- EC 24 -



Meeting held in Committee Rooms A and B Civic Offices, Elstree Way, ______

19 December, 2001


Councillors Payne (Chairman), Graham (Vice-Chairman), Bright, R Calcutt, Dawes, M Heywood, Hodgson, Dr Pitfield, Silverstone and L Ward.

Also Present:

Councillors Colne, Goldberg, J Heywood, Legate, Reefe and M Saunders.


R Higgins Head of Paid Service E Lee Executive Director P Collins Chief Executive (Designate) S Bijle Head of Finance R Grove Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control D Ashlee Head of Community Services M Labib Head of Technical Services M Lowe Democratic Services Officer

Also Present

W Goddard Public Relations and Media Officer


Noted that, since the publication of the agenda and in accordance with the expressed wishes of the appropriate Group representative, there had been the following change in the Membership of the Committee:

Councillor L Ward had replaced Councillor F Ward.


The Chairman announced that he had agreed to accept in Part 1 of the agenda an urgent late item of business – Contracted Bus Services (EC/01/38). The - EC 25 -

reason for the urgency was that the Council needed to submit a response to Transport for London by 11 January 2002 and there had been limited time available for preparing the report. The report had been dispatched on 14 December 2001 together with a copy of the Part II report – Funding for Capital Building Project – Proposed CCTV Centre at Clarendon Road Site (EC/01/33).

276. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor R Calcutt declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Part II item 4 Oakmere Youth and Community Centre - Proposed Dual Use by Caretech (EC/01/37).


The minutes of the Committee held on 5 December 2001 were approved and signed as a true record.


On 4 April 2001, the Policy and Resources Committee approved a budget of £360,000 for the replacement of the synthetic pitch at the Furzefield Centre (report PR/01/33 4 April 2001). When the original synthetic pitch was removed, it was discovered that the underlay and drainage systems were inadequate to secure the best possible conditions on which to lay the new surface. It would have been impossible to guarantee a pitch that would retain levels and quality for a long period. Equally it would have been impossible, prior to removing the old pitch, to determine the condition of the underlay and drainage systems. During discussions with the then Chairs of the Policy and Resources Committee and Leisure and Community Services Committee and the Chief Executive (Designate), due consideration was given to the issue. It was determined to pursue the course of action outlined in the letter to the agent attached as appendix B of report EC/01/36 to secure the best possible insulation and necessary guarantee. The Committee was now asked to support the additional costs incurred. Noted that the project to replace the synthetic pitch at the Furzefield Centre was completed in October 2001.

RESOLVED that the Committee supports the decision to incur additional costs of £14,710.53 over the budget of £360,000 to secure the satisfactory completion of the installation of the synthetic pitch at the Furzefield Centre.

(Action: Chief Executive (Designate))


The Council currently employed 21 street sweeping staff at various locations within the Borough. The majority of those staff were engaged on - EC 26 -

mechanised sweeping operations on routes and rotas which were largely dictated by the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) and the Code of Practice on Litter. They were also engaged on other activities associated with street cleansing. The current level of provision, although considered adequate at the time Contract Services was set up, was no longer meeting the need of the service in the light of the increased volume of litter experienced in most town centres and other urban areas. Report EC/01/25 proposed the employment of 7 additional street sweeping personnel with effect from 1 January 2002 in order to meet the aspirations of the public for a higher standard in street cleansing in town centres and other locations.

The intention was to deploy the staff on manual litter picking, using litter pickers, brushes and barrows primarily in urban locations such as Borehamwood, , Radlett and . The Officers, in response to concerns raised by Members, advised that as standards improved and the demands on the service in town centres reduced as a result of the extra man hours, it was hoped that additional cover would be provided to improve standards in other areas. Officers reassured the Committee that supervision of the work would be improved as the employment of the additional manual sweepers would relieve the current supervisor from the need to carry out manual tasks and enable him to carry out more supervisory work and quality checks in future. The Committee were of the view that timetabling of the manual sweepers had to be thought out carefully, for example, to coincide with the market in Borehamwood, and the problem of litter was a community responsibility and awareness needed to be highlighted.


1. approval be given to the employment of seven additional manual sweepers with effect from 1 January 2002;

2. approval be given to a budgetary allocation of £110,000 in the financial year 2002/03;

3. the staffing costs in the remaining part of this financial year (1/1/2002 – 31/3/2002), £27,500 , be approved, to be financed from any under spend in the cleansing services budget in the current financial year or from overall savings on the current financial year budget or additional investment income; and

4. the £6,120 one-off costs, be approved, to be funded from Council savings or additional investment income in this financial year.

(Action: Head of Technical Services)

- EC 27 -


The Car Parking Policy Working Group had considered the issue of decriminalisation of car parking regulations and recommended that the Council should pursue the introduction of decriminalisation Boroughwide if this could be achieved without having any adverse financial implications for the Council. They had also considered the Council’s existing car parking charges and fees and recommended some changes which required the approval of revised Traffic Regulation Orders. Report EC/01/30 sought the Committee’s agreement to the principle of Boroughwide decriminalisation and approval for changes to the car parking charges and the publication of the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders to implement any agreed changes. Noted that the decriminalisation of car parking regulations would enable the Council to assume responsibility for the enforcement of all parking restrictions within the Borough and provide a consistent approach to any offences committed.

Officers tabled an amended recommendation 1.4 which read:

1.4 The Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control be authorised to publish the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders to implement the agreed changes to the Council’s car parking charges, to cap the number of business permits which are provided in Potters Bar, Borehamwood and Radlett, and to restrict the use of the underground car park at the Wyllyotts Centre by business permit holders.

The Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control referred to a letter received from the Chief Executive (Designate) of the NPDO which raised concerns of the effect of the proposed changes to the car parking charges to the commercial operation of the leisure facilities. The letter referred to The Venue, and the use of the car park at the Wyllyotts Centre. In response to these concerns, Officers asked the Committee to consider the implementation of the reimbursement scheme currently operated at The Venue, which, in the light of the concerns of the Chief Executive (Designate), Officers considered should be continued and extended to the Wyllyotts Centre, the details to be finalised.

Officers also suggested that the recommended car parking charges for up to three hours should be amended to £2, and for up to four hours be amended to £3.

The Committee welcomed the report and proposals. They were of the view that whilst they did not address the entire car parking issues within the Borough, they did go some way to resolving them. The Committee supported the Officers’ proposals with the additional recommendation regarding the reimbursement of the customers to the Wyllyotts Centre. The Committee expressed the view that the administrative costs of reimbursing the customers to the leisure facilities should be investigated, and it should be ascertained who met those costs.

- EC 28 -

The Committee supported the proposal that the first resident’s permit for each household should be free. Noted that, the costs of up to one hour in CPZ car parks was actually reducing, rather than increasing, in order to boost the commercial areas. Members supported the Officer’s recommendation that the car parking charge for up to three hours be £2.00.

Following discussion, it was proposed that recommendation 1.1 should be amended to read “The Committee supports in principle the decriminalisation of car parking regulations Boroughwide and expects it to be implemented with no significant adverse financial implications for the Council”.


1. the Committee supports in principle the decriminalisation of car parking regulations Boroughwide and expects it to be implemented with no significant adverse financial implications for the Council;

2. The Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control, in liaison with the Transport and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, be authorised to enter into discussions on this basis with the County Council, Constabulary and the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions, and to report back to the Executive;

3. the proposed charges attached at Appendix A to the Report of Officer (EC/01/30) be agreed subject as follows:-

No changes in Bushey or Radlett.

In all other car parks: Up to 1 hour 20p Up to 2 hours 50p Up to 3 hours £2 Up to 4 hours £3 Up to 6 hours £5 Over 6 hours £7

4. The Head Planning, Transport and Building Control be authorised to publish the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders to implement the agreed changes to the Council’s car parking charges, to cap the number of business permits which are provided in Potters Bar, Borehamwood and Radlett, and to restrict the use of the underground car park at the Wyllyotts Centre by business permit holders;

5. any objections received be reported to the Transport and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder; and

6. the current reimbursement scheme at the Venue be retained and a similar scheme a be introduced at the Wyllyotts Centre.

- EC 29 -

(Action: Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control)

281. DRAFT BUDGET 2002/2003

Report EC/01/24 had been prepared based on minimal requirements, and was presented, both, in the “Direct Cost” as well as “Total Cost” format, and with the 2001/02 Budget and 2000/01 Actuals being presented for comparative purposes. The report set out the draft estimates for 2002/2003, for acceptance by the Committee and recommended their adoption to the full Council. Noted that without approval and acceptance of the recommendation at 1.2 in the report and approval of EC/01/30 on car parking decriminalisation, it would not be possible to achieve a balanced budget.

Officers drew Members’ attention to the fact that, as mentioned in the Report, some changes were anticipated. These changes would be presented to the full Council on 9 January 2002, and/or the Council meeting on 20 February 2002. Noted the pressures on this year’s budget had been far worse than in the past, due to two main reasons. Firstly the reduction in the government grants compared with the current year which equated to £111,000 in absolute terms. Secondly, the additional statutory requirements in regard to modernisation of local government, waste recycling and community planning and wellbeing.

The proposed budget showed an increase of £348,000 (3%) over the current year, but the aforementioned additional statutory requirements alone added £580,000, a 4.5% increase. There had been significant increases and decreases over the current year’s budget and Officers reported these orally. Officers advised the Committee that the expenditure was anticipated to be financed from three sources, these being external finance, Council Tax and investment income (the latter restricted to £200,000.)

The Head of Finance advised that she had been informed just three days previously that the Council Tax claw back had been abolished for next year, and deleted the relevant references contained in 2.4 and 2.5 of the report. Similarly, she drew the Committee’s attention to a typographical error contained in 3.1(d) of the Report, which resulted in the removal of the reference made to the NNDR.

The Chairman advised the Committee that under the previous system, the draft budget would normally have been approved by the Policy and Resources Committee but would not have been taken to the full Council. However, a report from the external auditor had highlighted the fact that the formal approval of the budget should be made at full Council and this Committee was therefore not being asked to resolve the recommendations.

In response to concerns raised by Members regarding the reduced budget for Meals On Wheels, Officers advised that a full review would be carried out under the Best Value Review. However, the Council was reliant on recommendations for Meals on Wheels from Social Services. Noted that - EC 30 -

there had been a consistent reduction in the number of requests for Meals On Wheels over the last three years.

Councillor R Calcutt informed the Committee that, although the amount for grants appeared to be reduced, approval had been given for the appointment of a Grants Officer post in order to aid grant recipients to become self- sufficient in the long term with other available funding opportunities. In total the grant budget has reduced very slightly

Officers advised the Committee that £34,000 had been included in the planning budget for two particular projects; i.e. Watling Chase Community Forest and Countryside Management Services.


1. the draft 2002/2003 Budget for all Council service provisions, totalling £11,610,670, be recommended to the full Council for approval as detailed in Appendix A (“Direct Cost”) and Appendix B (“Total Cost”); and

2. the attached appendices to report EC/01/24 with respect to the services’ fees and charges be approved.

(Action: Head of Finance)


The Council earned investment income on all of its unspent reserves and from management of the daily cashflow. Due to substantial capital expenditure in recent years, investment capital, and consequently investment income, had continued to fall. After taking a prudent view of the anticipated cashflow during the year, there was expected to be an average balance available for investment during 2002/03 of £16m. The estimated balance of £18m at 1 April 2002 was expected to fall to £15m by 31 March 2003. Whilst it was never easy to predict future investment rate movements, the Head of Finance estimated income from the Council’s investments at £560,000 for the next financial year. Report EC/01/23 recommended the adoption of this sum within the budget for 2002/03 and proposed its allocation. The application of investment income for 2002/03 was detailed in the report.

Officers drew attention to the request for funding one-off items which had reduced over the previous year (£213,000 compared to £83,000).

Following clarification from the Head of Finance with regard to this Committee recommending approval to the Council the Committee approved the amendment to recommendation 1.1 to read “the investment income budget for 2002/03 (£560,000) be recommended to the full Council for approval”. Members expressed concern regarding the one-off non-recurring - EC 31 -

expenditure as listed in section 3.3 of the report (E-government costs) and the impact on the investment income available. The Committee were of the view that this should be drawn only when required and proposed the following amendment to recommendation 1.2:

“The insertion of the words “to the extent required” after the figure £119,000 and before “be approved”.

The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the Head of Finance and her team for the hard work and early presentation of the draft budget.


1. the investment income budget for 2002/03 of £560,000 be recommended to Council for approval;

2. £200,000 be applied in accordance with the Council’s approved Financial Strategy (PR/00/90), to fund the ongoing service expenditure in 2002/03, which is subject to the approval of a further report, (EC/01/24) and a further £119,000, to the extent required, be approved for one-off non-recurring expenditure as listed in section 3.3 of report EC/01/23; and

3. the remaining balance of investment income be reserved as a source of funding future non-recurring commitments, including the cost of early retirements and redundancies that arise from time to time.

(Action: Head of Finance)


The former Highways Sub-Committee had previously approved the introduction of Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) schemes in Elstree/Borehamwood, Potters Bar and Radlett. The Sub-Committee had also agreed that each scheme be reviewed following implementation and that any other requests for change or modification be reported back to the Sub- Committee for consideration. Since the introduction of the three schemes a number of requests for minor changes had been received from residents, businesses and others. All such requests had periodically been reported to the Sub-Committee, or latterly to the Environment Committee, for consideration and decision. All changes previously approved by Committee had been implemented. The Officers had since received further requests for modifications or changes to the three schemes, and report EC/01/17 informed the Executive Committee of those requests and asked the Committee to determine a way forward.

Officers proposed an additional recommendation:-

- EC 32 -

1.8 The Executive Committee supports, in principle, extending the double yellow line in the vicinity of the Admiral Byng Public House in Potters Bar subject to further discussions with the Hertfordshire Constabulary on the details of the additional restrictions.

Officers reported that recommendation 1.5 should be deleted as it had been included in error. The Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control drew the Committee’s attention to Section 8 – the Personnel Implications and Recommended Timetable for Implementation. He emphasised that the proposals would be phased in over a period of time due to the work involved in taking the proposals forward.

Members were of the view that the present CPZ Schemes should be collated and considered together but on a more frequent basis than annually in exceptional circumstances. It was proposed that recommendation 1.4 be amended accordingly.

Members expressed the view that the informal meetings held in November with Elstree and Borehamwood, Potters Bar and Radlett Councillors had been a useful exercise. However, the Committee were of the view that recommendation 1.2 should be amended to enable Officers to consult with the Portfolio Holder.


1. approval be given to the list of requests received for minor changes to the schemes as shown in Appendix A of this report and to authorise officers to proceed with their implementation, within the recommended timescale given in Section 8.0, including No.16 Mildred Avenue;

2. in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, approval be given to the list of requests for changes and extensions to the current CPZ schemes in Elstree/Borehamwood, Potters Bar and Radlett, summarised in Appendix B of this report, which comprised the recommendations made by local Councillors at the three informal meetings with officers held in November 2001;

3. the officers be authorised to:

(i) proceed with the implementation of all changes and amendments approved by the Executive Committee in 1 and 2 above, including the advertisement of Traffic Orders, pursuant to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, within the recommended timescale given in Section 8 of Report EC/01/17; and

(ii) report back to the Executive and/or the Infrastructure and Transportation Portfolio Holder any objections received.

4. all future requests for changes to the present CPZ schemes, other than in exceptional circumstances, be addressed on a annual basis by - EC 33 -

Officers in conjunction with the Infrastructure and Transportation Portfolio Holder;

5. the procedure for handling future requests for vehicle crossings which impinge on CPZ parking bays set out in paragraph 3.2 of Report EC/01/17 be approved;

6. approval be given to the introduction of :

(i) a one-hour commuter ban, other than the Monday to Friday, 2pm to 3pm restrictions, for new or extended CPZ schemes across the Borough, and

(ii) a ‘Hospital Zone’ in the vicinity of the Potters Bar hospital in Barnet Road as detailed in Section 4.0.

7. the Executive Committee supports in principle extending the double yellow lines in the vicinity of the Admiral Byng Public House in Potters Bar subject to further discussions with the Hertfordshire Constabulary on the details of the additional restrictions.

(Action: Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control)


Part 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 placed a duty on local authorities and police to work in partnership to reduce crime and disorder in their given localities. The Act set out a responsibility for the two agencies to co-operate with other agencies, namely, the health authority or probation service, in order to formulate strategic objectives to achieve this over a three-year period. To do this, the Act placed a requirement on the named agencies to produce a Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy following the undertaking of a Crime Audit and a Fear of Crime Survey. Noted this had to be produced by the end of March 2002. The work had been completed for Hertsmere, and as a result a draft strategy, submitted at Appendix 1 of report EC/01/32 had been produced. The draft strategy had to be consulted upon, and a consultation plan was submitted at Appendix 2. The report requested the Committee’s approval of the draft strategy, submitted in the appendices for consultation, which had already received the endorsement of the Hertfordshire Constabulary.

The Committee welcomed the report of officers on the draft Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and expressed the view that emphasis should be placed on prevention and deterrence of crime.

Members expressed concern regarding those incidences, which were recorded by the CCTV cameras but were not acted upon by the Hertfordshire Constabulary. Officers advised that the Council were reliant upon the - EC 34 -

reaction of the police force. However staff at the Control Centre kept a detailed log and liased with the relevant units within the Council.

Some Members were of the view that in order to deter offences being committed, signage should be installed in the areas which had CCTV. This view was supported by other agencies at a recent seminar. Members expressed concern that the provision of adequate lighting and maintenance of hedges and trees, which could obscure the view of a camera, were required for the effective use of CCTV.

Noted that CCTV had recently undergone a Best Value Review and a report would be brought to the Executive early in the New Year. The report would include action points, such as improving liaison between the Control Centre and Hertfordshire Constabulary and improved management arrangements within the control centre.

RESOLVED that the draft strategy for consultation, submitted in the appendices of report EC/01/32, be approved.

(Action: Head of Community Services)


At its meeting on 7 November, 2001 the Executive Committee agreed to appoint Mrs C Phillips of Lark Rise, London Road, Spellbrook, Bishops Stortford to the Board of Govenors of Ashfield JMI School, Bushey. This appointment was made on the suggestion of the County Council’s School Governance Department. The Officers had now been informed by the School’s Governance Department that they had made a mistake in putting forward this nomination. It was understood that Mrs Phillips was intended to be nominated for a school in . In the circumstances the Committee was asked to submit the name of an alternative nominee to this vacancy which followed deferral of the matter at its meeting on 5 December 2001.

Councillor Colne proposed that, as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors, he consult the School to see if they had a nomination of their own. Should they have, it would be brought back to the Executive for approval.

RESOLVED that consideration of this appointment be deferred pending consultation with Ashfield JMI School, Bushey and a further report to be submitted to the Executive in due course.

(Action: Councillor Colne/Committee Services Officer)


Transport for London (London Buses) proposed making changes to bus routes 298 and 313 and suggested the introduction of a new route 398 - EC 35 - between Potters Bar and Borehamwood. They were currently carrying out a public consultation exercise and had written to the Council for its view. The suggested changes had implications for service provision in the Borough and raised financial implications for this Council. Report EC/01/38, which had been tabled, discussed the implications of the proposed changes and recommended a response on behalf of the Council. Noted that, prior to the meeting, there had been an informal presentation from an officer of the County Council, Keith White, on the general issues of bus service provision and the specific issues raised by this report.

The Committee welcomed and supported the proposed service between Borehamwood and Potters Bar, but expressed serious concerns regarding the proposal to reduce the bus service in Borehamwood and the complete lack of consultation with the users of the bus who would be affected. Officers advised that the two buses currently on the B3/B4 service would reduce to one bus but the main areas of use would continue to have a service. Noted Keith White of Hertfordshire County Council had carried out a comprehensive study. Officers undertook to circulate a timetable of the proposed services to Members.

The Committee expressed dissatisfaction regarding the circumstances within which Transport for London had sought consultation from this authority and wanted this message to be emphasised to Transport for London. Following a suggestion from a Member, it was agreed that there should be contact with the London Transport Consultative Committee and Officers undertook to contact the representative who lived in the Borough.


1. the Borough Council supports the proposed changes to the 313 and 298 services set out in the consultation leaflet produced by Transport for London on the understanding that these are introduced at no cost to the Borough Council;

2. the Council supports in principle a new 398 service between Potters Bar and Borehamwood on the basis that two buses are used to provide the service;

3. the option of combining the B3/4 in Borehamwood be pursued and that the savings be used to support the new 398 services;

4. the Council responds to Transport for London and the County Council accordingly; and

5. alternative options for providing financial support for contracted bus services be pursued.

(Action: Head of Planning, Transport and Building Control)

- EC 36 -


The Chairman announced, that contrary to the information detailed in the agenda, that this was the last meeting of the Executive Committee.

The first meeting of the Executive was scheduled to take place on 16 January 2002 at the Civic Offices, Elstree Way, Borehamwood. The meeting would commence at 4pm.

The Chairman, with the consent of the Committee, adjourned the meeting for 5 minutes.


RESOLVED that under S100A (4) Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I, Schedule 12A to the said Act:-

Part II Agenda Item Paragraphs in Schedule 12A

1. NPDO Consultants’ Fees – Additional 8 and 9 Funding.

2. Funding for Capital Building Project – 8 and 9 Proposed CCTV Centre at Clarendon Road Site.

3. Bushey Grove Leisure Centre 8 and 9 Improvement Works and The Venue Final Account Settlement.

4. Oakmere Youth and Community Centre 8 and 9 – Proposed Dual-Use by Caretech.


Consultant solicitors Lawrence Graham and Leonie Cowen and Associates had been appointed to advise the Committee on the setting up of the NPDO. Recently Deloitte and Touche had also been appointed to assess the NPDO business plan on behalf of the client side. In addition Strategic Leisure, employing the financial expertise of the Pricewaterhouse Coopers, had also assessed the business plan on behalf of the Chief Executive (Designate). The original budget approved had already been extended and a further approval had been agreed by the Committee on 7 November 2001 (EC/01/14). Report - EC 37 -

EC/01/35 recommended that in view of the work still outstanding and with a limited amount unexpended, a further £35,000 be made available.

RESOLVED that additional funding of £35,000 for a consultants’ fees to assist the NPDO transfer be approved to be met from revenue reserves.

(Action: Executive Director)


The purpose of report EC/01/33 was to seek Committee’s approval for a new CCTV Centre at the Clarendon Road site and to agree that any future Day Care provision would be made at the Threeways Community Centre site. Furthermore it was proposed that a feasibility study be undertaken to provide a “drop-in” centre for the elderly in Borehamwood High Street.

The Committee expressed reservations about proposals for any further Day Care provision being provided at the Three Ways Community Centre. However, whilst there was general support for a “drop-in” facility for elderly residents in a central high street location, Members were of the view that the matter required further consideration and consultation with other partners. It was therefore proposed and agreed that recommendations 1.2 and 1.4 be deleted.


1. the proposed CCTV centre be built at the Clarendon Road site subject to planning consent and approval be given to budget provision of £500,000 to be met from capital reserves; and

2. the building scheme only goes ahead subject to satisfactory contractual service negotiations, and a further report be submitted to the Executive on the outcome of these negotiations.

(Action: Executive Director)


Report EC/01/31 sought the Committee’s approval for funding the improvement works at the Bushey Grove Leisure Centre. The Committee were also asked to agree not to apply Liquidated and Ascertained Damages on The Venue building contract as part of the Final Account Settlement.


1. for reasons given in Section 4 of report EC/01/31, tenders not be sought and Standing Orders Relating to Contracts 4(4)b be applied - EC 38 -

to enable the appointment of Willmott Dixon as contractor and Drake and Scull as M & E sub contractors for the proposed improvement works at the Bushey Grove Leisure Centre and that Faithful and Gould be appointed as Employers Agent and project managers for these works;

2. a budget provision of £500,000 (inclusive of fees) for the improvement works and fitness equipment at the Bushey Grove Leisure Centre be approved, the funding be met from the capital reserves and any remaining under spend on the capital projects;

3. the Executive Director and the Audit Manager, in conjunction with the Chairman of the Committee, be authorised to negotiate a maximum guaranteed price for the Design and Build contract for the improvement works and to negotiate the consultants fees, on the basis that the costs do not exceed the budget estimate; and

4. Liquidated and Ascertained Damages be not applied on The Venue building contract, for the additional four days’ extension of time granted by the architect FaulknerBrowns.

(Action: Executive Director)


The Council had a 60 year full repairing lease with the County Council for the building occupied by the Management Committee of the Oakmere Youth and Community Centre. Noted there was approximately 34 years remaining on the lease and, due to lack of maintenance funding and vandalism over the years, the building was in a poor state and in need of repair. The Management Committee was initially approached by Caretech Community Service Limited with an offer, whereby Caretech would use part of the existing facilities for people with learning difficulties and would finance and implement any building modifications to accommodate the new use. In addition they would pay the Management Committee an annual rent. The Management Committee in turn would have requested a renewal of the sub lease with Hertsmere Borough Council on the existing basis of a peppercorn rent with Hertsmere Borough Council retaining the repair and maintenance obligations. Noted that the Management Committee currently received a grant from the Council.

RESOLVED that, subject to agreement by Hertfordshire County Council, a sub lease be granted to Caretech Community Services Limited on the basis set out in paragraph 3.2 of report EC/01/37.

(Action: Executive Director)

- EC 39 -

The Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

CLOSURE: 11.11 pm