ISSUE 01 Sunday 21st March 2021


(L-R) Elsie G. Attafuah, UNDP Resident Representative, Prof. Alex Ariho, Director General, Excel Hort Consult and Hon. Mariam Nkalubo, Kingdom Minister for Lands and Environment at the opening ceremony

Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, Rosa Malango, UN Resident Dr. Florence Grace Adongo, Commissioner, Water Resources, Coordinator and Designated Director DWRM, MWE Planning & Regulation, MWE Official for Security 4th Uganda Water & Environment Week Opens he 4th edition of the Uganda. Business School, Ms. Blick Uganda Water and The dialogue meeting attracted Carol Gloria, the National TEnvironment Week high-level speakers including Coordinator of Youth Go (UWEWK 2021) commenced Ms. Elsie G. Attafuah, the Green Clubs, Prof. Alex today March 21 st , 2021 UNDP Resident Ariho, Director, Excel Hort with a dialogue on water and Representative, Mr. Ramathan Consult, Hon. Mariam environment security for socio- Ggoobi, a Lecturer at Nkalubo, the Minister economic transformation of University To page 2 4th Uganda Water and Environment Week Opens

Dr. Callist recognising the members of Uganda Walker Association who walked from to Kasese to save River Nyamwamba and creating awareness on environment during the opening ceremony of UWEWK

From page 1 pressure. avert climate change impacts “The forest cover has declined and create alternative livelihood of Lands and Environment in from 24% total land area in 1990 options that are economically the Buganda Kingdom. to 12.4% currently. This is viable. The Prime Minister of Uganda majorly attributed to biomass He mentioned the different was represented by Hon. Sam fuel cooking/combustion with measures Government has put Cheptoris, the Minister of other auxiliary drivers such as in place to ensure sustainable Water and Environment. In expansion of agricultural water and environment his opening remarks, the Prime land, sporadic urbanization, resources management and use Minister applauded the sector and income poverty, including the enactment of the for organizing the annual industrialization and inadequate environmental laws, the UWEWK. incentives for private plantation punishment of polluters and “The annual celebrations are a forests,” he said. instituting conditions that way of providing an interface Similarly, the national wetlands require all plastic manufacturers between sector actors and other coverage as a percentage of the to put up recycling plants. stakeholders for knowledge total land area declined from He stressed the sector’s exchange, dialoguing and 15.6% in 1994 to 8.9% currently relevancy to sustainable learnings on issues related to the and the estimated loss of development including sustainable development and wetlands Uganda loses is 846 maintaining healthy management of water and km2 of its wetlands annually. ecosystems for human survival environment resources,” he said. He called for the need to secure which are critical towards the The Prime Minister decried the the boundaries, protect and achievement of the NDPIII fact that in-spite of the sector’s restore water catchments goals and targets. relevancy to Uganda’s socio- including wetlands, river banks In his remarks read by Dr. economic development, the and forests and also gazette and Florence Adongo, the Director environment and natural strictly protect those that of the Directorate of Water resources were under increasing provide critical functions that Resources Management Page 2 (DWRM), the Minister of Water and Environment recognized that plastics dominate waste in the country both on land and in the water bodies. “More than 600 tons of plastic are disposed of each day. The country has a large number of inland fresh water bodies which are being suffocated by plastic litter. This is in addition to the pollution caused on land, in the drainage systems, in towns, damp sites and parks,” he decried. H.E. Rosa Malango, the UN Resident Coordinator and Designated Official for Security Participants during the opening ceremony of UWEWK appreciated the working equally improve the quality traditional to modern relationship between the of life of the citizens, the agriculture and from low to Government, Parliament, United catalyst for this is through higher productivity services. Nations, development partners, successful industrialization He said that there is need to civil society and private sector in and diversification of the collect data and communicate supporting the climate change economy which will trigger the research or study findings in the and natural resources agenda in movement of labor from low- language of decision makers, Uganda. paid agriculture to relatively utilize the available tools to She reiterated the UN’s better paid industrial maximize the benefits of the commitment to a healthy world employment. Water and Environment sector that will support health, peace He shared the case study of investments to economic and prosperity for generations Vietnam and highlighted that growth and the overall welfare to come. She quoted Nelson investment in water and of Ugandans. Mandela, “We can change environment will enhance Ramathan Ggoobi, a Lecturer the world and make it a better Uganda’s growth. “Economics at Business place. It is in your hands to study shows that enhanced School highlighted that Gross make a difference.” She ended environmental and water Domestic Product (GDP) her speech with a call to work stewardship boosts growth. should not be the only indicator together to preserve the planet Integrated Water and of development but rather for the next generation and Environmental sustainable development should ensure that no one is left behind. Investment Plan provides a be measured by what stock of Prof. Kenneth Strzepek, a Senior framework and set of tools for resources we leave behind. It Consultant, at IEc, Research sustainable growth,” he said. should be equivalent to what we Scientist MIT and Professor Prof. Kenneth highlighted that inherited. Emeritus, University of for sustainable development to Ms. Elsie G. Attafuah, the Colorado made the keynote be realized, development has to UNDP Resident Representative address under the theme, ‘Water be inclusive and environmental highlighted that the dialogue and Environment security for sustainability must be a was timely especially when the socio-economic transformation requirement not an option. He country is rolling out NDPIII of Uganda’. also mentioned that there is and the SDG agenda. She said He highlighted that though need to address problems of that development is hinged on the key goal of NDP III is to Climate Change mitigation and water and environment. This increase the average Ugandan adaptation and shift from also applies to other sectors households’ incomes and

Page 3 including agriculture and water, for other sectors to mainstream tourism, environment and water. water and environment resources Dr. Florence noted that use and management in their Government has created an value chains apart from the enabling environment for Corporate Social Responsibility the sustainable water and related activities. She highlighted environment resources through that there is need to encourage the Ministry of Water and smart learning and planning that Environment and various brings all actors together so that agencies that monitor, regulate they can see the impact of each and promote the usage of water sector on the other. and environment resources She called employing incentive She highlighted that a number mechanism to sustainable water of stakeholders are unaware of and environment use and the importance and relevancy Ramathan Ggoobi management by different of the sector to the socio- stakeholders and optimization of economic development of management. innovations. Uganda. “People take water and Mr. Ggoobi called for the Hon. Mariam Nkalubo, environment for granted,” prioritization of the sector the Minister of Lands and she said. She highlighted in national planning and Environment in the Buganda that Ministry of Water budgeting and an internal Kingdom said that the Buganda and Environment has both re-organization of the sector culture depends, cherishes the technical capacities on alongside institutional and policy and wants to conserve the transboundary water resources frameworks.Ms. Elsie called environment.

Key participants after the opening ceremony of UWEWK Page 4 PRE-EVENT ACTIVITIES As part of the national com- a number of pre-event activities Below are the highlights of the memoration of the Uganda were planned and conducted at activities. Water and Environment Week, both national and regional level. The launch of the annual 40 million trees planting campaign

he Ministry of Water and Environment in collaboration with TUganda Breweries Limited organised the 2021 edition of the Running Out of Trees (ROOTs), an annual event which involves a series of activities aimed at restoring Uganda’s diminishing tree cover. In a span of one year, 40 million trees will be planted. During the launch of the 40 million trees planting campaign, the Speaker of Parliament of Uganda Hon. Rebecca Kadaga implored everyone to walk the talk when it comes to preserving and protecting the environment. She called on leaders to lead by example and ensure that environmental degradation stops. Hon. Kadaga also launched the ROOTs mobile app to raise awareness and mobilize funds needed to procure, plant and maintain the 40 million trees across the country. Hon. Beatrice Atim Anywar joined the Speaker of Parliament to plant a tree at Hon. Rebecca Kadaga together with Hon. Beatrice Anywar planting a Parliament. The ROOTs campaign is a tree during the launch at Parliament on Sunday 5-year project initiated by the Ministry of Water and Environment with the aim of working together to fast track National Forest Restoration Goals and Commitments which includes a plan to restore 2.5 million hectares of degraded landscapes by 2030. “Members of the public contribute only Sh1,500 via the mobile phone app. This cost caters for seedling, facilitating the planting exercise, manning the tree until it is at a stage where it can survive on its own and for paying tree adoption, the company that is responsible for continuous

monitoring and evaluation of this process,” Participants doing warm up exercises before the launch of the 40 mil- said officials at the launch. lion trees planting campaign at Parliament Page 5 Flipflopi Expedition on L. Victoria lipflopi, the world’s first sailing boat made from F100% recycled plastic, joined forces with the UN Environment Programme’s Clean Seas Campaign and embarked on an expedition by sailing around Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest freshwater ecosystem. The expedition aimed at sending an urgent message to the East African Community (EAC) to end the unnecessary single-use plastic scourge that is threatening the region. The Flipflopi is an initiative showcasing alternative uses of plastic waste and the possibilities of circular The Nnabagereka Sylivia Nagginda listening to Ali Skanda, cofounder of the economy approaches. Over a Flipflopi project three-week period, the Flipflopi sailed from Kisumu, Kenya to the Commissioner of Water said. Hon. Anywar thanked several locations in Uganda and Resources, Planning and United Nations Environment Tanzania, raising awareness Regulation Department, Programme (UNEP) and the and inspiring communities to highlighted the need for French Embassy for supporting adopt circular-waste solutions partnership and collaboration the Flipflopi expedition that to beat plastic pollution. towards ending environmental aims at sensitizing masses on “Flipflopi was built to show the degradation. the dangers of plastic pollution. world that it is possible to make “We are happy that we have She highlighted that even valuable materials out of been blessed with so many though traders oppose the ban waste plastic. By sailing around stakeholders that will be of polythene bags, the 2009 the lake, we aim to inspire dialoguing and discussing Finance Act prohibits the use of people to create their own issues affecting water and plastics in Uganda. waste-plastic innovations and the environment. We thank She also highlighted that there adopt circular solutions that the Flipflopi team for joining is need to create awareness in will build greener businesses, us in this campaign against schools and communities to whilst also taking plastic out environmental degradation,” he reduce on plastic waste in the of the environment,” said said. Dr. Callist thanked environment. Ali Skanda, cofounder of the the Buganda kingdom for The Queen of Buganda, Sylvia Flipflopi project and builder of being part of organisation of Nagginda was the Guest the world’s first recycled plastic UWEWK 2021. of Honor and she thanked dhow. Hon. Beatrice Atim Anywar, the the FlipFlopi expedition for As part of the campaign, Minister of State for thanked sensitizing masses about plastics The Ministry of Water and the Guest of Honour, the and their danger to the Environment organised a Nnabagereka of Buganda environment. She said that there dialogue at Commonwealth for accepting to bless the is need to increase sensitization Resort . event. “This is a sign that the of the communities on the Speaking at the meeting, kingdom is supportive of the dangers of plastic pollution. Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, environment activities,” she “We need to think about using

Page 6 The flipflopi ISSUE 01, 13 SEPTEMBER

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the paper bags that are reusable to a healthy environment is a use plastics. other than using the single use crucial human right because it “We cannot underscore the plastic bags. We need to teach directly impacts our quality of damaging effects plastic our children the sustainable life,” she said. pollution has on our water protection of the environment. Other notable speakers during bodies. We can and must act There is need to raise public the panel discussion included and save our environment from awareness on the management Dr. Noble Banadda, Professor unnecessary pollution. The of plastics,” she said. of Engineering, at Makerere solution starts with all of us and Her Excellency Rosa Malango University, Ms. Lillian Idrakua, we require a behaviour change the UN Resident Coordinator Commissioner - Water Quality of no plastic waste,” said Hon. and Designated Official for Management at Ministry Sam Cheptoris, the Minister of Security, thanked the Flipflopi. of Water and Environment, Water and Environment. She said that plastic pollution Ms. Hilda Flavia Nabakuye - “The COVID-19 pandemic has is one of the most serious Climate and Environmental accelerated the need to address threat to our world, health and Rights Activist, Mr. Morgan the myriad environmental community and the ecosystem. Bbonna, Secretary at crises through regional and “We need partnership between Uganda Water and Juice global consensus single-use Government and private sector Manufacturers Association, plastic, and climate change,” to protect the environment Ms. Patience Nsereko, Principal said Joyce Msuya, Deputy against plastic pollution,” she Environmental Inspector- Executive Director of the said. National Environment UN Environment Programme She concluded her speech with Management Authority (UNEP). “ahis quote newsletter from Nelson has been Mandela produced – with(NEMA), support Recognition from the Civil of Society core in UgandaThe Flipflopi Support campaign Programme is (CUSP)“We cannot which affordis implemented to wait for by GIZ partnerswith funds and from Short the speechesEuropean Unionsupported and the German by the government. Governments Theothers contents to stand of this up forpublication can infrom no way French be taken Ambassador, to reflect the viewsof of Uganda, the European Kenya, Union Tanzania, or the Germanenvironment government – as nobody and GIZ. stands” British High Commissioner, UK, UNEP, the French to lose more than we do” UNEPI country representative. Development Agency (AFD), “It is our dutyStories to be & proactivePictures by JULIETThe WAISWA, British VIOLETHigh Commissioner NABATANZI and SAUDHAUN Live, NAKANDAH the EU Uganda in the battle to protect Africa’s said the United Kingdom is Office and private sector natural environment. The right leading the fight against single- partners.

Page 7 The Mayor of Owekitiibwa Joyce Nabbosa Ssebugwawo touring the exhibition stalls Buganda Kingdom mini open day exhibition at Bulange, Mengo s part of UWEWK A2021, Buganda Kingdom organised an open day mini exhibition on the 12th March 2021 at Bulange Garden in Bulange Mengo, Kampala. Buganda Kingdom is one of the key players in the fight against environmental degradation. Her Royal Highness Sylvia Nagginda, the Nnabagereka of Buganda attended the event. The key issues highlighted Participants at the exhibition during the event included alternative building, climate smart agriculture, proper waste management, artisan recycling and alternatives, conservation and heritage as well as green energy. The focus was to bring communities and local leaders to one table to discuss and share best practices in reducing plastic waste, keep and conserve water but also promote conservation traditional best practices that make Buganda’s identity. An official speaking during the exhibition at Bulange

Page 8 Conservationists walk 370 km to save River Nyamwamba team of conservationists Aunder the Uganda Walkers Association of Uganda set off to walk from Kampala to Kasese in an effort to create awareness about environment conservation and climate change. While flagging off the over 15 member team comprising of ministry officials and other stakeholders, the Minister for Environment Ms.Beatrice Anywar warned the public against environment pollution done especially on wetlands. “We are back into business of hunting the polluters down. The time of handling them with gloves has ended. I warn all of you to desist The Minister of Water and Environment Hon. Sam Cheptoris from acts that degrade the flagging off the walkers at MWE offices in environment,” Ms. Anywar said. of Water and Environment broken and if we don’t work on, The President of the Sam Cheptoris appealed to Uganda will be at a very big association, Geoffrey Walker Ugandans to conserve water risk. So I will be part of those Ayen said in areas where the and the environment in a bid people who continue to walk to team has traversed, they have to contribute to economic champion for climate change.” saved forests and rivers from transformation. another team member noted. encroachment by the local “When you focus on improving For some time now, there communities. natural resource utilisation and have been many outcries from “We will walk 371 km reduction on environmental the beneficiaries of River from the Ministry of Water degradation, you will realise Nyamwamba, saying it’s being headquarters. We will plant sustainable economic growth polluted due to various human trees and clean towns together and livelihood security while activities. with the residents. adding value to key growth River Nyamwmba is currently This activity is continuous opportunities,” Cheptoris said. facing degradation, the reason and so far we have saved Zoka “This walk is to tell Ugandans to for its recent flooding. forest, River Rwizi and now show commitment to conserve River Nyamwamba is located Nyamwamba,” he explained. the environment and I want to in Kasese district in Western He added that the walk is invite all Ugandans to join us Uganda and is fed by melting focused on empowering and because we don’t want this to be glaciers from the mountains creating awareness about the a symbolic walk, but we want it of the moon, (Rwenzori importance of saving River to bring an impact on society,” Mountain). It emerges from the Nyamwamba. one of the walkers said. mountain and flows to Lake In support of the walk and Uganda’s environment is getting George in the Albertine Rift. its purpose, the Minister completely disorganized and Page 9 Regional activities The six de-concentrated regional structures of Ministry of Water and Environment conducted a number of pre-event activities aligned to the 4 th Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK). The activities included; media campaigns on television and radio aimed at creating awareness on water and environment’s centrality to the sustainable development of Uganda. Other activities conducted included clean up exercises and environmental restoration activities. Below are picture highlights from the regional Ministry of Water and Environment staff during the Rwenzori regional pre- UWEWK 2021 activities pre-event activities.

Participants after collecting garbage

An official waters the tree after tree planting

Richard Musota Participants looking at an speaking event banner

Participants during a A religious leader planting a tree A Police officer planting clean up exercise a tree Page 10 Participants preparing for clean up Participants cleaning up

Participants during the regional walk

Garbage collected during the clean up Participants during the regional walk Page 11 Beatrice Anywar, the State Minister for Environment (2nd left) listening to Mr. Antonio Querido, FAO Representative to Uganda. Looking on is the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Water and Environment Mr. Alfred Okot Okidi Commemoration of the International Day of Forests n commemoration of the FAO for accepting to partner International Day of Forests, In Uganda, with Ministry of Water and Ithe Ministry of Water and “ Environment to facilitate the Environment together with forests have dialogue. the Food and Agricultural “In Uganda, forests have come Organisation (FAO) organised come under under pressure but we hope that a high level dialogue meeting through dialogue, we can change as part of the Uganda Water pressure people’s minds towards restoring and Environment Week to raise but we hope forests and the environment,” he awareness about the said. Every year on International importance of all types of that through Day of Forests, countries are woodlands and trees and to encouraged to undertake local, celebrate how they sustain and dialogue, we national, and international protect humanity. efforts to organize activities The dialogue meeting was can change involving forests and trees. held at Kampala Serena people’s Mr. Antonio Querido, FAO Hotel on March 18 th , 2021 Representative to Uganda under the global theme for the minds towards highlighted that that national International Day of Forests dialogue is 2021- ‘Forest Restoration: A restoring aimed at gathering stakeholders path to recovery and wellbeing.’ with interest in ensuring that The Permanent Secretary forests and the forests continue to exist, to of Ministry of Water and environment. thrive and contribute to the Environment, Mr. Alfred betterment of humanity. Okot Okidi thanked the United Nations represented by “Forests have a significant role European Union and the in reducing the risk of natural Page 12 disasters, including floods, Union has been working with forty million trees all over the droughts, landslides and other Uganda to promote commercial country. extreme events. They mitigate forestry and that a lot has been Other speakers included climate change by sucking up achieved. Ms. Pauline Nantongo, the carbon from the atmosphere, “The European Union is Executive Director of ECO- leaving cleaner air to sustain committed to supporting Trust, Dr. Fred Babweteera, the humankind and biodiversity,” he forestry in Europe and Uganda. Ass. Professor and Dean, School said. We are working to protect, of Forestry, Environmental Mr. Querido highlighted that in restore and value forests. and Geographical Sciences collaboration with the Ministry This does not only involve at Makerere University, Ms. of Water and Environment and financial support but requires Sophie Kutegeka, the Country the European Union, FAO strong political will and active Director, IUCN, Immaculate has championed investment in participation from the top of the Akello from Generation Engage ecosystem management and government to the local Network, Ms. Cynthia Mpanga, forest restoration in Uganda communities neighbouring the the Corporate Affairs Manager through various initiatives like forests,” she said. at Standard Chartered Bank the Sawlog Production Grant Hon. Beatrice Atim Anywar, Uganda, The Ambassador of Scheme, the Global Climate the State Minister for the Sweden to Uganda highlighted Change Alliance (GCCA), Environment was the Guest the need for both national and restoration and sustainable of Honor and she decried the international partners to engage management of forests and continued loss of forest cover. in discussions on biodiversity. providing clean, safe and labour “We have been losing 120,000 “Sustainably managing forests saving energy technologies trees each year and can contribute to ending for gender responsive if we do not reverse this, we poverty, food insecurity and transformation and climate are going to lose timber by climate change,” he said. He change mitigation in West 2030,” she said. She mentioned also shared what the programs Nile and Karamoja regions of that Government committed they are supporting in Uganda Uganda by turning agricultural to restoring 2.5 million ha including Makerere University residue and waste into clean of the forested area by 2030 and other five public universities energy. and restore 25% of the forest in Uganda. Nadia Cannata Ms. Caroline Adriaensen, the area by 2040 in NDPIII. The representing the European European Union Delegation government of Uganda has put Union Delegation to Uganda to Uganda mentioned that for in place a mechanism to achieve said that emphasis should be put the past 18 years, the European the restoration through growing on conservation of the forests.

Mr. Antonio Querido, FAO Representative to Uganda and the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Water and Environment Mr. Alfred Okot Okidi during the panel discussion Page 13 Sponsors and Partners

This newsletter has been produced with support from the Ministry of Water and Environ- ment, SIMAVI, The Water Trust and UWASNET

The editorial team included Saudha Nakandha, Vicky Wandawa, Janet Olumbe, Caroline Namale, Nelson Naturinda, Rehema Aanyu.