WINDY CITY PAGE 25 THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Oct. 24, 2012 vol 28, no. 3 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.comTIMES School board flips trans policy BY JASON CARSON WILSON get state guidance. “I was a tomboy,” she said. “I know how it goes.” With board members Mary Anne Turza and Stella Gon- Susana Alfero, the mother of 7-year-old, Kayla, who flashy trash East Aurora School District 131 repealed its policy in- zalez absent, Board President Annette Johnson and identifies as a transgender, was among those at the owner dies tended to keep transgender students safe. On Oct. 15, members Richard Leonard, Raymund Hall, Anita Lewis meeting. Kayla wore a red baseball cap, red sweatshirt page 8 District 131 school board members passed a policy, and Ignacio Cervantes voted unanimously to end the and jeans. detailing how transgender students should be treated. policy. “She’s perfectly fine with who she is and who she will They reversed that decision during a packed emergency Johnson apologized for the board’s actions, while de- become,” Alfero said during a public comment period. meeting Oct. 19. fending its commitment to District 131 students. “She’s no less of a person because of the way she was School attorney Bernie Weiler said it was an amend- “I sincerely apologize that we didn’t watch closer,” born. Tomorrow, when you stop this policy, who’s going ment to an anti-bullying policy that would have added she said. “[But] public education has to address every- to protect my child?” one’s needs.” specific procedures for “handling identity is- Turn to page 6 sues.” Weiler said the policy was rescinded in order to Johnson said she could related to student struggles. HRC Gala


pages 9-13

film director ira sachs pagE 28 The Chicago chapter of the Human Rights Campaign held its annual gala Oct. 20, It’s that time of the year: People across the country have already started voting honoring actress Jennifer Beals (pictured) and the Obama Administration’s Jeff on people and issues, leading to the huge general elections Nov. 6. Find the Berry. See more pics on page 32 and at Photo by Windy City Times General Election Guide starting on page 9. Kat Fitzgerald ( sds 2 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES

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Vote Healthy Get a Flu Shot

Kids can enjoy storytelling and musical performances, meet cast members and their puppets, draw, and write stories at the event. They can also submit their stories, reports and poems later to Green Screen Adventures, the only national television show that performs stories written by children at Each child that gets a flu shot will receive a Green Screen Adventures button!

Talk to Your Provider or Call 311 to Find a City of Chicago Flu Clinic Near You - and remember - WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 3 this week in WINDY CITY TIMES NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS DOMA ruling; LGBT demographic 4 Scottish Play Scott 15 Obama takes second debate 5 Trans choreographer Sean Dorsey 19 ‘13 city budget; Aurora meeting 6 Billy Porter of ‘Kinky Boots’ 25 Dignity panel; Cardona honored 7 Knight: ‘Lights,’ ‘Cloud Atlas’ 26 Flashy Trash’s Manley passes; Lesh 8 ‘Scrooge & Marley’ news 27 WCT General Election Guide 9 ‘Keep the Lights On’ director 28 Gay in the Life; T in the Life 13 Israeli films; Music Box 29 Friday, November 2nd Views: Segal; letter 14 Vidur Kapur; Strayhorn festival 30 Autos: Own or lease? 31 The 2012 Chicago House HRC gala photos 32 Speaker Series Luncheon Dish: Zealous; Q-BBQ 34 Photos on cover (left, from top): Publicity Billy Masters 37 C †‡ H ˆ‡ photo of Billy Porter; photo of Harold Mandel courtesy of Linden Chubin; photo of Sean Dorsey by Lydia Daniller; photo of Ira Sachs OUTLINES Real estate; classifieds 35 courtesy of Music Box Theatre Calendar Q 36 “It’s great to be known T2 celebration; Force dinner 38 for your shoes, but it’s better

CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, THE VOICE OF INCE 1985 ANS COMMUNITY S BI AND TR to be known for your sole.” Oct. 24, 2012, no. 3 vol 28 ky boots’ WINDY CITY kin orter billy p

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started voting . Find the country have already cross the elections Nov. 6 eople a general . ear: P huge page 9 of the y o the ing on time leading t tart It’s that issues, ion Guide s Then click on any ad and be taken directly to the advertiser’s Web site! and ct. 20, ople eral Elect O on pe mes Gen annual gala ’s Jeff Ti d its tration Windy City ign hel dminis o by hts Campa bama A hot and the O P Ctor of the Human Rigtured) Media e chapter als (pic indyCity M dir o ifer Be t www.W fil The Chicag enn and a com) saChs ress J page 32 aphy. ira honoring act e pics on 28 mor sticImagesPhotogr PAGE Berry. See (www.My gerald Kat Fitz D  , E   , H   online exclusives at

www. .com WindyCityMediaGroup MAR AND WIDE Girl-gang moviemaker Katrina del Mar (left) talks with WCT about her films and Harrison Ford’s kissing. Presented by

Photo by Brett Lindell

See photos from this year’s See photos NEWS YOU CAN USE from fashion There’s even more news online, including Tie Gala, which the events, including an interview with Catholics for Choice local Susan Komen Richard Dayhoff’s President Jon O’Brien. affiliate sponsors. underwear show. Photo by Melissa Wasserman Photo by Andrew Davis HISTORY LESSON Read the latest item in the LGBT History Month series—and this one’s about San ORA FIXATION Francisco’s evolution.

23RD ANNUAL THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT Read entertainment news about Mario Lopez, Beyonce and . CHICAGO

plus Read an interview with British singer HUMANITIES Rita Ora, and read the latest Pop Making DAILY BREAKING NEWS Sense (which covers Streisand). FESTIVAL Publicity photo NOVEMBER 1-11

#1079 • October 24, 2012 AMY AND MITCHELL TALK 90+ Events nightspots this halloween/election issue nightspots sponsored by the letters G-A-Y 20+ Venues $5-15 Tickets A Sneak Peek at Gay History HAPPY with historian George Chauncey HALLOWEEN! Show Ticket Office 312.494.9509 #492

Find Nightspots on 4 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES ing the marriages of same-sex couples, Windsor ONLINE AT was not allowed to take the routine marital es- tate tax deduction. Instead, she paid more than WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM Big surprises in $360,000 in taxes on the estate she shared with NATIONAL NEWS her spouse. A legal team hired by the Republican-con- trolled Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) DOMA ruling in the U.S. House argued that, at the time of By Lisa Keen Spyer’s death (in 2009), the state’s highest Keen News Service court had ruled (in Hernandez v. Robles, 2006) that the state constitution “does not compel There have been enough federal court rulings recognition of marriages between members of —Ryan Andresen (left) declaring the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) the same sex.” delivers 400K unconstitutional that Oct. 18 ruling by a Sec- The solicitor general appealed the case to signatures ond Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel was not the U.S. Supreme Court even before the Second a big surprise, in and of itself. But the panel’s Circuit issued its decision. And constitutional —Ted Haggard backs related ruling—that laws should be held to a scholar Nan Hunter indicated in her blog hunt- marriage equality heightened standard of review when they treat that the high court may be in- people differently because of their sexual orien- clined to hear Windsor because all nine justices —Ruth Ellis Center tation—was news. would be able to sit in on the case. Hunter spec- loses director In Windsor v. U.S., a three-judge panel vote ulated that Justice Elena Kagan would “likely” 2-1 that Section 3 of DOMA —which prohibits recuse herself from the Massachusetts cases federal recognition of marriage licenses issued because she “acknowledged at least limited in- to same-sex couples—is unconstitutional. In volvement in discussions of the Gill litigation” duct a crime.” doing so, it said that “homosexuals as a group minority group. while she was solicitor general. The majority said DOMA could not survive an have historically endured persecution and dis- The decision, and the heightened review rul- In its ruling in Windsor, the Second Circuit intermediate level of scrutiny. BLAG’s claim that crimination,” that “ has no re- ing, apply only to Second Circuit states for now, noted that, “For the purpose of federal estate DOMA preserves some uniformity in the defini- lation to aptitude or ability to contribute to but Wolfson said it was an especially impressive taxes, the law of the state of domicile ordinarily tion of marriage, it said, failed because “DOMA society,” that “homosexuals are a discernible find led by Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs, an ap- determines whether two persons were married at is an unprecedented breach of longstanding group,” and that gay people, as a class, “remains pointee of President George H.W. Bush. Joining the time of death. deference to federalism that singles out same- a politically weakened minority.” Jacobs in the decision was the appeals court’s In upholding the district court decision that sex marriage as the only inconsistency (among For those reasons, said the court, laws treat- newest member, Obama appointee Christopher DOMA violates the equal protection clause of the many) in state law that requires a federal rule to ing people differently because they are gay Droney. constitution, the majority opinion rejected an achieve uniformity….” And because DOMA af- should be given a heightened level of scrutiny Dissenting from the majority was 75-year-old argument by BLAG that the U.S. Supreme Court’s fects more than 1,000 federal benefits, it said, by the courts. Clinton appointee Chester Straub. summary dismissal of an appeal of a 1971 case BLAG could not persuasively argue that it is “This is the first federal appellate court rul- Wolfson noted that the Windsor decision marks from Minnesota of a gay couple whose request substantially related to fiscal matters. The gov- ing that heightened scrutiny—a presumption of the tenth federal ruling that DOMA is unconsti- for a marriage license had been rejected. ernment also failed to prove that DOMA was a unconstitutionality—applies in reviewing sexual tutional. “When Baker was decided in 1971, “intermedi- means of preserving a traditional understanding orientation discrimination; that’s definitely a “No matter how slice it, it’s time for the Su- ate scrutiny” was not yet in the Court’s vernacu- of marriage and “responsible childrearing.” big deal,” said Evan Wolfson, head of the na- preme Court to swiftly strike down this discrimi- lar,” wrote Jacobs. Citing the Supreme Court’s The Supreme Court has not yet indicated when tional Freedom to Marry group and a long-time natory law and get the federal government back 1996 ruling in Romer v. Evans, he noted, “The it will announce whether it will hear any of the legal activist for marriage equality. to treating married couples, gay or non-gay, as Court had not yet ruled that “a classification DOMA cases pending before it. Many court ob- “This is huge,” agreed Jon Davidson, legal what they are: married,” said Wolfson. of [homosexuals] undertaken for its own sake” servers have speculated the justices are holding director for Lambda Legal. “When any form James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s LGBT actually lacked a rational basis.” And, referring off on their decision until after the Nov. 6 elec- of heightened scrutiny applies, it means that Project, represented Edith Windsor in the law- to the Supreme Court’s 2003 ruling striking laws tion. courts no longer presume that the law or gov- suit. Windsor married her spouse, Thea Spyer, in prohibiting same-sex sexual relations, he noted, ©2012 by Keen News Service. All rights re- ernment conduct that is challenged is consti- Canada in 2007. Spyer died in 2009, following “And, in 1971, the government could lawfully served. tutional. Instead, they look with suspicion at a long illness. But because Section 3 of DOMA “demean [homosexuals’] existence or control the government’s differential treatment of the prohibits the federal government from recogniz- their destiny by making their private sexual con-

tween and their straight counterparts. openly gay PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel ($3.8 tered voters preferred Romney to Obama by Report: 3.4 % LGBT women were as likely as non-LGBT women million); the top contributors are Sheldon and one percentage point, 47 percent to 46 per- to be raising kids. Miriam Adelson ($36.3 million). cent. However, when LGBT voters are added of U.S. is LGBT The study is not without its shortcomings, to electorate, Obama moves slightly ahead of BY KATE SOSIN the report noted, because many LGBT people Romney (47 percent to 45 percent). are unlikely to identify themselves as LGBT to Ky. site of first federal Other key findings from the poll include that A new study aims to capture the percentage of researchers. LGB hate-crimes trial one in five LGBT voters is conservative, and LGBT people living in the U.S., and the findings “As a group still subject to social stigma, In Kentucky, openly gay resident Kevin that LGBTs are slightly less likely to register to may upset some longstanding stereotypes. many of those who identify as lesbian, gay, bi- Pennington testified in federal court that he vote than non-LGBT individuals. According a just-released Gallup report, 3.4 sexual, or transgender may not be forthcoming jumped off a mountain in April 2011 because The full report is at http://williamsinsti- percent of Americans publicly identify as LGBT, about this identity when asked about it in a he believed two men chasing him were go- with people of color being more likely to iden- survey,” the report noted. “Therefore, it’s likely ing to kill him, according to an Albany Times graphics-studies/gallup-special-report-- tify as LGBT than White respondents. that some Americans in what is commonly re- Union item. The survey, put to 120,000 U.S. adults, asked vote-18oct-2012. ferred to as “the closet” would not be included Anthony Ray Jenkins and cousin David Jason respondents if they identified as lesbian, gay, in the estimates derived from the Gallup inter- Jenkins are charged with kidnapping Penning- bisexual or transgender. According to the re- views.” ton, assaulting him and committing a federal Log Cabins endorse port, the poll is the largest U.S. study of LGBT More on the report is available at: gallup. hate crime; Mable Ashley Jenkins and Alexis population distribution to date. Romney com/poll/158066/special-report-adults-identi- Jenkins, who lured Pennington by trying to The national board of directors of the LGBT The study found that 4.6 percent of Black fy-lgbt.aspx. respondents identified as LGBT, as well as four score a prescription drug, pled guilty in April group Log Cabin Republicans is endorsing Gov. percent of Latinos and 4.3 percent of Asians. 2012 to lesser charges in exchange for their Mitt Romney for president, after what a press White non-Latinos responded they identified as Eychaner among top testimony. release called “careful consideration and con- LGBT at 3.2 just percent. Government attorneys say this is the first sultation with our members and chapters.” Democratic donors prosecution in the country charging a viola- “The decision to endorse is the right one “Overall, the results from this analysis run has listed openly gay Chicago counter to some media stereotypes that por- tion of the sexual-orientation section of the for our members, our community, and for the media mogul Fred Eychaner among the top Matthew Shepard-James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes nation as a whole,” said Log Cabin Republi- tray the LGBT community as predominantly Democratic donors this election cycle. white, highly educated, and very wealthy,” the Prevention Act, which was passed three years cans Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper in the So far, Eychaner’s contributions have totaled report concludes. ago. statement. “Despite our disagreement with $3.7 million, including donations to Priorities Women were also more likely to identify as Governor Romney on the issue of marriage, USA Action ($1.5 million), the Gay and Lesbian LGBT than men, the study found. Just 3.3 per- on balance it is clear that in today’s economic Victory Fund ($50,000) and the Majority PAC Report: LGBT voters tilt cent of men said they were LGBT, compared climate, concern for the future of our country (Senate Dems; $800,0000. with 3.6 percent of women. results in Obama’s favor must be the highest priority. Eychaner recently hosted an LGBT reception Responses varied by age as well, with people A new Gallup report that Gary J. Gates and “No matter who is in the White House, it is featuring First Lady Michelle Obama. over 65 reporting they were LGBT at 1.9 per- Gallup Editor-in-chief Frank Newport co-au- crucial our community always has a credible Among other top donors are Jeffrey and Mar- cent, a stark difference from the 6.4 percent of thored finds that 71 percent of LGBT Americans voice speaking out on behalf of LGBT Ameri- ilyn Katzenberg ($2.4 million), Amy Goldman 18-29 year-olds identifying as LGBT. who are registered voters support President cans. Log Cabin Republicans will be that voice ($2.8 million) and Irwin M. & Joan K. Jacobs Additionally, LGBTs reported less income and Obama for re-election while 22 percent support to President Mitt Romney.” education than heterosexual respondents. ($2.2 million). Gov. Mitt Romney, according to a press release. The complete endorsement (entitled “We Are Still, the study found some similarities be- On the Republican side, donors include From June to September, non-LGBT regis- Americans First”) is at WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 5 married before having. ward for the next four years and made his stron- The last question asked the candidates to cor- gest case yet for another term.” Obama takes round rect any misconception about themselves that ©2012 Keen News Service. All rights re- they think the U.S. public may harbor. served. Romney said the Obama campaign had unfairly See for two of prez debates painted him in a negative way, then wandered coverage of the third debate, which aired af- into his personal religious beliefs and, from ter deadline. there, into a stump speech. Long-time Democratic activist Richard So- By Lisa Keen CNN moderator Candy Crowley was allowed to carides said, “It’s unfortunate that anti-gay dis- Alcaraz to receive Keen News Service screen questions ahead of time. crimination is not being addressed at all on the With Republican presidential challenger Mitt ‘Women Who Dared’ main campaign stage, but I’m excited that the A number of LGBT bloggers expressed dismay Romney having moved up in the polls to tie candidate who clearly will lead us to a better award Oct. 25 Oct. 16 that no question about same-sex mar- Obama after the first debate, commentators Gaylon B. Alcaraz, the executive director of place is back on his game and now poised for riage was posed during the first two presidential were postulating that Obama had to perform Chicago Abortion Fund, will be honored Thurs- re-election. We need to press President Obama debates or in the only vice-presidential debate. well to try and stem that positive tide toward day, Oct. 25, as the recipient of the 2012 “Wom- in the next for years, because we now know that But at a most unexpected moment during the Romney. en Who Dared” award. The Chicago chapter of it works, but first we have to get him reelected.” event, Republican presidential nominee Mitt When Obama talked about his record on im- the National Organization for Women (NOW) is Gay Republicans were not disheartened. R. Romney stumbled into an awkward riff about the migration reform, the Human Rights Campaign hosting the event. Clarke Cooper, executive director of the national importance of two parents being married before (HRC) posted a Twitter message, “Fact: Under Log Cabin Republicans group, said Romney “was The event will take place at Mars Gallery, 1139 having children. Obama, US Customs & Border Protection pro- solid again.” W. Fulton Market, at 6:30 p.m. For tickets, see That set off a flurry of reaction among various posed rule including domestic partners in defini- “Obama cannot run from his record, which LGBT bloggers who were posting their reactions tion of family.” And at the end of the 90-minute Romney consistently hammered tonight,” said to the debate live on Twitter. debate, HRC tweeted, “Fact: Obama is steadfast Cooper. “Whoa ... marriage is the solution to gun vio- advocate for LGBT Americans. Romney donated But Jerame Davis, head of the national gay lence? Who knew?” posted GetEQUAL. $60,000 to rabidly anti-LGBT orgs.” Correction Democratic group National Stonewall Demo- “A two parent family (so long as they aren’t In one of the more awkward moments, Rom- The issue number has been erroneous since crats, said, “Despite Romney’s dissembling and legally married gays),” posted Jeremy Hooper at ney seemed to stray away from a question about the April 18, 2012, issue. This has since been attempts to run out the clock with rambling the Good as You group. gun control and started talking about the impor- corrected. answers, the President offered a clear vision for- And, “Two parents in , married is answer tance of having a two-parent home and getting Windy City Times regrets the error. to gun violence. So same-sex couples should be able to get married, right Mittens?” posted Pam Spaulding. Various “snap polls” within 30 to 60 minutes of the debate’s conclusion, which mainstream news organizations conducted, declared Presi- dent Obama the “winner” of the town meeting- style match-up. CBS said 37 percent of “uncom- mitted voters” thought Obama won, 33 percent thought it was a tie and 30 percent thought Romney won. The margin of error was plus or mi- DIFFA's RESTAURANTS nus four points but the network did not explain last night the demographics of its survey group. 312 CHICAGO DINING BY DESIGN GENE & GEORGETTI IL GIARDINO DEL DOLCE TABLE HOP & TASTE MARKETHOUSE November 3, 2012 NICK’S FISHMARKETBAR & GRILL 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM NONNA SANTI'S BISCOTTI PICCOLO SOGNO DUE DIFFA is excited to present again this year PHIL STEFANI’S SIGNATURE EVENTS a fabulous selection of Chicago's best PROSECCO restaurants for an exciting food and wine PROVINCE RL tasting. Sip La Crema wines, EFFEN® Vodka SPIAGGIA cocktails, and Stella Artois beer paired with tastes SAIGON SISTERS as of 10/16/12 from the city's best food offerings while exploring

the many three-dimensional dining table COCKTAILS BY DESIGN creations of our generous Table Hosts. NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PUBLIC VIEWING MERCHANDISE MART NOVEMBER 2, 2012 President Obama. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald Chicago, IL 60654 TABLE HOP & TASTE NOVEMBER 3, 2012 Tickets $40 // $50 At the Door Public Policy Polling group’s survey of “Colorado GALA DINNER voters” showed Obama with a 48 to 44 advan- tage over Romney. Among independent voters, To purchase tickets for any of these events, NOVEMBER 3, 2012 said PPP, Obama was preferred by 58 percent, including The DIFFA/CHICAGO GALA TABLE or for while Romney was preferred by 36 percent. The additional information please call 312.644.6412 margin of error was plus or minus three points. CNN’s snap poll of people who watched the or visit DIFFACHICAGO.ORG debate—which the network acknowledged was about eight points heavier with Republicans than is the general population—went for Obama DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS is one of the BROUGHT TO YOU BY 46 percent to 39 percent for Romney. The margin oldest and largest funders of HIV/AIDS service and education Media Sponsor of error was plus or minus 4.5 points. programs in the U.S. Since its founding in 1984, DIFFA has mobilized the immense resources of the design communities to The town-hall style meeting of the candidates provide in excess of $40 million to over 500 AIDS organizations fielded pre-screened questions from selected au- nationwide to service providers offering direct care, education, dience members gathered at Hofstra University prevention programs, advocacy and public policy. in . The Gallup polling group chose the audience to include 82 “uncommitted” voters. For more information, please visit 6 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES ‘13 city budget proposal spares liaison, HIV funds

BY KATE SOSIN Windy City Times inquiry. “Through all of them, we have ensured that City leadership includes Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s 2013 budget is likely to a diversity of commissioners that represent the cause less of a stir among LGBT people than last city.” year’s. Pressed on whether those positions working The budget keeps HIV funding intact and funds to be filled specifically included the Gender and the longstanding LGBT director/liaison position, LGBT director, Rodriguez said they did. She said despite growing fears the job would be cut. the volunteer council formation is likely to fol- The budget proposes cutting just $18,000 of low the hiring of a director. HIV funds during hard economic times that have The LGBT director/mayoral liaison position has Executive Assistant Lisa Morales, District 131 Superintendent Jerome Roberts and Board meant drastic budget cutting measures across been a city job since 1984, when then-Mayor President Annette Johnson listen to an incensed audience during an emergency school board the country. In total, it commits $4.3 million to Harold Washington appointed Kit Duffy to the meeting Oct. 19. Photo by Jason Carson Wilson AIDS funding. position, which was then unpaid. After Washing- “Given the environment, we’re going to have ton died and Duffy left that post, the position to live with that cut,” said John Peller, vice was revamped into a full-time job. BOARD from cover policy leaves District 131 legally vulnerable. president of policy at AIDS Foundation of Chi- Martinez promised further action, including le- cago. “We think that’s manageable.” Local designer gets Alfero also told audience and board members gal action, if the policy were overturned. HIV funding was flat-funded in 2012, meaning that Kayla began talking about boy names at The bullies to which he referred, included the that the city did not make cuts. four years for fraud age 5. It was then, she said, the family decided Family Institute, which some blame for AIDS advocates applauded that funding, put BY KATE SOSIN to support Kayla. Alfero said she instructs her setting off the controversy after the group con- daughter every day to “let none of this get to demned the policy on its website. An upscale Chicago-based fashion designer is you.” “This is a biased, radical and offensive school facing four years in federal prison for taking out After speaking and before the board’s vote, board decision that all Illinois taxpayers—es- fraudulent loans in his boyfriend’s name, accord- Alfero fretted about what the policy’s rescission pecially Aurora community members with or ing to the Chicago Sun-Times. would mean. without children in school—should vigorously Stevie Edwards, owner of I Luv Stevie Bou- “I’m sad,” she said. “Who’s going to guide her? and tenaciously oppose,” the IFI wrote on its tique, 1932 S. Wabash Ave., is now serving his They’re the ones there to guide her.” website Oct. 16. “Remember, all schools receive third conviction. Vera Verbel, 58, of St. Charles, a trans wom- some state funds, so all Illinois taxpayers have According to the Sun-Times report, Edwards an, felt compelled to attend the meeting. She a vested interest in this policy. In addition, took out a loan in boyfriend Eugene Rivers’ applauded the school board’s initial move and gender/ sexuality anarchists are working to es- name, despite that fact that Rivers was incarcer- stressed the policy’s significance. tablish this kind of policy in every elementary, ated at the time. “A transgender person can say, ‘This is who I middle, and high school in the country.” A profile of Edwards’ boutique online says that am’ … a secret that’s certain to be a sickness,” In addition to The Civil Rights Agenda, other the designer was born and raised in Chicago. Verbel said before the meeting. civil-rights organizations opposed the repeal. According to that profile, Edwards has designed Verbel’s friend—Emma Vorsicky, 57, also a The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance was among clothing for Diana Ross, R. Kelly, D’Angelo and —also came out for the meeting. them, which brought 200 supporters to the Oct. other stars. Vorsicky believed the policy would have shielded 19 meeting. transgender students from facing the same fate “We are so grateful for the groundswell of Gay youth killed she did. support here in Aurora—from families, from “I remember what it was like to go through churches. It clearly demonstrates that the res- in robbery high school and be afraid to be afraid to say idents here support ensuring the safety of all BY KATE SOSIN anything about who I was,” she said. students,” said David Fischer, program manager Vorsicky, an attorney and former District 131 at the alliance, in a media statement. Terrance Wright, a young gay man who recently substitute teacher, was amazed at the board’s According to the alliance, strong opposition switched high schools to evade bullies, was knee-jerk reaction to critics of the policy and emerged after the IFI publicized the policy. killed in an attempted robbery Oct. 19, accord- stressed its need, just prior to the meeting. “We are beyond dismayed and shocked that ing to a Chicago Tribune report. “Some child somewhere in the system would concerns from outside the district would drive Wright, identified by police as an 18-year-old feel safe,” she said. this type of reactionary decision,” said Execu- without gang affiliation, was shot on the 9900 Anthony Martinez’s public comments to the tive Director Shannon Sullivan in a statement. block of S. Yates Blvd. around 3:40 p.m., said board highlighted what he felt was irony. Marti- “We maintain our commitment to supporting the police News Affairs Officer Laura Kubiak. nez, The Civil Rights Agenda executive director, families and students of District 131 in being Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Press photo According to Kubiak, five offenders approached noted the emergency meeting was being held on heard over the outside concerns of hate groups. the victim and began to rummage through his Spirit Day, a time to show solidarity and support This work will continue.” pockets and backpack. for those being bullied. District 131 board members plan to revisit the “He began to struggle with the offender in an “You have been bullied into having this meet- policy during its Monday, Nov. 5, regular board forth in a year when other services saw severe attempt to escape,” said Kubiak. ing,” Martinez said. “I want you to think about meeting at McKnight Service Center, 417 Fifth reductions. During the struggle, the offender shot Wright the message you are sending.” St., Aurora. Peller said the lack of significant HIV funding in the chest. He also said that the board rescinding the cuts in both the mayor’s budgets to date sends a He was transported to Advocate Christ Medical message that the Emanuel administration takes Center, where he died as a result of the injury, HIV prevention seriously. said Kubiak. “We are glad to see this continued investment Police are investigating. No one is in custody. and we think it’s a really good thing,” said Pel- Anyone wishing to contribute to a remem- ler. brance of Wright should contact Windy City Concerned Other LGBT advocates have been less support- Times at [email protected]. citizens packed ive of the mayor’s past cuts. His 2012 budget the McKnight replaced the city’s eight identity-based advisory Northalsted Halloween Service Center. councils with just three, dismissing all the LGBT Photo by advisory council members and their paid direc- parade set for Oct. 31 Jason tor, Bill Greaves. The Northalsted Halloween Parade will take Carson The 2012 budget replaced the Women’s and place Wed., Oct. 31, starting at Belmont Avenue Wilson LGBT councils with a new council on Gender and and at 7 p.m. (Registration starts LGBT Issues, but the $86,796 director/liaison at 4 p.m.) position was never filled and the council has yet Participation in the parade is free. There will to form. Consequently, some suspected that the be a costume contest with prizes awarded in the volunteer council would be cut in 2013. following categories: Best Pet Costume, Best That director position remains funded, how- Drag Costume, Scariest Adult Costume, Most ever, in next year’s proposed budget. Original Adult Costume, Best Group or Couple, According to Eve Rodriguez, assistant press and Audience Choice. (Registration forms are at secretary for the mayor, a search is underway for a new director. At the parade’s finish, at Bradley and Halsted “We are actively working to fill a number of streets, there will be awards and live entertain- positions,” Rodriguez wrote in response to a ment starting at approximately 8 p.m. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 7 LGBT Catholic group recounts 40-year history By Melissa Wasserman says the group is going to need to continue to speak with multiple voices to have people know Dignity/Chicago concluded its 40th-anniversary who they are, their purpose, how they function year with a panel of past and present members and to continue to create safety that provides a sharing their personal stories at Broadway Unit- spiritual home that people are seeking. ed Methodist Church Oct. 21. “The future is what we’re still exploring and Dr. Thomas O’Brien, director of DePaul Uni- understanding, but we got to know where we versity’s Center for Interreligious Engagement, came from in order to know what our future is moderated the panel of six members, which about,” said Pett. “It was very powerful. I just included Lois McGovern, representing the ‘70s; think we are, as Christians, we are people of the Hogan and previous Dignity/Chicago story. To me, what was so important was to hear Board President Kevin Buckley portraying the that again after 40 years we still maintain our ‘80s; Linda Kelly and Ald. James Cappleman, a identity, we still consider ourselves to be au- past Dignity/Chicago board president, recalling thentic voices of LGBT Catholics who reach out the ‘90s; and past Dignity/Chicago Board Presi- and want to create a spiritual home for people in Arts alliance, museum honor Cardona dent Blane Roberts talking about the 2000s. general, but especially for LGBT Catholics. As I The Puerto Rican Arts Alliance (PRAA) and National Museum of Mexican Art (NMMA) honored Each have different backgrounds and shared would put it, to be the church Jesus intended us Evette M. Cardona with a gathering at the PRAA gallery Oct. 18. personal stories of religious faith, his and her to be and to not let the hierarchal church define Cardona has a long history of community service and philanthropy and, after 14 years with journeys and the various changes they experi- who we are or tell us if we’re catholic or not the Polk Brothers Foundation, was promoted to vice president of programs in September of this enced within church and society, and shared because we have a right to exist. We do exist, year. Carlos Hernandez, executive director of PRAA, and, Carlos Tortolero, president of NMMA, thoughts on what they expect in the future. At- we have existed and we’ll continue to exist.” made remarks about her service to the community. Cardona is pictured with her mother, Carmen tendees were also able to participate in a Q&A More information about DignityUSA can be Cardona (left); her partner, Mona Noriega (second from left); and her father, Orlando Cardona at the end of the event. found at (right). Photo by Tracy Baim Since DignityUSA began in 1969, and with Dignity/Chicago being one of its oldest chap- ters, the organization enforces the mission “to work for respect and justice for all gay, lesbian, Project VIDA to mark bisexual and transgender persons in the Catholic 20 years Oct. 24 Freeport district “It’s not one of our major offenses at all,” Church and the world through education, advo- HIV/AIDS agency Project VIDA will hold its she said. The school is updating its protections per cacy and support,” according to its website. 20th-anniversary gala Wed., with the “Faces of considering stronger state law that requires a review of the policy Dignity/Chicago President Chris Pett has been a Legend” masquerade ball Wed., Oct. 24, 6-10 anti-bullying policy every two years. involved with the organization for approximate- p.m., at the National Museum of Mexican Art, BY KATE SOSIN The district’s school board is expected to ly 20 years and explains in this 40th anniversary 1852 W. 19th St. weigh the additions Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 7 year, the group felt it was important to reclaim “Faces of A Legend” will benefit those living A Northwestern Illinois school district is con- p.m. at the Administration Building, 501 E. their history with authentic voices of LGBT with HIV and AIDS and support the continua- sidering bulking up its anti-bullying protec- South St. Catholics. The panel, he said, consisted of active tion of violence prevention, health education, tions. leaders and participants of Dignity/Chicago who outreach, testing and counseling, and wellness Freeport School District 145 is weighing ad- could account for each of the . services. ditions that add considerably to its current AFA wants to end Explaining the increase in diversity and the See policy on aggressive behavior and bullying. Catholic population demographics shifting, Pett Most significantly, the proposed policy bans anti-bullying day The American Family Association (AFA) has discrimination on the basis of race, color demanded that schools abandon a program nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender called “Mix It Up at Lunch Day” (Oct. 30) that identity, gender expression, ancestry, age, is aimed at breaking down barriers and reduc- religion, ability, marital or parental status, ing bullying in schools. among of things. The Southern Poverty Law Center launched According District Spokesperson Stephanie the program 11 years ago, according to a Huff- Helms, the district has had bullying protec- ington Post item. The AFA, however, claims it tions in place for some time. The new pro- represents “a nationwide push to promote the posed policy expands on those protections, homosexual lifestyle in public schools.” last updated in 210. Equality Illinois is among the organizations The new policy defines bullying as “any condemning the efforts by the AFA and its severe or pervasive physical or verbal act in state affiliate, the Illinois Family Institute, a conduct,” including via electronic communi- press release stated. cations. The policy would also commit the “Mix It Up at Lunch Day” is currently in district to educating students on the school’s place at more than 2,500 schools, but this anti-bullying protections annually. year at least 200 had canceled; the reason Theresa Hines, equity director in the dis- for the cancellations is unclear, the Post re- trict, said that overall, bullying has not been ported. a huge problem in Freeport.

Chicago’s Dedicated and Comprehensive LGBT Program Dignity/Chicago panel. Photo by Melissa Wasserman ALEO VAT CHICAGO LAKESHORE HOSPITAL Valeo at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital provides comprehensive psychiatric and addiction-related treatment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. The program offers a safe, affirming therapeutic environment for members of the LGBTQ community. The Valeo staff is comprised of well-trained, experienced gay and gay-sensitive Stephen Durham behavioral health professionals from for U.S. preSident a wide variety of disciplines. Christina López for U.S. vice preSident 4840 N. MARINE DRIVE Fighters for the working class CHICAGO, IL 60640 and against discrimination 1-800-888-0560 Paid for by Freedom Socialist 2012 Presidential Campaign Vote 8 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES

PASSAGES Bob and Brian enjoyed many wonderful Flashy Trash owner travels over the past few years, culminating Robert J. ‘Bob’ Lesh with the Atlantis Baltic cruise this summer. Robert J. “Bob” Lesh of Andersonville Services for Bob were held Oct. 18 at St. passed away suddenly Oct. 12 from compli- Joseph Catholic Church, and featured Bob’s Harold Mandel dies cations following emergency surgery. He was students singing some of his favorite church 51. music. Bob will be missed by many friends By Tracy Baim “He became an institution in terms of vintage Bob leaves behind his loving partner, Brian and family, including all the students whose clothing, jewelry, sourcing for movies, theater, Cunningham, who was at his side at his pass- lives he touched over his decades-long teach- Harold Mandel, 58, the flamboyant owner of , couture—and at a very early time when ing. Bob is also survived by his brothers Tom ing career. an equally flamboyant vintage clothing store, vintage clothing was really taking off,” Chubin and Mike; he was a loving uncle to Theresa Flashy Trash, died Oct. 22 at St. Joseph’s Hospi- said. “His knowledge of fashion history was (Simon) Duckett, April, Danny, Michael and tal, according to friends. The cause was compli- incredible. As a retailer and salesman, he also Nicole Lesh, and great-uncle to Ewan, Rox- cations from AIDS. worked on fashion shows. He was a magnet, and anne and Ruby. Flashy Trash, a store located most recently at a great connector of people. Besides having a quick wit and wicked sense 3524 N. Halsted St., closed several years ago, “As a person, he was very generous and shar- of humor, Bob dedicated his life to teaching but its customers—from LGBTs to North Shore ing and a lot of fun. He had a private side to music, and for 23 years taught children in the heterosexual women to Hollywood elites— him, a very great circle of friends. You couldn’t Chicago Archdiocese’s school system. Bob’s will remember it for its wide range of cloth- go anywhere in the U.S. and abroad without last teaching assignment was at Immacu- ing, reinforced from Mandel’s 500,000-object, bumping into someone who knew him.” late Conception/ St. Joseph School. Prior 5,000-square-foot warehouse collection. Chubin said in their 20s they lived a life that teaching experience in the archdiocese was Mandel purchased the store from its original looked a lot like Armistead Maupin’s Tales of at Frances Xavier Warde School, Immaculate owner in 1978, when it was located at Wright- the City, with apartments in Andersonville and of Mary and Providence of God School. wood and Halsted. He later moved it further grand parties and social events. Mandel was also Prior to becoming an archdiocesan teacher, north on Halsted and was briefly business part- known for his Christmas parties, where he would Bob also taught at other Catholic Schools as ners with Linda Raffelli. welcome people without families, or with fami- an employee of Music on the Move. The Chicago Tribune profiled Mandel in a lies who had disowned them. Bob was a trained singer, with a B.A. from lengthy article Nov. 26, 2000, calling him a Elain O’Sullivan was one of those Mandel Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa, and a “fashion salvage engineer” and “apparel arche- brought into his orbit. “He called them strays, MFA from the University of Arizona. Bob’s ologist.” people who didn’t have family, or their family students benefited from his love of music and Robert J. “Bob” Lesh. Photo from Brian Flashy Trash was an invaluable place for props did not have anything to do with them. He had his performance experience through multiple Cunningham for movies, photographers, models and the gen- a Christmas party every year for 30 years,” she school musicals he conducted and directed. eral public. Among the films his clothes were said. featured in were Malcolm X, The Untouchables The two were also artistic collaborators on Harold. “It is the passing of an era,” Mavraganes to watch as Mandel dealt with his personal de- and Sweet and Lowdown, as well as TV shows some projects, and O’Sullivan said he was “amaz- said. mons, both in living with AIDS and using drugs. shot in Chicago. Celebrities including Julia Rob- ing to work with, he had an intuitive ability to Matt Sharp, a former partner of Mandel’s, “He had lost so many friends [to AIDS], it was erts also were customers. see how things worked. He was very demanding. shared his memories with Windy City Times: like post-traumatic stress. He wasn’t the same Raffelli spoke fondly of both their business He wanted his way. In the end, that paid off, “Hank and I met on AOL before all the hookup guy,” O’Sullivan said. partnership and personal friendship, noting that because he did have that sense. But socially, he sites and it didn’t take much to convince me to His friend Sheila Dunlap wrote: “In the 1990s, he survived the terrible tragedy of losing the huge majority of his many friends to the AIDS plague: an entire generation’s population deci- mated by the horrific disease in a matter of only a few years. He suffered from ‘survivor’s guilt’ and tried desperately to distract himself from that shocking blow. “He sought release from the emotional pain of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome by any means possible. Only someone who has had to deal with PTS on some level can fully understand the crushing losses that led to his physical circum- stances. Some old friends were alienated be- cause they didn’t understand his wild, reckless slide into the world of depression. Perhaps he hoped distractions would help to overcome his feelings of loss, desperation and extreme anxi- ety. It didn’t work. He later survived the ulti- mate blow of having to close his beloved Flashy Trash after decades of success.” Friend and customer Lori Cannon said Mandel “was the guy that made us all look good.” She met him first at his original store on Halsted and Wrightwood, when she was a bus driver and he helped her form her creative style. “When the AIDS epidemic started to take over Chicago in the 1980s, as our companions were dropping like flies, there was this community merchant promoting rhinestone and feathers. It might not have changed anything, but it helped. He Left: Howard Mandel (right) with his then-partner Matt Sharp on New Year’s Eve 2000. Photo courtesy of Sharp. Right: Harold Mandel in front of was struggling with his own losses—his staff, his store Flashy Trash, at the end of the store’s life. Photo courtesy of Linden Chubin his friends—but he kept pushing the party and made sure we looked good. For a few moments, we could take a break. And he was good at it, he while it was often tumultuous, they remained was really loving and playful, and for me always move from to join him in Chicago was one of the masters.” friends. Raffelli had her own vintage business kept me honest. He was a hard taskmaster, but in 2000. For me, it was an appropriate way to Cannon noted that it was ironic that Mandel before partnering with Mandel, and later they at the same time you learned from him.” start the new millennium after 10 years of fight- died just a few days short of his favorite day of had competing stores on Halsted. O’Sullivan said Mandel “taught people how to ing AIDS in San Francisco. Hank brought a lot of the year, Halloween. “Harold was a magnificent dreamer and schem- have style, to have a personal style, and to re- joy to my life at that time and was giving, pas- Mandel, born April 27, 1954, graduated from er and detective and all of those kind of things,” cycle clothes in the process.” sionate and above all fun. We traveled together Joyce Kilmer Grammar School and Sullivan High she said. “He had a creative, really strong mind. Maria Mavraganes, owner of Stella’s Diner, to , Fire Island, Las Vegas, Bangkok School. He majored in theater at the University He was very sure of himself. … I loved him dear- 3042 N. Broadway, said Mandel was a 40-year and Hong Kong. When my mother died we were of Illinois, but left after one year. ly. There will never be another like him, he was customer. She inherited the restaurant from her on vacation in San Francisco and he dropped ev- Mandel was born to a family of first-generation a song and dance man.” mother, Stella, and remembers Mandel fondly— erything to be by my side at her , never Jewish refugees from war-torn Europe. He was Linden Chubin was a longtime friend of Man- he hung out with her brothers growing up. “He having met my family. He was flamboyant preceded in death by his father, Donald Mandel del since their Sullivan High School days. He had the most fabulous store in the neighbor- yet very heartfelt and sincere in our personal and mother, Fay (nee Eisenstadt) Mandel. He is said Mandel was always the first to do so many hood. Especially around Halloween, it was amaz- life, and unfortunately was dealt a bad hand in survived by his loving brother Lenny (Lola), sis- things, whether that was having a car—of ing,” she said. the last years of his life. He captured my heart ter Sharon (Max) Klekot, longtime friends Sheila course a vintage restored Chicago taxi—or dat- Mandel made such an impression on the diner and soul; I will never stop loving Hank.” Dunlap, Elain O’Sullivan and Linden Chubin, and ing older men. that they named a sandwich after him, The Weird In recent years, his friends said it was difficult his beloved dog, Bailey. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 9 Windy City metropolitan land use (urban planning). He’s running against Republican incumbent Sandy Times General Guide to the gays Cole. —Chris Boyster Election Guide The Nov. 6 elections feature several openly nightclub tragedy. However, he is now set to Race: Sangamon County auditor Welcome to the 2012 Windy City Times General gay and lesbian candidates for office. (All of become a judge, as he is running unopposed. Web site: Election Guide. the candidates are in the Democratic party.) The skinny: If he wins, Boyster will be the Many of the races have already been decided —John Dalton second out person in Illinois to hold a non- locally—although there are a few tight ones still —Kelly Cassidy Race: 16th Circuit Court, Kane, “A” vacancy judicial county-wide seat. (Shore is the only up for grabs (such as the Congressional races Race: State House (14th District) Web site: one so far.) between Tammy Duckworth and Joe Walsh; Bill Web site: The skinny: Dalton would be the first openly Foster and Judy Biggert; and Robert Dold and The skinny: An incumbent, Cassidy defeated gay judge elected outside of Cook County if he Brad Schneider). another lesbian, Paula Basta, in the March prevails. He’s pitted against Republican John —Mary Colleen Roberts This week’s issue features our Guide to the primary. Cassidy is unopposed in the general N. Walters. Race: Cook County judge (retention) Gays, which lists LGBT candidates. There are election. Web site: None several still in the running for everything from —Debra Shore The skinny: Roberts, a judge on the Cook judicial posts to Metropolitan Water Reclamation —Greg Harris Race: Metropolitan Water Reclamation Dis- County 11th Subcircuit, was elected in 2006. commissioner. Race: Illinois State Representative (13th trict board As always, there are political charts that show District) Web site: —Mike McHale recommendations and endorsements from vari- Web site: The skinny: Shore has been on the board Race: Cook County judge (retention) ous organizations and associations as well as The skinny: Harris’ district includes Uptown, since 2006. One of nine elected commission- Web site: None candidates’ scores on our questionnaire. (Windy Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, North Center and ers, she chairs the committees on stormwater The skinny: Like Roberts, McHale was elect- City Times does not endorse any candidates.) Bowmanville, and was first elected in 2006. He management and state legislation and rules. ed in 2006. Lastly, please do not forget to vote; everyone’s is currently running unopposed. voice deserves to be heard. And please feel free —Andrea M. Schleifer to take our charts into the voting booth with —Deb Mell Race: Cook County Circuit Court Judge you. Race: Illinois State Representative (40th (12th Subcircuit, Rochford vacancy) Mike District) Web site: McHale. Web site: The skinny: A resident of Des Plaines, Schle- Early voting The skinny: A staunch advocate for marriage ifer has been serving as a Cook County judge through Nov. 3 equality, Mell faces Republican Antoinette at the Richard J. Daley Center for more than a For the Nov. 6 presidential general election, “Toni” Puccio-Johnson in the general election. year. She is running against Republican James early voting will take place through Saturday, Pieczonka. Nov. 3. —John Ehlrich Voting locations and hours are listed at www. Race: Cook County Circuit Court Judge —Sam Yingling (Eighth Subcircuit, Cole vacancy) Race: State House (62nd District) Pages/EarlyVotingLocations.aspx. In Chicago, Web site: Web site: —Colleen Sheehan visit The skinny: As deputy corporation counsel in The skinny: Yingling is a native of central Race: Cook County judge (retention) for sites and times. the City of Chicago’s law department, Ehrlich Lake County and lives in Round Lake Beach, Web site: None People who vote early must vote in person. oversees almost three dozen attorneys and a and is running in what he calls an “indepen- staff of 15. He’s personally handled cases such dent” district. He attended DePaul University, The skinny: Sheehan was first elected in as the Wrightwood porch collapse and the E2 studying public policy and administration, and 2000. 10 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES WCT IVI HRC PP LCR NOW WCT IVI PPAC EI PP Election 2012 4th congressional district 7th SENATE DISTRICT Luis V. Gutierrez (D) 100 Y Heather Steans (D) Y Y Y Welcome to the 2012 Windy City Times General Election Guide. Hector Concepcion (R) 8th SENATE DISTRICT Many of the races have already been decided locally—although there 5th congressional district Ira I. Silverstein (D) Y Y are a few tight ones still up for grabs (such as the Congressional races Mike Quigley (D) 19/19 100 Y between Tammy Duckworth and Joe Walsh; Bill Foster and Judy Biggert; 9th SENATE DISTRICT and Robert Dold and Brad Schneider). Dan Schmitt (R) Nancy Wade (G) Daniel Biss (D) Y Y Y This week’s issue features our Guide to the Gays, which lists LGBT can- Glenn Farkas (R) didates. There are several still in the running for everything from judicial 6th congressional district posts to Metropolitan Water Reclamation commissioner. 10th SENATE DISTRICT Leslie Coolidge (D) 17/19 Y Y Of course, the battle getting the most exposure is the race between John G. Mulroe (D) Y Y Y Peter J. Roskam (R) 0 President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney (as well as their respective vice-presidential running mates, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan). 11th SENATE DISTRICT 7th congressional district Ryan is a current member of the U.S. House, and the latest Human Rights Martin A. Sandoval (D) Y Y Y Campaign scorecard (for the 112th Congress) gave him a score of zero. Danny K. Davis (D) 18/19 88 Y (When Obama was a U.S. senator, his scores in the 109th and 110th ses- Rita Zak (R) 12th SENATE DISTRICT sions were 89 and 94, respectively.) John H. Monaghan (I) Steven Landek (D) As always, there are political charts that show recommendations and 8th congressional district endorsements from various organizations and associations as well as can- 13th SENATE DISTRICT didates’ scores on our questionnaire. (Windy City Times does not endorse Tammy Duckworth (D) Y Y Kwame Raoul (D) Y Y Y any candidates.) Joe Walsh (R) 0 Lastly, please do not forget to vote; everyone’s voice deserves to be 14th SENATE DISTRICT 9th congressional district heard. And please feel free to take our charts into the voting booth with Emil Jones III (D) Y Y Y you. Janice D. Schakowsky (D) 19/19 Y 100 Y 16th SENATE DISTRICT Also, don’t forget that early voting ends Nov. 3. Voting locations and Timothy Wolfe (R) Jacqueline “Jacqui” Collins (D) Y Y hours are listed at In Chicago, visit www.chi- 10th congressional district for sites and times. 17th SENATE DISTRICT People who vote early must vote in person. Brad Schneider (D) Robert Dold (R) 35 Y Donne E. Trotter (D) Y Y Y COOK COUNTY RACES 11th congressional district 19th SENATE DISTRICT Bill Foster (D) Michael E. Hastings (D) Y Y WCT = Windy City Times questions, number listed is of the total ques- Edgar Montalvo (R) tions correct for that race Judy Biggert (R) 70 Y IVI = Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization 2oth SENATE DISTRICT 12th congressional district PPAC = Personal PAC Iris Y. Martinez (D) Y Y Y EI = Equality Illinois William L. Enyart (D) AIDS Foundation of Chicago also does a survey of candidates, but the Jason Plummer (R) 22nd SENATE DISTRICT results were not ready in time for the WCT Election Guide. Paula Bradshaw (G) Michael Noland (D) Y Y Y Y Cary Collins (R) 13th congressional district In addition, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund endorses Debra Shore for Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. David M. Gill (D) Y Y Y 23rd SENATE DISTRICT Rodney Davis (R) Thomas E. Cullerton (D) Y Y Y WCT IVI PPAC EI John Hartman (I) Carole Pankau (R)

COOK COUNTY clerk 14th congressional district 25th SENATE DISTRICT Dorothy A. (D) 11/12 Y Y Dennis Anderson (D) Y Corinne M. Pierog (D) 16/17 Y Y Y Y Diane S. Shapiro (R) Randy M. Hultgren (R) 0 Jim Oberweis (R) 26th SENATE DISTRICT RECORDER OF DEEDS 15th congressional district Amanda Howland (D) 17/17 Y Y Y Y Karen Yarbrough (D) 9/9 Y Y Y Angela Michael (D) Dan Duffy (R) Sherri Griffith (R) John M. Shimkus (R) 0 27th SENATE DISTRICT state’s attorney 16th congressional district Wanda Rohl (D) David R. Page (D) Y Y Y Anita Alvarez (D) Y Y Matt Murphy (R) Lori S. Yokoyama (R) Adam Kinzinger (R) 0 28th SENATE DISTRICT 17th congressional district METROPOLITAN water reclamation district Daniel W. Kotowski (D) Y Y Y Cheri Bustos (D) Y Y Debra Shore (D) 6/6 Y Y Y Jim O’Donnell (R) Kari Steele (D) Y Y Bobby Schilling (R) 0 Patrick Daley Thompson (D) 6/6 29th SENATE DISTRICT 18th congressional district Harold “Noonie” Ward (R) Julie A. Morrison (D) Y Y Y Carl Segvich (R) Steve Waterworth (D) Arie Friedman (R) Dave Ehrlich (G) Aaron Schock (R) 0 Karen Roothaan (G) 6/6 30th SENATE DISTRICT Nasrin R. Khalili (G) Terry Link (D) Y Y Y ILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY RACES Don Castella (R) WCT = Windy City Times questions, number listed is of the total ques- 31ST SENATE DISTRICT tions correct for that race Melinda (Willen) Bush (D) Y Y Y US congress RACES IVI = Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization Joe Neal (R) WCT = Windy City Times questions, number listed is of the total PPAC = Personal PAC questions correct for that race EQIL = Equality Illinois PAC 34th SENATE DISTRICT IVI = Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization PP = Planned Parenthood Steven “Steve” Stadelman (D) Y Y HRC = Human Rights Campaign 112th Congress, ratings are a percentage AIDS Foundation of Chicago also does a survey of candidates, but the Frank M. Gambino (R) of total 100% based on HRC tracking of how candidates voted in the results were not ready in time for our WCT Election Guide. We will be do- 112th Congress ing charts again next week and will update as more information becomes 36th SENATE DISTRICT PP = Planned Parenthood available. Mike Jacobs (D) Y Y Y LCR = Log Cabin Republicans Bill Albracht (R) NOW = NOW PAC AIDS Foundation of Chicago also does a survey of candidates, but the 38th SENATE DISTRICT WCT IVI PPAC EI PP results were not ready in time for our WCT Election Guide. Christine Benson (D) Y Y Sue Rezin (R) 1ST SENATE DISTRICT Antonio “Tony” Munoz (D) Y Y 39th SENATE DISTRICT WCT IVI HRC PP LCR NOW Don Harmon (D) Y Y Y 2nd SENATE DISTRICT 1st congressional district William “Willie” Delgado (D) Y Y Y 40th SENATE DISTRICT Bobby L. Rush (D) 94 Y Toi W. Hutchinson (D) Y Y Y Donald E. Peloquin (R) 3rd SENATE DISTRICT Joseph C. “Tuck” Marshall (R) Mattie Hunter (D) Y Y Y 2nd congressional district 42nd SENATE DISTRICT Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (D) 100 Y 4th SENATE DISTRICT Linda Holmes (D) Y Y Y Brian Woodworth (R) Kimberly A. Lightford (D) Y Y Y Peter Hurtado (R) Marcus Lewis (I) 5th SENATE DISTRICT 43rd SENATE DISTRICT Patricia Van Pelt Watkins (D) Y Pat McGuire (D) Y 3rd congressional district Sandi Johnson (R) Daniel William Lipinski (D) 30 6th SENATE DISTRICT Richard L. Grabowski (R) John J. Cullerton (D) Y Y Y 46th SENATE DISTRICT David Koehler (D) Y Y Y Pat Sullivan (R) WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 11 WCT IVI PPAC EI PP WCT IVI PPAC EI PP WCT IVI PPAC EI PP

49TH SENATE DISTRICT 24th representative DISTRICT 57th representative DISTRICT Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D) Y Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez (D) Y Y Elaine Nekritz (D) Y Y Y Y Garrett M. Peck (R) Jonathan L. Greenberg (R) 25th representative DISTRICT 52nd SENATE DISTRICT Barbara Flynn Currie (D) Y Y Y 58th representative DISTRICT Michael W. Frerichs (D) Y Y Scott Drury (D) Y Y Y John Christian Bambenek (R) 26th representative DISTRICT Mark Shaw (R) Christian L. Mitchell (D) 16/17 Y Y Y 54th SENATE DISTRICT 59th representative DISTRICT Danny L. Stover (D) Y Y 27th representative DISTRICT Carol Sente (D) Y Y Kyle McCarter (R) Monique D. Davis (D) Y Y Y Sidney H. Mathias (R) Y Y

57th SENATE DISTRICT 28th representative DISTRICT 60th representative DISTRICT James F. Clayborne, Jr. (D) Y Y Robert “Bob” Rita (D) Y Y Y Rita Mayfield (D) 15/17 Dave Barnes (R) Jackie Burleson (R) 29th representative DISTRICT 1st representative DISTRICT Thaddeus Jones (D) Y Y 61st representative DISTRICT Daniel J. Burke (D) Y Y Y Ed Erwin (D) Y Y 30th representative DISTRICT JoAnn D. Osmond (R) 2nd representative DISTRICT William “Will” Davis (D) Y Y Y Edward J. Acevedo (D) Y Y Y 62nd representative DISTRICT 31st representative DISTRICT Sam Yingling (D) Y 3rd representative DISTRICT Mary E. Flowers (D) Y Sandy Cole (R) Y Y Luis Arroyo (D) Y Y Y 32nd representative DISTRICT 67th representative DISTRICT 4th representative DISTRICT Andre Thapedi (D) Y Charles E. “Chuck” Jefferson (D) Y Y Cynthia Soto (D) Y Y Y 34th representative DISTRICT 68th representative DISTRICT 5th representative DISTRICT Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D) Y Y Y Carl R. Wasco (D) 14/17 Y Y Y Kenneth Dunkin (D) Y Y Y John M. Cabello (R) 35th representative DISTRICT 6th representative DISTRICT Frances Ann Hurley (D) Y 71st representative DISTRICT Esther Golar (D) Y Ricardo A. Fernandez (R) Mike Smiddy (D) Y Y Y Richard Morthland (R) 7th representative DISTRICT 38th representative DISTRICT Emanuel “Chris” Welch (D) 17/17 Y Y Y Al Riley (D) Y Y Y 72nd representative DISTRICT Patrick Verschoore (D) Y 8th representative DISTRICT 39th representative DISTRICT Neil Anderson (R) La Shawn K. Ford (D) Y Maria Antonia “Toni” Berrios (D) 17/17 Y Y Y 77th representative DISTRICT 9th representative DISTRICT 40th representative DISTRICT Kathleen Willis (D) Arthur Turner (D) Y Y Deborah L. Mell (D) Y Y Y Angelo “SKip” Saviano (R) Y Y Antoinette “Toni” Puccio-Johnson (R) 10th representative DISTRICT 78th representative DISTRICT Derrick Smith (D) 42ND representative DISTRICT Camille Y. Lilly (D) Y Y Y Lance Tyson (10th Dist. Unity) Y Y William R. Adams (D) 15/17 Y Y Jeanne M. Ives (R) 80th representative DISTRICT 11th representative DISTRICT Anthony DeLuca (D) Y Y Y Ann M. Williams (D) Y Y Y 43rd representative DISTRICT Keith Farnham (D) Y Y Y 84th representative DISTRICT 12th representative DISTRICT Stephanie A. Kifowit (D) Y Sara Feigenholtz (D) Y Y Y 44th representative DISTRICT Patricia “Pat” Fee (R) Y Fred Crespo (D) Y 13th representative DISTRICT Ramiro Juarez (R) 85th representative DISTRICT Gregory Harris (D) Y Y Y Emily McAsey (D) Y Y 45th representative DISTRICT 14th representative DISTRICT Joann Franzen (D) Y Y 90th representative DISTRICT Kelly M. Cassidy (D) 17/17 Y Y Y Dennis M. Reboletti (R) Thomas Boken, Jr. (D) Y Tom Demmer (R) 15th representative DISTRICT 46th representative DISTRICT John C. D’Amico (D) Y Deborah O’Keefe Conroy (D) Y Y 92nd representative DISTRICT Daniel J. Kordik (R) Jehan Gordon (D) Y Y Y 16th representative DISTRICT Lou Lang (D) 17/17 Y Y Y Y 50th representative DISTRICT 95th representative DISTRICT Vincent William Romano (R) Andrew Bernard (D) Y Brad Gillespie (D) Y Kay Hatcher (R) Y Wayne Arthur Rosenthal (R) 17th representative DISTRICT Laura Fine (D) Y Y Y 51ST representative DISTRICT 97th representative DISTRICT Kyle Frank (R) Ed Sullivan, Jr. (R) Tom Cross (R) Y Y

18th representative DISTRICT 52ND representative DISTRICT 98th representative DISTRICT Robyn Gabel (D) Y Y Y Y David McSweeney (R) Natalie A. Manley (D) Y Y Eric Joseph Lieberman (R) Dee Beaubien (I) Y Y Y Robert “Bob” Kalnicky (R)

19th representative DISTRICT 53RD representative DISTRICT 103rd representative DISTRICT Robert F. Martwick, Jr. (D) Y Y Y Curt Renz (D) Y Naomi D. Jakobsson (D) 15/17 Y Y Y David Harris (R) Robert A. Meister (R) 20th representative DISTRICT Bruce Randazzo (D) Y Y Y 54TH representative DISTRICT 104TH representative DISTRICT Michael P. McAuliffe (R) Richard S. Rudd (D) Y Y Y Michael Langendorf (D) Y Y Tom Morrison (R) Chad D. Hays (R) 21st representative DISTRICT Silvana Tabares (D) Y 55th representative DISTRICT 112th representative DISTRICT Martin J. Moylan (D) Y Y Y Marleen Suarez (D) Y 22nd representative DISTRICT Susan Sweeney (R) Dwight D. Kay (R) Michael J. Madigan (D) Y Robert Handzik (R) 56th representative DISTRICT 114th representative DISTRICT Michelle Mussman (D) Y Y Eddie Lee Jackson (D) Y Y 23rd representative DISTRICT John R. Lawson (R) Ryan Stookey (R) Michael J. Zalewski (D) Y 12 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES JUDICIAL EVALUATIONS WCT PPAC IVI CCL CCBA DSL ISBA LAGBAC wBAI CBA Cook Circuit Court-4th Sub Windy City Times does not endorse candidates. Key to Ratings: (Riley vacancy) Rather, we list their answers to our questionnaire Q – Qualified Terry Gallagher (D) Q R R Q R R Q as well as the ratings of legal organizations so that NQ – Not Qualified Harry J. Fournier (R) Y NQ R R Q R R NR readers can make informed choices when they vote. WQ – Well Qualified Cook Circuit Court-4th Sub HQ - Highly Qualified (‘A’ vacancy) Key to Organizations: HR - Highly Recommended Edward M. Maloney (D) Q R R Q NR R Q WCT = Windy City Times questions, number listed is R - Recommended Christine Cook (R) Q NR NE Q R R Q of the total questions correct for that race NR - Not Recommended Cook Circuit Court-6th Sub PPAC – Personal PAC NE - Not Evaluated (Delgado vacancy) IVI - Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent (D) = Democrat Beatriz Santiago (D) Q R R Q HR R NR Precinct Organization (R) = Republican Cook Circuit Court-7th Sub (Jones vacancy) CCL – Chicago Council of Lawyers Aicha Marie MacCarthy (D) NQ NR R Q R R NR CCBA – Cook County Bar Association In addition, Planned Parenthood endorses Mary Jane Cook Circuit Court-7th Sub DSL – Decalogue Society of Lawyers Theis for Illinois Superior Court, 1st District; and (Starks vacancy) ISBA – Illinois State Bar Association Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund endorses Michael Forti Tommy Brewer (D) Q R R NQ NE R Q LAGBAC – Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago for Cook County Circuit Court and Mary Trew for Cook Cook Circuit Court-7th Sub WBAI – Women’s Bar Association of Illinois County Circuit Court, 9th Subcircuit. (Terrell vacancy) CBA – Chicago Bar Association William G. Gamboney (D) Q R R Q R R HQ Cook Circuit Court-7th Sub (Toney vacancy) WCT PPAC IVI CCL CCBA DSL ISBA LAGBAC wBAI CBA Kimberly D. Lewis (D) NR NR NR NQ NR NR NR Cook Circuit Court-8th Sub Sup. Ct-1st Dist. (Chiola vacancy) (Fitzgerald vacancy) Celia Louise Gamrath (D) 8/9 Y Q R R Q R R HQ Mary Jane Theis (D) 8/9 Y HQ R HR HQ HR R HQ Cook Circuit Court-8th Sub James Gerard Riley (R) NQ R R Q R R Q (Cole vacancy) App. Ct-1st Dist. John H. Ehrlich (D) 9/9 Y WQ R HR Q HR R HQ (Cahill vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-8th Sub Mathias William Delort (D) 8/9 Y WQ R R HQ R R HQ (Durkin Roy vacancy) App. Ct-1st Dist. Deborah Jean Gubin (D) Y WQ R HR Q R R Q (Johnson Coleman vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-8th Sub Nathaniel Roosevelt Howse, Jr. (D) 8/9 Q HR HR HQ HR R HQ (‘A’ vacancy) App. Ct-1st Dist. Laura Liu (D) Y Q R R Q R R Q (Gallagher vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-9th Sub P. Scott Neville, Jr. (D) Q HR HR HQ HR R Q (Bender vacancy) App. Ct-1st Dist. Lionel Jean-Baptiste (D) 8/9 Q HR R Q R R Q (O’Brien vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-9th Sub Jesse G. Reyes (D) 8/9 Y Q HR HR Q R R Q (Epstein vacancy) App. Ct-1st Dist. Larry G. Axelrood (D) 9/9 Y WQ R HR HQ HR R HQ (Theis vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-10th Sub Maureen Elizabeth Connors (D) WQ R R Q R R Q (Locallo vacancy) App. Ct-1st Dist. Thomas R. Allen (D) Y Q R R Q R R Q (Tully vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-11th Sub Terrence J. Lavin (D) Q R R Q R R Q (O’Brien vacancy) Cook Circuit Court Michael R. Clancy (D) Q R R Q R R Q (Conlon vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-11th Sub Karen Lynn O’Malley (D) 9/9 Q R R Q R R Q (Urso vacancy) Cook Circuit Court Lisa Ann Marino (D) Q R NR Q NR R Q (Jordan vacancy) Cook Circuit Court-12th Sub Jean Prendergast Rooney (D) WQ R HR Q R R HQ (Rochford vacancy) Cook Circuit Court Andrea M. Schleifer (D) 9/9 Y WQ R R Q HR R Q (Kinnaird vacancy) James Paul Pieczonka (R) NQ NR NR NQ NR NR NR Erica L. Reddick (D) 4/9 Q HR R HQ R R Q Cook Circuit Court-13th Sub Cook Circuit Court (Pietrucha vacancy) (Moran vacancy) Paul S. Pavlus (R) Q R R Q R R Q Russell W. Hartigan (D) 7/9 Y Q R HR HQ HR R HQ Cook Circuit Court-13th Sub Cook Circuit Court (‘A’ vacancy) (O’Brien vacancy) Martin C. Kelley (R) NQ R R Q NR NR NR Cynthia Ramirez (D) 8/9 Q R HR Q R R Q Cook Circuit Court-14th Sub Cook Circuit Court (O’Gara vacancy) (O’Mara Frossard vacancy) Regina Ann Scannicchio (R) WQ R R Q HR R Q Diann Karen Marsalek (D) 8/9 Y NQ R R Q R R Q 16th Circuit Court-2nd Sub. Cook Circuit Court (‘A’ vacancy) (Pucinski vacancy) John G. Dalton (D) 9/9 Y Lorna Ellen Propes (D) Y WQ R R Q NR R HQ John N. Walters (R) Cook Circuit Court 18th Circuit Court (Simmons vacancy) (Thompson vacancy) Jessica A. O’Brien (D) 9/9 Q R R Q R R Q Alice Wilson (D) Cook Circuit Court Patrick J. O’Shea (R) 8/9 (Stewart vacancy) 19th Circuit Court-2nd Sub. Pamela M. Leeming (D) Q R R Q R R Q (‘A’ vacancy) Cook Circuit Court Patricia Fix (D) Y (Stralka vacancy) Luis A. Berrones (R) 5/9 Michael Tully Mullen (D) WQ R HR HQ R R HQ 19th Circuit Court-3rd Sub. Cook Circuit Court (‘A’ vacancy) (Ward vacancy) Jeffrey S. Braiman (D) Elizabeth Mary Hayes (D) NQ NR NR NQ R NR NR Daniel B. Shanes (R) Cook Circuit Court-2nd Sub 19th Circuit Court-3rd Sub. (Stuttley vacancy) (‘B’ vacancy) Carl B. Boyd (D) NQ R R NQ R R NR Nancy Waites (D) 7/9 Cook Circuit Court-3rd Sub Thomas Schippers (R) (McGann vacancy) Maureen Leahy Delehanty (D) Q R R Q R R Q Cook Circuit Court-3rd Sub (McSweeney-Moore vacancy) Daniel R. Degnan (D) NR NR NR NQ NR NR NR WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 13 JUDICIAL RETENTIONS See key on page 12 for abbreviations.


Appelate Ct-1st Dist. Marcia Maras Y Y Y Y Y Y Q James Fitzgerald Smith Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Peter Flynn Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Circuit Ct-Cook Co. Paul A. Karkula Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Carole Kamin Bellows Y Y Y Y Y Y Q P. Scott Neville, Jr. Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Kathy M. Flanagan N Y Y Y Y Y Q Maura Slattery Boyle Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Moshe Jacobius Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Mary Margaret Brosnahan Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Stuart F. Lubin Y NE Y Y Y Y Q Matthew E. Coghlan Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Marvin P. Luckman Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Loretta Eadie-Daniels Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Raymond Funderburk Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Joyce Marie Murphy Gorman N Y N Y Y Y Q Stuart E. Palmer Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Joan Maragret O’Brien Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Martin S. Agran Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Thomas David Roti Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Patricia Banks Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Colleen F. Sheehan Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Ronald F. Bartkowicz Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Pamela E. Hill-Veal N N N N N N NR Robert Lopez Cepero Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Orville E. Hambright Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Garritt E. Howard Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Michael J. Howlett Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Joseph G. Kazmierski, Jr. Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Carl Anthony Walker Y Y Y Y Y Y Q E. Kenneth Wright, Jr. Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Daniel Patrick Brennan Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Cynthia Brim N N N N N N NR Gloria Chevere N N N N N N NR Rodney Hughes Brooks Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Grace C. Dickler Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Maureen Elizabeth Connors Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Ellen L. Flannigan Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Christopher Donnelly N N Y N N N Q Carol M. Howard Y Y Y Y Y Y Q James D. Egan N N N N N N NR Jill C. Marisie Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Catherine Marie Haberkorn Y Y Y Y Y Y Q James Michael McGing Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Lisa Ruble Murphy Y Y Y Y N Y NR Mike McHale Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Marya Nega Y Y Y Y Y Y Q James Patrick Murphy Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Lee Preston Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Thomas W. Murphy Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Drella C. Savage Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Patrick W. “Pat” O’Brien Y NE Y Y Y Y Q James M. Varga Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Ramon Ocasio III Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Richard F. Walsh Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Mary Colleen Roberts Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Camille E. Willis Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Diane M. Shelley Y Y Y Y Y Y Q

Upon being asked what he likes about Chicago, Lucas Segovia quickly said it’s the city’s “culture and diver- sity.” GAYin the For the cosmopolitan Segovia—who has danced all over the world and is now a part of the Windy City-based LIFE Joffrey Ballet (joining in 2010)—those definitely seem like aspects he can appreciate. Saturday, Oct.27 Lucas Segovia As for knowing when he wanted to dance, Segovia 6:00 p.m. Text by ANDREW DAVIS said it “didn’t happen until I started dancing professionally. Janet Groth PHOTOS COURTESY OF segovia It caught me by surprise. It was a matter of luck.” He said he (except where otherwise indicated didn’t start dancing until he was 16 after a female friend (who The Receptionist: An was a jazz dancer) convinced him to watch some dancing. Education at The New Yorker Watching the dancing, Segovia realized something. “It wasn’t a girly thing,” he said. “There were a lot of guys tak- ing classes, and the teacher was a man. I thought, ‘Why not? I’ll give it a try.’” The dancing has taken Segovia to major theaters in the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Russia and Cuba, among other places. 5233 N. Clark “I always knew I wanted to dance professionally, but in coun- (773) 769-9299 tries where cultures are not so stimulated it’s hard to say, ‘I want to be a dancer’ and make a living doing it,” he said. “But I was able to do it.” As for his attraction to Joffrey, he said, “I was always interested in the company. The company I was dancing for in New York was going through some rocky times because the artistic director was stepping down, and I wanted to work with him. He told me, ‘Based [email protected] on what you’re looking for, you should check out Joffrey.’” Segovia said that Joffrey Artistic Director Ashley Wheater is “special,” add- ing, “I’ve been very fortunate to have someone I can communicate Parking Available so easily with. He understands dancers very well, and he always has Wheelchair Accessible Age a good word of advice.” 26 When asked what dance means to him, Segovia said, “It’s pas- sion. The reason that I’m in this country and far away from my family Neighborhood is passion. It’s also a way for me to express myself; it’s the best way to East Lakeview say what I want to say.” Hometown The Joffrey Ballet is performing the program “Human Land- Buenos Aires, Argentina scapes”—which consists of “Forgotten Land,” “Pretty Ballet” and “The Green Table”—through Sunday, Oct. 28. See Relationship status Single Favorite snack food “I like pastries and three types of ice cream: strawberry, chocolate and rum raisin.” Favorite vacation spot “Athens—but there are many” Dance idols “When I watch pure classical ballet, all those amazing male dancers who can do things I cannot do—I just admire them.” Favorite musician Segovia in rehearsals for Incantations (below) Andres Segovia (no relation) and during the show (left). Photos by Herbert Migdoll 14 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY VIEWPOINTS TIMES VOL. 28, No. 3, Oct. 24, 2012 The combined forces of Windy City Times, founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, mark founded May 1987. segal PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tracy Baim

ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis BUSINESS MANAGER Ripley Caine DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson The backstory SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS: Terri Klinsky, Amy Matheny, Kirk Williamson, Chris Cheuvront LGBT legacy of PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT Cynthia Holmes NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 SENIOR WRITERS Kate Sosin, Bob Roehr, Rex Arlen Specter Wockner, Marie J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Per- egrin, Lisa Keen, Yasmin Nair, Erica Demarest Let me tell you about how I met Arlen Specter. THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. Back in the early days of the battle for gay BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair rights, Specter was district attorney of Philadel- SPORTS WRITER Ross Forman phia. He had not taken a stand on the gay-rights ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS bill that was before City Council in 1973. Efforts Mary Shen Barnidge, Steve Warren, Lawrence Fer- ber, Mel Ferrand, Jerry Nunn, Jonathan Abarbanel to set up a meeting went unanswered. So, we COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Jorjet had to be a little creative. Harper, Meghan Streit, Charlsie Dewey, Carrie One crisp Monday morning, a caterer delivered Maxwell, Billy Masters, Tyler Gillespie, Sarah Toce, Dana Rudolph, Sally Parsons, Melissa Wasserman, two large coffee makers and dozens of dough- Jamie Anne Royce, Matthew C. Clark, Joe Franco nuts to Arlen’s office. His staff thought that SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Mel Ferrand, Hal Baim, Arlen had ordered the special treat, and Arlen Steve Starr, Emmanuel Garcia, Tim Carroll, Ed thought his staff had arranged it. Negron, Susan Mattes At the same time in the City Hall courtyard CIRCULATION Arlen Specter (left) shakes hands with Mark Segal—then leader of the Gay Raiders—in 1973. CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright and in the halls of the building, members of the Image courtesy of Segal DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, Gay Raiders were handing out flyers that read, Sue and Victor “District Attorney Arlen Specter invites you to WEB HOSTING: (lead pro- grammer: Martie Marro) a reception in honor of gay-rights legislation in event—or “zap,” as we called them in those in the beginning stages of the LGBT-friendly se- City Council. Please join him at 10 a.m. in his days. The caption read: “District Attorney Arlen nior residences project, we needed to meet with office, room 666.” Specter shakes hands with Mark Segal, leader of HUD secretary Shaun Donovan, but his schedule Copyright 2012 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back That really was his office number. the Gay Raiders, who parked outside the district was tight. Arlen said, “Don’t worry about it. Just issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). At 10 a.m., we, along with hundreds of city attorney’s office until he emerged and granted meet me at his next to last stop while he’s in Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and workers and a huge collection of newspeople, them an interview. The Raiders handed out free Philadelphia and I’ll arrange it.” As Donavan was no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. arrived at his office. We walked in and there was donuts and coffee while waiting for Specter.” about to leave, Sen. Specter, with me on one All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned Arlen’s staff trying not to look too surprised at a Arlen eventually went to the National District side, grabbed Donovan and took us to his car in for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing reception held in their office that their boss was Attorneys Association and asked them to get the motorcade, where a Secret Service agent had and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own having, about legislation he had not endorsed. on board and support nondiscrimination. Now, the door open. Arlen allowed the secretary to and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City Arlen remained in his inner office. here’s what you never knew. In Arlen’s Republi- get in his car and then followed and pushed me Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy At first, the media took pictures of me handing can years in the U.S. Senate, when it was hard in at the same time. “We’re going to ride with City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the out coffee and doughnuts to City Hall staffers, to support LGBT rights, he was always behind you to the next stop,” he said. The secretary was sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make and we weren’t sure if Arlen would even come the curtain ready to vote “yes” on gay rights if not about to turn down a senator. this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept out of his private office. Finally, the door to his it was needed to assure passage. Only HRC (the I had Donovan’s undivided attention for 20 responsibility for advertising claims. office opened and there he was, all smiles. He Human Rights Campaign) and I were aware of minutes. In hindsight, Arlen and I kidnapped (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 that. That was never more so than with the 1996 the secretary of HUD. And soon, we will hold the e-mail: [email protected] or walked over, shook my hand, helped me hand [email protected] out coffee and we then went into his private of- vote on the Employment Nondiscrimination Act, groundbreaking on the nation’s largest capital fice. His first comment to me was, “Mark Segal, where he broke ranks with the GOP, and the bill LGBT-friendly building project. who else would cater a disruption? Did you think failed by only one vote. He later supported the Thank you, Arlen! radio: I’d allow you to have all the media attention to repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s video: of Marriage Act. most-award-winning commentator in LGBT yourself?” And then there was that big smile. WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, The Philadelphia Inquirer, the following day In 2009, when the secretary of Housing and media. He can be reached at mark@epgn. 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, Illinois 60640 (Oct. 10, 1973), had a large picture of the Urban Development was in town and we were com. U.S.A (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY)

Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE LETTERS Saving a life one. Contact Planned Parenthood at 800-230- Carole Brite PLAN for more information on our breast health President and CEO “Windy City Media Group generated Dear Editor, services. Planned Parenthood of Illinois enormous interest among their readers

in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index Nearly 10,000 new cases of breast cancer are di- Survey. Out of approximately 100 agnosed annually in Illinois. Breast cancer is a print and online media partners who serious disease, but it is often treatable when participated in the survey, Windy caught early. Early detection and treatment lit- City was the best performing regional erally saves lives. media in the U.S. Only survey partners That’s why Planned Parenthood of Illinois has Send letters and viewpoints with a nationwide footprint were expanded its services in Chicago and across the able to generate a greater number of state to help more women detect breast can- to Andrew@WindyCity responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research cer early. Thanks in part to the generosity of Director, Community Marketing, Inc. our donors, this year we will conduct nearly 17,000 breast exams across the state and more than 6,700 in Chicago. Our supporters have also helped us establish a fund that will help women who cannot afford the breast healthcare that Items may be edited for they need. Planned Parenthood of Illinois is proud to be length or clarity. the nonprofit health care provider for 39,000 people in Chicago. We work every day to keep women healthy, and our doors are open to every- WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 15 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo by Dan Rest BARE ESSENCE Lesbian opera singer Jill Grove (right) bares her soul (but not her body, as she wears a mold) in Elektra. See more below. DISH THEATER MOVIES Meat and greet. ‘Night’ moves. Turn on the ‘Lights’. Page 34. Page 16. Page 26.

Photo from Q-BBQ Photo from Night over Erzinga Still from Keep the Lights On by Andrew Davis from Silk Road Rising

SCOTTISH PLAY SCOTT parents than we were as companions and lov- ers.” Grove said that Gryffen has shown an early in- terest in opera—he recently sat quietly and at- Grove goes mad for tentively through a Metropolitan Opera HD mov- ie theater re-screening of Wagner’s Die Walkure. Yet Grove said he doesn’t like it when she sings Lyric’s new ‘Electra’ at home since it typically means she’ll be leaving to perform. the Lyric’s revival of Aida. Still, Grove plans on taking Gryffen to see her BY SCOTT C. MORGAN “The designer said, ‘We’d like you to be top- perform in Hansel & Gretel this winter at the less,” Grove said. Although she was more than Lyric Opera of Chicago, a company where she Lesbian mezzo-soprano Jill Grove has received willing to personally go topless to help fulfill has previously received acclaim for past perfor- rave reviews for her role debut of Klytamnestra Macfarlane and McVicar’s artistic vision for Ele- mances in Lulu, Die Frau ohne Schatten and the in the Lyric Opera of Chicago’s wildly acclaimed ktra, Grove brought up some realistic concerns Ring Cycle in 2005. new production of Richard Strauss and Hugo von tied to gravity. “I love Chicago and I really consider it to be Hofmannsthal’s 1909 opera Elektra. “In the pictures they showed me, I pointed my home opera company—these are the people Since Elektra calls for one of the largest or- out that real women’s breasts don’t do that— who give me the opportunity to do these roles chestras of any standard repertoire opera, sing- they just don’t sit there,” Grove said. “So the for and take a chance,” Grove said. ers are typically asked how they can handle next option was to just build them with a sili- “It’s such a great experience every time.” singing over the waves of sound blasting from cone prosthetic. So last year I went in and they And now that she’s single, Grove did ask if the pit. did a mold of my upper torso and made a whole her professional head shot could run alongside “I love it because it’s written so well. It’s in- cast for these breasts that are relatively real— any Elektra production images, lest people think spiring and exciting when it needs to be and and they look great!” that Klytamnestra is what she looks like all the helps your voice to soar,” Grove said about sing- Grove is set for even more prosthetic prodding time. But when asked if she wouldn’t mind wear- ing the role of Klytamnestra during a recent from designer Macfarlane later this season, since ing her Klytamnestra costume for forthcoming telephone interview. “And I must say that (con- she’ll be making her role debut as the Witch in events like the North Halsted Street Halloween ductor Sir Andrew Davis) does the best he can a Lyric revival of Humperdinck’s Hansel & Gre- Parade or the Pride month Dyke March, Grove with a more-than 100-piece orchestra to temper tel. In this production by director Richard Jones quipped, “I’ll be their queen.” it just a little bit to help us compete.” where each act is set in a different kind of kitch- Elektra plays for two more performances at But the query Grove seems to field the most en, production designer Macfarlane depicts the 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26, and 7:30 p.m. Tues- for the Lyric’s new Elektra is about her seemingly Witch as a cannibalistic cousin to a demented day, Oct. 30, at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, bare breasts. Julia Child. 20 N. Wacker Dr. Jill Grove also appears as “The biggest question that I’ve gotten is ‘Are Compared to Klytamnestra, Grove said the the Witch in the Lyric’s revival of Hansel & they real?’” Grove said. Witch “will give me the opportunity to be more Jill Grove. Photo by Dario Acosta Gretel with 7:30 p.m. performances Dec. 7 In out director Sir David McVicar’s staging of buoyant, even though I think I’ll be wearing a and 12 as well as Jan. 8, 11, 14 and 19, with Elektra, Klytamnestra is depicted as a corrupt fat suit and prosthetic makeup to give me a few 2 p.m. matinees Dec. 14 and 16 as well as and mentally unstable co-ruler with her murder- more chins.” Jan. 17. Both operas are sung in German with ous lover, Aegisth, of what is strongly implied to When she was last interviewed by Windy City Since then, Grove and James relocated their projected English translations. Single tickets be a Greek royal court that has degenerated into Times in 2008, Grove and her wife, Keren James, family to Santa Fe, N.M., in 2010, but they have for both operas run $34-$239. Call 312-332- a sexually decadent S&M torture cult. had married earlier that year in before also recently separated. 2244, ext. 5600, or visit Grove laughed when she remembers her reac- Proposition 8 put a halt to same-sex marriages. “It’s completely great and fine. We kind of get tion to seeing production designer John Mac- The two also welcomed the arrival of a son, the ‘gold star’ when it comes to divorce,” Grove farlane’s costume sketches for Klytamnestra last Gryffen, born to James through an anonymous said, adding that she and James are both co- season when she was appearing as Amneris in donor that same year. raising their son and that they’re “much better 16 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES THEATER REVIEW as a little girl, and Delgado as a young woman, though understudy Catherine Dildilian, a grand- Night Over daughter of genocide survivors, played Delgado’s roles at the performance I attended). Erzinga Through these characters, we get to piece to- Playwright: Adriana Sevahn Nichols gether their conflicts that arise from the geno- At: Silk Road Rising at The Historic cide and the aftermath as they try to assimi- Chicago Temple Building, late in America. Act II in particular focuses on 77 W. Washington St. Aghavni’s rebellion against her parents to be- Tickets: 312-857-1234, ext. 201, come a dancer, and her promising (if eventually or; $40 troubled) marriage to aspiring Dominican opera Runs through: Nov. 11 singer Bienvenido Raymundo (Nicolas Gamboa). Rounding out the talented ensemble are Caro- BY SCOTT C. MORGAN lyn Hoerdemann and Michael Salinas in numer- ous supporting roles that really show off the The rolling world premiere of Night Over Erzinga range of their acting abilities when it comes to for Silk Road Rising (formerly Silk Road Theatre different characterizations and spot-on dialect Project) could have been overly wrought and work. But the whole ensemble is wonderful to too melodramatic. That’s because Adriana Se- watch, especially as we follow them as different vahn Nicols’ drama focuses on two survivors of characters across the generations. the Armenian genocide of the early 20th century Director Lisa Portes stages the production un- and how it impacts their lives and those of their der Lee Keenan’s set design that prominently descendants. features a constructed tree with hanging strips But Nicols wisely eschews a chronological of fabric tied to the branches that occasionally structure to unfold events, shifting back and get pulled to help delineate scene changes (the forth in time to offer foreshadowed clues in symbolic point of the tree is also later revealed). the lifelines of her three main characters. Only Portes gets very good and poetical performances at the end do we see the totality of the hor- from her cast. ror faced by one character as it is revealed ex- My only quibble is that some scene changes actly what happened to her family at the hands feature an odd mix of both costumed actors and of some Turks, and how other Turks conversely all-in-black stagehands moving stage furniture aided her to escape after all hope was gone. on and off. Seeing the stagehands sometimes Night Over Erzinga revolves around Ardavazt takes you out of the flow of the show. Trainspotting USA. Photo by Cameron Johnson Oghidanian (played as a young man by Levi Night Over Erzinga successfully tugs at your Holloway and by Rom Barkhordar in advanced heartstrings. But it also succeeds in making age), his wife, Alice (played as a young woman audiences question difficulties of assimilation, by Sandra Delgado and Diana Simonzadeh in the stigma of being victims and how seemingly THEATER REVIEW An extensive tech squad has fashioned a kalei- advanced age) and their daughter, Aghavni or insurmountable generational differences can be doscopic universe reflecting the abrupt highs “Ava” (either Allison Torf or Maliha A. Yousuf bridged. Trainspotting USA and lows associated with individuals dwelling Playwright: adapted by Tom Mullen in a constantly shifting multi-sensory state of from the stage play by Harry Gibson altered consciousness. Dazzling strobe lights, THEATER REVIEW and novel by Irvine Welsh serpentine VL-5 spotlights, subdued (almost At: Book & Lyrics Theatricals et al. a subliminal) voiceovers and a spinning turntable- Assassins Playwright: John Weidman (book), t Theatre Wit, 1229 W. Belmont Ave. floor—occupied by carefully drilled ensemble of Stephen Sondheim (music & lyrics) Assassins. Tickets: 773-975-8150; actors who ricochets off walls and wagon-units At: The Viaduct, 3111 N. Western Ave. Photo by; $32 like bullets on a free-fire range—seamlessly Tickets: 1-312-212-3470; David Runs through: Dec. 2 convey the volatile giddiness of a world we hope; $47.57 Turner never to visit for longer than the brief running (with service charge) BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE time of this grim, intensely engaging, play. Runs through: Nov. 10 Fans of Irvine Welsh’s novel and the 1996 film based thereon will arrive knowing what to ex- BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL pect, but for first-timers (like me), an early CRITICS’ PICKS scene involving a young heroin addict’s ordeal Billy Pacholski has produced and directed this in a filthy public restroom should ascertain that excellent staging of the pointed Sondheim- only theatergoers endowed with strong stom- Weidman musical about successful and wan- achs will remain to witness the further adven- 44 Plays for 44 Presidents, Neo-Futur- nabe presidential assassins. In an intimate tures of luckless Mark Renton and his likewise ists through Nov. 10. Not plays, exactly, space not requiring microphones, he replaces dead-end acquaintances. These will encompass but a skit, song or comedy routine for each the usual carnival shooting gallery setting that is part and parcel of the American Expe- casual violence, promiscuous sex, amateur-porn of our 44 Chief Executives, performed with with something more classical: the presiden- rience. Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley videos, scatological mishaps, copious (albeit tongue-in-cheek energy by a lively six- tial seal painted big on the floor like the or- and Reagan were shot at point-blank range; dimly-lit) nudity, the death of an infant, a cata- person cast plus band. Honest Abe, Old chestra of a Greek theater, with a projection it would have been impossible to miss. Ditto, logue of hard drugs and many, many needles. Hickory, Silent Cal, etc., all are there. JA screen at the back in the wavy pattern of a the attempts (within days of each other) on It’s easy to imagine this kind of amorality oc- Dreamgirls, Marriott Theatre, Lincoln- flag in the breeze. The result is an engaging Gerald Ford ... if the wannabes had been com- curring in exotic locales (Tangiers or Jakarta, shire, through Oct. 28. If you only know and even warm (at moments) interpretation petent enough actually to fire a shot. Oswald say, or Scotland, where Welsh set his novel), but Dreamgirls from its 2006 movie adaptation, of rather cold (although often funny) mate- was the only skilled marksman in the bunch. it takes the transposition of its milieu to Kansas now’s your chance to see the show in its rial. What emerges from Assassins is that most City, Mo., in the US of A, to reaffirm the horror of original 1981 Broadway musical form in Musical director Robert Ollis (on loan presidential killers were young loners who so- addiction with a capital “A”—that is, a physical a stunningly sung and super-slick in-the- from Bailiwick Chicago) guides the first-rate ciety marginalized and who were unemployed hunger delivering indescribable bliss when sat- round staging. SCM 15-person cast through Sondheim’s tricky or underemployed. Booth alone headed a ed, and terrifying consequences when not. The Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom, pastiche score filled with American musical conspiracy and acted, arguably, for a political incautious pilgrim who looks to habit-forming Strawdog Theater, through Nov. 12. We references, and fronts a sweet five-piece or- cause larger than himself. For all the others it substances for escape from everyday stress soon never see the zombies infiltrating the quiet chestra featuring delicate use of woodwinds was personal—an instant gateway to empow- finds its promise tainted with more stress, ne- suburban community in the video-game and trumpet. While the principal tension is erment, fame and attention as if killing the cessitating further escape, in a chicken-and-egg lending this Rod Serling-style sociological developed between John Wilkes Booth (Kevin Prez would solve their problems. “Everybody’s chase that can only end in a draconian with- fable its title, but to the isolated teenagers Webb projecting lean menace) and Lee Harvey got the right to be happy; everybody’s got the drawal, or death. defending their brains from stealth-attack, Oswald (All-American boy Sam Button-Har- right to their dream” goes the lyric that opens Schadenfreude’s kick being also temporary, the the parasitic walking dead are disturbingly ris)—the first and last successful assassins and closes the show. question that adapter Tom Mullen confronts in- familiar. MSB and the only competent ones in the lot—the I wonder, however, about the point in pre- volves how long we can find entertainment in The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart, work really is an ensemble piece with each senting this show in 2012 as our first Afri- the progress of these slackers who shoot up, National Theatre of Scotland at Chicago player getting his/her star turn via a song or can-American President—whom a majority of screw up, crash and finally burn. The current an- Shakespeare Theater, through Oct. 28. The darkly comedic book scene. Chicagoans certainly support—struggles for swer is 90 minutes, at the conclusion of which upstairs room at Chicago Shakes has been The entire production is greatly enhanced re-election. In the run-up to George Bush’s we are rewarded by one of the smackboys mak- transformed into a pub—with beer and by Ryan Fukuda’s constantly morphing video re-election in 2004, there were two local ing a final desperate bid for freedom from his whiskey in abundance—for this robust and (with opening animation by Rebecca Berdel), productions of Assassins within six months. oppressive environment, leaving his doomed— romantic of The Bluestocking Who the period-accurate costumes of Chris Tuttle I began my reviews of both with the same and betrayed—comrades behind. Broke The Devil’s Heart. MSB and lighting by Kelly Lasley. line: “Presidential assassins are like taxicabs: Whatever this walk on the sordid side may lack —By Abarbanel, Barnidge Assassins underscores the violence endemic there’s never one around when you need one.” in linear plot, it more than redeems in spectacle. and Morgan to American culture, and also the gun culture I don’t feel that way this year. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 17

Indulge Y Yourself 18 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES SPOTLIGHT

The notoriously hard-to-find Broadway musical flop of Carrie The Musical recently received a revised off-Broadway revival, a cast recording and will soon be able to be licensed by theater companies across the country. But for Chicago theatergoers, especially those who love all things camp, Hell in a Handbag Productions’ spoof SCARRIE: The Musical is the one version of Stephen King’s novel that counts. Featuring a libretto by David Cerda and a score by Cerda, Scott Lamberty and Taylor E. Ross, SCARRIE: The Musical is back in another revival and contends that it’s “The original unauthorized parody, PERIOD.” SCARRIE: The Musical continues through Nov. 10 at Mary’s At- tic, 5400 N. Clark St. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday Stark Sands (left) and Billy Porter in Kinky Boots. Photo by Sean Williams through Saturday (6:30 p.m. on Nov. 4; no show Nov. 1), with an extra Halloween show Oct. 31. Tickets are $15-$25 with a VIP package for $35-$40. Call 800-838-3006, or visit www.brownpa- THEATER REVIEW tradesmen, our two comrades coming to terms or for more infor- with their own aspirations—but from the first mation. Photo by Rick Aguilar Studios Kinky Boots moments, the dramatic flow propels us inexora- Playwright: book by Harvey Fierstein, bly toward a happy resolution for everyone. music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper The propulsion owes its momentum to com- At: Broadway in Chicago at the poser/lyricist Cyndi Lauper’s lovingly crafted morphoses, Lookingglass Theatre is hosting a Bank of America Shubert, 18 W. Monroe St. score ranging from introspective ballads like series of free panel conversations. A variety Tickets: 800-775-2000; “I’m Not My Father’s Son” and “Hold Me in Your of artists, scholars, historians and docents; $23-$65 Heart” (the latter a shoo-in for the wedding/ will discuss the themes explored in the hit Runs through: Nov. 4 cabaret/contest-show circuit) to strut-time production. anthems like “I Come to the Rescue” and the The free discussions will take place at 4:30 BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE adrenaline-pumping “Raise You Up” finale. The p.m., following the Sunday matinees on Oct.

solo vocalists—notably Stark Sands, Billy Por- 28, Nov. 4 and Nov. 11 at Lookingglass The- For five generations, the sturdy employees of ter and Annaleigh Ashford—acquit themselves atre in the Water Tower Water Works, 821 N. Northhampton’s Price & Son’s shoe factory have impressively on songs written for Lauper’s own Michigan Ave. produced sturdy brogans for sturdy Englishmen. multiple-octave range. Director/choreographer The panels are free and open to the pub- The fashion for cheap imports, however, forces Jerry Mitchell’s utilization of his environment— lic. Tickets for Metamorphoses, based on the Charlie Price to confront the failure of the fam- in particular, conveyer-belts that quickly trans- myths of Ovid from a translation by David ily business (a scheme endorsed by his social- form into vogue-worthy treadmills—likewise Slavitt, written and directed by Ensemble climbing fiancée). Ah, but one night in London, keeps the visually sensual Victorian-ornate stage Member Mary Zimmerman, are $36-$70 and Charlie comes to the aid of a lady threatened by picture vibrant throughout. available online, www.lookingglasstheatre. thugs, and is knocked cold for his gallantry. He A Broadway-bound musical at this level of org; at 312-337-0665; or at the Lookingglass awakens in the dressing room of a grateful fe- development is usually far clumsier than the Theatre box office. male impersonator named Lola, who remarks on one currently occupying the Bank of America’s For more information and box office hours, the difficulty of finding footwear suited to her Shubert. Yes, the psychological dynamic of a visit profession—and a niche market is born. friendly boxing match (an amateur sport less Who doesn’t cheer for a pack of scrappy un- popular in the United States than in the United derdogs triumphing over big-bucks adversity? Kingdom) needs to be clarified for American au- ‘Nightmares’ at Not only does Harvey Fierstein’s book champion diences, and Charlie’s stress-induced recanting the survival-through-adaptation entrepreneur- of his hitherto gender-tolerant attitude requires Cornservatory ial spirit, but also takes note of evolving social either foreshadowing or, better yet, reining in. “Nightmares on Lincoln Ave IV: Welcome to values as the industrial workers come to accept That said, a show as exuberant as this—that’s the Undead City” runs through Oct. 27, with a their cross-dressing rescuers. Indeed, Charlie and 95 percent ready for the Big Time—is still an special Halloween performance Wed., Oct. 31. Lola find that they share similar geographical auspicious opportunity for pioneering playgoers. All performances are at Cornservatory, 4210 and filial experiences. Oh, there are setbacks— N. Lincoln Ave., and it’s BYOB. Tickets price rehab-happy real estaters, bigoted woad-collar Jimmy Smits. varies by day (Wednesdays $7; Thursdays $10; Fridays, Saturdays and Halloween night Jimmy Smits joins $15). Call 773-650-1331 for reservations or CULTURE CLUB Steppenwolf purchase tickets online at www.cornservatory. production org. Award-winning stage, film and television actor Jimmy Smits makes his Chicago stage Prop 8 play at debut this season at Steppenwolf Theatre GSU Oct. 25-26 Company in ensemble member Anna D. Shap- The play 8—which chronicles the historic iro’s second staging of The Motherf**ker with trial in the federal constitutional challenge the Hat, Stephen Adly Guirgis’s hit new play. to California’s Proposition 8—is coming to Smits plays addiction recovery sponsor University Park’s Governors State University Ralph D., joining the previously announced (GSU) for two performances in Sherman Hall, cast of Sandra Delgado, Sandra Marquez, John at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25, and Friday, Ortiz and Gary Perez. Oct. 26. The Motherf**ker with the Hat begins pre- The play, written by Academy Award-win- views Dec. 28 ( is Jan. 6, 2013) ning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, is a and runs through March 3, 2013, in Steppen- production of the Southland Area Theater En- ’s Downstairs Theatre (1650 N. Halsted semble (SLATE). The play is being presented St.). Tickets ($20-$86) go on sale Oct. 19 at with license from the American Foundation 11 a.m. (Prices are subject to change.) for Equal Rights (AFER), of which Black is a founding board member, and Broadway Im- ‘Metamorphoses’ pact. Admission to 8 is free with reservations. panels in Oct., Nov. Visit or call 708-235- In conjunction with its production of Meta- 2222. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 19 Also, during this time we have community Trans choreographer comes to Chicago residencies where engage with communities. We have all level of dance workshops that are By Thomas Bateman will be an exploration of themes like transgender- and queer-friendly. We also do and first love, legal repression and police abuse, demonstrations and have community dialogue, Recognized as one of the first out transgender managing to find each other and more. so that’s a really important part of the process dancer-choreographers in America, Sean Dorsey WCT: Now a little bit about you personally: for me as well, getting to meet people and have will bring his dance company and new show, Your website mentions that you are one of both community and intimate conversations. “The Secret History of Love,” to Chicago this the first openly trans dancers and choreogra- And we hope to spread dance fever—to attract weekend. Dorsey spoke with Windy City Times phers in the country. What opportunities has people who are transgender or genderqueer who about the show, his creative process and dance this given you to be a spokesperson for the have never set foot in a dance studio! as a means of sharing previously untold stories trans community both in your work and out- WCT: And is there anything else you’d like of transgendered people. side of it? to tell Windy City readers? Windy City Times: What can and should SD: Great question, thank you. For me, there SD: I’d like to express a warm welcome to read- viewers expect from “The Secret History of was a lot of isolation and some great challenges ers who are already fans of dance and theater, Love?” and loneliness in my dance training and during but especially to people who would normally shy Sean Dorsey: People should expect a lot of full- the decision to become a working artist and get away from modern dance. I want people to know throttle, full-bodied, very physical dancing—the my work out there. that this is dance-theater work that uses lots of rare opportunity to see really beautiful, luscious I didn’t see anyone else like me in my classes elements of storytelling that is really accessible. partnering work between male dancers and at my dance school, at any dance performances People will be hearing real life stories that are queer dancers. They should expect to see some or dance history, let alone in most of the arts. really moving stories that haven’t been heard of themselves and their stories onstage and also So I had to be more creative in looking for my before. see some delicious and also deeply moving sto- own role models who were transgender writers or Finally, I’d like to add that one reason we’re ries about our community’s history. activists, or performance artists. very excited to be coming to Links Hall is that WCT: I’m very curious about your creative Somehow, I made it through dance school and Links Hall has been behind us from the very process. You mentioned that you started more immediately when I started creating work, I had beginning. They commissioned up and helped than two years ago. At what point were you such a strong reaction from my community and make the show possible. We’re so blessed and just doing your own brainstorming and when people like me, who came up to me literally in honored by their support and excited to share did it become collaborative with the compa- tears and had never seen someone like them or Sean Dorsey. Photo by Lydia Daniller the fruits of the last two years of our labor! ny? a body like theirs onstage. Shows will take place at Links Hall, 3435 SD: I started with a research phase in archives I also heard from people who were not trans- in that, but ultimately it’s a deep, deep blessing N. Sheffield Ave., Suite 207, on Oct. 25-27. and libraries, but also spent about a year and gender, whether they were LGB or straight, that to get to bring stories and voices to the stage Preceding the production is the GenderFest a half conducting these oral history interviews. the work resonated with them and they connect- that have always been censored or not invited. pre-show. On Oct. 25, Ellie Navidson will per- During this time, I started working with a team ed with what was very universal in the work. WCT: And in doing so, you’ve had such great form spoken word; the Youth Empowerment of composers to look at themes that were emerg- So, while I bring a really specific perspective critical reception for “The Secret History of Performance Project will perform Oct. 26; and ing in the interviews. to my work as a transgender and queer person, Love.” Given your success, what does the fu- transgender activist KOKUMO will entertain After that, I created an hour-and-15-minute I think the reason my work attracts such diverse ture hold for you? Oct. 27. A screening of “and then there were rough draft of the sound score, which is all nar- audiences is because it uses that very specific SD: Given the critical success and positive au- two...” will follow each performance. rated either by my voice, with my original writ- lens to talk about universal human questions dience reaction, we actually have the opportu- The pre-show is at 7:30 p.m., with Dorsey’s ing or mostly by these LGBT elders’ own experi- of differences or belonging, of love or family or nity to take the show on tour in the U.S. and in- show at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10-$15; see www. ences in their own words. loss or healing. ternationally for the next two years or so. While or call 773-281-0824. The evening will be a suite of dances that will I take very seriously what I believe to be a all of that is happening, we will get to start new Further information about Sean Dorsey’s take us, more or less, linearly through history, really great honor to be a pioneer or a spokes- work and it’s going to be a very busy and rich past, current and future projects is at www. the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. Parallel to this person for my community. There are challenges next few years. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 25 TELEVISION Kinky Boots star Billy Porter talks Whitney, reality TV

WCT: Is Lola modeled after someone in your life? BP: Me. I lived it sans the drag. Everything but the drag I have lived with this character, as an African-American gay Christian man in this world. It is very close to me. Spiritually I get her, I just have to put on a wig, a dress and high heels to tell the story, but that is all right. [Laughs] WCT: Had you done drag before? Billy Porter (right) and Stark Sands in Kinky Boots. Photo by Sean Williams BP: Yeah, but not to this extent. I had dressed up for Halloween. I had done a couple of plays, or scenes from a play but I have never played an if there were ever an idol that I have had in vocal chords on the stage every night. actual gender illusionist by trade. show business it would be Whitney Houston. The I sing the songs through in a key that felt fact that we lost her this year and she meant so comfortable but then took it down in another By Jerry Nunn WCT: How long does it take you to get ready, shave and everything? much to me helped me to decide to go all the step and a half. When we started out everything way there with that song. was uncomfortably low for me and uncharacter- The new musical Kinky Boots just officially BP: I shave in the morning. My face is very WCT: Are you a RuPaul’s Drag Race fan? istically low for anybody that knows how I used opened in Chicago before heading to New York sensitive. I shave early to give my pores a BP: watch the show but I try to stay away to sing earlier in my career. It has served me City. chance to close. It probably takes about an from reality-television show craze because I find well because my body has gotten me used to The show tells the story of young Charlie Price, hour. I hope to get it down to a half-hour. it to be slightly toxic. Too much of it gets on my lower keys; now I can just show up and not have who inherits his father’s shoe factory and finds WCT: Was the accent hard? nerves but I have seen RuPaul’s Drag Race. to worry about it. It is in the set-up. You have inspiration from entertainer Lola—played by BP: It is not that difficult. I studied at Carn- WCT: What are you doing for Halloween? to know what is required of you. Luckily we are Billy Porter, who comes from a strong Broadway egie Mellon for dialects class. I have a good ear BP: I will be doing a show, then coming out building the show so it is being built on me. I background with shows such as Miss Saigon, for sounds. That accent is in my wheelhouse, un- and going to bed! I have to rest my voice. am not going into a place to fill somebody else’s and Dreamgirls. His television appear- like cockney, which is really hard for me. Luckily, WCT: How is your voice holding up? shoes. The shoes are mine! ances include The Big C and Law & Order. Porter I don’t to do that! Australian is very hard for me, BP: It is really good. We wanted to make sure Kinky Boots the Musical is currently run- has even recorded his own album—Untitled, At also. that we created this role in a range that felt ning at Bank of America Theatre, 18 W. Mon- The Corner of Broadway & Soul—with a song WCT: Those are tricky. comfortable for me so that I wouldn’t have to roe St., until Nov. 4. Visit www.broadwayinch- (“Time”) that was featured on the reality-com- BP: My standard British one is pretty okay. reach for anything. I have to do it for eight for tickets today. petition show So You Think You Can Dance. shows a week and not feel like I am leaving my Windy City Times went backstage to get to know the man behind the make-up, learning about shaving, drag and who the basis for Lola is. Windy City Times: Hi, Billy. It was great – New York Post seeing the show last night. Billy Porter: Thank you. WCT: How did you get connected with Kinky Boots in the first place? BP: First of all, I have known Jerry Mitchell for over 20 years so I called him on the phone. When they were talking about making this into a musical about four or five years ago, I called him and told him I wanted that part. WCT: That must be nice to be able to do. BP: Well, I had to . At the time, many people thought I had retired. I was writing and directing so I was more behind the scenes. I decided I needed to be aggressive, with me not performing anymore. I had to make it known that I wanted to do it. WCT: So why weren’t you performing? BP: There was a time eight years ago that I took a step back. I wanted to reassess the tra- jectory of my career. I discovered that if I was Billy Porter. going to change where it was heading that I needed to find out a different way of doing things. WCT: “I’m Not My Father’s Son” is so emo- I started writing and directing. I didn’t feel tional. People were crying in the audience. BP: They are? Well, that is good to know. there was a lot of material available for people –The Huffington Post like me that was unoccupied. So that was what WCT: Several gay fellas in particular told me I was doing at the time that this musical, this how they were moved by that number in par- idea for it came around. So that is why I threw ticular. my hat in the ring, as it were. BP: That song is very dear to me. That was the WCT: How does it feel to be performing first song that I actually heard from the show again? and I knew that I had to do Kinky Boots af- BP: Well, they were able to get me to come ter hearing it. It says everything that I always back to the New York stage with Angels in Amer- wanted to say to my father. It is done so beauti- ica; that was about a year and a half ago. This fully. Cyndi Lauper wrote such an amazing score. was a reintroduction into it for me. This is every- WCT: You have a Whitney Houston moment thing that I wanted to do. It is the type of work in the second act. Was that inspired by her? BP: I think that Cyndi wrote music that in- November 13 — December 2 that I have always wanted to be involved in. It TickeTs available Ta all vokes a particular type of feeling. That song is 800-775-2000 broaDway iN chicago box offices is an important message and something that is aND TickeTmasTer reTail locaTioNs o by joAn MARCUS singular. I feel very honored to be a key player. a classic, Whitney Houston-esque power ballad groups 15+: 312-977-1710 phot for me. I am not one that has many idols, but 26 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES ences. But for the patient and the open-hearted (count me in), Cloud Atlas is none other than a KNIGHT rare example of cinematic art. Finally, writer/director/actor Stephen Cone’s AT beautifully nuanced 2011 drama The Wise Kids THE is having its theatrical debut at the Gene Sis- kel Film Center. Queer filmmaker Cone’s movie MOVIES has rightly been hailed on its film festival tour and—given his assured, delicate touch—that’s not hard to understand. The movie focuses on three teenaged members of a tightly knit Baptist community in South By Carolina as they near high school graduation. Richard (Tyler Ross, who stars in the recent Nate & Mar- Knight, Jr. garet, beautifully plays one of the characters, who is quietly gay.) As the prepares for col- lege, deeper questions about the rigid boundar- Keep the Lights ies of their religious beliefs begin to emerge, not just between the friends but among some of the adults surrounding them—especially the On; Cloud Atlas; choir director (played by Cone), who clearly is struggling with his own sexual identity. Wise Kids; notes The Wise Kids doesn’t offer pat answers to the complex questions; it raises and refuses to point Wouldn’t it be loverly if every week at the Cin- fingers at the usual villains in the process. It’s eplex we had as many queer-themed movie a thought-provoking experience filled with tre- choices as we do beginning this Friday? What mendous performances from its spot-on cast. with Keep the Lights On opening at the Music Box, Cloud Atlas playing at multiple theaters Film notes: and The Wise Kids finally getting its overdue —Bisexual director Nicholas Ray’s 1954 film Chicago theatrical run at the Siskel—not to Rebel Without A Cause, still the benchmark for Thure Lindhardt and Zachary Booth in Keep the Lights On. Photo by Jean-Christophe Husson mention some nifty single-date screenings (see films about juvenile dissatisfaction, is back at notes below)—for once your queer movie critic the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St., has plenty of options to recommend to readers. hang on to each other and make things work, tor Tom Tykwer. The grand theme of the nearly on Friday, Oct. 26, and Tuesday, Oct. 30. The Out filmmaker Ira Sachs co-wrote and directs their friends and the city at large add to the three-hour epic—the importance of the indi- film stars the bisexual James Dean—poster boy Keep the Lights On, an intimate relationship propulsive nature of the relationship. (Manhat- vidual striking back at a totalitarianism soci- for ‘50s homoeroticism—as Jim, the teenaged drama that takes no prisoners. Shot in a grainy, tan, with its vibrant energy, is almost a third ety—is similar to previous Wachowski outings malcontent who forms a bond with gorgeous handheld style to ratchet up the tension, the character in the film.) such as The Matrix trilogy and their production but mixed-up Judy (Natalie Wood) and rich boy movie covers the 10-year on-again/off-again Sachs and co-writer Mauricio Zacharias based of V is for Vendetta. And the large-scaled canvas Plato (gay actor Sal Mineo), who has a crush on relationship between Erik (Thure Lindhardt), a the film on Sachs’s one-time relationship with of this feature that spans centuries and covers Jim. Danish documentary filmmaker who hooks up literary agent Bill Clegg. Clegg has already writ- six storylines and multiple characters is equally —New York-based lesbian filmmaker Katrina one late night in 1998 via a phone sex line with ten a critically acclaimed memoir about his ad- reminiscent of these previous works and pairs Del Mar is screening her Girl Gang Trilogy on Paul (Zachary Booth), a closeted lawyer. From diction; now its Sachs’ turn to weigh in. But nicely with Tykwer’s eye for scale displayed in Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Nightingale, 1084 N. the start, the sexual attraction between the two there isn’t a sense—at all—of Sachs settling his masterful Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. Milwaukee Ave., at 7 p.m. The three short films, is paramount and Sachs—thanks to his two fear- scores with his ex. Rather, this is a brutally As you are entertained by the different vi- which Del Mar (who also writes, directs, and ed- less actors—doesn’t stint on the duo’s heated honest, at times embarrassingly raw, attempt gnettes—the breathtaking visuals (thanks to its) shot on Super 8, were inspired by the 1970s physical encounters. The intense sexual bond to capture a modern day, urban relationship— the cinematography of Frank Grieve and John exploitation genre and include Hell On between the couple surprisingly leads to dating warts and all—that just happens to have oc- Toll), drink in Tykwer’s gorgeous music (com- Gang Girls Forever, Surf Gang and Gang Girls and then, in fits and starts, to something resem- curred between two men. Audiences will be posed in advance of shooting with his collabo- 2000. Del Mar, who will be present at the event, bling love. reminded, perhaps, of Weekend and though the rators Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek) and will also screen her latest—a vampire lesbian- Both men, clearly, have their demons—in movie shares its intimacy, it has much less of revel in the endless human parade displayed by themed short. Erik’s case it’s self-doubt; in Paul’s it’s obviously that movie’s sunny optimism. Bittersweet and Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Susan Sa- —Magic Mike, starring Channing Tatum as more serious and has led to a crack addiction filled with memorable details, Keep the Lights randon, Hugo Weaving, et al., having a grand the star performer amongst a group of muscled that soon becomes overwhelming. And shame is On is a huge leap forward for Sachs. time with their myriad characters, accents and hunks (including openly gay actor Matt Bomer) an unspoken part of the equation as well (ironi- “looks”—the business of trying to sort out what working at a male strip club in Florida and en- cally, the shame disappears the moment the Equally rewarding—albeit in a very, very dif- you’re watching dissipates because the movie is joying their hedonistic lifestyles, was a surprise two are in private)—as is Erik’s emotional ad- ferent way—is Cloud Atlas, the latest from the so damn entertaining. early summer hit (a sequel, a musical and a diction to Paul. As the couple do their best to Wachowski siblings and German-based direc- During the gestation of the project Larry Wa- club are all in the works). The Blu-ray and DVD chowski transitioned to female (becoming Lana) release has just hit the streets and as if there and, whether it’s a coincidence or not, the con- weren’t already enough male eye candy on dis- necting device in the film, based on the 2004 play, the special features include the deleted sci-fi themed novel by David Mitchell (which scene of Bomer’s rather spectacular “living Ken Lana and brother Andy and Tykwer adapted), are doll” strip number which amply displays the the secret love letters of two gay lovers in 1936 heartthrob’s shapely abs and buns. (played by Ben Whishaw and James D’Arcy). Check out my archived reviews at www. Across the sands of time, single acts of kindness or www.knightat- ripple and resonate but these heartbreaking, Readers can leave feedback deeply emotional letters—talismans that appear at the latter website. and disappear at just the right moment—anchor the narrative and drive home the point that re- pression of minorities through the ages (sexual, ‘Cabaret’ out on ethnic, etc.) have lasting consequences on hu- manity as a whole. Blu-ray Feb. 5, 2013 Cabaret—Bob Fosse’s Oscar-winning musical Like Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s 2006 Babel, drama starring Liza Minnelli (Arthur, The Sterile the Wachowskis and Tykwer also pick up the Cuckoo), Michael York (the Austin Powers films) theme that that we’re all connected by our in- and Joel (TV’s Oz)—celebrates its 40th an- nate humanity and that we had better get back niversary with a Blu-ray debut on Feb. 5, 2013. to these basics before it’s too late. For queer Winner of eight Academy Awards, the film will audiences, the sight of all the actors switching be offered in a premium Blu-ray Book format (and having a glorious time doing it) is ($27.98 SRP) that contains 40 pages of photos a huge bonus and underscores the message that, and text. Special features include items such as queer or straight, we all have a hell of a lot more “Cabaret: A Legend in the Meaning” as well as in common than we often care to admit. This Grey and Minnelli recalling aspects of filming. hippy-dippy idea isn’t going to be for everyone Cabaret was adapted from the Tony-winning nor will the seeming randomness of the multiple stage production, and that was, in turn, inspired storylines (not to mention the long running by Christopher Isherwood’s Berlin Stories and time)—all which will throw off a lot of audi- Hugo Weaving in Cloud Atlas. Photo by Jay Maidment the play and movie I Am a Camera. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 27 ‘Scrooge & Marley’ Chicago premiere at Music Box Nov. 29-Dec. 6 Sam I Am Films, producers of Scrooge & Marley— Kaufman, Scott Duff, PJ Powers, Amy Matheny a modern-day variation of Charles Dickens’ clas- and many more. The movie features a wide range sic holiday story A Christmas Carol—will have of musical selections sung by actors in the film a one-week run at Chicago’s historic Music Box plus acclaimed musicians including Matt Alber, Theatre, 3733 N. Southport Ave., Nov. 29-Dec. 6. BETTY, Linda Good, Amber deLaurentis, The The film will also screen in at least a dozen Joans, Jen Zias and Jeannie Tanner. cities nationwide this holiday season, with a The dates and times for the Music Box shows DVD and soundtrack slated for December release. in Chicago: The Chicago premiere run will kick off with a Thursday, Nov. 29, 6:30 p.m.—red carpet, 7 gala opening-night celebration featuring most p.m. screening followed by Q&A of the stars of the film. There is a pre-VIP event Friday, Nov. 30, 2:30 p.m. at Freda’s Restaurant at 5 p.m. and the red car- Saturday, Dec. 1, noon pet at the Music Box at 6:30 p.m., with the film Sunday, Dec. 2, noon (ASL-interpreted) screening at 7 p.m., followed by a Q&A with cast Monday, Dec. 3, 2:30 p.m. and crew. Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2:30 p.m. A post-screening VIP after-party will be held Wed., Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m. at D’Agostino’s on Addison. Philanthropist Mi- Thursday, Dec. 6, 2:30 p.m. chael Leppen is underwriting the opening-night Some of the Music Box shows will feature ad- events. Tickets are now on sale at ditional cast appearances, Q&As and even musi- cal performances. More details will be available Acclaimed out actor David Pevsner portrays soon. See for Ben Scrooge while former Saturday Night Live additional screening information. star Tim Kazurinsky appears as the Ghost of Ja- cob Marley. The film also stars Rusty Schwimmer, Bruce Vilanch, Megan Cavanagh, Ronnie Kroell, Gay interviewees David Moretti, Richard Ganoung and JoJo Baby. Tony Award-winning actress Judith Light will sought re YMCA narrate. The stars at the gala opening include Writer/historian Owen Keehnen is seek- Pevsner, Schwimmer, Vilanch, Cavanagh, Kroell, ing interviewees for an upcoming history Moretti and Ganoung. project on Chicago’s Lawson House YMCA Scrooge & Marley was shot in Chicago in May (30 W. Chicago Ave.), once considered a and also highlights a host of recognized theat- center of gay activity. rical actors who round out the cast: Drew An- Interviews may be anonymous, if pre- derson, Christopher Allen, Nicholas Bailey, Al- ferred. Email [email protected]. lison Torem, Fawzia Mirza, Peter Mohawk, Becca David Pevsner as Scrooge in Scrooge & Marley. Photo by Hal Baim COMING THIS FALL TO THE RIVERFRONT THEATER From the creator of Straight No Chaser THE SMASH HIT CHICAGO’S FAVORITE and the producer of Under the Streetlamp OF THE SUMMER RETURNS! ENTERTAINMENT DESTINATION! GENTLEMAN’S “ /1 REMARKABLE. ★★★ 2 Genuinely impressive.” RULE - Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune “HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. “STUNNING. PLAYFULLY DECADENT. GREAT FUN!” A GREAT DATE SHOW.” - Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times - Chicago Theater Review


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The Riverfront Theater is located at the corner of Halsted & THREE WEEKS ONLY! Chicago Ave with convenient access to Brown, Purple and Lines. Red Line access and Michigan Avenue are easily CHICAGO PREMIERE! Strictly Limited Engagement accessible via the 66 Bus. PARKING INFORMATION Parking is located on Chicago Avenue, next door to the venue with direct access November 13-25 ONLY DECEMBER 5-22 P to the show. Additional parking is located at 811 N. Larabee and 950 N. Kingsbury. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! riverfrontchi RIVERFRONT THEATER 28 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES MOVIES I made Keep the Lights On as an attempt to gay film festival—and I hoped that for someone shamelessly tell a story that is fueled by shame. sitting in that theater they would watch Keep WCT: I think it’s very interesting that at the Lights On and it would be for them what the beginning of the relationship it seems Parting Glances was for me. Which was images ‘Keep the Lights On’ like Erik is the adventurous one and Paul the I hadn’t seen before and permission to try and more conservative in public, but in private follow in those footsteps to tell the stories of the roles seemed somewhat reversed. my own experiences in a way that was real. I run director talks gay IS: I think they both have their closets and a film series called “Queer Art Film” and I’m in- I think what’s interesting is that the term “the terested in the history of certain representations closet” refers specifically to telling people that and what permission it conveys and we have to films, sexuality you’re gay but I think in truth we exit one clos- have those traditions to understand what is pos- et and as gay people, we often enter another sible. By Richard Knight, Jr. because we’re used to it—it’s how we formed On the other hand, I made a film called Forty ourselves. I think both of them have a series of Shades of Blue, about a Russian woman living in Keep the Lights On, which has been receiving closets and ways in which they’ve compartmen- Memphis, and no one asked me what it was like critical acclaim since its Sundance debut early talized their lives that make intimacy very, very to be a Russian female film director. As a film- this year, is the story of the fractious relation- difficult. maker, I am a storyteller that’s able to embody ship between Erik, a Danish documentarian liv- WCT: Which gets back to the idea of shame: a wide variety of characters. I don’t think I’m ing in New York, and Paul, a closeted lawyer No matter how openly you now feel about defined by my sexuality, per se. That said, when with drug and sexual-addiction issues. your gay sexuality, somewhere there’s prob- Russian women saw Forty Shades of Blue, they The film, which director Ira Sachs co-wrote ably still a kernel of shame that hangs on. liked it and maybe they liked it in a different with Mauricio Zacharias, is based on Sachs’ one- How can it not in such a hyper, heterosexual, way than anyone else. time liaison with literary agent Bill Clegg (who masculine society like ours? It’s got to seep I think, for me, what I’m happy is about is not has written his own memoir about his struggles into other areas. trying to tell my story metaphorically but trying with addiction). The film, with its sexually pro- IS: Oh, yeah. I think the other side of this, to tell it directly. That, to me, seems valuable. vocative and emotionally searing moments be- though, is that the film is also driven by an Sometimes I think queer cinema, for example, tween the couple, doesn’t pull any punches as enormous hunger which is desire and want. I tries to work within the metaphoric as a way of it tracks the rocky trajectory of Erik and Paul’s think, in a way, that is the compulsive fuel of hiding. You can almost say that, as queer film- journey against the backdrop of a pulsating the film that makes it energetic. makers, many of us were imitating Rock Hud- (which becomes a third character). WCT: I like that the movie is unapologetic son—we started to tell stories where we saw At turns, the movie is raunchy, emotionally about the importance of sex to the relation- ourselves in them, but not specifically. raw and, at times, almost embarrassingly inti- ship. It reminded me, certainly of Before I WCT: I get that self-perpetuating but I also mate. Sachs was recently in town for the film’s Forget and a bit of Shortbus and maybe even love, as a queer man, to be able to hold up premiere at the Chicago International Film Fes- Shame a little bit, where sex is such a huge Parting Glances as a great example and to be tival and to help celebrate the new offices of part of everyday life. able to say, “This is what I learned from; this Music Box Films, the movie’s distributor. Keep IS: It was very important to me that the sex- is the first time I saw a loving relationship the Lights On opens this Friday at the Music Box ual behavior not be separated out of the rest of between two gay men.” I love the “gay mov- Theatre. everyday life in the film because I think that’s ie” label. Windy City Times: The evolution of this actually what gay men try to do all the time— IS: Me, too. script is particularly interesting because it they try to consider sex as something they do WCT: And if some of these movies work for utilizes elements of your life that leads one between events and between moments that they mainstream audiences, great—but it’s ours to wonder, “Where did you draw the line?” Ira Sachs. Photo from Music Box Theatre share with other people. first and foremost. Ira Sachs: That’s a good question and I’m sure That might be true of any relationship, for IS: But also—let’s face it—I can tell you in- it’s more complicated than my answer. [Laughs] example. Within the context of everyday life timately that a film about gay characters faces that relationship—made me know that I wanted A combination of things: 1) I saw a movie called there are these little gaps that involve sex, and different economic hurdles within the industry to tell a story about the world that I lived in and Before I Forget, which is a French film by a gay I think gay people often pretend they don’t ex- and within distribution and within theaters that I had a story to tell which was my own. filmmaker named— ist. They literally erase them in how they tell the than a film that isn’t about gay characters. So WCT: One of the most telling moments to WCT: Jacques Nolot—one of my all-time story of their day, for example. Does that make … we can’t hide from the fact that these are me is when Erik’s best friend says that she’s favorite movies. I saw it first here when the any sense? real issues and that to make these kinds of films angry with him because he didn’t tell her International screened it. WCT: It makes perfect sense, and we’re go- has particular challenges as well as particular about Paul’s addiction. Erik turns to her and IS: Oh, then we are speaking the same lan- ing back to that idea of self-editing when rewards. I feel ultimately that this film is, for says, “I’ve lied since I was 13.” That’s queer guage! you talk to people when in your head. You’re many people, more meaningful because it is gay. history—it’s second nature to lie, to hide, WCT: I about went insane when I saw that thinking about that moment when you had WCT: You mean straight audiences, too? to obfuscate if you’re a gay man of a certain movie. sex with your partner or tricked with some- IS: I do—I think it draws attention to both age. I’m not sure of this younger generation IS: I did, too. I was so incredibly moved by it, one or went online to that porn site. [Laughs] the similarities and the differences between of queers, but that’s been our experience. and a light bulb went off in my head that I had IS: Yeah, yeah. And I think that there are people, and I think that’s a very rewarding expe- IS: I just had coffee today with a guy who never seen a film that accurately depicted my costs to that erasure and I really wanted the film rience in a narrative artwork. is 31 and he was telling me about how his life life and my world and my behavior so openly in to be the reverse of that. As a filmmaker, now I is changing in positive ways but he kept men- New York City and I thought, “Someone needs to can make a film in which everything is visible. tioning people and saying, “I’m not sure if they make a film like this.” WCT: Now that your life has changed—you know I’m gay” and “I haven’t told this person Dorothy Allison At the same time I was aware that, quite re- have a partner and children—is this as impor- yet that I’m gay” and on and on like that. I cently, I had ended a relationship, and the im- tant to you? kept thinking, “Oh, things have not changed at library Nov. 3 ages of the last day of that relationship—when IS: Oh, yes. I have rigorously chosen to life Writer Dorothy Allison will speak in the so much” because, clearly, he still feels shame I was walking down the street with my partner honestly because I now know the cost of the Harold Washington Library Center’s Cindy about his sexuality; that burden is one that is and saying and realizing that, 10 years opposite of that and the pain that was involved. Pritzker Auditorium Saturday, Nov. 3, so enormous and it’s one that I really fight ev- before, there had been a very specific first day of The pain was more severe than the movie. 10:30-11:30 a.m. ery day to not hold on to that anymore. I think [Laughs] She is the author of the prize-win- A movie can’t really depict the long-term, qui- ning novels, Bastard out of Carolina and “A front-runner for et suffering that I think most gay people are at Cavedweller, as well as Two or Three Things best American film of the year.” some level very familiar with from a very young -ERIC HYNES, THE VILLAGE VOICE I Know for Sure, Trash, Skin and a book age. [This] has to do with holding something of poetry, The Women Who Hate Me. Her inside and trying to control that image on the new novel, She Who, is forthcoming from “Exquisitely, even thrillingly authentic.” outside. For me, I think it fits perfectly well that -A.0. SCOTT, THE NEW YORK TIMES Penguin. I came out of the closet and I started going out Admission is $5-$10. WINNER - TEDDY AWARD WINNER - OUTSTANDING a decade later with a very active crack addict, OFFICIAL SELECTION U.S. DRAMATIC FEATURE BERLIN SUNDANCE OUTFEST 2012 which became another closet. That was a big INT’L FILM FESTIVAL 2012 FILM FESTIVAL LOS ANGELES secret to keep from my friends and family. John Taylor at Thure Lindhardt Zachary Booth WCT: In addition to Before I Forget, you were also inspired by The Kids Are Alright City Winery Oct. 30 City Winery Chicago, 1200 W. Randolph and Parting Glances. Now I think of those as St., will host an intimate conversation great films but I also think of those as great with Duran Duran bassist and co-founder gay films. And I know this is sometimes prob- John Taylor Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 7:30 p.m. A film by Ira Sachs © Southport Music Box Corp lematic when you talk to gay filmmakers—as Taylor will talk about his new memoir In if that is ghettoizing the work. The Pleasure Groove: Love, Death & Duran IS: I have two things to say about that: Num- Duran. MUSIC BOX THEATRE ber one, just the other day I was in the theater Admission is $12; see www.citywinery. EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT 3733 N. Southport Avene, and there was a big audience for the film and com/chicago. STARTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 Chicago (773) 871-6604 many of them were younger people—it was at a


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Confirmation #: Deadline: WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 29 Controversy around Israeli films at Center on Halsted BY KATE SOSIN The group met with Center CEO Modesto “Tico” Valle and asked him to cancel the screenings. The upcoming screening of two new Israeli films Valle said his organization will go through with has some activists up in arms, claiming the mov- the event. ies are Israeli propaganda. “Cancelling the films would mean we were pro- Center on Halsted, in partnership with the testing LGBTQ people in Israel who want to tell Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema, will screen their story, not the Israeli government or their Doran Eran’s Melting Away and Eytan Fox’s Yossi policies,” said Valle in a statement. “We’ve asked Thursday, Oct. 25, despite protests from some. the concerned community members to lead a Activists say the films, both LGBTQ, engage teach-in at the Center before the screenings, in “pinkwashing”—or the painting of Israel as but those offers were declined. We do hope the LGBTQ-friendly—to distract from alleged crimes screening will help to lead to more conversa- against Palestinians. tions about how we can work together to both They argue that the screening could alienate celebrate LGBTQ culture and fight oppression of LGBTQ Palestinians from the Center and say that all kinds.” if the Center goes through with plans to screen Similar protests have plagued other LGBTQ Is- the films, they will likely protest. raeli-backed films across the country, including “For us, culture and politics are not separate,” in New York, San Francisco and Chicago, where Music Box Films hosts open house said Alex Cachinero-Gorman, one of about a activists convinced another local festival to pull Music Box Films, a Chicago-based distributor of movies (and owner of Music Box Theatre), dozen organizing against the screening. the documentary The Invisible Men, according hosted an open house for its new downtown offices Oct. 12. From left: Ed Arentz, managing Cachinero-Gorman argued that the films exist to Cachinero-Gorman. director of Music Box Films; film director Ira Sachs; Brian Andreotti, Music Box Films marketing among a canon of Israeli government-backed and programming director; and William Schopf, CEO of Music Box Films. They are standing in movies that aim to paint Israel in a progressive front of the poster for Sachs’ new film, Keep the Lights On, which opens at the Music Box Theatre light, overshadowing human-rights abuses. ‘Jesus Christ Oct. 26. Photo by Tracy Baim/Windy City Times Cindy Stern, a spokesperson for the Chicago Superstar’ film Festival for Israeli Cinema, said that neither the Jesus Christ Superstar UK Rock Spectacular festival nor the screening is intended to be po- out Oct. 29, Nov. 1 will be broadcast to more than 575 select movie Glee’s take on litical. NCM Fathom Events, Omniverse Vision and The theaters across the country through NCM’s Digi- Broadway League present Jesus Christ Superstar ‘Grease’ out Nov. 6 “I’m sad about it because, to me, this is about tal Broadcast Network. Tickets are available at McKinley High School’s glee club—the center- art and mutual respect,” said Stern. “For some UK Rock Spectacular in select cinemas nation- participating theater box offices and online at piece of the show Glee—will take on the musi- people, Israel is a lightning rod for all that is wide for two nights only: Monday, Oct. 29, at cal Grease with the release of Glee: The Music bad in the world,” she added later. 7:30 p.m. (local time) and Thursday, Nov. 1, at Theaters in Chicago, Evanston, Niles, Batavia, Presents Glease, available Nov. 6. 7:30 p.m. (local time). Crystal Lake, Naperville and other places will be This release will give fans a sneak peek of new showing the film. For a complete list of theater songs from the Grease-themed episode airing locations and prices, visit www.FathomEvents. Nov.15. Glee: The Music Presents Glease show- com. cases the cast taking on hits such as “Hopeless- ly Devoted To You,” “,” “You’re The One That I Want,” “Greased Light- John Barrowman ning” and more. in Chicagoland Oct. 30-31 Olivia Newton-John Openly gay actor John Barrowman—best known for his role as Captain Jack Harkness on in Aurora Nov. 10 the science-fiction series Doctor Who and Torch- Legendary singer Olivia Newton-John will per- wood—will be in the Chicagoland area Oct. 30- form Saturday, Nov. 10, at 8 p.m. at the Para- 31 to promote the book Hollow Earth, a fantasy/ mount Theatre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., in downtown science-fiction novel for young adults he co- Aurora. wrote with sister Carole, Playbill reported. Newton-John (who recently performed at Aladdin Books, the children’s division of Si- Northalsted Market Days) has had TV specials, mon & Schuster, will release the novel Oct. 30. 11 number-one singles and 14 gold albums. In The Barrowmans will be at the Skokie Public addition, she’s won Grammys, American Music Library, 5215 Oakton St., Skokie, Tuesday, Oct. Awards and People’s Choice Awards, among oth- 30, at 7 p.m.; and Anderson’s Bookshop, 123 ers. W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, Wed., Oct. 31, at Tickets are $50-$75. Visit www.Paramoun- 7 p.m. (They will also be in Milwaukee and St.; call the Paramount box office at Paul, Minn.) 630-896-6666; or stop by the box office Mon- The siblings also authored Torchwood: Exodus day through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., or two Code, which was released in the U.K. Sept. 13. hours prior to evening performances. Still from Yossi. Image obtained via YouTube

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MAYNE STAGE Presented by Awkward Pause I Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show is Presented by Special Arrangement with Samuel French Inc. 1328 W Morse | $5 Valet | Steps From Morse Red Line OCT 12 | OCT 20 | OCT 21 | OCT 26 | OCT 31 MIDNIGHT | MIDNIGHT | 8PM | MIDNIGHT | MIDNIGHT 30 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES COMEDY MUSIC Vidur Kapur talks Gay icon Strayhorn ‘Pauly-tics,’ being gay center of jazz festival By ANDREW DAVIS By Stephen Sonneveld in that chord, it was just wonderful,” according Vidur Kapur is not the average comic—for sev- to eral reasons. epitomized the Harlem Renais- Four years later, he would attend another The two most prominent reasons are that he’s sance. He was a classically trained virtuoso who event involving Ellington’s orchestra that would Indian-American—and openly gay. However, he fell in love with the wonder of jazz. If he weren’t change his life. Strayhorn now had enough of a is also the only openly gay performer who has a prodigy, he sure had the knack, crafting his reputation that he was invited backstage after been in India and Middle East—not simply as a signature theme “Lush Life” while only a teen the performance. Ellington sat in his chair, eyes comic, but speaking out on many issues, includ- and writing the hit “Take The ‘A’ Train” by riffing closed, his hair stylist at work. At the bandlead- ing the criminalization of homosexuality. off the directions to ’s house. er’s request, Strayhorn took his seat at the piano Kapur will be part of Pauly Shore’s new Show- According to Jazz essayist John Twomey, in the corner of the dressing room. With all the time special, Pauly-tics, which will air Oct. 26. when he dined at French restaurants, Strayhorn certainty of youth, Strayhorn played a song El- Windy City Times: OK, so how does someone ordered in that language, much to the chagrin lington had just performed, then said, “Now this go from graduating from... of the white patrons who shot him dirty looks. is how I would play it.” Needless to say, Elling- Vidur Kapur: [Laughs] ...the London School of Scotch, smokes and books fueled his aura, and ton opened his eyes. Economics to becoming a stand-up comedian. his refusal to hide his homosexuality—in an “Billy Strayhorn was my right arm, my left arm, Well, someone has to be a little insane to make era when Langston Hughes never talked about all the eyes in the back of my head, my brain that transition. So, it’s insanity and a lack of such things, and James Baldwin had to leave waves in his head, and his in mine,” Ellington rationality. You go from working for companies said of his collaborator, composer, arranger and like Booz Hamilton and Deloitte, making a good friend. Except for a brief period in the 1950s Vidur Kapur. Photo courtesy of Kapur salary—but there was this bug inside me saying, when Strayhorn pursued solo projects, their “There has to be more to life.” partnership lasted until Strayhorn succumbed to It was driving me nuts trying to find out what sive jokes against gay people in that one. cancer at 51. more there was. I couldn’t put my finger on it: WCT: But we’ve come a bit far since Raw Strayhorn’s life and work are going to be cel- What’s going to satisfy me? Then, I stumbled on [which was in the ‘80s]. If Eddie had tried ebrated by the Music Institute of Chicago (MIC) Margaret Cho; she kind of inspired me—it was to do that now, he may have gone on his own during its Billy Strayhorn Jazz Festival, taking “I’m the One That I Want.” I said to myself, “I apology tour. Back then, he didn’t have to. place Oct. 26-28. Terrell Stafford, Temple Uni- can do that.” VK: Right. So I think if you’re being authen- versity’s Grammy-winning professor of music, I was already dabbling in writing comedy tic, you should apologize if it’s hateful speech. will be performing Strayhorn compositions Oct. monologues and doing preliminary stuff on I think it’s good if Tracy Morgan comes out and 27 with his quintet as well as jamming with MIC stage. I was horrifically stage-frightened at that says it’s a character and he apologizes for of- faculty and special guests the final night. point—I forgot my lines at one point on stage fending anyone—but you have to be true to who Although Strayhorn was a public figure who in New York, and the crowd cheered me back on. you are. I think Sam Kinison was very homopho- was open about his sexuality, and a prominent But it was this road to self-discovery that led me bic, but I thought he was really funny. figure alongside his friend Dr. Martin Luther King to try stand-up comedy, and I really enjoyed it. WCT: How are you viewed in India? Do you Jr. in the civil-rights movement, personal details Then, I thought I’d be a star in a year. [Laughs] have any sense of that? remain elusive. Mark George, MIC President and WCT: You’re not the first out Indian-Ameri- VK: I’m viewed as controversial, for sure. CEO, told Windy City Times, “For these questions can comic I’ve talked with, though. WCT: We just ran a piece on Bollywood ex- I must refer you to the writer David Hadju, the VK: Oh, yeah? Who’s the other one? [Both ploring gay themes. author of the definitive biography of Strayhorn, laugh.] VK: I was on a TV show where they explored Lush Life. WCT: Sapna Kumar. She was one of our 30 very explicit gay themes. On a reality game show, Hadju is attending the festival and participat- Under 30 honorees a while back. they asked me questions—and I didn’t know ing in a panel discussion Friday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 VK: I know of her, but I haven’t met her. I what questions they were going to ask—that p.m. The panel will address many of these issues would love to meet her. were stereotypically sexual about gay people. I in advance of a screening of Robert Levi’s docu- WCT: When it comes to comedy, is anything answered with a straight face and won $25,000. mentary, Lush Life. “For anyone interested in the off limits? My mom was sitting on a couch in front of me sociological and musical journey of Billy Stray- VK: Mmmm ... I don’t think so. You can talk and couldn’t believe her eyes. horn, this is a must-see event,” said George. about anything. Isn’t that what freedom of But, yes, I’m controversial—because of who “While I am no expert on this issue, it seems speech is about? I am and the fact that I’m open about it. And to me that the members of the Ellington band WCT: True, but is it ever too soon to talk it’s in a pretty conservative, homophobic soci- felt very protective of Billy Strayhorn,” George about something? ety. It’s becoming more progressive but, overall, said. “There is a palpable fondness in their VK: It is, but I think if you can come up with it’s conservative; it’s two steps forward and two statements and recollections about Billy as a the right [approach]. After 9/11, a friend of steps back. musician and a man. There were undoubtedly mine joked about about being Muslim. She said WCT: Let’s talk a little bit about Pauly-tics. disadvantages in the music business to being a her name [and added], “At least that’s what What will the program feature? [gay man] and African-American artist. What is it says on my ’s license.” And the people VK: Well, Pauly-tics is Pauly Shore’s Showtime most significant in this story is the fact that were uncomfortable and broke out laughing. I special, filmed June 30. It was tons of fun. Billy persevered through all obstacles and man- aged to emerge as a man who was not crippled thought the timing was perfect for her to do It’s basically a politically themed show where Billy Strayhorn. Press photo that joke; it’s what everyone was thinking sub- Pauly invited three stand-ups to do their sets by bitterness.” consciously and she broke the ice. with some political material. So it was Godfrey, George credited the resurgence of Strayhorn’s Issues about sexuality are still issues all over a hysterically funny African-American comic; Ra- popularity to the fact that the rights to Stray- the world. I think it’s OK to talk about things chel Feinstein, a Jewish comic who was a finalist the country before he could come to terms with horn’s music have reverted back to his family, people are uncomfortable about. on Last Comic Standing; and moi. So we have a it—only added to the mystique. who have “tirelessly advocated for the belated WCT: I recently interviewed Carlos Mencia gay Indian, a Nigerian-descended African-Amer- It’s not every high school student who has a recognition of Strayhorn’s genius. Also, musi- and asked him about what was called “The ican, a Jewish girl and Pauly Shore—so diverse. subscription to the New Yorker and is composing cians are fascinated by the depth, complexity Tracy Morgan apology tour.” [Kapur laughs.] NBC would be happy. [Laughs] sophisticated concertos for the graduation fes- and artistry of Billy’s music,” George said. He said that Tracy should’ve apologized if he WCT: Wrapping up, could you conclude with tivities, but colleges weren’t interested in any That family connection—specifically Stray- offended anyone but should not have apolo- a joke? classical pianist whose skin was the same color horn’s niece, Alyce Claerbaut of Chicago—was gized for the joke itself. What’s your take? VK: Oh, concluding with a joke. Let’s see: I’ve as the chef, Twomey wrote. Fortunately, however part of the reason MIC is honoring Strayhorn How do you feel about what Tracy did? Did been in very precarious situations all over the eloquent his elocution, Strayhorn, at least, was with the jazz fest, and because “the Music Insti- you think it was over the top? world. I’ve performed in Bahrain, which is on no snob when it came to appreciating new musi- tute of Chicago also has a fabulous jazz studies VK: I do think it was over the top, but I agree the border of Saudi Arabia, and I did this four- cal horizons. program, which of course we want the world to [with Mencia]: Apologize if it offends someone, city tour of India. This one woman asked me, In 1934, the 19-year-old heard Duke Elling- know about,” George said. “The intersection of but don’t apologize for your point of view, how- “Do you have a boyfriend?” I said, “Yes, I do.” ton’s Orchestra, and was blown away by a single the musical, the personal and the educational ever warped it may be. You have to be authentic Then she asked—with a straight face—”Is he chord. Twomey quotes Strayhorn saying, “That’s was just too wonderful to pass up.” in comedy; otherwise, it’s not comedy and you’re also a gay?” So I said, “No. He’s your husband.” what really got me. He had a chord, which I The Billy Strayhorn Jazz Festival is Oct. 26- not going to be believable. Pauly-tics will air Friday, Oct. 26, at 9 p.m. have never discovered. I haven’t heard it since. 28 at the Music Institute of Chicago, Nichols [Morgan’s] not the only one. Look at Eddie ET on Showtime. For more on Kapur, visit I couldn’t figure this chord out. I went home Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Murphy’s Raw—there were so many really offen- after going to see this show at the Penn Theater For tickets and more information, visit www. in Pittsburgh, and I couldn’t figure out what was WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 31 system, I can run down to my favorite electron- ics shop and have one installed for far, far less the Northfield Volvo than the cost of a new ride. (Or I could just use is LEED-certified my smartphone.) Fields Volvo in Northfield, Ill., has become Do yourself a favor and resist the urge to the first Volvo store in the country to achieve do you have it? DRIVE lease. Stitch up that hole in your wallet. Buy Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design DRIVE reliable and invest long-term. monthly auto sEctIon (LEED) certification, according to TriplePundit. This is a guest post from one of Gaywheels’ com. DRIVE newest contributors, Stephanie Minor. People General manager Pat Hubert said that in order can follow her on Twitter at @majorminor85, to meet LEED certification, the old building had on LinkedIn or on her blog, stephanieminor. to be 90 percent recycled. (Fields bought the To buy or lease? property and building that was on the site.) In addition, a new building had to be constructed of locally sourced materials (within 500 miles). That is the question Auto show Not only is there much natural light, but there BY STEPHANIE MINOR, GAYWHEELS.COM Buying gives the peace of mind that once a are also five windmills and five solar panels car is yours, it’s yours. Your money will literally marks first (with 124 more on the roof), along with two As an owner of a 1999 Honda Civic coupe with take you places. 2,500-gallon water-retention barrels (and there around 140,000 miles on it, I’m often asking But leasing is appealing in that all-American for next year are 10,000 more gallons of water storage under- myself the question, “Is it time?” As I rubber- quest for the best of the best of the best: multi- The public portion of the 2013 Chicago Auto ground). neck past new-car dealerships and help friends media touch screens, navigation, satellite radio, Show will run Saturday, Feb. 9, through Monday, and family members choose the right car for Bluetooth, premium audio sound systems, voice Feb. 18. them, the thought seeps in more and more un- recognition and whatever comes with next year’s This will be the first time since 1998 that Auto news til my synapses scream a resounding “YES, YES, model (basically, everything Baby Car doesn’t the show will open to the public on a Saturday. —You auto know: As people can imagine, LET’S DO IT!” possess). Show organizers decided to shift the dates for Florida’s Flamingo Auto Group South has an Eventually, I come back to reality, and as Suze But at the end of all the payments, overage 2013 to take advantage of the Presidents Day intriguing acronym. However, according to Orman puts it, recognize my “financial truth”. As in miles and cosmetic “damage” fees upon lease holiday., the club is for gays is the case with many Americans—and recent end, you’re left with nothing but to spend more The Chicago Auto Show’s black-tie benevo- and lesbians. This year, Flamingo Auto Group college grads in general—I’m not in a financial hard-earned cash on your next set of wheels. Is lent event, First Look for Charity, will shift from celebrated its 12th anniversary. It is a regional state to purchase a new car. that really the best? Thursday to Friday, Feb. 8. “It’s a move our chapter of Lambda Car Club International, which Not only that, but Baby Car (as it has been The September issue of Consumer Reports charities have asked for and it will, no doubt, has more than 2,200 members in 33 regions. called by friends for years) is in fantastic shape! magazine has an article advising drivers against increase attendance at one of Chicago’s most —New Alfa Romeo: Mazda and Fiat are col- What ever happened to the phrase “if it ain’t investing in a new car every couple of years. popular charity events,” said 2013 Chicago Auto laborating on a new Alfa Romeo roadster off he broke, don’t fix it”? Not only is doing so financially unsound, but Show Co-Chairman Kurt Schiele in a statement. forthcoming Mazda MX-5 platform, according to Why does my brain, despite my financial limi- also, today’s vehicles are built better than their Also, Kurt Schiele of Elmhurst BMW, Jaguar The two companies signed a non- tations and adoration for my Baby, so often take predecessors. Keeping your current car reliable and Toyota-Scion, was recently selected as the binding memorandum of understanding to fur- the leap over the line between “keep it” and and running for 200,000 miles—and beyond—is 2012-2013 Chicago Automobile Trade Associa- ther the development and production of two new “leave it”? more than possible. It also saves you big bucks, tion chairman and the 2013 Chicago Auto Show roadsters, both based on the next-generation L, B, G, T or otherwise, we humans L-O-V-E period. co-chairman. Schiele will lead a board of 15 MX-5. The first cars will be available in 2015. having the newest, the most technologically ad- While Baby Car doesn’t necessarily keep up dealers and succeeds Michael Ettleson, who be- vanced and the shiniest … whatever really, be it with the increasing speed of advancing auto comes chairman of the 2013 Chicago Auto Show. TV, phone or car. technology, it will nonetheless keep humming Visit or So when the right time to get a new Baby does along for some time to come. And ultimately, if ChicagoAutoShow for more information. arise, a new question crops up: buy or lease? I decide I really need a new stereo or navigation

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HRC gala honors Jennifer Beals, Actress Jennifer Beals and the Honorable John Berry—the highest-ranking openly gay member of President Obama’s administration—headlined Obama appointee Berry the 2012 Human Rights Campaign (HRC) gala, held Oct. 20 at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park. Best known for her roles in Flashdance and The L Word, Beals was named the 2012 Ally for Equality. The actress/human rights activist, who entered to a rousing standing ovation, was poised, articulate and funny as she accepted the award. “It is so important that we all have each oth- er’s backs,” Beals said. “It is my pleasure to use my voice, heart, and mind to empower the com- munity, and I long for a day when the ally award will be obsolete.” The Chicago native recalled going to dinner with her husband while filming The L Word pilot. At one point, he leaned over and kissed her. “I realized then that if we were a gay couple, this event would have been very important … and it hurt my heart,” Beals said, tearing up. “It spoke not only to my sense of otherness, but also to my sense of being marginalized as a woman, because homophobia is, after all, a form Photos by Kat Fitzgerald, of misogyny. And I, for one, will be damned if someone thinks it is somehow elevating to be confined to a binder.” Re-electing Obama was a prevalent theme during the black-tie fundraiser, which included dinner and a silent auction. HRC National Field Director Marty Rouse offered opening remarks. Berry, who has served as director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management since 2009, closed the evening with an impassioned speech on workplace equality and political progress. “In America you should be judged by one thing only: How well you do the job—and noth- ing else,” Berry said. He received a standing ovation. Glee actor , who stars as transgen- der performer Wade “Unique” Adams, performed two songs. The openly gay performer danced with attendees and graciously signed auto- graphs all evening. The Corporate Equality Award went to Kraft for its Rainbow Council, which works to create an LGBT-friendly work environment. The Little City Foundation, a foster care and adoption agency, received the Community Equality Award. Kyle Klatt and Marisa McCabe co-chaired the gala. Notable guests included: U.S. Reps. Jan Scha- kowsky (D-9) and Mike Quigley (D-5); state Rep. Greg Harris (D-13); Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown; Chicago Ald. Joe Moreno (D-1); and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Commissioner Deb Shore. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 33

A HOLIDAY MOVIE FOR ALL OF US CHICAGO November 29th - December 6th the Music Box Theatre SAM I AM FILMS Presents “SCROOGE & MARLEY” DAVID PEVSNER, TIM KAZURINSKY, RUSTY SCHWIMMER, BRUCE VILANCH, MEGAN CAVANAGH, 3733 N. Southport Narrated Music Makeup RONNIE KROELL, DAVID MORETTI, RICHARD GANOUNG, BECCA KAUFMAN by JUDITH LIGHT by LISA McQUEEN Designer LORA MICHAEL Costume Production Director of Written Designer JILL DUNBAR Editor PETER NEVILLE Designer ROB STEFFAN Photography ANDREW PARROTTE by ELLEN STONEKING, RICHARD KNIGHT, JR. and Opening night with cast and crew Nov. 29 Produced Directed TIMOTHY IMSE by DAVID STRZEPEK, TRACY BAIM by PETER NEVILLE and RICHARD KNIGHT, JR. º Dec. 2 noon show ASL interpreted email [email protected] for more info 34 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES theDISH WEEKLY DINING GUIDE IN barb soup and peach sorbet with green apple The Papa Zealous; and strawberry (a version of the chilled lychee Q sampler Q-BBQ and melon soup that patrons had in 1997). Last, platter (top By ANDREW DAVIS but certainly not least, there was a dessert com- right) and bo consisting of chocolate ginger pudding cake, birds in It’s interesting that more restaurants don’t em- sticky rice coconut panna cotta and opal basil the smoker ploy this idea. ice cream (1999). (bottom right) at If a dining establishment is around long Sadly, the “Best of the Best” has been, well, Q-BBQ. enough, it discontinues certain items—some- discontinued. However, I’m confident the idea Photos by times seasonally, sometimes permanently. How- will return. However, Zealous’ current five-course Andrew ever, if the dishes are popular enough, it’d be menu is bound to delight patrons as well, with Davis nice to have a “greatest hits” menu, if you will. dishes such as roasted duck breast, tortellini This is something Zealous (419 W. Superior and sweet potato emulsion with pistachio vin- St.; did recently aigrette; and a dessert duo of Armagnac-soaked with its “Best of the Best” menu offering. prune chocolate cake with ice cream and a warm The five-course meal started with scallops Ni-o doughnut with chocolate ginger ice cream. wrapped in proscuitto and basil in rice paper—a (There is also a seven-course meal with a quar- dish the restaurant first unveiled in 1993. (Zeal- tet of desserts.) ous was in Elmhurst and moved to its current Other offerings at Zealous range from Szech- River North location approximately 15 years uan blue crab cakes to roasted halibut to Ko- ago.) What followed was grilled Hudson Valley rean-style fried Miller Farm chicken to the “Z” foie gras, spicy lobster toast and roasted pine- burger, which comes with Havarti cheese and a apple vinaigrette (2000); for me, this was the tomato remoulade on a house-made dill roll. highlight of the night. Also, the service is impeccable, as one would Next was a delightful olio consisting of seared naturally expect—and chef Michael Taus not duck breast, sweet Illinois cornbread, caramel- only has culinary skills but social ones as well, ized onion barbecue sauce and black-bean corn as he is quite engaging. He can engagingly talk salsa (1995). To cleanse the palate, we had rhu- about music for hours, but probably knows a ton about other topics as well.

So, going from Zealous to the offerings at Q-BBQ (Vegetarians are pretty much out of luck here, Duck breast (locations in Naperville and LaGrange; www.q- except for maybe the “Creamy Q-Slaw” and green with corn/;), I was initially a bit concerned. beans.) It’s pretty much a farm on a tray: pulled black bean Being a hardcore city dweller, the suburbs are chicken, pulled beef, pulled pork, spicy sausage, slaw and literally a whole new world for me (although, ribs, chicken wings—you get the idea. Howev- cornbread strangely enough, I love the suburban feel of er, you also get two sides, and I opted for the (top left) the city’s Andersonville neighborhood). As I saw Mac-Q-cheese (which is topped with Cheez-Its) and foie Chicago disappear in the rear-view mirror, my and the baked beans (which one of my dining gras with heart slowly sank, thinking that somehow my companions loved even more than I did). By the spicy quality of life would be sacrificed simply by driv- way, there are several sauces there, ranging from lobster ing out to Naperville. tangy to make-you-sweat hot. toast Well, I plan on going back to Naperville. Q- The meats were uniformly tasty—although (bottom BBQ is one of those places where you can’t help things got even better when Abby suggested left) from but smile while you’re there and when you leave. we try the brisket burnt ends (which are slow- Zelaous. When you walk in, the servers give you the roasted for 22 hours, given a rub and roasted for Photos by biggest (genuine) smiles you’ve probably seen two more hours). They were heavenly. Andrew at a restaurant in some time. As soon as you sit, Even when you leave, there’s a sign that reads Davis the word that springs to mind is “homey.” It’s a “Thank Q, Naperville.” Yes, it’s cheesy—but very comfortable space with a variety of music again, you sense that the sentiment is real. coming from the speakers, from country to rock My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed Q-BBQ’s to pop. food, service and down-home atmosphere. I The charming Abby suggested the Papa-Q might even become suburban—well, let’s just sampler platter, which sounded challenging. say that I’ll visit the suburbs again.

Thirteen Asian Tapas + Bar 4202 W. Irving Park Rd. 773-283-6626 the DINING LISTINGS Buy One Tapa, Get Second Half Off DISH LIVE DJ American Hamburger Mary’s Bakery Club Lucky Ceres’ Table Fri., Sat. and Sun. The Counter 5400 N. Clark St., Swedish Bakery 1824 W. Wabansia Ave., 4882 N. Clark St., 666 W. Diversey Pkwy. Chicago 5348 N. Clark St., Bucktown Chicago OPEN MIC Chicago 773-784-6969 Chicago 773-227-2300 773-878-4882 Thu. and Sat. 773-935-1995 773-561-8919 with Danny Ayam Custom built burgers with chicago 1940’s style Italian Supper Sustainable, locally sourced We deliver hormone-and-antibiotic- Burgers, salads and sass European-style cookies, Club & Cocktail Lounge contemporary Italian food, Private parties available free 100% Angus beef. served up in a kitschy pastries, breads, and tortes. Award-winning. Holiday great cocktails, and fabulous Facebook: The Counter atmosphere with an on-site We’ll create a cake for any decorations and private wine and beer lists. Lincoln Park. brew pub. celebration. party room. Accepting online reservations. german Jane’s Restaurant ASIAN Chicago Brauhaus ITALIAN Armand’s Pizzeria 1653-55 W. Cortland Thirteen Tapas 4732 N. Lincoln Ave., The Perfect Setting for your Taverna 750 4159 N. Western Ave., Ave. 4202 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago 750 W. Cornelia Ave., Chicago Commitment Ceremony 773-862-5263 773-283-6626 773-784-4444 Chicago 773-463-5200 773-348-5172 An everyday, upscale eatery Serving unique Asian tapas- Bright and fresh Italian Serving up traditional Since 1956. Award-winning located in neighborhoody style cuisine, inspired by small plates with an exciting German specialties, beer, Bucktown. Stunning Special thin crust. Also baked clams, dishes of the Philippines. cocktail menu. Surprisingly wine, music and dancing 6 Events Room. Brunch, Lunch Half off tapasT ue. -Thu. sandwiches, salads. Dine in, affordable. days a week. & Dinner. from 3-6. take out, delivery. 1653-55 W. Cortland • 773-862-5263 WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 35 CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISE HERE COUNSELING NEED LEGAL ASSISTANCE? William H. Ransom & WINDOW TREATMENTS ADVERTISE HERE: Want to advertise your product, Associates, Estate Planning & Trusts; Real Estate; WONDERING WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE WINDOWS?: Call service, etc. to thousands of readers? Place an ad in the Commercial/Contract Litigation; Employment me! I take care of it all from design through installation, Windy City Times! We offer affordable rates, convenient Discrimination and Retaliatory Discharge; Personal customizing to your needs. JOSEPH RICE Interiors, Inc. service, and as a bonus, your ad runs in our online section Injury; Mortgage Foreclosure Defense. 312-953-9120; Full Decorating Services with a specialty in window for free. To place an ad, contact Terri at 773-871- [email protected]. (1/16/13-13) treatments for over 25 years. 773-271-2361. www. 7610 ex 101, [email protected], or LOVE FROM THE CENTER (12/29/12-26) go to our website http://www.windycitymediagroup. OF WHO YOU ARE MASSAGE com/placeaclassified.php. FIRST-CLASS ASIAN MALE MASSEUR. London-trained Life Coaching • Ceremonies and qualified. Over 25 years of worldwide experience ANTIQUES Office & Phone Appointments and 100% attuned to your needs. Satisfaction assured. Please call Dennis at 773-248-9407 (11/14/12–26) REAL ESTATE Rev. Jacki Belile, CEC Nurturing Pride & Faith for 20 Years PIANO & VOICE LESSONS OUT OF TOWN - HOMES FOR SALE HAUNTED 773.655.4357 PIANO & VOICE LESSONS – in my studio or your home LAKEFRONT BRICK HOME NE WISCONSIN Historic brick offered by young, gay, professional with Master’s in home with 115 feet on Lake Michigan in small Wiscon- HALLOWEEN music. Andersonville, Boystown and Near Northside. sin community only minutes from beautiful Door Coun- Flea Market COUNSELING AND CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY: Providing Take lessons with a neighborhood teacher. All ages ty. Over 5,000 square feet, 5 Bedrooms, 4.5 Baths, 2 help to individuals and couples in our community since welcome. Jonathan at 646-418-4043. (11/14/12–9) Fireplaces, open staircase, walnut woodwork, 4-season Saturday, Oct 27th 1987. I specialize in relationship issues, spiritual issues, sunroom with slate floor and views of Lake and lovely 3pm-12am / $6 childhood trauma, and recurrent patterns that inhibit spirituality landscaped yard. Third floor suite. Mid-century decor, Come in costume potential. Starla R. Sholl, LCSW, PC, 773.878.5809, furnishings available. Well maintained and priced to sell Dupage County Fairgrounds (2/20/13-26) at $399,000. Check MLS: SOLUTION FOCUSED COUNSELING Solution focused Reviving property/index.jsp?property=ERA3254802 See video Live Music by Scumbelina, counseling in warm & affirming environment by licensed at: Crashland, Electric Medicine psychotherapist. Wounded self-esteem, body image The Spirit... or Google Youtube MLS 121102 (11/14/12-4) Miss Foozie issues, career counseling and relationship challenges. LIVE AND WORK IN LAKESIDE MICHIGAN in the heart Special Guest: Dr. Ivan Cryptosis BCBS PPO & Aetna. Sliding Scale. Lakeview, close to CTA Renewing of Harbor Country. Fabulous home- pool, beach rights, luxury finishes PLUS nearly 4000 sq ft of retail/office/ Horror movie stars, beer garden, & Parking. Dr. John Moore. (773) 704-5300. www. hay rides & more! (11/14/12-8) The Life... studio/ gallery space- all for $549,000. Unlimited pos- sibilities! Check out the virtual tour at http://tours. ZURKO • 715-526-9769 HOME IMPROVEMENT Atonement Episcopal Church and call Nora, 312- BATHROOM REMODELING, HOME REPAIRS, PAINTING 953-1783. (10/24/12-8) & MORE. Licensed-Bonded-Insured. One year warranty. 5749 N. Kenmore Price by the job - not the hour. FREE estimates! Check www.ChurchOfTheAtonement.Org OUT OF TOWN - REAL ESTATE FOR CLEANING SERVICES us out on Angie’s List. Andy OnCall, 773-244-9961. Sundays at 11 A.M. SALE CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning (8/1/13-52) MICHIGAN PROPERTY FOR SALE 1.5+ acres (8 lots) lo- service for homes, small businesses and small buildings. cated minutes south of Saugatuck, parcel sits east off We also have fabulous organizational skills (a separate LEGAL SERVICES Lake Shore Drive in Pier Cove. Wooded, private, perfect function at a separate cost that utilizes your assis- for camping or building. $87,500. Contact Mike @ tance) for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months The Law Office of [email protected] (10/24/12-4) or years due to long-term illness, depression, physical/ Alexander Weaver mental challenges, for the elderly, if you have down- OUT OF TOWN - REAL ESTATE FOR sized and more. Depressed about going home to chaos? 312-588-5005 You Are Loved, RENT WINTER IN PALM SPRINGS/CATHEDRAL CITY CA. Daddy We can organize your chaos, straighten out your chaos, email: [email protected] You Are Welcome, help you make sense of your chaos and finally clean You Are Celebrated! Don’s Leather Lodge in Cathedral City, Palm Springs, CA is available for winter rental.Nice cottage in triplex 2 what is no longer chaos. Can we help you? Bonded and A Full Service bd room 1 bath, pool, mountain views. Furnished $990/ insured. Chestnut Cleaning Service: 312-332-5575. Law Firm (11/21/12-52) month fist last and deposit. V/mc dog friendly.Loret - for the Community Chicago Coalition of [email protected] (11/28/12-8) since 1988 Welcoming Churches TWO BEDROOMS FOR RENT 410 S. Michigan Ave., 60+ ministries celebrating ROGERS PARK GRANVILLE WESTERN TWO BDRM, 2nd Suite 628, Chicago LGBTQ lives floor. Newly redecorated, granite countertops, C/A, washer/dryer in unit. Walk to L. Permit prkg. Immediate occupancy. 2344 Granville, U2. Advisors Properties Group. 630-370-5471. (10/24/12-4) ANDERSONVILLE GREYSTONE-2 BEDROOM W/DEN 1312 Winona. 2 Bedrooms plus Den, 1 Bath, 1st floor apartment in a Gay owned 2 flat. All newly remodeled Special content from There was so much for Nightspots this week, it spilled over into the big paper. #nightspotsproblems Look for the current Halloween/elections issue of Nightspots, on newsstands now. with granite/stainless kitchen, subway tile bath, for- Also, “like” our Facebook page ( mal dining room, parquet floors.Free laundry. Fenced nightspots for even more pictures of all your favorite nightlife denizens. yard/ pets welcome. $1450 + Util. Call or text John at: 773-494-5294 or email [email protected]. (11/14/12-4) Old school Hunters Hunters Nightclub in Elk Grove Village celebrated 30 years in business with a disco flashback to 1982. No polyester sheep were harmed in the taking of these photos at the big party, Thu., Oct. 18. Photos by Brook Allen 36 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES

N Halsted St., hooverleppen Northwestern University LGBT Homecom- ing 17th annual party at alumni-owned Minibar with private 3 hour top-shelf open bar with hors d’oeuvres service. Register online. $30 Members; Brought to you by the combined efforts of $40 Non-members; 7pm-10pm, 773-875- 9354, Minibar, 3341 N Halsted St., www. WINDY CITY PARTY TIME Barbra Streisand with Chris Botti, Il Volo; TIMES 8pm, United Center, 1901 W Madison St., Thurs.-Fri., Oct. 25-26 It’s Britney, Bitch All Britney Spears, all Wed., Oct. 24 night with DJ Riley York. 8pm, The Call, Michael Leppen will have 1547 W Bryn Mawr, HIV Support Groups Living with HIV? Join MEMORIES thecallbar two birthday benefits at one of our 10-week groups to share expe- The Rocky Horror Picture Show & Sing- minibar and the Center riences, learn from one another and find Friday, Oct. 26 a-long Celebrate this campy classic with on Halsted. support in a safe, confidential setting. Superstar Barbra Streisand will all the props, lyrics and one-liners. With Wednesdays and Thursdays; noon, Satur- perform at the United Center, Curlene Ribbons as Frank N. Furter. Best days. Free; 6pm, Center on Halsted, 3656 Photo by Kat Fitzgerald costume contest at 11pm 1st place $100 N Halsted St., 1901 W. Madison St. cash/prizes; 2nd place $50 cash/prizes; 40th Annual YWCA Leader Luncheon Cor- 3rd place $25 Crew gift card. $3.75 312 porate and civic communities gather to pints, $2 PBR cans, $6.50 Mega Mojitos. Chopin Theatre, 1543 W. Division St., celebrate women leaders who have distin- Publicity photo 9pm, Crew Bar & Grill, 4804 N Broadway, guished themselves in their career fields Scary-Oke Halloween-themed ‘scary’-oke and served the community. 12pm-1:30pm, Tamale Presents Brass Chuckles Com- night benefiting Tree House Cats. Sing a 312-762-2743, Fairmont Chicago, 200 edy Showcase Explores comedy through song or two, or just sit back and enjoy N. Columbus Dr., stand-up, sketch, improv, videos, perfor- listening to others belt out tunes. You can pp.asp?c=eulri7ozh&b=7796327 also buy tickets for great raffle items and hustlers, gangsters and corrupt politicians Jennifer Molina and Sarah Pusateri ex- mance art, live readings of personal nar- Project VIDA’s 20th Anniversary “Faces enjoy free hot dogs. Tree House wish list is rich with imagery and passion, and con- plore through the eyes of survivors. 5pm, rative work, and other creative methods. of A Legend” Masquerade Ball Benefits items will also be accepted throughout sidered by scholars the definitive prose Northwestern University, Kresge 2-321, $10. 10pm-11pm, Playground Theatre, those living with HIV and AIDS and sup- the month of October at the door. 6pm- portrait of the city of Chicago. 6:30pm- 1880 Campus Dr., Evanston; email gen- 3341 N Lincoln Ave., www.brasschuckle- ports the continuation of violence preven- 9pm, The Closet Chicago, 3325 N. Broad- 9:30pm, 312-369-6126, Getz Theatre, 72 [email protected] tion, health education, outreach, testing way E. 11th St., Michael Leppen’s 60th Birthday benefit- and counseling, and wellness services. The The Living Circle An interfaith GLBT spiri- gala will include food, drinks, music, and Bingo in the ‘Burbs It’s wall-to-wall balls ing Operation Bear Hug In lieu of gifts, Saturday, Oct. 27 Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance tuality group that meets weekly for dis- entertainment and showcase the partner- with Miss Foozie’s bingo. Special $5 Miss please make $60 per person donation to (LGBT) A weekly peer support group for cussion, meditation, prayer. 7pm-8:30pm, ships, collaborations, contributions, and Foozie pitchers (whatever that means). Bishop Anderson House for ticket. RSVP members of the LGBTQ community with 847-581-9136, 825 W. Wellington Ave. supporters that have made Project VIDA 8pm-10pm, Hunters, 1932 E. Higgins Rd., by Oct. 18 by phone or online. 6pm, 312- depression, bipolar disorder, or other a success over the past 20 years. 6pm- Elk Grove Village, www.huntersnightclubs. 573-4823, minibar, 3341 N Halsted St., com psychiatric illnesses. Free of charge. Com- Monday, Oct. 29 10pm, National Museum of Mexican Art, i2i new API Coming Out Group Open to Open House Wine and all the new artwork. munity Room. 11am-12:30pm, 872-216- 1852 W. 19th St., lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, ques- Thursday, Oct. 25 6pm-8pm, The Leigh Gallery, 3306 N Hal- 3272, Howard Brown Health Center, 4025 Night of 100 Drag Queens: Goddess A- tioning, and queer APIs. Adoptees, hapas, Boom Student Art Exhibition Exhibition sted St., N. Sheridan Rd., www.dbsa-glbt-chicago. Go-Go (2nd Night) You won’t want to and multiracial folks welcome too. First of works by students in the Department tent.html?page=1 com miss this two-day extravaganza, helping Monday of every month. Free. Snacks. of Art and Architecture; drawing, paint- Easy Abby Launch Party Silent Auction. Pumpkin Carving Contest Get your gourd to support the work of Equality Illinois by More info: [email protected]; 6pm- ing, architecture, ceramics, sculpture, Scott Free is a musical guest, playing a on and carve Halloween pumpkins with joining them at Sidetrack. Tickets sell out 7:30pm, Asian Human Services,7th flr photography, print media, and digital me- few ove songs with Jenny Urban on per- the crowd at Scot’s. Judging for best carve fast so get yours today! 7pm-11:30pm, conference room, 4753 N. Broadway; dia. Through Friday, 10am-5pm, 312-553- cussion. Melinda Suarez is a music guest on karaoke night, Wed., Oct. 31. 2pm- Sidetrack, 3349 N Halsted St., http://go- email [email protected] 5738, Harold Washington College, 30 E. as well. Easy Abby is a lesbian rom-com 4pm, Scot’s, 1829 W Montrose Ave., www. Love Free Or Die, The Story of Gene Rob- Lake St., web series by Wendy Jo Carlton, director City on the Make Adaptation of Nelson inson The story of the first openly gay Uniform Betrayal: Rape in the Military of Hannah Free and Jamie & Jessie are Wigpocalypse 2012 New sketch comedy Algren’s lyrical essay of the same name, person elected Bishop in the traditions Screening and discussion of sexual assault Not Together.7pm-10pm, Parlour on Clark, revue from Wig Bullies, a gay and gay- published in 1951. Algren’s tale of two-bit of Christianity, premieres on new season by brothers and sisters in arms. Filmmaker 6341 N Clark St. friendly ensemble who’s previous produc- of Independent Lens. 10pm, PBS, www. The Secret History of Love Transgender tions include The Girl With The Drag Queen modern-dance choreographer Sean Dorsey Tattoo and It Takes A Village, People! In created this piece after a two-year oral Wigpocalypse: 2012, the Wig Bullies co- history project interviewing LGBTQ elders medically explore the end of the world Tuesday, Oct. 30 Personal PAC Awards Luncheon with Glo- about their love stories. The performance as we know it. 8pm-9pm, 773-327-5252, ria Allred 19th annual awards luncheon will incorporate the Chicago community Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont Ave., www. featuring guest speaker Gloria Allred, into the performance. In line with Sean’s Founder and President of the Women’s recorded oral histories, we will be shar- Dark Before Dawn The story of a young Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education ing a short video clip featuring footage of woman who sleeps through her usual stop Fund. Personal PAC is dedicated to elect- Chicago LGBTQ couples sharing their love on the train and finds herself stranded for ing pro-choice candidates. Tickets $150 stories. Through Oct. 27. 7:30pm-9:30pm, the night in Elgin. She strikes up a friend- by phone or online. 12pm-2pm, 312-422- 773-281-0824, Links Hall, 3435 N. Shef- ship with a local stranger who helps her 0005, Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan field Ave., look for another way home, but instead Ave., shtml#d the unlikely pair help free one another John Barrowman Openly gay actor John White Party Minibar’s White Party is known from the burden of their respective se- Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness on for being the best way to kick off your crets. 9:30pm, Music Box Theatre, 3733 N Doctor Who and Torchwood) will promote weekend! Make your VIP Reservation for Southport Ave., the book Hollow Earth, which he co-wrote tonight, 773-871-6227. 10pm, Minibar, chicago with sister Carole. 7pm, Skokie Public Li- 3341 N Halsted St., www.minibarchicago. Spin’s Halloween Ball Hosted by Mercedes. brary, 5215 Oakton St., Skokie com Two contests at midnight: Best Costume and Best Drag. $500 1st prize, $200 2nd Friday, Oct. 26 prize, $75 3rd prize for each category. VJ Wed., Oct. 31 Northalsted Halloween Parade: Apoca- White Room Challenge with Chicago Lost Dominic, DJ Bronzed. 10pm, Spin Night- lypse 2012 The Northalsted Business Alli- & Found’s Mitch Pennell Please join us for club, 800 W. Belmont Ave., www.spin- ance, with Triangle Neighbors Association, the premiere of Chicago Lost and Found’s a branch of the Lake View Citizens’ Coun- Mitch Pennell on HGTV’s The White Room ZOMBEYONCÉ: The Ultimate Beyoncé and cil, will present for the 16th consecutive Challange. Meet Mitch and hear the hilari- Halloween dance party Hosted by Xan- year, a group of creative souls will bare ous behind-the-scenes commentary! Show dra Fairlawn. DJ Erik Roldan . The North- their alter egos, dark sides, or their shad- airs promptly at 7:30 p.m.; 6:30-9:15 ern Lights Go-Go Gothic Dancers. Video: ows, to the world on Halloween, parad- p.m., Sidetrack, 3349 N Halsted St., www.; 10pm, ing them down one of Chicago’s hottest Parlour on Clark, 6341 N Clark St., www. nightclub districts: North Halsted Street. Intimate evening with Ann Hampton Cal- 5pm-11pm, Spin Nightclub, 800 W. Bel- laway Benefiting Center on Halsted, a cel- mont Ave., ebration of Michael Leppn’s 60th birthday Sunday, Oct. 28 CREATURE FEATURE and Miriam Hoover’s 99th birthday. $60 Urban Village: Wicker Park Service LGBT- general admission, $99 VIP with after welcoming worship services at Urban Vil- Wed., Oct. 31 show cocktail and meet and greet with lage Church are eclectic and experiential, Ann Hampton Callaway. 6:30pm-7:30pm, practical and intelligent, relevant and, 773-661-0957, Center on Halsted, 3656 hopefully, inspiring. 10:30am-11:45am, The annual Northalsted Halloween Parade will start at Belmont and Halsted. Get Image from last year by Susan Mattes : online WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 37 profile at the Forum. We got a surprising “Ask Billy” question from Roger in Portland: “Have you seen the Hulk Ho- gan sex tape? He’s not my type (and probably not BILLY MASTERS yours), but I saw he’s got an enormous dick and would like to see the video.” “His fans are growing up. They’re 18, 19-year-olds restored 1919 German film Anders Als Die Andern I never would have expected to research this now. They’re young women. And he still looks like (“Different From the Others”), which is arguably story, but I’ll do anything for my fans. So, yes, a little boy. I just don’t think ... from my gut— the first feature film to deal with homosexuality. I did track down the video and you’re quite maybe my gut’s wrong because it’s not 100%— Only half of the movie still exists, and I noted right—he’s quite well-endowed. In fact, one but I don’t think he’s going to stand the test of that all scenes with the female lead were miss- person on saw the video and time.”—Sharon Osbourne shares her opinion ing. Many believe this footage was destroyed by said, “At 59, he has nothing to be ashamed of.” about Justin Bieber. Why? Who knows. the Nazis, but a more plausible explanation is And right he is—as you’ll see when you check it The talented Neil Patrick Harris has signed that Doris Roberts has suppressed most of her out yourself. a deal to write his memoirs. While I don’t ex- early work! When we’re extolling the virtues of Hulk Ho- pect it to be particularly insightful or dishy (he Many singers offer special meet-and-greet gan, it’s definitely time to end yet another col- seems a little too slick for that), he promises packages at their concerts for a premium. Be- umn. Between Hulk and Doris Roberts, I’m feel- it will be funny—and of that I have no doubt. lieve it or not, Barbra Streisand has joined the ing positively youthful—as if the past 17 years While working on the book (to be released in group. She is auctioning off a pair of special of writing this column didn’t happen. But, of the spring of 2014) and the final season of How VIP tickets to one of her Las Vegas or California course, they did—and you can see them all and I Met Your Mother, he’s also taken on a theatrical shows, with the money going to her founda- much, much more on, the project. Last year, Nigel Lythgoe and his fam- tion. The winner will receive a “brief” (yes, it’s site that doesn’t look it’s age. Something else ily attempted to bring the long-standing British specified as “brief”) meeting with the superstar. that is timeless is my availability to answer any tradition of holiday pantomime to Los Angeles. While some performers take a photo with their questions you might have. Feel free to dash off a Those of you who don’t know, theaters all over VIPs, Babs ain’t some people. Instead, I believe note to [email protected] and I promise to Great Britain put on family-friendly versions of she’s gonna pull out all the stops and have a get back to you before someone picks Streisand traditional stories during the holiday season. courtroom sketch artist on hand. So you’ll re- out of a police lineup! So, until next time, re- Hulk Hogan apparently has a lot of, um, They fill them with enough “name” performers ally get a special keepsake from the event—as- member, one man’s filth is another man’s bible. talent, according to Billy Masters. and double entendres to keep the adults happy, suming you went back in time and saw her left and special effects and merriment to keep the kiddies amused. This year, the Lythgoes will be at the Pasadena Playhouse with A Snow White Christmas. The Wicked Queen will be portrayed by that triple threat, Charlene Tilton, while Har- ris will pre-tape the role of the Magic Mirror. The ® show will be staged Dec. 12-23. And, given Til- ton’s rapier wit, hilarity will undoubtedly ensue. Speaking of Charlene Tilton (a phrase I never thought I’d say), we have some news about the upcoming season of . Ted Shackelford and Happy Joan Van Ark will make a visit to Southfork and Happy once again play Tilton’s screen parents, Gary and Valene. The duo rarely appeared on the origi- nal Dallas, opting to stay put on Knots Landing. They even nixed showing up during the reboot’s first season. What changed their mind? The promise of an actual storyline. The new season starts in January, and I hear they’ll be in the mix Apocalypse! for at least three episodes. Apocalypse! While we’re talking about “Dallas” rumors, don’t believe those reports that Judith Light will be playing Brenda Strong’s mother. That most wedNeSday definitely is NOT gonna happen. Yes, she is join- ing the cast. But, no, she won’t be playing Pat- St rick Duffy’s mother-in-law. Although I’m sworn OCt. 31 to secrecy, the juicy role fits her to a “T”. I recently told you about Rob Wilson, who made history as the first male spokesmodel for The Price is Right. His stint took place last week watCH tHe Parade and led to quite a few interviews—including one where he mentions having a serious girl- friend (as opposed to a “girlfriend,” with quotes ON Our around it). Michael Musto of The Village Voice said, “Rob has appeared on many popular gay SCreeNS websites in the past year, and the gay communi- SCREAMS ty has definitely taken notice.” Did you notice? I FrOm 7Pm must confess, I didn’t. But I’ve since discovered that, like so many aspiring actors before him, /SidetrackBar Rob did quite a bit of risqué underwear model- CaSH Prize ing. Now you can notice every inch of him at $500 COStume CONteSt: Maybe The Price Is Right is onto something. It’s just been announced that America’s Next Top 10:00 Pm Model will allow male models to compete for the first time. It won’t be a full season of just men— 3349 N. Halsted it will be both male and female models going up against each other. I might have to tune in when it starts next summer. I recently attended the Outfest Legacy Awards, which honored producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron. It took place in the historic Orpheum Theatre in downtown Los Angeles—where the twosome shot the Bette Midler version of Gypsy. The evening featured entertainment by and Sean Hayes, and the dynamic Michael Urie hosted. Sitting way behind moi I spied Do- ris Roberts and Adrienne Barbeau—not together, silly. The event also served as a screening of the 38 Oct. 24, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES in all its events combined than in 2011. Still, pace group, you really get close to the people “so many people did amazing with their fund- in the program. So there’s a lot of love here,” T2 victory party raising, and we applauded them [at the event.]” Munar said. Munar will be running the ING New York City “Part of tonight also is asking people to al- Marathon in November, the Honolulu Marathon ready start thinking about their New Year’s Reso- marks ‘12 season in December and the Goofy Challenge in January lutions for 2013, and to say, ‘I’m In’ for 2013 in Orlando, which consists of a half-marathon with T2—and this is my athletic goal for the (13.1 miles) on Saturday morning and a full year and this is my fundraising goal.” By Ross Forman marathon (26.2) the next day. Munar said registration with T2 for its line of

“When you train for six months with T2, and 2013 endurance-training events will begin in About 200 people attended the Celebration set aside every Saturday morning to be with your December. Party for the Team To End AIDS (T2), the endur- ance-training program of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC), held Oct. 20 at Sidetrack in Lakeview. The event honored those T2 participants in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon held Oct. 7, the Lifetime Chicago Triathlon held in August and multiple other events—and many attendees sported their finisher’s medal(s). “Today is a huge celebration, [including] the fundraising that this incredibly dedicated group has contributed to AFC—the hundreds of thou- sands of dollars that was raised for the fight against AIDS—along with the personal athletic accomplishments of all our participants,” said David Ernesto Munar, president of AFC and him- self a T2 participant. “For so many of the T2 participants this year, it was their first marathon ever. Others set per- sonal-best times. Others improved their overall athleticism and fitness.” Some of the T2 participants finished the Chi- cago Marathon in about three hours. For others, it was a four-, five- or six-hour journey to cover 26.2 miles. David Ernesto Munar at the T2 party. Photo by “To be on the course for six hours or more Ross Forman takes enormous determination and physical prowess,” Munar said. “We had participants at running conditions, and it was great to see so every speed, every level [of fitness] this year. many T2 runners drop their personal record time They all set a goal and they met it. on the course by 20, 40, even 60 minutes. That “There were so many highlights from 2012, was so great to see. We had participants who starting with the fact that 100 percent of the didn’t just accomplish their goals, they blew T2 runners in the Chicago Marathon finished the them away.” Attendees at the awards banquet. Photo by Ross Forman race; that was great. Munar said T2 had 25 percent few participants “The Chicago Marathon was held under perfect Chicago Force awards at the banquet. The honorees were: ADVERTISEMENT Most Improved on Offense: Ellie Dovantzis Most Improved on Defense: Dorian Bridges When experience counts... holds annual Rookie of the Year (offense): Mary Choules In service to the community for over 30 years. awards banquet Rookie of the Year (defense): Elisha Okrey By Ross Forman Defensive Player of the Year: Darcy Leslie The Law Offices of Offensive Player of the Year: Melissa Smith Roger V. McCaffrey-Boss & Associates The Chicago Force reflected once more on its Co-Lineman of the Year: Tami Engelman and memorable 2012 season that ended with a Jamie Menzyk national championship game loss to the San Team MVP: Sami Grisafe APPLYING FOR AND CHECKING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS Diego Surge Aug. 4 at Heinz Field in Pitts- burgh. Q. A friend of mine was recently was unable to work due to an injury. What are the public programs ‘Zombie 5K The Force held its annual awards banquet that offer financial assistance? Oct. 20 at Spin Nightclub in Lakeview, with Shuffle’ Oct. 27 Chicago’s inaugural Zombie 5K Shuffle & more than 100 attending, including players, A. With the bad economy, more and more people are looking to see if they qualify for social security Pub Crawl will take place Saturday, Oct. 27. coaches, staff, family and friends. benefits or electing early retirement. Your friend may be eligible for benefits such as food stamps, veterans The run/walk starts at 9 a.m. on Milwaukee “It was a phenomenal season, with every- benefits (including medical benefits), welfare and unemployment. To be eligible for unemployment benefits Avenue at Logan Blvd. (2600 N. Milwaukee thing but the storybook ending,” Force owner one must be willing and able to work. Also, your friend’s employer (or past employer) may have a disability Ave.) in the Logan Square neighborhood. Linda Bache said. “We were so close [to win- plan which provides benefits to disabled workers. Individual registration cost for the 5K The next place to apply for public benefits is your local Social Security office. Social Security has two ning the national championship], so that competitive-timed run and 5K walk is $30 programs which provide income for people who are disabled and unable to work. Social Security Disability leaves mixed emotions [about the season]. in advance; $35 on-site. The post-run/walk Insurance (SSDI) pays disability benefits of $1,000 a month or more depending upon how much the recipient We were one of two teams that got to play pub crawl is free with drink discounts at has contributed to the Social Security fund during the time he or she has been employed. at Heinz Field, with a live broadcast on [an] participating local establishments (to be an- How much your Social Security benefits will be depends on your earnings history. Generally, higher ESPN [station]; that was amazing. There are earnings translate into higher Social Security benefits. You can find out how much you will get by contacting nounced). 60 other teams that wanted to be us. The fact Social Security and asking for an estimate of your benefits. Ask for form SSA 7004, “Request for Statement Visit or call 773- of Earnings.” Within six weeks after you submit the completed form you should receive a computer printout that we lost in the last minute is kind of hard 868-3010. of your Social Security earnings for your entire career and an estimate of your benefits. to live with, but serving as motivation for It’s important that you verify that your earnings have been properly recorded because any missing next year.” or unreported wages could lower your Social Security benefits or even prevent you from qualifying for The Force lost to 40-36. Out boxer wins bout disability benefits. “This [banquet] is the first time we’ve had Orlando Cruz, the Puerto Rican boxer who The second program is Supplemental Security Income (SSI) which provides a small income for disabled the team together since the season ended, so recently came out of the closet, won his first people with virtually no money or assets provided they are sufficiently “needy.” SSI provides benefits to low everyone is excited to see everyone. It’s like a bout since doing so, posting a victory by income persons who are aged, blind or disabled, regardless of their employment history. family reunion,” Bache said. “We had a lot of unanimous decision over Jorge Pazos, accord- People on SSI must have limited assets. Generally, individuals with assets under $2,000 can qualify for great players and an amazing season. There ing to SSI. However, when they figure your assets, they don’t count such items as your home, your car (unless it’s were a lot of worthy performances this sea- Cruz was seemingly touched by the support an expensive one), and most of your personal belongings. SSI does not automatically go to anyone who can on display at the Kissimmee Civic Center out- demonstrate financial need but rather only to those needy persons who are disabled. son. I have a team with second-string players who would be all-stars on other teams; that’s side Orlando, Fla.—the latest in a continu- a fact. There’s an abundance of talent.” ous outpouring since his announcement that • Bankruptcy • Wills, Trusts & Probate So any predictions for 2013? made him the first active male athlete in a • Real Estate Closings • Civil Unions “Yes, we’re back in the championship major sport to come out. “I was very happy that they respect me. That’s what I want— 19 S. LaSalle, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60603 [game,] Bache said. “That’s the goal and I feel great about it.” them to see me as a boxer, as an athlete and 312-263-8800 [email protected] The Force announced its 2012 season as a man in every sense of the word,” he said. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. WINDY CITY TIMES Oct. 24, 2012 39 CONNEXIONS MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS AGELESS REALTOR hungers for work

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