New Age Frontiers Is Published Monthly by the Unification Church, an Affiliate of HSA-UWC 1611 Upshur St

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New Age Frontiers Is Published Monthly by the Unification Church, an Affiliate of HSA-UWC 1611 Upshur St new c\qe fRontieRs a puBlication of the unification chuRCh NAF - February, 1972 NAF - February, 1972 Contents: Dear Family, Our favorite saying is that we're in a time of "transition". Now, for Pioneer Missions Frontispiece the first tim e, we can say that as a movement and as a nation we are in a From a Sermon Marie Ang 1 - 3 history-making transition, beginning with the arrival of our Leader. For New York 4 - 5 this reason, I am encouraging contributions at this time, both for recording Denver 5 this most precious moment and for inspiring the pioneers. Thank you for Boston 5 everything which you have contributed so far, and I am welcoming pictures Press Coverage 7 and reminiscences of our recent actions and hopes. Please send in anything, Berkeley s_g no matter how informal, dealing with our Leader, the Revivals, Center activ­ Philadelphia c ities, and pioneering adventures. Political News 10-11 Christmas and God's Day photos Ken W eber 12-13 In Their Names, God's Day Report Kevin Winter 14-16 Los Angeles •) q I ■ /K 0 LM 5 -& - Toronto -|g Washington • 17 Phoj:o God's Day Ken Weber 18 Louise Berry ReTlections from Washington 19-22 The Morning Herald, Hagerstown, Md. 23-24 Reflections on Our Leader Ken Weber 25-26 New Age Frontiers is published monthly by the Unification Church, an affiliate of HSA-UWC 1611 Upshur St. , N.W. Washington, D.C. 20011 40$ per copy *‘J" One year's subscription; $4.00 Printed in the United States of America NAF - February, 1972 NAF - February, 1972 1 PIONEER MISSIONS Northern Bus M iss Kim From A SERMON by Marie Ang, Berkeley Alabam a Gilbert Fox Joseph Sheftick A rizon a Charles Wright Carolyn Libertini One by one, as we've been called to the Family, we've undergone many changes Arkansas Merlinda Skow Barbara Snell — some large, some small — both spiritual and physical. Change seems to be Connecticut John Fitzpatrick Jerry Porcello our way of life. I'd like to quote our friend, Granny Hughes, who seems to be Delaware Peter Mullen Kathy Heney somewhat of a philosopher. She has said of our Family: "The only thing that Florida Ernie Stewart Alice Hellerstein seems constant is change." Georgia Jack Hart Becky Stillwell Idaho Sara Mazumdar Patty Kieffer This past month has certainly borne out that statement. There for a while each Illinois Sandy Singleton Kathy French day brought big changes — and very drastic ones for our brothers and sisters who Indiana Richard Parks Faith Boyce are preparing now for their missions. Meeting our True Parents, hearing our Iowa Michael Cardin Stephanie Schutz Master speak to us, and even being tested at times, have kept our hearts excited Kansas Sara Reinhardt Roberta Wilder and expectant. Kentucky Judy Barnes Terry Walton Louisiana Nancy Callahan Jim McCann Our M aster has given us as individuals and as a nation a huge task. W e are not Maine Rick Hunter Lisa Martinez so many people in this vast country of millions of people. Yet he is, by the reviv­ Minnesota Terry McGuire Cathy Stillwell als in seven cities, making conditions whereby we can restore this nation! The Mississippi Harmon Grahn Suzanne Cook task seems almost impossible. We are being asked to make sacrifices that perhap Montana Dan Stein Phil Foster we didn't think we could ever make. But somehow we are strengthened and find Nebraska Lokesh Mazumdar Mark Whitman ourselves armed with deeper faith and trust, and with more courage to do what Nevada Linda Marchant Don Wilson must be done. New Hampshire Joe Stein Sam P ell New Jersey Lorenzo Gastanaga Gary Fleisher As we are entering this time of sending out brothers and sisters to each state, I New Mexico Mike Roth Southern Bus have been thinking about our country, especially its beginnings and the struggles North Carolina Bill Torrey David Kim that were endured and overcome. I've been reading a little about the early settlers North Dakota John Jones Perry Cordill of our country. I'd like to review briefly some interesting facts of the founding Ohio Susan Finnegan Nora Ervin of Jamestown and Plymouth colonies. Oklahoma John H arries Olivia Kerns Oregon M arlene Dudik Susie Warner Jamestown was begun first — in 1 607 — by about 100 men who arrived on our Rhode Island David Loew Leslie Elliott shores in three small ships. They came seeking a better life; although they didn't South Carolina Julie Lewis Peggy Warden display any deep dedication to God, they did worship Him. Their first services South Dakota Lorene Biddick Jenine Hancock were conducted out-of-doors with just a sail spread between two trees and a few Tennessee Diane Frink Betsy O'Brien planks to sit or kneel on. They endured many hardships sickness, hostile Texas John Doroski Margaret Pease Indians, and starvation. One winter most of the settlers died. If it hadn't been for Utah Kathy Goldman Beverly Lee three people, the colony would have failed. John Smith served as a daring and Verm ont Ted Casten Kathy Donovan w ise leader, John Rolfe found a way to make money (tobacco) and Pocahontas, the V irgin ia Andy Compton Jim Waller Indian Chief's daughter, helped the settlers in many ways, later becoming a Washington Helen Chin Bill Sherman Christian and marrying one of the colonists. West Virginia Mike Richardson Joy Schmidt W isconsin Patti McWilliams Susan Hughes Thirteen years later — in 1620 — the Pilgrims established the Plymouth Colony. Wyoming Maureen Murphy Carl Hagen Again there were about 100 people; this time, men, women, and children who cam Jackie Brown on the Mayflower under very crowded conditions. For 70 days they were tossed Gaynell Frizzell about, not really knowing if they would make it. Their primary food was a cold Elizabeth Mikesell biscuit, salted beef, and beer. The Pilgrims spent much time praying and singing, Bob Heater There were some aboard who didn't share the deep faith of the Pilgrim s and becam< Izilda Lima Marshall Frothingham Jon Schuhart 2 NAF - February, 1972 NAF - February, 1972 3 somewhat irritated with their expression of faith. Would we be willing to take serve sacrificially. We will each need to work hard to financially support this a voyage like this — crowded conditions, meager rations, no baths — being in campaign. We will need to spend time writing to those who will be alone. We danger of death? Elder Brewster left his wife behind and didn't see her for will need to pray for their work, and aid them in any way we can. We must con­ three years. William Bradford left his five-year-old son in Holland and didn't stantly work to improve our center life here in Berkeley by serving and encourag­ see him for seven years. ing one another, getting our duties done, and making our activities as vital as possible. We must give our sweat and tears to gain spiritual children. In whateve The Pilgrims' first concern upon reaching our shores was to build a meeting we do for the Fam ily, we do for our True Parents and for God, so we need to give house where they could worship God. During the colonists' first winter, almost it all w e've got. half of them died of disease. Much of the success of the colony was due to just a few individuals. William Bradford served as a wise and able leader; Squanto, I'd like to conclude with words our Master spoke in Los Angeles last month: an Indian, helped the Pilgrims in many ways; he eventually became a Christian and lived in the Plymouth colony. "S o for the providence of God to com e to the w orld-w ide level, there must come forth one nation which will sacrifice herself for the whole world — for the prosper One Pilgrim said as the Mayflower left England: "If we ever make a settlement, ity of all the world and the blessing of all mankind. God needs such a nation. Thi< God works a miracle. " We know that it was God's desire for those struggling representative nation will become a sacrifice for the whole world. settlements to succeed — to grow into a large, strong nation that could be influ­ ential in the world today. These few people with able leadership grew Into what "F ro m that position, the United States is the leading and representative nation of we are today. All this in 350 years. It seems to me that we shouldn't be dis­ the democratic world. The United States must stand in that sacrificial position. couraged by our small numbers now, but realize that the world isn't changed God purposed that the United States stand in that sacrificial position to fulfill the by masses of people, but by a few key individuals. We just must be ready and mission of that nation; therefore, God sent the Pilgrims to this land — they riskec willing to make the necessary sacrifice when we are asked. so much and made such a great country in such a short period of time. When the Pilgrims came to this country for the first time, they built churches first, then It's quite exciting to discover how God has used the Principle in history. On the schools, and then after that their own houses. T h erefore, the backbone of such Mayflower, there was a definite Cain-Abel relationship between the Pilgrims prosperity causing the development of the United States into a great nation is the and the other passengers.
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