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Indianische Literatur

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nischen Literatur der USA. N. Scott Momadays Roman House Made of Dawn, Köln 1986 Hochbruck, Wolfgang, ,I Have Spoken<. Die Darstellung und ideologische Funktion indianischer Mündlichkeit in der nordamerikanischen Literatur, Tübingen 1991 Kroeber, Karl, Traditional Literatures of the American Indian. Texts and Inter• pretations, Second Edition; Lincoln and London 1997 Krupat, Arnold, For Those Who Come After: A Study of Native American Autobiography, Berkeley 1985 Krupat, Arnold, The Voice in the Margin. Native American Literature and the Canon, Berkeley 1989 Krupat, Arnold (Hg.), New Voices in Native American Literary Criticism, Washington 1993 Krupat, Arnold, Red Matters: Native American Studies, Philadelphia 2002 Larson, Charles R., American Indian Fiction, Albuquerque 1978 Larson, Sidner J., Captured in the Middle: Tradition and Experience in Contem• porary Native American Writing, Seattle 2000 Lincoln, Kenneth, Native American Renaissance, Los Angeles 1983 Lösch, Klaus, Interkulturalität: Kulturtheoretische Prolegomena zum Studium der neueren indianischen Literatur Nordamerikas, Tübingen 2003 Maddox, Lucy, Removals: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Politics of Indian Affairs, New York & Oxford 1991 Owens, Louis, Other Destinies. Understanding the American Indian Novel, Norman and London 1992 Parker, Robert Dale, The Invention of Native American Literature, Ithaca 2003 Penn, William S. (Hg.), As We Are Now: Mixblood Essays on Race and Identity, Berkeley 1997 Peyer, Bernd c., »Autobiographical Works Written by Native Americans,« AmerikastudienlAmerican Studies 26, 3/4 (1981), 386-402 Pulitano, Elvira, Toward a Native American Critical Theory, Lincoln 2003 Ramsey, Jarold, Reading the Fire. Essays in the Traditional Indian Literatures of the Far West, Lincoln 1983 Roemer, Kenneth M. (Hg.), Native American Writers of the United States, Detroit 1997 Rogin, Michael Paul, Fathers and Children. Andrew Jackson and the Subjuga• tion of the American Indian, New Brunswick & London 1991 Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown, American Indian Literatures. An Introduction, Bibliographie Review, and Selected Bibliography, New York 1990 Swann, BrianIKrupat, Arnold (Hg.), Recovering the Word: Essays on Native American Literature, Berkeley 1987 Swann, Brian (Hg.), Smoothing the Ground. Essays on Native American Oral Literature, Berkeley 1983 Velie, Alan, Four American Indian Literary Masters: N. Scott Momaday, , , and , Norman 1982 Vizenor, Gerald, Fugitive Poses: Native American Indian Scenes of Absence and Presence, Lincoln 1998 Vizenor, Gerald (Hg.), Narrative Chance: Postmodern Discourse on Native American Indian Literatures, Norman 1993 Weaver, Jace, That the People Might Live: Native American Literatures and Native American Community, New York 1997 Wiget, Andrew O. (Hg.), Critical Essays on Native American Literature, Phil• adelphia 1985 Wiget, Andrew 0., Native American Literature, Boston 1985 Womack, Craig S., Red on Red: Native American Literary Separatism, Minne• apolis 1999 Bibliographie 563

Afro-amerikanische Literatur Abel, ElizabethiChristian, Barbara/Moglen, Helene (Hg.), Female Subjects in Black and White: Race, Psychoanalysis, Feminism, Berkeley 1997 Baker, Houston A., Jr., The Journey Back. Issues in Black Literature and Criticism, Chicago 1980 Bell, Bernard W., The Afro-American Novel and Its Tradition, Amherst 1987 Berlin, Ira (Hg.), Free at Last. A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and the Civil War, New York 1992 Bone, Robert B., The Negro Novel in America, rev. ed., New Haven 1965 Cade, Toni (Hg.), The Black Woman. An Anthology, New York 1970 Carby, Hazel, Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-Ame• rican Woman Novelist, New York 1987 Davis, Arthur P., From the Dark Tower. Afro-American Writers 1900-1960, Washington D.C., 1974 Diedrich, Maria, Ausbruch aus der Knechtschaft. Das amerikanische Slave Narrative zwischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung und Bürgerkrieg, Stuttgart 1986 Dowling, c., »The Song of Magazine, 20.5.1979 Ensslen, Klaus, Einführung in die schwarzamerikanische Literatur, Stuttgart 1982 Fabre, Genevieve, Drumbeats, Masks, and Metaphors. Contemporary Afro• American Theatre, Cambridge, Mass. 1983 Fuller, H. W., »Towards a Black Aesthetic,« in: Addison Gayle Jr. (Hg.) The Black Aesthetic, New York 1971 Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., The Signifying Monkey. A Theory of Afro-American Literary Criticism, New York 1988 Gidding, Paul, »The Triumphant Song of Toni Morrison,« Encore, 12. 12. 1977 Harper, Michael S./Stepto, Robert B. (Hg.), Chant of Saints. A Gathering of Afro-American Literature, Art, and Scholarship, Urbana 1979 Huggins, Nathan 1., Harlem Renaissance, New York 1972 Jones, LeRoi Amiri BarakaINeal Larry (Hg.), Black Fire. An Anthology of Afro• American Writing, New York 1968 Levine, Lawrence W., Black Culture and Black Consciousness. Afro-American Folk Thought {rom Slavery to Freedom, New York 1977 Mayer, Sylvia (Hg.), Restoring the Connection to the Natural World: Essays an the African American Environmental Imagination, Münster 2003 McDowell, Deborah, »Negotiating between Tenses,« in: D. McDowell/Ramper• sad Arnold (Hg.), Slavery and Literary Imagination, Baltimore 1989 Morrison, Toni, »Rediscovering Black History,« The New York Times Maga• zine, 11. 8. 1974 Morrison, Toni, »Memory, Creation, and Writing,« Thought 59:236, December 1984 O'Brien, John (Hg.), Interviews with Black Writers, New York 1973 Ostendorf, Berndt, Black Literature in White America, New York 1982 Patterson, Lindsay (Hg.), Black Theatre. A 20th-Century Collection of the Work of Its Best Playwrights, New York 1971 Rushdy, Ashraf H. A., Neo-Slave Narratives. Studies in the Social Logic of a Literary Form, New York 1999 Schmidli, Karin, Models and Modifications: Early African American Women Writers. From the Slave Narrative to the Novel, Tübingen 1995 Smith, ValerielBaechler Lea/Litz A. Walton (Hg.), African American Writers, New York 1991 Sollors, WernerIDiedrich Maria (Hg.), The Black Columbiad. Defining Mo• ments in African American Literature and Culture, Cambridge, Mass. 1994 Stepto, Robert S., From Behind the Veil. A Study of Afro-American Narrative, Second Edition, Urbana 1991 564 Bibliographie

Sundquist, Eric, To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Litera• ture, Cambridge 1993 Thomas, Helen, Romanticism and Slave Narratives. Transatlantic Testimonies, Cambridge 2000 Washington, Mary H. (Hg.), Midnight Birds. Stories of Contemporary Black Women Writers, Garden City 1980

Jüdisch-amerikanische Literatur Alter, Robert, After the Tradition. Essays on Modern ]ewish Writing, New York 1969 Berger, Alan, Crisis and Covenant. The Holocaust in American Jewish Fiction, Albany 1985 Bloom, Harold (Hg.), ]ewish Women Fiction Writers, Philadelphia 1998 Brauner, David, Post-War ]ewish Fiction: Ambivalence, Self-Explanation and Transatlantic Connections, Basingstoke 2001 Budick, Emily Miller, Blacks and lews in Literary Conversation, Cambridge 1998 Chametzky, JuleslFeistiner, JohnIFlanzbaum, HileneIHellerstein, Kathryn (Hg.), ]ewish American Literature, New York 2001 Cheyette, Bryan, Between ,Race< and Culture. Representations of the ]ew in English and American Literature, Stanford 1999 Dittmar, Kurt, Assimilation and Dissimilation. Erscheinungsformen der Margi• nalitätsthematik bei jüdisch-amerikanischen Erzählern (1900-1970), Frank• furt a. M. 1978 Feingold, Henry L., A Time for Searching. Entering the Mainstream 1920-1945, Baltimore 1992 Fiedler, Leslie A., "The Breakthrough: The American Jewish Novelist and the Fictional Image of the Jew«, Midstream 4 (Winter 1958), 15-35 Fiedler, Leslie A., »Zion as Mainstreet«, in: Waiting for the End. The Crisis in American Culture and a Portrait of 20th Century American Literature, New York 19642, 65-88 Finke1stein, Norman, The Ritual of New Creation. ]ewish Tradition and Con• temporary Literature, Albany 1992 Fried, Lewis (Hg.), Handbook of American-]ewish Literature. An Analytical Guide to Topics, Themes, and Sources, Westport 1988 Furman, Andrew, Contemporary ]ewish American Writers and the Multicultural Dilemma: The Return of the Exiled Syracuse, Syracuse 2000 Furmann, Andrew, Israel Through the ]ewish-American Imagination. A Survey of ]ewish-American Literature on Israel 1928-1995, New York 1997 Girgus, Sam, The New Covenant. ]ewish Writers and the American Idea, Chapel Hili, N.C. 1984 Guttman, Allen, The ]ewish Writer in America. Assimilation and the Crisis of Identity, New York 1971 Halio, Jay LlSiegel, Ben (Hg.), Daughters of Valor. Contemporary]ewish Ame• rican Women Writers, Newark 1997 Harap, Louis, Creative Awakening. The ]ewish Presence in Twentieth-Century American Literature, Philadelphia 1987 Immel, Horst, Literarische Gestaltungsvarianten des Einwandererromans in der amerikanischen und anglo-amerikanischen Literatur: Grove, Cahan, Rölvaag, Henry Roth, Frankfurt a.M. 1987 Knopp, Josephine Z., The Trial of judaism in Contemporary Jewish Writing, Urbana, BI. 1975 Kramer, Michael P.lWirth-Nesher, Hanna (Hg.) The Cambridge Companion to ]ewish American Literature, Cambridge 2003 Kremer, S. Lilian, Witness Through the Imagination. jewish American Holo• caust Literature, Detroit 1989 Matza, Diane (Hg.), Sephardic American Voices, Hanover, NH 1997 Bibliographie 565

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Chicanoliteratur Anaya, Rudolfo A./Lomeli Francisco A. (Hg.), Aztlan. Essays on the Chieano Homeland, Albuquerque 1989 Bardeleben, Renate vonIBriesemeister, DietrichIBruce-Novoa, Juan (Hg.), Mis• sions in Con{lict: Essays on U. S.-Mexiean Relations and Chieano Culture, Tübingen 1986 Binder, Wolfgang, Partial Autobiographies. Interviews With Twenty Chieano Poets, Erlangen 1985 Brady, Mary Pat, Extinct Lands, Temporal Geographies. Chicana Literature and the Urgeney of Spaee, Durharn 2002 Broyles-Gonzales, Yolanda, EI Teatro Campesino. Theater in the Chieano Mo• vement, Austin 1994 Bruce-Novoa, Juan, RetroSpaee. Collected Essays on Chieano Literature, Hou• ston 1990 Calder6n, HectorlSaldivar Jose David (Hg.), Criticism in the Borderlands. Stu• dies in Chieano Literature, Culture, and Ideology, Durharn 1991 Christian, Karen, Show and Tell. Identity as Performance in U.S. Latinalo Fiction, Albuquerque 1997 Davila, Arlene, Latinos Ine. The Marketing and Making of a People, Berkeley 2001 Delgado, RichardlStefanic, Jean (Hg.), The Latino Condition. A Critieal Reader, New York 1998 Fabre, Genevieve (Hg.), European Perspeetives on Hispanie Literature of the United States, Houston 1988 Garza-Falc6n, Leticia M. Gente Deeente. A Borderlands Response to the Rheto• rie of Dominanee, Austin 1998 566 Bibliographie

Gruesz, Kirsten Silva, Ambassadors of Culture. The Transamerican Origins of Latino Writing, Princeton 2002 Herrns, Dieter, Die zeitgenössische Literatur der Chicanos (1959-1988), Frank• furt a. M. 1990 Hernandez, Guillerrno E., Chicano Satire. A Study in Literary Culture, Austin 1991 Huerta, Jorge, Chicano Drama. Performance, Society and Myth, Carnbridge 2000 Jirnenez, Francisco (Hg.), The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature, New York 1979 Kafka, Phillipa, >Saddling La Gringa<. Gatekeeping in Literature by Contempo• rary Latina Writers, Westport, CT 2000 Kaup, Monika, Rewriting North American Borders in Chicano and Chicana Narrative, New York 2001 Lirnen, Jose E., Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems. History and Influence in Mexican-American Poetry, Berkeley 1992 Lorneli, Francisco A.lShirley, Carl R. (Hg.), Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 82. Chicano Writers. First Series, Detroit 1989, Vol. 122. Chicano Wri• ters. Second Series, Detroit 1992 Lorneli, Francisco A. (Hg.), Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Literature and Art, Houston 1993 McCracken, Ellen, New Latina Narrative. The Feminine Space of Postmodern Ethnicity, Tucson 1999 McKenna, Teresa, Migrant Song. Politics and Process in Contemporary Chicano Literature, Austin 1997 Martinez, Julio A.lLorneli, Francisco A. (Hg.), Chicano Literature. A Reference Guide, Westport, Conn. 1985 Neate, Wilson, Tolerating Ambiguity. Ethnicity and Community in Chicanola Writing, New York 1998 Perez-Torres, Rafael, Movements in Chicano Poetry. Against Myths, against Margins, Carnbridge 1995 Piller, Walter, Der Chicano-Roman. Stufen seiner Entwicklung, Bern 1991 Rebolledo, Rey Diana, Women Singing in the Snow. A Cultural Analysis of Chicana Literature, Tucson 1995 Rudin, Ernst, Tender Accents of Sound. Spanish in the Chicano Novel in English, Ternpe, AZ 1996 Saldivar, Rarnen, Chicano Narrative. The Dialectics of Difference, Madison, WI 1990 Saldivar, Jose David, Border Matters. Remapping American Cultural Studies, Berkeley 1997 Saldivar-Hull, Sonia, Feminism on the Border. Chicana Gender Politics and Literature, Berkeley 2000 Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo M.lpaez, Mariela M. (Hg.), Latinos. Remaking Ame• rica, Berkeley 2002 Tonn, Horst, Zeitgenössische Chicano-Erzählliteratur in englischer Sprache: Autobiographie und Roman, Frankfurt 1988 Vazquez, Francisco H./Torres, Rudolfo 0., Latinola Thought. Culture, Politics, and Society, Lanharn, ML 2003 Villa, Raul Hornero, Barrio-Logos. Space and Place in Urban Chicano Litera• ture and Culture, Austin 2000 Walter, Roland, Magical Realism in Contemporary Chicano Fiction, Frankfurt a.M.1993

Asiatisch-amerikanische Literatur Banerjee, Mita, The Chutneyfication of History. Salman Rushdie, Michael On• daat;e, Bharati Mukher;ee and the Postcolonial Debate, Heidelberg 2002 Bloorn, Harold (Hg.), Asian American Writers, Philadelphia 1999 Bibliographie 567

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Abbey, Edward (1927-89), Alcott, Louisa May Anzaldua, Gloria B 5.372 (1832-88),5. 161 f. (1942-2004),5.366, - The Monkey Wrench - Little Women, 5. 161 f. 471 Babbitt, Irving Gang, 5.372 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey - Borderlands / La Fron- (1865-1933), 5. 502f., Abish, Walter (*1931), (1836-1907),5. 166 tera: The New Mestiza, 505 5.350,354 - The Story of a Bad Boy, 5.366,471 Baker, George Pierce - Alphabetical Africa, 5. 166 Apes, William (1798-?), (1866-1935),5.284 5.354 Alexie, 5herman (*1966), 5.75,390f. Baker, Houston A. (*1943), - How German Is It, 5.411 - A Son of the Forest, 5.534 5.354 - Indian Killer, 5. 411 5.390f. Baldwin, ]ames (1924-87), Abu-]aber, Diana (*1959), - Reservation Blues, 5. 411 Apollinaire, Guillaume 5. 327, 430 ff. 5.386 - The Lone Ranger and (1880-1918),5.246 - Blues for Mr. Charlie, - Arabian Jazz, 5. 386 Tonto Fistfight in Hea- Arias, Ron (*1941), 5. 463 5.432 - Crescent, 5. 386 ven, 5. 411 - The Road to Tama- - If Beale Street Could Acker, Kathy (1948-97), - The Toughest Indian in zunchale, 5. 463 Talk, 5.431 5.377f. the World, 5. 411 Aristoteles (384-323 Bambara, Toni Cade - Blood and Guts in High Alger, Horatio (1832-99), v.Chr.), 5. 341 (1939-95),5.428,438 School, 5. 377 5. 194 - Poetik, 5. 341 - »My Man Bovanna«, - Empire of the Senseless, Alison, Archibald Arnim, Bettina von 5.438 5.378 (1757-1839),5.65 (1785-1859),5. 106 Bancroft, George Acosta, Oscar Zeta Allen, ]ames Lane Arnold, Benedict (1800-91),5. 116 (*1935),5.459 (1849-1925),5. 167 (1741-1801),5.53 - The History of the Uni- - The Revolt of the Cock- Allen, Paula Gunn (*1939), Arthur, T. 5. (Timothy ted States, 5. 116 roach People, 5. 459 5. 365, 405, 412 f. 5hay) (1809-85),5. 127 Baraka, Imamu Amiri, s. Adams, Abigail - The Woman Who Ashbery, lohn (*1927), ]ones, LeRoi (1744-1818),5.26,38, Owned the Shadows, 5. 314f. Barker, James Nelson 43 5.405 - Flow Chart, 5. 315 (1784-1858),5.71 Adams, Henry [Brooks] (*1947), 5. 454f., - »The Painter«, 5. 315 - The Indian Princess; or, (1838-1918), S. 161, 457,465 - »5elf-Portrait in a Con- La Belle Sauvage, 5. 71 195 f., 224, 356 - Et Tu ... Raza, 5. 455 vex Mirror«, 5. 315 - Superstition, 5. 71 - The Education of Henry - Nationchild Plumaro;a, The Atlantic (später: The Barlow, Joel (1754-1812), Adams, 5. 195 f., 356 5.454 Atlantic Monthly), 5. 23, 35, 44, 48 ff. - Mont-Saint-Michel and - ZEros, S. 455 5. 157, 161 f., 176, 179, - »Advice to a Raven in Chartres, S. 195 American Review, S. 391 394, 497f. Russia«, 5. 50 Adams, John (1735-1826), Anaya, Rudolfo A. Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) - The Columbiad, 5. 44, 5.26, 32, 38, 43 (*1937),5.460,463 (1907-73), S. 315 49 Addison, ]oseph - Bless Me, Ultima, 5. 460 - »Musee des Beaux Arts«, - The Hasty Pudding, (1672-1719),5.82 Anderson, Maxwell S.315 5.23,49 Agee, James (1909-55), (1888-1959), S. 292, Audubon, John James - »The Prospect of Peace«, 5.229,278 f., 281 295f. (1785-1851),5.67 5.35,48 - Let Us Now Praise - Joan of Lorraine, 5. 296 - The Birds of America, - The Vision of Columbus, Famous Men, 5.281 - What Price Glory?, 5.67 5.49 Aiken, George L. 5.292 Augustinus, Aurelius Barnes, Djuna (1830-76),5. 151 - Winterset, 5. 296 (354-430),5.316 (1892-1982),5.232, Albee, Edward (*1928), Anderson, 5herwood Aupaumut, Hendrick 244, 273ff. 5. 341ff., 346 ff., 350 (1876-1941),5.253, (1757-1830),5.389 - Nightwood, 5. 274f. - The American Dream, 257,264 Auster, Paul (*1947), - Ryder, 5. 274 5. 342 - Winesburg, Ohio S. 364f., 384 Barnes,Jim (*1933), 5. 414 - The Goat or Who is Syl- 5.264 - City of Glass, 5. 364 f. Barrio, Raymond via, S. 343 Andrews, Bruce (*1948), - Ghosts, 5. 364 (1921-96),5.459 - The Play about the Baby, 5.366,368 - The Book of Illusion, - The Plum Plum Pickers, S.343 Andros, 5ir Edmund 5.384 5.459 - Who's Afraid of Virginia (1637-1714),5.7 - The Invention of Soli- Barry, Philip (1896-1949), Woolf, 5. 341ff. Angelou, Maya (*1928), tude, 5. 365 S.293 - The Zoo Story, 5.421 - The Locked Room, - Here Come the Clowns, S.341f. Antin, Mary (1881-1949), 5.364 5.293 Alcott, Amos Bronson 5. 441 f., 443 - Oracle Night, 5. 384 - Hotel Universe, 5. 293 (1799-1888),5.101, - The Promised Land, Austin, Mary [Hunter] Barth, John [5immons] 161 5. 441f. (1868-1934),5.393 (*1930),5.330,333, Personen- und Werk register 573

338 ff., 350, 352, 355, - Mr. Sammler's Planet, Bonnin, Gertrude [Zitkala- Brecht, Bertolt 369 S.321,447 Sa] (?), S. 383 (1898-1956), S. 289, - Chimera, S. 340 - The Victim, S. 320, 447 - American Indian Stories, 297 - The End of the Road, Bennet, James G. S.383 Brendan, S. 4 S.338 (1795-1872), S. 121 Bontemps, Arna (1902-73), Breuer, Lee (*1937), S. 349 - The Floating Opera, - New York Herald, S. 121 S.434 - A Prelude to Death in S.338 Berkeley, George Borges, Jorge Luis Venice, S. 349 - The Friday Book, S. 330 (1685-1753), S. 48 (1899-1986),S.136 - The Lost Ones (Beckett), - Giles Goat-Boy, S. 339 - »On the Prospect of Boucicault, Dion S.349 - LETTERS, S. 340 f. Planting Arts and Lear- (1820-90), S. 149, 151 Brooks, Cleanth (1906-94), - Lost in the Funhouse, ning in America«, S. 48 - The Octoroon, S. 151 S.221,510 S. 338 f. Bernstein, Charles (*1950), - The Poor of New York, Brooks, Gwendolyn - The Sot- Weed Factor, S. 366, 368 S.149 (1917-2000), S. 327, S. 333, 338, 379 Berryman, John (1914-72), Boudinot, Elias (1803-39), 428,431,534 Barthelme, Donald S.318 S.389f - The Bean Eaters, S. 372, (1931-89), S. 350ff., - The Dream Songs, S. 318 Bourne, Randolph 431 363 Berssenhrugge, Mei-mei (1886-1918), S. 224, - Maud Martha, S. 428, - The Dead Father, S. 352 (*1947), S. 484 225,229,507 534 - The King, S. 352 Bhagavadgita, S. 242 Boyesen, Hjalmar Brooks, Van Wyck - Paradise, S. 352 Bidart, Frank (*1940), (1848-95), S. 191 (1886-1963), S. 224, - Snow White, S. 351 f. S. 366 - Social Strugglers, S. 191 498 f., 506 f. - Unspeakable Practices, Bierce, Ambrose [Gwinett] Brackenridge, Hugh Henry Brougham, John Unnatural Acts, S. 352 (1842-1914), S. 203 (1748-1816), S. 42, 47, (1810-80), S. 151 Barthelme, Frederick - »An Occurrence at Owl 48, 52, 59 f., 62 - Metamora; or, the last of (*1943), S. 363 Creek Bridge«, S. 203 - The Battle of Bunkers- the Pollywoags, S. 151 - Moon Deluxe, S. 363 Bird, Rohert Montgomery Hili, S. 52 Brown, Charles Brockden Barthes, Roland (1915-80), (1806-54), S. 71, 125 - The Death of General (1771-1810), S. 2, 43, S.513 149, 390 Montgomery, S. 52 61ff., 65, 82f., 100, 111 Bartram, William - The Gladiator, S. 71, 149 - Modern Chivalry, S. 42, - Alcuin, S. 61 (1739-1823), S. 66 - Nick of the Woods, 59f. - Arthur Mervyn, S. 61 f. Baudelaire, Charles S.125 - »The Rising Glory of - Edgar Huntly, S. 43, 61, (1821-67), S. 219 Black Hawk (1767-1838), America« (mit Freneau), 63 Baumbach, Jonathan S.390 S.48 - Ormond, S. 61f. (*1933), S. 353 Blackmur, R[ichard]P[al- Bradbury, Malcolm - Wieland, S. 6lf. Baym, Nina (?), S. 527 mer] (1904-65), S. 503 (1932-2000), S. 276, Brown, William Hili - Woman's Fiction, S. 527 Blackwood's Magazine 320,329 (1765-93); S. 54ff., 57 The Bay Psalm Book, S. 16 (Zeitschrift), S. 82 Bradbury, Ray Douglas - The Power of Sympathy, Beardsley, Monroe C. (?), Blair, Hugh (1718-1800), (*1920), S. 375 S.54ff. S.51O S.492 - Fahrenheit 451, S. 375 Brown, William Wells (ca. Beattie, Ann (*1947), - Lectures on Rhetoric and Bradford, William 1814-84), S. 120, 151, S.363 Belles-Lettres, S. 492 (1590-1657), S. 10 421,426 Beck, Julian (1925-85), Blake, Lillie Devereux - Mourt's Relation, S. 10 - Clotel; or, The Presi- S. 313, 348 (1835-1913), S. 132 - Of Plymouth Plantation, dent's Daughter, S. 120, Beckett, Samuel (1906-89), - Southwold, S. 132 S. 10 421 S. 302, 313, 341, 353 Blake, William Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Escape, S. 151,426 Begley, Louis (1757-1827), S. 111 (1930-99), S. 375 - Narrative, S. 421 - Wartime Lies, S. 433 Blattys, William (*1928), Bradstreet, Anne [Dudley] Brownson, Orestes Augu- Behrman, Samuel N. S.386 (ca. 1612-72), S. 17, stus (1803-76), S. 102 (1893-1973), S. 293 - Which Way to Mecca 525 - »The Lahoring Classes«, - The Second Man, S. 293 Jack?, S. 386 - »In Reference to Her S. 102 Bellamy, Edward Bloom, Harold (*1930), Children, 23 June, Bruchac, Joseph (*1942), (1850-98), S. 178, 192 S. 92, 103, 515 f., 528, 1659«, S. 17 S.411 - Looking Backward : 535 - »The Author to Her - Dawn Land, S. 411 2000-1887, S. 178, Blue Cloud, Peter (*1935), Book«,S.17 Bryant, William Cullen 192f. S. 412, 414 - "The Prologue«, S. 17 (1794-1878), S. 67ff., Bellow, Saul (*1915), S. 59, Boccaccio, Giovanni Brautigan, Richard 158,496 280,281, 32Of., 446f. (1313-75), S. 377 (1935-84), S. 350f., - »Monument Mountain«, - The Adventures of Augie Boccioni, Umherto 375 S. 69 March, S. 59, 320, 447 (1882-1916), S. 256f. - A Confederate General - »On Trisyllabic Feet in - Dangling Man, S. 320, - La Citta, S. 256f. from Big Sur, S. 351 Iambic Measure«, S. 68 447 Boker, George Henry - The Hawkline Monster. - Poems, S. 67 - The Dean's December, (1823-70), S. 149 A Gothic Western, - »The Prairies«, S. 69 S.321,447 - Francesca da Rimini, S.351 - »Thanatopsis«, S. 67 - Humboldt's Gift, S. 321, S.149 - In Watermelon Sugar, - »To a Waterfowl«, S. 69 447f. Bolingbroke, Henry St. S. 351 - "To Cole, the Painter, - Herzog, S. 32Of., 447 John, first Viscount - Trout Fishing in Ame- Departing for Europe«, - Ravelstein, S. 448 (1678-1751), S. 75 rica, S. 350 f. S. 69 574 Personen- und Werk register

Buell, Lawrence (*1939), C Cervantes, Lorna Dee Chin, Frank (*1940), S. 521, 546 (*1954), S. 465 S.483 - The Environmental Ima- Cable, George Washington Cervantes Saa vedra, Miguel - The Chickencoop China- gination, S. 521, 546 (1844-1925), S. 166ff. de (1547-1616), S. 59 man, S. 483 Buffalo Child Long Dance, - The Grandissimes, S. 166 - Don Quixote, S. 59 f. Chin, Marylin (*1955), s. Long, Sylvester Clark - Old Creole Days. A Cezanne, Paul S.485 Buffon, Georges-Louis, Story of Creole Life, (1839-1906), S. 225, Chopin, Kate [O'Flaherty] Ledere, Comte de S.166 226,228,234,237 (1851-1904), S. 167, (1707-88), S. 32, 66 - »Tite Poulette«, S. 166 Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung 196-99,224,226 Bullard, Laura Curtis (?), Cabotto, Giovanni (John (1951-1982), S. 480 - The Awakening, S. 198f., S.131 Cabot), S. 4 - Dictee, S. 480 216,224 - Christine; or, Woman's Cahan, Abraham Chaikin, ]oseph - Bayou Folk, S. 167, 197 Trials and Triumphs, (1860-1951), S. 194, (1935-2003), S. 349 - »Desin'e's Baby«, S. 167 S.131 442 Champlain, Samuel - A Night in Acadie, Bullins, Ed (*1935), S. 328, - Yekl, S. 194,442 (1567-1635), S. 9, 33 S. 167, 197 348 - The Rise of David Chandler, Raymond - »The Storm«, S. 197f. - Four Dynamite Plays, Levinsky, S. 194,442 (1888-1959), S. 276 - »The Story of an Hour«, S.348 Calhoun, John C. Chang, Diana (*1934), S.197 - The Electronic Nigger, (1772-1850), S. 43 S. 476, 485 - »Wiser Than a God«, S.348 Callahans, Sophia (?), - What Matisse Is After, S.197 Bulosan, Carlos (1913-56), S. 393 S.485 Churchill, Winston S.475 - Wynema, Child of the Channing, William Ellery (1871-1947), S. 207 - Letter from America, Forest, S. 393 (1780-1842), S. 41, 43, - Richard Carvel, S. 207 S.475 Callenbach, Ernest 495 Ci sn eros, Sandra (*1954), Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (*1929), S. 375 Chase, Richard (* 1914), S.365,466 (1803-73), S. 92 - Ecotopia, S. 375 S. 86 - Caramelo, S. 466 Bunyan, John (1628-88), Camus, Albert (1913-60), Chateaubriand, Francois- - The House on Mango S.331 S.338 Rene, vicomte de Street, S. 365, 466 - The Pilgrim's Progress, - La Chute, S. 338 (1768-1848), S. 66 Clancy, Tom (*1947), S. 331 Candelaria, Nash (*1943), Chavez, Denise (* 1948), S. 385 Burke, Edmund (1729-97), S.461 S.467 - The Debt of Honor, S. 65 Capote, Truman - Loving Pedro Infante, S.385 Burke, Kenneth [Duva] (1924-1984), S. 326 S.467 Clark, William (1897-1993), S. 278, - In Cold Blood, S. 326 Chesebro, Caroline (1770-1838), S. 33, 66 511 Carlyle, Thomas (1825-73), S. 131 Clay, Henry (1777-1852), Bums, Robert (1759-96), (1795-1881), S. 100, - Isa. A Pilgrimage, S. 131 S.43 S. 97, 318 104 Chesnutt, Charles W[ad- Cleaver, Eldridge - »Coming Through the Carver, Jonathan dell] (1858-1932), (1935-1998), S. 327, Rye«, S. 318 (1710-80), S. 66 S. 167f., 205, 421, 423 43lf. Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Travels Through the lnte- - The Colonel's Dream, - Soul on lee, S. 327, (1875-1950), S. 204 rior Parts of North Ame- S. 168,424 431 f. - Tarzan of the Apes, S. rica, S. 66 - The Coniure Woman, Clemens, Samuel Long- 204 Carver, Raymond S.168,423 horne (Pseud. Mark Burroughs, William (1938-1988), S. 363f., - The House Behind the Twain) (1835-1910), S[eward] (1914-97), 406 Cedars, S. 168,205,424 S. 59, 154,157f, 162, S.310ff. - What We Talk About - The Marrow of Tradi- 165f, 168, 171, 174f., - Junkie, S. 312 When We Talk About tion, S. 168,205,424 180,185-90,193,205, - Naked Lunch, S. 312 Love, S. 363 - The Wife of His Youth , 264,371,378,390,392 Bush, Barney (?), S. 413 Cary, Alice (1820-71), S. 168,423 - The Adventures of Huck- Butler, James (ca. S.132 Child, Lydia Maria leberry Finn, S. 59, 157, 1755-1842), S. 59 - Hagar, A Story of (1802-80), S. 47, 80f., 166,175, 186f., 188, - Fortune's Foot-ball, S. 59 To-day, S. 132 390 264,378 Butler, Judith (*1956), - Married, Not Mated, - An Appeal in Favor of - The Adventures of Tom S.544 S.132 that Class of Americans Sawyer, S. 162, 166, - Gender Trouble, S. 544 Cassady, Neal (1926-1968) Called Africans, S. 80 186f. Butler, Octavia, E. (*1947), Castillo, Ana (*1953), - History of the Condition - A Connecticut Yankee in S. 437, 439 S.466 of Women, in Various King Arthur's Court, - Parable of the Sower, - Peel my Love like an Ages and Nations, S. 81 S. 188 f., 193 S.439 Onion, S. 467 - Hobomok, S. 80 f. - The Gilded Age (zus. mit - Parable of the Talents, The Century, (Zeitschrift), - Juvenile Miscellany C.D. Warner), S. 160f S.439 S.157 (1826-34) (Zeitschrift), - The lnnocents Abroad, Byrd, William Cather, Willa [Sibert] S.47 S.186 (1674-1744), S. 32ff., (1873-1947), S. 20lf. - Letters from New- York, - Life on the Mississippi, 367 - Death Comes for the S. 80 S. 166, 186ff. Byron, George Gordon Archbishop, S. 202 - The Rebels; or, Boston - The Mysterious Stranger, (1788-1824), S. 70, 92, - My Antonia, S. 201 Before the Revolution, S.190 97,111,496 - 0 Pioneers, S. 201 S. 80 - »The Notorious Jumping Personen- und Werk register 575

Frog of Calaveras 45 ff., 57, 69, 77-80, Crane, Stephen De Forest, John William County«, S. 165, 185 82ff., 95, 100, 118ff., (1871-1900), S. 202f., (1826-1906), S. 158ff, - Pudd'nhead Wilson, 125,224,390 207,210f. 173 S.189,205 - The American Democrat, - George's Mother, S. 211 - »The Great American - Roughing It, S. 165, S. 78 - Maggie: A Girl of the Novel«, S. 159 185f. - The Crater, S. 84 Streets, S. 207, 210f. - Honest John Vane, - A Tramp Abroad, S. 187 - The Deerslayer, S. 78 - »The Open Boat«, S. 203 S. 160 Cliff, Michelle (*1946), - The Last of the Mohi- - The Red Badge of Cou- - Kate Beaumont, S. 159 S.365 cans, S. 79 rage. An Episode of the - Miss Ravenel's Conver- - Abeng, S. 365 - Notions of the Ameri- American Civil War, sion From Secession to - No Telephone to Hea- cans, S. 78 S. 207, 211 Loyalty, S. 159 f., 173 ven, S. 362 - The Pioneers, S. 78 Crawford, Francis Marion - Playing the Mischief, Cole, Thomas (1801-84), - The Prairie, S. 69, 95 (1854-1909), S. 204 S. 160 S. 67, 69, 79, 117 - The Spy, S. 78 Creeley, Robert (*1926), Deland, Margaret - The Course of Empire, - The Wept of Wish-ton- S.314 (1857-1945), S. 195 S. 69,117 Wish, S. 79 - Black Mountain Review - John Ward, Preacher, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Coover, Robert [Lowell) (Zeitschrift), S. 314 S. 195 (1772-1834), S. 66f., 69, (*1932), S. 350, 358f., Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. Delany, Martin R[obinson) 100, 109 378 John de (1735-1813), (1812-85), S. 421 - Aids to Reflection, - »The Elevator«, S. 359 S.33,66 - Blake: or The Huts of S. 100 - Gerald's Party, S. 359 - Letters (rom an Ameri- America, S. 421 - Lyrical Ballads (mit - A Night at the Movies; can Farmer, S. 33, 66 Delany, Samuel R. (*1942), Wordsworth), S. 67 or, You Must Remember Crichton, Michael (*1942), S.375 - »Ode to Dejection«, This, S. 359 S.374 - Triton, S. 375 S. 109 - The Origin of the Bru- - Disclosure, S. 374 Delgado, Abelardo B. Columbus, Christopher (ca. nists, S. 358 Crockett, Davy (*1931), S. 455f. 1446-1506), S. H., 4,9, - Pricksongs and Descants, (1786-1836), S. 121 - Chicano. 25 Pieces of a 33,322 S.359 Cullen, Countee (1903-46), Chicano Mind, S. 455 - Logbuch, S. H., 4 - The Public Burning, S.425 DeLillo, Don (*1936), Connelly, Marc[us Cook) S.359 - »Heritage«, S. 425 S.381 (1890-1980), S. 291 - Spanking the Maid, S. Culler, Jonathan D. - Libra, S. 381 - The Green Pastures, 359 (*1944), S. 513 - Mao II, S. 381 S.291 - The Universal Baseball Cummings, E[dward) E[st- - Underworld, S. 381 Conroy, Jack (1899-1990), Association, S. 358 lin) (1894-1962), S. 223, - White Noise, S. 381 S.278 Copway, George 240, 244, 245 ff. Deli, Floyd (1887-1969), Conwell, Russell Herman (1818-69), S. 391 f. - The Enormous Room, S.507 (1843-1925), S. 195 Corpi, Lucha (*1945), S.245 Deloria, Vine, Jr. ("1933), - Acres of Diamonds, S. 465 f. - Tulips and Chimneys, S.400 S.195 Corso, Gregory S.246 - Custer Died For Your Cook, George Cram (1930-2001), S. 310 Cummins, Maria Susanna Sins, S. 400 (1873-1924), S. 284f. Cortez, S. 33 (1827-66), S. 129 De Man, Paul, S. 515, 517 Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth Cotton, John (1584-1652), De Mille, George E., (*1930), S. 400, 411 S.14 D S.494 - From the River 's Edge, - The Bloudy Tenent Demuth, Charles S.411 Washed, and Made Dahlberg, Edward (1883-1935), S. 229, - Then Badger Said This, White in the Bloud of (*1900-77),S.444 248,249 S.400 the Lamb, S. 14 Daly, Lew (?), S. 364f. Dennie, Joseph Cooke, Ebenezer (fl.1708), Cowley, Malcolm - e. dickinson on la sleep- (1768-1812), S. 72,495 S. 23, 25; 339 (1898-1989), S. 503 walk with the I alphabet - The Port Folio - The Sot-Weed Factor, Craddock, Charles Egbert, prowling around her, (1801-27) (Zeitschrift), S.25 s. Murfree, Mary Noail- S.368 S.72,495 Cooke, John Esten les Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. Derrida, Jacques ('1930), (1830-86), S. 160 Crafts, Hannah (?), (1815-82), S. 118,474 S. 512, 514 Cooke, Rose Terry S.421 - Two Years Before the Dickens, Charles (1827-92), S. 165, 169f - The Bondswoman's Nar- Mast, S. 118 (1812-70), S. 92, 165, - »How Celia Changed rative, S. 421 Dante, S. 141, 149,237 173,497 Her Mind«, S. 165, Crane, [Harold) Hart Davis, Rebecca [Blaine) Dickinson, Emily [Eliza- 169 (1899-1932), S. 221, Harding (1831-1910), beth) (1830-86), S. 95, - »Mrs. Flint's Married 229,240,245,248,252, ~ 132, 162f~ 171,528 99, 122, 139, 144 ff., Experience«, S. 169 255, 257, 258 ff., 262, - »Life in the lron-Mills«, 233,245,368,412,525, - »The Ring Fetter«, 316 S. 132, 162, 528 529 S. 169 - »Atlantis«, S. 260 - Margaret Howth. A - »I heard a Fly buzz - - »Too Late«, S. 169 - The Bridge, S. 258 ff. Story ofTo-Day, S. 163 when 1 died«, S. 146 Coolidge, Clark (*1939), - »The Broken Tower«, Davis, Ronny ('1933), Didion, Joan (*1934), S.366 S.260 S.348 S.532f. Cooper, James Fenimore - »The Dance«, S. 260 Defoe, Daniel - Play It Als It Lays, (1789-1851), S. 43, - »Proern«, S. 260 (1660-1731), S. 59 S.532 576 Personen- und Werk register

Dixon, Thomas Drake, Joseph Rodman E - The American Scholar, (1864-1946), S. 204, (1795-1820), S. 70 S. 85, 102 422 - »The Culprit Fay«, S. 70 Eastman, Charles Alexan- - »Experience«, S. 102, - The Clansman, S. 204, Dreiser, Theodore [Herman der (1858-1939), 103 422 Albert] (1871-1945), S.394f. - »Fate«, S. 103 - The Leopard's Spots, 5.207, 216f., 224, 225, Eastman, Max [Forrester] - Nature, 5. 102, 114, 132 5.422 226,256,261,507 (1883-1969), S. 507 - "Notebook«, S. 141 Doctorow, E[dgar] L[aw- - An American Tragedy, Edgerton, Clyde (*1944), - »The Over-Soul«, S. 102 rence] (*1931), S. 350, S.217 S. 371 - »The Poet«, S. 102 359f.,415 - The Financier, 5. 217 - In Memory of Junior, - »Self-Reliance«, S. 102 - The Book of Daniel, - The Genius, S. 217 S. 368 Empson, Sir William S.359 - Jennie Gerhardt, S. 217 - Raney, S. 371 (1906-84), S. 510 - Ragtime, S. 359 f. - Sister Carrie, S. 207, Edwards, Jonathan Equiano, Olaudah (alias Donnelly, Ignatius 216, 224, 225 (1703-58), S. 28 f. Gustavus Vassa) (ca. (1831-1901), S. 192 - The Stoic, S. 217 - Personal Narrative, S. 28 1745-97), S. 29 f., 120, - Caesar's Column. A - The Titan, S. 217, 256 - Resolutions, S. 28 420,436 Story of the Twentieth DuBois, W[illiam] Eggleston, Edward - Interesting Narrative of Century, S. 192 E[dward] B[urghardt] (1837-1902), S. 166 the Life of Olaudah Doolittle, Hilda (bek. als (1868-1963), S. 205, - The Circuit Rider, S. 166 Equiano, S. 30, 75,420 H.D.) (1886-1961), 292, 424f. - The Faith Doctor, S. 166 Erdrich, Louise (*1954), S. 230 ff., 238, 240, 244, - Haiti, S. 292 - The Hoosier Schoolma- S. 369, 406f., 410 282 - The Quest of the Silver ster, S. 166 - Baptism of Desire, S. 400 - Bid Me to Live, S. 232 Fleece, S. 205 - Roxy, S. 166 - The Beet Queen, S. 369, - Helen in Egypt, S. 232, - The Souls of Black Folk, EI Grito, S. 464 406f. 280 S. 205, 424f. Eliot, John (1604-90), - The Bingo Palace, - HERmione, S. 232 Duchamp, Marcel S. 14 S.369,406 - "Notes on Thought and (1887-1968), S. 220, - Primer or Catechism in - The Crown of Columbus Vision«, S. 233 228,244 the Massachusetts Indian (mit Michael Dorris), S. - Palimpsest, S. 232 Dumas, Alexandre Language, S. 14 407 - Tribute to Freud, S. 232 (1802-70), S. 92 Eliot, T[homas] S[tearns] - Love Medicine, S. 369, - Trilogy, S. 232, 280 Dunbar, Paul Laurence (1888-1965), S. 221-24, 406 Dorris, Michael (1945-97), (1872-1906), S. 168, 23Of., 233, 237, 240ff., - The Last Report on the S. 407, 410 205,397,422,424 244-50, 259f., 260, 282, Miracles at Little No - Cloud Chamber, S. 407 - "Dely«, S. 424 309,366, 403f., 452, Horse, S. 406 f. - The Crown of Columbus - »Dinah Kneading 503,505,510 - The Master Butchers Sin- (mit ), Dough«, S. 424 - Four Quartets, S. 282 ging Club, S. 406 f. S.407 - "The Haunted Oak«, - "The Love Song of J. - Tracks, S. 369,406 - A Yellow Raft in Blue S.424 Alfred Prufrock«, S. 240 Erikson, Leif, S. 4 Water, S. 407 - Lyrics of Lowly Life, - The Sacred Wood, Eugenides, Jeffrey (*1960), Dos Passos, John [Rode- S. 168, 424 S.510 S. 382 f. rigo] (1896-1970), - "Ode to Ethiopia«, - "Tradition and the Indi- - Middlesex, S. 382 f. S. 221, 229, 257, 261 ff., S.424 vidual Talent«, S. 241, Evans, Augusta Jane 270,277,279,294,364, - "The Poet«, S. 424 243 (1835-1909), S. 159 459 - The Sports of the Gods, - The Waste Land, S. 219, Evans, Mari (*1923) - The Garbage Man, S. 294 S.168,205 233,241 ff., 247ff., 259, Evans, Walker (1903-75), - Manhattan Transfer, - "We Wear the Mask«, 404 S.281 S. 261, 270, 279 S.422 Elizondo, Sergio (*1930), - U.S.A., S. 279 Duncan, Robert (1919-88), S.456 F Dostojewski, Fjodor S.314 Elkin, Stanley (1930-95), (1821-1881), S. 283, Dunlap, William S.358 Far, Sui Sin [Eaton, Edith 287,320 (1766-1839), S. 44, 53 f., Ellis, Bret Easton (*1964), Maud] (1867-1915), Doughty, Thomas 71, 149 S.364,377 S.474 (1793-1856), S. 67 - Andre, S. 53 - American Psycho, S. 377 Farrell, James T[homas] Douglass, Frederick - The Glory of Columbia; Ellison, Ralph [Waldo] (1904-79), S. 277, 279 (1817-95), S. 120, 420f. Her Yeomanry, S. 54 (1914-94), S. 283, 319f., - The Young Manhood of - Narrative of the Life of - The History of the Ame- 415, 430f., 433f.. 534, Studs Lonigan, 5.277, Frederick Douglass, an rican Theatre, S. 53 - Invisible Man, S. 319 f., 279 American Slave, S. 120, - A Trip to Niagara, S. 71 415,430,534 Faulkner (eig. Falkner), 420 Durand, Asher Brown - Juneteenth, S. 380f. William [Harrison] Dove, Arthur (1880-1946), (1796-1886), S. 67 - Shadow and Ac!, S. 431, (1897-1962), S. 136, 5.228,244 Dwight, Timothy 433 f. 221,231,270,274,282, Dove, Rita (*1952), S. 362 (1752-1817), S. 48 f. Emerson, Ralph Waldo 323,369,372,403,406 - Thomas and Beulah, - "America; or, A Poem on (1803-82), S. 85f., 96, - Absalom, Absalom!, S. 365 the Settlement of the Bri- 99, 102ff., 106, 108, 5.270 Downing, Todd (1), S. 411 tish Colonies«, S. 48 114,132, 139f., 158, - As I Lay Dying, S. 270f., Drake, Sir Francis (ca. - The Conquest of 223,238,245,247,361, 406 1540-96), S. 9, 33 Canaan, S. 49 488,498 - Go Down, Moses, 5.270 Personen- und Werk register 577

- Light in August, S. 271 Foucault, Michel Frye, Northrop (1912-91), Gibbons, Kaye (*1960), - The Sound and the Fury, (1926-84), s. 513, 518 S.511 S.371 S. 270ff., 272 Frank, Waldo [David] Fuchs, Daniel (*1909), Gibson, William (*1948), Federman, Raymond (1889-1967), S. 229, S.444 S.378 (*1928), S. 352f. 255,256 - Homage to Blenholt, - Agrippa ( A Book of the - Double or Nothing, - The Seven Arts, S. 229 S.444 Dead), S. 378 S.353 Franklin, Benjamin - Low Company, S. 444 - Count Zero, S. 378 - Surfiction, S. 353 (1706-90), S. 27f., 37, - Summer in Williamsburg, - Mona Lisa Overdrive, - Take I t or Leave lt, 45,74,119 S.444 S.378 S.353 - Almanacs, S. 27 Fuller, Henry Blake - Neuromancer, S. 378 - The Voice in the Closet, - Autobiography, S. 28, (1857-1929), S. 158, Gilb, Dagoberto (*1950), S.353 74 191, 194 S.473 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Franzen, Jonathan (*1959), - The Cliff-Dwellers, - The Magie of Blood, (*1919), S. 309f. S.382 S.191 S.473 - Beatitude (Zeitschrift), - The Corrections, S. 382 - With the Procession, - Woodcuts of Women, S.310 Fraser, Kathleen (*1937), S. 191, 194 S.473 - A Coney lsland of the S.368 Fuller, [Sarah] Margaret Gilbert, Sandra M. Mind, S. 310 Frederic, Harold (1810-50), S. 99, 101, (*1936), S. 528, 536, Fern, Fanny, s. Parton, Sara (1856-98), S. 195 102, 105, 118 538 P., S. 528 Freeman, Mary E[leanor] - Memoirs, S. 106 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Fielding, Henry (1707-54), Wilkins (1852-1930), - Summer on the Lakes, (1860-1935), S. 193, S. 25, 59f. S. 165, 170 f. S. 106, 118 196,528 Finnegan, R., S. 419 - »A Humble Romance«, - Woman in the Nine- - The Forerunner (Zeit- - Oral Literature in Africa, S.170 teenth Century, S. 106 schrift), S. 193 S.419 - jane Field, S. 171 - The Dial, S. 106 - Herland, S. 193 Fish, Stanley (*1938), - »Louisa«, S. 170 - »The Yellow Wallpaper«, S.513 - »A New England Nun«, G S. 197,528 Fisher, Rudolph S.170 Ginsherg, Allen (1926-97), (1897-1934), S. 427 - Pembroke, S. 171 Gaddis, William (1922-98), S. 248, 369 f. - The Walls of jericho, - The Portion of Labor, S.358 - »America«, S. 309 5.427 5.171 Gaines, Ernest J. (*1933), - The Fall of America: Fitzgerald, F[ rancis] Scott - »The Revolt of Mother«, S. 372, 435 f. Poems of These States, [Key] (1896-1940), S.170 - A Gathering of Old Men, 1965-1971, S. 310 S. 231, 244, 257, - »A Village Singer«, S.372 - Howl, 5. 309 262-68,302 S. 165 - The Autobiography of - »Kaddish«, 5. 309 - The Beautiful and Dam- French, Marilyn (*1929), Miss jane Pittman, - »A 5upermarket in Cali- ned,5.263 S.532 S. 372, 435 f. fornia«, S. 309 - The Crack-Up, S. 269 Freneau, Philip [Morin] Garland, [Hannibal] Ham- Giovanni, Nikki (*1943), - The Great Gatsby, (1752-1832), S. 27, 41, lin (1860-1940), S. 136, S. 365, 372 S. 263, 266 ff. 48,50,72 171 f. - My House, S. 365 Flauben, Gustave, S. 283 - »The American Village«, - Main-Travelled Roads, Glaspell, Susan Foer, Jonathan Safran S.41 S.I72 (1882-1948), S. 284, (*1977), S. 382f. - »The Beauties of Santa - Prairie Folks, S. 172 286 ff. - Everything is Illumina- Cruz«, S. 50 - Rose of Dutcher's Cooly, - Alison's House, S. 287 ted, 5. 383 - The British Prison Ship, S.l72 - The Outside, S. 286 Foerster, Norman S.50 Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. - TrifIes, S. 286 (1887-1972), S. 503 - The House of Night, (*1950), S. 416, 523, - The Verge, S. 286 Ford, Madox Ford 5.50 535 Glück, Louise (*1943), (1873-1939), S. 238, - »The Indian Burying - The Signifying Monkey, S. 366 316 Ground«, S. 27, 50 S.416 Godfrey, Thomas Ford, Paul Leicester - »The Rising Glory of Gearhan, Sally Miller (1736-63), S. 51 (1865-1902), S. 206f. America« (zus. mit H.H. (*1931), S. 375 - The Prince of Parthia, - The Honorable Peter Brackenridge), S. 48 Geiogamah, Hanay S.51 Stirling, 5. 207 - •• To Sir Tohy«, S. 27 (*1945), S. 348, 401 Godkin, Edwin Lawrence - janice Meredith, S. 207 - »The Wild Honey Gelber, Jack (1932-2003), (1831-1902), S. 160 Ford, Richard (*1944), Suckle«, S. 50 S.313 - Chromo-Civilization, S.371f. Freud, 5igmund - The Connection, S. 313, S. 160 - A Piece of My Heart, (1856-1939), S. 222, 348 Godwin, William S.372 307f., 328, 354, 377, - Paradise Now, S. 348 (1756-1836), S. 61, 82 - The Sportswriter, 504,506 Geronimo (1829-1909), - Caleb Williams, S. 61 S.372 Frost, Rohert [Lee] S.396 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Foster, Hannah Webster (1874-1963),5.202, - Geronimo's Story of His von, S. 96, 101, 106,335 (1759-1840),5.46,57 223,244-47 Life, S. 396 - Hermann und Dorothea, - The Boarding School; or, - »The Death of the Hired Gershwin, George S. 96 Lessons of a Preceptress Man«, S, 245 (1898-1937), S. 291, Gold, Michael to Her Pupils, S. 46 - »Mending Wall«, S. 245 293 (1893-1967), S. 294, - The Coquette, S. 46, 57 - New Hampshire, 5. 245 - Porgy and Bess, S. 291 443 f., 507, 578 Personen- und Werk register

- Strike, S. 294 H - Sketches of Southern - The Breadwinners, - lews Without Money, Ufe, s. 422 S.161 S.443 Hagedorn, Jessica Tarahata Harper's Monthly Maga- Hayden, Robert E. G6mez-Peiia, Guillermo ('1949), S. 480 zine, S. 157, 173 (1913-80), S. 434f. ('1955), S. 471 - Dogeaters, S. 480 Harris, George Washington - ABallad of Remem- - Warrior for Gringo- Hakluyt, Richard (1814-69), S. 122, 124 brance, S. 434 f. stroika, S. 471 (1552-1616), S. 9 - Sut Lovingood Papers, Hearn, Lafcadio Gonzales, Rodolfo HaIe, Edward Everett S. 122 (1850-1904), S. 166 »Corky« ('1928), (1822-1909), 5.160, Harris, Joel Chandler - Chita, 5. 166 5.454 f. 191 (1848-1908),5. 167, Heat, Moon, William Least - I Am joaquin /Yo Soy - If Came to Boston, 422 ('1939), S. 401 joaquin, S. 454 S. 191 - Uncle Remus: His Songs HeinIein, Robert Goodman, Allegra (*1967), - »The Man Without a and His Sayings, S. 167 (1907-88), S. 375 5.451 Country«, S. 160 Harte, [F rancis] Bret[ t] - Stranger in aStrange - Kaaterskill Falls, S. 451 HaIe, Janet Campbell (1836-1902), S. 165 f, Land,S.375 - Paradise Park, 5. 451 ('1947), S. 401, 405f. 168,392 Heller, Joseph (1923-99), Goodrich, Samuel Griswold - The jailing of Cecilia - »How Santa Claus Ca me S.335ff. (1793-1860), S. 44 Capture, S. 405 f. to Simpson's Bar«, - Catch-22, S. 335 f. - Peter Parley, S. 44 HaIe, 5arah Josepha S. 165 Hellman, Lillian Gould, Louis (?), S. 532 (1788-1879),5.47, - »The Illiad of 5andy (1906-84),5.295 - Such Good Friends, 83 Bar«, 5. 165 Hemingway, Ernest 5.532 - Godey's Lady's Book - »The Luck of Roaring (1899-1961),5. 188, Graff, Gerald (*1937), (1830-98) (Zeitschrift), Camp«, 5. 165 203,212,221,231,241, 5.518 5.47,83 - »The Outcasts of Poker 244, 252, 257, 263ff., Graham '5 Magazine - Northwood, 5. 83 Flat«, 5. 165 276,282,295,351,363, (1826-58),5.47 Haley, Alex (1921-92), Hartman, Geoffrey H. 405 Grattan, C[linton] Hartley 5.327,436 (*1929),5.515,517, - Death in the Afternoon, (1902-80),5.503 - The Autobiography of 534 5.264 - The Critique of Huma- Malcolm X, S. 327, 385, Hassan, Ihab (*1925), - A Farewell to Arms, nism, S. 503 436 S.512 S.264 Grau, Shirley Ann ('1929), - Roots, S. 436 Hawkes, John (1925-98), - For Whom the Bell TolIs, S.37Of. Halleck, Fitz-Greene S. 323, 330, 337f., 341, S.296 - The Keepers of the (1790-1867), S. 70 350,352 - »Hills Like White Ele- House, S. 370 Hamilton, Alexander - The Beetle Leg, S. 338 phants«, S. 264 - Nine Women, S. 371 (1755-1804), S. 32, 39 - The Blood Oranges, - In Our Time, S. 263 ff. Gray, Thomas (1716-71), - The Federalist, S. 39 S.338 - The Sun Also Rises, S.65 Hammon, Jupiter (1711-ca. - The Cannibal, 5. 337f. 5.264-67 Green, Paul (1894-1981), 1800), S. 30 - Death, Sieep and the Tra- - The Torrents of Spring, 5.291,294 Hansberry, Lorraine veler, S. 338 S.266 - In Abraham's Bosom, (1930-65), S. 348, 432 - The Lime Twig, S. 338 - »Up in «, S.291 - A Raisin in the Sun, - The Passion Artist, S.264 - johnny johnson. S.348,432 S. 338 Henley, Beth (*1952), S.291 Hannah, Barry (*1942), - Travesty, S. 338 S.373 Greenblatt, Stephen S.371 - Virginie: Her Two Lives, - Crimes of the Heart, (*1943), S. 362,518 - Ray, S. 371 S.338 S.373 Greenwood, Grace, s. Lip- - The Tennis Handsome, Hawthorne, Nathaniel Henty, Gordon, Jr. (*1955), pincorr, Sara Jane S.371 (1804-64), S. 3, 7, 73f., S.410 Greve, Felix Paul, s. Grove, Harjo, Joy (*1951), S. 365, 83,86,92,99, 102, 114, - The Light People, S. 410 Frederick Philip 405, 412f. 122f., 132-35, 141, 158, Henry, 0., s. Porter, Wil- Grey, Zane (1872-1939), - »For Alva Benson«, 162,195,224,304,376, liam Sidney S.204 S.412 378,450,488,528 Herder, J ohann Gottfried - The Riders of the Purpie - In Mad Love and War, - The Blithedale Romance, (1744-1803), S. 40 Sage, S. 204 S.413 5. 102, 135 Herrick, Robert Griffith, D[avid Lewelyn] - She Had Some Horses, - The House of the Seven (1868-1938),5. 194 W[ark] (1875-1948), 5.413 Gables, 5. 135 - The Memoirs of an Ame- 5.204 - What Moon Drove Me - The Marble Faun, 5. 136 rican Citizen, 5. 194 - The Birth of a Nation, to This?, 5. 413 - »My Kinsman, Major Hesse, Hermann 5.204 Harper, Frances E[llen] Molineux«, 5. 74, 124 (1877-1962),5.221 Grimmelshausen, Johann W[atkins] (1825-1911), - »Roger Malvin 's Heyward, DuBose Jakob Christoffel von, S.120,205,422 Burial«, 5. 74 (1885-1940),5.291 S.9 - "Eliza Harris«, S. 422 - , 5. 92, - Porgy, s. Porgy and Bess - Simplicissimus Teutsch, - Iola Leroy, or Shadows 132-35, 195,378 Hijuelos, Oscar (*1951), S.9 Uplifted, S. 205, 422f. - Twice-Told Tales, 5. 123 5.366 Grotowski, Jersey - »Minnie's Sacrifice«, - »Young Goodman Highway, Tomson (*1951), (1933-99),5.349 5.422f. Brown«, 5. 124 5.411 Gubar, Susan, S. 528, 536, - Poems on Miscellaneous Hay, John [Milton] - Kiss of the Fur Queen, 538 Subjects, S. 120 (1838-1905), S. 161 5.411 Personen- und Werk register 579

Himes, Chester (1909-84) - The Nonconformist's - The Enchantment of Lily J Hinojosa-S., Rolando Memorial, S. 367 Dahl, S. 384 (*1929), S. 460f. - Secret History of the - What I Loved, S. 384f. Jackson, Andrew - Estampas dei valle y Dividing Line, S. 367 Hutcheon, Linda (*1947), (1767-1845), S. 39, 88, otras obras, S. 461 - The Western Borders, S. 543 389 - Klail City, 5. 461 5.367 Hutchinson, Anne Jackson, Helen Hunt - >Klail City Death Trip Howells, William Dean (1591-1643), S. 13f. (1830-85),5.392 Series<, 5. 460 f. (1837-1920), S. 136, Hwang, David Henry Jacobs, Harriet A. (ca. - Mi querido Rafa, S. 461 157ff., 168, 171, 173f., (*1957), S. 374,483 1813-97), S. 120, 420f. Hirsch, E.D.,Jr. (*1928), 176-79,181, 185, 19Of., - Golden Child, S. 483 - Ineidents in the Life of a S.513 194,205,210,213,261, - M. Butterfly, S. 374, 483 Slave Girl, S. 120, 420 Hitchcock, David 497 James, Henry, Jr. (1773-1849), S. 70 - Annie Kilburn, 5. 178, (1843-1916), S. 3,43, Hofstadter, Douglas R. 191 157 f., 173-77, 179-85, (*1945), S. 339f. - A Chance Acquaintance, Ibsen, Henrik, S. 287 188,190,199,201,224, - Gödel, Escher, Bach, S.176 Inada, Lawson Fusao 232,237,263,283,497 5.339f. - Criticism and Fiction, (*1938), S. 484 - The Ambassadors, Hogan, Linda (*1947), S.174 - Legends from Camp, S. 179, 183 S. 401, 405, 407, 412 - A Foregone Conclusion, S.484 - The American, S. 180 - Mean Spirit, S. 407 f. S.176 The Indian Historian, - The American Scene, - Power, S. 408 - A Hazard of New Fortu· S.400 S. 185 - Solar Storms, S. 408 nes, S. 178 lrving, John (*1942), - The Bastanians, S. 157, - »To Light«, S. 412 - »Henry James, Jr.«, S. 330 ff., 406 173,181 Holmes, John Clellon S. 173, 177 - The World According to - »Daisy Miller«, S. 180, (1926-1988), S. 31Of. - The Landlord at Lion's Garp, S. 332 182 Holmes, Oliver Wendel! Head, S. 194 Irving, Washington - »The Figure in the Car- (1809-1894), S. 85, - A Modern Instance, (1783-1859), S. 33, pet«, S. 179, 182 95f. S. 173, 177 43 ff., 50, 65, 69, 72-76, - The Golden Bowl, - The Autocrat at the - The Rise of Silas 80,82,95,100,118, S. 179, 184 Breakfast-Table, S. 96 Lapham, S. 157, 173, 124, 157,496 - The Portrait of a Lady, - »The Deacon's Master- 177,213 - The Alhambra, S. 73 S. 179, 18lf. piece«, S. 97 - Through the Eye of a - »The Angler«, S. 72 - The Princess Casamas· - Eisie Venner, S. 97 Needle, S. 178 - Bracebridge Hall, S. 73 , S. 173, 181 Hooks, Bell (*1952), - A Traveler from Altruria, - History of New York, - Roderick Hudson, S. 180 5. 538 f. S.178 From the Beginning of - The Sacred Fount, S. 183 Hopkins, Pauline - Their Wedding journey, the World to the End of - The Tragic Muse, S. 182 (1859-1930),5.205 S.176 the Dutch Dynasty, - »The Tum of the Screw«, - Contending Forces. A Hughes, Uames] Langston S. 72, 75, 82 S. 179, 182, 184 Romance Illustrative of (1902-67), S. 253f., 257, - »The Legend of Sleepy - Washington Square, Negro Life North and 426,431 Hollow«, S. 73 S. 181 South, S. 205 - Fine Clothes to the jew, - The Life and Voyages of - Watch and Ward, S. 179 Hopkins, Sarah Winne- S.426 Cristopher Columhus, - What Maisie Knew, mucca (ca.1844-91), - Mule Bone, S. 426 S. 75 S. 182 5. 391 f., 397 - »The Negro Artist and - »Rip van Winkle«, - The Wings of the Dove, - Life among the Paiu- the Racial Mountain«, S. 73 f., 124 S. 179, 184 tes:Their Wrongs and 5.426 - Salmagundi, S. 72 James, William Claims, S. 391 - The Weary Blues, - TheSketch-BookofGeof- (1842-1910), S. 103, Houston, James D. (*1933) S.426 frey Crayon, S. 72, 74 225,226,234,362 und Houston, Jeanne W. Hulme, T[homas] E[rnest] - Tales of a Traveller, Jameson, Fredric (*1934), (*1934), S. 478 (1883-1977), S. 231, S.73 S.512 Howard, Sidney 238,505 - A Tour on the Prairies, Janowitz, Tama (*1957), (1891-1939), S. 292 Humphreys, Josephine S. 118 S.377 - They Knew What They (*1945), S. 371 - »Westminster Abbey« , - A Cannibal in Manhat- Wanted, S. 292 - Dreams of Sieep, S. 371 S.72 tan, S. 377 Howe, E[dgar] W[atson] Hunt, Leigh (1784-1859), Irving, William - The Male Cross-Dresser (1853-1937), S. 171 f. S. 72 (1766-1821), S. 72 Support Group, 5. 377 - The Story of a Country Hurston, Zora Neale Iser, Wolfgang, S. 513 - Slaves of New York, Town, S. 171 (1891-1960), S. 254, Islas, Arturo (1938-91), S.377 Howe, Irving (1920-94), 256f., 415, 42lf., 426, S.462 Jauß, Hans-Robert, S. 513 5.445,449 427f., 528, 535 - La Mollie and the Kings Jay, John (1745-1829), Howe, Susan (*1937), - Mule Bane (mit Langston of Tears, S. 462 S.39 5.366ff. Hughes), S. 426 - Migrant Souls, S. 462 - The Federalist, S. 39 - A Bibliography of the - Their Eyes Were Wat- - The Rain God, S. 462 Jeffers, Uohn] Robinson King's Book ,ar, Eikon ching God, S. 256, 428 (1887-1962), S. 244 Basilike, S. 367 f. Hustvedt, Siri (*1955), Jefferson, Thomas - My Emily Dickinsan, S.384 (1743-1826), S. 24, 32, S.367 - The Blindfold, S. 384 38 f., 43, 49, 60, 66 580 Personen- und Werk register

- Declaration of Indepen- Kaufman, George 5[imon] King, Thomas (*1943), Larsen, Nella (1893-1964), den ce, 5. 21, 24, 38, 106 (1889-1961),5.293 5.409f. 5.424,528 - Notes on the State of - Once in a Lifetime, - Green Grass, Running Lauretis, Teresa de (?), Virginia, 5. 24, 66 5.293 Water, 5.409 5. 541f. Jen, Gish (*1955), 5. 481 Kazin, Alfred (1915-98), - Medicine River, 5. 409 Lawrence, D[avid] H[er- - Mona in the Promised S.277 - Truth & Bright Water, bert] (1885-1930), S. 78, Land, 5.481 Keats, John (1795-1821), 5.409 302 - Typical American, 5. 481 5. 111, 113, 145,425 Kingsley, Sidney (1906-51), Lazarus, Emma (1849-87), - Who's Irish?, 5. 481 Kelly, George [Edward] 5.295 5.441,452 Jewett, 5arah Orne (1887-1974),5.292 - Dead End, 5. 295 - An Epistle to the (1849-1909),5. 170 - The Show-Off, 5. 292 Kingston, Maxine Hong Hebrews, 5. 452 - A Country Doctor, - The Torch-Bearers, (*1940), 5. 365, 478f., - ,.The New Colossus«, 5.170 S.292 483 S.441 - The Country of the Poin- Kennedy, John Pendleton - China Men, S. 479 - Songs of a Semite, S. 452 ted Firs, S. 170 (1795-1870), S. 125 - The Fifth Book of Peace, Leacock, John - Deephaven, S. 170 - Horse-Shoe Robinson, S.480 (1729-1802), S. 52 - ,.A White Heron«, S.125 - Tripmaster Monkey, - The Fall of British S.170 - Swallow Barn, S. 125 S.479 Tyranny; or, American J ohnson, Charles R. Kenner, Hugh - The Woman Warrior, Liberty Triumphant, ("1948), S. 372,421, (1923-2003), S. 222f., S.365,479 S.52 424 248 Kipling, Rudyard Lee, Chin Yang ("1917), Johnson, Emily Pauline Kenny, Maurice (*1929), (1865-1936), S. 204 S.476 (1861-1913), S. 397 S.414 Kirkland, Caroline 5tans- Lee, Jarena (?), S. 419 - The Moccasin Maker, Kerouac, Jack (1922-69), bury (1801-64), 5. 126 Lee, Virginia (*1923), S.397 5. 309 f., 311f., 511 - A New Home-Who'lI 5.476 Johnson, Hall - ,. Belief and Technique for Follow?, 5. 126 LeGuin, Ursula ("1929), (1888-1970),5.426 Modern Prose«, S. 311 Kirkland, Joseph 5.375 Johnson, James Weldon - The Dharma Bums, (1830-94), S. 171 - The Disposessed : An (1871-1938), S. 205, 5.312 - Zury: The Meanest Man Ambiguous Utopia, 224, 253, 417, 424 f. - ,. Essentials of 5ponta- in Spring County. A 5. 375 - The Autobiography of an neous Prose«, S. 311 Novel of Western Life, Lennox, Charlotte Ramsay Ex-Colored Man, 5. 205, - Mexico City Blues, S.I71 (1720-1804), S. 59 224,424 S.311 Kleist, Heinrich von - The Female Quixote; or, - The Book of American - On the Road, 5. 311 f., (1777-1811),5.360 The Adventures of Ara- Negro Poetry, 5.425 511 Klepfisz, Irena ("1941), bella, S. 59 - God 's Trombones, - Visions of Cody, S. 312 5.453 Lentricchia, Frank (*1940), 5.417 Kesey, Ken (1935-2001), Knight, 5arah Kemble 5.513 Jones, LeRoi (Pseud. 5.2,326 (1666-1727),5.31, Levertov, Denise Imamu ) KettelI, Samuel (1800-55), 33f. (1923-97), S. 314 (*1934),5. 327f., 348, 5. 69f. Koch, Frederick Henry Levin, Meyer (1905-81), 432f. - Specimens of American (1877-1944), S. 290 S.445 - Black Fire, 5. 432 Poetry, with Critical and Koch, Kenneth - The Old Bunch, 5. 445 - Dutchman, 5. 348, 433 Biographical Notices (3 (1925-2002), S. 314 - Yehuda, 5. 445 - The Slave, 5. 433 Bände), 5. 69 f. Kolodny, Annette (*1941), Lewis, Meriwether Jong, Erica [Mann] Key, Francis Scott 5.530,534 (1784-1809), S. 33, 66 (*1942), S. 532f. (1779-1843),5.40 Kopit, Arthur L. (*1937), Lewis, Richard - Fear of Flying, S. 532 - ,. The Star-Spangled Ban- 5.151 (1699?-1733?), 5. 23 Joyce, James (1882-1941), ner«, S. 40 - Indians, 5. 151 - ,.A Journey from S. 221, 232f., 262, 283, Kim, Patti (*1970), S. 482 Kotzebue, August von Patapsko to Annapolis, 340,403,445 - A Cab Called Reliable, (1761-1819), S. 53 April 4, 1730«, 5. 23 - A Portrait of the Artist S.482 Krieger, Murray Lewis, R[ichard] W[arring- as a Young Man, S. 340 Kincaid, Jamaica (*1949), (1923-2000), S. 512f. ton] B[aldwin] - Ulysses, 5. 219, 233, S.366 Krutch, Joseph Wood (1917-2002), S. 86, 509 242,262 - Annie lohn, S. 366 (1893-1970), S. 506 Lewis, [Harry] Sinc1air Jung, Carl Gustav, S. 504 - The Autobiography of Kudaka, Geraldine (1885-1951), S. 179, My Mother, S. 366 (*1951), S. 485 263,331 K King, Grace Elizabeth Kushner, Tony (*1956), - Babbitt, S. 263, 331 (1851-1932), S. 165, S.374 - Main Street, S. 263 Kafka, Franz (1883-1924), 167 - AngeIs in America, Lewis, Wyndham (ca.1884- S.283, 320, 338 - Balcony Stories, S. 167 S.374 1957), S. 238 Kang, Younghill (1903-72), - »The Crippled Hope«, Lewisohn, Ludwig S.474ff. S. 165 L (1882-1955), S. 440, Kant, Immanuel King, Stephen (*1947), 442,506 (1724-1804), S. 100, S. 375 f. Laforgue, Jules (1860-87), - Expression in America, 362 - Carrie, S. 376 5.237,240,247 5.506 Katz, 5teve (*1935), S. 334, - The Dark Half, S. 376 Lanier, Sidney (1842-81), - The Island Within, 353 - Misery, S. 376 S. 160 S.442 Personen- und Werkregister 581

Lim, Sherley Geok-lin - Zami: A New Spelling of - The Natural, S. 321 McAlmon, Robert (*1944), S. 484 My Name, S. 366 - A New Life, S. 321 (1896-1956),5.244 - Among the White Moon Louie, David Wong - The Tenants, 5. 322 McCarthy, Mary Faces. An Asian-Ameri- (*1954),5.482 Malcolm X (1925-65), (1912-89),5.312,373 can Memoir of Home- - The Barbarians Are 5.421 - The Group, 5. 373 lands, S. 480 Coming, 5. 482 Malina, Judith (*1926), McCorkle, Jill (*1958), Lindsay, [Nicholas] Vachel Lowe, Pardee (*1904), S. 313, 348 S.371 (1879-1931),5.253 5.476 Mallarme, 5tephane McCullers, Carson - »Congo: A 5tudy of the Lowell, Amy [Lawrence] (1842-98),5.231,237 (1917-67), 5. 324 Negro Race«, 5. 253 (1874-1925),5.238 Mamet, David (*1947), - The Ballad of the Sad Lippard, George Lowell, James Russell 5.341,343 f., 350, 452 Ca(e, 5. 324 (1822-54),5. 122 (1819-91),5.95,97, - American Buffalo, - Clock Without Hands, Lippincott, 5ara Jane 158,497 5.344 5.324 [Clarke] (Pseud. Grace - The Biglow Papers, S. 97 - The Disappearance of - The Heart is a Lonely Greenwood) - A Fable for Critics, 5. 97 the Jew, 5. 452 Hunter, 5. 324 (1823-1904),5.81 Lowell, Robert (1917-77), - Glengary Gien Ross, - The Member of the Wed- Lippmann, Walter 5. 283, 315f. 5. 344 ding, S. 324 (1889-1974),5.229 - Life Studies, 5. 316 - Oleanna, 5. 344 McInerney, Jay (*1955), - New Republic, 5. 229 - Lord Weary's Castle, - Sexual Perversity in Chi- 5. 364, 376f. Lipsitz, George (*1947), 5.316 cago, 5. 343 - Bright Lights, Big City, 5.520 - The Mills of the Kava- Mann, Thomas 5.376f. - American Studies in a naughs, 5. 316 (1875-1955),5.221, McKay, Claude Moment of Danger, Loy, Mina (eig. Mina Ger- 283 (1890-1948), S. 253, S.520 trude Lowy) Marinetti, Filippo Tom- 418, 426f., 429f. Locke, Alain (1886-1954), (1882-1966),5.232, maso (1876-1944), - Banjo, 5. 427 5.254,255,425,427 240,244,282 5.219,244 - Home to Harlem, - The New Negro, 5. 254, Lukacs, Georg MarshalI, John 5.427 425 (1885-1971), S. 136 (1755-1835),5.75 - »If We Must Die«, - Plays of Negro Life, MarshalI, Paule (*1929), 5.253,418,426 S.427 M 5.365,428,528 McMurtry, Larry (*1936), Locke, John (1632-1704), - Brown Girl, Brownsto- S.372 S. 78,491 MacDerrnot, Galt (*1928), nes, 5. 428 - The Last Picture Show, London, Jack [eig. John 5.328,349 - Praisesong for the S.372 Griffith London] - Hair, 5. 328, 349 Widow, 5. 365 - Terms of Endearment, (1876-1916), 5. 203f., Macy, John [Albert] Marx, Leo (*1909), 5. 86, 5.372 206[,212,214[,217 (1877-1932),5.507 509 - Texasville, 5. 372 - »To Build a Fire«, Madison, James Mason, Bobbie Ann McNickle, D'Arcy 5.203,214 (1751-1836),5.32,39 (*1940),5.371 (1904-77),5. 399f., 403, - The Call of the Wild, Mailer, Norman (*1923), - In Country, 5. 371 410 5.207,214f. S. 312, 320, 324-26, - Shiloh, 5. 371 - Runner in the Sun, - The Iron Heel, S. 206, 333,335,526 The Masses, 5. 507 5.399 215 - Advertisements for Masters, Edgar Lee - The Surrounded, S. 399 - Martin Eiden, S. 216 Myself, S. 324 (1868-1950), S. 245 - Wind from an Enemy - The People of the Abyss, - An American Dream, Mather, Cotton Sky, S. 399, 410 S.215 5.325 (1663-1728), S. 7, 10ff., Melville, Herman - The Sea Wolf, S. 207, - The Armies of the Night, S. 18, 22ff., 28[ (1819-91),5.3,74,86, 214 5.326,333 - Bonifacius. An Essay 99, 119,122, 124, 132f., - White Fang, 5. 214 - Barbary Shore, S. 324 Upon the Good ... , 5. 28 136 ff., 14Of., 283, 320, Longfellow, Henry Wads- - The Deer Park, S. 324 - Magnalia Christi Ameri- 367,403 worth (1807-82), S. 47, - The Executioner's Song, cana, S. 7, 10,24 - »Bartleby the Scrivener«, 65, 94 ff., 158, 390, 392, S. 326 Mather, Increase S.124 497 - The Naked and the (1639-1723), S. 7 - Billy Budd, S. 139 - , S. 96 Dead, S. 324, 335 - Ichabod, S. 7 - The Confidence-Man: - »The Fire of Driftwood«, - »The White Negro«, Mathews, John Joseph His Masquerade, S. 139 S. 96 5.324 (1894-1979), 5. 398f., - Moby-Dick, S. 119, 137 - »The Jewish Cemetery at - Why Are We in Vietnam 403,407 - Omoo, S. 136 Newporr«, 5. 96 ?, 5. 325, 335 - Sundown, S. 398 f., 407 - Pierre; or, the Ambigui- - , S. 65 Malamud, Bernard - Talking to the Moon, ties, S. 139 - "Mezzo Cammin«, 5. 96, (1914-86), S. 320ff., S.399 - Typee, S. 119, 136 - "«, S. 96 446f.,448 Matisse, Henri Mendez M., Miguel - The Song of , - The Assistant, S. 321, (1869-1954), S. 228, (*1930), 5. 462f. S. 94, 390 446 229,231,234,237 Merwin, William S. Lord Kames (eigtl. Henry - Dubin's Lives, S. 322 Matthiessen, F[rancis] (*1927), S. 314 Horne) (1696-1782), - The Fixer, S. 321 O[tto] (1902-50), S. 85, Michaels, Walter Benn (?), S.492 - God 's Grace, 5. 322, 509 5.362 Lorde, Audre (1934-92), 447 Maupin, Armistad (*1944), Mill, John 5tuart 5.366,538 - The Magie Barrel, S. 446 S.366 (1806-73), S. 106 582 Personen- und Werk register

Miller, Arthur ("1915), - »The Buffalo«, S. 246 - Turning Japanese: The New Masses (Zeit- S. 299, 302ff., 341, 344, - »The Fish«, S. 246 Memoirs of a Sansei, schrift), S. 429 452 - »The Paper Nautilus«, S.482 Newton, Huey (1942-90), - After the Fall, S. 305 S.246 Murfree, Mary Noailles S.432 - All My Sons, S. 303, 305 - Selected Poems, S. 244 [Pseud. Charles Egbert Nichols, John (*1940), - Broken Glass, S. 305, Moore, Thomas Craddock] (1850-1922), S.372 452 (1779-1852), S. 72 S. 165, 169 - The Milagro Beanfield - The Crueible, S. 303 ff. Mora, Pat (*1942), S. 465 - In the Tennessee Moun- War, S. 372 - Death of a Salesman, Moraga, Cherrie ("1952), tains, S. 169 Nietzsche, Friedrich S. 302f., 305, 344 S.470 - "The Romance of Sun- (1844-1900), S. 104, - Ineident at Vichy, S. 305, Morales, Alejandro rise Rock«, S. 165 214, 285f., 302, 328 452 ("1944), S. 462 Murray, Judith Sargent Nixon, Richard [Milhous] - The Last Yankee, S. 305 - The Rag Doll Plagues, [Stevens] (1751-1820), (1913-94), S. 327 - The Price, S. 305, 452 S.462 S. 38, 72 Norman, Marsha ("1947), Miller, Henry (1891-1980), More, Sir Thomas (Thomas - The Gleaner, S. 38, 72 S.373 S.526 Morus) (ca. 1477-1535), - "On the Equality of the - 'night Mother, S. 373 Miller, J. Hillis (*1928), S. 31, 370 Sexes«, S. 38 Norris, Frank [eig. Benja- S.515f. - Utopia, S. 370 Musil, Robert min Franklin Norris] Miller, Perry [Gilbert Eddy] Mori, Toshio (1910-80), (1880-1942), S. 221 (1870-1902), S. 179, (1905-63), S. 509 S.476 206f., 209f., 212ff. Millet, Kate (eig. Katherine Morrison, Toni, S. 381, N - McTeague,S.207,212 Murray) (*1934), 383,385 - Moran of the Lady Letty: S.526f. - Beloved, S. 381 Nabokov, Vladimir A Story of Adventure off Milton, John (1608-74), - Jazz, S. 381, 439 (1899-1977), S. 333 ff., the Coast, S.48,418 - Love,S.385 340, 350, 354 212 - Paradise Lost, S. 48 - Paradise, S. 381, 439 - Ada or Ardor: A Family - The Octopus, S. 206, Mirikitani, Janice ("1942), Morrison, Toni ("1931), Chronicle, S. 335, 340 213 S.484 S. 372, 421 f., 434, 438 f. - Bend Sinister, S. 334 - The Pit, S. 206, 213 - Awake in the River, - Beloved, S. 438 f. - Invitation to a Behea- - The Responsibilities of S.484 - Song of Solomon, S. 438 ding, S. 334 the Critic, S. 210 MitchelI, Isaac (ca. Morton, Sarah Wentworth - Lectures on Literature, - Vandover and the Brute, 1759-1812), S. 61 (1759-1846), S. 27, 56, S.335 S. 207, 212 - The Asylum; or, Alonzo 70 - Look at the Harlequins!, - The Wolf, S. 213 and Melissa, S. 61 - "The African Chief«, S.335 - "Zola as Romantic Wri- MitchelI, Margaret S. 27, 70 - Lolita, S. 334 ter«, S. 209 (1900-49), S. 125 - Ouiibi; or, The Virtues of - Pale Fire, S. 335 North American Review, - Gone With the Wind, Nature. An Indian Tale - The Real Life of Seba- S. 43, 67, 471, 472 S.125 in Four Cantos, S. 70 stian Knight, S. 335 Norton, Charles Eliot Moers, Ellen (1928-1979), Morus, Thomas, s. More, Napoleon Bonaparte (1827-1908), S. 158 S.530 Sir Thomas (1769-1821), S. 50 Novalis (1772-1801), Momaday, N[avarre] Scott Modey, John Lothrop Nasnaga (eigd. Roger Rus- S. 106 (*1934), S. 388, 400, (1814-77), S. 116 seil) (*1941), S. 401 Nye, Naomi Shihab 402f., 405, 408, 41H., Mourning Dove (eig. Hum- - Indians' Summer, S. 401 ("1952), S. 386 414 ishu-ma I Christine National Anti-Slavery Stan- - 19 Varieties of Gazelle: - The Ancient Child, Quintasket, Colville) dard (Zeitschrift), S. 80 Poems of the Middle S.403 (1888-1936), S. 398, Naylor, Gloria ("1950), East, S. 386 - Hause Made of Dawn, 400 S.372,428 S. 400, 402 f. - Cogewa, the Half-Blood, Neal, John (1793-1876), 0 - The Way to Rainy S. 398 S. 44, 46,74, 82f. Mountain, S. 400 - Coyote Stories, S. 387 - Brother Jonathan, Oates, Joyce Carol Monk, Maria (ca. Mowatt, Anna Cora S.82f. (*1938), S. 330, 332f. 1817-50), S. 121 (1819-70), S. 149, 151 - "David Whicher«, S. 74 - Bellef/eur, S. 333 - Awful Disclasures, S. 121 - Fashion; or, Life in New - "Otter-Bag«, S. 74 - A Bloodsmoor Romance, Monroe, Harriet York, S. 149, 151 - Rache! Dyer, S. 83 S.333 (1860-1936), S. 393 Muir, John (1838-1914), - Seventy-Six (2 Bände), - The Edge of Impossibi- - Poetry (Zeitschrift), S.399 S. 83 lity: Tragic Forms in S.393 Mukherjee, Bharati Neal, Larry (1937-81), Literature, S. 332 Monroe, James (*1940), S. 483 S.432f. - Expensive People, S. 333 (1758-1831), S. 39 Mumford, Lewis - Black Fire (mit Amiri - A Garden of Earthly Monthly Anthology and (1895-1990), S. 229, Baraka), S. 432 De!ights, S. 333 Boston Review, S. 46 503 Neihardt, John G. - Marya: A Life, S. 333 Montoya, Jose (*1938), Mura, David (*1952), (1881-1973), S. 397 - Solstice, S. 333 S.455,465 S. 482, 484 - Black Elk Speaks, S. 397 - them, S. 333 - "El Louie«, S. 455 - After We Lost Our Way, Nestroy, Johann (1801-62), - With Shuddering Fall, Moore, Marianne [Craig] 484 S.297 S. 332 (1887-1972), S. 223, - The Colors of Desire, - Einen Jux will er sich Occom, Samson (1723-92), 230, 244, 246 ff. S.484 machen, S. 297 S. 29f., 389 Personen- und Werk register 583

- A Sermon Preached at Oskison, John Milton Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer - »The Tell-Tale Heart«, the Execution of Moses (1874-1947), S. 398 (1804--94), S. 101 S.112 Paul, an Indian, S. 389 - Black Jack Davy, S. 398 Peirce, Charles Sanders - »William Wilson«, - Short Narrative of My - Brothers Three, S. 398 (1839-1914), S. 362, S.l12 Life, S. 29 - Wild Harvest, S. 398 513 Pokagon, Simon O'Connor, Flannery O'Sullivan, John Louis Percy, Walker (1916-90), (1830-99), S. 392f. (1925-64), S. 323, 369 (1813-95), S. 88 S.369f. - Queen of the Woods, - "A Good Man is Hard to Owens, Louis (*1948), - Love in the Ruins, S. 370 S.392f. Find«, S. 323 S. 408, 410, 414 - The Moviegoer, S. 369 Poole, Ernest (1880-1950), - The Violent Bear It - Dark River, S. 408 - The Thanatos Syndrome, S. 206, 224 Away, S. 323 - The Sharpest Sight, S.370 - The Harbor, S. 206, 224 Odets, Clifford (1906-63), S.408 Phelps, Elizabeth [Stuart] Pope, Alexander S. 294, 452 - Wolfsong, S. 408 (1844--1911), S. 159, (1688-1744), S. 335, - Awake and Singt, S. 452 Ozick, Cynthia (*1928), 163,171,532 418 - Waiting for Lefty, S. 294 S. 450 f., 453 - The Gates Ajar, S. 159 - The Essay on Man, O'Hara, Frank (1926-66), - The Messiah of Stock- - The Silent Partner, S. 163 S.335 S.314f. holm, S. 450 - The Story of Avis, S. 532 Porter, Katherine Anne - »Personism: A Mani- - The Puttermesser Papers, Phillips, David Graham (1890-1980), S. 323 festo«, S. 315 S.450 (1867-1911), S. 206 - »Flowering Judas«, - »Why I Am not A Pa in- - The Shawl, S. 451 - Susan Lenox: Her Fall S.323 ter«, S. 315 and Rise, S. 206 - Pale Horse, Pale Rider, Okada,John (1923-71), P Picasso, Pa bio S.323 S.476 (1881-1973), S. 221, - The Ship of Fools, S. 323 - No-No Boy, S. 476 Page, Thomas Nelson 225, 228f., 231, 234, Porter, William Sydney Olmsted, Frederick Law (1853-1922), S. 167, 237,252 [Pseud. O. Henry] (1822-1903), S. 118 422 - Demoiselles, S. 252 (1662-1910), S. 202 - The Cotton Kingdom, - In OIe Virginia, S. 167 Piercy, Marge (*1936), The Portico (1816-18) S. 118 - »Marse Chan«, S. 167 S.375 (Zeitschrift), S. 46 Olsen, Tillie Lerner Paine, Thomas - Woman on the Edge of Posey, Alexander (*1913), S. 248, 280, (1737-1809), S. 26, 32, Times, S. 375 (1873-1908), S. 397, 533 36,49,65 Pineda, Cecile (*1942), 402 - Silenees, S. 533 - The Age of Reason, S.472 Post!, Karl Anton (Pseud. - Yonnondio, S. 280 S.65 Pinsky, Robert Neal Charles Sealsfield) Olson, Charles (1910-70), - Common Sense, S. 36 (*1940), S. 366 (1793-1864), S. 66 S. 314, 328, 366 - »Occasional Letter on Pinter, Harold (*1930), - The Uni ted States of - In Cold Hell, in Thicket, the Female Sex«, S. 26 S.343 North America as They S.314 Parkman, Francis Pirandello, Luigi Are, S. 66 - Maximus Poems, S. 314 (1823-93), S. 33, 116, (1867-1936), S. 313 Pound, Ezra [Weston Loo- - »Projective Verse«, 117 Plath, Sylvia (1932-63), mis] (1885-1972), S.314 - History of the Conspi- S.315-318 S. 219, 221ff., 230-33, O'Neill, Eugene [Glad- racy of Pontiac, S. 117 - Ariel, S. 317 237ff., 241f., 244--50, stone] (1888-1953), - The Oregon Trail, - The Bell Jar, S. 317 257,264,277,282,314, S. 202, 284--89, 292, S. 117, 118 - The Colossus, S. 317 366,403,452,505,510 299-303, 305, 346 Parrington, Vernon L[ouis] - »Daddy«, S. 317 - Cantos, S. 238-41,314 - Desire Under the Elms, (1871-1929), S. 508 - »Lady Lazarus«, - "'magist Manifesto«, S.289 Partisan Review (Zeit- S.317ff. S.238 - The Emperor Jones, schrift), S. 507 Poe, Edgar Allan - »In aStation of the S.288 Parton, Sara Payson Willis (1809-49), S. 47, 61, Metro«, S. 239 - The Great God Brown, (Pseud. Fanny Fern) 73 ff., 83, 95, 99, 110ff., - Pisan Cantos, S. 282 S.289 (1811-72), S. 131,503 118, 122, 124, 133, Prescott, William Hickling - The Ieeman Cometh, - Ruth Hall, S. 131 HOf., 311, 335, 351, (1796-1859), S. 75 f., S.299f. Pattee, Fred Lewis 376,437, 488, 496f. 116,118 - Long Day's Journey into (1863-1950), S. 500, - »Annabel Lee«, S. 335 - History of the Conquest Night, S. 299 ff. 508 - Eureka, S. 114 of Mexico (3 Bde), - Mourning Becomes Elec- Paulding, James Kirke - »The Fall of the House S.116 tra, S. 289 (1778-1860), S. 70f., of Usher«, S. 114,351 - History of the Conquest - Strange Interlude, S. 289 150 - »Ligeia«, S. 114 of Peru (2 Bde), S. 116f. Ornitz, Samuel - The Backwoodsman, - »The Masque of the Red Purchas, Samuel (1890-1957), S. 443, S. 70 Death«, S. 114 (1575?-1826), S. 9 445 - The Lay of the Scottish - »The Murders in the Rue Pynchon, Thomas (*1937), - Haunch Paunch and Fiddle, S. 70 Morgue«, S. 113 S.334,350,354--59, Jowl, S. 443, 445 - The Lion of the West, - The Narrative of Arthur 364 Ortiz, Simon J. (*1941), S. 71, 150 Gordon Pym, S. 114 - The Crying of Lot 49, S. 400, 413 f. Payne, John Howard - »The Poetic Principle«, S. 356f., 364 Osgood, Frances Sargent (1791-1852), S. 71 S. 112, 115 - »Entropy«, S. 357 [Locke] (1811-50), - Brutus; or, The Fall of - »The Purloined Letter«, - Gravity's Rainbow, S. 140 Tarquin, S. 71 S.113 S. 355 f., 359 584 Personen- und Werk register

- Mason & Dixon, Rice, T[homas] D[art- - Ether and Me, S. 398 - The New American Stu- S.357f. mouth] (1808-60), - Letters of a Self-Made dies, S. 520 - Siow Learner, S. 355, S. 151 Diplomat to His Presi- Rowlandson, Mary [White] 357 Rich, Adrienne [Cecile] dent, S. 398 (ca.1635-<:a. 1678), - v., S. 355 f. ("1931), S. 366, 530 - There's Not a Bathing S. 15,20,93 - Vineland, S. 356f. - Of Woman Born: Suit in Russia, S. 398 - The Sovereignty & Motherhood as Expe- Roiphe, Anne ("1935), Goodness of God, Toge- rience and Institution, S.451 ther with the Faithfulness Q S.530 - 1185 Park Avenue. A of His Promises Dis- Richards, I[vor] A[rm- Memoir, S. 451 played, S. 15 Quintana, Miguel de strong] (1893-1979), Romero, Orlando ("1945), Rowson, Susanna [Has- (1671-1748), S. 470 S. 504, 510 S.463 weil] (ca. 1762-1824), Quintasket, Christine, s. Richardson, Samuel Romo, Iro ("1961), S. 472 S. 48, 53, 56 ff. Mourning Dove (1689-1761), S. 25, 56f., - EI PuentefThe Bridge, - Charlotte Temple, 173 S.472 S.56f. R - Clarissa; or, The History Roosevelt, Theodore - Miscellaneous Poems, of a Young Lady, S. 56 (1858-1919), S. 204, S.48 Rabe, David ("1940), - Pamela, or Virtue Rewar- 205 - Slaves in Aigiers; or, A S.345 ded, S. 25, 56 Rorry, Richard ("1931), Struggle for Freedom, - The Basic Training of - Sir Charles Grandison, S. 362, 518 S.53 Pavlo Hummel, S. 345 S.56 Rose, Wendy ("1948), - Trials of the Human - Hurlyburly, S. 345 Ridge, John Rollin (Pseud. S. 405, 412 f. Heart, S. 58 - Sticks and Bones, S. 345 Yellow Bird) (1827-67), Rosenberg, Julius & Ethel, Rubin, Gayle (?), S. 541 - Streamers, S. 345 S.392,397 S. 359, 374 Rush, Rebecca (1779-?), Radin, Paul (1883-1959), - The Life And Adventures Rosenfeld, Isaac (1918-56), S. 83 S.396f. of J oaquin Murieta, the S. 445, 447 - Kelroy, S. 83 - Crashing Thunder: The Celebrated California - Passage from Home, Russ, Joanna ("1937), Autobiography of an Bandit, S. 392 S.445 S.375 American Indian, Riggs, (Rolla) Lynn Roth, Henry (1906-95), - The Female Man, S. 375 S. 396 f. (1899-1954), S. 398 S. 277, 444f., 447 Rahv, Philip (1908-73), - Green Grow the Lilacs, - CallIt Sieep, S. 277, S S.507 S.398 444f. Raleigh, Sir Walter (ca. - Oklahoma!, S. 387 - Mercy of a Rude Stream, Sade, Marquis de 1554-1618), S. 9 Riis, Jacob August S.444f. (1740-1814), S. 338 Ransom, John Crowe (1849-1914), S. 205 Roth, Philip ("1933), Said, Edward (1935-2003), (1888-1974), S. 323, - How the Other Half S. 320, 322, 326, 448 f., S.385f. 509f. Lives, S. 205 453 - Orientalism, S. 385 f. Reed, Ishmael [Scott] Rimbaud, Arthur , S. 237, - American Pastoral, Saldfvar, Jose David (?), ("1938), S. 228, 436f. 253 S.449 S.471 - Flight to Canada, Rivera, Tomas (1935-84), - The Anatomy Lesson, - Border Matters: Remap- S.436f. S.459f. S.449 ping American Cultural - Mumbo Jumbo, S. 436 - ... y no se 10 traga la - The Counterlife, S. 449 Studies, S. 471 Reed, John (1887-1920), tierra / ... and the Earth - The Dying Animal, Salinas, Raul ("1934), S.507 Did Not Part, S. 459f. S.449 S.456 Rexroth, Kenneth Robinson, Edwin Arlington - The Ghost Writer, Salinger, Jerome David (1905-82), S. 310 (1869-1935), S. 202, S.449f. ("1919), S. 318 - The Heart's Garden, The 245 - Goodbye, Columbus, - The Catcher in the Rye, Garden's Heart, S. 310 Rodriguez, Luis J. ("1954), S.322,448 S.318 - In Defence of the Earth, S.470f. - The Human Stain, Sanchez, Ricardo S.310 - Always Running. La S.380,449 (1941-95), S. 457 - »Thou Shalt Not Kill«, Vida Loca. Gang Days in - I Married a Communist, - I Cry and Sing My Libe- S.310 L.A., S. 470f. S.449 ration, S. 457 Reznikoff, Charles Rodriguez, Richard - Operation Shylock, Sanchez, Sonia ("1934), (1894-1976), S. 366, ("1944), S. 468f. S.449 S.372 444,452 - Brown. The Last Disco- - Portnoy 's Complaint, Sand, George (1804-76), - Holocaust, S. 452 very of America, S. 469 S.322 S.92 - Testimony, S. 452 - Days of Obligation, - The Prague Orgy, Sandburg, Charles Rice, Anne ("1941), S. 376 S.469 S. 448 f. (1878-1967), S. 254 - The Witching Hour, - Hunger of Memory, - Sabbath's Theater, S. 449 Santayana, George S.376 S. 468 f. - »Writing American Fic- (1863-1952), S. 203, Rice, Eimer (eig. Eimer Rei- Rogers, Robert (1731-95), tion«, S. 326 223,224,316 zenstein) (1892-1967), S.51 Rothenberg, Jerome Saroyan, William S. 286, 289 ff., 451 - Ponteach; or, The Sava- ("1931), S. 368, 453 (1908-91), S. 296 - The Adding Machine, ges of America, S. 51 - Shaking the Pumpkin, - The Time of Your Life, S.289f. Rogers, Will[iam] S.368 S.296 - On Trial, S. 289 (1879-1935), S. 397f., Rowe, John Carlos Sartre, Jean-Paul - Street Scene, S. 290, 451 402 ("1945), S. 520 (1905-80), S. 305 Personen- und Werk register 585

Saussure, Ferdinand de - Othello, S. 51 Sill iman, Ron (*1946), Stallings, Laurence (1857-1913), S. 513f. - The Tempest, S. 243 S. 366, 368 (1894-1968), S. 292 Schechner, Richard - Timon of Athens, S. 335 - »Disappearance of the Standing Bear, Luther (*1934), S. 349 Shange, Ntozake (*1948), Word, Appearance of (1868-1939), S. 395 Schumann, Peter (*1934), S. 348 f. World«, S. 366 - Land of the Spotted S. 348 f. - For Colored Girls Who Simms, William Gilmore Eagle, S. 395 Schwartz, Delmore Have Considered Suicidel (1806-70), S. 125,390 - My People the Sioux, (1913-66), S. 316, 445, When the Rainbow is - The Yemassee, S. 125 S.395 452 Enuf, S. 348 f. Sinclair, Upton [Beall] Stanton, Elizabeth Cady - "In Dreams Begin Shapiro, Karl (1913-2000), (1878-1968), S. 206, (1815-1902), S. 522f. Responsibilities«, S. 445 S.452f. 217,507 Stead, William Thomas Scott, Bonnie Kirne Shaw, George Bernard - The Jungle, S. 206 (1849-1912), S. 191 (*1944), S. 542 (1856-1950), S. 287, Singer, Isaac Bashevis - If Christ Came to Chi- - The Gender of Moder- 302f. (1904-91), S. 446 cago, S. 191 nism, S. 542 Sheeler, CharIes - Enemies. A Love Story, Stedman, Edmund Clarence Scott, Sir Walter (1883-1965), S. 229, S.446 (1833-1908), S. 497 (1771-1832), S. 63, 70, 248 - »Gimpel the Fool«, Steffens, Uoseph] Lincoln 77f., 82, 92, 97, 125, Sheldon, Alice (Pseud. S.446 (1866-1936), S. 205 158,186,257,496 James Tiptree, Jr.) Smith, Dave (*1942), - The Shame of the Cities, - Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty (1915?-87), S. 536 S.366 S.205 Years Since, S. 77 - »Everything but the Smith, Elihu Hubbard Stein, Gertrude Scribner's Monthly (später: Name is me«, S. 536 (1771-98), S. 69 (1874-1946), S. 223, The Century), S. 157 Sheldon, CharIes - American Poems, S. 69 225 ff., 229-36, 244 f., Sealsfield, CharIes, s. Postl, (1857-1946), S. 191 Smith, Elizabeth Oakes 248f., 253, 262f., 266, Karl Anton - In His Steps, S. 191 (1806-93), S. 140 277,282,366 Sedgwick, Catharine Maria Shepard, Sam (*1943), Smith,John (1580-1631), - The Making of Ameri- (1789-1867), S. 46f., 58, S. 341, 345 f. S.8f. cans, S. 234 ff. 64,69, 81ff., 126f. - Buried Child, S. 346 Smith, Lee (*1944), - »Melanctha«, S. 225 ff. - »Cacoethes Scribendi«, - Curse of the Starving S.371 - Poetry and Grammar, S.47 Class, S. 346 - Oral History, S. 371 S.237 - Clarence; or, A Tale of - Fool for Love, S. 346 Smith, Martin Cruz - Tender Buttons, S. 233 f., Our Own Times, S. 83 - A Lie of the Mind, (*1942), S. 411 236ff. - Hope Leslie; or; Early S.346f. - Gorky Park, S. 411 - Three Lives, S. 225, 234, Times in the Massach- - Paris, Texas, S. 347 Smith, Richard Penn 277 usetts, S. 64, 81f., 126 - Simpatico, S. 347 (1779-1854), S. 71 Steinbeck, John [Ernst] - The Linwoods; or, .Sixty - True West, S. 346 - William Penn; 07; The (1902-68), S. 282, 408 Years Since« in America, - Zabriskie Point, S. 346 Elm Tree, S. 71 Stella, Joseph (?), S. 258, S. 82, 127 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Smollett, Tobias George 262 - A New England Tale, (1751-1816), S. 53 (1721-71), S. 59f. - The Voice of the City of S.58 - A School for Scandal, Snodgrass, W.D. (*1926), New York Interpreted, - The Poor Rich Man and S.53 S.315f. S.258 the Rich Poor Man, S. 82 Sherwood, Robert [Emmet] - Heart's Needle, 5.316 - The Bridge, S. 258 - Redwood, S. 82 f. (1896-1955), S. 295 Snyder, Gary Sherman Sterne, Laurence Selby, Hubert (1928-2004), - Abe Lincoln in Illinois, (*1930), S. 309ff., 312 (1713-68), S. 332 S.325 S.295 - Myths & Texts, S. 310 - Tristram Shandy, S. 332 - Last Exit to Brooklyn, - Idiot's Delight, S. 295 - Riprap, S. 310f. Stevens, Wallace S.325 Showalter, Elaine (*1941), - Turtle Island, S. 311 (1879-1955), S. 223, Sewall, Samuel S. 527f., 530, 535, 537 Sone, Monica (*1919), 244f., 247ff., 412 (1652-1730), S. 20, 28 Sienkiewicz, Henryk S.476 - »The Idea of Order at - Diary, S. 28 (1846-1916),S.204 Song, Cathy (*1955), Key West«, S. 247 Sexton, Anne (1928-74), - Quo Vadis?, S. 204 S.485 - »The Man With the Blue S.315ff. Sigourney, Lydia Huntley Sontag, Susan ('1933), Guitar«, S. 247 - Live or Die, S. 317 (1791-1865), S. 70, 140, S.512 - »Not Ideas About the - To Bedlam and Part Way 146 Soto, Gary (*1952), Thing But the Thing Back, S. 317 - "To a Shred of Linen«, S.468f. Itself«, S. 247 Shaffer, Peter Levin S. 70 - The Elements of San - »Nuances of a Theme by (*1926), S. 117 Silko, Leslie Marmon Joaquin, S. 468 Williams«, S. 247 - The Royal Hunt of the (*1948), S. 400f., Southworth, E[mma] - »Reality and the Imagi- Sun, S. 117 403-08,411,414 D[orothy] E[liza] nation«, S. 247 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ash- - Almanac of the Dead, N[evitte] (1819-99), Stieglitz, Alfred ley Cooper, 3rd Earl of S. 381, 404 S. 126, 129 (1864-1946), S. 228, (1671-1713), S. 55 - Ceremony, S. 403 - The Hidden Hand, 229,248 Shakespeare, William - Gardens in the Dunes, S.129 Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew (1564-1616), S. 51, 111, S.381,404 Spacks, Patricia Meyer, [Barstow] (1823-1902), 13~ 141, 148,241, 303, - Story teller, S. 400 S.530 S. 58,132, 162f., 198 334f. - "YellowWoman«, Spivak, Gayatri (*1942), - The Morgesons, S. 58, - Hamlet, S. 241, 334 S.404 S.544 132, 162 586 Personen- und Werk register

Stone, John Augustus Tate, Allen (1899-1979), Trumbull, John (Maler) - Nigger Heaven, S. 253, (1800-34), S. 71, 94, S. 283, 316, 323, 503, (1756-1843), S. 67 425 150 510 Tuckerman, Frederick God- Vassa, Gustavus, s. - Metamora; or, The Last Taylor, Edward (ca. dard (1821-1873), Equiano, Olaudah of the Wampanoags, 1644-1729), S. 17ff. S. 139,412 Veblen, Thorstein S. 71, 91, 150 - »Huswifery«, S. 18 Turgenev, Ivan (1818-93), (1857-1929), S. 194 Stowe, Harriet [Elizabeth] - Occasional Poems, S. 17, S. 175, 177 - The Theory of the Lei- Beecher (1811-96), 18 Twain, Mark, s. Clemens, sure Class, S. 194 S. 58, 90, 96, 125, - Preparatory Meditations, Samuel Langhorne Vergil (eigtl. Publius Vergi- 129ff., 151, 169,421 f., S. 17, 18 Tyler, Anne (*1941), S. 371 lius Maro) (70-19 v. 437 - First Series: »I am the - Breathing Lessons, Chr.), S. 48 - The Minister's Wooing, Living Bread«, S. 18 S.371 - Aeneis, S. 48 S.169 - Metrical History of Chri- - Dinner at the Homesick Very, Jones (1813-80), - Oldtown Folks, S. 169 stianity, S. 17 Restaurant, S. 371 S.139 - The Pearl of Orr's Tenney, Tabitha [Gi Iman] - Tending to Virginia, Victor, Metta Victoria Island, S. 169 (1762-1837), S. 59 S.371 (1831-86), S. 127 - Poganuc People, S. 169 - Female Quixotism, S. 59 Tyler, Royall (1757-1826), - The Senator's San, S. 127 - Uncle Tom's Cabin, Tennyson, Alfred S. 41, 53 f., 59, 71, 149 Vidal, Gore (*1925), S. 363 S. 58, 90, 96, 129 ff., (1809-92), S. 92 - The Aigerine Captive, - Burr, S. 363 151, 169,421 f., 437 Terry, Megan (*1932), S. 54, 59 - Empire, S. 363 Strindberg, August S.349 - The Contrast, S. 41, 53, - Lincoln, S. 363 (1849-1912), S. 282 - Viet Rock, S. 349 59,71, 149 Villagra, Gaspar Perez de Styron, William [Clark] Thomas, Dylan Marlais (ca. 1555--ca. 1620), S. 8 (*1925), S. 372, 437 (1914-53), S. 310 - Historia de la Nueva U - The Confessions of Nat Thackeray, William Make- Mexico, S. 8 Turner, S. 372, 437 peace (1811-63), S. 173 Villanueva, Alma Luz Ulibarrf, Sabine R. - Sophie's Choice, S. 372 Thoreau, Henry David (*1944), S. 365, 465f. (1919-2003), S. 463f. Sue, Eugene (1804-57), (1817-62), S. 66, 86, 99, - The Ultraviolet Sky, - Tierra Amarilla, S. 463 S. 92, 149 102,105, 107ff., 139, S.365,465 Updike, John [Hoyer] Sukenick, Ronald (*1932), 143,311,361,399,498 Villanueva, Tino (*1941), (*1932), S. 33Of., 376, S. 334, 353 f. - •• Civil Disobedience«, S.457 532 - The Death of the Novel S. 107, 108 - Shaking Off the Dark, - The Centaur, S. 331 And Other Stories, - Journal (14 Bde), S. 107 S.457 - Rabbit at Rest, S. 331 S.353 - Waiden, S. 66, 107, 108 Villarreal, Jose A. (*1924), - Rabbit is Rich, S. 331 - The Endless Short Story, - A Week on the Concord S. 454, 459, 462 - Rabbit Redux, S. 331 5.353 and Merrimack Rivers, - The Fifth Horseman, S. 108, 118 - Rabbit, Run, S. 331, 532 - IN FORM, S. 353 - Roger's Version, S. 331 S.462 - Lang Talking Bad Con- Thorpe, T[homas] B[angs] - Pocho, S. 454, 459, 462 - The Witches of Eastwick, ditions Blues, S. 353 (1815-78),5. 124 Villaseiior, Victor (*1940), 5.331,376 - OUT, 5. 353 - »The Big Bear of Arkan- S.473 Urrea, Luis Alberto - UP, S. 353 sas«, S. 124 - Rain of Gold, S. 473 (*1955), S. 472 Thurman, Wallace Viramontes, Helena M. Swift, Jonathan - In Search of Snow, (1667-1745), S. 335 (1902-34),S.426,428 (*1954), S. 467f. S.472 Swigart, Rob (*1941), Tiptree, James, Jr., s. 5hel- Vizenor, Gerald (*1934), - Nobody's San. Notes S.378 don, Alice S. 2, 369, 400 ff., 409 f., from an American - Portal: A Database Tocqueville, Alexis, Comte 413 Life. S. 472 Retrieval, S. 378 de (1805-59), 5. 88 - Chancers, S. 410 - Six Kinds of Sky, 5. 472 The Token (Zeitschrift), - Darkness in Saint Louis T S. 74 Bearheart, S. 410 Tolstoi, Leo (1828-1910), V - Earthdivers, S. 410 Tan, Amy (*1952), S. 365, S. 178, 190, 191 - Griever, S. 369, 410 48lf. - »Was tun«, S. 178 Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa - Harold of Orange, - Bonesetter's Daughter, Toomer, Jean (1894-1967), (*1969), S. 473 5.410 5.482 S. 255 ff. 257, 427 - The Dirty Girls Sodal - The Heirs of Columbus, - The Hundred Secret Sen- - »Blood-Burning Moon«, Club, 5. 473 5.369,410 ses, S. 482 S. 255, 427 Valdez, Luis M. (*1940), - Interior Landscapes, - The Joy Luck Club, - Cane, S. 244ff., 427 S. 328, 348, 457 f. S.400 S.365,481 Tourgee, Albion W[inegar] - Las dos caras dei patron- - The of Liberty, - The Kitchen God 's Wife, (1838-1905),~ 161 dto (The Two Faces of S.410 S.481 - A Fool's Errand, S. 161 the Boss), S. 348, 458 - Wordarrows, S. 410 Tapahonso, Luci (?), Toynbee, Arnold - Zoot Suit, S. 458 Voltaire (eigtl. Francois- S.414 (1889-1975), S. 328 Van Itallie, Jean-Claude, Marie Arouet) Tarbell, Ida M[inerva] Trumbull, John (*1936), S. 349 (1694-1778), S. 74 (1857-1944), S. 205 (1750-1831), S. 48f. - The Serpent, S. 349 Vonnegut, Kurt (*1922), - The History of the Stan- - M'Fingal, S. 49 Van Vechten, Carl S. 335 ff., 375 dard Oil Company, - »Prospect of the Future (1880-1964), S. 253, - Slaughterhouse-Five, S. 205 f. Glory of America«, 5. 48 425 5.335 f. Personen- und Werk register 587

W - Uncommon Women and - »On Being Brought from - Our Town, S. 296 f. Otbers, S. 373 Africa to America«, - Tbe Skin of Our Teetb, Wagamese, Richard Webb, Frank J. (?), S. 30, 418 S.296 (*1955), S. 411 S.421 - »On Imagination«, Willard, Emma [Hart] - Keeper'n Me, S. 411 - Tbe Garies and Tbeir S.419 (1787-1870), S. 75 Waldrop, Rosmarie Friends, S. 421 - Poems on Various Sub- - History of tbe United (*1935), S. 368 Weber, Max, S. 329 jects, Religious and States, S. 75 Walker, Alice (*1944), Webster, Daniel Moral, S. 418 Williams, Roger (ca. S.372,415,421,428, (1782-1852), S. 43 - »To the University of 1603-83), S. 13 f. 432,438 Webster, Noah Cambridge, in New-Eng- - The Bloudy Tenent of - The Color Purpie, (1758-1843), S. 40f., land«, S. 30, 418 Persecution, for Cause of S.372,428 45 Whitcher, Frances Miriam Conscience, Discussed, - »Everyday Use«, S. 438 - An American Dictionary (1814-52), S. 126 S.14 - In Love and Trouble, of tbe English Language - The Widow Bedott - The Bloudy Tenent yet S.438 (2 Bde.), S. 41 Papers, S. 126 More Bloudy, S. 14 - Meridian, S. 428 - Dissertations on the Eng- Whitman, Walt[er] - A Key into the Language - Possessing the Secret of lish Language, S. 40 (1819-92), S. 35, 65, 86, of America, S. 13 f. Joy, S. 372 - Spelling Book, S. 40 95, 122, 139, 140ff., Williams, Sherley Anne Walker, Margaret Weems, Mason Locke 144,160,223,237,240, (1944-99), S. 437 (1915-98), S. 372, 431, (1759-1825), S. 75 247,250,254,278,280, - Dessa Rose, S. 437 435 - History of the Life, 309ff., 314, 318, 361, - »Meditations on - For My People, S. 431 Death, Virtues, and 488,498 History«, S. 437 - Jubilee, S. 372, 435 Exploits of George - Democratic Vistas, Williams, Tennessee (eigtl. Walters, Anna Lee ('1946), Washington, S. 75 S. 160 Thomas Lanier Williams) 5.410 Welch, lames (1940-2003), - Leaves of Grass, S. 35, (1911-83), S. 300ff., - Ghost Singer, S. 410 S. 400 f., 404 f. 140ff.,223,240 341 Ward, Nathaniel (ca. - The Death of Jim Loney, - »Out of the Cradle End- - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 1578-1652), S. 25 S.405 lessly Rocking«, S. 142 5.301 - The Simple Cobbler of - Fools Crow, S. 405 - »Song of Myself«, S. 143 - Clothes for a Summer Aggawam, S. 25 - The Heartsong of Char- - »When Lilacs Last in the Hotel, S. 302 Ward, Theodore ging Elk, S. 405 Dooryard Bloom'd«, - The Glass Menagerie, (1902-83), S. 292 - The Indian Lawyer, S. 142 S. 300ff. Warner, Charles Dudley S.405 Whittier, lohn Greenleaf - A Streetcar Named (1829-1900), S. 161 - Winter in the Blood, (1807-92), S. 97, 142 Desire, S. 301 - The Gilded Age (zus. S.404 - Atlantic Monthly (Zeit- - Suddenly Last Summer, mit Mark Twain), S. 161 Wellek, Rene (1903-1995), schrift), S. 98 S.302 Warner, Susan Bogert 5.221,510 - Lays of My Home and - The Two-Character Play, (Pseud. Elizabeth Wethe- Welty, Eudora Other Poems, S. 98 S.302 rell) (1819-85), S. 129 (1909-2001), S. 369 - Leaves from Margaret Williams, William Carlos - The Wide, Wide World - Tbe Delta Wedding, Smith's Journal in the (1883-1963), S. 143, (3 Bde.), S. 129 S.369 Province of Massach- 244,248-51,314,366, Warren, Austin - The Demonstrators, usetts Bay, 1678-79, 393,507 (1899-1986), S. 221, S.369 S.98 - In the American Grain, 510 - The Optimist's Daughter, - Legends of New-England S.250f. Warren, Mercy Otis S.369 in Prose and Verse, S. 98 - Spring & All, S. 248-251 (1728-1814), S. 44, 51 West, Benjamin - Snow-Bound: A Winter - Paterson (5 Bde.), S. 247, - The Adulateur, S. 51 (1738-1820), S. 67 Idyl, S. 98 314 - The Group, S. 51 West, Dorothy Wideman, lohn Edgar Willis, N[athaniel] P[arker] - History of the Rise, Pro- (1907-1998), S. 428 ('1941), S. 372, 424 (1806-67), S. 140 gress, and Termination of West, Nathanael Wieners, lohn Wilson, August ('1945), the American Revolu- (1903-40), S. 277 (1934-2002), S. 314 S.372 tion, S. 44 Wetherell, Elizabeth, s. Wieseltier, Leon (*1952), - The Piano Lesson, Warren, Robert Penn Warner, Susan Bogert S.451 S.373 (1905-89), S. 221,323, Whalen, Philip - Kaddisb, S. 451 Wilson, Edmund 510 (1923-2002), S. 309 Wigglesworth, Michael (1895-1972), S. 503 - All the King's Men, Wharton, Edith (1631-1705), S. 16 Wilson, Harriet E.A. S. 323 (1862-1937), S. 196, - The Day of Doom, S. 17 (ca.1808-ca.1870), Washington, Booker T[alia- 199-201 Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900), S.120,421 ferro] (1856-1915), - Tbe Age of Innocence, S.286,293 - Our Nig; Or, Sketches S.205 S.201 Wilder, Thornton [Niven] from the Life of a Free - Up From Slavery, S. 205 - The Custom of the (1897-1975), S. 296 Black, S. 120 Washington, George Country, S. 200 - The Alcestiad, S. 298 Wilson, Lanford (*1937), (1732-99), S. 52 - The House of Mirth, - The Bridge of San Luis S.347f. Wasserstein, Wendy S.199 Rey, S. 298 - Tbe Hot I Baltimore, ('1950), S. 373f. Wheatley, Phillis (ca. - The Ides of March, S. 348 - The Heidi Chronicles, 1754-84), S. 30f., 415., S.298 - The Rimers of Eldritch, S. 373 f. 418f.,523 - The Matchmaker, S. 296 S.348 588 Personen- und Werk register

Wilson, Robert (*1944), - The Virginian, S. 204 Woolson, Constance Feni- Y S.349f. Wolfe, Thomas (1900-38), more (1840-94), S. 165, - the CIVIL warS, S. 350 S.282 169 Yamamoto, Hisaye - Einstein on the Beach, - Look Homeward, Angel, - »Peter the Parson«, (*1921), S. 476 S.350 S.282 S.165 Yeats, William Butler - The Life and Times of Wolfe, Tom (*1931), Wordsworth, William (1865-1939),5.237 Sigmund Freud, S. 350 5.326,363 (1770-1850), S. 66ff., Yellow Bird, s.Ridge, John Wimsatt, William K., Jr. - The Bonfire of the Vani- 100,106,315,496 Rollin (1907-75),5.510 ties, S. 363 f. - L yrical Ballads, Yezierska, Anzia Winslow, Edward - The Electric Kool-Aid 5.67 (1883-1970), (1595-1655),5. 10 Acid Test, 5. 326 - Prelude, 5. 315 S.442f. Winters, [Arthur] Yvor - »A Literary Manifesto Wright, Harold Bell - Bread Civers, S. 442 (1900-68), S. 503 for the New 50cial (1872-1944), S. 204 - Hungry Hearts, Winthrop, John Novel«, S. 363 - The Winning of Barbara 5.442 (1588-1649),5.3, 10, Wollstonecraft, Mary Worth, S. 204 Young Bear, Ray A. 12 (1759-99), Wright, Richard [Natha- (*1950), S. 400f., - A Modell of Christian 5.61 niel] (1908-60), S. 226, 414 Charity, 5. 3, 10, 12 Wong, Jade Snow (*1922), 229,233,278,421, Yutang, Lin (1895-1976), - Journal, S. 10, 12 5.476 429f.,475 5.476 Wirt, William Woodworth, Samuel - Black Boy, S. 430 (1772-1834),5.75 (1785-1842),5.77 - Lawd Today, S. 229, Z - Sketches of the Life and - The Champions of Free- 233,277,430 Character of Patrick dom, 5. 77 - Native Son, 5.277, 430, Zola, Emile (1840-1902), Henry, S. 75 Woolman, John (1720-72), 475 5.190 Wister, Owen (1860-1938), 5.28 f., 31 - Uncle Tom 's Children, Zukofsky, Louis (1904-78), 5.204 - Journal, 5. 28 S.430 5.366 589


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American Antiquarian Expanded Media Edition, Renate von Mangoldt, Ber- The Schomburg Center for Society, Worcester 131, Bonn 312 lin 314 Research in Black Cul- 132 0., 132 u. Free Library of Philadel- ReutersIBettmann, New ture, New York 425 U., American Jewish Commit- phia 146 York 481 4260.,426 U., 427 tee, New York 445 u. Harry Ransom Humanities Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek The Tate Gallery, London American Jewish Historical Research Center, Austin, 406 (Foto: Jerry Bauer), 239 Society, Waltham, Mass. TX 148, 149,285 U., 358 u. (Foto: Hans Gün- Ullstein Bilderdienst, Berlin 442 288 ter Contzen) 96,110,211,248,287, Ammann Verlag (Foto: Harvard Theatre Collec- Sphinx Verlag, Basel 309, 290, 295 0., 297 U., 300, Dorothy Alexander) 319 tion, Cambridge, MA 312 o. 302, 304, 324, 325, 327, Antonio & Cecilia Bur- 152 Stiftung Deutsche Kinema- 331,333 U., 337, 341, ciaga, Carmel Highlands, Hoffmann und Campe Ver- thek, Berlin 334, 336, 346 0., 360, 363 U., CA 471 lag, Hamburg (Foto: 342 3760., 376 U., 423, 425 Architect of the Capitol, Columbia Pictures Indu- Suhrkamp Verlag, Bildar- 0.,431,436,440,447, Washington DC 42 stries) 343 chiv 317,338 und 369 5120.,514 Archiv für Kunst und Isolde Ohlbaum, München (Foto: Jerry Bauer) University of Geschichte, Berlin 28, 315,364 The Baltimore Museum of Libraries, Special Collec- 78, 88 U., 95, 970., 136, Jean-Jaques Ruchti, Schö- Art 25 tions, Papers of Djuna 182, 185, 187,204,214, nenwerd, Schweiz The Beinecke Rare Book Barnes 274 216,220 (c VG-Bild 377 and Manuscript Library, UPIICorbis-Bettmann, New Kunst), 237, 240, 264, Jo Will, Bonn 410 Yale University, New York 201, 333 0.,432, 265 0, 267, 270, 420 Keystone Pressedienst, Haven 235,255,428 438,450, 458 0., 509, Artothek, Peissenberg 115 Hamburg 456 The Bettmann Archive, 526 u. (© VG-Bild Kunst), 313 Library Company of Phil- New York 105, 144, VAGA, New York 294 (© VG Bild-Kunst) adelphia 37 522 VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 225, Bavaria Bildagentur, Mün- Library of Congress, The Cleveland Museum of 252 chen 483 Washington DC 89, Art, Gift of Miss Amelia Wadsworth Atheneum, Bildarchiv Preußischer Kul- 419,443 o. Elizabeth White, 1964 Hartford, CT 387 turbesitz, Berlin 474 Luke Simons, New West- 227 Washington University Gal- Buffalo and Erie County minster, Canada 1 The Granger Collection, lery of Art, St. Louis, Historical Society, Buf- Margaret Bourke-White New York 80 U., 107, Gift of Nathaniel Phil- falo, NY 390 (Time Life) 278 168, 170, 183 lips, 1890 88 o. California State Library, Marian Kolisch, Portland The Menil Collection, Yale University Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA 475 o. 374 u. Houston (Foto: Paul New Haven, CT 308 Concord Free Public Museum of the City of Hester) 232 (© VG Bild- Yale University, Office of Library, Concord, MA New York 155,289, Kunst) Public Affairs, New 99 2940., 295 u. The Metropolitan Museum Haven CT 510 0., 516, Corbis-Bettmann, New National Museum of Amer- of Art, Gift of Mrs. Rus- 517 York 14,20,29,340., ican Art, Washington sei Sage 48 Yamauchi, Karen 383 44,49, 62, 70, 91, 97 U., DC/Art Resource, NY The Metropolitan Museum Ydessa Hendeles Art Foun- 112,116, 162, 168, 429 of Art, Purchase, Lyman dation 540 172, 179, 195,208,212, New York Public Library, G. Bloomingdale Gift, Yeshiva University, New 245,247,259,279,282, Berg Collection 530 1901 163 York 445 o. 424,430,498, 499, New York State Historical The New York Public 502 u. Association, Coopers- Library 68, 389 Deutsche Presse Agentur, town, New York 80 o. The New-York Historical Stuttgart 426 m. R. Piper Verlag, München Society 52, 69, 94 Dorothy Norman Collec- (Foto: Tess Gallagher) The Newberry Library, tion, New York 229 363 o. Chicago 34 u.