Our humanitarian activities are sustainable

As a result of humanitarian disasters in recent years more and more countries in the world are paying great attention to the humanitarian area. The international organizations, particularly the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has been implementing its mission in the fields with dignity, and a role of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and mutual cooperation relations between them are more developing. The Red Crescent Society also gives its contribution to the development of humanitarian area.

2015 had been one of the remarkable years for the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, as well as for the International Movement as a whole. In 2015 we solemnly celebrated the 95th anniversary of the foundation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, the 150th anniversary of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Fundamental Principles of the International Movement. On the eve of that jubilee an honorary member of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, our respected President Mr. signed a decree on awarding a number of Red Crescent workers with orders and medals for their outstanding services in the humanitarian area. This is a bright example of importance attached by our State to the National Society.

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society is the only officially recognized National Society functioning in the humanitarian field in our country and it represents the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in the Republic of Azerbaijan. As in previous years, this year the National Society has implemented its humanitarian mission on a high level. Projects realized with the support of both local and foreign donors had covered not only city, but also the regions of the Republic. For example, “Building safe and resilient communities” project has been implemented with the support of the Austrian Red Cross in a number of villages of and Gusar regions. At the same time, our traditional projects such as health promotion, dissemination of the IHL and the Fundamental Principles of the International Movement, the development of blood donorship, involvement of volunteers into the Movement activities were successfully continued.

Development of fundraising and income generation area is one of priority issues for us. In order to make our activities sustainable and more effective in this area a special attention was given by us to the provision of “Fundraising and Income Generation” department of the National Society with qualified personnel. We have also increased the number of personnel working in this department.

The main condition for implementation of humanitarian mission of the National Society is a mobilization of financial capacity. Herein it is particularly important to mention donations coming from citizens. As a donation is the main source of income generation for each National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society we also attach great importance to the development of this area. Along with it, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society extends its bilateral, business-like cooperation relations with local and foreign organizations working in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Our mutual relations with government structures are developing. Memorandums of Understanding and Cooperation Agreements signed with our traditional partners such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the State Migration Service, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), ANAMA agency play an important role in activities of our National Society and they make practical contributions to the development of our National Society. Our cooperation with government structures in this direction is developing in parallel to our joint activities with our traditional partners - the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). One of our main targets is to turn into a strong donor National Society in the region. This year we responded positively to the IFRC Appeal for assistance to the Belarusian Red Cross Society and the IFRC Appeal for assistance to victims of earthquake that happened in Nepal. We also provided financial assistance to the Red Crescent Society of Iraq.

It would be appropriate here to mention one fact. Some employees of our National Society continue their humanitarian missions by holding different posts in the IFRC and ICRC. They represent Azerbaijan with dignity. At the same time the staff of our National Society participates in different international trainings and seminars where they shared experience with their colleagues from other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and apply the obtained knowledge in their activities. Additionally, this year a delegation of the National Society participated in seminars on “Planning in Emergencies” and “Logistics” organized by the Red Crescent Societies of and .

Youth and Volunteers Policy has always been on our focus. This year many volunteers have involved in different activities of the National Society. Promotional activities on humanitarian values and international humanitarian law have also been conducted among young people. Particularly, active participation of young people and volunteers in blood donorship has been achieved. Generally, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has played an important role in involving young people into humanitarian activities in Azerbaijan.

Taking this opportunity I would like express my gratitude to local and international organizations as well as all those who supported us to implement humanitarian activities of our National Society. I am sure that our humanitarian activities will be sustainable and would be supported both at local and at international levels.

Novruz Aslanov

President of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society

Member of the National Parliament


Goal: According to the Strategic Plan of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for the years 2011-2015, by mobilizing capacities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to be better prepared to disasters and crises in order to save human lives. Thus, to achieve rehabilitation both within and out of the country after the disasters occurred.

Activities: In 2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society continued to provide humanitarian aid and psychological support to people affected by different disasters (such as an earthquake, a fire, a flood, a landslide and etc).

In 2015, a Working Group established in the National Society with the aim of developing “Rapid Emergency Response Plan” held its next meetings. The Working Group is headed by the Executive Secretary and includes relevant departments of the National Society. The members of the Working Group familiarize themselves with relevant documents received from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and partner National Societies. The work on developing “Rapid Emergency Response Plan” is still continuing taking into account that the National Society’s “Rapid Emergency Response Plan” must be perfect.

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society with a financial and technical support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Austrian Red Cross Society (Austrian RC) has been implementing “Building safe and resilient communities” project since December 2012. “Building safe and resilient communities” project is a three years project. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has finalized an implementation of the first stage of the project in Diyalli, Tazakend, Kurdmashi and Tirjan villages of Ismayill district and Kuzum and Anikh villages of Gusar district. In 2015, within the framework of the project Village Community Groups established in Kuzum and Anikh villages of Gusar district were trained on the themes of “Disaster Risk Reduction terms and concept”, “Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment”, “First Aid skills”, “Family Disaster Preparedness Plan and safety in a Family” and “Adaptation to Climate change”. “Disaster Assessment Matrix”, “Vitally Essential Elements” and “Designing Action Plan” tables and matrixes were distributed to Village Community Groups. By dividing into small groups each of these Village Community Groups completed these tables and matrixes based on the real situation in their villages. The completed tables and matrixes were presented and discussed. Also, with assistance of Village Community Groups mapping of disaster prone villages has been done. Other activities with Village Community Groups included: distribution of first aid kits to village community groups; providing communities with technical equipments; preparation of special information and instruction stands and corners on how to manage communities in time of emergency situations; organization of simulation sessions on “First aid”, “Tracing and Rescue” for communities. On 12 September, 2015, with the initiative of Gusar district branch of the AzRC and with a support of Gusar district executive authority there was organized an event on first aid (demonstration of first aid rules and organization of a quiz on first aid) in Narimanov park of Gusar district. The staff of relevant departments of the AzRC participated at the event.

Related with logistics: In 2015, Disaster Preparedness and Response Department of the AzRC provided humanitarian aid in the amount of 4,066.48 manat to the affected people of , Sabunchu, Agdash and Ismayilli regions, as well as migrants from Syria and Afghanistan. 62 blankets, 14 kitchen sets, 28 food parcels, 5 sleeping bags, 1 mobile gas stove, 4 crow-bars, 6 axes, 2 saws, 59 bedding sets, 15 hygienic sets and 2 tents were distributed to these people.

In 2015, in order to be better prepared to respond to different natural disasters and emergency situations the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society within the limits of its possibility purchased 30 hygienic sets, 10 mobile gas stoves, 70 bedding sets, 15 pairs of rubber boots and handed them over to the Central Warehouse of the AzRC in Baku city.

Related with bilateral cooperation with partners:

Throughout the year along with providing humanitarian aid to people affected by different natural disasters, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, particularly the staff of Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Response department together with other partners actively participated in different events, meetings, seminars and trainings on disaster preparedness and response, disaster risk assessment and reduction, “Building safe and resilient communities” project organized in Europe and other places.

From 21 to 23 January 2015, an advisor for disaster risks management in emergency situations Mr. Robert Roots and a regional coordinator of “Building safe and resilient communities” project Mr. Michael Grabner made an official visit to Azerbaijan with the purpose of evaluating the activities implemented within the framework of the project. On 11-13 February 2015, the 4th Regional Partnership Meeting devoted to the outcomes of the 2nd year of the above-mentioned project was held in Tbilisi city of . Furthermore, from 1 to 3 September and from 19 to 20 November 2015, there were held meetings and conferences devoted to outcomes of the implementation of the 1st stage of “Building safe and resilient communities” project and planning of project activities for the next year in Vienna city of Austria and Tbilisi city of Georgia with a participation of representatives of three National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the Southern countries. During these events the National Societies made presentations on project activities implemented from 2012 to 2015, project achievements and future plans.

On 16-21 February 2015, the delegation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society participated at the training on “Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment” organized by the Europe Zone Office of the IFRC in Budapest city of Hungary. Moreover, the delegation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society attended the training on “Reducing disaster risk in urban situation” organized by the Iranian Red Crescent Society in Tehran city on 3-8 May. On 15-17 May the representatives of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society participated at the training on “Responding to disasters” organized in Austria.

In September 2015, the representatives of the Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross Society visited Baku city and in order to evaluate the activities carried out within the framework of the “Building safe and resilient communities” project started in 2012. During the visit the guests have had meetings with a chairperson and staff of Ismayilli local branch of the AzRC and the Head of the Executive Authority of Ismayilli district. The guests expressed their satisfaction with achievements of the project and expressed their willingness to continue the project for the next years.


Goal: To improve awareness of population on health issues through health promotion activities and health services.

Community based health promotion activities.

Activities :

According to the Strategy 2020 of the IFRC and the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, during the reporting period “Health and Care” department of the AzRCS in close cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations functioning in the field of health have conducted health promotion and education activities on various diseases and actual health issues among the population in the country. “Health and Care” department of the AzRC has also organized celebration of international health days announced by the United Nations Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO). During the reporting period a total of 30,949 people had been educated on health issues.

We would like to particularly emphasize the health activities conducted by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society:

 During the reporting period “Health and Care” department of the AzRC has conducted seminars for chairpersons, staff members, youth instructors and volunteers of local branches of the AzRC including Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic Committee, the staff of Administration of “Icheri Sheher” State Historical and Architectural Reserve in Baku city, students of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, students of Social Work faculty of Azerbaijan Tourism Institute having their industrial practice in the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, family members of migrants from “Women and Youth” Center of “Hayat” International Humanitarian Organization and different communities on topics such as Healthy Life Style/Non-Infectious Diseases, Pancreatic diabetes, Social Work and its importance, Stress and its symptoms, the means of management of stress, psychosocial support in time of stress, “Let’s say No to drug addiction”.  From 4 to 7 February 2015, seminars under the slogan of “Cancer does not exceed our possibilities! Choose healthy life style” were held for staff members, visiting nurses and volunteers of local branches of the AzRC in district and Mingechevir city. These seminars were devoted to 4 February – World Cancer Day. The representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations also participated at these seminars.  Since 2008 the 2nd of April is marked globally as World Autism Awareness Day by the Resolution of the United Nations Organization. During the month of April the AzRC organized meetings and seminars on the theme of “Early detection of autism at children” among population, particularly among pediatricians in the country. During these events information leaflets prepared by Public Health and Reforms Center were distributed. Photo exhibitions on autism were organized. Besides, short length films on autism were demonstrated.  On 18 July 2015, at the initiative of Nizami local branch of the AzRC and with support of “FUNDA” clinic there was held a charity event for physically and mentally disabled children from a boarding school No.3 situated in Shagan settlement of Baku city. The charity event was organized on the occasion of Ramadan holiday. A team of 9 doctors from “FUNDA” clinic conducted a medical checkup of children from the above-mentioned boarding school. Relevant consultations were given by doctors to parents of children and the staff of the boarding school.  On 20 July 2015, there was held a seminar on “Women Health” with a participation of 35 young women and the staff of medical post in Hajigervend village of Terter district. A survey conducted among the participants of the seminar has revealed that women obtain information on their health, pass timely medical checkups and prefer to feed their infants with breast milk.  On 28 July 2015, on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day there was held a seminar on “Hepatitis and its types” for chairpersons, youth instructors and volunteers of local branches of the AzRC covered by Mingechevir Regional Center. The staff of Mingechevir branch of Central Blood Bank and representatives of Youth Sport Administration also participated at the seminar. In addition, a survey on Hepatitis was conducted among population and information leaflets on hepatitis were distributed.  On 1-7 August 2015, World Breastfeeding Week was marked in 170 countries with the aim of supporting breastfeeding and thus, to improve health of infants. On this occasion the AzRC held informative meetings with some 200 pregnant women in maternity homes situated in Baku and Sumgayit cities. During these meeting the AzRC called upon women to follow World Health Organization recommendations on breastfeeding.  On the occasion of 10th of October - “World Mental Health Day” the staff and volunteers of the AzRC were invited to participate at the event organized by the Ministry of Health in Psychiatric Clinic No.1 in Baku city. During the event the participants were informed about medical and legal services provided in the field of mental health in Azerbaijan. In addition, a video clip on cases of violation of rights of mentally ill patients was demonstrated. The participants of the event enjoyed a concert program organized by a group of patients of Psychiatric Clinic. The AzRC presented gifts to these patients. Another event devoted to “World Mental Health Day” was informative seminar organized by volunteers of Sumgayit local branch of the AzRC.  Sabunchu local branch of the AzRC marked 15th of October – “International Hand Washing Day” by organizing an informative event in a kindergarten No.191. Through the games children were informed about proper rules of hand washing and an importance of hand washing for their health.  14 November – “World Diabetes Day” was marked by organizing events at Ethics Academy and “” Trade Center. During these events there was organized free of charge testing blood sugar. As a result of blood sugar testing pancreatic diabetes was revealed in 34 persons among 130 persons. Informative materials on pancreatic diabetes, healthy life style, physical activity prepared by Public Health and Reforms Center were distributed to population. 30 children with diabetes were given different gifts.  On 29 November 2015, with a participation of members of Azerbaijan Child and Youth “Peace” network there was organized a seminar on HIV/AIDS and the ways of its transmission, treatment and preventive measures for 50 children and young people. 2 citizens of Nigeria (volunteers of Nigerian Red Cross Society) studying at the Azerbaijan Medical University and one citizen of USA who joined the AzRC recently informed the participants of the seminar about health promotion activities that their National Societies conduct in the field of HIV/AIDS.

Activities in the field of development of voluntary non-remunerated blood donoship.


During the reporting period the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society conducted a number of activities among government structures, students, community members, teen-agers and young people with the aim of supporting a development of voluntary non-remunerated blood donorship in the country. During blood donation actions organized in 2015 in the country 1846 people gave blood. During the reporting period health promotion activities on voluntary non-remunerated blood donorship were conducted among a total of 33,134 people in the country.

 On 14 January 2015, with organizational support of Sumgayit city branch of the AzRC there was organized a drawing contest on topics of “Blood is a source of life!” and “Give blood, save life!” among school children of secondary schools and Children Creative Centers functioning in Baku and Sumgayit cities, Ismayilli, and Terter regions. 41 best drawings selected from this contest were exhibited in Sumgayit city. The winners of the drawing contest were awarded with different gifts and certificates.  During the reporting period seminars on the development of voluntary non-remunerated blood donorship in the country were organized for 586 teachers and school children of 5 secondary schools in Baku and Sumgayit cities, Ter-ter, Ismayilli, Sabirabad districts,as well as for students of , Sheki and Medical colleges. During these seminars the participants were informed about history and importance of blood donorship and “Club-25” of the AzRC. Leaflets on voluntary non-remunerated blood donorship were distributed to participants.  During the reporting period with organizational support of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and blood donorship working group and with a participation of a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations, 2 Regional Young Blood Donors Forums and 1 Central Young Blood Donors Forum were held . These Forums were devoted to 14th of June - World Blood Donor Day. 2 Regional Young Blood Donors Forums took place on 10 February and 15 May in “Ramada Plaza” hotel in Ganja city and “” Center in Lankaran city. 1 Central Young Blood Donors Forum took place on 6 June in “Hilton” hotel. The main aim of these Forums is to support voluntary non-remunerated blood donorship in the country and to assist people suffering from blood diseases. The motto of 2015 World Blood Donor Day was “I thank you for saving my life!” Another event devoted to the 10th anniversary of implementation of “For life without thalassemia” project took place on 5 February 2015 in Azerbaijan State Puppet Theatre named after Abdulla Shaig.  Throughout the year the staff and volunteers of the AzRC actively participated and gave blood during blood donation actions organized in the Republican Clinic Hospital, Training Surgical Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University, “Azerkimya” Production Unit of SOCAR, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and other enterprises and organizations in Baku and Sumgayit cities.

Strengthening of activates for obtaining of First Aid skills.


During the reporting period, health promotion activities on the above-mentioned topic were conducted among a total of 2,608 people in the country.  On 2 February 2015, a training on first aid was organized for 30 migrants in “Refugees, Women and Youth” Center of “HAYAT” International Organization. During the training the participants were informed about the topics such as “Burns”, “Wounds and Bleedings”, “Fractures”, “Poisonings” and “Critic cases”.  The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society supported by the Austrian Red Cross Society has been implementing “Building safe and resilient communities” project. Within the framework of this project on 28 October 2015 there was organized a training on “Reducing disaster risks in urban situation” for teachers and school children of the secondary schools No.2 and No.6 in Gusar district. During the training first aid instructors of Sumgayit city branch of the AzRC demonstrated first aid skills to participants.  During the reporting period First Aid Sector of the AzRC with financial assistance of the ICRC organized 4 day first aid trainings in front-line villages of Gazakh district including Jafarli and Bala Jafarli villages. School children, teachers, the staff, youth trainers, volunteers of Gazakh local branch of the AzRC and village community members participated at the trainings.  From 7 to 10 December 2015, with organizational support of the AzRC and financial support of the ICRC there was organized a training based on 16 hours “First Aid” training program and international psychosocial support documents. 20 youth instructors and volunteers from local branches of the AzRC functioning in the front-line districts were invited to participate at the training. The main purpose of the training was to refresh knowledge of participants about first aid, to increase knowledge of participants on first aid rules through practical sessions and to teach how to provide psychological support before, during and after providing first aid.  The second Saturday of September is annually celebrated as “World First Aid Day” by the International Movement worldwide. In 2015 “World First Aid Day” was celebrated under a motto of “First Aid and ageing population”. In connection with “World First Aid Day” city and district branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society organized events, trainings and knowledge competitions on first aid. The event organized in Gusar district included not only demonstration of first aid skills, but also quizzes on first aid. The winners of the quizzes were awarded with gifts.

“Control over DOTS treatment of TB ill patients” project.

Activities:  In 2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society continued an implementation of “Medical and psychosocial support to DOTS treatment of TB ill patients” project. Within the framework of the project 20 TB ill patients registered at Tuberculosis dispensary and living in Yasamal, Nasimi and Binagadi districts of Baku city were visited by nurses of the AzRC once or twice times in a week. The purpose of these visits was to control over DOTS treatment of TB ill patients.


Goal: To strengthen cooperation with other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the ICRC, the IFRC and other international organizations.

Activities:  During the reporting period the President of the AzRC, Dr. Novruz Aslanov and the Secretary General of the AzRC, Bayram Veliyev held official meetings with a head of the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan Mrs. Denise Duran with the aim of discussing existing cooperation relations between the two organizations.  In April and November 2015, at the initiative of the AzRC there were held Movement Coordination Meetings with the aim of discussing cooperation with the Movement partners such as ICRC, IFRC, Austrian Red Cross Society, German Red Cross Society and Iranian Red Crescent Society.  In 2015, Cooperation Agreement on inter-Movement joint activities was signed between President of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Dr. Novruz Aslanov, a head of the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan Mrs. Denise Duran and a head of the Europe Zone Office of the IFRC Mrs. Anitta Underlin. At the same time Partnership Agreement on implementation of joint projects was signed between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan.  In 2015, the Secretary General of the AzRC, Bayram Veliyev and a head of International Relations department of the National Society, Naila Omarova held a number of meetings with the coordinator of the “Grant Assistance for the Grassroots Human Security” project of the Embassy of Japan in Azerbaijan Mr. Hiroshi Seto. During these meetings existing cooperation relations between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of Japan in Azerbaijan were discussed. In addition, projects planned to be jointly implemented within the framework of cooperation were discussed.  In February 2015, Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and partnership was signed between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan.  On 17-20 May 2015, at official invitation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society a delegation headed by the president of the Austrian Red Cross Society, Mr. Gerald Schöpfer made an official visit to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. During the visit the delegation of the Austrian Red Cross Society met with the President of the AzRC Dr. Novruz Aslanov, Vice-President Aziz Gojayev, the Secretary General Bayram Valiyev, an advisor to the National Society’s President Elshan Salimzadeh and a head of International Relations department Naila Omarova at the AzRC Headquarters. During the meeting current cooperation relations between the two National Societies, jointly implemented humanitarian activities, the perspectives and directions of future cooperation were discussed. In order to be familiarized with humanitarian activities of city and district branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and as well as with the activities implemented by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society within the framework of the “Building safe and resilient communities” project the delegation of the Austrian RC visited Sumgayit city branch and Ismayilli district branch of the AzRC. During the visit the delegation of the Austrian Red Cross also held meetings at the office of Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Azerbaijan and at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In August of the same year a delegation of 5 persons headed by Deputy Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross Mr. Michael Opriesnig visited Sumgayit city branch and Ismayilli district branch of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. During the visit the delegation of the Austrian Red Cross familiarized with humanitarian activities of these two branches of the AzRC.  In 2015, in order to extend cooperation relations of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and to find new partners for implementation of humanitarian activities the Secretary General of the National Society Bayram Veliyev and a head of International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova held a meeting with Mr. Robbert J. Gabrielse, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Azerbaijan Republic. Following this meeting on 7 October 2015, Agreement on Cooperation for Humanism was signed between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Azerbaijan.  In 2015, in order to extend cooperation relations between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of Austria in Azerbaijan and to discuss humanitarian activities jointly implemented with the Austrian Red Cross, particularly the “Building safe and resilient communities” project implemented with financial and technical support of the Austrian Development Agency, the Secretary General of the AzRC Bayram Veliyev and a head of International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova held a number of meetings with Mr. Axel Wech, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Austria in Azerbaijan Republic. Following these meetings in November 2015, in order to be closely familiarized with humanitarian activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society H.E. Axel Wech accompanied by an advisor to the President of the National Society Elshan Salimzadeh, Deputy Secretary General Sabina Mahbubi-Iran and a head of Disaster Preparedness and Response department Farid Seyidzadeh visited Sumgayit city branch and Gusar district branch of the AzRC.

International trips, representation and a participation in international events.

 On 1-2 March 2015, with a participation of representatives of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from MENA (, North Africa), Europe and Asia-Pacific zones there was held an international meeting in Tehran city of the Islamic Republic of Iran. During the international meeting efficient use of knowledge and skills of the National Societies’ young people in the field of preparedness to natural disasters and emergency situations and strengthening even more directions of activities related with young people were discussed. Deputies Secretary General of the AzRC Khalida Iskenderova and Sabina Mahbubi-Iran participated at the international meeting.  On 17-18 March 2015, Vice-President of the AzRC Gafar Askerzadeh attended the 30th meeting of International Crescent Islamic Committee which took place in Tunis city – the capital of the Republic of Tunisia. The officials of the National Red Crescent Societies of Islamic countries participated at the meeting. During the meeting cooperation and partnership in the field of humanitarian activity and the International Humanitarian Law were discussed.  On 6-7 May 2015, President of the AzRC Dr. Novruz Aslanov and the Secretary General of the AzRC Mr. Bayram Veliyev participated at the regional meeting held in Ashgabat city of Turkmenistan with a participation of senior officials from the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from the European Zone of the IFRC. On the eve of the regional meeting President of the AzRC Dr. Novruz Aslanov hold a meeting with a newly appointed Secretary General of the IFRC Mr. Elhadj As Sy and informed him about humanitarian activities and achievements of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.  On 25-28 May 2015, with a participation of representatives from National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Europe, Middle East and Africa regions there was held a meeting in Geneva city of Switzerland. Tuberculosis and inter-country progress of tuberculosis was discussed during the meeting. The National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies informed about their activities in this field. In addition, they shared their experiences in this field with each other. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the meeting by Deputy Secretary General Sabina Mahbubi-Iran.  On 29-30 May 2015, a delegation of the AzRC composed of Deputies Secretary General of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi-Iran and Khalida Iskendarova, a head of DPDR department Farid Seyidzadeh and a head of International relations department Naila Omarova participated at the Southern Caucasus Sub-Regional seminar on “Advocacy for Road Safety” organized by the IFRC, the Georgian Red Cross Society, the Global Road Safety Partnership and Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport in Tbilisi city of Georgia. The seminar was organized within the framework of “TRACECA-Road Safety II” project. Advocacy concept, basic elements of advocacy campaign, as well as advocacy process and policy were discussed at the meeting.  In May 2015, a meeting on assessment process conducted for “Safer Access Framework” was organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross in Tbilisi city of Georgia. Activities implemented or to be implemented on the above-mentioned topic by the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of three Southern Caucasus countries were discussed at the meeting. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the meeting by Deputy Secretary General Sabina Mahbubi-Iran.  On 23-25 June 2015, the 2nd International Meeting on Fundraising was held in Alma-ata city of Kazakhstan with a participation of senior officials and specialists from the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of former Soviet countries. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ways of increasing financial sources through increasing the number of members of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, increasing collection of membership fees and through other initiatives. A delegation of the AzRC composed of the Secretary General Bayram Veliyev, Deputy Secretary General Jeyhun Mirzayev, a chairperson of Sumgayit city branch of the AzRC Matanat Maharramova, a chairperson of Nizami local branch of the AzRC Rana Ibrahimova participated at the meeting and informed about activities and campaigns implemented by the National Society in this field.  In July 2015, a delegation of 12 persons headed by a Vice-President of the AzRC Gafar Askerzadeh made an official visit to the Turkish Red Crescent Society in Ankara city. During the visit the delegation of the AzRC held several meetings with senior officials of the Turkish Red Crescent Society. During these meetings current and future perspectives of cooperation relations between the two National Societies were discussed. The delegation of the AzRC participated at a two days seminar on “Development of Contingency Plan” organized by the Turkish Red Crescent Society. The participants of the seminar received necessary knowledge and experience for preparation of Contingency Plan.  On 26-30 September 2015, the 4th Meeting of the International School for Emergencies and Tracing was held in Mink city of Belorussia. The representatives of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Norway, Denmark, Israel, Austria and Bulgaria participated at the meeting. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the meeting by a head of DPDR department Farid Seyidzadeh, a responsible person for psychosocial support Elnara Mehdiyeva and a chairperson of Sumgayit city branch of the AzRC Matanat Maharramova. The representatives of the AzRC obtained new knowledge and skills by participating at trainings and seminars on “First Psychosocial Support”, “International Humanitarian Law”, “Safe Behavior Rules of Volunteers in Emergencies” and “The Basics of First Aid”.  On 26-30 September 2015, Deputy Secretary General of the AzRC and a head of “Youth and Volunteers” department Khalida Iskandarova participated at the 18th Meeting of ERNA (European Network of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies on HIV/AIDS) organized in Bishkek city of Kirgizstan. The representatives of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from 27 European countries participated at the meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss updating ERNA strategy and finding new financial sources.  In October 2015, the next meeting of FAEEN (First Aid Education European Network) was held in Luxemburg city with a participation of representatives of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from the European region. The main purpose of the meeting was to share knowledge, skills and experience between the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from the European region with the aim of developing First Aid and preparing qualitative training programs. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the meeting by Deputy Secretary General Sabina Mahbubi-Iran.  On 7-8 October 2015, the Conference devoted to the 50th anniversary of adoption of Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was held in Vienne city of Austria with a participation of senior officials of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, as well as President of the ICRC Mr. Peter Maurer and President of the IFRC Mr. Tadateru Konoe. A head of International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova participated at the Conference and informed the participants about the AzRC’s activities on dissemination of the Movement’s Fundamental Principles.  On 22-24 October 2015, with a participation of the European National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies the next meeting of the European Network for Development of Volunteerism (ENDOV) was held in Amsterdam and Hague cities of the Netherlands. At the ENDOV meeting the various topic such as “Electronic Volunteerism” and “The Aged Volunteers Policy” were discussed. A head of the International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova participated at the meeting and informed about current electronic volunteerism system and Volunteer Policy of the National Society.  From 28 November to 4 December 2015, a delegation of the AzRC composed of advisor to President of the AzRC Elshan Salimzadeh, Deputy Secretary General Sabina Mahbubi-Iran and a head of DPDR department participated at the training organized within the framework of “Eastern Program for prevention of natural and technological disasters, preparedness and response measures in Eastern Partnership countries”. This training was organized with a financial support of European Commission, Danish Emergency Management Agency, Finland Crisis Management Agency in Tinglev city of Denmark. The representatives of the governmental and non- governmental organizations and leading specialists for civil defense issues participated at the training. Updating measures taken for protection of population from negative effects of natural and technological disasters in the Southern Caucasus countries, Belorussia, Moldova and Ukraine, strengthening possibilities of disaster risks management and strengthening of activities of the National Advisory Groups established at the national level within the program were discussed during the meeting. The participants increased their knowledge and skills by participating at the practical session.  On 3-11 December 2015, the Statutory Meetings of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the International Movement) was held in Geneva International Conference Center in Geneva city of Switzerland. Plenary sessions of the 20th General Assembly of the IFRC, a meeting of the Council of Delegates and the 32nd International Conference also took place within the framework of the Statutory Meetings. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the Statutory Meetings of the International Movement by the Secretary General of the National Society Bayram Veliyev, Deputies Secretary General Shaban Shayev and Jeyhun Mirzayev, as well as a head of the International Relations department Naila Omarova. During the Statutory meetings the delegation of the AzRC have had an official meeting with Acting Director of the Europe Zone Office of the IFRC Mr. Simon Missiri and a coordinator for the Southern Caucasus Mrs. Mette Peterson. At the meeting the strategic development goals of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020 were discussed. The Secretary General of the AzRC Bayram Veliyev met with the Secretary General of the IFRC Mr. Elhadj As Sy and discussed current relations between the AzRC and IFRC. On the eve of the Statutory Meetings of the International Movement a serious of meetings of youth representatives of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies took place. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at these meetings by a delegate of the Youth Committee of the AzRC, Naila Omarova.


Goal: To highlight the activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society through mass media, and among the general public.


On 8 May 2015, President of the Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan Mr. Chingiz Djakipov and the General Secretary Rustam Aleev visited Azerbaijan. During the visit they held the meeting with President of the AzRC and a member of the Parliament Dr. Novruz Aslanov and the Secretary General Bayram Veliyev. The perspectives of bilateral cooperation relations between the two National Societies were discussed during the meeting. The two sides spoke about projects and activities jointly implemented in the humanitarian field and about future cooperation relations.

On 29 May 2015, a teacher of the International School of Azerbaijan (TISA) Mehriban Azimzadeh and a volunteer of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society studying at that school were received by President of the AzRC Dr. Novruz Aslanov. During the meeting they informed Dr. Novruz Aslanov about humanitarian relief campaign initiated by pupils of TISA in favor of victims of a strong fire that occurred in a dwelling building on 19 May 2015 in Binagadi district of Baku city. They also noted that they are willing to distribute relief goods to the affected families through the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. The President of the AzRC highly appreciated this initiative and thanked all those who participated at relief campaign. Dr. Novruz Aslanov noted that the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society welcomes all those pupils of TISA who are willing to join to the National Society as a volunteer.

On 2 June 2015, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Republic of Poland Mr. Janusz Piechocinski and his spouse Halina Piechocinska and spouse of the H.E. Ambassador of Poland in Azerbaijan Malgorzata Oldakouska-Calka held a meeting with President of the AzRC and a member of the National Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic Dr. Novruz Aslanov at the Headquarters of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. The representatives of the Embassy of Poland in Azerbaijan and the Secretary General of the AzRC Bayram Veliyev also participated at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to hand over humanitarian aid from Poland to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for further distribution to families affected by a strong fire occurred on 19 May 2015 in a dwelling building situated in Binagadi district of Baku city.

On 9 June 2015, at the initiative of Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of Iraq in Azerbaijan H.E. Mr. Heydar Al-Barrak there was held a meeting with President of the AzRC and a member of the National Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic Dr. Novruz Aslanov at the Headquarters of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. The main issue discussed at the meeting was a possibility of providing humanitarian aid by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to people suffering from crisis in Iraq.

On 3 July 2015, President of the AzRC and a member of the National Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic Dr. Novruz Aslanov held a meeting with a Head of Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan Mrs. Denise Duran. Activates of the ICRC related with citizens who were taken prisoner by were discussed at the meeting. The ICRC implements these activities in accordance with its mandate, the International Humanitarian Law and Geneva Conventions. Current partnership and cooperation relations between the two organizations and activities planned for future were also discussed at the meeting.

In July-August 2015, during a campaign started in favor of people suffering from a war in Iraq 5.000 USD was collected. On 4 September 2015, this amount was transferred to a bank account of the Embassy of Iraq in Azerbaijan to be further delivered to the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.

On 1 October 2015, at an official invitation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society a head of Youth Organization of the Iranian Red Crescent Society Dr. Masoud Habibi, employees of Medicine and Pharmaceutics complex and a head of Delegation of the Iranian Red Crescent Society in Azerbaijan Dr. Subhani Bahman visited the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and held meetings with Vice-President of the AzRC Ramazan Sultanov, Deputy Secretary General Sabina Mahbubi-Iran and a head of the International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova. Current cooperation relations between the two National Societies, jointly implemented projects and activities in the humanitarian field and projects that could be jointly implemented in the future were discussed during the meeting.

On 7 October 2015, Cooperation Agreement was signed between Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of Netherlands in Azerbaijan Mr. Robert J. Gabrielse and the Secretary General of the AzRC Bayram Veliyev. The Ambassador was informed about humanitarian activities implemented by the National Society within the country and abroad. Mr. Ambassador noted that the Embassy of Netherlands in Azerbaijan is ready to cooperate with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in the humanitarian field. The Secretary General of the AzRC Bayram Veliyev in his turn highly appreciated this initiative of the Embassy of Netherlands in Azerbaijan and thanked Mr. Ambassador on behalf of senior management of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.

On 27 November 2015, a meeting with a participation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the components of the International Movement in Azerbaijan was held at the Headquarters of the National Society. The purpose of the meeting was to share information with each other about humanitarian activities implemented by all components of the Movement in Azerbaijan. The directions of future cooperation between the components of the Movement in Azerbaijan were discussed at the meeting.


Goal: Disseminating information on history and activities of the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, the rules for proper use of the red cross/red crescent and red crystal emblems, and the basics of the International Humanitarian Law among general public.


Dissemination of the basics of the IHL and the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement is one of the commitments of governments who are signatories to the Geneva Conventions. The National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies support their governments in implementing this commitment. The rules of the IHL addressed to protection of human rights during armed conflict are reflected in Geneva Conventions adopted in 1949 and their Additional Protocols adopted in 1977 and 2005. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been implementing Dissemination program since 1997 with a financial and technical support of the ICRC.


Dissemination Sector continued to implement its activities in 2015.

 During the reporting period Dissemination Sector organized dissemination seminar on the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the basics of IHL, the Fundamental Principles of the Movement for new volunteers of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.  Throughout the year Dissemination Sector disseminated information on events, humanitarian actions and campaigns of the AzRC through official web-site of the AzRC, social networks and “Yeni Tefekkur” newspaper. By sending faxes to local mass media the Dissemination sector could involve journalists to participate at the events organized by the National Society.  In June-April 2015, dissemination seminars were organized for students of Azerbaijan Tourism Institute on the International RC/RC Movement, the basics of the IHL, the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and history of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.  The Head of Dissemination Sector of the AzRC Khalid Khalilov conducted seminars for students of Baku Slavonic University and having their industrial practice at the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, school children of secondary school situated in Narimanov district of Baku city on history and activities of the International RC/RC Movement.  The year 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of adoption of the Fundamental Principles of the International RC/RC Movement. On this occasion Dissemination Sector of the AzRC conducted dissemination activities jointly with partner organizations and networks.  In 2015, the Dissemination sector supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross organized dissemination seminars for 16 youth instructors working in local branches of the AzRC functioning in the front-line districts. The purpose of these seminars were to inform youth instructors about the basics of the IHL, history and activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the components of the Movement, the Fundamental Principles and humanitarian values of the Movement, history and activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. Dissemination materials were distributed to the participants.  During the reporting period Dissemination Sector of the AzRC performed activities towards prevention of misuse of the red cross and red crescent emblems. No cases of misuse of the emblems were detected.  In 2015, activities and events of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Societies have been highlighted through the following TV channels, media and news portals, local newspapers:

Media and news portals:

Events of the AzRC highlighted through TV channels: 1. 28 events have been highlighted through “Ictimai” TV channel 2. 12 events have been highlighted through “Khazar” TV channel 3. 9 events have been highlighted through Azerbaijan State TV channel 4. 5 events have been highlighted through “Azad Azerbaijan” TV channel 5. 103 articles in “Nazarmedia” news portal 6. 44 articles on “Modern.az” site 7. 15 articles in “Apa.az” information agency 8. 5 articles in “AzerTaj” information agency 9. 75 articles in “Edu map” news portal

Articles published in newspapers: 1. 330 articles in “Yeni Tafakkur” newspaper 2. 55 articles in “Vishka” newspaper


Goal: To strengthen material-technical base and personnel potential of regional centers, city and district branches and primary organizations of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. To ensure Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society as a strong organization supporting vulnerable people at national and international levels in order to implement effective and sustainable activities at central and local levels.

Activities:  During the reporting period Organizational Division of the AzRC mainly implemented objectives specified in the Strategic Plan of the National Society for the years 2011-2015. More than once the head of the Organizational Division of the AzRCS held talks and discussions with different departments in the Secretariat of the AzRC in this regard. As a result of these discussions the objectives defined in the Strategic Plan in the field of the National Society’s organizational development were fulfilled by 80%. The rest 20 % objectives will be fulfilled during the next strategic plan period by the year 2020.  On 1 April 2015, President of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Dr. Novruz Aslanov signed an order No.40/K about a preparation of a Report on implementation of Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2011-2015 and establishment of a Commission that would develop Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020. Vice-President of the AzRC Gafar Askerzadeh was a chairman of the Commission. Deputies Chairman of the Commission were Vice-President of the AzRC Ramazan Sultanov and a head of Organizational Development Division of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev. Secretary of the Commission was a head of Reporting Sector of the AzRC Yagut Huseinova.  From 9 June 2015 to 16 November 2015, the Commission for Strategic Development Plan held its 4 meetings. During these meetings the members of the Commission gave their proposals and recommendations for the above-mentioned issues. Based on these proposals and recommendations a Report on implementation of Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2011-2015 was prepared and a new Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020 was developed.  On 5 January 2015, Commission for celebration of the 95th anniversary of establishment of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society held its first meeting at the Headquarters of the National Society. Chairman of the Commission informed the participants that Organizational Commission was established at the National Society by a decision of the Presidium of the AzRC. The Organizational Commission prepared and implemented a Plan of Action to ensure solemn celebration of the establishment of the 95th anniversary of the AzRC.  In January 2015, the 4th meeting of the Statute Commission of the AzRC was held at the Headquarters of the National Society. The Statute Commission was established to make necessary amendments and changes to the Statute of the AzRC. A chairman of the Statute Commission of the AzRC, Vice-President Gafar Askerzadeh informed the participants of the meeting about activities performed by Statute Commission during the past period. During the meeting the members of the Statute Commission reviewed Section III of the Statute of the AzRC and gave their proposals and recommendations concerning amendments and changes to Section III. A new text of Section III was prepared.  During the reporting period a meeting with newly appointed chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC was held at the Headquarters of the National Society. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the organizational issues, implementation of goals and activities identified in Strategic Plan of the AzRC for the years 2011-2015. The participants of the meeting were informed about dissemination seminars and trainings conducted by the AzRC on history, activities, components, Fundamental Principles of the International RC/RC Movement, history and activities of the AzRC. It was noted that the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society implements Informational, Communication and Social Media Policy and Policy of Safety Rules for staff and volunteers of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. At the end of the meeting a head of Department for Activities with Regional Centers and Local Branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Agayar Huseinov hold discussions with chairpersons about current organizational issues, Plan of Action, dissemination of information on the performed organizational development activities through official web-site of the AzRC and social networks.  During the reporting period in connection with significant dates and holidays all district and city branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society conducted humanitarian actions and different events. Thus, in connection with “Novruz” (Spring holiday), Eid-al-Firt, Eid-al-Adha holidays and 31 December – Solidarity Day of World local branches of the National Society conducted charity actions for vulnerable people. Statistics of humanitarian aid provided to vulnerable people in connection with Eid Al-Fitr, Ramadan, Novruz (Spring) holidays and 31 December – “Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis” was prepared and posted on official web-site of the AzRC to ensure a transparency. During these holidays the AzRC within the limits of its possibility and with a support of a partner and donor organizations provided humanitarian assistance (mainly food parcels) to vulnerable people. The humanitarian assistance was provided as follows: - On Novruz (Spring) holiday humanitarian assistance in the amount of 68.000 manat was provided to 3827 vulnerable people; - On Ramadan holiday humanitarian assistance in the amount of 72.778 manat was provided to 3.269 vulnerable people; - On Eid Al Fitr holiday humanitarian assistance in the amount of 40.746 manat was provided to 3.437 vulnerable people; - On Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis holiday humanitarian assistance in the amount of 44.629 manat was provided to 2211 vulnerable people;

 Om 8 April 2015, the next coordination meeting was held at Baku Regional Center of the AzRC. The meeting was chaired by Aziz Gojayev, Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the AzRC. Aziz Gojayev instructed participants, particularly chairpersons of local branches that humanitarian events and actions, as well as promotional activities that would be conducted in the month of April must be dedicated to the 150th anniversary of birthday of one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society General Aliaga Shikhlinski. Aziz Gojayev also informed the chairpersons of local branches that they must prepare a Report on activities included in the Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2011-2015. A new Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020 would be developed. Issues related with Organizational Development were also discussed at the end of coordination meeting.  In April 2015, a head of Department for activities with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov conducted trainings for students from different Universities having their industrial practice at the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. The participants of the training were informed about organizational development activities of the National Society, activities of Regional Centers, city and district branches of the AzRC, coordination of activities between local branches of the AzRC. In their turn the students thanked the management of the National Society for favorable condition created for them.  On 29 April 2015, a zonal meeting was held at Mingechevir Regional Center of the AzRC under the chairmanship of a head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev. A head of Department for Activities with Regional Centers and Local Branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov and chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC in Mingechevir, Yevlakh, Agdash, Sheki, , Zagatala, Balaken, Gabala, Oguz, , Ujar, Gakh districts participated at the event. The issues such as establishment of primary organizations of the AzRC, increasing number of members of the National Society, collection of membership fees, Strategic Plan and organization of activity at structural branches of the AzRC were discussed at zonal meeting. Chairpersons participating at zonal meeting informed about activities of their branches. At the end of zonal meeting chairpersons of Yevlakh, Zagatala and Balaken local branches were awarded with honorary diplomas for their activities.  On 23-24 April 2015, at the invitation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society the Resources Mobilization coordinator of the European Zone Office of the IFRC Mrs. Olga Dzhumaeva paid an official visit to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. Mrs. Dzhumaeva participated at a seminar on “Mobilization of Financial Resources for humanitarian activities” held at Baku Regional Center of the AzRC. The staff of the Secretariat of the National Society and chairpersons of district branches of the AzRC covered by Baku Regional Center participated at the seminar. A head of Organizational Development Division of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev and the Secretary General Bayram Veliyev also participated at the seminar. After greeting the participants Bayram Veliyev noted that that was for the first time that the National Society put forward an initiative to invite a foreign expert to participate at the seminar of the National Society. A visit of Mrs. Olga Dzhumaeva was organized by Baku Regional Center of the AzRC. During the seminar a foreign expert Mrs. Olga Dzhumaeva shared her knowledge and experience on Finance Resources Mobilization with participants of the seminar.  On 16 July 2015, on the occasion of Ramadan holiday Yasamal local branch of the AzRC supported by a network of “Rahat” supermarkets distributed food parcels to 100 vulnerable families. A head of Organizational Development Division of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev, a head of Department for Activities with Regional Centers and Local Branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov, a chairman of local branch of the AzRC Ganjali Mehdiyev, a chairman of Yasamal local branch of the AzRC Shahin Huseinov and senior officials of a network of “Rahat” supermarkets participated in distribution of food parcels.  On 27 August 2015, a head of Organizational Development Division of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev visited Ismayilli local branch of the AzRC. During the meeting with staff and chairperson of Ismayilli local branch of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev gave relevant tasks and directives regarding organization of humanitarian actions, events and promotion activities in Ismayilli district. Aziz Gojayev also informed the staff and a chairperson that they must prepare a Report on activities included in the Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2011-2015. A new Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020 would be developed. Issues related with Organizational Development were also discussed during the meeting.  In 2015, quarterly meetings with coordinators of the regional centers were held. During these meetings the organizational issues were discussed. In order to strengthen a material-technical base of local branches the relevant letters were prepared and sent to 55 local executive authorities.  In 2015, in connection with quarterly transmission of funds by local branches to the National Society’s Secretariat constructive works were done with local branches of the AzRC.  On 13 November 2015, Constituent Conference of Khojavend local branch of the AzRC was held in Khojavend settlement situated district. In his opening speech a head of Department for activities with Regional Centers and Local Branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov informed participants about history and activities of the AzRC. Agayar Huseinov also noted that Khojavend local branch of the AzRC should actively participate in solving of social problems of population in a newly establish Khojavend settlement. The floor was then given to Deputy Head of authority Afsana Guliyeva. In her speech Afsana Guliyeva noted that holding of Constituent Conference is advisable and Beylagan district local authority would support activities of a newly established Khojavend local branch of the AzRC. After official speeches organizational issues were discussed. The Constituent Conference elected a chairman, members of Governing Board, Presidium and Finance Commission. Kamran Babayev was elected as a chairman of Khojavend local branch of the AzRC. It was recommended submitting the results of the Conference to a meeting of the Presidium. At the end of the Conference the participants expressed their gratitude to management of Beylagan district local authority for favorable condition created for holding of the Conference. The representatives of Beylagan district local authority and a chairman of Kalbajar local branch of the AzRC Ganjali Mehdiyev participated at the Conference.

The second meeting of Strategic Plan Commission.

Strategic Development Plan is one of important documents of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. While carrying out its activities the National Society is guided by this document. Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years of 2011-2015 is a forth in number. It was developed on the basis of IFRC Strategy 2020.

Commission for development of Strategic Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020 was established in the National Society. On 14 September 2015 the Commission supported by the ICRC held its second meeting at “Divan” Hotel in Baku city. Vice-President and a chairman of the Commission Gafar Askerzadeh, responsible secretary of the Commission Yagut Huseinova, members of the Commission, the staff of the National Society, coordinators of Regional Centers, chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC, a head of Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan Mrs. Denise Duran, cooperation delegate of the ICRC Gregory Le Coq and responsible person for cooperation with the National Society of the ICRC Delegation in Azerbaijan Mr. Rasim Allazov participated at the meeting.

In his opening speech a chairman of the Commission Gafar Askerzadeh spoke about humanitarian activities of the AzRC, goals and objectives of Strategic Plan of the AzRC for the years 2011-2015, problems encountered while implementing Strategic Plan and successes achieved in implementing Strategic Plan. Gafar Askerzadeh also noted that a new Strategic Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016- 2020 must be more perfect.

In her speech the Head of Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan Mrs. Denise Duran firstly thanked a chairman of Commission Gafar Askerzadeh for inviting her to the meeting. Mrs. Denise Duran touched close cooperation relations existing between the two organizations and emphasized an importance of assessment of Strategic Development Plan for the National Society. Based on international practice Mrs. Denise Duran gave her recommendations to members of the Commission.

The Head of Reporting Sector Yagut Huseinova made a report in the form of presentation on activities implemented in accordance with Strategic Plan of the AzRC for the years of 2011-2015.

Coordinators of Regional Centers and chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC spoke about existing problems and causes of non-implementation of certain activities. They expressed their hopes that new proposals would be reflected in a new Strategic Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020.

During the reporting period 3 meetings of the Presidium of the AzRC were held. Relevant decisions were taken at these meetings.


Goal: To develop youth and volunteers’ involvement and management system in order to improve efficiency of a voluntary service providing by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to the most vulnerable people and people in need of care. In 2015, the International Federation announced the mottos of the year as “Youth in action” and “Youth Involvement Strategy”. In January, under these mottos the National Society gave a start to conduction of mass actions, campaigns, round table discussions, trainings, courses and other events.

Promotion of safe behavior skills in streets and roads.

According to its Strategic Plan for the years 2011- 2015 and in order to make aware people about safety behavior rules in streets and roads the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society conducted promotion activities for safety of pedestrians in 2015. Just on the basis of this Strategy the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with the International Federation joined to an implementation of the 2nd stage of TRACECA 2 (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) Road Safety project. Organization of a number of events and cooperation with relevant ministries, government structures and civil society are envisaged in the project.

Other activities:

 Within the framework of the above-mentioned strategy and cooperation, on 16 November 2015 The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was marked at the Out-of-school Education Center No.46. The motto of the year 2015 was “Speed Kills! Let’s take steps against speed!” This event has become possible due to cooperation between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, Out-of-school Education Center No.46, Baku State Road Police Department and Public Health and Reforms Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Event was started with a moment of silence for those who died in road-traffic accidents. Then school children worn in police uniform performed different compositions and read poems in connection with this day. The representatives of ministries, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the staff of Baku State Road Police department and family members of those who died in road-traffic accidents participated at the event and made speeches. Baku State Road Police Department made a presentation on road-traffic accidents happened in 2013-2014 and on victims of these accidents. During the event photos of well-known persons who died in road- traffic accidents were demonstrated. At the same time school children drew pictures on this topic. At the end of the event in memory of victims of road-traffic accidents the participants of the event released white color balloons to sky. In its turn the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society presented small gifts to all school children participating at the event.  The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in cooperation with Out-of-school Education Center No.46 organized trainings and presentations on road safety for about 1000 pupils in 6 secondary schools. With a participation of these trained school children the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society organized marching through the central streets of Baku city. During the marching volunteers and school children distributed leaflets on road safety rules to passers-by. Pedestrians using underground passages were given small gifts. Also different contests and competitions on road safety were organized among youngsters and young people. The winners were awarded with small gifts.  In connection with “1 June – “The International Children Protection Day” there was organized a drawing contest on “Road Safety” topic among children from Out-of-school Education Center No.46.  The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with Sabayil district local authority and “HAYAT” agency organized a round table discussion on road safety for teachers of secondary schools in a conference hall of Sabayil district local authority building.  Expert having international practice on road safety conducted a two days seminar for 20 polices in “Divan” hotel. At the end of the seminar they were given certificates.  In January 2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with Binagadi district local authority, the International School of Azerbaijan (TISA) and “Atena” LLC organized entertainment program for children deprived of parents’ care, disabled children and youngsters at “Atrium” Children’s Entertainment Center. The children were given different gifts.  Supported by “12 May” company the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society organized a musical- entertainment program for 50 children with limited health possibilities living in Sumgayit city. The event was organized in “Imperator Ibo” restaurant. During the event children were served meals. Different gifts were also given to children.  30 children from vulnerable families of Kalbajar district were taken to participate at the New Year festivity organized by “Kainat” LLC in “Hand Games” Palace. Free-of-charge tickets for this festivity were provided by “Kainat” LLC.  In January 2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with “Addim” organization organized an action on a topic of ecology in a kindergarten situated in Nasimi district and among young people. During this action a film on ecology was also demonstrated.  In connection with the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the 50th anniversary of adoption of the Fundamental Principles of the International RC/RC Movement a drawing exhibition was organized in “Park Boulevard” Trade Center. The winners were awarded.  On the occasion of 2 February – “International Youth Day” an excursion to “Qala” archeological museum was organized for 180 children and youngsters.  A round table discussion on humanitarian activities and projects of the AzRC was organized for young people and volunteers in a conference hall of the AzRC. A party for young people and volunteers was organized in Sumgayit city branch of the AzRC. The party also included intellectual game competition. The winners were awarded with small gifts.  On the occasion of “Novruz” (Spring) holiday children from Children Home situated in Surakhani district of Baku city, children from “SOS Children Village” and 150 children with thalassemia were taken to see a performance organized in Puppet theatre.  Children from Children’s Home situated in Surakhani district of Baku city were taken to excursion to “Ulduz” factory.  In April students of the Azerbaijan Tourism Institute, Baku Slavonic University and Khazar University came to the Headquarters of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to have their industrial practice. “Youth and Volunteers” department organized trainings and presentations on youth activities of the AzRC for these students.  A campaign with the aim of involving new young volunteers into the National Society was organized in the Azerbaijan State Medical University.  The volunteers of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society conducted an event on cancer disease in “Park Boulevard” Trade Center. A video clip on cancer disease was demonstrated on monitors of Trade Center. Volunteers distributed leaflets on cancer to people.  “Youth and Volunteers” department of the AzRC organized humanitarian campaign to assist people affected as a result of a strong fire happened in one of dwelling buildings situated in Binagadi district of Baku city. Volunteers of “Youth and Volunteers” department of the AzRC distributed humanitarian relief items collected during a campaign to the affected people.  In connection with “1 June – “The International Children Protection Day” the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society supported by PakDad network of restaurants organized musical–entertainment program for children with blood diseases in hospital. At the end of the event different gifts were given to children.  Education oriented event on protection of rights of children was organized in Children Home named after O.Mirzayev in Lankaran city. Children from this Children Home were taken to “Relax” resort center in . Together with volunteers of the AzRC children played different intellectual games.  “Youth and Volunteers” department of the AzRC organized event for deaf children from a boarding school in Nizami district of Baku city and children from Children Home situated in Surakhani settlement. “Banu” Children Entertainment Center was selected as a venue of the event. Children enjoyed entertainment program. Children were served meals and at the end of the event they received different gifts.  “Youth and Volunteers” department of the AzRC organized module, leadership and social work training courses for 125 volunteers from Sumgayit, Mingechevir, Ganja, Lankaran, Sabirabad local branches of the AzRC.  “Youth and Volunteers” department prepared and made presentation on Youth Involvement Strategy for youth instructors, volunteers and chairpersons of local branches functioning in the front-line districts.  In August 2015, in connection with “The International Youth Day” a round table discussion was organized for students of different universities having their industrial practice at the Headquarters of the AzRC. Volunteers of the AzRC together with these students conducted an event for children in Children’s Home.  In September, in connection with “Knowledge Day” the “Youth and Volunteers” department organized an event for migrant children. Exhibition consisting of migrant children’s handiworks and drawings was exhibited. At the end of the event migrant school children were given school stationeries.  School stationeries were distributed by “Inci” firm to 50 children from vulnerable families in Binagadi district.  “Youth and Volunteers” department of the AzRC organized a round table discussion on “Peace” topic in a Conference Hall of Out-of-school Education Center No46 in Baku city. A video clip on peace topic was demonstrated. School children read poems and demonstrated compositions on peace topic.  In connection with “Mental Health Day” training on mental health was organized for volunteers of Sumgayit city branch of the AzRC. An event was organized in Psychiatric dispensary No.1 situated in Mashtaga settlement of Sabunchu district.  In connection with World Diabetes Day events were organized in “Park Boulevard” Trading Center and the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University. Blood tests were carried out among students and population to detect diabetes disease. Young people and volunteers took an active part in distributing information booklets on diabetes to population.  In connection with 1 December – “World AIDS Day” Youth and Volunteers department of the AzRC together with Youth Administration of Sabunchu district and AIDS Center organized an event in Youth Home. The staff of AIDS Center made a presentation on AIDS and answered to questions of young people on AIDS. Blood tests to detect AIDS were carried out among young people. More than 300 young people participated at the event.  Round table discussion was organized for young people. People living with AIDS were also invited to participate at round table discussion. The similar round table discussions were organized for volunteers of Sumgayit city branch and other district branches of the AzRC.  On the occasion of 3 December – International Day for Disabled People an event was organized in Young Disabled Persons Home situated in Sabunchu district. During the event Turkish barber shared his experience with young disabled persons learning barber profession. 18 disabled young girls got a new haircut.  On the occasion of 5 December – “World Volunteers Day” the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with “Azerkimya” Production Unit organized blood donation action in Sumgayit city. More than 250 people participated in this action.  There was organized a meeting where volunteers were informed about Youth Involvement Strategy. Those volunteers who actively participated in events of the AzRC were given diplomas.

Meetings of Central and Regional Youth Volunteers Boards

Goal: To improve cooperation relations between the staff and volunteers at both central and regional levels. To improve volunteers management system by establishing Regional Youth Volunteers Boards. During the reporting period a total of 7 meetings of Central and Regional Youth Volunteers Boards were held. Central Youth Volunteers Board held 1 meeting during the reporting period. However, Regional Youth Volunteers Boards held 6 meetings during the reporting year. These included:

1 meeting in Sumgayit Regional Center 1 meeting in Mingechevir Regional Center 1 meeting in Ganja Regional Center 1 meeting in Lankaran Regional Center 1 meeting in Baku Regional Center 1 meeting in Sabirabad Regional Center

Developing electronic registration system of volunteers.

During the reporting period “Volunteers Involvement Campaign” was held for volunteers of city and district branches of the AzRC covered by Baku, Sabirabad, Sumgayit, Mingechevir, Lankaran, Ganja Regional Centers of the AzRC. A total of 2900 people participated including volunteers of regional centers and local branches of the AzRC, members of Central Youth Volunteers Boards and youth coordinators of Regional Centers.


Goal: To ensure a diversity of finance sources of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society with the aim to strengthen a financial base of the National Society

Activities:  During the reporting period the main activities of the Fundraising department included: to ensure a diversity of finance sources with the aim to strengthen financial base of the National Society; to collect donations from donation boxes; according to the Strategic Plan of the National Society, to establish cooperation with different companies and donors; to develop and maintain existing business-like relations with different companies and donors. For this purpose, the Fundraising department held meetings with senior officials of a number of firms, banks, and trade and entertainment centers. During these meetings possible fields of cooperation with the National Society were discussed.  During the reporting period the staff of fundraising department of the AzRC negotiated with a management of different trade and entertainment centers in Baku city about placement of donation boxes. As a result, a total of 50 new donation boxes were placed in these trade centers. During the reporting period the funds collected from donation boxes in Baku city were transferred to Finance department of the AzRC. The main purpose of placing of donation boxes with the Red Crescent logo in different places was to provide relevant assistance to the most vulnerable people, including people affected by different natural disasters, elderly alone and needy people by using the funds collected from donation boxes  In 2015, there was held regular meetings with a Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan with the aim of developing fundraising activities of the AzRC.  The Fundraising and Income Generation department established necessary fundraising database and updated fundraising norms and standards in order to conduct properly activities in the field of fundraising and income-generation.

During the reporting period the funds collected from donation boxes were spent for the needs of vulnerable families, elderly alone people, disabled people, those who applied to the AzRC for assistance in receiving treatment, as well as for people affected by natural disasters both at local and international levels (5000 USD was transferred for the needs of people affected by earthquake in Nepal; 2000 USD was transferred for the needs of people who became a refugee as a result of war in Ukraine and found a shelter in Belorussia; 5000 USD was transferred for the needs of people who became a refugee as a result of war in Iraq). Below is given the names of companies where the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society placed its donation boxes:

Lider AS, Bonus market, Sarı market, Bazarstore, Fresco və Səbət network of markets, Adore market, Chudo Pechka, BonAppetit, Pak Dad, Sel Home, Pink, Accessorize, Koton, U.C. of Benetton, Premier Expo Hotel, Old Gates Hotel, Aida clinic.

During the reporting period a total of 41 287.75 AZN was collected from donation boxes and spent for different humanitarian purposes (providing material assistance, purchasing food and non-food items for warehouses). 38 787.75 AZN was spent for humanitarian purposes and 2.500 AZN was spent for warehouse stocks.

Achievements: - 100 new donation boxes have been placed in Baku city; - Increased interest of the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan to the development of fundraising area of the National Society; - Established fundraising database and updated fundraising norms and standards in order to conduct properly activities in the field of fundraising and income-generation.


- Lack of finances in order to print printing materials for population awareness-raising on fundraising - Lack of sufficient finances in order to produce new donation boxes.


Goal: To provide different kind of humanitarian assistance to elderly alone people, refugee and IDP families, people affected by natural disasters, man-made disasters and other vulnerable people by mobilizing the capacity of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the power of humanity; to encourage people to help each other.

Related with “In search of charity” pilot project.

To improve at least partially a welfare of a group of vulnerable people who are in most need of humanitarian aid and medical-social care living in Baku city, on 1 August 2008 “In search of charity” pilot project was initiated at the initiative of and with personal financial support of the Red Crescent Society Dr. Novruz Aslanov. The main aim of the project is to provide necessary food aid and medical-social care to vulnerable people by mobilizing the resources of the Secretariat, staff of local branches, Red Crescent nurses and volunteers. This project has been continued in 2015 as well.

 During the reporting period “In search of charity” pilot project has been implemented in 11 local branches covered by Baku Regional Centre. This pilot project has provided food aid and medical- social care on a monthly base to 21 the most vulnerable people by using of the personal funds of chairpersons of local branches who joined to an initiative of the President of the National Society. In 2015, “In search of charity” project has provided humanitarian aid in sum of 2520 AZN to the registered vulnerable people.

Related with bilateral cooperation and humanitarian arrangements  During the reporting period Humanitarian Relief department of the AzRC endeavored to establish cooperation in the field of humanitarian relief with different international and local humanitarian agencies functioning in the Republic of Azerbaijan, private agencies and firms in the country.  It is appropriate here to mention particularly the activities of the clinic of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku. During the reporting period 537 vulnerable people have been assisted to pass free of charge self-examination in the clinic of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku. The cost of free of charge self-examination provided to vulnerable people has been 32.220 manat.  During the reporting period the local branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society held different humanitarian-charity events and meetings with participation of vulnerable people. Hundreds of vulnerable people and children deprived of their families participated at these events. During the events they were provided with humanitarian aid. Additionally, lunch tables were served and entertainment programs were organized for them.


- In 2015, in comparison with previous years progress in terms of quality has been made in humanitarian relief activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society; - In 2015, finance sources of the National Society for humanitarian activities have been diversified. This included: funds collected from donation boxes, medical cards for passing free of charge self-examination, personal funds and other sources; - Increased internal possibilities of city and district branches of the AzRC.


General information:

It happens that people leave their homes because of political instability, war and conflicts in their countries. However, it becomes not so easy for them to be integrated into a society of countries hosting them. There they face different problems and do not know where to apply for help. In this situation the migrants face with risks of non-regulated migration. Along with bringing new opportunities migration may cause different problems as well. While informed and regulated migration may lead to development and good welfare, on the contrary, non-informed and non-regulated migration may put migrants at risks of insecurity.

Goal: To advocate for local and international rights of migrants as well as refugees and IDP in our country in order to provide them with normal living conditions; to help migrant families to solve at least partially their problems; to provide necessary assistance to migrant families when it is possible; to provide care and assistance to migrant families; to direct migrants who applied to the National Society to relevant partner organizations such as State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the International Organization for Migration, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Migration department of the AzRC actively participate in implementing of resolutions, decisions related with migrants adopted at the Statutory Meetings of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Regional Conferences.

Activities:  Free-of-charge Azerbaijan language course organized for migrants has been successfully continued by Migration department of the AzRC in 2015. In January-September 2015, 32 migrants who graduated from 9 months Azerbaijan language course were given relevant certificates. In October 2015, Azerbaijan language course restarted its activity. 27 migrants from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Nigeria attended the Azerbaijan language course. As in the previous years in 2015 the Azerbaijan language course was conducted in the Office of “HAYAT” International Humanitarian Organization which was a partner of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.  During the reporting period First Aid Sector of the AzRC organized 2 times free-of-charge First Aid course for migrants attending the Azerbaijan language course.  On the occasion of “Novruz” (Spring) holiday, on 18 March 2015, a holiday event for migrants was conducted. The spouses of Ambassadors of Palestine and Indonesia in Azerbaijan also joined to this event. They expressed their satisfaction with the event and their willingness to cooperate with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.  On the occasion of Ramadan holiday Migration department of the AzRC distributed food parcels to 46 migrant families in our country. These food parcels were kindly donated by “Azpetrol” LTD. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been cooperating with Azpetrol LTD for more than 5 years.  In 2015, as a result of cooperation between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the International Organization for Migration Migration-Information Desks were established in all city/district branches of the AzRC. The main purpose of Migration-Information Desks is to raise awareness of population about human trafficking and violence, to give necessary information about migration. In collaboration with the International Organization for Migration during the reporting period the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society printed 30.000 copies of brochure on combating human trafficking and distributed these brochures to all city/district branches of the AzRC. During the reporting period migrants in our country applied 14 times to Migration- Information Desks of the AzRC. The applications of migrants were considered individually and some of migrants were advised to approach the Azerbaijan State Migration Service, the International Organization for Migration and other relevant organizations.  In 2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration organized 760 seminars on “Combating Human Trafficking” in secondary and educational institutions in the country and Children and Youth Peace Center. More than 30.000 pupils and students participated at these seminars.  On the occasion of 1 June – “Children Protection Day” the Migration department of the AzRC distributed gifts to children whose parents attended Azerbaijan language course.  On 8 September 2015, “Community based health” program manager together with the staff of “Youth and Volunteers” department organized a seminar on “The 50th anniversary of adoption of the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement” for 23 women and young girls from Afghan, Iran and Chechen communities. The venue of the seminar was “Women and Youth Center” functioning under “HAYAT” International Humanitarian Organization. The participants of the seminar were informed about the life and activity of a founder of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Henry Dunant, the life and activity of an initiator of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society a General- Lieutenant Aliagha Shikhlinsky. In the practical part of the seminar the participants were divided into 7 groups and each of these groups prepared a small scene on one of 7 Fundamental Principles. At the end of the seminar the participants expressed their wish to join as a volunteer to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and to participate in other activities of the National Society. Information leaflets produced by the AzRC were distributed to participants.  On the occasion of 10 October – “Mental Health Day” within the framework of “Community based health” program of the AzRC there was organized a seminar on health issues for women and young girls from Afghan and Chechen communities. The purpose of the seminar was to inform participants about an importance of healthy life style, mental health and behavioral changes. Each of the participants was given an opportunity to share information about his/her life style. At the end of the seminar the participants noted that that kind of seminars positively affected them and they would like to have the similar seminars in the future.  On 19 October 2015, there was held a meeting between a Head of Migration Department of the AzRC and Secretary of Public Board under the Azerbaijan State Migration Service Department Mammad Katanov, Head Teacher of Azerbaijan Republic and a teacher of Azerbaijan language course Sona Hajiyeva, a head of Fundraising department of the AzRC Emil Seyidaliyev and a manager of “HAYAT” International Organization Zamina Safarova. An initiator of this meeting was the staff of Fundraising department. At the end of the meeting some winter clothes collected by Fundraising department and 3 packages of clothes collected by Migration department were distributed to children from migrant families attending Azerbaijan language course.  In October and December 6 vulnerable migrant families who applied to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for help were provided with food parcels and some household items. Migration department of the AzRC helped the citizens of Nigeria and Hungary with their documents. That work was coordinated with the Azerbaijan State Migration Service Department.  On the occasion of 18 December – International Migrants Day, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration conducted a large scale education and promotion activities related with migration in a number of schools in Azerbaijan. However, children and young people still need wider information on migration. Taking this into account the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with “HAYAT” Humanitarian Support Public Union organized a drawing contest on a topic of “The World full of charity”. The purpose of that drawing contest was to encourage children to charity, kindness and humanism. More than 50 school children from Baku and Sumgayit cities (including 12 migrant children) participated at drawing contest. Drawings of children were assessed by a member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan Republic, a member of the International Association of Cartoonists and a painter Naila Salmanova. The winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded with gifts. Other participants of the drawing contest were given certificates of appreciation.

Integration of migrants into Azerbaijani society.

It became already a tradition for the AzRC to provide care and assistance to migrants in our country. Following this tradition during the reporting period Migration department of the AzRC organized tours for migrants to different historical places and museums in our country. The Migration department also created an opportunity for migrants attending Azerbaijan language course to see spectacles played at Azerbaijan Academic National Drama and Musical Comedy Theatre in Baku city. For this purpose, migrant families were given more than once free-of-charge tickets for spectacles.

Achievements: - Increased interest of more migrants to attend the Azerbaijan language course of the AzRC. - Increased recognition of the AzRC as a leading organization among other organizations dealing with migration problems in the country. - Recent activities of the AzRC towards solving problems of migrants in our country, events organized for migrants and humanitarian aid campaigns in favor of migrants – all these activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society have attracted attention of the Azerbaijan State Migration Service Department. As a result of these successful activities in April 2015, head of Migration department of the AzRC Mammad Katanov was elected to the post of Secretary at Public Board functioning under the Azerbaijan State Migration Service. - Seminars on “Combating Human Trafficking” organized jointly by the AzRC and the International Organization for Migration in a secondary schools and high educational institution in the country. Through these seminars our young people received information and knowledge on migration. It is planned to continue the similar seminars in the future as well.

Problems: - Less interest of local donors to fundraising activities of the AzRC aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to migrant families living in our country. WEAPON CONTAMINATION


Implementation of Mine Risks Reduction activities on a country territory; providing social, humanitarian assistance and moral support to people who became a victim as a result of explosion of mines and explosive remnants of war, a violation of a cease-fire; collecting of information about mine incidents, victims of mines and explosive remnants of war; implementing awareness activities on mines and other weapons; implementation of projects towards ensuring economic security of communities living in areas close to the front-line.


 According to the Agreement on cooperation between the AzRC and the ICRC in 2015 and in accordance with Action Plan of Weapon Contamination program there was conducted an evaluation process of a social state of mine victim families in Gadabay and districts. After evaluation process implementation of “A social support to families of people who became invalid as a result of mine explosions” project was started in the above-mentioned districts. Taking into account a living condition and a social state of families from this category the most vulnerable 17 families were selected and they were given a certain amount of pecuniary aid. In general, within a framework of “Support to mine victims” strategy of the AzRC a total of 109 mine victim families were assisted during a period from 2009 to 2015. Taking this opportunity, AzRC would like to express its gratitude to the ICRC that provided financial support to this project.  According to the Agreement on Cooperation signed between the AzRC and ANAMA (Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions) information on mine incidents and victims of mines/explosive remnants of war (ERW) was collected and presented to ANAMA agency. On 6 March 2015, at initiative of a head of Migration department of the AzRC and “Weapon Contamination” program manager Mammad Katanov there was held a meeting in the office of ANAMA agency with a participation of a head of Department for Population Mine Awareness Mr. Musa Jalalov and an employee of that department Vagif Sadigov. During the meeting the parties informed each other about their activities. The updated Information Management System of Mine Actions blank was given to the representative of the AzRC. This blank was used to collect detailed information about victims of mines and ERW in 2015.  In 2015, the AzRC collected information about 11 mine incidents and provided it to ANAMA agency.  In 2015, within a framework of Mine Risks Reduction conception of the AzRC safe playgrounds for children were constructed in Boyuk Jafarli village of Gazakh district situated near to the front- line. A financial assistance for “Safe Playgrounds” project has been provided by Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Azerbaijan. In 2005-2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society constructed safe playgrounds in 57 villages of Gazakh, , Tovuz, Gadabay, , Goranboy, , Agdam, Agjabadi and Fizuli districts. As a result of construction of safe playgrounds mine and ERW risks of children have been partially reduced.  In December 2015, there was held a traditional joint meeting of the AzRC and the ICRC devoted to outcomes of activities implemented by the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement in the field of weapon contamination in Azerbaijan. This meeting was held in “Ambassador” hotel. Chairpersons of Gazakh, Agstafa, Tovuz, Gadabay, Dashkesen, Goygol, Goranboy, Tartar, Barda, Samukh, Agdam, Agjabadi and Fizuli local branches of the AzRC, coordinators of Ganja and Sabirabad Regional Centers, a chairperson of Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic Committee, heads and staff of all departments of the AzRC Secretariat, the representatives of the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan, an employee of Department for Population Awareness of ANAMA agency and a head of AzCBL (Azerbaijan Campaign for Banning of Landmines) participated at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss a Report on outcomes of activities implemented by the AzRC within a framework of weapon contamination program on the territory of Azerbaijan Republic in 2015, to plan further activities and projects in this field, to conduct a training session for chairpersons of local branches of the National Society by ANAMA specialist on fulfilling the IMSMA blanks.

Achievements: - The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has negotiated with Regional Department of the German Red Cross about construction of safe playgrounds for children in another 4 front-line villages in 2016 within the framework of Mine Risks Reduction conception of the AzRC. - The ICRC agreed to provide finance assistance to “A social support to families of people who became invalid as a result of mine explosions” project in 2016.

Problems/Constraints: The updated IMSMA blanks of ANAMA agency have not been properly filled in by district and city branches of the AzRC.


Goal: The aim of the Tracing Service is to reduce suffering of family members, who lost contacts with each other, provide psychological support, assist to exchange of necessary information among relatives during emergencies and afterwards as well as restore family links.

The main trends of activities of the Tracing Service:

- To organize a reception of applicants on a regular basis; - Tracing of persons missed during World War II; - Tracing related with migration; - Providing counseling service in order to solve social problems; - Searching of documents in order to solve social problems; - To inform population about the activities of the Tracing Service through Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC; - From 31 August to 1 September training on “Tracing in time of emergencies” was held for chairpersons of 15 local branches of the AzRC. - Training on “Tracing Service of the AzRC” was held for 17 students.

Cooperation with government structures:

In 2015, the Tracing Service of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society cooperated closely with the following government structures:

- The Ministry of Internal Affairs - The Ministry for National Security - State Archive Office under the auspices of the Cabinet of Ministers - Baku city executive authority - Republican Procurator’s Office - Military Commissariat - The United Nations High Commissariat for Refugees - State Committee for Refugees and IDPs - Telephone-information service and other state organizations. Meetings, trainings, seminars

 During the reporting period the staff of the Tracing Service of the AzRC met regularly with the tracing delegates of the ICRC.  The head of Tracing Service as a member of Commission for Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years 2016-2020 participated in a meeting of the Commission devoted to Disaster Preparedness and Response strategic direction and gave his/her proposals and recommendations related with Tracing Service.  During the reporting period the Tracing Service of the AzRC conducted training on “Activity of the Tracing Service in time of emergencies and post emergencies” for chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC functioning in the front-line districts.

Our activities:

In May-June 2015, the students of Tourism University were at the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for a practice. Training on “Activities of Tracing Service of the AzRC” was held for these students.

In July 2015, the students of Baku Slavonic University were at the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for a practice. Training on “Activities of Tracing Service of the AzRC” was held for these students.

In December 2015, the students of Khazar University were at the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for a practice. Training on “Activities of Tracing Service of the AzRC” was held for these students.

Regional Centers/local branches

During the reporting period the Tracing Service of the AzRC held several meetings with chairpersons of local branches covered by Baku, Sumgayit, Lankaran, Mingechevir, Sabirabad, Ganja Regional Centers and distributed tracing request blanks to them. In connection with tracing activities the staff of Tracing Service of the AzRC contacted through telephone calls chairpersons of a number of city and district branches of the AzRC and gave their recommendations.

Statistical figures on tracing in the year 2015:

Tracing requests received by the Tracing Service in the year 2015:

The number of cases opened: 34

- Within Azerbaijan – 21

Tracing related with migration 15 Tracing of documents lost as a result of a conflict 5 Tracing of documents related with World War II 1 Total : 21

- In abroad – 13

Tracing related with migration 8 Tracing of documents lost as a result of a conflict 1 Tracing of documents related with World War II 2 Tracing of persons missed during the Second World War 2 Total : 13 Family message -1

The number of cases closed in the year 2015 – 47

Tracing of persons missed as a result of migration 7 (with positive 29 (with negative result) result) Tracing of documents related with migration 0 (with positive 3 (with negative result) result) Tracing of documents lost as a result of a conflict - - Tracing of persons missed during the Second World 0 (with positive 3 (with negative result) War result) Tracing of documents related with World War II 2 (with positive 2 (with negative result) result) Tracing of persons missed during Stalin repression - 1 (with negative result) Total: 11 24

FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2015 (January-December)

The analysis of incomes shows that in 2015 total income of the AzRC was 1 780 881.80 (one million seven hundred eighty thousand eight hundred eight one manat and eighty pens). 804 978 AZN (eight hundred four thousand nine hundred seventy eight) allocated by the State Budget to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has made 45.2% of a total income. Implementation of “Building Safe and Resilient Communities” project (with financial support of Austrian RC, Austrian Development Agency, and the European Union) was continued in the year 2015. This program in the amount of 70.335 EURO or 79.865.05 AZN made 4.5% of a total income.

During the reporting period 7380 AZN allocated by the Embassy of Germany in Azerbaijan to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been spent for its proper purposes.

During the reporting period 850.000 AZN (eight hundred fifty thousand) has been calculated as a membership fee for district branches and field committees of the National Society. Membership fee in the amount of 845 051 (eight hundred forty five thousand fifty one) AZN was collected from local branches of the AzRC and this has made 99.42 % of the planned amount for membership fee.

During the reporting period 2.320 AZN (two thousand three hundred twenty) was generated from First Aid paid courses and entered into the National Society.

In 2015, “Assistance to Iraq” campaign was conducted by the AzRC. During the campaign 5000 USD (5350 AZN) was collected and transferred.

In response to Appeal of the IFRC for Belorussia 2.000 USD (2140 AZN) was collected. In response to Appeal of the IFRC to assist victims of earthquake in Nepal 5.000 USD (5350 AZN) was collected.

The expenditure of the AzRC included the followings: 612 724 (six hundred twelve thousand seven hundred twenty four) AZN for salary including 143 287 AZN (one hundred forty three thousand two hundred eighty seven) was transferred to the State Social Protection Fund, 48 967 AZN (forty eight thousand nine hundred sixty seven) was transferred for income tax.

During the reporting period budget payments of local branches have been supervised. It was observed that payments of local branches of the AzRC with the State Social Protection Fund and local tax bodies have been done strictly in accordance with the legislation

During the reporting period the staff of bookkeeping office at the National Society Headquarters held regular explanation talks and meetings with accountants of local branches of the AzRC. The accountants at local branches of the AzRC were given a task of keeping and increasing transparency.