen Sireet (on Ihe nnrtb) "list ill v aloii); t|w Pennsylvania IMS tu a) :'. S.-ctlnn '1 uf the iit'illnani'i' en- AX flHIiiMANCI'! Tl) A.MK'CI) AN I'll advertise the liK I 11 -rl r nil Wi-dl!,'-- lul inn lite smith) a lliie drawn line nf the rlght-of-way of ii,. , NOTICE OK PUBLIC M1,B 1 Hiillrnad lo Ihe nPiitpr line of Mid- •I'll- nf 111 tilh'il as ahnvc is lieleby tillletliled lUlilNA-NCI-: KXTITI.Uli ".VN (HI-TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: UK. April lf'ih, m;.n, tin mld-n.iy between New and Sec Ira I liallninO of New -Ursi -v. t . 1 dlesex Avenue: Ihence northerly and 'n a so.ilhwcsterly dire, t Inn .,' cili-ll tnclll- I., lead as foil.iw'.s: . • ' rtXtWK CHKATINd TIIK IIFFICH At a reguUr' 'rneetlnl nf the Toi r^hi" I'i>l""ll H.-e lllll lluei s, .mil pi nji-c! Ing euslerly to northeasterly along the center line he fur 11 at 8 p. M. (KST) In the Commltler the CPH|Ni- lint' of the Central I. .i i.l Sei tlon .'. The salary of tin- Town- :iV S.VMTAHV INSPKI'TIH! ANIl Township Coinm}tt^i> of thp Tow* •allroiid. oi' Middlesex Avenue lo the nortli- ilii-, in rs, ividc.l, IIIIM ship rhi si. i.aii shall bf lln" sum of I''I.\IN(I TDK lil'TIKS. TKliM AN|i i-.liip nf Wondliridge, held Tuesday Memorial l«\ini( rotul of New .lersev to iis Inn, 1 •rly line of Hlock 4)S; thence oast- lion wllh 'he southerly hu n telll'h, nf the llrsi I,mi linn.lied and Kixiily I^Mim'l KIN Tli K I! l'KIF," April -I til, mo, t was illrpptpi UulldlnR, U'ondhrldKe, Nen Jersey, the Intersection nf 'I'ly alnnx the northerly Hn« of nl,"I hy Hi I ml lam pur jenr in he pnld In Xenil- ildnple.l October I. 1 In ailvi-rlisr thp I'mi that on Wpdnps Slid expoHp niiM sen at piilillc line of tlie rlKlil-nl-wuy ..f 11... , II nlp lute nf ihe Perlh Ainbny Hm k IIS and Hlock 419 (o the Pcnn- Ton n-hip lall he iip iiiruit iiii InslallinenlK. ' 1 HM IT niil'AlNKH IV Ilip TnlVII- ,hi> evpnliiK, April lUth. l'J.'in, II), and lo the hlirliesl bidder aicnrilliifi e IMllroa.l with the HPHillnp P.allinad: thPine in ;t i Tnniishln nf and W Ihnil .jlvania Hailrotid and crrssliiK Ihe ,-i'.Tl easterly dlrpcllnii a:. ,n - point.-,I I',, uf , 11\, All niliiancen or parln of ordl- ship I'ninliilll.'p nf tl' Tul'.-'l slll'i I'ullllllil tl'p Mill Hipp to terms of sale on llle with HIP I'erlh Amlmy Cily I.liie, thence , I il'i in,- iiinly nf Mid- same; llien.e soul heaMerly aloii^ sniilherly line nf llie SI»-,,IU • . . uiisNti-ni hp -p U'ni.dhrhlMT' ill the ( al s ('. M. flWTl In the CiiiiKuUii- Township (I'"'' '•'•••" ',i inspectluii niiillnrlv akni ; the reiit'-r line of he iiDriiiiTly IITIP of Hloek *JS In s;iliirv IhiH nriliii aiup inV |iir«hy dlCBps, Hint: ijliamliprs, M « m o r I a I Munfclp* ind In 1"- HHIIHCIV rea.t prior tn the 1 -. ill. Anil.ny and VVooilbl'lillfe llnllrnad prniterty uf Ihe p.,ti 1 n,l uf Tni-k lluli,liiiK. Wi,,.ilbrl,lj:e. New Jersey siile, I,nis :::'. and1 ?,l In Hlock 1»T;i the center line or Chain O'llill* in« liallroad to the p'Mnl m - cp.'JllPll. * "' I. ^ectlnii Ti of tin' ni*ilinaoce m- llailrmid lo the cenler line of l-'rep- Uoad; tliencp easlerly ulooK the eeri- Hll ll'i-il I. This ul'din shall lakf efTei tltled as above N ti liy anicii.led und pxpose mill sell &t 'ptiblp* nali nn (he Wo.idbi idwe Tminship As- iinm Street. Ihein-p easterly along of heiiinnliiK. il i inl-,1 iiii.l lu I he highest bidder aci'oli er line uf Chain O'llllly lload lo (he n Hip liliillner l by InW lo rend iis I'ulhiiis; seHSIllppt Miip. the center line uf l'i eeniaii Street AesleVly lini if Block 3SI; themv II.-KHiplnB: at (be i-pntci- t - ,. • ill.Sl.lllllll'llt : 1 Hect(on 11. The salary of the Sani- lo terms of sale on (lie wltli th Tnke further fiolh-e mat tin the Cchli'al Kiillioad of NVw .•,.,• . 1 irKT I '.. UI, tu tlie center line nf Halnvuy AVe- litherly aio'iR the WMterly line of -. Set lull L' ,,t the nI ,linn nee i'niiimlltp('in:in-nt-l.arKp., tary Insppclor .xhlill he Tivenlv- TUWIIHIII)! Clprk oden to ipupicl ToWimhlp Cninmitlpp has, hy rpso- ntitt, Hiencp sinitherly iilon^ the cen- al iis meeliiiK p'i'nt Mill tin- I,. lilli-,1 ll.s iibii Ve an,I il'. illlli'tnli',1 tin.l tn lie puldlely read prlof to mle rutloii and piiifdunt tn law, n\p liilhirs pi-r annum, payahle in spml- a rlwli! ul May ilnd i-asmpnt in I-o'mlhliiiuin prlcp al whuh sahl lot alotiff the venter line uf lierry Htrpti1!. lerrt; thence (I) in a (,'etici'al -,. .s,., tinn 'J I ii ,ul,:i t inn I,, the salary II. .1. n i-li in iiio.'k :iii, I .HIS l, •>, ::, Ti, I 111 Mill Muck will hp snhl liiKi'llie aoulherly iiloiig Hlnck 39a and eon- mi n-.|iip 'lii k. nionthly Installini'iil". In Woiii|hi-|d|{p Creek, thence south- ciislerlv dlrt'i'llnn ahini^ ih, ' . • ttliiiv,. inent iuiied 11,.- s, , r,l:,ry , In l!|..,1( ifilK; LotH I. ", IT, i wllh all other delalls periliieiii. K,II< lInniUK ihe last cuur.se In a straight he, a iiiisi',1 In "'-. All t.rdlnancen w parts nl er]! akniK Wuodoriilrte Creek to the line to the Port Heading liallroad to dary line of Wnndhi'lilfce an.i • ,. sahl huiiiil shall ici-ivr iin iiniiil; nun,'en ln.'oiirtlsleiil with ihp pruii- Ui in Htm -k in I - J an,l Lots Jl In t nilnlmiim price beini; Jldu.OII plus Perth AHIIMII City Itne, Ihenne West- lerpt hi Arlhur Avt'.niiu II,,- :., -,• liiili'iVWHi'/tt-U-aili-!' IIII April II! IniliiHivp in l:|n, I; :i(ir,-U on th > eawthrly Hni of Karltan tuwn- , Milan ul Two Hundred and l-'orty Kii>iiK of this (irdliiKin e are lieichy Otiata o( preparing deed und mil*! erly uhinK ilip IVrlh Amboy City ilaVy 11)10'Of Wondbridup an.I ,,i i- \\'n,n|hr1ilt;i' Tuwnshlp A^MPSSII 1 ship; thence northerly along the 1 (J'JHHMII llnllilf. pavihlc ill Cltlill repealed. tlHlllK this .vile, Hiilil hits III s.ili line tu Ibe pnlnt or place of begin - tli ti r Ktreel: Ihetn'e ('-'> Inl " • '-,.• lilnck. If sold mi teriiK, "ill reiuiin paslerly line ot P,«rltan Township M-rill-lllntM lil.V i II SI 1111 Ml (• M t ;J This ordltwni-c sjliull take pffe.'t [ \\ Ciiripn-t lii a general unniln-i :i All iiiilliiaiici-. ni- mills nf ,,r,!i- li'iy npiin its adij]itiuii and » further notice, tti»t lo the point or place of beginning. K down I'.I.VHlPtl nf V'llnil, the Iiii! I'.illiim rln P! Mrimirlnl Miinlrlpnl ici'ikin to its meeting piiitu lia tires l|l< nll-M -I elit U it II tile piuYI- nK as rpi|ilire,l hy law. Township Committed'hai, ance of purcliase price lo ne pui i in I'ollInK IMneei Uelln >cliool, \u, (I, Xidlcp is hpiidiy Riven tliat the Kiillillim. Slaten island Sound; thence i.:, .-•iun;. ul tli.-; in.lina: cc are hci ebv li.lli.wiiiK nrdlnancp wtis regularly tloti and pursuant tn I4W, i; i: i N !•: i;. sylvania i;:iHiii:i',i ion Ihe eiisl) and lln- I'nllnly nl Middlesex, New .Iprspy, PHI. said ininlmiiin price bpln «al», or any dat« to which il may mirttnvr Ing: Uallroad Conipuiiy: ih.-in•-• , ;' 1,'nininitl email n I -l.aljie ^•wnnliln tMerk. •II.nn phis ensts of prepnrliiK (Ire the , enter line o,I Amhny Avenue lii'ld mi llu' Illli day uf Aplil, HlfiO. Til be' advertispd as ailnpled be adjourned, the Township Com- IteglnnlnE at a point In the cen-a general northwesterly direi-Hun ' Alti'-I: I ii.lvi rlisiiiK this sale. Said I'IRI: tun tin- ivcsti; and between a line ii. J. iirxic.AN,' lie Indeppndent-la'aih r in April mittee reserves the riKlit in its dla- ter line of SSI. Oeorge's Avenue alon^ the southerly hnundiry lli« It. J. I iliNTI'S.VN, OI' wa.y ami easement, if snld 0 (on the north) drawn mid-way be- where same is intersected hy the Township Clerk. ,960. etetlon to reject any one or all bids twppn New and Second SlreetK, and of Ihe sociind class rallronU irt-.m,•• i- . Township Clerk. tcrniM, will rei|uire a down pay and »o -sell said loi.s in said blink Port Heading Uailroiid; thence AN f)l:ni,N\N('K TO FIX TH'B of Stilt.ui), HIP balance Of j>rojei.-tin« easterly to said r.illroad. of the J'ort ltpiiiling Kailr,, To lip advert is,..I iiplvd in 1 10 such bidder as It may se.lqrt, due northerly along tlie center line of SAhAltlKH Oh' MKMllKKS OF Till : price to he paid II! e<|iin! monthly In and the I'erlh Amhoy City line (on pany to' the Intersee'.lon of a r,ir> the hl.tepeildtlil - I.e: April i:i. reifard beln« given lo terms and St.' Ueorges Avenue (Route'4) to th« TOWNSHIP C0MMITTKI5. Kl.-illiuenls of $!(!,!)" plwn the HOIIIII). boundary line between Woodbrldge -way Of the Port Heading i: lllf.ll. .. })•: W IfKuKBt '(rU^'iN thai marider of payment, in case one Township and b(he'Citt y oWdbidf Haliwugy UK IT OIlhAhNRI) by tli« Town- and nl her lerins provided for In con IVIIIiiK Plncet Slrnn'lierrr HIM Company wi tli the rii;l-i shlii ('ntiiiiilllpc nf Hip TowriMhlp of TOWIIHIIIP I'linmillti'p of tin- or more minimum bids shall be re- whlcli Hue i» also the county line Townaliip of -Wnoilhrldiru will meet tract ol snip. Scliin.l, tVmllllirlllKr, ay of the Cpnlrnj Uailrua,! i',,!t MITM WonillirUlKi' in tltc Cuiinty of ill.l- liKrtt'llllTloN 01" IlItillT 01'' WAY ceived. between Middlesex and Union; ny of New Jersey: thptt' .• in ] Xoti.-f hi'l-i'h.i 'll tlml 1 IIf dlisi't tlnit: April 19, ISISO, 8 P. M.. at llie llemo- Upon acceptance of the minimum thence along said county line lo fnllnwinjf s regularly rlnl Mtlnli-lpnl Ilulhlln lo reeelve AXIi KASMMUNT .'' ni'i-al northerly dlrertl',n almt li nan, >ii'i-tl»n 1. TIIP notary of ntch K bid, or bid above minimum, hy the 1HST \VAI1D—TIIIIID IHSTIIHT point where name la inlcrnei'ied e center line of Ihe rlijht-,,:'•« i I |i(i^sc'l . a ml adnpli'il at a iv^nlar !)lil« fop the sale to me Township A rielit "f way and easpmeiit fur adnpli nipiiilipr of llif Towu*lil|i t Township Committee and the pay- All lh.it part of llie First Ward the division line between Blocks 4 the Central Ualll'oiid Cnmp.m , II lillji'uf tin- TnM'llS'lli Cnllllllitli P ir W/ooJlirldKe off! Mnloicy.-les for the pnrposps of liiyinif. oonntr'in'llng, fn«ot thereof by Hie, purchaser ac- south of Heard's l:ru,.k and west of i T 1 pxiluding the '.'ommittep and 4C3: thence soiifliWe.sterly along •iv Jprsey To th-e puli-l or pl,u e , .of Iliu TiiH'nsliip nl' W lhi'lil); !', i» thi'tiHi- ot'tlie Police tiepartniciil. mai i! t.iinlitK, opetiitin^, repairing tlie center line of Amliuy Ai'pnue- sluill lii-'ilip Mum of Tivo TtiniiailniJ altering, leplaeitis and removing;, 'ordiny to the manner of purch&He suiVf division line and Westerly along KinniuK. JIIII- I'ljiimv uf M'lilillpsi'x, Ni-w .li'i-spy, rtL'niMl.iHi) J.iullarfi fwr ilnmirti, PRJ'- Speclflcatlnns may fop obtained n acTordance wllh terms of salp on •ollliiK I'liier: Vn. II Sclii.i.l, Ham the HDiilherly line of Blocks 463. 'Ill'lil nil tin' I Illl liny uf April, lllf.ll, frnm the Chief of Police or II friun time to lime, pipe lines to- I'IIIIIIIE l'lnce: PIIM Iteamui: M-IIH ahli' In fiiuiil nemi-muiillil/ InsfStl- liclhei' with VIIIVKK, tle-overn and file.'the Township will deliver a bar- StreH. 4ii4, and along Ihe easterly and p: :" ' iirr ' II. ,1.IM'XHiAX, if Wnoilhrlilpe,' Memorial u. I). ini s, said salnrlpK lo lip retrotu:- appurtciianl lueilltien for tfie trunit- g-al/l and sale Ifcpd for said premises. southerly line of 407, 473-lt, 473-S, i ' TuiviiHhip r||.|-k. In January I. lfl.'iO. Miini.-lpal HnlliliiiK", .' Jl.iln street, liATVin: April r.tli. Hi.-.u. 1'IKS'I' \\ All!)—I'OI IITII DISTItK T 47MI, 473-V, 4T3-W, 473-X, AX oimiXAXri-: TU A.MKNII AN (Iv purtiil inn of was, oil, petroleum 1 Si Inn '!, Thp salary nf t)io (,'otn- Jhrli1f;e, New Jerspy. The Taiivu- H.J. lil.'XK'.AN, Tuivnshiii Clerk All thai piiri nf Ihe I'lrkt' Ward 473-V, 474-C, 474-B, 474-A, 496-A, Hlltl) WAKD—SBroMl niVI'ltl' ru:i>iNAxnh: I;NTITI,I:I> -AN on- pi'iiiliii-tx, or ;iiiv other sntisian'-cs tnitli I'ttian-at-l«ir^e plfnh be thp Toinniitiee ri-seri'ps the ri) To he advertised April Gib, h NiK tKillh (,f II-at ,1s Hlnnk illul l!n;-IC, 4D9-A, to the Center line of HWMNNINC. at a point in DINA.WK 'Piii.iViiiiXd Fnii |.'ii:i.; lu reject any and nil bids. ivlih-h can he transported thruilfth a I'orges Avenue where Kami' i- 1 »n in i.l Tun Tlions:i|ld I|3OI)«.JO) Pipe line, over, under, upon, ulong. I9.1i>, and April i;iih, i;ir,o, in ihr llK UPSt III the lentlT line Of Clark Place: Ihence Westerly ulong LIMITS, Till : CONSTItri'TtnN It. .1. IH-NUiAN. rsei-ted by (he. Port neadlm,- i: 1 Ddlhirs pi-r annum, jiaVabfii "in thrmiRh and IUIOHS a strip nf lamt -Leader, AllllitiV Al'ctLtle. said eeiiier lipe of ,l!lark Plane to AMI lOyfll'MIONT 111- HlHI.Ill.N'liS TIIIVIIMIIIP Clerk ia\f, :ind fl'om said heginnliu; :• [ ll |t)I "•'i Ieil ill .width, illljiltelll IN ajlij 'ldlliiK I'line: IIIKII Sl'hi.ol. lilt lllHlP'liiry !lnj bftweei) WpQd- 1 AXU oTiii'ii; sTiircTi'Ki-w AND : i M I.I Hulury In IJH To he advertised In IndppeiitSeitt- parallel wllli the rli?ht of way novf llelt-r 111! W-» iirldtre and ilurltaii Townships; II II n in ^ northerly aloiiM lit, : Kilt: OTFIKlt- I'l'lil'iWI'W,"' ailupl.'.l -luaiiiiry 1, llf.io. J.wider iind I'Vinls hi-inini April i; flO'JK H (IP rlill.lC SAI.K 1 of St, C.porBcs AVCMU,- I,, n Jun« 17, IIMa. nr Ininletly uf the lCli/.aliPlil and I'' 1IINT WAIll)—I 11'TII llipiici' soutiierly along: said Town- Sprtlon' 'i. All ordinanrps or p.'iItn and April 13 PJaO, Treninn Kalltoail on Ihe northrly TO WHOM IT MAV C0NCKI1N: All'that tract hetivijen llie l'enn- eing 11)0 fei't east of Si u, Hi. UH IT (l|;|lAIM-:ii hv Ihp Tuwii- 1 ship line, to a p'olqt 100 feet uoill li of ui'illnuiu'fK liifnnitlHtfnf with tfti I-l^-4-G-i:i siib- thet-ent, and nn the southerly At' a regular meeiln? of the svlviiuia i;uili-,,aj nm'the easti and ay Home #^5; thence nort' - • ( si Ip i'liinililtti'.. uf Hip T.'V,' ilsli i|i uf l of ttie Hiiullierly line of New Dover pruvisinnM ul tills orilll:anc« are ship therc'of as to 1-otH II) mid l<: Township Committee of the Town- the ceiiti'i- line uf Amboy Avenue lload; tliunce easterly unil soulh- mug n line, which is Inn f,.,-i , WdlUl in Hi, uiitily nf Mi,l- herrhy rcpiiilpd. ililp b[ Woodhrldee, held Tuesday, •ly and parallel In Slate llm • 1 llll-Hf-x thai: XOTICK TO hi I'.hick'lllti hereinafter menthinefl, ion tlie Uisti iind the center line easteiiy along a line parallel to und •Section i. This: iii'diiianco shall and t'Xteiulitiff a,;r,»Ms lands in" the 'April It1i, Ki.'.f!, I was illrei-ied of Freeman Sli.et tmi tin- luirthi out-e #'l'i lo a point in n ' 1. Heulioi11i I.I , f Ai-iii-le : ( f the Heali'il ' 'lilda will lie received at IliO feet south of «ahi southerly line lake I'lTi'ct In the miinner Township of WoodliriOKe and fn'irdvertlse the fad Hint mi Wediie*- and Ion the w,,ith> by a Hup drawn of New Dover I load to a point II of WodfJIirldKe Avetini ; ; • , -. nnlhiiiif.'i ell lit 1 1 s ulnive is 1, Ic- hy law: ' ' " the l'urpha.slng Agent's OHice, lloom 1 d;iy pVenliiH, April lilth. 11).".*!, tile i' Ijv snhl Township, whloli iir'e'Ae- (lai'.illul with ilri-t-n Street and Hmthe westerly line of Block 477: ortherly ulone the cenler It ! \>\ tuildi. "1 to 'ill ilSfnlli IV '.'IIS,-t'olinty llecord IHiililina, New m-rllied on the current Tax A'snec- lite Tow IISInii 1,'Olllltllliet; lllll Itlcel 1 1 ArOT'HT V. C) KB INK II, feet in,rth nf the northerly line thence southerly along' westerly .''oodlii'ldtre Avenue to its ir:-• Sll '1 he talari u 1 lie Ilrunswii'k, New Jersey, on Momhiy, ntent Majis nl said Tnivnshlp ns frtl- nv 1 I at li p. M. IKST) In the Committee ereuf. • ne of Ulock 477 to the north Hi] j on with the center line n. nspi rl ul shiill In ' 1VI-1I - Ath'st: April 17, 1950, at 11:0(1 A. M.. for the I o iv M : cTnutiihers. M e in <> r i a I Municipal llu1,, t'c iirl.1 rurnlsliing unit delivering of Spvm- • •••llliDi I'lace: lllKh'Seliniit. ne of Hlock 447-1,; thence easterly isliway Houle #2ri; then,-.- I and 1, H, .1. Dr.VIOAiX, 111 1 1 liolldlng. \Vooilbridge. New Jersey, I',! ill _s icr iiiinn ty-sefe)i X'" ' '' '"! Nine Hundred Umg the northerly Sine ot Blocks rly alons cPnlpr line of Slate 'I, (U '!• V- TnwiiHlilp I'leili. liloik Lots anil 'expose and Hell al public sale in i - 111 11 y i 11 s l. 11 II •11 Is 177,i*00> pillions of gasoline for use NVAlin— SIXTH iT-i,, 448 and 449 to the Pennnji ay Houte ft.'i to the l'cnusi • ,• able in s m Tn he .idverlistid iin adnpteil ,",M 111 ami 4lo the hlghe'nt bidder according 1 , •>. All nhn.i n es nr parts U l-.li- diirlns tlip period Hay I, IDin. lo KinnliiK at the liiteriiri'tlo'K of aniii Uailroa',1' crossing tlie same: tiilroa^l; thence Houtherlv iii,,ns : ti'e Inilcpendeiit-l.eailer on April in IK- 1, 2, H, la. 10 :o term* of vile on tile with the mincps in uiisi SI •lit w i l li 111 p u V J - Orlnhi'i" 31, 1'IIMO, to-various places lfi 1,1 I, 2, 17, IK, III PoWnnhlp Clerk open to inspection •eiilcr line of Kerry Street wllh hence doiitlieasterly lllong the ennsylvatiiii ltallroad In I !•• I' l!»r.n. 1 .sinus nf his ,! lit ancc iin li- •i>h\ In Ihe County as indicated in the .tilfii: II tn liO Inclusive an-! to be public! .' read iu'lnr fo dhiii|e,p creek ami running, ortht-rly line of Block 42$ to the leading liallroad; thence iw- repealed. sf>ePiflcatloiis on flic in the 1'iiivlias- anil u niU-r iijd MCI'OKH the H salp, l,nls-;;i and ^1 In Hlock COO-11, LI' nnrilieily along thp center •enter line of Chain O'llills Houd( lotiK the port HeadiiiK Ha:!;,',; 3. This , liiialiii' shall t.iki' c .illi] public finUie WoodUrUlt'c Tuwu.siiip Aa- ne of Kerry Street and along the unc« eauttrly tlirng tllo eenter e puint 01" phlep i.f hesltniih.; InB.AeHn'elMhVc anil m whicli time l'lni'fi Aienel Heh,u,h iliAini-dliili' 'npun Its ailupiiuii and N'nlli p is lipicliy Riven tliut tlte. iiiilH v>'ill lip openi'ri. lands, toBeihi-r with nil ol enter line ol Tiah'way Averiue to lie of Chain O'llUla lioad to the lid vcrtis.ii> i -if i-piinlri' I hv la'i1. jl'l 'BlfiA must he jit'Ponilifiritftd by cash and l.piielilH necessary or i T^ further ^ notice thnt th* •nter lini- of the Woodliriilge- WtHVerly Hue of Ijloi'k S«7; thence IM'ST I-'. iii;i':ixi':i!, passed rind ailn|iled at :t rebuilt' or rer-tlrleil check lo tin- nmoiml of for the lull enjoyment fir uHe iff the TpWnship C'omuilttee lui8. by reso- arteret Hond, thence easti rlv aloti); niiilierlv aiunx iht westerly Una of I'll I It It W Alll»—Tllllll) •)!•« I'ltti I t'u Hiiiittrrniaii-a I-1 .a I nipptiiiK of the Townsltlp C»n»nllltei. ten per rent (111%) of tlie total hid. ritflHs In he i;ranted, InrliidfiiK. l»lt lliljnn am) purxaiint to law, <1xd,l » f the (W,.«|Jbrl(lK»- llii.k 3S7 to the northerly lln* «' Comprising Sewuren. I Attest: nf tlip TnwilKiiip u/'Woodlirltlgf,1 In wiiliniit limitlas1 the sain*'to.'Ih' rtilfilniitm' price at which said lots 'arteiel Houd to Woodbrldge Creek, Hock :I'J.'.; thence westerly am PIIIJIUK I'lmti *-"«rrn : If t.wo or more mercliants are tied : jll. .1. lll'^KIAN, fin- OSniniv of Mlildlps( \,Mtu' lercey, oil :i:n' Item, tlm Punhn.sInK A(?ent li-pp and full risbt tif Higi'e>'ii an, in V*L\A block will he i-'uld tnKethei lienri- smiiherly nlonB WooMiirldge outheily alnliK Block 395 and con •'nwnxlilp Clerk. PKic^^ over iitifl iiernnH K;IK| Jaiid: Ivlth 1)11 oltipr ile'nll" nerdnpnt. s• 1.1 teek lo the puint ur place of be- inning Hit List cnursii lo tlie Pol held on tin- llth day i.if-*.tpVJl," JHfiO, rpMerres the riniit lo make Ilic 1 H T.iiiui) WAIIU— riinnii To ll-e ad veil is,. as I h,!'l,',l h, ii. j. nrNiOAN1 iiwurd lo one of the bidders. iinl (dhcr lands of the fptrjinlllti.fi .hiltiiihuin price 'ijeJni? $l."i(l.fi(i plus in II ing. ieadijig Iliiilroail; . llience. eauterlj Itllp hldcppllilctil-l.i WiiniHirlilfje to ami from nali^ riifli i-Uli'ol prfinirlne deed and adver- I'UIIIIIE Pin if: Memorial Hunii'l|)>l alung the Port lieadln* llailroud tn iilcr mi A in, i 1 I:I, | t (Onfch hldder must strictly eoinply In, I'.i.llnif al) the ward « l'J9B0. AN with nil rt'i|utrcnicntH for a regular of way iiml easement, and the; rlgll) ltilntt Ibis sal.-. Said lotn in Buid •lltilluic. lie point or plai-rof beginning.! 'orl r.ea,linil' liailrtiuU' and ': TII hlnrti, If sold on terms will require PollluK 1'lm-e.i I'sluula Setawul, Vnodiirldge Cl-eek. ii'itoini piivment of Jir.i'll, the bal- i: Wjuil iiu.nlhl; iinlaUnuuits nf |10.l>ll u ivirJ m.uth of I.«lit|$li Vullay rnionKTrnTrrrc;•s'wnfll^irtwf|i(Hnoft" fBcilIieil Til* Aiiitl "iitTrtTTnl from pcliltniier'.s lax lien lilies. plus interest anil other terniw' jun- iailrold I racks. jded lor in contract of Hale. tilllll) WAIID—PirTH County i The pi'iicerdliiKs iire hrnu^lit aKainst tlie land only, and 110 Bej?imiiti!? at Intersection of the ning st a point In the east Bt'KlnnlnK at a point In 1 Middlesex and Slate of NVlV .ler.sey Take further notice thai ui salii •inter line uf livan Street with tlie erly boundary Hue of Haritan Town josKi'ir Jiidn'iiieiit or ilectpe may be i-uiered tlyereln. irila:"«r any date to whleh 1| may i'eiinsylvanin llullroad where NATII'I- WdX, IOIII.N K MclNTY Ul'1, ALI-IX SAM.LIOH .Vny person desiring lo proteii a/rlK'ht, lllle or interest In the tie - nrtlieriy line of I.eblgh Valley hip where same U ialernf. Ifil b « Intersected by the Port H''li! IM>i i.sos1 M,I:|'>I:T SMITH \VI.;N.I>II:LI, i1 MI-KOWK it ailjom'neil, the Township Com- tailro.ui rnnniiiK thence (I) noi'th- he J'eiinsylvaiiia liullioiid und froi. si•rlli'ei) iflTid or any parcel thereof, hy redemption, or to contest pell- iHtt*>i> leeerves the rlsflil in Its dl»- :allroad. and from nald hen in t'OM.IM.HAi'VI , a t'urpuriitiniHKiiKsTit.vrh:!:i of Ne, I'.WII.NIw .lersevA, I.ANMii""llAi.:iH * . KISHIMiW, tloner'K right t»'lurcclusc, miiKt do su liy payinr tlie iiuiuiint reiiuirei) rly iilong center line of Hyah said beginning point running north loiiit i u n n in j; northerly aim. -•. .ellon (0 reject any one or (ill l«lrt* 1 1 iSI-II'lJ^IJIKd, HoXdVAX si'.pl'I.V cuiip.vNY. IN<'., a New Jel'xi-y to redeem as sei fnrlh belutt, pins iiiteiesl tu tlie dale of redeniptlon, nrl 16 s*|l .said 'lots In said block treet to where it inter^ectrf the WeMierly .m,( northerly almis Ih ''enn.-ylvanlu Itallcoi: ! to I' ' rpornlliin. PAHi.il'ALK ZKIT.»l'r. and sui'li costs as the • •mirt may ullow, prior in the entry of a ((ecree, '0 Sucli "bltjcjer as It may select, dne, •enter line of New lirunswlck Ave ••»terly line of Haritan Tuwnalii er line of Htate Htflrwuv !:•• .i.N'CH, PII.ll.IP DAVIS. 1'MTICIi i'fi|.o.\'IAr. HOMK>i, ii New' .leiWy lieretli, or by nlific- an allnwer lo the petition spttini," fohh t'cs]i(i!iileiit'K lie, thence i-'l westerly ulolit,''llie lie same be|lng the center line o .F-'.',; thence mii'tlmasterly aloii" 1 r.l hehiK Kiven lo t«i'mg and ii'Pui'atinn. TIWIJ'KSA KAIJASKKWSKI.'WALTWft'BKmif), J(Wl' PH ileTtrise, within forty-live days after date.nl (he publication or thin police. enter line of New llritiiswh k Av«.Jlutlnn llollow ItoaU) to a poln center line of Ulute lilKhMny ; ; of pp'ini-nt. In ruM one (II.Kfl. Al'-A 1JAI.IS'-!A llllillSAI.L, ,II)1IN' 7AAM niill, PASQtTAI.K Tn'tlte'event of I'ulliii'e to icileciii or tijiJiveV by any persbn' ha'vlnt: if more nilniiirim lihls shnll be tie lo where It intersectH the ten- 1M 1!I(I feet touili of the louili ' "" to the Koqtherly lioundarv I1 I'MjMii. (ii'iniKii'; (II:AS'I', CATIIK'HINI.; (SICAST, KIWI-; SIOTI^CAJV, the right lo redeem nr answer, -itch person-shall be forever'barred and oUeil. "- ' ' . cr line or Hoy Avenue, thenre IS) ne of New Dover lioad; then oil ihe titty of Haliway: f i 1 iuii-c|o.-ieil of al| hU ri|;ht, title and Ulei KSI and cmiiiy of tedernplioii In ortherly UIDIIK center line of Hoyeasterly and HontheaHtDrl/ uloiijf oiili AHTllj•(: 11. !l.\.\.s|-;i(. Till ; S'l'ATI.J nr NWW .Mjlt^ffJ, and 4 LJfiun aici'llUnce of the minimum' \Q« uf th« Cily of liuhway i" ' iitii) to•) Jhthe ila!-pliarppl.p s nr land ritsprlheifm I'IP foH(r* lnK "tav-ftrreflHIMire lint. Avenue, lu where It Intersects the line which la parallel to ,\i"\ 10 liway illver: theiice ea-ir1 tii, any utlu-t• •pers.ny nr p.-rsuns \i hu may huVeJ or claim Ui have aiiy ( (hp tux foreclusiire list, sWwIruf the land:- il(J,. of. bid anove minlinum, by the ' ' ' "" ni', 'esl, lien hr eiicniubraiicp hi i)r uprfh Hip1' liin|ls iind hd fidlnwln rownSlilli Odiiimlitee und the pay enter line of KlnJ Cuiurge's i•t-t suiilh iff said soiliheahlorly lln mn the Railway River m ' 1 miliht 1 load, th H ,in I'IPI- set lull Ii.- I ...,•• .Ig.lllisl ullii'll lllese lirniel. ,) ment, thereof by the purchaser «c Ibcfu'e niulUwrttv of NPW Dover lload lo % poln( In tli northeasterly »lopg tlie iniou-i, A. II. |t(W|.;,\lll- 'SI .o the manner of purchase IIIIIII K "'" ceni-"- i'ine of King Wi'Ulerly line uf Hlock 477; them Avenue; thence westwrly alfn-K •Solicitor for'Ve pi'ocpf.llim's, In Rein, have been coniineni'i'd in the It'lolier il accordance with termrlilss of Hule on iilort'c'l! Post Hoail |to where ll hi-southerly along said weitelMy Hit, center line or llohieiitead Avcnm Cniirl, I'lianccr.v I>ivisi(.n. Middlesex County, llockel fiSl New Urunsv h'k Avenue i, lite T*pwni«lill) will JellVer a bar cisi-cts tli,- lioiiherly line of theof tlloi'k 477 to4he northerly line a westerly bouirtlary of the Itoi'"" llliiiK nf u pi'litioii on April il, lO.'.H, Ifiv Tiiferloffe l^iJlds,' New vjer« WiIrrjljwj »a1i' deed, for ^id premises. -ehlgh 'Viillpy 'liallrmid, thence t5 Hloek 147-1,; tlfeiti'« easterly iilohi df Carlrret: Itience mwyiWHi'"' in; nil rights uf red. in pi ion nf Ihn pnrpelH m la'lrtl. Dale: April llll nATKD: Anrirrillii , lBf.O. ihmB mild norihfi'ly l|ne of I.ehigh libllcalioii •n M!D:''Anrll' !itli,' 1^.0. northerty line of Block 4(7-1., to th still lilunK the westerly line oi i (At I'll il'') !(.» I A, I I1i;m«iAN. Toifnshlp Cler Valley llalliuad to the point or plil< reiilfr iif .Middlesex Av'pinit, Ihellc tioroiigli of carteret and the ••' To h*' hOvertlspd April lit f li.'K i i ml II li. s.iu'tht-rly ul'iiiK the center line c line of Blair lload to Horned Mate ax \Nnie iif Ouner 19S0, nnrt April 13th, 1S50; in tl I'ollluij I'lmn Krnibrr 8eka«L Middlesex Avenue to the, l'tinnsy the center line of Aan Htruet: th>'" Serjnl \unihrr vania Hailroad; thWee weslerl southerly aluhg the tenter line SliiViuvn 1 oft er||()('n(e llimk l.a.t'Ui WaSlteale si;(o\i) alone the I'ennnylvania liallroad I Anli Stl'eet to the center I"" OF \vo(»i>Hitii)VI-III);I11 Milk'own »lil?e« hfrelnaOer- deHlKnated lluilroiid and center Itne of Crow ihe cenler line of West Pond Koad Mill i:oa\l, Iheneft northerly ulom uliitf. r.-i-HHii JVeiiiiall Mf.Kuwn ' TIKHOAV. Alfllll, It*, IIKtO eitce, wenierly along the cente j-1 If) 10 Wehilail M(lKnwn center line of Criwn Mill lload I between |he IIOIITH hf 7:00 A.M! an..line of West Pond lioad to a poln (•Ihe center line of ICliiK (icorfe Una, Placei Avenel S«'V«ol- fi-l-HHO Wewlall Mi'Kown D:00 P. M., &u|ern St-antjard Time ,iid point being the. Intersection o I/. \V. fieikstiliter f«r [tie piirpnncof1 conijiictlnK |i thencti easterly ultiny center'lllle ( Hie renter, line of West J'nnd King Ueorire Itoad le cfeuUr lliie <. J.'oJhmwri.. «*>:» (j- with u \Uw drawn 4U0 feet westerly . ,._....T ut * point MirTiaeTlrWkeieo Tor lln) Qnmlnminn of ,-:inilnla|ea o West Pond Uoad, tlietil'e •aiterl 9-U-liiil lioiu and parallel lo ptmimylvania aloiiB center line (if ffni l'oftd lloa OeurKeii Avenue rtl»tknt ea»tu-i I» '' li!|ilf Hltrojln ')m ricl'liK rallc llnket ,llij the nomi Avenue a» In Ml out, thenen ioiilh-, lne of fy>«| Iond jtn HHiin Illubway Ho'ile !t «-tr,-iim alljui of citHlidates on the Hej.uh •in '• a•• point, aaI—"poind pointt bellnfllhbeing-ithe H 1 1 141.55 l>i>!i(>van Hupply On. ' 1 e'rly lllong ualil line tli a point. Ihti li-rtH-etlon "6f center Inn vf noilheilj alonf a line Ui-i-" ' l'as(|iiale ZrRn • |ri)ekjriftlo be Voted upon at (It niirtliuH.it corner of property belong- enter Inn of Wei y V"0 fe«t and parallel I sip PonI'dd lHuad with a line |l0 (1(1.4(1 Kst. of flurry Hasiorf , blngr (fcneral ICleotloii lo be lie) ing to tit. Mary's Church and alio d)4irn pura: Htate Highway lloute #26 ic on Tuewlay, November 7, lilM, n lei lo ami 4ml feet wekt^rry iroi 11 n.n 1-Mith MIHKII the noi'thwext corner of property eBt«rty froi center line of Woodbrldgn Avu hereinafter listed, mid for ihe ele< 1',-inirtvliMHI.I Avenue, an'l laii d on l1! 10.112 I'hllip Dayla, e/ii Michael known a» Wanlilnglon HillgliU, tjielue northwesterly alons 'he Mow of two niejnher.4, one nuui nti theni'e noiithei'ly along the boundary thence southerly alouv saW line t ter line of Woodbrldue Aveiim- '• LVMS Hnltt>il Ouluiilal lloiiu'g th one womuu, at the I.oial Count a point. Tlie nuitheast corner i llB SW-rs 17-2.6Q •IciBcph Ik'lko —,-•; Sine of Waxhlngton lleitfhlt and ast corner the eenUr line of Stale llns ", ^enllve ComtnlttM of the- 1 Cliurch jiroperty tu a corner of lutu, Property tiehinj| 1 1 57S-C I'l z flKin-h any l lleuU . #J»; tliwn'« -nortli' '' ''", n.n rrttlc l*urtr from each elei'ifon dl|i thence oaxterl-y along miidf boundary sloiiff the cenler line of Stale HIK •• fifS-l.! M.BG 2| nfr of -Vul.ot&.'i^iV.^ 1 trlut In all /for a term uf ontj yea line lo a corner of same, thence •loperly known aa W hli, way Koule #25 to tins,, «nijl''J '" HI (I tin U. J)ird»n|l And two meinuerK. one man and op Ion lleig] UH lu Jo lin Zlomher aoutlieily IIIOIIK uald boundary line of •« southerly aloi ooundary line of tlin ^W "' '', " Of (h* I,ocul County El •ajdp'ojitfrty to'(M center Mm> oftioundaiy iay; Uienca winterly along the»'" J*a«trntcl» fitWu \ of tlie Tlelghtt lh -MWf S«5f»«5sug o^ee of tlio fti*(Hib New (trunnwick Avenue, th«nof eairt- ttoutk#rly.]MiuI|Jn »«• " " |'i : tjffrttm- f»i"li cleitlnii dls erly alunjr center line of Mew Hruai- of ft»ftfr»* lUiWsMlSr Uu« u ^ . Jtune Stesesk f along aatd boundary line to * c 1 Arthur B. Hanser 'a tenp of one. year. wick AVUIIUC, to tlie eenter line of O«org#» Iv.nuf; tJfMiB* noJ)'! Pennsylvania. Avenue, ai laid out O?M*mef «*nle , tlitnuiHi*"..". »oulh;rT--•"• •-y' alSn. ZVA q*^"«M WTm!V ^tm* . .. I" i (•"..,•_ n ld - - • - ' ,Jy ilonj c.ntec ; end oil tur'TfeiTH dci'Viilns: BUupfQuent }o tli lit hel-ftby g)v«n t^ntl nUallfleij vo|er: smifli of New UiUinwlck. Avenue, boundary of taw"prV.ner?l* ,* "f, K"4 "»UtWui«My ilonj fEj, 1. 0 ut r: a 1 f H of 'tliif T*Wo»|llp ot W.MidlirbJge no «-'«nl«r line f »,w Kslli.w *^ ** <>«r*» AV«nU« ti w im tf* ?»rftflt|of Vit . li|f Ipleitut , pemiltleii-iiiirptli t <"0»i80, "' i l southerly along line of Bald O A - or Avenu« to the i"" " uupn IK) almve eets lorth tpe Uo«k urif fiaw'W« llre,ady'j «*14tei'ed ln said TOWIIKIIII Iv.(ilia Avenue to the center »"ie, thence ea/tirl? I\"?i "„ !' 1 Pl"*««'rf b*«|nniDr. t the Ceillflca'te Iti the Mnrttfiiife Bookn IrT'tlft ' sH uf tlit-4iihovK Information. . gunjr llfealtwii of New Jt-ruiy yov ot tile U-hlKli Valley P.allroad, Jin f'uf|iJcv'l>l!cLl Avenel rirrln"""1 itmiit uen«4n*nt lesmtrallon m«: tlie Ooiiuiy clerk's Oltlce. ' Paled: February 7, M. J, THA1NH1H, Tux Colltotm theme easterly along the renter line '">nr ||n. af J»en||»ylv»iil» 'rnlninn II;.I above includes suhseuiiuuL InlereKt on Die, Certiri- ' I.-U 4-l'Jru»lut»r with'tlie'rommlilp I'lurk o of f.ehlgii valley Uuiiruad to the»«a\cSE .Cl*fcv('li'ti'«W1"" 'im& .„,,-,.;;niWT LEADER THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 PAGE FIFTEEN rth Amboy High Woodbridge Diamond Foe Tomorrow s BASKETBALL By Alan Mav«r 2 Practice Games are Scheduled SPORTS ROUND-UP Ronnie Larson Due to By Athletics vs. Iselin, S. Amboy By Johnnie Royle On Basis of Past Experienced WOOOBRTDGE-The lnp.il Ath- catcher Is in exceptionally p rtlcs Intend In sprert up their prp- physical condition, ready to RO ilie lenson drills over the weekend will) full rortte whenever he tnay be Never in the history nf the Mid-County Baseeball Missing Signals Costly Fault! wo practli-c tills on the agenda, •ailed upon to do so. League have the individual trams made the radical iatnrdiiy, Manngrr .Johnny Ve- With the loss of GeovKC Wlssin;?. changes they have since action ceased last September. WOODBRIDGE-Coa rirNIck; plate win re they ha' MIIS will Luke l-.is crew lo Iselin the former Barron mound star, to Prlscoe's Barrons will encoutjti'r • 13 hits in two camc-i but afl»M, xi etiww 1.1 ic Cubs, and on Sun- the Iselin Cubs, the A's are at the The widespread trading of players should add more :icli initliil county oupoppositio. n of j W\w\ nullty of committing 10 er- ay the Sacred Hearts of South present fared with the task of lo- luster, keener rivalry, and a closer all around race sensnn ti'mnrmvrowr tiiflf-rnooni rori In their opening enroumeii. Amboy an' slated to play host to cating another starting churker to when they tannle wllh Perth Am- Thrlr defensive strrnr'tli is ex- he Athletics on their home field strengthen their w«ak pitching among the teams this summer when the loop shifts boy HiRh ut V.'Willinnis Stadium ppctpd to Improv? with acivity Mananir venerus sent his staff. Whlt?y Mtzcrak, the old pro into full gear. A majority of the township nines defi- n Perth Ambov. Tim nunie has when I he Viirsity jitUri wear ofT. haVBPs through an Intensive bat- nf the chip, and newcomer Qeoi»e )een moved up 10 2:30 P. M, due In nil probability the Wood-. Ing and fieldirm drill In their Bratsano are the only hurlers Who .nitely benefited from new faces they acquired during ,o both s.'hools b'.'ini on vacation. bridge Infield will linn up against Host ncent outing in preparation have shown anything during the the winter months, and at the present it is a difficult " Ronnie I,ai:i,)n hns bwn selected Perth Amboy with Jim Lake on by Prlscop to pitcii the idl-lmpor- or the weekend encounters. Qary pie-season practice sessions, J»cV task to predict which team will wind up on top at the Brat base, Don Fuidock covering-•' Messluk showed up well at third Mnnton and Prank Syre are far tant ttlt b(.'ausi" of his cffecfivi'- the keystone "inrk, L°f Straube ' from ready lo pitch more than o conclusion of the campaign. One of the circuit's latest neRS lliUii fur (his s'-ason, HP IS the handling the shortstop duties, and base In the latent workout and ap- r pears to have hit, his full stride few innings, and Bill Wanca will entries, Our Lady of Peace from Fords, may be the nlost exper|pnc. 'd liuiicr on the the vetiMn Andv Schillw stopping • \fter serving his apprenticeship not be available until the Barrorts mound stuff, luiyms; pitcliert three" the hot ohes at third. Chris StockeV MR. vllh the team last year. Marty conclude their scholastic gam- team to watch after having plucked some of the stars full Kami's for die Blazers during* Tommy Williams and Fred Suono- and Venerus teamed up paten. from the Carraghers.and Raritan Township Ramblers' the 1949 o:imp:ti!(n and ime '.his •ore are slntrd LO patrol the out*'' BASKETBALL* wound ihe keystone sack and nave Venerus has decided to fcork Joe season. neld, while Fred Smi'relski will get rosters after they drsbanded. Mickey Toth, one of the PrWroe stati-,1 lodny his ureen (AHA* MATHOLMAH) vn outstanding exhibition of click- Gycnes and Malinowski on the the n:id to work b'hlnri th^ plate mound before the season starts to squad has been ronsistently m.ik- handling Larson's curves. "". P HS'G ng. oil double plays with the best infielders to come out of Woodbridge High, has 1 finesse of veteran inflelden. help plug the team's outstanding in;, little costly mistakes and miss- COPYRIGHT QrtMef* OF been installed at the helm of the Fords' combine, and Inc sinnnls, which is due chiefly ;o Onrqt' Wnncn chalked up his Wait Malinowskl, the Athletics' weakness in the event he is unable 1 TUB ABQV£ their inexperienre. However, the !ii>', win nf tlu sc^so'i Tuesday .atest acquisition hy way of Port to secure another top flight pitch- we believe the new manager wil have his team in the TITLE- WHSfit tfl& Woodbridjie inenlnr fcpls Ins team A'hi'ii the Barrons imsfd out Som- , leading, working behind the plate er. Both Gyenes and Malinowskl r thick of the fight all the way. Keep your eye on a lias lraincd a lot in the past two oi\ illo, 4-3. in the last of the sev- c.c./iy. we has Rivi.i the inner defense a have had previous twirling expe- enth with ii perfect squeeze play, rience before comin? to the Ath- hustling ball club—Fords. mul may sprlni? n surprise gCAMS t*r needed spark with his peppery Perth Amboy tomorrow. The name was played at Fords fBA fO m TH& performances. The hard-hlttrnr letics and may fill the bill. Park, To date the Barren's number NATIONAL IMITATION AHP The presesure this season will be on Julius Kollar. HX.A.A, Y' one weakness h.is no: bMi at the ; Romii! Larson started on tht>' St. Anthony's popular manager, who has led his Port hill against the Union County nlns, Langhorne Slates AAA Races to Bow ; 'jut Ixt Ins stuff In the early.- Reading aggregation to successive league and play-off 1 innings nnd pave way to Wanca, • titles, making Him the target of almost every team in N.J. Prison Players who wen! on to twirl two-lu't bajl'' Stock Car Grind j At Trenton Apr. 2!5 '•.md iiick up yie vlclory. Both • the circut. The Saints expect to go along witti the 1 Booking Contests Wonilbvitl'.'c pitchers checked Sotn- ' LANGKORNE. Pn.-The stock TRENTON —Norman Marshall same roster that copped the crown last year with the I rvill> with three scattered hits. ', •;ar raclni! spotlight will be focused manager of [hi Naw Jersey ^tate 1 1 exception of a few young acquisitions, and Ernie Brech- RAHWAY--The inmnt!- base- Wooilbrld! .! bi"»ki' in'.n the innr- on the famous* LanRhorne Speed- Pairttrounds, today announced the ball tiam. rcpies:'iitinn the NSHV ! !n« column in the initial frame AAA bl(j-car auto racing will stage ka pitched brilliantly for the Carteret Orioles in the way Sunday uftemoon, April 16, Jersey Slute Prison Farm ai. Rail- when Chris Stockol rc^-hed first- wesTMAV mve POPULARIZED is Bill Prance .presents his initial its 1950 New Jersey debut here on past. Port Reading could possibly turn the trick again, way, U curiTiiliy rt'.ulylna plans ; n;i ll;c catcher's error. ;IO1P second'' , .J OME'HAHP SHOT BOT HAT* '.•acins program of the year at this Sunday, April 23. Marshall stated but will find their opposition much tougher. for another season ot indi'penric:it and ro'.iipeil home on Fred Buono- ..* fioy markers in the third and type Alwncen-made machines for H. Lamb, secretary of the AAA the season commences. The Iselin board of strategy ccssful campaign. ' ^U1'W1 frames to lead the Barrons this first spring event. Time trails Contest Board, the inaugural At the present, sames are being bv " 3-1 score, will be held Saturday afternoon meetlni! here will be a seven-event came up with a smart maneuver when they whisked sclicdulsd for Tuosday and Thurs- Tommy Williams helped clnsijf' and also Sunday afternoon, start- affair. It will consist of four elgM- George Wissing away from the Athletics last w^ek. day cvenimts only, beninnint! May the nap in the fourth inning by,- RESULTS ing at 1 P. M., with the 150-lap milc- heat races, a match race and '1'i. Only organized uniformed lilastini! out a tripli- before cross" jrlnd slated to set under way at a 25-mile finale. The qualifying v The youthful chucker will not only be an asset to the teams with players over n yeai's inn the plate on Andy Schiller's' AND 3 P. M. time trials will get under way at team on the mound, but is also capable of playing the old will be permitted in the insti- to riuht field. 1 Tr.p ranking drivers from all 1 P. M. and the first racing event infield and hitting the ball at a .300 clip when not occu- tution. Somerville's defense collaosed In sections of the country have al- at 2:30 P.M. Teams desiring a name with Ilie Lne nttl1 f™me. Bivlnn the Barrons ready entered the event: these in- It will be restricted to regulation pied tossing curves. The Cubs ma'y' prove the dark horse inraat? nine are asked to com- I he ooportunity to load the saeK STANDINGS cludf- Curtis Turner of Roanoke, racing cars with a minimum tread of the loop providing they can come up with some hit- municate with Edward T. Weni- Bob Caplan bore down In an at- Ve., winner of the 200-mile race of 52 Inches and a limited wheel loff. director of recreation ut the tempt to work his way out of the last September; Red, Byron, At- ting to combine with their exceptional pitching. embarrassing situation, but was I HI \ mil • (',.I.,nl i IK size of 15 inches. Those with un- fll.nlr Prison iiv Rahway. W 1. l-i-lili NIL 17 lanta. Ga., winner of the national supercharged motors will be per- only successful after Fml SmlgeU n; A\fli<-I Nu strictly stock car racing champion- mitted a maximum piston displace- We look for the Keasbey Eagles to finish up in ski scored on the third error of the tf in II • i Inrilns to tie up I he ball gnme. NOIB; Wnu,llirlil(rp Mi ••mm w ship for 1950 and present leader ment of 220 cubic inches, and those the top four, having a will-balanced team which kept nti'oixl half uuJ will iiiii-l I'u'xl A,il i in the 1950 race of the Grand Na- with supercharged motors will be. ADOtlt Woodhrldne wrapped UP the Vic Mli 'ii i .-i|i)uo. Wlmifr of tut* tir.-• t liitlt. lur tional circuit: Al. Keller, While them in the thick of the pennant fight last year. Sev- lory In the b;>ttom half of the sev- •!lmni|>l»n*llll> Monday, 4-17, ut i allowed a displacement, of 13B .41 401 Plains, N. Y.. oiw of the East's enth when Lee Straube slnsletl, . 40 41 p. M High lJk(n» —«*Iie»lwfc. 2H|. | cubic Inches, ' , eral new players have been added to their roster to fill, 37 41 outstanding stars: Robert Mc- Buonocore limda hit to right and llHI* No. II til Concurrent with his announce- 'a couple of vulnerable positions in the line up. . 31 47 Urath, Denver. Colo., a ranking Williams followed with a walk to Itobtrn .. . 17U !«"• ment of the April 23 program, 33 4H M3 VM Western star: Ray Erickson, Chi- put a Barron on every base. At 31 60 Marshall stated the Fairgrounds ... 17H 201 cago, 111., veteran Midwestern ace, The Woodbridge Athletics, under their new mana- The bfrhavior of children Is this onint Schiller laid down a oer- . ill It l*ur.i' 1«7 HI track, one of the fastest one-milers. I..ill liiK'l ger, Johnny Venerus, have one of the best hitting and usually the result of their home fect bunt to bring 8traube home Wm-liUr l«» H'J and many others. lr> the nation, has been uldergolng h.lil IliKll n training. Normal, healthy children from third with the tie-breaking Four members of the Flock fam- extensive renovation and resurfac- fielding infields in the League, and one of the top k, COT. kail have a great deal of enemy which I nm. , la'IU No. I CM ily from Atlanta will te compet- ing to accommodate the. speed- catchers in versatile Wai Malinowski. Their pitching must be directed alons desirable Wanci, the former Jayvee pitch, Ili'lli'n {III . . , Hi.'i II. I ing, including Bob, the oldest- of I happy pilots .who will compete 172 19« 1K» i'i I2ii Lincoln, while their sister, Mrs. face should be responsible for at place the team in a mediocre category. If Venefus se- US 1&9 Utt l.iftiliiMkl IS:I ISO Ethel Mobley. will pilot a 1948 ways. to Tottenvil!e. Capl.ni was charged- 12S •least three new track records. iui lit HO A. StUlftk 144 17:' Cadillac cures another dependable starting chucker, he may For this reason, and to assure with Somerville's setback. The local spesdway is one of the happy development, children In the classic here last Septem- Stockel and Bunnocore were the' few long-distance tracks that can bring his crew home out front, but with his present should be given some definite »l n > rr'n Cl) ber, the dldsmobile 88's made a Red Blazers' bis nuns at the pla-te,, ITS SOD boast of a covered grandstartd and staff, it will be a difficult task. tasks to occupy their energy. c.ollectiri? two hits apiece. Johnny m ... IS'J clean sweep of the thuee first MrHllIrk the only one that can accommo- Most children are fascinated by Vndlnskv la'^d nut two of Somer-. lf.7 177 139 ir,:: m places, with Turner, Bob Flock and date 10,000 fans with as many nature and growing things, so why 177 IDs 176 Hunt ui m Byron coming in one-two-thrce, Not having advanced information on the rest of the ville's three hits h tar offensively. IM i;i4 Hi SmnlTilH • i"1... •-• r opera-style seats. not prepare a garden plot for them • a0 iiii tc. i but in the two Grand National teams in the Mid-County circuit, we have restricted our All It H ri.pK to work In. Furnish the children 1 d:!ii Sfis HT6 i9n i an IM Circuit races staged at Daytona According to Marshall, the Sam Illifl' H -' -., n (^ llciku with small garden tools and sev- Beach, Fla., and Charlotte. N.C., Nunis organization should be no diagnosis to the five combines in the township who will Tlvn'l, 2li ... ! « 0 H!ty Tim .si'l eral packages of seed. Planting the VV,iVL'i,«-ii-li, fl' It 0 I lilnrrlllt'n (II Klrit AM Squ-.il III so far this season, it has been a stranger to New Jersey fans, for carry our banners in the scrap for the championship. «|||W(>. (• . > 1 seeds, watering the garden and \ iVl Kit 189 BtmHUln . « US l-'n "1 Lincoln in first place each time. it has conducted races here since ''nii'nrt Vt I II {] u;;, IM 151 \V. Huiuiiiii" '. I2"J US May the team displaying the best sportsmanship and watching their plants grow will HeriU-il.' If ..."'. ". , II 0 17,7 I.'IC 1H5 Harold Kitr of East Point. Ga., after the war, including a 100-mile ;) Mwller l-i« HO provide a stimulating interest for '"julliisliv, 111 2 IS'J 111 209 won at Daytona Beach and Tim National AAA championship grind ability come out on top when the campaign reaches lllH'f. I'f ; II fl . liif, Kl 173 children, as well as providing, a nm ;17 is-t ... . lot) 1.13 . Flock took the title at Charlotte. last June. ''iil'Lir, |i . ii 0 190 «IM) lil its climax. The season should be the best for the coun- constructive outlet for their energy. —i. "7i "ii 3 ty's most popular League.. W 'iiiHlbrliU r IIi Spring and early summer wor- A 1 1! H ries over mildewed clothes can be 'Mncki-I, ir 1 1 3 done away with if four or five S| I'iUllic, HW 1 1 Health OUltimers Still Acting in Various Capacities HO. I.VI-. ri" '" ".'..' II s sticks of white chalk are nuns in Wllli.illls, l( 1 1 clothes closets. w. l'ill.-r. ::ii . 1 (1 tI Sn|i|i,., Hi 1 II (I Most people often wonder what happens to various fli'ltnlni U, ^li ] 1 1) 1) Good starch is no problem for SmiKMlskl. c 1 A athletes who pass their prime and are no longer capable women today. However, this has j il.iii'»nii, |i 1 0 0 Wnniii. II : II i| 1 of active participation in their respective sports. The not always been the case. C'liildrrn vituperalion or abuse of a teachfi and child when she should blame During the reign of Queen Eliz- The paramount intent ;t of every query usually comes about when their famous names li.V lulling herself. She should ask herself has abeth a Flemish woman went to true mother's life centers about London and established a school Siuiii'i'v!lli< the child been helped and encour- become absent from the sports pages and every day III 1—1 her children from the day that aged at home in the pursuit of his chatter. A brief survey shows that a majority of the to teach the difficult art of starch-* she knows they are coming inta Ing. Fees were high—five English, the world until she lays her earth., township's first rate'athletes do not climb into a shell pounds per lesson, -with an addi-j ly burdens down and goes to her Has BP« allowed him. .to jpison when.1 their playing d&jfe are ovw, or do they take to tjonal Charge for the starch recipe! long home1. . himself on tea or coffee? HaS\he The "starch' waS'WStie" 61' Wliest-' SMART GOLFERS had a sufficient amount of sl&P the nearest rocking chair with a corn cob pipe. The During! the formative years, she flour, bran and roots. each night? Has he gone lo school largest number either become officials or organize and Tee should make their welfare her after a proper breakfast? Has she Mveler! chief consideration. She should v.'i ur. i seen that his lunch was whole- manage their own teams to keep their hand in the There wafi once a mighty king IS)) Avfiifl Nu. 'i (•• study not only to understand Off ' 1S2 some? If lunch is served at school, who bestowed, a princely reward H J 144 is;i is! them, but should gain control over game that has become part of their lives, Others, we H* m 1»« does she know that the money upon every barber who nave Mm | ^ '••• 113 u» her own nerves and emotions in haye found, turn to bowling, golf, and spftball, three U7 1:7! 141 KluMo •Hi which she gave him was spent for good sj>ave. Bui, If the. barker j HT I . 167 179 order that she may guide them VT5 l:i(» NU1 ;;;:.„;! w m 162 milk or fruit, soup or vegetables sporte which do not require the physical endurance of drew so much as one drop of blood \ HI list *«» along the road that leads to- the Ut and bread and butter. Did she find from him, he had Hie unfortunate, 791 7!i 1 7.'ill higher things of life. the others. As the old saying goes, "Once a competitor, XO'J out that lie wasn't loading up his f man beheaded. i i III Mothers should endeavor to co- t HBHVirK system at lunch time on candies always a competitor," and we hav^ found that some One day ja new barber tave the ; . t 10,1 operate wp those who teach their .... ) 169 and-sweetf to the neglect of whole- king a ino^t excellent shave, and children. If her child Is mischie- • of our top bowlers and Softball players were qnce stars NEW & USED 173 siifii IU , f •'! some foock? 'eceived Mb rich reward, j Hlmlj YmM , • f vous, lazy, impudent and dull, she GOIF CIAIBS in either football, baseball or basketball. j. "Were you nervous for fear Clihrky'B Tavern ,, .ii should endttvoj1 in every possible She must see to it that he is kept Hh*H Offlf« L 'I1! you'd cut me?" the king asked. 'amous makes by . il. way to get at J the cause of the in as good a physical condition as 823 S»t. Nlte C'lnli '' In the officiating class, we immediately think of The barber smiled. SPALDING |' Writ'Aid flqu»cmko'i>cm « Poy« hearing is dofefctive. Maybe he Is spiritual training will not prove so Big Percy Wukovets, Ernie Dubay, Charlie Fitzpatrick, "No, Your Majesty," he replied, • ••»<«-1- 159 111 ShlSholll ff "" 'for if I had drawn a chop of LAVVSON '""••I- „ n Not»: undernourished. difficult. Mickey Toth, and Jim Keating, who were outstanding LITTLK 122 T«v*ru 111 blood from you, you would never 1SI! No mother should be content to IIMMY • i.'.l 1(iQ HI; 177 athlete^ in their respective times, They all made a rep- have lived to raise, an alarm—I lir, 14ti scan a child's unsatisfactory card It Had to Be You would have silt your throat from THOMPSON 7H7 niO i«J 184 each week 'without fljiding out utation for themselves in the Recreation basketball »i The,girls at a restaurant table ear to ear!" KHOYUON 1J5 10/ why he is lagglilg behind in his 174 ..'us us II'.H leagues this past season as whistle looters.. On the |1M -... us vtrork. Perhaps spe herself is tJ were (liscussing a shattered ro- Moral: The power of tile world's 1,1110 JrtH aile^s,-we have Meyer Larson, Al Shuller, Butch Gove- mightiest man ends at the edge 187 blame, Maybe sh•";::::::::iu iti a nourishing breakfast before I thought about things, and-I nev- There is something about competitive sport which l« 174 MS Chwiuk l2) mojtfhs since the foreign aurren- „ rqp GBADE 130 leaving for school 1B'the mornings, er heucd from him again." roots itself in an individual's system- apd ^ pever ^s^ 4 revaluation^/last Septiembfer/ 180 815 721 phlldren should not be .allowed/o .95 Dlpgujtedlji her, gfrl fr^nd//pld The chief, cause for the withdraw- Re-wasli A.ii to t go to moving picture shows durw lodged. We see4t evfery day wheri'the oidtim'ers abound don, Y»r4 (1) her, "So you had to so and open 1 als has been Improvement in the Oull Balls ^ *• I'Kll; HO 1X9 the week, It has been found out by Or!Iffln : your big typewriter!" town consistently select athletles as their chief topic balance of international accounts I II " ilthlM ••• aetiiwd exper\ment that they do not 1*7 166 va which is tekihf the pres^ire oft ll'i.llV 136 Wiil^t ... sleep as well as usual after attend- of conversation, 'wtetfoer It is locaJ orvnattonal. Would trove .... SPORTING :lMj|,,Sjetegjj*w. When permit- PARENTS AND GlUNIWUItENTS any of them trade their experiences or friendships foreign countries to.'send gold here to pay for goods and enabling t»3 £s to to' a pRBfiMtottUl be hours 'in -tSyrwtttt, N. Y.-T^e" made through *ettv« participation .in their respective tiU»4ft I'ebtUld reserves with gold ROODS u lnthe afterriooV After Mw. Glenn' PHIUO gave 84| x>mt* JAGS 785 114 tram this country. Treasury rec- SpJiie gnothet'fi begin to criticize birtft to a 7-pound son, her daugh- spoW NOt.tor »intllion dollars. 401 State St. P. A. 4-34«l ords show that U, S. holdings- IS! the teachers as soon as the,'lr chil- ter, Mrs. Rosco Ori^ino, 21, gave Heiiry Jutlowski, Prop. •i—I.I birth to a 6-pound daughter. It HOOKERS.... Tony-Santera visited/his future Aima still about three-fifths of the KHu/tnwiii dren tall hi school. Nothing could Open TiU a Mw>., Wed., and 161 waj Mrs, Pwrigo's fourth child Whole world's stock of monetary Lada ., be mom unfair w htlUd Mater, FWk ty«l«#. Airing the pwt wwk.... Jimmy Frl. Evening the sijeth grandcliM for the gold—are tjown to (34.920,000,000, [t tJ»«W»* INDEPENDENT U,;A PAGE SIXTEEN THimSDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 ll|I)| Bowling Scores Colonia Fire (:,>,„ I j 2 Cub Pucka to Receive SPORTS ROUND-UP Feted on 25th Anniversary TO Hold Dmr, *,„'„;;;] | Charters Monday Night (Continued from Sport Page) (Continued from Sports Pane) Ml. Ntlf Club II) COLONIA-Thecm,,,,,. \Vmvi>r 183 Ifi'i I4i> teor Chemical Hook „,„; ISBLIN^A Charter presenta- Tnlnko , 1HD II', 15:1 Keating has been named manager of the California ,, H. D. CarpeWr, West tion will be held Monday at St. NPI.PI 1.18 13'j U3 baseball team during their 1950 campaign. . . . The Co. met Thursday n,,IUl' Avenue, has returned from a re-Cecelia's Recreation Center, Oak Slmnnspn !::r, HT flrehouse, Inman Av.-,, Kihoi.tti.vpr 173 nil Barron track team is slated to inaugurate their sea- «en> visit with her brother-in-law Tree Road, at 7:30 P. M., at which Tutilim 121 II-.' George Scott, vice pi-,.,,,'.," sister, Mr. and Mrs. 91K Thrr- time charters will be presented to son April 26th, at the stadium against St. Peters of siding. Donations we,,, ' Cub Pack U8, sponsored by the 735 eSS 71.'' the Cancer Fund ami ,, n, Callfon. Compound ill New Brunswick.... Charlie Farr Is currently attempt- 1 munlty Memorial Cum,,,. j/—Fletcher T. Dodge, New York, PTA of School 15 and Pack 149, Uovctlta ...... 1...J. iSri Ku if. I l» O lie UH 2ns V* the weekend visitor of Mr,sponosred by 8t, Cecelia's PTA, ing' to strengthen the Molnar softball combine by ac- Plans were mado fm .',' Smith , 131 17s i it.1 dance to be held Siitimii Ind Mrs. H. D. Clark, CIlfT Road. Offlcals of Rarltan Council of Mui t;l/./.nil 13'', i:\ HI; quiring a top-notch twlrler. .. . Rods and reels will be flrehouse. Music win i , , —Miss Valeric Conard. West Boy Scouts of America and Boy[l.ililke J.IFi Hi) IM )( the order of the day Saturday when the trout season ton Tyrrell and hisniui.,, ' Avenue, Is spendlnR her Easter va- Scout Troop* 47 and 49 as well as 7«G KJS 77^ The committee inclini,., , tfttlon with her grandparents, Mr, parents of tht Scouts have been In- officially opens. , . , The Blue Bar continues to set a vited to attend. FtrK Aid (Zl Brady, chairman, a.v;i,-.:,.,: and Mrs. Sis Thcrgesen, Callfon. 130 'im i ii.'i torrid pace in the Craftsmen's Bowling League. thony Belardino, .!<,:;,,,,,'. —Mr, and Mrs, K. C. Oilmore p 143 i:il Ernest Frey , AUUIM id family, Herkimer, N. Y.. were •it m I ill r, tllrlmM I7,'i SEVEN MEN GIVE SKIN Charles Sklbtnski. ie Easter guest$ of Mr. and Mrs. t Woodbrldge Notes hiini'u<' IIH SANTA ROSA, Cal.-Sandra W. R. Bloom, Broad Street. Heller i r,ir IC7 Emmert, B, suffered burns on 75 t —Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson. Colonia Notes ski, Mr. and Mrs, %\n,.- 7 7ft per cent of 'her body three month: way and son. Colontu formerly of 538 West Avenue, have —The Senior Choir of the Meth- Itrmko'i II a I'll (]> ago, when her pHrty dress caught iftlovcd to Riverhead. L. I. odist Church will hold a rehearsal M. Scmk 121 I Till I IU —The Card Club met Wednes- .—Mr. and Mrs. (>,,', P.iirtoH 183 MM flre from a gas heater. Recently, Inman Avenue, weir in, and .social tonight at 8:30 o'clock day cveniiiR at the home-of Mrs. J. Wi-1'H.k H2 ' I3S 111 surgeons, working in relays, re- day to Mr. and Mrs. h,,, at the home of Mrs. George D. llnmlly HI 171 2 on Christina TagRart, West Street. MROZ ix-inko '. . . ll>l I HI) 220 moved pieces of skin from seven and son, Stephen, c; : McCullaRh, Grove Avenue. Present were Mrs. Elizabeth Ab- men and grafted them onln the Township, SBWAREN—The Sewaren Dem- 7 SO i.Mi ocratic Club, at last Thursday's —A hat social was the feature of bott. Mrs. Erna Wels, Mrs. Emma child's body. The grafts are ex- —Mr. and Mrs, Fi, ineetlng In the Parish House on H mtvtlng of the White Church Morrissey. Mrs. Mary Brady. Mrs. pected to check her loss of blood ErlRewood Avenue, enicr, SUCCESSFUL SALE Clif.—f Road, endorsed the candi- Guild Monday at the Presbyterian Helen Kujnwski, Mrs. Mary Wois- and possible Infection by rovcring brother. Earl Price, .Slut, ISELIN—The Ban-onettes held a the most severe burns. Permanent N. Y., Sunday. jiacy of George Mroz (or re-elec- Manse. Prizes were awarded to nis. fidn to the Township Committee Miss Ruth Brown, Mrs. Philip successful cake sale Monday at grafting will begin when hrr bmiy —Mr. and Mrs. ,ifij;ll from the third Ward. Harry O'Con-1 Johnson and Mrs. Andrew Jensen the Iselin Free Public Library. A —The Taxpayers Association can manufacture ennunh blood Inman Avenue, enin:., nor and Mrs, Vera Ryan were iilso Mrs. Wesley Heiselnere conducted short business meeting was held will meet tomorrow. 8 P. M., atcells to keep up with healiim re- Sunday Mr. anrl Mi, i fcndomed for the County Commit- the devotionals, Hostesses were after the sale. The next session li •the flrehouse on Inman Avenue. quirements. Silva and son, John: j,, Jee on the Democratic ticket'from Mrs. Harry Howell and Mrs, John- scheduled for Monday evening a •-Till Colonia Club will meet Colonia; Mr. and Mr i Com yield leaps in South the third district, of the third I son. Mrs, Gerald Greger was a7 o'clock, at thehome of Mis:Monday, 8 P. M., at the Colonia lacarro. Avenel; Mi , through scientific program. "fcard, • (tuest. Mary Sedlak, 1163 Brown Avenue Library. Louis Marchitto and n, sephlne, Fred and Con.. ,.. way. —Mr. and Mrs, W;:;, nnd daughters, Beverli • dred, Lancaster Ro;ui, v atives In Brooklyn ,Suin, --Lawrence FroHih, LOMAX Gives You the Best in Television spent the weekend un Mr. and Mrs. Lnrrtnre Suit, West Street Colonia>; «>J*"J£

tioned at Mr. and Mrs. . Michael Fundock and children, Bettyy Ann ana Boston Catherine Marie, of Rahway; Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ksposito and Eiaduated from daughter, Marjorie Anne, of Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Suit there. and daughter Lorraine of Colonia. Mr. and Mrs. Suit formerly lived '--Kenneth in Berwick, Pa., a»d have resided in Colonia for the past IT years. and Mrs. Willard Jem,: view Avenue, has been i: to Quonset Point, it i been promoted to Pole, i Colonia News Class. He spent the u(l-,• his parents. —The Ladies' Aid ..! •—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fo-' Mrs. Frank Brown, .Lake Avenue, Dover Methodist Chun i. nienko, Fairview Avenue, were is confined to his home with a next Thursday cveniu imsts Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. throa" t' ~"—ailmentL. at the home o( Mrs. ,ie. Ciusiave Kassell and children, —Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Brady pauer, Iselin. CI.iil; Township, and Mr. and Mrs. and family, Gay wood Avenue, —The .Civic Improve ii. Daniel Den Blcykcr, North Hill spent Sunday with her parents, will meet next 'Friday. Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Callas, Hill- 8 P. M., at the clubhim AMAZING EMERSON "EXPAN-SCOPE" CIRCUIT Avenue. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, side. T e Enfleld Road, were hosts Sunday -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doo-1 - " Women's Cm,: tu Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott and chack and son, Richard, Patricia j will meet Monday, l i> •< fntiiily, Rahway, and Mr. and Mrs. Avenue, were the guests on Sun-1 home of the president. •; Bigger Than Life Size Picii||i|]x)setUps|^ Sklb u> h01 Scott and family, Inman day of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Doo-1 ^ ^**f ™' —The Colonia Civ Avenue. chack, Dunellen. ment Club will sponsor . -William Fernau has returned' —Mrs. Anna Carragher is ill at her home on Otilonia Boulevard Danne Saturday nlfihi r, :•. to his home on Edgewood Avenue house, Inman Avenue, M after being a patient at Alexian With pneumonia. —Mr. and Mrs. James Black and be by Bus^sy Barber in,, Brothers Hospital, Elizabeth, due chestra. There will he a c to a lei; injury. daughters, Jeannette and Karen, and Mrs. Ernest Soper and son.and refreshments. Audi. -Miss Hope Jennings, Fair- Ernest, Patricia Avenue, visited dus is chairman and Fi"!i 'Emerson view Avenue, and Richard Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. August De Vice, berg, co-chairman. Valley Road, attended a perform- Plainfbld, and Mr. and Mrs, Ar-—The Colonia Pun;! i ance of "South Pacific" in New thur Jensen, Fords, Sunday. Association will mcel n,.- York City Friday. . —Miss Margaret Scott, Inman day, 8:15 P. M., at i;,, i —Mr. and Mrs. Arraand Van der Avenue, motored to Atlantic City School. A panel riiseu.•.,:. ;. Linden and children, Carolynn Sunday with friends. held on "What the M.u , and Geoffrey, Fagan Place, visited —Miss Michele Fomenko, Means to Me." The p;ii. Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman Jr., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael will consist of Walter K;, Jersey City. Fomenko, is recuperating at herColonia Associates; Army. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Storch, home after a tonsillectomy per- der Linden, of Colonia I Inman Avenue, were the dinner formed Thursday at the Rahway Association; Georce Km Hursts on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Memorial Hospital. Ionia Hills Association, ,:: Oilman Dorn, Berkeley Heights. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown erick A


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