Advance Publication

The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science

Accepted Date: 28 October 2020 J-STAGE Advance Published Date: 23 November 2020

©2020 The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science Author manuscripts have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication but have not yet been edited.

1 Field: Surgery

2 Type: Full paper

3 Title:

4 Functional assessment of the gluteus medius , cranial part of the biceps

5 femoris, and vastus lateralis in Beagle dogs based on a novel phase

6 classification.

7 Authors:

8 Kazuyuki Yoshikawa 1), Sae Tsubakishita2), Tadashi Sano 1,2), Takumi Ino 3),

9 Tomoya Miyasaka 3), Takio Kitazawa 1,2)

10 1) Graduate school of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University,

11 Hokkaido 069-8501, Japan

12 (Tel and Fax)011-388-4795 (E-mail) [email protected]

13 2)Department of Veterinary Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine,


14 Rakuno Gakuen University, Hokkaido 069-8501, Japan

15 (Tel and Fax) 011-388-4821 (E-mail) [email protected]

16 3)Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido

17 University of Science, Hokkaido 006-8585, Japan

18 (Tel and Fax)011-688-7645 (E-mail)[email protected]

19 *Corresponding Author: Takio Kitazawa

20 (Tel and Fax)011-388-4795

21 (E-mail) [email protected]

22 (Address) Department of Veterinary Sciences, School of Veterinary

23 Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University, 582 Midorimachi, Bunkyodai,

24 Ebetsu, Hokkaido 069-850, Japan





28 In humans, analysis based on the gait phase classification has

29 been used for interpretation of functional roles of different movements

30 occurring at individual joints, and it is useful for establishing a

31 rehabilitation plan. However, there have been few reports on canine gait

32 phase classification, and this is one of the reasons for preventing progress

33 in canine rehabilitation. In this study, we determined phases of the canine

34 gait cycle (GC) on the basis of the phase classification for human gait.

35 The canine GC was able to be divided into initial contact (IC) and the

36 following 5 phases: loading response (LR), middle stance (MidSt),

37 pre-swing (PSw), early swing (ESw), and late swing (LSw). Next, the

38 hind limb joint angles of the hip, stifle and tarsal joints and results of

39 surface electromyography of the gluteus medius (GM), cranial part of the


40 biceps femoris (CBF) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles in relation to the

41 gait phases were analyzed. The activities of three muscles showed similar

42 changes during walking. The muscle activities were high in the LR phase

43 and then declined and reached a minimum in the PSw phase, but they

44 increased and reached a peak in the LSw phase, which was followed by

45 the LR phase. In conclusion, the multiphasic canine GC was developed by

46 modification of the human model, and the GC phase-related changes in

47 the muscle activity and joint angles suggested the functions of GM, CBF

48 and VL muscles in walking.


50 KEY WORDS: dog, gait analysis, gait phase classification, rehabilitation,

51 surface electromyography




54 Rehabilitation and physical therapy are effective for recovery of body

55 functions from various disorders of orthopedic and neurological origins.

56 Appropriate physical therapy methods are generally selected on the basis

57 of an individual patient's abnormal movement in human medicine [18,32].

58 In therapy for gait disorders, physical therapists detect abnormal

59 movements by comparison with normal movements based on phases of the

60 gait cycle (GC). The GC is measured between the first contact of a leg

61 with the ground and the second contact of the same leg with the ground.

62 The human GC is divided into two major phases: stance and swing phases.

63 The stance phase is further divided into the following 5 subphases: initial

64 contact, loading response, mid stance, terminal stance and pre -swing. The

65 swing phase is also divided into the following 3 subphases: initial swing,


66 mid swing, and terminal swing. Thus, the human GC consists of eight

67 phases [31,39,46]. Kinesiological data such as data for kinematics,

68 kinetics, and electromyography can be integrated for each gait phase by

69 using gait phase classification. Classification of gait phase is useful for

70 interpretation of a kinesiological function of different motions generated

71 by an individual joint [4]. Physical therapists estimate the causes of the

72 patient's abnormal movement by referring to the functional role of

73 kinesiological data in each phase of the GC [31,36]. Therefore, the

74 establishment of normal GC phases has markedly contributed to the

75 development of rehabilitation and physical therapy in humans.

76 Attention has recently been given to rehabilitation for companion

77 animals such as dogs. As in humans, gait analysis is considered to be

78 indispensable for judging the status of gait and assessing the


79 effectiveness of rehabilitation for companion animals

80 [5,25,33,34,38,44,45]. Analysis of canine gait has been attempted on the

81 basis of methods that have been used in humans [14,29,35,45]. There have

82 been some studies on classification of canine GC phases, but the number

83 of phases has remained controversial. Some studies have suggested a

84 two-phase classification consisting of stance and swing phases

85 [7,8,15,17,23,30], while others have indicated a three-phase or four-phase

86 model [6,8]. The two-phase model is simple and is clearly defined by

87 contact of the leg with the ground and lifting of the leg from the ground.

88 However, the two-phase model is not appropriate for precise walking

89 analysis because the number of phases is insufficient to explain the

90 complex movements of the limbs. Although there is a three-phase model

91 consisting of two stance phases and one swing phase, the criteria for


92 dividing the stance phase into two phases have not been described [8]. In

93 a four-phase model consisting of two stance phases and two swing phases,

94 each stance phase and each swing phase is automatically divided into two

95 equal durations [6]. Therefore, it is thought that a three-phase model or

96 four-phase model is not based on actual walking events. The functional

97 roles of limbs change depending on the walking event such as braking

98 with hind limb contact or propulsion with a single hind limb support

99 [21,44]. The sequential roles of limbs during walking should be

100 categorized according to the actual walking events, not simply defined in

101 time. Although joint angles, ground reaction forces, and muscle activities

102 were described in detail in previous reports[21,22], there have been few

103 attempts to examine canine gait movements by comprehensively

104 integrating data. If kinesiological data are inclusively interpreted on the


105 basis of a detailed classification as in humans, it would be possible to

106 clarify the functional role of each limb at each walking event. Thus, for

107 the development of canine rehabilitation for walking, the establishment of

108 an accurate canine gait phase classification and an understanding of the

109 functions of different motions occurring at individual muscles a nd joints

110 are needed.

111 In dogs, there are large numbers of patients suffering from hind limb

112 diseases such as patella luxation and rupture of the cranial cruciate

113 ligament. Therefore understanding a hind limb muscular function is

114 essential to establish appropriate rehabilitation and physical therapy for

115 these patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the canine hind

116 limb gait phase and to assess the functions of three main hind limb

117 muscles, such as gluteus medius (GM), cranial part of the biceps femoris


118 (CBF) and vastus lateralis (VL) in each gait phase.




121 Dogs

122 Eight beagles (3 females and 5 males) owned by Rakuno Gakuen

123 University were used in this study. The dogs were aged from 4 to 8 years

124 (5.6±0.6 years). Their body weights ranged from 10.0 to 14.7 kg

125 (12.3±0.6 kg) and their body heights (measured from the ground to the

126 dorsal aspect of the scapula) ranged from 37.0 to 40.5 cm (3 8.7±0.5 cm).

127 All of the dogs were healthy and free of orthopedic and neurologic

128 abnormalities as determined by results of orthopedic and neurologic

129 examinations. All procedures were approved by the Experimental Animal

130 Research Committee of Rakuno Gakuen University (VH17B7).

131 Measurement procedure

132 All experiments were performed on a treadmill (AF 1900; ALINCO,


133 Osaka, Japan). After the dogs had become habituated to walk ing on the

134 treadmill for 3 days (20 min habituation session twice a day), we acquired

135 data for 10 valid GCs. The treadmill speed was set at 0.7 m/sec with

136 reference to a previous study using beagles [1]. At this treadmill speed,

137 beagles can walk smoothly and with good coordination.

138 Gait phase classification of the canine hind limb

139 There are morphological differences between human lower limbs and

140 canine hind limbs. However, walking for both humans and dogs is

141 characterized by the inverted pendulum model, which is a cyclic exchange

142 between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy [27]. In

143 addition, the locus of the vertical ground reaction force when walking is

144 represented by an M-shaped graph for both human lower limbs and canine

145 hind limbs [8,16,44]. Other previous studies showed that a walking dog


146 behaves like two humans walking in front and behind because there are

147 similarities of kinetics during walking between human and canine

148 forequarters or hindquarters [2,3,27]. Therefore, the gait phase

149 classification for humans is possible to apply for dogs. In this study, only

150 the canine hind limb gait phases were defined for simplification. Based

151 on a comparison with walking events observed in humans [31,39](Fig. 1),

152 classification of canine gait phases was performed. Walking events in

153 canine hind limbs were similar to those in humans [8,16,44] (Fig. 1).

154 However, unlike humans, dogs walk without touching their heels on the

155 ground and the terminal stance related to heels was excluded. We also

156 excluded mid swing due to the anatomical differences in the range s of

157 motion for the canine hind limb and the human lower limb. Therefore,

158 canine gait phases were considered to be initial contact (IC) and five


159 following phases: loading response (LR), middle stance (MidSt),

160 pre-swing (PSw), early swing (ESw), late swing (LSw) (Fig. 1).

161 Calculation of phases of the GC

162 We used a KinemaTracer three-dimensional motion analysis system

163 (Kissei Comtec Co., Ltd., Matsumoto, Japan) in this study. The

164 KinemaTracer is included in a computer for recording and analysis, and

165 four CCD cameras were set up around a treadmill ; image size was 640×

166 480, frame rate was 60 fps, and shutter speed was 1/96. Using

167 double-sided adhesive tape (Kabetakku sponge double-sided adhesive

168 sheet, Nichiban Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and kinesiology tape (Battlewin

169 tape, Nichiban Co. Ltd), 10 color markers (each 20 mm i n diameter) were

170 attached to anatomical landmarks of the hind limbs of each dog (Fig. 2).

171 The anatomical landmarks were the iliac crest, greater trochanter of the


172 femur, femorotibial joint between the lateral epicondyle of the femur and

173 the fibular head, lateral malleolus of the distal portion of the tibia, and

174 distal lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal bone [30]. Kineanalyzer

175 software (Kissei Comtec Co., Ltd) was used to analyze video images. All

176 video images were analyzed frame-by-frame by one person to divide all

177 GCs into defined phases (Fig. 1). Relative duration of each gait phase at a

178 walking speed of 0.7 m/sec was calculated as the average and standard

179 error of the mean (SEM) of data for 10 GCs [(time between the IC and

180 gait phase events) / (time between the IC and the following IC)] × 100%.

181 Recording of hind limb joint angles and GM, CBF and VL muscle

182 activities

183 Measurements were conducted using 6 of the 8 dogs (3 females and 3

184 males). Muscle activities were sampled at 1500 Hz using a telemetric unit


185 (Telemyo 2400T G2, Noraxon U.S.A., Inc., Scottsdale, AZ, USA) with

186 kinematic measurements using a KinemaTracer three-dimensional motion

187 analysis system (Kissei Comtec Co., Ltd). The sampled muscle activity

188 signals were filtered using a 20–500 Hz band-pass filter to remove any

189 movement artifacts [35]. Self-adhesive surface electrodes with a distance

190 between the electrodes of 20 mm (HEX Dual Electrodes, Noraxon U.S.A.,

191 Inc., Scottsdale, AZ, USA) were attached to the skin. The ground

192 electrode was attached over the ischium tuberosity. The skin fur was

193 clipped and shaved. A skin preparation gel (Skin Pure, Nihon Kohden,

194 Tokyo, Japan) was used for achieving minimal skin impedance and then

195 the skin was cleaned with sanitary cotton moistened with 80% ethanol. To

196 ensure that the electrodes were attached at the same positions in all dogs,

197 the electrodes were placed following a specific procedure by the same


198 person (Fig. 3). For the GM muscle, the electrodes were placed at the

199 midpoint of the distance between the iliac crest and greater trochanter

200 [6,8,43]. For the CBF muscle, the electrodes wer e placed in the middle

201 third of the distances between the ischial tuberosity and patella [6,43].

202 For the VL muscle, the distances between the iliac crest and patella and

203 between the patella and greater trochanter were measured. The midpoints

204 of these lines were connected, and the electrodes were placed in the

205 center of the resulting line [6,43]. The electrodes were attached to the

206 dogs when they were standing with their feet positioned squarely

207 underneath the body [8] .

208 Data normalization

209 Data normalization was performed to reduce variability and to improve

210 reproducibility of the kinematic and surface electromyography (sEMG)


211 data. This procedure made it possible to compare the data from individual

212 dogs. Methods for normalization of kinematic and sEMG data have

213 already been described [8,13,15]. In brief, time-normalized stride average

214 data of kinematics and sEMG were generated from 10 valid GCs from

215 each dog. The duration of each GC was standardized to 100 frames as the

216 rate of the stride duration. The amplitude of sEMG was normalized by the

217 following three steps. First, the amplitude of sEMG in each 10 valid GC

218 was recorded and the maximum amplitude in each GC was appointed.

219 Second, the average of the 10 appointed maximum amplitudes was

220 calculated and considered as 100%. Third, each sEMG amplitude was

221 indicated as a percentage of the maximum amplitude (%EMG).

222 Statistical analysis


223 Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were used to determine

224 intra-rater reliability of the timing of gait phase events (Model 1, k). Data

225 from the first to tenth GCs were used, and the SEM was calculated. We

226 used a previously reported scheme based on ICC values: high reliability;

227 0.90 to 0.99, good reliability; 0.80 to 0.89, fair reliability; 0.70 to 0.79,

228 and poor reliability; 0.69 and below [51,52]. Statistical analysis was

229 conducted using R version 3.6.1 software (R software, Vienna, Austria).



231 Gait phase classification of the canine hind limb and its validity

232 At a walking speed of 0.7 m/sec, the mean durations of the GC phases

233 (one GC considered to 0 - 100%) were 0% to 13.6±0.3% for LR, 13.6±

234 0.3% to 48.4±0.4% for MidSt, 48.4±0.4% to 63.9±0.4% for PSw, 63.9

235 ±0.4% to 81.3±0.3% for ESw, and 81.3±0.3% to 100% for LSw. ICC

236 values for gait phase event classification were 0.86 (LR to MidSt), 0.71

237 (MidSt to PSw), 0.91 (PSw to ESw), and 0.88 (ESw to LSw) (Table 1).

238 The relatively high ICC values (over 0.71) indicated the validity of this

239 gait phase classification.

240 Kinematics based on gait phase classification

241 Hip joint (Fig. 4; upper panel): The hip joint at IC was flexed with a

242 mean posture of 88°. During LR, the hip angle was relatively stable, but it


243 extended progressively during MidSt. In PSw, the hip extension reached a

244 peak and hip flexion began. The hip flexion continued in the first half of

245 LSw. A subtle extension of the hip joint during the second half of LSw

246 contributed to the final hip position just prior to IC.

247 Stifle joint (Fig. 4; middle panel): The stifle joint at IC extended with a

248 mean posture of 138°. Following the onset of LR, the stifle had a steady

249 flexion by the first half of PSw, and then rapid stifle flexion began. In

250 ESw, the stifle reached a maximum flexion and then extension began. The

251 stifle extension continued until the end of LSw.

252 Tarsal joint (Fig. 4; lower panel): During a GC, the tarsal made 4 arcs of

253 motion. The first 2 arcs occurred in LR and PSw, and the later 2 arcs

254 occurred in the swing phase of ESw and LSw. The tarsal flexion initiated

255 by IC continued for the first half of LR and then reversed toward an


256 extension. During MidSt, extension of the tarsal joint continued and

257 reached a maximum in PSw, and then flexion began. The tarsal flexion

258 continued during ESw, and extension began after maximal flexion had

259 been reached. The tarsal extension continued, and a slight tarsal flexion

260 was attained before the end of LSw.

261 sEMG based on gait phase classification

262 GM muscle (Fig. 5; upper panel): The GM was activated at the onset of

263 IC, and its activity rapidly decreased toward the end of LR. From the

264 onset of MidSt, the activity of the GM decreased gradually toward PSw,

265 but its activity increased slightly in ESw and increased rapidly in LSw.

266 CBF muscle (Fig. 5; middle panel): The CBF muscle exhibited one

267 peak activity during the transition between the swing and stance phases.

268 The CBF was strongly activated at the onset of IC, and then its activity


269 decreased until the end of MidSt and reached a minimum during PSw and

270 the first half of ESw. In the latter half of ESw, the CBF activity increased

271 rapidly and a high level of activity was maintained until the end of LSw.

272 VL muscle (Fig. 5; lower panel): The VL muscle showed high activity

273 at IC, and then its activity decreased towards the end of LR. Moderate

274 activity of the VL muscle was maintained until the first half of MidSt,

275 however, it decreased from the latter half of MidSt and reached a lower

276 peak at ESw. The activity increased from the end of ESw to LSw.



278 In this study, we classified canine gait phases based on human gait

279 phases and evaluated the validity of the canine gait phase classification

280 using intra-rater reliability of the timing of gait phase events. We also

281 estimated the functional roles of muscles (GM, CBF and VL muscles) in

282 relation to the gait phases using the results of simultaneous recording of

283 hind limb muscle activities and joint angles.

284 We classified canine hind limb gait phases based on human gait phases.

285 However, a comparison of human walking with canine walking showed

286 that canine gait phases could not be classified in the same way as that for

287 humans because humans are and canines are . In

288 humans, IC (0% to 2% of the whole GC) includes the instant the foot

289 makes contact with the ground and the immediate reaction to the onset of


290 body weight transfer [31], but the definition of the end of this phase was

291 unclear in the case of dogs. Therefore, in this study, IC was defined as the

292 point (0% GC) when the foot was grounded. We also divided the swing

293 phase into 2 phases by the event of "the tarsal joint being opposite to the

294 contralateral hind limb". We assessed the validity of the canine gait phase

295 classification using intra-rater reliability and confirmed high and good

296 intra-rater reliability except for MidSt to PSw period. T he ICC value

297 (0.71) in MidSt to PSw period was the lowest among the GC periods but

298 this value indicated the fair reliability in the reference classification

299 [51,52]. Although the reason for the low ICC value observed in MidSt to

300 PSw period was not clarified at present, but individual difference in dog

301 walking might be a possible factor. The phases of canine GC determined

302 in this study provide an understanding of gait by integrating


303 kinesiological parameters as in humans and are useful for detailed gait

304 analysis of dogs.

305 In this study, we chose the GM, CBF, VL muscles for sEMG

306 measurements because they are major stabilizers of the hip and stifle

307 during weight-bearing [19,26,43]. Following cranial cruciate ligament

308 transition and repair, a decrease in the thigh girth mainly due to atrophy

309 of antigravity muscles such as quadriceps and biceps femoris has been

310 reported [24,37]. The focus of the early phase of rehabilitation in

311 orthopedic patients (such as patients with cranial cruciate ligament

312 rupture and patellar luxation) and neuromuscular patients is improvement

313 of weight-bearing and mass of anti-gravity muscles [44]. The biceps

314 femoris muscle consists of cranial and caudal parts. It has been suggested

315 that the cranial part functions in hip extension and stifle extension and


316 that the caudal part functions in hip extension and stifle flexion

317 [9,19,44,50]. We chose the cranial part of the biceps femoris in the

318 present study because we focused on the anti-gravity function, which is

319 important in the beginning of rehabilitation. Since the studies on sEMG

320 measurements in dogs have been limited, the validity of the muscle

321 activities obtained in this study is considered by comparison with results

322 of previous studies. The function of the GM muscle has been thought to

323 be hip extension [19,48]. Bockstahler et al. [6] and Breitfuss et al. [9]

324 reported that sEMG of the canine GM indicated 3 peaks of activity in

325 early stance, late stance and early swing phases. On the other hand,

326 Schilling et al. [15] found that the GM had two activity peaks in the late

327 swing phase and early stance phase using an electrode implanted in the

328 muscle. Since an implanted electrode is surgically and directly placed on


329 the muscle, it can provide more accurate muscle activity than sEMG

330 electrode [20]. Our results for the GM activities were similar to the

331 results obtained by implanted electrodes [15]. Therefore, we considered

332 that the GM has two activity peaks during walking. The muscle function

333 of the CBF has been suggested to be primarily hip extension and stifle

334 extension [9,19,44,48,50]. In previous studies, it was found that the CBF

335 muscle showed one peak activity at the transition between the swing and

336 stance phases and that the activity decreased until the end of the stance

337 phase [6,9,15]. We obtained the same results that the CBF muscle was

338 activated at the late swing and early stance phases (Fig. 5) . The function

339 of the VL muscle is stifle extension [19,48]. Previous studies [6,9,23,49]

340 showed VL muscle activity started in the late half of the swing phase and

341 lasted through most of the stride cycle. Our results for VL muscle activity


342 are almost the same as the results of previous studies [6,9,23,49].

343 Previous kinetic studies of canine walking have shown ground reaction

344 forces in vertical and craniocaudal directions [8,10,11,16,41,42]. The

345 vertical force representing weight-bearing peaks at about 20% of the

346 stance period and then decreases slightly. At about 80% of the stance

347 period the vertical force reaches the second peak, and then rapid decrease

348 is observed, resulting in a classic M-shaped waveform in the stance

349 period [11,16,41]. Regarding the force in the craniocaudal direction, the

350 cranial force shows propulsion (acceleration) and the caudal force shows

351 braking (deceleration). The forces during 0% to 34% of the stance phase

352 were used for braking in the caudal direction, and the forces during 34%

353 to 100% of the stance phase were used for propulsion in the cranial

354 direction [11]. These kinetic findings suggest maximum weight-bearing


355 and braking are reached during LR (double hind limb support), propulsive

356 power increases from the latter half of MidSt (single hind limb support),

357 and those forces are significantly reduced during PSw (double hind limb

358 support). Since the hip joint angle during LR was relatively stable, the

359 hip extension muscles of GM and CBF are thought to play a role in the

360 maintenance of hip joint position against the strong vertical force and

361 deceleration forces associated with weight-bearing. Since the stifle joint

362 showed flexion movement during LR, activities of the CBF and VL

363 muscles are thought to play a role in the prevention of excessive stifle

364 flexion with eccentric activity against the strong vertical force and

365 deceleration forces of weight-bearing. Since the hip joint performs

366 extension movements during MidSt, it is thought that the GM and CBF

367 contributed to the propulsion of the body by extending the hip joint. Since


368 the stifle joint during MidSt showed flexion movement, activities of the

369 CBF and VL muscles are thought to be involved in prevention of

370 excessive stifle flexion with eccentrical activity and in maintenance of

371 propulsion of the body. During the swing phase, the hip flexion continued

372 in the first half of LSw and indicated a subtle extension of the hip joint

373 during the second half of LSw. Activities of the hip extensor muscle of

374 GM and CBF are thought to be involved in slowing down the hip flexion

375 speed with eccentric activity during ESw and in preparation for shock

376 absorption of IC during LSw. Since the stifle joint during late ESw and

377 LSw showed extension movement, activities of the CBF and VL muscles

378 are thought to play a role in stifle extension with concentric activity and

379 prepare the limb for stance.


380 There are several limitations in this study. First, the three -dimensional

381 motion analysis system using markers attached to the skin might to

382 contain noises of skin movement [6,22,47]. Fluoroscopic analysis should

383 be performed to obtain more strict information [22,40]. Second, sEMG is

384 a non-invasive method of attaching electrodes on the surface of the body

385 to reduce the stress of recording, but there is a possibility of "crosstalk"

386 between the target muscle and other nearby muscles [6,8,12,28,43]. Third,

387 only the function of three muscles were investigated in this study. In

388 order to clarify the functional roles of the hind limb based on the phases

389 of GC, only evaluation of activities of the hip and stifle extension

390 muscles is not sufficient. In this study, the transition of the range of

391 motion of the tarsal joint was clarified on the basis of gait phase

392 classification, but activities of the muscles involved in the movement of


393 the tarsal joint were not measured. In future, by investigating various

394 muscles of the hip, stifle and tarsal joints, functional roles of the hind

395 limb based on gait phases of the GC will be clarified.

396 In conclusion, we developed an original canine gait phase

397 classification and estimated features of joint angles and functional roles

398 of the GM and CBF and VL muscles in dogs based on this classification.

399 Changes in muscle activities during walking suggested that the function

400 of LR is weight-bearing stability, the function of MidSt is advancement of

401 the body, and the function of late ESw and LSw is preparation of the limb

402 for stance. The canine gait phase classification should be useful for

403 interpreting the functional significance of different motions occurring at

404 each joint. The present canine gait phase classification will be useful for

405 determining appropriate rehabilitation and physical therapy.



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579 Figure legends

580 Fig.1. Classifications of gait phases in canines and humans. The top panel

581 is the canine hind limb gait phase classification and the bottom panel is

582 the human gait phase classification from a modification of a previous

583 study [31].



585 Fig. 2. Positions of color markers on anatomical landmarks of the canine

586 hind limb: the red marker is the iliac crest, the green marker at a high

587 position is the greater trochanter of the femur, the yellow marker is the

588 femorotibial joint between the lateral epicondyle of the femur and the

589 fibular head, the green marker at a low position is the lateral malleolus of

590 the distal portion of the tibia, and the pink marker is the distal lateral

591 aspect of the fifth metatarsal bone.



593 Fig. 3. Placement of surface electrodes over 1) the gluteus medius, 2)

594 cranial part of the biceps femoris, and 3) the vastus lateralis. The solid

595 lines represent (A) the line between the iliac crest and greater trochanter,

596 (B) distance between the iliac crest and the patella, (C) distance between

597 the patella and greater trochanter connection of their midpoints, and (D)

598 the line between the patella and ischium tuberosity. The dotted line

599 represents the junction between the middle of line B and line C.



601 Fig. 4. Joint angle patterns of the hip (upper panel), stifle (middle panel)

602 and tarsal (lower panel) when walking on a treadmill at a speed of 0.7

603 m/sec. The plot shows the mean (solid line) ± SEM (vertical lines) of

604 joint angle data from all dogs. The x-axis represents the gait cycle (GC)

605 in percent (%GC). Abbreviations are initial contact (IC), loading response

606 (LR), middle stance (MidSt), pre-swing (PSw), early swing (ESw), and

607 late swing (LSw). The y-axis represents the degree for each joint angle

608 indicated by an arrow. Each joint angle changed depending on each gait

609 phase.



611 Fig. 5. Activities of the gluteus medius (GM), cranial part of the biceps

612 femoris (CBF) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles when walking on a

613 treadmill at a speed of 0.7 m/sec. The plot shows the mean (solid line) ±

614 SEM (vertical lines) of sEMG data from all dogs. The x-axis represents

615 the gait cycle (GC) in percent (%GC). The y-axis represents the sEMG

616 percentages of the GM muscle (upper panel), CBF muscle (middle panel)

617 and VL muscle (lower panel), which is based on the average of the

618 maximum activity obtained from each of 10 valid GCs. The gait

619 phase-related changes in the muscle activities were observed in every

620 skeletal muscle.



Stance phase Swing phase

Initial Loading Middle Pre Early Late Phase Contact Response Stance Swing Swing Swing

The The The tarsal The hind limb contralateral contralateral The hind limb joint is The hind limb Event makes contact hind limb is hind limb is lifted from opposite the makes contact with the floor. lifted from the makes contact the floor. contralateral with the floor. floor. with the floor. hind limb.

Stance phase Swing phase

Initial Loading Mid Terminal Pre Initial Mid Terminal Phase Contact Response Stance Stance Swing Swing Swing Swing

The Follows The Initial The tibia of The hind instant the IC of The other The foot is swinging Event The heel contact of the swinging limb makes the foot the foot foot is lifted from foot is rises. the opposite limb is contact with drops on with the lifted. the floor. opposite the limb. vertical. the floor. the floor. floor. stance limb.

Stance phase Swing phase 63.9% 36.1% IC LR MidSt PSw ESw LSw 13.6% 34.8% 15.5% 17.4% 18.7% 120 ) ° 110



Hip joint Angle( joint Hip 80


140 ) ° 130

Angle( 120 joint 110

Stifle 100


150 ) ° 140



110 Tarsal joint joint Tarsal Angle(

100 13.6 48.4 63.9 81.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Gait cycle Stance phase Swing phase 63.9% 36.1% IC LR MidSt PSw ESw LSw 13.6% 34.8% 15.5% 17.4% 18.7% 200 (%)

140 medius

80 Gluteus Gluteus




80 Cranial part Cranial of biceps femoris(%) biceps




80 Vastus lateralis(%) Vastus

20 0 1013.6 20 30 40 48.450 6063.9 70 8081.3 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % % Gait cyclecycle Table 1. Duration of each gait phase event at a walking speed of 0.7m/sec

Mean (%) SEM ICC

LR to MidSt The contralateral hind limb is lifted from the floor. 13.6 0.3 0.86

MidSt to PSw The contralateral hind limb makes contact with the floor. 48.4 0.4 0.71 PSw to ESw The hind limb is lifted from the floor. 63.9 0.4 0.91 ESw to LSw The tarsal joint is opposite the contralateral hindl imb. 81.3 0.3 0.88

LR: loading response, MidSt: middle stance, PSw: pre-swing, ESw: early swing, LSw: late swing, SEM: standard error of the mean, ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficients (0.90 to 0.99, high reliability; 0.80 to 0.89, good reliability; 0.70 to 0.79, fair reliability; and 0.69 and below, poor reliability [51,52]).