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VOLUNTARY PRINCIPLES SECURITY VPSHR AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN CABO DELGADO BULLETIN MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PLATFORM FOR DIALOGUE GUARDIÃO DA DEMOCRACIA I Sunday, Murch th21, 2021 I Year 1, Number 9 I Director: Prof. Adriano Nuvunga I English PEMBA WORKSHOP Respecting human rights means giving back peace, dignity and hope to the victims of the conflict NneNne Iwuji-Eme, Alta Comissária Britânica para Moçambique, Armindo Ngunga, Secretário de Estado da Província de Cabo Delgado, Valige Tauabo, Governador da Província de Cabo Delgado he Secretary of State for Cabo Delga- bloodthirsty group, see justice done in the fra- do Province said that condemning the mework of crimes against humanity”. Armin- Tblatant violation of human rights in the do Ngunga was speaking on Wednesday 17 context of violent extremism is, above all, to March at the opening of the Pemba workshop condemn the terrorist actions and to ensure on promoting and facilitating the effective im- that the “defenseless populations, victims of plementation of the Voluntary Principles on heinous and inhuman acts perpetrated by that Security and Human Rights in Cabo Delgado. and appropriate equipment for patrolling, for the protection and defense of the homeland and in combating threats to territorial integri- ty.” But, he explains, this transaction occurs in the legitimate pursuit of the most noble public interest which is the defense of sove- reignty and territorial integrity, “because so- vereignty resides in the People and it is from them that the need to guarantee the defen- se of the homeland, of independence and of their conquests naturally emerges”. Regarding the need to protect the popu- lations displaced by the attacks, the Secre- tary of State of Cabo Delgado said that a Plan for the Management of Displaced Peo- ple was designed which, besides identifying, marking out and allocating plots to families ARMINDO NGUNGA, Secretary of State of in new villages, includes the restitution of li- Cabo Delgado velihoods with the opening of farms to en- sure agricultural production. The objective is not to perpetuate humanitarian dependency In a clear reaction to the most recent report in the form of donations, food and shelter, by Amnesty International which accuses the “received from charitable hands that rob the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of viola- self-esteem and confidence in the future ba- ting human rights in Cabo Delgado, the Se- sed on the work culture”. cretary of State of Cabo Delgado said that In the list of priorities of the State bodies in the population of the province and the Mo- Cabo Delgado province, Ngunga highlights zambican State are being assaulted in the the need to return peace, dignity and hope face of “the complicit silence of some well-k- to displaced communities that “desperately nown institutions in the international arena.” need to get back on their feet to find new “There are not a few times when such institu- opportunities to sleep, dream and wake up tions try to turn the aggressor into a victim, without nightmares” in the places where they inverting, to everyone’s dismay, the meaning are hosted. of the truth.” For Armindo Ngunga, it is contradictory and of no logical sense to believe in infor- mation conveyed on the violation of human rights that attribute to the SDS the criminal acts perpetrated by terrorists, “purposely For Armindo Ngunga, it is ignoring the antecedents, the repeated cri- contradictory and of no logical minal conduct and record of the real aggres- sense to believe in information sors”. conveyed on the violation of In the context of combating terrorism, human rights that attribute to the Ngunga says the inherent demands of natio- SDS the criminal acts perpetrated nal security cannot be seen merely as a bu- siness dependent on the laws of the market, by terrorists, “purposely ignoring demand and supply and its sole orientation the antecedents, the repeated to generate profit. “It may even entail a pe- criminal conduct and record of the cuniary transaction to access some necessary real aggressors”. 2 VPSHR I IN CABO DELGADO BULLETIN The United Kingdom reiterates their support for the creation of an enabling environment for the implementation of the Voluntary Principles of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights for the Government, private sector and civil society. For the public sector, the Voluntary Principles provide a platform to discuss expectations on responsible busi- ness conduct, integrating emerging human rights issues, as well as identify opportunities for implementation. “The Voluntary Principles enable governments to clearly promote res- ponsible business practices, in addition to supporting other public policy objectives re- lated to promoting sustainable development, strengthening and improving the business environment and preventing social conflict.” For the private sector, the Voluntary Prin- ciples enable companies to reduce reputa- NNENNE IWUJI-EME, tional risks and contribute to the stability of UK High Commissioner in Mozambique business operations, including reducing pro- duction delays - which are often caused by social conflict and political instability. “Private The project that aims to promote and facili- sector participation can also help bring local tate the effective implementation of the Volun- government to the dialogue table, as well as tary Principles on Security and Human Rights leverage their commitment to human rights in Mozambique, with particular focus on Cabo protection.” Delgado Province, is an initiative of the Cen- The UK High Commissioner in Mozambique tre for Democracy and Development (CDD) explained that for civil society and commu- supported by the Government of the United nities, the Voluntary Principles offer a collec- Kingdom. The central aim of the project is to tive learning platform to better support all minimize the risk of human rights abuses and stakeholders through their work on human ri- security related incidents in communities and ghts, peace and security. “We emphasize our to promote transparency and good corporate commitment to supporting the policies of the social responsibility practices. Government of Mozambique to provide an Speaking at the opening ceremony of the environment in which these principles can be Pemba workshop, the UK High Commissioner implemented, especially education at various in Mozambique highlighted the importance levels.” IN CABO DELGADO BULLETIN I VPSHR 3 Private sector says security is a priority condition for improving business environment in Cabo Delgado ensuring security and the full observance of human rights. “The Universal Declaration of Human Ri- ghts states in Article 3 that every individual has the right to life, liberty and security. The fact is that some of our fellow citizens have lost these rights means that it is up to all of us to do everything in our power to ensure that these rights are restored. It goes without saying that in such a situation, the business environment cannot and could not be good. Many of our small and medium business colleagues join the list of displaced people, they have lost everything, and others are in debt and in a desperate situation. GULAMO ABOOBAKAR,President of the Business Council of Cabo Delgado “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 3 that every individual has the The private sector was represented by the right to life, liberty and security. President of the Business Council of Cabo The fact is that some of our fellow Delgado, Gulamo Aboobakar. The busines- citizens have lost these rights sman defended that security is a priority is- means that it is up to all of us to do sue in Cabo Delgado, as it constitutes the everything in our power to ensure necessary condition for the improvement of that these rights are restored. the business environment and the protection of human rights. In fact, the business leader It goes without saying that in argued that the construction of an effective such a situation, the business development requires the consolidation of environment cannot and could not peace and prosperity for all, which implies be good. 4 VPSHR I IN CABO DELGADO BULLETIN Osman Yacob, president of the Muslim Community in Cabo Delgado “The communities in Cabo Delgado are intertwi- ned and have been living in communion for cen- turies. Muslims and Christians live together. The Muslim community does extraordinary work in helping communities, especially those displaced by the armed conflict. We will always continue to support the communities. We had the insurgents 25 kilometers from Pemba City, but today they are no longer here. And the turning point star- ted when a favorable environment of cooperation was created between the people and the Defen- se and Security Forces. But the scourge of Cabo Delgado does not come only from the war, it also comes from the lack of clear local content policies capable of leveraging local business and creating jobs for young people, thus reducing their vulne- rability to violent extremism”. OSMAN YACOB, President of the Muslim Representatives of the districts affected by the Community in Cabo Delgado conflict talk about the current challenges Representantes dos distritos afectados pelo conflito falam dos desafios actuais The workshop in Pemba was attended by representatives of the districts directly and indirectly affected by violent extremism. On the second and last day of the event, Permanent Secretaries (PS) from these districts spoke about the suffering of the people who lost relatives, the trail of destruction of public and private properties (including thousands of houses) and the challenges the respective governments face in providing assistance to the displaced. Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos Instituto Migrações e Direitos Créditos: IN CABO DELGADO BULLETIN I VPSHR 5 “Meluco borders three dis- vernment. By February this tricts affected by the terro- year we had already welco- rist attacks. In our district, med more than nine (9) thou- we recorded attacks in one sand people.